Word to describe living room

You might have to describe a room in English.

The most likely situation for doing this would be in the speaking part of the IELTS test. But it could also be in any other speaking or writing test too.

But it is also just a great exercise for you to improve your general English. Being able to describe anything in English shows you have a good command of the English language.

But where to begin?

How to do it? Where to start?

I am here to show you how.

So let’s get started.

The Basics

When describing anything — could be an object, a person, a building or a city — you should always start with the basic components.

In the case of describing a room that means you should think of the following questions:

What kind of room is it?

What size is it?

What shape is it?

Let’s go through the questions one by one.

What Kind of Room

In a normal house we have:

Living room




There could also be:

Dining room





Garden shed

For the sake of simplicity, we will use living room as our example.

What Size

The mistake that many students make when talking about the size of something is that they often try to be very precise. They might say something like: It is 6 metres long and 3 and a half metres wide, so that is 21 square metres in size.

You don’t need exact details on the size of the room

You don’t need to talk like this. Not unless your job requires that you are exact. But most people have no idea how big the rooms are in their home.

So you can use words to describe the size. Like this:

My living room is pretty big

The living room is huge

My living room is about normal size

It is tiny!

It’s a bit small

It’s kind of big/small

Now does this say anything about the size of the room? Not really.

These terms are relative to the person speaking. So if you say My living room is really small. I might think it is small but if I saw it, I might think it’s average size.

It doesn’t matter.

If you use size words — big, huge, tiny, small — the examiner listening to you has a mental picture of how big the room is. It is enough for him to have an idea of what you are talking about.

What Shape

Rooms generally come in two shapes:



So you can say:

The living room is a rectangle shape     

It is shaped like a square

Put It All Together

So if you combine all three of these elements — what kind of room, what size and what shape — you could have something like this:

The room I want to talk about is the living room. It’s pretty big, maybe the biggest room in the whole house. It’s shaped like a rectangle.

I would like to talk about the living room in my home. It’s like a normal-sized room I suppose and it’s rectangular in shape.

Our living room is kind of small. It’s a rectangle shape just like most rooms in people’s houses.

So that is the basics — what kind of room it is, the size and the shape.

When you say something like this, you are providing a good introduction to the room you are going to talk about.

Then you can go into more detail.

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The Details

When we talk about the details of a room, it means we talk about the following:

The Decor

The Colour Scheme

The Furniture

The Window and the View

The Decor

Most living room decorations are designed to make the family feel comfortable and at ease in their own home.

You could describe the decor as being:










And that could be enough.

The examiner is not expecting you to describe all the features of the decor in the living room. There may be certain elements or features in your living room that stand out.

Maybe your living room has modern decor

So you may have a large painting on the wall — if so, then you can describe the painting and say who bought the painting.

For example:

We have a painting of two dogs on the wall of our living room. The dogs walking in a field somewhere and it looks like an old painting but it is not.

My mum bought it in a local shop because she liked the look of it and wanted to have a painting on the wall to make it look less boring.

Or maybe you have a piano in the room:

My mum and dad bought a piano years ago because they wanted me to learn when I was a child. But I was never any good at playing the piano so it just sits there.

It’s more for decoration now.

Are you talking about the painting, the piano or the living room?

You are talking about the living room. The painting and the piano are part of the living room and the little stories you tell about these things are all part of your talk.

The Colour Scheme

In this part, you just talk about the main colour of the room.

Most living rooms are white so just say that.

The living room is white.

There may be other colour elements in the living room but you need to say the main, most important colour first.

What colour is the living room?

Don’t say something like My living room is white, red, green, purple and black.

Your living room may have other colour elements but you need to describe those elements. Don’t just reel off a list of colours!

So you could say:

The living room is white but the window frames are dark red.

Our living room is white but one wall is painted light green.

The Furniture

This is where you can go into more detail.

Let’s look at the main furniture items in people’s living rooms.



Coffee table/tea table

Floor lamp


TV stand/TV




These cover the main kinds of furniture that people have.

And this is how you can talk about these things:

We have a big sofa in the living room. It’s dark blue and made of some kind of soft fabric — I’m not sure what it is. But it is very comfortable. Sometimes I like to lie on the sofa and listen to music or read a book.

The sofa in my living room is made of leather and it’s white. My mother always worries about it being clean enough. We sit on it when we want to watch the TV.

And again, if you talk about the things you like to do on the sofa — watching TV, reading a book — this is still part of your talk about the living room.

