Word tip of the day

In this article, we will show you the way to add a “Tip of the Day” feature in Word to learn new Word skills every day.

Since Word is so closely related to our working, it would be such a great help to learn some tips of it as to improve efficiency. Therefore, we want to show you the method to add a “Tip of the Day” feature in your Word, so you can learn some new stuff every time you start Word.Adding a "Tip of the Day" Feature in Your Word

To do so, we suggest you to find some Word tips you might be interested and put them in an Excel file. Here is detailed explanation:

Create an Excel File

  1. First of all, start Excel.
  2. Rename the first sheet as “Tips”.
  3. Next, enter “Number”, “Tip” and “Times” into the first cell of first three columns.
  4. Then in “Number” column, enter numbers to number tips.
  5. In the “Tip” column, input each tip in one cell.
  6. And in the “Times” column, click to select the entire column and right click and choose “Format Cells”.
  7. In the “Format Cells” box open, select “Number” under “Number” tab.
  8. Choose “0” for the “Decimal places” and click “OK”.Select "Number" under "Number" Tab->Choose "0" for "Decimal places"->Click "OK"
  9. Noe in the “Times” column, type “0” (zero).
  10. Lastly, name the file as “Tip of the Day” and keep it in “C:UsersPublicDocumentsSample”. This path is optional. You can store the file at any location you like. But we suggest you naming the file and sheet as same as we do.Create an Excel File

You can click here to download a sample file.

Insert a Module in VBA Project

  1. To begin with, press “Alt+ F11” to trigger VBA editor.
  2. Secondly, click “Normal” project.
  3. Thirdly, click “Insert” and choose “Module”.Click "Normal"->Click "Insert"->Click "Module"
  4. Next open new module by double clicking on it.
  5. Paste the following codes there:
Sub AutoExec()
  Dim nCellIndex As Integer
  Dim nMinCellValue As Integer
  Dim nMinCellIndex As Integer
  Dim objExcel As Excel.Application
  Dim objWorkbook As Excel.Workbook
  Dim objWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet
  Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
  Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:UsersPublicDocumentsSampleTip of the Day.xlsx")
  Set objWorksheet = objWorkbook.Sheets("Tips")
  ' Initialization
  nMinCellValue = 0
  nMinCellIndex = -1
  For nCellIndex = 2 To objWorksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    If (nMinCellIndex = -1) Then
      nMinCellValue = objWorksheet.Cells(nCellIndex, 3).Value
      nMinCellIndex = nCellIndex
      If (objWorksheet.Cells(nCellIndex, 3).Value < nMinCellValue) Then
        nMinCellValue = objWorksheet.Cells(nCellIndex, 3).Value
        nMinCellIndex = nCellIndex
      End If
    End If
  Next nCellIndex
  frmTipOfTheDay.txtTipOfTheDay.Text = objWorksheet.Cells(nMinCellIndex, 2).Value
  frmTipOfTheDay.Show Modal
  objWorksheet.Cells(nMinCellIndex, 3).Value = objWorksheet.Cells(nMinCellIndex, 3).Value + 1
  objWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
  ' Close Excel application using the Quit method.
  ' Release the object variable.
  Set objExcel = Nothing
End Sub


In code line:

Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:UsersPublicDocumentsSampleTip of the Day.xlsx")

The string represents the full name of the Excel file we created just now. Modify it accordingly.

  1. Finally, click “Save” to save codes.Paste Codes->Click "Save"

Insert a User Form

Still, in VBA editor, you need to insert a user form to show the tip. This is what you need to create:Insert a User Form

