Word to love me tender

[Verse 1]
Love me tender, love me sweet
Never let me go
You have made my life complete
And I love you so

Love me tender, love me true
All my dreams fulfilled
For my darling I love you
And I always will

[Verse 2]
Love me tender, love me long
Take me to your heart
For it’s there that I belong
And we’ll never part

Love me tender, love me true
All my dreams fulfilled
For my darling I love you
And I always will

[Verse 3]
Love me tender, love me dear
Tell me you are mine
I’ll be yours, through all the years
‘Til the end of time

Love me tender, love me true
All my dreams fulfilled
For my darling I love you
And I always will

Love me tender

Люби меня нежно

Love me tender, love me sweet,
Never let me go.
You have made my life complete,
And I love you so.
Love me tender, love me true,
All my dreams fulfilled,
For my darling I love you,
And I always will.

Love me tender, love me long,
Take me to your heart.
For it’s there that I belong,
And we’ll never part.
Love me tender, love me true,
All my dreams fulfilled,
For my darling I love you,
And I always will.

Love me tender, love me, dear,
Tell me you are mine.
I’ll be yours through all the years,
Till the end of time.
Love me tender, love me true,
All my dreams fulfilled,
For my darling I love you,
And I always will.

Люби меня нежно, люби меня сладко,
Никогда не отпускай меня.
Ты сделала мою жизнь полнее,
И я так тебя люблю.
Люби меня нежно, по-настоящему,
Исполняя все мои мечты,
Ведь я люблю тебя, дорогая,
И всегда буду тебя любить.

Люби меня нежно, люби меня долго,
Держи меня у самого сердца.
Ведь это то, чему я принадлежу,
И мы никогда не расстанемся.
Люби меня нежно, по-настоящему,
Исполняя все мои мечты,
Ведь я люблю тебя, дорогая,
И всегда буду тебя любить.

Люби меня нежно, люби меня, дорогая,
Скажи мне, что ты моя.
Я буду твоим долгие годы,
До конца дней.
Люби меня нежно, по-настоящему,
Исполняя все мои мечты,
Ведь я люблю тебя, дорогая,
И всегда буду тебя любить.

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Перевод песни Love me tender — Elvis Presley

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Love me tender,

Люби меня нежно,

Love me sweet,

Люби меня, милая

Never let me go.

И никогда меня не отпускай.

You have made my life complete,

Ты сделала мою жизнь полной,

And I love you so.

И я так тебя люблю!

Love me tender,

Люби меня нежно,

Love me true,

Люби по-настоящему,

All my dreams fulfilled.

Все мои мечты сбылись.

For my darlin’ I love you,

Потому что я люблю тебя, дорогая,

And I always will.

И всегда буду любить.

Love me tender,

Люби меня нежно,

Take me to your heart.

Носи меня в своём сердце,

For it’s there that I belong,

Потому что туда просится моя душа,

And we’ll never part.

И мы никогда не расстанемся…

Love me tender,

Люби меня нежно,

Love me dear,

Люби, дорогая,

Tell me you are mine.

Скажи мне, что ты моя.

I’ll be yours through all the years,

Я буду твоим все время,

Till the end of time.

До конца жизни.

(When at last my dreams come true

(Когда мои мечты сбылись,

Darling this I know

Дорогая, я понял,

Happiness will follow you

Счастье будет всегда с тобой,

Everywhere you go).

Где бы ты ни была).

Love Me Tender

Полюби меня* (перевод Василий Величанский из Киева)

Love me tender love me sweet

Полюби меня ты так,

Never let me go.

Как весна цветы.

You have made my life complete

Дай лишь только первый знак

And I love you so.

Что полюбишь ты.

Love me tender love me true

Полюби меня навек,

All my dreams fulfill.

страстно полюби.

For my darling I love you

Верь моя любовь сильней

And I always will.

чем теченье рек.

Love me tender love me long

Полюби божественно,

Take me to your heart.

сердцем полюби

For it’s there that I belong

Я влюбился уж давно

And we’ll never part.

Но не знаешь ты

Love me tender love me true

Полюби меня навек,

All my dreams fulfill.

страстно полюби.

For my darling I love you

Верь моя любовь сильней

And I always will.

чем теченье рек.

