Word think in spanish

think [θɪŋk] thought (past)

intransitive verb

1 (exercise mind) pensar; (ponder) reflexionar

I think, therefore I am pienso, luego existo; give me time to think dame tiempo para reflexionar; to act without thinking actuar sin pensar; think before you reply piénselo antes de contestar; I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking lo siento, estaba distraído; now let me think, where did I last see it? a ver, déjame pensar, ¿cuándo lo vi por última vez?

to think about sth (occupy one’s thoughts with) pensar en algo; (consider) pensar algo

what are you thinking about? ¿en qué estás pensando?; you’ve given us a lot to think about nos ha dado mucho en que pensar; I’ll think about it lo voy a pensar; it’s worth thinking about vale la pena de pensarlo; you think too much about money le das demasiada importancia al dinero

what he said made me think again lo que dijo hizo que me lo volviera a pensar

did you think I was going to give you the money? well, think again! ¿creíste que iba a darte el dinero? ¡vamos, piensa un poco!

to think aloud pensar en voz alta

think carefully before you reply piénsalo bien antes de responder

to think for o.s. pensar por sí mismo

to think (long and) hard pensar mucho

I think of you alwaysI am always thinking of you pienso constantemente en ti

I’ll be thinking of you me acordaré de ti; think of me tomorrow in the exam acuérdate de mí mañana, haciendo el examen

to think straight concentrarse

to think twice before doing sth pensar algo dos veces antes de hacerlo

we didn’t think twice about it no vacilamos un instante

2 (imagine) imaginarse

just think! ¡fíjate!; ¡imagínate!; ¡te das cuenta!

think of the expense imagínate lo que costaría

think of what might have happened! ¡piensa en lo que podía haber ocurrido!

and to think of her going there alone! ¡y pensar que ella fue allí sola!

3 (remember)

you can’t think of everything no se puede estar en todo; now I come to think of it … ahora que lo pienso …; I couldn’t think of the right word no pude acordarme de la palabra exacta

4 (have opinion)

see what you think about it and let me know piénsalo y dime luego tu opinión

I didn’t think much of the play la obra no me convenció; la obra no me gustó mucho

we don’t think much of him tenemos un concepto más bien bajo de él

what do you think of it? ¿qué te parece?

what do you think of him? ¿qué opinas de él?; ¿qué te parece (él)?; to think highly of sb tener muy buena opinión de algn; tener a algn en muy buen concepto

I told him what I thought of him le dije lo que pensaba de él

5 (consider, take into account)

to think of other people’s feelings pensar en or tener en cuenta los sentimientos de los demás; one has to think of the expense hay que pensar en lo que se gasta; there are the children to think about hay que pensar en los niños; he thinks of nobody but himself no piensa más que en sí mismo


to think of (wonder about, dream up) I thought of going to Spain pensé en ir a España; have you ever thought of going to Cuba? ¿has pensado alguna vez en ir a Cuba?; don’t you ever think of washing? ¿no se te ocurre alguna vez lavarte?; whatever were you thinking of? ¿cómo se te ocurrió hacer eso?; I was the one who thought of it first fui yo quien tuve la idea primero; whatever will he think of next? ¡a ver qué es lo que se le ocurre ahora!

7 (choose)

think of a number piensa en un número

transitive verb

1 (cogitate) pensar

to think great thoughts pensar cosas profundas; tener pensamientos profundos

to think evil thoughts tener malos pensamientos

think what you’ve done piense en lo que hizo

2 (believe) creer

I think (that) it is true creo que es verdad; I don’t think it can be done no creo que se pueda hacer; you must think me very rude va a creer que soy muy descortés; we all thought him a fool lo teníamos todos por idiota; he thinks himself very clever se cree muy listo; I don’t think it likely lo creo or me parece muy poco probable; I think (that) you’re wrong me parece que estás equivocado

she’s very pretty, don’t you think? es muy guapa, ¿no crees?

he’ll be back, I don’t think! ¿que volverá? ¡no creo!

I think not creo que no

I think so creo que sí; me parece que sí

I don’t think so creo que no

now I don’t know what to think ahora estoy en duda

what do you think I should do? ¿qué crees que debo hacer?; what do you think you’re doing? ¿se puede saber lo que estás haciendo?

who do you think you are? ¿quién te crees que eres?

who do you think you are to come marching in here? y tú ¿qué derecho crees tener para entrar aquí tan fresco?

anyone would think she was dying cualquiera diría que se estaba muriendo

I would have thought that … hubiera creído que …

that’s what you think! ¡(que) te crees tú eso!

3 (imagine) imaginar(se)

think what we could do with that house! ¡imagina lo que podríamos hacer con esa casa!; to think she once slept here! ¡pensar que ella durmió aquí una vez!

