Word to describe walking

Adjectives are words that modify other words, usually to describe a particular quality of the word they are modifying. Adjectives can be used to describe the way someone moves, and in this article, we will be looking at some of the most common adjectives used to describe walking and running.

We will also be looking at how these adjectives can be used in different situations. So whether you are a walker or a runner, we hope you find this article helpful!

Adjectives For Walking And Running


  • Adjectives For Walking And Running
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • D
    • E
    • F
    • G
    • H
    • I
    • J | K
    • L
    • M
    • N
    • O
    • P
    • Q | R
    • S
    • T
    • U
    • V
    • W | Y

Adjectives are words that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence. Adjectives for walking can be used to describe how the person is feeling while they are walking. For example, they may feel “energetic,” “powerful,” or “graceful.” Adjectives for running can be used to describe the speed at which the person is running.

Adjectives For Walking And Running

For example, they may be “fast,” “speedy,” or “quick.” Adjectives can also be used to describe the terrain on which the person is walking or running. For example, if they are walking on a “rough” surface, they may feel “uneven,” while if they are running on a “smooth” surface, they may feel “fluid.” Adjectives can also be used to describe the weather conditions under which the person is walking or running. For example, if it is “sunny” out, they may feel “warm,” while if it is “rainy” out, they may feel “cool.” Adjectives can also be used to describe the environment in which the person is walking or running.


Absolute Absurd Abysmal
Acclaimed Accustomed Active
Adjacent Adventurous Agitated
Agreeable Amazing Amble
Amusing Analytical Ancient
Angry Annotated Annual
Anticipated Arab Arched
Asphalted Associated Astonishing
Ataxic Average Awkward


Backward Balanced Barren
Beard Beautiful Belgian
Beloved Best Black
Blindfold Blue Bordered
Botanical Boundary Bounteous
Brave Brief Bright
Brilliant Brisk Broad
Buoyant Busy


Adjectives that start with the letter C to describe walking and running include: Catlike, Contemplative, Careful, Civilized, Coarse, Comfortable, Compulsory, Constant, and Continuous. These are just a few of the descriptive words that can be used to capture the feeling of these two activities. Walking and running are both forms of exercise that offer many benefits to our physical and mental health.

They can help to improve our cardiovascular fitness, increase our strength and endurance, and provide us with a sense of peace and wellbeing. When we take the time to connect with nature through these activities, we can appreciate the simple joy of movement and the beauty of our surroundings. Adjectives that start with the letter C can help us to capture this feeling and convey it to others.

Caddagat Canadian Careless
Casual Central Ceremonial
Certain Characteristic Charming
Christian Circling Circuitous
Circular Civic Civilized
Classic Clean Clear
Clever Clipped Cloistered
Cloistral Close Closed
Closer Coachman Coarse
Coastal Cobbled Cold
Colonnaded Comfortable Commercial
Common Communist Compact
Companionless Comparable Compete
Complete Comprehensive Compulsory
Concrete Confidential Conscious
Consecrated Consecutive Conservative
Considerable Consistent Constant
Constitutional Constrained Contemplative
Conterminous Continual Continuous
Contrary Contrastthe Convenient
Conventional Cool Country
Couple Coursefor Covered
Creative Creditable Criminal
Crooked Cross Crowded
Crude Curious Customary


Daily Damp Dandy
Dangerous Daring Dark
Dat Day Dead
Dear Decent Decisive
Deepest Defended Defensive
Delicious Delightful Democrat
Democratic Desperate Desultory
Devious Didst Diffusive
Dignified Dilate Dilatory
Dilsey Dioclesian Direct
Disabled Disappointing Disastrous
Discernible Dismal Distanced
Distant Distinguishable Dogged
Domestic Dominant Double
Dramatic Dreadful Dreamy
Dreary Dry Dummy
Dusky Dynamic


Eager Early Easier
Easterly Easy Efficient
Eighth Elegant Elementary
Embowered Emulous Enchanted
Endless English Enjoyable
Entertaining Entire Entrant
Epic Esque Essential
Euphoric Evening Everyday
Evil Excellent Exclusive
Experimental Exploratory Extended
Extensive External Extra


