Word that start with phone

Total Number of words that start with PHONE found =20

PHONE comprises of 5 letters. Below are Total 20 words Starting with PHONE (Prefix) found after searching through all the words in english. PHONE is itself is a word in english. phone is made up of letters P, H, O, N and E. Where P is 16th , H is 8th , O is 15th , N is 14th and E is 5th Letter of Alphabet series
Also see: Words ending with Phone | Words containing Phone | Words made out of letters used in Phone

12 letter Words starting with phone

1). Phonemicists 2). Phoneticians 3). Phonetically 4). Phonemically

11 letter Words starting with phone

1). Phonetician 2). Phonemicist

10 letter Words starting with phone

1). Phonematic

9 letter Words starting with phone

1). Phonemics 2). Phonetics 3). Phoneying

8 letter Words starting with phone

1). Phonemic 2). Phoneyed 3). Phonetic 4). Phonemes

7 letter Words starting with phone

1). Phoneme 2). Phoneys

6 letter Words starting with phone

1). Phoney 2). Phones 3). Phoned

5 letter Words starting with phone

1). Phone

Frequently asked questions:

  • Which words starts with phone?
  • What are the words having prefix phone?
  • List of all words Begining with phone.

Wordmaker is a website which tells you how many words you can make out of any given word in english. we have tried our best to include every possible word combination of a given word. Its a good website for those who are looking for anagrams of a particular word. Anagrams are words made using each and every letter of the word and is of the same legth as original english word. Most of the words meaning have also being provided to have a better understanding of the word. A cool tool for scrabble fans and english users, word maker is fastly becoming one of the most sought after english reference across the web.

pho, phon, phone,

There are 20 words which start with ‘phone

5 letter words

starting with ‘phone’:

6 letter words

starting with ‘phone’:

7 letter words

starting with ‘phone’:

8 letter words

starting with ‘phone’:

9 letter words

starting with ‘phone’:

10 letter words

starting with ‘phone’:

11 letter words

starting with ‘phone’:

12 letter words

starting with ‘phone’:

Other Info & Useful Resources for the Word ‘phone’

Info Details
Points in Scrabble for phone 10
Points in Words with Friends for phone 11
Number of Letters in phone 5
More info About phone phone
List of Words Starting with phone Words Starting With phone
List of Words Ending with phone Words Ending With phone
6 Letter Words Starting with phone 6 Letter Words Starting with phone
7 Letter Words Starting with phone 7 Letter Words Starting with phone
6 Letter Words Ending with phone 6 Letter Words Ending with phone
7 Letter Words Ending with phone 7 Letter Words Ending with phone
List of Words Containing phone Words Containing phone
List of Anagrams of phone Anagrams of phone
List of Words Formed by Letters of phone Words Created From phone
phone Definition at Wiktionary Click Here
phone Definition at Merriam-Webster Click Here
phone Definition at Dictionary Click Here
phone Synonyms At Thesaurus Click Here
phone Info At Wikipedia Click Here
phone Search Results on Google Click Here
phone Search Results on Bing Click Here
Tweets About phone on Twitter Click Here

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12 letter words that start with phone


11 letter words that start with phone


10 letter words that start with phone


9 letter words that start with phone


8 letter words that start with phone


7 letter words that start with phone


6 letter words that start with phone


5 letter words that start with phone


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All WordsAdjectivesAdverbsNounsVerbs

Here’s the list of all the 72 Words Starting With PHONE in the English Language.

The list is arranged by the word lengths. Click on the length below to jump to the relevant section of the page.

Common Words (with Definitions and Examples)

1. electronic equipment that converts sound into electrical signals that can be transmitted over distances and then converts received signals back into sounds

2. (phonetics) an individual sound unit of speech without concern as to whether or not it is a phoneme of some language

More Definitions →


1. of or relating to speech sounds

2. of or relating to the scientific study of speech sounds

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1. the branch of acoustics concerned with speech processes including its production and perception and acoustic analysis

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1. of or relating to phonemes of a particular language

2. by phonemics

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1. (linguistics) one of a small set of speech sounds that are distinguished by the speakers of a particular language

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phoney, phonetically

More Common Words →

Jump to Words by Length

  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15

5-Letter Words Starting With PHONE


6-Letter Words Starting With PHONE





7-Letter Words Starting With PHONE




8-Letter Words Starting With PHONE






9-Letter Words Starting With PHONE










10-Letter Words Starting With PHONE











11-Letter Words Starting With PHONE











12-Letter Words Starting With PHONE
















13-Letter Words Starting With PHONE








14-Letter Words Starting With PHONE





15-Letter Words Starting With PHONE





  • Dictionary
  • Words starting with phone

Words starting with phone

5 letter words starting with phone

  • phone — a speech sound: There are three phonetically different “t” phones in an utterance of “titillate,” and two in an utterance of “tattletale.”.
  • phone bill — an account or bill for the charges for a telephone and line and for calls made from it
  • phone book — telephone book.
  • phone booth — A phone booth is a place in a station, hotel, or other public building where there is a public telephone.
  • phone box — A phone box is a small shelter in the street in which there is a public telephone.

