Word that start with love

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A list of words starting with love. There are 48 words starting with love, listed below sorted by word length. We also provide a list of words ending with love.

We skim through a large dictionary of words to retrieve any words that start with the letters you provide. This is a great way to get a list of words starting with love for word games, teaching kids about word structures and grammar, or playing Scrabble or words with friends.

Due to the size of the dictionary we’re using and because it’s compiled from several sources, some of these words might not normally appear in conversational english, or might even be out-of-date or simply ‘weird looking’. You’ll just have to trust us when we say that all of them are valid english words, even if they look strange!

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A list of scrabble words starting with Love

Love is a playable Scrabble Word!

A list of words that start with love for Scrabble that can also be used while playing
Words With Friends. Here’s a list of words that begin with love
of all different lengths.


  • Highest scoring words starting with Love
  • 11-letter words starting with Love
  • 10-letter words starting with Love
  • 9-letter words starting with Love
  • 8-letter words starting with Love
  • 7-letter words starting with Love
  • 6-letter words starting with Love
  • 5-letter words starting with Love
  • 4-letter words starting with Love
  • FAQs about words starting with Love

35 Scrabble words starting with Love

4 Letter Words That Start With Love

  • love7

FAQ on words starting with Love

What are the best Scrabble words starting with Love?

The highest scoring Scrabble word starting with Love is Lovemakings, which is worth at least 21 points without
any bonuses.
The next best word starting with Love is lovemaker, which is worth 18 points.
Other high score words starting with Love are
loverly (13),
lovemakers (19),
lovemaking (20),
lovebug (13),
lovesick (17),
lovelessly (16),
lovelocks (18),
lovelock (17).

How many words start with the
letters Love?

There are 35 words that start with the letters
Love in the Scrabble dictionary.
Of those
1 is a 11 letter
4 are 10 letter
7 are 9 letter
15 are 8 letter
2 are 7 letter
2 are 6 letter
3 are 5 letter
1 is a 4 letter

Total Number of words that start with LOVE found =34

LOVE comprises of 4 letters. Below are Total 34 words Starting with LOVE (Prefix) found after searching through all the words in english. LOVE is itself is a word in english. love is made up of letters L, O, V and E. Where L is 12th , O is 15th , V is 22th and E is 5th Letter of Alphabet series
Also see: Words ending with Love | Words containing Love | Words made out of letters used in Love

14 letter Words starting with love

1). Lovelessnesses 2). Lovesicknesses 3). Lovelornnesses

12 letter Words starting with love

1). Lovelessness 2). Lovelinesses 3). Lovelornness 4). Lovesickness

10 letter Words starting with love

1). Loveliness 2). Lovelessly

9 letter Words starting with love

1). Lovelocks 2). Loveliest 3). Lovevines 4). Lovebirds

8 letter Words starting with love

1). Lovelier 2). Loveably 3). Loveable 4). Lovesome 5). Lovebird 6). Lovelorn 7). Lovelock 8). Lovebugs 9). Lovevine 10). Lovelily 11). Loveless 12). Lovelies 13). Lovesick

7 letter Words starting with love

1). Lovebug 2). Loverly

6 letter Words starting with love

1). Lovers 2). Lovely

5 letter Words starting with love

1). Loves 2). Lover 3). Loved

4 letter Words starting with love

1). Love

Love :- A feeling of strong attachment induced by that which delights or commands admiration; preeminent kindness or devotion to another; affection; tenderness; as- the love of brothers and sisters. Especially- devoted attachment to- or tender or passionate affection for- one of the opposite sex. Courtship; — chiefly in the phrase to make love- i. e.- to court- to woo- to solicit union in marriage. Affection; kind feeling; friendship; strong liking or desire; fondness; good will; — opposed to hate; often with of and an object.

Frequently asked questions:

  • Which words starts with love?
  • What are the words having prefix love?
  • List of all words Begining with love.

Wordmaker is a website which tells you how many words you can make out of any given word in english. we have tried our best to include every possible word combination of a given word. Its a good website for those who are looking for anagrams of a particular word. Anagrams are words made using each and every letter of the word and is of the same legth as original english word. Most of the words meaning have also being provided to have a better understanding of the word. A cool tool for scrabble fans and english users, word maker is fastly becoming one of the most sought after english reference across the web.

lov, love,

Below, we’ve collected 50+ love-related words that start with the letter N — both words to describe someone you love and words that more generally relate to love.

Scroll past our list for quotes about love that use some of these words!

Words to Describe Someone You Love

  1. Noetic


  2. Natty

    smart and fashionable

  3. Number-one

    your favorite person

  4. Nonstop


  5. Notorious

    bad reputation

  6. Naughty

  7. Needed

  8. Nuzzler


  9. Non-conformist


  10. Nervous

  11. Nurturing

  12. Noble

    good character

  13. Nectareous


  14. Nice

  15. Nugget


  16. Nervy

    has courage

  17. Neighborly


  18. Networker

    connects with people

  19. Noticeable

  20. Nymph

    spirited young woman

  21. Nonchalant


  22. Nourishing

  23. Nostalgic

  24. Non-committal

  25. Numinous


  26. Neat-handed


  27. Nifty

  28. Nonplussed


  29. Nimble


  30. Nearsighted

    sees close-up

  31. Nomad

    likes to wander

  32. Nimble-witted

    quick thinker

  33. Nurtured

  34. Naive

Other “N” Love Words

  1. Negotiable

    making compromises

  2. Near

  3. Nectareal


  4. Never-failing

  5. Natural

  6. Novel


  7. Noticeable

  8. Nebulous

    hazy or unclear

  9. Nonsensical


  10. Notable


  11. Neat

  12. Necessary

  13. Noteworthy


  14. Nonpareil


  15. Novelty


  16. Nifty

  17. Normative


Quotes Featuring the “N” Love Words

The following quotes make use of some of the love words that begin with N from our list:

  • “Love is like Pi: natural, irrational, and very important.” -Lisa Hoffman
  • Nurturing a feeling makes it proliferate. Choose wisely. Joy, kindness, love, and caring will illuminate your life.” -Amy Leigh Mercree
  • “It is not only necessary to love, it is necessary to say so.” -Unknown
  • “Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.” -Anais Nin
  • “If the dead can come back to this earth and move unseen around those they loved, I shall always be near you; in the garish day and in the darkest night — amidst your happiest scenes and gloomiest hours — always, always.” -Paul Hoffman
  • “But love doesn’t do what’s easy. Love does what’s necessary and right.” -J. Grant Howard

This article aims to provide you with a large and long list of positive words that start with L!

Learning these words will absolutely help to enhance your vocabulary as well as your understanding of the English language.

L is an interesting letter that is usually associated with the principles of love, affection and tenderness. And the word “love” is a perfect example of that.

Try incorporating more positive words starting with L in your daily talks and feel the positive energy coming out of them.

Let’s dive in:

  • Full List Chart (274 Words)
  • Positive L Words to Describe a Person
  • Inspirational Words Starting with L
  • Complimentary Words Starting with L
  • Check All Definitions and Examples
  • Infographic [Downloadable]
  • Positive Words Starting with Other Alphabets

Full List of Positive Words That Start with L

To begin with, we have a full list of positive words that start with L. This is probably the most comprehensive list you could have wished for.

Laconic Lady Ladyhood
Ladylike Lady-love Ladyship
Lagniappe Laidback Laid-back
Lambency Lambent Land
Landloper Landloping Landmark
Landscape Language Lansyne
Lapidary Large Large-capacity
Large-hearted Largess Largesse
Lark Larruping Lass
Lasting Lastingness Latest
Latitude Latitudinarian Laud
Laudable Laudableness Laudably
Laudation Laudatory Laudible
Laugh Laughing Laughingly
Laughter Laureate Laureateship
Lautitios Lavish Lavishly
Lavishness Law-abiding Lawful
Lawfully Lead Leader
Leadership Leading Leading-edge
Leal Leam Lean
Leanedly Leap Learn
Learned Learner Learning
Leeway Legacy Legal
Legatee Legator Legend
Legendary Legerdemain Legible
Legion Legit Legitimacy
Legitimate Legitimately Legitimize
Leisure Leisured Leisurely
Lekker Leman Lend
Lenien Leniency Lenient
Leniently Lenity Leonine
Lepid Lesson Lettered
Level-headed Leverage Levitate
Levity Lexicographer Liaison
Liberal Liberality Liberally
Liberate Liberated Liberating
Liberation Liberator Liberty
Licence Lief Life
Lifeline Lifesaver Lift
Light Lighten Lighter
Light-footed Lighthearted Light-hearted
Light-heartedly Lightness Lightsome
Likability Likable Like
Likely Like-minded Likeness
Liking Lily-white Limber
Limberly Limitless Limn
Limpid Limpidity Limpidness
Linchpin Lineage Lineament
Lingering Liniment Lion
Lionheart Lionhearted Lionize
Lissome Listen Listenable
Literacy Literary Literate
Literati Literature Lithe
Lithely Lithesome Littoral
Liturgy Livable Live
Liveable Livelihood Liveliness
Lively Liven Live-wire
Living Loastar Locket
Lodestone Loftiness Lofty
Logic Logical Logicality
Loll Long Long-ambitioned
Long-awaited Long-established Longevity
Longing Long-lasting Long-lived
Long-sighted Long-standing long-suffering
Look Loose Loquacious
Loquacity Lord Lordiness
Lordly Lordship Lordy
Lore Lovable Lovably
Love Love-affair Lovebird
Loved Loved-up Loveliness
Lovely Love-match Love-nest
Lover Love-seat Lovesome
Lovey Lovey-dovey Loving
Loving-kindness Lovingly Low-cost
Lower-priced Low-key Lowliness
Low-price Low-priced Low-risk
Loyal Loyally Loyalty
Lucent Lucid Lucidity
Lucidly Lucidness Luck
Luckiest Luckily Luckiness
Lucky Lucrative Lucubrate
Luculent Lucullan Ludic
Lull Lullaby Lulu
Luminary Luminate Luminiferous
Luminous Luscious Lush
Lushness Lust Luster
Lustily Lustrate Lustre
Lustrous Lusty Luvvy
Luxe Luxuriance Luxuriancy
Luxuriant Luxuriate Luxurious
Luxuriously Luxury Lynx-eyed

Positive Words That Start with L to Describe a Person

There are often times when we run out of words to describe a person positively. Keeping following words starting with L in mind will definitely come in handy at such times.

Ladylike Lambent Lapidary
Lass Laureate Lenient
Leonine Lexicographer Liaison
Liberal Lighthearted Likeable
Likeminded Lionhearted Lively
Logical Lordly Lovely
Lovesome Loving Loyal
Lucky Lusty  

Positive Words That Start with L to Encourage Yourself

Everyone of us needs encouragement to pursue our aspirations now and then. Following are some inspirational words that start with L that you can use to encourage people.

Lark Lastingness Laud
Laughter Lavish Lawful
Lead Leadership Learning
Legacy Legendary Legit
Leman Liable Liberal
Life Lifesaver Like
Lionhearted Listen Literary
Literate Lively Lofty
Luck Lucubrate Luminous

Positive Words That Start with L to Compliment Others

Is there any person in this world who doesn’t like to be complimented? Here are some nice words that start with L that you can use to compliment others.

