Word that means thinking about



Автоматический перевод

подумать, думать, задуматься, обдумать, думать о том, продумать, подумать о том, о чем думать, размышления

Перевод по словам

think  — думать, считать, мыслить, полагать, мысль, размышление
about  — о, об, около, по, около, меняющий курс, менять курс


I’ll think about it.

Я подумаю об этом.

We did think about moving to Tokyo.

Мы действительно думали о переезде в Токио.

Meanwhile I will not think about the problem.

Пока что я не буду думать об этой проблеме.

I don’t know what to think about new director.

Я пока не составил себе мнения о новом директоре.

I need to think about it. It’s a big decision.

Мне нужно подумать. Это очень серьёзное решение.

I dread to think about what they might do next.

Я боюсь думать о том, что они ещё могут сделать.

I want to think about it. Can I leave it for now?

Я хочу это обдумать. Можно пока что это отложить?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the lowering sky made us think twice about going to the park…  

You should think about reducing your fat intake (=the amount of fat you eat).  

You need to think about comfort and practicality when choosing walking shoes.  

Don’t even think about calling him (=used to tell someone strongly not to do something).  

He didn’t look the sort of man to forgive and forget (=forgive someone and no longer think about it).  

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Think of and Think about are two expressions that are often used in the same sense since there is not much of a difference between think of and think about. Both expressions, think of and think about, are created by adding prepositions of and about to the end of the verb think. Therefore, before understanding the expressions think of and think about we should first know some details about the word think. Now, the word think is used as a verb as well as a noun. The origin of the word think lies in the Old English word thencan. Moreover, there are a number of phrases in English language that use the word think such as think again, think aloud, think big, etc.

What does Think Of mean?

Think of is used to express remembrance. In other words, you can say that think of is used when you call something to mind. Look at the sentences given below.

I think of my car when I watch the races.

He thinks of his award whenever he sees another getting one.

In both the sentences, the usage of the expression think of is made to express the sense of remembrance. In the first sentence, the person remembered his own car when he watched the races. Alternatively, we could say the person calls the image of his car into his mind when he watches races. In the second sentence , the person remembered the award given to him whenever he saw another person getting a similar award.

Moreover, the expression think of lasts less time when you consider the duration of thought. In the examples, the first speaker does not keep on thinking about his car. Rather his car comes to his mind, and that thought goes away in a short time.

Difference Between Think Of and Think About

What does Think About mean?

The expression think about, on the other hand, expresses the sense of ‘interest due to affection or any other feeling’ as in the sentences,

I think about my sister whenever I see her.

He thinks about his home when he is away from it.

In both the sentences, the usage of the expression think about suggests the idea of ‘interest due to affection or any other feeling. In the first sentence, the person’s interest on her sister due to affection for her is suggested. In the second sentence, the person’s interest on his home is suggested by the usage of the expression think about.

When considering the duration of the thought it should be said that the expression though about suggests that the thought is a lengthy one. That means the thought that came to mind stays there for a while. You do not just remember you sister and forget her. Rather you keep on thinking about her for some time.

What is the difference between Think Of and Think About?

• Think of is used to express remembrance. In other words, you can say that think of is used when you call something to mind. The expression think about, on the other hand, expresses the sense of ‘interest due to affection or any other feeling.’ This is primarily the difference between the two expressions, namely, think of and think about.

• The expression think of is more momentary than think about in terms of duration of thought. In other words, the expression think about suggests that the thought is a lengthy one whereas the expression think of suggests that the thought is a short one. This is also an important difference between the two expressions think of and think about.

  • Вопрос

Хотелось бы узнать, какая разница между «think of» и «think about»?

Cecile, Belgium

  • Ответ

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Hi Cecile and thanks for your question — prepositions are a very tricky area! This is also what’s known as a collocation issue… which means we need to look at which words work best in partnership with ‘think of’ and ‘think about’. Basically, ‘think of’ usually means ‘imagine’ whereas ‘think about’ tends to mean something closer to ‘consider’, so the differences would arise in certain contexts. For example, if I say I’m thinking of a tropical beach, please don’t interrupt me! I mean I’m imagining it or daydreaming about it. However, a sentence like ‘they’re thinking about whether to agree to the sale,’ means they’re considering the sale. In these cases, it’s just natural usage patterns that tend to favour one form over another.

Привет, Сесили, и спасибо за вопрос. С предлогами связано много хитростей! Их ещё называют проблемой сочетаемости… это значит, что нужно посмотреть, с какими словами лучше употребить «think of«, а с какими — «think about«. Основное значение для «think of» — «представлять себе», а для «think about» — скорее ближе к «думать, рассматривать». Эти различия проявляются в определённых контекстах. Например, если я говорю, что я думаю о тропическом пляже (I’m thinking of a tropical beach), то не мешайте мне думать о приятном! Я представляю его себе, как бы мечтаю о нём. Однако такое предложение как «Они раздумывают, соглашаться ли им на продажу (they’re thinking about whether to agree to the sale)» значит, что они обдумывают продажу. В этих случаях предпочтительность того или иного предлога определяется контекстом, который естественным образом подсказывает предлог.

