Word that means way of life

synonyms for way of life behavior. development. growth. lifestyle. personality.

What does the traditional way of life mean?

the behaviour and habits that are typical of a particular person or group, or that are chosen by them. Mining activities have totally disrupted the traditional way of life of the Yanomami.

What is the origin of the word life?

The word “life” is from the Old English word līf, of Germanic origin. The corresponding word in German is Leib, and the word in Dutch is lijf. The verb “to live” (meaning “to be alive”) is also similar and consistent across these languages — leben in German, leven in Dutch, and leve in Danish.

How do you say way of life differently?

“I aim only for a society that offers a decent way of life to all.”…What is another word for way of life?

modus vivendi habit
routine wont
standard of living lifestyle
custom characteristic
manner idiosyncrasy

Is Way of life an idiom?

Something that is accepted as the status quo. It’s a shame that violence and drug use become a way of life for some troubled teens.

How do you use way of life?

1 : the habits, customs, and beliefs of a particular person or group of people Unhampered development is threatening these farmers’ way of life. 2 : an important activity, job, etc., that affects all parts of someone’s life For me, tennis is not just a sport, it’s a way of life.

What do you call things you live by?

noun. your particular way of living and the experiences that you have.

Is culture a way of life?

A culture is a way of life of a group of people–the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next. Culture is symbolic communication.

How can I use way of life in a sentence?

(1) Some foreigners assimilate easily into our way of life. (2) The tribe’s traditional way of life is under threat. (3) The traditional way of life has all but disappeared. (4) Mining activities have totally disrupted the traditional way of life of the Yanomami Indians.

Is way of life free?

Way of Life is the ultimate habit-building app. You get to try the app out for free. For $3.99 you can unlock it to add an unlimited number of items (up from a limit of three).

Is Way of Life an idiom?

Need another word that means the same as “way of life”? Find 30 related words for “way of life” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:

  • Associations of «Way of life» (30 Words)

Associations of «Way of life» (30 Words)

abide Dwell.
If there is one thing I cannot abide it is a lack of discipline.
be Have an existence be extant.
He s a tough customer let him be.
denigrate Charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone.
Doom and gloom merchants who denigrate their own country.
derogatory Showing a critical or disrespectful attitude.
She tells me I m fat and is always making derogatory remarks.
disparaging Expressive of low opinion.
Disparaging remarks about the new house.
dwell Think moodily or anxiously about something.
Groups of people still dwell in these caves.
dweller A person who inhabits a particular place.
The majority of urban dwellers live in small apartments.
eternally Used to emphasize expressions of admiration, gratitude, etc.
His eternally optimistic attitude.
existence Continued survival.
A person may be reaping the consequences of evil deeds sown in previous existences.
existential Of or as conceived by existentialism.
Formal logicians are not concerned with existential matters.
existing Existing in something specified.
Much of the beluga caviar existing in the world is found in the Soviet Union and Iran.
habitant An inhabitant.
The habitant farmhouses of old Quebec.
habitat A person’s usual or preferred surroundings.
Wild chimps in their natural habitat.
horizontally In a horizontal direction.
Labels are placed horizontally on the cases.
immortalize Make famous forever.
This melody immortalized its composer.
incarnation The form taken by a person or thing during an incarnation.
In a previous journalistic incarnation I worked at Westminster.
inhabit Be an inhabitant of or reside in.
Strange notions inhabited her mind.
inhabitant A person or animal that lives in or occupies a place.
lifelong Lasting or remaining in a particular state throughout a person’s life.
A lifelong Conservative.
live Continue to live through hardship or adversity.
Live coals.
living People who are still living.
The benefits of country living.
oriented Adjusted or located in relation to surroundings or circumstances; sometimes used in combination.
The book is value oriented throughout.
outlast Live or last longer than.
The kind of beauty that will outlast youth.
pejorative Expressing disapproval.
Permissiveness is used almost universally as a pejorative term.
populate Fill with inhabitants.
The island is populated by scarcely 40 000 people.
presence The state of being present; current existence.
He felt the presence of an evil force.
reside Make one’s home in a particular place or community.
The meaning of an utterance does not wholly reside in the semantic meaning.
stay A period of staying somewhere in particular of living somewhere temporarily as a visitor or guest.
We are staying in Detroit we are not moving to Cincinnati.
survive Continue to live and avoid dying.
He survived the cancer against all odds.
vitality The property of being able to survive and grow.
The vitality of a seed.

