Word that means sun

More than 100 Words derived from sun As aerosol, sunscreen, desolator, solano, solstice, litmus, soliloquy, solipsism and many more.

Words derived from sun















Home Appliances






















We insulate


To insulate



















You sole

You sole

We sole



It will sunny











We used to talk




















We used to cook



Ice cream

Become a Translator

Turn solar


Become a Translator

You will become sunny

Become a fan

Become a fan

We will make it solar


Become a Translator


Words associated with the Sun in English






































Light bulb


































Sun up























Words that have their root in Helio, or Sun

Helium that comes from the Greek»Helios»which means Sun. From this root we enrich our vocabulary with words used in photography, sun science, flowers, therapies and astronomy. In Greek mythology Helios, the Sun-God drove his chariot through the sky each morning.

Here we leave you a list of words whose root is related to the word Helios or Sun:

Heliocentric: it is related to the center of the sun.

Heliochrome: Refers to a natural color photograph.

Heliochromoscope: instrument to produce photos in natural colors.

Heliochromía: relative to the Photochromy.

Heliodon: is a device to illustrate what appears to be the movement of the Sun.

Heliodoro: yellow beryllium found in South Africa.

Heliofugal: lying away from the sun.

Heliograph: an instrument for the use of the rays of the sun, it is like, a mirror to telegraph.

Heliogram: is the message transmitted by the heliograph.

Helioid: means that it is similar to the Sun or like the Sun.

Heliolatry: is the worship of the Sun.

Heliology: is the science that studies the Sun.

Heliophilia: desire to be in the Sun. Love for the rays of the Sun.

Heliophobe: fear of the Sun, the rays of the Sun or any light that is bright.

Heliófito: plant that grows in sunlight.

Helioscope: A dark lens telescope to see the Sun while protecting the eyes.

Heliosis: tan; insolation.

Heliotherapy: use sunbaths to cure a disease.

Heliotermometer: instrument to measure the intensity of solar radiation.

Heliotrope: a plant that becomes the sun.

Helion: nucleus of the helium-3 atom, one of the two stable helium isotopes.

Helioseismology: the science that studies the wave oscillations in the Sun. With this science you can see the physical processes involved, in the same way that seismologists learn about the Earth’s interior by controlling the waves caused by earthquakes. The temperature, composition and movements of the Sun influence the periods of oscillation and the perceptions of performance in the conditions of the solar interior.

Heliogram: a message transmitted by the heliograph.

Heliometer: A refraction telescope that has a split lens that is used to determine very small angular distances between celestial bodies.

Heliomotor: a device with which solar energy is transformed into mechanical energy.

Heliostat: an instrument consisting of a mirror moved by a clock, to reflect the rays of the sun in a fixed direction.

Heliotrope: any plant belonging to the genus Heliotropium, of the borage family, as H. arborescens, cultivated for its small fragrant purple flowers.

Heliophysics: the science of understanding the Sun and its interactions with the Earth and the solar system, including space time.

Heliotelegraphy: the telegraphy that is applied through the heliograph.