Love me tender love me dear

Полюби, я умоляю,

Tell me you are mine.

Без тебя не жить.

I’ll be yours through all the years

Мы пройдем по жизни вместе

Till the end of time.

Смерть лишь разлучит.

Love me tender love me true

Полюби меня навек,

All my dreams fulfill.

страстно полюби.

For my darling I love you

Верь моя любовь сильней

And I always will.

чем теченье рек.

Люби меня нежно (перевод Василий Мазур из Перми)

Love me tender love me sweet

И меня держи.

Never let me go.

Стала полной жизнь моя,

You have made my life complete

Так люблю тебя.

Love me tender love me true

Чтоб сбылись мечты,

All my dreams fulfill.

И любимой, дорогой

For my darling I love you

Вечно будешь ты.

Love me tender love me long

Сердце подари.

Take me to your heart.

И тебе принадлежать

For it’s there that I belong

Буду я всю жизнь.

Love me tender love me true

Мне, что ты моя.

All my dreams fulfill.

Буду твой я навсегда

For my darling I love you

Вместе до конца.

Love me tender love me dear

Сбудутся у нас,

Tell me you are mine.

Счастье окружит тебя

I’ll be yours through all the years

Раз и навсегда.

Love me tender love me true

Чтоб сбылись мечты.

All my dreams fulfill.

И любимой дорогой

For my darling I love you

Вечно будешь ты.

Милая, люби** (перевод Евгений Рыбаченко из Братска)

Love me sweet,

ласку дай свою,

Never let me go.

стала жизнь моя полней,

You have made my life complete,

я тебя люблю,

Love me true,

светится мечта,

All my dreams fulfilled.

я люблю тебя душой,

For my darlin’ I love you,

это навсегда,

Love me long,

нежного тепла,

Take me to your heart.

чтоб любовь не знала край,

For it’s there that I belong,

чтобы не прошла,

Love me dear,

что предела нет,

Tell me you are mine.

что везде любовь и жизнь,

I’ll be yours through all the years,

бесконечный свет,

(When at last my dreams come true

ты пришла судьбой,

Darling this I know

это счастье не пройдёт —

Happiness will follow you

просто быть с тобой…

** Вольный перевод (или интерпретация).

Love Me Tender

Люби меня нежно (перевод Зоя из Санкт-Петербурга)

Love me tender, love me sweet, never let me go.

Люби меня нежно, люби меня сладко, не отпускай никогда,

You have made my life complete, and I love you so.

Жизнь с тобой совершенна, как же сильно я люблю тебя!

Love me tender, love me true, all my dreams fulfilled.

Люби меня нежно, честно люби, все мои мечты сбылись,

For my darlin’ I love you, and I always will.

Для тебя, дорогая, я люблю, и буду любить всю жизнь.

Love me tender, love me long, take me to your heart.

Люби меня нежно, люби меня долго, в сердце свое впусти,

For it’s there that I belong, and we’ll never part.

Ведь для него я и живу, вечность с тобой хочу провести.

Love me tender, love me dear, tell me you are mine.

Люби меня нежно, люби меня, милая, скажи, ты моя навсегда,

I’ll be yours through all the years, till the end of time.

Твоим же я буду до скончания мира, пока его не унесут моря.

(When at last my dreams come true darling this I know

Люби меня нежно, честно люби, все мои мечты сбылись,

Happiness will follow you everywhere you go).

Для тебя, дорогая, я люблю, и буду любить всю жизнь.

Love Me Tender

Будь ты нежной*** (перевод Сергей Русаков из Симферополя)

Love me tender,

Будь ты нежной

Never let me go.

Милой, доброй будь!

You have made my life complete,

Не забудь любить меня!

And I love you so.

Помнить не забудь!

Love me tender,

Если будет

All my dreams fulfilled.

Ты мне помоги!

For my darlin’ I love you,

Если в чем-то виноват,

And I always will.

Ты меня прости!

Love me tender,

Будь красивой,

Love me long,

Будь простой!

Take me to your heart.

Скромной можешь быть!

For it’s there that I belong,

Лишь бы ты была со мной,

And we’ll never part.

Чтоб тебя любить!

Love me tender,

Дай скорей

Love me dear,

Тебя обнять!

Tell me you are mine.

