Word that means written

I’m looking for a word that describes written word that is not monologue or dialog. For example, I understand monologue to describe this type of writing:

`I wish I hadn’t cried so much!’ said Alice, as she swam about, trying to find her way out. `I shall be punished for it now, I suppose, by being drowned in my own tears! That will be a queer thing, to be sure! However, everything is queer to-day.’

What word describes this type of writing?

Just then she heard something splashing about in the pool a little way off, and she swam nearer to make out what it was: at first she thought it must be a walrus or hippopotamus, but then she remembered how small she was now, and she soon made out that it was only a mouse that had slipped in like herself.

Edit: The two most accurate (but still incorrect I think) words or phrases proposed are narrative and descriptive writing. Reading through the definitions of both of those I believe there’s still the possibility that speaking is permitted. For example, if both of the above paragraphs were combined, I believe that could be called a narrative. The linked sources for descriptive writing permit unqualified sounds to be used in the description of a scene, which would include speaking.

I’m looking for a word that describes only the second paragraph and the words «as she swam about, trying to find her way out.» in the first paragraph and excludes the part of the first paragraph spoken by Alice.

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Written word is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


written word


Writing is a medium of communication that represents language through the inscription of signs and symbols. In most languages, writing is a complement to speech or spoken language. Writing is not a language but a form of technology. Within a language system, writing relies on many of the same structures as speech, such as vocabulary, grammar and semantics, with the added dependency of a system of signs or symbols, usually in the form of a formal alphabet. The result of writing is generally called text, and the recipient of text is called a reader. Motivations for writing include publication, storytelling, correspondence and diary. Writing has been instrumental in keeping history, dissemination of knowledge through the media and the formation of legal systems. As human societies emerged, the development of writing was driven by pragmatic exigencies such as exchanging information, maintaining financial accounts, codifying laws and recording history. Around the 4th millennium BCE, the complexity of trade and administration in Mesopotamia outgrew human memory, and writing became a more dependable method of recording and presenting transactions in a permanent form.

Definition of written word in the English dictionary

The definition of written word in the dictionary is the written word writing rather than speaking.


Synonyms and antonyms of written word in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «written word» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of written word to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of written word from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «written word» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

palabra escrita

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

लिखित शब्द

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

الكلمة المكتوبة

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian

письменное слово

278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

palavra escrita

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

লিখিত শব্দ

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

Perkataan bertulis

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German

geschriebene Wort

180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

기록 된 말씀

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese

Tembung ditulis

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

chữ viết

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

எழுதப்பட்ட சொல்

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

लिखित शब्द

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

Yazılı kelime

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

parola scritta

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish

słowo pisane

50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian

письмове слово

40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

cuvântul scris

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

γραπτό λόγο

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

geskrewe woord

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish

skrivna ordet

10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian

skrevne ord

5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of written word


The term «written word» is quite widely used and occupies the 50.384 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Quite widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «written word» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of written word

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «written word».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «written word» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «written word» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about written word


Discover the use of written word in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to written word and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Beyond the Written Word: Oral Aspects of Scripture in the …

The concept of ‘scripture’ as written religious text is re-examined, considering orally distributed sacred writings.

William A. Graham, William Albert Graham, 1993


The Carolingians and the Written Word

This pioneering book studies the function and status of the written word in Carolingian society in France and Germany in the eighth and ninth centuries.

Rosamond McKitterick, 1989


The Written word: literacy in transition

This collection employs an interdisciplinary approach in its examination of the social and cultural implications of literacy.


Advertising Secrets of the Written Word: The Ultimate …

» The book also presents many personal stories, advertising examples & many of Sugarman’s own ads along with the reasons for their success or failure.


Oral World and Written Word: Ancient Israelite Literature

This book is an essential resource for understanding the question of the Bible’s relationship to orality. Susan Niditch offers a strong argument for the continuity of the literature of the Israelites.


Engaging the Written Word of God

In this collection of articles written over forty years, Packer sets out his beliefs about the authority of Scripture and the principles that should be applied when interpreting it.


