Word that means to fly

What are words that mean fly?

What is another word for fly?

glide soar
wing flit
flutter mount
hover aviate
plane wheel

Does waft mean fart?

Overview. Wario Waft is an attack which automatically charges as a match goes on. When Wario uses his down special, he will fart, with his fart becoming more powerful the more time it has had to charge, ranging from a tiny “poot” to a massive explosion (which has high knockback and damage).

Can music waft?

to carry lightly and smoothly through the air or over water: The gentle breeze wafted the sound of music to our ears.

What does bedpost mean?

: the usually turned or carved post of a bed.

What are bedposts called?

Bedpost and bed post are two variants of the same noun, which refers to a structural element of some bedframes.

What means forthcoming?

1 : being about to appear or to be produced or made available the forthcoming holidays your forthcoming novel funds are forthcoming.

What is the meaning of moaned?

verb. to utter (words) in a low mournful manner. (intr) to make a sound like a moan. (usually intr) to grumble or complain (esp in the phrase moan and groan)

What’s another word for moan?

Moan Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for moan?

groan howl
sob lament
wail lamentation
plaint sigh
exhalation whine

Can you go to jail for mooning someone?

Indecent exposure in California is prosecuted as a sex crime. As a result, a conviction for indecent exposure can have devastating consequences. A first-time conviction is only a misdemeanor, punishable by up to six months in county jail and a fine of up to $1,000.

What is mooning in texting?

“Mooning” is the new ghosting, and the term “mooning” refers to that half-moon symbol on the iPhone which signifies the user has set their incoming call and text notifications to “do not disturb.” elitedaily. 3.3M followers.

What does full mooning mean?

Remember that half the moon is always illuminated by the sun. That lighted half is the moon’s day side. In order to appear full to us on Earth, we have to see the entire day side of the moon. That happens only when the moon is opposite the sun in our sky. So a full moon looks full because it’s opposite the sun.

What is mooning in a relationship?

In dating terminology, mooning refers to the practice of putting your phone into ‘do not disturb’ mode, indicated by the little half-moon symbol on an iPhone.

What is submarining in dating?

Also known as “zombie-ing,” submarining is a form of ghosting where a person drops off the grid, only to then get back in touch months later—perhaps just as you were finally getting over being ghosted in the first place. Whatever the reason, it’s pretty unlikely that it’s because this person actually cares about you.

Other forms: flying; flew; flies; flown; flied; flyingly

Fly describes moving through the air, like birds that fly in the sky, or getting something accepted, like your silly excuse that’s not going to fly with your history teacher.

Fly means «move through the air with wings,» and it describes the movement of birds, airplanes, kites, and other things that float or move of their own accord above the ground. There are many other meanings of fly, including a buzzing insect with wings, a baseball hit high across a field, and the zipper on a pair of pants. As an adjective, fly means cool, though there’s no guarantee it’s still fly to use it.

Definitions of fly

  1. verb

    travel through the air; be airborne

    “Man cannot



  2. verb

    cause to fly or float

  3. verb

    display in the air or cause to float

    fly a kite”

    “All nations
    fly their flags in front of the U.N.”

  4. “The pilot
    flew to Cuba”


    aviate, pilot

  5. verb

    travel in an airplane

    “she is
    flying to Cincinnati tonight”

    “Are we driving or


    aviate, pilot

    operate an airplane

  6. verb

    travel over (an area of land or sea) in an aircraft

    “Lindbergh was the first to
    fly the Atlantic”



    travel through the air; be airborne

    aviate, pilot

    operate an airplane

  7. verb

    transport by aeroplane

    fly flowers from the Caribbean to North America”


    aviate, pilot

    operate an airplane

    see moresee less


    airlift, lift

    fly people or goods to or from places not accessible by other means

    type of:

    carry, transport

    move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one’s hands or on one’s body

  8. noun

    two-winged insects characterized by active flight

    see moresee less


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    Musca domestica, house fly, housefly

    common fly that frequents human habitations and spreads many diseases

    glossina, tsetse, tsetse fly, tzetze, tzetze fly

    bloodsucking African fly; transmits sleeping sickness etc.

    blow fly, blowfly

    large usually hairy metallic blue or green fly; lays eggs in carrion or dung or wounds

