Word there will be a hidden

Hidden animals

Example: Close
the door at once!

1 . That will be a real help.

She came late every day.

He came to America today.

Eric owes me ten cents.

We made errors in each one.

We will go at two o’clock.

Is it the sixth or seventh?

At last, I, Gerald, had won.

That man ate eleven cookies.
10. Your comb is on the table.

11. It’s only a kilometer away.

He regrets having said that.

He called Mikko a lazy boy.

In April I only came once.

If Al concentrates, he’ll win.

(l. bear, 2. camel, 3. cat, 4. cow, 5. deer
6, goat, 7. horse, 8, tiger, 9. manatee, 10. bison,
11. yak, 12. egret, 13. koala, 14. lion, 15. falcon)


Some parts of the face are the eye, eyebrow,
nose, and mouth.(brown)

I’m not really dumb; lack of sleep made me
forget the answers.(black)

If I tell you what she said, will you agree
never to tell anyone?(green)

In the box we found a pencil, a pin, keys,
and a few coins.(pink)

Are three, zeros enough to write the number one thousand?(rose)

The wheelbarrow hit eleven rocks as it rolled
down the hill.

Elsa and Otto ran gently down the path to
the river.(orange)

We’ll go in Jim’s car. Let’s leave at six

Hidden numbers

If I’ve said something to hurt you, I’m sorry. (five)

We thought that was the best year of our
lives. (four)

The papers I xeroxed didn’t turn out very
well. (six)

Paul is going to leave today; Robert went
yesterday. (twenty)

You replaced the those and these in English
several centuries ago. (thousand)

Now their team is even with ours. (seven)

It would be better to learn the language
thoroughly. (two)



Автоматический перевод

так и будет

Перевод по словам

there  — там, туда, здесь, тут, вон, на этом месте, в этом отношении
will  — воля, желание, завещание, волеизъявление, хотеть, желать, завещать, проявлять волю
be  — быть, находиться, должен, тратта


There will be no performance November 6.

Шестого ноября спектакль не состоится. (амер.)

There will be no exceptions to this rule.

Никаких исключений из этого правила не будет.

There will be no charge for installation.

Установка будет осуществлена бесплатно.

There will be a trash collection this week.

На этой неделе будет вывоз мусора.

Following the dinner there will be a dance.

После обеда будут танцы.

There will be no quick upturn in the economy.

В экономике не будет быстрого роста.

As of now, there will be no more paid overtime.

С этого момента сверхурочная работа больше оплачиваться не будет.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The hope is that there will be a settlement soon.  

Where there are mills grinding there will be flour.  

There will be occasional showers during the morning.  

There will be 12 concerts spread throughout the summer.  

There will be at least three senior doctors on the panel.  

There will be outbreaks of rain, gradually dying out later.  

I cannot give a guarantee that there will be no redundancies.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Microsoft 365, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Office for Mac, Microsoft Word, Office 2007, Office 2010, Office 2013, Office 2016, Office 2019, Office 2021 / Office LTSC, Office 365 /

18 September 2022

If you want to find then change or remove hidden text from your Word document, there are two ways to do it. Either reveal or find the hidden text OR use Word’s in-built Document Inspector.

For a shorter document, you can use the Show/Hide button to see what’s hidden and delete it manually, but that would be very time consuming for longer documents with lots of hidden passages. Never fear, there are a two ways you can hunt down those hidden passages to remove them.

Remove using Find/Replace

You can use the Find function in Word to search for all the hidden text and replace it with nothing, i.e. remove it.

Note that you will need to show all of your hidden text using Control+Shift+8 or the Show/Hide button before you search for it – the Find/Replace function won’t find it if it is still hidden.

First, open the Find and Replace dialog from the Home tab or use Ctrl + H.

Then click the More button.

Then click the Format dropdown and select Font.

Then, make sure that the Hidden box under Effects is ticked and click OK.

We now continue as if we were going to replace the hidden text with something else, but we just leave the Replace field empty so that we replace it with nothing, i.e., delete it.

We can then click Find Next and Replace to go through and remove each piece of hidden text individually, or if we’re confident that all of them do need to be removed, click Replace All to remove them all in one go.

Remove with Inspect Document

You can also use Word’s Inspect Document feature to search for any hidden text and remove it all at once. To get to this feature, we go to File | Info |Check for Issues | Inspect Document.

Now we scroll down to the bottom and tick the Hidden Text box, unticking everything else unless you want to check for some other issues at the same time.

