Word that means to carry out

Repairs take time to carry out.

Для проведения ремонта требуется время.

We all have certain duties and jobs to carry out.

У всех нас есть обязанности и дела, которые мы должны исполнять.

Although in poor health, she continued to carry out her duties.

Несмотря на слабое здоровье, она продолжала выполнять свои обязанности.

Make sure you carry out the doctor’s instructions.

Не забудьте выполнять предписания лечащего врача.

The police carried out the raid with great speed.

Полиция провела облаву с молниеносной быстротой.

They carried out the task efficiently and cheerfully.

Они выполнили это задание умело и весело.

The gunmen carried out their threat and shot the man.

Бандиты привели угрозу в исполнение и застрелили его.

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carry out — перевод на русский

/ˈkæri aʊt/

— I must carry out my orders.

-Я обязан выполнять приказы.

By carrying out our daily routine, the same as we always have.

Будем выполнять ежедневные рутинные дела, как это делали раньше.

You did help him to carry out his torturous actions?

Вы помогали ему выполнять его ужасные дела?

And as such, uniquely fitted to carry out my prime directive.

И как таковая, однозначно установлена выполнять мои прямые указания.

You had to carry out the order.

Приказы надо выполнять.

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He’s ordered me to restore order. I shall carry out his wishes. How?

Я полон решимости выполнить его приказ.

I bring you back your friend Nippur, who died trying to carry out your orders.

Я привез обратно твоего друга Нипура, Который умер, пытаясь выполнить твой приказ.

Why should I be the one to carry out that mission?

Почему именно я должен выполнить это поручение?

Brigade Leader, I’m trying very hard to carry out a complex scientific task under impossible conditions.

Бригадный командир, я очень сильно стараюсь выполнить сложную научную задачу при невозможных условиях.

You will use these creatures to carry out a series of raids… on carefully chosen targets.

Вы используете этих существ чтобы выполнить серию рейдов на тщательно выбранные цели.

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If those killers mean to carry out their threat we have to keep an eye on the Pietrasantas.

Если те убийцы хотят осуществить свою угрозу… Мы должны следить за Пьетрасанта.

Impossible to carry out plan one and leave Quito by plane.

Невозможно осуществить План 1 и покинуть Кито самолётом.

Could the robot have been made to carry out these break-ins?

Робота могли заставить осуществить эти кражи?

You, without a doubt, are the man who was sent to me to help me carry out

И вы несомненно посланы для того, чтобы помочь мне осуществить этот Великий Замысел.

It might not have been carried out for an alone person.

Один человек не мог бы его осуществить.

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How do you carry out a delicate repair operation wearing a spacesuit and gauntlets?

Как ты собираешься проводить такой тонкий ремонт в скафандре и перчатках?

I’m glad you’ll carry out the measurements.

Я очень рад, что Вы будете проводить все измерения.

Will the U.S. ask the Israelis to carry out any military retaliation?

Будет ли США просить израильтян проводить какие-либо военные действия?

Apparently, there’s a better place where they carry out this sort of operation.

Да но… Дело в том, что такую терапию лучше проводить в другой клинике.

Designing and carrying out experiments that bend the plane of what we consider reality.

Придумывать и проводить эксперименты… Которые искажают наше понимание реальности.

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But my instructions, Major Hitchcock, are to carry out a time and motion study

Но мне поручено, майор Хичкок, провести исследование производительности труда (В оригинале: Time and motion study — исследование движений по Тейлору-Гилбрету)

It is necessary to carry out investigation.

Надо провести расследование.

With your permission, we’d like to go down to the shelter to carry out an experiment.

С Вашего разрешения, мы бы хотели спуститься в убежище, чтобы провести небольшой эксперимент.

I was gonna carry out a positive, decisive action.

Я собирался провести позитивных, решительных действий.

You want me to transfer (to lead{carry out}) in a lie detector

Вы хотите меня передать(провести) в детекторе лжи

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If it’s proved that members of your crew carried out the assassination…

Тогда это доказывает, что члены вашей команды совершили убийство…

You can help by going back and telling everyone you see that the fighters of the 2nd Mass carried out an attack against the alien structure over Boston.

