Word that start with code

A list of scrabble words starting with Code

Code is a playable Scrabble Word!

A list of words that start with code for Scrabble that can also be used while playing
Words With Friends. Here’s a list of words that begin with code
of all different lengths.


  • Highest scoring words starting with Code
  • 11-letter words starting with Code
  • 10-letter words starting with Code
  • 9-letter words starting with Code
  • 8-letter words starting with Code
  • 7-letter words starting with Code
  • 6-letter words starting with Code
  • 5-letter words starting with Code
  • 4-letter words starting with Code
  • FAQs about words starting with Code

37 Scrabble words starting with Code

4 Letter Words That Start With Code

  • code7

FAQ on words starting with Code

What are the best Scrabble words starting with Code?

The highest scoring Scrabble word starting with Code is Codeveloped, which is worth at least 20 points without
any bonuses.
The next best word starting with Code is codefendant, which is worth 18 points.
Other high score words starting with Code are
codevelops (18),
codeina (10),
codeias (10),
codeine (10),
codebooks (18),
codeveloper (19),
codeins (10),
codevelop (17).

How many words start with the
letters Code?

There are 37 words that start with the letters
Code in the Scrabble dictionary.
Of those
5 are 11 letter
3 are 10 letter
6 are 9 letter
7 are 8 letter
4 are 7 letter
5 are 6 letter
6 are 5 letter
1 is a 4 letter

Total Number of words that start with CODE found =47

CODE comprises of 4 letters. Below are Total 47 words Starting with CODE (Prefix) found after searching through all the words in english. CODE is itself is a word in english. code is made up of letters C, O, D and E. Where C is 3rd , O is 15th , D is 4th and E is 5th Letter of Alphabet series
Also see: Words ending with Code | Words containing Code | Words made out of letters used in Code

16 letter Words starting with code

1). Codeterminations

15 letter Words starting with code

1). Codetermination

14 letter Words starting with code

1). Codependencies

13 letter Words starting with code

1). Codependences

12 letter Words starting with code

1). Codefendants 2). Codependence 3). Codependents 4). Codevelopers 5). Codependency 6). Codeveloping

11 letter Words starting with code

1). Codesigning 2). Codependent 3). Codefendant 4). Codeveloped 5). Codeveloper

10 letter Words starting with code

1). Codevelops 2). Codesigned 3). Coderiving

9 letter Words starting with code

1). Codebooks 2). Codebtors 3). Coderived 4). Codevelop 5). Coderives 6). Codesigns

8 letter Words starting with code

1). Coderive 2). Codesign 3). Codeless 4). Codebook 5). Codebtor 6). Codeines 7). Codeinas

7 letter Words starting with code

1). Codeias 2). Codeina 3). Codeine 4). Codeins

6 letter Words starting with code

1). Coders 2). Codein 3). Codeia 4). Codens 5). Codecs

5 letter Words starting with code

1). Codes 2). Coder 3). Codec 4). Coded 5). Coden 6). Codex

4 letter Words starting with code

1). Code

Code :- A body of law- sanctioned by legislation- in which the rules of law to be specifically applied by the courts are set forth in systematic form; a compilation of laws by public authority; a digest. Any system of rules or regulations relating to one subject; as- the medical code- a system of rules for the regulation of the professional conduct of physicians; the naval code- a system of rules for making communications at sea means of signals.

Frequently asked questions:

  • Which words starts with code?
  • What are the words having prefix code?
  • List of all words Begining with code.

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A Comprehensive Guide To List Of  Words That Start With Co

Words in the English language are made up of smaller parts called root words or base words. Root words for kids are standalone words that cannot be broken down into smaller parts and carry their own meaning. Sometimes, these words can have prefixes and suffixes attached to them. A prefix is a bunch of letters added at the beginning of a root word. Co is one such prefix that is commonly used in English. Therefore, you can teach words that start with co in an entertaining way to the kids. Explore a list of words that start with co to improve your child’s vocabulary and language skills. Besides this, refer to c words for kids. 

Adding a prefix or a suffix to a root word changes the tense and the meaning of the word. Sometimes, adding a suffix or prefix can create a new word altogether. It also changes a word from a noun or verb to an adjective or adverb too. Let’s learn about words that start with co for better understanding and comprehension. These words for kids will add meaning to the sentences for effective communication. However, you can check 4 to 8 letter words that start with co here. 

The English prefix co is a Latin word that means jointly or together with. It also means auxiliary, assisting or helping. Here are some examples to help you understand.

  1. Coworker – a person who works together with you.
  2. Cohabit – living together with another person or animal.
  3. Copilot – a qualified pilot who helps or relieves the pilot but is not in command.

However, not all words that start with the letters co have a prefix attached to them. Some words like cow, coin, cot, color, etc are root words that have their own meaning. Here is a list of commonly used words that start with the letters co.

Cow Cot Cob
Cone Coir Coal
Coat Coast Coke
Comb Collide Collect
Cover Court Cough
Combination Comfortable Container
Conga Cost Commonly
Country Coffee Coding
Cotton Comedy Cousin
Coupon Cobweb Cougar
Company Council Concern
Comparison Confirming Connection
Courage Colonel Coconut
Confident Continuous Condensation
Complaint Corporal Cockroach
Conference Completion Compromise
Competition Concentration Continental
Consequence Countryside Conditioner
Construction Conversation Corollary
Conservation Constipation Coordination

Explore More Words That Start With Co

Kids in preschool and kindergarten start by learning 2 and 3 letter words and some simple 4 letter words. They learn sight words and CVC words. Here is a list of words starting from co for kids in kindergarten and preschool.