    Sarcophaga carnaria, flesh fly

    fly whose larvae feed on carrion or the flesh of living animals

    tachina fly

    bristly fly whose larvae live parasitically in caterpillars and other insects; important in control of noxious insects


    any of various large flies that annoy livestock

    bee fly

    hairy nectar-eating fly that resembles a bee; larvae are parasitic on larvae of bees and related insects

    Haematobia irritans, horn fly

    small black European fly introduced into North America; sucks blood from cattle especially at the base of the horn

    Calliphora vicina, bluebottle

    blowfly with iridescent blue body; makes a loud buzzing noise in flight

    greenbottle, greenbottle fly

    blowfly with brilliant coppery green body


    stout-bodied hairy dipterous fly whose larvae are parasites on humans and other mammals

    warble fly

    hairy bee-like fly whose larvae produce lumpy abscesses (warbles) under the skin of cattle

    cleg, clegg, horse fly, horsefly

    large swift fly the female of which sucks blood of various animals

    type of:

    dipteran, dipteron, dipterous insect, two-winged insects

    insects having usually a single pair of functional wings (anterior pair) with the posterior pair reduced to small knobbed structures and mouth parts adapted for sucking or lapping or piercing

  9. noun

    fisherman’s lure consisting of a fishhook decorated to look like an insect

    see moresee less


    dry fly

    a fly (fisherman’s lure) that skims the surface of the water

    streamer fly

    an artificial fly that has wings extending back beyond the crook of the fishhook

    wet fly

    fisherman’s fly that floats under the surface of the water

    type of:

    fish lure, fisherman’s lure

    (angling) any bright artificial bait consisting of plastic or metal mounted with hooks and trimmed with feathers

  10. noun

    (baseball) a hit that flies up in the air

  11. verb

    move quickly or suddenly

    flew about the place”

  12. synonyms:

    flee, take flight

    see moresee less


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    make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or one’s own by quitting or fleeing


    run away in a stampede

    abscond, absquatulate, bolt, decamp, go off, make off, run off

    run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along

    elope, run off

    run away secretly with one’s beloved

    break loose, escape, get away

    run away from confinement


    retreat at full speed

    defect, desert

    desert (a cause, a country or an army), often in order to join the opposing cause, country, or army

    break, break away, break out

    move away or escape suddenly

    escape from, shake, shake off, throw off

    get rid of


    run off without paying a debt

    bilk, elude, evade

    escape, either physically or mentally


    move smoothly and easily

    run away

    escape from the control of


    desert one’s party or group of friends, for example, for one’s personal advantage

    escape, get away

    remove oneself from a familiar environment, usually for pleasure or diversion

    type of:

    break away, bunk, escape, fly the coop, head for the hills, hightail it, lam, run, run away, scarper, scat, take to the woods, turn tail

    flee; take to one’s heels; cut and run

  13. verb

    be dispersed or disseminated

    “Rumors and accusations are

  14. verb

    change quickly from one emotional state to another

    fly into a rage”

    see moresee less

    type of:


    undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one’s or its original nature

  15. “Time
    flies like an arrow”


    fell, vanish

    vanish, vaporize

    decrease rapidly and disappear

  16. verb

    decrease rapidly and disappear


    vanish, vaporize

    fell, vanish

    pass away rapidly

  17. noun

    flap consisting of a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent


    fly sheet, rainfly, tent flap, tent-fly

    see moresee less

    type of:


    any broad, thin, and limber covering attached at one edge; hangs loose or projects freely

  18. noun

    an opening in a garment that is closed by a zipper or by buttons concealed under a fold of cloth

  19. adjective

    (British informal) not to be deceived or hoodwinked


    alert, watchful

    engaged in or accustomed to close observation

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Britannica Dictionary definition of FLY

[no object]


to move through the air with wings

  • A bird flew in through the open window.

  • insects flying over the water

[no object]


to move through the air especially at a high speed

  • We watched as clouds flew across the sky.

  • Waves crashed on the rocks and spray flew up into the air.

  • Bullets were flying in all directions.

  • He tripped and went flying (through the air).

often used figuratively

  • Rumors are flying [=there are a lot of rumors] that he’ll be announcing his candidacy soon.

  • Accusations are flying. [=people are making a lot of accusations]


to control an airplane, helicopter, etc., as it moves through the air


to be the pilot of an aircraft

[+ object]

  • fly a plane

  • He flies jets.