I can’t think what he can want no me puedo imaginar qué quiere

I can’t think what you mean no llego a entender lo que quieres decir

I thought as much ya me lo figuraba; ya lo sabía

I never thought that … nunca pensé or imaginé que …

who’d have thought it? ¿quién lo diría?

who’d have thought it possible? ¿quién se lo hubiera imaginado?

4 (remember) recordar

try to think where you last saw it intenta recordar dónde lo viste por última vez

5 (be of opinion) opinar

this is my new dress, what do you think? este es mi vestido nuevo, ¿qué te parece? or ¿qué opinas?; I think we should wait, what do you think? creo que deberíamos esperar, ¿qué opinas?

6 (envisage, have idea)

I was thinking that … estaba pensando que …; did you think to bring a corkscrew? ¿te acordaste de traer un sacacorchos?; I didn’t think to tell him no se me ocurrió decírselo; I thought/I’d thought I might go swimming pensé/había pensado en ir a nadar

7 (expect) pensar; esperar

I didn’t think to see you here no pensaba or esperaba verte aquí; I came here thinking to get some answers vine aquí pensando que obtendría or esperando recibir algunas respuestas; I never thought to hear that from you nunca pensé que te oiría decir eso; nunca esperé oírte decir eso

we little thought that … estábamos lejos de pensar que …

«is she going?» — «I should/shouldn’t think so« —¿va a ir? —yo diría que sí/no

«I paid him for it» — «I should think so too!» —se lo he pagado —¡faltaría más!


to have a think

I’ll have a think about it lo pensaré

I was just having a quiet think meditaba tranquilamente

if you think that, you’ve got another think coming si crees eso, te equivocas


think piece (n) (Press) artículo (m) de opinión

…a think piece by a pundit in the New York Times The New York Times ran a big think piece when this film was released

think tank (n) grupo (m) de expertos; (in government) gabinete (m) de estrategia

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


People will think I approved of what you did that night.

La gente podría creer que yo aprobé lo que hizo esa noche.

Earth Command wanted you to think it was a temporary setback.

El comando terrestre les hacía creer que sólo era un retraso temporal.

Maybe it’s because I never dared think it would happen.

Tal vez es porque nunca me atreví pensar que iba a suceder.

Well, sometimes I just sit by the water and think.

Bueno, a veces solo me siento junto al agua a pensar.

I don’t think you know what an anxiety attack is.

Me parece que no sabes lo que es un ataque de ansiedad.

I might think the Veterans Hospital is a place to start.

Y me parece que ese hospital de veteranos sería un buen sitio.

People think they’re on this earth just to be happy.

La gente cree que está en la tierra sólo para ser feliz.

I actually think that I sent away for the brochure myself.

De hecho que creo que fui a buscar el folleto yo misma.

You think you’re going to spend your life with someone…

Crees que vas a pasar el resto de tu vida con alguien…

I shouldn’t think your wife would like me eating this.

No creo que su esposa le gustara que yo esté comiendo esto.

I really think that’s a brand name or a logo.

Yo creo que es el nombre de una marca o un logotipo.

I don’t think that rule applies while committing a felony.

No creo que esa regla se aplique mientras esta cometiendo un crimen.

You can never expect such woman to think well of anyone.

No se puede esperar de estas mujeres que piensen bien de nadie.

The problem is our attorney doesn’t think we can win.

El problema es, que nuestro abogado, no cree poder ganar.

I might be alone in the world sooner than you think.

Podría quedarme solo en el mundo más pronto de lo que cree.

I don’t think this online dating thing is for me.

No creo que esta cosa de citas en línea es para mí.

Henry, I don’t think mom and dad came home.

Henry, creo que mamá y papá no han llegado a casa.

Phil, nothing in life is as funny as you think.

Phil, nada en la vida es tan divertido como tú crees.

The disease is controlled and much less dangerous than people think.

La enfermedad está controlada y mucho menos peligrosa que la gente piensa.

These days, parents think all of their kids are geniuses.

Hoy en día los padres se creen que sus hijos son genios.

No results found for this meaning.

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One of my roles is to think in advance how […]

the ex-combatants will be making a living after disarmament and demobilization,»


says Oussou, who is fluent in Baule, English, French, German, and Spanish.



Una de mis

responsabilidades es pensar�en�qu� podr�n […]

trabajar los ex combatientes una vez concluidas las fases de desarme


y desmovilizaci�n», indic� Oussou quien domina el baule, ingl�s, franc�s, alem�n y espa�ol.



Some might think that gives us some satisfaction, […]

but for my part that is far from being the case.



Hay quien puede pensar que eso nos produce […]

alguna satisfacci�n, pero en mi caso esto no es as�, ni mucho menos.



I think that the pharmaceutical […]

industry certainly took note of the fact that I had won the award.



