Word that means to come across

  [ kʌm əˈkrɒs ]  

1. Встретить или найти что-то случайно
2. Производить впечатление
3. Быть понятым
4. Снабжать чем-то по необходимости

1. Встретить или найти что-то случайно

Заголовок BBC с фразовым глаголом   come across

Sheep dog attacks not a nice thing to come across.
Нападения собак на овец не очень приятная вещь, с которой приходится сталкиваться.

В этом варианте перевода у Come Across есть синонимы Run Across и Run Into, которые по-русски звучат абсолютно одинаково: внезапно встретить, наткнуться. Но есть одна особенность применения.

I came across a word I’d never seen before.
Я наткнулся на слово, которого никогда раньше не видел.

She came across some old photographs in a drawer.
Она наткнулась на старые фотографии в ящике стола.

This technology’s unlike anything we’ve come across.
Эта технология не похожа ни на одну из тех, с которыми мы сталкивались.

2. 2. Производить впечатление

She comes across as very self-confident.
Она выглядит очень уверенной в себе.

He came over as a sympathetic person.
Он показался мне отзывчивым человеком.

3. Быть понятым

What comes across in his later poetry is a great sense of sadness.
То, что сквозит в его более поздних стихах, – это огромное чувство печали.

He spoke for a long time but his meaning didn’t really come across.
Он говорил долго, но смысл его слов на самом деле не доходил до меня.

4. Снабжать чем-то по необходимости

В этом варианте перевода используется конструкция Come Across With something.

I hoped she’d come across with some more information.
Я надеялся, что она поделится еще какой-нибудь информацией.

You had better come across with what you owe me. You owe me money, and I wish you would come across.
Тебе лучше признаться в том, что ты мне должен. Ты должен мне денег, и я бы хотел, чтобы мы встретились. (тут фразовый глагол выступает в двух ипостасях)

  •     Фразовые глаголы с COME
  •     Фразовые глаголы с предлогом ACROSS
  •     Фразовые глаголы с предлогом WITH

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  • 1
    come across

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > come across

  • 2
    come across as

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > come across as

  • 3
    come across a

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > come across a

  • 4
    come across

    Персональный Сократ > come across

  • 5
    come across

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > come across

  • 6
    come across

    1. I

    2) don’t worry he will come across sl. a) не беспокойся, он выложит денежки; б) не беспокойся, он выложит все, что знает

    2. II

    come across in some manner if you recite it that way the message of the poem will never come across если вы будете читать это стихотворение подобным образом, вы никогда не донесете до слушателя его идею; your speech came across very well ваша речь прекрасно дошла до аудитории

    3. XVI

    come across with smth. sl. come across with the money выложить деньги и т. д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > come across

  • 7
    come across

    фраз. гл.

    1) быть понятным, доходить ; быть воспринятым, понятым

    2) быть воспринятым, понятым каким-л. образом, производить какое-л. впечатление, казаться

    He comes across as someone who means what he says. — Кажется, он из тех, кто говорит то, что думает.

    You came across as being angry, not just disappointed. — Ты выглядел рассерженным, а не просто расстроенным.

    The first candidate came across really well. — Первый кандидат произвёл очень хорошее впечатление.


    3) передавать, выражать ; выражаться

    I don’t always come across with consistency. — Я не всегда последовательно излагаю свои мысли.



    давать, отдавать ; предоставлять

    He waited in silence until I came across with the truth. — Он молча ждал, пока я не расскажу правду.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > come across

  • 8
    come across

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > come across

  • 9
    come across


    Some day he’ll be at each one of those people’s houses and they’d better come across — Когда-нибудь он постучит в двери этих людей, и тогда им лучше уважить его просьбу


    You could get almost anything if you stood in with the right people and were willing to come across — Вы можете достать все, что угодно, если вы хорошо знакомы с нужными людьми и готовы дать на лапу


    He’d wanted to make her come across without any trickery but if trickery there had to be, he was the man for it — Он хотел уговорить ее отдаться ему без всяких там уловок, но если бы потребовались уловки, он как раз был способен и на это

    At last she came across and ever since she comes across any time he asks her — Наконец, она ему дала и с тех пор дает каждый раз, когда он попросит

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > come across

  • 10
    come across

    1. meet by chance
    наткнуться на

    I came across that article yesterday.

