Word that start with under

Looking to find words beginning with under? This page has 788 words that begin
with under , perfect for your game of Scrabble, Words With Friends, or other word games.

What are the highest scoring Scrabble words starting with under

Looking to score high and impress your friends? Check out our list of the highest scoring
words starting with under, these are the top scoring words according to Scrabble’s scores:
underemphasized (33), underemphasizes (32), underpublicized (32), underemphasize (31), undercapitalize (29), underqualified (28), underexploiting (26), underemployment (25), underexploited (25), underprizing (25)

What are the best words starting with ‘under’ to play in Words With Friends

Want to beat your bestie while playing Words With Friends? Check out our list of the highest scoring WWF
words starting with under, these are the top scoring words according to Words With Friends’ scores:
underpublicized (39), underemphasized (36), underemphasizes (35), undercapitalize (34), underemphasize (34), underexploiting (32), underqualified (32), underemployment (31), underfulfilling (31), underutilizing (31).

Help! These don’t work. What other words can I make using the letters u n d e r?

Feeling stuck? Don’t worry, help is at hand. Try some of these links:

Starting with under:

Ending with under:

6 letters

7 letters

8 letters

Containing ‘under’:
6 letters
7 letters
8 letters

Using letters ‘u n d e r’:
6 letters
7 letters
8 letters

There are so many! Can I refine my results a bit?

Sure, no problem! Try using more letters in your search, for example you could try looking for words starting with..

unders underp underb underc underl underd underw underf undert underg undere undera underm

A list of scrabble words starting with Under

Under is a playable Scrabble Word!

A list of words that start with under for Scrabble that can also be used while playing
Words With Friends. Here’s a list of words that begin with under
of all different lengths.


  • Highest scoring words starting with Under
  • 11-letter words starting with Under
  • 10-letter words starting with Under
  • 9-letter words starting with Under
  • 8-letter words starting with Under
  • 7-letter words starting with Under
  • 5-letter words starting with Under
  • FAQs about words starting with Under

288 Scrabble words starting with Under

11 Letter Words That Start With Under

  • underacting15
  • underactive17
  • underbaking19
  • underbidder16
  • underbodies15
  • underbosses14
  • underbought18
  • underbudded17
  • underbuying18
  • undercharge18
  • undercoated15
  • undercooked19
  • undercooled15
  • undercounts14
  • undercrofts17
  • underdosing14
  • undereating13
  • underexpose21
  • underfunded17
  • undergirded15
  • underglazes22
  • underground14
  • undergrowth19
  • underhanded17
  • underheated16
  • underlapped17
  • underlaying16
  • underlining13
  • underloaded14
  • undermanned15
  • undermining15
  • underpasses14
  • underpaying18
  • underpinned15
  • underplayed18
  • underpriced17
  • underprices16
  • underrating13
  • underreacts14
  • underreport14
  • underscored15
  • underscores14
  • underserved16
  • undershirts15
  • undershoots15
  • undershorts15
  • undershrubs17
  • undersigned14
  • underskirts16
  • understands13
  • understated13
  • understates12
  • understeers12
  • undersupply19
  • undertakers16
  • undertaking17
  • undertaxing20
  • undertenant12
  • underthrust15
  • undertricks18
  • undervalued16
  • undervalues15
  • underweight19
  • underwhelms20
  • underworked20
  • underworlds16
  • underwriter15
  • underwrites15

10 Letter Words That Start With Under

  • underacted14
  • underbaked18
  • underbakes17
  • underbelly16
  • underbites13
  • underbrims15
  • underbrush16
  • undercards14
  • underclass13
  • underclays16
  • undercoats13
  • undercooks17
  • undercools13
  • undercount13
  • undercover16
  • undercroft16
  • underdoing13
  • underdosed13
  • underdoses12
  • undereaten11
  • underfeeds15
  • underflows17
  • underfunds15
  • undergirds13
  • underglaze21
  • undergoers12
  • undergoing13
  • undergrads13
  • underhairs14
  • underhands15
  • underheats14
  • underkills15
  • underlined12
  • underlines11
  • underlings12
  • underloads12
  • underlying15
  • undermined14
  • undermines13
  • underneath14
  • underpants13
  • underparts13
  • underplays16
  • underplots13
  • underprice15
  • underproof16
  • underprops15
  • underrated12
  • underrates11
  • underreact13
  • underscore13
  • undersells11
  • undersexed19
  • undershirt14
  • undershoot14
  • undershrub16
  • undersides12
  • undersigns12
  • undersized21
  • underskirt15
  • underslung12
  • undersoils11
  • undersongs12
  • underspins13
  • understand12
  • understate11
  • understeer11
  • understood12
  • understory14
  • understudy15
  • undertaken15
  • undertaker15
  • undertakes15
  • undertaxed19
  • undertaxes18
  • undertints11
  • undertones11
  • undertrick17
  • underusing12
  • undervalue14
  • undervests14
  • undervotes14
  • underwater14
  • underwhelm19
  • underwings15
  • underwires14
  • underwoods15
  • underwools14
  • underworks18
  • underworld15
  • underwrite14
  • underwrote14