Fair Familiar Famous
Fancy Fantastic Fashionable
Fashioned Fast Fatal
Favorite Favourable Favourite
Feeble Female Fictional
Fierce Fifth Final
Fine Fineit Flagged
Flarewhere Flowing Foolish
Formal Fourth Fragrant
Free French Frequent
Fresh Friendly Frigid
Frustrating Funereal Funny


Gabble Gay General
Generous Gentle Girlish
Gloomy Glorified Glorious
Golden Grabble Graceful
Grand Grassy Graveled
Gravelled Green Group


Half Handsome Happy
Hard Hardy Hasty
Haughty Haunted Hazardous
Headlong Healthy Heavy
Heedless Hidden Hierarchical
Higher Hill Historic
Hit Homeward Hoof
Hot Hourly Huge
Humble Humongous Hurried


Iconic Ideal Ill
Imaginary Immense Immigrant
Immortal Impotent Impressive
Impromptu Impulsive Inaugural
Incisive Incredible Independent
Indian Individual Inevitable
Inferior Infernal Infirm
Informal Initial Innumerable
Insane Inside Interesting
Intermediate Interminable International
Interpretive Interrupted Intolerable
Intoxicated Involuntary Irregular

J | K

Japanese Jaunty Jerky
Joint Joyous Keen


Lame Large Lark
Lazy Leaded Leafy
Left Legitimate Leisurely
Lemur Lengthy Lethargic
Libertarian Light Lighted
Literal Lively Locomotive
Lonely Long Longish
Longitudinal Lovely Lowly
Adjectives For Walking And Running


Mad Magical Magnificent
Majestic Male Manifolda
Marathon Marvellous Massive
Matutinal Mayoral Mediocre
Melancholy Melismatic Mellow
Memorable Mere Middle
Military Minimum Minor
Miraculous Mobile Moderate
Modest Monitored Monthly
Morning Muddy Multiple
Musical Muslim


Naked Narrow Native
Natural Near Nearby
Nearer Neat Neededfive
Negative Nervous New
Nice Nigger Nigh
Nightly Nighttime Noble
Nocturnal Nonstop Normal
Northward Nullah Numerous


Obscure Obsequious Obtrusive
Occasional Offten Ofwilt
Ole Online Open
Opposite Opulent Ordinary
Original Outdoor Outside
Outstanding Overall Overnight


Adjectives for walking and running can include many different words. For example, “powerful” may be used to describe someone who is a fast runner, or “precise” may be used to describe someone who has excellent control over their movements while running.

Other adjectives that could be used include “purposeful,” “Phenomenal,” and “Pleasant.” Adjectives can also be used to describe the experience of running or walking, such as “peaceful,” “pretty,” or ” private.” Ultimately, the best adjective to use will depend on the context and the specific goal you are trying to communicate.

Painful Painstaking Parallel
Parliamentary Past Paved
Paven Peaceful Pebbled
Peculiar Penchant Perfunctory
Perilous Perpendicular Phenomenal
Philosopher Phratty Piled
Playful Pleasant Pleasing
Poor Popular Positive
Potential Pre Precipitous
Preliminary Prescribed Present
Presidential Pretty Previous
Primary Principal Private
Pro Prodigious Productive
Prolonged Prominent Proper
Prospective Prosperous Proud
Public Purple

Q | R

Quasi Queer Quick
Quiet Rainy Ramble
Random Rapid Rapturous
Real Recent Recreative
Red Redbrick Redundant
Refrain Refreshing Regular
Relaxed Relaxing Remarkable
Remote Repetitive Republican
Respectable Restless Restless Walk
Retired Reverential Reverse
Ridiculous Ringing Risky
Ritual Rival Robed
Rolling Romantic Rotten
Rough Routine Rugged
Ruinous Rural


Adjectives for walking and running can be divided into two main categories: those that describe the action itself, and those that describe the person doing the action. Some common adjectives used to describe the act of walking or running include: strenuous, secret, separate, shocking.

Meanwhile, some adjectives used to describe the person doing the action include: Sick, significant, silent, solid. No matter what type of adjective you are looking for, there is sure to be one that fits your needs. Adjectives for walking and running can add interest and variety to any description.