    2. to be understandable, to get across
    быть понятным, дойти до кого-то

    The meaning of his message doesn’t come across. Did her poem come across to you?

    3. • come across something
    to find by chance
    наткнуться на (информацию, статью и т.д.)

    Yesterday I came across an interesting article on vegetarian cooking.

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > come across

  • 11
    come across



    натолкнуться, случайно встретить, встретиться

    We came across him in a shop. — Мы случайно повстречали его в магазине.

    I came across this word several times. — Я встречал это слово несколько раз. /Мне это слово попадалось

    come across smth

    — come across smb

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > come across

  • 12
    come across

    1. наткнуться

    I came across several interesting facts about Mexico in that book.

    I came across my Grandfather’s picture as I rummaged through an old trunk in the attic.

    2. донести смысл/идею (быть понятным)

    Her speech was carefully prepared, but it didn’t come across very well.

    Do you think this idea came across in the play?

    3. производить/создавать впечатление

    He wasn’t coming across as the idiot I had expected him to be.

    During the interview she came across as efficient and decisive.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > come across

  • 13
    come across


    1. быть понятным, доходить до собеседника

    your speech came across very well — ваша речь произвела большое впечатление

    3. (as)

    показаться, произвести какое-л. впечатление

    he came across to me as a very nice person — он показался мне очень приятным человеком

    4. (with)

    разг. отдать требуемое, расплатиться


    согласиться на половую связь (

    о женщине); отдаться

    НБАРС > come across

  • 14
    come across

    (случайно) встретиться с кем-л.; натолкнуться на что-л.;

    а) признавайся!;

    б) раскошеливайся!

    * * *

    набрести, повстречаться, случайно встретиться, натолкнуться, случайно обнаружить, выложить, признавайся, раскошеливайся

    * * *

    1) (случайно) встретиться с кем-л.; натолкнуться на что-л.
    2) быть понятным для кого-л., доходить до кого-л.
    3) приходить в голову

    Новый англо-русский словарь > come across

  • 15
    come across

    1. phr v быть понятным, доходить до собеседника

    2. phr v театр. пользоваться успехом

    3. phr v амер. разг. отдать требуемое, расплатиться

    4. phr v сл. согласиться на половую связь; отдаться

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. discover (verb) discover; find; notice; stumble upon; uncover

    2. enact (verb) accomplish; achieve; enact; fulfil; fulfill; perform

    3. found (verb) chance on; come on; found; happen on; light on; run across; run into; stumble on

    4. make oneself understood (verb) be understood; express oneself; impart meaning; make oneself understood; speak clearly; speak explicitly

    English-Russian base dictionary > come across

  • 16
    come across


    1) Общая лексика: быть понятным, встретиться с , встречать, доходить до собеседника, наезжать, наехать, найти, нападать, наталкиваться на , натолкнуться на , находить, предстать , признавайся , произвести какое-л. впечатление, случайно встретиться с , столкнуться, набрести, случайно встретится, случайно наткнуться, сталкиваться, попасться на глаза , представать , сложиться , выглядеть, казаться

    5) Сленг: давать , вернуть долг, дать взятку, передать информацию, сделать то, что от тебя ожидают

    7) Макаров: наталкиваться, наталкиваться на что-либо, натолкнуться , отдать требуемое, отдаться, показаться, произвести (какое-л.) впечатление, расплатиться, случайно встретить , случайно встретиться, случайно встретиться , случайно встречать, согласиться на половую связь