Защитить от вьюг!

I’ll be yours through all the years,

Ты — любимая моя,

Till the end of time.

Самый верный друг!

(When at last my dreams come true

Будь наивной, будь смешной!

Darling this I know

Грустной можешь быть!

Happiness will follow you

Лишь бы мы могли с тобой

Everywhere you go).

Долго вместе жить!

Love Me Tender

Люби нежно**** (перевод Rust из Москвы)

Love me tender,

Люби нежно,

Never let me go.

Не отпускай меня.

You have made my life complete,

Тобой полна вся жизнь моя,

And I love you so.

Я так люблю тебя.

Love me tender,

Люби нежно,

All my dreams fulfilled.

Все мечты сбылись.

For my darlin’ I love you,

Я влюблен бесхитростно

And I always will.

И буду любить.

Love me tender,

Люби нежно,

Take me to your heart.

В душе меня храни,

For it’s there that I belong,

Чтобы вместе навсегда

And we’ll never part.

Шли наши пути.

Love me tender,

Люби нежно,

Tell me you are mine.

Скажи, что ты моя.

I’ll be yours through all the years,

Буду на всю жизнь твоим,

Till the end of time.

На все свои года.

(When at last my dreams come true

(Когда сбудутся мечты,

Darling this I know

Знаю точно я:

Happiness will follow you

Счастье там, где будешь ты,

Everywhere you go).

Где б ты ни была).

**** – Поэтический (эквиритмический) перевод

«Love Me Tender» is a 1956 ballad song recorded by Elvis Presley and published by «Elvis Presley Music» from the 20th Century Fox film of the same name. Lyrics are credited to «Vera Matson» (though the actual lyricist was her husband, Ken Darby) and Elvis Presley himself. The melody is identical to the sentimental Civil War ballad «Aura Lea» and therefore credited to Aura Lea’s composer, the Englishman George R. Poulton. The RCA Victor recording by Elvis Presley was No. 1 on both the Billboard and Cashbox charts in 1956.

«Love Me Tender»
Single by Elvis Presley
from the EP Love Me Tender
B-side «Any Way You Want Me»
Released September 28, 1956
Recorded August 24, 1956, 20th Century Fox Studios, Los Angeles, California
  • Folk[1]
  • rockabilly[1]
  • pop[1]
Length 2:41
Label RCA Victor
Songwriter(s) Music: George R. Poulton
Lyrics: Ken Darby (uncredited, credited to «Elvis Presley & Vera Matson»)
  • Ernie Oelhrich
  • Thorne Norgar
Elvis Presley singles chronology
«Shake, Rattle and Roll / «Lawdy, Miss Clawdy»
«Love Me Tender» / «Any Way You Want Me»
«Too Much» / «Playing for Keeps»
«Love Me Tender»
Single by Richard Chamberlain
from the album Richard Chamberlain Sings
B-side «All I Do Is Dream of You»
Released 1962
Genre Country
Label MGM Records
  • Elvis Presley
  • Vera Matson
Richard Chamberlain singles chronology
«Theme From Dr. Kildare (Three Stars Will Shine Tonight)»
«Love Me Tender»
«All I Have to Do Is Dream» / «Hi-Lili, Hi-Lo»

The song is also featured in many other films and television shows, including FM, Touched By Love, This is Elvis, Porky’s Revenge, Wild at Heart, Die Hard 2, Honeymoon in Vegas, Backbeat, Gaudi Afternoon, Machine Gun Molly, The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement, William Eggleston in the Real World, California Dreamin’, Love in Space, Masters of Sex, Devil’s Due, Just Before I Go, 90 Minutes in Heaven, and Ready or Not.


The 1956 song «Love Me Tender» puts new words to a new musical adaptation of the Civil War song «Aura Lea,» published in 1861. «Aura Lea» had music by George R. Poulton and words by W. W. Fosdick. It later became popular with college glee clubs and barbershop quartets. It was also sung at the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York.

