Word that means superior to others

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выше остальных

превосходил других

лучше других

выше других

Who made you superior to the others?

And his quality was superior to the others.

Even though he was a leader, he certainly was not spiritually superior to the others.

Хотя он и был предводителем, но, безусловно, не превосходил других в духовном отношении.

It’s not about any of these being superior to the others; it’s about marveling at these works of art and finding what you enjoy about each of them.

Речь не идет о том, чтобы кто-то из них превосходил других, а о том, чтобы восхищаться этими произведениями искусства и находить, что вам нравится в каждом из них.

However, none of those methods have been reported to be superior to the others.

Sometimes it will be obvious that one technique is superior to the others.

He’s superior to the others, but never wins.

However, when comparing different combination therapies, no particular combination stood out as superior to the others.

Однако при сравнении различных комбинаций лекарств, определенной комбинации, которая выделялась бы среди других как наиболее эффективная, выявлено не было.

Their professional qualities were superior to the others‘ since they honed their skills and mastership during the war.

По своим профессиональным качествам они превосходили остальных, так как во время войны оттачивали и нарабатывали свое мастерство.

Nothing irritates people more than official recognition of one particular group as superior to the others.

No dose appeared conclusively superior to the others.

No single ministry office is superior to the others.

Sometimes this is easy, when one alternative is clearly superior to the others across all characteristics.

Это легко сделать, если один вариант явно лучше других по всем параметрам.

He believed the «white race» to be superior to the others.

That’s why this site is superior to the others.

Virtually every modern religion feels itself superior to the others.

They think their religion is superior to the others.

There is no one method that is always superior to the others.

That one seems superior to the others.

It seems pretty clear that there’s one strategy that’s superior to the others.

Я интересно, если есть одна стратегия, которая, как известно, быть выше других.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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They are superior to law.

Они неподвластны закону.

She had that superior tone of voice.

Она разговаривала как будто свысока.

Your computer is far superior to mine.

Твой компьютер намного лучше моего.

This book is vastly superior to his last one.

Эта его книга намного превосходит прошлую.

A genus is superior to a species in classification.

В классификации «род» является более общим понятием, чем «вид».

Wisdom lies in being superior to passion, joy, grief.

Мудрость заключается в том, чтобы оставаться неподвластным ни страсти, ни радости, ни горю.

The new model is superior to the old one in many ways.

Новая модель во многих отношениях лучше старой.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Don’t you usually salute a superior officer?  

…suffered a shellacking at the hands of a vastly superior opposition…  

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Other forms: superiors; superiorly

The salesman boasted to his customer that the $1 million car was well worth the price because it was far superior, meaning of higher quality, to any car that had come before it. This car, the salesman bragged, could fly.

Superior comes from the Latin word meaning above and it literally means something that is above others in quality or status. Sometimes being superior can be perceived as a negative, as in the woman who acts superior to all of her friends, having a high opinion of herself just because she has millions of dollars in the bank after winning the lottery.

Definitions of superior

  1. adjective

    of high or superior quality or performance

    superior wisdom derived from experience”

    superior math students”



    (superlative of `good’) having the most positive qualities

    A-one, ace, crack, first-rate, super, tiptop, top-notch, topnotch, tops

    of the highest quality


    unusually good; outstanding

    blue-ribbon, select

    selected or chosen for special qualifications

    boss, brag

    exceptionally good

    brilliant, superb

    of surpassing excellence



    choice, prime, prize, quality, select

    of superior grade

    excellent, fantabulous, first-class, splendid

    very good; of the highest quality


    of the highest quality or value

    greatest, sterling, superlative

    highest in quality


    modified to give superior performance

    outstanding, stellar

    distinguished from others in excellence


    having or reflecting superior quality or value

    pucka, pukka

    absolutely first class and genuine


    marked by exceptional merit


    excellent or splendid


    highest in excellence or achievement

    top-flight, top-hole, topping

    excellent; best possible

    surpassing, transcendent

    exceeding or surpassing usual limits especially in excellence


    of a quality adequate for use in weapons (especially in weapons of mass destruction)


