Word to make someone feel better

Are you a good friend? Being a good friend means helping your friends when they are feeling down. Speaking English is actually about communicating effectively — knowing the right thing to say at the right time. In today’s lesson, I teach you the best English expressions you can use to console a friend or reassure a member of your family. I also give you my advice on what not to say, so that you don’t make them feel worse! I’m particularly interested in how we use language in social situations. If you are too, check out this lesson and become a better friend!


0:00:02 Hi, everyone. I’m Jade. What we’re talkingabout today is saying the right thing when
0:00:07 you’ve got a friend who’s feeling down, yourfriend’s got a problem. We’re specifically
0:00:11 talking about a friend who has lost a job, butyou could use the same advice for a friend
0:00:19 with a different problem; a friend with abreakup or some other emotional thing that’s
0:00:25 happened in their life. So the formal word forthis is: «consoling», «to console» someone,
0:00:34 but the more relaxed way could be: how tomake somebody feel better about themselves
0:00:39 or their problem.
0:00:41 So what should you do in this situation? Well,a lot of the time, when people have a problem,
0:00:47 they just want to talk to someone. Maybe they’renot seeking advice. So what can you do? You
0:00:53 can ask questions. So remember we’re talkingabout somebody who’s recently lost a job or
0:01:00 is losing a job, we can ask them questions.We can say: «What are you going to do now?»
0:01:06 Maybe your tone of voice wouldn’t be reallypositive like that. It would be more like:
0:01:11 «Oh, what are you going to donow?» It would be more soft.
0:01:16 You could say… This is… This is an indirect question.»Have you thought about..?», «Have
0:01:23 you thought about training again?» This is a way of…This is a suggestion. Or you could
0:01:31 say: «Are you looking for another job?» Sothis way, your friend can just start talking
0:01:38 and maybe that will help themin their difficult situation.
0:01:44 Because, as a friend, you need to «be supportive»,helping your friend out when they need help.
0:01:53 You could «be a shoulder to cry on», that’san idiom for somebody who just… Who just
0:02:00 needs someone to share their feelings with. Ifyou’re a shoulder to cry on when your friend
0:02:05 needs you, that means that you’re a good friend.And here’s another expression: «A friend in
0:02:12 need is a friend indeed.» And it kind of hasthe opposite meaning to what you’d expect.
0:02:21 My feeling is this means that you should bethe kind of… Real friends are there for
0:02:29 you when you really need them. If you’re therefor people when they need you, that means
0:02:35 that you’re a friend indeed. So if you are a friend…If you are a friend indeed, then
0:02:43 you would ask your friend some questionsto help them in their difficult situation.
0:02:49 When your friend has a difficult situation,watch out that you don’t give advice that
0:02:59 they’re not asking for because a lot of thetime, people don’t really want to hear your
0:03:04 advice — that’s the truth maybe. If you asksomeone for advice, it’s different. I’ve had
0:03:10 a couple of times in my life where someonegiving advice is that probably had the opposite
0:03:15 effect from what they intended; the advice isnot felt right or something I haven’t liked
0:03:22 about the advice, and then it can be… Thenit can be a problem. So if you say to your
0:03:27 friend who’s just lost their job: «You shouldget down the job centre.» The job centre is
0:03:33 where you go if you haven’t got… If youhaven’t got a job in England and you need
0:03:37 some money and support from the government.If you said to your friend: «You should get
0:03:42 down the job centre», they might not… They might not be…They might not want your advice
0:03:47 right now.
0:03:48 Another way you would give your friend adviceis if you said: «If I were you», «If I were
0:03:54 you, I’d go to my boss and say: ‘Look, you’renot going to fire me. All right? I dare you
0:04:00 to fire me.’» Well, your friend might be likethat, but this might not be something you
0:04:04 want to do. Giving direct advice.
0:04:08 What should you do if giving direct advicecould be a little bit difficult, a little
0:04:15 bit tricky? You could try making these indirectsuggestions, a bit like this one. «Have you
0:04:26 considered… Hmm, I’m sorry to hear that youlost your job. You must be feeling awful.
0:04:32 Have you considered calling your colleaguesthat you used to work with to tell them that
0:04:37 you’re looking for a job now?» Or: «Have youthought about… Too bad you lost your job.
0:04:46 Have you thought about becoming a movie star?»You could indirectly advise your friend to
0:04:53 do that.
0:04:56 The main… The main reason it would be betterto make your suggestion like this is that
0:05:02 this avoids giving condescending, or patronising,or unsympathetic advice to someone. These
0:05:12 are long words, but they’re not that… They’renot that complicated. «Condescending», is
0:05:18 like imagine you’re in this situation: you’vejust lost your job and somebody says to you:
0:05:25 «Why don’t you start looking for jobs on theinternet?» That would be a little bit condescending.
0:05:30 Right? Because you know… You know how tolook for a job. What if they said to you:
0:05:40 «Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll eventually get something.I mean you don’t have many qualifications,
0:05:50 but you’ll probably get something eventually»?That might be patronising; your friend is
0:05:55 seeing themselves as: «It didn’t take me long toget a job, but, you know, after a few months,
0:06:00 you’ll probably get something. You can workyour way up.» That would be patronising. And
0:06:06 «unsympathetic» would be like: «Oh, you lost your job.Oh, yeah. So, do you want to go
0:06:13 out now?» Unsympathetic issomebody not listening to you.
0:06:19 So what else can you do? If you’re in thissituation, you can share your experience with
0:06:26 your friend. Share your feelings and the kindof things that you’ve been through in your
0:06:35 life. So here’s some sentences: «When I wasmade redundant it was a big shock.» What does
0:06:42 it mean to «be made redundant»? This is whenyour company decides that some people are
0:06:49 going to get fired, some people will losetheir job, but it’s not always because you
0:06:55 didn’t perform well at your job; it’s justthe company decision: 10 people have to go,
0:07:01 you’re someone who’s going and they pay you,generally, when you’re made redundant. So
0:07:07 when you share your experience with someone,that makes them see that maybe there’s light
0:07:13 at the end of the tunnel. There’s anotheridiom that maybe things will be better. They
0:07:18 don’t seem good now, but maybethings will be better after.
0:07:21 Here’s another example: «When Sally lost herjob she took the opportunity to retrain.»
0:07:26 If someone’s feeling bad, they might justbe focusing on the negatives like: «Oh, I’m
0:07:32 never going to work again. It’s awful. I lovethat job.» But then they just might be talking
0:07:39 too negatively, so you can make… You canmake a suggestion. You can share an experience
0:07:44 that shows that from changecan come something good.
0:07:49 And here’s another example: «At first I wasanxious»-talking about when I lost my job-«but
0:07:55 I soon saw that it was a blessing in disguise.»And that’s the idiom or expression for when
0:08:04 something seems bad, but in the end, it wasthe best thing that could possibly happen.
0:08:12 When we come back, we will just look at a coupleother phrases we can use for this situation.
0:08:20 Let’s take a look at what to say to your friendwho is down in the dumps, feeling a bit sad
0:08:27 because they lost their job. What else can we say?So you could offer your support or
0:08:32 help. So here’s some phrases you could say:»Let me know if there’s anything I can do.»
0:08:37 That’s a very sweet offer for your friendwho needs some help right now. Or you could
0:08:42 say simply: «I’m here foryou if you need anything.»
0:08:47 What about reassuring your friend? «Reassurance»means saying like a positive message to them
0:08:55 so that maybe they feel more hopeful about the future.»Don’t worry, everything will
0:09:00 be ok.» What do you think about that one?Yeah, I think like in general, eventually
0:09:08 everything will be okay. But some people mightnot really like your reassurance because it
0:09:13 might… Everything might seem really, really,really bleak and it might also sometimes feel
0:09:18 like you don’t want to talk about their problemif you just say: «Everything will be okay.»
0:09:23 So perhaps… Perhaps a better one to sayis: «Something will come up.», «Something
0:09:31 will come up» just means that, you know, anew opportunity; you won’t have to wait too
0:09:37 long, something else will come up for you.The phrasal verb, «come up» means to happen
0:09:42 or arise, more formally. So you can turn thatsad face into a happy face. But we can’t say:
0:09:53 «Up in the dumps.» It doesn’t work.
0:09:56 So, yeah, so sometimes if you… If you’ve beentalking to a friend for a while and they’re
0:10:01 just going on a bit now and, you know, they’reall sad and crying or something — what can
0:10:08 you do then? Well, you might consider makinga joke of the situation. I don’t know if you
0:10:15 do that in your culture. But in British culture,sometimes in this situation, someone would
0:10:22 make a joke. And maybe at first that jokesounds quite mean, but it does something to
0:10:30 just change the focus of the situation so…We’ve all been upset, someone makes a joke
0:10:34 and it’s like: «All right,it’s time to stop crying now.»
0:10:37 So I thought of some things people might say.They might say something like this, this is
0:10:42 an expression or idiom. So your friend’s just,you know, letting it all out, is upset and
0:10:49 you could maybe knock them on the arm andsay: «Cheer up worse things have happened!»
0:10:55 in a sort of positive, but jokey voice at the same time.Or you could say, you could
0:11:01 have a pause and say: «Yeah. Hey… Guess what?Did I tell you? I just got a promotion!»
0:11:08 Joke. That one’s a bit mean, so I maybe wouldn’tadvise that one. That was a joke of what joke
0:11:15 probably not what… Probably you shouldn’t do.So let’s call that one a bad joke.
0:11:24 What if you already knew that your friendhad lost your job and stuff before you met
0:11:28 up with them? So you’re anticipating maybesome kind of emotion situation. When you see
0:11:35 your friend, you could say: «Hey. Why thelong face?» That’s another joke because you
0:11:41 know that your friend is upset because theylost their job. When somebody’s got a long
0:11:47 face, it means they’re sad, a bit like down in the dumps.So, yeah, you’ve got some phrases
0:11:53 now and hopefully that can help you in thefuture in that kind of social situation where
0:12:00 someone needs some help orjust some kind words from you.
0:12:04 So if you want to look at this a little bitmore, go to the website and have a look at
0:12:11 the phrases on the website. We… Yeah, ifyou do like this lesson or my other lessons,
0:12:17 I’d really appreciate it if you’d subscribeto my channel and also my personal channel
0:12:22 because I’ve got two YouTube channels, soyou can watch me on engVid, you can watch
0:12:27 me on my personal channel as well. And, yes, I’mfinished now so I’m going to go. All right?
0:12:36 Okay, see you. See you. Bye.