Adjectives For Walking And Running

Sacred Safe Satisfactory
Scandalous Scientific Scottish
Seamless Secluded Secret
Select Senior Sensational
Sentimental Separate Separateness
Serpentine Seventh Sexy
Shaded Shadowy Shady
Shallow Sharp Sheltered
Shocking Short Sick
Significant Silent Silly
Simplest Single Sixth
Skeptic Skillful Skittish
Slope Slow Slushy
Smart Smooth Smoother
Soft Solar Sole
Solemn Solid Solitary
Solo Southern Southward
Spacious Spanish Sparkling
Special Speedrun Speedy
Splendid Sportive Spotlit
Square Staggering Stahted
Stately Stateside Steadfast
Steady Stealthy Steep
Steepest Stellar Stern
Stiff Stingy Stop
Straddling Straight Straightforward
Strange Striking Studious
Subjunctive Subsequent Successful
Sudden Sunlit Sunny
Superior Supernatural Supreme
Surprising Sweet Swift


Tactical Tedious Tense
Terraced Terrible Terrific
Tête Theatrical Thee
Thick Thy Tidal
Tieing Timed Tired
Tiresome Tiring Toilsome
Tolerable Tough Traceable
Traditional Train Tremendous
Trim Triple Trot
Tying Typical


Umbrageous Unbeaten Unblemished
Unbroken Uncertain Unchristian
Uncomfortable Uncommon Unconquerable
Uncovered Uncrowded Undefeated
Underground Undrlying Unearned
Uneventful Unfrequented Ungainly
Uniform Unimaginable Uninterrupted
Universal Unknown Unlimited
Unmolested Unparalleled Unpaved
Unprecedented Unstoppable Unsuccessful
Unusual Uphill Upper
Useful Usual


Vague Valuable Varied
Venerable Verdant Vigorous
Violent Virtual Visceral
Vivid Vocabulary Vulcan

W | Y

Walled Warm Watchful
Weak Weary Weekly
Weird Welcome Western
Wet Wide Widest
Wild Winding Wonderful
Wondrous Wonted Wooden
Woodland Wretched Yearly

Final verdict

Adjectives are often used to describe the act of walking or running. However, there are many different words that can be used to describe these activities. For example, “brisk” and “energetic” are two common adjectives used to describe walking.

Similarly, “fast” and “speedy” are often used to describe running. Ultimately, the choice of adjective will depend on the context in which the word is being used. With so many options available, it is easy to find an adjective that accurately describes the desired tone or feeling. Adjectives can be a great way to add detail and depth to a description of walking or running.

Learn 10 different words for walking in English. Ducks waddle when they walk. Some babies crawl before they walk.

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10 Different Words for WALKING in English

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It was such a lovely day today that I went for a walk with both dogs, own dog and my neighbours’ dog that I am looking after for a few days. We did not go too far or too quickly as both dogs are a little old. 

There are several different words for WALKING in English, we can use them to describe different types of walking.

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Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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to shuffle

Meaning: to move your feet in very short movements without lifting them properly


Extremely heavy weights around his ankles made it difficult to walk as he shuffled his feet along the corridor.

to stagger

Meaning: to not walk in a straight line; to put one foot in front of the other and then wobble to the side


The drunk staggered along the road trying to find his way home.

to limp

Meaning: to not put your weight on one leg; to drag that foot a little bit and move very very slowly


He fell off his bike on the way to the supermarket and had to limp home.

10 Different Words for WALKING in English

to waddle

Meaning: to walk like a duck; with shorts steps swaying from side to side


Tom’s uncle was very overweight, he waddled rather than walked.

to meander

Meaning: This really means to walk without any clear objective.


We meandered aimlessly for hours in the warm summer sun.

to stroll

Meaning: Usually when there is no definite plan or direction to the walk.


I strolled along the river bank without a care in the world.

to hike

Meaning: A much more energetic walk usually in the countryside, in the hills or low mountains.


I went on a hiking holiday last year in the lower Alps it was very tiring but extremely enjoyable.

to power walk

Meaning: You really have to walk quickly and firmly to maximise the benefits. The arms swing in sequence with your legs. It is recommended as a way to lose some extra kgs!


The guys in the village go for a power walk twice a week for 1 hour.

10 Different Words for WALKING in English

to wander

Meaning: Similar to meander, we use it to describe a stroll, meander or just drift around.