Ты можешь помочь, если вернешься и расскажешь всем, как видел, что бойцы 2 полка совершили нападение на инопланетное сооружение над Бостоном.

Just to clarify, you’ve been saying ever since this tragic murder occurred that you were the one who carried out this brutal execution.

Просто для ясности, с тех самых пор, как случилось это трагическое убийство, вы говорили, что это вы совершили эту зверскую казнь.

We know your name is Daniel Gottlieb, that you retired from your career as an engineer several years ago, and that you’ve carried out a number of murders on behalf of a mysterious employer.

Мы знаем, что вас зовут Дэниел Готтлиб, что вы ушли на пенсию с должности инженера несколько лет назад, и что вы совершили множество убийств по заказу таинственного работодателя.

And it’s no accident that these Barbarians carried out their heinous acts in front of a maternity ward where our innocent babies bravely greet their socialist future.

И не случайно эти варвары совершили гнусное деяние перед роддомом где наши невинные младенцы храбро приветствуют социалистическое будущее.

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When I was commissioned, I took an oath to carry out responsibilities which were clearly and exactly specified.

Когда меня направили сюда, я дал клятву исполнять обязанности, которые ясно и точно были описаны.

To carry out my commands without question, like a soldier.

Без вопросов исполнять мои приказы, как солдат.

He will carry out my orders himself and will dominate my enemies!

Он будет исполнять мои приказы… И подавлять моих врагов!

Asking men to carry out orders that may result in their deaths.

Просить подчиненных исполнять приказы, которые могут привести к их смерти.

He consecrated you in baptism enriched and strengthened you in the sacrament of matrimony so you can carry out the duties of marriage in lasting fidelity.

Он посвящает вас в свое крещение, дает вам больше сил и духа в совершении этого причастия, чтобы вы могли исполнять свои супружеские обязанности всю оставшуюся жизнь.

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The order will be carried out.

Приказ будет выполнен.

I submit that the defence has offered no new evidence and the sentence of the tribunal should be carried out.

Я утверждаю, что у защиты больше нет никаких улик, и приговор Трибунала должен быть выполнен.

Your order has been carried out.

Приказ выполнен.

No, it’s no excuse if I haven’t carried out my mission.

Нет, не оправдание, ежели боевой приказ не выполнен.

I report orders carried out!

Разрешите доложить, приказ выполнен!

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I’m instructed to wait until planet dawn over principal target to permit you to carry out our mission.

Я должен дождаться планетарного рассвета над главной целью, чтобы позволить вам исполнить нашу миссию.

You have a mission to carry out.

У тебя есть миссия, которую ты должен исполнить.

But it’s very difficult to carry out the wishes of this one.

Но мне очень трудно исполнить желание этого камня.

I’m terribly sorry I could not carry out your orders, Lt. Colonel.

Простите, что я не смог исполнить ваш приказ, подполковник.

When Ogura was unable to carry out his plan, he took his own life.

Огура не смог исполнить задуманное и лишил себя жизни.

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But we need the help of the human body to feed us and to carry out our orders.

Но мы нуждаемся в человеческих телах, для пропитания и для выполнения наших приказов.

Look, the speculation ends right here. Now, I expect you to carry out your assignments with a minimum of gossip, understood?

Слушайте, теперь разговоры прекращаем, и я ожидаю от вас выполнения ваших заданий с минимумом сплетен.

You are expected to carry out your assignment to the letter—

От вас ждут выполнения задания в точности—

But the scientific dictatorship needs more than just a secret police network to carry out their plan.

Но научной диктатуре для выполнения их плана требуется больше, чем просто сеть секретной полиции.

Mr. Bennett assured me secretaries were expected to carry out duties of that nature.

Мистер Беннет заверял меня, что от секретаря ожидают выполнения подобного рода обязанностей.

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3 формы глагола carry out

Английский глагол carry out [ˈkærɪ aʊt], переводится как: выполнять.
Входит в группы:
правильные глаголы,
фразовые глаголы.

3 формы глагола carry out: Infinitive (carry out), Past Simple — (carried out), Past Participle — (carried out).