    skillfully constructed

    see moresee less



    of low or inferior quality


    (superlative of `bad’) most wanting in quality or value or condition


    below average in quality or performance


    (used of metals) consisting of or alloyed with inferior metal

    bum, cheap, cheesy, chintzy, crummy, punk, sleazy, tinny

    of very poor quality; flimsy

    bush, bush-league

    not of the highest quality or sophistication

    cheapjack, shoddy, tawdry

    cheap and shoddy

    coarse, common

    of low or inferior quality or value


    made coarse or crude by lack of skill

    commercial, commercial-grade

    of the kind or quality used in commerce; average or inferior

    deplorable, execrable, miserable, woeful, wretched

    of very poor quality or condition


    (usually preceded by `no’) lower in quality


    of inferior quality

    mediocre, second-rate

    moderate to inferior in quality

    ropey, ropy

    (British informal) very poor in quality

    scrawny, scrubby, stunted

    inferior in size or quality


    of inferior status or quality


    of lesser quality than second-rate

    utility, utility-grade

    used of beef; usable but inferior

    show more antonyms…

  2. adjective

    of or characteristic of high rank or importance

    superior ruler”



    exercising influence or control


    greater than normal in degree or intensity or amount

    arch, condescending, patronising, patronizing

    (used of behavior or attitude) characteristic of those who treat others with condescension

    eminent, high

    standing above others in quality or position

    leading, preeminent

    greatest in importance or degree or significance or achievement

    high-level, high-ranking, upper-level

    at an elevated level in rank or importance

    majestic, olympian

    majestic in manner or bearing; superior to mundane matters


    of higher rank or status or value


    superior in rank or accomplishment

  3. adjective

    having a higher rank

    superior officer”


    higher-ranking, ranking


    older; higher in rank; longer in length of tenure or service

  4. noun

    one of greater rank or station or quality


    higher-up, superordinate

    see moresee less



    one of lesser rank or station or quality


    show 18 types…
    hide 18 types…

    a superior person having claim to precedence


    a man of such superior qualities that he seems like a deity to other people


    one who supervises or has charge and direction of

    bell captain

    the supervisor of bellboys in a hotel

    counsellor, counselor

    someone who has supervisory duties at a summer camp

    den mother

    someone who plays the role of a den mother

    director, theater director, theatre director

    someone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a show

    boss, chief, foreman, gaffer, honcho

    a person who exercises control over workers


    a woman in charge of a group of workers

    overseer, superintendent

    a person who directs and manages an organization


    a Japanese supervisor

    monitor, proctor

    someone who supervises (an examination)

    director of research, research director

    a supervisor in a research center

    stage manager, stager

    someone who supervises the physical aspects in the production of a show and who is in charge of the stage when the show is being performed

    system administrator

    a person in charge of managing and maintaining a computer system of telecommunication system (as for a business or institution)


    someone who imposes hard or continuous work

    trail boss

    the person responsible for driving a herd of cattle


    an older student, especially in a private school, who monitors or supervises other students

    type of:


    a person who rules or guides or inspires others

  5. noun

    the head of a religious community

  6. noun

    a combatant who is able to defeat rivals

  7. adjective

    (sometimes followed by `to’) not subject to or influenced by

    “overcome by a
    superior opponent”

    “trust magnates who felt themselves
    superior to law”



    exercising influence or control

  8. adjective

    (often followed by `to’) above being affected or influenced by

    “he is
    superior to fear”

    “an ignited firework proceeds
    superior to circumstances until its blazing vitality fades”



    undergoing no change when acted upon

  9. adjective

    written or printed above and to one side of another character

  10. noun

    a character or symbol set or printed or written above and immediately to one side of another character

  11. adjective

    having an orbit farther from the sun than the Earth’s orbit

    “Mars and Jupiter are the closest in of the
    superior planets”

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Asked by: Dr. Uriah Romaguera

Score: 5/5
(1 votes)

If you describe something as superior, you mean that it is good, and better than other things of the same kind. … Your superior in an organization that you work for is a person who has a higher rank than you.

Is superior the same as better?

