Word that means surround

окружать, окружить, обступать, осаждать, обстраивать



- обрамление, окаймление; край, кромка, бордюр

surround of a carpet — кромка ковра
turf surround (of a flower-bed) — обрамление из дёрна (цветочной клумбы)
wire-netting surround of a tennis-court — ограждение из проволочной сетки теннисного корта

- окружение
- охот. обложение

Мои примеры


to encircle / envelop / surround an army — окружить армию  
buffer surround — изоляционная лента  
turf surround of a flower-bed — обрамление из дёрна цветочной клумбы  
hover with nursery surround — зонтичный брудер с загородкой  
surround luminosity — яркость фона  
alien surround — непривычное окружение; необычное окружение; чуждое окружение  
surround-sound — высококачественная звукозапись, создающая эффект пространственного воспроизведения звука  
surround of comparison field — фон поля сравнения  
surround sound — система с цифровым звукопроцессором; звуковое окружение; объёмный звук  
surround sounding — зондирование окружающей среды  

Примеры с переводом

The field was surrounded by trees.

Поле было окружено деревьями.

The forest surrounds my property.

Лес окружает моё поместье.

Armed police surrounded a house in the High Street.

Вооруженные полицейские окружили дом на Хай-Стрит.

Silence and secrecy surround the murder.

Убийство окружено завесой тайны и молчания.

He glared at the people who surrounded the tent.

Он сердито оглядел людей, которые окружили палатку.

Surround this layout, lads, and let’s examine them more closely. (A. Adams)

Окружаем эту группу, парни, и посмотрим, что они собой представляют.

Some of the issues surrounding alcohol abuse are very complex.

Некоторые вопросы, связанные с пьянством, являются очень сложными.

Concrete barriers surround the race track to protect spectators.

Для защиты зрителей гоночная трасса окружена бетонными барьерами.

Scientists at the research station in Alaska are immured by the frozen wastelands that surround them.

На исследовательской станции, расположенной на Аляске, учёные находятся в заточении окружающей их ледяной пустыни.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the vast, featureless surround of the desert was strangely appealing to him…

…the four museum buildings surround a quadrate courtyard that is formally landscaped…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): surround
мн. ч.(plural): surrounds

surround — перевод на русский


The convent is surrounded by an 8 kilometer wall. It protects from attacks by wolves and wild boar.

Монастырь окружен 8 километровой стеной, слуцжащей защитой от волков и диких медведей.

Surrounded by unfriendly faces.

Он окружен врагами.

The battalions is completely surrounded.

батальон полностью окружен

Now… you have me surrounded here, huh?

— Похоже, я тут окружён.

He’s gotta get out of here somehow ’cause they’s got the hotel surrounded.

Ему надо как-то выбраться, ведь отель окружён.

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Major, they surround us. Fire is coming from our right

майор, они окружают нас огонь ведется справа от нас

I am surrounded by cattle.

Меня окружают скоты.

They’re surrounding him in the chancel!

Не будем терять время. Они окружают Жоржа в клиросе.

But it’s as if he was living in a dream world where he’s surrounded by enemies.

Ему кажется, что мы сейчас в ином мире, а его окружают враги.

I’m sure we’re surrounded by Martians.

Думаю, что нас окружают… марсиане.

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We’re surrounded.

Нас окружили.

So, they surrounded the house?

Итак, они окружили дом?

-They got him surrounded.

Вроде, его окружили.

You mean about the time that the revenuers surrounded the still…

Нет, почему. Ты о случае, когда сборщики налогов окружили винокурню,

Well, there I was on Marooner’s Rock surrounded…

На Скале выброшенных меня окружили 40 или 50 пиратов…

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You haven’t changed a bit since our last barbecue at Twelve Oaks… where you sat under a tree surrounded by dozens of beaus.

Вы ничуть не изменились с того дня в Двенадцати Дубах когда вы сидели в окружении дюжины поклонников.

Now he is in my surroundings.

Сейчас он в моем окружении.

I can see you in court now surrounded by a bunch of lawyers in double-breasted suits.

