Word that means surroundings

окрестности, окружение, среда


- окрестности
- среда; окружение
- окружающая среда

Мои примеры


hygienic surroundings with plenty of fresh air — здоровая среда с обилием свежего воздуха  
the ennobling influence of cultural surroundings — облагораживающее влияние культурного окружения  
adjustment to the surroundings — адаптация к окружающим условиям  
the house is in beautiful surroundings — дом расположен в красивой местности  
sympathetic surroundings — благоприятная /располагающая/ обстановка  
see an animal in its proper surroundings — наблюдать животное в естественных условиях  
urban roadways and their surroundings — городские автотрассы и их окрестности  
awake to surroundings — прийти в сознание и понять, где находишься  
awareness of the surroundings — ориентированность в окружающей обстановке  
be in surroundings one knows — быть в знакомой обстановке  
disorientation in surroundings — дезориентировка в обстановке  
effect of surroundings — влияние среды  

Примеры с переводом

He gets nervous when he is in unfamiliar surroundings.

Он начинает нервничать, когда находится в незнакомой обстановке.

It was a relief to be back in familiar surroundings.

Было облегчением вернуться в привычную обстановку.

Her cheerful mood stands in sharp contrast to her dreary surroundings.

Её веселое настроение резко контрастирует с унылой окружающей обстановкой.

Refections at the monastery are as spartan as the surroundings.

Еда в монастыре такая же спартанская, как и всё остальное /как и обстановка/.

You can dine in elegant surroundings.

Вы можете пообедать в изысканной обстановке.

The cat was naturally curious about its new surroundings.

Кошка, проявляла естественное любопытство к своему новому окружению (месту жительства).

…she was unaccustomed to living in such silken surroundings…

…она не привыкла жить в такой роскошной среде…

I have now received particulars of the death from the immediate surroundings of the King.

Я узнал подробности смерти от приближённых короля.

Be alert at night especially in unfamiliar surroundings.

Ночью будьте начеку, особенно в незнакомой обстановке.

People who can exercise some control over their surroundings feel less anxious.

Человек, который может осуществлять некоторый контроль над своим окружением, чувствует себя менее тревожно.

Their love left them indifferent to their surroundings.

Они были влюблены, и им было всё равно, где они, и что происходит вокруг.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I was shocked by the squalor of their surroundings.

We familiarized ourselves with the new surroundings

She stood on deck to gaze at the unfamiliar surroundings.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

surrounding  — близлежащий, окрестный, соседний

surroundings — перевод на русский


The convent is surrounded by an 8 kilometer wall. It protects from attacks by wolves and wild boar.

Монастырь окружен 8 километровой стеной, слуцжащей защитой от волков и диких медведей.

Surrounded by unfriendly faces.

Он окружен врагами.

The battalions is completely surrounded.

батальон полностью окружен

Now… you have me surrounded here, huh?

— Похоже, я тут окружён.

He’s gotta get out of here somehow ’cause they’s got the hotel surrounded.

Ему надо как-то выбраться, ведь отель окружён.

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Major, they surround us. Fire is coming from our right

майор, они окружают нас огонь ведется справа от нас

I am surrounded by cattle.

Меня окружают скоты.

They’re surrounding him in the chancel!

Не будем терять время. Они окружают Жоржа в клиросе.

But it’s as if he was living in a dream world where he’s surrounded by enemies.

Ему кажется, что мы сейчас в ином мире, а его окружают враги.

I’m sure we’re surrounded by Martians.

Думаю, что нас окружают… марсиане.

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We’re surrounded.

Нас окружили.

So, they surrounded the house?

Итак, они окружили дом?

-They got him surrounded.

Вроде, его окружили.

You mean about the time that the revenuers surrounded the still…

Нет, почему. Ты о случае, когда сборщики налогов окружили винокурню,

Well, there I was on Marooner’s Rock surrounded…

На Скале выброшенных меня окружили 40 или 50 пиратов…

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You haven’t changed a bit since our last barbecue at Twelve Oaks… where you sat under a tree surrounded by dozens of beaus.