  1. Similarly, click “Insert”.
  2. Only this time, you choose “UserForm”.
  3. Next press “F4” to open the “Properties Window” at the left down-corner.
  4. Name the form as “frmTipOfTheDay”.
  5. Choose a background color for the form.
  6. And enter “Tip of the Day” for “Caption”.
  7. Set “ShowModal” as “False”.Set "Name", "BackColor" and "Caption" for the User Form
  8. Next click “View” tab and choose “Toolbox”.
  9. On tool box, click “Label”.
  10. Draw a label on the form.
  11. And click on the label. Type “Tip of the Day” for its caption. And set the background style as transparent. Besides, set font size and color.
  12. Now click “TextBox” on tool box. Draw a text box on the form.
  13. Click on text box and set the text box properties properly. Name it as “txtTipOfTheDay”. And choose “True” for “MultiLine”. In addition, choose font type and size. Choose a vertical scroll bar for the text box.
  14. Next choose “CommandButton” from tool box.
  15. Click on the button and name it as “btnClose”. Set the caption as “Close”.
  16. And double click “Close” button and enter a codes, such as below:Enter Codes->Click "Save"
  17. And save codes.

Next go to assign a button for macro “AutoExec”. For detailed steps, please refer to this article: How to Remove the Formatting of Pasted Texts with Macro and VBA in Your Word

Here is the final effect:Effect

Back up Now

No one wants to experience data corruption. But the truth is it’s very likely to happen, with no warning. Under such circumstances, it’s time for your backup to do its job. However, you must have at least one backup dating back to a certain time point. Without one, you will have to find a tool to repair docx.

Author Introduction:

Vera Chen is a data recovery expert in DataNumen, Inc., which is the world leader in data recovery technologies, including corrupt xlsx and pdf repair software products. For more information visit www.datanumen.com

This weekend will be crazy! The weather will be amazing and yet again, the pool parties will be endless. Make sure you are in attendance the right way and make sure as ladies and gents, your hygiene is A1.

Too often do I see men and women violating.. so I figured the word of the day will also be the tip of the day.. Hygiene.


There are certain things you should do. However I realize that some steps to hygiene go on a case by case basis so I’ll just give my opinion on it.

1. Females should be hairless. If you plan on putting on a swimsuit. (Especially those low cut bikini bottoms) make sure the hair is not visible. Any hair that is not on your head should be done away with..

Methods to hair removal these days are endless but all may not work for everyone. Shaving,waxing, and depilatory creams are all popular options. Find out which one works for you.

2. Deodorant clumps should be non-existent. Tanks, tub tops, and bathing suits will expose your underarm area. You must wear deodorant but it’s all about moderation. Make sure there is enough there to fight odor and sweat but not too much where it’s chillin’ showing it’s color.


I know you guys probably thought you guys were exempt but no. There are definitely rules for you too.

1. Dirty fingernails are a NO-NO. No matter how rough and tough you are, you are way better off getting a manicure every once in a while. Hang nails, dirty nails, and nails that are too long will never touch the goods.. FYI

2. I’m assuming that if you’re old enough to find interest in this blog that you are out of the stages of wearing Axe and the likes of it so I’ll just say this, make sure whatever fragrance you choose to wear is nice but don’t put too much on. Too much cologne can be a problem. This goes for ladies too.

Have fun this weekend and be sure to keep it clean.

Love, Relationship, & Social Perspective for the Urban Socialite

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Show «Tip of the Day» at startup

If checked, the «Tip of the Day» will be shown at program start-up.

Если отмечено, при запуске программы будет появляться «совет дня«

It includes improved user interface and «Tip of the Day» functionality.

Среди нововведений: улучшенный интерфейс, «Совет дня«.

NetInfo 4.7 (Build 408) has been released! It includes «Tip of the Day» functionality and ability to get the MAC address of the Ethernet card using SNMP method.

Появилась обновленная версия NetInfo 4.7 (Build 408)! В ней появился «Совет дня«, а также возможность получения MAC-адресов Ethernet-карт, использующих SNMP.

Integrated help utilities including: Tip of the Day, Keyboard Describer, Application Specific Help, User Interface Context Senstitive Help

Интегрированные помощь-утилиты, включая: Совет дня, Описание клавиатуры, Специализированная помощь, Пользовательский интерфейс Context Senstitive Help

Users can browse by topic, search using keywords or «ask the lemur» to get a tip of the day.