The Document Inspector will tell you if it’s found any hidden text. Click Remove All, and all the hidden text will be gone.

Note that this method does not give you any option to view the hidden text before you remove it, so if you are at all uncertain if everything hidden needs to be removed, it’s best to use the Find/Replace method where you can view each hidden passage before you remove it.

Reveal Hidden Characters and Word’s secrets with Show All
Understand the Show All markers in Word
Hidden Text, Images and objects in Word
Hidden picture info in your Office documents

The goal of the hidden word puzzle is to find the hidden word in a puzzle grid. When you write down the answers of the clues in the puzzle, you will find in the bold rectangles the hidden word.

With this page it is very easy to create your own puzzle. Just type the words and the clues and the hidden word. The page will try to create the puzzle. When it cannot place a word in the puzzle it will make the background in cell red. So you can see easily which word(s) are not used. When you have more words than the length of the hidden word you can still download the printable worksheet. It will not print the words and clues that are not used. When you really short in time, you can load a saved puzzle. There are two lists on the page. The first list is a list of hidden word puzzle. These puzzle has a hidden word, puzzle word and clues. Which means you load them and download it and you are ready. The second list contains puzzle used wtih only words and clues. When you load one of those puzzles, you only need to choose and type the hidden word.

When you create your own hidden word puzzle, I will save your puzzle. If the puzzle is suitable for other users, I will add your crossword puzzle to the game list.

Create your hidden word puzzle

Hidden word puzzle title:

Hidden word:

Terms of use of the edu games.

1. You can use the worksheets for free for non-commercial purposes, such as in schools, training centers or at home.
2. It is strictly forbidden to modify the worksheets in any way.
3. You can place an image of the worksheet on a website, but you have to place clearly and close to the image a link to www.edu-games.org.
4. It is forbidden to place the worksheet as a pdf file on a website.
5. You are allowed to use the worksheets (as pdf) in a closed environment for teaching purposes, as such Google’s Classroom. As long as the school or institution is free for the students and that they have free access to the worksheets.
6. There are no limitations on the numbers of worksheets you can create and download.
7. You give the edu games website the permission to use your created puzzles. Your puzzle will be checked and if it is suitable for other users it will be published on the website.
8. It is forbidden to embed www.edu-games.org into an i-frame of another website.


Here’s a hidden words quiz that is themed to the Mississippi River.

Easier, 10 Qns, bernie73,
Mar 25 23

gold member

Mar 25 23
108 plays


Work out where a famous «Jim» is hiding in each sentence, i.e., in the sentence «Thor petrifies villains.» the hidden Jim is Jim Thorpe: «THOR PEtrifies villains.» If the multiple choices were: athlete, president, writer, dancer, you would pick athlete.

Average, 10 Qns, Billkozy,
Mar 21 23


Mar 21 23
30 plays


There are forty colours hidden in the following nonsense tale. They may be within a single word, or spread across two or more words. There is more than one colour in each question but you only need to give ONE of them for your answer.

Very Easy, 10 Qns, Lottie1001,
May 30 22

Very Easy
gold member

May 30 22
512 plays


Sometimes it can be hard to locate good mushrooms in the wild, unless you know where to look. Can you find the ten mushrooms hidden within these sentences?

Average, 10 Qns, reedy,
Sep 30 22

gold member

Sep 30 22
119 plays


One of the wonderful quirks of the English language is that a word may have more than one meaning. In this puzzle a creature, whose name has an alternate meaning, is hidden in each sentence below. To help, the other meaning is also in the sentence.

Very Easy, 10 Qns, pollucci19,
Oct 26 22

Very Easy
gold member

Oct 26 22
249 plays


Hidden within these sentences are ten different jobs. See if you can find them! (Note: the parts of the hidden word may be separated by punctuation in the sentence but should not be included in your answer).

Easier, 10 Qns, guitargoddess,
Oct 06 13

gold member

2268 plays


It is going to be a rainy day today. So I have hidden ten words for you to look for. All will have to do with the weather or the natural world. One word per sentence. But, just so you know, you can play this quiz no matter what the weather is!

Average, 10 Qns, dcpddc478,
Jul 18 13


9922 plays


Choose your partner — but first, find which dances you will perform, hidden in the following sentences. Each one is hidden in two or more words. Look for odd sentence structure to help in your quest.