As nouns the difference between superior and better

is that superior is a person of higher rank or quality while better is an entity, usually animate, deemed superior to another; one who has a claim to precedence; a superior or better can be (bettor).

What do you call someone who is superior?

conceited, egocentric, egoistic. (also egoistical), egotistic.

Does superior mean behind?

Superior (from Latin super ‘above’) describes what is above something and inferior (from Latin inferus ‘below’) describes what is below it. … As a second example, in humans, the neck is superior to the chest but inferior to the head.

What is a good sentence for superior?

1, This is clearly the work of a superior artist. 2, The enemy won because of their superior numbers. 3, This model is technically superior to its competitors. 4, Fletcher’s superior technique brought him victory.

41 related questions found

What makes something superior?

1 : situated higher up : higher in rank, importance, numbers, or quality. 2 : excellent of its kind : better a superior athlete. 3 : showing the feeling of being better or more important than others : arrogant a superior smirk.

What is a superior attitude?

1 greater in quality, quantity, etc. 2 of high or extraordinary worth, merit, etc. 3 higher in rank or status. a superior tribunal. 4 displaying a conscious sense of being above or better than others; supercilious.

What do you call someone that thinks they’re always right?

There are many words to describe someone who always needs to be right, including indomitable, adamant, unrelenting, insistent, intransigent, obdurate, unshakeable, dictatorial.

Why do I feel superior to everyone else?

A superiority complex is a behavior that suggests a person believes they’re somehow superior to others. People with this complex often have exaggerated opinions of themselves. … However, a superiority complex may actually be hiding low self-esteem or a sense of inferiority.

What is the meaning of superior eyes?

Explanation: higher in rank, status, or quality. having or showing an overly high opinion of oneself; conceited. Niccherip5 and 42 more users found this answer helpful. Thanks 23.

What does superior love mean?

1 tr to have a great attachment to and affection for. 2 tr to have passionate desire, longing, and feelings for. 3 tr to like or desire (to do something) very much. 4 tr to make love to.

What is the meaning of superior culture?

Ethnocentrism is a belief in the superiority of your own culture. It results from judging other cultures by your own cultural ideals. Ethnocentrism is linked to cultural blind spots. … They act as social codes to guide individuals’ behaviour as they strive to fit in and succeed in a particular cultural context.

How do I stop myself from feeling superior?

Below, some tips to help control the feelings of superiority:

  1. Do not take appreciation so seriously: It is wonderful and everyone enjoys feeling appreciated. …
  2. Resist being the know-it-all: The superior person may find themselves in familiar situations, where they know the best way to complete a task.

How do you deal with family members who think they are better than you?

7 Strategies to Deal With Difficult Family Members

  1. Don’t try to fix the difficult person. …
  2. Be present and direct. …
  3. Do encourage difficult people to express themselves. …
  4. Watch for trigger topics. …
  5. Know that some topics are absolutely off-limits. …
  6. It’s not about you — usually. …
  7. Your own well-being comes first.

What is the word for thinking you are better than everyone else?

Superiority is the quality of being better than or superior to someone else. … Of course, sometimes superiority is all in your head; in that case, some people might say you have a superiority complex, which means that you think you’re better than everyone else!

What do you call someone who never admits they’re wrong?

ĭn-fălə-bəl. The definition of infallible is someone or something that is always perfect and right, without any errors or mistakes. An example of infallible are the decisions of God. adjective.

What are synonyms for narcissist?

synonyms for narcissistic

  • self-centered.
  • self-involved.
  • conceited.
  • egotistic.
  • egotistical.
  • stuck-up.
  • vain.
  • vainglorious.

What’s another word for Superior in anatomy?

Superior. Synonyms: cranial or cephalad. Antonyms : inferior or caudal. Abbreviated: above. Full: Toward the head end or upper part of a structure or the body; above.

What do you call someone who thinks they are smarter than they are?

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a type of cognitive bias in which people believe that they are smarter and more capable than they really are. Essentially, low ability people do not possess the skills needed to recognize their own incompetence.

What is the root of the word superior?

Superior comes from the Latin word meaning above and it literally means something that is above others in quality or status.