so Ligurian †
(Liguru, Ligure, Zeneize) — one of the Gallic-Italian languages, used on Northwest of Italy in Liguria province. That was an ancient language, spoken by the population of Northwest of Italy and Southwest of France in Pre-Roman era.
sol Latin
sol Old Icelandic language
the language of West Scandinavian subgroup of German languages, used until the middle of XIV c. by immigrants from modern Norway (the Vikings), which settled Island.
sol Old Swedish sol Old Danish sol Asturian
(Asturian; asturianu, formerly also known as bable) is a West Iberian Romance language spoken in Principality of Asturias, Spain.
sol Aragonese language
is a Romance language, that was spoken on the territory of Aragon Kingdom in Spain
sol Galician
(Galego), Iberian-romanic subgroup of Roman group of languages (Spain)
sol Danish
sol Icelandic
(islenska) — the language of Icelanders (Scandinavian group of German languages).
sol Spanish
sol Catalan
sol Balear Catalan
Palma island (Mediterranean sea)
sol Castilian
(Spain, Andorra)
sol Ladino
(self-name: Lingaz ladin) belongs to retoroman subgroup roman group Indoeuropian language family. Alternative name is Sephardic or Judeo-Spanish colloquial and written language of Spanish Jews. The endangered language.
sol Mirandese
Romanic language, spoken by the people of small territory in North-East Portugal
sol, sola Norwegian
sol Gjestal Norwegian
sol, sul Piedmont (Piemontese)
Language spoken in Piedmont, region in the Northwest of Italy.
sol Portuguese
Romance; Indo-European; Europe
sol (sel) Faroe (Faroese)
(self-name: Foroyskt mal) language of Freres, that inhabit the Faroe Islands (an autonomous region of Denmark). Descendant language of Normanns (immigrants from the South-West Norway).
sol Swedish
language of east subgroup of scandinavian group, spoken in Sweden, some part of Finland and on autonomous Aland islands.
sol Extremaduran
Ibero-romanic dialect, spoken on south-western Spain
sol Nones
Nones is a dialect named after and spoken in the Non Valley in Trentino, Northern Italy.
sol Valencian
a linguistic variety spoken in the Valencian Community, Spain
sol Emiliano Carpigiano
sol Emiliano Ferrarese
Sol Fala
Portugal, at the border with Spain
sol Korlai
western seashore of India
solo Dyimini
Ivory Coast (Africa)
sal Garo
Bodo-Garo; Sino-Tibetan; AsiaAssam, India.
sal Lalung
Tiwa, or Lalung, is a Sino-Tibetan language of Assam in North East India.
Sal Riang
Riang is a Mon-Khmer language of Burma and China.
sole Venetian
There are two unrelated Venetian languages, both associated with the Veneto region on North-East of Italy. Venetian language is an ancient language of Venet tribe, representing separate branch of Indo-European languages (ousted by Latin language)
sole Italian
sole Neapolitan
Dialect of Italian language
sole Maceratese
an Italian dialect
sole Neapolitan-Calabrian
South dialect of Italian language, spoken in Naples region and in Northern Caliber.
sole Norman
(France — Great Britain)
sole Nynorsk
a variant of Norwegian language
sole Sardinian
Self-name: Sardu. Sardinian language aroused from Latin dialects, spoken on Sardinia. (Romance; Indo-European; Europe)
sola Norwegian
sole (fr.) Jerriais
(or Jersey French) is the form of the Norman language spoken in Jersey, in the Channel Islands, off the coast of France.
solea Walloon
One of the Belgium languages (the Roman group), spoken in Belgium (Wallonia region), in France (the Ardennes department and some villages of Nor department)
soil Gothic
the extinct East Germanic language that was spoken by the Goths.
soleil [solEj] French
soleil Cajun French
Dialect of French, spoken mainly in Louisiana (USA)
soley Mauritian
Mauritius island (the Indian ocean)
solely Franco-Provencal
(Arpitan language) — Romanic language (Gallo-Roman subgroup), south-east France, Roman Switzerland and North-west Italy
solelh Occitan
a Romance language (or — Provencal) — the language of indigenous population of Occitania (the South of Franca), and some neighboring regions of Spain and Italy. It is divided into Northern-Occitan (Limousin, Auvergnat, Provencal alpin) and Southern-Occitan (Languedocian, Provencal, Gascon, Nicois). Catalan is the closest relative of modern Occitan.
solel Chti (or Patois)
This is the variety of Picard which is spoken in Northern France, in Nord-Pas-de-Calais (Picard is a regional language spoken in Northern France and also in Belgium, by a total of about 500,000 speakers).
solen Norsk (bokmal)
Self-name: Norsk (Norway). There are two official forms of Norwegian language now — bokmal and nynorsk
soli Corsican
(Self-names: Corsu, Corso, Corse, Corsi) — a dialect of Italian language. Corsica (France) and the North of Sardinia.
soli Gallurese Sardinian
at the Northern part of Sardinia island (Italy)
sin Eastern Frisian
sin Seeltersk
Saterland Frisian, also known as Sater Frisian or Saterlandic (Seeltersk), is the last living dialect of the East Frisian language.
sinne Frisian
(self-name: Fryske talen) — the language of frisians (west group of German languages). Spoken mainly in Freeslandia province (Netherlands).
sin Southern Bobo Madare
Burkina Faso (west part), Africa.
zin Gronings
Northern Netherlands
zin Northern Low Saxon
Northern Low Saxon is a West Low German dialect.
si Bomu Bobo
at the border between Burkina Faso and Mali (western Africa)
izige Yanda
Yanda — the language in Mali (near the Burkina Faso border .
zon3 Brabantic
zon Limburgish
zon, zoon Dutch
Northern Europe
zon West Vlaams language
Self-name: Vlaemsch. In the North part of Belgium and in Nor department in France.
zon (zun) Yiddish
(Hebrew) — Juwish language of German group, historically main language of Ashkenazi, that was spoken at the beginning of XX century about 11 mln. of Jews in all over the world.
zon Limburgish
(self-name: Limburgs) West Germanic language, that represents a set of dialects of south-east Netherlands
son Afrikaans
(Boer) close to Dutch. Spoken in South Africa, Botswana, Malawi, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia
sonn Luxemburgeois
(self-name: Letzebuergesch) — a language of everyday communication of Luxemburg residents (Europe).
sonE Swabian
Swabian is one of the dialect groups of Alemannic German that belong to the High German dialect continuum. It is spoken in Swabia, which covers much of the southwestern German state of Baden-Wurttemberg, including its capital, Stuttgart.
sonne German
sonne Middle Dutch
Middle Dutch is a collective name for a number of closely related West Germanic dialects whose ancestor was Old Dutch and was spoken and written between 1150 and 1500.
sunne Middle Low German
(or Middle Saxon) is a language that is descendant of Old Saxon and the ancestor of modern Low German
sunne Middle High German sunne (sun3) Old Frisian
a West Germanic language spoken between the 8th and 16th centuries in the area between the Phine and Weser on European North Sea coast.
sunne Old English
Old English language (Anglo-Saxon language) — an early form of English language, that was common on the territory of modern England and south Scotland from the middle of the 5th up to the middle of the 12th cent.
sunne East-Frisian
(Self-name: Seeltersk; Seelterfraiske) or Saterland Frisian language — one of the Frisian languages, which is spoken in deutsche city Saterland.
sunne Bernese German
zun3 Zeelandic
(Zeeuws; Zeeuws in Dutch) is a Low Franconian dialect of Dutch spoken in the southwestern parts of the Netherlands, more specifically the Southernmost part of South Holland (Goeree-Overflakkee) and large parts of the province of Zeeland
zun3 Stellingwerfs
Stellingwarfs is the form of Dutch Low Saxon spoken in Ooststellingwerf and Weststellingwerf in the Dutch province of Friesland, and also in Steenwijkerland in the Dutch province of Overijssel.
sulberi; sulis Helsinki Stadin Slangi
the southern Finland (at the Finnish Gulf seashore)
suna (sunna) Old High German
Old High German, any of the West Germanic dialects spoken in the highlands of Southern Germany, Switzerland, and Austria until the end of the 11th century.
suna (sunna) Old Saxon
(also colled Old Low German) earliest recorded form of Low German, spoken by thr Saxon tribes between the Rhine and Elbe rivers and between the North Sea and the Harz Mountains from the 9th until the 12th century
sunna Old Frankish
(also Old Franconian) was the West German Language spoken by the Franks between the 4th and 8th century
suna Old Low Franconian
The Frankish language, also ‘Old Frankish’, was the language of the Franks. It is a West Germanic language and was spoken in Merovingian times, preceding the 7th century.
suna Old Low Franconian
Low Franconian, Low Frankish are a group of several West Germanic languages spoken in the Netherlands, Northern Belgium (Flanders), in the Nord department of France, in western Germany
sunna Old German zuna Cimbrian
Cimbrian (native name Zimbar; German: Zimbrisch or Tzimbrisch; Italian: Cimbro) refers to any of several local Upper German varieties spoken in Northeastern Italy. The speakers of the language are known as Zimbern.
sunn Low Saxon
(also Low German) is an Ingvaeonic West Germanic language spoken mainly in Northern Germany and the eastern part of the Netherlands. It is descended from Old Saxon in its earliest form
sunn Alsatian
a regional language spoken in Alsace (eastern France) by about 700,000 speakers. It is a Germanic language, closely related to other nearby Alemannic dialects, such as Swiss German and Swabian.
sunn Deitsch
Dialect of German language
sunn Pfalzisch
Dialect of German language (in the cities Rheinland-Pfalz, Baden-Wurttemberg, Saarland, Gessen)
sunn Ripuarian
self-name: Ripoarisch. Central German dialect (the most known as an Ripuarian language), which among others, Yiddish based on. (Spoken in Germany, Belgium, Netherlands)
sunn Plattduutsch
(Low Deutsche)
sunn Kolsch
the city of Cologne in the West Germany
zunne West-Flemish dialect
(Dutch: West-Vlaams) is a language spoken in western Belgium and adjoining parts of the Netherlands and France
sul Istriot
Istriot is a Romance language spoken by about 400 people in the southwestern part of the Istrian Peninsula in Croatia.
sul Lombard Bergamo
Italy, to the North of Milan
sulel Languedocien
su Hamburg
Hamburg Low German dialect
su; sulei Occitan Aranese
Aranese is a standardized form of the Pyrenean Gascon variety of the Occitan language spoken in the Val d’Aran, in Northwestern Catalonia close to the Spanish border
suu Lombard Plesio
Italy, to the North of Milan
suu Lombard
Self-name — Lumbaart
suu Ticinese
(ticines) is a comprehensive denomination for the varieties of the Lombard language spoken in Canton Ticino (Tessin) and in the North of the Province of Varese.
sun [san] English sun Bavarian
is a major group of Upper German varienties spoken in the southeast of the German languages area, largely covered by Bavaria and Austria.
sun Scottish
a West Germanic language variety spoken in Lowland Scotland and parts of Ulster in Ireland.
su*N Jo
Southern Mali (Africa)
son Kamtok
so Kempee
Democratic Republic of the Congo
soe Biyanda
Western CAR
soe Gbaya Mbodomo
CAR (at the border with Cameroon)
soe Gbaya
North-western CAR
soge; nangE Susu
The Susu language is the language of the Susu or Soso people of Guinea and Sierra Leone, West Africa.
soge Yalunka
Yalunka (or Jallonka) is the language of the Yalunka people of Guinea, Mali, Senegal, and Sierra Leone in West Africa.
sun Marathi
Marathi language is an Indo Aryan language, mainly spoken in the state of Maharashtra. Marathi is also spoken in Israel and Mauritius. Marathi is thought to be a descendent of Maharashtri, one of the Prakrit languages which developed from Sanskrit.
sun Chinook slang
The language of aboriginal North Americans, Penutian language family. The word ‘sun’ is borrowed from English language
sun Manchurian
sun Xibe
The Xibe language (also Sibo, Sibe, Xibo language) is a Tungusic language spoken by members of the Xibe minority of Northwest China.
sun Dirrim
su(n) Udege
The language of udegeys is a Tungus-Manchurian language, making with other Amur languages the Amur subgroup of Tungus group of the languages. Its closest relative is the Oroch language.
seu(n); s3u Oroch (Orochi)
the language of the Orochi people in Russia. Its closest relatives are Nanai and Udege languages. Spoken in Khabarovsk krai.
su(n) Orok
it belongs to Tungus-Manchurian languages. Unwritten. Endangered.
sun Aihui Manchu
Manchu is a severely endangered Tungusic language spoken in Manchuria
san Koch
Koch (or — Wanang) is a Sino-Tibetan language spoken by the Koch people of Republic of India, Rajbanshi people in Nepal and Bangladesh.
san Kachari
India (Himalayas)
san North Frisian Amrum
spoken on the island of Amrum in the German region of North Frisia.
san Mech
Bodo, or Mech, is the Sino-Tibetan language of the Bodo people of North-eastern India and Bengal.
san Nocte
Nocte is a Naga language of Northeastern India
san Naga Nocte
Northeastern India.
sansurvira Vaagri Boli
Vaagri Booli is an unclassified tribal Indic language of Southern India.
sana Talinga
Talinga or Bwisi is a language spoken in the Uganda-Congo border region. It is called Talinga (Kitalinga) in DRC and Bwisi (Lubwisi, Olubwisi) in Uganda.
isaana; sana Gwere
Gwere, or Lugwere, is the language spoken by the Gwere people, a Bantu people found in the eastern part of Uganda.
isana Lugwere [gwr]
in Budaka, Kibuku, and Pallisa districts in Eastern Uganda where the number of mother-tongue speakers is approximately 410,000 people.
omusana Luganda
language of the Uganda people (Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa)
musana (kyanda) Lubwisi [tlj]
Spoken in Bundibugyo district in Western Uganda where the number of mother-tongue speakers is approximately 99,000 people. The language is also spoken by about 31,000 people in Congo where it is called Kitalinga.
mus Duguri
mus Kenyang-Kitwii
Cameroon (Africa)
sanya Mambwe
Northern Zambia
saNey Wawa
Wawa is a Mambiloid language spoken in a region of Cameroon and just inside bordering Nigeria used by about 3,000 people in three main dialects.
sanza5i Anyi
Niger-Congo language spoken mainly in Cote d’Ivoir and Gana.
sunk Khanty
The language of aborigines of the North of West Siberia, living in river basins of tributaries of Ob and Irtysh.
sanhe Dhimal
a Sino-Tibetan language of Nepal spoken by about 20,000 people.
usil Etruscan
Language spoken by the ancient people of Etruria in what is now Italy. The language is accepted as an isolated case.
ushil Etruscan
Etruscan was a language spoken and written in the ancient region of Etruria (current Tuscany) and in parts of what are now Lombardy, Veneto, and Emilia-Romagna (where the Etruscans were displaced by Gauls), in Italy.
soe Bangandu
Bangandu (Bangando) is a Gbaya language of Cameroon and CAR.
sovilo Old-German Runic script rdull (rthul) Old Norse
Old Norse is the North Germanic language that was spoken by inhabitants of Scandinavia and inhabitants of their overseas settlements during the Viking Age, until about 1300. Gradually, Old Norse splintered into the modern North Germanic languages: Icelandic, Faroese, Norwegian, Danish and Swedish.
selao Dzoratai
Elvetia, Italy (*).
sowl Emiliano Reggiano
Italy, the San Marino region
sowl Romagnol Ravennate
Romagnol is a Romance language mostly spoken in Romagna (Northern Italy)
soari Romanian Megleno
Megleno-Romanian (known as Vlahete by its speakers, and Megleno-Romanian or Meglenitic and sometimes Moglenitic or Meglinitic by linguists) is a Romance language, similar to Aromanian, or a dialect of the Romanian language. It is spoken by the Megleno-Romanians in a few villages in the Moglena region that spans the border between the Greek region of Macedonia and the Republic of Macedonia.
suleL Romansh Grishun
Romansh language — German Rumantsch, also called Grishun, or Grisons, Romance language of the Rhaetian group spoken in Northern Italy and Switzerland, primarily in the Rhine Valley in the Swiss canton of Graubunden (Grisons).
suLeL Romansh Surmiran
Romansh is divided into five different regional dialects (Sursilvan, Sutsilvan, Surmiran, Puter, and Vallader), each with its own standardized written language.
sulEL Romansh Sursilvan
Sursilvan is a group of dialects of the Romansh language spoken in the Swiss district of Surselva.
diell Albanian
Albanian is the official language of Republic of Albania. Also spoken in Serbia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovenia, Italy, etc.
dieL Albanian, Gheg
one of the variety of Albanian (like Arvanitika)
diaw Arvanitic
The language is spoken in Greece. The Arvanitic language is variety of Tosk Albanian
suli Sicilian
Indo-European; Europe
sulay Romansh Vallader
Vallader is a variety of the Romansh language spoken in the Lower Engadine valley (Engiadina Bassa) of southeast Switzerland, between Martina and Zernez.
sureL Gascon
suredl Gherdeina
the dialect of Ladin в Val Gardena (a valley in Northern Italy, in the Dolomites of South Tyrol).
saul Emilian-Romagnolo
is a Romance language, mostly spoken in Emilia-Romagna, Italy.
saul Dalmatian
Montenegro (former Yugoslavia)
saule Liv (Livonian)
The south branch of Baltic-Finnish group of Finno-Ugric language family. The extinct language of Livs, inhabiting mostly the coastal part of Ventspils region of Latvia. The closest relative language is Estonian.
saule Old Prussian language
(or Prussian) The language of Baltic tribe of prussians that inhabited the south bank of Baltic Sea. Applied to the West baltic subgroup of the Baltic group of the Indo-european language family.
saule Lithuanian saule Samogitian
a dialect of the Lithuanian language spoken mostly in Samogitia (in the western part of Lithuania).
saule Latvian
a dialect of the Lithuanian language spoken mostly in Samogitia (in the western part of Lithuania)
saule Latgale
The language is considered as High Latvian dialect of Latvian language
saule Zemaiteska
(dialect of Lithuanian language)
sauil Gothic language
(ancient) old english (?)
sunce Serbo-Groatian
the language of Serbs, Groats, Montenegrins and Bosnian Muslims (former Yugoslavia).
sunce Serbian sunce Groatian
official language of Groatia (Republika Hrvatska).
sunce Bosnian
one of the three official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Also spoken in Groatia, Montenegro and Serbia.
sonce Slovenian sonce Russian
sonce Ukrainian sonca Belarusian
Eastern Europe
sonce, sonceto Macedonian
Slavic; Indo-European; Europe
slenCe, kolo Old Russian SlenC~e Nashta
slunice Old Slavonic
(Old Church language)
sluntse Bulgarian son-c-e Dihovo
Dihovo is a village in the municipality of Bitola, Republic of Macedonia located about seven kilometers away from Bitola, the second largest city in the country.
slnce (слъньцэ) Church Slavonic
By this language the translation of the Bible was made in 9th century. One of the dialects of slavonic language (also called Old Bulgarian).
slonce Polish
slonco (sw~3nco ?) Upper Sorbian
One of two closely related languages spoken by the Sorbs, a Slavic minority in the Lusatia region of eastern Germany
slunce (suunce ?) Silesian
Dialect of Polish language
slunce Czech
Slavic; Indo-European; Europe
slunce Old Czech
Slavic; Indo-European; Europe
slunce (swu5cE) Kashubian
Kashubian has about 50,000 speakers in Poland, where it is an official regional language. It is used for local administration purposes in Sierakowice, Pomeranian Voivodeship and in parts of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. Like Polish, it is a West Slavic language.
slуnсo Low Sorbian
One of two closely related languages spoken by the Sorbs, a Slavic minority in the Lusatia region of eastern Germany (West Slavic branch of the Indo-Europian languages.
slnko, slnce Slovak
Slavic; Indo-European; Europe
sloonko Rusyn (Ruthenian)
Rusyns — a Slavic ethnic group (about 30000 people), living in some regions of Vojvodina and Groatia (former Yugoslavia)
cen; cien Acoli (Acholi)
(also Acoli, Akoli, Acooli, Atscholi, Shuli, Gang, Lwoo, Lwo, Lok Acoli, Dok Acoli) is spoken by the Acholi people in Acholiland in Northern Uganda and in Magwe County in Southern Sudan.
CiEN Alur
(Aloro, Alua, Alulu, Dho Alur, Jo Alur, Lur, Luri) The three most closely related languages to Kenyan Luo are the languages of the Acholi and Lango in Uganda, and the Alur language in Congo.
CiaN (CEN) Shilluk
Shilluk is a Luo language spoken by the Shilluk people of South Sudan and Sudan.
cen Anuak
western Ethiopia
cen Luwo
Luwo, also known as Jur (Luo, Dheluwo), is a language spoken by the Luwo people of Bahr el Ghazal region in South Sudan.
sEn; san Krio
an English-based ‘pidgin’ language in Sierra Leone
sEN Bom
The Bom language (alternates: Bome; Bomo) is an endangered language of Sierra Leone.
cen di Bor
South Sudan.
ceN Adhola
The Adhola language, also known as Japadhola and Ludama, is the language of the Adhola people (aka Jopadhola or Badama) of Uganda. Dhopadhola is generally mutually intelligible with Acholi, Lango, Kumam, and Alur of Uganda and Dholuo of Kenya.
CEN Lango
Lango (or Langgo) is an Eastern Nilotic language spoken an estimated 38,000 people in South Sudan.
CEN Giur
South Sudan
CEN Nuer
The Nuer language is spoken by the Nuer people of South Sudan and in western Ethiopia (region of Gambela).
sEni; sεni Mbre
Mbre, also spelled Bre, Bere, Pre, is an endangered language spoken in Cote d’Ivoire (Africa).
se Bakaka
se; usi Lega
the DR of Congo.
se Karang
Karang language (also called Mbum East or Lakka) is an Mbum language of Cameroon.
se Ngoumi
se Njak Mbai
Nzakambay (Njak Mbai), or Nzakambay Mbum, is an Mbum language of Southern Chad and Northern Cameroon.
se (ese); si Bongili
Bongili is a Bantu language of the Republic of Congo.
se Ko
Chad (at the border with Cameroon)
se Malgbe
in Northern part of Cameroon
se Mboshi
se; eton dyow Baneka
ce Afade
Afade is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in eastern Nigeria and Northwestern Cameroon.
ce Kali
the Central African Republic
ce Kari
the Central African Republic
c3 Aghem Isu
Aghem is a Grassfields Bantu language spoken in the Wum Central Sub-division in Menchum Division of the North West Region of Cameroon.
si Bobo
Mande family: West-Mande group, Africa
ci Abe
Kwa family: Agneby group (Ivory Coast)
ci Lenyima
ci; ciki Dama
Dama language (Cameroon), possibly a dialect of Mono.
sEnz~Ene Nzema
Nzema (Nzima), also known as Appolo, is a Central Tano language spoken by the Nzema people of southwestern Ghana and southeast Cote d’Ivoire.
sesei Mbum
an Adamawa language of Cameroon
siar Ron
Ron (also known as Challa, Chala) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Plateau State, Nigeria.
iSi* Nyanga
The Nyanga language is a language spoken by the Nyanga people in Kivu province, North-eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.
isi Nande
the Democratic Republic of the Congo
isi Nugunu
The Gunu language (Nu Gunu or Nugunu) is a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon.
iso li busa; dakabusa Ngombe
Ngombe, or Lingombe, is a Bantu language spoken by about 150,000 people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
iso libose Eso Yalemba
Democratic Republic of the Congo
iso lyause Lokele Yalemba
Democratic Republic of the Congo
iso*o Shanga
Shanga (Shangawa, Shonga, Shongawa) is a Mande language of Nigeria.
sosa* Ngondi
Ngondi is a Bantu language of the Republic of Congo.
is Lendu Ddradha
Democratic Republic of the Congo
isa Kulung Nigeria
isate Illo Busa
sont~a Seeku
Seeku is a Mande language spoken by the Seemogo people of Burkina Faso.
SonTo Kwakum
o5 (o5a) Kalonge
Cameroon (Africa)
o5 Mmala (Numala)
a language of Cameroon
uo Defaka
Nigeria (Ijoid; Niger-Congo; Africa)
o*ne Benge Bati
DRC (Africa)
o*so* Kyenga
at the border between Nigeria and Benin
o*t; o*tyo Doohwaayaayo
Northern Cameroon
o Lobala
Democratic Republic of the Congo
o Mungong
o Ncane
swance Tokharian A
Tocharian A is a dead Indo-European language (east-tokharian). India, South-East Asia. 1st millenium BC — 1st millenium AC.
swanco; kaum Tokharian B
Tocharian B is a dead Indo-European language (west-tokharian). India, South-East Asia. 1st millenium BC — 1st millenium AC.
kom; kaum Tocharian
Tocharian (Tokharian) is an extinct branch of the Indo-European language family. It is known from manuscripts dating from the 6th to the 8th century AD, which were found in oasis cities on the Northern edge of the Tarim Basin (now part of Xinjiang in Northwest China).
komb~e Myene
komb~e Okande (Kande)
Kande is an undocumented Bantu language of Gabon.
komb~e Xehimba
Gabon (Africa)
komb~e Xepinzipinzi
Gabon (Africa)
komb~e Xetsoxo
Gabon (Africa)
kombe Kande
Kande is an undocumented Bantu language of Gabon.
siun Nanaj (Nanai)
The Nanai language (also called Gold, Goldi, or Hezhen) is spoken by the Nanai people in Siberia
siun Negidal
Negidal (also spelled Neghidal) is a language of the Tungusic family spoken in the Russian Far East, mostly in Khabarovskij Kraj, along the lower reaches of the Amur River.
siun Ulcha
The Ulch language, or Olcha, is a Tungusic language spoken by the paleo-asian Ulch people in North East Asia.
Siwun Jurchen
at the Northern area of China (Amur region)
siwun Kur Urmi
Kili (Kirin, Kila), known as Hezhe or more specifically Qileen in Chinese and also as the Kur-Urmi dialect of Nanai, is a Tungusic language of Russia and China.
sivun Negidal Verchovski
the Russian Far East
siyu Lasi
Southern Pakistan
sigun Solon
Tungusic; Altaic; Asia
sigun Tunguska
Manzhouli, the Northern China
siun; dylachah Evenk
The Tungus-Manchurian branch of the Altai language family
siun Negidal language
unwritten language of negidal people, spoken in Khabarovsk region of Russia. Tunguska branch of Tungus-Manchurian languages. Its closest relative is the Evenk language.
siu(n) Ulchi language
the endangered language of Ulvhi people (unwritten). The language of the Southern (Amur) group of Tungus-Manchurian languages, Its closest relatives are Nanai и Orok languages. Spoken in Ulchi region of Khabarovsk krai.
siu; siun Nanai
Nanai is a Tungusic language spoken by the Nanai people in Siberia. There are about 3,900 speakers, but most of them use Russian as their primary language, making Nanai an endangered language.
Sy~u* Naykhin Nanai
Middle/lower Amur dialects Naykhin, Dzhuen, Bolon, Ekon, etc: the areas along the Amur River below Khabarovsk Nanai, Amursk, Solnechny, and Komsomolsk districts of Khabarovsk Krai
Si Mokscha Mordwinisch
Mordovia (Russian Federation)
si (shees) Moksha
Moksha language is a member of the Mordovic branch of the Uralic languages with around 130,000 native speakers. Its closest relative is the Erzya language. Moksha is also considered to be closely related to the extinct Veshcherian and Muromian languages. Finno-Ugoric language family
si Torwali
Torwali, or Turvali, is a Dardic language spoken in Kohistan and Swat districts of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan.
сipay Mordvin
language of people inhabit the Mordovian autonomous region and nearby towards Volga river.
ci; cipay Erzya language
The Erzya language is spoken by about 260,000 people in the Northern and eastern and North-western parts of the Republic of Mordovia and adjacent regions of Nizhniy Novgorod, Chuvashia, Penza, Samara, Saratov, Orenburg, Ulyanovsk, Tatarstan and Bashkortostan in Russia. The language belongs to the Mordovinic branch of the Uralic languages.
siga Fiji (Fijian)
The Republic of the Fiji Islands (a state in South-Western part of Pacific Ocean).
igan Ket (Yenisei-Ostyak)
the sole surviving language of the Yeniseian language family. It is spoken along the middle Yenisei Basin. Only a few hundred speakers remain.
ega; egi; kgi Kott
Kott, now extinct, was a Yeniseian language spoken in central Siberia by the banks of Mana River, a tributary of the Yenisei river.
ega Arin
a Yeniseian language (like Kott) which was spoken until the 18th century along the Yenisei river, in Russia.
ega; eja; hixem Pumpokol
is a Yeniseian language that became extinct in the 18th century.
eke Onge
Andaman islands (Indian ocean) a language spoken by the Onge people in Little Andaman Island (India)
heN Nancawri (Nancowri)
Andaman islands, Indian ocean
ekwan; eokwan; equan Nauruan
a language of a state in Oceania, located in South-West part of Pacific ocean, on the Nauru island
sulegl Romansch
is one of the four national languages of Switzerland. The Rhaeto-Romance subgroup of Romance languages.
sore-s; Khoekhoe
(a.k.a. Nama; Damara; Khoekhoegowab, Khoe-khoe). The biggest Khoisan language: 234000 speakers in Namibia, Botswana and South Africa
sore-b (sore-b-i) !Ora
Central Khoisan family: Кхойкхой group (Africa)
sore Korana
South Africa and perhaps Botswana
soare Romanian
Romanian is a Romance language spoken primarily in Romania and Moldova.
soare Aromanian
(also Macedo-Romanian or Vlach) is an Eastern Romance language spoken in Southeastern Europe.
soare Moldavian
Romance; Indo-European; Europe
suari Vlach
The Vlach language is spoken by the Vlach community of eastern Serbia.
soreli Friulan
(Friulian) Spoken in the Friuli Region of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, and the Provinces of Udine, Pordenone and Gorizia, Italy.
soreye Nones Fassano
Northern Italy
sur3dl Nones Gardenese
Northern Italy
soredl, soreie, sorogle Ladin
is a Romance language consisting of a group of dialects, mainly spoken in the Dolomite Mountains in Northern Italy in South Tyrol, the Trentino and the province of Belluno by the Ladin people.
sur Jamtlandic
soorajh Urdu
Urdu is an Indo-European language, related with Hindi. Official language in Pakistan.
suryu Konkani
an Indo-Arian language belonging to the Indo-European family of languages and is spoken along the western coast of India (Konkan region).
surya (suraj) Hindi
an Indo-Arian language. North and Central regions of India.
surya (suryo) Bengali
One of the languages of Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European language family. Spoken in Bangladesh and in Indian West Bengal state
surya (surej) Gujarati
one of the official languages of India spoken in the west part of the country.
suray Hinduri
Northern India
surya Kannada
is one of the major Dravidian languages of India (State of Karnataka in Southern India).
surya (surje) Nepali
The official language of Nepal, also spoken in some regions of the North India. Indic; Indo-European; Asia
surya Kodagu (Kodava)
an endangered Dravidian language and the original language of the Kodagu district in Southern Karnataka
surya Marathi
is an Indo-Aryan language spoken predominantly by Marathi people of Maharashtra (India).
suryan Ullatan
Ullatan is an apparently extinct and unclassified Southern Dravidian language once spoken by two tribes of India.
suryan, weda Malayalam
the language of Malayaly people. Spoken in South-west part of India (Kerala state). Belongs to the South group of Dravidian languages, relates with Tamil language.
curiyan Tamil
Tamil is a Southern Dravidian language spoken predominantly by Tamil people of the Indian subcontinent. It has official status in India, Sri Lanka and Singapore, and it is the administrative language of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. There are about 68 million native speakers.
suriyan Paliyan
The Paliyan, or Palaiyar or Pazhaiyarare are Adivasi Dravidian people living in the South Western Ghats montane rain forests in South India, especially in Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
ira; soorya Sinhalese language
(or Singhalese, or Sinhala), is the native language of Sinhalese people, who make up the largest othnic group in Sri Lanka, numbering about 16 million. Indo-Aryan group of Indo-Iranian branch of Indo-Europian language family.
Sinhala has its own writing system, which evolved from the Brahmi script.
ir3 Vedda
Vedda is an endangered language which was used by the indigenous Vedda people of Sri Lanka.
suryudu; poddu Telugu
Telugu is a Dravidian language native to India. It is primary language in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
Cury~e Koraga Korra
western seashore of India
%Cury~e Koraga
Koraga (also rendered Koragar, Koragara, Korangi) is a Dravidian language spoken by the Koraga people, a Scheduled tribe people of Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka, and Kerala in South West India.
sury~o Konkani
in the West India, Goa state.
suruy Maithili
Maithili is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in Northern and eastern Bihar of India and a few districts of the Nepal.
suruj; dh~up Rajbanshi
Kamtapuri, Rangpuri or Rajbangshi is a Bengali-Assamese language spoken by the Rajbongshi people in Bangladesh and India, as well as in Rajbanshi and Tajpuria in Nepal.
sur3j Hadoti
sur3T (sury~3) Gujarati (Gujrati)
India, the Gujarat province
huryo Assamese
the official language of Assam state of India.
suriya; bhanu Pali
Pali is an Indo-Aryan language of India, used as the literary language of the Buddhist Scriptures and frequently chanted in a ritual context. Monks from different countries may speak Pali to each other, but there are no native speakers.
suraja Bundeli
Bundeli, or Bundelkhandi, is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in the Bundelkhand region of central India.
suraja (sooraj) Punjabi
An Indo-Aryan language spoken in East part of Pakistan and in North-Western regions of India (mostly in Punjab state).
suraj Hindustani
the language of Indo-Aryan family (Pakistan and the Northern India).
suraj Fijian Hindi
the group of Indo-Aryan languages
suruj Bhojapuri
Bhojpuri is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in the Bhojpuri region of North India and in Madhesh, Nepal
surej Dogri
Northern India
suraj Pahari Mahasu
spoken in the Himachal Pradesh, Shimla (Simla) and Solan districts (India)
suraj Chambeali
the North of India (Himachal Pradesh state)
solej Reunionnais
Reunionnais of Indian origin are people of Indian origin in Reunion. They form two ethnic groups on the island, Malbars and Zarabes.
suraT Punjabi Majhi
Pakistan, India
surTyo Oriya
It is an Indo-Aryan language that is spoken mostly in eastern India.
shuurea (soorya; hiru) Sinhala
One of two official Languages of Sri Lanka (Ceylon).
sury3h; r3vih Sanskrit
Sanskrit is a classical language of India and a liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Its position in the cultures of South and Southeast Asia is akin to that of Latin and Greek in Europe and it has significantly influenced most modern languages of Nepal and India.
suraz Agra Gujari
Pakistan, India
sur3C Peshawar City Hindko
The North India
suri Maiya
Maiya language, also called Abasin Kohistani or Indus Kohistani, is a Dardic language spoken in Kohistan District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan.
suri Savi
Savi (also called Sau, Sauji, Sawi) is a Dardic language spoken in parts of Afghanistan.
suri Kalasha
Indic; Indo-European; the language in the northern Pakistan (near the border with Afghanistan)