Someone you know and like is having a rough time.

And you want to cheer them up.

That’s why you’re about to get 15 ways to make someone feel better over text.

  • How do you make someone feel better over text?
  • 1. Empathize with them
  • 2. Understand the importance of it all
  • 3. Make them laugh
  • 4. Offer to talk on the phone
  • 5. Keep it easy going
  • 6. Believe in them
  • 7. Compliment them
  • 8. Share something constructive
  • 9. Make them smile
  • 10. Ask what’s on their mind right now
  • 11. Ask what you can do
  • 12. Tell them it’s okay
  • 13. Let them decide how much to share
  • 14. The best way to make someone feel better over text
  • 15. Help them get into action mode

Important: I know you’re sometimes unsure what to text. So I’ve put together 10 Texts That Always Work. Copy-paste lines that instantly attract her and make her crave your attention. They work and they are free. Just a small gift to get you started. Enjoy! Click here to get them.

How do you make someone feel better over text?

Making someone feel better over text rarely involves putting on your Fix-It hat or telling them to look at the bright side.

When someone’s facing hardships, all they really want is a friend. That’s why the best way to make someone feel better over text is to simply be there when they need you.

Show kindness and listen to what they have to say.

Even if their situation stays the same, your support will make them feel cared for.

And that’s how you make someone feel better.

1. Empathize with them

Here’s how you make someone feel better who’s going through a rough patch.

Show understanding of their situation.

And a good way to do that is by putting yourself in their shoes.

I bet you’re feeling (fill in the emotion)

Sure, you might be off with your assumption. But that’s not a problem. After all, emotions are complex and many are similar.

More importantly, trying to look at it from their perspective shows that you’re paying attention and trying to understand them.

Was your hunch totally off?

No worries.

Your friend will most likely clarify what’s actually going on and happily continue the conversation because they’re being listened to.

2. Understand the importance of it all

Here’s how you can make them feel like you know them better than anyone.

Understand how important it is for them.

Sounds a bit vague, right?

Let me explain using the next two situations. Please compare the two:

  • Someone had to close down their restaurant after a year.
  • Someone had quit their job and used all their savings to start a restaurant, betting their entire future on the success of their new business. Only to lose it all.

One describes the facts, the other describes the emotional weight of the situation.

If you can show that you understand why the situation is hitting them so hard, they’ll feel truly understood and cared for.

This must feel so (fill in the emotion) considering (the other person’s history)

Now your text goes from a simple routine check-in to support from a true friend.

3. Make them laugh

It’s not all doom and gloom.

If it’s a minor inconvenience, make them laugh.

  • Recall an inside joke.
  • Make light of the situation with a meme or gif.
  • Send them video that had you roaring with laughter.
  • Go completely over the top with the potential consequences of their situation.

But be careful only to make them laugh if you know they’ll appreciate it.

Do you not really know the person you’re trying to cheer up?

Keep your text polite and caring.

4. Offer to talk on the phone

One of the most thoughtful and easy ways to reach out to a friend in the dumps is to offer to talk over the phone.

Why is a phone call so good at making someone feel better?

Because it shows you’re willing to invest your time and attention in the other person.

A text is low-effort.

You can type one up in a few seconds with one hand, while your other hand shoves a Quarter Pounder down your gullet.

But a phone call shows you’re willing to hit ‘pause’ on your life and place someone else’s needs ahead of yours.

Your concern is legit.

I can imagine you’re going through a lot right now

Would you like to talk about it over the phone?

5. Keep it easy going

Do not make the next mistake.

Giving them another task for their to-do list.

Yes, letting someone know you’re thinking about them is an act of kindness.

But it can also make them feel overwhelmed, by having to respond to your text and explaining what’s going on.

And they already have enough on their plate right now.

So know who you’re dealing with.

Do you think they’re in a place where they’d like to reach out and talk? Or do you think they’d rather be alone and supported from afar right now?

If you think they need space and care, give it to them like this.

Just wanted to know that you’re in my thoughts

If you want to talk about it, I’m here for you

6. Believe in them

There’s nothing worse than going through a bad time and discovering that everybody thinks you can’t handle it.

So don’t do that to them.

Instead of throwing a pity party, make them feel empowered.

It sucks that you’re hurting, but I know you’ll get through this

7. Compliment them

An often overlooked method to make someone feel better over text.

Compliment them for doing a good job.

Are they dealing with difficult times like a baws?

Let them know!

I know you’re going through a tough time, but I seriously admire how well you’re dealing with it

8. Share something constructive

Doing this often does more harm than good.

When someone’s going through a rough patch, we intuitively want to share our own similar experience as if to say:

“I know what you’re going through.”

But this actually invalidates your friend’s experience.

Yes, your experience can make them feel less alone. But it can also come across as dismissive by trying to make it all about you.

Instead of making it seem like you’re trying to one-up them, give them the perspective of an expert instead.

Not sure if it’s helpful, but dr. Bigbrain wrote an article about something similar to what you’re going through

IMPORTANT: Be sure it’s actually a good article before sending it to them. If you think it may belittle their experience in some way, keep it to yourself and find something better.

Holy Tip:

If they’re still in the feeling phase, as opposed to the problem-solving phase, don’t try to give them any advice.

Just be there for them in whatever way they like.

9. Make them smile

Although laughter is (sort of) the best medicine, make sure your friend is at a place where they’re ready for laughter.

Sending them a meme right after they lost all their savings to a bad Bitcoin investment is just bad taste.

So wait for them to process the bad events a little.

Once the DEFCON 1 phase has gone by, you can send them something funny.

IMPORTANT: Do your best to find a meme, clip or TikTok that matches your friend’s sense of humor.

I know you’re not feeling great right now, so maybe you’re not ready to laugh. But this really screams you (funny content)

For more on how to make someone smile, check out my next video:

10. Ask what’s on their mind right now

Sometimes it’s not clear what type of support a friend who’s down on his or her luck needs.

In these times you can wager a guess and send them a card or some flowers.

Which won’t hurt.

But if you really want to be the best friend you can be, ask them how’d they’d like to be supported.

That way you have the greatest chance of making them feel better.

Never forget: no one is the same in how they deal with hardships.

Some might want hugs and to talk about it, other people prefer to bottle it down until they die of a stress-induced stroked at 44.

11. Ask what you can do

If your friend is really in a dire situation, just offering them a shoulder to lean on may not be enough.

They may need something more practical.

Suppose they just lost their job and they can’t afford to put their kid in daycare.

Perhaps what that person could use most in this situation is a babysitter. Right?

So if someone you know is going through something life-changing, ask them what they need.

I feel like this is something that a little chat over coffee can’t fix

Please let me know if there’s any other way I can help out

If you have a better idea of their situation, try offering a suggestion.

12. Tell them it’s okay

Some situations are unfixable.

  • A breakup.
  • Losing your apartment.
  • The death of a loved one.

In these situations, there’s really not much to fix.

And that’s okay. But you can make them feel better over text.

The best you can do in these situations is let them know that it’s okay to feel whatever they’re feeling.

I know it hurts. And it might for a while, and that’s okay

Does it fix anything?


But it does make them feel cared for and it can also boost their confidence.

13. Let them decide how much to share

Everyone is different.

Some people feel better by sharing every little detail they can.

While others feel like a burden by only hinting at their own emotional instability.

So when trying to make someone feel better over text, don’t force a therapy session.

Instead, let them decide on what’s healthy to share.

What sounds better to you: grabbing a beer and talking things over, or shooting the shit while we play some Xbox?

It’s them who ultimately have the power to fix their situation.

So let them decide on the approach.

14. The best way to make someone feel better over text

The scariest part of going through a tough time is feeling like you’re going through it alone.

Even if no one really understands your situation, having people know you’re at least going through a situation already makes things much easier.

So if someone is going through a scenario so unique and crazy that you find it hard to wrap your head around, tell them this:

I don’t want you to go through this alone

15. Help them get into action mode

I left this tip for last because it’s the most controversial.

Sometimes a person’s bad mood stems from a very old or relatively insignificant event.

And they either can’t let old pain go, or they’re making mountains out of molehills.

Even worse, they’re too busy feeling bad to get out of their funk.

If that’s the case, you actually DON’T want to validate their feelings because then you’ll likely give them the idea their victim mentality is fine.

Instead of hearing your friend out, you want to get them into action mode.

What can I do to help you get out of your funk?

These texts keep your friend from drowning in their self-made sorrows and propels them forward.

These were the 15 ways to make someone feel better over text.