Very Easy, 10 Qns, spanishliz,
Apr 06 22

Very Easy

Apr 06 22
437 plays


Work out where a famous person named «Jim» is hiding in each sentence. In «Thor petrifies villains» the hidden Jim is Jim Thorpe: «THOR PEtrifies villains.» If the multiple choices were: athlete, mayor, writer, dancer, you would pick athlete.

Average, 10 Qns, Billkozy,
Feb 04 23


Feb 04 23
92 plays


These sentences will contain a hidden word that relates in some way to numbers. It may be a simple number (one), a compound (twofold) or something more descriptive. Do your best to locate each one, using any hints.

Easier, 10 Qns, spanishliz,
Sep 28 13


2643 plays


All of the first names in this quiz are six letters long, and are hidden in two or more words of the clue sentence. Each sentence has a hint as to the gender most often associated with the name.

Very Easy, 10 Qns, spanishliz,
Apr 22 21

Very Easy

Apr 22 21
484 plays


All the hidden words in these sentences are associated with the activity of boxing. See if you can find the hidden word.

Very Easy, 10 Qns, ramonesrule,
Jun 15 22

Very Easy
gold member

Jun 15 22
337 plays


This is a hidden word quiz featuring words associated with a farm. Come see what you can discover on your journey through the farmstead! (All answers are hidden within at least 2 other words in the clue.)

Easier, 10 Qns, stephgm67,
Apr 12 22

gold member

Apr 12 22
352 plays


A name of a musical instrument is hidden in each of these phrases or sentences. Can you find them all?

Average, 10 Qns, minch,
Aug 05 04

gold member

8183 plays


«No crib for a bed….» Hidden away in the sentences (in two or more words) you will find many things associated with the holiday season. Who knows, there might even be a crib — or a manger!

Easier, 10 Qns, spanishliz,
Jul 24 17


Jul 24 17
1769 plays


Ten monsters are hiding in these sentences, so look out, before they come for you. All monsters are hidden in at least two words, so look out for odd sentence structure. That’s where they might be!

Very Easy, 10 Qns, spanishliz,
Nov 27 19

Very Easy

Nov 27 19
626 plays


Inside each sentence you will find something you could eat, always hidden in two or more words. There will often be an additional clue to help you.

Very Easy, 10 Qns, spanishliz,
Jan 17 19

Very Easy

Jan 17 19
646 plays


Ten different colours can be found, hidden in each sentence, and not one of them is aquamarine! Each hidden word will use letters from two or more words in the sentence.

Easier, 10 Qns, spanishliz,
Oct 19 20


Oct 19 20
434 plays


Here are some hidden big cats, both generic and specific. To clarify, some answers are proper names while others are animal types. All answers can be found spread over at least two words, Nothing is «hidden» inside a single word.

Easier, 10 Qns, spanishliz,
Mar 01 20


Mar 01 20
476 plays


For Commission XXVII, each player was allocated a title, devised by someone else, where a body part had to be hidden in the title. The quiz could be on any topic. Therefore ten body parts with only three letters are hidden in ten brainteasing questions.

Easier, 10 Qns, 1nn1,
Jul 09 15

gold member

689 plays


Work out where a famous person named «Jim» is hiding in each sentence. For instance, in the sentence » A thief will nab or steal», the hidden Jim is Jim Nabors: «A thief will NAB OR Steal.»

Average, 10 Qns, Billkozy,
Nov 20 22


Nov 20 22
114 plays


Did someone say cheese? I’ve hidden different types of cheeses in sentences. See if you can find them by using the letter count hints given.

Easier, 10 Qns, leith90,
Jun 04 19

gold member

Jun 04 19
494 plays


Find the furniture hidden in each sentence. There may or may not be additional clues.

Very Easy, 10 Qns, spanishliz,
Jan 12 18

Very Easy

Jan 12 18
699 plays


Find the animal hiding in each sentence. Look for odd sentence structure, and the occasional clue.

Easier, 10 Qns, spanishliz,
Jun 03 21


Jun 03 21
699 plays


This hidden word game incorporates a unique word within each sentence by hiding symbols associated with Canada.

Easier, 10 Qns, apathy100,
May 31 17

gold member

May 31 17
1334 plays


Let’s see if you can put an airplane together by finding various aircraft parts hidden in these ten sentences.

Easier, 10 Qns, RedHook13,
Oct 16 20

gold member

Oct 16 20
359 plays


Some zoom through cleaning with a vacuum, some with a sweeper, a hoover, or broom, but all zoom through cleaning and so can you! Zoom through this quiz to find the ten hidden cleaning words and come out neat and polished on the other side. Good luck!