suri Guru Kalasha
Indic; Indo-European; the language in the northern Pakistan (near the border with Afghanistan)
suri Krakal Kalasha
Indic; Indo-European; the language in the northern Pakistan (near the border with Afghanistan)
suri Zugunuk Kalasha
Indic; Indo-European; the language in the northern Pakistan (near the border with Afghanistan)
suri Brokskat
Indic; Indo-European; Asia
suri Aranduyiwar
(or Gawar-Bati) Afghanistan.
suri Purigal Phalura
suri Ushojo
Ushoji (also spelled Ushojo) is a Dardic language spoken in Kohistan and Swat districts of the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan.
suri Shina
Shina is a language from the Dardic sub-group of the Indo-Aryan languages family spoken by the Shina people, a plurality of the people in Gilgit-Baltistan (Northern Pakistan), as well as in Dah Hanu, Gurez and Dras in India. There are 18 dialects of the Language.
suri Gawar Bati
Afganistan (on border with Iran)
suri Biori Phalura
in the North of Pakistan
Zuko; suri Chilisso
Northern Pakistan
surj Mandeali
in the North of India
dih; surj Churahi
in the North of India
t3dko; dado; surjya Lamani
Lambadi is a Western Rajasthani language spoken by the nomadic Banjara people originally in Rajasthan, and now mainly in the India states of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, and also in Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and West Bengal. There are about 5 million speakers of Lambadi. Lambadi is also known as Banjari, Lamani, Lambani, Sugali, Gormati, Goarboali.
Zo Miji
India, the Assam state (at North-eastern area of the country)
suyyi Kudmali
North-eastern India
Xy~um Hobyot
Oman (Arabian peninsula)
SapSu Ugaritic
Ugaritic is an extinct Northwest Semitic language discovered. It is known almost only in the form of writings found in the ruined city of Ugarit (modern Ras Shamra, Syria).
so Hussainabad Hunza Burushaski
Northern Pakistan
so Uyum Nagar Burushaski
Burushaski is the predominant language in Hunza and Nagar (Pakistan)
so Ganish Hunza Burushaski
Northern Pakistan
so Hoper Nagar Burushaski
Northern Pakistan
so Haiderabad Hunza Burushaski
Northern Pakistan
so Murtazabad Hunza Burushaski
Northern Pakistan
so Murtazabad Hunza Burushaski
Northern Pakistan
so Central Yasin Burushaski
in the North of Pakistan
sa Burushaski
Burushaski, the language of the Burusho people, is a language isolate spoken in Northern Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.
sa Werchikwar (Wershikwar)
Dialect of Burushaski language. The North of Kashmir, India.
sa Chutiya
in the medieval kingdom of Assam Valley, India
Sa Tippera Tongpai
Sa Usui
sa Deuri
in the North-Western India
su:ŋk Vakh
Wakhi is an Indo-European language in the Eastern Iranian branch of the language family spoken today in Wakhan District, Afghanistan and also in Northern Pakistan.
su:ŋk Verkhne-Kalymsk language
Republic of Sacha (Russia)
su:ŋk Vasjugan
Tomsk region, Russia
ser Dameli
Northern Pakistan
ia huroi Northern Roglai
The Roglai language is a Chamic language of Southern Vietnam
yor Chatorkhand Khowar
yor Garam Chishma Khowar
yor Kesu Khowar
yor Odir Khowar
yor Pargam Nisar Khowar
yor Ushu Khowar
sijh Multani
Spoken in the Saraikistan Region, Pakistan. 18 millions of speakers
sir Kalami
Northern Pakistan
yir Shimsal Wakhi
Shimsal Wakhi is an Indo-European language in the Eastern Iranian branch spoken in Northern Pakistan.
yir Central Gojal Wakhi
in the North of Pakistan, on the border with Afganistan
yir Chapursan Wakhi
in the North of Pakistan
yir Ishkoman Wakhi
Northern Pakistan
yir Yasin Wakhi
Northern Pakistan
i; iy Eighteenth Century Ket
Trans-urals (Russia)
xemx Maltese
Maltese is spoken in Malta, where it is a co-official language along with English. It is also an official language of the European Union. Maltese is a Semitic language, but it is written with the Latin alphabet. It derives from the Arabic dialect that developed in Sicily and the rest of Southern Italy, with vocabulary borrowed from Italian (particularly Sicilian) and English.
smL Sabean
the Old South Arabian language spoken in Yemen
SameS Classical Mandaean
Northern Iran
SameS Classical Mandaic
South-western Iran
semes Hebrew (Jewish)
<Old>Jewish (one of the two official languages of Israel)
semes (smes, semsa) Aramaic (Old)
Aramaic is a Semitic language with a 3,000-year history. (Aramaic was the native language of Jesus.
Samis Hadrami Arabic
shemesh, hashemesh Hebrew
(Modern Ashkenazic); Semitic; Afro-Asiatic; Asia
S3mSa Hulaula
S3mSa Jilu
Turkey, then (in 1915) in Iran
S3mSa Lishana Deni
Palestinian autonomy
SimSa Lishan Didan
Northern Iran
S3mSa Koy Sanjaq Surat
Northern Iraq
SemSo Mlahso
Mlahso, sometimes referred to as Suryoyo or Surayt, is an extinct or dormant Central Neo-Aramaic language. It was traditionally spoken in eastern Turkey and later also in Northeastern Syria by Jacobite Syriac-Assyrians.
Sims (Simus) Dhofari Arabic
Oman (Arabian peninsula)
SimSa Soreth
Iraq, Iran, Turkey
SimSa Malula
SimSE Modern Aramaic
Cyria, Iran
SimSE Western Neo Aramaic
Western Neo-Aramaic is a modern Aramaic language. Today, it is spoken in three villages in the Anti-Lebanon Mountains of western Syria.
camc Phoenician (Old)
Phoenician is a Semitic language of the Canaanite subgroup; its closest living relative is Hebrew. The area where Phoenician was spoken includes modern-day Lebanon, coastal Syria, Palestine, Northern Israel, parts of Cyprus and some adjacent areas of Anatolia.
Sams Soukhne Syrian Arabic
a dialect of syrian arabic language
SymS7 Christian Palestinian
shamas Assyrian
Assyrian (Neo Assyrian) language, the common name of modern East-Aramaic dialects (Urmia, Mosul and other), that belong to semitic-hamitic languages. Assyrians inhabit Iran, North Iraq, Syria, Turkey.
samas Babylonian
The Babylonian language was a dialect of Akkadian, a Semitic language, written in cuneiform script.
samsu Akkadian
(or Assyro-Babylonian lang.) Accadian is an extinct East Semitic language (part of the greater Afroasiatic language family) that was spoken in ancient Mesopotamia in the 3rd-1st millennia BC.
al shams Arabic sams Tigre (Beni Amer)
Semitic; Afro-Asiatic; Africa
Sam3s North Levantine Spoken Arabic
Levantine Arabic is a broad dialect of Arabic spoken in the 100 to 200 km-wide Eastern Mediterranean coastal strip.
SEm3s Syrian Arabic
SameS Mandayi
Mandaic language (Iran, Iraq)
SameS Modern Mandaic
South-western Iran
SomES Neo-Mandaic Khorramshahr
(Iran, Iraq)
sam Socotran
Socotri (Soqotry) is the most archaic and isolated language spoken in Yemen and Oman known as “modern South Arabian languages”. Spoken by the Socotri population in the island of Socotra, and the Abd al Kuri and Samhah islands of the Socotra archipelago off the Southern coast of the Republic of Yemen.
semis South Levantine Arabic
Levantine Arabic is a broad dialect of Arabic spoken in the 100 to 200 km-wide Eastern Mediterranean coastal strip.
Semis Juba Arabic
Southern Sudan
Samis Eastern Libyan Arabic
Libya (Benghazi and Bayda)
SamiS Sudani
Sudanese dialect of Arabic language
semsi Kibera Kenya
SmS Achaemenid Aramaic
Aramaic is a group of languages belonging to the Afroasiatic language phylum. The name of the language is based on the name of Aram, an ancient region in central Syria. The Aramaic Language in the Achaemenid Period.
S3ms Dellys
S3ms Algerian Spoken Arabic
SemS el maghribпya
(Magreb) Arabic to the west from Egypt
sems Syriac Aramaic
Syriac Aramaic is a dialect of Middle Aramaic that was once spoken across much of the Fertile Crescent and Eastern Arabia. Afro-Asiatic language family.
SemSa; SemS Syriac
Syriac, also known as Syriac Aramaic or Classical Syriac, is a dialect of Middle Aramaic that is the minority language of indigenous ethnic Assyrians/Syriacs in south eastern Turkey, Northern Iraq, Northeastern Syria and North western Iran.
s3 Lagwan
Lagwan (Logone) is a Chadic language spoken in Northern Cameroon and southwestern Chad.
SimS3 Urmi
in the West of Iran
simigi Hurrian
extinct language spoken from the last centuries of the 3rd millenium BC until at list the latter years of the Hittite empire (Syria, Mesopotamia)
Sams Ogaden Arabic
Members of the Ogaden clan primarily live in the central Ogaden plateau of Ethiopia (Somali Region),[1] the North Eastern Province of Kenya, and the Jubaland region of Southern Somalia.
sams Khaliji
Alternate Names: ’Arabi, Bedawi, Gulf Arabic, Omani Bedawi Arabic. Arabic, Gulf Spoken Language: Gulf Arabic is a variety of the Arabic language spoken in Eastern Arabia around the coasts of the Persian Gulf in Kuwait, Iraq, Bahrain, eastern Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Iran and Northern Oman.
Sams Damascus Arabic
Surian dialect of the Arabic language
Sams Yemen Sanaani Arabic
Sams Masri
dialect of Arabic language
Sams Bahrain Arabic
the language on the Bahrain island in the Persian Gulf
Sams Kuwaiti Arabic
S3mSo Turoyo
Turoyo (also called Surayt) is a Central Neo-Aramaic language traditionally spoken in Southeastern Turkey and Northeastern Syria by Syriac Christians.
xemx [shemsh] Maltese
The official language of Republic of Malta.
шунды (Sundi) Udmurt
(Permic; Uralic; Russia)
shondy Komi-Permic
Permic; Uralic; Russia
shondy Komi-Zyrian
Permic; Uralic; Russia
shondy Komi
a Permian ethnic group whose homeland is in the north-east of European Russia around the basins of the Vychegda, Pechora and Kama rivers
be:r-do Malto
Northern Dravidian; Dravidian; Asia
bi:r-i: Kurux
Northern Dravidian; Dravidian; Asia
ho:tel North Mansi language
The Mansi language is spoken by the Mansi people in Russia along the Ob River and its tributaries, in the Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug
hatl Khanty language
(several dialects) Ural language family
katl Yugan Khanty
(several dialects) Ural language family
kath ** Likrisovskoje
dialect of the Khanty language (West Sibiria, Russia)
kath ** Malyj Jugan
dialect of the Khanty language (West Sibiria, Russia)
kath ** Tremjugan
the dialect of the Khanty language (West Sibiria, Russia)
kath ** Jugan
the dialect of the Khanty language (West Sibiria, Russia)
xat Upper Demjanka
the dialect of the Khanty language (West Sibiria, Russia)
xat Konda Khanty
the dialect of the Khanty language (West Sibiria, Russia)
xatl Khanty
the language in western Siberia, Russia
xatl Kazym
dialect of the Khanty language (West Sibiria, Russia)
xatəl ** Nizjam
the dialect of the Khanty language (West Sibiria, Russia)
xatəl ** Sherkaly
the dialect of the Khanty language (West Sibiria, Russia)
xatəl ** Synja
the dialect of the Khanty language (West Sibiria, Russia)
xatəl ** Obdorsk
the dialect of the Khanty language (West Sibiria, Russia)
Cux Sakhalin Ainu
Sakhalin Ainu was an Ainu language, or perhaps several Ainu languages, spoken on the island of Sakhalin, now part of Russia.
Cup Kuril Ainu
the language in the Shumshu island (Kamchatka ridge of islands), Russia
cup; cup-kamuy; tokap cup Ainu (Aynu itak)
an isolate language formerly located on the islands of Honshu and Hokkaido of Japan, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands and tip of Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia. Today, the language is in danger of going extinct. There is also an unrelated language in western China called the Aynu language.
tonocuh Ainu Ochiho
Southern Sakhalin (Russia)
tono tonpi Ainu Tarantomari
Southern Sakhalin (Russia)
to Ainu Saru
Northern Japan
peker cupkamuy Ainu Samani
Northern Japan
kh~jeN Gilyak
Northern part of Sakhalin island (Russia)
kh~eN Gilyak Amur
Northern part of Sakhalin island (Russia)
kh~eN Gilyak East Sakhalin
Northern part of Sakhalin island (Russia)
kh~eN Gilyak North Sakhalin
Northern part of Sakhalin island (Russia)
keN Gilyak South Sakhalin
Northern part of Sakhalin island (Russia)
kh~eN Gilyak West Sakhalin
Northern part of Sakhalin island (Russia)
kh~en Nivkh
The language of the Nivkhs, that are a small people group who inhabit regions of the Far East on the island of Sakhalin and basin of Lower Amur. The Nivkhs have been known as the Giliaks up until 1930’s.
xai Karagas
Karagas, a dialect of the Uralic Mator language. Baikal region (Russia)
kaje; xaya Mator
Mator or Motor was a Uralic language belonging to the group of Samoyedic languages, extinct since the 1840s.
xaya Matorisch
Buryatia, Russia
hayar (xayer7) Nenets
Samoyedic; Uralic; northern Russia
hae (hai; taeyang) Korean
Altai language family
hvare Avesta
the most ancient iranian language. The Sacred texts of Zoroastrianism were written by this language (the collection is known as ‘Avesta’)
hvar Scythian
The language of the Scythians (ancient tribes inhabited the area of the Northern coast of the Black Sea and Caspian region from at least the 11th century BC to the 2nd century AD).
hvare; aurusa; hvar Old Avestan
one of the Eastern Iranian language, spread across the Iranian plateau between 1350 and 350 B.C.
ahay Dahlik
This language is spoken in Eritrea, in the Dahlak Archipelago (Red Sea).
TS’ahay (tsehay); jambar Amharic (Ethiopian)
Amharic is a Semitic language spoken in Ethiopia. It is the second-most spoken Semitic language in the world, after Arabic, and the official working language of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
hay Gayil
hay (ay) Ari
The South-West part of Ethiopia (Omotic family: South Omotic group).
hai Banna
Somalia (Africa)
hai Sedang
Sedang is an Austro-Asiatic language spoken in eastern Laos and Kon Tum Province in south central Vietnam.
haja Kulfa
Kaba So, also known as Kulfa after its primary dialect, is a Bongo-Bagirmi language of Chad.
ay; hai; ha:i Hamer-Banna
Hamer or Hamer-Banna is an Omotic language of the Afro-Asiatic language family. It is spoken primarily in the Southern part of Ethiopia by the Hamer, Banna people, and Karo peoples.
heyom Harsusi
Oman (Arabian peninsula)
heyom Mehri
This language is spoken in Yemen & the Sultanate of Oman.
na-h-hu-un-te; nahiti; na-hu-te Elamite
Ancient language of Southwestern Iran (3300 — 500 BC)
hevel Chuvash
one of the two official languages in Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation.
se’h:w-l/n- o ; sehw-l/n- Proto Indo-European †
helyos Ancient Greek language gelios Koine
Koine comes from the Greek word that means ‘common’. Koine Greek was the form of Greek that was spoken during Hellenistic (300 BC — 30 BC) and Roman (30 BC — 300 AD) antiquity. Its development followed the conquests of Alexander the Great, that’s why Koine Greek is sometimes named Alexandrian dialect. Koine Greek became the common lingua franca in the Mediterranean region and the Middle East. It was the main language of the Byzantine Empire and it evolved into Medieval Greek, which is the ancestor of Modern Greek. Koine is also the language of the Christian New Testament, that’s why it’s sometimes known as ‘Biblical Greek’ or ‘New Testament Greek’.
kup, ilios Greek
kun Karakalpak
(Turkic; Altaic; Asia) the language of the main population of Karakalpak republic (Russia); some Karakalpaks also live in Uzbekistan.
kun; kunes; qujas Karaim
Karaim is a Turkic language with Hebrew influences, spoken by Crimean Karaites (adherents of Karaite Judaism in Crimea, but also western Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania). It has very few remaining active speakers.
kun Dolgan
The Dolgan language is a Turkic languages with around 1,000 speakers, spoken in the Taymyr Peninsula in Russia.
kun Khakas
Khakas is a Turkic language spoken by the Khakas people, who mainly live in the Southern Siberian Khakas Republic, or Khakassia, in Russia. The Khakas number 78,500, of whom 60,000 speak the Khakas language. (Turkic branch of Altai language family).
kun Karahanid †
The Karahanid (Khakanid; Karakhanid) language became extinct by the 1950s, was the Middle Turkic literary language of Central Asia.
kun, kin Khalaj
(also known as Arghu) is a divergent Turkic language spoken mainly in Iran and Afganistan
kun, qujas (dialect.) Oirat
Oirat is a Mongolic language spoken by the Oirats, pastoral nomadic tribes of Mongolian origin who live in western China and western Mongolia. But the most prominent group today is located in the Republic of Kalmykia (Russian Federation), where they are called Kalmyks. Kalmyk-Oirat has about 500,000 speakers.
kun Altai
(Southern Altai) is a Siberian Turkic language spoken officially in the Altai Republic, Russia.
kh~un (kun) West Yugur
The Western Yugur or Yellow Uygur language is Turkic language, spoken by a small community of some 4,600 people, living in the province of Gansu, China.
kun; qojas (quyoS) Uyghur (Uygur)
The Turkic language spoken by the Uyghur people in Xinjiang, a Central Asian region administered by China. Uyghur is spoken by around 8.5 million people worldwide.
kun; qujas Shor language
Turkic branch of Altai language family. Spoken by less than 10,000 people in the Kemerovo Oblast of the Russian Federation.
kun, qujos, кун, quyash, guyosh Uzbek
Turkic; Altaic; Asia
kun Karachay-Balkar
(or Balkar) language is a Turkic language language spoken by the Karachays and Balkars (Russia).
кun (aditja ?) Old Turkic language
language Of ancient peoples of Asia
kun Tofalar
(also known as Tofa or Karagas) Unwritten language of Tofalars, Turkic people, living on the territory of two villages — Tofalar and Nerchin (Nizneudinsky district of Irkutsk region, Russia). Tofalar language belongs to Sayan group of Turkic languages (which includes Tuvan language and languages of Mongolian Uygur-Hurianhays and Caatans, and Monchaks of Mongolia and China). With less than 30 native speakers, it is nearly extinct.
kun Yakut language
Turkic branch of Altai language family
kun Kyrgyz
Turkic language
kun Nogai (Noghay)
Nogai is a Turkic language spoken by about 80,000 people in southwestern Russia. The language is taught at school but the number of speakers is declining. The Nogai people took their name from the grandson of Chenghis Khan.
kun, kin Kazakh
Turkic branch of the Altai Mountain group
kin; kun Khalaj
Khalaj is a Turkic language spoken primarily in Iran and Afghanistan. It has about 42,000 speakers. Turkic Khalaj is different from the Indo-Iranian language called Khalaj and also spoken in Iran.
kin Sakha
Sakha language — also called Yakut language or Sakha-Tyla member of the Turkic subfamily (Turkic languages) of the Altaic language family, spoken in Northeastern Siberia (Sakha republic), in Northeastern Russia.
kin Old Turkic hin Tofa
Tofa, also known as Tofalar or Karagas, is a moribund Turkic language spoken in Russia’s Irkutsk Oblast by the Tofalars.
gun, gunes Gagauz
Gagauz is a Turkic language spoken by the ethnic Gagauz people of Moldova, Ukraine, Russia (Northern Caucasus) and Turkey.
gun, gunes, qujas Turkmen
Turkmenistan (Turkic; Altaic; Asia)
gun, gunes (gunas) Azerbaijan gun, gunes Kumyk
language of Kumyks, inhabiting Dagestan. One of the Turkic languages
gun Chagatai language
Medieval central Asian Turkic literary language, that reached its higher styling as classic language in Timurid possessions in 15-16 centuries.
gun Langar Khorasani
gu Dewoin
The Dewoin language, also known as De, Dey, or Dei, is a Kru language of the Niger-Congo language family. It is spoken primarily near the coastal areas of Montserrado County in western Liberia.
guun (gun) Salar
Salar is a Turkic language spoken by the Salar people, who mainly live in the provinces of Qinghai and Gansu in China. The Salar number about 90,000 people, of whom about 70,000 speak the Salar language.
qujas, kunes, kun Mediaturkish (Ortaturk) language
An artificial language created to serve inter-turkish communication.
gunes [gunash] Turkish gunesh (ginES) Terekeme Azeri
the dialect of Azerbaijanian language
gunes Urum language
the language of Greek-Urums, inhabiting the Northern banks of Azov (Ukraine), where they were relocated to from Krym by russian government in 1778. It is akin to Cremian Tatar language.
kunes Cremian Tatar language
or Cremian language — the language of Cremian Tatars, corresponds with Turkic languages, belonging to estimated Altai family of languages.
jasyq; kun; kunes; qujas Ottoman Turkish
Ottoman Turkish was used as the administrative and literary language of the Ottoman Empire. It was reformed into Modern Turkish in 1928.
Xor Digor Ossetian
Northern Caucasus
kon, gojas, яктылык Bashkir
(Russian Federation) Turkic; Altaic; Eurasia
kuyaS Misher Tatar
Tatarstan, Russian Federation
koi Nganasan
Nganasan language is spoken by 500 Nganasan people in the southwestern and central parts of the Taymyr Peninsula (Russian Federation).
kaya; koy (?) Enets language
the North group of Samoyedic branch of Uralic language family. Spoken in Krasnoyarsk Krai, along the lower Yenisei River (Russia) by 227 people (2010). It is closely related to Nenets and to Nganasan.
xorsid (khorshid) Farsi (or Persian)
Persian is the predominant modern descendant of Old Persian, a southwestern Iranian language within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. The language is spoken by about 110 million people. Persian or Farsi is the variety of Persian spoken in Iran, whereas Dari is the local name for the Persian language spoken in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. Tajik, the third variety of Persian, is used in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Russia.
horsed Ancient Iranian horsed Moksha
is a member of the Mordvinic branch of the Uralic languages with around 130,000 native speakers
harashi (?) Azari (Iranian)
Azari (Ar. al-adhariya) was the Iranian language of Azarbaijan before the spread of the Turkish
konas, kojas Bulgar
Turkic tribal union of pastoralists and farmers inhabited the steppes of the Northern Black Sea region up to the Caspian Sea and the Northern Caucasus from the 4th century and in the second half of the 7th century migrated partially to the Danube region and later to the Middle Volga region.
qojas Bashkir
The language belongs to the Western Uralian group of the Turkic branch of the Altaic Language family. Its closest relatives are Chulym and Tatar.
qojas Tatar language
Turkic branch of the Mountain Altai language group
kun; qujas Chulym
(also known as Chulym Tatar or Melets Tatar) (but different from the Tatar language) is the language of the Chulyms, a now extinct tribe. It is closely related to Shor and Khakas. Only a few speakers remain, in the basin of the Chulym River in central Siberia. Chulym is an Altaic language (Turkic, Altaic, Eurasia).
kun qarax3 Middle Chulym
western Siberia
xur Ossetian
the east subgroup of Iran group of Indo-Iranian branch of Indo-Europian languages. Ossetian language has genetic continuity with Alan and Scythian languages.
xur Yaghnobi (Yagnobi)
Spoken in Zafarabad, Yaghnobi River Valley, Lower and Upper Varzob River Valley, Southern Tajikistan and Dushanbe, Tajikistan.
Xur Iron Ossetian
Ossetia, Russian Federation
roZ; xor Sorano (Sorani)
Central Kurdish or Sorani, one of the main dialects of Kurdish language. Spoken in Iraq (official) and .
rojiar Gurani
Gorani (also Gurani) is a group of Northwestern Iranian dialects spoken by Kurdish people in the Southernmost parts of Iranian Kurdistan and the Iraqi Kurdistan region.
xor; roZ Kurdish Kurmanji
South-Eastern Turkey
Xir Shughni
Shughni is one of the Pamir languages of the Southeastern Iranian language group.
xun Tuvin (or Tuvan) language
Tuvin is a Turkic language spoken by around 200,000 people in the Republic of Tuva in south-central Siberia in Russia. There are also small diaspora groups of Tuvan people that speak distinct dialects of Tuvan in the China and in Mongolia. Turkic branch of Altai language family
Xor Sangisari
Sangsari or Sangisari is an Iranian language spoken mainly in the Semnan and Tehran provinces of Iran, especially in the Sangesar (Mahdi Shehr) town and in several surrounding villages.
xor Vafsi
Vafsi is a dialect of the Tati language spoken in the Vafs village and surrounding area in the Markazi province of Iran.
khor Farsi
a variant of Persian language
rosh Balochi, Baluchi
Spoken in Balochistan Province, Pakistan. There are three variants of the language — Eastern, Southern, Western.
khorshid (farnah -?) Persian %xurSit; gin Harw East Olya Khorasani
a language variety in the Turkic language family
%xurSit; gin Charam Sarjam Khorasani
a language variety in the Turkic language family
xurSit Shirwan Khorasani
Northern Iran
XurSid; aftab Gilaki
Iran, the seashore of Caspian sea
hetav; ro; tav; xor; sems Kurmanci
or — Northern Kurdish
tav, roj, ro, xor, xur, xursid, hetav, sems Kurdish
Аn Indo-European language (belonging to the Iranian branch, like Persian), spoken in Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey by the Kurds (25 million speakers).
gin; ginES Asadli Khorasani
Khorasani Turkic is a Turkic language spoken in North Khorasan Province and Razavi Khorasan Province in Iran
ginES Shirwan Khorasani
Northern Iran
gin Doughai Khorasani
a language variety in the Turkic language family
gin Gujgi Khorasani
a language variety in the Turkic language family
gin; oy Qara Bagh Khorasani
North-East Iran
gin Quchan Khorasani
North-East Iran, near Turkmenistan border
gin Shurak Khorasani
language spoken in Northern North Khorasan Province and Razavi Khorasan Province in Iran.
gin Soltan Abad Khorasani
Northern Iran
gin Zeyarat Khorasani
Northern Iran
gin Hokm Abad Khorasani (and all other 10 dialects of Khorasani
the Turkic language family
gin Lotf Abad Khorasani
Turkmenistan, at the border with Iran
gin Joghatay Khorasani
Northern Iran
gin Jonk Khorasani
at the border between Iran and Turkmenistan
gin Mareshk Khorasani
Northern Iran
giin (gin) Pir Komaj Khorasani
Pir Komaj is a place with a very small population in the province of Khorasan, Iran
gin; ginES Dara Gaz Khorasani
Iran (at the border with Turkmenistan)
gy~in Sheyh Teymur Khorasani
Northern Iran
gy~in Torki
The dialect that was called Torki, Turkish language, or in the Safavid period Kizilbashi, is the same that is called Azerbaijani Turkish in our modern era.
Tin Sheyh Teymur Khorasani
Northern Iran
di Mansehra Hindko
Northern Pakistan
di Sherpur Hindko
Northern Pakistan
di Singo Di Garhi Hindko
Northern India
di Central Azad Kashmir Gujari
Pakistan, India
di Chitral Gujari
Northern Pakistan
di Dir Gujari (and all other Gujari dialects)
Nothern Pakistan
di* Northern Azad Kashmir Gujari
Pakistan, India
di* Seraiki
Seraiki (Saraiki) is an Indo-Aryan language of the Lahnda (Western Punjabi) group, spoken in the south-western half of the province of Punjab in Pakistan.
di Settled Swat Gujari
Northern Pakistan
di* Transhumant Swat Gujari
di* Balakot Hindko
di* Chitral Gujari
in the North of Pakistan
di* Gilgit Gujari
Northern Pakistan
di* Kaghan Gujari
Northern Pakistan
di* Kunar Gujari
East of Afganistan
din Dang
din Rana
Rana language can refer to: The Rana dialect of the Buru language of Indonesia. The Rana Tharu language of India.
dini Eastern Tamang
ti Ni Thakali
Thakali is a Sino-Tibetan language of Nepal spoken by the Thakali people, mainly in the Myagdi and Mustang Districts.
ti 5i Tamang
Tamang is a term used to collectively refer to a dialect cluster spoken mainly in Nepal.
tin Marphatan Thakali
th~a Chiru
in northern India (on the border with Myanmar)
th~aNi Kasong
th~anman Chalikha
Burma (Tibet)
th~ekth~au Putian Chinese
eastern Fujian province, China.
th~oya* Suzhou Wu
Jiangsu Province, China
diya devta; devta Nahali
Nahali (Nihali) is a name used for two, unrelated languages spoken in the Indian states of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh: Kalto language, an Indo-Aryan language. Nihali language, a language isolate.
dony~i (doin, do5i) Nishing
Nishi (a.k.a. Nyishi, Nisi, Nishing, Nissi, Nyising, Bangni, Dafla, Daphla, Lel) is a Sino-Tibetan language of the Tani branch spoken in lower Subansiri and East Kameng districts of Arunachal Pradesh and Darrang District of Assam in India.
doni Nisi Tagin
diu Aka-Cari or Chari
Northern Great Andamanese extinct language (Indo-Pasific language group)
die Aka-Kede
The Kede language, Aka-Kede, is an extinct Great Andamanese language, of the Northern group. It was spoken in the Northern section of Middle Andaman island
dit7; hnub Hmoob Dawb
White Hmong (Hmong Daw) a dialect of the Hmong language spoken in the United States (by Vietnameses)
deo Kohat City Hindko
North-western Pakistan
deo Pakha Golam Hindko
North-western Pakistan
deo Talagang Hindko
North-western Pakistan
deo Wad Pagga Hindko
North-western Pakistan
de; dio Southern Hazara Gujari
dio* Southern Hazara Gujari
de Brahui
Brahui is a Dravidian language spoken by the Brahui people in the central Balochistan region of Pakistan and Afghanistan.
de Brahui
Spoken in Pakistan. Also spoken in Afghanistan, Iran and Turkmenistan.
de* Southern Azad Kashmir Gujari
deh Pahari Potwari
The Indo-Aryan language spoken on the Pothohar Plateau in Northern Punjab, in most of Pakistan-administered Kashmir, and in western areas of Indian-administered Kashmir
des Pangwali
the North India, Himalayas.
dEt Lue Chieng Hung
Cheng (also known as Jeng, Chieng) is a Mon–Khmer language of Southern Laos.
dEt Lue Muong Yong
Southern China (near Myanmar border)
dEt Tai Nong Khai
The Northeast Tailand
dEt Tai Chiengmai
Northern Thailand
det Tai Lei Ping
The Southern China
det Tai Lungchow
The south-west China
net Tai Lungming
The Southern China
det Tai Ning Ming
The south-west China
dEt Tai Nong Khai
The Northern Tailand (at the border with Laos)
det Tai Ping Siang
The Southern China (at the Vietnam border)
dEt Tai Western Nung
The Northern Vietnam (at the China border)
dEt White Thai
Vietnam and Laos
de:t Lao
Laos (Tai language) Kam-Tai; Tai-Kadai; Asia
dEhE (dEhu) Western Panjabi Shahpur
dEt; lEt Tai Dam
Tai Dam, also known as Black Tai is a Tai language spoken by the Tai Dam in Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, and China (mostly in the Jinping Miao, Yao, and Dai Autonomous County).
le Gelao Qiaoshang
China (on the border with Vietnam)
le Go
Kadai; Tai-Kadai; Asia. China
klei Gelao Wanzi
Gelao is a dialect cluster of Kra languages in the Tai-Kadai language family. It is spoken by the Gelao people in Southern China and Northern Vietnam.
ma.3 klei.5 Anshun-Gelao
lEt; wan Northern Shan
so-called ‘Chinese Shan’ is much influenced by the Yunnan-Chinese dialect.
lEt Dehong
Southeastern China
dit Tai Wuming
The Southern China (at the Vietnam border)
dit Yay
Yay, a Northern Tai language in North Vietnam.
diharo Bhadrawahi
the language of Northern India
dihara Bhattiyali
the language of Northern India
ofatob; gin Ruh Abad Khorasani
Northern Iran
aftow Sorkhei
Sorkhei is a Western Iranian language. It is spoken in village of Sorkheh in Semnan Province in Northwestern Iran.
afto Dezfuli
South-Western Iran
afto (oftow) Meymai
aftab, lmar, nwar Pushtu
(Pashto, Pashtu, Afghani) Eastern Iranian language spoken by the Pashtun in eastern Afganistan and Northern Pakistan. Pashto is an Indoeuropean language (Iranian branch).
aftobah Yagnobi
The native language of Yagnobs, living in Tajikistan (about 3,000 Yagnobi speakers) (Iranian branch)
oftobah Yasgulem
The native language of Yasgulems, living in Tajikistan (Iranian branch)
oftab Sarikoli
the language is a member of the Pamir subgroup of the the Southeastern Iranian languages spoken by Tajiks in China.
aftab Dari
Literature language of Western and Eastern Iranians (Perses, Tadjiks and other), spoken from the end of 9th up to the beginning of 16th centuries on the territory of Central Asia, Iran, Afganistan, Azerbajan and the Northern-western part of India. Dari is similar to Tajik and Persian languages.
aftab, suraj, shams Urdu
Indo-European language, that aroused in 13 century. An official language in Pakistan. Urdu and Hindi are cognate languages.
oftob Shugnan
Shugnan is one of the Pamir languages of the Southeastern Iranian language group.
Spoken in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province in Tajikistan and Badakhshan Province in Afghanistan.
oftob Shahmirzadi
Shahmirzadi belongs to the Northwestern branch of the Iranian languages
aftEw Semnani
Semnani is one of the local languages of the Semnan Province of Iran.
oftob Tajik (Tadjik)
The official language of Republic of Tajikistan. Tajik is also spoken in Uzbekistan, Tyrkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.
oftob Yaghnobi
A North-East Iranian language spoken by a minority group in Tajikistan.
efteb Gilyak (Nivkh)
Gilyak or Nivkh is a language spoken in Outer Manchuria, in the basin of the Amgun (a tributary of the Amur), along the lower reaches of the Amur itself, and on the Northern half of Sakhalin.
oftoi Tat language (Tat (Muslim)
Tat (or Tati) language is a Southwestern Iranian language spoken by th Tats in Azerbaijan, Iran and Dagestan in Russia. Its written form is related to Middle Persian Pahlavi. It is also closely related to Judeo-Tat.
oftoi, CiSme Judeo Tat (Juhuri)
Spoken in Dagestan (Russia).
aptap Uighur (uyghur) language
One of two official Languages in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China. Also Spoken in Afghanistan, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, etc.
EftEw Eastern Farsi
aftEw Lasgerdi
Lasgerdi is one of the local languages of Semnan Province in Northwestern Iran.
oXtov Natanzi
Xaftow; xorSid Larestani
Southern Iran
7aft3w Bakhtiari
garma; 7aft3w (7aftaw) Luri
kot Mansi language
The language of Ugric subgroup of Finno-Ugric group of Ural language family. The language of Mansi people.
kec3 Western Cheremis
Ural (Russia)
kec3 Tscheremissisch (Cheremis) Kozmodemjansk
The south Ural (Russia)
kec3 Tscheremissisch Urzum
The south Ural (Russia)
kec3 Mari (Russia)
Mari language is spoken by approximately 400,000 people, belongs to the Uralic language family. It is spoken primarily in the Mari Republic (Mari: Marii El, i.e., ‘Mari land’) of the Russian Federation as well as in the area along the Vyatka river basin and eastwards to the Urals.
keCy~e Meadow Mari
Mari El Republic, Russian Federation
xɔ:tal ** Sosva
Dialect of Mansi (and Khanty). Sverdlovsk region (Russia)
qatə’l ** Middle Lozva
Dialect of Mansi (and Khanty). Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Sverdlovsk region.
qatə’l ** Lower-Lozva
Dialect of Mansi (and Khanty). Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Sverdlovsk region (Russia).
qɔtə’l Pelymka
Dialect of Mansi (and Khanty). Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Sverdlovsk region.
qotə’l Konda
Dialect of Mansi (and Khanty). Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Sverdlovsk region.
q’ɔtə’l Tavda
Dialect of Mansi (and Khanty). Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Sverdlovsk region.
53lt3n (5oltun) Even (Ewen) language
The Polar Siberia, Russia
doliCa Evenki Poligus Literary
Central Siberia, Russia
kik Khakas language
Russia, to the West of lake Baikal
sImalə Mari language (?)
Uralic language spoken in Russia
oka Sese Gumuz
Gumuz family: Gumuz group
oka Sai Gumuz