How do you use the word superior?

  1. [S] [T] Tom is your superior. ( …
  2. [S] [T] Tom drowned in Lake Superior three years ago. ( …
  3. [S] [T] He has a superiority complex. ( …
  4. [S] [T] Her work is superior to mine. ( …
  5. [S] [T] He is superior to her in math. ( …
  6. [S] [T] His paper is superior to mine. ( …
  7. [S] [T] This cloth is superior to that. (

How do you make someone feel superior?

Make Other People Feel Important

  1. Be Courteous With Everyone. …
  2. Never Complain or Criticize. …
  3. Listen. …
  4. Show Admiration Toward Accomplishments or Traits. …
  5. Agree Often. …
  6. Raise People’s Self-Esteem. …
  7. Say “Thank You”

Do narcissists have a superiority complex?

Superiority Complex

One of the most common signs of a situational narcissist is that, after they receive their elevated status, they begin to feel, act, and speak as if they’re superior to others.

What are the signs of inferiority complex?

Some signs may include:

  • They try to make you feel insecure.
  • They constantly seek validation from others.
  • They always talk about their achievements.
  • They complain a lot.
  • They’re overly sensitive to criticism.
  • They regularly criticize others.
  • They have frequent mood swings.
  • They often withdraw from social situations.

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The thing is, I really can’t relate to anyone my own age. Not in a superior way — an inferior way, if anything. Socially, I have no idea what my friends are talking about. I don’t listen to any new music. I feel very secluded.

Michael Cera



From Latin, from superus placed above, from super above.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Superior can act as a noun and an adjective.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.



Superior may refer to: ▪ Superior: something which is higher in a hierarchical structure of any kind…

Definition of superior in the English dictionary

The first definition of superior in the dictionary is greater in quality, quantity, etc. Other definition of superior is of high or extraordinary worth, merit, etc. Superior is also higher in rank or status.


Synonyms and antonyms of superior in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «superior» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «superior» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of superior to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of superior from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «superior» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

tốt hơn

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of superior


The term «superior» is very widely used and occupies the 2.591 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «superior» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of superior

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «superior».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «superior» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «superior» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about superior


Famous quotes and sentences with the word superior.

The man who prefers his country before any other duty shows the same spirit as the man who surrenders every right to the state. They both deny that right is superior to authority.

The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his rule.

Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance.

It is well, when judging a friend, to remember that he is judging you with the same godlike and superior impartiality.

What moves me is neither ethnocentric pride nor sectarian arrogance. I make no claim that Jewish culture is superior to other cultures. But it is mine.

Very good wine was bought at ten pounds per pipe, the contract price; but the superior quality was fifteen pounds; and some of this was not much inferior to the best London Madeira.

Innocence of heart and violence of feeling are necessary in any kind of superior achievement: The arts cannot exist without them.

Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

Sight and touch, being thus increased in capacity, might belong to some species far superior to man; or rather the human species would be far different had all the senses been thus improved.

The thing is, I really can’t relate to anyone my own age. Not in a superior way — an inferior way, if anything. Socially, I have no idea what my friends are talking about. I don’t listen to any new music. I feel very secluded.

It is chiefly through books that we enjoy intercourse with superior minds. In the best books, great men talk to us, give us their most precious thoughts, and pour their souls into ours.


Discover the use of superior in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to superior and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


The Superior Person’s Book of Words

This book will teach you the practical riches of saying it well with good words, neglected words, precise words for vocabular exaltation.


The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering …

The Ultimate Spiritual Guide for MenWhat is your true purpose in life?


Designing and Delivering Superior Customer Value: Concepts, …

This book stresses the service aspects of an organization — especially customer service, marketing, and organizational responsiveness, and how to create and provide outstanding customer value to the target market(s).


The Superior Person’s Second Book of Weird and Wondrous Words

Gathers a wide range of definitions for precise but neglected words chosen to enrich one’s vocabulary and insult one’s adversaries


Superior Customer Value: Strategies for Winning and …

Art Weinstein discusses the book in several videos on the CRC Press YouTube Channel.