Я вижу вас на скамье подсудимых, в окружении адвокатов в двубортных костюмах.

Surrounded by armed men. -What course would you suggest?

¬нутри, в окружении вооруженной охраны.

There’s a museum in the town, and you, the guard’s daughter, grew up surrounded by images of ancient beauty…

В городе музей, а ты дочь сторожа, выросшая в окружении изображений древней красоты…

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Will you correlate the actions of the particles surrounding your spacecraft… with the action of your control jets, do you read, over?

Ты можешь изменить поведение окружающих частиц при помощи своих струйных рулей?

He no longer gives up his own identity… to be a safe part of his surroundings.

Он больше не поступается своей индивидуальностью… чтобы чувствовать безопасность среди окружающих.

One day, in the mountains surrounding the Sahving Valley, we were ambushed by Cardassians.

Oднажды в горах, окружающих долину Савинг, мы попали в кардассианскую засаду.

«I tended to be impressionable… «to be influenced by my surroundings…

Я поддался влиянию окружающих меня людей.

‘Cause when you really look at the group that Jesus surrounded himself with, they were all human mongrels.

Если вы внимательнее посмотрите на группу людей, окружающих Христа,.. …вы увидите, что все они полукровки.

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We can cover all the surrounding area.

Мы можем просматривать все окрестности.

I will as well personally give you tour of the… Come si dice? — The surroundings area.

» тогда € лично покажу вам… ак это по-английски… окрестности.

I decided to explore the area surrounding Craine’s office and I found the answer almost immediately.

Я решил обследовать окрестности конторы Крейна и почти сразу нашел ответ.

Sweep the surrounding blocks for civilians, save who you can.

Очистите окрестности от гражданских. Спасите тех, кого сможете.

No sign. We checked the house and surrounding, issued an Amber Alert.

Мы прочесали дом и окрестности в поисках Эмбер Элерт.

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And the little sweep is happy to be in such rich and strange surroundings.

А маленький трубочист просто счастлив, оказавшись в роскошной и необычной обстановке

He’s nervous about the new surroundings.

Он нервничает в новой обстановке.

We’re having a farewell drink in these delightful surroundings.

Мы тут решили выпить напоследок в этой роскошной обстановке.

Let’s continue this scintillating repartee in more comfortable surroundings.

— Давай продолжим с этим забавником в более комфортной обстановке.

Give me a report on the surrounding area of the square every two hours.

Сделаешь рапорт об обстановке за последние два часа.

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Then of course, there’s the mysterious circumstances surrounding Josie’s death to consider.

И ещё, конечно, нельзя не иметь в виду загадочные обстоятельства смерти Джози.

If the circumstances surrounding Kemble’s death are not investigated…

Если обстоятельства смерти Кембла не будут расследованы…

Now the cops are saying that the circumstances surrounding the girl’s disappearance are similar to several murder-kidnappings in Austin three years ago.

Теперь полиция заявляет, что обстоятельства исчезновения девушки напоминают обстоятельства ряда похищений и убийств в Остине 3 года назад.

The circumstances surrounding Emily’s death were unusual.

Обстоятельства ее смерти были необычными.

Mr Jarrah, given the amazing circumstances surrounding the survival of you six, is it possible there are any other survivors from the crash yet to be discovered?

Учитывая удивительные обстоятельства того, как вам шестерым удалось выжить, можно ли ожидать, что будут обнаружены другие выжившие с этого самолёта?

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Our claim to Archanis IV and the surrounding territory is ancient and indisputable.

Наши притязания на Арканис IV и прилегающие территории являются древними и неоспоримыми.

All surrounding streets are locked down.

Все прилегающие улицы перекрыты.

And there is a risk that the surrounding sectors may join them.

И есть вероятность, что прилегающие районьl могут к нему присоединиться.

They’ve also occupied the surrounding corridors.

Они также заняли прилегающие коридоры.

Ma’am, we’re still searching the building and the surrounding areas.

Мэм, мы до сих пор обыскиваем здание и прилегающие районы.

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It’s beginning to break down the molecular bonds in all surrounding sections.