Creo que la industria farmac�utica […]

tom� debida nota del hecho de que yo gan� el premio �.



What do you want

your audience to think and do after your talk?



Qu� desea que piense y haga su p�blico despu�s […]

de su discurso?



The analysis of this reality and


its distance from that of the more

fortunate leads us to think that there extremely […]

serious risks that existing inequalities will increase.



El an�lisis de esta realidad y de su distancia con la m�s

afortunada conduce a pensar que existe el […]

grav�simo riesgo de que las desigualdades existentes se ampl�en.



You should decide whether you think the costs are going to be worth […]

the expected benefits.



Debe decidir si cree que los beneficios esperados van a cubrir los […]

gastos de certificaci�n.



Call your health care

provider if you think you have symptoms […]

of rheumatoid arthritis.



La persona debe consultar

con el m�dico si piensa que tiene s�ntomas […]

de artritis reumatoidea.



And I think a centralized […]

state always has a tendency to treat them all in a very equal way while federalism gives us the


possibility of finding solutions really adapted to each canton.



Creo que un Estado centralizado […]

siempre tiende a tratar a todo el mundo de la misma manera, mientras que un Estado federal


nos ofrece la posibilidad de encontrar soluciones bien adaptadas a cada cant�n.



AUREN’s Marketing consultants are ready to bring you an integrated service and the most appropriate strategic orientation, with


vision over the medium- and long- term in those cases where it

is indispensable to think well in advance of taking action.



Los consultores de Marketing de AUREN estamos preparados para aportar un servicio integral y las orientaciones estrat�gicas


m�s adecuadas, con visi�n a medio y largo plazo en los casos en que

resulta imprescindible pensar mucho antes de actuar.



Before you buy a new television, think carefully about what you will do with your old set.



Antes de comprar un televisor nuevo, considere seriamente lo que va a hacer con el viejo.



I mean, as you do the salesmanship for the


code of conduct, it would be interesting

to see what you think of the fact that, […]

for instance, paragraph 4.2 says «take


appropriate steps to minimize the risk of collision».



Porque cuando nos quieren vender este c�digo de conducta ser�a

interesante ver qu� creen acerca de que […]

por ejemplo en el p�rrafo 4.2 se diga «tomar


las medidas adecuadas para reducir al m�nimo el riesgo de colisi�n».



Do you think there could be discrimination caused by the disclosure of information concerning the genetic patrimony?



�Se podr�an verificar casos de discriminaci�n originados por la divulgaci�n de la informaci�n del patrimonio gen�tico?



Initially, the family might think that a daughter-in-law would take on […]

the task, leaving the job she took on after her children had grown and left the home.



En un principio pensaron que una de las nueras podr�a asumir esa tarea, […]

dejando el empleo al que se incorpor� cuando sus


hijos crecieron y se marcharon de casa.



I do not know when the shops will open or what the price hike will be


because I deal with foreign affairs, not

domestic trade, but I think that there will be […]

information available on that soon.



No s� cu�ndo abren las tiendas ni la subida de los precios, porque me


ocupo de las relaciones exteriores, no del

comercio interior; pero pienso que sobre eso habr� […]

informaci�n pr�ximamente.



We think it is time today […]

to take stock together and to ensure that the partnership is ready for the new challenges we will have to face.



Creemos que ha llegado el […]

momento de hacer una evaluaci�n juntos y garantizar que la alianza est� preparada para los nuevos


desaf�os que hemos de afrontar.



There is a slight health risk, but even the ISO standards say that there is no quantitative


health risk, and so without further

scientific evidence, I think it would be crazy for […]

us to put more burdens on industry.



Existe un leve riesgo para la salud, pero incluso seg�n la norma ISO no existe


ning�n riesgo cuantitativo para la

salud, y por tanto, sin pruebas cient�ficas adicionales, […]

creo que ser�a una locura que impusi�ramos m�s cargas al sector.



I think this article underpins […]

the importance of consultation with people with disabilities and drives home the notion of


development by the people for the people.



Estimo que este art�culo respalda […]

la importancia de la consulta a las personas con discapacidad y nos brinda la noci�n del


desarrollo por la gente para la gente.



I think the mantra, «Nothing […]

about us without us,» is very apt.



Considero que nuestro mantra […]

«Nada sobre nosotros, sin nosotros» es muy apto en este caso.



And I think immigrants are […]

very strong people.



Y creo que los inmigrantes […]

son gente muy fuerte.



Many companies think that cost management only […]

starts when things go wrong.



Muchas empresas piensan que la gesti�n de costes […]

s�lo comienza cuando las cosas van mal.



I think IFRA Expo continues […]

to be possibly the best show in the market for the newspaper industry.