Laid-back Lass Laud
Laudable Laughter Leading
Leal Legend Legendary
Leif Lief Lifesaver
Likable Limber Limitless
Lineament Lissome Listenable
Listener Literate Lively
Loose Loving Loyalty

Only going through the list is often not enough for learning, below we prepared definitions and examples of positive words that begin with L for you as well.

Lady: a word used to mean ‘woman’ that some people, especially older people, consider is more polite; female; girl.

– There’s a lady waiting to see you.

Ladyhood: he state or quality of being a lady; womanhood; effeminate.

– She was being groomed for Edwardian ladyhood.

Ladylike: polite and quiet; typical of what is supposed to be socially acceptable for a woman; refined.

– Her language was not very ladylike.

Lady-love: a beloved woman; sweetheart; mistress.

– He could not legally marry his ladylove.

Ladyship: a respectful form of reference or address to a woman who has a title; Excellency; grace.

– The car is outside, your Ladyship.

Lagniappe: something given as a bonus or gratuity; gift; gratuity.

– The waiter added a cup of lobster bisque as a lagniappe to the meal.

Laid-back: calm and relaxed; seeming not to worry about anything; easy-going.

– She’s very laid-back about her exams.

Lambency:  an appearance of reflected light; gleam; gleaming; glow.

– In the corner bright yellow floor lamp sends out a light lambency, indoor was full of warm meaning breath and cozy feeling.

Lambent: glowing, gleaming, or flickering with a soft radiance; brilliant; flickering.

– The magical, lambent light of the north.

Land: the surface of the earth that is not sea; coastline; shore.

– The new project will reclaim the land from the sea.

Landloper: a wanderer, vagrant, or adventurer; drifter; gypsy.

– Landloper is an Old Dutch word meaning land-walker.

Landloping: Wandering; roving; vagrant.

– No, landloping cannot be played in scrabble.

Landmark: something, such as a large building, that you can see clearly from a distance and that will help you to know where you are; mark; indicator.

– The tower was once a landmark for ships.

Landscape: everything you can see when you look across a large area of land, especially in the country; scenery; countryside.

– An urban landscape.

Language: the system of communication in speech and writing that is used by people of a particular country or area; tongue; speech.

– It takes a long time to learn to speak a language well.

Lapidary: exact and showing good style; concise; engraver.

– In lapidary style.

Large: big in size or quantity; big; great.

– There were some very large amounts of money involved.

Large-capacity: a magazine capable of holding more than the usual number of rounds of ammunition; quantity; size.

– During this period Vedder began to contribute in a large-capacity as a guitarist.

Large-hearted: sympathetic and generous; acceptable; altruistic.

– He was too large-hearted a man for that.

Largess: generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others; generosity; liberality.

– Presumably public money is not dispensed with such largess to anyone else.

Largesse: money or gifts given generously; gifts; presents; donations.

– The distribution of largesse to the local population.

Lark: a thing that you do for fun or as a joke; amusement; laugh.

– The boys didn’t mean any harm they just did it for a lark.

Larruping: very; exceedingly; shuffling.

– She had to go larruping off by herself on Bill’s horse Jake, and she hasn’t come back yet.

Lass: a girl; a young woman; young lady.

– I hand delivered a lovely lass to him, and he turned her down flat.

Lasting: continuing to exist or to have an effect for a long time; durable; continuing.

– Her words left a lasting impression on me.

Lastingness: permanence by virtue of the power to resist stress or force; durability; enduringness; strength.

– Because I have still undiminished confidence in the real lastingness of the bond between John and me.

Latest: the most recent or newest; newest; brand new.

– The latest round of talks was productive.

Latitude: the distance of a place north or south of the equator (the line around the world dividing north and south), measured in degrees; breadth; compass.

– We weren’t given much latitude in deciding how to do the job.

Latitudinarian: allowing latitude in religion; showing no preference among varying creeds and forms of worship; enlightened; flexible.

– The latitudinarian clergy of the established Church.

Laud: laud somebody/something to praise somebody/something; applaud; acclaim.

– He was lauded for his courage.

Laudable: deserving to be praised or admired, even if not really successful; commendable; praiseworthy.

– It was a laudable attempt to end the stalemate in the talks.

Laudableness:  worthy of praise; commendable; praiseworthy.

– It is a laudable aim, if not an original one. 

Laudably: in a way that deserves to be praised or admired; commendably; praiseworthy.

– She is laudably honest.

Laudation: praise; commendation; praise

– He was singled out for laudation.

Laudatory: expressing praise; complimentary; congratulatory.

– They write about their researches in the most laudatory terms and hypnotize us into believing them.

Laudible: worthy of high praise; commendable; praiseworthy.

– Your devotion to duty is laudible indeed.

Laugh: to make the sounds and movements of your face that show you think something is funny or silly; chuckle; giggle.

– She always makes me laugh.

Laughing: showing that you think something is funny; showing happiness; chuckle; giggle.

– His laughing blue eyes.

Laughingly: in a way that shows you think something is funny; brilliantly; cheerfully.

– He laughingly agreed.

Laughter: the act or sound of laughing; amusement; chuckle.

– Everyone burst into fits of laughter.

Laureate: a person who has been given an official honor or prize for something important they have achieved; acclaimed; lionized.

– A Nobel laureate.

Laureateship: the state, or office, of a laureate; famed; glorious.

– Petrarch looked at his laureateship as political. 

Lavish: large in amount, or impressive, and usually costing a lot of money; extravagant; luxurious.

– They lived a very lavish lifestyle.

Lavishly: in a way that is impressive and usually costs a lot of money; extravagantly; exuberant.