Она начинает разрывать молекулярные связи во всех соседних секциях.

I want snipers on all surrounding roofs, and if you get a visual on Pierce first, call.

Мне нужны снайпера на соседних крышах зданиях и если кто-то увидит Пирса первым, сообщите

60,000 blue shirts from Huelva and the surrounding province, filled with patriotic and Falangist fervor…

60 тысяч «голубых рубашек» из Уэльвы и соседних провинций, преисполненные идеалами патриотизма и фалангизма…

Checking water-quality reports in Massachusetts and surrounding States.

Проверяю отчеты о качества воды в Массачусетсе и соседних штатах.

We’ve extended an APB to surrounding counties.

Мы уведомили сотрудников в соседних округах.

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Other forms: surrounded; surrounding; surrounds

When you think of the word surround, think of something that’s around you on all sides, like the trees that surround you in a forest or the people who surround you on a city street at rush hour.

Sometimes surround describes the position of troops that force the enemy to surrender. You can also surround your property with a fence, or surround yourself with positive people. Both of these offer a way to protect or strengthen the thing in the middle — your house or your well-being. In a movie theater that has «surround sound,» the audience feels like it is in the middle of the action because of the speakers placed all around the space.

Definitions of surround

  1. verb

    extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle

    “The forest
    surrounds my property”


    border, environ, ring, skirt

    see moresee less


    show 24 types…
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    decorate with or as if with a surrounding fringe

    gird, girdle

    put a girdle on or around


    surround with a cloister

    close in, enclose, inclose, shut in

    surround completely

    hem in

    surround in a restrictive manner


    surround with a cloister, as of a garden

    insert, tuck

    fit snugly into

    wall in, wall up

    enclose with a wall

    bower, embower

    enclose in a bower

    enshrine, shrine

    enclose in a shrine

    case, encase, incase

    enclose in, or as if in, a case

    bury, eat up, immerse, swallow, swallow up

    enclose or envelop completely, as if by swallowing

    border, frame, frame in

    enclose in or as if in a frame

    glass, glass in

    enclose with glass


    enclose with a bank

    dike, dyke

    enclose with a dike


    enclose in a capsule or other small container

    fence, fence in

    surround with an enclosure

    cordon off, rope in, rope off

    divide by means of a rope


    enclose in a casket


    enclose in a corral

    fort, fortify

    enclose by or as if by a fortification

    hedge, hedge in

    enclose or bound in with or as it with a hedge or hedges


    hinder or restrict with or as if with a hedge

    type of:

    adjoin, contact, meet, touch

    be in direct physical contact with; make contact

  2. verb

    surround with a wall in order to fortify

  3. verb

    surround so as to force to give up


    beleaguer, besiege, circumvent, hem in

    see moresee less


    blockade, seal off

    impose a blockade on


    hem in fish with stakes and nets so as to prevent them from going back into the sea with the ebb

    type of:

    assail, attack

    launch an attack or assault on; begin hostilities or start warfare with

  4. noun

    the area in which something exists or lives

    “the country—the flat agricultural


    environment, environs, surroundings

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘surround’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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The surround sound was not working so I complained to the manager of the theater only for him to vehemently try to convince me that the «Hulk» was NOT produced in surround sound! grock ❋ Unknown (2010)

This is not an issue with DVD, as most DVDs are in surround sound … but streaming video? ❋ Unknown (2010)

The only thing you surround is the kiosk at the Tea Bagger convention selling little American flags for $15 a pop that are made – ahem – in CHINA. ❋ Unknown (2010)

They are what they are — eye candy which are fun to watch and sound great in surround sound, haha. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The entrance surround is comprised of pilasters supporting a broken arched pediment with a panel bearing the words: “What Cheer Laundry” and depicting Roger Williams meeting Native Americans. ❋ Thingunderthest (2008)

I believe that HD allows to broadcast sound via six channels — in surround mode. ❋ Unknown (2007)

For no matter what you think of the long-departed Sam Kinison’s humor, I think we can all agree that we don’t need to hear his act in surround sound. ❋ Brewfreshdaily (2006)