Easier, 10 Qns, kaddarsgirl,
Jul 01 14


588 plays


Work out where a famous man named «Jim» is hiding in each sentence. In the sentence «Thieves nab or steal» the hidden Jim is Jim Nabors: «Thieves NAB OR Steal.» If the choices are Actor, Senator, Mime, Cop, you’d pick Actor because Jim Nabors is an actor

Average, 10 Qns, Billkozy,
Jul 26 22


Jul 26 22
142 plays


…the fifth of November, and various other things related to that month. In fact you need not remember, just find them hidden here.

Easier, 10 Qns, spanishliz,
Nov 16 13


748 plays


Dear quiz taker, hidden in the messages below are ten characters of ancient Greek mythology. Can you help me find who has reached out to mighty Zeus for aid? Fill in the blank answers are hidden in the text, they are NOT «Zeus».

Average, 10 Qns, kaddarsgirl,
Apr 13 22


Apr 13 22
158 plays

In this article, we are glad to provide you with 4 easy ways to find hidden texts in your Word document.

Sometimes we would like to hide some texts to make it invisible out of the need to protect sensitive and confidential information. However, as time goes by, we can easily forget about their existence. Therefore, we have to find out hidden texts as not to overwrite them by accident. This post will show you all 4 ways to do so.Find Hidden Texts in Your Word Document

Method 1: Show All Hidden Texts in a Document

  1. Open document and click “Home” tab.
  2. And in “Paragraph” group, there is the “Show/Hide” command. Click it to view all hidden texts in the document.   Click "Home"->Click "Show Hide" Command

Words with dotted under lines are hidden texts. You should know that this command also reveal all other hidden marks and symbols in a document, such as the paragraph mark.

Method 2: Show Hidden Texts Only

  1. First of all, click “File” tab.
  2. Then click “Options” to open “Word Options” dialog box.
  3. Next click “Display”.
  4. Scroll down to “Always show these formatting marks on the screen” section, check “Hidden text” box.
  5. Finally, click “OK” to save the setting.Click "Display"->Check "Hidden text" Box->Click "OK"

With this approach applied, the “Show/Hide” command will lose its control over hidden texts. This method shows all hidden texts in a document, but it shall not reveal other hidden symbols such as paragraph marks. Thus your document can look more concise.

Method 3: Use “Advanced Find” Feature

  1. To begin with, you need to click the “Show/Hide” command to reveal all hidden marks,
  2. Secondly, click the drop-down button on “Find” command and choose “Advanced Find”.
  3. Next put insertion pointer inside the “Find what” text box.
  4. Then click “Format” tab and select “Font”.Click "Format"->Click "Font"
  5. In “Find Font” box open, check “Hidden” box and click “OK”.
  6. Now back to “Find and Replace” box, click “Find In” and choose “Main Document”.
  7. All hidden texts are in selection. In “Find and Replace” box, click “Reading Highlight” tab and select “Highlight All” to highlight found hidden texts.Click "Find In"->Click "Reading Highlight"->Choose "Highlight All"


You must click “Show/Hide” command to show all hidden marks at the first step, or Word shall fail to find any hidden texts.

Method 4: Run Word Macro to Find and Highlight Hidden Texts

  1. Firstly, press “Alt+ F11” to open VBA editor.
  2. Next click “Normal” on the left panel.
  3. And click “Insert” tab.
  4. Then select “Module”.Click "Normal"->Click "Insert"->Click "Module"
  5. Open module with double click and paste following codes there:
Sub HighlightHiddenTextsInDoc()
  ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll = Not ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll
  With Selection
    .HomeKey Unit:=wdStory
    With Selection.Find
      .Font.Hidden = True
      .Text = ""
      .Replacement.Text = ""
      .Forward = True
      .Wrap = wdFindContinue
      .Format = True
      .MatchCase = False
      .MatchWildcards = False
      .MatchWholeWord = False
      .MatchAllWordForms = False
      .MatchSoundsLike = False
    End With
    Do While .Find.Found
      Selection.Range.Font.ColorIndex = wdBrightGreen
      .Collapse wdCollapseEnd
  End With
  ActiveWindow.View.ShowHiddenText = True
  ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll = Not ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll
End Sub
  1. Make sure your cursor is inside the macro and hit “F5” to run codes.Paste Codes->Click "Run"

You will get final effect like this:Highlighted Hidden Texts

Comparison of 4 Methods

Methods Advantages Disadvantages
Method 1: Show All Hidden Marks in a Document The quickest method and easy to operate 1.        It shows all hidden marks and symbols in a document, which make it look messy.