– She entertains her friends lavishly.

Lavishness: the quality of being very expensive or impressive; luxuriant; prodigal.

– He liked to create an atmosphere of lavishness and luxury. 

Law-abiding: ​obeying and respecting the law; lawful; righteous.

– The police have been preventing ordinary law-abiding citizens from going about their own business.

Lawful: allowed or recognized by law; legal; legitimate.

– She is his lawful wife, and so is entitled to inherit the money.

Lawfully: in a way that is allowed or recognized by law; legally; licit.

– The jury agreed that the doctor had acted lawfully.

Lead: to go with or in front of a person or an animal to show the way or to make them go in the right direction; guide; conduct.

– If you lead, I’ll follow.

Leader: a person who leads a group of people, especially the head of a country, an organization; figurehead; controller.

– He was elected as leader of the Democratic Party.

Leadership: the state or position of being a leader; guidance; direction.

– The battle for the party leadership.

Leading: ahead of others in a race or contest; main; chief.

– She started the last lap just behind the leading group.

Leading-edge: in the most important and advanced position in an area of activity, especially technology; cutting-edge; forefront.

– Leading-edge technology.

Leal: loyal and honest; loyal; steadfast.

– His leal duty to the King.

Leam: a gleam of light: radiance; shine.

– A dialectal A gleam or flash of light.

Lean: to bend or move from a straight position to a sloping position; slant; incline.

– They stopped to lean over a gate.

Leap: to jump high or a long way; spring; jump.

– His sudden leap to the side unseated her.

Learn: to gain knowledge or skill by studying, from experience, from being taught; grasp; master.

– He had the opportunity to learn English in Australia.

Learned: having a lot of knowledge because you have studied and read a lot; accomplished; educated.

– A learned professor.

Learner: a person who is finding out about a subject or how to do something; beginner; trainee.

– A quick learner.

Learning: the process of learning something; education; schooling.

– Field trips provide an opportunity for experiential learning.

Leeway: the amount of freedom that you have to change something or to do something in the way you want to; latitude; scope.

– How much leeway should parents give their children?

Legacy: a situation that exists now because of events, actions, etc. that took place in the past; consequence; effect.

– Future generations will be left with a legacy of pollution and destruction.

Legal: connected with the law; lawful; legitimate.

– The legal profession.

Legatee: ​a person who receives money or property (a legacy) when somebody dies; beneficiary; inheritor.

– I found myself in the position of a legatee of a partly finished work.

Legator: a testator, especially one who leaves a legacy; heir; successor.

– They usually provide that the legacy shall not be paid by the legator himself but out of the residuary estate.

Legend: a story from ancient times about people and events that may or may not be true; this type of story; myth.

– The film is based on the legend of Robin Hood.

Legendary: very famous and talked about a lot by people; celebrated; renowned.

– A legendary figure.

Legerdemain: movements of your hand that are done with skill so that other people cannot see them; juggling; conjuring.

– He is adept at legerdemain including a presumably undetectable skill at pickpocketing.

Legible: clear enough to read; clear; distinct.

– The signature was still legible.

Legion: a large number of people of one particular type; crowd; mass.

– Legions of photographers.

Legit: ​legal, or acting according to the law or the rules; lawful; legal.

– The business seems legit.

Legitimacy: the quality of being based on a fair or acceptable reason; validity; justice.

– The dubious legitimacy of her argument.

Legitimate: for which there is a fair and acceptable reason; valid; justifiable.

– It seemed a perfectly legitimate question.

Legitimately: for a fair or acceptable reason; justifiably; lawful.

– She can now legitimately claim to be the best in the world.

Legitimize: legitimize something to make something that is wrong or unfair seem acceptable; validate; legitimate.

– The movie has been criticized for apparently legitimizing violence.

Leisure: time when you are not working or studying; free time; freedom.

– These days we have more money and more leisure to enjoy it.

Leisured: not having to work and therefore having a lot of time to do what you enjoy; convenience; recreation.

– The leisured classes.

Leisurely: done without hurrying; unhurried; relaxed.

– They set off at a leisurely pace.

Lekker: slightly intoxicated; yummy; delicious.

– The snacks helped keep people only lekker.

Leman: an illicit lover, especially a mistress; sweetheart; swain.

– At Villeneuve the road leaves Lake Leman and plunges 243 into a wild and narrow gorge.

Lend: to give something to somebody or allow them to use something that belongs to you, which they have to return to you later; loan; advance.

– They will lend equipment free of charge.

Leniency: the fact of being less strict than expected when punishing somebody or when making sure that rules are obeyed; mercy; tolerance.

– She appealed to the judge for leniency.

Lenient: not as strict as expected when punishing somebody or when making sure that rules are obeyed; merciful; clement.

– The judge was far too lenient with him.

Leniently: ​in a way that is less strict than expected when punishing somebody or when making sure that rules are obeyed; merciful; kind-hearted.

– To treat somebody leniently.

Lenity: the quality of being kind or gentle; altruism; benevolence.

– A smile crossed her face, but this unexpected lenity was short-lived.

Leonine: ​like a lion; distinguished; esteemed.

– His face has leonine characteristics.

Lesson: a period of time in which somebody is taught something; session; seminar.

– Our first lesson on Tuesdays is French.

Lettered: to print, paint, sew, etc. letters onto something; knowledgeable; intellectual.

– A black banner lettered in white.

Level-headed: calm and sensible; able to make good decisions even in difficult situations; sensible; practical.

– This position requires a level-headed person with experience in managing risk.

Leverage: the ability to influence what people do; pull; authority.

– Diplomatic leverage.

Levitate: to rise and float in the air with no physical support, apparently by means of magic or by using special mental powers; to make something rise in this way; rise; hover.