But when we are talking about people, we often tend to use them both in a similar way. For example, if my friend had an accident and went to hospital, I might send a card and some flowers with a message which could either read: ‘I’m thinking of you,’ or ‘I’m thinking about you’, and the meaning wouldn’t be significantly different.

Но когда мы говорим о людях, то оба эти предлога дают сходный смысл. Например, если с моим другом случился несчастный случай и он попал в больницу, я могу послать ему открытку (или визитку) с цветами и написать или «I’m thinking of you», или «I’m thinking about you» — и не будет большой смысловой разницы.

I hope that helps Cecile — thanks for your question.

Надеюсь, что помогла тебе, Сесили. Спасибо за вопрос.

Sian Harris


Указатель изучаемых английских слов и словосочетаний:

A, B
C, D
E, F
G, H
I, J
K, L
M, N
O, P
Q, R
S, T
U, V
W, X
Y, Z

There is a difference between «think of» and «think about.»

Some examples of «think of»:

A: «What did you think of Mary Jones’s speech?»
B: «I didn’t think much of it.»

A is asking B’s opinion on Mary Jones’s speech. B replies that she did not think it was a very good speech.

A: «Have you thought of packing water bottles?»

A is asking if it has occurred to B to pack water bottles.

«Think about» has a different meaning. It implies a longer period of contemplation on the matter at hand. Using the same examples, the phrase changes the meanings:

A: Did you think about Mary Jones’s speech?»

B: No, I haven’t thought much about it yet.

In this case, it is likely that A and B have previously discussed forming some kind of opinion on Mary Jones’s speech. A is asking B if she has come to an opinion yet. B is replying that she has not had time to form an opinion yet.

Or else:

A: «Have you thought about packing water bottles?»

This question suggests that A and B had previously discussed the possibility of packing water bottles, and A is asking B if she has given the matter any more thought.

What is a better word for thinking?

Some common synonyms of think are conceive, envisage, envision, fancy, imagine, and realize. While all these words mean “to form an idea of,” think implies the entrance of an idea into one’s mind with or without deliberate consideration or reflection. I just thought of a good joke.

What is a word for thinking deeply?

Some common synonyms of ponder are meditate, muse, and ruminate.

What’s another word for critical thinking?

What is another word for critical thinking?

thinking thoughts
cogitation contemplation
musing deliberation
ideas ideation
introspection thought process

What is the ability to think called?

intellect. noun. the ability to think in an intelligent way and to understand difficult or complicated ideas and subjects.

How do you say I think in a formal way?

10 Better Ways to Say “I Think…”

  1. Social English. To me… In my opinion… If you ask me… The way I see things is that…
  2. Business English. As far as I can tell… As far as I’m concerned… It seems to me that…
  3. Academic English. From my point of view… I honestly believe that… I feel that/ assume that…

What is another word for thinking hard?

•puzzle (verb)

mull over, ask oneself, marvel, brood.

What is another word for thoughts and feelings?

“I’d be interested in your thoughts on this matter.”

What is another word for thoughts?

opinion judgmentUS
sentiments views
beliefs feelings
mindset philosophy
stance standpoint

What is the word for thinking about thinking?

The term metacognition literally means ‘above cognition’, and is used to indicate cognition about cognition, or more informally, thinking about thinking.

What is words to ponder?

Words related to ponder

consider, contemplate, deliberate, evaluate, examine, mull, mull over, reflect, speculate, weigh, appraise, brood, cerebrate, cogitate, daydream, debate, dwell, excogitate, figure, meditate.

What is the synonym of contemplating?

Some common synonyms of contemplate are consider, study, and weigh. While all these words mean “to think about in order to arrive at a judgment or decision,” contemplate stresses focusing one’s thoughts on something but does not imply coming to a conclusion or decision.

What is a word for acting without thinking?

impulsive Add to list Share. If someone is impulsive, it means that they act on instinct, without thinking decisions through.

What does the Latin word pondered mean?

Etymology. From Middle English ponderen, from Old French ponderer (“to weigh, balance, ponder”) from Latin ponderare (“to weigh, ponder”), from pondus (“weight”), from pendere (“to weigh”); see pendent and pound.

What does it mean to think things through?

: to think about all the different parts or effects of (something) for a period of time especially in an effort to understand or make a decision about it I need time to think this through.

What is a antonym for Ponder?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for pondering. short shrift.

What is the adjective of Ponder?

Definitions of pondering. adjective. deeply or seriously thoughtful. synonyms: brooding, broody, contemplative, meditative, musing, pensive, reflective, ruminative thoughtful.

What does the word contemplate?

1 : to look at with careful and thoughtful attention. 2 : to think about deeply and carefully.

What does ponder mean in Bible?

It means “to meditate and think deeply, often upon the scriptures or other things of God. When combined with prayer, pondering the things of God may bring revelation and understanding.”

Is Ponderer a word?

Noun. A person who ponders; a thinker.

What does it mean to ponder in your heart?

In the sense most relevant to its scriptural use, ponder means to think or reflect deeply, to meditate or contemplate, to muse, to wonder (Oxford English Dictionary).

How do you use the word pondering?

  1. She pondered for a moment before replying.
  2. This was something I had been pondering about for some time.
  3. I walked up the stairs, pondering on her reaction to my news.
  4. I pondered hard over the reply to his letter.
  5. Spencer stopped to ponder the thought.

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