Word that means to save money



save money — откладывать деньги; экономить деньги; копить деньги
to save money — копить, экономить деньги
skimp to save money — экономить на всем, чтобы скопить денег
to skimp to save money — экономить на всём, чтобы скопить денег
save money against a rainy day — откладывать деньги на чёрный день
save money toward an education — откладывать деньги для получения образования
save money against the rainy day — откладывать деньги про чёрный день; откладывать деньги на чёрный день
to save money towards an education — откладывать деньги для получения образования
scrape and save money for a journey — накопить с большим трудом деньги на поездку
to save money against the rainy day — откладывать деньги про /на/ чёрный день
to scrape and save money for a journey — накопить с большим трудом деньги на поездку
save up money — откладывать деньги; копить деньги
to save (up) (money) — копить деньги
to save (up) money for a holiday — копить деньги на отпуск
to save (up) money for а holiday — копить деньги на отпуск

Автоматический перевод

сэкономить деньги, экономить деньги, сэкономить, сохранить деньги, сэкономить средства, экономить средства, сохранять деньги, копить деньги, откладывать деньги, накопить денег, экономия средств, экономия денег, экономия денежных средств

Перевод по словам

save  — экономить, за исключением, кроме, если
money  — деньги, денежные суммы, богатство, монетные валюты, монетные системы


This will save money.

Это позволит сэкономить деньги.

This move will save money.

Этот шаг позволит сэкономить деньги.

She had the forethought to save money.

Она была достаточно предусмотрительна, чтобы скопить денег.

It makes sense to save money while you can.

Имеет смысл экономить деньги, пока есть такая возможность.

The idea is to teach children to save money.

Идея состоит в том, чтобы научить детей экономить деньги.

My mother fed the dog on scraps to save money.

Моя мама кормила собаку объедками, чтобы сэкономить деньги.

The book suggests some practical ways to save money.

В этой книге предлагаются кое-какие практические способы сэкономить деньги.

ещё 19 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Save money by turning the temperature settings up in the summer and down in the winter.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

экономить деньги

копить деньги

чтобы сэкономить деньги

для экономии денег

сохранить деньги

для экономии средств

накопить деньги

чтобы накопить денег

для сохранения денег

целях экономии средств

экономия денег

откладывать деньги

целью экономии средств

заработать денег


Everyone likes to save money whenever possible.

This book describes how to save money while eating better.

Данная статья расскажет о том, как можно сэкономить деньги, при этом питаясь правильными продуктами.

Everybody constantly thinks about how to save money.

Others use them to save money.

You pay me hourly to save money.

They killed my parents to save money.

A few taps is all it takes to save money.

Simple way to save money and always have the power.

Это универсальный способ сэкономить свое время и всегда иметь деньги под рукой.

It was done to save money.

Many people are looking to save money where they can.

В большинстве случаев много людей хотят сэкономить деньги там, где это возможно.

Connect organizations spending money with ways to save money.

Mostly to save money and time.

Our second goal is to save money.

Most people naturally want to save money where possible.

All of this just to save money.

This attracts many buyers who want to save money.

We all want to save money, especially now.

Безусловно, каждый хочет сэкономить, тем более в настоящее время.

Encouraging people to save money isn’t bad advice.

Так что агитировать людей сберегать деньги — это тоже нехороший совет.

Their job is to save money for their employer.

Entrepreneurs who want to save money should consider this option.

Поэтому тем, кто хочет сэкономить, стоит подумать о таком варианте.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат to save money

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Did you know that English can help you save money? The English language is full idioms and expressions giving advice on how to spend and save money. So if you want to talk about money fluently and are interested in English idioms, read on to learn the meaning of these useful expressions!


This expression means to save money, or describes someone who is unwilling to spend money.

  • I have to do some penny-pinching this month if I want to buy that coat!

A penny saved is a penny earned

This means that not spending money is almost the same as earning it because it will still be in your pocket!

  • A: Why do you bring your lunch to work with you instead of buying it at a cafe?
  • B: I’m trying to save money and a penny saved is a penny earned!

The best things in life are free

A similar saying is ‘Money isn’t everything’, in other words money can’t buy the most important things in life, like love or friendship or health.

  • My favourite thing in life is going for a walk in the park with my family – The best things in life are free!

Saving for a rainy day

This means keeping money for the future, or saving for an emergency.

  • Every month, I transfer part of my salary into a savings account. I think it’s important to save for a rainy day.