Вы ничуть не изменились с того дня в Двенадцати Дубах когда вы сидели в окружении дюжины поклонников.

Now he is in my surroundings.

Сейчас он в моем окружении.

I can see you in court now surrounded by a bunch of lawyers in double-breasted suits.

Я вижу вас на скамье подсудимых, в окружении адвокатов в двубортных костюмах.

Surrounded by armed men. -What course would you suggest?

¬нутри, в окружении вооруженной охраны.

There’s a museum in the town, and you, the guard’s daughter, grew up surrounded by images of ancient beauty…

В городе музей, а ты дочь сторожа, выросшая в окружении изображений древней красоты…

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Will you correlate the actions of the particles surrounding your spacecraft… with the action of your control jets, do you read, over?

Ты можешь изменить поведение окружающих частиц при помощи своих струйных рулей?

He no longer gives up his own identity… to be a safe part of his surroundings.

Он больше не поступается своей индивидуальностью… чтобы чувствовать безопасность среди окружающих.

One day, in the mountains surrounding the Sahving Valley, we were ambushed by Cardassians.

Oднажды в горах, окружающих долину Савинг, мы попали в кардассианскую засаду.

«I tended to be impressionable… «to be influenced by my surroundings…

Я поддался влиянию окружающих меня людей.

‘Cause when you really look at the group that Jesus surrounded himself with, they were all human mongrels.

Если вы внимательнее посмотрите на группу людей, окружающих Христа,.. …вы увидите, что все они полукровки.

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We can cover all the surrounding area.

Мы можем просматривать все окрестности.

I will as well personally give you tour of the… Come si dice? — The surroundings area.

» тогда € лично покажу вам… ак это по-английски… окрестности.

I decided to explore the area surrounding Craine’s office and I found the answer almost immediately.

Я решил обследовать окрестности конторы Крейна и почти сразу нашел ответ.

Sweep the surrounding blocks for civilians, save who you can.

Очистите окрестности от гражданских. Спасите тех, кого сможете.

No sign. We checked the house and surrounding, issued an Amber Alert.

Мы прочесали дом и окрестности в поисках Эмбер Элерт.

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And the little sweep is happy to be in such rich and strange surroundings.

А маленький трубочист просто счастлив, оказавшись в роскошной и необычной обстановке

He’s nervous about the new surroundings.

Он нервничает в новой обстановке.

We’re having a farewell drink in these delightful surroundings.

Мы тут решили выпить напоследок в этой роскошной обстановке.

Let’s continue this scintillating repartee in more comfortable surroundings.

— Давай продолжим с этим забавником в более комфортной обстановке.

Give me a report on the surrounding area of the square every two hours.

Сделаешь рапорт об обстановке за последние два часа.

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Then of course, there’s the mysterious circumstances surrounding Josie’s death to consider.

И ещё, конечно, нельзя не иметь в виду загадочные обстоятельства смерти Джози.

If the circumstances surrounding Kemble’s death are not investigated…

Если обстоятельства смерти Кембла не будут расследованы…

Now the cops are saying that the circumstances surrounding the girl’s disappearance are similar to several murder-kidnappings in Austin three years ago.

Теперь полиция заявляет, что обстоятельства исчезновения девушки напоминают обстоятельства ряда похищений и убийств в Остине 3 года назад.

The circumstances surrounding Emily’s death were unusual.

Обстоятельства ее смерти были необычными.

Mr Jarrah, given the amazing circumstances surrounding the survival of you six, is it possible there are any other survivors from the crash yet to be discovered?

Учитывая удивительные обстоятельства того, как вам шестерым удалось выжить, можно ли ожидать, что будут обнаружены другие выжившие с этого самолёта?

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Our claim to Archanis IV and the surrounding territory is ancient and indisputable.

Наши притязания на Арканис IV и прилегающие территории являются древними и неоспоримыми.

All surrounding streets are locked down.

Все прилегающие улицы перекрыты.

And there is a risk that the surrounding sectors may join them.

И есть вероятность, что прилегающие районьl могут к нему присоединиться.

They’ve also occupied the surrounding corridors.

Они также заняли прилегающие коридоры.