I like to lie on the sofa and relax

You can say similar things about an armchair:

My dad likes to sit in the armchair. He watches the news on TV then falls asleep.

Sometimes our cat jumps on to the armchair. My mum gets very angry about this.

Then you can talk about things like the coffee table and floor lamp.

We have a coffee table in the living room. It’s between the sofa and the TV. We out drinks on it and snacks we are eating. We also keep the TV remote on it. It’s a wooden table but has a glass top so it is easy to keep clean.

The floor lamp is next to the sofa. The light is softer than the ceiling light so it is more comfortable in the evening.

Then curtains:

The curtains are light grey. We keep them open during the day and close them at night. We close them and we have more privacy in the evening.

TV Stand/TV:

We have a big flat-screen TV in the living room. It is on top of a large TV stand. We can put other things on the stand too.

My mum has a little figure of a horse on the stand.


There is a rug on the floor. It’s dark red and made of wool. It’s very comfortable under your feet in the evening.

My dad always complains if we put our shoes on it because it makes it dirty.


There is a bookshelf in the corner of the living room. It is full of books but mostly my mum and dad’s books. I keep my books in my own room.

But it makes the living room look nice. It’s nice to see shelves filled full of books. It makes the room seem warmer.


On the wall, we have a large mirror. My mum bought it in an antique shop. I think it was quite expensive.

It makes the room seem bigger because of the reflection.

My mum always uses it to check her hair before she goes outside.

These are just some simple ideas of things you can say about furniture in the living room.

You can say what each item is made of and the colour but you can also add little stories too. The examiner will always like to hear stories in the IELTS test.

Window and View

Lastly, you can talk about the window and the view outside.

What view do you have from the room?

You just say where the window is and the size of it. Then you say what you can see outside.

We have a large window at the end of the living room. When I look outside, I can see the houses opposite our own house. I can also see the road outside.

We have only one small window and I can barely see anything outside. Just a wall. But the window lets in some light.

And that covers the details of the living room.

Now you can talk about how you feel about the room.

Why do you like this room?

This is where many students miss some valuable thing to say in the IELTS test. Usually, they just say if they like something or not.

This is not enough. You need to say WHY you like something.

So with our example of the living room in your house, just think of all the reasons why you like your living room.

I have put some examples below:

I like the living room because it is usually quiet and I can just lie on the sofa and relax, read a book or listen to music.

I like our living room because it is so airy and light. It feels very bright in the room.

I like the view from the living room. We look out over a nice park.

I like the two paintings in our living room. They are portraits of people from long ago. I look at them and get lost in another world.

Saying what you like about something is very simple. Just say what you like and why you like it!

What do you dislike about this room?

Equally, you can say what you don’t like about the living room.

I have listed some ideas below:

I don’t like the living room because it is always noisy and filled full of people. It drives me mad as there is nowhere to sit and be quiet.

I don’t like the living room because my dad is always watching TV there. And he is always watching the news — it’s so boring!

I don’t like the living room because it is so hot in there. The sun shines right through the window and makes it too stuffy.

Just as when you talk about the reasons why you like the living room, it is just as important to talk about why you dislike it.

What do you do in this room?

And finally, you need to say the activities you like to do in the living room.

Let’s go through a list of things that many people do in the living room.

Talk to my family

Read a book

Watch a movie

Talk to my friends on the phone/online

Eat dinner

Do my homework

Study something

When describing a room, you can definitely say the kind of things you like to do in the room. This is all part of the description of the room.

We like to watch TV together in the living room

And by talking about things you do in the living room, this may lead to a little story and that is always helpful.

Let me give you an example from my own life:

I like to watch movies in the living room with my wife. But she only likes certain kinds of movies. If I select a movie, she usually thinks it is boring and asks me to change it.

But if we watch a movie we both like it is very relaxing. We eat snacks and drink hot tea while watching the movie.

Am I talking about watching movies or describing the living room?


And the examiner would like what I said and it would be great in the IELTS test.


That is about it.

Remember the format when describing the room.

The Basics

The Details — the decor, the colour scheme, the furniture, the window and the view

Why do you like this room?

Why do you dislike this room?

What do you like to do in this room?

Go through all of these things and you can’t go wrong.

Now why not try by yourself or with your friends?

You can choose the room you are in. Or go online and look at pictures of rooms you can find on the internet.

Just keep practising and you will see great results.

Good luck and let me know in the comments below!