Creo que la IFRA Expo contin�a […]

siendo posiblemente la mejor feria del mercado para la industria period�stica.



Ability to think and choose with some […]

degree of independence.



Capacidad de pensar y elegir con un […]

cierto nivel de independencia.




viewing this film might think that the work on this […]

film would be particularly harrowing for the actress.



Los espectadores ajenos a

la pel�cula deben pensar que este trabajo habr� […]

sido particularmente angustioso para la actriz.



Think about an energy outage […]

or a misconfigured monitor.



Piense en un corte de energ�a […]

o un monitor mal configurado.



They think that the results […]

of the ongoing experiments in this area should be examined before a decision is taken.



Piensan que los resultados […]

de los experimentos en curso en este campo deben examinarse antes de que se tome una decisi�n.



Who would think that the choreographer […]

may assimilate the electronic scanning to her vital rhythms unless she re�ceives


an electrical shock on account of an ill connection in a household appliance?



�A qui�n se le ocurre que el core�grafo […]

pueda asimilar el barrido electr�nico a sus ritmos vitales a menos que reciba un


shock el�ctrico por la mala conexi�n de un electrodom�stico?



I like to read and think and pray, all over […]

a good cup of coffee.



Me gusta leer, pensar y orar mientras […]

disfruto de una buena taza de caf�.



We must, therefore, work hard to inform consumers about all of the work being done in public health so that they can make informed choices about what they think is best.



Por este motivo, hemos de hacer un enorme esfuerzo por dar a conocer todo el trabajo que se realiza en el �mbito de la salud p�blica para que el consumidor pueda optar conscientemente por aquello que considera mejor.



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Inflections of ‘think‘ (v): (⇒ conjugate)
v 3rd person singular
v pres p
v past
v past p

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Principal Translations
Inglés Español
think⇒ vi (reflect, consider) pensar⇒ vtr
    considerar⇒, reflexionar⇒ vtr
  Bert stepped outside to think for a moment.
  Bert salió fuera para pensarlo un momento.
  Bert salió fuera para reflexionar un momento.
think [sth],
think that⇒
(hold an opinion) creer⇒, pensar⇒ vtr
    creer que, pensar que vtr + conj
  Perhaps this painting would look better on that wall; what do you think?
  Quizás este cuadro quedaría mejor en esa pared, ¿tú qué crees?
think [sth],
think that
(believe) creer que vtr + conj
    pensar que vtr + conj
  I think Tom’s coming with us. I’ll just ask him.
  Creo que Tom viene con nosotros. Le preguntaré.
  Pienso que Tom viene con nosotros. Le preguntaré.
think [sth],
think that
(intend, determine) (tener intención de) creer que vtr + conj
  I think I’ll go to the grocer’s now.
  Creo que iré al supermercado ahora.
think about [sth/sb],
think of
vi + prep
(be preoccupied) pensar⇒ vtr
   (coloquial, figurativo) darle vueltas a loc verb
  He was saddened, and thought about her situation all the time.
  Él estaba triste y todo el tiempo pensaba en la situación de ella.
  Estaba triste y no paraba de darle vueltas a la situación de ella.
think about [sth] vi + prep (consider) pensar en vtr + prep
    reflexionar sobre vtr + prep
  I don’t know at the moment; I need to think about it again.
  De momento no sé; necesito pensar en eso nuevamente.
  De momento no sé, necesito reflexionar sobre eso nuevamente.
think of doing [sth] v expr (consider: doing [sth]) contemplar⇒ vtr
   (coloquial) estar pensando en loc verb
    considerar⇒ vtr
  We’re thinking of going to that new Italian restaurant tonight.
  Estamos contemplando ir a cenar esta noche a ese nuevo restaurante italiano.
think about doing [sth],
think of
v expr
(consider possibility) pensar en vtr + prep
    considerar la posibilidad de loc verb
  Don’t even think about asking me to do you any more favours!
  ¡Ni pienses en pedirme que te haga más favores!
  ¡Ni consideres la posibilidad de pedirme que te haga más favores!
think of [sth] vi + prep (devise, invent) concebir⇒ vtr
  He thought of a new way to manufacture pencils.
  El concibió una nueva manera de fabricar lápices.
Additional Translations
Inglés Español
think of [sth/sb] as [sth] v expr (consider to be) considerar a alguien algo loc verb
    pensar en alguien como loc verb
  I think of him as my friend.
  Le considero mi amigo.
  Pienso en él como mi amigo.
have a think v expr informal (consider) pensar⇒ vtr
    considerar⇒ vtr
  Have a think, and tell me what you want to do.
  Piénsalo, y dime que quieres hacer.
  Considéralo, y dime que quieres hacer.
think⇒ vi (meditate, daydream) pensar⇒ vtr
  Don’t bother him, he’s thinking.
  No lo molestes, está pensando.
think of [sth/sb] vi + prep (take into account) pensar en vtr + prep
  You can’t leave me! Think of the children!
  ¡No puedes abandonarme! ¡Piensa en los niños!
think [sth] + adj⇒ vtr (with adjective: regard, consider) pensar que vtr + conj
    considerar que vtr + conj
  He thought it right to pay his taxes.
  Pensó que pagar sus impuestos era lo correcto.
  Considero que pagar sus impuestos era lo correcto.
think [sth] vtr (remember) recordar⇒ vtr
    acordarse⇒ v prnl
  Can you think what we did last weekend?
  ¿Puedes recordar qué hicimos el pasado fin de semana?
think [sth] vtr (expect) creer⇒ vtr
  What do you think will happen?
  ¿Qué crees tú que pasará?