Gumuz family: Gumuz group
oka Gojjam
Sudan (on the border with Ethiopia)
oka Disoha
Sudan (on the border with Ethiopia)
oka; wɔ:ka Gumuz
Gumuz; Nilo-Saharan; Africa
oka; o:ka Sese
Sese language, Niger-Congo language of the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
wo:ka Metemma Gumuz
Gumuz family: Gumuz group
woka: Gojjam Gumuz
Gumuz family: Gumuz group
woka: Kokit
the language in western Ethiopia and eastern Sudan (a variety of Gumuz language).
akol Southeastern Dinka
South Sudan
akol (?) Agar
Agar (Akama) is an Outer Joriscian language and the official language of Agamar and the Agamari Banner. Indigenous to the peninsula of Pama, Ephgil and parts of the Lefdic coastline, the language is also spoken today in communities in Azophin and Terophan as well as across the vast expanse of Agamari Serania. (Indonesia)
akol Rek
Rek people, a subsection of the Dinka people, an ethnic group. Rek language, a standard variety of the Dinka language. South Sudan
akoloN Teso
Teso (natively Ateso) is an Eastern Nilotic language spoken by the Iteso people of Uganda and Kenya.
akolong Karimojong
Uganda (Nilotic; Nilo-Saharan; Africa)
akolong Ngakarimojong
This language is spoken in Uganda.
koloN Bari
Bari is the Nilotic language of the Karo people, spoken over large areas of Central Equatoria state in South Sudan. (Africa)
koloN Kuku
The Kuku language belongs to the Bari language group, of the Southeastern Nilotic branch of the Nilotic language family of the Southern Sudan and Northern Uganda.
koloN Ngyepu
the Southern Sudan and Northern Uganda.
koloN Nyanggwara
the Southern Sudan and Northern Uganda.
koloN Mondari
Southern Sudan
koloN Nyangatom
Nyangatom is a Nilo-Saharan language (Eastern Sudanic, Nilotic) spoken in Ethiopia by the Nyangatom people.
koloN Turkana
Turkana is the language of the Turkana people of Kenya. It is spoken in Northwestern Kenya, primarily in Turkana County, which lies west of Lake Turkana.
oxoloN Lokoya
Lokoya is an Eastern Nilotic language spoken by an estimated 12,400 people in South Sudan.
aqoloN Karamojong
North-eastern Uganda
xoloN Dongotono
an Eastern Nilotic language spoken by an estimated 5,000 people in South Sudan
oxgohong Liguri
Southern Sudan
oxgohong Logorik
Northern Sudan
nar, nara Mongol
Mongol branch of Altai language family
nara Mongghuer (Monquor)
a Mongolic language of China’s Qinghai-Gansu provinces.
nara Minhe Mangghuer
nara Monguor
Monguor language belongs to the Mongolic branch of Altaic languages, it is divided into Huzhu and Minhe two dialect
nara Monguor-Tu
Monguor-Tu (or Tu) is a Mongolic language spoken by the Monguors (about 49,000 people), an ethnic group living mainly in Qinghai and Gansu Provinces in the Northwest of China.
nara* Buriat (Russia)
Trancebaikalia (Russia)
nara(n) Ordos
Ordos is a Mongolic language spoken by the Ordos, a Mongol tribe that inhabits inner Mongolia.
nara(n) Buryat
the language of Buryats, living in Buryat autonomous republic of Russian Federation, in North part of Mongolia and on Northwest part of China. Mongolian branch of Altai language family
nara Huzhu Mongghul
nara? Baoan
Baoan language belongs to the Mongolic branch of Altaic languages. Spoken in Gansu province of Northwest China.
naran Middle Mongol language
(used in 13-15th centuries) Mongol branch of Altai language family
naran Dongxiang
The Mongolian language spoken in Northwestern China by about 250,000 people. The Dongxiang, one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized in China, are closely related to the Mongolians.
naran Moghol
(or Mogholi) — language of moghols, belongs to the Mongol family of languages. Spoken in Afganistan in two villages near Gerat — Kundur and Kerez-e-Mulla. There are about 200 people speaking Moghol.
naran Yugur
(or Eastern Yugur) is a Mongolic language spoken in China (Gansu Province) by around 3,000 people.
nar(an) Khalkh
(the dialect of Mongolian that is the official language of Mongolia)
narn Kalmyk
Mongolic; Altaic; Asia
narang Bonan
The Mongolic language of the Bonan ethnic group of China. It is spoken by about 8,000 people in Gansu and Qinghai provinces in Northwestern China.
nar, nare Daur
the language of Daurs (spoken in the Inner Mongolia — autonomous district of China).
nar Bahnar (Plei Bong-Mang Yang)
Bahnaric; Austro-Asiatic; Asia
nar Chil
Southern Vietnam
nar Dagur
Mongolic; Altaic; Asia
nar Eastern Mnong
Vietnam and Cambodia
nar Gar
dialect name of Eastern Mnong (Vietnam and Cambodia)
nar Kalaqin
Northern-eastern China
nar Kuan
Kuan is a Tai language of Laos.
nar Preh (Mnong, Central)
(alt names: Bunor; Biat) Cambodia, Vietnam
nar Proto-Mnong
The Mnong language (also known as Pnong or Bunong) belongs to the Mon-Khmer language family. It is spoken by the different groups of Mnong in Vietnam and a Mnong group in Cambodia.
nar Proto-South-Bahnaric
Proto South Bahnaric: a reconstruction of a Mon-Khmer language of Indo-China.
nar Rolom
dialect name of Eastern Mnong (Vietnam and Cambodia)
nar Stieng
the language of the Stieng people of Southern Vietnam
naru Khamnigan Mongol
at Northern China, near Mongolian border
naray Kabutra
Southern Pakistan
namCh~oNwa Dungmali
India, Bihar state
nan35** Wunai (Punu, Ngnai)
western Hunan province, China
nankhan Magar
This language is spoken in the East and the South of Pokhara, Nepal.
naNma Gelanghe Akha
Southern China
hnub [nue] Hmong
The common name for a group of dialects of the West Hmongic branch of the Hmong-Mien/Miao-Yao language family, spoken by the Hmong people of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Northern Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos. The total number of speakers worldwide has been estimated to be more than 4 millions.
noa Mon
Spoken in the Union of Myanmar (Burma) and Thailand. Monic; Austro-Asiatic; Asia
amra Abkhaz
North-West Caucasus
a-mer Bzyb
North-West Caucasus
mara Abaza
Northwest group of Caucasus languages. Spoken mainly in Karachay-Chercessia (Russian Federation) and in Turkey.
nyui Akwa
Kainji; Niger-Congo; Africa
nij; nyi ma (ku-mud tfyra; mchod-ldan; mun-sel; mgon-po; hod-ldan) Tibetan
Tibetan is a language spoken by approximately 6 million people across the Tibetan Plateau. It belongs to the Tibeto-Burman group of the Sino-Tibetan (or Sino-Thai) family. Spoken Tibetan includes dozens of regional dialects and sub-dialects which, in many cases, are not mutually intelligible. There are two variants of the language: Tibetan Dingri и Tibetan Drokpa.
nyima Sherpa
Bodic; Sino-Tibetan; Asia
nisa Hmar
a Tibeto-Burman language (Kukish branch) spoken mainly in India, in the regions of Manipur, Mizoram and Assam, by approximately 83,000 people.
en-dama The Maasai (Maa) language
Kenya, Tanzania
daaran Kushi
Afroasiatic Chadic, Nigeria
varaʁ Alyk
the North Caucasian language family
ragh Budukh
(or Budugh) is a Samur language of the Northeast Caucasian language family spoken in parts of the Quba Rayon of Azerbaijan.
ragh; raqini; (rar -?) Lezgian language
(or Lezgi) Spoken in the Southeastern part of Dagestan and the North of Azerbaijan (Lezgic; Nakh-Daghestanian; Eurasia, Asia).
rar (ragh) Aghul
Lezgian group of Dagestan branch of Ibero-Caucasian language family
raɹ Fit’e
Daghestan, Russia
raɹ Gequn
Gequn (Burkikhan) is a dialect of the Aghul (Agul) language
raɹ Keren
Daghestan, Russia
raɹ Koshan (Qushan)
Daghestan, Russia
raɹ Gune
The Gunu language is a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon.
ra Old Egyptian
Old Egyptian is the stage of the Egyptian language spoken from 2600 BC to 2000 BC.
ra Obolo
at the South of Nigeria, Africa
ra Mundu
Mundu (Mondo) is a Ubangian language of South Sudan, with a few thousand speakers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
ra Rarotongan
The official language of the Cook Islands, also spoken in French Polynesia and New Zealand by a total of about 42,000 people. It is a Polynesian language.
ra Mangarevan language
Polynesian language, spoken on Mangareva island and nearby islands of Tuamotu archipelago. Mangarevan language is akin to Tahitian. The Mangarevan people inhabited Tuamotu islands from Marquesas islands in 13th century.
ra (arch.); mahana Tahitien language
(Tahitian) language is one of the polynesian languages. Spoken at i. Tahiti and other neighboring islands. It is closely related to Hawaiian, Rarotongan and Maori.
ra Kaian
Kaian (Kayan) is a Ramu language of Papua New Guinea.
ra Kapingamarangi
Kapingamarangi is a Polynesian language spoken in the Federated States of Micronesia. It had 3,000 native speakers in 1995. The language is closely related to the Nukuoro language.
ra* Skou
The Sko or Skou languages are a small language family spoken by about 7000 people, mainly along the coast of Sandaun Province in Papua New Guinea
ra* Tumawo
Papuan language of Indonesia
ra Aniwa
Polinesian language (Oceanic; Austronesian; Australia & Oceania)
ra Anuta
Solomon Islands
ra Futuna
Oceanic; Austronesian; Australia & Oceania
ra Gamei
Mbore (Borei, Mborei) a.k.a. Gamei (Gamai) is a Ramu language of Papua New Guinea.
ra Kaingang
The Kaingang language is a Ge language spoken by the Kaingang people of Southern Brazil.
ra (ra’a) Rapa Nui
The Rapa Nui language (also Rapanui) is an Eastern Polynesian language spoken by the Rapanui, the inhabitants of Easter Island.
ra Tuamotuan
Tuamotuan or Paumotu is a Polynesian language spoken by 4,000 people in the Tuamotu archipelago, with an additional 2,000 speakers in Tahiti.
rae Lewo Mate
rae Lewo Nul
ran Segemuk
ren Ron Daffo Butura
Plateau State, Nigeria
ret Middle Chinese
Middle China
ret3k Wutun
The Wutun language is a Chinese-Tibetan-Mongolian creolized language (Central China)
ret Themne
Temne (also Themne, Timne) is a language of the Mel branch of the Niger-Congo language family, spoken in Sierra Leone by about 2 million first-language speakers.
reyoso Kohumono
Cross River; Niger-Congo; Africa
ri (li) Tagbu
Tagbo (Tagbu, Tagba) is a Ubangian language of Democratic Republic of the Congo.
ri Gbugyar
ri Keja
Central Nigeria
ri Mada
Mada is a regionally important Plateau language of Nigeria, with many dialects.
ri Ncekpe
Central Nigeria
ri Nco
Central Nigeria
ri Ndeywan
Central Nigeria
ri Ndogo
Ndogo is a Ubangian language, one of the nine major languages of South Sudan
ri Ningye
Ningye is a Plateau language of Nigeria.
ri Njigban
ri Rija
Central Nigeria
ri Rinze
Central Nigeria
pw~ari Mbula
owara; wara Oruma
Oruma is one of three small Inland Ijaw languages of Nigeria.
ri3a Tharaka
a Bantu language of Kenya.
ro Gabu
Central African republic
roro Banda
Banda is a family of Ubangian languages spoken by the Banda people of Central Africa.
oxgohon Logorik
Eastern Sudanic language family: Daju group
xon Caning
Eastern Sudanic language family: Daju group
xoN Shatt
The Shatt language is an Eastern Sudanic language of the Daju family spoken in the Shatt Hills (part of the Nuba Mountains) southwest of Kaduqli in South Kurdufan province in Southern Sudan
rone Sila
Eastern Sudanic language family: Daju group
rone Eref
Eastern Sudanic language family: Daju group
rone Nyalgulgule
Eastern Sudanic language family: Daju group
ro:ne Lagawa
(Daju Lagawa) — The Lagowa dialect of South Kordofan spoken in Dar el Kabira, Jebel Miheila, Lagawa, Nyukri, Silecce, Tamanyik, and Warina area villages (south-western Sudan)
orone Nyala
Eastern Sudanic language family: Daju group
ru Lufu
ru Waka
Waka is an Adamawa language of Nigeria.
rui Bon Gula
Bon Gula, or Bon, is an Adamawa language of Chad.
rao Awar
Awar is a Ramu language spoken in three villages in Papua New Guinea.
rau Sera
Sera (Ssia) is an Austronesian language of coastal Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea.
rau Sissano (Sisano)
Sissano is an Austronesian language spoken by at most a few hundred people around Sissano in Aitape District, Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea.
sara; atan Ngalum
Ngalum is the most populous of the Ok languages of West Papua and Papua New Guinea.
sare Kaipi
Papua New Guinea (south seashore).
sare Toaripi
Papua New Guinea (south seashore).
sare Sepoe
Papua New Guinea
sare Uaripi
Tairuma, also known as Uaripi after its location, is a Trans-New Guinea language of Papua New Guinea.
sera (*) Siagha-yen
Papua New Guinea.
suwara (*) Kakabi
Papua New Guinea.
ran-san Atong
Atong (A’tong) is a Sino-Tibetian language spoken in the South Garo Hills and West Khasi Hills districts of Meghalaya state in Northern India, Southern Kamrup district in Assam and adjacent areas in Bangladesh.
raN saN Rabha
Rabha is a Sino-Tibetan language of India.
raN han Naga Wancho
Northeastern India.
raNhan Wancho
Wancho is a Konyak language of North-eastern India.
raNSal Yogli
India, Myanmar
ravi- m. Old Indian
ravi; sooryu GSB Mangalore
in the city of the Indian state of Karnataka
arew; arev Armenian
arev Ancient Armenian
In ancient Armenian language basic words aroused presumably 2000-2500 years ago when the forming of armenian ethnos had complited
na’ Kirati
(or Kirat, or Kirant), is spoken in Nepal by ethnic groups like Limbu, who were the earliest inhabitants of Nepal. It is a Tibeto-Burman language.
nam Dumi
Spoken in the Khotang District, Nepal. (Mahakiranti; Sino-Tibetan; Asia)
nam Kulung
Spoken in Nepal and India.
nam Bahing
Bahing (also known as Rumdali) is a language spoken in the Okhaldhunga district of Nepal.
nam Dumi
nam Drung (Derung)
Derung, Dulong or Trung is a Tibeto-Burman language of the Derung people of China.
nam China Nung
nam Mewa Khola Limbu
nam; namhak Limbu
Spoken in Nepal. Also spoken in the State of West Bengal, India and Bhutan.
nam Lohorung
nam Nachering
Nachhiring is a Kirati language spoken mostly in the eastern hills of Nepal. It merges into Kulung in the North and Sampang in the south. The name can also be spelled Nachering, Nachhereng, Nacchhering, Nasring.
nam Puma
Puma is a Kiranti language in Sagarmatha Zone, Nepal.
nam Yakha
Yakkha (also erroneously spelled as Yakha) is a language spoken in parts of Nepal, Darjeeling district and Sikkim.
nam Bantawa
nam Camling
nam Chhintange
western Nepal
nam Yorno-So
an Eastern Dogon language (Africa)
nam Fe’fe’
Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa
nam Batie
nam tombo so
one of the Dogon languages (Mali)
nam Bamoun
(Mum) Cameroon
nam Ghomala
5am Balafi
Other names for the Fe’fe’ language: (Balafi, Bafang, Bamileke-Fe’fe’, Bandja-Babountou, Bangan, Ca’, Fa’, Fe’efe’e, Feefee, Fefe, Fondanti, Fondjomekwet, Fotouni, La’fi, Mkwet, Nee, Ngam, Njee-Poantu, Nka’, Ntii, Nufi, Tungi’) Cameroon
nam Bangam
njam Medumba
a Grassfields language of Cameroon.
nama Phana
Phana’ (also called Bana or Pana) is a Loloish language of Laos and China.
nami Chug
Butan (Himalayas)
nami Lish
India, the Assam state (Himalayas)
n3m Rawang
Rawang, also known as Krangku, Kiutze (Qiuze), and Ch’opa, is a Sino-Tibetan language of India and Burma.
namCo wa Waling
Waling is an extinct Kiranti language of Nepal.
nima Spiti Bhoti
the sino-tibetian language of the people on the North India
nima Drokgye Kham
Nima Lhomi
nyihma Helambu Sherpa
nyi ma bod skad (the Tibetan language)
Other names for the Bod Skad language: Anshuenkuan Nyarong, Batang, Bhokha, Bod, Byokha, Central Tibetan
nyma Tsetang
Zetang, also Zedang or Tsethang, is the fourth largest city in Tibet and is located in the Yarlung Valley, 183 km southeast of Lhasa in Nedong District of Shannan, Tibet Autonomous Region of China.
Nyi ma Sherpa
5i ma Jirel
Jirel is a Southern Tibetic language of Nepal.
5ima Western Balti
5ima Eastern Balti
Balti is a Tibetic language spoken in the Baltistan division of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.
5ima Kagate
5ima Kyirong
5ima Lowa
5ima Purik
The Purgi language (alternative spellings: Purki, Purig and Burig) is spoken by the Purikpa, a group of Tibetan Muslims, with a slight mixture with Dardic. The Purikpa live south of the Balti in Ladakh. Most of them live in Ladakh and Baltistan, especially in Kargil although significant numbers reside in Leh. Many Puriks are also present in China.
5i ma Tibetan Written nimo Kargil Balti
nimo Khapalu Balti
nimo Kharmang Balti
nimo Rondu Balti
nimo Skardu Balti
5imo Biyue (Piyo)
5imo Caiyuan Biyo
Southern China
5i mo Kaduo
Northern Laos
noma Dazhai Hani
south-eastern China
nom Jerung
Jerung is a moribund Kiranti language spoken in Nepal.
noNmit Naga Khoibu
an endangered Tibeto-Burman language spoken by the Khoibu tribe.
noron Buriat Mongolia
a variety of Mongolian language spoken by Buryats.
numit Naga Maring
Northeastern India.
numo Mojiang Hani
The South of China and Indochina
numo Shuigui Honi
spoken in Yunnan, China
nu*No Shigar Balti
5ime Naxi
Naxi (also known as Nakhi, Nasi, Lomi, Moso, Mo-su), is a Sino-Tibetan language or group of languages spoken by some 310,000 people most of whom live in or around Lijiang City Yulong Naxi Autonomous County of the province of Yunnan, China.
5im3 Tibetan Central
Central Tibetan, also known as Dbus is the most widely spoken Tibetic language and the basis of Standard Tibetan.
5i m3 Tibetan Lhasa
Lhasa Tibetan is spoken by approximately 150,000 exile speakers who have moved from modern-day Tibet to India and other countries.
53mi Zhaba
spoken by about 8,000 people in Daofu County and Yajiang County, China.
nimi Kham
(also Magar Pang) Nepal.
nimi Takale Kham
nini Sherdukpen
Sherdukpen is a small language of India.
nimi Taka Kham
Taka dialect (a Tibeto-Burman language of Nepal).
nimi7 Sartang
Sartang is a small language of India.
5im Dzongkha
Official language of the Kingdom of Bhutan. Also spoken in India and Nepal.
7njam Bujhyal
iN Kusunda
Kusunda (Kusanda) is a language isolate spoken by a handful of people in western and central Nepal.
medoNmoN Bangni Nyishi
ɲiwaŋ Rgyalthan Tibetan
simigi Hurrian
Hurrian belonged to the Hurro-Urartian language family which had only 2 languages in it — Hurrian and Urartian, both of which were spoken in southern (Mediterranean) area of Turkey.
aone Southern Pa-Hug
ne Qiandong
nay Toro So Dogon
nay Dogon
Mali (Africa)
nay:niy Gokana
Cross River; Niger-Congo; Africa
nij (nay); zabwe: Burmese
The national language of Burma where it is spoken by 32 million people as a first language. It uses the Burmese script, derived from the Mon script and ultimately from the Brahmi script. Burmese belongs to the Tibeto-Burman group, which is part of the Sino-Tibetan family.
nh~i* Byansi
India, Himalayas, the Uttarakhan province
nh~e Xiangxi Hmong
south-central China
nh~E Yanghao Hmong
nh~E Hmu
The Hmu language, also known as Qiandong Miao, Central Miao, East Hmongic, or Black Miao, is a dialect cluster of Hmongic languages of China.
nhεi** Qiandong
Southeast Asia (China).
Ne7 Mal
ni-ni: Perge Tegu
Perge Tegu (‘Pergue language’) is an Eastern Dogon langauge, belonging to the Jamsay dialect and is spoken in Pergue village, which is on a rocky shelf near Beni.
ni-ni Gourou
The Eastern Dogon language (Africa), belonging to the Jamsay dialect and is spoken in several villages mostly south of Koro (a Fijian island).
nini Jamsay
an Eastern Dogon langauge
ni Bira Bip
on the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo
ni Dogon Jamsay
Mali (Africa)
ni Bijiang
(the (Northern) dialect of Bai language) China
ni Mizo
Mizo is a Tibeto-Burman language spoken mainly in India (in Mizoram, a Northeast Indian state), but also in Myanmar and Bangladesh, by about 700,000 people.
ni Chin Siyin
western Myanmar
ni Bijiang
The Sino-Tibetan family: Baic group
ni Rongpo
Rongpo (Rangpo) is a West Himalayish language spoken in India.
nisa Chin Thado
western Myanmar
ni Chin Zyphe
western Myanmar
ni Chin Haka
western Myanmar
ni Mru
North-Eastern India
ni Old Tangut
Tangut is an ancient Northeastern Tibeto-Burman language once spoken in the Western Xia, also known as the Tangut Empire.
ni Lushai
in the Northern-eastern part of India
ni Rang Pas
Bodic; Sino-Tibetan; Asia
ni Darmiya
Darmiya (Darma) is a Sino-Tibetan language spoken in the Indian state of Uttarakhand.
ni Naga Tarao
Northeastern India.
ni Mru
Northeastern India
ni Bumthangkha
Butan (Asia)
ni Kom India
Northern India (the Manipur state)
ni Chaudangsi
India, Himalayas
ni Koireng
India, the Manipur state (Northern India)
ni Chothe
Northeastern India
5i Galo
Northern India (the Arunachal Pradesh state)
Ni7 Damangnuo Wa
south-western China, near the border with India
ani Naga Yimchungru
Northeastern India.
nici Bunan
at the Southern India
Nith~e Yongan Chinese
The south-west China
niba*r Dolakha Newar
nibh3 Khwopa Newar
nera Ravula
Ravula, known locally as Yerava or Adiyan, is a Dravidian language of Karnataka and Kerala (India)
nitau Dongshan Biao Mon
ni tao Chinese Fuzhou dialect nik-tau Ming-deng-ngu
(Min Dong Chinese, Eastern Min) (The South of China, Vietman). The standart form of Min Dong Chinese is a Fuzhou subdialect. Fuzhou is a center of the Min Dong Chinese dialect spreading.
nik tau Fuzhou
China, at the seaside of the Taiwan channel
ngit-teu Hakka
also rendered Kejia, is one of the major languages within the Sinitic branch of Sino-Tibetan and it is spoken natively by the Hakka people in Southern China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
gnit7; jong2 Hagfa Pinyim
Hagfa Pinyim (literally ‘Hakka Pinyin’) is a system of romanization used to transcribe Chinese characters as used in Hakka
nit teu Gan
Gan is a group of Chinese varieties spoken as the native language by many people in the Jiangxi province of China, as well as significant populations in surrounding regions such as Hunan, Hubei, Anhui, and Fujian.
nit Early Zhou Chinese
The Sino-Tibetan family: China
nit Classical Chinise
The Sino-Tibetan family: China
nit Late Middle Chinese
The Sino-Tibetan family: China
nij Burmese
is the official language of Myanmar. A member of the Burmese-Lolo branch of the the Sino-Tibetan language family spoken by about 21 million people in Burma (Myanmar).
jit-thau Min Nan; Southern Min
(Ban-lam-guu) The China branch of the the Sino-Tibetan language family
jit-thau Amoy (Zhangzhou, Tainan)
Chinese; Sino-Tibetan; Asia
lit-thau Amoy (Quanzhou, Taipei)
Chinese; Sino-Tibetan; Asia
yat tau (taiyeung) Cantonese
(or Standard Cantonese), is a variant of Cantonese (Yue) Chinese. It is commonly spoken in Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Macau, and by many overseas Chinese. There are about 71 million speakers.
tshav Hmong Daw
(or Mong) is a dialect continuum of the West Hmongic branch of the Hmongic languages South China, North Vietman, Laos, Tailand, Myanmar (11 million people)
tsha; hwan Hlai (Baoding)
Southern Hainan, China (Ha dialect; isolated branch). Hlai; Tai-Kadai; Asia
istanus (astanu) (Ancient) Hittite
The dead language of the Indo-Europian language family. The Hittites entered Anatolia some time before 2000 BC. While their earlier location is disputed, there has been strong evidence for more than a century that the home of the Indo-Europeans in the fourth and third millennia was in what is now Southern Russia and the Ukraine.
nai Zhenfeng Hmong
South-East China
nai Zaomin
nai Daping Mien
south-western China
nai Maibi
Papua New Guinea (!)
nai mik Naga Liangmai
Northeastern India.
nai mik Naga Zeme
Kuki-Chin; Sino-Tibetan; Asia. (Northeastern India)
Nai sa Ni Plang
Shan state, Burma/Myanmar (Asia)
NaiNi7 Kemie
China (at the border with Laos)
Naj pxi Lamet
Lamet is a Mon-Khmer language of Laos.
Naj pxi Lampanglamet
Najpxi Wiang Pa Pao Lua
Southern Chiang Rai Province, Thailand
noi Chiangrai Mien
Chiangrai Province, Thailand
noi Dapinggjiang Mien
one of the languages spoken in Southern China, Northern Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand.
noi Taipan Mien
south-eastern Asia
noi Haininh Mien
Northern Vietnam
noi Dapingjiang Mien
south-western China
noi Taipan Mien
The North part of Vietnam (near China border)
no Chenhu She
south-eastern China
no Lakher Mara
Northern India
no Tlongsai
(or Mara Chin) the Sino-Tibetan language (India ?)
no (nt~oN) Longhua Bunu
the South-East of the China
nt~oN Liuxiang Bunu
the Southern China
noko She
The She language is an endangered Hmong-Mien language spoken by the She people (China).
nton; no Longhua Bunu
(a.k.a. Liuxiang Bunu) southeastern China
no-dou Boluo (Luxi) Tujia
Boluo Tujia is a Tibeto-Burman language, spoken in south-central China.
n mo Xiandao
a dialect of Achang language from Yingjiang County, Yunnan, China
nh~o Hmong (Hmoob)
Hmong spoken in China, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, USA, and French Guiana.
no Chuanqiandian
the language in the Chinese provinces of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guangxi
nu Hmong Daw
nu Hmong Njua
nh~i* Byangsi
Byangsi is a West Himalayish language of India and Nepal.
nh~ima Kaike
Magar Kaike is a Sino-Tibetan language of Nepal
nh~e (ne) Xiangxi
The Xong language, also known as Xiangxi Miao, Eastern Miao, Meo, Red Miao, and North Hmongic, is a dialect cluster of Hmongic languages in South China and North Vietnam
nh~E Hmu
a dialect cluster of Hmongic languages of China
nh~e Jiwei Hmong
nh~e Layiping Hmong
Southern China
nh~e Western Xiangxi Hmong
South-central China
nh~E Yanghao Hmong
ne Pa-hng
Pa-Hng (also spelled Pa-Hung) is a divergent Hmongic (Miao) language spoken in Guizhou, Guangxi, and Hunan in Southern China as well as Northern Vietnam.
ne Yangon Burmese
Burma (Myanmar)
ne’ra Kodagu
Dravidian language, India (*).
Ne7 Guanshuang Wa
The Southern China, on the border with Myanmar
n3y Kabui Rongmei
at Nothern-Eastern India (the Nagaland state)
nNe; n3e Nhaheun
Nyaheun is a Mon–Khmer language of the Bahnaric branch spoken in Southern Laos.
53ma Maqu Tibetan
Central area of China
ponon; nangu Bunu (Punu)
Dialect continium in China
hano Xiaozhai Younuo
hano Huangluo Younuo
Guangxi, China
nanne Hm-Nai
na.6 lit.9 Biao (Kang Bau, Kang Beu)
nach~e Naga Chokri
Chokri, or Eastern Angami, is one of three languages spoken by the Chakhesang Naga of Phek district, Nagaland state, India.
ndy$y Dafang
Southern China
ngam (Nam) Tshangla
Bodic; Sino-Tibetan; southern China (near the Indian border)
nniaN Kuy
Soui, Kuay, or Kuy, language of Northeastern Thailand, Northern Cambodia, and parts of Southern Laos.
nepsuN Thulung
Thulung is a Kiranti language spoken in parts of Nepal and Sikkim.
ne; thura Burmeza
Birma (*).
53 Naga Sangtam
Northeastern India.
53o Jino
China (Yunnan province, China)
5ai Wanleng Wa
The south of China
5am Chepang
5i Ladakhi
Northern India
5i3 Northern Baima
Baima is a language spoken by 10,000 Baima people, of Tibetan nationality, in North central Sichuan Province, and Gansu Province, China.
5ia Nusu
Nusu is a Loloish language spoken by the Nu people of China.
5iE; 5ima Southern Baima
5iE Wujiao Baima
Baima is a language spoken by 10,000 Baima people, of Tibetan nationality, in North central Sichuan Province, and Gansu Province, China.
5itio Xiang (Hsiang)
Chinese language that is spoken in Hunan province.
5iwaN Rgyalthang
Eastern Tibet
5iwo Mpi
Mpi is a Loloish language of Northern Thailand.
5y~imo Enu
Southern China
nimo Chorbat Balti
nimo; pui Achang
Burmese-Lolo; Sino-Tibetan; Asia
pui Pela
Pela or Bola is a Burmish language of western Yunnan, China. Pela may also be spoken in Burma.
pui Tsaiwa
Zaiwa (Tsaiwa, Tsaiva) is a language spoken in parts of China and Burma.
ndra Ubykh
Ubykh is a language which was spoken by the Ubykh people, first on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, then in Turkey where the Ubykh had emigrated. Turkish and Circassian progressively became the preferred languages for everyday communication, and the last speaker of Ubykh died in 1992. Ubykh is a Northwest Caucasian language, like Abkhaz and Abaza.
naan Sunwar (Sunuwar)
spoken in Nepal by the Sunuwar people.
nwaam Khaling
Solukhumbu district, Nepal. (Mahakiranti; Sino-Tibetan; Asia)
(d)wam Wambule
East Nepal (Mahakiranti; Sino-Tibetan; Asia)
lach (*) Itelmen language †
Itelmen forms a Southern branch of Chukotko-Kamchatkan family; Eurasia. The language of Kamchatka native people.
yalN3n North Itelmen
Kamchatka (Russia)
la’a Tongan
Tongan language is an Austronesian language of the Polynesian branch spoken in Tonga (Tonga Islands, South Pacific) (200000 speakers).
laa Niue (Niuean)
(Niue island). One of the Polynesian languages, very close to Tongan language.
la Hawaiian
One of polynesian languages (Austronesian language family), spoken at the Hawaiian islands. In the past it was the main language on Hawaiian islands.
laa Fotuna (Erronan — Alternate name)
Futuna-Aniwa is the Polynesian language spoken on the islands of Futuna and Aniwa in Vanuatu. It is also occasionally called West-Futunan to distinguish it from East-Futunan spoken on Futuna and Alofi in Wallis and Futuna
la, mahana (?) Samoan language
Samoan is the language of the Samoan islands, comprising the Independent country of Samoa and the United States territory of American Samoa.
mahana Dufaure
Du Faure. Papua New Guinea.
mahana Mangaian
Mangaian is a Polynesian language spoken in Mangaia, the most southerly of the Cook Islands and the second largest (1,300 inhabitants) after Rarotonga. Mangain is a dialect of Rarotongan.
hana Paumotan
(Paumotu), spoken at the archipelago of 78 coral islands in Pacific ocean (a part of France Polynesia).
rimata Roviana
Spoken on the Island of New Georgia, Solomon Islands. (Oceanic; Austronesian; Australia and Oceania).
oumati Marquesan
East-Central Polynesian dialect, of the Marquesic group, spoken in the Marquesas Islands of French Polynesia.
oumati North Marquesan
the Marquesas Islands of French Polynesia
oumati Marquesan language
(self-name: ‘E‘o ‘Kenata) French Polynesia
oumati Nuku Hiva
French Polynesia
oumati Ua Pou
The language of the native inhabitants of the third largest of the Marquesas Islands, in French Polynesia, an overseas territory of France in the Pacific Ocean.
oumati Langue De Isles Marquises
Marquesas Islands (Pasific ocean)
oumati Marquesan Nukuhiva
Marquesas Islands (Pasific ocean)
nepi Nambakaengo Malo
Oceanic Polynesia (the island in Pasific Ocean)
nepi Nea
to the North from Vanuatu
nepi Nea Nemboi
Santa Cruz
lepi Nea Nooli
Santa Cruz (Temotu province)
ri Ancient Chinese rei, hei, p-re Coptic
(ancient language). Spoken as a Sacred Language of the Coptic Orthodox Churches. (Egyptian-Coptic; Afro-Asiatic; Africa)
xei; re Met Remenkemi
Coptic or Coptic Egyptian (Met Remenkemi) is the latest stage of the Egyptian language, a Northern Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Egypt until at least the 17th century.
xer Sarikoli
The Sarikoli language (also Sariqoli, Selekur, Sarikul, Sariqul, Sarikoli) is a member of the Pamir subgroup of the Southeastern Iranian languages spoken by Tajiks in China.
qorrax Somali (Afsoomaali)
Soomaaliga. Somali language (Somali, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenia, Yemen). Belongs to Cushitic branch of Afrasian family of languages.
ruC; rX~uC Parachi
The Parachi language is an Iranian language. Parachi is spoken by some 600 individuals of the Paracha ethnic group in Afghanistan
roch Balochi
(or Baluchi, Baloci or Baluci) is spoken in Balochistan, but also in Pakistan (where it is one of the nine official languages), eastern Iran and Southern Afghanistan. There are about 8 million speakers. It is a Northwestern Iranian language, closely related to Kurdish.
roc Zazaki
the language of Zaza people (Northwest group of iranian languages of Indoeropian family). The east Turkey.
roC Balochi Eastern
the language in the East of Pakistan
rig Ninkyop
rir (rig) Tabassaran
Tabassaran, or Tabasaran, is a Northeast Caucasian language spoken in Southern Dagestan by approximately 95,000 people.
righ Tabasaran language
(Khanag). The language of Tabasarans. Spoken в Dagestan (Russia).
ragh Lezgi
Northeast group of Caucasian languages
raX Agul
(Aghul), is a language spoken by the Aghuls in Southern Dagestan, Russia and in Azerbaijan.
raX Kuba Lezgi
raX Mikrakh Lezgi
Republic of Dagestan, Russian Federation
riX Northern Tabassaran
Tabasaran (also written Tabassaran) is a Northeast Caucasian language of the Lezgic branch. It is spoken by the Tabasaran people in Southern part of the Russian Republic of Dagestan. There are two main dialects: North (Khanag) and South Tabasaran.
riX Late Egyptian
Late Egyptian is the stage of the Egyptian language that was written by the time of the New Kingdom of Egypt around 1350 BC — the Amarna Period.
rX Middle Egyptian
Middle Egyptian is the typical form of Egyptian written from 2000-1300 BC (after Old Egyptian and before Late Egyptian), during the Middle Kingdom and the subsequent Second Intermediate Period.
riN Digaru Mishmi
riN Taraon
Digaro, also Taraon or Darang, is a Digarish language of Northeastern Arunachal Pradesh, India and Zay County, Tibet, China.
verigh Tsakhur language
Spoken в Ritul region od Dagestan and Northern part of Azerbaijan.
viragh Kryts
(Kryz; Krytz) is a Northeast Caucasian language spoken in Southern Dagestan. There are about 5,000 speakers.
viragh Budukh
(or Budugh) is a Lezgic language from the Northeast Caucasian family. There are less than 1,000 speakers, in the region of Quba (Northern Azerbaijan).
virygh Ritul language
Dagestan (Russia).
virygh Tsakhur
Northern Azerbaijan and southwestern Dagestan (Russia).
ve:ra Pengo
South-Central Dravidian; Dravidian; Asia (India)
ve:ra Manda
Dravidian; Dravidian; Asia (India)
ve:la Kui (in India)
South-Central Dravidian; Dravidian; Asia
yarilo Old Slavic
(ancient language)
rana Hausa
(Harshen Hausa) a Chadic language (a branch of the Afroasiatic language family) spoken by 40 million people of Northern Nigeria and Southern Niger
rara Nimbia
a dialect of the Gwandara language (Northern Nigeria)
rana; cin (?) Guazi
Afroasiatic Chadic
nana Arabishi
nana Garaku
nana Gitata
nana Gwagwa
nana Karshi
naNe; na:ŋge Nigerian Fulfulde
nang~a Kenga
Kenga is a Bongo-Bagirmi language of Chad.
nange Borgu Fulfulde
Benin (Africa)
nange Central Eastern Niger Fulfulde
nange Fula Burkina Faso
Northern Burkina Faso, the Sahel region
nange Fulfulde Maasina
Mali (Africa)
nange Maasina
Niger-Congo language.
5eNg~e Konja Sundani
Cameroon, Africa.
5ENg~E Bunoge
Mali (Africa)
5aNga Bukusu
5aNga; tadi Nzebi
The Nzebi languages are a series of Bantu languages spoken in the western Congo and in Gabon.
5aNg~a Masaba
5am Bamileke
North-Western Cameroon
5am Samba Leko
South-Western Nigeria (Africa)
5aNa Iyaa
5aN Konja Ndung
Cameroon, Africa.
5aga Somyev
Somyev (Somyewe), also known as Kila, is a nearly extinct Mambiloid language of two villages, one in Nigeria and one in Cameroon
na; tiyo; nyele Ntomba Njale
Congo, Africa
5a Babong
5a Balondo
5E Elung
5ElE Konda Twelia
Democratic Republic of the Congo
5EN; du3 Nla Mbo
western Cameroon (Africa)
5EnE (ane); una; tiyo Ntomba
spoken in the DR Congo and the Republic of the Congo.
5me’ Denya-Bajwo
a Bantoid language of Cameroon
5EN Mienge(Bassossi)
5EN Nninong
5Ea Manehas
Nam Shupamem
Cameroon (Africa)
5eNk (5eNG~) ; XEC Mapos
Mapos Buang, also known as Mapos or Central Buang, is an Oceanic language in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea (?)