A fool and his money are soon parted

Some people are clever with their money, others aren’t. This proverb reminds us that foolish people do not know how to hold on to their money!

  • A: I can’t believe Dave spent all his money on a new car! It will be worth have the price next year.
  • B: Well, a fool and his money are soon parted!

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

This is a famous saying of Benjamin Franklin, meaning if you go to sleep early and wake up early you can get rich! Sometimes we just use the first half of this expression to mean the same thing.

  • A: How have you been so successful in your career?
  • B: I get up early every morning. You know what they say “Early to bed, early to rise…”

Money doesn’t grow on trees

Parents frequently tell their children this if they constantly want to buy things! This expression means that money is not easy to earn.

  • Child: Mom, can you buy me this new toy?
  • Mother: No, it’s too expensive. Money doesn’t grow on trees!

Money talks

This is a modern expression which means that money is powerful, or that money makes things happen.

  • A: I can’t believe they got this work done so quickly. Did you pay them extra to make them work harder?
  • B: Yes. Money talks, you know?

In for a penny, in for a pound

This proverb has come to mean that if you start something you may as well finish it, even if you have to devote much more effort than you expected. The original meaning was that if the punishment is the same, people will commit the offence which brings the greatest profit.

  • A: I said I’d help Simon with this project but it’s so much more work than I expected! Should I tell him I can’t help anymore?
  • B: I think you should keep helping until it is finished. In for a penny, in for a pound!

So, how about you? Are you saving for a rainy day? Do you think the best things in life are free? Have a go at using these sentences in your own example sentences and write them in your notebook or share them with your English speaking friends on Facebook or Twitter.


Wil is a writer, teacher, learning technologist and keen language learner. He’s taught English in classrooms and online for nearly 10 years, trained teachers in using classroom and web technology, and written e-learning materials for several major websites. He speaks four languages and is currently looking for another one to start learning.

save some money — перевод на русский

It’s a way to save money.

Это такой способ сэкономить деньги.

I was trying to save some money.

Хотел сэкономить деньги.

That actually gives us a bit of a problem, because we’ve had a letter from the BBC, and they said, what with petrol being L5.50 a gallon and all the rest of it, what we should actually be doing is giving some advice on fuel economy and saving money. Yeah, unfortunately, that letter was opened by him.

Но у нас есть небольшая проблемка мы получили письмо от Би-Би-Си, в котором говорится, что исходя из того, что сегодняшняя цена 1 л топлива составляет 1,2 фунтов и т.п., нам следует дать совет, как сэкономить деньги и топливо.

I suppose if you actually wanted to save money, though, you shouldn’t buy either of those, you could just buy the Seat Leon, cos that is actually a VW Golf underneath.

Я считаю, если вы хотите сэкономить деньги, просто ничего не покупайте. Или купите Seat Leon, тот же Golf, только с другим кузовом.

I wrote a memo to all departments asking them to find ways to save money.

Я написал записку для всех отделов что бы они нашли пути сэкономить деньги

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We’ll save money on birthday presents.

Будем экономить деньги на подарки на день рождение.

We gotta save some money.

Надо экономить деньги.

Save money, stop smoking, stop gambling…

Бросить курить, экономить деньги, не играть на деньги.

-… live at my sister’s and save money.

-будем жить у моей сестры и экономить деньги.

Here come the British army, they’re wearing beach towels because that saves money.

Британская армия носит пляжные полотенца, так как надо экономить деньги.

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I’ll tell you how you can save money.

Я скажу Вам, как Вы можете сэкономить.

Could have saved money on the bachelor party.

Могли бы сэкономить на холостяцкой вечеринке.


Да уж, на одежде ты точно можешь сэкономить.

Apparently I can save money by switching to another long-distance carrier.

Очевидно, я могу сэкономить на межгороде, подключившись к другому оператору.

Well, we are out to save money.

Но мы же хотим сэкономить.

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— I’m saving money so we can have that normal life.

— Я коплю деньги, и мы сможем нормально жить.

I’m saving money.

Я коплю деньги.

I’m saving money.

Коплю деньги.

I’m saving money to study a profession.

Я коплю деньги, чтобы оплатить учебу.

I’m saving money for a car.

Я коплю деньги на машину.

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She works, saves money, she’s perfect, just slightly dark.

ќна работает, экономит, прекрасна€ девочка, только немного темновата.

Their old age home wants to save money.

Этот дом престарелых экономит на своих стариках.

Save money on supply lines and free up soldiers for combat.

Экономит на поставках воды, можно перебросить больше содат.