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it’s like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the «HasProperty» API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there’s a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files — mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it’s more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way — for example, gender is interesting: «woman» versus «man» and «boy» versus «girl». On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, «beautiful» is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world’s literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for «woman» — too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The «uniqueness» sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives’ uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it’s actually pretty simple). As you’d expect, you can click the «Sort By Usage Frequency» button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

Please note that Describing Words uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

Почему важно знать название предметов обихода? Во-первых, изучение этих слов увеличит ваш словарный запас. Во-вторых, предметы интерьера – это то, с чем нам приходится сталкиваться ежедневно. Будь то поход в мебельный магазин, описание дома своей мечты англоговорящим друзьям или поиск банных принадлежностей в отделе супермаркета.

Я приведу вам в пример комический случай, который произошел со мной несколько лет назад. Я навещала друзей в Англии, это был мой первый визит к ним. Однажды за обедом подняли тему национальной кухни. Я попробовала традиционные английские блюда, а принимающая семья ничего украинского не отведала. Было принято решение на следующий день приготовить ужин вместе на большой кухне. Будучи глубоко уверенной, что знать названия кухонной утвари мне не нужно, я с успехом пропустила этот раздел лексики еще в студенческие годы. И здесь началось самое интересное: на огромной чужой кухне, где все спрятано по шкафчикам, я не могла сказать, что мне нужна терка, разделочная доска и половник. Объяснение на пальцах спасло ситуацию, но по возвращению домой я первым делом выучила лексику, связанную с предметами интерьера, что и вам сейчас предлагаю.

Living room – гостиная

Давайте «прогуляемся» по комнатам. Начнем с гостиной (a living room) – это место, где мы смотрим телевизор, читаем книги или принимаем гостей.

Living Room

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
1 a coffee table кофейный столик
2 a rug коврик
3 a floor пол
4 an armchair кресло
5 an end table приставной столик
6 a lamp лампа
7 a lampshade абажур
8 a window окно
9 curtains портьеры
10 a sofa/couch диван/тахта
11 a throw pillow диванная подушка
12 a ceiling потолок
13 a wall стена
14 a wall unit / entertainment unit мебельная стенка
15 a television телевизор
16 a DVD player DVD плеер
17 a stereo system стереосистема
18 a speaker колонка
19 a loveseat двухместный диван
20 a plant растение
21 a painting картина
22 a frame рамка
23 a mantel каминная полка
24 a fireplace камин
25 a fireplace screen защитный экран для камина
26 a picture/photograph фотография
27 a bookcase книжный шкаф

Dining room – столовая

Что может быть приятнее, чем семейный ужин в уютной столовой (a dining room)? Давайте посмотрим, как называются предметы интерьера в этой комнате.

Dining room

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
1 a dining room table обеденный стол
2 a dining room chair обеденный стул
3 a china cabinet застекленный буфет
4 china фарфоровая посуда
5 a chandelier /ˌʃændəˈlɪə(r)/ люстра
6 a buffet буфет
7 a salad bowl салатница
8 a pitcher кувшин
9 a serving bowl сервировочная миска
10 a serving platter большое блюдо под закуски
11 a tablecloth скатерть
12 a candlestick подсвечник
13 a candle свечка
14 a centerpiece ваза с цветами, которая ставится на середину стола
15 a salt shaker солонка
16 a pepper shaker перечница
17 a butter dish масленка
18 a serving cart сервировочная тележка
19 a teapot чайник для заварки
20 a coffee pot кофейник
21 a creamer кувшин для сливок
22 a sugar bowl сахарница

Bedroom – спальня

Сон, несомненно, важен. В английском языке есть поговорка Sleep brings counsel (Утро вечера мудренее). Самое уютное место для отдыха в доме – это спальня (a bedroom). Предлагаю рассмотреть, какие предметы мебели находятся в спальне.


Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
1 a bed кровать
2 a headboard изголовье кровати
3 a pillow подушка
4 a pillow case наволочка
5 a fitted sheet натяжная простыня
6 a flat sheet пододеяльник
7 a blanket одеяло
8 an electric blanket электрическое одеяло
9 a dust ruffle юбка для кровати
10 a bedspread легкое постельное покрывало
11 a comforter/quilt стеганое ватное одеяло
12 a footboard основание кровати
13 blinds жалюзи
14 a night table / nightstand прикроватный столик (тумба)
15 an alarm clock будильник
16 a clock radio радиоприемник с таймером
17 a chest of drawers комод
18 a mirror зеркало
19 a jewellery box шкатулка для драгоценностей
20 a dresser/bureau комод с зеркалом

Bathroom – ванная комната

Где хранятся зубные щетки, полотенца и косметические средства? Конечно же, в ванной (a bathroom)! Пройдемте туда.


Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
1 a plunger вантуз
2 a toilet унитаз
3 a toilet tank туалетный бачок
4 a toilet seat сидение на унитаз
5 an air freshener освежитель воздуха
6 a toilet paper holder держатель туалетной бумаги
7 toilet paper туалетная бумага
8 a toilet brush щетка для унитаза
9 a towel rack вешалка для полотенец
10 a bath towel банное полотенце
11 a hand towel полотенце для рук
12 a washcloth/facecloth полотенце для лица
13 a hamper плетеная корзина для грязного белья
14 a bathroom scale весы в ванной комнате
15 a shelf полка
16 a hair dryer фен
17 a fan вентиляция
18 a mirror зеркало
19 a medicine cabinet / medicine chest шкафчик с лекарствами
20 a bathroom sink раковина в ванной комнате
21 a hot water faucet кран горячей воды
22 a cold water faucet кран холодной воды
23 a cup стакан
24 a toothbrush зубная щетка
25 a toothbrush holder держатель для зубных щеток
26 soap мыло
27 a soap dish мыльница
28 a soap dispenser дозатор мыла
29 a waterpik * ирригатор
30 a vanity трюмо
31 a wastebasket корзина для мусора
32 a shower душ
33 a shower curtain rod штанга для занавески в душе
34 a shower head душевая головка
35 shower curtain rings колечки для занавески в душе
36 a shower curtain шторка в душе
37 a bath/tub ванна
38 a drain отверстие для спуска воды
39 a rubber mat резиновый коврик
40 a sponge мочалка
41 a bath mat / bath rug коврик для ванной

* Термин waterpik требует отдельного объяснения. Ирригатор представляет собой устройство для очищения межзубных промежутков с помощью тонкой струйки воды, которая подается под давлением.

Kitchen – кухня


Теперь мы направимся в «святую святых» каждой хозяйки – кухню (a kitchen room). Чего здесь только нет! Масса предметов, которыми мы пользуемся каждый день. Итак, начнем:

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
1 a dishwasher посудомоечная машина
2 a dishwasher detergent средство для мытья посуды в посудомоечной машине
3 a dishwashing liquid средство для мытья посуды
4 a faucet кран
5 a kitchen sink кухонная раковина
6 a garbage disposal утилизатор отходов
7 a sponge губка
8 a scouring pad жесткая губка
9 a pot scrubber скребок для чистки кастрюль
10 a dish rack стойка для посуды
11 a paper towel holder держатель для бумажных полотенец
12 a dish towel кухонное полотенце
13 a trash compactor пресс для отходов
14 a cabinet навесной шкаф
15 a microwave oven микроволновая печь
16 a kitchen counter рабочая поверхность на кухне
17 a cutting board разделочная доска
18 a canister небольшая жестяная коробка
19 a stove/range печка
20 a burner конфорка
21 an oven духовка
22 a potholder прихватка
23 a toaster тостер
24 a spice rack набор для приправ
25 an electric can opener электрический консервных ключ
26 a cookbook поваренная книга
27 a refrigerator (fridge) холодильник
28 a freezer морозилка
29 an ice maker ледогенератор
30 an ice tray формочка для льда
31 a refrigerator magnet магнит на холодильник
32 a kitchen table кухонный стол
33 a placemat подстилка-салфетка под тарелку
34 a kitchen chair кухонный стул
35 a garbage pail ведро для мусора

Как учить слова

A mugВыше представлено довольно много новой лексики, но как ее запомнить? Наверное, вы не раз видели в квартирах людей, изучающих иностранный язык, липкие стикеры на каждом предмете обихода с названием этого предмета на иностранном языке. Почему бы не сделать такое в собственной квартире? Это поможет вам и членам вашей семьи легко запомнить слова, необходимые для ежедневного общения, непроизвольно обращая на них внимание каждый день.
Другой ненавязчивый способ запоминания слов уже после ознакомления с ними – повторение на окружающих вас предметах. Проходите по дому, называя все, что встречается и что вы помните. Те слова, которые не удается вспомнить, нужно повторить еще раз. Не у каждого дом настолько заполнен различными предметами интерьера и обихода. Будут полезны походы в мебельные магазины или поездка в ИКЕА: прогуливаясь из отдела в отдел, называйте все, что видите, на английском. Вот там-то уж точно есть, где потренироваться!

