Word that means touching

Talking leads to touching, and _touching_ leads to sex. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Note here: the advanced methods which worked are being defined as «child abuse» while the doctor’s assault (which is what we call touching someone against their will) is supported by the power of the state. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Bad mortgage loans played a role in touching off the banking panic and the recession. ❋ Unknown (2010)

«It’s all right,» Michael said, again touching her hand. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The BBC stopped reporting on UK political opinion polls around the time that Labour stopped being ahead or at least within touching distance. ❋ Not A Sheep (2008)

Every game, everything he’s touching is turning to gold, » Capitals coach Bruce Boudreau said. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Foisting adult concepts of sharing, boundaries, and appropriate touching is something they learn in time, and on their own. ❋ Unknown (2008)

HOWEVER – as was mentioned earlier, looking without touching is definitely permitted. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Known for the «dignity of movement and majesty of action» he brought to his acting, Wallack was nevertheless faulted for a lack of dramatic fervor and for an inability to sustain touching pathos. ❋ Unknown (2008)

We were able to wander where we wanted, within touching distance of burning braziers, and in between molten lanterns. ❋ Stephen Tall (2007)

“Always the tone of surprise” remark both Hermione and Ron at different times, each gently rebuking the other in touching symmetry. ❋ Stephen Tall (2007)

And the Tories are certainly within touching distance. ❋ Jeff (2007)

However, the white had settled so close to the pinkI shaded my eyes and peered down at it to make surethat it was what is called a touching ball. ❋ Mark Gatiss (2008)

If you are familiar with this blog, you would recognize the posts about Screams Heard from Online Bloggers dealing with the Save and Continue Editing button, celebrity blogs, and the last part, how really touching, is about people writing in their blogs about Hurricane Katrina. ❋ Unknown (2005)

Examples can be a parent hugging or [patting] your shoulders. Or holding hands with your friend or partner. Sexually touching can be defined as light patting or heavy patting where your [sex partner] will [touch you]. ❋ Le Random (2013)

[Yao Ming] has [got] the touch [tonight]! ❋ TheWizardof207 (2004)

The way she played [the song] on [the guitar] was so [touchful]. ❋ Minnie Bear (2011)

1)A: You only think that because [that what] you raised to believe B: Maybe, or maybe you only think THAt because that’s what YOU were raised to believe. A: [Touche].
2)A: Why can’t you put the toilet down? B: Why can’t you get a job and stop flirting with other guys? A: Touche.
3)Touche. [You got me]. That’s another point for you. ❋ Lena Klein (2004)

[It’s all] [right] [Allison], she’s touched. ❋ Mamma Murder (2010)

[Nicca] [I don’t give a fuck] who you are you could still [get touched] ❋ Soulflytribe (2003)

Fred would say about [Lamont] «That boy is touched» if he hooked up with a white girl.
Or if you are trying to explain why you [fizzled] something at work, you could [pat] your head and say «I’m touched» ❋ G Man (2003)

Boy: Today [gemma] scooby sat on the floor and sang to herself.
sister: [Gemma]… Is that the girl thats a bit touched, [touched by an angel] ❋ White Wicca (2004)

“[Emma] is planning on giving Ryan the [touchings] right now.”
“I just got the touchings, now I’m mad.”
“OHHH [TOUCHINGS]? TAKE, PLEASE” ❋ Negativenancy321 (2019)

Tom:Hey, i missed class [Tuesday] can I see your [bio] notes?
Kim:You know what you can do? [Touch it].
Mike:Are you gonna get me food?
Ron:Touch it. ❋ LaurenAshley (2006)


touching lots in the housing development will eventually be separated by hedges for privacy

a touching movie about two lost animals who try to find their way home


there has been an objection touching the last of the proposed new bylaws

Recent Examples on the Web

In December 2022, Daddy Yankee posted a touching tribute to his wife on Instagram.

Alexandra Hurtado, Peoplemag, 28 Mar. 2023

From Ke Huy Quan’s tearful speech thanking his mother and wife to Jamie Lee Curtis’s touching tribute to her late parents, Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh, the night’s biggest winners’ on-stage moments were humbling dedications to the people who raised them.

Kelsey Mulvey, House Beautiful, 13 Mar. 2023

See below for the touching tributes.