— Let you enjoy all you music and movies in surround sound on amy stereo speaker system or headphones; and ❋ Unknown (2006)

I guess since it was the only series I actually paid real money to see in surround-sound at the theatre (and not even a matinee all the time!), the Lord of the Rings trilogy must be it. ❋ Candace (2005)

For further visual enhancement the speaker surround is a piece of polished aluminium. ❋ Unknown (2005)

The new format, enveloped in surround sound, appears to be catching on after years of hype. ❋ Unknown (2004)

So I’ll spend my next five hours watching movies in surround-sound, sitting on the couch while I put in my overtime for StarCityGames. com. ❋ Katspaw156 (2004)

Ferrett: But if I did, we could have sex in surround sound! ❋ Shadesong (2004)

You see, when the surround is completed, you, being the guest of honour, must take a harpoon and impale the first one. ❋ Unknown (1913)

She also discusses the importance of the «surround» — the other four modes that are interspersed with the dialogue — and through a series of examples, illustrates how the dialogue and the surround interact to create meaning. ❋ Odysseyworkshop (2009)

I’ll have to play my Misty Mundae dvds on my laptop so I can see ewoks get smoked on live tv in surround sound. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Gone with the Wind (I bought this for my birthday, since Gini and I want to see this on the Monster Penis System in surround sound. ❋ Unknown (2006)

How about surround vision? have developed a new system called surround vision that can let you follow objects outside of your regular TV screen by viewing them on smartphones and handheld Internet devices. ❋ Lance Whitney (2010)

«[Surround] mate,[hows] it going?»
Do you want to [go out] for a smoke? «[surround ❋ James Langston (2006)

We [drove] by [White Castle Burgers], I said «Let’s get some [White Castle]» & they didn’t stop… «SURROUNDED!!» ❋ MamaD (2013)

(2 Black men at a concert)
«I thought you said we were going to see [Busta Rhymes], this is [LeAnn Rimes]!»
«Oh my bad. Lets [get the hell out of here], these white folks got us *SURROUNDED!* ❋ Aimjeezy (2008)

I’m gonna [top drop] today so [the gals] can see my [surround]. ❋ Darkness_5600 (2009)

[Kid A] : «You Comin’ up the skate park [blud]?»
Kid B : «Yeh, [surround].» ❋ Aggyman Irie (2006)

Jon: David, check out the [surround shelf].
David: That’s a great [shelf]. I could [fix my car’s] transmission on that surround shelf. ❋ JonTheMac (2010)

Lets say your [roommates] name is Mike.
«Hey Mike how was that [surround sex] last night?»
«Oh it was great even though it keep me up all night the surround feeling of [Surround Sex] made it seem close to real and masturbating only made it better. It was [a win] win situation for everyone in my opinion.»
«Sure. creepy… glad you don’t mind though» ❋ Sex Machine1447 (2010)

(2 Black Guys at a Concert)
«Man I thought you said it was gonna be [Busta Rhymes]… This is [LeAnn Rimes] son!»
«Oh my bad man let’s get the hell [up outta here], we’re *SURROUNDED* right now!!!» ❋ Aimjeezy (2008)

guy 1: ok who [farted]? guys 2 and 3: i did. guy 1: [dang] [hittin] me with the surround smell. ❋ Kitchwatembo (2008)

I woke up this morning and had sex with my gf before heading off to work. Once I got to work, [the ex] GF wanted to have lunch at her place which meant a [nooner]. Once I got home from work, my gf called and came over where we had sex once more to round out a perfect [surround pound] for the day. ❋ Prally (2012)


A wall surrounds the old city.

They had the suspect surrounded.

She was suddenly surrounded by a crowd of excited fans.

There’s a lot of uncertainty surrounding the decision.

His departure was surrounded by secrecy.


the vast, featureless surround of the desert was strangely appealing to him

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Recent Examples on the Web

Each birthstone is surrounded by a number of stories, legends, and myths that attribute to it a variety of meanings and powers.

