Word that means to get away with

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Get away with — английский фразовый глагол

Get away with — английский фразовый глагол

Get away with - английский фразовый глагол

to get away with smth.

просторечный фразовый глагол

1) выпутываться, отделываться от

You can’t get away with it — Это не сойдёт тебе с рук

That student never completes his work on time; I don’t know how he gets away with it — Этот студент никогда не сдаёт свои работы вовремя; не знаю, как ему это сходит с рук

I think she‘ll get away with a fine — Я думаю, она отделается просто штрафом

The things he gets away with! — Он такое вытворяет — и ничего!

Other men knocked off early and got away with it — Другие сотрудники уходили с работы раньше времени, и это сходило им с рук

You won’t get away with it — Тебе это так даром не пройдёт

She can get away with anything — Она делает что хочет

You’ll never get away with a breach of rules such as that — Такое нарушение правил тебе так просто не сойдёт

You can’t get away with being late every morning — Ты что же, будешь каждое утро опаздывать и хочешь, чтобы тебе за это ничего не было?

You think you can get away with lies now? — Ты думаешь, что ты и сейчас будешь безнаказанно лгать?

2) американизм преуспевать в

He will get away well enough with what he undertakes — Он добьётся успеха в любом деле Look, he‘s getting away with it — Смотри, у него это получается

He’ll never get away with his little scheme — У него с этой затеей ничего не выйдет

3) забивать себе голову

We mustn’t let him get away with the idea that he won’t have to pay for it — Мы не должны допустить, чтобы он вбил себе в голову, что ему не придётся за это платить

4) американизм выпивать

The crew got away with 10 cases of beer — Команда корабля уговорила 10 ящиков пива

They get away with more alcohol than any other nation in the world — Они потребляют алкоголя больше, чем любая другая нация в мире

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get away with (something)

1. To avoid the consequences of one’s actions. You’ll never get away with cheating—one of your teachers is bound to figure it out. You got lucky when you ran that red light. Next time you might not get away with it.

2. To leave or flee with or something. The robbers got away with the TV but not much else.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

get away with someone or something

to escape, taking someone or something with one. The kidnapper got away with little Brian. The burglars got away with a lot of cash and some diamonds.

get away with something

 and get by with something

to do something and not get punished for it. (See also get away with murder) You can’t get away with that! Larry got by with the lie.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

get away with

1. Escape the consequences or blame for, as in Bill often cheats on exams but usually gets away with it. [Late 1800s]

2. get away with murder. Escape the consequences of killing someone; also, do anything one wishes. For example, If the jury doesn’t convict him, he’ll have gotten away with murder, or He talks all day on the phone-the supervisor is letting him get away with murder. [First half of 1900s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

get away with, to

To escape the usual penalty. This Americanism originated in the second half of the nineteenth century and at one point also meant to get the better of someone. It was still considered slangy when it appeared in the Congressional Record in 1892: “[They] will have to be content with the pitiful $240,000 that they have already ‘got away with.’”

The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer

See also:

  • get away with (something)
  • get away with you
  • get away with, to
  • pay the price
  • pay the price, to
  • pay the price/penalty
  • penalty
  • pay the penalty
  • on (one’s) (own) head
  • on one’s head
  • 1
    get away with


    We mustn’t let him get away with the idea that he won’t have to pay for it — Пускай он не думает, что ему не придется за это платить




    Don’t try to cheat on your income tax. You won’t get away with it — Не пытайся увильнуть от уплаты налогов. У тебя все равно ничего не выйдет

    Look, he’s getting away with it — Смотри, у него это получается

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > get away with

  • 2
    get away with

    1. • get away with something / with it
    not be caught after doing wrong
    уйти от наказания

    The police didn’t find the thief. He got away with his crime. He got away with it.

    2. • get away with something
    to escape punishment for wrongdoing
    избежать наказания за плохое дело

    The thieves were never found, so they got away with their crime. They got away with the stolen diamonds. Whatever he did, he managed to get away with it.