Louis Farfields

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It can be hard to cheer up someone you care about when you’re not face-to-face. However, texting can be a powerful tool! Try sending them a good joke or hysterical meme to put a smile on their face. For something more personal, use an image editing app to create a funny picture of yourself. If they’re pretty upset, you may want to skip the jokes and encourage them to text you about their problem. Let them vent as much as they need to. To get their mind off things and put them in better spirits, invite them to do something really fun or silly with you!

Things You Should Know

  • When trying to make them laugh, use jokes, memes, or light-hearted conversation.
  • Show them you care by remaining attentive and providing validation for their emotions.
  • You can take action by offering help or your company with scheduled plans.
  1. Image titled Make Someone Feel Better Via Text Message Step 1


    Text them a good joke. If you have a favorite joke that never fails to make people laugh, try texting that to the person in question. If you aren’t sure what to send, run an internet search using keywords like «funny jokes you can text» or «text humor.» Look for jokes about things they like, such as animals or movies, or that mesh with their favorite type of humor, like puns.

    Quick Texting Jokes:
    Conversation starter: “I’m sending you nothing but jokes for the next 5 minutes. Prepare yourself.”
    Cheerful joke: “You’re nobody. And nobody’s perfect. So I guess that makes you perfect.”
    Silly story: “OK, so a guy knocked on my door today and asked for a small donation towards the local swimming pool. I was like, sure! So I gave him a glass of water.”
    Pun jokes: “I used to be addicted to the hokey pokey but I turned myself around.”
    ”What did the buffalo say when his son went to college? Bison…”
    “They’re finally making a film about clocks. It’s about time.”
    “These giant squid jokes are Kraken me up!”

  2. Image titled Make Someone Feel Better Via Text Message Step 2


    Send them a hilarious meme. There are no shortage of hilarious memes out there! You can Google something general like «memes to make your friends laugh» and scroll through the results.

    If you know the person really loves something in particular, try zeroing in on that specifically.

    • For example, if the person is a huge Game of Thrones fan, run a Google image search to find related memes that will surely crack them up.
    • Use one of the many meme generators online, like the Laughing Goat generator, to create something unique and specific.[1]
    • You can also create a meme yourself and send that to them.


  3. Image titled Make Someone Feel Better Via Text Message Step 2


    Send a silly photo or video of yourself. Snap a picture of yourself making a ridiculous face or create a brief video of yourself reciting a silly monologue and text that to them. If you want to get more creative, experiment with Snapchat filters. You can also check out free image editor apps, like Make Me Bald and LOL Booth FX, that can help you generate something hilarious.

    • Try out one of the many apps that allow you to turn yourself into an emoji, and then text them a few silly versions of yourself.[2]
  4. Image titled Make Someone Feel Better Via Text Message Step 9


    Find or make the perfect GIF to crack them up. There are some really funny GIFs out there! Try searching GIF libraries for something that relates to their situation. Or search for GIFs that showcase their favorite characters from TV shows and movies.

    • A great library for GIFs is GIPHY. Find the app in your phone’s app store, download it, and then attach the GIFs directly to text messages. If you don’t want to download the app, check out their user-friendly mobile website.
    • You can also make your very own GIF. GIPHY offers this feature, or you can try another app to create a custom GIF.[3]
  5. Image titled Make Someone Feel Better Via Text Message Step 3


    Challenge them to an exclusive emoji convo. This silly texting game can be distracting and a lot of fun!

    Shoot them a text letting them know that for the next 20 minutes, you will be communicating using emojis only.

    Challenge them to respond the same way. See if you can decipher each other’s messages and try to get them laughing with a unique combination of emojis.

    • You might start the conversation with a smiley face or show 2 friends together. Then, let your imagination run wild.
  6. Image titled Make Someone Feel Better Via Text Message Step 10


    Make them smile with a funny eCard. Different online websites offer pre-made cards that you can send through text message. These websites are typically searchable, so use the search tool to find something specific to their situation. Some websites, for example, lets you search for eCards about breakups and other specific situations.

    • For example, one funny card says, “It’s better to have loved and lost than to live with a psycho for the rest of your life.” Such a card is sure to remind your friend that they are probably better off without their ex![4]
  7. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Make Someone Feel Better Via Text Message Step 1


    Ask them what’s happening and let them vent about their problem. Express concern and care. Ask them genuinely how they are doing. Tell them you are worried and want to help. Let them lead the conversation, and don’t rush in to offer help or fix things. Simply be present for your friend.

    While your friend tells the story, text comments that make them feel validated like, «That’s awful» or «I’m so sorry about that.»

    • Make sure your replies read as genuine and supportive.
    • You can replace nonverbal cues with images, such as the «wow» emoji, and you can use comments like, «That’s so unfair.»
  2. Image titled Make Someone Feel Better Via Text Message Step 7


    Remind them of how great they are. Send your friend a text outlining 3 things you love about them. You can type the message into the text box, write the message down and photograph it, or even make a video and attach it to the text.[5]

    Great Compliments to Send:
    Their sense of humor: “You always make me laugh.”
    ”You tell the best jokes when I’m feeling down.
    Their talents: “You’re the most creative person I know!” “You make a mean ice cream sundae.”
    Their personality: “You’re incredibly loyal. I know I can count on you for anything.”
    “You have the biggest heart in the world.”

  3. Image titled Make Someone Feel Better Via Text Message Step 14


    Link to an uplifting verse or song. If you’re having a hard time finding the right words to say, look for a song or poem that can express what you’re thinking. If you know your friend loves a particular band or writer, search for options from those sources. You can also use apps like AUPEO that allow you to search for songs based on a particular mood.[6]

    • Include some inspirational text with the song link, like «Life is like music. It has high notes and low notes.»[7]
  4. Image titled Make Someone Feel Better Via Text Message Step 4


    Send encouragement with an inspirational quote. Sometimes, it can be hard to know just the right thing to say to someone who’s feeling down. In these instances, an inspirational quote can lift someone’s mood. Search online to find a good phrase, looking on quote sites like Brainyquote. Try to send something relating to what your friend is going through.[8]

    Sending Inspirational Quotes:
    Conversation starter: “This is a little corny, but this quote always gets me through tough times.”
    Quotes: “Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward.”—Victor Kiam
    “Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”—Christopher Robin to Pooh, A.A. Milne
    “When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.”—Franklin D. Roosevelt
    “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”—Carl Bard
    Tip: Send your friend a lighthearted quote if you think laughing will cheer them up. Stick to something more serious if they don’t seem in the mood for a joke.

  5. Image titled Make Someone Feel Better Via Text Message Step 6


    End with a cute, heartfelt, or creative send-off. Instead of just saying «bye» at the end of the conversation, you can say something playful or lighthearted like, «I hope your dreams are sweeter than your day was!» Or you could try something supportive like, «Have an awesome afternoon. I can’t wait to talk to you again later.» A more creative sign-off might make the other person smile a bit.

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  1. Image titled Make Someone Feel Better Via Text Message Step 5


    Schedule plans with them. A positive hangout session can go a long way towards making your friend feel better. Offer to take them out for ice cream, or ask them to go see a movie you know they’ve been dying to check out. You can also make plans to simply hang out together and talk.[9]

    • You might send, “Hey, I know you had a rough day. How about pizza and a movie later?”
    • If you live too far away for an in-person hangout session, suggest a phone call or video chat instead.
  2. Image titled Make Someone Feel Better Via Text Message Step 13


    Offer them your help. Text them asking if there are any chores or errands you can help them with, or if there’s anything in general you can help them do. Maybe you can help them with their homework, or study for the next history test together.

    Offering them your time and energy shows that you care and gives you the chance to cheer them up in person.


    • If don’t live close to your friend, ask them how you can help them out from a distance.
    • Follow up a few days later to see if they need anything.
  3. Image titled Make Someone Feel Better Via Text Message Step 14


    Invite them to do something really silly with you. Text your friend and ask them to do something silly and unexpected. This is a great way to take their mind off of their problems and get them smiling and laughing.[11]

    Silly Activities To Do:
    At your house: Build a blanket fort and watch bad movies
    Dress up in ridiculous costumes or your fanciest clothes
    Around town: Swing on the swingsets at a nearby park
    Have a silly scavenger hunt
    If you can’t get together in-person: A staring contest over video call
    Play games over video call, like 21 Questions, Never Have I Ever, or Truth or Dare

  4. Image titled Make Someone Feel Better Via Text Message Step 15


    Get additional help if nothing seems to work. If your friend is truly depressed, texting them may not help that much. If they don’t come around after several weeks, you may need to take a closer look at their behavior.

    Consider speaking with their parents, spouse, family members, or a counselor to call in additional reinforcements.


    • If there’s no one you can contact to help, consider speaking to your friend directly about their situation. You could start off by saying something like, «I’m worried about you. Have you considered talking to a professional about your feelings?»
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Texting Help

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  • Question

    I have a best friend and I love her, but she has no feeling regarding me. I promised her I would make her feel love for me. What should I do?

    Tasha Rube, LMSW

    Tasha Rube is a Licensed Social Worker based in Kansas City, Kansas. Tasha is affiliated with the Dwight D. Eisenhower VA Medical Center in Leavenworth, Kansas. She received her Masters of Social Work (MSW) from the University of Missouri in 2014.

    Tasha Rube, LMSW

    Licensed Master Social Worker

    Expert Answer

    You should first probably confront her directly and respectfully with how you feel. Detail some of the experiences or encounters you have had with her that have made you feel such a way. If she continues to disregard your feelings, needs, or wants, then maybe she is not as good a friend as you thought.