9 Letter Words That Start With Under

  • underacts12
  • underaged12
  • underages11
  • underarms12
  • underbake16
  • underbids13
  • underbite12
  • underbody16
  • underboss12
  • underbred13
  • underbrim14
  • underbuds13
  • underbuys15
  • undercard13
  • underclad13
  • underclay15
  • undercoat12
  • undercook16
  • undercool12
  • undercuts12
  • underdoes11
  • underdogs12
  • underdone11
  • underdose11
  • undereats10
  • underfeed14
  • underflow16
  • underfoot13
  • underfund14
  • underfurs13
  • undergird12
  • undergirt11
  • undergods12
  • undergoer11
  • undergoes11
  • undergone11
  • undergrad12
  • underhair13
  • underhand14
  • underheat13
  • underhung14
  • underived14
  • underjaws20
  • underkill14
  • underlaid11
  • underlain10
  • underlaps12
  • underlays13
  • underlets10
  • underlies10
  • underline10
  • underling11
  • underlips12
  • underload11
  • undermine12
  • undermost12
  • underpaid13
  • underpart12
  • underpass12
  • underpays15
  • underpins12
  • underplay15
  • underplot12
  • underprop14
  • underrate10
  • underripe12
  • underruns10
  • underseas10
  • undersell10
  • undersets10
  • undershot13
  • underside11
  • undersign11
  • undersize19
  • undersoil10
  • undersold11
  • undersong11
  • underspin12
  • undertake14
  • undertint10
  • undertone10
  • undertook14
  • undertows13
  • underused11
  • underuses10
  • undervest13
  • undervote13
  • underwear13
  • underwent13
  • underwing14
  • underwire13
  • underwood14
  • underwool13
  • underwork17

5 Letter Words That Start With Under

  • under6

FAQ on words starting with Under

What are the best Scrabble words starting with Under?

The highest scoring Scrabble word starting with Under is Underglazes, which is worth at least 22 points without
any bonuses.
The next best word starting with Under is underjaws, which is worth 20 points.
Other high score words starting with Under are
underglaze (21),

undersized (21),
undergo (9),
underworked (20),
underexpose (21),
underdo (9),
underwhelms (20).

How many words start with the
letters Under?

There are 288 words that start with the letters
Under in the Scrabble dictionary.
Of those
68 are 11 letter
92 are 10 letter
94 are 9 letter
31 are 8 letter
2 are 7 letter
1 is a 5 letter

Total Number of words that start with UNDER found =402

UNDER comprises of 5 letters. Below are Total 402 words Starting with UNDER (Prefix) found after searching through all the words in english. UNDER is itself is a word in english. under is made up of letters U, N, D, E and R. Where U is 21th , N is 14th , D is 4th , E is 5th and R is 18th Letter of Alphabet series
Also see: Words ending with Under | Words containing Under | Words made out of letters used in Under

16 letter Words starting with under

1). Undercapitalized 2). Underappreciated 3). Underinvestments 4). Underemployments 5). Underutilization 6). Underemphasizing 7). Undersecretaries 8). Undernourishment 9). Underproductions 10). Underachievement 11). Underrepresented 12). Underdevelopment 13). Underestimations

15 letter Words starting with under

1). Underestimation 2). Undervaluations 3). Underinflations 4). Underinvestment 5). Underestimating 6). Underpublicized 7). Undernutritions 8). Understandingly 9). Underactivities 10). Underprivileged 11). Underproduction 12). Underemphasized 13). Underemphasizes 14). Understatements 15). Underemployment 16). Underhandedness