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > get away with

  • 3
    get away with it

    1. • get away with something / with it
    not be caught after doing wrong
    уйти от наказания

    The police didn’t find the thief. He got away with his crime. He got away with it.

    2. • get away with something
    to escape punishment for wrongdoing
    избежать наказания за плохое дело

    The thieves were never found, so they got away with their crime. They got away with the stolen diamonds. Whatever he did, he managed to get away with it.

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > get away with it

  • 4
    get away with

    сходить с рук

    He might have bribed her and got away with it.

    I’m not going to allow Anne to get away with an offensive remark like that.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > get away with

  • 5
    get away with

    3) Сленг: сходить с рук, брать в плен, взять (что-то) безнаказанно, закончить есть , закончить пить , безнаказанно совершать нечто запрещённое, победить, украсть , закончить есть или пить

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get away with

  • 6
    get away with


    сходить с рук

    || Until now he’s got away with it. — До сих пор это сходило ему с рук.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > get away with

  • 7
    get away with

    Англо-русский словарь цитат, пословиц, поговорок и идиом > get away with

  • 8
    get away with it

    выйти сухим из воды, удрать с добычей

    Новый англо-русский словарь > get away with it

  • 9
    get away with

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > get away with

  • 10
    get away with

    Conversation vocabulary and slang. English-Russian dictionary > get away with

  • 11
    get away with murder


       ocтaвaтьcя бeзнaкaзaнным, пpoxoдить бeзнaкaзaннo; coйти c pук

    It was often admiringly said of Vergil Gunch, ‘Yes, that fellow can get away with murder! Why, he can pull a Raw One in mixed company and all the ladies’ laugh their heads off (S. Lewis). ‘I’ve never been to jail, never been arrested, and I don’t do drugs at all,’ says Lovett, with no apparent regret. ‘It wouldn’t work for me. But I do what I want with my music, so I get away with murder (Time)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > get away with murder

  • 12
    get away with you

    Oh, get away with you! Do you think I’d believe a story like that? — Да хватит тебе! Неужели ты думаешь, что я этому поверю?

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > get away with you

  • 13
    get away with (doing)

    Разговорное выражение:


    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get away with (doing)

  • 14
    get away with sth / doing sth

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get away with sth / doing sth

  • 15
    get away with murder

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > get away with murder

  • 16
    get away with murder


    оставаться безнаказанным, проходить безнаказанно; ≈ сходить с рук

    It was often and admiringly said of Vergil Gunch, ‘Yes, that fellow can get away with murder! Why, he can pull a Raw One in mixed company and all the ladies’ll laugh their heads off…’ (S. Lewis, ‘Babbitt’, ch. VIII) — Знакомые часто с восторгом говорили о Верджиле Ганче: «Ну, этому все на свете сходит с рук! Он может отмочить такую штуку при дамах, что небу станет жарко, и все будут только хохотать…»

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > get away with murder

  • 17
    get away with things

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get away with things

  • 18
    get away with things

    крутиться, проворачивать дела: — Relax, I know how to gel away with your problem.— Успокойся, я знаю, как уладить твою проблему.

    English-Russian slang from the book M. Goldenkova «Caution, hot dog» > get away with things

  • 19
    get away with you!

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > get away with you!

  • 20
    get away! (тж. get away with you!)



    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get away! (тж. get away with you!)


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См. также в других словарях:

  • get away with — (something) to avoid blame, punishment, or criticism for doing something bad. She cheated on the test and thought she could get away with it …   New idioms dictionary

  • get away with — ► get away with escape blame or punishment for. Main Entry: ↑get …   English terms dictionary

  • get away with — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms get away with : present tense I/you/we/they get away with he/she/it gets away with present participle getting away with past tense got away with past participle got away with 1) get away with something to… …   English dictionary

  • get away with — PHRASAL VERB If you get away with doing something wrong or risky, you do not suffer any punishment or other bad consequences because of it. [V P P n/ ing] The criminals know how to play the system and get away with it… [V P P n/ ing] This is… …   English dictionary