  • Question

    How do I make my boyfriend feel better regarding going for another MRI because they saw a small spot on his liver?

    Tasha Rube, LMSW

    Tasha Rube is a Licensed Social Worker based in Kansas City, Kansas. Tasha is affiliated with the Dwight D. Eisenhower VA Medical Center in Leavenworth, Kansas. She received her Masters of Social Work (MSW) from the University of Missouri in 2014.

    Tasha Rube, LMSW

    Licensed Master Social Worker

    Expert Answer

    Just being there for support throughout his medical concerns is enough. Practice your active listening skills and express your compassion. You could say, “I am sorry you are experiencing this. I am here to help you and just be with you in any way I can.”

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Article SummaryX

If you want to make someone feel better via text message, try texting them a silly joke, a funny meme, or remind them of an inside joke between the two of you. If they’re very upset and you don’t think humor would be appropriate, text them to ask if they want to talk about the problem, and offer genuine support by saying things like, “I’m so sorry that happened to you,” or, “I’m here for you.” Remind the person of the things you love about them, and invite them to hang out when they feel up to it. To learn more from our Social worker co-author, such as how to schedule plans with someone to make them feel better, keep reading!

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  • Anonymous

    «The most helpful part was not really a specific tip; it’s just the way it’s written out in general that just makes…» more

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For example, if I had a bad day at work, and my best friend wants to cheer me up so she does something for me, what verb or noun can I use instead of “cheer up”? I’m looking for a word where someone actually does something tangible for the person, more than just emotionally supporting the person. I have looked up information on thesaurus.com and Cambridge and I don’t think I’m looking for “assuage” or “soothe” because I want a word that means I actually went out of my way or actively did something to help my friend’s day be better, not just simply made them feel better. Nouns are acceptable too if you can think of a noun.

asked Sep 29, 2022 at 3:10

meepyer's user avatar

I would say you or your friend did a kindness for another person, as in acts of random kindness. (check out https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/)
You acted in an unexpectedly thoughtful way, or you did a small favor that meant a lot to another, kindly act, act of grace, acting with generosity beyond what is required.

answered Sep 29, 2022 at 4:42

suse's user avatar


1926 bronze badges

Help out (Merriam Webster Dictionary)to do something so another person’s job or task is easier

Minister (Wiktionary) To attend to (the needs of); to tend; to take care (of); to give aid; to give service

answered Oct 2, 2022 at 9:14

banuyayi's user avatar


1,8204 silver badges18 bronze badges


Sending a text requires little effort but can make a big impact. We’ll show you how you can make someone feel better over text so you can brighten their day.

Sometimes meeting in person is necessary to convey a message, however, there are actually a wide variety of situations in which you can make someone feel better over text. There are a couple of things you should keep in mind depending on the situation, to prevent any misunderstanding or false assumptions.

Follow this list of eighteen ideas on how to easily brighten someone’s day and make them feel better by simply sending a text message! 

1. Compliment Someone Over Text

You may find it hard to find a good moment for your compliment in-person and end up hesitating — a text on the other hand is quick, simple and and excellent way of making someone feel better over text.

You may find it hard to find a good moment for your compliment in-person and end up hesitating — a text on the other hand is quick, simple and and excellent way of making someone feel better over text.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / cuncon)

Ever thought about complimenting your colleague, fellow student, neighbor, or old friend on something but weren’t quite sure how to go about it? While you could obviously go up to them in person, this may be scary and unknown to you.

But there’s nothing stopping you from making someone feel better over text. A study by Sacred Heart University showed that compliments, for both the giver and the receiver, have the power to make them feel better.

While the delivery of your compliment is not as important as the compliment. Compliments with the most impact are those on character or personality, rather than those on outer appearance. If you have a loved one whose love language is words of affirmation, a small compliment can light up someone’s day in an instant. Here’s a start of how you could formulate your text:

  • “I recently noticed your great charisma and wanted to let you know.”
  • “I admire you for your confidence!”
  • “I really love your sense of humor.”
  • “You are such a pure soul. I really appreciate you.”

Did you know that words of affirmation also work on yourself? Check out our guide to positive affirmations for self-love to learn how.

2. Encourage Friends, Family, or Colleagues Over Text

When giving encouragement to someone, whether via text or in-person, try to avoid giving unasked for advice.

When giving encouragement to someone, whether via text or in-person, try to avoid giving unasked for advice.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / MorningbirdPhoto)

Whether you are talking to a friend who is struggling with a situation, chatting with your family, or communicating with your colleagues, encouraging them over text can be an easy way of making them feel better. Depending on the situation, you can make use of the following statements:

  • “You got this.”
  • “I believe in you.”
  • “You’re on a great path.”
  • “You still have time.”
  • “Be gentle with yourself.”
  • “I am here to listen to you.”
  • “Give me a call if you need to.”
  • “You did great on this.”

Words of encouragement can serve as effective communication in the workplace, can help you maintain long-distance friendships, or support you in validating someone’s feelings.

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Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / 089photoshootings

The 7 Cs of communication can be applied to oral and written forms of speech and are designed to maximize…

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A lot of people mix up encouragement with unwanted advice — try not to tell the other person what they should or shouldn’t do, but instead just provide them with comforting words and show them that you are there for them.

3. Make Plans Over Text

Do you tend to forget about plans you made in person or are inclined to say yes to any invitation without having checked your calendar before? Managing a busy social life can be exhausting and cause your social battery to run out — for both introverts and extroverts. Your phone can actually be a great assistant to you.

While you may not have the time to make a call to arrange plans, a text could be a simpler way. While texting inevitably comes with the danger of getting ghosted, it also has its benefits. A text leaves the receiver with enough time to think about your message and reply whenever they feel like it.

It is also a quick and efficient way of making plans and helps you to keep track of your appointments and hangouts. Lastly, it’s the easiest way of scheduling a date with someone you don’t know very well yet. 

Text messages to make plans could look something like this:

  • “Wanted to check whether you had any time to grab coffee next week. Would love to hang out!”
  • “I know you’re busy right now, but would love to see you! Let me know when would be a good time.”
  • “I’d love to schedule team lunch this week. Are you in?”

You also might be wondering: Can an Introvert Become an Extrovert? We explain the options you have.

4. Apologize Over Text

Apologies can be intimidating — sending a text gives you the benefit of having time to prepare your words in advance.

Apologies can be intimidating — sending a text gives you the benefit of having time to prepare your words in advance.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / Alexas_Fotos)

Arguments happen in many areas of life. May that be in the workplace, at university, or within your social circle. What often starts with a small misunderstanding turns into a bigger discussion or fight, especially when a proper apology is missing. But there’s a solution to that.

Once you do learn how to apologize the right way, arguments and misunderstandings become less of a problem. Of course, if you are sorting out a bigger issue, you should refrain from sending a text and sort things out in person.

But if you are just trying to clear up a small misunderstanding, a message can actually be a perfect way of making someone feel better over text, giving them time and space to respond. It doesn’t have to be complicated, a simple message is a great start. For example:

  • “I acknowledge that my behavior was not okay. Please let me apologize for it.”
  • “I am sorry for making you feel this way earlier. I can see how my behavior was hurtful to you.”

5. Take Care of Long-Distance Friendships Through Text

You can use texts to make your loved ones feel better while waiting for the next video call, or how about doing it the old-fashioned way and sending a letter to surprise them?

You can use texts to make your loved ones feel better while waiting for the next video call, or how about doing it the old-fashioned way and sending a letter to surprise them?
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / benralexander)

Texting is a popular and well-known form of communication for friendships and other relationships. Especially long-distance friendships or relationships require a lot of time and effort. And it’s understandable that you don’t have the time to call or visit each other on a regular basis.

Sending a text message to check up on the other person or telling them about your day is an easy way of including them in your life and making them feel better, even when you are physically apart from each other. Simply hearing from a friend or loved one located miles away is enough to brighten their day. Here are some ideas for how to go about it:

  • “Just came home from work. It was a long day, but actually quite eventful. I finally got to present my idea for the new project! How was your day? Thinking of you!”
  • “How was your day? Had to think of you earlier because someone played your favorite song.”

6. Say Your Condolences

If someone you know recently lost a special person, it may be difficult for you to see them grieve. One affectionate way of expressing your empathy is by sending your condolences. At the end of the day, this doesn’t have to be a long postcard or complicated letter.

You can assume that they are getting a lot of messages regardless, so a simple but caring text is often enough. Here are some templates for sentences you could use to make someone feel better over text: 

  • “I’m sorry to hear about your loss. I’ll keep you in my prayers.”
  • “X was a loving and caring person, they will be missed dearly.”
  • “It’s hard finding the right words to say, but please know I’m sending my love your way.”
  • “Please know that I am always here for you if you need someone to talk to.”
  • “My heart goes out to you and your family.”
  • “I was deeply saddened to hear of X’s passing. They were a wonderful person, and I am so glad I was able to spend time with them.”

Recommended: How to Comfort Someone in Need

7. Share an Uplifting Quote

Make someone feel better over text with an uplifting quote.

Make someone feel better over text with an uplifting quote.
(Foto: CC0 Public Domain / Unsplash / Drew Beamer)

Texts can quickly escalate into discussions sometimes, but they can also become the foundation for the exchange of valuable or meaningful content. Especially within friend groups! It was never easier to share something you are passionate about with your friends and family within seconds.