📚 Глагол carry out имеет значения: выполнять, проводить, вынести, уносить, доводить до конца, завершать, выносить.

👉 Формы глагола carry out в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет carry out в прошедшем времени past simple.

Три формы глагола carry out

Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Перевод
carry out [ˈkærɪ aʊt]

carried out [ˈkærɪd aʊt]

carried out [ˈkærɪd aʊt]


Как поставить carry out во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

🎓 Как поставить глагол carry out в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?

👉 Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

  • First form (V1) — carry out. (Present simple, Future Simple)
  • Second form (V2) —
    carried out.

    (Past simple)

  • Third form (V3) —
    carried out.

    (Present perfect, Past perfect)

Как поставить carry out в past simple?

Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для carry out нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет:
carry out в past simple — carried out.

What is the past tense of carry out?

The past tense of carry out is carried out.

The past participle of carry out is carried out.

Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

Past simple — carry out в past simple, будет carried out.

Future simple — carry out в future simple будет carry out. (will + V1)

Present Perfect — carry out в present perfect будет
carried out.
(havehas + V3)

Past Perfect — carry out в past perfect будет
carried out.

(had + V3)

Правильный или неправильный глагол carry out?

👉 Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол carry out это правильный глагол.

Примеры применения глагола carry out

    I have certain duties to carry out — У меня есть определенные обязанности для выполнения
    (Present Simple)

    All repairs take time to carry out — Все ремонтные работы требуют времени
    (Present Simple)

    Make sure you carry out all instructions — Убедитесь, что вы выполняете все инструкции
    (Present Simple)

    Stephan carried out the task efficiently and cheerfully — Джон выполнил это задание умело и весело
    (Past Simple)

    They need to carry out more research — Им необходимо провести дополнительные исследования
    (Present Simple)

    Sara need to carry out some improvements to the system — Саре нужно произвести некоторое усовершенствование системы
    (Present Simple)

    Students will carry out simple laboratory experiments today — Студенты выполнят несложные лабораторные опыты сегодня
    (Future Simple)

    The government will carry out its promise — Правительство выполнит свое обещание
    (Future Simple)

    The tests have been carried out according to standards — Испытания были проведены в соответствии со всеми стандартами
    (Present Perfect)

    Carry out your task once you’ve started it — Доведи дело до конца, раз начал
    (Present Simple)

Вместе с carry out, часто смотрят глаголы


and cancel.

Глаголы на букву:

























Asked by: Carole Abshire

Score: 4.3/5
(8 votes)

transitive verb. 1 : to bring to a successful issue : complete, accomplish carried out the assignment. 2 : to put into execution carry out a plan. 3 : to continue to an end or stopping point.

What is a word that means carry out?

synonyms: accomplish, action, carry through, execute, fulfil, fulfill follow out, follow through, follow up, go through, implement, put through. pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue.

Does carry out mean delivery?

It’s origin is straightforward: when you get carry–out, you carry it out of the place where you get it. The term carry-out is sometimes contrasted with the terms eat-in and delivery, such as on a restaurant sign that says Eat-in / Carry-out / Delivery.

What is a carry in and carry out?

Instead, hikers are asked and expected to follow the common practice of “Carry in-Carry out”—that is, whatever you carry in to the woods, you should carry out, and any trash disposed of once you get home.

How do you use carry out?

carry out in British English

  1. to perform or cause to be implemented. I wish he could afford to carry out his plan.
  2. to bring to completion; accomplish. noun carry-out mainly Scottish.
  3. alcohol bought at a pub or off-licence for consumption elsewhere.

20 related questions found

What is the phrasal verb of carry out?

to do or complete something, especially that you have said you would do or that you have been told to do: Dr Carter is carrying out research on early Christian art.

Who can plan and carry out the things in?

Here is your answer: Parents and teachers. Hope it helps.

What is a carry in?

carry-in in American English

(ˈkæriˌɪn) adjective. 1. intended for or available to customers who bring in appliances to the seller or a repair store for repair or servicing. carry-in service.

What’s the difference between carry and borrow?