Rania Aniftos, Billboard, 22 Feb. 2023

On Friday, his Hollywood friends and colleagues shared touching tributes in remembrance of the late actor.

Charisma Madarang, Rolling Stone, 21 Mar. 2023

Judd Apatow writes a sweet birthday message for Leslie Mann For Mann’s 48th birthday, Apatow posted a touching tribute to his wife while also managing to poke fun at her Netflix viewing habits.

Alex Gurley, Peoplemag, 16 Mar. 2023

The children of immigrants paid touching tribute to their parents Sunday at the 95th Academy Awards.

Christi Carras, Los Angeles Times, 13 Mar. 2023

The celebration of Vivienne Westwood’s life continued with a touching tribute by her widow and design partner, Andreas Kronthaler, in the brand’s first collection since her passing.

Samantha Tse, CNN, 10 Mar. 2023

But their crowning achievement is their touching tribute to Li’l Sebastian, the beloved miniature horse of Pawnee.

Matthew Gilbert, BostonGlobe.com, 9 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘touching.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

трогательный, касающийся, касание, упоминание, касательно, относительно


- трогательный

touching story [incident] — трогательный рассказ [случай]
touching confidence in us — трогательное доверие к нам
with a touching look of trust — с трогательным выражением доверчивости (на лице)


- упоминание, ссылка (на что-л.)
- причинение (боли, страдания и т. п.)


- (часто as touching) касательно, относительно, что касается

touching the subject of our conversation — относительно темы нашего разговора

Мои примеры


a touching reunion of father and son — трогательное воссоединение отца и сына  
matters touching the conduct of diplomacy — вопросы, затрагивающие ведение дипломатии  
touching episode — трогательный эпизод  
touching story — трогательный рассказ  
as touching — относительно; касательно  
non-touching loop set — совокупность несоприкасающихся контуров  
toe-touching step — переменный шаг  
touching a mark — касание знака  
touching cloth — желание дефекации  
touching down — посадка  
touching point — точка касания  
in a touching way / manner — трогательно  

Примеры с переводом

His gratitude was simple and touching.

Он поблагодарил просто, но трогательно.

There was debate touching Mr. A.

Относительно мистера А. возникли споры.

The cat sprang back after touching the hot stone.

Кошка дотронулась до раскалённого камня и отскочила назад.

Her dress was so long that it was touching the ground.

Её платье было таким длинным, что касалось земли.

His loyalty to the Sovereign had something antique and touching in it.

В его преданности монарху было что-то старинное и трогательное.

Touching the ball with your hands is against the rules.

Трогать мяч руками нельзя: это против правил. / Касание мяча руками запрещено правилами.

They were standing side-by-side with their shoulders touching.

Они стояли бок-о-бок, соприкасаясь плечами.

The sun was just touching the tops of the mountains.

Солнце едва касалось горных вершин.

At the time, the unemployment rate was touching 10 percent and rising.

В то время уровень безработицы достигал десяти процентов и продолжал расти.

Helen Keller felt the physical world by touching people and objects around her.

Хелен Келлер ощущала материальный мир, прикасаясь к окружающим её людям и предметам.

The touching reunion scene caused even the most ironhearted audience members to cry.

Трогательная сцена воссоединения заставила плакать даже самых жестокосердных зрителей.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He was accused of touching up one of his students.

…there has been an objection touching the last of the proposed new bylaws…

…touching lots in the housing development will eventually be separated by hedges for privacy…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

touch  — прикасаться, касаться, прикосновение, штрих, чуточку
touchable  — осязаемый, осязательный
touched  — тронутый, взволнованный, слегка помешанный
toucher  — тот, кто прикасается
touchy  — обидчивый, раздражительный, рискованный, повышенно чувствительный
retouching  — штриховка, ретуширование, ретушь, ретушировочный

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ tuhch-ing ]

/ ˈtʌtʃ ɪŋ /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


affecting; moving; pathetic: a touching scene of farewell.


in reference or relation to; concerning; about: He wrote touching future plans.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of touching

First recorded in 1250–1300; touch + -ing2


touch·ing·ly, adverbtouch·ing·ness, nounun·touch·ing, adjective

Words nearby touching

touché, touched, touched in the head, touch football, touchhole, touching, touch-in-goal, touch-in-goal line, touch judge, touchless, touchline

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to touching

heartbreaking, pathetic, poignant, sad, stirring, stunning, wistful, compassionate, melting, tender, emotive, heart-rending, impressive, mind-blowing, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, responsive, sympathetic

How to use touching in a sentence

  • Working in batches as needed, place the dumplings evenly across the pan, making sure they aren’t touching.