Ma’am, we’re still searching the building and the surrounding areas.

Мэм, мы до сих пор обыскиваем здание и прилегающие районы.

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It’s beginning to break down the molecular bonds in all surrounding sections.

Она начинает разрывать молекулярные связи во всех соседних секциях.

I want snipers on all surrounding roofs, and if you get a visual on Pierce first, call.

Мне нужны снайпера на соседних крышах зданиях и если кто-то увидит Пирса первым, сообщите

60,000 blue shirts from Huelva and the surrounding province, filled with patriotic and Falangist fervor…

60 тысяч «голубых рубашек» из Уэльвы и соседних провинций, преисполненные идеалами патриотизма и фалангизма…

Checking water-quality reports in Massachusetts and surrounding States.

Проверяю отчеты о качества воды в Массачусетсе и соседних штатах.

We’ve extended an APB to surrounding counties.

Мы уведомили сотрудников в соседних округах.

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Отправить комментарий

Ostensibly, at least, this isolation against his surroundings is an expression of deep pessimism, not to say negativism. ❋ Unknown (1975)

The digital paint job that adorns the entire cast as well as their surroundings is such an inspired choice of visualization; it underlines the dialogue and makes the pompous and contrived seem organic and expressive. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Telling pedestrians to be aware of their surroundings is like telling drivers not to drive with cell phones. ❋ Unknown (2009)

And science has never yet shown us that awe at our surroundings is inappropriate. ❋ Carol Rumens (2010)

I have to agree that setting a proper table, even in dirty, dusty surroundings, is not a bad idea. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Set in surroundings of somewhat stark grandeur, the village was sited on a low rise in the tongue of land … ❋ Unknown (2008)

I’m pretty sure that Obama meant «bearings» as in «surroundings» or that McCain was out of touch. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Accusing this house of not maintaining a relationship to its surroundings is just rediculous. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Human pollution of the urban surroundings is controlled meticulously. ❋ Unknown (2007)

And by the fact that you can have a view of your surroundings from the inside, and still be able to pertain maximum privacy from the outside is terrific!!! ❋ Unknown (2007)

For him, the opportunity to spend time in natural surroundings is actually his favorite aspect of shooting artistic photos. ❋ Unknown (2006)

How do some microorganisms manage to exist and even thrive in surroundings ranging from Antarctica to boiling hot springs? ❋ Unknown (2006)

 The one thing they need help with until they are use to their surroundings is feeding and as smart as these little fellows are it won’t take long for them to get adapted to your feeding schedule. ❋ Unknown (2005)

Given that the fundraising brochures of every major environmental group assure the public that the only possible way to «preserve,» «conserve,» or «save» almost every element of our natural surroundings is government ownership, one might reasonably expect a wealth of research comparing the outcomes of public and private ownership on various species and habitats. ❋ Unknown (2005)

His models are not models, but people he is familiar with, in surroundings that he is familiar with. ❋ Unknown (2005)

He also has to go on a date in surroundings of musical chaos even more raucous than those Dixon endures at «the ball.» ❋ Unknown (2002)

We [drove] by [White Castle Burgers], I said «Let’s get some [White Castle]» & they didn’t stop… «SURROUNDED!!» ❋ MamaD (2013)

(2 Black men at a concert)
«I thought you said we were going to see [Busta Rhymes], this is [LeAnn Rimes]!»
«Oh my bad. Lets [get the hell out of here], these white folks got us *SURROUNDED!* ❋ Aimjeezy (2008)

I’m gonna [top drop] today so [the gals] can see my [surround]. ❋ Darkness_5600 (2009)

[Kid A] : «You Comin’ up the skate park [blud]?»
Kid B : «Yeh, [surround].» ❋ Aggyman Irie (2006)

«[Surround] mate,[hows] it going?»
Do you want to [go out] for a smoke? «[surround]» ❋ James Langston (2006)

Jon: David, check out the [surround shelf].
David: That’s a great [shelf]. I could [fix my car’s] transmission on that surround shelf. ❋ JonTheMac (2010)