14 letter Words starting with under

1). Understaffings 2). Understatement 3). Underexposures 4). Understandings 5). Undercarriages 6). Underdeveloped 7). Understandably 8). Underemphasize 9). Underestimates 10). Underestimated 11). Understrappers 12). Underclothings 13). Undersecretary 14). Undersaturated 15). Underutilizing 16). Undervaluation 17). Underreporting 18). Undernutrition 19). Underqualified 20). Underpopulated 21). Understandable 22). Underpaintings 23). Underachieving 24). Underachievers 25). Undernourished 26). Underinflation 27). Underthrusting 28). Undergrounders 29). Undergraduates

13 letter Words starting with under

1). Underhandedly 2). Underemphases 3). Undereducated 4). Underpinnings 5). Understaffing 6). Underfinanced 7). Underpainting 8). Understanding 9). Undergarments 10). Undershooting 11). Undersheriffs 12). Underpayments 13). Undergraduate 14). Underinflated 15). Underexposing 16). Underestimate 17). Underexposure 18). Undergrounder 19). Underemployed 20). Undersurfaces 21). Underreacting 22). Underlayments 23). Underprepared 24). Underreported 25). Undercarriage 26). Understudying 27). Undersupplies 28). Undercoatings 29). Underactivity 30). Underclothing 31). Undercharging 32). Underwhelming 33). Underclassman 34). Underemphasis 35). Underutilized 36). Underutilizes 37). Underbudgeted 38). Understrength 39). Understrapper 40). Understatedly 41). Underachieved 42). Underachiever 43). Underachieves 44). Understeering 45). Undercurrents 46). Undercounting 47). Underclassmen

12 letter Words starting with under

1). Underwhelmed 2). Underbidding 3). Underinsured 4). Undercharged 5). Underutilize 6). Underachieve 7). Undertakings 8). Underrunning 9). Underbrushes 10). Undertenants 11). Underthrusts 12). Underbudding 13). Undergrowths 14). Undergrounds 15). Underreports 16). Undervaluing 17). Underwriters 18). Underplaying 19). Underlyingly 20). Underpayment 21). Underwriting 22). Underpowered 23). Underpricing 24). Underletting 25). Underwritten 26). Underlayment 27). Underweights 28). Undercurrent 29). Underreacted 30). Underlapping 31). Underbellies 32). Underpinning 33). Underexposes 34). Undergarment 35). Undercounted 36). Understudied 37). Undercooling 38). Underfunding 39). Undersurface 40). Understudies 41). Undercoating 42). Understaffed 43). Underfeeding 44). Underclasses 45). Underclothes 46). Underexposed 47). Undercharges 48). Understories 49). Underselling 50). Understeered 51). Understating 52). Underscoring 53). Undersheriff 54). Underbidders 55). Undershirted 56). Underdrawers 57). Undergirding 58). Undercutting

11 letter Words starting with under

1). Underprices 2). Understates 3). Underpriced 4). Underwriter 5). Undersupply 6). Underpaying 7). Underplayed 8). Understeers 9). Underpinned 10). Underpasses 11). Underwrites 12). Understands 13). Underworlds 14). Underwhelms 15). Undershoots 16). Undertricks 17). Undershirts 18). Underserved 19). Underthrust 20). Undertakers 21). Undertenant 22). Undertaking 23). Underscored 24). Undervalued 25). Undershorts 26). Undershrubs 27). Understated 28). Underweight 29). Underrating 30). Undertaxing 31). Underskirts 32). Underreacts 33). Underreport 34). Undersigned 35). Undervalues 36). Underscores 37). Undergirded 38). Underbudded 39). Underbuying 40). Underlapped 41). Undercharge 42). Undercooled 43). Underlaying 44). Undercounts 45). Undercrofts 46). Underhanded 47). Undereating 48). Undergrowth 49). Underexpose 50). Underground 51). Underfunded 52). Underlining 53). Underbought 54). Underbidder 55). Undermanned 56). Underactive 57). Underglazes 58). Underbodies 59). Underbosses 60). Underacting 61). Undermining

10 letter Words starting with under

1). Understand 2). Underfeeds 3). Underwrite 4). Underworld 5). Underwools 6). Undereaten 7). Understate 8). Underdoing 9). Underspins 10). Underslung 11). Underglaze 12). Undershirt 13). Undergirds 14). Undershoot 15). Underacted 16). Undershrub 17). Undersides 18). Underfunds 19). Underwhelm 20). Underskirt 21). Undersized 22). Understeer 23). Underwoods 24). Undertaker 25). Undercards 26). Undertakes 27). Undertaxes 28). Underwrote 29). Undervalue 30). Underwater 31). Undertones 32). Undertrick 33). Underbrush 34). Undertaken 35). Underclass 36). Undercoats 37). Undertaxed 38). Understood 39). Undercroft 40). Understory 41). Undercover 42). Underwings 43). Undercount 44). Undercools 45). Underbelly 46). Understudy 47). Underbrims 48). Undersexed 49). Underneath 50). Underlined 51). Undermined 52). Underprice 53). Undergoing 54). Underlines 55). Underscore 56). Underlings 57). Undergrads 58). Underplots 59). Underlying 60). Underplays 61). Underreact 62). Underpants 63). Underproof 64). Underparts 65). Undersells 66). Underrated 67). Underrates 68). Undermines