Nina Derwin, Country Living, 6 Apr. 2023

The bushy plants are capped with a spray of beautiful blooms, like individual bouquets — yellow petals surround a golden center.

Roger Naylor, The Arizona Republic, 5 Apr. 2023

Russian President Vladimir Putin is surrounded by bodyguards during a trip to Greece in 2016.

Yuliya Talmazan, NBC News, 5 Apr. 2023

Capetown, South Africa, is surrounded by some of the world’s most notorious waters.

Kevin Koenig, Robb Report, 4 Apr. 2023

The 10700 block of Kingston Pike, where he was shot, is surrounded by local and chain businesses including a Gold’s Gym, a game store, a salon, a Sonic Drive-In, Costco, Walgreens and a couple auto shops.

Darcy Costello, Baltimore Sun, 4 Apr. 2023

The ninth green at Augusta National, on a hilltop in front of the sprawling clubhouse, was surrounded by only a smattering of fans as Woods hit his last tee shot of the day 460 yards away.

Photographs By Doug Mills, New York Times, 4 Apr. 2023

Lush gardens surround the 6,700-square-foot home, leading to outdoor amenities such as a skate park, koi pond and multiple pools.

Jack Flemming, Los Angeles Times, 3 Apr. 2023

Born in 1952 in Tokyo, Sakamoto was surrounded by the music of Bach as well as the Beatles.

Vulture, 2 Apr. 2023

Darkened exterior trim such as the window surround and mirror caps matches black roof rails and black 18-inch wheels.

Car and Driver, 5 Apr. 2023

The shower surround is white subway tile, and the floor is white hexagon porcelain tile.

Benjamin C Tankersley, Washington Post, 15 Mar. 2023

The surround adds texture to the patio space.

Jessica Bennett, Better Homes & Gardens, 13 Feb. 2023

Located 100 miles west of Riga on the northern shores of Lake Usma—one of the nation’s largest and the surrounds of which are more green in the summer than these photos depict—this getaway is popular with outdoor recreationists.

Tasha Zemke, Outside Online, 6 Feb. 2023

These watches have looked pretty similar over the entire 7-8 years, the screen simply digging further and further into the surround.

Andrew Williams, Forbes, 28 Jan. 2023

The shower surround is a stone set in a herringbone design.

BostonGlobe.com, 20 Dec. 2022

The black from the stair rail carries over to the mantel, surround, and ceiling fixtures, offering high-contrast pops.

Marni Elyse Katz, House Beautiful, 14 Mar. 2023

Apple is also using the sponsorship to highlight its digital surround-sound feature spatial audio, which allows users a three-dimensional listening experience on the right equipment.

Anne Steele, WSJ, 13 Feb. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘surround.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ suhround ]

/ səˈraʊnd /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

verb (used with object)

to enclose on all sides; encompass: She was surrounded by reporters.

to form an enclosure around; encircle: A stone wall surrounds the estate.

to enclose (a body of troops, a fort or town, etc.) so as to cut off communication or retreat.


something that surrounds, as the area, border, etc., around an object or central space: a tile surround for the shower stall.

environment or setting: The designer created a Persian surround for the new restaurant.


  1. a means of hunting in which wild animals are encircled and chased into a special spot that makes their escape impossible.
  2. the act of hunting by this means.
  3. the location encircled by hunters using this means.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of surround

First recorded in 1400–50; late Middle English surounden “to inundate, submerge,” from Anglo-French surounder, Middle French s(o)ronder, from Late Latin superundāre “to overflow,” equivalent to Latin super- super- + undāre “to flood,” derivative of unda “wave” (see undulate); current spelling by analysis as sur-1 + round1 (verb)


pre·sur·round, verb (used with object)

Words nearby surround

surreptitiously, surrey, surrogacy, surrogate, surrogate mother, surround, surrounded, surrounding, surroundings, surround sound, surround theater

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to surround

besiege, circle, envelop, hem in, inundate, ring, beleaguer, beset, blockade, border, bound, circumscribe, circumvent, compass, confine, edge, enclave, encompass, environ, fringe

How to use surround in a sentence

  • Apple developed its spatial audio feature in an effort to create a surround sound effect from just two audio sources—one in your left ear and one in your right.