Multiliteracies: Beyond Text and the Written Word

Multiliteracy «literally» becomes a necessity. This work is a guidebook to the new reality, which is increasingly so important to schools and the more general culture.


The Blinded Eye: Thucydides and the New Written Word

This study of the construction of intellectual authority examines the impact of Thucydides’s History.


The Written Word in the Medieval Arabic Lands: A Social and …

Winner of the 2012 BRISMES book prize. How the written text became accessible to wider audiences in medieval Egypt and Syria. Medieval Islamic societies belonged to the most bookish cultures of their period.


Power Through the Written Word

This book follows the Tapestry philosophy and it also features: multicultural reading modules in thematic units that explore the many facets of personal and societal power; unit-opening surveys provide unique input on the theme under …


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term written word is used in the context of the following news items.

Giant crane towers over South Shields as 365 work continues

A huge tower crane has been erected to enable construction of The Word, the North East Centre for the Written Word, a three-storey structure in Ferry Street … «Shields Gazette, Aug 15»

In TV Comedy, Improv Makes Way For The Written Word

Comedy might have the reputation for being loose and spontaneous, but when it comes to garnering laughs for TV series, writing and refining is often the key to … «Variety, Jun 15»

‘The Last Bookaneer’ is a celebration of the written word

Matthew Pearl’s latest novel is receiving many positive reviews, with critics praising the adventure tale about the race to steal a manuscript. «Christian Science Monitor, May 15»

Punk Rock’s Johnny Angel Turns To The Written Word, And Takes …

Johnny Angel lays out just who he is early on in his debut memoir-cum-novel, “Looking for Lady Dee: A Punk Rock Mystery.” He cops to being blunt and … «WBUR, Apr 15»

Protecting the written word

It’s as if whatever bits of our schooling we’ve forgotten, we’ve kept the sacredness of the written word with the mantra that “books do furnish a room”, which is … «The Guardian, Apr 15»

Topeka High School library gets four murals on history of written word

They show a single story — a history of the written word — and were commissioned and donated by an anonymous Topeka High School graduate. The pieces … «Topeka Capital Journal, Mar 15»

The Puzzle of the Written Word

Turchi’s A Muse & A Maze: Writing as Puzzle, Mystery, and Magic delivers dozens of such histories, quickly tracing the popularity of everything from Sudoku to … «Pacific Standard, Dec 14»

X’s and O’s: The power of the written word

On my hike yesterday I got to talking to my friend about writing. He enjoys the written word as well, so we had a lot to talk about. It got me to thinking about the … «Rocky Mountain Collegian, Oct 14»

Banned Books Remind Us Of The Power Of The Written Word

Here’s an idea for weekend fun: Pick up a banned book. Look for «the good parts» — the sections of Ulysses, The Grapes of Wrath, The Color Purple, Catch-22, … «NPR, Sep 14»

I Only Used Emoji To Text For A Week To See If It Could Replace …

As emoji spreads into our culture, I’ve actually heard the following question: Is emoji moving to replace communicating with the written word? To find out, I … «Business Insider, Sep 14»


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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

написанное слово

письменное слово

письменность f

письменного слова

написанного слова

печатного слова

письменным словом

написанным словом

письменной речи

написанные слова

печатное слово

записанное слово

письменному слову

письменном слове


And most often, through the written word.

And mostly, in the written word.

You must be able to effectively convey information through the written word.

И, конечно же, вы должны быть в состоянии эффективно передавать информацию через письменное слово.

Literature and the free written word enable us to better understand ourselves and others — something that is today more important than ever.

Литература и свободное письменное слово позволяют нам лучше понять себя и других — это то, что является сегодня более важным, чем когда-либо.

Since its birth 5,000 years ago, the written word has given us civilisation and technology.

С момента её появления, 5000 лет назад, письменность подарила нам цивилизацию и технологии.

The written word is a powerful and direct tool for storytelling.

Письменность — могучий и прямой инструмент для того, чтобы рассказывать истории.

The number of characters used in writing was also reduced from over 1,000 to 600 in order to simplify and clarify the written word.

Количество символов, используемых в письменной форме, также уменьшалось от более 1000 до 600, чтобы упростить и разъяснить написанное слово.

