Word that means to break down

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Unfortunately, power electronics have a tendency to break down.

Однако, электронная техника имеет свойство ломаться.

Unfortunately, the car is not an everlasting machine, and it tends to break down.

Однако грузовик — это не вечный двигатель, а значит, может сломаться.

About 15 years ago this arrangement started to break down.

И, приблизительно, пять лет назад эта система начала давать сбои.

They hoped thereby to break down his nerves.

The word analysis means to break down into parts.

We have to break down monopoly.

Soil fertilisers require bacteria to break down more complex elements into useful ones.

Удобрения для почвы требуют определенных бактерий, которые распадаются с более сложных элементов на полезные элементы.

We must strive to break down barriers.

Some foods require more energy to break down than others.

По сути, некоторые продукты требуют больше энергии для переваривания, чем другие.

Hydroquinone alone is not able to break down superoxide.

Следует учитывать то, что только гидрохинон не способен разрушать супероксид.

All tissues and organs begin to break down.

Not only papaya that has enzymes to break down protein.

Папайя — не единственный плод, который содержит ферменты для разрушения белка.

Chelsea were becoming an incredibly hard team to break down.

«Челси» становился командой, оборону которой было невероятно сложно взломать.

I’m going to break down these differences so you can better understand.

Я повторю рассказ об этих недостатках, чтобы вы могли лучше понять.

Most of all, I want to break down the negative stereotypes.

Но главное — ломают негативные стереотипы.

But police threatened to break down the door.

We need to break down barriers to information sharing.

Мы должны снимать барьеры, которые существуют с точки зрения обмена информацией.

Another purpose is to break down stereotypes.

Одна из наших целей — разрушить стереотипы.

As the hyperthyroidism continues, the body tends to break down, so being tired is very common.

Однако, по мере того как гипертиреоз продолжается, организм имеет тенденцию к разрушению, поэтому усталость очень распространена в таких случаях.

We need to break down barriers that hold women back.

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ломаться, ломать, разрушаться, разрушать, распадаться, сломить, разбивать


- сломать, разрушить; сбить

they broke the door down — они сбили /выломали/ дверь

- сломаться, разрушиться; выйти из строя (о машине и т. п.); потерпеть аварию
- ухудшаться, сдавать (о здоровье)

his health broke down — его здоровье пошатнулось

- потерпеть неудачу, провалиться

all our plans broke down — все наши планы провалились
the negotiations broke down — переговоры сорвались
he broke down in the middle of his speech — он запнулся в середине своей речи

- не выдержать, потерять самообладание, расплакаться

she suddenly broke down and cried — она вдруг не выдержала и расплакалась

- разбивать (на классы, категории и т. п.)
- хим. растворяться (в воде); расслаиваться (об эмульсии)
- воен. захлебнуться (о наступлении)
- разбирать (механизм)

to break down a pistol — разобрать пистолет

- смягчать; приглушать (цвет)

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Her car broke down.

Ее машина сломалась.

Both plans broke down.

Оба плана провалились.

My health broke down.

Моё здоровье пошатнулось.

She suddenly broke down and cried.

Она вдруг не выдержала и расплакалась.

The negotiations broke down.

Переговоры сорвались.

The police broke the door down.

Полицейские вышибли дверь.

You will break down if you work too hard.

Если ты будешь слишком много работать, ты потеряешь здоровье.

ещё 14 примеров свернуть

Фразовый глагол Break down

Самую большую категорию слов в английском языке составляют глаголы. Их список может увеличиться в несколько раз, если к этим глаголам добавить еще и фразовые, которые употребляются в речи не реже стандартных. Фразовые глаголы – это глаголы, которые имеют в своем составе глагол с наречием и / или предлогом. Их значение, как правило, кардинально отличается от первоначального смысла глагола. Более того, догадаться об этом значении, не изучив тему, практически невозможно. Break down фразовый глагол как раз-таки может выступать в качестве такого примера. Давайте разберем этот фразовый глагол более детально, рассмотрев его перевод и случаи употребления.

Но для начала остановимся на самом глаголе break. Он достаточно часто встречается в речи носителей самостоятельно. Глагол break является неправильным и имеет 3 особые формы:



Past Simple

(Простое прошедшее время)

Past Participle

(Причастие прошедшего времени)

to break broke broken

Если глагол используется в составе фразового, он также изменяется по указанным формам.

Используется глагол break в значениях «ломать», «разбивать», «нарушать»:

I have broken my leg three times. Я ломал ногу уже три раза.
The children broke the window while playing football. Дети разбили окно во время игры в футбол.
Don’t break the rules if you don’t want problems. Не нарушайте правила, если не хотите проблем.