Обратите внимание, что при описании комнаты и рассказе о расположении предметов всегда употребляется оборот there is / there are.

  • Подробнее о нем читайте в статье «Оборот there + be (there is / there are)»

А чтобы вам было удобно учить эти слова, мы собрали их все в один список слов.

↓ Скачать список слов по теме «Описание комнат на английском языке» (*.pdf, 238 Кб)

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Описание комнат на английском языке

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Living room — это гостиная, зал, жилая комната. Здесь мы проводим основную часть времени: смотрим телевизор, слушаем музыку, принимаем друзей, отдыхаем. Все мы по вечерам собираемся в гостиной, чтобы провести время с семьей: обсудить какие-то дела (discuss family issues), посмотреть фильм (watch a film), поиграть в шахматы (play chess) или настольные игры (board games). 

В частных домах (residential house) гостиная обычно располагается на первом этаже, сразу за входной дверью, поэтому ее еще называют front room.

В гостиной обычно есть диван (sofa), стулья (chairs), журнальный столик (coffee table), книжный шкаф (bookcase), кресло (amchair). В США, Великобритании и других западных странах в гостиной обычно бывает камин (fireplace). Если дом большой, свободное время семья может проводить в другой, отдельной комнате, которую еще называют family room или recreation room, в то время как living room отведена для приема гостей, которые приходят на чашечку кофе или рюмочку коньяка.

Living Room (Гостиная)

  1. ceiling fan [‘si:liŋ fæn]– вентилятор на потолке
  2. ceiling [‘si:liŋ] – потолок
  3. wall [wɔ:l] – стена
  4. frame [freim] – рамка
  5. picture [‘pikʧə] – картина
  6. vase [va:z] — ваза
  7. mantel [‘mæntəl]–каминная полка
  8. fireplace [‘faiəpleis] – камин
  9. fire [‘faiə] – огонь
  10. log [lɔg] – полено
  11. banister [‘bænistə] – перила
  12. stairs [steəz] – лестница
  13. step [step] – ступенька
  14. desk [desk] – письменный стол
  15. carpeting [‘ka:pitiŋ] – ковровое покрытие
  16. armchair [a:m’ʧeə] — кресло
  17. remote control [ri’məut kən’trəul]– пульт
  18. television [‘teliviʒn] – телевизор
  19. wall unit [wɔ:l ‘ju:nit]] – стенка (мебель)
  20. stereo system [‘steriəu ‘sistəm] – музыкальный центр
  21. speaker [‘spi:kə]– динамик
  22. bookcase [‘bukkeis] – книжный шкаф
  23. curtains [‘kɜ:tənz] – шторы
  24. cushion [‘kuʃn] – подушка
  25. sofa [‘səufə] – диван
  26. coffee table [‘kɔfi ‘teibl]– кофейный столик
  27. lampshade [‘læmpʃeid]– абажур
  28. lamp [læmp] – лампа
  29. table [‘teibl]– стол 

Description of the room in English with translation

как описать свою комнату на английском языке

Description of the room in English with translation

Our living room

I want to tell you about my favorite room in our flat. That is our living-room. It »s large and light. There is a big window in it. There is not much furniture in our living-room. We have no armchairs, no wall-unit in the living-room because they take too much space. And there are no drapes on the window, only net curtain and jalousie.

 I our cream-colored wallpaper. On the left there is a sofa with the small bright cushions. On the right there is a tea-table. We usually have tea there on the weekend while talking or watching TV. By the way, we have the big TV-set in front of the sofa and modern stereo-system in the corner. My father s to listen to soft relaxing music after work.

There »sa long wooden bookshelf with many interesting classic and modern books on it. We have a big painting with a nice summer landscape above the sofa and some gig interesting photos of our family on the other walls. There is a thick warm carpet on the floor and a beautiful cut-glass chandelier on the ceiling. So that the living-room don »t look empty and not cozy there are two funny big toy dogs and several pots with beautiful green flowers. My mother s them very much, so do I.

Our living-room is the place for rest and communication. It »s specious and comfortable. We all enjoy spending time there.

Translation: Description of the room — our living room

I want to tell you about my favorite room in our apartment. This is the living room. It is large and light. It has a large window. There is some furniture in the living room. There are no armchairs, walls in the living room, because they take up too much space. And there are no curtains on the windows, only curtains and blinds.