The principal writer of the lyrics was Ken Darby, who also adapted Poulton’s Civil War tune, which was in the public domain. The song was published by Elvis Presley Music.[2] and credited to Presley and Darby’s wife Vera Matson. Presley received co-songwriting credit due to his Hill & Range publishing deal which demanded songwriters concede 50 percent of the credit of their song if they wanted Presley to record it; Presley had songwriting input on only a very small number of the many songs he recorded.[3] Darby was often asked about his decision to credit the song to his wife along with Presley, and his standard response was an acid, «because she didn’t write it either».[4]

As with nearly all his early RCA recordings, Presley took control in the studio despite not being credited as producer. He would regularly change arrangements and lyrics to the point that the original song was barely recognizable.[citation needed] Ken Darby described Elvis Presley’s role in the creation of the song:

He adjusted the music and the lyrics to his own particular presentation. Elvis has the most terrific ear of anyone I have ever met. He does not read music, but he does not need to. All I had to do was play the song for him once, and he made it his own! He has perfect judgment of what is right for him. He exercised that judgment when he chose ‘Love Me Tender’ as his theme song.[5]

Elvis Presley performed «Love Me Tender» on The Ed Sullivan Show on September 9, 1956, shortly before the single’s release and about a month before the movie, Love Me Tender, was released (for which the reworded song had been written). After that, RCA received more than a million advance orders, making it a gold record before it was even released. The studio, 20th Century Fox, originally wanted to call the movie The Reno Brothers, but instead re-titled it Love Me Tender to capitalize on the song’s popularity.

Movie producer David Weisbart would not allow Presley’s regular band (Scotty Moore, Bill Black, and D. J. Fontana) to play on the soundtrack.[citation needed] Instead, The Ken Darby Trio provided the musical backing with Red Robinson on drums, Charles Prescott on bass, Vita Mumolo on guitar, and Jon Dodson on background vocals, with Presley providing only lead vocals.[citation needed]

Elvis Presley recordingEdit

Ken Darby and Elvis Presley in the studio.

The single debuted at #2 on the «Best Sellers in Stores» pop singles chart, the first time a single made its first appearance at the #2 position.[6]

The song hit #1 on the Billboard charts the week ending November 3, 1956, remaining in the position for 5 weeks and reached no. 11 on the charts in the UK. «Love Me Tender» also reached number three for three weeks on the R&B chart.[7]

This version was ranked #437 on Rolling Stone‘s list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.

In 1968, Presley recorded a 52-second track entitled «Violet (Flower of N.Y.U.)» for the soundtrack of the film The Trouble with Girls. Unreleased until after Presley’s death, the song was Presley’s second adaptation of «Aura Lee».

Although Presley never re-recorded «Love Me Tender» in a studio setting, two live recordings of the song were released on the albums: NBC-TV Special and Elvis: As Recorded at Madison Square Garden, with additional performances from concert and television appearances being released after Presley’s death. The song was also performed in the Golden Globe-winning concert film Elvis on Tour (1972). As seen in that film, and in other filmed and recorded accounts, Presley generally performed only a portion of the song’s lyrics live, instead usually using the song as a device to interact with (usually) female members of the audience.

«Love Me Tender» was also included in the four song extended play (EP) album Love Me Tender of the songs from the film. The reprise of the song was not included on the EP.


  • Love Me Tender — 2:41 — Recorded Aug 24, 1956
  • Love Me Tender (End title version) — 1:08 — Recorded Oct 01, 1956
  • Love Me Tender (Stereo version) — 2:42 — Recorded Aug 24, 1956

The 1997 compact disc reissue with bonus tracks of the Jailhouse Rock EP contains these three versions.