Benchmarking: The Search for Industry Best Practices That …

Camp guides readers through the historic ten-step benchmarking process that he developed while at Xerox. This process is credited with reviving that company when it was floundering in 1979.

But that was when he could still move his legs. Now he’s living with MS, and escaping into the world of movies and comics with his best friend. Then — Superior enters his life.


Win Your Lawsuit: Sue in California Superior Court Without a …

Written by Roderic Duncan, a retired California Superior Court judge, this book includes the legal insight and practical tips that only a judge with over 25 years of experience can provide.

Roderic Duncan Judge, 2010

This book examines the nature and causal antecedents of superior memory performance.

John M. Wilding, Elizabeth R. Valentine, 1997


The Keys to the Kingdom #6: Superior Saturday

“Neither,” said Arthur. “Someone put those drills to work, and that someone pretty
much has to be Superior Saturday, doesn’t it? Or Lord Sunday, working with her, I
suppose, though that bit of paper poor old Ugham had suggests otherwise.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term superior is used in the context of the following news items.

Europe’s Taste For Caviar Is Putting Pressure On A Great Lakes Fish

Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the world, by surface area, and it has something the other Great Lakes do not: stable populations of mostly native … «NPR, Jul 15»

Chicago homicide suspect arrested in Superior

SUPERIOR, Wis. (AP) — Sheriff’s officials say a man wanted for killing a 7-year-old boy in Chicago has been arrested in northwestern Wisconsin. Douglas … «WMTV, Jul 15»

Two people escape injury after plane crash-lands at Superior airport

The Superior Fire Department responded to the crash at 2:14 p.m., and the first crews on the scene found a small plane in a field behind the Upper Deck … «Duluth News Tribune, May 15»

Crews respond to fire in tank at Calumet refinery in Superior

An empty asphalt tank caught fire at the Calumet oil refinery in Superior on Tuesday afternoon, prompting the evacuation of nonessential personnel at the facility … «Duluth News Tribune, Apr 15»

Icy Traffic Jam On Lake Superior Has 18 Ships Stuck

Huge ice chunks stacked some 8 feet deep on Lake Superior have left 18 freighters stuck. The U.S. and Canadian Coast Guards have gotten involved, sending … «NPR, Apr 15»

Journey To Lake Superior Ice Caves

Contributor Pam Wright journeyed to the Apostle Islands National Lake Shore on Lake Superior last week. Her images capture the frozen beauty of the shore … «Gear Junkie, Mar 15»

Thousands visit Lake Superior ice caves; photos are awe-inspiring

In order to see the caves, Lake Superior has to freeze enough for spectators to walk over ice to the caves. The ice was thick enough for the caves to open on … «USA TODAY, Mar 15»

VIDEO: Lake Superior Ice Project comes crashing down

“It’s unfortunate it happened,” said Dave Minor, president and CEO of the Superior/Douglas County Chamber of Commerce. “Obviously it wasn’t planned, it’s not … «Duluth News Tribune, Feb 15»

Tragic day on North Shore: 2 Wisconsin men drown in Lake Superior

Amid flares dropping from a plane above to illuminate the dark, turbulent, fog-shrouded waters of Lake Superior, a U.S. Coast Guard boat crew battled the … «Duluth News Tribune, Dec 14»

MEN’S HOCKEY: UND stages furious rally to beat Lake Superior

UND stormed back from a 4-1 deficit to beat Lake Superior State 7-4 on Friday night in front of 11,118 fans that got progressively louder as college hockey’s … «Grand Forks Herald, Dec 14»


« EDUCALINGO. Superior [online]. Available <https://educalingo.com/en/dic-en/superior>. Apr 2023 ».

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as in predominant

coming before all others in importance

the dominant authority on the English language

Synonym Chooser

How is the word dominant different from other adjectives like it?

Some common synonyms of dominant are paramount, predominant, and preponderant. While all these words mean «superior to all others in influence or importance,» dominant applies to something that is uppermost because ruling or controlling.

When is paramount a more appropriate choice than dominant?