[no object]

  • He learned to fly while he was in the Air Force.

  • She flies for a major airline.

  • She’s taking flying lessons.

[+ object]


to journey over (something, such as an ocean) by flying an airplane

  • Charles Lindbergh was the first person to fly the Atlantic solo.

[no object]


to travel in an aircraft or spacecraft

  • They flew to California for vacation.

  • I’m flying to Canada to visit my family.

  • He insists on flying first-class.

  • A doctor flew in from the mainland.

  • She flew on a shuttle mission last year.

[+ object]


to travel by flying on (a particular airline)

  • He always flies the same airline. [=he always flies on the same airline]

[+ object]


to carry (someone or something) to a place in an aircraft

  • Supplies were flown to the disaster area.

  • They fly cargo around the world.

  • A doctor was flown in from the mainland.


to show (something, such as a flag) by putting it in a high place

[+ object]

  • We flew a banner across the entrance.

[no object]

  • A flag flies in front of the building. = There is a flag flying in front of the building.

see also fly the flag at 1flag

[+ object]


to cause (something, such as a kite) to fly in the air

  • Children were flying kites in the park.

see also go fly a kite at kite

[no object]


to move or go quickly

  • She flew to the window when she heard the car.

  • The door flew open and he rushed into the room.

  • I flew up the stairs to answer the phone.

  • I must fly or I’ll be late for my appointment.

  • That horse really flies.

  • Cars were flying past us on the highway.

[no object]


to move freely

  • As she ran, her hair flew in every direction.

[no object]


to pass very quickly

  • Time flies.

  • Our vacation flew by before we knew it.

[no object]

chiefly US, informal


to be approved or accepted

usually used in negative statements

  • This plan will never fly.

  • His budget proposals didn’t fly with voters. [=voters didn’t like his proposals]

as the crow flies

see 1crow

fly at (someone)


to attack (someone) with sudden violence

  • He flew at me in a rage.


to be very happy and excited

  • She was flying high after her excellent exam results.


to be very successful

  • After some difficult years, the company is flying high again.

fly in the face of

also US

fly in the teeth of


to fail completely to agree with (something)


to oppose or contradict (something) directly

  • His explanation flies in the face of the evidence. [=his explanation is not supported at all by the evidence]

  • a theory that flies in the face of logic [=a theory that is not logical at all]

  • a policy that flies in the face of reason [=a policy that is extremely unreasonable]

fly into (something)


to be overcome by (sudden extreme emotion)

  • He flew into a rage. [=he suddenly became very angry]

  • They flew into a panic. [=they suddenly panicked]

fly off the handle



to lose control of your emotions


to become very angry

  • He tends to fly off the handle when people disagree with him.


to leave suddenly or secretly


to escape or go away

  • In the morning the suspect had flown the coop.

  • All their children have flown the coop. [=have moved away from home]

let fly



let fly with


to throw (something) in a forceful way

  • The quarterback let fly (with) a long pass.

often used figuratively

  • She let fly (with) a few angry words. [=she shouted a few angry words]

Britannica Dictionary definition of FLY


to hit a fly ball

  • The batter flied to left field.

  • He flied out to left field. [=he made an out by hitting a fly ball that was caught by the left fielder]

Britannica Dictionary definition of FLY



a small insect that has two wings

  • swat a fly

  • the buzz of a fly


a hook that is designed to look like an insect and that is used for catching fish

  • an artificial fly

see also fly-fishing

drop like flies



die like flies

◊ If people or animals are dropping/dying like flies, they are dropping or dying very quickly in large numbers.

  • The heat was so intense that people were dropping like flies. [=many people were fainting from the heat]

  • Horses and cattle dropped/died like flies during the drought.

◊ These phrases are often used figuratively.

  • Candidates were dropping like flies during the early part of the campaign.

fly in the ointment


someone or something that causes problems

  • We’re almost ready to start work. Getting the permit is the only fly in the ointment.

fly on the wall


someone who secretly watches or listens to other people

  • I would like to be a fly on the wall during the negotiations. [=I would like to be able to hear what is being said during the negotiations]

no flies on

chiefly British, informal

◊ If there are no flies on you, you are a smart person who is quick to understand things and not easily fooled.

wouldn’t hurt a fly

◊ Someone who wouldn’t hurt a fly is too gentle to want to hurt anyone.