5im Baba
(!) Cameroon
5i Nle Mbo
(!) Cameroon (Africa)
5i Aghem Weh
(!) North West Region of Cameroon
5ima Gidiccho
(!) Gidiccho Island, Welege Island, Golmakka Island, and the western shore of Lake Abaya, Ethiopia.
5an Basari
Southern Senegal (Africa)
5um Adere (Adare; Hareri)
Somali (Africa)
5um Dzodinka
At the Cameroon and Nigeria border
5um Mungaka
5um3 Pinyin
Pinyin is a Grassfields language spoken by some 27,000 people in the Northwest Region of Cameroon
5um; nuвm (???) Bali
Balinese (or simply Bali) is a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken by 3.3 million people (as of 2000) on the Indonesian island of Bali as well as Northern Nusa Penida, Western Lombok, Eastern Java, Southern Sumatra, and Sulawesi.
num Bambui
Mbui (Bambui) is a Bantu language spoken in Cameroon.
na Baga Mboteni
at the North of Guinea (Africa)
na Bandial
in the South of Senegal
na7 Falor
na7 Ndut Falor
Palor (Falor, Paloor) is a language spoken in Senegal
na7 Palor
nai Yariba (Yoruba, Yooba)
n-ʃul Nkumm
Nigeria (near the Cameroon border)
N3 De Wungtse
Cameroon (at the border with Nigeria)
n3num3 Mankon
nage Bagirmi Fulfulde
CAR (Africa)
nah; nox** Lehar
Lehar or Laalaa (in their language) is one of the Cangin languages spoken in Senegal
nak Non
Senegal (West Africa)
nox Safen
Safene (Saafen), or Saafi-Saafi, is the principal Cangin language, spoken by 200,000 people in Senegal.
naho oN Ongamo
Ongamo, or Ngas, is probably extinct Eastern Nilotic language of Tanzania.
Nama (Namla) Wom Africa
anwu (ash-shams ??) Igbo
The language of Igbo people (Igboid; Niger-Congo; Africa). Spoken at the South-East Nigeria. More than 18 million people speak Igbo. There is an opinion that Igbo ancestors came from African Grate Lakes and Luna Mountains (East and Central Africa) to settle the place where Sahara desert dominates now. The desertification forced the people to migrate ahead to the South and to the North.
anwu Ika Nigeria
aNgwo Fam
east of Nigeria
alaNw~u Ekpeye
alaŋ Kam
aNu Ukawani Aboh Ndoni
angu; tazi Mbala
Democratic Republic of the Congo
anu Igede
the language spoken in Benue State and Cross River State, Nigeria,
amb~u Tsonga
Tsonga (Xitsonga) is a Southern African Bantu language spoken by the Tsonga people
ani*; ani* i*ki Ombo
Ombo is a Bantu language of Maniema Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
ani* Kusu Matapa
Democratic Republic of the Congo
ani*i; oruwa Biseni
the Nigerian coastal area
ani Gengele
Democratic Republic of the Congo
ani Komo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
a5i (tazi); angu Mbala
the Democratic Republic of the Congo
a5i; Ci Ogba
Ogba is a dialect of the standard Igbo spoken by the Ogba people of Nigeria.
a5i; yanyo Bijago
Bijago (or Bidyogo) is the language of the Bissagos Archipelago of Guinea-Bissau.
a5i Bijogo
the language of the tribe, inhabiting an island in Atlantic near Guinea-Bissau (Africa)
a5ik (aɲik) Maba Mabang
Maba (Maban, Mabang) is a Maban language spoken in Chad and Sudan. It is divided into several dialects, and serves as a local trade language. Maba is closely related to the Masalit language. Not to be confused with Maba language (Indonesia)
a5iN Runga
Aiki is a Maban language of Chad. It consists of two dialects, Runga and Kibet, which are divergent enough to be considered separate languages. Kibet (Kibeit, Kibeet, Kabentang) is spoken in Chad, while Runga (Roungo) is split between Chad and the CAR.
an Bulu
the language at the Southern Cameroon (Africa)
ana Boma Nord Ekemwa
the Democratic Republic of Congo
ana Boma Nord
the Democratic Republic of Congo
ana Boma
the Democratic Republic of Congo
anak; se5yen Kuwaataay
Gambia (Africa)
anda Pinzi
a Bantu language of Gabon.
ane Bolia Bandundu
the Democratic Republic of Congo
Ane Kela
the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Tshuopa province
alo Banda-Bambari
Central African republic (Africa)
alo Linda
Central African Republic
ae Burmese
Official Language of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (Burma).
cam; kham, zuna Romani
(or Romany or Gipsy) is the language of the Roma and Sinti, who came originally from now Northern India and parts of Pakistan. It is an Indo-Aryan language (like Hindi, Gujarati, etc.). Romani is spoken by a total of 4.8 million people in 42 European countries, including Romania, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Bulgaria and Slovakia.
kam (kham) Angloromani
Angloromany (literally «English Romany») or «Angloromani» is a language combining aspects of English and Romany.
kh~am North Russian Romani
kh~am Romungro Romani
Carpathian Romani, also known as Central Romani or Romungro Romani, is a group of dialects of the Romani language spoken from Southern Poland to Hungary, and from eastern Austria to Ukraine.
kh~am Selice Romani
Indo-Aryan language of Slovakia
kh~am; murS Sepecides Romani
kh~am Sofia Erli Romani
kh~am Sremski Gurbet Romani
kh~am Ursari Romani
kh~am Vlax Romani
Vlax Romani is a dialect group of the Romani language. Vlax Romani varieties are spoken mainly in Southeastern Europe by Romani people.
kh~am Sinti Romani
Sinte Romani is the variety of Romani spoken by the Sinti people in Germany, France, Austria, some parts of Northern Italy and other adjacent regions.
kh~am Bugurdzi Romani
Kosovo (former Yugoslavia)
kh~am Banatiski Gurbet Romani
kh~am Burgenland Romani
kam; kh~am Gurvari Romani
kh~am Dolenjski Romani
Hungary (on the border with Austria)
khann (?) Yiddish
Germanic; Indo-European; Europe, Asia
zhan Jingpho
or Kachin, is a Tibeto-Burman language spoken in Burma and China by about 900,000 people.
dinayara Rajasthani
Rajasthani is an Indo-Aryan language of India, whose number of speakers are estimated up to 80 million people. It is spoken chiefly in the state of Rajasthan but also in Gujarat, Haryana and Punjab.
nw~ar Peshawar Pashto
nw~3r Northern Pashto
Northern Pashto or Northeastern Pashto, sometimes known as Yusufzai Pashto after its principal subdialect, is a Northern dialect of Pashto spoken in Northern Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan and Northeastern Afghanistan.
nw~3r Baffa Pashto
The North of Pakistan
nw~3r Oghi Pashto
nw~3r Swabi Pashto
The Northern Pakistan
nw~3r Batagram Pashto
the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan
nw~3r Bajaur Pashto
in the North of Pakistan
nw~3r Charsadda Pashto
in the North of Pakistan
nw~3r Madyan Pashto
Northern Pakistan
nm3r st3rga Bar Pashto
in the North of Pakistan
nw~3r Cherat Pashto
nw~3r Dir Pashto
Northern Pakistan
nw~ar Peshawar Pashto
nw~ar Mardan Pashto
Northern Pakistan
nw~3r Mingora Pashto
Northern Pakistan
mi3 st3rg Wana Pashto
Northern Pakistan
mer3 st3rg3 Parachinar Pashto
mEra st3rga Zakha Khel Afridi Pashto
xorm3 st3rga Miran Shah Pashto
Northern Pakistan
d3 nm3r st3rga Mohmand Pashto
Northern Pakistan
mer; mer3 st3rg3 Jamrud Afridi Pashto
mEr3 st3rg3 Hangu Pashto
m3r st3rg3 Shinwari Pashto
The Shinwari is an ethnic Pashtun tribe of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
lmer3 st3rg3 Thal Pashto
The North-East of Pakistan
nm3r; lm3r Pashin Kakari Pashto
nm3r Lakki Marwat Pashto
nmer Jallozai Pashto
lm3r Chaman Pashto
at the Southern Afganistan
lm3r Kandahar Pashto
lm3r Pishin Pashto
Pishin is a district in the Balochistan province of Pakistan.
lm3r Quetta Pashto
Quetta is the provincial capital and largest city of Balochistan, Pakistan.
lm3r Ningrahar (?) Pashto
Nangarhar Province
mer Waneci
a Pashto dialect which is spoken by a small population of Tareen tribes in Pakistan and Afghanistan, primarily in Harnai and Sinjawi area east of Quetta, Northern Balochistan, Pakistan.
mier Tirah Afridi Pashto
The Northern Pakistan
mier Ormuri
in some regions of Pakistan and Afganistan.
mira Yidgha
The Yidgha language is an Eastern Iranian language of the Pamir group spoken in the upper Lotkoh Valley (Tehsil Lotkoh) of Chitral in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan.
mira Munji
The Munji language, also known as Munjani, Munjhan and the Munjiwar language, is a Pamir language spoken in Munjan valley in Badakhshan Province in Northeast Afghanistan.
mir Bannu Pashto
in the North of Pakistan
mihr New Persian (Farsi)
Iran, Afganistan, Tajikistan
tafukt; tafuљt; tafuyt Tamazight
Spoken in Morocco, Algeria
tafukt; ittij Kabyle (or Kabylian) language
Kabyle is a Berber language spoken in Kabylie, a region of Algeria. There are about 5 million speakers in Algeria, and a total of 7 million speakers worldwide.
tafuk, tafukt, iafukt Berber
That is a family of similar or closely related languages and dialects indigenous to North Africa.
tafuk Tamahaq Tahaggart
Tamahaq (Tahaggart Tamahaq, Tamahaq Tahaggart) is the only known Northern Tuareg language, spoken in Algeria, western Libya and Northern Niger.
t3f7uk Tamajeq Tayart Air
It is spoken by the Tuareg people inhabiting the Air Mountains, in the Agadez Region of Niger.
tafut Awjila
(Awjilah, Aoudjila; self-name: tawjilit) is one of berber languages in estern Libya.
tafuyt Tamazight Central Atlas Ayt Izdeg
The language in central part of Marocco
8afuS8 Tamazight Central Atlas Ayt Ndhir
The language in central part of Marocco
tafukt Tamazight Central Atlas Ntifa
The language in central part of Marocco
tafukt Tashelhit Ida Usemlal
Berber language in Southern Morocco
tafuct Ghomara
The Ghomara language is a Northern Berber language spoken in Morocco.
tafukt Foqaha
the language in central region of Libya
tfukt Siwa Berber
The Siwi language (also known as Siwan or Siwa Berber, selfname: Jlan n Isiwan) is the easternmost Berber language, spoken in Egypt by an estimated 15,000 to 20,000[8] people in the oases of Siwa and Gara, near the Libyan border.
tfuyt Figuig
East of Morocco (Nothern Africa)
tfuyt Tumzabt
Tumzabt is a Berber language spoken by the Mozabites, an Ibadi group inhabiting the seven cities of the M’zab in the Northern Sahara.
tfit Ouargla Berber
Ouargli, or Teggargrent is a Zenati Berber language. It is spoken in the oases of Ouargla and N’Goussa (Ingusa) in Algeria.
tfit Wargla
The language is spoken in scattered oases of Algeria and Morocco
t37f3kt (t37fukt) Zenaga
South-West Mavritania
tawf3k Tetserret
Tetserret (Tin Sert) is a Tuareg Berber language spoken by the Ait-Awari and Kel Eghlal Tuareg tribes of the Akoubounou (Akabinu) commune in Niger.
8fuyc8(8fuS8) Tarifit
Tarifit is a Northern Berber language of the Zenati subgroup, spoken mainly in the Moroccan Rif by about 2,5 million people.
8afuS8 Senhayi
Northern Africa
8afuT8 Senhaja De Srair
Senhaja de Srair (‘Senhaja of Srair’) is a Northern Berber language. It is spoken by the Sanhaja Berbers inhabiting the Southern part of the Moroccan Rif.
8fui8 Chenoua
Algeria, the Mediterranean coast
8fuS8 Metmata
Southern Tunis (Northern Africa)
8fuy8 Beni Snous Western Algerian Berber
spoken near Tlemcen in Algeria
tfust Tarifiyt Berber
That is a family of similar or closely related languages and dialects indigenous to North Africa.
tufut Jebel Nefusa
tufut Jerba
the language of the Djerba (Jerba, Jarbah) people in the largest island of North Africa, located in the Gulf of Gabes. ??
ufut Nafusi
Nafusi (also spelt Nefusi; Tanfusit) is a Berber language spoken in the Nafusa Mountains, a large area in Northwestern Libya.
ufura Mboi
Mboi (Mboire, Mboyi) is an Adamawa language of Nigeria.
nje:f Serer
(Senegal — Gambia), Africa
Ch~i Ch~i Nggwahyi
Nggwahyi (Ngwaxi, Ngwohi) is a minor Chadic language of Nigeria.
gbe Abidji
Kwa family: Agneby group (Ivory Coast)
Nzui Ejagham
Benue-Congo family: Ekajuk group (Nigeria)
nzol Nkem
Benue-Congo family: Ekajuk group (Nigeria)
nzol Abanyom
Benue-Congo family: Ekajuk group (Nigeria)
nzol Nnam
Benue-Congo family: Ekajuk group (Nigeria)
nzon Nde
Benue-Congo family: Ekajuk group (Nigeria)
nzul Nsell
Benue-Congo family: Ekajuk group (Nigeria)
nzul Nkum
Benue-Congo family: Ekajuk group (Nigeria)
nzul Ekajuk
Benue-Congo family: Ekajuk group (Nigeria)
nzun Efutop
Benue-Congo family: Ekajuk group (Nigeria)
nzun Nta
Benue-Congo family: Ekajuk group (Nigeria)
enen (approx.) Mwetug Akoose
Benue-Congo family: Bantu-A group
ene (approx.) Elung Akoose
Benue-Congo family: Bantu-A group
mpaso Nilamba
Benue-Congo family: Bantu-F group
mutena Nkoya
Benue-Congo family: Bantu-L group
teni; tena Sonde Kyaanza
The South-West of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
ana, tena, taNwa Lunda
Democratic Republic of the Congo
TeN Kuman Uganda
tEn Okobo
Okobo is a Lower Cross River language of Nigeria.
ten Ruund
Ruund (Ruwund), also known as Northern Lunda or Uruund, is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola.
laga Phuti
Phuthi (Siphuthi) is a Nguni Bantu language spoken in Southern Lesotho and areas in South Africa
lana; mairowa Gibanawa
at the Northern Nigeria
laNa Hlubi
South Africa (Maputu)
laNa Zulu Nkandla
The South Africa
laNg~a (langa) Northern Ndebele
Northern Ndebele, also called isiNdebele, Sindebele, Zimbabwean Ndebele or North Ndebele, and formerly known as Matabele, is an African language belonging to the Nguni group of Bantu languages, spoken by the Northern Ndebele people, or Matabele, of Zimbabwe.
laNg~a (raNg~a) Ngoni
one of several languages of the Ngoni people, who descend from the Nguni people of Southern Africa, and the language is a member of the Nguni subgroup, with the variety spoken in Malawi sometimes referred to as a dialect of Zulu.
laNg~a Southern Ndebele
Southern Ndebele, also known as Transvaal Ndebele, isiNdebele, Ndebele, is an African language belonging to the Nguni group of Bantu languages, spoken by the Ndebele people of South Africa.
laNg~a Thembu
South Africa (?)
laNg~a Zimbabwe Ndebele
langa Ngoni Malawi
a Bantu language of Malawi
langa Swati
The Swazi or Swati language (Swazi: siSwati [siswat’i]) is a Bantu language of the Nguni group spoken in Swaziland and South Africa by the Swazi people.
ilanga Xhosa
Benue-Congo family: Bantu-S group
ca: (za)(jah); cha Hoan
Peripheral-Khoisan family (Botsvana).
!x’oin |Xam
Peripheral-Khoisan family: (Africa)
!’oe ||Ng!ke
Peripheral-Khoisan family: (Africa)
!’ui Khomani
Peripheral-Khoisan family: (Africa)
!’ui N|uu
Peripheral-Khoisan family: (Africa)
!umi ||Xegwi
Peripheral-Khoisan family: (Africa)
le (len); !koi |’Auni
Peripheral-Khoisan family: (Africa. Southwestern Botswana)
!’i |Haasi
Peripheral-Khoisan family: (Africa)
!’an !Xoong
Peripheral-Khoisan family: Тaa group (Africa)
!’an Kakia
Peripheral-Khoisan family: Тaa group (Botswana)
!on Masarwa Kakia
Peripheral-Khoisan family: Тaa group (Botswana)
!’an (ll’e:) N|u||en
Peripheral-Khoisan family: Тaa group (Africa)
!am Cape Khoekhoe
Central Khoisan family: Kalahari-Khoisan group. Almost dead language in South-Western SAR (about 100 people).
!am (?) Zhu’hoan
the language in north-eastern Namibia. Ju|’hoan is generally considered to be a variety of the !Xun [knw] language. (Africa) Ju/’hoan, Agau, Kung-Tsumkwe, Xu, Xun, Kung, !Xo, Zhu’oasi, Dzu’oasi, Tsumkwe, Dobe Kung, Xaixai, Zhu|hoasi, Ju/’hoansi
!a:m Grootfontein ! Kung
Peripheral-Khoisan family: Nothern Khoisan group. Northern Namibia, in Grootfontein district
!kom ! Kung
Peripheral-Khoisan family: Nothern Khoisan group (Namibia) Not to be confused with Kung language (Cameroon)
!kom !O! Kung
Peripheral-Khoisan family: Nothern Khoisan group (Southern Angola)
!am Kxauen
Peripheral-Khoisan family: Nothern Khoisan group (southwestern Africa)
!Em Kxoe language
Central Khoisan family: Kalahari-Khoisan group (7000 speakers) (southeastern Angola)
!am ||Ani-Buga language
Central Khoisan family: Kalahari-Khoisan group. (4000 speakers in northwestern Botswana)
!am Naro language
Central Khoisan family: Kalahari-Khoisan group(western Botswana)
!am ||Gana-|Gui language
Central Khoisan family: Kalahari-Khoisan group. (4500 speakers in southwestern Africa)
!am #Haba
Central Khoisan family: Kalahari-Khoisan group (southwestern Africa)
!am; kobo Cara
Central Khoisan family: Kalahari-Khoisan group (southwestern Africa)
!am |Xaise
Central Khoisan family: Kalahari-Khoisan group (southwestern Africa)
!am Ts’ixa
Central Khoisan family: Kalahari-Khoisan group (southwestern Africa)
!am Shua
a.k.a. Danisi. Central Khoisan family: Kalahari-Khoisan group. (2000 speakers) Botswana
!am Hiechware
Tsoa or Tshwa, also known as Kua and Hiechware. Botswana and Zimbabwe (9300 speakers). Central Khoisan family: Kalahari-Khoisan group
k’obo Deti
Central Khoisan family: Kalahari-Khoisan group (Africa)
gao Ekoka ! Xung
Peripheral-Khoisan family: Nothern Khoisan group
!’akasu Sandawe
Sandawe family: Sandawe group. The Dadoma privince, Tanzania. Africa
iso-wa-ko (iSo) Hadza
Northern Tanzania.
swe:ri Jalaa
(autonym: basaren da jalaabe) also known as Centum or Cen Tuum, is an extinct language of northeastern Nigeria
asis; koita Nandi
a Nilotic language also known as Cemual (Western Kenya)
asista Kipsigis
a Nilo-Saharan language spoken in Kenya by the Kipsigis tribe (470,000 people). It’s a dialect of Kalenjin, along with Nandi and Keiyo.
aca Oropom
(Oworopom) is an African language almost certainly extinct. The language was purportedly once spoken by the Oropom people in northeastern Uganda and northwestern Kenya.
ukat isiXhosa
(Xhosa) The Xhosa language is one of the official languages of South Africa.
ayya Krongo
Kadugli; Kadugli; South Sudan, Africa
aya Kurondi
Southern Sudan
aya Keiga
Kadugli; Kadugli; South Sudan, Africa
i:ya Tumtum
Kadugli; Kadugli; South Sudan, Africa
ndana:ya (n8~anaya) Katcha
Kadugli; Kadugli; South Sudan, Africa
andanaya Tumma
Kadugli; Kadugli; South Sudan, Africa
ndalaya Kanga
Kadugli; Kadugli; South Sudan, Africa
ndalaya Miri: (Hill)
Kadugli; Kadugli; South Sudan, Africa
ndalaya (in8~alaya) Miri
Kadugli–Krongo family: Kadugli–Krongo group; Sudan
in8~ilaia Chiroro
Sudan (Africa)
indinaya Kadugli
Kadugli; Kadugli; South Sudan, Africa
indi Serena
Ecuador (Africa)
ten; ea Tulishi
Kadugli; Kadugli; South Sudan, Africa
tenea Tulishi
the language in southern Sudan. Kadugli–Krongo family: Kadugli–Krongo group
tigimy~a7 Tulishi
Tulishi (Kuntulishi, Thulishi, Tulesh) is a Kadu language spoken in Kordofan.
mbang Sara
The Sara languages comprise over a dozen Bongo–Bagirmi languages spoken mainly in Southern Chad; a few are also spoken in the North of the Central African Republic. They are members of the Central Sudanic language family.
babar (*) Sumerian
the territory of modern Iraq
Cy~el3; Cel3 (teli; celi) Selkup
Selkup language is the language of the Selkups, belonging to the Samoyedic group of the Uralic language family. It is spoken by some 1500 people in the region between the Ob and Yenisei Rivers (in Siberia, Russia).
tirkэtir; terki Chukchi
Chukchi is a Paleosiberian language spoken by Chukchi people in the Eastenmost extremity of Siberia, mainly in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. Chukchi-Koryak branch of Chukchi-Kamchatka family.
tijkэtij Koryak (or Nymylan)
the language of Koryaks, the main population of inhabitants of Koryak national county (RF).
titke-tit Alutor
Alutor is a language of Russian Federation that belongs to the Chukchi-Koryak group of Chukotko-Kamchatkan languages. Unwritten.
tijkэtij Chawchuven
Northeast of Siberia
titk-э-n Palana
Northeast of Siberia
titkэp Karagin
Northeast of Siberia
ketipin Pohnpeian
the State of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia.
ee [i:] Ketic (Ket)
(Yenisei Ostyak) is a Siberian language long thought to be an isolate, the sole surviving language of an Yeniseian language family. It is spoken along the Yenisei basin by the Ket people.
hi (pronounced [hee]), taiyou, ohisama Japan
Altai language family. People in western area of Japan often use ‘ohisan’.
ohisan Kyokotoba
Kyo-kotoba, a dialect of Japanese spoken in Kyoto.
ohisEmE Tokyo Japanese
ti’up Proto-Ainu
Ainu languages are a small language family originally spoken on the Northern Japanese island of Hokkaido
tida Shimayumita
The Kikai language (Shimayumita) is spoken on Kikai Island (southwestern Japan).
tida Myaakufutsu
the language spoken in the Miyako Islands, located southwest of Okinawa.
tida Tarama-Minna hogen
Language spoken in the Miyako Islands (Japan).
tida* (tidan) Sani Amami
The language is spoken in the Amami Islands (Japan)
tida Shuri
Okinawan language (Japan)
teNdo Takarajima Japanese
the island language in the Southern Japan
tida Taketomi Yaeyama
the Yaeyama Islands, the Southernmost inhabited island group in Japan
tida Nishihara Miyako
Miyako dialect is spoken at the Miyako islands, located southwest of Okinawa (Nishihara district).
tida Miyako
Southern islands of Japan
tida Fukusato Miyako
the island of the southern Japanese ridge (to the North of Taiwan)
tida Kuninaka Miyako
Southern islands of Japan
tida; tidaganas3 Tokuwase
the language on one of the Southern islands of Japan
tida Yaeyama
The Yaeyama language is a Southern Ryukyuan language spoken in the Yaeyama Islands, the Southernmost inhabited island group in Japan
tida Uehara Yaeyama
Southernmost island group in Japan
tida Kabira Yaeyama
Southernmost island group in Japan
tida Kuroshima Yaeyama
Southernmost island group in Japan
tida Yonamine
tida Yoron
The Yoron language is a dialect continuum spoken on Yoronjima in Kagoshima Prefecture, southwestern Japan.
tida Kamikatetsu Kikai
Southern islands of Japan
tida Izena Kunigami
tida, Cida Komi Yaeyama
Japan, Isigaki Island (near Taiwan)
Cind~a Kohama Yaeyama
Japan, Isigaki Island (near Taiwan)
tira Yamazato Okinawan
tira Higa Okinawan
Japan (Southern islands)
tira Naha
one of the southern islands of Japan
tidaN Yonaguni
The Yonaguni language is a Southern Ryukyuan language spoken by around 400 people on the island of Yonaguni, in the Ryukyu Islands, the westernmost of the chain lying just east of Taiwan.
hidoN Ei Japanese
at Southern part of Kusu island (Japan)
hidaw Toda Taroko
Taroko is a language of Taiwan.
hidaw Truku Taroko
hido Paran Taroko
hidaw Hecuo Taroko
kadaw Pilam Puyuma
The Puyuma language, or Pinuyumayan, is the language of the Puyuma, an indigenous people of Taiwan
degow Manide
qadaw Tjubar Paiwan
Paiwan is a native language of Taiwan, spoken by the Paiwan, a Taiwanese indigenous people.
qadaw Butanglu Paiwan
southern part of Taiwan island
adaw Stimul Paiwan
a native language of Taiwan, spoken by the Paiwan people, one tribe of the Taiwanese aborigines
odow (3dd3w) Molbog
igaw Yogad
Yogad is an Austronesian language spoken primarily in Echague, Isabela and other nearby towns in the province in Northern Philippines.
ri; taiyang (astronom.); ritou Chinese
The main representative of Sino-Tibetan language family. This is the oldest written language in the world
taiyang Gon ua
One of the major divisions of the Chinese language spoken in Jiangxi province
taiyang Mandarin (Mandarian)
northern and southwestern China
thE iaN; lo ier ier Mandarin Liaocheng
eastern China
tou; von Jiamao
Jiamao (or Kamau) is a divergent Hlai language spoken in Southern Hainan (island), China.
aesng ta ven Lao
(laotian) Thai language family
um tou Jiao-Liao
Jiaoliao or Jiao-Liao Mandarin is a primary dialect of Mandarin Chinese, spoken on the Shandong Peninsula.
taNon; ky~aNNon Hawyiengz Zhuang
Southern China
ky~aNNon Wuming Yongbei Zhuang
The Southern China
kyaNNon Wuming Zhuang
The Southern China, Wuming County
taunan Yerong
Yerong is a language of China. It is spoken in West Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Baise prefecture, Napo county, on the Yunnan Province and Viet Nam border; Longhe district, Rongtun and Gonghe villages; Pohe district, Shanhe, Yong’an and Guoba.
tauNk~au Numao Bunu
The south of China.
tauw3n Northern Dong Tianzhu Shidong
tauwan Lakkia (Lakkja)
Tai-Kadai language spoken in Jinxiu Yao Autonomous County, Laibin, east-central Guangxi, Southern China.
tawan, tabwan (coloqual); phra-aathit (high language) Thai
Thai (Siamese) is the official language of Tailand. Tai is a member of the Tai group of the Tai-Kadai language family. Over half of the words in Thai are borrowed from Pali, Sanskrit and Old Khmer. Spoken Thai is mutually intelligible with Laotian.
tawan; ph~a atit Tai Khuen
Khun, or Tai Khun, is the language of the Tai Khun people of Kengtung, Shan state, Myanmar.
tawan Khorat Thai
tawan Lampang Thai
tavan Jinghong Tai Lue
tavan Yuanyang Tai
The South of China (near the Vietnam border)
tavan Langjia Buyang
Southern China
t3van (nd~avan) Sandong Sui
a Tai-Kadai language spoken by the Sui people of Guizhou province in China
nd~avan Sui
The Sui language is a Tai-Kadai language spoken by the Sui people of Guizhou province in China.
ta maan Dong Southern
Southern Guizhou, China (Rongjiang-Zhanglu dialect; Kam-Sui language)
ta van Lu
China ?
ta.1′ van.2 Yuanxin Hongjin Dai
Tai Hongjin is a Tai language of Southern China.
ta.7 wan.2 Khun
Khun, or Tai Khun, is the language of the Tai Khun people of Kengtung, Shan state, Myanmar. It is a Tai language, closely related to Thai and Lao. It is also spoken in Chiang Rai Province, Thailand, and Yunnan Province, China.
ta vin Yang
Yang Zhuang is a Tai language spoken in southwestern Guangxi, China, in Napo, Jingxi and Debao counties. (?)
vai Tanan Rukai
Rukai is a Formosan language spoken by the Rukai people in Taiwan. The Austronesian language family. The Rukai language comprises six dialects, which are Budai, Labuan, Maga, Mantauran, Tanan, and Tona.
wh~3n Qabiao
Qabiao or sometimes Laqua is a Tai-Kadai language spoken by the Qabiao people in Northern Vietnam and Yunnan, China. Alternative names for Qabiao include Kabeo, Ka Beo, Ka Bao, Ka Biao, Pubiao (Pupeo or Pu Peo) and Pen Ti Lolo (Bendi Lolo).
dav3n Dongying Lingao
a language spoken at the Chinese Hainan island
dav3n Ong Be
the North-central coast of Hainan Island, including the suburbs of the provincial capital Haikou (China)
davan Ai-Cham
is a language spoken mainly in Diwo and Boyao Townships, Jialiang District, Libo County, Qiannan Prefecture, Guizhou, China. Alternative names for the language are Jiamuhua, Jinhua and Atsam.
davan Taiyang Ai Cham
South-East of China
davan Fangcun Mak
The Southern China
davan Laliu Mak
The Southern China
davan Mak
The Mak language is a Kam-Sui language spoken in Libo County, Qiannan Prefecture, Guizhou, China.
dawan Shuiqing Sui
The Sui language is a Tai-Kadai language spoken by the Sui people of Guizhou province in China.
havan Longzhou Zhuang
havan Zhuang Northern
Guizhou (China)
havEn Yuanjiang Tai
in southern China (near to Vietnam border)
ch~ahw~an Li Baoding
ch~avan Li Tongshi
ch~3Nhi Naga Mao
Northeastern India.
ch~a 5u Naga Chang
Chang (Changyanguh), or Mochungrr, is a Naga language of Northeastern India.
ih~ekh~a Naga Rengma
in Northeastern India.
tavin Jinping Tai
China, on the border with Vietnam
tavon Menglian Tai
in southern China
taNNon; dandat Wangmo Bouyei
taNNon Zhoucheng Bai
taNNen Tai Daeng
the language of the Tai Daeng people of Northwestern Vietnam and across the border into Northeastern Laos.
taNoa Nong Duu Mon
Ta5u Phom
a Sino-Tibetan language spoken by the Phom people of Nagaland state in the northeastern India.
taNay Cheng
Cheng (also known as Jeng, Chieng) is a Mon-Khmer language of Southern Laos.
taNay Oi
Oi is a Mon–Khmer dialect cluster of Attapeu Province in Southern Laos.
t3 m3v Karen Yintale
Sino-Tibetan language family: Karenic group
T3lNe (C3lNe) Ksinmul
Northern Vietnam
t3Nay Jruq
a Mon-Khmer language of the Bahnaric branch spoken in Southern Laos.
t3Nay Jru
t3Nay Lave
Cambodia and Laos
t3Nay Sapuan
Sapuan is a Mon–Khmer language spoken in the single village of Ban Sapuan, located approximately 40 km North of Attapeu (Laos).
t3Nay Brao
t3Nay Loven
taman Kam Zhanglu
Kam-Tai; Tai-Kadai; southeastern China.
taman Zhanglu Dong
Kam-Tai; Tai-Kadai; southeastern China.
tamik Naga Thangal
Northeastern India.
tamyat Panakhil
Pangkhua (Pangkhu), or Paang, is a Kukish language primarily spoken in Bangladesh.
t3Ne7; t3Ni; th~3Ni; hni Pear
Pear is a moribund Mon-Khmer language of Cambodia.
t3mo Kayah
Sino-Tibetan language family: Karenic group
t3t; th~3ufan Dongmen Mulam
one of the Mulam dialects (Southern China and Northern Vietnam)
si Nai Palaung
Palaung, or in Chinese De’ang, is a Mon–Khmer dialect cluster spoken by over half a million people in Burma (Shan State) and neighboring countries.
ak ToN Mlabri
naw-chi Duogu Tujia
Duogu Tujia is a Tibeto-Burman language, spoken in south-central China.
amux3 Nanjiang
Nanjiang County is a county of Sichuan Province, China.
anx3; antsha; mux3 Lalo
Southern China
dzei te ze kua; me ni Xuecheng ???
punh~oi Yao
One of the main languages spoken by the Yao people in China, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand
py~einoi Hainan Kim Mun
the Hainan island (China)
pu37 Nyeu
Vietnam, Thailand
pa Ni Mok
Northern Thailand
pis Toda
Toda is a Dravidian language noted for its many fricatives and trills. It is spoken by the Toda people, a population of about one thousand who live in the Nilgiri Hills of Southern India.
plaN Dakpakha
Butan (between India and China)
sacuk Lepcha
Lepcha language, or Rуng language is a Himalayish language spoken by the Lepcha people in Sikkim and parts of West Bengal, Nepal and Bhutan.
s3Ne7 Lawa La Up
sh~3Ni7 Riang Black Striped
Myanmar (Burma)
sh~oNyi7 Riang White Striped
Riang is a Mon-Khmer language of Burma and China
Nay saNi U
The U language, or P’uman, is spoken by 40,000 people in the Yunnan province of China.
NayNe Khang
Khang, also known as Mang U’, is an Austroasiatic language of Vietnam.
Nawray; nayan** Yaygir
Pama-Nyungan; Australian Eastern seashore.
shingi** Krishnupur Koda
Koda is an endangered Munda language of India and Bangladesh
tshandu** Kundang Koda
India and Bangladesh
sumT; th~akur Magahi
Eastern India
tiNgai miak Naga Mzieme
Northeastern India.
zi mik Naga Tangkhul
Kuki-Chin; Sino-Tibetan; Asia. (Northeastern India)
zi.243 hon.13 (zihon) Cun
Cun is a Hlai language of Hainan Island. China.
zi7; zihao Hainan Minnan Chinese
Hainan Island (China)
tini Manange
Nepal (Tamangic language). Bodic; Sino-Tibetan; Asia
tiwaz Luwian
Luwian; sometimes spelled Luvian, rarely Luish) is an ancient language or group of languages of the Anatolian branch of the Indo-European language family. The culmination of Luwian language development took place in the 13 — 12th centuries B.C., when most of inscriptions were written. Anatolia, Northern Syria
tiZi Kirmanjki
toNkulu Onge
The Onge language is one of two known Ongan languages within the Andaman family. It is spoken by the Onge people in Little Andaman Island in India.
too Domaaki
Domaaki, also known as Dumaki or Domaa, is a Dardic language spoken by a few hundred people living in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.
txiya* Gurung Western
uni Thangmi
Thangmi, also called Thami, Thangmi Kham, Thangmi Wakhe, and Thani, is a Sino-Tibetan language spoken in central-eastern Nepal and Northeastern India by the Thami people.
uyuN; goyuNan Sora
Sora is an Austroasiatic language of the Sora people, an ethnic group of eastern India, mainly in the states of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh.
xiug Shom Peng
Shompen (Shom Peng) is a language, or languages, spoken on Great Nicobar Island in the Indian union territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Indian Ocean south of Burma.
yheko (yhekha) Naga Southern Rengma
Northeastern India.
yi*ph~i*; 5iph~i* Jianchuan Bai
South-eastern China
yi*ph~i* Heqing Bai
Southern China
Yihobu Nuosu
yom; k3yom Jiarong
China, the central region
k3yom; yom Japhug Rgyalrong
China ???
yum Shehri
Shehri, also known as Jibbali, is a Modern South Arabian language. It is spoken by a small native population inhabiting the coastal towns and the mountains and wilderness areas upland from Salalah, located in the Dhofar Governorate in southwestern Oman.
єmpumetshwe Tanka
(Alternative namees: boat people, Dan, Danjia, Tan). The Tankas or boat people are an ethnic subgroup in Southern China who have traditionally lived on junks in coastal parts of Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hainan, and Zhejiang, as well as Hong Kong and Macau.
roNSar Moshang
at Nothern-Eastern India
mo ni si Phunoi
Phunoi (Sinsali) is a Loloish language of Northern Laos.
tX~atX~ (tat) Domari
language of Gypsies in Israel
yeLoje Kolyma Yukagir
at Nothern-Eastern Siberia
intafo Kumzari
United Arab Emirates
Zoth~u; th~Eyon Dungan
Kyrgyzstan (in the Bishkek region)
th~Eyo Kunming Mandarin
Southern China
Astan Hittite language †
also known as Nesite and Neshite, is an Indo-European-language that was spoken by the Hittites, a people of Bronze Age Anatolia who created an empire, centred on Hattusa, as well as parts of the northern Levant and Upper Mesopotamia.
i Yugh
a Yeniseian language family
i Yugh Recent
Yugh (Yug) is a Yeniseian language, closely related to Ket, formerly spoken by the Yugh people, one of the Southern groups along the Yenisei River in central Siberia.
sujjo Prakrit
The territory of ancient India
sija; suuraja; shamsa Sindhi
Official Language of the Sindh Province, Pakistan. One of the 22 official languages of India.
soi Bofi
Bofi (Boffi) is a Gbaya language spoken in Boda and Bimbo subprefectures in southwestern Central African Republic.
sNoi (siNoi) Deang
Myanmar (South-East Asia)
siNai7 (SiNoi7) Wa
Wa (Va) is the language of the Wa people of Burma and China.
siNai7 Banhong Wa
at the south-western China
siNE7 Dazhai Wa
South-East China
siNe7 Yancheng Wa
Northeastern Jiangsu province, China
siNEi7 Masan Wa
Myanmar (on Chinese border)
siNEi7 Zhongke Wa
the language of the Wa people of Burma and China
siNi Turi
Turi is an endangered Munda language of India that is closely related to Santali.
sino Nias
The Nias language is an Austronesian language spoken on Nias Island and the Batu Islands off the west coast of Sumatra in Indonesia.
siEn Guwot
Duwet, also known as Guwot or Waing, is an aberrant member of the Busu subgroup of Lower Markham languages in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
sinoL; sobw~aLu Misima-Paneati
Misima-Panaeati, also called Misiman, is an indigenous Austronesian language spoken on the islands of Misima, Panaieti, and the islands of the eastern half of the Calvados Chain of Papua New Guinea.
sir Kalkoti
Northern Pakistan
siri; aftab Kashmiri
Northern India
sNey Lyngngam
North-East India (the Meghalaya state)
sNey Rumai
(or Palaung) is a Mon–Khmer language, or actually a dialect cluster, spoken by over half a million people in Burma
sngi Khasi
Khasi is an Austroasiatic language spoken primarily in Meghalaya state in India by the Khasi people.
sNi Pnar Jowai
Pnar is an Austroasiatic language spoken in India and Bangladesh.
siŋ’gi Ghatshila Ho
Munda; Austro-Asiatic; Asia (India)
‘siŋgi Ma’lidu Ho
Munda; Austro-Asiatic; Asia
siŋ’gi Ghoraduba Ho
Munda; Austro-Asiatic; Asia
singi Ho
Ho is a Munda language of the Austroasiatic language family spoken primarily in India
siNgi Mundari
siŋ’gi Ghatshila Ho
(also spelt as Ghatsila) is a census town in Purbi Singhbhum district in the state of Jharkhand, India and it is a subdivisional of East singhbhum district.