– The magician claimed he could levitate a car.

Levity: behaviour that shows a lack of respect for something serious and that treats it with humor; frivolity; vivacity.

– The joke provided a moment of levity in an otherwise dreary meeting.

Lexicographer: ​a person who writes and edits dictionaries; linguist; wordsmith.

– A lexicographer briefly worked there as a tutor.

Liaison: a relationship between two organizations or different departments in an organization, involving the exchange of information or ideas; connection; collaboration.

– We are hoping to establish better customer liaison.

Liberal: willing to understand and respect other people’s behaviour, opinions, etc., especially when they are different from your own; believing people should be able to choose how they behave; tolerant; unprejudiced.

– My parents were very liberal when we were growing up.

Liberality: respect for political, religious or moral views, even if you do not agree with them; altruism; beneficence.

– She is known for the liberality of her views.

Liberally: generously; in large amounts; lavishly.

– Apply the cream liberally.

Liberate: o free a country or a person from the control of somebody else; free; release.

– Laptop computers could liberate workers from their desks.

Liberated: ​free from the limits of traditional ideas about social and sexual behaviour; candid; relaxed.

– A liberated woman.

Liberating: providing a release from a situation which limits freedom of thought or behaviour; detach; emancipate.

– The arts can have a liberating effect on people.

Liberation: the act or process of freeing a country or a person from the control of somebody else; release; discharge.

– A war of liberation.

Liberator: ​a person who frees a country or person from the control of somebody else; rescuer; savior.

– He is not an honest liberator until he emancipates the people of his own religion.

Liberty: freedom to live as you choose without too many limits from government or authority; freedom; autonomy.

– The concept of individual liberty is enshrined in the constitution.

Licence: a permit from an authority to own or use something, do a particular thing, or carry on a trade; permit; certificate.

– A gun licence.

Lief: as happily; as gladly; enthusiastically.

– He would just as lief eat a pincushion.

Life: the ability to breathe, grow, produce young, etc. that people, animals and plants have before they die and that objects do not have; existence; being.

– This could mean the difference between life and death.

Lifeline: a line or rope thrown to rescue somebody who is in difficulty in the water; mainstay; anchor.

– He clung to the lifeline and the woman pulled him towards the bank.

Lifesaver: ​a thing that helps somebody in a difficult situation; something that saves somebody’s life; bodyguard; caretaker.

– The new drug is a potential lifesaver.

Lift: to give somebody/something the ability to escape from a difficult situation; raise; hoist.

– The best way to lift nations out of poverty is through trade.

Light: the energy from the sun, a lamp, etc. that makes it possible to see things; illumination; brightness.

– White paint reflects the light.

Lighten: lighten something to reduce the amount of work, debt, worry, etc. that somebody has; lessen; reduce.

– The measures will lighten the tax burden on small businesses.

Lighter: a small device that produces a flame for lighting cigarettes; bright; sunny.

– He flicked his lighter but it didn’t catch.

Light-footed: moving quickly and easily, in an attractive way; graceful; lithe.

– He left her feeling oddly light-footed, pleased to have an errand from her.

Lighthearted: ​intended to be fun rather than too serious; buoyant; jolly.

– A lighthearted speech.

Light-hearted: cheerful and without problems; buoyant; jolly.

– She felt light-hearted and optimistic.

Light-heartedly: in a way that is intended to be fun rather than too serious; blithely; brightly.

– The film light-heartedly compares the two men.

Lightness: the quality of being delicate in appearance rather than large and solid; brightness; sparkle.

– The lightness of the structure.

Lightsome: gracefully nimble; blithe; carefree.

– Lightsome, high-flying dancers.

Likability: having qualities that bring about a favorable regard; pleasant; agreeable.

– Visit several sites and read several consumer reviews to get a true idea of the products likability.

Likable: pleasant and easy to like; friendly; agreeable.

– She’s warm, friendly and likeable.

Like: similar to somebody/something; comparable; corresponding.

– She’s wearing a dress like mine.

Liked: to find somebody/something pleasant, attractive or of a good enough standard; to enjoy something; admired; cherished.

– She’s never liked swimming.

Likely: having a good chance of happening or being something; probable or expected; probably; presumably.

– Tickets are likely to be expensive.

Likeminded: ​having similar ideas and interests; compatible; harmonious.

– The club offers an opportunity for likeminded people to get together.

Like-minded: having similar ideas and interests; compatible; harmonious.

– The club offers an opportunity for like-minded people to get together.

Likeness: the fact of being similar to another person or thing, especially in appearance; an example of this; resemblance; similarity.

– Joanna bears a strong likeness to her father.

Liking: the feeling that you like somebody/something; the pleasure in something; fondness; affection.

– He had a liking for fast cars.

Lily-white: almost pure white in colour; morally perfect; unintegrated.

– Lily-white skin.

Limber: of a person or body part lithe or supple; lithe; supple.

– I have to practise to keep myself limber.

Limberly: bending or flexing readily; pliable; flexible.

– He saw her prostrate figure on the rocks and beyond her two men, with one limberly inert, limping blindly down the trail.

Limitless: without a limit; very great; infinite.

– The possibilities were almost limitless.

Limn: depict or describe in painting or words; picture; render.

– Miss Read limns a gentler world in her novels.

Limpid: clear; transparent; glassy.

– She gave him a look of limpid honesty.

Limpidity: the quality of being clear and transparent; clarity; clearness; lucidity.

– It is limpidity liquid, which dissolved in.

Linchpin: a person or thing that is the most important part of an organization, a plan, etc., because everything else depends on them or it; anchor; backbone.

– Nurses are the linchpin of the health service.

Lineage: the series of families that somebody comes from originally; ancestry; descent.