6 letter words starting with phone

  • phoner — a person making a telephone call
  • phoney — not real or genuine; fake; counterfeit: a phony diamond.
  • phoney war — A phoney war is when two opposing groups are openly hostile towards each other, as if they were at war, but there is no real fighting.

7 letter words starting with phone

  • phoneme — any of a small set of units, usually about 20 to 60 in number, and different for each language, considered to be the basic distinctive units of speech sound by which morphemes, words, and sentences are represented. They are arrived at for any given language by determining which differences in sound function to indicate a difference in meaning, so that in English the difference in sound and meaning between pit and bit is taken to indicate the existence of different labial phonemes, while the difference in sound between the unaspirated p of spun and the aspirated p of pun, since it is never the only distinguishing feature between two different words, is not taken as ground for setting up two different p phonemes in English. Compare distinctive feature (def 1).

8 letter words starting with phone

  • phonecam — a digital camera incorporated in a mobile phone
  • phonemes — any of a small set of units, usually about 20 to 60 in number, and different for each language, considered to be the basic distinctive units of speech sound by which morphemes, words, and sentences are represented. They are arrived at for any given language by determining which differences in sound function to indicate a difference in meaning, so that in English the difference in sound and meaning between pit and bit is taken to indicate the existence of different labial phonemes, while the difference in sound between the unaspirated p of spun and the aspirated p of pun, since it is never the only distinguishing feature between two different words, is not taken as ground for setting up two different p phonemes in English. Compare distinctive feature (def 1).
  • phonemic — of or relating to phonemes: a phonemic system.
  • phonetic — Also, phonetical. of or relating to speech sounds, their production, or their transcription in written symbols.
  • phonetic alphabet — an alphabet containing a separate character for each distinguishable speech sound.

9 letter words starting with phone

  • phonecard — calling card (def 3).
  • phonemics — the study of phonemes and phonemic systems.
  • phonetics — (in Chinese writing) a written element that represents a sound and is used in combination with a radical to form a character.
  • phonetism — the science of speech sounds and of writing phonetically
  • phonetist — a person who uses or advocates phonetic spelling.

10 letter words starting with phone

  • phone-jack — to steal the mobile phone from (a person)
  • phonematic — phonemic.
  • phonetical — Also, phonetical. of or relating to speech sounds, their production, or their transcription in written symbols.

11 letter words starting with phone

  • phonematics — phonemics.
  • phonemicize — to transcribe into phonemic symbols.
  • phonetastic — (communications)   A CTI product from Callware. Phonetastic employs if-then rules and customer records to tell those receiving calls who is calling (based on ANI and DNIS) and to determine how the call should be routed, e.g. to a certain sales representative or to the general sales department; receive high-priority treatment; receive a fax-back, etc.
  • phonetician — a specialist in phonetics or in some aspect of phonetics.
  • phoneticism — a phonetic scheme of writing

12 letter words starting with phone

  • phonemically — of or relating to phonemes: a phonemic system.
  • phonesthemic — (of a speech sound) shared by a set of echoic or symbolic words, as the sn- of sneer, snarl, snatch, snide, snitch, snoop, etc.
  • phonetically — Also, phonetical. of or relating to speech sounds, their production, or their transcription in written symbols.

13 letter words starting with phone

  • phone-tapping — Phone-tapping is the activity of listening secretly to someone’s phone conversations using special electronic equipment. In most cases phone-tapping is illegal.
  • phonendoscope — an instrument that amplifies small sounds, esp within the human body

15 letter words starting with phone

  • phonemicization — a grouping of phonemes
  • phoneticization — the representation of speech in writing using a system in which individual symbols reflect speech sounds in a regular manner

On this page, we collect all words starting with PHONE. To make easier to find the right word we have divided all 47 words to groups according to their length. So you should go to appropriate page if can’t find the word that beginning with PHONE. that you are searching. Also you can use this page in Scrabble.

A list of scrabble words starting with Phone

Phone is a playable Scrabble Word!

A list of words that start with phone for Scrabble that can also be used while playing
Words With Friends. Here’s a list of words that begin with phone
of all different lengths.


  • Highest scoring words starting with Phone
  • 11-letter words starting with Phone
  • 10-letter words starting with Phone
  • 9-letter words starting with Phone
  • 8-letter words starting with Phone
  • 7-letter words starting with Phone
  • 6-letter words starting with Phone
  • 5-letter words starting with Phone
  • FAQs about words starting with Phone

18 Scrabble words starting with Phone

5 Letter Words That Start With Phone

  • phone10

FAQ on words starting with Phone

What are the best Scrabble words starting with Phone?