9 letter Words starting with under

1). Undertook 2). Undertone 3). Underbuds 4). Underplot 5). Undercoat 6). Underlets 7). Underline 8). Underages 9). Underling 10). Underbuys 11). Undercard 12). Underlies 13). Undertows 14). Underplay 15). Underwent 16). Underarms 17). Underwing 18). Underwood 19). Underpass 20). Underwool 21). Underpart 22). Underacts 23). Undermost 24). Underwear 25). Undersold 26). Undermine 27). Underpins 28). Underused 29). Underlips 30). Underbrim 31). Underbred 32). Underboss 33). Underbody 34). Underpays 35). Underbids 36). Underpaid 37). Undersize 38). Underjaws 39). Underfurs 40). Underdone 41). Undershot 42). Undergone 43). Undergods 44). Undereats 45). Underside 46). Undersell 47). Undergoes 48). Underfeed 49). Underfoot 50). Underspin 51). Underfund 52). Undergrad 53). Underseas 54). Undergird 55). Underlaid 56). Underdogs 57). Undercool 58). Underlays 59). Underrate 60). Undersets 61). Underlaps 62). Underruns 63). Undertake 64). Undercuts 65). Underhand 66). Undergirt 67). Underlain 68). Underdoes

8 letter Words starting with under

1). Underfur 2). Underate 3). Underbuy 4). Underact 5). Underpay 6). Underage 7). Undergod 8). Underarm 9). Underset 10). Underlap 11). Undersea 12). Underway 13). Underlip 14). Underbud 15). Underdog 16). Underdid 17). Undertax 18). Undercut 19). Underlay 20). Underran 21). Undertow 22). Underjaw 23). Undereat 24). Underbid 25). Underpin 26). Underlet 27). Underlit 28). Underfed 29). Underrun 30). Underlie

7 letter Words starting with under

1). Underdo 2). Undergo

5 letter Words starting with under

1). Under

Under :- Below or lower- in place or position- with the idea of being covered; lower than; beneath; — opposed to over; as- he stood under a tree; the carriage is under cover; a cellar extends under the whole house. Denoting relation to some thing or person that is superior- weighs upon- oppresses- bows down- governs- directs- influences powerfully- or the like- in a relation of subjection- subordination- obligation- liability- or the like; as- to travel under a heavy load; to live under extreme oppression; to have fortitude under the evils of life; to have patience under pain- or under misfortunes; to behave like a Christian under reproaches and injuries; under the pains and penalties of the law; the condition under which one enters upon an office; under the necessity of obeying the laws; under vows of chastity. Denoting relation to something that exceeds in rank or degree- in number- size- weight- age- or the like; in a relation of the less to the greater- of inferiority- or of falling short. Denoting relation to something that comprehends or includes- that represents or designates- that furnishes a cover- pretext- pretense- or the like; as- he betrayed him under the guise of friendship; Morpheus is represented under the figure of a boy asleep.

Frequently asked questions:

  • Which words starts with under?
  • What are the words having prefix under?
  • List of all words Begining with under.

Wordmaker is a website which tells you how many words you can make out of any given word in english. we have tried our best to include every possible word combination of a given word. Its a good website for those who are looking for anagrams of a particular word. Anagrams are words made using each and every letter of the word and is of the same legth as original english word. Most of the words meaning have also being provided to have a better understanding of the word. A cool tool for scrabble fans and english users, word maker is fastly becoming one of the most sought after english reference across the web.

und, unde, under,

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Points ASC

Points DESC

What are some words that start with the prefix under?

For example, underground means beneath the ground. Underdeveloped means not developed enough. In this lesson, we will build our vocabulary base with words that start with the prefix under . We will look at words like undertake , understudy , undergo , underachieve , understate , and more.

What are three words that start with under?

  • Underacts.
  • Underaged.
  • Underages.
  • Underarms.
  • Underbake.
  • Underbids.
  • Underbite.
  • Underbody.