The difference between Borrow and Carry. … When used as verbs, borrow means to receive (something) from somebody temporarily, expecting to return it, whereas carry means to lift (something) and take it to another place.

How does a subtractor work?

subtractor An electronic logic circuit for calculating the difference between two binary numbers, the minuend and the number to be subtracted, the subtrahend (see table). A full subtractor performs this calculation with three inputs: minuend bit, subtrahend bit, and borrow bit.

Is carryout same as delivery?

As nouns the difference between carryout and delivery

is that carryout is (us) food that is intended to be eaten outside the establishment from which it is bought while delivery is the act of conveying something.

What’s the difference between takeout and delivery?

A takeout is the meal (often takeaway in BE). A delivery is a delivery of a takeout.

What’s the difference between delivery and takeaway?

As nouns the difference between delivery and takeout

is that delivery is the act of conveying something while takeout is food purchased from a takeaway.

What is another word for effectuate?

In this page you can discover 28 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for effectuate, like: trigger, effect, execute, start, result in, put through, occasion, set off, do, bring on and induce.

What does carry out mean for pizza?

It’s easy to get carryout pizza from Domino’s. If you place your order by phone, just tell us you want to come and pick it up. … Then, select the carryout option. If you want to come in and get it, a friendly face will be waiting for you at the counter. But if you’d rather stay in your car, we’ll bring it out to you.

What word means to send or carry out to another place?

1. Carry, convey, transport, transmit imply taking or sending something from one place to another. … Transport means to carry or convey goods, now usually by vehicle or vessel: to transport milk to customers.

Which operation is used in carry?

It is part of the standard algorithm to add numbers together by starting with the rightmost digits and working to the left. For example, when 6 and 7 are added to make 13, the «3» is written to the same column and the «1» is carried to the left. When used in subtraction the operation is called a borrow.

What is regrouping method?

Regrouping in math is when you make groups of ten when performing operations such as addition or subtraction. … For example, in 2 digit addition, you might have 15 + 17. In this case, you need to regroup. When you add 5 + 7 you have 12, or one ten and two units.

What is subtract with carry?

The SBC (Subtract with Carry) instruction subtracts the value of Operand2 from the value in Rn . If the carry flag is clear, the result is reduced by one. You can use SBC to synthesize multiword arithmetic. In certain circumstances, the assembler can substitute one instruction for another.

What is service carry?

intended for or available to customers who bring in appliances to the seller or a repair store for repair or servicing: carry-in service; a carry-in store for personal computers. … an appliance or machine, as a television set or a personal computer, portable enough to be taken to a store for repair.

What is a carry on bag at the airport?

A carry-on bag is a piece of luggage that can be brought on board the plane and stowed in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you.

What is a firm commitment to carry out a plan?

A firm commitment generally refers to an underwriter’s agreement to assume all inventory risk and purchase all securities for an IPO directly from issuers for public sale.

How was the plan not carried out?

(V). How was the plan not carried out? Ans: The arrangement was not done, in light of the fact that Ariel hindered by playing a tune melody, which caught the eye of Caliban, Sebastian, and Trinculo, and they all intended to discover the wellspring of this tune before conveying the plot to murder Prospero.

What is the phrasal verb of set up?

1to build something or put something somewhere The police set up roadblocks on routes out of the city. to make a piece of equipment or a machine ready for use She set up her stereo in her bedroom. to arrange for something to happen I’ve set up a meeting for Friday.

    • See Also:
      • TMO
      • TMV
      • TN
      • TNB
      • TNF
      • tng.
      • tnpk.
      • TNT
      • to
      • to and fro
      • To Kill a Mockingbird
      • To the Lighthouse
      • to-and-fro
      • to-be
      • to-do
      • to-name
      • toad
      • toad bug
      • toad-in-the-hole
      • toadeater
      • toadfish
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

car•ry /ˈkæri/USA pronunciation  
v., -ried, -ry•ing. 