It saves money and time and doesn’t leave a messy paper trail.

Это экономит время и деньги и не оставляет грязного бумажного следа.

I told her it wasn’t safe, but she said it saved money and kept her skinny.

Я говорила ей, что это опасно, но она считала, что экономит на бензине и заодно держит себя в форме.

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I’ll do it when I’ve saved some money.

А для этого мне нужно накопить денег.

In the future, when Tong has graduated, he has to find a job, save money, and look for a good wife, get married and have a happy family

В будущем, когда Тонг закончит учебу он должен будет найти работу накопить денег, найти себе хорошую жену жениться и создать счастливую семью

We have the rest of our lives to save money.

Ещё вся жизнь впереди, чтобы накопить денег.

Susan and I are working really hard to save money.

Мы со Сьюзан тяжело работаем, чтобы накопить денег

We don’t wanna have kids right away like you and mom did, and that way, I can work for a few years and save some money, and then with both our paychecks, we can buy a real nice house in Brooklyn.

Мы не собираемся сразу же заводить детей, как вы с мамой, я смогу поработать пару лет и накопить денег, и с нашими доходами мы сможем купить неплохой домик в Бруклине.

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Convince Antonio to save money and not spend it.

Пусть Антонио откладывает деньги, а не швыряет их на ветер.

I don’t fast to lose weight. I fast to save money.

А у меня ничего не получается, зато я умею зарабатывать деньги.

The oil companies did it intentionally; they knew they were doing it to save money rather than arranging for proper disposal.

Нефтяные компании сделали это намеренно, они знали, что таким образом сберегали деньги на системе очистки.

When I was 16, I was working two jobs, saving money for junior college.

Когда мне было 16, я работала на двух работах, откладывая деньги на колледж.

-Sure, if you’re not saving money, Like me, I’m an assisting nurse, I don’t make much money…

— Конечно, если вы не откладываете деньги, как я, я медсестра, я зарабатываю немного…

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Of course, a man your age doesn’t know what saving money is.

Конечно, в вашем возрасте никто не заботится об экономии денег.

Stan,now more than ever you need to understand the importance of saving money.

Стен, сейчас тебе нужно понять важность экономии денег больше, чем когда-либо.

And as countries like China opened their economies, American companies sent jobs overseas to save money.

» когда такие страны, как итай, перешли к открытой экономике, американские компании открыли рабочие места за границей с целью экономии денег.

It’s called a split-window because the rear window was made in two pieces to save money.

И разделённое окно, потому что заднее окно состоит из двух частей для экономии денег.

We share a house to save money.

Для экономии денег мы живем одним домом.

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l always work hard for Lan, you see? I thought I’d save some money for her.

Работал как вол ради Лан, понимаешь, мечтал скопить для нее денег, а она теперь видеть меня не хочет.

I always work hard for Lan, you see? I thought I’d save some money for her. And now she won’t see me.

Работал как вол ради Лан, понимаешь, мечтал скопить для нее денег, а она теперь видеть меня не хочет.

I’II save money.

Я скоплю денег.

I’ll save some money.

Я скоплю денег.

I’m trying to save money for an operation…

Я пытаюсь скопить денег на операцию…

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He’s been through hard times and wants to save money.

Он пережил тяжёлые времена и хочет сберечь деньги.

And the answer is, we don’t skimp on medicine to save money.

И мой ответ — мы не будем экономить на лечении, чтобы сберечь деньги.

In the long run I think the town saves money by building the vehicles in-house.

– Я думаю в перспективе город сможет сберечь деньги, если сам будет собирать автобусы.

Like there’s something wrong with eating before sundown or saving money.

Что плохого — поесть пораньше и сберечь деньги.

Tsumoru wanted to save money

Тсумору хотел сберечь денег

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  • сэкономить деньги
  • экономить деньги
  • сэкономить
  • коплю деньги
  • экономит
  • накопить денег
  • деньги
  • экономии денег
  • скопить для неё денег
  • сберечь деньги

You may have asked yourself why it’s so important to save money. If you have enough to pay for everything you need, why should you worry about putting some money aside each month?

There are a variety of reasons to begin or continue saving money. Different people save for different reasons, but in general, havings savings will benefit you in the future, whether you’re avoiding hardship or going after the things you want. Saving money may also be easier if you have a clear goal or purpose for it.

Here are several reasons you should save money now.

Save for Your Emergency Fund

It’s important to have an emergency fund set aside to cover unexpected expenses. Studies show that four in 10 adults in the U.S. would need to put an unexpected $400 expense on a credit card or would need to borrow money from family or friends to pay for it.