Break down фразовый глагол: варианты употребления

Если же прибавить к этому глаголу слово down его смысл сразу же меняется. Так, break down фразовый глагол можно использовать в значении:

  1. «Сломаться» (чаще о транспортном средстве / технике):
The car broke down on the way home. Машина сломалась по дороге домой.
  1. «Сломить»:
Poverty did not break him down. Бедность не сломила его.
  1. «Расплакаться»:
When Adam said that they should break up, she broke down in tears. Когда Адам сказал, что они должны расстаться, она расплакалась.
  1. «Потерять самообладание»:
Jane broke down during her speech. Джейн потеряла самообладание во время своей речи.
  1. «Сдавать» (о здоровье):
My mental health broke down. Мое психическое здоровье пошатнулось.
  1. «Разобрать по частям»:
If you want to do your job fast, you should break it down into small steps. Если вы хотите быстро выполнять свою работу, вы должны разбить ее на небольшие шаги.
  1. «Разложить по полочкам»:
Let me break it down for them. Позволь мне разложить им все по полочкам.
  1. «Прекратиться» (об отношениях или разговоре в негативном контексте):
The negotiation broke down completely. Переговоры полностью прекратились.
  1. «Устранить трудность, которая мешает чего-то достичь»:
You have to spend some time to break down the language barrier. Вы придется потратить некоторое время, чтобы разрушить языковой барьер.

Как видите, у такого фразового глагола как break down уйма значений, которые на начальном этапе можно запомнить только с переводом или контекстом. Необходимо знать все возможные интерпретации фразового глагола во избежание недопонимания.

Фразовый глагол break: другие значения

Конечно же, одним фразовым глаголом break down все не ограничивается. Есть ряд других фразовых глаголов, которые также употребляются в речи. Рассмотрим самые распространенные из них.

  1. Break out – сбежать:
He has broken out of prison twice. Он дважды сбегал из тюрьмы.

Также используется как «разразиться», когда речь идет о войне:

World War I broke out in 1914. Первая Мировая война началась в 1914.

И в значении «вспыхнуть» о пожаре или эпидемии:

The fire broke out at midnight. Пожар вспыхнул в полночь.
  1. Break up – обычно в значениях «распадаться» (о коллективе и браках)  и «расстаться» (о влюбленных парах):
The Beatles officially broke up in 1970. The Beatles официально распались в 1970 году.
I’m sure Mike and Helen will break up soon. Я уверен, что Майк и Хелен скоро расстанутся.

Также в значении «прекратить» (о собраниях):

The meeting broke up at noon. Заседание завершилось в полдень.
  1. Break into – «ворваться», «проникнуть», «вломиться»:
An armed robber broke into her apartment. В ее квартиру ворвался вооруженный грабитель.
  1. Break through – «прорваться», «пробиться»:
Suddenly the sun broke through the clouds. Внезапно сквозь облака пробилось солнце.

Также «сделать прорыв», «достичь успеха»:

Scientists broke through in their fight against diabetes. Ученые совершили прорыв в борьбе против диабета.
  1. Break off – «внезапно прекратить разговор», «порвать отношения», «расторгнуть помолвку»:
They broke off the conversation when I came in. Когда я вошел, они прервали разговор.
The engagement was broken off before its announcement. Помолвка была расторгнута еще до ее объявления.
  1. Break away – «сбежать от кого-либо» (чаще о преступниках), «отделиться»:
Leo made attempts to break away from the policeman. Лео попытался оторваться от полицейского.
I decided to break away from the friends who always made fun of me. Я решил отделиться от тех друзей, которые всегда смеялись надо мной.

Также в значении «покончить с привычкой»:

It is not that easy to break away from sugar. Не так легко перестать есть сахар.
  1. Break in – «перебивать»:
‘Max,’ he broke in, ‘you misunderstood me.’ — Макс, — перебил он, — ты меня неправильно понял.

Глагол break действительно имеет много значений, которые нужно знать и уметь использовать. Старайтесь изучать хотя бы по одному фразовому глаголу в день, делая упражнения и составляя свои собственные примеры. Ну и, конечно же, каждое упражнение должно подкрепляться практикой, поэтому не бойтесь общаться с носителями и задавать им вопросы.

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break down

1. verb Of a machine, to malfunction or break altogether. I’m afraid the blender is breaking down. It stopped working again today. She didn’t come to the party because her car broke down on the way here.

2. verb To fail or cease. Negotiations have broken down again, and I’m starting to worry that we’ll never reach an agreement for a new contract.