  • He looks big and dangerous, but he wouldn’t hurt a fly.

Britannica Dictionary definition of FLY



an opening in a piece of clothing (such as a pair of trousers, shorts, or a skirt) that is hidden by a fold of cloth and that is closed by a zipper or a row of buttons

  • He zipped/buttoned his fly.

sometimes plural in British English

  • He zipped his flies.

see color picture on this page



fly ball

  • He hit a fly to the left fielder.

on the fly


quickly and often without preparation

  • You’ll have to make decisions on the fly.


through the air


without hitting the ground

  • The home run went 450 feet on the fly.


while something else is also being done on a computer

  • software that handles formatting on the fly

Need another word that means the same as “fly”? Find 98 synonyms and 30 related words for “fly” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:

  • Fly as a Noun
  • Definitions of «Fly» as a noun
  • Synonyms of «Fly» as a noun (6 Words)
  • Usage Examples of «Fly» as a noun
  • Fly as a Verb
  • Definitions of «Fly» as a verb
  • Synonyms of «Fly» as a verb (92 Words)
  • Usage Examples of «Fly» as a verb
  • Associations of «Fly» (30 Words)

The synonyms of “Fly” are: fell, vanish, vaporize, wing, flee, take flight, aviate, pilot, travel through the air, wing its way, glide, soar, wheel, go by air, travel by air, go by plane, travel by plane, jet, operate, control, manoeuvre, steer, guide, direct, navigate, transport by air, transport by plane, airlift, lift, flutter, flap, wave, blow, waft, float, stream, display, show, exhibit, race, hurry, hasten, flash, dash, dart, rush, shoot, speed, hurtle, streak, spank along, whirl, whizz, go like lightning, go hell for leather, whoosh, buzz, zoom, swoop, blast, charge, go quickly, fly by, fly past, pass swiftly, slip past, rush past, run, run away, run off, make a run for it, run for it, be gone, make off, take off, take to one’s heels, make a break for it, bolt, beat a retreat, beat a hasty retreat, make a quick exit, make one’s getaway, escape, absent oneself, make oneself scarce, abscond, head for the hills, do a disappearing act, run away from, leave abruptly, leave hastily, escape from, fly sheet, rainfly, tent-fly, tent flap, fly front, fly ball

Fly as a Noun

Definitions of «Fly» as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “fly” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • An attempt.
  • Fisherman’s lure consisting of a fishhook decorated to look like an insect.
  • The space over the stage in a theatre.
  • Two-winged insects characterized by active flight.
  • A hit that flies up in the air.
  • Flap consisting of a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent.
  • (baseball) a hit that flies up in the air.
  • A flap of material covering the opening or fastening of a garment or of a tent.
  • An opening in a garment that is closed by a zipper or by buttons concealed under a fold of cloth.
  • A one-horse hackney carriage.
  • An opening at the crotch of a pair of trousers, closed with a zip or buttons and typically covered with a flap.

Synonyms of «Fly» as a noun (6 Words)

fly ball Flap consisting of a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent.
fly front An opening in a garment that is closed by a zipper or by buttons concealed under a fold of cloth.
fly sheet Flap consisting of a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent.
rainfly The flysheet of a tent.
tent flap A web that resembles a tent or carpet.
tent-fly Flap consisting of a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent.

Usage Examples of «Fly» as a noun

  • We decided to give it a fly.

Fly as a Verb

Definitions of «Fly» as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “fly” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Control the flight of (an aircraft.
  • Move or be hurled quickly through the air.
  • Depart hastily.
  • Change quickly from one emotional state to another.
  • Travel in an airplane.
  • Wave or flutter in the wind.
  • (with reference to a flag) display or be displayed on a flagpole.
  • Transport by aeroplane.
  • Be dispersed or disseminated.
  • Cause to fly or float.
  • Release (a bird) to fly, especially a hawk for hunting or a pigeon for racing.
  • Hit a fly.
  • Operate an airplane.
  • Run away quickly.
  • Decrease rapidly and disappear.
  • (of a report) be circulated swiftly and widely.
  • Hit a ball high into the air.
  • (of accusations or insults) be exchanged swiftly and heatedly.
  • (of a bird, bat, or insect) move through the air using wings.
  • Pass away rapidly.
  • Run away; flee.
  • Be successful.
  • (of time) pass swiftly.
  • Accomplish (a purpose) in an aircraft.
  • Display in the air or cause to float.
  • Travel through the air; be airborne.
  • Travel over (an area of land or sea) in an aircraft.
  • Transport in an aircraft.
  • Escape from in haste; flee from.
  • Move quickly or suddenly.
  • Go or move quickly.
  • (of an aircraft or its occupants) travel through the air.