2.        The hidden texts are not easy to recognize.

Method 2: Show Hidden Texts Only It shows only hidden texts but will not reveal other hidden symbols such as paragraph marks. The hidden texts are not easy to recognize.
Method 3: Use “Advanced Find” Feature It will highlight all hidden texts as to stand them out. 1.        You have to show all hidden marks first before using the “Advanced Find” feature.

2.        You will have other hidden marks and symbols visible.

Method 4: Run Word Macro to Find and Highlight Hidden Texts 1.        It will highlight all hidden texts as to stand them out.

2.        No other hidden marks will be revealed.

Word will always show hidden texts on the screen, so you may have to manually turn this feature off if necessary.

Repair Your Word

Now and then, you may find Word isn’t work correctly. Sometimes, a simple restart may address the issue. Well, other times, you will have to utilize built-in function to repair Word. What’s worse, if that doesn’t work either, you only reliance will be a third-party tool.

Author Introduction:

Vera Chen is a data recovery expert in DataNumen, Inc., which is the world leader in data recovery technologies, including xls recovery and pdf repair software products. For more information visit www.datanumen.com

This article was formerly combined with another related to adding a letter to words to make a new one. That part of the article has been moved and you can now read it in our new VR — Finishing and Starting Words article.

Hidden Words are words which are hidden within a sentence , usually between two larger words. For example, look at these words:

In this example, if we obscure some of the letters, leaving the last three from ‘each’ and the first from ‘elephant’, we are left with the word ‘ache’:

As you can see, regardless of the fact that it’s pronounced differently, the combination of letters forms a new word. Children often forget that letter strings can be pronounced differently in English; the point of isolating the letters is that they are less likely to be swayed by the context of the larger word.

Candidates are given a sentence in which a four-letter word is hidden between two words. The two words will always be next to each other. It is then up to them to find the pair of words and select the correct answer from the multiple-choice options.

Be aware of what format the answer needs to be presented in. Most papers don’t want the word that has been hidden – they want the two words in which the word has been hidden.

Example Question One

In this sentence a four-letter word is hidden at the end of one word and the beginning of the next. Find the pair of words that contains the hidden word.

The beautiful lady sat on her chair elegantly.

We are looking for a four-letter word, hidden between two of the words. Let’s explore the possible answers by imagining what would be visible if we covered up certain letters:


Firstly, ‘theb’ and ‘ebea’ are not words.

Secondly, although ‘hebe’ is a species of flower (and occasionally a girl’s name) and my fellow gardeners may realise this, it certainly isn’t the sort of word that will be used in a test such as this. Even as I write this on a computer, the red line has shown under ‘hebe’ and I may get some bemused looks if I were to use it in a word game amongst other adults.

The answers are always words which a bright child would recognise, even if they couldn’t explain their meaning accurately. There is no trickery in this sort of question and the setter is usually not as interested in testing vocabulary as testing adaptability.

Having failed to make sense with the first two words, we move to the second and third.


The answer here is clearly ‘beautiful lady’ as the word ‘full’ is hidden between them.

Example Question Two

In this sentence a four-letter word is hidden at the end of one word and the beginning of the next. Find the pair of words that contains the hidden word.

A bit later, my alarm sounded.

The first combination of words can only be ‘abit’ which is not a word.

The second and third words give a full three options (‘bitl’, ‘itla’ and ‘tlat’) but none of them are legitimate words, so on we go to the third and fourth words.

‘Term’ can be formed with the letters from ‘later’ and ‘my’, so this is the correct answer.

Be aware that ‘late’ is not an answer as it is not formed from two words. Make sure that your child understands that the word must be hidden between two others.

Sample Tests

Once your child has learned the technique to solving this sort of question, then they should not have any difficulties. It requires a methodical approach which s best learned through practice.

To help your child master Hidden Words, there are four quizzes on the Education Quizzes site devoted specifically to this type of question. Show them the technique you’ve learned here as you look at the example given at the start of each quiz, then let them try all forty questions to see how well they fare.

You’ll find the quizzes in our Eleven Plus Verbal Reasoning section or, alternatively, you can follow these links:

Hidden Word 1

Hidden Word 2

Hidden Word 3

Hidden Word 4

As ever, the more familiar your child becomes with finding hidden words, the better prepared they will be for the exam. Good luck!

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