  1. [+ object] to move (something) while holding or supporting;
    transport: I’ll carry the groceries home.
  2. [+ object] to wear, hold, or have around one: I always carry my driver’s license.
  3. [+ object* usually not: be + ~-ing] to contain or be capable of containing;
    hold: The minivan carries seven people.
  4. [+ object] to serve as a way of sending or transmitting (something);
    communicate: The networks carried her speech live.
  5. [no object] to be able to reach some distance;
    be transmitted or sent: Sounds carry well over water.
  6. [+ object] to be the means of moving (something) by force;
    drive: The flood carried cars and houses downriver.
  7. to be pregnant with:[+ object]She may be carrying twins.
  8. Music and Dance to sing (a melody) on pitch:[+ object]He could barely carry a tune.
  9. [+ oneself] to hold (oneself ) in a certain manner;
    behave in a certain way: carries herself with dignity.
    • [no object] (of a bill) to pass through a process of voting:The motion carried by a vote of fifty to thirty-one.
    • [+ object] to obtain the passage of (a bill):The committee carried the bill.

  10. to gain a majority of votes in (a state, etc.):[+ object* not: be + ~-ed]The president is not sure he can carry his own state in the election.
  11. to support or bear the weight or burden of (something not performing well):[+ object]The star carried the whole play.
  12. [+ object* not: be + ~-ing] (of an action) to have as a consequence: Failing to pay your fine carries an additional penalty of fifty dollars.
  13. Business to keep on hand or in a store for sale:[+ object]We don’t carry that brand in this store.
  14. carry away, [+ away + object; usually: be + ~-ed + away] to stir strong emotions in;
    cause to lose control:Don’t get carried away—it’s only a movie.
  15. carry forward,
    • to make progress with: [+ forward + object]They’ll want to carry forward his plans.[+ object + forward]Let’s carry the plans forward.

  16. carry off,
    • to win (a prize or honor): [+ off + object]She carried off all the prizes in mathematics.[+ object + off]She carried the prizes off last year.
    • to deal with successfully: [+ off + object]The disorganized junta couldn’t carry off the coup.[+ object + off]I thought we carried it off pretty smoothly.

  17. carry on,
    • [ + on + obj] to manage;
      conduct:I don’t know if we can carry on a conversation here.
    • [ no obj;
      often: ~ + on + with + obj] to continue without stopping;
      persevere:I carried on with my work while the kids were howling.
    • to be noisy, loud, or excited;
      be disruptive;
      act up:«Stop carrying on like that or you’ll get detention,» she yelled.
    • [+ on + with + object] to have a sexual relationship with:Who was he carrying on with this time?

  18. carry out,
    • to put into operation;
      execute: [+ object + out]expected the troops to carry his orders out. [+ out + object]Can you carry out this plan?
    • to accomplish;
      complete: [ + out + obj]:He carried out his plan to return to college.[ + obj + out]:He was determined to carry it out.

  19. carry through,
    • to accomplish;
      complete: [+ through + object]She carried through her plan to invest in the stock market.[+ object + through]She carried the plan through.
    • [+ object + through + object] to support or help through a difficult situation:Her support carried him through the crisis.
    • [no object* often: ~ + through + to + object] to continue to be present:Violence done to children will carry through to the next generation.


  1. carry the day, to succeed in a situation by persuading others:I’m sure he’ll carry the day.
  2. carry (something) too far, [ + obj + too far] to do (something) too much;
    overdo:Don’t you think you’re carrying this argument a little too far?

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(karē),USA pronunciation v., -ried, -ry•ing, n., pl. -ries. 