Synonyms of «Fly» as a verb (92 Words)

abscond (of a person on bail) fail to surrender oneself for custody at the appointed time.
The accountant absconded with the cash from the safe.
absent oneself Go away or leave.
airlift Fly people or goods to or from places not accessible by other means.
Helicopters were employed to airlift the troops out of danger.
aviate Operate an airplane.
There are fewer opportunities to aviate in winter.
be gone Form or compose.
beat a hasty retreat Make by pounding or trampling.
beat a retreat Move with a flapping motion.
blast Force or throw (something) in a specified direction by impact or explosion.
Fierce techno riffs blasted out from the sound system.
blow Free of obstruction by blowing air through.
It took him maybe five choruses to warm up but then he could really blow.
bolt Secure or lock with a bolt.
The lid was bolted down.
buzz Call with a buzzer.
Within an hour every department was buzzing with the news.
charge File a formal charge against.
They were charged with assault.
control Exercise authoritative control or power over.
Control the budget.
dart Move along rapidly and lightly skim or dart.
He darted the leopard with a long acting anaesthetic.
dash Come into forceful contact with something.
I won t tell Stuart I think he d be dashed.
direct Plan and direct a complex undertaking.
Can you direct me to the railway station please.
display Attract attention by displaying some body part or posing of animals.
The palace used to display a series of tapestries.
do a disappearing act Travel or traverse (a distance.
escape Interrupt an operation by means of the escape key.
A baby boy narrowly escaped death.
escape from Run away from confinement.
exhibit Give an exhibition of to an interested audience.
Only one sculpture was exhibited in the artist s lifetime.
fell Sew a seam by folding the edges.
flap Move with a flapping motion.
Gulls flapped around uttering their strange cries.
flash Gleam or glow intermittently.
The headlines flashed on the screen.
flee Run away from a place or situation of danger.
He was forced to flee the country.
float Convert from a fixed point notation to a floating point notation.
Float a ship.
flutter Move with a light irregular or trembling motion.
The seagulls fluttered overhead.
fly by Hit a fly.
fly past Travel in an airplane.
glide Make an unpowered flight either in a glider or in an aircraft with engine failure.
A few gondolas glided past.
go by air To be spent or finished.
go by plane Follow a certain course.
go hell for leather Blend or harmonize.
go like lightning Be in the right place or situation.
go quickly Be abolished or discarded.
guide Use as a guide.
He guided her to the front row and sat beside her.
hasten Be quick to do something.
We hastened back to Paris.
head for the hills Remove the head of.
hurry Do or finish (something) quickly or too quickly.
Hurry up and finish your meal.
hurtle Move with or as if with a rushing sound.
A runaway car hurtled towards them.
jet Travel by jet aircraft.
Water jetted forth.
leave abruptly Have left or have as a remainder.
leave hastily Transmit (knowledge or skills.
lift (of a cloud, fog, etc.) move upwards or away.
This is a hackneyed adventure lifted straight from a vintage Lassie episode.
make a break for it Charge with a function; charge to be.
make a quick exit Eliminate urine.
make a run for it Engage in.
make off Be or be capable of being changed or made into.
make one’s getaway Put in order or neaten.
make oneself scarce Put in order or neaten.
manoeuvre Act in order to achieve a certain goal.
She tried to manoeuvre her trolley round people.
navigate (of a passenger in a vehicle) assist the driver by planning a route and map reading.
Is anyone volunteering to navigate during the trip.
operate Happen.
Do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol.
pass swiftly Place into the hands or custody of.
pilot Be the pilot of an aircraft or ship.
Melissa piloted her through the booking hall.
race Prepare and enter an animal or vehicle for races.
Let s race and see who gets there first.
run Run as a sport or for exercise.
These dresses run small.
run away Make without a miss.
run away from Sail before the wind.
run for it Compete in a race.
run off Direct or control; projects, businesses, etc.
rush Cause to move fast or to rush or race.
I don t want to rush you into something.
rush past Act or move at high speed.
shoot Shoot game over an estate or other area of countryside.
Claudia felt a pain shoot through her chest.
show Show in or as in a picture.
ITV showed The Enforcer on Saturday night.
slip past Pass on stealthily.
soar Fly upwards or high in the sky.
The stock market soared after the cease fire was announced.
spank along Give a spanking to; subject to a spanking.
speed Of a motorist travel at a speed that is greater than the legal limit.
May God speed you.
steer Be a guiding or motivating force or drive.
He let Lily steer.
streak Cover a surface with streaks.
The plane streaked across the sky.
stream (of a mass of people or things) move in a continuous flow in a specified direction.
Tears streamed down her face.
swoop Seize with a swooping motion.
Armed police swooped on a flat after a tip off.
take flight Buy, select.
take off Receive or obtain regularly.
take to one’s heels Receive or obtain regularly.
transport by air Send from one person or place to another.
transport by plane Hold spellbound.
travel by air Undertake a journey or trip.
travel by plane Undertake a journey or trip.
travel through the air Undergo transportation as in a vehicle.
vanish Decrease rapidly and disappear.
The money vanished in las Vegas.
vaporize Convert or be converted into vapour.
All my stock assets have vaporized.
waft Blow gently.
Sounds wafted into the room.
wave Set waves in.
He waved her back.
wheel Carry in or on a vehicle with wheels.
Luke was wheeling a barrow.
whirl Fly around.
The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy.
whizz Move quickly through the air with a whistling or buzzing sound.
Cobbled streets where people whizzed back and forth on bicycles.
whoosh Move with a whooshing sound.
A train whooshed by.
wing Travel on wings or by aircraft fly.
The prize will be winging its way to you soon.
wing its way Travel through the air; be airborne.
zoom Cause a lens or camera to zoom in or out.
You can enlarge a region of the screen by zooming in.