  • 1
    way of life

    way of life noun стиль жизни

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > way of life

  • 2
    way of life

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > way of life

  • 3
    way of life

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > way of life

  • 4
    way of life

    Politics english-russian dictionary > way of life

  • 5
    way of life

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > way of life

  • 6
    way of life

    образ жизни; способ, формы и условия жизнедеятельности.

    * * *

    образ жизни; способ, формы и условия жизнедеятельности.

    Англо-русский словарь по социологии > way of life

  • 7
    way of life

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > way of life

  • 8
    way of life

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > way of life

  • 9
    way of life

    образ жизни, уклад жизни

    Новый англо-русский словарь > way of life

  • 10
    way of life

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > way of life

  • 11
    way of life

    Англо-русский медицинский словарь > way of life

  • 12
    way of life

    English-Russian military dictionary > way of life

  • 13
    way of life

    English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > way of life

  • 14
    way of life

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > way of life

  • 15
    Way of life

    Образ жизни

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Way of life

  • 16
    way of life

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > way of life

  • 17
    way of life

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > way of life

  • 18
    way of life

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > way of life

  • 19
    rural way of life

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > rural way of life

  • 20
    (a) better way of life

    лучший (более дешёвый, европейский) образ жизни

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (a) better way of life


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  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Way of Life — Single par Lil Wayne featuring Big Tymers et TQ extrait de l’album 500 Degreez Sortie 3 mai 2002 Durée 4:01 Genre Hip hop, gangsta rap Auteur compositeur …   Wikipédia en Français

  • way of life — (plural ways of life) noun count * 1. ) a typical way in which a person or group lives: the rural way of life 2. ) if something is a way of life, it is considered to be what people normally do or have: Shortages have become a way of life here …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • way of life — plural ways of life n 1.) the behaviour, habits, customs etc that are typical of a particular society or person ▪ The tribe s traditional way of life is under threat. the American/British etc way of life 2.) a job or interest that is so important …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • way of life — [wɛɔflajf] n. m. ÉTYM. Mil. XXe; expression anglaise, de way « façon », of « de », et life « vie ». ❖ ♦ Mode de vie (notamment en parlant des États Unis, sous la forme american way of life). || « Un nombre de plus en plus grand d Américains …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Way of Life — 〈[wɛı ɔf laıf] m.; ; unz.〉 Art u. Weise zu leben, Lebensstil; →a. American Way of Life [engl.] …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Way of Life — 〈[wɛı ɔf laıf] m.; Gen.: ; Pl.: unz.〉 Art u. Weise zu leben, Lebensstil; →a. s. American Way of Life [Etym.: engl.] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • Way of Life — [ wei əv laif] der; , s <aus gleichbed. engl. way of life, eigtl. »Weg des Lebens«> die [für jmdn. typische] Art zu leben, Einstellung zum Leben …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • way of life — /wejovˈlaif, ingl. weɪ əvˈlaɪf/ [loc. ingl., propr. «modo (way) di vita (life)»] loc. sost. f. inv. stile di vita …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • way of life — index behavior, modus vivendi Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • way of life — noun a course of conduct (Freq. 11) the path of virtue we went our separate ways our paths in life led us apart genius usually follows a revolutionary path • Syn: ↑way, ↑path …   Useful english dictionary

  • way of life — ways of life 1) N COUNT: usu sing, oft poss N, adj N A way of life is the behaviour and habits that are typical of a particular person or group, or that are chosen by them. Mining activities have totally disrupted the traditional way of life of… …   English dictionary

way of life — перевод на русский

/weɪ ɒv laɪf/

We have no right to criticize your way of life.

У нас нет права критиковать ваш образ жизни.