Пользователи могут просматривать по темам, поиск с использованием ключевых слов или «попросить» лемур, чтобы получить совет дня.

Let’s thank Dina for that helpful tip of the day.

Поблагодарим Дину за прекрасный совет дня.

Tip of the day: Don’t drive to Muir Woods park because the parking lot is extremely small and mostly reserved for commercial vehicles with permits.

Совет дня: не стоит ехать в парк Муир Вудс самостоятельно, поскольку парковочная площадка очень маленькая и практически все места расписаны среди коммерческих автомобилей и тех, у кого есть разрешения на парковку в данном месте.

Gastroservice «tip of the day will help You determine your plans for the next day or any day of Your choice.

Астрологический сервис «Совет дня» поможет Вам определить свои планы на ближайший день или любой день по Вашему выбору.

The astrologer will personally look at Your Natal chart horoscope and send You the tip of the day, which will make Your life easier.

Астролог лично посмотрит Вашу натальную карту гороскопа и пришлет Вам Совет дня, который облегчит Вашу жизнь.


Top Tip of the Day (and only one today)

She works with groups and individuals all over the world, and her «Positive Tip of the Day» has been broadcast on XM Radio’s Channel 155 since 2007.

Она работает с группами и отдельными людьми по всему миру, с 2007 её радиопрограмма «Positive Tip of the Day» транслируется на 155 канале XM Radio.

My Tip of the Day: To be thankful for everything you have and don’t have.

Tip of the Day: How to Have A Productive Day

Tip of the Day: How to Spot a Liar

Travel Tip of the Day: Why You Should Think Twice Before Drinking Alcohol on the Beach

Главная»образ жизни»Почему стоит дважды подумать, прежде чем пить кофе в самолете

Nursing Tip of the Day! — Psychiatric Nursing

С днем медицинской сестры! — Подольск

Tip of the Day — Practice!

Tip of the Day: Best Selling Products

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 181453. Точных совпадений: 31. Затраченное время: 578 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

tip of the day

1) Компьютерная техника: совет дня

2) Музыка: полезный совет

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «tip of the day» в других словарях:

  • Tip of the day — A tip of the day is a piece of advice that is given daily. For example, many computer programs, such as those in the Microsoft Office suite, will display a tip of the day when they are started. [cite web | url = http://office.microsoft.com/en… …   Wikipedia

  • tip of the day — šios dienos patarimas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Kasdien kitas patarimas, rodomas atvėrus programą. Patarimų galima atsisakyti. Paprastai patarimai būna atskirame išteklių faile. Lokalizuojant programą reikia tą failą išversti ir… …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • Tip of the Iceberg — is an album released by Chicago rapper MC Juice released in 2003 on Molemen Records. Track listing *1. What *2. Its Lovely feat. Lil B *3. City Of CHI *4. Run 4 Ya Life *5. Real Hip Hop *6. Its All One *7. Feel My City *8. Who s Fucking With This …   Wikipedia

  • The Day Finger Pickers Took Over The World — album de Chet Atkins y Tommy Emmanuel Publicación 11 de marzo de 1997 Grabación CA Workshop, Nashville, Tennessee Género(s) Bluegrass …   Wikipedia Español

  • The Tip of the Zoidberg — Эпизод «Футурамы» «Верхушка Зойдберга» «The Tip of the Zoidberg» Жертвы некомпетентности Зойдберга Порядковый номер 106 …   Википедия

  • The Day the Music Died — This article is about the plane crash. For other uses, see The Day the Music Died (disambiguation). The Day the Music Died Monument at the crash site, September 16, 2003. Accident summary …   Wikipedia

  • The Day the Earth Stood Stupid — Эпизод «Футурамы» «День, когда Земля отупилась» «The Day the Earth Stood Stupid» Зал цветов Порядковый номер 39 Сезон 3 …   Википедия

  • The Day Finger Pickers Took Over the World — Infobox Album | Name = The Day Finger Pickers Took Over the World Type = Album Artist = Chet Atkins, Tommy Emmanuel Released = March 11, 1997 Recorded = CA Workshop, Nashville, Tennessee Genre = Bluegrass Length = Label = Sony Producer = Reviews …   Wikipedia