  1. to take or support from one place to another;
    transport:He carried her for a mile in his arms. This elevator cannot carry more than ten people.
  2. to wear, hold, or have around one:He carries his knife in his pocket. He carries a cane.
  3. to contain or be capable of containing;
    hold:The suitcase will carry enough clothes for a week.
  4. to serve as an agency or medium for the transmission of:The wind carried the sound. He carried the message to me.
  5. to be the means of conveying or transporting (something or someone):The wind carried the balloon out of sight.
  6. to be pregnant with:His wife is carrying twins.
  7. to put ahead to a subsequent time, page, etc., or to a higher authority;
    continue or transfer:to carry a case to a higher court; to carry a footnote to a new page.
  8. to bear the weight, burden, etc., of;
    sustain:These piers once carried an arch.
  9. to take (a leading or guiding part), as in singing;
    bear or sustain (a part or melody).
  10. to hold (the body, head, etc.) in a certain manner:She carries her head high.
  11. to behave or comport (oneself ):She carries herself with decorum.
  12. to take the initiative in (a contest):The Giants carried the game to the Browns.
  13. to secure the adoption of (a motion or bill).
  14. to get a plurality or majority of electoral votes in (a district).
  15. to extend or continue in a given direction or to a certain point:to carry the war into enemy territory.
  16. to bring, impart, hear, transmit, or communicate news, a message, etc.
  17. to lead or influence by emotional or intellectual appeal:The actor carried his audience with him.
  18. to bear the major burden of (a group, performance, etc.) by superior talent, determination, etc.:The star carried the whole play.
  19. to serve as a conduit for:This pipe carries water to the house.
  20. to have as an attribute, property, consequence, etc.;
    presume or entail:Violation carries a penalty of five years in prison.
  21. to support or give validity to (a related claim, argument, etc.):One decision carries another.
  22. [Com.]
    • to keep on hand or in stock.
    • to keep on the account books.

  23. to bear as a crop:This land will not carry corn.
  24. to sustain or support:Our grain supply will carry the cattle through the winter. This money will carry us for about a week.
  25. to be enrolled for or to undertake as an amount of work:New students are advised not to carry more than 16 credits.
  26. [Golf.]to advance beyond or go by (an object or expanse) with one stroke.
  27. [Ice Hockey.]to cause (a puck) to move forward along the ice and in one’s control by a series of light, short taps with the stick.
  28. [Hunting.]to retain and pursue (a scent).
  29. (in addition) to transfer (a number) from one denomination to the succeeding one.
  30. to have as a maximum working pressure:This boiler carries 190 pounds per square inch.


  1. to act as a bearer or conductor.
  2. to have or exert propelling force.
  3. to be transmitted, propelled, or sustained:My voice carries farther than his.
  4. (of a horse) to bear the head in a particular manner while in action:The horse carries well.
  5. carry all before one, to be highly successful:In his academic and social life he carried all before him.
  6. carry a tune, to sing a melody accurately or on key.
  7. carry away:
    • to influence greatly or unreasonably, esp. emotionally;
      transport:The spectators were carried away by the appeal to their patriotism.
    • [Naut.](of the wind or sea) to dislodge or send overboard.
    • [Naut.](of a vessel) to lose (an object or objects) through breakage.
    • [Naut.](of a rope or chain) to break under strain.

  8. carry back, [Accountableing.]to apply (an unused credit or operating loss) to the net income of a prior period in order to reduce the tax for that period.
  9. carry forward:
    • to make progress with.
    • [Bookkeeping.]to transfer (an amount) to the next page, column, or book.
    • [Accountableing.]to apply (an unused credit or operating loss) to the net income of a succeeding period in order to reduce the tax for that period.

  10. carry it off, [Informal.]to succeed in an action, endeavor, or scheme.
  11. carry off:
    • to win (a prize, honor, etc.).
    • to cause the death of:The Black Plague in the Middle Ages carried off more than one-fourth of the population of Europe.

  12. carry on:
    • to manage;
    • to continue without stopping:Rescue operations were carried on in spite of the storm.
    • to continue to live, work, etc., despite a setback or tragedy;
    • [Informal.]to behave in an agitated, foolish, or indiscreet manner.
    • to misbehave or be disruptive;
      act up.
    • [Naut.]to proceed under excessive sail for the weather conditions.

  13. carry out:
    • to put into operation;
      execute:He doesn’t have the funds to carry out his design.
    • to effect or accomplish;
      complete:They carried out their plan without incident.

  14. carry over:
    • to hold until a later time;
    • to be left;
    • [Bookkeeping.]to transfer (an amount) to the next page, column, or book.
    • [Accountableing.]to apply (an unused credit or operating loss) to the net income of a succeeding period in order to reduce the tax for that period.
    • to extend from one activity or time to another:He does not carry over his business ethics into his personal relationships.