I know it is wrong to raise my voice against any person… but there are those in your order who would change your way of life… for the sake of worldly comfort.

Я знаю, что неправильно возвышать мой голос против любой личности. Но есть те в вашем ордене, кто готов изменить свой образ жизни ради мирского удобства.

Oh, and I’m gonna change my whole way of life for him. If he’d only help you to reform a little.

Ох, ради него я готова изменить весь свой образ жизни и если бы он помог тебе измениться пусть и немного

our union our way of life.

Наше единение. Наш, образ жизни.

At last, a new planet of our own where we can establish our own way of life.

В конце концов, наша новая планета — где мы можем установить наш собственный образ жизни.

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You can’t fight a whole way of life, Barbara.

Ты не можешь бороться против жизни, Барбара.

And while we are confident the missile attack will succeed, it is only prudent that we now take cautionary steps to ensure the continuation of our way of life, to guarantee that there will be enough of us left to rebuild a new world in the unlikely event that the comets do strike the Earth.

Мы уверены в эффективности ядерного удара но всё же приняли меры по сохранению жизни людей которые смогут заново отстроить мир и сохранению генофонда на случай, если столкновение всё же произойдёт.

I found a better way of life, that’s all.

Я нашел нечто лучшее в жизни.

A day when we cast aside the paraphernalia of the 21st century and return to a simpler way of life, closer to nature’s intentions.

День, когда мы отвергаем атрибуты 21-го века и возвращаемся к простой жизни, неразрывно связанной с матерью-природой.

Plantations throughout the South were the center of jubilant parties welcoming back the troops, returning them to a now-blessed and triumphant way of life.

Плантации по всему Югу стали центрами ликующих вечеринок, на которых чествовали войска, возвращающиеся назад, к отныне благословенной и триумфальной жизни.

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Perhaps in the morning, when you see the laboratory, you will find our way of life easier to understand, to believe.

Возможно утром, когда вы увидите лабораторию, вы сможете легче понять наш стиль жизни, легче поверить в него.

The race is the symbol of everything we hold dear — our American way of life.

Гонка это символ всего, что нам дорого, американский стиль жизни.

— That’s the American way of life!

— Ох уж этот ваш американский стиль жизни!

It’s a way of life, running a summer camp.

Управление лагерем — это стиль жизни.

They want to destroy our way of life.

Они хотят уничтожить наш стиль жизни.

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There are only two ways of living: anonymously in a crowd or completely alone.

жить анонимно в толпе или жить в полном одиночестве.

Susan, I need a way of living that I can rationalize.

Susan, я должен жить рационально.

In the hopes of clearing my family name, to give my children their share of the American way of life without a blemish on their name and background, I have appeared before this committee and given it all my cooperation.

«В надежде восстановить имя моей семьи … и с моим искренним желанием дать моим детям возможность жить… по американскому пути, без запятнанного… имени и окружения… я появился перед этой комиссией… и отдан в соответствии с моей властью .

We have got no authority to impose a way of life on other people.

Указывать людям как жить не в нашей власти.

You’ve no right to impose a way of life on anyone?

Ты не имеешь права указывать людям как жить?

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You think you can destroy our way of life?

Думаешь, сможешь разрушить наш способ жизни?

For many European farmers who say globalization is destroying a way of life on their continent that global corporations will now reap the gains…

Для многих европейских фермеров, которые говорят, что глобализация разрушает способ жизни на их континенте, что мировые корпорации будут теперь пожинать выгоды…

There are people in our community living among us, yet refusing to take part in our society, refusing to understand what it means to be British, undermining our way of life and our democracy.

В нашей общине есть люди, живущие среди нас, но отказывающиеся становится частью общества, отказывающиеся понимать, что значит быть британцем, подрывающие наш способ жизни и нашу демократию.

People have to understand that we’ve created a way of life that’s fundamentally unsustainable.

Людям нужно понять, что мы создали способ жизни, который по существу не устойчивый.

That way of life has gone now — mobile phones, computers, the electricity that powers them.