Whether that is an inspirational life quote, or a quote by your favorite artist, singer, or author — an uplifting phrase is a fun incentive to spark a conversation with any person and will make them feel better over text. No need to memorize anything, simply browse through the internet, copy and paste your favorite quote and make sure to give credit to whoever came up with it.

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Photo: CC0 / Unsplash / Bruno Figueiredo

Greta Thunberg quotes have the power to move millions. She explains our problems clearly and convincingly – leaving older generations…

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8. Share Your Favorite Music

While a text message cannot live up to in-person interactions, there are some ways of making them more intimate, such as sharing your music taste with the other person.

While a text message cannot live up to in-person interactions, there are some ways of making them more intimate, such as sharing your music taste with the other person.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / herbert2512)

Likewise to sending an inspirational quote via text, music is a great way of keeping in touch with someone. Maybe you have a friend who is as passionate about music as you are. Or perhaps you both enjoy the same genre?

How about sharing your favorite song, recommending a playlist, or asking for music recommendations via text with them? Research shows that people use music as a means to define and express their identity, so this is a great way of getting to know someone and making them feel better over text. Sending upbeat and joyful music can go a long way toward improving a bad mood. Start your text like this:

  • “Hey! I heard this amazing song earlier and need to share it with you. Let me know what you think.”
  • “I think you could really like this playlist.”
  • “There’s this new feature of making a collaborative playlist with someone, want to join me?”

9. Ask Them About Their Day

What is nicer than receiving a text message from someone checking up on you and making sure that you are doing alright? It doesn’t take much time or effort, but can actually mean a lot! 

Sending a quick text like this shows the other person that you thought of them and care about their time. Especially if you have a very different everyday life compared to this person, it might be fun to debrief the day and have a small catch-up. A simple “How was your day?” can do wonders sometimes. Likewise, you could ask one of the following questions:

  • “What was your favorite part of today?”
  • “What made you smile today?”
  • “What are you proud of today?”

10. Light Up Someone’s Day By Making a Joke

Try to stay away from dark humor or jokes that directly relate to this person to prevent any miscommunication. 

Try to stay away from dark humor or jokes that directly relate to this person to prevent any miscommunication. 
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / Kranich17)

The texts that spark a smile in people and have them look down at their smartphones with a grin on their faces are often the ones that are unexpected and maybe even out of context. Whether you want to impress your crush, prank your parents or simply get someone’s attention, making a joke via text may be your option.

They’re also a great ice-breaker to start a conversation or simply put a smile on someone’s face. It will surprise them and catch them off-guard, but if it’s a good one, they will surely appreciate it.

11. Share a Meme or Funny Video

Emojis, memes, and funny videos are a way to bring some fun to the conversation.

Emojis, memes, and funny videos are a way to bring some fun to the conversation.
(Foto: CC0 Public Domain / Unsplash / Domingo Alvarez E)

A lot of text messages are being exchanged on social media platforms, such as Instagram or Snapchat. While these platforms may not be the place for serious discussions or making plans, they offer their benefits by having tons of funny and entertaining content available for sharing. 

Sharing a meme or silly video with the other person can loosen up the conversation and make the two of you bond over relatable content and perhaps insiders. If you are scrolling through your feed anyway, this will not even cost you any time and yet it is an efficient way of making someone feel good over text. It could look something like this:

  • “Remember the situation at school last week? This is so us!”
  • “Haha, that is so you.”
  • “This video is comedy gold.”
  • “Please watch this and thank me later.”

12. Send a Text to a Group Chat

While texts are a great way to communicate between two people, they can also be a means to communicate to and with a larger audience. May this be your high school friend group, who you’ve been meaning to catch up with, or your work colleagues with whom you want to navigate things better. 

Making a group chat with everyone involved can simplify this process! Rather than sending complicated invites via letter, you can simply share your matter with the group chat and make the members feel better over text by showing them that you thought of them.

Group chats also allow people to be kept in the loop without the pressure of responding to every message. Make sure to welcome everyone after adding them, so they know what it’s about. This could be something along those lines:

  • “Hey all! I added you to this group chat to plan XY’s birthday gift. Let me know your ideas.”
  • “Hey friends. I miss you all and thought I’d open up this group chat, so we can plan a reunion?”
  • “Hi. I am planning our annual Christmas party. Ideas are welcome in this group chat.”

13. Share a Recipe

While cookbooks are nice, sending recipes online is more sustainable and  a fun way of exchanging your favorite foods and drinks with your friends.

While cookbooks are nice, sending recipes online is more sustainable and a fun way of exchanging your favorite foods and drinks with your friends.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / Skitterphoto)

You’re a food lover that indulges in trying out new recipes and has a new favorite dish every week? Then share it with those around you! Especially those of your friends who are into cooking as well would probably really appreciate this exchange. 

The great thing about sending text messages is that you can directly attach links, documents, or images: The perfect foundation for sending someone a recipe. Having it available on their phone as a message makes them more likely to actually try it out and come back to it later. Here are a few recipes to try, review, and hopefully recommend:

  • Quick & Cheap Veggie Fried Rice
  • 5-Ingredient Limoncello Spritz
  • Peppermint Chocolate Cookies

14. Promote a Good Cause

If you know people in your surroundings who are interested in societal change or volunteer work, sending them a text on this topic will make them feel good.

If you know people in your surroundings who are interested in societal change or volunteer work, sending them a text on this topic will make them feel good.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / willian_2000)

Want to spread the word on conscious consumerism, share your knowledge on volunteering opportunities, or combat climate change? Sending a text to your friends, acquaintances or co-workers might be worth a shot.

Social media is actually quite useful for reaching many people at the same time and persuading them with a certain message. Sending a text on such a platform is an easy way of showcasing that you care about a certain topic or cause and a good opportunity for others to join in on that. Make sure to address what your text is about at the beginning, so you don’t lose people at the start. Use these examples for inspiration:

  • “Interested in beating the fast fashion industry? I am looking for people to join my upcycling workshop.”
  • “Want to know more about volunteering in your neighborhood? Let me introduce some options.”
  • “You’re a feminist looking for like-minded people? You’ve come to the right spot.”

15. Offer to Talk on the Phone

Whether you make a call straight away or text the other person beforehand depends a lot on the relationship you have with each other, but especially if you are unsure, sending a text ahead may make them feel better. 

Whether you make a call straight away or text the other person beforehand depends a lot on the relationship you have with each other, but especially if you are unsure, sending a text ahead may make them feel better. 
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / Alexas_Fotos)

A phone call requires relatively quiet surroundings. Plus, if you are trying to catch up with people on the phone and plan on having a long phone call, it might be better to send a text ahead of time to check with that person and agree on a time that suits both of you best. Another benefit of texting in advance is that calling without a heads-up may overwhelm some people, especially those struggling with social anxiety.

Thus, sending a text is a better option and can help reduce anxiety. Make sure not to pressure the other person and formulate your texts considerately:

  • “Hey! I wanted to check up on you. Do you feel like having a phone call anytime soon? If yes, please let me know what suits you best.”
  • “Would you be up for a call sometime soon?”

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Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / Wokandapix

When you think of anxiety, its advantages are unlikely to cross your mind. However, it can have a positive impact,…

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16. Tell Someone They Matter to You

How many times do you tell your partner, best friend, mother, father, neighbor, teacher, or anyone else in your life that you appreciate them? Similarly to giving out compliments, telling someone how much you appreciate or love them can seem like a big step! But let’s be honest: Writing a text is way less scary than communicating this in person.

And it is still a better option than not telling them. A sweet and kind text can make someone feel better with little effort required. Tell them, why you are grateful for them or simply point out what you appreciate about them. Struggling to formulate it? We got you:

  • “Thank you for always being there for me.”
  • “I am really grateful for our friendship.”
  • “I appreciate your help with X. It means a lot.”

17. Make Someone Feel Better by Sending a “Get Well” Message

Let them know that you want them to feel better soon, that you are sending love, thinking of them and wish a quick recovery.

Let them know that you want them to feel better soon, that you are sending love, thinking of them and wish a quick recovery.
(Foto: CC0 / Pixabay / KAVOWO)

Imagine you’re laying sick in bed at home, maybe feeling isolated from the rest of the world. You’d surely appreciate someone reaching out to you and checking up on you, perhaps even texting for a little while to have you entertained. Those who believe in karma would say: What goes around comes back around, so why not start this habit yourself first?

If you hear of a classmate, co-worker, or anyone else being sick, shoot a message wishing them to get well. It’s again, a small gesture with little effort, but can have a beautiful impact. Try something like this:

  • “Feel better soon!”
  • “Take extra good care of yourself.”
  • “I am praying for an easy recovery.”
  • “Hope you’ll be feeling healthy again soon.”

18. Give Feedback to Someone Over Text

Giving feedback to someone in person, especially if that person has trouble dealing with criticism may seem like a challenge. In some moments it may be inevitable, but in other situations sending a text is a good alternative that will make them feel better.

The benefit of giving feedback via text is that the other person has your critique points right in front of them, but also has some time to process. In the best case, you keep the text concise, constructive, relevant, and empathetic. Lastly, make sure you clearly indicate what further action you require from this person. An example text for a work situation could be phrased like this.

  • “Hey. Thanks for your work! I really enjoyed reading your ideas on the new project. However, the action plan is still not concrete enough. Will you please add a budget and add deadlines to the objectives? Appreciate it!”

Read more:

  • Are You a People Pleaser? The Psychology Behind it
  • How to Set an Intention (With 3 Examples)
  • How to Politely Say No: 8 Situations Explained

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Want to cheer up a loved one via text?