  15. British Terms carry the can. See can2 (def. 10).
  16. carry the day, to win the contest or be triumphant;
    prevail. The Republicans carried the day.
  17. carry through:
    • to accomplish;
    • to support or help through a difficult situation.
    • to continue or be prevalent in;
      persist:a theme that carried through all his writing.

  18. carry too far, to exceed the limits of;
    go to excess with:She is carrying her crusading too far.


  1. range, as of a gun.
  2. [Golf.]the distance a stroked ball travels.
  3. land that separates navigable waters and over which a canoe or boat must be carried;
  4. a carrying.
  • Celtic; see car1
  • Late Latin carricāre, apparently variant of *carrūcāre, derivative of Latin carrūca traveling carriage
  • Anglo-French carier
  • Middle English carien 1275–1325

carri•a•ble, carry•a•ble, adj. 

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged Carry, convey, transport, transmit imply taking or sending something from one place to another.
      Carry means to take by means of the hands, a vehicle, etc.:to carry a book; The boat carried a heavy load.Convey means to take by means of a nonhuman carrier:The wheat was conveyed to market by train.However, news, information, etc., can be conveyed by a human carrier:The secretary conveyed the message.Transport means to carry or convey goods, now usually by vehicle or vessel:to transport milk to customers.Transmit implies sending or transferring messages or hereditary tendencies:to transmit a telegram.
    • 8.See corresponding entry in Unabridged support.
    • 14.See corresponding entry in Unabridged gain, secure.

(kare),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. a male given name, form of Carew. 
  2. a female given name, form of Caroline. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

carry /ˈkærɪ/ vb ( -ries, -rying, -ried)(mainly tr)

  1. (also intr) to take or bear (something) from one place to another
  2. to transfer for consideration; take: he carried his complaints to her superior
  3. to have on one’s person: he always carries a watch
  4. (also intr) to be transmitted or serve as a medium for transmitting: sound carries best over water
  5. to bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure, or responsibility of: her efforts carry the whole production
  6. to have as an attribute or result: this crime carries a heavy penalty
  7. to bring or communicate: to carry news
  8. (also intr) to be pregnant with (young)
  9. to bear (the head, body, etc) in a specified manner: she carried her head high
  10. to conduct or bear (oneself) in a specified manner: she carried herself well in a difficult situation
  11. to continue or extend: the war was carried into enemy territory
  12. to cause to move or go: desire for riches carried him to the city
  13. to influence, esp by emotional appeal: his words carried the crowd
  14. to secure the passage of (a bill, motion, etc)
  15. to win (an election)
  16. to obtain victory for (a candidate or measure) in an election
  17. chiefly US to win a plurality or majority of votes in (a district, legislative body, etc): the candidate carried 40 states
  18. to capture: our troops carried the town
  19. (of communications media) to include as the content: this newspaper carries no book reviews
  20. to transfer (an item) to another account, esp to transfer to the following year’s account instead of writing off against profit and loss
    Also (esp US): carry over : to carry a loss
  21. to transfer (a number) from one column of figures to the next, as from units to tens in multiplication and addition
  22. (of a shop, trader, etc) to keep in stock: to carry confectionery
  23. to support (a musical part or melody) against the other parts
  24. (intransitive) (of a ball, projectile, etc) to travel through the air or reach a specified point: his first drive carried to the green
  25. informal to imbibe (alcoholic drink) without showing ill effects
  26. (intransitive) slang to have drugs on one’s person
  27. carry all before oneto win unanimous support or approval for oneself
  28. carry the caninformal to take the responsibility for some misdemeanour, etc (on behalf of)
  29. carry the dayto win a contest or competition; succeed

n ( pl -ries)

  1. the act of carrying
  2. US Canadian a portion of land over which a boat must be portaged
  3. the range of a firearm or its projectile
  4. the distance travelled by a ball, etc, esp (in golf) the distance from where the ball is struck to where it first touches the ground

See also carry away, carry forward, carry off, carry on, carry out, carry over, carry throughEtymology: 14th Century carien, from Old Northern French carier to move by vehicle, from car, from Latin carrum transport wagon; see car

to carry out‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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