  • The Neptunes discography — The Neptunes are a two member producing group consisting of Pharrell Williams and Chad Hugo. This discography lists the recorded performances as a duo and individuals. It also lists the writing and production credits as The Neptunes, as Williams… …   Wikipedia

  • The Mysterious Mr. Quin —   …   Wikipedia

  • The Marvelous Land of Oz (comic) — The Marvelous Land of Oz 250x450px Cover for The Marvelous Land of Oz #1. Art by Skottie Young. Publication information Publisher Marvel Comics Schedule …   Wikipedia

Choosing the right voice over services for your legal firm, business, or government body can be a daunting task. You need to consider many factors before you commit to any particular service, including sound quality, pricing costs, turnaround time on projects and more. The good news is that with the vast array of options available today, you can easily find professional voice over services tailored to your exact needs – no matter how specific they may be. In this blog post, we’ll provide an in-depth look at how to choose the best voice over service provider so that you get exactly what you want while staying within budget.

Do your research – read reviews and compare pricing

Finding the best voice over can be daunting, as there are so many options available to you. The most important thing to do before selecting a particular artist is to read reviews and compare pricing of each option. Doing your due diligence upfront will help you determine which choice will be best for your project. A quote from a satisfied customer is also an excellent way to identify the best choice. For example, if a project required a commercial voice-over, one quote might say ‘Eurasian Linguistics’ exceeded all my expectations! They provided me with an outstanding product at a price I couldn’t pass up.” This type of testimonial lets you make an informed decision about who will work best for your needs. When it comes to finding the right voice over artist, doing your research is essential.

Ask for referrals from friends and family members

If you’re in search of the perfect voice over, don’t hesitate to look around your own circle of acquaintances. Ask family and friends if they have any referrals – after all, a referral from someone you trust is often more meaningful than just randomly searching online. For example, my friend was looking for an upbeat narrator for her most recent video project and found a great candidate through her sister’s recommendation. Not only did the quote end up being substantially lower than anticipated but the quality was far beyond satisfactory!

Look for voice over services with experience in your industry

When selecting a voiceover service, it is important to choose a provider with experience in the specific industry you need. This ensures accurate pronunciation of specialized terms and the ability to understand nuanced dialogue and an industry-specific script. For example, a medical training video might require a voiceover artist with experience in healthcare who can explain complex concepts using language their audience will understand. Finding professionability with specific industry expertise for your project can help ensure that your message is effectively communicated.

Check out their portfolio to get a sense of their style and quality

If you are looking to hire a voice over service provider, it is critical that you check out their portfolio first. By viewing a selection of the finished products from prior clients, you will get a clearer sense of the quality of their work and their particular style. Additionally, listening through samples can provide valuable insight into the range of tones and accents they can use when narrating. As the old saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words” – the same can be said for audio samples – so be sure to quote an example of the voice actor’s previous works before moving forward with your project.

Work with them to finalize the script and provide any additional instructions

Working with a professional voice over team is key to ensuring that your script is just right and ready to read. To ensure the optimal performance, it’s important to provide clear instructions on what you need from the team. That could mean giving exact pronunciation of words or specific timing guidelines, such as pausing and stressing certain words in a quote. For example, if you quote a famous quote like “When they go low, we go high” by Michelle Obama, you would want to highlight the different insomuch so that viewers know how to stress and pronounce each word correctly. Working closely with a voice over team will ensure that your message comes across loud and clear.


With these tips, you can be sure to select the right voice over service for your project. Researching different services and getting referrals are both critical steps in making sure you get the highest quality voice-over for an affordable price. Additionally, reviewing portfolios and samples will give you a good sense of the team’s experience and skill set. Finally, communicating with the team to make sure they understand your project’s needs is essential in ensuring that you get a result you’re happy with. By taking these steps, you can be confident that your voice over will have the perfect tone and feel for your final product.

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