I love our cream wallpaper. To the left is a sofa with small bright cushions. On the right is a tea table. We often drink tea on weekends while talking or watching TV. By the way, we have a large TV opposite the sofa and a modern stereo system in the corner. My dad likes to listen to calm relaxing music after work.

We have a long wooden bookshelf with many interesting classic and contemporary books. A beautiful painting with a summer landscape hangs above the sofa, and interesting photos of our family are on the other walls. There is a thick soft carpet on the floor and a beautiful crystal chandelier on the ceiling. So that the living room does not look empty and uncomfortable, there are two funny toy dogs and several pots with beautiful green flowers. Mom really likes them, and so do I.

Our living room is a place for relaxation and communication. It is spacious and comfortable. We all enjoy spending time there.

essay in English | October 2015 source

Source: http://sochinenie-o.ru/opisanie-komnaty-na-anglijskom-s-perevodom.html

Translation: Description of the room — our living room

I want to tell you about my favorite room in our apartment. This is the living room. It is large and light.

It has a large window. There is some furniture in the living room. There are no armchairs, walls in the living room, because they take up too much space.

And there are no curtains on the windows, only curtains and blinds.

I love our cream wallpaper. To the left is a sofa with small bright cushions. On the right is a tea table.

We often drink tea on weekends while talking or watching TV. By the way, we have a large TV opposite the sofa and a modern stereo system in the corner. My dad likes to listen to calm relaxing music after work.

We have a long wooden bookshelf with a variety of interesting classic and contemporary Books. A beautiful Painting with a summer landscape hangs above the sofa, and interesting photos of our family are on the other walls. There is a thick soft carpet on the floor and a beautiful crystal chandelier on the ceiling.

So that the living room does not look empty and uncomfortable, there are two funny toy dogs and several pots with beautiful green flowers. Mom really likes them, and so do I.

Our living room is a place for relaxation and communication. It is spacious and comfortable. We all enjoy spending time there.

Source: https://lit.ukrtvory.ru/opisanie-komnaty-na-anglijskom-s-perevodom/

Description of the interior of the house in English

как описать свою комнату на английском языке

Hello dear readers. Why do you think we wrote so many essays at school? Is the teacher really so interested in how you spent the summer !? In fact, writing essays is not only creativity, but also the development of speech. The description of the room in English will also help you not only show your creative skills, but also significantly enrich your vocabulary and develop the skills of a coherent English speech.

Description of the interior in English

As you learn to describe your home in English, you will notice that your vocabulary will grow imperceptibly. In particular, you will learn a lot of specific nouns by listing the items in the room. Also, do not forget that the description uses a large number of adjectives that characterize objects from different points of view.

Thus, you will once again practice and check your grammar knowledge. You will be able to identify gaps and shortcomings in your knowledge in order to correct them later. Therefore, such work on essays and texts on all sorts of topics should be treated with the utmost seriousness, showing all your skills and abilities. Even if you do not immediately succeed in doing everything right, continue anyway.

  • Interior description rules
    • How do you describe a room in English?

Interior description rules

We learn parts of the interior in English

The task of describing the interior is so that the interlocutor or reader can imagine the room you are describing, as if he sees it himself. Therefore, it is very important not to miss out on important details so that the picture appears complete. And for this it is necessary to adhere to certain rules of presentation:

  • First, you need to say where you live (city, village, London, Moscow) and in what type of housing (apartment building, private house, ranch)
  • Secondly, it is necessary to illustrate some general information about the room as a whole (a large house, a small apartment, a two-story cottage, there are 3 rooms in the house)
  • After that, you can go directly to the description of one of the rooms (hallway, bedroom, kitchen)
  • To begin with, describe it as a whole — relative size (large, small), architectural features (shape and number of windows, ceilings), overall impression (bright, sunny)
  • Describe the finish — colors of walls, ceilings, floors, tell about lighting — sconces, chandeliers, floor lamps
  • Move on to sketching the furniture — its location, shape, appearance, color and functionality (There is a fold-out sofa upholstered in velvet by the right wall. We use it when guests stay overnight)
  • Tell us about household appliances that are also part of the interior — a computer, video player, TV, washing machine
  • Don’t forget to mention textile decoration — decorative pillows, curtains, bedspreads, drapery.
  • Indicate other decorative elements — paintings, figurines, origami, photographs, etc.