Learn how to make someone feel better over text in 33 powerful strategies with examples.

Let’s dive in.

1. Try to Guess Their Emotions

People like being heard. So when you try guessing how your loved one feels, they feel greatly consoled even when you guess wrong.

It can also lead them to clarify what they feel which furthers the conversation.

It can be something like, “You must be feeling (fill in the emotion) given (the situation)” or text “That sounds awful” while your friend tells their experience.

2. Allow Them to Vent Their Problem

Especially early in the struggle, most people just want a listening ear – no advice, no opinion.

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Spilling their thoughts and feelings not only helps them see their perspective more clearly but also helps them get the weight off their chest – which makes them feel better. It’s confirmed by the role of interdependence in simple terms, “Shared sorrow is half a sorrow

You can prompt this using a text like:

  • “Do you want to talk about it? I’m here to listen”

3. Relate Their Worries With Their Background

When you relate your loved one’s plight with their background, it shows you understand the weight of the situation which relieves them of some burden.

Look at these two statements:

  • “I know you’ve lost your girlfriend so you must be feeling awful.”
  • “I understand you’ve invested so much in this relationship from moving to a new town to even introducing her to your family and now it’s like a big part of your life is gone. You must be feeling awful.”

The first statement doesn’t show the recipient you understand their plight much but the second shows you’ve been paying attention and are up close with their feelings which is deeply consoling.

How To Make Someone Feel Better Over Text

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

4. Validate Their Struggles

When you validate your loved one’s struggles, it makes them feel better since they feel you accept them for who they are. And that it’s okay to feel the way they’re feeling.

Texting them something like:

  • “It’s okay to feel how you feel, if I was in your situation, I’d feel the same way.”

5. Remind Them of How Amazing They Are

When struggling, most people tend to look at their failures more which makes them feel worse.  But if someone shows them how awesome they are, it makes them feel better.

You can make someone feel better by texting;

  • “I know you’re going through a rough time right now but I want to remind you of how amazing you are – (list their good qualities)”
  • “These problems don’t define you, I know you – (remind them when they overcame.)”

6. Send Some Uplifting Quotes

After some time listening to someone’s problems and validating their struggles, you can use powerful quotes to make a person smile.

Here are some inspirational quotes to help make someone feel better over text:

  • “Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.” – Oprah Winfrey
  • “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou
  • “It is never to late to be what you might have been.” – George Elliot
  • “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” – Christopher Reeve
  • “Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” – Hellen Keller

While checking in on a friend reveals your care for them, they might feel pressured to update you in the midst of their crisis. However, you can relieve them of this pressure by telling them:

  • “I felt I should check on you. But take your time to respond, no pressure.”

8. Send Them Stories They Could Relate To

It’s really consoling to know someone can go an extra mile for you in this way.

Here’s how you can frame your text:

  • “I found a story similar to yours and thought it might help you know you’re not alone in this. And that you can overcome. With love( or use a more creative sign off)”
  • “I discovered a community of people going through similar circumstances and thought you might find it helpful.”
  • “I discovered this piece about (the situation they’re going through) and thought it might be helpful.”

9. Ask What’s on Their Mind

“What’s on your mind right now?”

A text as simple as that can help someone relieve their brain of the thought overload they’ve had in their crisis.

10. Ask Them How They’re Feeling

“How are you feeling right now?”

Just like asking what they’re thinking about, inquiring over their feelings lets them know that you care and gives you space to console them.

Related: Ways Out Of ‘I Don’t Know How I Feel’

11. Ask Them How You Can Help

They’ve shared their problems, they’ve told you their opinion over their plight, and how they’ve been feeling. Now what?

Offer your help.

Too much talk without action helps no one feel better, at least not in the long term. So let them know they can be free to ask for help from you.

You can use text messages such as:

  • “I know you’re going through a hard time right now, is there anything I could do to help?”
  • “How can I best support you in these tough times?”
  • “I can offer any of this assistance in this tough time- (babysit your kids or drop them off at school in the morning/ I can pay for the hospital bills or whatever you can do). Which one can I help you with?” 

This last one is an option to put out all you can do for that person so you can avoid demands you have to say no to in case you can’t make it.

12. Put Down Lyrics of Uplifting Music They Like

Some people’s moods can be easily remedied by music. If that’s the case for the person you want to feel better, this is one of the best options for you.

For instance, here are some uplifting lyrics of Hall of Fame:

You can throw your hands up, you can beat the clock (Yeah)

You can move a mountain, you can break rocks

Some will call it practice, some will call it luck

But either way you’re going to the history book

Standin’ in the Hall of Fame (Yeah)

And the world’s gonna know your name (Yeah)

‘Cause you burn with the brightest flame (Yeah)

And the world’s gonna know your name (Yeah)…

13. Write Up Some Poetry

Do poems make them tick?

If your friend loves poetry, it’s time to make artistic moves. You can create a poem of your own about them or check uplifting poems online.

It could be about how amazing they are or an encouragement that they can overcome or any other uplifting direction seeming fit for you.

14. Send Them Some Jokes

A laugh could surely make someone feel better. You need to ask for permission though so you’re not met with cold resentment.

A text message like, “Hey I know you’re going through tough times, so I want to try making you smile with some silly jokes, would you let me?”

Send funny jokes that align with you’re friend’s sense of humor.

Related: How To Be Enough For Someone: 17 Effective Tips

15. Relate Them With Their Favorite Character

If you know the person quite well, you probably know their favorite character in movies, books, or whatever piece of art they enjoy. This is a great chance to make them feel better.

Get to know their favorite character deeply so you can give them an analogy of their plight in relation to their favorite character. You see how they do it in movies (someone getting perspective over something because they’re advised based on someone they like in a movie, Bible, or any other piece of art)  – it does work in real life as well.

You can start with, “Do you want to imagine how (insert their favorite character) will look at this?”

16. Send Them Memes They Like

The language someone uses to console you is likely the language they can respond well to when it’s used on them. 

Therefore, if your friend loves sending you memes even when you’re in distress, do the same for them.

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17. Text Them With Gifs

When texting, GIFs bring the word to life by making it possible to express yourself in the body language you’d use during in person conversations.

Consoling words like “I love you,” “I’m here for you,” “You’re not alone,” can be expressed in a better way with the best funny GIFs.

18. Convince Them to Chat With Emojis

Visuals can lighten moods by a great deal. Moreover, they can distract someone quickly enough to make them feel better.

Chat With Emojis

Photo by ROMAN ODINTSOV from Pexels

Go through an entire conversation without words and let them share what they feel.

You can begin with a couple holding hands (If you’re a couple), or two people holding hands if you’re together and give emoji chatting a shot.

  • “I was thinking we’d have an awesome afternoon, grabbing some pizza and shooting aliens while talking out this issue, would you like that?”
  • “I was planning a retreat at X place so we can get your mind off things and recharge, what do you think?”

Whether big or small, plans you may have to help your friend feel better since they can look forward to the activity instead of dwelling on the problems they have.

When you’ve listened to the plight of your friend, it’s time to ask questions as if you’re also in trouble.

You can ask them:

  • “So what are we going to do?”
  • “So how are we going to solve this?”
  • “How do we make sense of this?”

This helps them feel better and even get the strength to stand just because someone else is ready to stand with them.

21. Ask Them to Do Silly Stuff With You

According to Psychology Today silly stuff can be extremely healthy for the brain. 

Especially if they’re ruminating on the problem without progress, some silly activities would help them learn to stop taking themselves too seriously and instead take some steps forward for the sake of progress. 

  • “Ready to do silly stuff to get your mind off things?”
  • “Come on, join me in some silly activities. It’ll help you take a breath and think things through. What do you say?”

22. Give Them Options to Choose From

  • “What do you want to do, an evening out someplace nice or takeout and movies?
  • “What might make you feel better, staycation over the weekend at Leserene or camping in the countryside?”

Using this text shows you understand that people cope with stress diffferently and are willing to go an extra mile to do what lightens up their moods.

But in case they say no, there’s another way.

23. Apply Their Consoling Tactic

The way someone consoles others is likely the way they feel better when consoled. Therefore, find out what makes them tick with a text message like:

  • “If I were in your situation, I’d love it when someone does X(how you like being consoled). Would that help you feel better?”
  • “What would you do for me to feel better if I were in your situation?”

24. Get Them to Talk in Another Way

  • “Do you want to talk about this with a phone call?”
  • “Is it better to talk about this face to face on a video call?”
  • “Do you want to talk more about this over dinner?”
  • “Do you prefer we video chat about this while listening to music like old times”

Perhaps they’re not a texting kind of person. Or maybe you’re not. Maybe the situation needs more one-on-one communication. 

Related: Best Ways To Comfort Someone – Psychology Backed

25. Recommend They Talk to a Counselor

  • “Would you consider talking to a professional about this?”
  • “I think we’ve tried working out this issue for quite a while but it seems deeper than we can handle alone. Would you be okay with involving a coach/counselor?

Showing this level of care about his or her feelings helps them feel much more cared for, especially if they’ve been stuck for a while.

26. Get Them Into Action Using Questions

While they may not feel better for the moment since getting out of their comfort zone is hard, you’re loved one would feel better when they get out of the stuck state, and thank you for saving their life.

Here are text messages you can use:

  • “What are you thinking of doing now?”
  • “Have you thought about (fill in the action)?

27. Validate and Make Indirect Suggestions

Proposing a solution after you’ve validated one’s qualities and efforts makes them momentarily feel better and improves their wellbeing in the long run as well.