  • get away with — phr verb Get away with is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑robber, ↑thief Get away with is used with these nouns as the object: ↑haul, ↑murder …   Collocations dictionary

  • get away with — verb a) To do something which is prohibited, forbidden or generally not allowed, and not be punished for the action Do you think we could get away with taking Dad’s car? b) To avoid doing something, or to avoid the consequences of not doing… …   Wiktionary

  • get away with — ESCAPE BLAME FOR, escape punishment for. → get * * * escape blame, punishment, or undesirable consequences for (an act that is wrong or mistaken) you ll never get away with this …   Useful english dictionary

  • get away with murder — {v. phr.}, {informal} To do something very bad without being caught or punished. * /John is scolded if he is late with his homework, but Robert gets away with murder./ * /Mrs. Smith lets her children get away with murder./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get away with murder — {v. phr.}, {informal} To do something very bad without being caught or punished. * /John is scolded if he is late with his homework, but Robert gets away with murder./ * /Mrs. Smith lets her children get away with murder./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get away with murder — To do as one pleases yet escape punishment or censure • • • Main Entry: ↑murder * * * get away with murder informal phrase to do whatever you want without being stopped or punished They get away with murder in that job. Thesaurus: to escape or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • get away with murder — If you get away with murder, you do something bad and don t get caught or punished.( Get away with blue murder is also used.) …   The small dictionary of idiomes

get away with: meaning and explanation

to get away with something = to do something bad or wrong, but avoid punishment.

You might do something bad and get away with it because you didn’t get caught. e.g. Apparently he has been stealing from his boss for years and has somehow got away with it.

It could also be that you get away with it because someone decided not to punish you (e.g. because they forgive you or because they don’t care). e.g. He got away with breaking his sister’s toy because his mum was too tired to punish him.

Have a go at these micro-dictation exercises to hear this expression being used in context – how much can you understand?

Listening exercises

Micro-listening #1

Accent: Scotland

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About the sentence

…my boss hadn’t noticed…

The past perfect (my boss hadn’t noticed) is used here because the action (not noticing) happens before the main action in the sentence (getting away with it). We need the past perfect to show that this action happens in the earlier past.

Micro-listening #2

Accent: Northern England

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  • Hard
  • Medium

let him speaking to you then he’ll just .

About the sentence

…If you let him get away with…

Notice the verb pattern to let sb do sth, e.g. I don’t let my children watch too much TV.

A very common mistake with this verb is to use the full infinitive, e.g. I don’t let my children to watch too much TV.

Micro-listening #3

Accent: North America

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About the sentence

Notice that this question is a second conditional, which is used for hypothetical present/future situations.

The structure of a second conditional is: If + past, would + verb. e.g. If you won the lottery, would you retire?

Photo by Andy Beales on Unsplash

get away with — перевод на русский

You’ll never get away with that!

Тебе это никогда не сойдет с рук!

— You can’t get away with it.

— Тебе это не сойдет с рук.

She’s not going to get away with it this time, because I’m going to speak up.

Ей это не сойдёт с рук снова.

They won’t get away with it.

Им это не сойдет с рук.

He didn’t get away with it, did he?

Ему ведь это не сойдет с рук?

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You can’t get away with this, Gloves.

Ты не можешь так уйти, Гловс.

— You think you can get away with this?

— Думаешь, сможешь вот так вот уйти?

Are you going to confront him or let him get away with it?

Ты собираешься его остановить или позволишь ему уйти?

Are you going to let them get away with that?

И ты позволишь им вот так уйти?

Believe me, if I had known, I would… Never have let him get away with that.

Поверьте, если бы я знала, я бы… никогда не позволила бы ему уйти вот так.

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How do they get away with it?

Как им всё сходит с рук?

— What a fake! How could they get away with it?

И как им это сходит с рук?

And since he gets away with everything, I let him have it.

Ему все сходит с рук, и мне это не нравится.

— And she gets away with it.