– A French nobleman of ancient lineage.

Lineament: a distinctive feature or characteristic, especially of the face; boundary; channel.

– I recognized those haggard lineaments.

Lingering: slow to end or disappear; remaining; surviving.

– A painful and lingering death.

Liniment: a liquid, especially one made with oil, that you rub on a painful part of your body to reduce the pain; balm; cream.

– In his speech, he showed to the full the lineaments of a romantic in a white tower. 

Lion: a large, powerful animal of the cat family that hunts in groups and lives in parts of Africa and southern Asia. Lions have yellow-brown fur and the male has a mane (= long, thick hair round its neck); big cat; lioness.

– The lion shook its mane and roared.

Lionheart: a person who is brave and determined; adventurous; assertive.

– Half of Twickenham saluted the old lion heart on his retirement.

Lionhearted: brave and determined; brave; courageous.

– A brilliant, lionhearted second-half comeback.

Lionize: ​lionize somebody to treat somebody as a famous or important person; celebrate; glorify.

– Listening to the emcee lionize the president of his company.

Lissome: attractively thin and able to move quickly and smoothly; lithe; slender.

– During the show, the lissome monkeys swung from one stand to another.

Listen: to pay attention to somebody/something that you can hear; hear; pay attention.

– To listen to a song.

Listenable: pleasant to listen to; musical; melodic.

– Their new album is surprisingly listenable.

Literacy: the ability to read and write; education; scholarship.

– A campaign to promote adult literacy.

Literary: suitable for or typical of a work of literature; poetic; dramatic.

– It was Chaucer who really turned English into a literary language.

Literate: able to read and write; cultured; educated.

– Though nearly twenty he was barely literate.

Literati: educated and intelligent people who enjoy literature; clerisy; elect.

– He was underrated as a writer by the literati.

Literature: pieces of writing that are valued as works of art, especially novels, plays and poems in contrast to technical books and newspapers, magazines; compositions; letters.

– Children’s literature.

Lithe: moving or bending easily, in a way that is attractive; agile; graceful.

– A tall lithe figure.

Lithely: with easy and attractive movements; nimbly; agilely.

– She moved lithely to the music.

Lithesome: something that’s graceful and flexible; nimble; pliable.

– He swings with authority, creates constantly, improvises as though he was born doing it, and all of this with a light and lithesome touch.

Liturgy: a fixed form of prayers and actions used in public worship in some religions, especially Christianity; ritual; worship.

– Henry VIII ordered that the English Prayer Book was to replace the old Latin liturgy in church services.

Livable: fit to live in; habitable; homey.

– Safer and more livable residential areas.

Live: to have your home in a particular place; board; inhabit.

– We used to live in London.

Liveable: worth living; bearable; worthwhile.

– Fatherhood makes life more liveable.

Liveliness: the quality of being full of life and energy; the quality of being active and enthusiastic; briskness; energy.

– Her liveliness and wit impressed him.

Lively: full of life and energy; active and enthusiastic; animated; vivacious.

– An intelligent and lively young woman.

Liven: make or become more lively or interesting; wake up; revive.

– Liven up bland foods with a touch of mustard.

Live-wire: someone who is very active and has a lot of energy; busy bee; eager beaver.

– She is a wonderful girl, a real live wire and full of fun.

Living: used for living rather than working in; conduct; behaviour.

– The workers’ living quarters were cramped and uncomfortable.

Locket: a piece of jewelry in the form of a small case that you wear on a chain around your neck and in which you can put a picture, piece of hair; pendant; bangle.

– She kept her husband’s picture in her locket.

Lodestone: a piece of iron that acts as a magnet; magnet; attraction.

– Needles were magnetized by stroking them with a lodestone.

Loftiness: the fact of having a high moral quality that deserves praise; aloofness; audacity.

– The loftiness of his ideas.

Lofty: showing a belief that you are worth more than other people; haughty; ambitious.

– Her lofty disdain for other people.

Logic: a way of thinking or explaining something; dialectics; argumentation.

– I fail to see the logic behind his argument.

Logical: seeming natural, reasonable or sensible; reasoning; thinking.

– It was a logical conclusion from the child’s point of view.

Logicality: correct and valid reasoning; logicalness; persuasiveness.

– The design is characterized by logicality, flexibility, systematization and succinctness by case analysis.

Loll: to lie, sit or stand in a lazy, relaxed way; slouch; slump.

– He lolled back in his chair by the fire.

Long-awaited: that people have been waiting for a long time; expected; anticipated.

– Her long-awaited new novel.

Longest: measuring or covering a great length or distance, or a greater length or distance than usual; extended; prolonged.

– It was the world’s longest bridge.

Long-established: having existed or continued for a long time; deep-rooted; deep-seated.

– Long-established industries.

Longevity: long life; the fact of lasting a long time; duration.

– We wish you both health and longevity.

Longing: a strong feeling of wanting something/somebody; yearning; pining; craving.

– She was filled with longing to hear his voice again.

Long-lasting: that can or does last for a long time; enduring; lasting.

– Long-lasting effects.

Long-lived: having a long life; lasting for a long time; lasting; enduring.

– This type of tree can be exceptionally long-lived.

Long-sighted: not able to see things that are close to you clearly; farsighted; hypermetric.

– She’s long-sighted and needs glasses to read.

Long-standing: that has existed or lasted for a long time; durable; enduring.

– A long-standing relationship.

Long-suffering: dealing with problems or another person’s unpleasant behaviour patiently; patient; forbearing.

– More fare increases are on the way for long-suffering commuters.

Look: to turn your eyes in a particular direction; glance; gaze.

– Look closely and tell me what you see.