‘siŋgi Ma’lidu Ho
siŋ Gutob
Munda; Austro-Asiatic; Asia
sin cando Santali
Santali is a language in the Munda subfamily of Austroasiatic languages, related to Ho and Mundari. It is spoken by around 6.2 million people in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal, although most of its speakers live in India.
Sina Hateruma Yaeyama
a language at an island to the East of Taiwan (China)
can Singpho
Singpho is a dialect of the Jingpho language spoken by the Singpho people of Arunachal Pradesh and Assam.
cando Abirpara Mahali
The East India
cando Matindor Mahali
The East India
cando Pachondor Mahali
The East India
cando Paharpur Santali
cando Patichora Santali
cando Rashidpur Santali
cando Rautnagar Santali
candu Rajarampur Santali
Candu Bodobelghoria Santali
Estern part of India
Candu Koda
India, the West Bengal state
Cando Jabri Santali
c3hNi Naga Ao
The Aos are one of the major Naga tribes of Nagaland, Northeast India.
C3Ni Bit
Bit (Khabit, Bid, Psing, Buxing) is an Austroasiatic language spoken by around 1,500 people in Phongsaly Province, Northern Laos and in Mengla County, China.
CuNE War Jaintia
War Jaintia (also spelled Waar), War-Jaintia or Amwi is an Austroasiatic language spoken by about 16,000 people in Bangladesh and 26,000 people in India.
Ca; Canyu Chang
the North-East India (Nagaland state)
cikin hy~e Naga Sumi
Northeastern India.
cikth~au Chaoyang Chinese
South-eastern China, seashore area of South-Chinese sea
citth~au Dongshan Chinese
language at the Southwestern China, at the seashore of the South-China sea
th~3ufan Luocheng Mulao
one of the Mulam dialects (Southern China and Northern Vietnam)
k3z3; th~3ufan Mulao
one of the Gelao languages spoken by the Gelao people in Southern China and Northern Vietnam.
k3z3 Mulao Kadai
k3 ri Sulung
The Sulung language, also called Puroik, is a language spoken by the Puroik people of Arunachal Pradesh in India and of Lhunze County, Tibet, in China.
k3ri (k3rri) Puroik
The Puroik language, also called Sulung, is a language spoken by the Puroik people of Arunachal Pradesh in India and of Lhunze County, Tibet, in China.
harei (*) Cham
Spoken in Vietnam. Malayo-Sumbawan; Austronesian; Asia
aia harei Phan Rang Cham
Phan Rang Cham (or, Eastern Cham) is a Chamic language spoken in Southern Vietnam
ea hr~ay Western Cham
Cham, Western is a language of Cambodia (Asia)
hafei; harei; hari Kaure
Kaure; Kaure; Asia
ha*y Nyah Kur (Tha Pong)
Monic; Austro-Asiatic; Asia
hnub Hmong/Mong
a dialect continuum of the West Hmongic branch of the Miao languages, sometimes known as the Chuanqiandian Cluster, which is spoken by the Hmong people of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Northern Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos.
hxo bbu Nuosu Yi
Nuosu Yi (Sichuan Yi, Nuosu, Northern Yi) is mainly spoken in Sichuan and Yunnan Province, China.
haul (pronounced ‘heil’) Welsh
(also Wales language or Cymraeg language) used in Wales (western part of Britain)
heol Breton
one of the six extant Celtic languages (the others being Cornish, Welsh, Irish, Scottish Gaelic, and Manx). Breton is spoken in Brittany in northwestern France.
howl (hawl) Kernowek †
(Cornish) is a Southwestern Brittonic Celtic language in south-west England.
kolo Hyperborea
one of the early name of the sun (The Kola Peninsula)
yuneg Kinnauri (Kanauri)
the Tibetic language in the Northern India (Himalayas)
oyon Savara
Savara language may refer to either of two languages spoken by some aboriginal tribal peoples in eastern India
hanayaN Bugun
Bugun (or Khowa), is a small Sino-Tibetan language spoken in India.
th~ini Chantyal
Bodic; Sino-Tibetan; Asia
tihya Tamu Kyi
(Gurung) Sino-Tibetan language
tihya Ghachok
tiyaz Palaic
dead Middle Eastern language at the territiry of modern Turkey (Anatolian brench of Indo-Europian languages).
tha Proto Galian
(ancient Gallia)
тыге Shapsug
The Shapsug is one of the western dialects of Adyghe language, also known es Circassian, which belongs to the Caucasian language family, spoken in the Northwest Caucasus
t3X3 Adyghe
North-west Caucasus
d3X3 Kabardian
Northwest Caucasian; Northwest Caucasian; Eurasia
дыгъэ Kabardian-Circassian
the language of Kabardins and Circassians (Abhaz-Adygh group of Caucasian languages).
ndeya Ubykh
Ubykh is an extinct Northwest Caucasian language once spoken by the Ubykh people (who originally lived along the eastern coast of the Black Sea before migrating to Turkey in the 1860s).
ghrian Irish
(Celtic; Indo-European; Europe)
ghrian Scottish
grian Scottish Gaelic
Scottish Gaelic is a Celtic language, like Irish and Manx. It is spoken by less than 60,000 people in Scotland, and the number of speakers is declining despite attempts to revive the language.
grian Manx language
(Gaelg, Gailck)- one of the Celtic languages, spoken on Manx island (Ellan Vannin) in Irish sea.
grian Gaeilge
Language of Scotchmen inhabiting North (Mauntain) part of Scotland and Hebrides.
grian Old Irish
By the 10th century, Old Irish had evolved into Middle Irish, which was spoken throughout Ireland and in Scotland and the Isle of Man.
an ghrian, grian Irish-Gaelg
Irish (Gaeilge), also referred to as Gaelic or Irish Gaelic, is a Goidelic language of the Indo-European language family, originating in Ireland and historically spoken by the Irish people.
a’ghrian Gaidhlig Celtic
language related Scottish
yolt3n Even
(formely known as Tungus language) Tungus-Manchurian branch of Altai language family
yerpeye Tundra Yukaghir
(Northern Yukaghir) — 30 to 150 speakers as of 1989. Paleo Siberian language in Eastern Siberia, last spoken in the tundra belt extending between the lower Indigirka to the lower Kolyma basin. Formerly spoken in a much wider area extending to the Lena basin in the west.
jelozhe [jel’o:d’E] Forest Yukaghir
(Southern Yukaghir) also known as Kolym, Kolyma. 10 to 50 speakers as of 1989. Paleo Siberian language in Eastern Siberia, last spoken in the forest zone near the sources of the Kolyma, divided between the Sakha Republic and the Magadan Oblast, previously in the wider area of the upper Kolyma region.
ewia Akan
(also known as Twi and Fante) is the principal native language of Akan lands in Ghana and southeastern Cote d’Ivoire. The language came to the Caribbean and South America, notably in Suriname spoken by the Ndyuka and in Jamaica by the Jamaican Maroons known as Coromantee, with enslaved people from the region.
mze Georgian
m3Z Svan
The Svan language is a Kartvelian language spoken in the western Georgian region of Svaneti primarily by the Svan people.
bza; bzora; mza; mzhora Laz
Laz (Lazuri) is spoken by approximately 220,000 native speakers, mostly in the Black Sea littoral area of Northeast Turkey, and with some 30,000 in Adjara, Georgia. Along with Mingrelian it forms the Zan branch of the South Caucasian (Kartvelian) language family.
bza; mza Mingrelian
Mingrelian has about 500,000 native speakers, mainly in the Samegrelo region of Western Georgia.
m3Z Svan
This is one of Kartvelian languages. Spoken at the Northwest Georgia Mestia and Lentehskii districts that form the Svaneti historic region.
mash Meroitic
Extinct language of ancient kingdon Meroe, spoken in Nile Valley on the territory of modern Egypt and Sudan in the period of 8 century BC — 4 century AC
mulh Ingush
Ingush is a Northeast Caucasian language spoken by about 300,000 people, known as the Ingush, across a region covering the Russian republics of Ingushetia and Chechnya.
mulh (malkh) Chechen
Nakh; Nakh-Daghestanian; Eurasia
matX Bats
Nakh Daghestanian, Nakh
matx Batsbi (batsba motjiti)
North Caucasian language
miLi Andi
(Andiy, Qandisel, Qwannab) is a Northeast Caucasian language (Avar-Andic) (Southwest Dagestan Republic, in 9 villages of Botlikhsky district)
miLi Akhvakh
The Akhvakh language (also Axvax, Akhwakh) is a Northeast Caucasian language from the Avar–Andic branch. Ethnologue lists 6500 speakers.
miLi Southern Akhvakh
the North-east group of Caucasian languages
miLi Ghodoberi (Godoberi)
a Northeast Caucasian language group. Spoken in the Republic of Dagestan, Russian Federation.
miLi Muni
the language of the Muni village inhabitants, Botlikh region, Dagestan (RF)
miLi Tindi
a Northeast Caucasian language group, Dagestan
miLi Chamalal
a Northeast Caucasian language group (Dagestan)
miLi Tokitin Karata
Karata is an Andic language of the Northeast Caucasian language family spoken in Southern Dagestan, Russia by 260 Karata in 2010. It has two dialects, Karatin and Tokitin, which are quite different.
miLi Karata
a Northeast Caucasian language group, Dagestan
милгь (milh) Bagvalin
a Northeast Caucasian language group
milh~ (miL) Bagwalal
Dagestan (Russian Federation)
mihi Botlikh
Botlikh is spoken in villages of Botlikh region of Dagestan as well as on plain parts of Dagestan. A Northeast Caucasian language group (4000 speakers)
3nq» Khinalug
a Northeast Caucasian language group, Azerbaijan
bunan Dyirbal
(Djirubal, Jirrbal) — one of the endangered languages of the aborigines of Australia, that is spouken on the North of the Queensland State of Australia.
bZa Megrelian
(a.k.a. Mingrelian; Megrelian) is a Kartvelian language spoken in Western Georgia (regions of Samegrelo and Abkhazia), primarily by Mingrelians. The language was also called Iverian in the early 20th century.
berhy Dargwa
One of 14 official languages of the Republic of Dagestan, Russia. Also spoken in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
buqX~ Khvarshi
a Northeast Caucasian language group, Dagestan
buqX~ Tsez
a Northeast Caucasian language group, Dagestan
boqX~ Hunzib
a Northeast Caucasian language group
buqX~ Hinukh
a Northeast Caucasian language group (Dagestan)
bargh Lak
a Northeast Caucasian language group, the Southern part of Dagestan
bergh Udi
Udi is a member of the Lezgic branch of the Northeast Caucasian language family.
bEX Udi
a Northeast Caucasian language group. Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan.
barq Archi
Archi is a Northeast Caucasian language spoken by the Archis in the village of Archib, Southern Dagestan, Russia, and the six surrounding smaller villages.
barghy Dargin
The Dargin (or Dargwa) language is spoken by the Dargin people in the Russian republic Dagestan.
barX~i Muiri Dargi
Republic of Dagestan (Russian Federation)
bari Shiri
Nothern Caucasus
bari Amuzgi
Nothern Caucasus
bari Sanzhi Dargi
spoken in the central part of Daghestan in the Caucasus (Russia).
bari Xajdak Dargi
Dagestan (Russia)
bar Icari Dargi
Dagestan (Russian Federation)
bari Kajtak Dargi
Dagestan (Russian Federation)
begw~ala Kubachi Dargi
Dagestan (RF)
be:gala Ashti
Dagestan, RF
bel; berh Raute
Raute is a small Sino-Tibetan language of Dadeldhura District, Mahakali Zone, Nepal.
bel, beil Rohingya
Rohingya is a language spoken by the Rohingya Muslim people of Arakan (Rakhine), Burma (Myanmar).
beli Assamese
India language
belɔ Keonjhar Juang
Odisha state, eastern India.
beir Sadri
Sadri, also known as Nagpuri, is an Eastern Indo-Aryan language spoken in the Indian states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, Northern West Bengal, Assam and in Bangladesh.
b3nw~ai Changping Biao Mon
China, suburbs of Beijing.
bugoi7 Menggong Wa
in southern China
nw~ai Biaomin (Biao Chao, Byau Min, Dongshan Biao Min)
Southern China
nw~ai Shuanglong Mien
b3 Ca Ha Gelao
Northern Vietnam
b3 Pho Bang Gelao
Southern China and Northern Vietnam (need to be confirmed)
be Lashi
a Burmish language (China, Tibet)
ba Maru
Lhao Vo, also known as Maru and Langsu, is a Burmish language of Burma with a few thousand speakers in China.
bao4; chen2; di; fu; ju; pu; ri Xiandai Biaozhun Hanyu
Chinese standart language
bel; siNi Plains Remo
bel Chakma
bel Changma Kodha
Bangladesh, India.
bela Mal Paharia
beLo Juang
East of India
boq Bezhta
a Northeast Caucasian language group.
boq Khoshar-Khota
boq Tiyadal
Northeast Caucasian language (RF)
buck Avar
Avar is a language that belongs to the Avar–Andic group of the Northeast Caucasian family. It is spoken mainly in the western and southern parts of the Russian Caucasus republic of Dagestan, and the Balaken, Zaqatala regions of North-western Azerbaijan.
b3qX~ Inkhokwari
Dagestan (Russian Federation)
buqX~ Sagadin Tsez
an Northwestern Dagestan language
buqX~ Mokok Tsez
Republic of Dagestan (Russian Federation)
buqXX$ Khwarshi
Dagestan, Russian Federation
beaivvas Sami
or Saami or Same, is an Uralic language spoken by the Sami people (20,000 speakers) in parts of Northern Finland, Norway, Sweden and extreme Northwestern Russia.
peivi Inari Saami
the language in the North of Finland
bieyi3 South Saami
beaivvas (beaivi) Lappish
North Saami language, that is spoken in Sapmi (a Region which includes Northern Finland, Norway, Sweden and Northwestern Russia).
pjejjv Saami (Kildin)
Saami; Uralic; Eurasia
pieve Lule Saami
peivv Skolt Sami
Over 250 speakers in Finland. Approximately 20-30 speakers in Petsamo (Pechengsky District), Russia.
pEvaliki Live
paavaliki Livonian
(western Latvia)
paike Estonian
Estonian is the official language of Estonia, spoken natively by about 1.1 million people in Estonia. It belongs to the Finnic branch of the Uralic language family.
paiv Voro
part of the Finnic branch of the Finno-Ugric languages, this language is spoken by 70000 people in Estonia.
paivaine Karelian
Finnic; Uralic; Eurasia
pEivEine Veps
The Veps language (also known as Vepsian), spoken by the Vepsians (also known as Veps), belongs to the Finnic group of the Uralic languages.
paivyt, paiva, paivanen Finnish paavan Olonets
a dialect of Karelian language
peive Lapland
Lapland is the largest and Northernmost region of Finland.
pellan Kerek †
Kerek language belongs to Chukchi-Kamchadal family. It can be considered as one of Koryak dialects.
nap Hungarian
Ugric; Uralic; Europe
nop Csango
an old Hungarian dialect, is currently used by only a minority of the Csango population group.
naprai Kokota
Spoken on the Island of Santa Isabel, Solomon Islands.
choi Buglere
The language of native americans, Chibchan language family
ey Abau
Abau is a Papuan language spoken in the Sandaun Province of Papua New Guinea, primarily along the shores of the Sepik River. In 2002, there were estimated to be between 4,500 and 5,000 speakers…
eguzkia, eguzki Basque
(self-name: Euskara) the language of Basque people, inhabit the North part of Spain and South region of France. An isolated language.
letsatsi Sesotho (South Sotho)
Lesotho, language of Bantu family, Republic of South Africa, Botswana. Also in Lesotho, where it is the national language.
letsatsi; lelaka (archaic) Sepedi, Northern Sotho
The language of Bantu family (Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa). Spoken by over 4.2 million people in the South African provinces of Mpumalanga, Limpopo and Gauteng.
letsatsi Tswana
The language of Bantu group (Sotho-Tswana subgroup), spoken at the South of Africa (Botswana, SAR).
letsatsi, ma- Setswana
the most widely dispersed Bantu language in Southern Africa. Official Language of Republic of Botswana and Spoken in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Namibia.
tsatsi Tswana
Spoken in Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Namibia
iLanga Xhosa
one of the official languages of the South Africa. There are about 7,9 million speakers.
ilanga Zulu
the language is a member of the Niger-Congo languages family. The Zulu language used to be solely an oral language untill contact came from Euripean Christian missioneries in the 19th centure. 10 million people speak Zulu and most of them live in South Africa.
li-langa Swazi
Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa
li Gbayi
Central African republic
li Kpatili
Kpatili (Kpatere, Ngindere) is a Zande language spoken in the Central African Republic.
ligbn Adyukru
Adjukru (Adioukrou, Adyoukrou, Adyukru, Ajukru) is a language of uncertain classification within the Kwa branch of the Niger-Congo family. It is spoken in Cote d’Ivoire.
liko Lombi
Democratic Republic of the Congo
lil3 Bua
in southern Chad (Africa)
limi Nyamwezi
Nyamwezi is a major Bantu language of central Tanzania.
limi (imi) Sukuma
Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa
likumbi Luvale
Luvale (also spelt Chiluvale, Lovale, Lubale, Luena, Lwena) is a Bantu language spoken by the Lovale people of Angola and Zambia.
riua Kikuyu (Gikuyu)
Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa (Kenya)
rikumbi Kimbundu
Luanda, Bengo, Malanje, Cuanza Norte in Angola (Africa)
kumb~i Kiholu
(Holo, Hongu, Kiholo) border region of Angola and Congo (Africa)
kumb~i Nkhumbi
Nkumbi, or Khumbi, is a Bantu language of Angola
kumb~i Umbundu
Umbundu, or South Mbundu (autonym umbundu), one of two Bantu languages of Angola called Mbundu (see Kimbundu), is the most widely spoken language of Angola.
kumbi Kiholo (Holu)
This language is spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Angola.
kumbi Pende
Pende (Phende) is a Bantu language of the Congo.
dib Kanyok
Kanyok (Kanioka) is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
etango Kwanyama (Oshikwanyama)
Language of Namibia
etang~o Mbalanhu
Alternate names: Mbaanhu, Mbalanhu, Mbalantu, Mbaluntu. Spoken in Namibia
EtaNg~o Kuanyama
Namibia (Africa)
eT Baga Maduri
Guinea (Africa)
eT Baga Manduri
Guinea, Africa
eTi Leyigha
eTu Kadaru
Northern Sudan
etu Lugbara
Lugbara is the language of the Lugbara people. It is spoken in the West Nile region in Northwestern Uganda
lizazi Lozi
Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa
srengenge Juvanese
is the language of the Juvanese people from the central and eastern parts of the island of Java, in Indonesia.
srengenge The Banyumasan language
colloquially known as Basa Ngapak, spoken on the island of Java, is usually considered a dialect of Javanese in modern language classification.
jant; janta; naaj Wolof
One of the official languages of Republic of Senegal. Spoken also in Gambia and neibouring countries of West Africa.
janta; naj Wolof Gambian
jant (diante) Wolof
one of languages Atlantic group of Niger-Congo language family, one of the official languages of Senegal.
naange; pat (?) Fulfulde
(also known as Peul, Fula, Fulani, Pulaar or Pular). The language belongs to the West-Atlantic group of the Niger-Congo family (like Wolof). It is spoken by 13 million people in West Africa, from Senegal and Guinea to Cameroon and Sudan.
naange nge Pulaar
(Northern Senegal dialect)
naange Jelgoore
Fulfulde: Jelgoore (Western and Central Africa).
naange Yaagaare
dialect of Fulfulde (Western and Central Africa).
naange Gurmaare
dialect of Fulfulde (Western and Central Africa).
naange Moosiire
dialect of Fulfulde (Western and Central Africa).
ja Senoufo Tagwana
Cote d’Ivoire.
janak Kerak
je*so* Kweso Ngulo
jes Bikele (Bekol)
jE Pomo (Africa)
South-eastern Cameroon
ji8wa*n; Sefya*n A61 Ngoro Asom
jido Konobo
Konobo, or Eastern Krahn, is a Kru language of Liberia.
jl3 Neyo
Neyo is a Kru language of Cote d’Ivoire, near the mouth of the Sassandra River.
jl3; ylʊ Kru
Niger-Congo; Africa
jobE Nsari
Saari, or Nsari, is an Eastern Beboid language of Cameroon.
jolo Basaa
Basaa (Bassa, Basa, Bissa), or Mbene, is a Bantu language spoken in Cameroon by the Basaa people.
da; nyamla Donga
Donga (Dong) Nigeria.
da Pangseng
the language in eastern regions of Nigeria.
da Rang
Rang is an Adamawa language of Nigeria.
dadi Yaka Axk
Language use in the Epena district of Northern Congo (and in southwestern CAR).
damb~u Ronga
Ronga (XiRonga; sometimes ShiRonga or GiRonga) is a south-eastern Bantu language in the Tswa-Ronga family spoken just south of Maputo in Mozambique.
daNw~a Kwese
Kwese is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
daXay Ethiopic
Northern Ethiopia
L’3hay; daXay Gi’iz
The Ge’ez language (or Gi’iz language) is an ancient language that developed in the Ethiopian Highlands of the Horn of Africa as the language of the peasantry.
L’3hay; s’EXay; daXay Geez
Northern Ethiopia
de Cefo
Burkina Faso
litaNwa Mbuunda
(Chimbunda, Gimbunda, Kimbunda, Mbunda) Angola, Zambia.
desu Obang
a Niger-Congo language that belongs to a geographically defined group of languages in the Northwest Region of Cameroon
det Baga Binari
Niger-Congo; Africa
dEC Baga Sitemu
Southern Atlantic; Niger-Congo; Africa
dew Tumak
Tumak, also known as Toumak, Tumag, Tummok, Sara Toumak, Tumac, and Dije, is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in the southwestern Chadian prefectures of Moyen-Chari and Koumra
didugu7 Nkongho
Nkongho, or Upper Mbo, is a poorly known Bantu language of Cameroon.
dipal; lepal Northern Bullom
The Bullom languages are a small group of Mel languages spoken in Sierra Leone. The languages are closely related to Kissi.
depal; lipal; m- pal; pal Southern Bullom
Sierra Leone
dipal Mmani
Sierra Leone
lipal Sherbro
The Sherbro language (also known as Southern Bullom, Shiba, Amampa, Mampa, and Mampwa) is an endangered language of Sierra Leone.
lipan Krim
The Dilan Hassan language (also known as Krim, Suc, Kex, or Skim) is an endangered language of Sierra Leone.
diw Noni
The Noni language, also called Noone, is an Eastern Beboid language of the Niger-Congo family in Cameroon.
diyie (yaye) Ditammari
Benin (Africa)
do*kusu Gen
Gen is a Gbe language spoken in the southeast of Togo in the Maritime Region. It is also spoken in the Mono Department of Benin.
doa; daua Somrai
Somrai (Sumrey), also known as Sibine (Shibne), is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in the southwestern Chadian prefectures of Tandjile and Lai.
dule Fur
dulu Bafaw
dulu Bafo
a Bantu language of Cameroon.
dulu Balong
Bafaw-Balong is a Bantu language of Cameroon.
duN Doko Uyanga
Sothern Nigeria
duntEn Kiong
duo; ghuis Bekwil
duo; jw~ehe Koozime
duop Makaa
dy~ue Ekoi
Nigeria, on the border with Cameroon
aduu; biiftuu Oromo
the language of Oromo (Afan Oromo) people living in Ethopia and in the North of Kenia. The language of Cushtic branch of Afro-Asiatic language macro family
adu; biftu West Oromo
Eastern Cushitic; Afro-Asiatic; Africa
adu Eastern Oromo
adu Mecha Oromo
adu Orma
Orma is a variety of Oromo spoken by the Orma people in Kenya and Somalia.
adu Oromo (Harar)
Eastern Cushitic; Afro-Asiatic; Africa
adu7 Borana Oromo
Southern Ethiopia and Northern Kenya
adu Borana
Borana, or Southern Oromo, is a variety of Oromo spoken in Southern Ethiopia and Northern Kenya by the Borana people.
ud; utu Sumerian
Sumerian is the language of ancient Sumer and a language isolate that was spoken in Southern Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq).
utu Andri
South Sudan
utu Balimba
South Sudan, Africa
utu Ojiga
A language of South Sudan
abbi Hozo
an Afroasiatic language spoken in Ethiopia
abe (abo) Kafa
Kafa or Kefa (Kafi noono) is an Afroasiatic language spoken in Ethiopia at the Keffa Zone.
abe; abo Mocha
Ethiopia (Africa)
abi Male Ethiopia
Southern Ethiopia
abo Anfillo
(also known as Mao or Southern Mao) language in western part of Ethiopia.
adEba Amadi
Amadi, also known as Ma, Madi, Madyo, is a Ubangian language spoken in DRC Congo.
adja (adza) Kresh
Kresh, also known as Kresh-Ndogo and Gbaya-Ndogo, is a Central Sudanic language of South Sudan and the prestige variety of the Kresh languages.
adza Gbaya
The Gbaya languages, also known as Gbaya-Manza-Ngbaka, are a family of perhaps a dozen languages spoken mainly in the western Central African Republic and across the border in Cameroon
afai Kariya
afi Ngiti
The Ngiti, or South Lendu, is an ethnolinguistic group located in the Ituri Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Ngiti speakers call their language Ndruna.
a-iŋgi (siNg~i) Ngile
Ngile, also known as Daloka, Taloka, Darra, Masakin, Mesakin [a dialect], is a Niger-Congo unwritten language in the Talodi family spoken in Kordofan, Sudan.
ai; ayo Karo
air Walani Silte
One of the Ethiopian Semitic languages, its speakers are the Silt’e, who mainly inhabit the Silte Zone in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s Region. Speakers of the Wolane dialect mainly inhabit the Kokir Gedebano district of Gurage Zone, as well as the neighbouring Seden Sodo district of Oromia.
aiying~o; ayiNg~e Masalit
western Darfur, Sudan
aotE7 El Molo (Elmolo)
Somalia, Northern Kenya
apas Mbreme
Cameroon (Africa)
apas Vame
Vame is an Afroasiatic language spoken in Northern Cameroon.
apas Vame-Hurzo
Cameroon (Africa)
en-dama, ndama Maasai language
Maasai is a east Nilotic language, spoken in south Kenia and North Tanzania by Maasai people. (Nilotic; Nilo-Saharan; Africa).
veci Fali of Kirya
(Kirya-Konzel) the North-east Nigiria
puus Mwaghavul
West Chadic; Afro-Asiatic; Africa
bwe Ron
West Chadic; Afro-Asiatic; Africa
di Awak
Awak (Awok) is one of the Savanna languages of eastern Nigeria.
iTie Bekwarra
Bekwarra is a Bendi (Benue–Congo) language of Nigeria.
utin Efik
Nigeria (Cross River; Niger-Congo; Africa)
tin; utin Oron
Oro (Oron) is a Lower Cross River language of Nigeria.
tin; utin Efai
Nigeria and Cameroon.
tin Etebi
tin Ekit
tin Iko
Iko is a Lower Cross River language of Nigeria.
tin Uda
Uda is a Lower Cross River language of Nigeria.
tin Ukwa
Ukwa is a minor Ibibio-Efik language of Nigeria.
tin Usakade
Usaghade is a Lower Cross River language of Cameroon, with a small number of speakers on the border in Nigeria
tin Berti
Berti is an extinct Saharan language formerly spoken in Northern Sudan
tin Ebughu
Southern Nigeria
tin Enwang
Southern Nigeria
tin; utin Ibibio
Cross River; Niger-Congo; Africa
tin; utin Ibino
Ibino (Ibeno), once known as Delta Ibibio, is a Lower Cross River language of Nigeria.
tin; utin Ibuoro
Ibuoro is an Ibibio-Efik language of Nigeria.
utin Ito
tin; utin Ilue
Ilue is a Lower Cross River language of Nigeria.
tun; utun Itu Mbon Uzo
Nigeria, Africa
tin; tun Anaang
the native language of the Anaang people of Nigeria.
cin Gyazi
one of the West Chadic languages
cin Geji
hoti Ngamo
one of the Yobe languages, Nigeria
ho Fakai A
ut-Ma’in or Fakai is a dialect continuum spoken by 36,000 people in the Fakai district of Nigeria.
ho Kamuku
ho Regi
(Kikara, Kilegi, Kiregi) Tanzania
ho Gwamhi Wuri
ho Loko
Sierra Leone
ho Alekano
Alekano, or Gahuku (Gahuku-Gama), is a Papuan language spoken in the Northern district of Goroka Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea.
ho Gafuku
Papua New Guinea
ho Gimi
Gimi (Labogai) is a Papuan language spoken in Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea.
ho Yabiyufa
Yaben is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
hottu Badaga
Southern Dravidian; Dravidian; Asia
hottu (*) Kannada
Dravidian; India
ottu Kurumba Alu
Southern India
hobu Xide
Xide County (south-western China)
vacu Fataluco (-u)
Spoken in East Timor (a state in South-West Asia, occupying the East half of Timor island)
doabo Badwee
duao; jweahea Koonzime
Cameroon branch
diNkaNga (kaNg~a) Botongo Dibole
Northern Congo
kaNg~a; diNkaNga; moi Dzeke Dibole
Republic of the Congo.
moi (?); buny (?) Bamwe
one of the Bantu languages in Southern part of Africa
moi Edzama Dibole
Republic of the Congo.
moi Kinami Dibole
Republic of the Congo.
moi Mounda Dibole
Republic of the Congo.
mui Bogongo
in southern Central African Republic
mui Isongo
Central African Republic
mui Pande
Pande, also known as Pande-Gongo after its two dialects, is a Bantu language of the Central African Republic.
muni, moni, mui Bangala
Bangala is a Bantu language spoken in the Northeast part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in Southern Sudan, and the extreme western part of Uganda.
mwh; mi Kendem
Kendem, or Bokwa-Kendem, is a minor Southern Bantoid language of the Mamfe family. It is spoken in three villages in Cameroon, Kendem, Kekpoti and Bokwa.
mvi* Siene
West of Democratic Republic of Congo
mwi Ombamba
Congo and Gabon
mv~i Ce
mwe* A51 Bafia Zakaan
a Bantu language spoken in Cameroon
mwe Denya-Basho
a Bantoid language of Cameroon
mwe Ilwana
Ilwana (Kiwilwana), or Malakote, is a minor Bantu language of Kenya.
mweyi Galwa
Gabon (Africa)
muyu Kaningi
muni Vili Mayumba
muni Vili
The language has a few thousand native speakers in spread along the coast between Southern Gabon and Northern Angola, most of them in the Republic of the Congo’s Kouilou, Pointe-Noire and Niari departments.
munu Nawdm
The language of Losso people in Togo and Ghana.
mu Mbe
Mbe is a language spoken by the Mbube people of the Ogoja, Cross River State region of Nigeria
muno Nduumo
Nduumo (Mindumbu) is a Bantu language spoken in Gabon.
muk Mburku
muk Zumbun
Zumbun (also rendered Jimbin, Jimbinawa) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Bauchi State, Nigeria
muku;; vici Bana
Bana is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Northern Cameroon
munoon Bafanji (Fanji)
the language of the Bafanji people in the Northwest Region of Cameroon
munz~u Wetawit
Wetawit is an ethnic group in Ethiopia and Sudan. They speak Berta, also known as Wetawit, a Nilo-Saharan language.
mw~ado Dhaiso
Northeastern Tanzania
mw~ot Lefa
The Fa’ language, Lefa’ (also Fak or Lefa), is one of the Bantu languages of Cameroon.
mwana Ndembu
Northwestern Zambia
wika; wose Tem
Gur; Niger-Congo; Africa (Togo, Africa)
igwe Ayu
Central Nigeria
bai Mabo (?)
Central Nigeria
bai Gbanziri
Gbanziri (Gbanzili) is a Ubangian language of the Central African Republic and Democratic Republic of the Congo.
bai Loo
bai Ngbaka Bokanga
bai Ngbaka Gilima
Niger-Congo; Africa
bai Ngbaka Mabo
at the border between Congo and Central African republic
wai Adara (?) (or Kadara), Eda
A Plateau language of Nigeria
boi Duun
Duun is a Mande language of Mali.
boi Duungoma
Southern Mali (Africa)
boi Dzuun
Burkina Faso (the western part of the country)
boi Dzuungoo
Burkina Faso (the western part of the country), Africa.
zu Gade
Nupoid; Niger-Congo; Africa
azu Kadaru
East Sudanic family, Nubian group.
zua (ua) Kwere
Kwere, or Nghwele (Ngh’wele), is a Bantu language of the Morogoro and Dodoma regions of Tanzania.
azo; azu Dasenech
Dasenech (Daasanach) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken by the Daasanach in Ethiopia
usu Beni
Algeria ?
usu Walo Kumbe
Dogon language spoken in Mali
usu Walo
part of the Dogon group, spoken in Northern Mali.
ushile (sh — ?) Anii
The Anii or Basila language (also Baseca, Ouinji-Ouinji ~ Winji-Winji) is spoken in central eastern Ghana, Benin, and central western Togo.
uSili Lere Takaya
usi (udi) Lega Mwenga
Democratic Republic of the Congo
usi Lega Shabunda
Democratic Republic of the Congo
ilisuva; suva Hehe
Hehe is a Bantu language spoken by the Hehe people of the Iringa region of Tanzania.
liuva; uva Oluluyia
Kenya (Africa)
lyubha; ubha Bende
lyuwa Matengo
Matengo is a Bantu language of Tanzania.
liuwa Mwera
Not to be confused with Mwera (Nyasa) language. Mwera Cimwera spoken in Tanzania
lua** Tuburi-Fianga
Chad (Africa) Other names for the Tuburi language: (Bang-Ling, Bang-Were, Faale-Piyew, Honya, Mata, Ndoore, Ndore, Podokge, Tongoyna, Toubouri, Toupouri, Tupuri).
uba Nande
a Bantu language; Congo, Africa
juba Luba-Lulua
the language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
juba Holoholo
Holoholo is a Bantu language of DR Congo and formerly in Tanzania spoken by the Holoholo people on either side of Lake Tanganyika.
juba Songola Ulindi
a minor Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
juba Tumbwe
The Tumbwe people are an ethnic group living mostly in Tanganyika District of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
juwa Kaonde
Kaonde (kiiKaonde) is a Bantu language spoken primarily in Zambia but also in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
cuba Songola Kasenga
Songola (Songoora), or North Binja, is a minor Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
guba Songye
Songe, also known as Songye, Kisonge, Lusonge, Yembe, and Northeast Luba, is a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
zua Zaramo
Pwani Region and Dar es Salaam in Tanzania (Africa)
uva; li-am Luragoli
Kenya and Uganda
uva; li-am (?) Kanuri
Spoken in Chad, Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria and Sudan.
zuva KKoMZ Shona (chiShona)
One of the two official Languages of Zimbabwe. Also spoken in Mozambique, Zambia and Botswana. (Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa).
zuwa Tumbuka
(Chitumbuka) Spoken in Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia.
dzuva; ilidzuva Bena
Bena is a Bantu language spoken by the Bena people of the Iringa region of Tanzania.
ezuva Kwangali
Kwangali, or RuKwangali, is a Bantu language spoken by 85,000 people along the Okavango River in Namibia, where it is a national language, and in Angola.
zuba Shona Karanga
one of the Central Shona variety (Zimbabwe)
zuba Tumbuka Malawi
The Tumbuka Malawi language is a Bantu language which is spoken in the Northern Region of Malawi.
zuba Tumbuka Zambie
The Tumbuka Zambie language is a Bantu language which is spoken in the Lundazi district of Zambia.
zuba Enya Kibombo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
suba Enya Manda
Democratic Republic of the Congo
zuba Fuliru
Democratic Republic of the Congo, at the border with Burundi
zuba Rundi
Burundi (Africa)
zuba Havu
the Democratic Republic of the Congo
zuba Vira
the Democratic Republic of Congo (near the Tanzania border)
zuba Tonga
zuba Mashi Drc
Democratic Republic of the Congo
zuba Mbalangwe
zuba Nkhonde
A language of Tanzania.
zuba Senga Chama
Eastern Zambia.
zuba Senga Chipata
Eastern Zambia.
zuba Shi
Shi, or Nyabungu, is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
izuba (zuba) Kinyarwanda
(or Rwanda) is a Bantu language spoken by 7.2 million people. Kinyarwanda is mutually intelligible with Kirundi, an official language of Burundi. Spoken in Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Congo.
izuba Hangaza
Hangaza is a Bantu language spoken by the Hangaza people of Tanzania.
izuba; uba Ha
Ha, also known with the Bantu language prefix as Giha, Ikiha, or Kiha, is a Bantu language spoken by the Ha people of the Kigoma Region of Tanzania
izuba Ila
Ila (Chiila) is a language of Zambia.
i’zuba Kinyindu
This language is spoken in Lwindi, East of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
i-zuba Kirundi
Spoken in Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Congo-Kinshasa.
duba (tth$uba) Venda
Venda, also known as Tshiven?a or Luven?a, is a Bantu language and an official language of South Africa.
lyoba Lugungu [rub]
in Buliisa, Masindi and Hoima districts in North Western Uganda where the number of mother-tongue speakers is approximately 49,000 people.
eryuba Lunyole [nuj]
in Buteleja district in Eastern Uganda where the number of mother-tongue speakers is approximately 340,000 people.
eryobha; obha Sizaki
iryobha (ryobha) Ikizu
Ikizu (Ikikizu, Kiikiizo) is a Bantu language spoken by the Ikizu peoples of Tanzania.
eryuba; engarayi y’omwisi Kinande
Congo and Uganda
eryuba; uba Saamia
Samia (Saamia) is a Bantu language spoken by the Luhya people of Uganda and Kenya.
eryuba Konzo