Other recordingsEdit

  • Richard Chamberlain reached no. 21 on the Billboard Pop singles chart with his version when it was released as a single in 1962 on MGM, no. 15 in the UK, and no. 31 in Canada.[8]
  • Percy Sledge had a Top 40 hit with a cover version in 1967, going to no. 40 on the US Billboard Pop chart, no. 35 on the R&B chart, and no. 35 on the Canadian chart.
  • B.B. King recorded the song on his 1982 MCA album Love Me Tender.
  • Albert King on his 1970 album King, Does the King’s Things.
  • Nat King Cole performed it on his 1950s TV show.
  • Brian Hyland on his 1961 album Let Me Belong to You.
  • Cliff Richard performed it on TV as part of the Danish 2000 Contest and recorded it on his Wanted album.
  • Chuck Jackson on his 1966 Wand album Dedicated to the King!!
  • Johnny Hallyday recorded a French version of it in 1967, titled «Amour d’été».[9]
  • Julie Andrews and Johnny Cash recorded the song in 1982.[10]
  • Connie Francis recorded the song for the 1961 movie-song album Connie Francis sings «Never on Sunday»; she also recorded the original Aura Lee for the album Connie Francis sings Folk Song Favorites of the same year.
  • Della Reese recorded the song in 1983 for the album Sure Like Lovin’ You.
  • Johnny Nash on the 1970 album Folk Soul and as a 1969 45 A side single on Major Minor.
  • Marty Robbins in 1970.
  • The Lawrence Welk Show, twice in 1957, with Lawrence Welk playing organ and with The Lennon Sisters on vocals.
  • Bert Kaempfert on the 1973 LP album Fabulous Fifties, MCA-3.
  • Nana Mouskouri on her 1986 album Why Worry.
  • Muslim Magomaev recorded it in 2007.
  • Ricky Nelson performed the song on an episode of the TV series The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet.
  • The Platters released the song in 1965 as a Mercury Records 45 single.
  • Gene Summers included the song on his 2008 album Reminisce Cafe.
  • B.J. Thomas released the song in 1980 on the compilation album Best of B.J. Thomas.
  • Freddy Fender recorded the song on the LP Love Me Tender, Crazy Cajun 1011.
  • Barry Manilow in 2010 on the album The Greatest Love Songs of All-Time.
  • Linda Ronstadt recorded the song in 1978 on the Living in the USA album.
  • Engelbert Humperdinck released the song in 2000 on his #1 Love Songs of All-Time album.
  • Norah Jones and Adam Levy recorded a version of it for The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (soundtrack)[11]
  • James Brown released his version as an A side single in 1978, b/w «Have A Happy Day», Polydor 14460, and as a B side b/w «The Spank» as Polydor 14487, as a tribute.
  • Tony Bennett recorded a version on the 1994 Mercury album It’s Now or Never: The Tribute to Elvis Presley.
  • Frank Sinatra performed the song in 1960 as a duet with Elvis Presley for a television special (in a medley with Presley singing Sinatra’s hit, «Witchcraft»), and later recorded it for his Trilogy collection in 1980.
  • Guitarist Duane Eddy recorded the song in 1962.
  • Willie Nelson recorded the song in 1985, for the Porky’s Revenge soundtrack.
  • Johnny Mathis recorded the song in 2010 on his Let It Be Me album.
  • Cerys Matthews performed the song for BBC Radio 2, the cover was released in 2010 as part of the album Dermot O’Leary Presents The Saturday Sessions.
  • Pat Boone released the song in 1963 on his album Pat Boone Sings Guess Who?
  • Thalía recorded the song in 2010 on the album «Viva Elvis».
  • Mick Ronson covered the song on his 1974 album Slaughter on 10th Avenue.
  • Vytautas Juozapaitis, a soloist of Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre, recorded a Lithuanian version entitled «Mylek Mane Svelniai» on his debut album Negaliu Nemyleti (Can’t Help Falling In Love) released in 2004.
  • Annette Peacock covered the song on her 1972 album I’m the One.
  • Scatman John covered the song before his death in December 1999 in his greatest hits compilation, The Best of Scatman John, which was released on October 7, 2002 (Japan only).
  • Deana Martin recorded “Love Me Tender” in 2009. The song was released on her album, Volare.
  • Katie Waissel recorded a version, which has been leaked to the internet.
  • Mina recorded and released the song on her album 12 (American Song Book) in 2012. (A previous and different version was recorded and released on her 1991 album Caterpillar.)
  • Jim Morrison recorded a version in his «Rock is Dead» sessions.
  • Andrea Bocelli recorded the song on his 2013 album Passione.
  • Petula Clark recorded the song on her 2013 album Lost In You.
  • Barbra Streisand recorded the song as a duet with Presley, for her 2014 album Partners. Due to Presley’s death in 1977, Streisand had to sample the original 1956 Presley recording for the album. Coincidentally, Presley’s label RCA Records became a sister label to Streisand’s Columbia Records, first in 2004 when BMG merged with Sony Music, and again in 2008 when Sony officially absorbed BMG.[12] Both recordings are now in the Sony Archives.
  • Jessica Simpson’s version appeared in the Lilo & Stitch: Island Favorites compilation album.
  • Nicolas Cage performed a version for the film over the credits of Wild at Heart, as his character Sailor is a big Elvis fan.
  • Amy Grant recorded the song for the 1992 film Honeymoon in Vegas and its soundtrack album and can also be heard during General Hospital.
  • Demis Roussos covered the song on his 1984 album Reflections.[13] His cover was also released as a single (in the same year).[14]