That emergency might be an unexpected car repair, expensive medical bills, or a sudden job loss. If you were to lose your job, you’d be thankful you socked away a good amount of money into your emergency fund to tide you over until you found a new job. 

Ideally, your emergency fund should contain enough money to cover three to six months of expenses. The Bureau of Labor and Statistics estimates the average household spending in 2020 was $61,334, or $5,111 per month. Using that as an example, an emergency fund that covers six months’ worth of expenses should hold about $30,000.

That’s just an example. Save as much as you can to get started, and over time your fund will grow. If you are working to get out of debt, save what you can until you bring your emergency fund up to even just one month’s worth of income. If you are single or living on just one income, you may want to consider a larger emergency fund, since you might not have a buffer if you lose your job.


An emergency fund can also help you cover unexpected medical costs, which can pop up even if you have insurance. If you don’t have the option to save in a health savings account (HSA), an emergency fund is your next best choice.

Save for Retirement

Another important reason to save money is your retirement. The sooner you start saving for retirement, the less you will have to save in the future.

Saving for retirement often takes place within special retirement accounts, such as a 401(k). Money invested in these special accounts has the potential to appreciate in value, earning interest. When that interest is compounded, it grows even faster.

For example, if you opened an account with $1, deposited $100 every month for 10 years, and earned 6.5% interest compounded annually, you’d have $16,195.18 after 10 years. Keep it up for another 10 years—20 in total—and you’ll more than double your money to $46,593.89. If you started investing at age 25, with 30 years of saving $100 each month at a 6.5% rate of return, you’d have $103,656.45 (including compounded interest) by the age of 55.

Such a rate of return is not guaranteed, and you do risk losing your money by investing. However, historically the gains have all been positive, and with enough time in the market, even dips eventually recover.


If you have an employer-sponsored retirement plan, you should at least try to contribute up to your employer’s match. Eventually, you should aim to contribute 10% to 15% of your gross income. You can contribute to your 401(k) as well as an individual retirement account (IRA). 

Save for a Down Payment on a House

Save money for a down payment on a house. If you can save up 20% of the purchase price, you can avoid paying private mortgage insurance (PMI) and receive better interest rates on a home loan. It can also reduce the amount you need to borrow, making your mortgage payments more affordable.

If you don’t think you can save enough to put 20% down, you can still buy a home. Certain government-backed programs such as the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), Federal Housing Authority (FHA), and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) loans accept lower down payments, and sometimes even no down payment at all.

You can determine how much to save toward a home each month based on your circumstances and other savings goals.

Save To Maximize Interest Rates

Where you save your money matters, too. Use a regular savings account, high-yield savings account, money market account, savings bond, or certificate of deposit (CD) to earn interest on your savings. When interest rates go up, your yield will go up as well.

However, as interest rates rise, credit card rates go up, too. Therefore, it’s even more important that you have cash in savings in case of an emergency, so you don’t have to rely on expensive borrowing to cover your bills.

Save for a Vacation, Car, or Other Big Purchase

Your savings account isn’t only for things you need—it can be for things you want, too. Saving up for a big purchase beforehand means you won’t pay extra in finance costs such as interest and fees, the way you would if you put these purchases on credit.

You might save up for a new car, paying for it all at once instead of taking out a car loan. Then you’ll avoid having a car payment. You might even be able to negotiate a lower price by paying in full on the spot.

Or perhaps you’re saving for a once-in-a-lifetime vacation or trip abroad. Having an exciting goal like this can make it easier to motivate yourself to put money away.

Save for Irregular or Recurring Expenses

Sometimes, you know you’ll have big expenses coming, even if you’re not sure how much they’ll be or when exactly they’ll occur. To cover these, set up a sinking fund. Sinking funds are money set aside for future, known expenses such as taxes, holiday gifts, car repairs, home improvements, and other irregular costs.

These extra savings can help prevent you from needing to dip into your emergency fund. After all, paying taxes is not an emergency—you know they’re coming, and you can prepare.


Set the amount of your sinking fund based on the expected cost, such as with a home renovation, or the average of past costs, such as with car repairs.

College Education

Don’t neglect saving money for education, whether it’s for yourself or your family. Higher education may improve career prospects, depending on the industry, but it comes at a cost. For the 2020-2021 school year, the average cost of in-state tuition was $9,580, while the average cost of out-of-state tuition was $27,437.