The Konjo (Konzo) language, variously rendered Rukonjo, Olukonjo, Olukonzo and Lhukonzo, is a Bantu language spoken by the Konjo people of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It has a 77% lexical similarity with Nande.
izuva; i’azi Ma’a
Ma’a (or Mbugu) is a mixed language of Tanzania.
izuva Normal Mbugu
The Mbugu people live scattered in the Usamhara mountains in Tanzania, where the dominant language is. Shambaa (Bantu). There are two varieties of the Mbugu language: A variety which is similar to the Bantu language Pare, called the ‘normal’ or ‘high’. Mbugu
dzuwa; akol South Central Dinka
Nilotic; Nilo-Saharan; Africa
dzuwa Chichewa
(also known as Chewa, Nyanja or Chinyanja), is a Bantu language spoken in south-central Africa. It is the national language of Malawi, the third most widely used language in Zimbabwe after Shona (a close relative) and Ndebele, and it is also spoken in Mozambique and Zambia. There are 9.3 million speakers.
dyibi Jowulu
Jowulu, also known as Jo or ambiguously as Samogho, is a minor Mande language of Mali
dioba Kukele
The Kele language, Kukele (Bakele, Ukele), is an Upper Cross River language of Nigeria.
digba Barambu
the Democratic Republic of Congo
dio Dumbo
(or Kemezung language) is a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon.
diyuwa Mashi
Mashi (Kamaxi), or Kwandu, is a Bantu language of Zambia and Angola.
diyuwa Gova
a Bantu language of Zambia and Angola. (?)
dyuba; mwinya Siluba, Ciluba
one of the Congo languages (Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa)
aizobo; eizoba; eizooba; zoba Chiga
(also called Rukiga, Ruchiga, Kiga) Uganda, Africa
eizoba (izoba) Haya
Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa
zoba Runyankore
Nkore (also called Nkole, Nyankore, Nyankole, Orunyankore, Orunyankole, Runyankore and Runyankole) is a Bantu language spoken by the Nkore and Hima peoples of south-western Uganda
zoba Rutooro
Tooro, or Rutooro, is a Bantu language spoken mainly by the Toro people (Batooro) from the Toro Kingdom region of western Uganda.
zoba Zinza
Zinza (Dzinda) is a Bantu language of Tanzania, spoken on the Southern shore of Lake Victoria.
soba (zoba) Ziba
The North of Tanzania
zua Bondei
a Northeast Coast Bantu of Tanzania
zuva; uva Nyiha Tanzania
zuva Nyungwe
Nyungwe (Cinyungwe or Nhungue) is a Bantu language of Mozambique.
zuva (dhuva) Pare
Pare (Kipare), also known as Asu (Casu, Chasu, Athu, Chathu), is a Northeast Coast Bantu spoken by the Pare people of Tanzania.
zuva Pare Sud
zuva Cindau
Language of Mozambique
zuva Korekore
zuva; izuva Asu
?? Asu is the name of two languages: Asu language (Nigeria), spoken in Western Nigeria. Asu language (Tanzania), spoken by the Gweno people in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania.
zoba Hima Rdc
zoba Kikerewe
zova Malagasy Sakalava Majunga
zubha Vinza
Vinza is a Bantu language spoken by the Vinza people of Tanzania, approximately in the area of the town of Uvinza.
risuba; suba Kwaya
Kwaya is a Bantu language of Tanzania.
lisuba; suba Jita
Jita is a Bantu language of Tanzania.
jova; lijova Kisi
a Bantu language of Tanzania.
zu; ezu Bu
Bu-Ninkada (Ibut, Abu, Jida) is a Plateau language of Nigeria. The two dialects, Bu and Ninkada, are ethnically distinct.
zuwa Tumbuka
(Chitumbuka) is a Bantu language which is spoken in the Northern Region of Valawi and also in the Lundazi district of Zambia.
suva Hehe
Hehe is a Bantu language spoken by the Hehe people of the Iringa region of Tanzania.
suba; mwi Lenje
eyuva Otjiherero
The Herero language (Helelo, Herero, Otjiherero) is a language of the Bantu subfamily of the Niger–Congo group. It is spoken by the Herero and Mbanderu peoples in Namibia and Botswana.
yuwa; zazi Silozi
Lozi, also known as siLozi and Rozi, is a Bantu language of the Niger–Congo language family, that is spoken by the Lozi people, primarily in southwestern Zambia and in surrounding countries.
yuva Herero
Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa
jua Swahili Sud
Tanzania (Indian ocean coast)
jua Nyanja Nyasa
south-central Africa
jua Saghala
Kenya, Tanzania.
jua Kaguru
jua Upper Pokomo
Upper Pokomo is a Bantu language spoken in Kenya.
jru** Guere
Kru; Niger-Congo; Africa
jua Swahili
(Kiswahili) The major language of Bantu and the most important language of East and Central Africa.
jua Shimaore
(Maore Language or Mahorais in French), is the lingua franca of Mayotte, a French-ruled Comorian island. It is spoken by about 80,000 people. Shimaore is a Bantu language.
aro Saho
The Saho language is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Eritrea, Sudan and Ethiopia.
arro Alaba-K’abeena
Alaba-K’abeena (Alaaba, Alaba, Allaaba, Halaba), also known as Wanbasana, is a Highland East Cushitic language spoken in Ethiopia in the Great Rift Valley southwest of Lake Shala
are Kambaata (Kambata)
ari Miisiirii Tama
Chad (on the border with Sudan)
ari Ninka
Ninka is a Plateau language of Nigeria.
ariSo Gedeo
Gedeo is a Highland East Cushitic language of the Afro-Asiatic family spoken in south central Ethiopia.
ora; ra Kolokuma-Opokuma
ora (ra) Kunbo
ora Kabou
or3; ora Rendille
Rendille (also known as Rendile, Randile) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken by the Rendille people inhabiting Northern Kenya.
ora Aweer
Kenya, the Garissa province
orah Garre
Somalia (Africa)
oroa; rua West Tarakiri
Banks of the Nun and Forcados Rivers in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria.
orua Nkoro
Nkore is a Bantu language spoken by the Nkore (‘Banyankore’) and Hima peoples of south-western Uganda in the former province of Ankole.
oru* Oka
iru Dhivehi
(Maldivian language), the official language of Maldives. It belongs to Indian (Indo-Arian) languages. The Dhivehi language is congenial to Sinegalese language, that is spoken in Sri Lanka and the roots of which are in Sanscrit.
iru Bakwe
Cote d’Ivoire (Cote d’Ivoire), Africa
irua Kirike
irua Nembe
irua Kalabari
Kalabari is an Ijaw language of Nigeria spoken in Rivers State and Bayelsa State
irua Okrika
urau Kolokuma
Southern Nigeria
urau Ekpetiama
central Bayelsa State, Nigeria
urau Oyakiri
urau Izon
wurau Apoi
uwurau East Tarakiri
Nigeria, Africa
uwurau; wura Ogboin
Southern Nigeria
uwurau Gbarain
uwurau Ikibiri
owura; wura Operemo
owurau Oporomo
oruwa Biseni
Biseni (Buseni) is one of three small Inland Ijaw languages of Nigeria.
iwura Ijo
the language spoken by the Ijaw people in Southern Nigeria.
iwurau Bumo
The South of Nigeria
ovorn~i Furupagha
agb~ala; wurau East Olodiama
Nigeria, Africa
agb~ala Gbaranmatu
agb~ala Iduwini
agb~ala Ogbe Ijo
agb~ala Ogulagha
Southern Nigeria
agb~ala Arogbo
agb~ala; ern~e*i* Iduwini
agb~ala; urau Basan
not found (Nigeria?)
iruba; iruwa; ruwa; rubha; uva Taita
Taita, or Dawida, is a Bantu language spoken in the Taita Hills of Kenya.
ruwa Chagga
The Chagga (also called Wachaga, Chaga, Jagga, Dschagga, Waschagga, or Wachagga) are Bantu-speaking indigenous Africans and the third largest ethnic group in Tanzania.
ruwa; wa Kibosho
Tanzania, Africa.
ruwa Caga Kiwoso
ruba Gweno
i; irua livaa Siha
a Bantu language of Tanzania
uru Beezen
Beezen, spoken in the Cameroonian village of Kpek
uru Zande
It is spoken by the Azande, primarily in the Northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and western South Sudan, but also in the eastern part of the Central African Republic.
ura Marama
the language in western Kenya
urana Cishingini
urana Damakawa
The Damakawa are a group of perhaps 500-1000 people living in three or four villages in Northwest Nigeria. (Possibly it is borrowed from Hausa language)
urana Salka
(Kamberi) Nigeria
urana Tsuvadi
The Vadi language, Tsuvadi, is a Kainji language of Nigeria spoken by the Kambari people. Kakihum (or Gadi), is a dialect.
rana Kano
Northern Nigeria
uruN; ru Sambe
Sambe is a presumably extinct Plateau language of Nigeria once spoken in the village of the same name.
ro:ke Galke
Galke, also known as Ndai or Pormi, is a nearly extinct Mbum language of northern Cameroon.
yro Kruman
Cote d’Ivoire
yunu Jukun Takum
Jukun (Njikum), or more precisely Jukun Takum, is a Jukunoid language of Cameroon used as a trade language in Nigeria.
yuru Guiberoua Bete
Cote d’Ivoire (Africa)
yuruzaru** Daloa
(Bete) Cote d’Ivoire
ir Harari
Semitic; Afro-Asiatic; Africa
iri Mararit
Chad (Africa)
iri Ibiri
Eastern Sudanic language family: Taman group
iri Abuu Shaarib
Eastern Sudanic language family: Taman group
ariti (3riti) Bayso (Baiso)
Eastern Cushitic; Afro-Asiatic; Africa (Sudan)
ari Tama
Eastern Sudanic language family: Taman group
ari Erenga
Eastern Sudanic language family: Taman group
ari Sungor
Eastern Sudanic language family: Taman group
ari Miisiirii
Eastern Sudanic language family: Taman group
iry Maay
irioba; oba Kuria
Kuria is spoken by the Kuria peoples of Northern Tanzania, with some speakers also residing in Kenya.
iryobha; obha Kuria Tarime
Tarime and Musoma Rural districts (Northern Tanzania), near Kenya border
enjuba; musana Oluganda
Luganda (or Ganda, Oluganda) is one of the major languages in Uganda and is spoken by five million Baganda and other people principally in Southern Uganda, including the capital Kampala.
iliywa; liywa Luyana
Luyana (Luyaana), also known as Luyi (Louyi, Lui, Rouyi), is a Bantu language spoken in Zambia
liywa Kwandi
liywa Mbowe
Mbowe (Esimbowe) is a Bantu language of Zambia.
hdiywa Mbumi
elyuba Luluhya
Spoken in Kenya and Uganda.
elyuba Appleby
Kenya and Uganda
elyuba Lutura
Kenya and Uganda
eliuba Luwanga
Kenya and Uganda
eliuba Wanga
Kenya and Uganda
lyuba Idakho
Kenya and Uganda
uuva (uwa. uba) Yao
Spoken in Malawi, Mozambique.(Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa)
yuva (lyuba) Logoli
Western Kenya
njuwa Koti
nsuwa Emakhuwa
suwa Tuwuli
The Bowili (Bowiri) language, Tuwuli (Liwuli, Siwuri, Tuwili, Tora), is spoken in the Volta Region of Ghana.
nzua Echuwabu
juwa Kimwani
ncuwa Emakhuwa Emeetto
liduva Makonde (Shimakonde)
Language of Mozambique (Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa)
suba (?); h-Eng (?) Bemba (?) Basaa (Bassa, Basa, Bisaa, Basaa)
Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa. Spoken mostly at the Northern Zambia, mainly in Northern provinces, and in the Luapule and Copperbelt provinces as well.
nduwa Takwane
Language of Mozambique
nsuwa Lonwe (Elomwe)
Language of Mozambique
ndhuwa Emakhuwa Emarevoni
Language of Mozambique
oba; zuba Kitabwa
the Democratic Republic of the Congo
oba Enya
Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa
wa Makoma
Zuva; uba Kalanga
Zimbabwe (on the border with Botswana)
Tuva Kindamba
suba M40temba
suba Soli
suba Tembo
the Democratic Republic of the Congo
ua Luguru
zuva Gogo
yuba; Zuba Fwe
Namibia (Africa)
izuv*a (zuv*a) Lambya
Lambya (Rambia) is a Bantu language of Tanzania and Malawi.
zoba Nkore Hima
iwa Mulonga
iwa Mwenyi
iwa Shiyeyi
(Yeyi) is a Bantu language spoken by Yeyi people along the Okavango River in Namibia and Botswana
iyi Ahlo
Togo (Africa)
iZi Bu Nigeria
(a.k.a. Buh) central region of Nigeria
juba Ganda
juba Kebwe
Democratic Republic of the Congo
yuba Luba Shaba
Democratic Republic of the Congo
yuba Bangubangu
A language of Democratic Republic of the Congo
yuba Hemba Bwinyanyemba
the Democratic Republic of the Congo
yuba Hemba Mambwe
the Democratic Republic of the Congo
yuwa Mashi Zambia
yoba; rE Gusii
West of Kenya
juba Luba
Democratic Republic of the Congo
juba Luganda
juba Lumbwe
West of Tanzania
uba Kisa
the language in western Kenya
zyoba Sumbwa
Sumbwa is a Bantu language of Tanzania.
zuwa Shona Manyika
zuwa Shona Ndau
zuwa Chuwabu
Mozambique, the Zambezia province
yusa Ngom Kele
Kele is a Bantu language of Gabon. Dialects of the Kele language are scattered throughout Gabon. Ngom (Angom, Ungomo) is used with only minor differences by the Kola/Koya Pygmies. It is spoken on both sides of the border with the Republic of the Congo.
suso Me’en
Me’en (also Mekan, Mie’en, Mieken, Meqan, Men) is a Nilo-Saharan language spoken in Ethiopia by the Me’en people.
zobo Nkore Kiga
Nkore-Kiga is a language spoken by around 3,910,000 people living in the extreme southwest of Uganda.
suba Ngumbo Taabwa
Taabwa (Ichitaabwa), or Rungu (Malungu), is a Bantu language of Congo and Zambia spoken by half a million people.
mu; suba Nyakyusa
Nyakyusa, or Nyakyusa-Ngonde, is a Bantu language of Tanzania and Malawi spoken by the Nyakyusa people around the Northern end of Lake Malawi.
suba Regi Tanzania
Kara, or Regi, is a Bantu language of Tanzania, spoken off Ukerewe Island in Lake Victoria
suba Taabwa
Taabwa Zambie is a Bantu language of Zambia
suba Sukwa
Dialect of Ndali language is spoken in the Misuku Hills of Malawi by fewer than 1000 people.
suba Bwile
the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanganyika province
suba (suwa) Lamba
northern Zambia
Suba Bembe Bmb
the Democratic Republic of Congo, on border with Tanzania
8h~uwa Chilomwe
Mozambique (Africa)
8oa Lomwe
8obo; weso Bomwali
in the North of the Congo
83N; ewa Buru
8inea Kamdang
8o*; wyiyo Mpyemo
su Mursi
Surmic; Nilo-Saharan; Africa. Ethiopia
su Suri
The Suri (Surma), are agropastoralists living in the semiarid lowland area of the Kafa Administrative Region of Ethiopia
su Samba Daga
Western Nigeria (Africa)
su Taram
a dialect of Daka (Nigeria)
su’u Samba Daka
zu Aghem Wum
North West Region of Cameroon
su Kati (in Afghanistan)
Indic; Indo-European; Asia
su Shekhani
The North of India
su Eastern Kativiri
su Udehe
The Udege language (also Udihe language, Udekhe language, Udeghe language) is the language of the Udege people. It is a member of the Tungusic family.
su Aribwatsa
Papua New Guinea
su Wampar
Wampar is an Austronesian language of Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
su Tabla
Papua, Indonesia
su Edopi (or Dosobou, Dou, Doufou, Elopi, Foi, Iau, Turu, Urundi, Ururi, Yau)
zu, izu Aghem
Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Nigeria, Africa
Z3 (izy)** Bafmeng
Mmem (Bafmeng) is a Grassfields Bantu language of Cameroon.
Z3 Mmen
za? Duru
The Duru languages are a group of Savanna languages spoken in Northern Cameroon and eastern Nigeria.
zu Bu Cameroon
in the western Cameroon
aseta (seta) Datooga Dialect
Tanzania (Africa)
aseteta Omotik
Omotik (Sawas) is a moribund Nilotic language of Kenya.
asimba Mvuba
Rwanda (Africa)
asis North Tugen
Kenya (Africa)
asis Pokot
Pokoot is a language spoken in western Kenya and eastern Uganda by the Pokot people.
asista (asis) Keiyo
asista Kalenjin
asista Sabaot
Sabaot (Sebei) is a Kalenjin language of Kenya.
asista Sogoo
Sogoo (also known as Ogiek Okiek or Akiek) is a Southern Nilotic language cluster of the Kalenjin family spoken or once spoken by the Ogiek peoples, scattered groups of hunter-gatherers in Southern Kenya and Northern Tanzania.
aso Kwadza
asu; mwasu Kilaangi
Rangi or Langi (there is no distinction between /r/ and /l/; also known as Irangi, Kilaangi, etc.) is a Bantu language of spoken by the Rangi people of Kondoa District in the Dodoma Region of Central Tanzania.
asu Valangi
andr$u Malagasy Mahafaly
andr$u Malagasy Sakalava
andr$u Malagasy Vezo
mato7onro Dusun Deyah
Dusun Deyah, or Deyah, is a language spoken by the Dusun people of Borneo that is closely related to Malagasy on Madagascar.
matEanrau Dusun Witu
Dusun Witu, or Witu, is a language spoken by the Dusun people of Borneo that is closely related to Malagasy on Madagascar.
lod’o; mada lod’o Sabu
The Hawu also known as Havu language, historically Sawu and known to outsiders as Savu or Sabu (thus Havunese, Savunese, Sawunese), is the language of Savu Island in Indonesia and of Raijua Island off the western tip of Savu.
masoandra Malagasy Anatankarana Ambilobe
masoandro Malagasy Anatankarana Vohemar
masoandro Malagasy Masikoro-Miary
masoandro Malagasy Northern Betsimisaraka Fenoarivo East
masoandro Malagasy Plateau Betsileo Fianarantsoa
masoandro Malagasy Plateau Merina Antananarivo
masoandro Malagasy Sakalava Ambanja
masoandro Malagasy Sakalava Maintirano
masoandro Malagasy Sakalava Morondava
masoandro Malagasy Sakalava Vezo Toliara
masoandro Malagasy Tandroy Mahafaly Ambovombe
masoandro Malagasy Tandroy Mahafaly Ampanihy
masoandro Malagasy Tanosy Tolagnaro
masoandro Malagasy Southern Betsimisaraka Antaimoro Manakara
masoandro Malagasy Southern Betsimisaraka Antaisaka Vangaindrano
masoandro Malagasy Southern Betsimisaraka Antambohoaka Mananjary
masuandr$u Malagasy Antaisaka
taniandr$u; masouva Malagasy Antankarana
taniandr$u Bushi
Bushi (Shibushi or Kibushi) is a dialect of Malagasy spoken in the French-ruled Comorian island of Mayotte.
masuandr$u Malagasy Merina
masuandr$u Malagasy Sihanaka
masuandr$u Malagasy Taimoro
masuandr$u Malagasy Tandroy
masuandr$u Malagasy Zafisoro
masuandr$u Malagasy Ambositra
masoandro (‘the eye of the day’) Malagasy
the language is spoken by the inhabitants of Madagascar island. (Barito; Austronesian; Africa).
masuva Malagasy Tsimihety
masova Malagasy Tsimihety Mandritsara
masova Malagasy Anatankarana Antalaha
masova Malagasy Plateau Sihanaka Ambatondrazaka
madaʔa Maria-Maiagolo
Papua New Guinea
madaʔa Maria-Uderi
Papua New Guinea
mada; maida7a Doromu
Doromu, or Doromu-Koki, is a Manubaran language spoken in Papua New Guinea. It has three varieties: Koki, Kokila and Koriko.
mada Humene Manugoro
Papua New Guinea
mada Humene
Papua New Guinea
mada Kwale
Kwale (a.k.a. Uare) is a language of Papua New Guinea.
mada7a (mεidaʔa) Maria
Papua New Guinea
madega (madiga) Ghayavi
western Papua New Guinea
madega; maigara Umanakaina
Umanakaina, or Gwedena, is a Papuan language of New Guinea.
madega Haigwai
Papua New Guinea
madega Umanakaina Gigarebi
Umanakaina, or Gwedena, is a Papuan language of New Guinea.
madega Yakaikeke
Yakaikeke (Iakaikeke) is an Oceanic language of Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea.
masa Nobiin (or Fadidja-Mahas)
East Sudanic family, Nubian group.
maSa Mahas
Eastern Sudanic language family, Nubian group.
masal Old Nubian
East Sudanic family, Nubian group.
mas3l Nubian Of Dongola
Northern Sudan
m’asil Dongolawi
East Sudanic family, Nubian group.
masil Kenuzi
East Sudanic family, Nubian group.
m’asil** Andaandi
(Egypt, Libya, Sudan).
masil Kenzi
cua Digo
Digo (Chidigo) is a Bantu language spoken primarily along the East African coast between Mombasa and Tanga by the Digo people of Kenya and Tanzania.
cua Chonyi
Chonyi is a Bantu language spoken in Kenya.
Cəwa (cua) Kera (Tuburi-Kera)
Kera is an East Chadic language spoken by 45,000 people in Southwest Chad and 6,000 people in North Cameroon. (It was called ‘Tuburi’ by Greenberg, a name shared with Tupuri).
cua (uwa) Rabai
Rabai, also called Rabai Mpya, is a historic location in Kilifi County, Kenya about 12 miles Northwest of the city of Mombasa.
cua Chwaka
Southern Kenya
cua Buu
Kenya, at Indian ocean shore
cua (cuwa) Giryama
cua Lower Pokomo
cua Makwa Ile
cuba Cewa
Malawi (Africa)
cuba Kunda
Northern Zimbabwe
soa Makwa Malema
soa Makwa Nampula
laNg~a; uva Chingoni
in southern Tanzania (province Ruvuma)
zowa Bungu
Tanzania (Africa)
dzowa (zawa) Mombum
Mombum, or Kemelom (Komolom), is a Trans-New Guinea language spoken on Yos Sudarso Island (Kolopom Island) in West New Guinea.
zawa Mombun
Papua, Indonesia
zowa Komelomsch
Papua, Indonesia
doba Batanga
Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea
dova Batanga Balundu
western Cameroon
lisOba; sOba Matumbi
Matuumbi, also known as Kimatumbi, is a language spoken in Tanzania in the Kipatimu region of the Kilwa District, south of the Rufiji river.
jova Mbugwe
Mbugwe or Mbuwe (Kimbugwe) is a Bantu language of spoken by the Mbugwe people of Lake Manyara in the Manyara Region of Central Tanzania.
ova Mpoto
at the border of Malawi and Tanzania
ova Edo
Tova Kinga
ofa Buem Lelemi
Lelemi (or Lefana) is spoken by the Buem people in the mountainous Volta Region of Ghana.
cuwa Duruma
Duruma is a settlement in Kenya’s Kwale County. Chi-Duruma is the local dialect of Mijikenda language.
cuba; isi Hunde
Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa
Cuba Pangwa
The Pangwa are an ethnic and linguistic group based in the Kipengere Range on the eastern shore of Lake Malawi, in the Ludewa District of Njombe Region in Southern Tanzania.
Cowa Nawuri
Nawuri is a Guang language of Ghana.
uwa (juba; ba; diba ???) Tshiluba
Luba-Kasai, also known as Western Luba, Bena-Lulua, Ciluba/Tshiluba, Luba-Lulua or Luva, is a Bantu language of Central Africa and a national language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
uwa Ciyawo
Malawi (Africa)
uwa Liuwa
uwaha Abar
Benue-Congo family: Beboid group; Nigeria, Cameroon
uwaha Missong
Benue-Congo family: Beboid group; Nigeria, Cameroon
uwa; cuwa Nyanja
Nyanja (also known as Chewa) is a Bantu language spoken by over 15 million people in Southern Africa.
uwa Nsenga
Nsenga (Senga) is the language in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Zambia.
uwa Nyala Kenya
a Bantu language of western Kenya, on the shores of Lake Victoria.
uwa Segeju
The Segeju are an ethnic and linguistic group from Mkinga District, Tanga Region, Tanzania.
uba Kinyamwezi
uba Zimba
Zimba is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, spoken in a band of country south of the Elila River.
oba Taabwa Rdc
Taabwa, or Rungu (Malungu), is a Bantu language of Congo and Zambia
wa Nyali
Nyali, or North Nyali, is a minor Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
wa Nyengo
Nyengo (Nhengo) is a minor Bantu language of Angola.
tua Swahili Chirazi
South Kenya (Africa)
tua Swahili Mvita
South Kenya (Africa)
Tua Swahili Vumba
Kenia (Indian ocean coast), near Tanzanian border
Tua Makwa Alua
tua Gabri
in southern Chad (Africa)
toa Dormo
Chad (Africa)
tuwa Lele
Chad, Afro-asian language
Tu Kuo
Tuba (uba) Buyu
the Democratic Republic of Congo
TuE (juE) Bendeghe
in southern Nigeria
tue Worodugukakan
the language of the tribe in the Ivory Coast (Africa)
Tvu Mbizinaku
Central Africa
tun Itumbuso
Tun Nde
itu Kaliko
Keliko (Kaliko) is a Central Sudanic language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan.
itu Lokai
itu Ma’di (Maadi)
Uganda and South Sudan.
iTvu Itanikom
The Kom language (Itanikom) is spoken by over 150,000 speakers living in Boyo Division, located in the North West Province of Cameroon.
tw~e Koma
Southern Sudan (the upper reaches of the Nile)
Tw~i Bulu
Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa
Tw~i Bum
Tw~iTw~i Kensweinsei
ty~aty~i Sotho Northern
South Africa
?aj-it Aacax
Cushitic languages group. Kushites are the group of peoples of Africa, living in the area between the Egipt Estern desert and the North-East province of Kenya.
dy~uwa Swahili Makunduchi
East Tanzania (Africa)
dy~uwa Swahili Pemba
The North of the Mozambique coast of the Indian ocean, in the province of Kabu-Delgado, on a Peninsula going to the Pemba Bay
dy~ua Swahili Mwani
East Mozambique (Indian ocean coast)
dhuba Soga 2
Soga, or Lusoga, is a Bantu language spoken in Uganda.
yuwa Ngoni
Ngoni is a Bantu language of Zambia, Tanzania, Mozambique.
yuwa Swahili Pate
East Kenya (Indian ocean coast)
yuwa Swahili Tikuu
Kenia (Indian ocean coast)
ua; juwa Sena
Sena is a Bantu language spoken in the four provinces of central Mozambique (Zambezi valley): Tete, Sofala, Zambezia and Manica
ua Pemba
Pemba island, Tanzania Arabic Jazirat al-Khu?rah island in the Indian Ocean, lying 35 miles (56 km) off the coast of East Africa, opposite the port of Tanga, Tanzania.
ua Ngulu
Ngulu is a Bantu language spoken in east-central Tanzania.
ua Shambala
Shambala or Shambaa is a Bantu language of Tanzania.
ua Pemba
Pemba island, Tanzania Arabic Jazirat al-Khu?rah island in the Indian Ocean, lying 35 miles (56 km) off the coast of East Africa, opposite the port of Tanga, Tanzania.
ua Zalamo
Zaramo is a Niger-Congo language, formerly primary language of the Zaramo people of eastern Tanzania.
ua Zigula
Zigula (Zigua, Chizigua) is a Bantu language of Tanzania and of Somalia, where it is known as Mushunguli (Mushungulu).
ua Vumba
Tanzania (on the Indian Ocean coast)
ua Ngazidja
Comoros islands (Africa)
ua Kamba Kenya
ua Coni
Southern Kenya
sua (ua) Doe
ua Hadimu
ua Kutu
ua Nzwani
Nzwani (Anjouan), the language of one of the three major islands in the Comoros Archipelago
ua (wa) Maore
Comoros islands (Africa)
ua Mwani Mozambique
ua Mwimbi Muthambi
uha Lamba Mbole Balanga
Democratic Republic of the Congo
uha Langa Mbole Bambuli
Democratic Republic of the Congo
uho Arigidi
(or Oge). Nigeria.
uai Nimboran
Nimboran (Nambrong) is a Papuan language of Indonesia spoken by mostly older adults.
uane Lontomba
Democratic Republic of the Congo
udara Jere
uk’ayE Werize
uqayE Gawwada-Gobeze
an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Southern Ethiopia
uqayE Gobeze
South-West Ethiopia
|am |Ganda
The Ganda language, Luganda, is one of the major languages in Uganda, Africa
!am; |amsa G/wi
G/wi or Glui (sometimes spelled Dcui) is a Khoisan language of Botswana
!am Zhu|’hхasi
also known as Ju/’hoan, Agau, Kung-Tsumkwe, Xu, Xun, Kung, !Xo, Zhu’oasi, Dzu’oasi, Tsumkwe, Dobe Kung, Xaixai, Ћhu|hхasi, Ju/’hoansi (Namibia)
|am Hiechware
Central Khoisan family: Kalahari-Khoisan group (Africa)
!am (lam) ||Gana
Central Khoisan family: Kalahari-Khoisan group.
|am //Ani
Other known names and dialect names: Handa, Handa-Khwe, Handadam, Handakwe-Dam, Ts’exa, |Anda; Central Khoisan; Khoisan; colloquial language in Botswana, Africa
!am; kh~a!h~a* Juhoan
at the border of Namibia and Botswana
!am Gwi
!am Gxana
!am Khwe
south-eastern Angola
!kam (!xam) Masarwa Tati
!on; !e* Nu En
!on Masarwa Kakia
Botswana (Africa)
!on Xoon Masarwa
Northern Botswana (Africa)
!on Xoon Nuen
Ghanzi district of Botswana (Africa)
!on; !e* Nu En
!7~ui* Nu
A language of South Africa. (?)
!ko*i*; !un Batwa
South Africa (central region)
!ko*i Ng Ke
A language of South Africa. (?)
!ko*iN Kam Ka Ke
South Africa
!kom; gao Ekoka-!Xu
Kung-ekoka or !Xu or !Kung as it is often spelled in English, is a Northern Khoisan language of Namibia, Angola, and Botswana.
!kom Kauen
!komSa Naron
ε=wu Ekiromi
%nk~umb~i Angolar
(also Ngola) a minority language of Sao Tome and Principe, spoken in the Southernmost towns of Sao Tome Island and sparsely along the coast. Creoles and Pidgins; Africa
ŋwε Grebo-Marchese
dialect of the Kru language (Liberia, Africa)
ŋwe Grebo-Innes
dialect of the Kru language (Liberia, Africa)
ɲəm Nde
ʒala Kim
The language is spoken in Southern Chad (Africa)
||’an Taa
Taa, also known as !Xoo, is a Khoisan language notable for its large number of phonemes, perhaps the largest in the world. Most speakers live in Botswana, but a few hundred live in Namibia.
kujo (kujuon) Tieyaxo (Tigemaxo, Tieyaho)
Tieyaxo (or Boso, Bozo) is a Mande language spoken by the Bozo people, the principal fishing people of the Inner Niger Delta in Mali.
kubu non** Jenaama Bozo-1
Western Mande; Niger-Congo; Africa
kubu Bozo Jenaama
Mali (Africa)
kubu5on Sorogama
Sorogama (Jenaama) is a Mande language spoken by the Sorogoye people of Mali and Nigeria.
kudyo Ajja (Aja)
Aja is a Central Sudanic language spoken in the Southern South Sudanese province of Bahr el Ghazal and along the South Sudanese border in the Central African Republic.
kufi Sele
Eastern Ghana (Africa)
ki: Jenaama Bozo-3
Mali, Africa
hu:sun; usante Boko
Eastern Mande; Niger-Congo; Africa
hu:su; wunt~o; wusu Bisa
Bissa is the people in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Nigeria.
hulu Ga
Kwa; Niger-Congo; Africa (Ghana)
huto Jimi
the language spoken in Nigeria.
ho* Cinda
hoho Gurmana
oho Madaka
oha Shabo
Endangered isolated language spoken by 600 people in the south-western Ephiopia.
ha Mba
Mba, also known as (Ki)Manga or (Ki)Mbanga, is a Ubangian language spoken in DRC Congo.
ha:llikko; oqayye Gawwada-Gollango
an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Southern Ethiopia
ha:llikkу; uk’ayε Gawwada-Harso-Werize
an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Southern Ethiopia
ha:llikko Gawwada-Dobase
an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Southern Ethiopia
hallikko; uqayE Gawwada-Dalpena
Gawwada (also known as Gauwada, Gawata, Kawwad’a, Kawwada) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Southern Ethiopia.
hE5 Kalong
ha5 (hE5) Libie
hEhila Tungho Saisiyat
Tungho (South Saisiyat) aeaeaeo ycuea Saisiyat (a Taiwanese indigenous people), Oaeaaiu.
heme Sheni
the dead language in Nigeria
hEvalE Ndunga
Ndunga (Bondonga, Modunga, Mondugu, Mondunga) is a Ubangian language spoken in Congo.
hin7~iCo; t’abara Burji
Eastern Cushitic; Afro-Asiatic; Africa
hv~olo Kpelle Guinea
Guinea (Africa)
hw~E Pongu
Pongu (Pangu), or Rin, is a Kainji language spoken in Nigeria.
hw~en Dakarkari
(another names are Cala-Cala, Chilala, Chilela, Dakakari, Dakarkari, Dakkarkari, Kolela, Lalawa, Lela) Nigeria.
d’hwcn C’Lela
(Hausa family) Spoken in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Niger, Nigeria, Sudan and Togo.
we Cara
spoken in some nine villages in Bassa LGA, Plateau State, Nigeria.
we Yula
Niger-Congo (*).
we Elwana
awe; wil Afi Amanda
awe (?) Afi
Southern Taraba State, Nigeria
awE Seze
Seze (or Sezo) is an Afro-Asiatic Omotic language, spoken in the western part of Ethiopia, near the town of Begi and just North of the Hozo-speaking community.
owi; owa Gikyode (Chode, Gichode, Kyode)
Ghana, Africa
owi Guang
Niger-Congo (*).
owu Larteh
owi Anyanga (Nyanga, Ginyanga?)
a Guang language of Togo (Africa).
owi Genyanga
Togo (Africa)
wi: Bwamu
Burkina Faso
wi Fyem
Central Nigeria (Platoid; Niger-Congo; Africa)
owia Fanti
the central region of Ghana
owia Twi Fante
Southern and central Ghana (Africa)
awia Twi Asante
Ashanti, Asante, or Asante Twi, is spoken by over 2.8 million Ashanti people. Ashanti (or Ashanti Twi) is one of three literary dialects of the Akan language of West Africa
owori Ikpeshi
aw (awa) Welamo
awa; awatera Arbore
Arbore is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Southern Ethiopia in a few settlements of Hamer woreda near Lake Chew Bahir. Africa
aw-a; owo Chara
Chara (alternatively Ciara or C’ara) is an Afro-Asiatic language of the North Omotic variety spoken in Ethiopia by 13,000 people.
awa Awngi
an Afro-Asiatic language of the family’s Cushitic branch. It’s native speakers are the Awi people of Ethiopia.
awa Bambassi
Bambassi is an Omotic Afroasiatic language spoken in Ethiopia around the towns of Bambasi and Didessa in the area east of Asosa in Benishangul-Gumuz Region.
awa Dawro
awa Dorze
Dorze is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in the Gamo Gofa Zone of Ethiopia.
a’wa Gamo
North Omotic; Afro-Asiatic; Africa
awa Ganza
Ganza (also Ganzo, Koma) is an Afro-Asiatic language (Omotic), spoken in Sudan and in the western Benishangul-Gumuz region of Ethiopia, specifically in the village districts of Penishuba and Yabeldigis.
awa Gidicho
awa Gofa
awa Janjero
(or Yemsa) Ethiopia
awa Koyra
Mali, Central Africa
awa Kullo
awa Northern Mao
awa Oyda
Oyda is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in the Gamo Gofa Zone of Ethiopia.
awa Shinasha
Shinasha (Shinassha), also known as Boro (Borna, Bworo) is a North Omotic language spoken in western Ethiopia
awa Zergulla
spoken in the southwestern part of Ethiopia
awa Basketo
(also known as Basketto, Baskatta, Mesketo, Misketto, and Basketo-Dokka) Ethiopia
awa Dache
Southeastern Ethiopia
awwa Gatsame
Ethiopia ?
owa Gechode
at the border between Gana and Togo (Africa)
owa Lokele Yawembe
Democratic Republic of the Congo
owo Melo
awa7ayfiyu Wolaytta
Wolaytta is a North Omotic language of the Ometo group spoken in the Wolayita Zone and some other parts of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s Region of Ethiopia.
afa Bade
one of the Yobe languages, Nigeria
afa Duwai
one of the Yobe languages, Nigeria
afa Ngizim
(Ngezzim, Ngizmawa) one of the Yobe languages, in the north-eastern Nigeria
afata West Chadic
afats Matal
Matal, also known as Muktele and Balda, is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Northern Cameroon.
affat; fata Marba
Marba is an Afro-Asiatic language that is used by the Azumeina peoples of Chad as their first language.
fərta (f3rta) Ga’anda
Ga’anda (also known as Gaanda, Ganda, Ga’andu, Mokar, Makwar) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken by about 10,000 people in the Adamawa state of Nigeria.
fəta Peve
Peve, also called Lame after its chief dialect, is an Afro-Asiatic language of Chad and Cameroon.
fətsiya Guduf
Biu-Mandara; Afro-Asiatic; Africa
f3ciya Gava
Nigeria (at the border with Cameroon)
f3rta Gaanda Gabin
f3ta Masana Pogo
Massa (or Masana, Masa) is a Chadic language spoken in Southern Chad and Northern Cameroon.
f3ta Peve Lame
Peve, also called Lame after its chief dialect, is an Afro-Asiatic language of Chad and Cameroon.
f3te Nzanyi
Nzanyi is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Nigeria in Adamawa State in the Maiha LGA, and along the border in Cameroon.
f3tiy Munjuk
a Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad.
fara Hona
Hwana (also known as Hwona, Hona, Tuftera, Fiterya) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Adamawa State, Nigeria.
fat Baka
one of the Central Chadic languages (endangered language) spoken in the Mandara mountains of Northern Cameroun.
fat Kulere
Kulere (also known as Tof, Korom Boye, Akandi, Akande, Kande) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Plateau State, Nigeria.
fat Mada Cameroon
fat Mada
Mada is a regionally important Plateau language of Nigeria
fat Moloko (Melokwo)
the language of the people in the Mandara mountains (Northern Cameroon)
fat Mubi
Mubi (also known as Moubi) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in central Chad.
fat Mundat
Mundat is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Plateau State, Nigeria in the Mundat village of Bokkos LGA.
fat Muyang
the language of the people in the Mandara mountains (Northern Cameroon)
fat Ron Monguna
Ron (also known as Challa, Chala) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Plateau State, Nigeria. Dialects include Bokkos, Daffo-Butura (incl. Mangar), Monguna.
fat Tambas
Tambas (also known as Tambes, Tembis) is a West Chadic language spoken in Plateau State, Nigeria.
fat Wuzlam
Wuzlam, also called Uldeme, Ouldeme) is an Afro-Asiatic language of the Chadic branch. It is spoken in Northern Cameroon.
fata (fatta, fadta) Musey
Musey is a Chadic language of Chad and Cameroon.
fata Central Chadic
fata Diri
fata Masa
The Masa languages are a group of a dozen closely related Chadic languages of West Africa.
fata Masana
in the western part of Chad
fati Karekare
one of the Yobe languages, Nigeria
fatir Bata Malabu
an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Nigeria in Adamawa State in the Numan, Song, Fufore and Mubi LGAs, and in Cameroon in North Province along the border with Nigeria.
fe Dirim
Nigeria, near the border with Cameroon
fei Paanci
Pa’anci is a Chadic (Afro-Asiatic) language spoken by some 20,000 Nigerians living in an area south and west of Ningi in the present Bauchi State of Nigeria.