Lets say your [roommates] name is Mike.
«Hey Mike how was that [surround sex] last night?»
«Oh it was great even though it keep me up all night the surround feeling of [Surround Sex] made it seem close to real and masturbating only made it better. It was [a win] win situation for everyone in my opinion.»
«Sure. creepy… glad you don’t mind though» ❋ Sex Machine1447 (2010)

(2 Black Guys at a Concert)
«Man I thought you said it was gonna be [Busta Rhymes]… This is [LeAnn Rimes] son!»
«Oh my bad man let’s get the hell [up outta here], we’re *SURROUNDED* right now!!!» ❋ Aimjeezy (2008)

guy 1: ok who [farted]? guys 2 and 3: i did. guy 1: [dang] [hittin] me with the surround smell. ❋ Kitchwatembo (2008)

I woke up this morning and had sex with my gf before heading off to work. Once I got to work, [the ex] GF wanted to have lunch at her place which meant a [nooner]. Once I got home from work, my gf called and came over where we had sex once more to round out a perfect [surround pound] for the day. ❋ Prally (2012)


Example Sentences

Recent Examples on the Web

Commissioner Andrew Brink said several new residences are in development in the area and the proposal seemed compatible with its surroundings.

Stacy Ryburn, Arkansas Online, 24 Jan. 2023

Spas are also offering treatments that emphasize connecting with natural surroundings.

Caitlin Raux Gunther, Condé Nast Traveler, 18 Jan. 2023

And though the rest of the league has had a long offseason to figure out ways to control him, Puig is returning more comfortable with his new surroundings.

Staff Writer
Follow, Los Angeles Times, 13 Jan. 2023

Simple and elegant, these stools seamlessly blend into any dining space instead of competing with their surroundings.

Addie Morton, Better Homes & Gardens, 6 Jan. 2023

The fish pond is lined with stone to fit in with its natural surroundings.

John R. Ellement, BostonGlobe.com, 4 Jan. 2023

From discovering fire pits hidden by the edge of the ocean to experiences like moonlit forest bathing, everything at Naviva was created to help guests connect more deeply with their natural surroundings.

Kris Fordham, CNN, 27 Dec. 2022

Snap a few candids of your children interacting with their surroundings and you might be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.

Alyssa Gautieri, Good Housekeeping, 14 Nov. 2022

His increasing comfort — with the offense, with his surroundings, with his teammates — should help.

Dan Wiederer, Chicago Tribune, 9 Nov. 2022

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘surroundings.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1841, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of surroundings was
in 1841

Dictionary Entries Near surroundings

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“Surroundings.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/surroundings. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Merriam-Webster unabridged

Your surroundings are the things all around you. When you park your car in a huge lot, paying attention to your surroundings can help you find the car again later.

You can use the noun surroundings to mean the nearby environment — all of the objects close by, as well as the location itself — and also the circumstances or conditions where you are. When someone builds a house, the surroundings will help determine which direction it will face and how many windows it will have. Surroundings stems from surround, «be all around,» but originally «flood or overflow.»

Definitions of surroundings

  1. noun

    the area in which something exists or lives

  2. noun

    the environmental condition

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘surroundings’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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Table of Contents

  1. Is surrounding a noun?
  2. Is surrounding an adverb?
  3. Is the word surrounding a preposition?
  4. Can surroundings mean people?
  5. What are the surroundings?
  6. What is the difference between surrounding and surroundings?
  7. Is water system or surrounding?
  8. Is a thermometer part of the surroundings?
  9. Is the beaker part of the system?
  10. Is endothermic hot or cold?
  11. Is cooking an egg endothermic or exothermic?
  12. Is scrambled eggs endothermic or exothermic?
  13. Is frying an egg a endothermic process?
  14. What is a real life example of an exothermic reaction?
  15. What are 2 examples of exothermic reactions?
  16. What are 3 examples of exothermic reactions?
  17. Is burning a sugar cube endothermic or exothermic?
  18. What are 3 examples of freezing?
  19. Is exothermic hot or cold?
  20. Is Melting endothermic or exothermic?
  21. Is Melting is exothermic reaction?
  22. Is Melting always endothermic?
  23. Is melting process endothermic?
  24. Is Melting Gold exothermic?
  25. Which process is not endothermic?
  26. Is melting and freezing endothermic or exothermic?
  27. Is Freezing always exothermic?
  28. Is freezing an exothermic process?
  29. Is baking a cake exothermic or endothermic?