3. verb To destroy a physical structure. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «break» and «down.» I’ll break this door down if you don’t come out here right now!

4. verb To dismantle a societal obstacle. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «break» and «down.» We owe a lot to the pioneering activists of earlier eras, who battled prejudice and broke down barriers.

5. verb To lose control of one’s emotions, especially sadness or grief. My mother seemed fine this morning, but she completely broke down at the funeral and cried through the whole thing.

6. verb To methodically explain something step by step. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «break» and «down.» Can you break down the healthcare proposal to me? I’m not very well informed about it.

7. verb To reduce something to its component parts. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «break» and «down.» If you break down water, it’s just hydrogen and oxygen molecules. We need to break down the equipment and pack the truck as quickly as possible once the gig is over.

8. verb To get someone else to do what one wants, often by coercion. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is typically used between «break» and «down.» I’ll threaten him if I have to—anything to break him down and get that classified information from him. The prosecutor was able to break down the defendant until he confessed.

9. verb To give in to pressure; to acquiesce. If we keep asking mom and dad to get pizza, eventually they’ll break down and order it.

10. noun A state of collapse that is typically induced by some form of stress. In this usage, the phrase is typically written as one word. Once I learned the extent of my injuries, I had a complete breakdown and didn’t leave my room for weeks. The coup was followed by a complete societal breakdown. The breakdown of our supply line was caused by an excessive demand.

11. noun A methodical, step-by-step explanation of something. In this usage, the phrase is typically written as one word. Can you give me a breakdown of the healthcare proposal? I’m not very well informed about it.

12. noun An itemized list. In this usage, the phrase is typically written as one word. We’d like to see a breakdown of the bill so we can see everything we’ve been charged for.

break it down

1. To explain something in steps. I know it can be confusing, but once I break it down for you, I think you’ll start to get it.

2. Stop! Quit it! Primarily heard in Australia. You guys are making too much noise—break it down!

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

break someone down

to force someone to give up and tell secrets or agree to do something. After threats of torture, they broke the spy down. They broke down the agent by threatening violence.

break something down

 (into something)

1. to reduce a compound or its structure to its components. Heat will break this down into sodium and a few gases. Will heat break down this substance into anything useful? We broke it into little pieces.

2. to reduce a large numerical total to its subparts and explain each one. She broke the total down into its components. Please break down the total into its parts again. I’ll break the total down for you.

3. to discuss the details of something by examining its subparts. (See also break something down (for someone).) Let’s break this problem down into its parts and deal with each one separately. Breaking down complex problems into their components is almost fun. Let’s break this issue down and discuss it.

break something down


1. Lit. to tear something down; to destroy something. They used an ax to break the door down. We broke down the wall with big hammers.

2. Fig. to destroy a social or legal barrier. The court broke a number of legal barriers down this week. They had to break down many social prejudices to manage to succeed.

break something down

(for someone) Fig. to explain something to someone in simple terms or in an orderly fashion. (Alludes to breaking a complex problem into smaller segments which can be explained more easily. See also break something down (into something).) She doesn’t understand. You will have to break it down for her. I can help. This is a confusing question. Let me break down the problem for you.

break down (and cry)

to surrender to demands or emotions and cry. Max finally broke down and confessed. I was afraid I would break down and cry from the sadness I felt.

(nervous) breakdown

Fig. a physical and mental collapse brought on by great anxiety over a period of time. After month after month of stress and strain, Sally had a nervous breakdown.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

break down

1. Demolish, destroy, either physically or figuratively, as in The carpenters broke down the partition between the bedrooms, or The governor’s speeches broke down the teachers’ opposition to school reform. [Late 1300s]

2. Separate into constituent parts, analyze. For example, I insisted that they break down the bill into the separate charges for parts and labor, or The chemist was trying to break down the compound’s molecules. [Mid-1800s]

3. Stop functioning, cease to be effective or operable, as in The old dishwasher finally broke down. [Mid-1800s]

4. Become distressed or upset; also, have a physical or mental collapse, as in The funeral was too much for her and she broke down in tears, or After seeing all his work come to nothing, he broke down and had to be treated by a psychiatrist . [Late 1800s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

break down


1. To cause something to collapse, especially by hitting it: The firefighters broke down the door of the burning house. The bulldozer pushed at the old wall and broke it down.

2. To collapse, especially as a result of force or pressure; give way: The door finally broke down after I kept hitting it with a club.

3. To cause someone to stop resisting, especially by force or pressure: The police will break you down and make you talk.

4. To stop resisting; accede: My friends kept pleading with me to go to the beach, so I finally broke down and went along with them.