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Locuciones verbales
Inglés Español
think ahead vi phrasal (predict, prepare for future) planear por adelantado loc verb
  When I pack for a vacation, I try to think ahead and bring all the items that I might need.
    prever⇒ vtr
  Cuando hago las maletas para irme de vacaciones, trato de prever y llevar todo lo que podría necesitar.
    pensar de antemano loc verb
    pensar en lo que viene loc verb
think back on [sth] vi phrasal + prep (recall, remember) recordar⇒ vtr
    rememorar⇒ vtr
think [sth] over vtr phrasal sep (consider, deliberate) pensar en vi + prep
  Think over what I said and let me know tomorrow what your decision is.
  Piensa en lo que te dije y mañana me comunicas tu decisión.
    pensar⇒ vtr
  Piénsalo y mañana me contestas.
think [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (invent, devise) ocurrírsele algo a alguien loc verb
    pensar en algo loc verb
  Hey Jane, I just thought up a solution to your problem!
  Se me acaba de ocurrir una solución a tu problema.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Compound Forms:
Inglés Español
dread to think v expr (find unpleasant to imagine) no querer ni pensar loc verb
    no querer ni imaginar loc verb
  «Daisy’s married someone she’s only just met? I wonder how that’s going to turn out.» «I dread to think.»
dread to think what/how/who v expr (find unpleasant to imagine) no querer ni pensar loc verb
    no querer ni imaginar loc verb
  I dread to think how the victim’s family must be feeling.
  No quiero ni pensar cómo se debe sentir la familia de la víctima.
Great minds think alike. expr humorous (We have the same idea.) las grandes mentes piensan igual expr
    las mentes geniales razonan igual expr
I don’t think so interj (I believe not) no creo expr
    creo que no expr
    me parece que no expr
  When Tom asked me if Sally was coming to the party I replied «I don’t think so».
  Cuando Tom me preguntó si Sally iba a venir a la fiesta, le respondí «no creo».
I think so interj (I believe that to be true) eso creo loc interj
    creo que sí loc interj
    pienso que sí loc interj
    me parece, me parece que sí loc interj
  «Is he coming with us?» «I think so, but let me call him to make sure.»
  —¿Viene con nosotros? —Eso creo, pero deja que lo llame y te confirmo.
I think,
therefore I am
(Cartesian philosophy) pienso, luego existo expr
Note: Quotation of Descartes, translated from Latin.
  Pienso, luego existo.
think laterally vi + adv mainly UK, figurative (think creatively) (figurado) pensar de manera creativa loc verb
not think much of [sth/sb] v expr informal (be unimpressed by) no parecerle gran cosa a loc verb + prep
    no gustarle mucho a loc verb + prep
  I did not think much of that artist’s new exhibit, I thought it was trite.
  La nueva exposición de ese artista no me pareció gran cosa: me pareció trillada.
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. El nuevo novio de mi hija no me gusta mucho.
(ponder too deeply) pensar demasiado loc verb
  No lo pienses demasiado, que solo es tu almuerzo.
over-think [sth] vtr (analyze too deeply) (ES, figurado) rumiar⇒ vi
think again vi + adv (reconsider [sth]) reconsiderar⇒ vtr
    pensar algo mejor loc verb
  Su primera respuesta está equivocada, piénselo mejor.
think back vi + adv (try to remember) hacer memoria loc verb
  Try to think back: do you recall noticing anything unusual about him?
  Haz memoria: ¿recuerdas haber visto algo raro en él?
think better of it v expr (decide against [sth]) cambiar de opinión loc verb
think better of doing [sth] v expr (reconsider doing [sth]) cambiar de opinión acerca de loc verb
    reconsiderar⇒ vtr
  I thought better of sending my boss an angry email when I remember how much I needed my salary.
  Cambié de opinión acerca de mandarle a mi jefe un mail furioso cuando recordé en lo mucho que necesito mi salario.
   (coloquial) pensárselo mejor expr
  Iba a mandarle un mandarle a mi jefe un mail furioso pero lo pensé mejor cuando recordé lo mucho que necesito mi salario.
think better of [sb] v expr (regard more highly) ver con otros ojos a loc verb
    tener mejor concepto de loc verb
    tener mejor considerado a loc verb
  I would think better of him if he was more easy-going.
  Lo vería con otros ojos si fuese más agradable de trato.