It is imperative to complete the text with a final sentence like «I really enjoy spending time in the living room!» or «My room is the most comfortable and beautiful!»

How do you describe a room in English?

Before writing an essay, I recommend that you once again repeat the topic about English prepositions. Pay particular attention to place prepositions, as you will have to use them often. Also, you will often come across the construction «there is / there are”, So it will not be superfluous to repeat pronouns. Also, remember the rules for constructing English sentences. All this will be very useful to you.

Well, now with a clear conscience and a positive mood, proceed to describe the premises in English, following the above plan and rules.

First of all, we indicate where we live: in a big city — a city, in a small town — a town, in a village — a village, you can mention the location. Then we describe the type of housing. Here in English, different names are used for each type:

  • Skyscraper — skyscraper
  • Block of flats / apartment building
  • Single family house — detached house
  • Semi-detached house with separate entrances
  • Two-storey house for two families — duplex
  • Mansion — mansion
  • Country house — cottage
  • Dacha — vacation house
  • Floor — floors

Example: I live in a small flat in London. It’s close to the university. My flat is very quiet. My flat is on the 5 floor. There are 2 rooms in my flat. (I live in a small apartment in London. It is located next to the university. It is very quiet here. My apartment is on the 5th floor. My apartment has 2 rooms).

How do you describe a house in English?

Now you can start describing each room individually or just one of them:

  • Hallway, corridor — hall
  • Living room — living room
  • Dining room — dining room
  • Kitchen — kitchen
  • Study room — study
  • Bedroom — bedroom
  • Bathroom — bathroom
  • Balcony — balcony

We give a general description: There is a big window in the living room, so it’s very light. (There is a large window in the living room, so it is very bright). And we talk about the colors: Red flowers (red flowers), beige wall-papers (beige wallpaper), white ceiling (white ceiling).

Moving on to sketching the pieces of furniture:

  • Sofa — sofa
  • Coffee table — coffee table
  • Bed — bed
  • Armchair — armchair
  • Bookcase — bookcase
  • Bedside table — night table
  • Dressing table — dresser
  • Wardrobe — wardrobe
  • Dinner table
  • Kitchen set — cupboards
  • Chairs — chairs
  • Sink — sink
  • Toilet — toilet

Example: There is a wardrobe, a desk in my room. There aren’t any chairs, but there is a big red sofa. (My room has a wardrobe, a desk. There are no chairs, but there is a large red sofa).

Household appliances are an important part of the interior, and sometimes even fundamental when it comes to the kitchen. Therefore, it is imperative to tell about it in the text:

  • Technique — appliances
  • TV — TV-set
  • Computer — computer
  • Refrigerator — fridge
  • Microwave oven
  • Stove — stove / cooker
  • Dishwasher — dishwasher
  • Washing machine — washing machine
  • Vacuum cleaner — vacuum cleaner

Towards the end, start talking about the decor elements:

  • Picture — picture
  • Curtain — curtain
  • Clock — clock
  • Carpet — carpet
  • Mirror — mirror
  • Vase — vase
  • Photos — photos
  • Shelf — shelf

Sample text: There are some shelves and clock on the wall. There’s a vase on the shelf. There are some pictures and photos on the wall. (There are several shelves and a clock on the wall. There is a vase on the shelf. There are paintings and photographs on the wall).

If you add up all the examples that I have given, then you will already have a small text of an essay describing the interior. And having memorized all the words that I have given, your vocabulary will increase significantly. Try to write essays — descriptions or narratives and other topics. This will help you quickly learn many new English words and phrases.

I also advise you to watch a short video lesson on the topic «My room»

Source: https://englishfull.ru/leksika/opisanie-interera.html

Topic description of the room in English, words, dialogues, composition. How to write a room description in English

как описать свою комнату на английском языке

Often, when studying foreign languages, teachers offer to provide a description of the room in writing or orally. In English, this is quite easy to do. It is important to have a certain vocabulary and be guided by the elementary foundations of a foreign language.

In the process of writing an essay «Description of the room» in English, you should not describe in detail everything that is in it. It is enough just to highlight the main, prominent objects. If the owner of the room is a plant lover, then you can indicate the predominance of green in the room and the presence of a large number of fresh flowers.

For fans of football or racing, the description of the trophies on the shelves is suitable.

In order for the essay not to be dry and boring, you should not list the entire situation in detail.