5. To destroy or remove something, especially something viewed as a problem: This political party hopes to break down the barriers between social classes. Let’s identify the obstacles and break them down.

6. To stop functioning: The elevator broke down, so please use the stairs.

7. To be a passenger in a vehicle that stops functioning: We’re late because we broke down just outside the city.

8. To fail despite effort; come to a stop: The negotiations between the warring nations broke down, and the fighting continued.

9. To suffer an emotional or mental collapse: The stress of my new job was so high that I eventually broke down and couldn’t go to work for days.

10. To separate something into parts; take something apart: When the carnival was over, we broke down all the tents. The workers broke down the equipment and put it into storage.

11. To examine or explain something by looking at its parts; analyze something: Break down your story into its main themes and write each part separately. This problem looks very difficult, but if we break it down, it becomes easy to solve.

12. To be divisible into smaller parts: The population of the city breaks down into three main groups: the poor, the rich, and the middle class.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • barf
  • barfola
  • going to
  • explain (oneself)
  • explain oneself
  • explain yourself
  • cross over
  • face off
  • face-off
  • blow

Frequently Asked Questions About break down The words analyze and dissect are common synonyms of break down. While all three words mean “to divide a complex whole into its parts or elements,” break down implies a reducing to simpler parts or divisions.

What does having a breakdown mean?

If you have a breakdown, you become very depressed, so that you are unable to cope with your life. My personal life was terrible. My mother had died, and a couple of years later I had a breakdown. Synonyms: collapse, nervous breakdown, crackup [informal] More Synonyms of breakdown.

What is the example of breakdown?

The definition of a breakdown is a mechanical failure, a collapse of a system of authority, a failure of a relationship or interaction, or a collapse of someone’s mental health and a descent into permanent or temporary craziness. When your car stops working and will no longer start, this is an example of a breakdown.

How do you break down a large word?

Strategies for Reading Longer Words

  1. Look for parts you know at the BEGINNING of the word (prefixes).
  2. Look for parts you know at the END of the word (suffixes).
  3. Look for VOWEL PATTERNS that you know in the base word.
  4. Divide the word into SYLLABLES.
  5. Now, make your BEST GUESS.

What is another name for chemical breakdown?

Chemical decomposition, or chemical breakdown, is the process or effect of simplifying a single chemical entity (normal molecule, reaction intermediate, etc.)

How do you know if you’re having a breakdown?

What are the symptoms of a nervous breakdown?

  1. depressive symptoms, such as loss of hope and thoughts of suicide or self-harm.
  2. anxiety with high blood pressure, tense muscles, clammy hands, dizziness, upset stomach, and trembling or shaking.
  3. insomnia.
  4. hallucinations.
  5. extreme mood swings or unexplained outbursts.

What is a breakdown emotional?

“Emotional breakdown” is a term often used to describe someone suffering from depression, anxiety and acute stress disorder. An emotional breakdown means someone is experiencing: Insomnia. Hallucinations. Emotional outbursts including anger – sometimes with no obvious cause.

What are the symptoms of a breakdown?

What are the symptoms of a nervous breakdown?

  • depressive symptoms, such as loss of hope and thoughts of suicide or self-harm.
  • anxiety with high blood pressure, tense muscles, clammy hands, dizziness, upset stomach, and trembling or shaking.
  • insomnia.
  • hallucinations.
  • extreme mood swings or unexplained outbursts.

How do you use breakdown?

If you need a noun, choose the word breakdown. If you need a verb, use break down. Breakdown functions primarily as a noun. Break down is a verb phrase.

How do you break a word into parts?

Divide a Document into Sections

  1. Place the insertion point where you want the section break.
  2. Choose the Page Layout tab.
  3. Click the down-arrow next to the Breaks button. A menu appears.
  4. Click the type of section break you want. Word inserts the section break.

Is break down one word?

If the term you are wishing to use is a verb, separate it into two words to form break down. As a noun, breakdown is only one word. Break down is never a noun, and breakdown is never a verb.

Does breakdown mean crying?

feel unable to concentrate — difficulty focusing at work, and being easily distracted. be moody — feeling low or depression; feeling burnt out; emotional outbursts of uncontrollable anger, fear, helplessness or crying.

Can you split a word document into 4?

To split a page to 4 parts, you can insert a table to deal with the job. Place the cursor at left-top of the page, then click Insert > Table, select 2×2 Table. 2. The table has been inserted, then drag right-corner of the table to resize it as you need.

Is breakdown in a sentence?

1 He moved away after the breakdown of his marriage. 2 Our car had a breakdown on the motorway. 3 Extreme stress had driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown. 4 These events left her on the verge of having a nervous breakdown.

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