: the circumstances, conditions, or objects by which one is surrounded : environment.

Is surrounding a noun?

noun. something that surrounds. surroundings, environing things, circumstances, conditions, etc.; environment: He was too sick to be aware of his surroundings.

Is surrounding an adverb?

language note: Around is an adverb and a preposition. In British English, the word ’round’ is often used instead.

Is the word surrounding a preposition?

Around is an adverb and a preposition. In British English, the word ’round’ is often used instead. Around is often used with verbs of movement, such as ‘walk’ and ‘drive’, and also in phrasal verbs such as ‘get around’ and ‘hand around’. Around is also an adverb.

Can surroundings mean people?

The definition of surrounding refers to everything that is around a particular person, place or thing.

What are the surroundings?

The surroundings are everything else; the rest of the universe. For example, say the above reaction is happening in gas phase; then the walls of the container are part of the surroundings.

What is the difference between surrounding and surroundings?

The word surrounding means the outer part of the environment of a particular thing. Surrounding is a verb or an adjective, For example, Sheena is surrounding Meena, here the word surrounding acts as a verb. Surroundings: The word surroundings means all the areas that are nearby a person.

Is water system or surrounding?

The water in which the solids have been dissolved is the surroundings, while the dissolved substances are the system. The temperature change that is measured is the temperature change that is occurring in the surroundings.

Is a thermometer part of the surroundings?

We know this because the thermometer absorbed some heat and showed a temperature increase. Since they are all part of the surroundings, the heat must have come from the system.

Is the beaker part of the system?

This means that the system is the reactants and the surroundings include both the water and the beaker, etc. Rather, the temperature change of the water surrounding the reaction is what is actually measured by the thermometer.

Is endothermic hot or cold?

Endothermic reactions are the opposite of exothermic reactions. They absorb heat energy from their surroundings. This means that the surroundings of endothermic reactions are colder as a result of the reaction. Melting ice is an example of this type of reaction.

Is cooking an egg endothermic or exothermic?

Cooking an egg is an endothermic process because added energy makes it cooked. An egg without heats stays an (uncooked) egg. In this reaction, energy is absorbed. In an exothermic reaction, energy is released.

Is scrambled eggs endothermic or exothermic?

This is your cooked egg (and why it is generally not reversible). The unwinding of the protein (denaturation) is the endothermic step – there is probably an exothermic process when all of the strands find stability in the big mess of unwound strands, but the overall process is endothermic.

Is frying an egg a endothermic process?

Cooking food is endothermic because food receives heat energy during cooking. It doesn’t release energy while cooking. The egg absorbs heat from the pan and therefore will be cooked with time. The whole cooking procedure is an example of the endothermic process.

What is a real life example of an exothermic reaction?

When an ice cube tray, filled with water is placed in a freezer, it slowly loses heat and start to cool down to become ice cubes. Changing of water into an ice cube is an exothermic reaction. Snow formation in clouds is also an exothermic reaction. Clouds come into existence from condensation of water vapor.

What are 2 examples of exothermic reactions?

Examples of Exothermic Reactions

  • any combustion reaction.
  • a neutralization reaction.
  • rusting of iron (rust steel wool with vinegar)
  • the thermite reaction.
  • reaction between water and calcium chloride.
  • reaction between sodium sulfite and bleach (dilute sodium hypochlorite)
  • reaction between potassium permanganate and glycerol.

What are 3 examples of exothermic reactions?

8 Examples of Exothermic Reaction in Everyday Life

  • Ice Cubes. When water freezes into ice cubes, the energy is released in the form of heat.
  • Formation Of Snow In Clouds. The process of snow formation is an exothermic reaction.
  • Hot Packs.
  • Rusting Of Iron.
  • Burning Of Candles.
  • Lightning Of Match.
  • Setting Cement And Concrete.