While in some cases nearly identical to dominant, paramount implies supremacy in importance, rank, or jurisdiction.

unemployment was the paramount issue in the campaign

When is it sensible to use predominant instead of dominant?

The words predominant and dominant can be used in similar contexts, but predominant applies to something that exerts, often temporarily, the most marked influence.

When would preponderant be a good substitute for dominant?

While the synonyms preponderant and dominant are close in meaning, preponderant applies to an element or factor that outweighs all others in influence or effect.

preponderant evidence in her favor

Thesaurus Entries Near dominant

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“Dominant.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/dominant. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ suhpeer-ee-er, soo— ]

/ səˈpɪər i ər, sʊ- /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


higher in station, rank, degree, importance, etc.: a superior officer.

above the average in excellence, merit, intelligence, etc.: superior math students.

of higher grade or quality: superior merchandise.

greater in quantity or amount: superior numbers.

showing a consciousness or feeling of being better than or above others: superior airs.

not yielding or susceptible (usually followed by to): to be superior to temptation.

higher in place or position: We moved our camp to superior ground.


  1. situated above some other organ.
  2. (of a calyx) seeming to originate from the top of the ovary.
  3. (of an ovary) free from the calyx.

Anatomy. (of an organ or part)

  1. higher in place or position; situated above another.
  2. toward the head.Compare inferior (def. 7).

Printing. written or printed high on a line of text, as the “2” in a2b; superscript.Compare inferior (def. 9).


Ecclesiastical. the head of a monastery, convent, or the like.



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Origin of superior

1350–1400; Middle English (adj.) <Latin, equivalent to super(us) situated above (adj. derivative of super;see super-) + -ior comparative suffix; see -er4


su·pe·ri·or·ly, adverbqua·si-su·pe·ri·or, adjectiveun·su·pe·ri·or, adjectiveun·su·pe·ri·or·ly, adverb

Words nearby superior

superinfection, superinflation, superintend, superintendency, superintendent, superior, superior conjunction, superior court, superior general, superior goods, superiority

Other definitions for superior (2 of 2)


[ suhpeer-ee-er, soo— ]

/ səˈpɪər i ər, sʊ- /


Lake Superior, a lake in the north central United States and southern Canada: the northernmost of the Great Lakes; the largest body of fresh water in the world. 350 miles (564 kilometers) long; 31,820 square miles (82,415 square kilometers); greatest depth, 1,290 feet (393 meters); 602 feet (183 meters) above sea level.

a port in northwestern Wisconsin, on Lake Superior.

Origin of Superior

First recorded in 1780–85; translation of French Lac Supérieur “Upper Lake” (i.e., the lake above Lake Huron), or “Higher Lake” (in elevation above sea level)

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to superior

admirable, exceptional, first-rate, good, preferable, remarkable, superhuman, boss, manager, principal, ruler, supervisor, above, capital, choice, dandy, exclusive, expert, fine, major

How to use superior in a sentence

  • It’s one of the best ice picks available for all-around use thanks to its 5-½-inch blade that runs through the length of the handle for superior control and strength.

  • Lithium-metal batteries were far superior to lead-acid batteries, but they also had inherent drawbacks the Exxon team had never resolved, including their habit of sparking fires in the lab.

  • Compared to humans, Methanians had superior hearing, vocal range, and sight, including x-ray vision.

  • While Big Tech collects consumer data to support their advertising revenue, banks can win the hearts of consumers by collecting data to drive personalization and superior UXs.

  • I’m also interested in product and design-centric teams using superior UX to democratize something that previously was limited to a privileged few.

  • On Dec. 30, she filed a similar lawsuit in D.C. Superior Court.

  • And of those who transform themselves into masters and believe themselves superior to others, rather than at their service.

  • Hitchcock sends the script—unread—to Thom Mount and his superior, Ned Tanen.

  • The essence of nearly every Disney film is that women need saving, preferably by a man from a superior social and economic class.

  • Virginia Woolf loved Wuthering Heights and considered Emily Brontë superior to her sister Charlotte.

  • The Mexicans, far superior in numbers, received every moment accessions to their strength.

  • In Paris, Joachim soon found that the royal road to success lay in denouncing loudly all superior officers of lack of patriotism.