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > come across

  • 17
    come across as

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > come across as

  • 18
    come across as

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > come across as

  • 19
    come across

    Англо-русский технический словарь > come across

  • 20
    come across

    (случайно) встретиться с; натолкнуться на


    быть понятным, доходить; быть воспринятым, понятым, производить впечатление

    передавать, выражать, выражаться

    давать, отдавать, предоставлять


    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > come across


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • come across — {v.} 1. or[run across] To find or meet by chance. * /He came across a dollar bill in the suit he was sending to the cleaner./ * /The other day I ran across a book that you might like./ * /I came across George at a party last week; it was the… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come across — {v.} 1. or[run across] To find or meet by chance. * /He came across a dollar bill in the suit he was sending to the cleaner./ * /The other day I ran across a book that you might like./ * /I came across George at a party last week; it was the… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come across — 1》 meet or find by chance. 2》 informal provide what is wanted. → come come across give a specified impression. → come …   English new terms dictionary

  • come across — ► come across 1) (also chiefly Brit. come over) give a specified impression. 2) meet or find by chance. 3) informal hand over what is wanted. Main Entry: ↑come …   English terms dictionary

  • come across — (someone/something) to happen to find someone or something. I was looking through a magazine and came across an interesting article on American artists …   New idioms dictionary

  • come across as — come across (as) to appear to have a particular attitude or character. Sometimes he seemed like a good old pal, but other times he came across as an angry and unpleasant man …   New idioms dictionary

  • come across — (as) to appear to have a particular attitude or character. Sometimes he seemed like a good old pal, but other times he came across as an angry and unpleasant man …   New idioms dictionary

  • Come Across — is the fifth album by Australian indie rock band Bluebottle Kiss, released in 2003. Tracklisting Scouthall Everything begins and ends at exactly the right time Something tiny Last playboy in town Slow train to a comfy jail Can I keep you? So slow …   Wikipedia

  • come across — index confront (encounter) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • come across — [v] encounter, find bump into, chance upon, discover, happen upon, hit upon, light upon, meet, notice, stumble upon, uncover, unearth; concepts 38,183 …   New thesaurus

  • come across — phrasal verb Word forms come across : present tense I/you/we/they come across he/she/it comes across present participle coming across past tense came across past participle come across 1) come across someone/something [transitive] to meet someone …   English dictionary

come across

1. Literally, to cross something, such as a bridge or road, when traveling. Once you come across Eagle Road, you can turn onto my street.

2. To be viewed by others in a particular way; to have one’s personality, behavior, intentions, etc., interpreted in a particular way. Did I come across as confident when I made my speech? She comes across as cold and uptight, but she’s actually a very kind lady. Tell me honestly, when you first met me, how did I come across?

3. To find or see someone or something incidentally. I came across him in the library after work, and we got into a great conversation about Hemingway. I came across a $20 bill on my way to school this morning! If you come across my jacket, please let me know. I forget where I left it.

4. To submit or yield to another’s wishes. I think he was beginning to see the benefits of our plan, but he’ll never come across now that you’ve insulted him!

5. To fulfill another’s demands or expectations. She had previously offered to watch the baby for me, and thank goodness she came across on that because I needed some sleep! Don’t expect him to come across on the debt he owes you—I’m still waiting for him to pay me back!

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

come across (with something)

to deliver what is expected of one. You had better come across with what you owe me. You owe me money, and I wish you would come across.

come across someone or something

 and run across someone or something

to find someone or something; to discover someone or something. John came across a book he had been looking for. Where did you run across that lovely skirt?

come across


1. to be compliant. Oh, she’ll come across, just you wait; she’ll do what we want.

2. to agree; to yield. How can we get him to come across?

come across

(to something) to agree to something; to yield to someone else’s position. He came across to our point of view. Will a sign-on bonus get him to come across?

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

come across

1. Also, come upon; run across. Meet or find by chance, as in I came across your old letters today, or He came upon her looking in the store window. or If I run across it, I’ll call you. The first term dates from the 1800s. The first variant was used by Oliver Goldsmith in She Stoops to Conquer (1773): «You are to go sideways till you come upon Crack-Skull Common.» The second variant was used by Mark Twain in Tramp Abroad (1880): «If I don’t run across you in Italy, you hunt me up in London.»