think factory n US, informal (think tank) grupo de reflexión loc nom m
think for yourself v expr (be capable of independent thought) pensar por uno mismo loc verb
think hard v expr (contemplate seriously) hacer un esfuerzo loc verb
    pensar bien loc verb
  He had to think hard to remember the exact details of the conversation.
  Tuvo que hacer un esfuerzo para recordar los detalles de la conversación.
   (coloquial) estrujarse las neuronas loc verb
  Tuvo que estrujarse las neuronas para recordar los detalles de la conversación.
think highly of [sb/sth] v expr (hold in high regard) tener bien considerado loc verb
  The boss seems to think highly of you.
  El jefe parece tenerte bien considerado.
    tener en alta estima loc verb
  El jefe parece tenerte en alta estima.
think it over v expr (consider, deliberate) pensárselo v prnl
  I’ll think it over and let you know my decision.
  Me lo pensaré bien y te daré a conocer mi decisión.
    pensarlo v prnl
think little of doing [sth] v expr (disregard) no considerar importante loc verb
    no prestar atención loc verb
  He is a rich man and thinks little of spending a million on a new car.
think little of [sb/sth] v expr (have poor opinion of) tener una mala opinión de loc verb
think long and hard,
think long and hard about [sth]
v expr
(deliberate at length) pensar largo y tendido expr
think nothing of [sth],
think nothing of doing [sth]
v expr
(regard as insignificant) no creer que nada loc verb
think nothing of [sth],
think nothing of doing [sth]
v expr
(regard as insignificant) no importarle algo a alguien loc verb
   (coloquial) hacer algo como si nada loc verb
think on your feet v expr (think quickly in the moment) (tuteo) piensa rápido expr
   (voseo) pensá rápido expr
think out loud,
also UK: think aloud
v expr
(say what you are thinking) (informal) pensar en voz alta loc verb
    decir en voz alta loc verb
think outside the box v expr figurative (think unconventionally) ser original loc verb
    ser creativo loc verb
  The company values employees who can think outside the box and find creative solutions.
  La compañía valora a los empleados que son originales y encuentran soluciones creativas.
think piece,
dope story
(article: opinion and analysis) artículo de opinión loc nom m
think poorly of [sb/sth] v expr (hold in low esteem) tener una mala opinión de loc verb
think positive vi + adj (be optimistic) pensar en positivo loc verb
  You’ll do fine on the test. Keep thinking positive!
  Te irá bien en el examen. ¡Piensa siempre en positivo!
    ser optimista loc verb
think so v expr (believe this to be the case) creer que sí loc verb
  -¿Va a llover esta noche? — Creo que sí.
think tank,
(problem-solving group) centro de estudios, instituto de investigación loc nom m
    laboratorio de ideas loc nom m
    centro de reflexión loc nom m
   (voz inglesa) think tank loc nom m
  The Rand Corporation is a famous think tank in the US.
  La corporación Rand es un famoso centro de estudios en Estados Unidos.
think the world of [sb] v expr informal (adore or admire greatly) (persona) poner en un pedestal a loc verb
  He thinks the world of his children.
  Él pone a sus hijos en un pedestal.
    creer que es el no va más loc verb
  Él cree que sus hijos son el no va más.
    pensar que algo es lo máximo, creer que algo es lo máximo loc verb
    pensar que alguien es lo máximo, creer que alguien es lo máximo loc verb
  Él piensa que sus hijos son lo máximo.
think [sth] through,
think [sth] out
vtr + adv
(consider fully) pensar bien, pensar detenidamente vi + adv
    sopesar⇒ vtr
  Juliet had to think through Romeo’s wedding proposal. I need to think it through before making a decision.
  Julie tenía que pensar bien la propuesta de casamiento de Romeo.
think twice about [sth] v expr (reconsider [sth]) pensar dos veces en loc verb
  Think twice about the personal information you share online.
think well of [sb] v expr (respect, admire) (formal) tener buena opinión de loc verb
  Amy’s parents think well of her new boyfriend.
  Los padres de Amy tienen una buena opinión de su novio.
    gustar⇒ vi
    caer bien vi + prep
  El novio de Amy les gusta a sus padres.
What do you think? expr (asking opinion) ¿qué piensas? expr
    ¿cuál es tu opinión? expr
    ¿qué te parece? expr
  Does this color look good on me? What do you think?