Make people love your personality through the written word.

In the end only the written word can be regarded as a proof of the cylinder content.

В конце концов, только письменное слово может рассматриваться как доказательство содержания цилиндра.

The written word is the only kind of special revelation available today.

Написанное слово является единственным доступным нам особым откровением сегодня.

For the last several centuries, people relied on the written word to spread ideas.

Последние несколько веков люди полагались на письменное слово для распространения идей.

The written word can sometimes get you into trouble.

Nothing in the written word will not give up and do not describe the true picture.

Ничто в письменное слово не сдастся и не описывают истинную картину.

But there’s no need for you to understand literally every written word.

Но нет никакой необходимости в том, чтобы вы понимали буквально каждое написанное слово.

In this age of email and text messages, it’s never been easier to express feelings using the written word.

В этом возрасте электронной и текстовых сообщений, это никогда не было проще, чтобы выразить чувства, используя письменное слово.

In turn, artists have provided some of the best records of the development of civilization, sometimes revealing more than the written word.

В свою очередь, художники предоставили одни из лучших записей о развитии цивилизации, иногда раскрывая больше, чем письменное слово.

No animal can read or write, so none uses the written word to communicate.

Ни одно животное не умеет читать или писать, поэтому не использует письменное слово для общения.

So long as there is still the written word, there will always be editors.

Graphic designers often transcend the written word, and they can create powerful visual messages that resonate with audiences worldwide.

Графические дизайнеры часто превосходят написанное слово, и они могут создавать мощные визуальные сообщения, которые резонируют с аудиториями по всему миру.

The written word is powerful, too, and even more lasting.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат written word

Результатов: 748. Точных совпадений: 748. Затраченное время: 111 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Princeton’s WordNetRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. written wordnoun

    the written form of a word

    «while the spoken word stands for something, the written word stands for something that stands for something»; «a craftsman of the written word»

WikipediaRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. written word

    Writing is a neuropsychological activity involving cognitive and physical processes and the use of writing systems to structure and translate human thoughts into persistent representations of human language. A system of writing relies on many of the same semantic structures as the language it represents, such as lexicon and syntax, with the added dependency of a system of symbols representing that language’s phonology and morphology. Nevertheless, written language may take on characteristics distinctive from any available in spoken language.The outcome of this activity, also called «writing,» and sometimes a «text,» is a series of physically inscribed, mechanically transferred, or digitally represented linguistic symbols. The interpreter or activator of a text is called a «reader».Writing systems do not themselves constitute languages (with the debatable exception of computer languages); they are a means of rendering language into a form that can be reconstructed by other humans separated by time and/or space. While not all languages use a writing system, those that do can complement and extend capacities of spoken language by creating durable forms of language that can be transmitted across space (e.g. written correspondence) and stored over time (e.g. libraries or other public records). Writing can also have knowledge-transforming effects, since it allows humans to externalize their thinking in forms that are easier to reflect on, elaborate, reconsider, and revise.

How to pronounce written word?

How to say written word in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of written word in Chaldean Numerology is: 1

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of written word in Pythagorean Numerology is: 7

Examples of written word in a Sentence

  1. Author Unknown:

    The written word can be erased — not so with the spoken word.

  2. A.E. Samaan:

    The spoken word is ephemeral. The written word, eternal. A symphony, timeless.

  3. Cat Ellington:

    Basically, I bring the truth and the light through the written word. For in such a way am I utilized as a creative human vessel.

  4. Maxim Behar:

    Different social media networks are used for different communication to the extent that the written word still prevails over visuals. However, in the future, it will be other way around.

  5. Cat Ellington:

    If God ever commands the spirit of wisdom to depart from me, well, I reckon that I’ll never be able to compose the written word again. Not in music, and not in literature. If there is a blank page before me, it wouldn’t matter if my right hand held a thousand dollar ink pen from the House of Montblanc, or an ink pen branded Paper Mate, not one word would be jotted from the ink of either or, and the page would remain blank.


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It means what it says. It is a document that you have created,
you have typed it using Microsoft Word.

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