Loose: not securely fixed where it should be; able to become separated from something; unfastened; wobbly.

– Check that the plug has not come loose.

Loquacious: talking a lot; talkative; garrulous.

– He is particularly loquacious on the topic of politics.

Loquacity: the fact of tending to talk a lot; garrulousness; loquaciousness.

– I was counting on loquacity to give me a moment.

Lord: Lord a title used for some high official positions in the UK; noble; peer.

– The Lord Chancellor.

Lordiness: overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors; arrogance; haughtiness.

– Meticulous process and careful production, revealing royal lordliness.

Lordly: large and impressive; suitable for a lord; imposing.

– A lordly mansion.

Lordship: His/Your Lordship a title of respect used when speaking to or about a judge, a bishop or a nobleman; excellency; grace.

– His Lordship is away on business.

Lordy: used to express surprise, shock, or worry or to emphasize something; blimey; geez.

– Lordy, you should have heard the noise!

Lore: knowledge and information related to a particular subject, especially when this is not written down; the stories and traditions of a particular group of people; myths; legends.

– Weather lore.

Lovable: having qualities that people find attractive and easy to love, often despite any faults; adorable; endearing.

– A lovable child.

Lovably: In a lovable manner; amiable; appealing.

– You are “lovably pompous.”

Love: a very strong feeling of liking and caring for somebody/something, especially a member of your family or a friend; fondness; tenderness.

– She has earned the love and respect of many people.

Love-affair: ​love affair (with something) great enthusiasm for something; relationship; passion.

– The English love affair with gardening.

Lovebird: two people who love each other very much and show this in their behaviour; boyfriend; companion.

– Look at those two lovebirds holding hands and gazing into each other’s eyes.

Loved: to have very strong feelings of liking and caring for somebody; cherished; darling.

– Relatives need time to grieve over loved ones they have lost.

Loved-up: ​full of romantic love for somebody; infatuated; euphoric.

– Soon the loved-up couple had moved in together.

Loveliness: the state of being very attractive; beauty; fairness.

– She was a vision of loveliness.

Lovely: beautiful; attractive; pretty.

– She looked particularly lovely that night.

Love-match: ​a marriage of two people who are in love with each other; marriage; wedding.

– The couple had a short engagement, as it was a love-match.

Love-nest: ​a house or an apartment where two people who are not married but are having a sexual relationship can meet, especially in secret; Bower of Bliss; abode of love.

– He set up his mistress in a luxury love-nest.

Lover: a partner in a sexual relationship outside marriage; partner; boyfriend.

– He denied that he was her lover.

Love-seat: a comfortable seat with a back and arms, for two people to sit on; lounge; couch.

– She replaced the legging and perched delicately on the love-seat beside Katie.

Lovesome: winsome; lovely; affectionate; amorous.

– I had always supposed that a mocking-bird, like a garden, was “a lovesome thing, God wot.”

Lovey: used as a friendly way of addressing somebody; clubby; confiding.

– Ruth, lovey, are you there?

Lovey-dovey: expressing romantic love in a way that is slightly silly; caring; friendly.

– She was getting a bit too old for holding hands and all that lovey-dovey stuff.

Loving: feeling or showing love and care for somebody/something; affectionate; tender.

– She chose the present with loving care.

Loving-kindness: tenderness and consideration towards others; affection; altruism.

– The impression he left behind was one of calmness and loving-kindness.

Lovingly: in a way that shows love and care for somebody/something; affectionately; earnestly.

– He gazed lovingly at his children.

Low-cost: below the usual cost; cheap; economical.

– Low-cost housing.

Lower-priced: not costing a great deal; inexpensive; discounted.

– Lower-priced goods.

Low-key: ​not intended to attract a lot of attention; restrained; modest.

– Their wedding was a very low-key affair.

Lowliness: the state of being humble and unimportant; humbleness; obscureness.

– For he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant.

Low-price: used to describe things that do not cost much; affordable; cut-price.

– Supermarkets bombard their customers with low-price offers.

Low-priced: offering inexpensive goods or services; discounted; inexpensive.

– A low-priced supermarket.

Low-risk: involving only a small amount of danger and little risk of injury, death, damage; safe; harmless.

– A low-risk investment.

Loyal: ​remaining constant in your support of somebody/something; true; faithful.

– A loyal friend.

Loyally: in a way that shows you are faithful to somebody/something and continue to support them or it; faithful; resolute.

– A diplomat should loyally serve his or her country.

Loyalty: the quality of being constant in your support of somebody/something; allegiance; devotion.

– They swore their loyalty to the king.

Lucent: glowing with or giving off light; ablaze; aglow.

– The moon was lucent in the background.

Lucid: clearly expressed; easy to understand; clear.

– He gave a very lucid account of the events.

Lucidity: the quality of being clearly expressed and easy to understand; clarity; purity.

– To write with clarity and lucidity.

Lucidly: in a way that is clearly expressed and easy to understand; plain; understandable.

– To write lucidly.

Lucidness: free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression; clarity; clearness.

– The wonders of the temple were made more lucid by a guided tour of the little museum.

Luck: good things that happen to you by chance, not because of your own efforts or abilities; advantage; blessing.

– With any luck, we’ll be home before dark.

Luckiest: being the result of good luck; fortunate; blessed.

– That was the luckiest escape of my life.

Luckily: by good luck; fortunately; mercifully.

– Luckily for us, the train was late.

Luckiness: an auspicious state resulting from favorable outcomes; advantage; blessing.

– You would also understand the luckiness I feel just being alive.

Lucky: having good luck; fortunate; blessed.

– His friend was killed and he knows he is lucky to be alive.

Lucrative: producing a large amount of money; making a large profit; profitable; remunerative.