  • 2 And 3 Letter Words That Start With Co
  • 4 Letter Words That Start With Co
  • 5 Letter Words That Start With Co
  • 6 Letter Words That Start With Co
  • 7 Letter Words That Start With Co
  • 8 Letter Words That Start With Co

2 And 3 Letter Words That Start With Co

Co Col
Cos Cod
Cox Cot
Cow Coy
Con Cob
Cop Cog
Coo Coz

4 Letter Words That Start With Co

Come Cone Coin
Cost Cork Cord
Core Coil Conk
Code Cove Cobs
Cold Colt Cops
Copy Comb Coir
Cool Comp Cozy
Cook Coma Cons
Coal Cogs Cods
Cope Coax Cows
Coat Cobb Cowl
Corn Coop Coed
Cola Cosy Cots

For More Words, Visit Four Letter Words Starting With C

5 Letter Words That Start With Co

Here is a list of age-appropriate words that begin with co for kids in early elementary school. The list includes 5 letter words that start with co and 6 letter words that start with co.

Could Comet Cobra
Court Corer Coati
Cover Couth Cocky
Coast Comma Comfy
Coach Corny Count
Coral Color Conch
Colon Colic Cowed
Condo Covet Coyly
Cough Corgi Costs
Couch Comic Cores
Cocoa Cower Cored
Combo Coven Corks

6 Letter Words That Start With Co

Common Cohort Coyote
Course Cowboy Cornea
Coming Cobalt Coerce
County Cosmic Collie
Couple Cocker Confer
Corner Covert Corset
Copper Compel Coffee
Comply Convoy Cocoon
Costly Cortex Cobble
Combat Cookie Cosmos
Colour Cordon Column
Comedy Corona Cougar
Cotton Cooker Comely
Commit Consul Cobweb
Corral Coward Coffer
Convey Copier Coddle
Cousin Concur Corked
Collar Covers Condor
Coupon Convex Coarse
Colony Cordon Coolie
Coping Coffin Cooler

7 Letter Words That Start With Co

Kids in late elementary school can recognize and read multisyllabic words, compound words etc. They come across complex words in their science and math lessons too. Here is a list of 7 and 8 letter words that start with co for kids in late elementary school.

Company Consult Compost
Control Conform Convent
Country Cottage Convict
Contact Colonel Context
Council Console Convene
Complex Consume Contour
College Contend Commute
Content Coating Confine
Concern Costume Collage
Contain Corrupt Comedic
Concept Compass Conjure
Conduct Compile Copious
Correct Courier Collect
Comment Coroner Colored
Command Concise Collide
Compete Cockpit Commune
Counter Conceal Comrade
Comfort Confuse Concede
Combine Cologne Comical
Compare Condemn Coaster
Counsel Confess Conical
Consent Conduit Cordial
Confirm Coexist Condone
Compact Commend Coinage
Connect Concord Conceit
Concert Compute Cookery
Contest Coconut Courtly
Convert Conquer Consort
Consist Compose Confide
Courage Conifer Concave

8 Letter Words That Start With Co

Continue Coronary Cowardly
Complete Contempt Commando
Computer Comeback Confound
Contract Cocktail Construe
Consumer Coincide Coworker
Consider Cosmetic Conquest
Commerce Communal Confetti
Congress Conserve Conspire
Contrast Coloured Condense
Coverage Coupling Conclude
Constant Comedian Contrary
Conflict Commuter Coleslaw
Concrete Converge Confront
Composed Compiler Cookware
Collapse Conceive Commoner
Compound Cohesion Cordless
Corridor Coauthor Coursing
Confused Coloring Contrite
Colorful Coercion Covering
Convince Converse Coverall
Comprise Congrats Contrive
Colonial Collagen Conclave
Commence Colossal Colorant
Complain Compress Colonize
Courtesy Composer Couscous
Coherent Covenant Colander

Activities That Help In Learning Words That Start With Co

Some of the activities that help in learning words that start with co are mentioned below:

  • Fill in the blanks on words that start with co: Here, kids have to fill in the blanks for the words starting with co. For example, 
    • C O _ L
    • C O A _
    • C O _ 
    • C O A _ H
    • C O _ S T
  • Match the words that start with co: Regular practice of words will lead to better retention of words that they are learning. Therefore, you can provide matching word worksheets for kids. Here, kids have to match the word with their respective images. With the help of the images, kids will recognize and learn the words that start with Co. For example, Cow, Cot, Coal, Computer, etc. 
  • Solve the words that start with co: Kids are always curious to learn new things with the help of engaging activities. Therefore, riddles for kids are the best way to expand their critical thinking and problem solving skills. Here, they will be given a set of questions based on the words that start with co. Kids have to carefully think and solve the riddle. For example, It is a domesticated animal which provides milk and butter. What is it? The answer is Cow. 

Benefits Of Learning Words That Start With Co

Some of the benefits of learning words that start with co are mentioned below: 

  • Improves understanding of the words that they are learning. 
  • Motivates children to speak and communicate with others fearlessly. 
  • Enhances learning experience for better academic performance. 
  • Develops vocabulary and language skills. 
  • Improves reading and writing skills among children. 

Looking for more words and vocabulary activities to aid in your kids learning? Osmo has a wide variety of activities, games, word lists and worksheets for kids – C words for kids and Christmas words that start with C.

Frequently Asked Questions on Words That Start With Co

What are the Words That Start With Co?

The Words That Start With Co are Collide, Comfortable, Combination, Cousin, Comedy, Coffee, Confirming, Court, Comparison, Continuous, Compromise, Conditioner, Countryside, Conservation, Coordination, etc.

What are the four letter Words That Start With Co?

The four letter Words That Start With Co are Cosy, Coda, Cone, Coot, Coil, Cook, Copy, Cows, Code, Coat, Coup, Cork, Cobs, Coke, Cons, Cods, Cowl, Corn, Coin, Cole, Cola, etc.

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