Usage Examples of «Fly» as a verb

  • You must fly the country for a while.
  • The evening had just flown by.
  • We fly flowers from the Caribbean to North America.
  • Man cannot fly.
  • Rumors and accusations are flying.
  • Rumours were flying around Manchester.
  • Helicopters flew the injured to hospital.
  • I fly back to London this evening.
  • Vessels which flew the Spanish flag.
  • Pilots trained to fly combat missions.
  • Are we driving or flying?
  • The birds fly away.
  • The bird can fly enormous distances.
  • He flied out to the left field.
  • Flags were flying at half mast.
  • She is flying to Cincinnati tonight.
  • His fingertips flew across the keyboard.
  • Fly into a rage.
  • I can’t fly my hawk for the final because he is too heavy.
  • She ran after him, her hair flying behind her.
  • He was sent flying by the tackle.
  • Lindbergh was the first to fly the Atlantic.
  • Those that fly may fight again.
  • I must fly!
  • Balls kept flying over her hedge.
  • The accusations flew thick and fast.
  • That idea didn’t fly with most other council members.
  • Today the hawks are being flown at partridge.
  • She flew along the path.
  • Close the door or the moths will fly in.
  • All nations fly their flags in front of the U.N.
  • He flew Hurricanes in the war.
  • Fly a kite.

Associations of «Fly» (30 Words)