I wandered around the shop and spotted a few potential Christmas gifts.

There is a famous poem written by famous English poet William Wordsworth “I wandered lonely as a cloud…”

to ramble

Meaning: I like this word as it describes not only how we might walk but sometimes how we talk!


I was rambling in the forest looking for mushrooms but did not find any.

Some more informal words to also describe walking casually include: to knock around, roam and mooch around.

Now if you would like to invite your English speaking friends to your walk you can say “Let’s go for a stroll after lunch.” They will be really impressed!

Other Words for WALK in English

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«Going for a little walk, sir?« asked Handy Solomon sweetly.

It was during a solitary walk on the banks of the Cam that I was first struck with this appearance, and applied it to my own feelings in the manner here expressed, changing the scene to the Thames, near Windsor.

«A pleasant walk, a pleasant talk, Along the briny beach: We cannot do with more than four, To give a hand to each.

Fifteen minutes brisk walk brought them to Hinton Avenue.

She soon made an open profession of religion by becoming a member of the Congregational Church at Bradford; and her friends could see the reality of her conversion by her consistent daily walk.

Each had his large, whitecolumned, foursided house among the magnolias, his huge liveoak overshadowing either corner of the darkly shaded garden, his broad, brick walk leading down to the tall, brickpillared gate, his square of bright, red pavement on the turfcovered sidewalk, and his railed platform spanning the drainingditch, with a pair of green benches, one on each edge, facing each other crosswise of the gutter.

But still it was a delightful walk, and I was sorry when at last we arrived at the entrance to Nevill‘s Court, and Miss Bellingham halted and held out her hand.

A few minutes slow walk brought us to the spot, where some twenty of the hardier sort of operatives were at work in a damp clay cutting.

Each passing hour sheds tribute from her wings; And still new beauties meet his lonely walk, And loves unfelt attract him.

Between this little king and queen of sprites there happened, at this time, a sad disagreement: they never met by moonlight in the shady walks of this pleasant wood, but they were quarrelling, till all their fairy elves would creep into acorncups and hide themselves for fear.

When Rolfe arrived at Hampstead he set out at a rapid walk for Riversbrook.

This spot was my favourite walk in the evenings during the latter part of my schooltime.

And amid all these delights they went on and on, but without wearying, till they came out of the streets into lovely walks and alleys, and made their way to the banks of a great river, which seemed to sing, too, a soft melody of its own.

«The young people are making a merry night of it,« he said, keeping a hand in each coatpocket, while he unceremoniously occupied the centre of the narrow walk, as if determined to compel a parley.

«What‘s up?« «Hallam and I are going for a brief walk.

Such a pretty walk it was, too!

It is a charming walk, mostly over the fields.

The chief enjoyment of my several visits to Leamington lay in rural walks about the neighborhood, and in jaunts to places of note and interest, which are particularly abundant in that region.

One Sunday morning as Rawdon Crawley, his little son, and the pony were taking their accustomed walk, they passed an old acquaintance of the Colonel‘s, Corporal Clink, who was in conversation with an old gentleman, who held a boy in his arms about the age of little Rawdon.

The gardens of Count Marcolini afford also a pleasant promenade; but by far the most agreeable walk, in my opinion, is on the Zwinger, a sort of terrace on the left bank of the Elbe in the old town, adjoining the palace and gardens of Count Bruhl.

One evening, as she was taking her favorite walk about the village, having wandered farther than she intended, she found herself in the wood above the town, near the old building, which Captain John Smith had called the glasshouse.

It is time to interpose an impasse to the further spread of this misapprehension of the nature and consequences of human acts, and to demonstrate the possibility, in humble walks of life, of virtues worth cultivating, and to erect models out of those who, while they may be derelict in their ethical duties, are still worthy of being imitated in other respects.

She dropped her hurried walk and frankly took to her heels, Joe doing the same; but as she was nearly as fleet of foot as Muckluck, in spite of her fat, she still kept a lessening distance between herself and her pursuer.

It had a very high wall around it, all of metal, and an archway, and a straight walk into it, just like what ud be leading into a gentleman‘s orchard, but the edges were not trimmed with box, but with redhot metal.

« Jack sprang up, seized his cap, and raced down the front steps, across the street, through the gate, and up the gravelled walk, where the little stones were all hard and fast in the frost.