Detailed Translations for think from English to Spanish


  1. to think (consider; ponder; cogitate; muse; brood; wonder; reflect)
  2. to think (sympathize; conceive; imagine; feel empathy for; be in sympathy with; intend; feel; sympathise)
  3. to think

    – ponder; reflect on, or reason about

Conjugations for think:

  1. think
  2. think
  3. thinks
  4. think
  5. think
  6. think
simple past
  1. thought
  2. thought
  3. thought
  4. thought
  5. thought
  6. thought
present perfect
  1. have thought
  2. have thought
  3. has thought
  4. have thought
  5. have thought
  6. have thought
past continuous
  1. was thinking
  2. were thinking
  3. was thinking
  4. were thinking
  5. were thinking
  6. were thinking
  1. shall think
  2. will think
  3. will think
  4. shall think
  5. will think
  6. will think
continuous present
  1. am thinking
  2. are thinking
  3. is thinking
  4. are thinking
  5. are thinking
  6. are thinking
  1. be thought
  2. be thought
  3. be thought
  4. be thought
  5. be thought
  6. be thought
  1. think!
  2. let’s think!
  3. thought
  4. thinking

1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for think:

Noun Related Translations Other Translations
entender comprehension; grasp; notion; understanding
pensar contriving; musing; thinking
Verb Related Translations Other Translations
compartir los sentimientos de be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think
creer be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think believe; believe in
entender be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think be acquainted with; be on to; catch; comprehend; contain; get; get to know; grant; grasp; hear; hold; interpellate; interpret; interrogate; question; realise; realize; rumble to; see through; seize; snatch; sneak up on; subsidise; subsidize; take unaware; take up; tattle; twig; understand
experimentar be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think bear; become aware of; behold; encounter; endure; experience; experiment; feel; live through; notice; perceive; see; see in; stand; sustain; witness
identiicarse con be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think
imaginarse be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think
intuir be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think anticipate; sense
opinar be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think be of the opinion
pensar be in sympathy with; brood; cogitate; conceive; consider; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; muse; ponder; reflect; sympathise; sympathize; think; wonder consider; contemplate; contrive; devise; invent; make up; meditate on; muse; muse on; ponder on; reflect on; regard; think along; think it over; think out
reflexionar brood; cogitate; consider; muse; ponder; reflect; think; wonder consider; contemplate; do some hard thinking; meditate on; muse; muse on; ponder; ponder on; reflect; reflect on; regard; seek advice; seek advice from; think better of it; think it over; think out
sentir be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think anticipate; be sorry; deeply regret; encounter; experience; feel; pity; regret; sense
believe; call back; call up; cerebrate; cogitate; conceive; consider; deem; guess; imagine; intend; mean; opine; recall; reckon; recollect; regard; remember; retrieve; suppose
Other Related Translations Other Translations
be of opinion; believe

Related Words for «think»:

Synonyms for «think»:

Antonyms for «think»:

Related Definitions for «think»:

Wiktionary Translations for think:



  1. communicate to oneself in one’s mind

    • thinkpensar
  2. be of the opinion that

    • thinkpensar; creer; opinar
  3. guess, reckon

    • thinksuponer; pensar
  4. consider, judge, regard something as

    • thinkcreer

Cross Translation:

From To Via
think opinar; encontrar vinden

iets op een bepaalde wijze beschouwen of ervaren
think pensar; reflexionar nadenken

(inergatief) ~ over: mentaal aandacht schenken aan een bepaald onderwerp of probleem
think pensar; creer menen

denken, een mening toegedaan zijn
think pensar denken

een oplossing zoeken
think considerar; meditar; pensar bedenken

gedachten laten gaan over, denken over
think pensar denken

(intransitiv) geistig tätig sein
think parecer dünken

(intransitiv), unpersönlich, gehoben, veraltend, mit einem im Akkusativ oder seltener im Dativ stehenden Personalpronomen: von jemandem so wahrgenommen, empfunden werden
think encontrar finden

transitiv: etwas oder jemanden für etwas halten, eine Meinung über etwas oder jemanden haben, etwas oder jemanden auf eine bestimmte Art einschätzen
think pensar; creer meinen

einen bestimmt Standpunkt oder eine bestimmte Meinung vertreten
think pensar; cavilar nachdenken

sich eingehend in Gedanken mit etwas oder jemandem beschäftigen
think juegos malabares jongler

jonglerie|fr Faire sauter plusieurs boules ou autres objets, qui s’entrecroiser en passant d’une main, voire d’un pied, dans l’autre.
think pensar penser

exercer l’activité de l’esprit ; accomplir quelque opération de l’intelligence ; concevoir ; imaginer ; réfléchir.
think repensar repenser

Penser de nouveau, réfléchir plus profondément sur une chose.
think soñar; pensar songer

(vieilli) voir en songe, rêver.
think suponer supposer

Poser une chose pour établie (sens général)

Related Translations for think

English Word: think

Spanish Word: pensar

The Spanish Word for think

Now you know how to say think in Spanish. :-)

Translated sentences containing ‘think’

I always think of you.