aeronaut A traveller in a hot-air balloon, airship, or other flying craft.
airman A member of the US navy whose general duties are concerned with aircraft.
aviator A pair of aviator sunglasses.
He has a short grey beard and wears a flannel shirt jeans and aviator glasses.
bee An insect of a large group to which the honeybee belongs including many solitary as well as social kinds.
A sewing bee.
bug An enthusiastic interest in something.
She fears that her conversations were bugged.
butterfly Having a two lobed shape resembling the spread wings of a butterfly.
Butterfly the shrimp using a small sharp knife.
buzz Call with a buzzer.
Bees were buzzing around the hive.
chirp Speak to (someone) in a taunting way.
Good morning chirped Alex.
cockroach Any of numerous chiefly nocturnal insects; some are domestic pests.
croon Say in a soft, low voice.
Goodbye you lovely darling she crooned.
dragonfly Slender-bodied non-stinging insect having iridescent wings that are outspread at rest; adults and nymphs feed on mosquitoes etc.
flap An act of flapping something typically a wing or arm up and down or from side to side.
He wrote on the flap of the envelope.
flea Any wingless bloodsucking parasitic insect noted for ability to leap.
fledged (of a person or thing) having just taken on the role specified.
A newly fledged Detective Inspector.
grasshopper A plant-eating insect with long hind legs which are used for jumping and for producing a chirping sound, frequenting grassy places and low vegetation.
housefly Common fly that frequents human habitations and spreads many diseases.
hum Sound with a monotonous hum.
She hummed a melody.
hustle Pressure or urge someone into an action.
They were hissed and hustled as they went in.
levitate Cause to rise in the air and float, as if in defiance of gravity.
I swear to God he levitated over the bar.
mosquito Two-winged insect whose female has a long proboscis to pierce the skin and suck the blood of humans and animals.
moth A clothes moth.
I store my sweaters in plastic bags to protect them from moths.
pilot Be the pilot of an aircraft or ship.
The crash had been due to pilot error.
pterodactyl (in general use) any pterosaur.
pterosaur A fossil flying reptile of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, with membranous wings supported by a greatly lengthened fourth finger.
twitter A series of short, high-pitched calls or sounds.
The swallows were settling to roost with a good deal of twittering.
volant (of an animal) able to fly or glide.
A falcon volant.
warble A lumpy abscess under the hide of domestic mammals caused by larvae of a botfly or warble fly.
He warbled in an implausible soprano.
wasp A solitary winged insect with a narrow waist mostly distantly related to the social wasps and including many parasitic kinds.
wing Shoot a bird in the wing so as to prevent flight without causing death.
One bird was winged for every bird killed.
winged Having wings for flight.
On winged feet.
  • Defenition of the word fly

    • To move autonomously through the air, without any part of the object or object’s enclosure touching anything attached to the ground.
    • A common insect; any species of insect of the order Diptera.
    • The zipper or set of buttons at the front of a pair of trousers.
    • A small, black and flying insect of the genus Musca, without a spine.
    • To travel in an aircraft or spacecraft.
    • to run away: «He threw down his gun and fled.»
    • (British informal) not to be deceived or hoodwinked
    • two-winged insects characterized by active flight
    • (angling) fisherman’s lure; a fishhook decorated to look like an insect
    • change quickly from one emotional state to another: «fly into a rage»
    • hit a fly, in baseball
    • transport by aeroplane; «We fly flowers from the Carribean to North America»
    • be dissipated; «Rumors and accusations are flying»
    • travel in an airplane; «she is flying to Cincinnati tonight»; «Are we driving or flying?»
    • move quickly or suddenly; «He flew about the place»
    • travel over (an area of land or sea) in an aircraft; «Lindbergh was the first to fly the Atlantic»
    • cause to fly or float: «fly a kite»
    • display in the air or cause to float: «fly a kite»; «All nations fly their flags in front of the U.N.»
    • fly a plane
    • pass away rapidly; «Time flies like an arrow»; «Time fleeing beneath him»
    • the act of hitting a baseball so that it flies high in the air
    • a garment closure (zipper or buttons) concealed by a fold of cloth
    • travel through the air; be airborne; «Man cannot fly»
    • a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent
    • decrease rapidly, as of money
    • (baseball) a hit that flies up in the air
    • an opening in a garment that is closed by a zipper or buttons concealed by a fold of cloth
    • fisherman»s lure consisting of a fishhook decorated to look like an insect
    • flap consisting of a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent
    • decrease rapidly and disappear; «the money vanished in las Vegas»; «all my stock assets have vaporized»
    • change quickly from one emotional state to another; «fly into a rage»
    • hit a fly
    • transport by aeroplane; «We fly flowers from the Caribbean to North America»
    • be dispersed or disseminated; «Rumors and accusations are flying»
    • cause to fly or float; «fly a kite»
    • run away quickly; «He threw down his gun and fled»
    • display in the air or cause to float; «fly a kite»; «All nations fly their flags in front of the U.N.»
    • an opening in a garment that is closed by a zipper or by buttons concealed under a fold of cloth
    • fisherman’s lure consisting of a fishhook decorated to look like an insect
    • decrease rapidly and disappear
    • change quickly from one emotional state to another
    • transport by aeroplane
    • be dispersed or disseminated
    • travel in an airplane
    • move quickly or suddenly
    • travel over (an area of land or sea) in an aircraft
    • cause to fly or float
    • travel through the air; be airborne
    • operate an airplane
    • pass away rapidly
    • run away quickly
    • display in the air or cause to float