  • Wireless speakers allow this system to flourish in any theater environment thanks to the ease of setup and maintenance, making this a no-brainer first step into the surround sound market.

  • Because graphene is able to block most fluids while letting only water through, Directa Plus’s powder is being used in barriers that absorb spilled oil, cleaning up the surround.

  • Instead of springing for a full-blown surround sound system, you can rectify the issue with a soundbar and subwoofer setup.

  • Apple also announced new features for its AppleTV platform, and new spatial audio features coming to AirPods Pro, seeking to simulate the effects of a surround sound system without the extra speakers.

  • Think Afghanistan and pieces of all the countries that surround it, including and especially Iran.

  • The first potential scientific secret to improving your bedroom experience: surround yourself with men.

  • Brittany has decided that her husband and family will, Nov. 1, in her own bed, surround her that day.

  • Living as they do in the heart of the volatile Caucasus, Georgians are only too aware of the fires that surround them.

  • Several muscular drivers with massive chains around their necks surround a young port official, demanding he call an ambulance.

  • And this was all done in the story of Lazarus in such a way that it might surround every grave with illusions for centuries.

  • They surround themselves with the atmosphere of the demi-monde and forget that a wrinkle is as fatal as a chaperon.

  • Previous to this hour the Girondists had wished to sustain the throne, and merely to surround it with free institutions.

  • A sinister power seemed to surround him—a power which took away hope, purpose, life.

  • There were few afternoons when a ring of spectators did not surround the table, breathlessly watching the champions.

British Dictionary definitions for surround

verb (tr)

to encircle or enclose or cause to be encircled or enclosed

to deploy forces on all sides of (a place or military formation), so preventing access or retreat

to exist aroundI dislike the people who surround her


mainly British a border, esp the area of uncovered floor between the walls of a room and the carpet or around an opening or panel

mainly US

  1. a method of capturing wild beasts by encircling the area in which they are believed to be
  2. the area so encircled

Derived forms of surround

surrounding, adjective

Word Origin for surround

C15 surrounden to overflow, from Old French suronder, from Late Latin superundāre, from Latin super- + undāre to abound, from unda a wave

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Need another word that means the same as “surround”? Find 45 synonyms and 30 related words for “surround” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:

  • Surround as a Noun
  • Definitions of «Surround» as a noun
  • Synonyms of «Surround» as a noun (25 Words)
  • Usage Examples of «Surround» as a noun
  • Surround as a Verb
  • Definitions of «Surround» as a verb
  • Synonyms of «Surround» as a verb (20 Words)
  • Usage Examples of «Surround» as a verb
  • Associations of «Surround» (30 Words)

The synonyms of “Surround” are: smother, border, environ, ring, skirt, beleaguer, besiege, circumvent, hem in, fence, fence in, palisade, wall, near, encircle, enclose, encompass, gird, girdle, go around, environment, environs, surroundings, edging, edge, perimeter, boundary, margin, skirting, fringe, neighbourhood, locality, locale, local area, area, district, region, quarter, sector, territory, domain, place, zone

Surround as a Noun

Definitions of «Surround» as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “surround” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • The area in which something exists or lives.
  • A thing that forms a border or edging round an object.
  • The area encircling something; surroundings.

Synonyms of «Surround» as a noun (25 Words)