Walking is typically slower than running and other gaits. It is one of the main gaits of terrestrial locomotion among legged animals.

Walking is an activity for both young and old. It keeps you in the peak of health and helps you recover from illness or injury. It also boosts your spirits and your heart rate.

Following are common adjectives for describing various types of walking:

beautiful group pleasant solitary
broad higher pretty stiff
brief hill principal straight
brisk humble private swift
charming hurried public terraced
couple individual quiet single
daily joyous rapid slope
delightful long regular slow
early lovely restless walk new
easier male shady nice
evening morning sharp favorite
fast narrow short gentle

Adjective Words to Describe Running

Following are common adjectives for describing various styles of running:

best fine quick strange
casual free recent successful
common fresh sharp sudden
compete general short train
complete half slow tremendous
country hard smooth uncommon
dead long special unusual
eager mad speedy usual
fair ordinary stop vigorous
fast pleasant straight wonderful

Last Updated: February 6, 2022 | Author: lewisbloom

amble: walk at a slow, leisurely pace. They ambled along for miles. saunter: stroll. … mooch: wander, walk slowly without any purpose.

How do you write a walking scene?

Originally Answered: How do I write ‘walking’ scenes in a story? Describe the setting where the character is walking, lots of the five senses (what the ground sounds like under their feet, is there wind, where are they walking). , I write short fiction, flash, and creative nonfiction.

What are words to describe walk?


  • stroll, saunter, amble, wend one’s way, trudge, plod, hike, tramp, trek, march, stride, troop, patrol, step out, wander, ramble, tread, prowl, footslog, promenade, roam, traipse.
  • stretch one’s legs, go for a walk, take the air.
  • advance, proceed, move, go, make one’s way.

What can I say instead of walking?

  • amble,
  • mosey,
  • perambulate,
  • ramble,
  • saunter,
  • stroll,
  • wander.

How would you describe walking down the street?

walking down the street means you have to walk on a street, regardless if it is up or down. Ex: I’m gonna walk down the street to get some milk, do you want anything? I’ve never heard walk up the street.

Why do writers walk?

Thinking on Your Feet

In the study, participants ambled along at their own natural pace. When you’re hoping to spark your creativity, that may be the best approach. Other research suggests that the ease of such walking may free up more of the brain’s attentional resources for cognitive processes.

How do you describe nervous walking?

iJimmy said: traipse-walk or move wearily or reluctantly. That’s a seriously nice word.

What is a happy walk called?

Prance: walk joyfully, as if dancing or skipping. Promenade: see parade.

How do you explain walking to a toddler?

Kids who are learning to walk are called “toddlers” because that’s exactly what they do — they toddle, keeping their legs wide apart and seeming to hesitate between each step, jerking from side to side as they move one foot forward, then the next.

How do you describe walking down stairs?

The asked question is: “What is the movement word that describes going down the stairs?” The word is “descend.: For example, “to descend the stairs” means to walk (or otherwise move) down the stairs. One can descend a hill, too, or a rope, or a ladder. the word for the opposite (upward) movement is “ascend.”

How would you describe a walk in the park?

something that is very easy to do, and usually pleasant: He’s used to hard physical work – this is a walk in the park to him.

How do you properly walk?

Tips for walking properly

  1. Keep your head up. When you’re walking, focus on standing tall with your chin parallel to the ground and your ears aligned above your shoulders. …
  2. Lengthen your back. …
  3. Keep your shoulders down and back. …
  4. Engage your core. …
  5. Swing your arms. …
  6. Step from heel to toe.

How do you walk with a walker?

When should my child start walking?

From a very young age, your baby strengthens their muscles, slowly preparing to take their first steps. Usually between 6 and 13 months, your baby will crawl. Between 9 and 12 months, they’ll pull themselves up. And between 8 and 18 months, they’ll walk for the first time.

How do you know when your baby is going to walk?

walking while holding on to furniture. may be taking a few independent steps.

  • Pulling up to stand. Pulling up on furniture to stand is one of the first signs of walking readiness. …
  • Becoming a daring adventurer. …
  • Cruising around. …
  • Crying, whining, and changing sleep patterns. …
  • Walking with assistance. …
  • Standing on their own.

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