An example of an uninteresting and dry description (so far in Russian): «I have a bed, a carpet, a table, a computer, a TV and a red wardrobe in my room.» The story should be interesting, creative, therefore it is recommended to apply all your literary skills.

My room (for elementary school girls)

Consider a sample room description in English for primary school girls. Below is a literal Russian translation.

A description of a room in English for a girl may look like this:

  • I love pink and dolls.
  • Therefore, in my room there are many different beautiful dolls and pink wallpapers.
  • My room looks like a princess castle.
  • I love to study, so I have a large and light table in front of the window.
  • There are a lot of beautiful flowers on the window, I love to water them.
  • My favorite teddy bear is sitting on the bed.
  • My parents gave it to me for my birthday.

Translated into English, the story of the room and its contents will look like this:

  • I the color pink and dolls.
  • So in my room a lot of different beautiful doll and pink wallpaper.
  • My room resembles a princess castle.
  • I to learn, so I have a large and bright table, which stands in front of the window.
  • On the window so many beautiful flowers, I love to water them.
  • On the bed my favorite Teddy bear sits.
  • My parents gave it to me for my birthday.

in English for primary school boys)

The description provided in the previous section will not work for boys in any way. Naughty hooligans prefer a room with an atmosphere reminiscent of their favorite football team to dolls, pink wallpaper and a teddy bear. For lovers of automotive technology, the best option would be a McWinn-style setting.

Option for boys: «My room» (essay in English).

Source: https://nvuti-info.ru/krasota/tema-opisanie-komnaty-na-angliiskom-yazyke-slova-dialogi/

How to tell about your home in English?

Details Karina Galchenko Category: BEGINNER — ELEMENTARY

: 21 November 2015


: 4/5

To figure it out how to tell about your home in english, you need to navigate in two things: the construction there is are and the vocabulary on the topic “my house flat”. We will touch on both. Also, consider an example of a short story about housing.

How to tell about your home in English simply and without mistakes?

In order to understand as correctly talk about your home in english, it is important to remember and learn to apply the construction “there is are”. Literally translated, it is «there is.» Sometimes “there is are” is voiced as “there is” and this is also true.

This construction makes the description of a house or individual rooms very simple, since it simultaneously contains a formal subject (there) and a verb (is are). The first thing you have to do to correctly formulate a sentence is to understand what follows after the construction — one item or several.

The use of is are depends on this.

For example: There is a big window in this room — This room (has) a large window.

                           There are three windows in this room — This room (has) 3 windows.

Useful words to talk about your home in English

Как can talk about your home in englishwithout knowing the names of the rooms? Pay attention to the picture and check if you know all the words.

1) bathroom — bathroom

2) bedroom — bedroom

3) entrance — entrance, front door

4) living room — living room

5) dining room — dining room

6) kitchen — kitchen

It would be ideal to start describing your home with general suggestions about its size, number of rooms, and then move on to listing the furniture in the bedroom, living room and kitchen.

An example of how you can tell about your home in English

Now I propose to pay attention to the mini-story that demonstrates as can tellabout your house or apartment in English.


I live in the flat. It is not big and not small. My flat is comfortable. It is on the third floor. I it very much and my family is happy here. There are two rooms in my flat — a living room, a bedroom and a kitchen. My bedroom is my favorite. It is rather big ad light. There are two windows in this room.

There is a bed with a beautiful bedside table near the wall. There is a desk and a chair in front of the windows. There is a green carpet on the floor. We can also see two brown arm-chairs in my bedroom. Above the desk there are several book-shelves. There is not a lot of furniture there because I have a lot of space.

What about your flat and favorite room?


I live in the flat. It is neither big nor small. My apartment is comfortable. It is located on the third floor. I really like her and my family is happy here. My apartment has two rooms — a living room, a bedroom and a kitchen. My bedroom is my favorite room. It is quite large and light. This room has two windows.

There is a bed with a curbstone next to the wall. Opposite the windows is a desk and a chair. There is a green carpet on the floor. We can also see two brown armchairs in my bedroom. There are several bookshelves above the table. There is some furniture here, as I like it when it is spacious.

What about your apartment and your favorite room?

If, after reading this material, you have any difficulties, and you understand that you want to delve deeper into this topic (and indeed in English), you are welcome to a trial lesson-consultation! You can sign up right now by contacting skype fluentenglish24

Source: https://fluenglish.com/stati/studentam-na-zametku/29-beginner-elementary/356-kak-rasskazat-o-svoem-dome-na-anglijskom.html

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