Synonyms for the word fly

    • aviate
    • dash
    • escape
    • fell
    • flee
    • flutter
    • fly ball
    • fly front
    • fly sheet
    • get a move on
    • hurry
    • pilot
    • race
    • run away
    • run off
    • rush
    • soar
    • take flight
    • take off
    • take to the air
    • take wing
    • tent flap
    • tent-fly
    • vanish
    • wing

Similar words in the fly

    • alert
    • fly
    • flyby
    • flyby’s
    • flybys
    • flycatcher
    • flycatcher’s
    • flycatchers
    • flyer’s
    • flying
    • flyleaf
    • flyleaf’s
    • flyleaves
    • flynn
    • flynn’s
    • flyover
    • flyover’s
    • flyovers
    • flypaper
    • flypaper’s
    • flysheet
    • flyspeck
    • flyspeck’s
    • flyspecked
    • flyspecking
    • flyspecks
    • flyswatter
    • flyswatters
    • flyweight
    • flyweight’s
    • flyweights
    • flywheel
    • flywheel’s
    • flywheels

Meronymys for the word fly

    • alula
    • calypter
    • Diptera
    • fly tent
    • garment
    • order Diptera

Hyponyms for the word fly

    • abscond
    • absquatulate
    • airlift
    • balloon
    • bee fly
    • blast
    • blow fly
    • blowfly
    • bolt
    • break
    • break loose
    • buzz
    • decamp
    • defect
    • desert
    • dry fly
    • elope
    • escape
    • flare
    • flat-hat
    • flesh fly
    • flight
    • fly blind
    • fly contact
    • fly on
    • gadfly
    • get away
    • glide
    • glossina
    • go off
    • Haematobia irritans
    • hang glide
    • hedgehop
    • high-tail
    • horn fly
    • house fly
    • housefly
    • hover
    • hydroplane
    • jet
    • kite
    • lift
    • line drive
    • liner
    • make off
    • Musca domestica
    • pop fly
    • pop-fly
    • pop-up
    • rack
    • red-eye
    • run off
    • Sarcophaga carnaria
    • seaplane
    • soar
    • solo
    • stampede
    • streamer fly
    • tachina fly
    • test fly
    • Texas leaguer
    • tsetse
    • tsetse fly
    • tzetze
    • tzetze fly
    • wet fly

Hypernyms for the word fly

    • bait
    • break away
    • bunk
    • carry
    • change
    • control
    • decoy
    • decrease
    • diminish
    • dipteran
    • dipteron
    • dipterous insect
    • elapse
    • escape
    • fall
    • fish lure
    • fisherman’s lure
    • flap
    • fly the coop
    • glide by
    • go
    • go along
    • go away
    • go by
    • go forth
    • head for the hills
    • hightail it
    • hit
    • hitting
    • journey
    • lam
    • lapse
    • leave
    • lessen
    • locomote
    • lure
    • move
    • opening
    • operate
    • pass
    • run
    • run away
    • scarper
    • scat
    • show
    • slide by
    • slip away
    • slip by
    • striking
    • surname
    • take to the woods
    • transport
    • travel
    • turn tail
    • two-winged insects

See other words

    • What is flounder
    • The definition of florist
    • The interpretation of the word flock
    • What is meant by flirt
    • The lexical meaning fling
    • The dictionary meaning of the word flight attendant
    • The grammatical meaning of the word flicker
    • Meaning of the word flibbertigibbet
    • Literal and figurative meaning of the word flexibility
    • The origin of the word foam
    • Synonym for the word gamete
    • Antonyms for the word foe
    • Homonyms for the word foetus
    • Hyponyms for the word fog
    • Holonyms for the word foghorn
    • Hypernyms for the word fold
    • Proverbs and sayings for the word foley
    • Translation of the word in other languages folk

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