  • His superior talents and untiring industry were under the direction of philanthropic and Christian impulses.

  • Not to smoke at all in the presence of a superior, is held the most delicate homage which can be paid him.

  • With little hesitation she did so, in view of the immensely superior force displayed.

British Dictionary definitions for superior (1 of 2)


greater in quality, quantity, etc

of high or extraordinary worth, merit, etc

higher in rank or statusa superior tribunal

displaying a conscious sense of being above or better than others; supercilious

(often postpositive foll by to) not susceptible (to) or influenced (by)

placed higher up; situated further from the base


  1. (of a planet) having an orbit further from the sun than the orbit of the earth
  2. (of a conjunction) occurring when the sun lies between the earth and an inferior planet

(of a plant ovary) situated above the calyx and other floral parts

anatomy (of one part in relation to another) situated above or higher

printing (of a character) written or printed above the line; superscript


a person or thing of greater rank or quality

printing a character set in a superior position

(often capital) the head of a community in a religious order

Derived forms of superior

superioress, fem nsuperiority (suːˌpɪərɪˈɒrɪtɪ), nounsuperiorly, adverb

Word Origin for superior

C14: from Latin, from superus placed above, from super above

usage for superior

Superior should not be used with than: he is a better (not a superior) poet than his brother; his poetry is superior to (not superior than) his brother’s

British Dictionary definitions for superior (2 of 2)


Lake Superior a lake in the N central US and S Canada: one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world and westernmost of the Great Lakes. Area: 82 362 sq km (31 800 sq miles)

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

superior — перевод на русский


He finished his service in Africa… and his superiors had not been lenient at the time of his discharge… he’d still be serving time in a penal battalion… and would not be here today.

Он вышел в отставку в Африке, и если бы его начальство было более пристрастно, он бы все еще служил в штрафном батальоне и не был бы здесь сегодня.

Well, think what your superiors are going to say.

Ну, подумайте, что ваше начальство скажет.

His superiors will send for him as soon as they notice his absence.

Его начальство пошлёт за ним, как только они заметят его отсутствие.

If I convince my superiors to release you, it would be interesting if you could talk to them.

Мне было бы занятно, если бы вы, если мне удастся убедить начальство освободить вас, поговорили с ними.

My superiors have no obligation to explain their directives to me.

. Мое начальство не должно ничего объяснять ни мне, ни, тем более, Вам.

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He’s my superior.

Он мой начальник.

I am your superior.

Я ваш начальник.

And since he is your superior officer, you might at least show him a little respect.

И так, как он твой начальник, ты могла бы, по крайней мере, проявить к нему немного уважения.

My superior, Sir Colin Thackeray, has a daily video link.

Вы поддерживаете связь с экспедицией? Мой начальник, сэр Колин Тэкерей, поддерживает ежедневную видеосвязь.

Where’s your superior?

Где твой начальник?

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Sr. Superior is really sorry that she’s unfortunately indisposed.

Госпожа настоятельница просит прощение за свое отсутствие, она нездорова

Sr. Superior does without butter.

Настоятельница обходится без масла

Our new pupil, Sr. Superior.

Наша новая ученица, настоятельница.

— Feeling better dear Sr. Superior?

— Чувствуете себя лучше, госпожа настоятельница?

— Sure, Sr. Superior.

— Да, госпожа настоятельница

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Though now that you remind me, he was in many ways superior to Etienne.

Впрочем, ты напомнил мне, что он во многом превосходит Этьена.

Their weapons were far superior to ours.

Их оружее намного превосходит наше.

Obviously their weaponry is superior to ours, and they have a practical invisibility screen.

Очевидно, что их оружие превосходит наше, и у них есть практически невидимый щит.

— After what they’ve been through… — Dr. McCoy, I’ve heard you say that man is ultimately superior

Д-р Маккой, я слышал, как вы сказали, что человек безусловно превосходит

Its decisions are superior those that could take a human.

јдекватность его решений, превосходит человеческую.

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…a superior brain…

-…превосходный разум….