Этот способ жизни умирает… Мобильные телефоны, компьютеры, электричество от которого они все работают.

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Let everybody develop his own way of life, at his own time, at his own speed.

Пусть каждый организует свой собственный уклад жизни, как и когда им угодно.

For him, Rome was an alien world, liable to pollute the English way of life.

ƒл€ него католицизм был совершенно чуждым миром, склонным загр€зн€ть британский уклад жизни.

They will not change our way of life.

Они не изменят наш уклад жизни.

A way of life is coming to an end.

Уклад жизни подходит к концу.

The alien invaders have come to destroy our way of life and claim our planet, just as I said they would.

Инопланетные завоеватели прибыли, чтобы уничтожить наш уклад жизни и отобрать нашу планету, как я и говорила.

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A new way of life.

Новый способ жить.

It’s a way of living inside your own head, which is where I spend most of my time.

Это способ жить в своей голове, где я провожу большую часть времени.

I’m… I’m here as a friend, looking for a better way of life.

Я пришёл как друг, ищу способ жить.

Security is a better way of life.

Охранный бизнес – способ жить получше.

Only way of life he knows.

Это единственный способ жить, который он знает.

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Other countries are preparing similar caves along whatever lines they feel are best to preserve their way of life.

В большинстве стран тоже разработаны пути сохранения национальной культуры и тоже построены убежища.

And this is the way of life that people want throughout the world.

Именно такого пути желают люди во всём мире.

I’ve chosen a different way of life.

Я выбрала иной путь.

Aya, running around killing people is not a way of life.

Бегать по свету и убивать, это не тот путь.

I must find a way to bring the North into our way of life.

Я должен найти способ, как направить Север на наш путь.

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way of life

1. The customs and activities that compose the lifestyle of a person or group. Fishing and seafaring are a large part of the way of life of these coastal communities. Terrorism is a threat to our freedom and our very way of life.

2. Something that is accepted as the status quo. It’s a shame that violence and drug use become a way of life for some troubled teens.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

one’s way of life

one’s lifestyle; one’s pattern of living. That kind of thing just doesn’t fit into my way of life. Our way of life includes contributing to worthy causes.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

a/the/somebody’s way of ˈlife

the typical pattern of behaviour of a person or group: the British/rural/traditional way of life

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • a/the/somebody’s way of life
  • one’s way of life
  • live large
  • Living large
  • on the stocks
  • snug down
  • back to nature
  • crunchy-granola
  • make a life for (oneself)
  • make a life for oneself

References in periodicals archive

Soon, however, Gray is defining way of life» in terms suggesting something far more collective and unchosen: «Ways of life must be practised by a number of people, not only one, span the generations, have a sense of themselves and be recognized by others, exclude some people, and have some distinctive practices, beliefs and values.» And, as we have seen, Gray scoffs at those «recent liberal writings» in which, mistakenly, «the fact of pluralism refers to a diversity of personal ideals whose place is in the realm of voluntary association.» Often, in contrast with his discussion of soldiers and day traders, Gray suggests that all autonomous individuals have the same way of life.

Gray’s own discussion of commingled ways of life helps us to understand why this is the case: When people become cognizant of the existence of different ways of life, ar e aware that different ways of life are open to them, and are placed in situations in which they cannot help but choose between one way of life and another, they are already on the road to becoming autonomous individuals.

Furthermore, our various interests often conflict and, since it is hardly rational to remain at cross-purposes with one’s self, we revise and develop our interests, trying to achieve a more harmonious way of life. In other words, there is a pragmatic sense of «rationality» that emphasizes an overall coherence of purpose, belief, and action.

In this sense, a religious way of life may well be rational.

Moreover, this neutrality must be quite broad because, on this view, a way of life has its moral standing by virtue of its being the object of autonomous choice,(20) the product of a being who has this first higher order capacity.

Expressive liberty claims that a citizen has to pursue a way of life that best expresses his or her most fundamental values, values that give purpose and meaning to his or her life.(41) Implementing the program of Kantian liberalism forces too many people to live against their deepest values, thereby restricting their expressive liberty and compromising the need for public order.

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