area A part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve.
The area of a rectangle.
border A district near the border between two areas.
The rug had a wide blue border.
boundary A hit crossing the limits of the field, scoring four or six runs.
The river marks the boundary between the two regions.
district A division of a county or region that elects its own councillors.
An elegant shopping district.
domain An area of territory owned or controlled by a particular ruler or government.
The French domains of the Plantagenets.
edge An area next to a steep drop.
A flamenco singer brings a primitive edge to the music.
edging The attribute of urgency in tone of voice.
A chemise with lace edging.
environment The totality of surrounding conditions.
A good learning environment.
environs An outer adjacent area of any place.
The picturesque environs of the loch.
fringe A secondary festival on the periphery of the Edinburgh Festival.
The lunatic fringe of American political life.
local area Public transport consisting of a bus or train that stops at all stations or stops.
locale The scene of any event or action (especially the place of a meeting.
Her summers were spent in a variety of exotic locales.
locality An area or neighbourhood.
It is a rugged locality.
margin A profit margin.
They won by a convincing 17 point margin.
neighbourhood A district or community within a town or city.
He was reluctant to leave the neighbourhood of London.
perimeter The boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary.
The perimeter of a rectangle.
place A point located with respect to surface features of some region.
A place in my heart.
quarter A unit of time equal to 15 minutes or a quarter of an hour.
A quarter of a pound.
region The approximate amount of something usually used prepositionally as in in the region of.
Saxony was divided into four large regions.
sector The minimum track length that can be assigned to store information unless otherwise specified a sector of data consists of 512 bytes.
The public sector.
skirt (Fungi) a remnant of the partial veil that in mature mushrooms surrounds the stem like a collar.
Bits of beef skirt.
skirting A remnant of the partial veil that in mature mushrooms surrounds the stem like a collar.
A length of skirting.
surroundings The environmental condition.
I took up the time admiring my surroundings.
territory An area defended by a team or player in a game or sport.
The way she felt now she was in unknown territory.
zone A well-defined region extending round the earth between definite limits, especially between two parallels of latitude.
I was in the zone completing the first nine holes in one under par.

Usage Examples of «Surround» as a noun

  • The beautiful surrounds of Connemara.
  • The country–the flat agricultural surround.
  • An oak fireplace surround.

Surround as a Verb

Definitions of «Surround» as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “surround” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Surround so as to force to give up.
  • Extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle.
  • Be all round (someone or something.
  • Surround with a wall in order to fortify.
  • Be associated with.
  • (of troops, police, etc.) encircle (someone or something) so as to cut off communication or escape.
  • Envelop completely.

Synonyms of «Surround» as a verb (20 Words)

beleaguer Annoy persistently.
Our leaders decided to beleaguer the city.
besiege Surround so as to force to give up.
The king marched north to besiege Berwick.
border Provide with a border or edge.
A pool bordered by palm trees.
circumvent Avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues.
It was always possible to circumvent the regulations.
encircle Bind with something round or circular.
The town is encircled by fortified walls.
enclose Enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering.
The entire estate was enclosed with walls.
encompass Surround and have or hold within.
An act designed to encompass the death of the king.
environ Surround; enclose.
The stone circle was environed by an expanse of peat soil.
fence Enclose or separate an area with a fence.
Our garden was not fully fenced.
fence in Surround with a wall in order to fortify.
gird Put a girdle on or around.
Gird your loins.
girdle Put a girdle on or around.
The chain of volcanoes which girdles the Pacific.
go around Change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically.
hem in Utter `hem’ or `ahem.
near Come near to approach.
They are drawing near.
palisade Enclose or provide a building or place with a palisade.
He palisaded the ends of the streets and made the town a roughly fortified camp.
ring Ring or echo with sound.
My uncle rings every Sunday at the local church.
skirt Form the edge of.
He did not go through the city but skirted it.
smother Envelop completely.
It s time for you to leave the house she ll smother you if you remain.
wall Surround with a wall in order to fortify.
One doorway has been walled up.

Usage Examples of «Surround» as a verb

  • The forest surrounds my property.
  • The hotel is surrounded by its own gardens.
  • He loves to surround himself with family and friends.
  • Troops surrounded the parliament building.
  • The killings were surrounded by controversy.