-И ей это сходит с рук?

Whatever you’re into, you seem to be getting away with it, so, uh, more power to you.

Что бы вы ни в, вы, кажется, сходит с рук, так, ну, больше мощности для вас.

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— You’re letting him get away with it!

— Вы позволите ему выйти сухим из воды? !

I say, if he can do it and get away with it and chooses not to be bothered by ethics, he’s home free.

А я говорю, если он может убить и выйти сухим из воды, и не станет париться об этике, то он в шоколаде.

You can’t let him get away with it.

Ты не можешь позволить этому парню выйти сухим из воды.

Did you really think you could screw with me and get away with it?

Неужели ты думал, что сможешь обставить меня и выйти сухим из воды?

We can’t let him get away with it!

Мы не можем позволить ему выйти сухим из воды!

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You can’t get away with it!

Ты не сможешь сбежать!

Orpheus, your gravest fault is knowing how to get away with going too far.

Орфей, ваша смертельная ошибка в том что ваше стремление сбежать, заходит слишком далеко.

— Emma will never let you get away with it.

Эмма никогда не позволит тебе сбежать.

Don’t let him get away with it!

Не позволяйте ему сбежать!

You’ll never get away with this.

Вам теперь не сбежать.

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You got away with this and that, but you can’t keep it up forever.

От чего-то ты и можешь отделаться легко, но это не может продолжаться всегда.

Maybe I could get away with it, get away from Norma.

Может быть, мне отделаться от Нормы. Уйти от неё.

I might get away with a flogging.

Могу отделаться поркой.

Red, you’re gonna let Forman get away with that, man?

Рэд, и вы позволите Форману так отделаться?

You’re not gonna get away with it.

И Вам так легко не отделаться.

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— Do you think you’ll get away with this?

— Думаете, это сойдёт вам с рук? — Надеюсь, ради вашего же блага!

I couldn’t let Cynthia get away with that nonsense about Von Sloneker.

Нельзя было спускать Синтии с рук всю эту ересь насчёт фон Слонекера.

— He’s not getting away with this.

— Ему это так с рук не сойдет.

People let him get away with it because he was so charming.

Люди спускали это ему с рук, потому что обаяния ему было не занимать.

What can we get away with next, you know?

Что нам могло сойти с рук следующим, знаете?

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That will make jurors think «If she wanted to kill somebody she could probably fake insanity and get away with it.»

И присяжные могут решить, что если ты вдруг захочешь убить кого-нибудь … то ты можешь сымитировать безумие и избежать наказания.

For the money. To see if I could get away with it.

Чтобы узнать, смогу ли я избежать наказания.

Why should you get away with it?

Почему Вы должны избежать наказания?

The point of being Jack The Ripper was to get away with it. And never be found.

Смысл копирования Джека Потрошителя в том, чтобы избежать наказания и не быть найденным.

You see to kill someone… ..and get away with it…

Понимаете, убить кого-то… .. и избежать наказания…

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If she thinks she can get away with that, she’s lost her mind.

Если она думает, что сможет избежать неприятностей, то она ошибается.

You think you can get away with this?

Думаете, сможете избежать неприятностей?

Now that such people can no longer get away with assuring us that this society is completely satisfactory, they hasten to declare themselves dissatisfied with any critique of it.

Теперь, когда подобные люди больше не могут избежать неприятностей, уверяя нас, что это общество является полностью идеальным, они спешат объявить себя неудовлетворенными любым критическим анализом этого общества.

I can’t get away with anything.

Я не могу избежать неприятностей.

I am onto you,and I’m not gonna let you get away with it.

Я не дам вам избежать неприятностей.

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You can’t get away with this.

Вам так это не сойдёт.

— He won’t get away with it.

— Ему это так просто не сойдет.

I tell you, you ain’t gonna get away with it, mister.

Говорю тебе, тебе это просто так не сойдет.

They won’t get away with this!

Это им так не сойдёт.

Well, he’s not getting away with this.

Ему это так не сойдет.

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