The highest scoring Scrabble word starting with Phone is Phonemicist, which is worth at least 20 points without
any bonuses.
The next best word starting with Phone is phonematic, which is worth 19 points.
Other high score words starting with Phone are
phonemic (17),
phonetics (16),
phoneme (14),
phoneyed (17),
phoneying (18),
phoneys (15),
phonemics (18).

How many words start with the
letters Phone?

There are 18 words that start with the letters
Phone in the Scrabble dictionary.
Of those
2 are 11 letter
2 are 10 letter
4 are 9 letter
4 are 8 letter
2 are 7 letter
3 are 6 letter
1 is a 5 letter

Table of Contents

  1. What words end with phone?
  2. How many words can be formed by mobile?
  3. What are mobile letters?
  4. What is a phone number starting with V?
  5. How do you dial letters on a phone?
  6. How do you type letters on a numeric keypad?
  7. Why do phones have letters on the numbers?
  8. How do I type letters on my Android phone?
  9. How can I type a page in Mobile?
  10. How can I write uppercase in Mobile?
  11. How do I change the writing style on my phone?
  12. How do you write in cursive on Whatsapp?
  13. How do I change my Android system font?
  14. How do I change the writing style on my mi phone?
  15. What is default Mi font?
  16. What font does xiaomi use?
  17. How do I install fonts on xiaomi?
  18. How do I get free Mi fonts?
  19. Which is the best font for Android?
  20. What is the font name?
  21. What is the most beautiful font?
  22. Which is the most stylish font?
  23. What are the 4 types of fonts?
  24. How do I choose a font?
  25. What are the two main types of fonts?
  26. What are 3 common font styles?
  27. What are the 5 main types of fonts?
  28. What is difference between typeface and font?

8-letter words that start with phone


  • telephone.
  • saxophone.
  • headphone.
  • cellphone.
  • megaphone.
  • xylophone.
  • allophone.
  • homophone.
  • phonetic.
  • phonemic.
  • phonemes.
  • phoneyed.
  • phonebox.
  • phonecam.
  • phonegap.
  • phonenet.

How many words can be formed by mobile?

45 words

What are mobile letters?

3 letter words which can be formed using the letters from ‘mobile’:

  • bio. elm. lib. lob. mel. mib. mil. mob. mol. obe. obi. oil. ole.
  • bile. boil. bole. limb. lime. limo. lobe. mile. milo. moil. mole.

What is a phone number starting with V?

A V in your caller ID refers to a number from a telemarketing company. It is likely this call is Spam. *Note that the actual caller IDs will vary.

How do you dial letters on a phone?

Use the number key pad to enter numbers….To type the letter C, tap it three times.

  1. From within a text entry screen, tap the text entry field to open the virtual keyboard.
  2. If necessary, tap to deselectSwype and T9.
  3. Tap the Shift key to switch between uppercase and lowercase text.

How do you type letters on a numeric keypad?

To enter letters on the dial pad, tap the dial pad entry field. The keyboard opens. Use the keyboard to enter the numbers into the dial pad….Changing letters to numbers

  1. Go to the Settings tab on the resource panel.
  2. Go to Preferences – Outgoing Call.
  3. Turn on Turn Letters to Numbers.

Why do phones have letters on the numbers?

There have been letters on the phones, at least in the US since 1917. Because the letters are standardized, they can be exchanged for words. This actually makes it easier to remember a phone number. Substituting letters and words makes it easier for a phone number to be remembered.

How do I type letters on my Android phone?

Write words

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, install Gboard.
  2. Open any app that you can type with, like Gmail or Keep.
  3. Tap where you can enter text.
  4. Slide your finger across the letters to spell the word you want. Then lift your finger.

How can I type a page in Mobile?

On an Android phone or tablet running a recent version of Google’s Chrome browser, tap the menu icon in the upper-right corner of the window; the menu looks like three dots stacked up. When the menu opens, select “Find in Page” option and type in your search words with the keyboard.

How can I write uppercase in Mobile?

Double-tap the shift key for caps lock Want to type in ALL CAPS? No problem! Just double-tap the shift key and a blue indicator will light up. You’ll know you’re in all caps because the letter keys will change to uppercase.

How do I change the writing style on my phone?

Changing Built-In Font Settings

  1. In the “Settings” menu, scroll down and tap the “Display” option.
  2. The “Display” menu may vary depending on your Android device.
  3. In the “Font Size and Style” menu, tap the “Font Style” button.
  4. Advertisement.

How do you write in cursive on Whatsapp?