I hesitate to do this with Paula in the car. But I am a superior driver and I will batter you into submission if need be! I will bump you off this highway!

Меня сдерживает присутствие Полы, но я превосходный водитель, и если что разнесу тебя до полного подчинения.

Uh… ow! Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons.

Ваш превосходный ум не может противостоять нашему оружию.

A superior specimen.

Превосходный экземпляр.

I find Vim a very superior scourer.

Я нахожу, что «Вим» — превосходный скребок.

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And if the superior court judge buys his performance, he’ll be committed.

И если высший суд купится на его исполнение, то я не удивлюсь.

I look forward to communicating my pleasure to mu superior in flight.

Я надеюсь передавать свое удовольствие на mu высший в полете.

You’II be in either a Superior or Inferior class

Вы можете попасть и в высший, и в низший класс.

But… he realized dexter is the superior morgan.

Но… Он понял, что Декстер — высший Морган.

Next thing, she’ll be going to bed with maria elena and glorifying it as some kind of superior alternative lifestyle

Следующее, что она сделает, — ляжет в постель с Марией Еленой и восславит это как некий высший альтернативный стиль жизни

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Pretending to our humanity by destroying it is hardly proof of a superior race.

Симулируя наше человечество, разрушая его, едва ли доказательство превосходящей расы.

Well, as I said, many who fought the Minbari during the war felt they were up against a vastly superior technological force and, in fact, at that time and under that administration, that was correct.

Ну, как я и сказал, многие, кто воевали с Минбари считали, что столкнулись со значительно превосходящей технологией и, на самом деле, в то время и при той администрации, это было правдой.

We have nothing to fear… but the aliens and their vastly superior killing technology.

Нам нечего бояться, кроме инопланетян с их безмерно превосходящей нашу смертоносной технологией.

These hostiles we are up against possess technology so far superior to our own, we don’t have the faintest idea how it works.

Этот враг обладает технологией, намного превосходящей нашу, и мы не имеем малейшего понятия как она работает.

The alien vessel has superior firepower.

Инопланетное судно обладает превосходящей огневой мощью.

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I mean, we must be increasingly on the alert… to prevent them from taking over other mine shaft space… in order to breed more prodigiously than we do… thus knocking us out through superior numbers when we emerge!

Мы должны быть все более и более бдительны чтобы не допустить захвата наших шахт тогда они будут размножаться лучше чем мы и таким образом получат численное превосходство!

Our superior strength is useless there.

Наше превосходство в численности здесь не поможет.

Then you could feel superior and see me at the same time.

Ты почувствуешь превосходство, и в то же время увидишь меня.

In 1936 a very faint television signal transmitted the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games as a show of German superior technology.

В 1936-ом году слабый телесигнал переданный с открытия Oлимпиады должен был доказать техническое превосходство Германии.

But not to laugh like the banal laughter you get when people realize that they’re superior to the thing they’re laughing at, but another kind of laughter, a definitive laughter, a laughter in Nietzschean conditions; a tragic laughter.

Но не так смеяться… как мы обычно это делаем, когда замечаем наше превосходство над тем, над чем смеемся… Я говорю о совершенно конкретном смехе. Смех Ницше трагичен.

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You’re my superior officer.

Вы — мой старший офицер.

If I have to order you as your superior officer, I will.

Я настаиваю. Если я должен приказать вам, как ваш старший офицер, я прикажу.

— What superior ?

— Кто тут старший?

As your superior officer I’m telling you to take the runabout and get the hell off this moon.

Как ваш старший офицер, я приказываю вам взять катер и уносить ноги с этой луны…

— Why? She’s my superior officer.

Она — мой старший офицер.

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Your superiors made the statement that failure of this mission would be as catastrophic for Federation planning as it would be for our two planets.

Ваше руководство заявило, что провал этой миссии будет не меньшей катастрофой для планов Федерации, чем для наших планет.

My superiors are worried about the press.

Руководство беспокоится насчет прессы.

I was appointed by your superiors.

Меня назначило ваше руководство

— Who does? Your superior?

А кто, твоё руководство?

— Germain, my superiors…

— Жермен, моё руководство…

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