Pienso en ti siempre.

It’s not as expensive as you think.

No es tan caro como tú crees.

I think there is no other option.

Me parece que no hay otra opción.

Don’t think about it anymore!

No lo pienses más!

I think I’ve seen that movie. I don’t think you have seen it.

Creo que he visto ésa película. No creo que tú la hayas visto.

How old do you think I am?

¿Cuántos años cree que tengo?

I think it’s very interesting.

Yo pienso que es muy interesante.

I think they’re very interesting.

Me han parecido muy interesantes.

I think I hear the birds on the tree. I think I hear them.

Yo creo oír a los pájaros en el árbol. Yo creo oírlos en el árbol.

We think that she is pretty.

Creemos que ella es bonita.

Do you think he is sincere?

¿Piensa usted que él sea sincero?

I think there is a mistake.

Creo que hay un error.

They think about traveling.

Ellos piensan en viajar.

I think he is going to do it.

Creo que lo va a hacer.

I think that I should study.

Yo pienso en que necesito estudiar.

Why do you think that?

¿Por qué piensas eso?

Didn’t you think about breaking?

¿No pensabas frenar?

You think on giving food to the dog. You think on giving it to him.

Tú piensas dar comida al perro. Tú se la piensas dar.

I didn’t think he would come.

No creía que viniera.

I think on fixing dad’s car. I think on fixing it for him.

Yo pienso reparar el carro a papá. Yo se lo pienso reparar.

I do not think so.

Yo digo que no.

I do not think so.

Por mi parte, a mí no me lo parece.

I think they should have.

Es mi opinión.

We do not think so.

Creemos que no.

I do not think it is.

No lo creo.

I do not think so.

En mi opinión, no.

I do not think that it was!

¿Sí o no? Creo que no.

I do not think so.

No lo creo.

I do not think so.

No lo creo.

We do not think so.

Creemos que no.

I do not think so.

No lo creo.

I do not think so.

Pienso que no.

I do not think so.

Opino que no debe ser así.

I think we had to do so.

Pienso que era necesario.

I think we have to.

Creo que debemos hacerlo.

We do not think so.

No nos parece.

I do not think so.

Creo que no.

If so, they should think again.

Si es así, lo mejor que pueden hacer nuestros electores es reconsiderar su actitud.

I do not think so.

Yo creo que no.

I do not think so.

No lo creo.

What do we think of this?

¿Cuál es nuestra opinión al respecto?

I do not think so.

Creo que no.

I do not think so.

En mi opinión, no.

I do not think so.

Yo creo, sin embargo, que ésta no es la solución.

We have to think again.

Debemos replantearnos nuestra posición.

I do not think it is.

No lo creo.

I do not think so.

No lo creo.

That is how I think it ought to be too.

Creo que así tiene que ser.

I do not think so.

No lo creo.

I do not think so.

No lo creo.

I do not think so.

No lo creo.

We do not think so.

No lo creo.

I do not think so.

No lo creo.

I do not think so.

Creo que no.

But I do not think that it would be.

Pero no lo creo.

I do not think so.

No lo creo.

I do not think so.

No lo creo.

I do not think so.

No lo creo.

I do not think so.

No lo creo.

I do not think so.

No lo creo.

I do not think so.

No lo creo.

I do not think so.

No lo creo.

I do not think so!

¡No lo creo!

I do not think so.

No lo creo.

I do not think so.

Yo no lo creo.

I do not think so.

No lo creo.

Why do they think that?

¿Por qué piensan eso?

I do not think so.

Yo no lo creo.

I do not think so.

Me parece que no.

I do not think so.

No lo creo.

[ view all sentence pairs ]

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Life in Quito   (Quito, Ecuador)

Greetings all,
yes we arrived safely and without mishap.
Quito (the old town) is beautiful with tons of old colonial architecture, people friendly and food fine.
Second day here we booked ourselves on a trek up an active volcano — Guagua Pichincha (4794M). Met up with our guide/driver for the trek — a local Depardieau-look-a-like. Also climbing a pair of Brits. All aboard the LandRover we…

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If you want to know how to say think in Spanish, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Spanish better.

Here is the translation and the Spanish word for think:


Think in all languages

Dictionary Entries near think

  • thin
  • thing
  • Things happen
  • think
  • think straight
  • thinker
  • thinking

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«Think in Spanish.» In Different Languages, https://www.indifferentlanguages.com/words/think/spanish. Accessed 15 Apr 2023.



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