  • “You’ve really handled this situation well, it’ll be even better if you do X for (insert how it’ll help them)

28. Tell Them to Explain Some Previous Point

When you ask for clarification where things don’t make sense to you, it makes your loved one (whether a family member, best friend, colleague, acquitance, or even stranger) feel better since their story is important to you.

You can text:

  • “Did you mean (say what you thought they meant) when you said (what they said) earlier? Help me understand”

29. Help Them See the Big Picture

Even when in trouble, if someone could focus on the big picture, they’d realize things would be much brighter and will therefore lighten up.

See the Big Picture

Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

You can be the person to show them the big picture by texting: 

  • “I know you’re going through a rough patch right now but think of your big picture. (Paint their big picture) This is just a challenge along the way – your vision is bigger than this.”
  • “I know it’s tough to see the bright side of this situation but tell me about your vision/dream. Let’s visualize it together.”

30. Compliment How They’re Handling the Stress

Telling your loved one they’re doing great despite what they’re experiencing can help them feel a ton better and even strengthen them further to overcome.

  • “For someone experiencing X situation, you’re really handling this well.”

Related: Feeling Lost: 20 Insights And How To Find Meaning Again

31. Analyse the Grim Together

Many people wish someone could get a glimpse of their dark story and analyse the mistakes, consequences, and all manner of dark thoughts without judgement.

You can offer this chance by texting them:

  • “Tell me your darkest thoughts and feelings about this issue – no filters. I want to understand what you feel.”

32. Ask Them About Their Progress

Checking in on someone’s progress since you talked can help them focus on the changes that have happened and feel better because of their progress.

  • “How have you been since we last talked? Let’s talk about physical changes first.” 

33. Reassure Them That You’ll Walk With Them

  • “I’m not going anywhere, we’ll walk this through together.”
  • “I’ll never let you walk alone. We’re in this together.”

Nothing sounds better than someone finding space in their timeline to not only listen to uour troubles but also walk with you in them.

Questions on Making Someone Feel Better Over Text

How do you comfort a friend over text? How to comfort someone over text when they feel lonely

  1. Try to Guess Their Emotions
  2. Allow Them to Vent Their Problem
  3. Relate Their Worries With Their Background
  4. Validate Their Struggles
  5. Remind Them of How Amazing They Are
  6. Send Some Uplifting Quotes
  7. Tell Them to Share as Much as They Want
  8. Send Them Stories They Could Relate To
  9. Ask What’s on Their Mind
  10. Ask Them How They’re Feeling
  11. Ask Them How You Can Help
  12. Put Down Lyrics of Uplifting Music They Like
  13. Write Up Some Poetry
  14. Send Them Some Funny Joke
  15. Relate Them With Their Favorite Character 

Related: Levels Of Listening – Complete Guide

How do you make someone not sad over text? How to cheer someone up with words

  1. “Do you want to talk about it? I’m here to listen”
  2. “I know you’ve lost your girlfriend so you must be feeling awful.”
  3. “How can I best support you in these tough times?”
  4. “These problems don’t define you my friend.”
  5. “How are you feeling right now?”
  6. “So what are we going to do?”
  7. “Ready to do silly stuff to get your mind off things?”
  8. “I’m not going anywhere, we’ll walk this through together.”
  9. “Do you want to talk about this on phone?”
  10. “What are you thinking of doing now?”
  11. “I’ll never let you walk alone. We’re in this together.”

How to comfort someone over text when they are suicidal

  • “Hey, I love you.”
  • “You know I’ll always be here for you.”
  • “You’ve been on my mind since morning.”
  • “I know you’re going through a lot and it’s overwhelming. But remember, I’m here for you.”
  • “You came to this world for a reason. Hold on till the bad day is over and you’ll be thankful you made it.”
  • “I believe in you.”

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Wrapping Up

Making someone feel better over text gets easier with practice.

Remember to focus on validating instead of advising and lead your loved one into a better mood using the above texts.

December 16, 2014

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Do you ever need to comfort others in English? Do you know how to make people feel better in English or to how to boost their ego?

On today’s Tear Up Your Textbook Tuesday, Lindsay and Michelle teach you a simple trick for boosting egos and helping others see the brighter sad of unhappy situations!

When someone you know tells you something sad, but not too serious, there’s a trick in English to help make them feel better.  By putting ‘though’ at the end of a sentence, and raising the intonation, you can emphasize something positive about the situation in order to make the speaker feel better

Do you want to learn more about how to use “though” at the end of your sentences?

cover for though lesson guide 237Do you want to know how to make someone feel better in English?

Get our 5-step lesson guide for Episode 237!

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  • A short video lesson
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  • * Bonus- 3 REAL vocabulary words highlighted from the episode

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Some examples of this include:

  • “My apartment’s too small.”
  • “But it’s such a great neighborhood though!”
  • “I made tacos, but I’m not a good cook.”
  • “But they’re really fresh and crunchy though!”

Have you used ‘though’ to boost someone’s ego?

How and when?

Tell us about it in the comments section below!

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When someone close to you is going through a hard time, it’s easy to feel helpless. Learn how to make someone feel better and perk them up instantly!

how to make someone feel better

When someone you care about feels down or sad, the first thing you want to do is take their sadness away. Of course, you probably can’t just wipe away their worries like nothing happened, but you can learn how to make someone feel better. By doing that, you can at least make them feel a little better in that very moment. You can even learn how to make someone feel better over text.

It’s true that it’s a helpless feeling when someone seems down. It’s even worse when they won’t tell you what is wrong with them.

You can tell by their body language that something isn’t quite right, but all they say is, “I’m fine.” Of course, you know they’re not fine at all and it’s super-frustrating!

In truth, you don’t always need to know exactly what is wrong with someone to perk them up a little. These thoughtful methods will put a smile on their face, even if they’re having a rough time. Let’s also talk about whether it’s suitable to learn how to make someone feel better over text, or whether it’s truly a face-to-face deal. [Read: How to make someone happy & help them get back their happy spark]

But before we get to a list of ways to cheer someone up and learn to make someone feel better, let’s just spend a moment to understand what’s happening inside their mind when they’re sad so you can genuinely help them.

Why do we feel sad?

You may want to help your friend feel better, and that’s a great start. All of us feel sad now and then, so that would make it easy for you to empathize with someone who’s feeling that way.

After all, sadness is a feeling we are all too familiar with. That empty, hopeless feeling can creep up on us for any number of reasons: a break-up, the loss of a job, or even just a bad day. But why do we feel sad? And more importantly, how can we make it go away? [Read: Feeling unloved? 21 ways we feel less loved and how to feel love again]

Within the brain, sadness is caused by a decrease in the neurotransmitter serotonin. This chemical is responsible for regulating our mood, and when levels are low, we feel down.

Other causes of sadness could also include low levels of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients are essential for maintaining mental health, and when levels are low, it can lead to feelings of sadness and anxiety.

One of the best ways to help someone feel better is to get outside and soak up some sun with them. Vitamin D helps to regulate serotonin levels, and getting some natural sunlight may be the last thing on their mind, but if you can coax them out, it’ll slowly help them feel better.

Also, exercise is a really good way to improve someone’s mood. It releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. But, of course, that would be the last thing your friend would feel like doing right now! *try convincing them though!*

And finally, eating a healthy diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids can help to improve your mood and fight off sadness, so try and get your friend to eat something healthy as you two hang out together.

If someone is feeling down, try getting them outside, exercise with them, or get them to eat healthy meals. And remember, sadness is usually only temporary, and there are plenty of things you can do to help someone feel better. [Read: How to stop feeling sorry for yourself and end the pity party for good]

But here’s the most important thing to remember – Don’t be afraid to reach out for support or seek professional help for your friend, if that’s something they’re willing to consider. With the right tools and strategies, you can help someone overcome their sadness and help them move forward in a more positive direction.

But as all of these guaranteed ways to help someone feel better end up taking a few days to take effect, here are a few other ways to make someone feel better, and give their brain a few hits of happy dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins to help them in their journey.

How to make someone feel better and find their balance again

If you want to make someone feel better and help them out of an emotional rut, take it slow, and don’t try to shake them up *at the risk of them shutting you out*. Instead, use these steps and ways, and help them in a way they’d want to be helped.

1. Talk to them

Of course, the most obvious and important thing to do to help someone who feels sad is to talk to them.

Sit them down and tell them you are here to listen to them and help them talk through whatever is upsetting them. Sometimes just being a good listener is all you really need to do. [Read: 10 ways to be a better listener]

2. Buy them a thoughtful gift

Buying a thoughtful present for someone when they feel down in the dumps is a cute way to let them know you are thinking of them.

It could be something fun and silly or something they always wanted, but getting a gift when they are sad works wonders at making them feel better!

3. Take them on a friend date

Really spoil them by taking them out for a night on the town, to a spa for some pampering, or just out for dinner.

Going on an evening out helps distract them from whatever is troubling them and really gets their mind off things. It reminds them they can still have fun too!

4. Send them a cute text

Reaching out to them via text is a quick and easy way to check if they are okay and cheer them up.

Just knowing people are thinking of them and that they care about them helps someone going through a tough time. [Read: Life’s a bitch? 17 feel-good ways to make yourself feel better]

5. Send them flowers

If you’re wondering how to make someone feel better even if you aren’t around them, flowers are pretty much guaranteed to cheer anyone up.