Is burning a sugar cube endothermic or exothermic?

What are some examples of exothermic and endothermic processes?

Exothermic processes Endothermic processes
rusting iron cooking an egg
burning sugar producing sugar by photosynthesis
forming ion pairs separating ion pairs
Combining atoms to make a molecule in the gas phase splitting a gas molecule apart

What are 3 examples of freezing?

The most common example of freezing, which is observed every day, is the formation of ice cubes in ice-tray when water is kept in the freezer for some time….Examples

  • Snowfall.
  • Sea Ice.
  • Frozen Food.
  • Lava Hardening into Solid Rock.
  • Solidification of Melted Candle Wax.
  • Anti-freezer.
  • Embryo Freezing.

Is exothermic hot or cold?

An exothermic process releases heat, causing the temperature of the immediate surroundings to rise. An endothermic process absorbs heat and cools the surroundings.”

Is Melting endothermic or exothermic?

Melting is an endothermic reaction in which the total amount of heat in the substance, also known as the enthalpy, increases.

Is Melting is exothermic reaction?

II) Heat energy will cause covalent bonds in water to break as water converts from the solid state to the liquid state.

Is Melting always endothermic?

It requires energy for a solid to melt into a liquid. However, it can be used for both the melting and the solidification processes as long as you keep in mind that melting is always endothermic (so ΔH will be positive), while solidification is always exothermic (so ΔH will be negative).

Is melting process endothermic?

Basically, when the ice consumes (heat) energy, which allows a transition to occur, melting ice is an endothermic response. The ice cube needs heat to melt, so the process is endothermic.

Is Melting Gold exothermic?

Learn more physics! No, heat has to be added to make copper melt. So that’s called an endothermic process. When copper freezes it releases heat, so that’s called exothermic. The same pattern is true for any melting/freezing process where the melted state is the hotter one, as it almost always is.

Which process is not endothermic?

Answer. Hi! Exothermic process – The opposite of an exothermic process is an endothermic process, one that absorbs energy in the form of heat. So, Obviously the answer is going (d) insoluble heavy impurities.

Is melting and freezing endothermic or exothermic?

Melting ice is an endothermic process because you need to provide heat in order to allow the molecules to overpower the hydrogen bonds and start moving about again.

Is Freezing always exothermic?

Freezing is almost always an exothermic process, meaning that as liquid changes into solid, heat and pressure are released.

Is freezing an exothermic process?

When water becomes a solid, it releases heat, warming up its surroundings. This makes freezing an exothermic reaction. In order for water to change from a solid into a liquid, it needs to draw heat into itself from its surroundings.

Is baking a cake exothermic or endothermic?

As you bake a cake, you are producing an endothermic chemical reaction that changes ooey-gooey batter into a fluffy, delicious treat!

  • Dictionary
  • S
  • Surroundings


    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • UK Pronunciation
    • UK IPA
    • [suhroun-ding]
    • /səˈraʊn dɪŋ/
    • /səˈraʊndɪŋz/
    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [suhroun-ding]
    • /səˈraʊn dɪŋ/

Definitions of surroundings word

  • noun surroundings something that surrounds. 1
  • noun surroundings surroundings, environing things, circumstances, conditions, etc.; environment: He was too sick to be aware of his surroundings. 1
  • noun surroundings the act of encircling or enclosing. 1
  • adjective surroundings enclosing or encircling. 1
  • adjective surroundings being the environment or adjacent area. 1
  • noun plural surroundings When you are describing the place where you are at the moment, or the place where you live, you can refer to it as your surroundings. 0

Information block about the term

Origin of surroundings

First appearance:

before 1400

One of the 24% oldest English words

1400-50; late Middle English: inundation; see surround, -ing1, -ing2

Historical Comparancy

Parts of speech for Surroundings

surroundings popularity

A common word. It’s meaning is known to most children of preschool age. About 93% of English native speakers know the meaning and use the word.

Most Europeans know this English word. The frequency of it’s usage is somewhere between «mom» and «screwdriver».