Android: Tap and hold the text you’re entering in the text field, then choose Bold, Italic, or More . Tap More to choose Strikethrough or Monospace. iPhone: Tap the text you’re entering in the text field > Select or Select All > B_I_U. Then, choose Bold, Italic, Strikethrough, or Monospace.

How do I change my Android system font?

Go to Settings > Display > Font Size and Style. Your newly installed font should appear on the list. Tap on the new font to use it as the system font. The font is applied immediately.

How do I change the writing style on my mi phone?

  1. Go to Themes app.
  2. Click on ‘Get More Themes’
  3. Click on ‘Font’ on top right corner.
  4. Select you desired font and click download.
  5. After downloading, Click on ‘Offline’ option in the Font section (The window opened after Step 3).
  6. Click on the downloaded font and click apply.
  7. Reboot your device and enjoy the new font.

What is default Mi font?

Roboto font

What font does xiaomi use?


How do I install fonts on xiaomi?

Installing Part:

  1. Open the MI Theme Editor app on your device.
  2. Tap on Browse button and select the font which you have downloaded to your device with mtz extension.
  3. Next you need to tap on the ‘Start’ button to create the font theme.
  4. Next, check the “Edit file name or path” and rename the fonts file.

How do I get free Mi fonts?

All you have to do is follow these steps:

  1. Download and install MIUI Custom Font Installer here.
  2. Download the free font you want in the .
  3. Launch the app, and then select the “Browse Font” option.
  4. Select the downloaded font and then press “OK”.
  5. You’ll be asked to name the Font if you want to.

Which is the best font for Android?

What is the font name?

Try What Font Is with one of these images!

Font Finder Services Free Fonts Number of fonts
WhatFontIs Yes Around 790,000
WhatTheFont by Myfonts No Around 130,000
Matcherator by FontSpring No Around 75,000

What is the most beautiful font?

  • 10 of the Most Beautiful Fonts for Web Designers. Design Tips.
  • Playfair. Some looks never go out of fashion.
  • Roboto. Roboto is a sans serif font – it’s geometric with friendly and open curves.
  • Raleway. Raleway is an elegant font with a thin weight – the unique ‘W’ really makes it stand out.
  • Pacifico.
  • Quicksand.
  • Oswald.
  • Lato.

Which is the most stylish font?

The 10 most stylish fonts to download right now

  • Pluto. Pluto is an incredibly stylish font.
  • Tungsten. Add confidence to your designs with Tungsten.
  • Calluna. Calluna is a contemporary font that’s full of class.
  • Akkurat. Akkurat is becoming an iconic font.
  • Labyrinthus. Add impact with Labyrinthus.
  • Greyton Script.
  • Kondolar.
  • Gotham.

What are the 4 types of fonts?

Most typefaces can be classified into one of four basic groups: those with serifs, those without serifs, scripts and decorative styles.

How do I choose a font?

Here are seven key factors to consider when searching for an appropriate typeface:

  1. Branding. A font you select should embody the character and spirit of your brand.
  2. Legibility.
  3. Serif vs Sans.
  4. Font Family.
  5. Limit the total number of fonts.
  6. Avoid using too similar fonts.
  7. When selecting two fonts, use decisive contrast.

What are the two main types of fonts?

Typefaces can be divided into two main categories: serif and sans serif.

What are 3 common font styles?

They appear in order of popularity.

  • Helvetica. Helvetica remains the world’s most popular font.
  • Calibri. The runner up on our list is also a sans serif font.
  • Futura. Our next example is another classic sans serif font.
  • Garamond. Garamond is the first serif font on our list.
  • Times New Roman.
  • Arial.
  • Cambria.
  • Verdana.

What are the 5 main types of fonts?

Some of the most popular types of fonts include serif, sans serif, slab serif, script and decorative. In this guide, we’re going to analyze some of the most prominent font types as well as explain how you can use them in your designs. Let’s get into it.

What is difference between typeface and font?

A typeface is a particular set of glyphs or sorts (an alphabet and its corresponding accessories such as numerals and punctuation) that share a common design. For example, Helvetica is a well known typeface. A font is a particular set of glyphs within a typeface.

2 letters

3 letters

4 letters

5 letters

6 letters

7 letters

8 letters

9 letters

10 letters

11 letters

12 letters

13 letters

14 letters

15 letters

16 letters

a letters

b letters

c letters

d letters

e letters

f letters

g letters

h letters

i letters

j letters

k letters

l letters

m letters

n letters

o letters

p letters

q letters

r letters

s letters

t letters

u letters

v letters

w letters

x letters

y letters

z letters

a letters

b letters

c letters

d letters

e letters

f letters

g letters

h letters

i letters

j letters

k letters

l letters

m letters

n letters

o letters

p letters

q letters

r letters

s letters

t letters

u letters

v letters

w letters

x letters

y letters

z letters



Points ASC

Points DESC

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