If you’re saving money for your children’s education, consider using a 529 plan. That is an attractive savings choice, because the money grows tax-free. Depending on where you live and your particular situation, there may be other tax benefits, too.


Think about saving for more than just tuition. If you or a family member will be attending school full-time, you may also want to save up money to cover living expenses and more.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why should you start saving early?

The beauty of time is that you get the benefits of compounding interest. The earlier you start to save, the longer your money has to grow, and the less catching up you have to do as you get older.

What are some good ways to save money?

Pay yourself first. That way, you will always be putting away a percentage of your income. Put money in an account you cannot easily access, such as an employer-sponsored 401(k). Pay cash instead of running up a credit card balance. Stock up when essentials are on sale.

I have a habit of attaching catchy phrases to situations in my life where decisions are required. These little phrases help me stay on track without having to over think my decision.

I don’t know about you, but I really don’t like the feeling of buying something and later realizing it was a waste of money. Truthfully, I regret the small useless purchases as well as the larger ones.

This works like a charm - any time I'm faced with an impulse buy, I say these 5 words & I can usually prevent myself from buying unnecessary junk!! I need all the budget tricks I can get to save more money. I am saving up for a new house! | money saving tips, how to save $1,000, budgeting strategies & hacks

I look at that $4 I spent unnecessarily at Starbucks and see thousands that I spent the same way over the years because, at the time, $4 didn’t seem like a big deal.  But it really adds up.

What are the 5 Words That Have Saved Me Thousands of Dollars?

When I’m faced with small purchase decisions, I ask myself, “Did I need it yesterday?”

It’s easy to remember, simple to use, and 100% effective at keeping me from buying things I don’t need!

How to Implement this Strategy 

1) When faced with a purchase decision at the store, ask yourself, “Did I need it yesterday?”

2) If the answer is no, walk away without regret.

3) If the answer is yes, then ask yourself if you will be getting a good deal and if this is the time to make the purchase.

Whether or not you ultimately end up purchasing the item, you’ll know that you only considered purchasing something you truly needed instead of buying on a whim.

Using “Did I Need It Yesterday” on Different Types of Purchases

With non-grocery items, the answer almost always IS no. 😉 At the grocery store, I turn that question into, “Will I use this for a meal this week or next?” And the only way around that answer being No is whether or not I am getting a great deal and adding to my pantry/freezer stockpile.

This tactic can actually help you make a decision to not go to the mall to shop “just because.”  If you can’t think of anything specific you needed yesterday, then the simple solution to save you from spending money unnecessarily is to not go to the mall and do something else with your time. If you were just about to go to the mall, then this tactic just saved you money today!

Do you think this strategy could work for you?  Do you use similar catch phrases to help you stick to your goals?  If so, please share by leaving a comment below!


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Learn how to save money each week by uttering 5 simple words! This is really powerful for budgeting.

This post is included in the Complete Guide for Stay-at-Home-Moms, a collaborative effort by over 50 mom bloggers

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I’m a CPA turned SAHM of 3 little ones ages 4, 6, and 9. I’m a mommy by day, blogger by night. Join me as I write about fun kids activities, family finances, and losing 50 lbs after baby #3.

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Are you frugal? Are you cheap? This video on money-saving tips is for you. You will learn how to save money in North America. I will reveal my secrets on how to pay less for the things you need: food, clothing, entertainment, and anything else. I’ll talk about the strategies I use to avoid paying full-price for anything! You’ll also learn useful English vocabulary. So stop giving away your hard-earned cash, and start penny-pinching with the tips outlined in this lesson. In life, nothing is free—except EngVid videos and quizzes.

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A list of advice to help saving your money from the very first penny.

Dear reader, welcome to our useful webpages Motivational tips!  😎

Unreasonable purchases exhaust any budget, big or low. You always feel short of funds, you get used to borrowing and can’t get rid of thinking “How can I save money?”

The word “economy” doesn’t mean that you’ll start living from hand to mouth, denying yourself all pleasures of life in order to collect money only for more necessary things.

No, “saving costs” means that you will learn the art of distributing your budget wisely. You’ll be able to use even a modest sum of money so that it would suffice for all your needs and even your summer vacation.

How to save money? The rule of 4 envelopes!

The most trusted way of saving money is the rule of 4 envelopes.

This is a very effective means of managing your family budget without any waste. You’ll learn to plan your future expenditures and will finally achieve your goals!

So what is this rule about?

Imagine a young couple living in their private apartment and possessing a car on loan. Their family budget constitutes 6000 dollars a month.