  1. ^ a b c Douglas Brode; Shea T. Brode; Cynthia J. Miller (5 October 2017). The American Civil War on Film and TV: Blue and Gray in Black and White and Color. Lexington Books. p. 221. ISBN 978-1-4985-6689-6.
  2. ^ Roger Lee Hall, Free As The Breeze: Confestions of a Struggling Songwriter, PineTree Press, 2007, p.98.
  3. ^ According to Peter Guralnick, Presley never wrote any of his own songs (Peter Guralnick, Last Train to Memphis: The Rise of Elvis Presley, Little, Brown & Company, 1995), though he did co-write «You’ll Be Gone» and «That’s Someone You Never Forget».
  4. ^ Miller, Stephen (2013). The Million Dollar Quartet. Omnibus Press. ISBN 9780857128560. Retrieved December 19, 2017.
  5. ^ MANUEL (2014-08-07). «BLOGINROLL: Love Me Tender 1». Bloginroll.blogspot.com. Retrieved 2016-07-27.
  6. ^ «Billboard: 20 Oct 1956». Nielsen Business Media, Inc. 1956-10-20. Retrieved 2013-02-20.
  7. ^ a b Whitburn, Joel (2004). Top R&B/Hip-Hop Singles: 1942-2004. Record Research. p. 467.
  8. ^ «Song title 938 — Love Me Tender». Tsort.info. Retrieved 2016-07-27.
  9. ^ [1][dead link]
  10. ^ «Original versions of Love Me Tender by Julie Andrews & Johnny Cash». SecondHandSongs.com. Retrieved 2016-07-27.
  11. ^ «The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement». Billboard. Retrieved 2016-07-27.
  12. ^ Nakashima, Ryan (October 14, 2008). «Sony BMG split-up gives Sony more options». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2009-07-31.
  13. ^ «Demis Roussos — Reflection». Spanishcharts.com. Retrieved 2017-10-29.
  14. ^ «Demis Roussos — Love Me Tender». Spanishcharts.com. Retrieved 2017-10-29.
  15. ^ «love me tender | full Official Chart History | Official Charts Company». Officialcharts.com. Retrieved April 25, 2021.
  16. ^ «Cash Box Top Singles 11/24/56». Cashboxmagazine.com. Retrieved April 25, 2021.
  17. ^ «Cash Box YE Pop Singles — 1956». Tropicalglen.com. Retrieved April 25, 2021.
  18. ^ «British single certifications – Elvis Presley – Love Me Tender». British Phonographic Industry. Retrieved August 13, 2021.
  19. ^ «American single certifications – Elvis Presley – Love Me Tender/Any Way You Want Me». Recording Industry Association of America. Retrieved August 13, 2021.

External linksEdit

  • Love Me Tender recording sessions, Hollywood, 1956, part 1.
  • Love Me Tender recording sessions, Hollywood, 1956, part 2.
  • Love Me Tender / Anyway You Want Me Guide part of The Elvis Presley Record Research Database
  • The Truth Behind Love Me Tender

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29 переводов

Love me tender,

love me sweet,

never let me go.

You have made my life complete,

and I love you so.

Love me tender,

love me true,

all my dreams fulfill.

For my darlin’ I love you,

and I always will.

Love me tender,

love me long,

take me to your heart.

For it’s there that I belong,

and we’ll never part.

Love me tender,

love me true,

all my dreams fulfill.

For my darlin’ I love you,

and I always will.

Love me tender,

love me dear,

tell me you are mine.

I’ll be yours through all the years,

till the end of time.

Love me tender,

love me true,

all my dreams fulfill.

For my darlin’ I love you,

and I always will.

(When at last my dreams come true

Darling this I know

Happiness will follow you

Everywhere you go).

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