Subtly find out what their favorites are and send them a bunch. The pretty blooms bring a cheer to any room and keep them feeling positive no matter what has happened.

6. Get drunk with them

Okay, this might be an adults-only one. If you want to make someone feel better, sometimes going out for a good night out and a few drinks is the perfect way to really talk it out and take their mind off their worries! [Read: How to sober up fast: 12 quick ways to go from sloshed to alert]

7. Be okay with silence

It’s important to remember that sometimes people don’t want to talk. They just need someone to sit with them in silence.

If what they are going through is really hard then there might simply be no words to comfort them. In which case, being with them demonstrates you are there, without forcing them to talk when they don’t want to.

8. Go for a walk

Getting out into the fresh air and getting some exercise really helps put things in perspective. Walking somewhere beautiful instantly the spirits.

It’s a good way to talk and the exercise releases endorphins which naturally makes them feel better too! [Read: Best friend bucket list: 15 adventures for you and your BFF]

9. Show them you support them

Sometimes your friends and family just need you to support them. Maybe they feel sad because they feel like a failure, or they don’t know what they are doing with their life. This is where you come in to be their biggest fan. Show them just how much you support them in everything they do!

10. Write them a letter

If you aren’t great with deep and meaningful conversations face to face, then why not write them a letter? Truly show them how much you care and let your feelings be known.

11. Have a sleepover

Why not have some good, old fashioned fun with a sleepover? Get your duvets in the living room, order some pizza, have popcorn at the ready and just watch movies, chat, and relax! [Read: 32 Awesome sleepover ideas for a fun night with friends]

12. Cook for them

Cooking them dinner shows you are making an effort to make them feel better and cheer them up. They are sure to appreciate it!

13. Give them a hug

Sometimes a good hug helps someone feeling sad more than you can possibly imagine. If you know someone is feeling sad, hugging it out is really comforting. Or, just put your arm around them or hold their hand. Physical contact can be very reassuring. [Read: I just want to be loved: Unlikely reasons for feeling this way]

14. Look them in the eye

Make sure that when they talk to you, you look them in the eye. Direct eye contact is important to show you really hear them. The worst thing for a sad person to feel is as though they are being ignored.

15. Forgive them

If the reason your friend feels sad is because you had a fight, maybe it is time to forgive them and make up!

16. Don’t interrupt

If they do choose to open up to you, remember to let them speak until they are done. You might feel the need to interrupt, but try not to. They just need to get their feelings out and to be heard. Make sure you don’t speak until they are done. [Read: 10 Ways to be a better listener in your relationship]

17. Empathize with them

While you might not agree with everything they say, sometimes people just need someone to agree with them. Even if they are being irrational! Just nod and agree. That way you show them the empathy and understanding they’re sure to appreciate.

18. Make them laugh

If you want to make someone feel better, remember that there is no better antidote to sadness then laughter. Tell them lots jokes. Do that silly dance that cracks them up, or do whatever you need to do to get them laughing once more! [Read: How to smile more often: 6 steps to change your life]

19. Do a challenge together

If they feel a bit lost, why not sign up for a challenge together? If this isn’t your cup of tea, set some aims and goals that you can achieve and work towards together. It helps them get back on track.

20. Take up a hobby

Distraction is an excellent way to stop someone from wallowing in their misery. Why not try taking up a hobby together and see if this can get their mind off their problems?

21. Plot a revenge

If the reason they are sad is because someone hurt or upset them, be it a colleague, a friend, or a partner, then why not sit with them and plot their revenge? You don’t have to act on it, of course, but allowing them to get a little angry instead of sad sometimes helps! [Read: How and why to get revenge on someone – 20 very healthy and effed up ways]

22. Be truthful

Honesty is sometimes the best policy. Remember to be truthful with your friend and help them to see things clearly.

Sometimes being honest feels harsh if they feel sad. Yet, doing so helps them get over their troubles much faster. You’ll continue to be the person they turn to for honest advice time and time again!

23. Ask them what they need

Ask them what they need from you to feel better. They’ll probably tell you that they don’t need anything, but persevere and it will come out in the end!

As long as what they ask you to do isn’t against your morals and doesn’t feel wrong to you, do what you need to do.

24. Show up and surprise them

Sometimes a spontaneous surprise is all it takes to put a smile back on someone’s face and help them feel better.

Turn up on their doorstep when you know they’re not doing anything, and tell them you’re taking them out for ice cream. Then, head out and do your best to make them forget their worries. [Read: 18 Ways to become more spontaneous in life]

25. Tell them how great they are

Sometimes a few carefully placed compliments can really do the trick in cheering someone up.

“You’d look great in that dress”, or “your hair looks amazing like that”, could be all it takes to make them feel good about themselves. Then, they might find it easier to kick their worries away.

26. Do a yoga class together

Yoga is fantastic for health and wellbeing. It’s also ideal for boosting positive thinking. Head to a yoga class together and see if it makes a difference.

If nothing else, you’ll laugh at your attempts to try and get into the poses!

27. Play a fun prank

Make sure that the prank isn’t anything that is going to upset them or make them feel embarrassed. Playing a joke on someone who is feeling down can go either way, but if you’re careful with what you choose, it might make them laugh aloud. That’s therapy in itself! [Read: 12 types of humor and how it affects relationships]

28. Burn away some frustration!

Encourage your friend to grab some *not special* plates and smash them. Head into the nearest field and both scream at the top of your lungs. Do something that helps them to burn off some frustration and anger. You’ll probably feel better for it too.

29. Make them a handmade gift

It doesn’t have to be anything too intricate – a friendship bracelet or a collage of your favorite photographs together could do it.

When someone takes the time to make a gift with their hands, it’s incredibly moving and helps you to see beyond your troubles.

30. Create a gratitude diary together

Sit down and both come up with a list of 5 things you’re grateful for. Then, every day you both need to add something new to the list.

At the end of every week, come together and look at your lists. You’ll both soon see how much you have to be grateful for and it could help to lift them out of their funk. [Read: How to be grateful – 20 authentic ways to appreciate and express it]

Should you learn how to make someone feel better over text?

We live in a technological age and we do most of our communicating online. So, should you attempt to make someone feel better over text or save it for face-to-face meetings?

This one is tough. Sending a funny meme or gif will probably make them smile for a few seconds during the day. Will it lift them out of their worries completely? Probably not. Yet, every little bit helps!

If you want to make someone feel better over text, know that you can try, but it’s best to do it in person. You can certainly learn how to make someone feel better over text, but it’s best to keep it to a minimum.

The best ways? Gifs, memes, funny jokes, or pictures you’ve found on your phone that you want to cheer them up with.

The odd cute message will also hit the right spot, but learning how to make someone feel better over text shouldn’t include long paragraphs and drawn-out discussions. They’ll only feel worse and more tired as they sit down and type long paragraphs in return. [Read: Rules of texting – 15 unwritten texting rules you need to remember]

The point is that they pick up their phone, see a text from you and the contents make them smile for a moment. That’s how to make someone feel better over text.

If you send a long message telling them how you’re there for them and you care about them, that’s great, but it could easily be misunderstood or taken in a different way than what you intend. That’s the worry with any text message.

The best advice? Stick to fun and quick messages, and leave the other stuff for times when you’re face-to-face.

Why is it so hard to stop feeling sad?

Now that you know all the ways to help someone and make them feel better, you need to understand why it’s so hard and frustrating to get them out of their funk sometimes!

There are a few different reasons why it can be hard to stop feeling sad. First, as we mentioned before, sadness is caused by a decrease in the neurotransmitter serotonin. This chemical is responsible for regulating our mood, and when levels are low, we feel down. [Read: Dating someone with depression – The signs and truths you must know]

Exercise, sunshine, and the right kind of supplements can help.  But all said and done, it can be difficult to find the motivation or energy to engage in these activities when you are feeling down.

And sometimes, sadness is just a symptom of a larger problem. If your friend or partner is dealing with anxiety, depression, or another mental health issue, it can be difficult to stop feeling sad however much they try to motivate themselves. In these cases, it is important to seek professional help.

And finally, it’s no secret that life can be a struggle, filled with stress and anxiety at every turn. Whether we are navigating the complex social landscape of middle school or trying to keep up with our busy schedules as adults, it seems like there is always something causing us to feel sad and overwhelmed! [Read: Emotional stability and the factors that control life’s highs and lows]

We can point to the powerful influence of peer pressure or the seemingly constant demands of modern life. Or you could also claim that it is simply human nature to feel down sometimes, or that we are simply wired to experience intense emotions like sadness in response to life’s challenges.

In reality, usually, the main culprit behind our inability to shake off feelings of sadness is often stress and anxiety. Whether we realize it or not, chronic stress has a vast impact on our ability to regulate emotion effectively, leaving us unable to escape from feelings like sorrow and grief. [Read: 24 sad signs of emotional neglect in a relationship]

So if you know someone who is struggling with bouts of depression and melancholy, remember that they can come out of it *even if it feels frustrating being around them at times!*, even the strongest and bravest among us have trouble coping with life’s stresses at times.

But by implementing healthy lifestyle habits like exercise and meditation and reaching out for support when they need it, you can help someone start feeling better today!

[Read: How to cheer someone up – 18 ways to help them feel awesome again]

Being there for someone when they go through a hard time is so important! Make sure you support your loved ones. When they feel blue, try these tips on how to make someone feel better and how to make someone feel better over text, and put a smile back on their face!

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  • Word to make more efficient
  • Word to make lesser
  • Word to make her wet
  • Word to make her fall in love
  • Word to love me tender