  1. Let’s count the total income.

    The young family’s monthly income totals $ 6000.

  2. Let’s subtract 10 % from the total income for the investments and future financial goals.

    Thus, we have $ 6000, subtract 10 % from it and deposit $ 600.

  3. Then we count off all future bills (monthly payments for the Internet, electricity, phone calls, utilities, loans etc).
  4. And here comes the dessert!

    The sum left must be divided between 4 envelopes.

This is the weekly budget the young family mustn’t surpass!

How to save money: planning expenditures

Provide a special notebook for your expenses. Every day write in it what you have spent, everything up to a cent.

Boring? Tiresome?

Don’t worry, you’ll get used to that.

You’ll learn how to save money and in a course of time you’ll be excited to fill in every line of your expenses.

Psychologists insist that after this your monthly spending will decrease.

When you check your notes in a week, I guarantee, you’ll be surprised!

You’ll see how much money you’ve spent on all this cute junk (a bunch of cupcakes that’ll add inches to your waist, silly glossy mags, and a dozen-after-hundredth blouse that will simply collect dust).

Also, writing down every single expense in the note-book can prompt you to refuse from another purchase. Frequent using of that note-book can make you mad!

So, in a course of time you’ll learn to save money on useless things.

Provided, you write down EVERYTHING, up to a cent!

In a month you can analyze your results.

And… How much money did you spend on junk? Impressed? Right, it’s time to start saving!

Useful tips: How to make money?

Ways to save money

  1. Never go shopping without a shopping list.
  2. Don’t purchase on loan.

    It will only bring along additional expenses.

    Do you need it? Use your grey matter!

  3. Are you still asking yourself “How to save money?”

    Then I advise you to avoid shopping on your pay day.


    Psychologists proved that as soon as a worker gets his salary, he looks at the world through rose-colored glasses.

    At this very moment he thinks himself a rich man who can afford whatever his heart desires!

  4. Accustom yourself to paying only in cash.

    Plastic cards don’t promote economical spending; we don’t consider them regular money and become wasteful.

    And real, paper money is harder to spend.

  5. If you are nuts about buying something and can’t get rid of this mania, wait till morning.

    If in the morning your intentions don’t disappear, then go and buy the thing you need!

  6. Don’t die for iPhone 6 (just because it’s cool) if your iPhone 5 functions perfectly!

    Why waste money?

  7. Never buy food when you are hungry.

    Starving, you’ll buy two times more than your stomach can contain.

  8. Turn off the lights when you are not in the room, don’t throw away unfinished dinner.
  9. If you haven’t made up your mind regarding your future investments, I give you a hundred percent guarantee that you’ll spend all the money you have collected.

    If you have known for a long time how to spend your savings, the process of their collection will be more than successful.

    On the other hand, putting money aside for no reason is not natural for people.

    We have to know what we need it for.

  10. The most effective and easy way to save money.

    Write down your daily expense and multiply it by 365 days of the year.

    Then multiply it by ten years. This expense can be the money spent on cigarettes, bars of chocolate, lunches in a restaurant and so on.

    The cost of your daily habit will become clear as a day.

    After this method I began to save money deliberately!

    I remember I needed a laptop for work, but kept complaining that a quality machine would be too expensive and far beyond my budget.

    I liked, however, to stop at my favorite café after work and spend $ 5 on a daily portion of aromatic cappuccino.

    Later, when I got interested in the idea of saving money, I calculated how much this habit would cost me in ten years.

    I was shocked. It totaled in a very indecent price.

    Frankly speaking, it wasn’t the only useless habit of mine, I had a couple.

    After several months of such analysis I quit complaining that I didn’t have money and determinedly began putting it aside.

    To have this method work, you must remember and use it every day!

Passive income: 7 passive income ideas

There are three skills for money management:

  • The ability to make money.
  • The ability to save up money (your income must surpass your expenses).
  • The ability to save the collected money and multiply it if possible, i.e. to invest.

But you can’t save money on…

  • Your self-development.

    Better spare yourself an extra stick of sausage than a useful book.

  • Your health.

    Don’t buy cheap medicine and don’t be carried away by self-treatment.

    This can cause a 5-time more expensive subsequent service in the hospital.

  • Your self-care.

    Cosmetics and hydrating body care must be of good quality and safe for our health!

ANYONE ON EARTH can master the skills of saving money.

I was always impressed with elderly ladies who, living only on their pensions, could help their children whose income was 5 or even 10 times higher than their extremely modest retired pay!

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