– Had the plan worked it would have proved highly lucrative.

Lucubrate: write or study, especially by night; coach; cogitate.

– Skill comes from many times practice and lucubrate.

Luculent: clear to the understanding; lucid; convincing; cogent.

– After that he made a short, serious, as well as sincere and luculent confession.

Lucullan: extremely luxurious; lavish; luxuriant.

– A Lucullan repast for one.

Ludic: tending to play and have fun, make jokes, etc., especially when there is no particular reason for doing this; funny; humorous.

– It’s essential not to lose all that ludic and joy that existed.

Lull: a quiet period between times of activity; pause; respite.

– A lull in the conversation.

Lullaby: a soft, gentle song sung to make a child go to sleep; calm; soothe.

– She sang her baby a lullaby.

Lulu: an outstanding example of a particular type of person or thing; attractive; bright.

– As far as nightmares went, this one was a lulu.

Luminary: ​a person who is an expert or a great influence in a special area or activity; inspiration; leader.

– He has played with all the great jazz luminaries.

Luminiferous: producing or transmitting light; luminous; bright.

– Luminiferous ether.

Luminous: shining in the dark; giving out light; shining; bright.

– Luminous hands on a clock.

Luscious: having a strong, pleasant taste; delicious; delicious; succulent.

– Luscious fruit.

Lush: growing thickly and strongly in a way that is attractive; covered in healthy grass and plants; luxuriant.

– Lush vegetation.

Lushness: the fact of having a lot of green, healthy plants, grass, and trees; magnificence; plushness.

– He created a garden of tropical lushness.

Lust: very strong sexual desire, especially when love is not involved; libido; sex drive.

– Their affair was driven by pure lust.

Lustily: with a lot of energy and enthusiasm; heartily; vigorously.

– Singing lustily.

Lustrate: purify by expiatory sacrifice, ceremonial washing, or some other ritual action; absolve; aerate.

– Some examples were given to il lustrate actual applications of this method.

Lustre: a gentle sheen or soft glow; brightness; radiance.

– The lustre of the Milky Way.

Lustrous: soft; shining; glossy

– Thick, lustrous hair.

Lusty: healthy; strong; vigorous.

– A lusty young man.

Luvvy: an actor who speaks and acts in a very artificial and noticeable way; actor; trouper.

– The luvvies were out in force for the awards ceremony.

Luxe: expensive and of high quality; luxurious; deluxe.

– The luxe 65-room Four Seasons hotel.

Luxuriance: the fact of plants or hair growing thickly and strongly in a way that is attractive; affluence; amplitude.

– The luxuriance of the tropical forest.

Luxuriant: growing thickly and strongly in a way that is attractive; abundant; exuberant.

– Luxuriant vegetation.

Luxuriate: enjoy (something) as a luxury; take self-indulgent delight in; bask; delight.

– After a long day, all Amber wanted to do was luxuriate in a soothing bubble bath.

Luxurious: very comfortable; containing expensive things that give pleasure; sumptuous.

– A luxurious hotel.

Luxuriously: in a way that is very comfortable and full of expensive things that give pleasure; sumptuously; voluptuous.

– A luxuriously furnished apartment.

Luxury: the fact of enjoying special and expensive things, particularly food and drink, clothes and places; affluence; comfort.

– Now we’ll be able to live in luxury for the rest of our lives.

Lynx-eyed: keen-sighted; hawkeyed; eagle-eyed.

– Lynx-eyed is sharp-sighted.

Lyrical: expressing strong emotion in a way that is beautiful and shows imagination; expressive; melodious.

– A lyrical melody.

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Final Thoughts

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It is time to take the next step, ie start using these positive words in your day-to-day lives.

Believe me, these words will bring a positive change in your life.

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Below is a massive list of love words — that is, words related to love. The top 4 are: lover, passion, beloved and adore. You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with love, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. By default, the words are sorted by relevance/relatedness, but you can also get the most common love terms by using the menu below, and there’s also the option to sort the words alphabetically so you can get love words starting with a particular letter. You can also filter the word list so it only shows words that are also related to another word of your choosing. So for example, you could enter «lover» and click «filter», and it’d give you words that are related to love and lover.

You can highlight the terms by the frequency with which they occur in the written English language using the menu below. The frequency data is extracted from the English Wikipedia corpus, and updated regularly. If you just care about the words’ direct semantic similarity to love, then there’s probably no need for this.

There are already a bunch of websites on the net that help you find synonyms for various words, but only a handful that help you find related, or even loosely associated words. So although you might see some synonyms of love in the list below, many of the words below will have other relationships with love — you could see a word with the exact opposite meaning in the word list, for example. So it’s the sort of list that would be useful for helping you build a love vocabulary list, or just a general love word list for whatever purpose, but it’s not necessarily going to be useful if you’re looking for words that mean the same thing as love (though it still might be handy for that).

If you’re looking for names related to love (e.g. business names, or pet names), this page might help you come up with ideas. The results below obviously aren’t all going to be applicable for the actual name of your pet/blog/startup/etc., but hopefully they get your mind working and help you see the links between various concepts. If your pet/blog/etc. has something to do with love, then it’s obviously a good idea to use concepts or words to do with love.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for in the list below, or if there’s some sort of bug and it’s not displaying love related words, please send me feedback using this page. Thanks for using the site — I hope it is useful to you! 🐦

That’s about all the love related words we’ve got! I hope this list of love terms was useful to you in some way or another. The words down here at the bottom of the list will be in some way associated with love, but perhaps tenuously (if you’ve currenly got it sorted by relevance, that is). If you have any feedback for the site, please share it here, but please note this is only a hobby project, so I may not be able to make regular updates to the site. Have a nice day! 🐿

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