  • You’re not getting it as much from touching surfaces and then touching your face.

  • This silence is partly because many people do not see the behavior as harassment – even if it involves touching, stalking or threats of harm and retaliation.

  • We know breathing aerosols matters more for transmission than touching surfaces.

  • We now know the root of the spread is not from touching surfaces and touching your eye.

  • Here they are semi-touching at a grocery store; she likes kombucha.

  • Their solidified friendship is one of the most touching details of the premiere, but it also puts Branson in a tricky predicament.

  • What follows is hysterical, painful, weird, and strangely touching—a true Festivus for the rest of us.

  • We are talking about public gatherings, people will be together, dancing, sweating, and touching each other.

  • This is one of the most subtle and touching aspects of the profession.

  • She sat perfectly still before the piano, not touching the keys, while Robert carried her message to Edna at the window.

  • Then Edwin was bending over it, with his ear close to her ear, and the sleeve of his overcoat touching her sleeve.

  • Here one can be alive and absorb something of the earth-forces that never get within touching distance in the cities.

  • The bridge should be fitted as accurately as the post, and as though it grew from the belly, the feet touching equally all round.

  • Indeed, ‘we have laid upon him various arduous tasks touching the state of the country, and especially its tranquillity.’

British Dictionary definitions for touching


evoking or eliciting tender feelingsyour sympathy is touching


on the subject of; relating to

Derived forms of touching

touchingly, adverbtouchingness, noun

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Jimmy thought it was a touching scene.

Бабушка рассказывала, что это была очень трогательная сцена.

I find it touching, in fact.

Love inspires unusual and touching accomplishments.

А как мы знаем, любовь вдохновляет на необычные и трогательные свершения.

No woman would ignore such touching and sincere words.

Ни одна женщина не будет игнорировать такие трогательные и искренние слова.

Your loyalty to your captors is touching.

Ваша лояльность по отношению к собственным захватчикам очень трогательна.

He truly thought it was a touching expression of love.

Он, правда, думал, что это очень трогательное выражение любви.

This coming out is getting less touching.

Это признание в своей ориентации становится всё менее трогательным.

I find it touching that our Lieutenant…

Как трогательно, что наш лейтенант старается с нами подружиться.

In 2016, she posted a touching tribute to her father on her Instagram account, which included a touching yet heartbreaking message.

В 2016 году она разместила трогательную дань своему отцу в своем аккаунте Instagram, который включал трогательное, но душераздирающее сообщение.

On his page on Instagram, Madonna wrote touching words appeal to Jean-Paul, and accompanied the text no less touching joint photos.

На своей странице в Инстаграм, Мадонна написала трогательные слова обращения к Жану-Полю, а также сопроводила этот текст не менее трогательными совместными фотографиями.

You are never actually touching anything.

I demanded that he stop touching me.

Я просто хотел, чтобы он перестал меня трогать.

Just touching your brakes was enough to crash.

Одного прикосновения к тормозам было достаточно для того, чтобы упасть.

That guy will probably think twice before touching another woman.

Животное, убившее его, скорее всего дважды подумает, прежде чем атаковать другого медоеда.

Fringe debates on electoral races will be touching just such notions.

Я думаю, что граница дискуссий на выборах будет касаться именно этих понятий.

Make sure vehicles are not touching.

Внимательно следите за тем, чтобы транспортные средства не столкнулись.

And, surprisingly, even some genuinely touching moments.

Но, как ни странно, здесь есть моменты, которые действительно трогают.

I solved it almost without touching it.

Причём, проделал он это практически не прикасаясь к ней.

It provides over 100,000 different customer solutions touching millions of lives every day.

И мы можем настроить их в более чем 100000 различных клиентских решений — каждый день трогая миллионы жизней.

Seeing my grandson is like touching the sky.

Смотреть на своего внука — это как прикоснутся к небу.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат touching

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