Associations of «Surround» (30 Words)

around All around or on all sides.
Word got around that he was on the verge of retirement.
besiege Surround and harass.
The Turks besieged Vienna.
bevy A group of roe deer, quails, or larks.
He was surrounded by a bevy of beauties in bathing attire.
circuit Law a judicial division of a state or the United States so called because originally judges traveled and held court in different locations one of the twelve groups of states in the United States that is covered by a particular circuit court of appeals.
They were circuiting about the state.
compass Navigational instrument for finding directions.
The event had political repercussions which are beyond the compass of this book.
confine Restrict or confine.
She was confined for nearly a month.
cover A covering that serves to conceal or shelter something.
He covered left field.
encase Enclose in, or as if in, a case.
My feet were encased in mud.
encircle Form a circle around.
The town is encircled by fortified walls.
enclose Enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering.
I enclose a copy of the job description.
enclosed Closed in or surrounded or included within.
A dark enclosed space.
encompass Include comprehensively.
No studies encompass all sectors of medical care.
engross Consume all of one’s attention or time.
They seemed to be engrossed in conversation.
engulf Devote (oneself) fully to.
The cafe was engulfed in flames.
envelop Wrap up, cover, or surround completely.
Fog enveloped the house.
environ Extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle.
The stone circle was environed by an expanse of peat soil.
immerse Cause to be immersed.
She was still immersed in her thoughts.
orbit The state of moving in an orbit.
Mercury orbits the Sun.
overwhelm Have a strong emotional effect on.
They were overwhelmed by farewell messages.
packaging A message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution.
All the ingredients and packaging are biodegradable.
perimeter An instrument for measuring the extent and characteristics of a person’s field of vision.
The perimeter of a rectangle.
peristyle A space such as a court or porch that is surrounded or edged by a peristyle.
plunge (of a horse) rear violently.
The professor plunged his students into the study of the Italian text.
preoccupation The mental state of being preoccupied by something.
Their main preoccupation was how to feed their families.
seal The pelt or fur especially the underfur of a seal.
The warrant bore the sheriff s seal.
sheathe Enclose with a sheath.
I sheathed my dagger.
shroud Cover as if with a shroud.
The origins of this civilization are shrouded in mystery.
surrounded Confined on all sides.
A camp surrounded by enemies.
surroundings The area in which something exists or lives.
I took up the time admiring my surroundings.
wrap Cloak that is folded or wrapped around a person.
She wrapped her arms around the child.

Surround Scrabble Word Score, Definitions + More

Love word games? Check the definition and popular synonyms of surround. Find all the anagrams, permutations and unscrambles of surround. We also have lists of Words that end with surround, and words that start with surround.

What is surround? What does surround mean?

surround is normally defined as to encompass

How much does surround score in a game of Scrabble?

Playing surround scores 9 points in a game of Scrabble. This assumes no use of double or triple word or letter multipliers, and no wildcards

How many points is surround worth in Words With Friends?

If you play the word surround in Words With Friends, it scores 12 points.
Playing on a triple word score, this would be 36 points.

What’s another way to say surround? What are its synonyms?

How else can you write surround?
In our thesaurus we found there are 9 synonyms of surround.
Some of these are:

  • surround
  • environ
  • ring
  • skirt
  • border
  • wall
  • besiege
  • smother
  • environment

Want to see all the different synonyms of surround? See all synonyms of surround

How may anagrams can you make from surround?

There are 0 anagrams of surround.

What words can you unscramble using the letters in surround?

There are 98 words that can be unscrambled or created from the letters in surround.
These include :

  • doun
  • ou
  • snod
  • udon
  • dorrs
  • durrs
  • nurd
  • ord
  • durn
  • nurrs
  • on
  • urds
  • ours
  • urus
  • sudor

Check out all the words you can create from the letters in surround

What other words can be made from using the letters in surround?

There are 1400 words that can be made from the letters in surround.
These include :

  • surround
  • tremendous
  • destruction
  • dangerous
  • distribution
  • unorganised
  • groundnuts
  • discolourment
  • overdiscounts
  • unlordliest
  • inodorous
  • indextrous
  • boulderings
  • eurobonds
  • tremendously
  • ludicrousness
  • unconsidering
  • nematodiruses
  • tripehounds
  • brassfounding
  • roundtables
  • detruncations
  • resummoned
  • soundproofing
  • adventuresome

There are 1400 words that can be made from the letters in surround.
See all words that can be made from the letters in surround

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