Synonyms for surroundings

adj surroundings

  • absent-minded — Someone who is absent-minded forgets things or does not pay attention to what they are doing, often because they are thinking about something else.
  • airheaded — Slang. a scatterbrained, stupid, or simple-minded person; dolt.
  • inconscient — unconscious.

noun surroundings

  • ambiance — the mood, character, quality, tone, atmosphere, etc., particularly of an environment or milieu: The restaurant had a delightful ambiance.
  • ambience — The ambience of a place is the character and atmosphere that it seems to have.
  • ambient — The ambient temperature is the temperature of the air above the ground in a particular place.
  • atmosphere — A planet’s atmosphere is the layer of air or other gases around it.
  • ballpark — A ballpark is a park or stadium where baseball is played.

adjective surroundings

  • woolgathering — indulgence in idle fancies and in daydreaming; absentmindedness: His woolgathering was a handicap in school.

Antonyms for surroundings

noun surroundings

  • bullseye — the circular spot, usually black or outlined in black, at the center of a target marked with concentric circles and used in target practice.
  • center — a point equally distant from all points on the circumference of a circle or surface of a sphere
  • centra — a plural of centrum.
  • centrality — the state or condition of being central
  • centriole — either of two rodlike bodies in most animal cells that form the poles of the spindle during mitosis

Top questions with surroundings

  • why do sunspots appear darker than their surroundings?
  • how do you spell surroundings?
  • how to find entropy of surroundings?
  • what are physical surroundings?
  • what is the meaning of surroundings?
  • how movement along faults affect the surroundings?
  • how to calculate delta s surroundings?
  • how to spell surroundings?
  • how to increase awareness of surroundings?
  • what does surroundings mean?
  • how to make our surroundings clean and green?
  • what is surroundings in chemistry?

See also

  • All definitions of surroundings
  • Synonyms for surroundings
  • Antonyms for surroundings
  • Related words to surroundings
  • Sentences with the word surroundings
  • surroundings pronunciation

Matching words

  • Words starting with s
  • Words starting with su
  • Words starting with sur
  • Words starting with surr
  • Words starting with surro
  • Words starting with surrou
  • Words starting with surroun
  • Words starting with surround
  • Words starting with surroundi
  • Words starting with surroundin
  • Words starting with surrounding
  • Words starting with surroundings
  • Words ending with s
  • Words ending with gs
  • Words ending with ngs
  • Words ending with ings
  • Words containing the letters s
  • Words containing the letters s,u
  • Words containing the letters s,u,r
  • Words containing the letters s,u,r,o
  • Words containing the letters s,u,r,o,n
  • Words containing the letters s,u,r,o,n,d
  • Words containing s
  • Words containing su
  • Words containing sur
  • Words containing surr
  • Words containing surro
  • Words containing surrou

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pl n

the conditions, scenery, etc, around a person, place, or thing; environment



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Words nearby surroundings

surrogate, surrogate mother, surround, surrounded, surrounding, surroundings, surround sound, surround theater, sur-royal, sursum corda, Surt

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Words related to surroundings

ambience, atmosphere, background, climate, environment, environs, location, milieu, mise en scène, neighborhood, setting, community, home, medium, vicinity

How to use surroundings in a sentence

  • George had to go inside to take a phone call so I sat feasting my eyes on the beauty of the surroundings.

  • But Peggy is not tempted in the least to change her shop to fit in with the new(er) surroundings.

  • People are locked in texting, or whatever it is on their screens, and detached from their physical surroundings.

  • Strangers often believe, incorrectly, that he is unaware of his surroundings.

  • If the officials involved with the chemical weapons shipment are worried about the criminal surroundings, they are not showing it.

  • Here began indeed, in the drab surroundings of the workshop, in the silent mystery of the laboratory, the magic of the new age.

  • And our surroundings at that particular moment were not the most favorable to coherent thought or plausible theory-building.

  • When his eyes grew accustomed to his surroundings he made out the shape of a native boat moored beneath the wall.

  • They would have made a good study for an artist, had an artist been at hand to sketch them and their surroundings.

  • Meanwhile Darry had explained his idea to the others, and they were all eager to view the surroundings of the Gandy stock farm.

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