2. Also, come across with. Pay or give what is expected or demanded, as in He finally came across with some food, or The landlord wants the rent, so come across. [Colloquial; late 1800s]

3. Make a particular impression, as in He comes across as a very sincere person or Her meaning doesn’t really come across; she’ll have to revise the speech. [Colloquial; first half of 1900s] Also see get across; put across.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

come across


1. To arrive by crossing something: To get to our house, it’s fastest to come across the south bridge.

2. To meet or find by chance: I came across my old college roommate in town today.

3. To encounter something: We came across a few small mistakes in the students’ work.

4. To give an impression: I hope I didn’t come across as rude.

5. To be clear or manifest: It did not really come across that they were only trying to help.

6. To pay something that is demanded: You had better come across with the check by tomorrow.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

come across


McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • poorly
  • down the road
  • fork in the road
  • get out of the road
  • in the road
  • take to the road
  • in (one’s) road
  • take the road
  • wind around
  • road pizza

come across: meaning and explanation

1: to come across something

to come across something = to find or discover something which you hadn’t been looking for; to find something by accident.

This phrasal verb is a nice alternative for discover or encounter, especially when you find something that you had not been expecting to find, or which you were not looking for.

It could be something physical (e.g. I came across a really interesting old shop the other day.) or not physical (e.g. I came across a really fascinating article in the paper this morning – would you like to take a look?).

2: to come across well/badly

The phrasal verb to come across is also used to describe the impression a person gets of someone’s personality, based on how they behave.

Imagine you have a job interview. If you arrive on time, are dressed appropriately and act in a polite way, then you would probably come across well. The interviewer would get a positive impression of you.

If you arrive late, are wearing an old t-shirt, and forget the interviewer’s name, then you would almost certainly come across badly. The interviewer would get a negative impression of you.

Although it is common (and easy) to use this phrasal verb with well/badly, we can also be more specific by using to come across as sth. e.g. Your mother and I enjoyed meeting your girlfriend. She came across as a very interesting and friendly person.

Have a go at these micro-dictation exercises to hear this expression being used in context – how much can you understand?

Listening exercises

Micro-listening #1

Accent: Scotland

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  • Hard
  • Medium
  • Easy

I’ve never terrible acting .

I’ve never across terrible acting my whole .

About the sentence

…I’ve never come across

The speaker used the present perfect here (I’ve never come across) because he is talking about his whole life.

The time period of the sentence is unfinished, and this is an important reason for using the present perfect instead of the past simple.

Micro-listening #2

Accent: England (RP)

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  • Hard
  • Medium
  • Easy

I’m I badly in – I went .

I’m I came quite badly in the – I went blank.

About the sentence

…I went completely blank

To go blank = to forget what you were going to say next, or to have no idea how to answer a question. e.g. It was so embarrassing – I went completely blank when I was introducing him to a friend, and couldn’t remember his name.

Micro-listening #3

Accent: England (RP)

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  • Hard
  • Medium
  • Easy

I an statistic article earlier .

I across an statistic in article I was earlier .

About the sentence

…earlier on…

Earlier on is a nice way to introduce an action that happened previously in the same day. e.g. I left him an answerphone message earlier on but he hasn’t got back to me yet.

натолкнуться, повстречаться, набрести, выложить, случайно встретиться


- быть понятным, доходить до собеседника

your speech came across very well — ваша речь произвела большое впечатление

- театр. пользоваться успехом

she came across — публика её приняла

- (as) разг. показаться, произвести какое-л. впечатление

he came across to me as a very nice person — он показался мне очень приятным человеком

- (with) амер. разг. отдать требуемое, расплатиться

I’ll make him come across with the money — я заставлю его выложить деньги

- сл. согласиться на половую связь (тк. о женщине); отдаться

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Did his speech come across?

Его речь была понятна?

The first candidate came across really well.

Первый кандидат произвёл очень хорошее впечатление.

He comes across as someone who means what he says.

Кажется, он из тех, кто говорит то, что думает.

You came across as being angry, not just disappointed.

Ты выглядел рассерженным, а не просто расстроенным.

Come across (with the money)!


I don’t always come across with consistency.

Я не всегда последовательно излагаю свои мысли.

He waited in silence until I came across with the truth.

Он молча ждал, пока я не расскажу правду.

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  • Word that means to break down
  • Word that means to become a part of