What ends with under?

7-letter words that end in under

  • founder.
  • thunder.
  • blunder.
  • plunder.
  • rounder.
  • sounder.
  • launder.
  • asunder.

Is underappreciated a word?

I’ve always written “underappreciated” as one word, but as I’m typing this, my browser spell-check is trying to correct it to “under appreciated” (with the second suggestion being “under-appreciated” with a hyphen). My phone’s auto-correct also changes it to “under appreciated” (no hyphen).

What words have over in it?

13 letter words containing over

  • controversial.
  • overabundance.
  • unrecoverable.
  • overemphasize.
  • overconfident.
  • irrecoverable.
  • oversensitive.
  • overqualified.

What is the meaning of over word?

: a word or phrase repeated or said over (as in a song) : burden, refrain. overword. transitive verb. Definition of overword (Entry 2 of 2) : to compose with an excess of words : write too wordily many of the poems seem to come out overworded— John Ciardi.

What words end with ove?

8-letter words that end in ove

  • disprove.
  • mangrove.
  • foxglove.
  • truelove.
  • ladylove.
  • ringdove.
  • nosedove.
  • overlove.

What words start with extra?

10-letter words that start with extra

  • extraction.
  • extraneous.
  • extractive.
  • extramural.
  • extralegal.
  • extracting.
  • extractors.
  • extradited.

What are words with the root extra?

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

  • extra: “outside” what is considered to be a normal amount of something.
  • extraordinary: “outside” the ordinary.
  • extra credit: “outside” credit.
  • extracurricular: “outside” the general curriculum of a school.
  • extrasensory: of being “outside” the five senses.

What is a word that starts with DE?

14-letter words that start with de

  • deconstruction.
  • detoxification.
  • decompensation.
  • defenestration.
  • depigmentation.
  • destructionist.
  • demisemiquaver.
  • dextrorotatory.

What is the word de?

The English prefix de-, which means “off” or “from,” appears in hundreds of English vocabulary words, such as dejected, deduce, and deficient. You can remember that the prefix de- means “from” or “off” via the word descend, or to climb down “from” or “off” a height, such as a mountain.

Which word starts with DE and ends with St?

seven letter words that begin with de and ending with st

  • deadest.
  • deafest.
  • dearest.
  • deedest.
  • deepest.
  • deffest.
  • defrost.
  • deftest.

What is it called to break down a word?

Frequently Asked Questions About break down The words analyze and dissect are common synonyms of break down. While all three words mean “to divide a complex whole into its parts or elements,” break down implies a reducing to simpler parts or divisions.

What are the four types of word parts?

Those word parts are prefix , word root , suffix , and combining form vowel .

What are two syllable words called?

Similar terms include disyllable (and disyllabic; also bisyllable and bisyllabic) for a word of two syllables; trisyllable (and trisyllabic) for a word of three syllables; and polysyllable (and polysyllabic), which may refer either to a word of more than three syllables or to any word of more than one syllable.

Is very a two-syllable word?

‘Very’ is a two-syllable word with stress on the first syllable. Ver-y, ver-y, very, very.

What is a 3 syllable word?

Three Syllable Words

  • Adequate.
  • Amazement.
  • Attention.
  • Attractive.
  • Average.
  • Banana.
  • Bicycle.
  • Blindingly.

Is distinguished is a Trisyllabic word?

The word distinguished is phonetically transcribed as- |dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃt|. There are three syllables. So it is a trisyllabic word.

What is a 5 syllable word?

What are good 5 syllable words? Good words with 5 syllables include: conformational, obligatory, accelerating, paradoxical, unconventional and Hippopotamus.

What is the shortest 5 syllable word?

Oceania, oogonia, and oxyopia, each seven letters long, are the shortest five syllable English words.

What is a 6 syllable word?

Category:English 6-syllable words

  • intuitivity.
  • respectability.
  • supraclavicular.
  • pterygopalatine.
  • thyrohyoidei.
  • stylopharyngei.
  • stylohyoidei.
  • sternothyroidei.

What is a 9 syllable word?

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. it’s name for a disease and it has more than 9 syllables. 9th September 2007. Saeed Junior.

What is a 10 syllable word?

Decasyllable (Italian: decasillabo, French: décasyllabe, Serbian: десетерац, deseterac) is a poetic meter of ten syllables used in poetic traditions of syllabic verse. In languages with a stress accent (accentual verse), it is the equivalent of pentameter with iambs or trochees (particularly iambic pentameter).

What is the longest word with one syllable?


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