feka Lendu Njawdha
Democratic Republic of the Congo
ferta Gabin
Eastern Nigeria (Africa)
fet; feta Ik
The Ik language, also known as Icetot, Icietot, Ngulak, or (derogatory) Teuso, Teuth, is one of the Kuliak languages of Northeastern Uganda (Africa)
feta Lame
an Afro-Asiatic language of Chad and Cameroon.
fEtE Sharwa
Sharwa (also known as Tchevi, Sherwin, Sarwaye) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Cameroon in Far North Province.
fEtE7 Tsuvan
Tsuvan (also known as Matsuvan, Motsuvan, Terki, Telaki, Teleki, Tchede) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Cameroon in Far North Province.
fEtEn Holma
feti; futi Musgu K
Musgu is a language of the Biu-Mandara subgroup of the Chadic languages spoken in Cameroon and Chad.
feti Musgu B
Northern Cameroon
fi Munga Doso
Nigeria (near the Camerun border)
fi Jen
Jen (or Dza) is an Adamawa language of Nigeria.
fi Lendu Djadha
Democratic Republic of the Congo
fi Lendu Pidha
Democratic Republic of the Congo
fi Lendu Tadha
Democratic Republic of the Congo
fiana Bankon
Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa
fiana Kang Barombi
Rombi (Lombi; Barombi) is a Bantu language spoken in the Meme department of the Southwest Province of southwestern Cameroon by the Barombi (Barumbi, Balombi) people. Dialects are Kang Barombi, Mbo Barombi, Mokono Barombi Kotto Barombi
fila, ofila Adele
(self-name is Gidire) The Adele language is spoken in central eastern Ghana and central western Togo. It belongs to the geographic group of Ghana Togo Mountain languages of the Kwa branch of Niger-Congo.
firE koromfe
Koromfe is a Gur language spoken in a U-shaped area around the town of Djibo, in the North of Burkina Faso and southeastern Mali, bordering Dogon Country.
fisi Tangale
Tangale (Tangle) is a West Chadic language spoken in Northern region of Nigeria.
fit3k (fiti) Vemgo Mabas
Vemgo-Mabas is an Afro-Asiatic language of Cameroon and Nigeria.
fit3n Jimi
Jimi (Djimi), also known as Jimjim?n and ‘Um Falin, is a Chadic language spoken in Cameroon in Far North Province on the Nigerian border in and around Bourrha. Dialects are Djimi, Jimo, Malabu, Wadi, and Zumo.
fiTe Dghwede
Eastern Nigeria
fiti Lamang
Lamang (Laamang) is an Afro-Asiatic language of Nigeria.
fiti Zizilivakan
Zizilivakan (Ziziliveken, Ziliva, Amziriv), also known as Fali of Jilbu and Ulan Mazhilven, is a Chadic language spoken in Cameroon in Far North Province and neighboring Nigeria.
fitik Hdi
Northeastern Nigeria
fiTTi Kirfi
Kirfi (also known as Giiwo, Kirifi, Kirifawa) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Nigeria.
fitu Fali Muchella (Mucella)
Northeast of Nigeria (the border with Cameroon)
fitun Fali Bagira (Bwagira)
Northeast of Nigeria
folo; holo Bandi
Western Mande; Niger-Congo; Africa
folo Kpelle
Kpelle is a member of Mande group of Niger-Congo languages spoken by about 1.3 million people in Liberia and Guinea.
folo Loma
(Loghoma, Looma, Lorma) Liberia, on the border with Guinea
folo Mende
Sierra Leone (Africa)
foot Mogum
foriy (pori) Pero
Pero, also known as Filaya, is a West Chadic language of Nigeria.
foto Bacama Mulyen
foto Bata Zumu
Afro Asiatic, Chadic, Biu Mandara, Southbiu Mandara, Bata Sharwa, Bataic
foto Birgit
Birgit (also known as Bergit, Birgid, Berguid) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in southeastern Chad
fri Tunni
Tunni (also known as Af-Tunni) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken by the Tunni sub-group of the Rahanweyn Somali clan, who reside in the Lower Shebelle and Middle Juba regions in Southern Somalia.
fu Leelau
fus Kofyar
Kofyar is an Afro-Asiatic dialect cluster spoken in Plateau State, Nigeria.
futa Herde
Central African Republic
futa Peve Pala
an Afro-Asiatic language of Chad and Cameroon.
futa Zime
Mesme is an Afro-Asiatic language of Chad. Zime (Djime) is a generic name.
futay Mbara
fw~ut Saya
Saya (Sayanci) is a Chadic dialect cluster of Nigeria.
fwoətu Gudu
Gudu (also known as Gudo, Gutu) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Nigeria
futi; grftila Musgu R
Musgu is a language of the Biu-Mandara subgroup of the Chadic languages spoken in Cameroon and Chad.
futi Bole
fuZi Ghye
the language of the tribe at the border of Nigeria with Cameroon
fuZi Hya
Hya is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Northern Cameroon and neighboring regions of Nigeria.
gufti; feti; fasa Musgu D Plus Rd
Northern Cameroon
ifa; ifate Busa
Nigeria, Africa
ifia Mboi-2
One of the two dialects of Mboi (Nigeria)
iftin Boon
Boon or Af-Boon is a nearly extinct Cushitic language spoken in Jilib District, Middle Jubba Region, Somalia.
jira fat Duhwa
Duhwa, or Karfa (also Kerifa, Nzuhwi) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Nasarawa State, Nigeria.
o*fa*tE* Bokobaru
fishi Gere
also called Wee, is a Kru language spoken by over 300,000 people in the Dix-Huit Montagnes and Moyen-Cavally regions of Ivory Coast
fiTTe Geruma
Geruma (also known as Gerema, Germa) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Nigeria.
fara Boga
Boga (Boka) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in the Adamawa State of Nigeria.
furEy Bacama
Bacama (Bachama) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Nigeria
faCiya Cineni
Cineni is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Borno State, Nigeria in the single village of Cineni. Roger Blench classified it as a dialect of Guduf-Gava.
faciya Glavda
Glavda (also known as Galavda, Gelebda, Glanda, Guelebda, Galvaxdaxa) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Borno State, Nigeria and in Far North Province, Cameroon.
fy~an Pol
Pol is a Bantu language of Cameroon. Pol proper is spoken in central Cameroon; the Pomo and Kweso dialects are spoken in Congo and the CAR near the Cameroonian border.
fy~o Tibea
Tibea, also known as Ngayaba, is a Bantu language spoken in three villages in Cameroon.
fyo Bafia Njanti
a Bantu language spoken in Cameroon
ombe; oni Gevove (Bubi)
Gabon, Africa.
moni Bubi
Bube, Bohobe, or Bube–Benga (Bobe, Bubi), is a Bantu or Bantoid language spoken by the Bubi, a Bantu people native to, and once the primary inhabitants of, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea (Africa).
mgb$e Ban Ogoi
Nigeria, Africa
i3mEr Soddo
Semitic; Afro-Asiatic; southeastern Ephiopia
amen Guanche
Guanche is an extinct language, which used to be spoken by the Guanches of the Canary Islands (Spanish archipelago) until the 16th or 17th century (the language has some connection with the Berber language family)
i5o5o Ikakumo
i7aze Inner Mbugu Bumbuli
ib Kete Katamb
Democratic Republic of the Congo
ido Beria
The western part of Sudan
idi; iTi Mesengo
idi Majang
The Majang language is spoken by the Majangir people of Ethiopia
idigo Ana Tinga Dogon
Ana Dogon, or Ana Tiŋa, is a Dogon language in Northern Mali.
uju-ngo Najamba
a Western Dogon language (Mali)
udra Birri
Central African Republic; Africa
udugu Tebul Ure Dogon
Mali (Africa)
ududi; uduwa Kwadi
Central Khoisan family (Southwestern Angola, Namibe state)
li Viri
Belanda Viri (Bviri, Belanda, Biri, BGamba, Gumba, Mbegumba, Mvegumba) is a Ubangian language of South Sudan.
ilanzi (lanzi) Fipa
Fipa is a Bantu language of Tanzania.
ilanzi; lanzi Nyamwanga
Mwanga, or Namwanga (Nyamwanga), is a Bantu language spoken by the Mwanga people in the Northern Province of Zambia (mainly in the districts of Isoka and Nakonde) and in Mbeya Region, Tanzania.
ilu Dida Lakota
Cote d’Ivoire
ilyunsi; lyunsi Kimbu
Kimbu is a Bantu language of Tanzania.
ime Mesmes
The Mesmes language is an extinct West Gurage language, one of the Ethiopian Semitic languages spoken in Ethiopia.
Ina Dengese
the Democratic Republic of Congo
ini Bembe
ini Lumbu Yi Tandu
iNaldu El Hugeirat
iNNaLtu Uncunwee
Uncunwee (also Gulfan, Uncu, Ghulfan, Wunci, Wuncimbe) is a Hill Nubian language spoken in the central Nuba Mountains in the south of Sudan.
inuw Korandje
Algeria (Africa)
ipa Indaaka
the Democratic Republic of the Congo
itakali Pandikeri
The Eastern Sudanic language
caz Dizi
North Omotic; Afro-Asiatic (Sudan — Ethiopia)
CaZ (CaZi) Maji
caci Sotho Sud (South ?)
South Africa
caci Tswana
The Tswana or Setswana language is spoken in Southern Africa by about five million people.
c3c3 Wushi
Wushi (Babessi) is a Grassfields Bantu language of Cameroon.
cece Krobu
Krobu (Krobou) is a Tano language (Kwa, Niger-Congo) of Cote d’Ivoire.
tsetse Babessi
Wushi (Babessi) is a Grassfields Bantu language of Cameroon
C7a Hoan Huc
in southern Botswana
CaN Pari
the language in Southern Sudan (Africa)
can7a Senufo Cebaara
The Senufo or Senufic languages (Senoufo in French) has around 15 languages spoken by the Senufo in the North of Cote d’Ivoire, the south of Mali and the southwest of Burkina Faso.
caNa (caŋa) Mianka
Mianka (also known as Mamara, Minyanka or Tupiire) is a Northern Senufo language spoken by about 750,000 people in southeastern Mali.
cana (tsana) Mamara [myk]
Minyanka language of Mali, West Africa.
caNa Senufo Sicite
Cepteylel Endo
C’EyEt Geto
the language in central region of Ethiopia
c’iac Sheko
wesrern Ethiopia
ciNg~i; ts-ingi Dengebu
Dengebu, also Dagik, Dagig, Thakik, Buram, Reikha, is a Niger-Congo language in the Talodi family spoken in Kordofan, Sudan
Cirkoe Labi
Cameroon (at the border with Chad)
comε Mundang-2
Mundang is an Mbum language of Southern Chad and Northern Cameroon.
CuE Ndemli
Ndemli, or Bandem, is a language of Cameroon spoken primarily in the Nkam department of the Littoral Region; between Yabassi, Yingui and Nkondjock.
cuko; kyvkon** Animere
(another names are Anyimere, Kunda) East and Central Ghana (Africa)
cuo Kplang
Kplang is a Guang language of Ghana (Africa).
cu; tsu Fang
Spoken in Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and Congo.
cu Modele
western Cameroon
kausu (midday sun) Kanuri
Spoken in the Chad, Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria, Sudan.
ko:s (kes) Modern Nara
Eastern Sudanic language family: Nara group
kos Old Nara
Eastern Sudanic language family: Nara group
koro Zilmamu
Ethiopia, Africa
kor Didinga
Eastern Sudanic language family: Surmic group
kor Baale
Eastern Sudanic language family: Surmic group
ko:r Narim
Eastern Sudanic language family: Surmic group
kos Zayse
the southwestern part of Ethiopia
koso Bussa
Bussa, or Mossiya, is a Cushitic language spoken in Southern Ethiopia.
ko Dijim Bwilim
ikoko Dibo
oɲoko Gwa
Gwa is one of the Southern Bantoid Jarawan languages of Nigeria.
koko Dadiya
Dadiya (Daadiya, Loodiya) Eastern Nigeria.
kofe Likpe
Ghana (at the border with Togo), Africa.
m3s Bada
m3s Bankala
Niger (Africa)
m3s Boyawa
Niger-Kordofanian, Niger-Congo; Africa
m3s Jarawa (in Nigeria)
m3sa Jaku
m3sa Labir
mis3 Lama
Togo (Africa)
moso Samo Matya
Samo (Sane, San, Sa) is a dialect cluster of Mande languages spoken in Burkina Faso.
tjero (?) Klao
Kru; Niger-Congo; Africa
wyango Gbari
Gbari is a Bantu language (like Lingala, Swahili or Zulu) spoken in Nigeria by about 300,000 speakers.
wang’; chieng’ Dholuo (Luo)
Dholuo or Nilotic Kavirondo, is the eponymous dialect of the Luo group of Nilotic languages, spoken by about 6 million Luo people of Kenya and Tanzania, who occupy parts of the eastern shore of Lake Victoria and areas to the south.
?izi Birgid
East Sudanic family, Nubian group.
iz Karka
East Sudanic family, Nubian group.
ez (ed) Dilling
East Sudanic family, Nubian group.
nin-an Ama
Eastern Sudanic language family: Nyima group
nizi Afitti
Eastern Sudanic language family: Nyima group
i; kɔr Murle
Murle (also Ajibba, Beir, Merule, Mourle, Murele, Murule) is a Nilo-Saharan Eastern Sudanic language spoken by the Murle people, spoken in the southeast of South Sudan, near the Ethiopian border.
iŋŋaltu Ghulfan
Nubian; Nilo-Saharan; Africa
iʒ** Karko
i Babango
Democratic Republic of the Congo (central region)
i Toukoulaka Bomitaba
a Bantu language in the North of the Republic of Congo.
i Kanio Bomitaba
Northern Congo
i Mbanza Bomitaba
Northern Congo
i Mboua Bomitaba
i Mokengui Bomitaba
i*atE* Boko
at the Nigeria and Benin border (Africa)
i*na Shuwa
the Democratic Republic of Congo, province Kasai
i:bande Bidyogo-1
Guinea and Guinea-Bissau (West Africa)
i:ri Merarit
i; se Egbuta
Democratic Republic of the Congo
i; se Proto-Ngiri
Equatorial Africa. Bantu family.
io Wali
East Sudanic family, Nubian group.
engalto Debri
East Sudanic family, Nubian group.
su? Suri (Chai)
Eastern Sudanic language family: Surmic group
su? Mursi
Eastern Sudanic language family: Surmic group
su7 Suri Chai
the language of tribe in south Sudan
sui Ekparabong
Nigeria, the near-border region with Cameroon
suso Me’en
Eastern Sudanic language family: Surmic group
sus Tirma (or Suri)
Ethiopia, Sudan
suso Meen
su:s Kwegu
Eastern Sudanic language family: Surmic group
sy~e Ndok Mbali
Mbali (Olumbali, Kimbari) is a minor Bantu language of Angola
sarafe Ciwogai
s’aXay; int’X~ay Tigre
Tigre language is one of the Semitic languages spoken in Eritrea
SaZ Nao
sEgElE Gafat
The Gafat language is an extinct South Ethiopian Semitic language that was once spoken along the Abbay River (Nile) in Ethiopia.
seT nE; nc~eT nE Serer Sine
Sinegal and Gambia (Africa)
lesa; les; laS Gidole
Southern Ethiopia
SiSw~i Babungo
(Vengo) Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa
sX~aXay (s’3hay; s’eXay) Tigrigna
Tigrinya is an Afroasiatic language of the Semitic branch. It is mainly spoken in Eritrea and Northern Ethiopia in the Horn of Africa, with around 6,915,000 total speakers.
wawi Majang
Eastern Sudanic language family: Surmic group
bi:di Aka
Eastern Sudanic language family: Jebel group
b’i:di Molo
Eastern Sudanic language family: Jebel group
bi:di Kelo
Eastern Sudanic language family: Jebel group
bi:di Beni Sheko
Eastern Sudanic language family: Jebel group
tel Gaam
Eastern Sudanic language family: Jebel group
bisi Avikam
Avikam is one of the Lagoon languages of Cote d’Ivoire, Africa
bisuwi Nigeria Bali
Bali (also known as Bibaali, Maya, Abaali, Ibaale, or Ibaali) is a Niger-Congo language spoken by 100,000 people (as of 2006) in Demsa, Adamawa, Nigeria.
bis Yiwom
Yiwom (Ywom), also known as Gerka or Gerkawa by the Hausa, is a Chadic (Afro-Asiatic) language spoken in Plateau State, Nigeria.
bi Ngwi Mateko Kingoli
vi Kwanka
Kwanka, or Kwang, is a dialect cluster of Plateau languages in Nigeria.
bee** Burak
biji Putai
Putai (also known as Marghi West) is a nearly extinct Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Nigeria.
bil Boma Nord Saio
the Democratic Republic of Congo
bil3 Sakata Kesha
DR Congo
bira Banka
Banka, or Bankagooma, is a minor Mande language of Mali.
xallikko Gawwada
an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Southern Ethiopia
XaTX~ed Somali 2
Somali is an official language of Somalia, Somaliland, a national language in Djibouti, and a working language in the Somali Region of Ethiopia.
xw~e Fongbe (Fɔngbe)
Benin, the Atlantic seashore
ye (?) Ewe
Spoken in the Republic of Ghana and the Togolese Republic (Togo).
yin Beja
(Bedawi) Afro-Asiatic; Africa. The language is spoken in the western coast of the Red Sea by the Beja people. They number around two million people, and inhabit parts of Egypt, Sudan and Eritrea.
muku Miya
one of the West Chadic languages in nothern Nigeria
b3Ci Margi
Margi, also known as Marghi and Marghi Central, is a Chadic language spoken in Nigeria.
b3l3 Kesaa Sakata
Democratic Republic of the Congo
ba Luba Kasayi
Democratic Republic of the Congo
ba Mbangwe
ba Mituku
Democratic Republic of the Congo
tali; mhi Kukuya
The Kukuya language, Kikukuya, also known as Southern Teke, is a member of the Teke dialect continuum of the Congolese plateau.
baangu Cerma
Burkina Faso
bako Baka
Southern Cameroon (Africa)
bako Ngombe CAR
Central African Republic
balaab Joola-Fooni
Senegal and Gambia
balay Diola
banak; tinak; balay Diola Kasa
banak; tinak Jola
banak; tilai; Tanak Ejamat
or Jola-Felupe (Feloup, Felup, Felupe, Floup, Flup, Fulup) Casamance region of Senegal and neighboring Guinea-Bissau
bao Limassa
at the border of Congo, Central African Republic and Cameroon
bao Monjombo
(Mondjembo, Munzombo, Mono-Jembo). Republic of Congo (Africa)
baon Turka
Turka (Turuka) or Curama (Cuurama, Tchourama, Tyurama), is a Gur language, which is spoken by the Turka people in Burkina Faso.
bari Kahe
The Kahe are an ethnic and linguistic group based southeast of Moshi in Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania.
beeeguu (bannaa) Tchourama
This language is spoken in Banfora, Burkina Faso.
bele Sakata
Sakata is a Bantu dialect cluster of DR Congo. The dialects are rather divergent: Sakata proper, Djia (Wadia), Bai (Kibay), Tuku (Ketu, Batow).
bote Likwala
bu:i; bu:wi; puwi Lafofa
Lafofa, also Tegem, is a Niger-Congo dialect cluster spoken in the Southern Nuba Mountains in the south of Sudan.
buno: Manjaku
(Kanyop, Mandjaque, Mandyak, Manjaca, Manjack, Manjaco, Manjaku, Manjanku, Manjiak, Mendyako, Ndyak) Guinea and Guinea-Bissau, Senegal and Gambia
buno7 Kasanga
Guinea-Bissau (Africa)
bw~os Mandi Cameroon
dw~3b Kol
Cameroon, a Niger-Congo language of the Bantu family
g3b3 Goundo
Southern Chad (Africa)
gad3gy~i; usura Gude
Biu-Mandara; Afro-Asiatic; Africa
gamb~u Tshwa
Tshwa (a.k.a. Tsoa, also known as Kua and Hiechware), is an East Kalahari Khoe dialect cluster spoken by several thousand people in Botswana and Zimbabwe.
gb~ere Kulango Bouna
Cote d’Ivoire
gbere-ko Kulango
Kulango is a Niger-Congo language of Cote d’Ivoire and across the border in Ghana.
gbundu; kaolo; mani Komo
Komo is a Nilo-Saharan language spoken by the Kwama (Komo) people of Ethiopia, Sudan and Southern Sudan.
ge:wne Mombo
a Dogon language spoken in Mali.
gEvE Nyambeengge
a Niger-Congo language. Oaio?aeuiay Africa
gies Kwel
giNan Warnang
The Warnang (a.k.a. Werni) language, is a Niger-Congo language of the Heiban family spoken in Kordofan, Sudan.
gine Katla
(Akalak, Kalak) — Kordofan language, spoken by Gulud and Katle peoples in the Kordofan state, at the Katle hills (Sudan, Africa).
gine Pare Png
(!) the central part of Papua New Guinea
go5 Mbule
go Besme
Southern Chad (Central Africa)
gra Lorhon
Lorhon, or Teen, is a Niger-Congo language of Cote d’Ivoire and across the border in Burkina Faso
gw~i Lopa
Lopa is a minor Kainji language of Nigeria.
gy~3 Mambai
gwei Berom
Central Nigeria
gbei Aten
The Tahoss dialect of the Berom language (Central Nigeria)
gbei Ogoni
Rivers State, Nigeria
gbey; igb~ey Iten
Central Nigeria
gwi Tahos
The Tahoss dialect of the Berom language (Central Nigeria)
b’w~e Ron-Bokkos
Ron (also known as Challa, Chala) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Plateau State, Nigeria. Dialects include Bokkos, Daffo-Butura (incl. Mangar), Monguna.
gwey Nincut
Central Nigeria
gyes Kwele Hakoku
igb~e Bakueri
(Mokpe) Southern Cameroon (at the Atlantic seashore)
digba Barambo
The language spoken in the Northeast of Congo (Africa).
egw~a Gola
Southern Atlantic; Niger-Congo; Africa
inono; i-yawish Ukaan
The Ukaan language, are spoken around Auga and Kakumo, directly south of Kabba near the Niger-Benue Confluence in Nigeria. There are three dialects: Auga, Ikaan, Ishe.
eno Idoma (Akpa, Akweya)
central Nigeria.
enoka** Kyama
Ebrie, or Cama (Caman, Tchaman, Tsama, Tyama), is spoken in Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana.
e; nen (nen — very approx.) Akoose
a Northwest Bantu Language (Cameroon, Africa)
eni** Chai
South Sudan, Africa
enuN Jiba
en Burun
Burun is a Nilotic language of Sudan.
enani Kana
enyaanga (eenyiinga) Lubukusu
Bukusu (native name: Lubukusu) is a Bantu language spoken by the Bukusu people of western Kenya
endesaa; kyendesaa Machame
a Bantu language spoken in parts of Tanzania
efa; sawina Lomongo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
EhES Iigau
EiEd Ennemor
Inor, sometimes called Ennemor (Innemor), is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in central Ethiopia.
Ela Mayogo
Mayogo (also spelled Mayugo, Majugu, Maigo, Maiko, Mayko and also called Kiyogo) is a Ubangian language spoken by the Day (Angai), Maambi, and Mangbele peoples of DR Congo.
elim Lukpa
Benin (Africa)
elin Hadiyya
Hadiyya (Hadiyigna, Adiya) is the Afroasiatic language of the Hadiya people of Ethiopia.
elin Libido
Libido (also known as Mareqo, Mareko) is an Afroasiatic language of Ethiopia, which is spoken in the Mareko district Gurage Zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s Region, directly south-east of Butajira.
era Bangba
in the Northern area of the DR Congo (Africa)
Erit Zway
an Afroasiatic language of the Semitic branch spoken in Ethiopia
erumu8io Abua
Abua (Abuan) is a Central Delta language of Nigeria.
umi Lere Gana
uNhwin Gyem
unnZi Fali
Northern Cameroon
unu Manjaca Churo
Guinea-Bissau and Senegal.
unu Manjaca Costa De Baixo
Guinea Bissau
ume Ziriya
unom Begbere Ejar
The central part of Nigeria
unun Kuturmi
One of the Plateau language (the centre of Nigeria)
i-num Hasha
One of the Plateau language (the centre of Nigeria)
yinom Firan
One of the Plateau language (the centre of Nigeria)
n-ne Rigwe
One of the Plateau language (the centre of Nigeria)
u-num (ge-cinum) Kulu
One of the Plateau language, Central Nigeria
uNme Izora
onne; oroma (God) Ake
Ake (Aike, Akye) language, spoken in four villages in Nassarawa State, Nigeria.
oNme Sanga
Sanga is a Kainji language of Nigeria
Nm~ina Dagaare
Spoken in Burkina Faso and Ghana. (Gur; Niger-Congo; Africa)
Nm~Nme Denya-Takamanda
a Bantoid language of Cameroon
Nm3N Konni
The Koma language, Konni, is a Gur language of Ghana.
nme’ Denya-Bitieku
a Bantoid language of Cameroon
nme Lemoro
nnmee** Denya
Denya is a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon in the Mamfe family.
Nmina Dagaari Dioula
Burkina Faso (Africa)
Nmind3 Yom
Yom, or Pilapila, and formerly Kilir, is a Gur language of Benin.
NminiNa Safaliba
Safaliba is a Gur language of Ghana.
n-nε Irigwe
(Also known as Iregwe, Kwal, Nnerigwe, Nkarigwe, Rigwe, Nyango, Miango, Kwoll). The Rigwe language, Irigwe, is a Plateau language of Nigeria.
Nwe Bafia Rope
NwE Grebo
nwe Kasele
(Akasele, Akaselem, Cemba, Chamba, Kamba, Tchamba) A language of Togo (Niger-Congo famely), Africa
nwe Reshe
Reshe is the most divergent of the Kainji languages of Nigeria.
bwe Run
one of the West Chadic languages
mgbe Eleme
nwen (nw~in) Konkomba
Ghana (Africa)
Nw~a Batu Anwe
Southern Taraba State, Nigeria
nv~i Vute Mbanjo
Vute Mbanjo is a Mambiloid language of Cameroon.
mpfusir Vute
Vute is a Mambiloid language of Cameroon.
mb~i Mbundu
mbi Shira
Gabon (Africa)
mbiE Pove
Pove (also rendered Bhubhi, Bubi, Vove) is a Bantu language of Gabon.
dekombi Sama
Angola, Atlantic seashore.
omb~e Xebia
Gabon (Africa)
omb~e Xebobe
Gabon (Africa)
mi Boma Nord Plateaux Congo
the Democratic Republic of Congo
mi Kekpoti
Central Cameroon
mi Lere Si
mi[nom Bamukumbit
a Grassfields Bantu language spoken in Cameroon.
menno Bamenyam
kunom Izere
One of the Plateau language in the centre of Nigeria)
u-nom Ganang
One of the Plateau language (the centre of Nigeria)
onum Nyankpa
One of the Plateau language (the centre of Nigeria)
onwe Jijili
The Jijili language, Tanjijili, also known as Ujijili, is a Plateau language of Nigeria.
sh~anum Idu
One of the Plateau language (the centre of Nigeria)
nonu (nunu) Temein
Eastern Sudanic language (Sudan)
nanu? Doni
Eastern Sudanic language (Sudan)
nonu? Tese
Eastern Sudanic language (Sudan)
a:nun Rere Koalib
Kordofanian family: Heiban group (Sudan)
anin Ebang
Kordofanian family: Heiban group (Sudan)
anin Abul
Kordofanian family: Heiban group (Sudan)
yan Tagoi
The Tagoi language is a Kordofanian language, closely related to Tegali, spoken near the town of Rashad in Southern Kordofan in Sudan
Num Nde Yulana
The language of the tribe living at the border of Cameroon and Nigeria.
num Bambili
in the North-Western Cameroon
num Ikulu
The Kulu language, Ikulu, is a Plateau language of Nigeria.
num Kagoma
num3 Awing
nununu Togo-Kan
Mali, Africa
nunumu; nono Tene Kan
Mali (near the Burkina Faso border).
Nom Nde Bukwok
nom Yamba
Yamba is a Grassfields language of Cameroon, with a small number of speakers in Nigeria.
nom Hyam
One of the Plateau language (the centre of Nigeria)
nom Kaje (Jju)
the native language of the Bajju people of Northern Nigeria.
nnom Ashe
Central Nigeria
nnom Gwara
Gwara is a Plateau language of Nigeria
nnom Itoo
no Bafut
Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa
no Tesu
One of the Plateau language (the centre of Nigeria)
no Bamenyam
in the North-Western Cameroon
no Etkywan
Nigeria (at the border with Cameroon)
no Yemba
Yemba is a major Grassfields language of Cameroon.
no7 Papel
Papel is the language spoken by the Papel People, who live in the central coastal regions of Guinea-Bissau, namely the Biombo Region where it is spoken by 136,000 Bissau-Guineans.
non Bakpinka
non Dogon Toro Tegu-Tandam-Tabi-Irwa
nonayu Logol
Logol, or Lukha, is a Niger-Congo language in the Heiban family spoken in the Nuba Mountains of Kordofan, Sudan.
nonrubi Yandang
aɲín Heiban
Heiban; Niger-Congo; Africa
aɲiŋ Kibet
Kibet (Kibeit, Kibeet, Kabentang) is spoken in Chad
aɲik Maba Kodoi
Chad and Sudan.
aɲin Heiban
The Heiban language, Ebang, or Abul, is a Niger-Congo language in the Heiban family spoken in Kordofan, Sudan.
a5En Shirumba
a5En Utoro
The Utoro language (Otoro, Dhitoro, Litoro) is a Niger-Congo language in the Heiban family spoken in Kordofan, Sudan.
a8i5an Tiro
Tiro, also Thiro or Tira, is a Niger-Congo language in the Heiban family spoken in Kordofan, Sudan.
a8i5ina (aðiɲiná) Moro
Moro is a Niger-Congo language in the Heiban family spoken by the Moro people in the Nuba Mountains of Kordofan, Sudan.
nw~ala Jili
nw~am Katab Kagoro
nw~am Tyap
nw~ana Rubasa
central Nigeria
Nw~ei Bossela Bomitaba
Northern Congo
nw~i Mfumte
Cameroon (on the border with Nigeria)
Nw~os Bafia
Nuos (Nues) A53 Bafia Rikpa
a Bantu language spoken in Cameroon
nwand~e Waama
Waama, or Yoabu, is a Gur language of Benin.
Nwin Bassari (Basari)
Basari, or Oniyan is a Senegambian language of Senegal and Guinea spoken by traditional hunter-gatherers.
ne Bainouk Gunyaamolo
Senegal (Africa)
ne Bangeri Me
Bangeri Me is a Dogon language spoken in Mali.
nE Bangi Me
Mali (Africa)
ne Ngelema
Tanzania (East Africa)
ne Ntomba Inongo
Congo, Africa
onE Liliko
Democratic Republic of the Congo
onu Eloyi
Language, spoken in Nassarawa State, Nigeria.
onu Ayere
Ayere is a divergent Volta–Niger language of Nigeria, closely related only to Ahaan.
oNw~aNe (ɔŋwa:ŋe) Mabaan
Maban languages are spoken in Chad, the Central African Republic, Sudan (Darfur) and South Sudan
onyo A60 Mmaala
nyo Duli
Northern Cameroon
nasa** Dii
(Dourou, Durru, Duru, Nyag Dii, Yag Dii, Zaa) Cameroon, Africa
nawhan Teshenawa
Teshenawa is an extinct Afro-Asiatic language formerly spoken in Jigawa State, Nigeria.
nbro Alladian
(Alladyan, Allagia, Allagian) is one of the Lagoon languages of Cote d’Ivoire (Africa). It is a Kwa language, closely related to Avikam
ndob Eton
Ndokusu Ewe Adangbe
Ghana (Africa)
neg; siba Bainounk Gujaher
Guinea Bisao (Africa)
nEm Ngomba
Ngomba, or Ngomba Bamileke, is a Grassfields language of Cameroon.
nenob (enob) Beba
Beba’ (Bebadji, Mubadji) is a Grassfields Bantu language spoken in Cameroon
nentaŋ Nabte
Nabit (Nabt), or Nabdem (also Nabde, Nabte, Nabdam, Nabdug, Nabrug, Nabnam, Namnam), is a Gur language of Burkina Faso and Ghana.
ninya Kwange
Democratic Republic of the Congo
nia*gu Shira Bwali
Gabon (Africa)
nt~aNg~u Koongo
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kongo Central district)
nth$aNg~u Kibeembe
Bembe (Kibeembe) is a Bantu language of Congo-Brazzaville.
nk~omb~e Mpongwe
The language of an ethnic group in Gabon (Africa)
nkaNa Babole Dzeke
nkaNa Babole Impfondo
nl~ocop Ewondo
Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa
nur o nur Mankanya
Guinea Bissau
Nyengeri Caga Kilema
oye Mangbutu
Democratic Republic of the Congo
oyi; əyε Igbira
also spelled Igbirra or Ebira inhabitants of the areas Northeast and southwest of the confluence of the Niger and Benue rivers in central Nigeria.
oyi Kota Mekambo
Gabon (Africa)
oyi Mahongwe Sama
Gabon (Africa)
oyi Mahongwe
Gabon (Africa)
oyi Ngombe Likula
the Democratic Republic of Congo (?)
oi Balese
the Democratic Republic of Congo
oi Bambomba Epena
oi Buja Monogo Bumba
the Democratic Republic of Congo
oi Eleku Bonginda
Democratic Republic of the Congo, on the border with Congo
oi Eleku Ibenge
Democratic Republic of the Congo, on the border with Congo
oi Leke
oi Lese
Lese is a Central Sudanic language of Northeastern Congo-Kinshasa, as well as a name for the people who speak this language.
oi Lobala Liloka
Democratic Republic of the Congo
oi Mamvu
Mamvu is a Central Sudanic language of Northeastern Congo.
oi Zamba
Zamba (Dzamba) is a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Oi (Oyi) Boloki Ngiri
West of Democratic Republic of the Congo (province Ecuateur)
oa Gikuyu
ober Bench (Bencho)
(Gimira) Southern Ethiopia. Africa.
obEr She
west Ephiopia
odu Bonggi
Bonggi (Banggi) is an Austronesian language spoken in Sabah, Malaysia
ofor Kujarke
Chad (Africa)
ohwE Maxi Gbe
oi; wusa Zamba Bamongo
the western part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
wusa Chakali
Ghana, Africa
wuso; so Maya Samo
Burkina Faso
wuza Pambia
Pambia (Apambia) is a Zande language spoken in the Northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
wuri Tupuri
Tupuri (or Toupouri) is a language mostly spoken in the Mayo-Kebbi Est Region of Southern Chad and in small parts of Northern Cameroon.
wuru; wi Laa Laa Bwamu
Burkina Faso
wusaweise Buja Bumba Yamoloto
the Democratic Republic of Congo
uia; oyi Kota
Kota is a language of the Dravidian language family with about 900 native speakers in the Nilgiri hills of Tamil Nadu state, India.
ui Dyan
Burkina Faso
oyue Abure
Abure (Aboule, Abonwa, Akaplass) is a Tano language (Kwa, Niger-Congo) spoken near Abidjan in Cote d’Ivoire
oyuwo Ahanta
Gana (Africa). Western region: Takoradi to Princes Town. Southwest coast.
ovo Okpamheri
Okpamheri (Opameri) is an Edoid language of Nigeria.
omobaso: rE; risase; sase; yoba Ekegusii
a Bantu language of Kenya
loba Oroko
Oroko, also Bakundu-Balue or Balundu-Bima, is a Bantu dialect cluster spoken in Cameroon.
loe Tunia
Tunia is an Adamawa language of Chad.
lol Koke
Chad (Africa)
lol Noy
Noy, or Loo, is a nearly extinct language of Chad.
lolo Banda Yangere
Central African Republic (West of)
lolo Langbasi
Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo
lolo Mbanza
in the Nortern area of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
lom Yangkam
Yankam (Yangkam), or Bashar, is a moribund Plateau language of Nigeria.
ulom (?) Ahwai
Ahwai is one of the Plateau languages of Nigeria. There are three mutually intelligible dialects, Ndun (Nandu), Nyeng (Ningon), and Shakara (Tari).
ulom Ndun
One of the Plateau language (the centre of Nigeria)
ulom Shakara
One of the Plateau language (the centre of Nigeria)
ulom Pe
Pe, also spelled Pai, is a minor Plateau language of Nigeria.
ule Nzakara
Nzakara (Ansakara, N’sakara, Sakara, Zakara) is a Zande language spoken in eastern Central African Republic, spilling over into the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
ulenji Cicipu
(Hausa family) Cicipu is a Benue-Congo language spoken in Northwest Nigeria.
olum Eggon
Eggon (also Egon, Ero, Mo Egon, Hill Mada, or Mada Eggon) is one of the Benue–Congo languages spoken in Nigeria. The Eggon language is spoken by a large number of people in Nassarawa State in Central Nigeria.
olu Igala
a Volta-Niger language. It is spoken by the Igala ethnic group of Nigeria.
alum Tarok
One of the Plateau language (the centre of Nigeria)
lu Gengle
Kugama, or Gengle, is an Adamawa language of Nigeria.
lu Kumba
Kumba, also known as Sate and Yofo, is an Adamawa language of Nigeria.
lu Mambila
at the border of Nigeria and Cameroon
lu Yoti
Northeastern Nigeria
loo’aa Iraqw
Iraqw is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Tanzania in the Arusha Region.
olo Banda Ndele Ngao
the Central African Republic
olo Banda-Ndele
the Central African Republic
olo Gbi
The Gbi and Dorue language, also known as Gbee or Gbi and Dorue, is similar to the Krahn dialect/language of the Niger-Congo language family. It is spoken in Northern Liberia
olo Kpagua
in southern Central African Republic
lo Adi Galo
lo Banda
Central African republic (Africa)
lo Koro
Koro language may refer to. Koro language (India). Koro language (New Guinea). Koro language (Vanuatu). Koro language (Mande). Jilic languages (Nigeria). Koro Wachi language (Nigeria).
lo Mambila Atta
Mambila is a dialect chain stretching across Nigeria and Cameroon.
lo Ngbugu
an Ubangian language spoken in Central African Republic.
ya:nyo Bidyogo-2
Guinea and Guinea-Bissau
ya Akpafu
a language of Ghana, Africa
yaha Toro
Toro, also known as Turkwam, is a Plateau language of Nigeria.
yaka8 Nalu
Nalu (also known as Nalou) is an Atlantic language of Guinea and Guinea-Bissau in Africa.
yala-ka Longuda-Jungraithmayr
yane Kusu
Democratic Republic of the Congo
yaNg~e Tiv
Tiv is a Southern Bantoid language spoken in Nigeria
ayunn Jibu
Jibu is a Jukunoid language of Nigeria.
yantaNgwa, taNgwa Kongo Mboma
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kongo Central district)
yate; yEte Wan
Wan, or Nwa, is a Mande language of Cote d’Ivoire. Dialects are Miamu and Kemu.
yawasa Kela
Kela (Ikela, Okela, Lemba, Yela) is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of Congo
ye Eastern Karaboro
in the Southwestern region of Burkina Faso
ye Eho Mbo
Southern Cameroon
yea Dan
Dan is a Mande language spoken primarily in Cote d’Ivoire and Liberia (Africa).
yebe Gagu
Cote d’Ivoire
yebe Gbin
Gbin (Gbi) is an extinct Mande language of Cote d’Ivoire
yehi Batanga
This language is spoken in Cameroon.
yen; yen-u Gurma
Gur; Niger-Congo; Africa
yen Gourmanchema
Burkina Faso (Africa)
yEnE Mann
yeni Biali
at the border betwean Burkina Faso and Benin (Africa)
nyene (yEnE) Mano
The Mano language (also known as Maa, Mah, and Mawe) is a significant Mande language of Liberia and Guinea.
anaani Tee
ane Sengele Mbelo
Sengele is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
nyele Ntomba De Bikoro
Congo, Africa
nyElE Bolia Nsao
the Democratic Republic of Congo
ny~al Bedik
Senegal (Africa)
nyam Kwa Cameroon
nyama Nyong
Nyong (Daganyonga) is a Leko language spoken in two well-separated enclaves in Cameroon and Nigeria.
nya Tetela Yyondo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
nya Tetela
Tetela (Otetela, Kitetela, Kikitatela), also Sungu, is a Bantu language of Northern Kasai-Oriental Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
nyambi, nzambi Bacongo
Angola (*).
nyanga; taNa Laali Teke
nyangou Eshira
This language is spoken in the South of Gabon.
nyaNgu (niaNgu) Varama
Varama (Barama) is a Bantu language of Gabon.
nyaNgu Sangu (ycue naiao)
Sangu language may refer to: Sangu language (Gabon) of Gabon (also spelled Chango, Isangu, Shango, Yisangou, and Yisangu). Sangu language (Tanzania) of Tanzania (also spelled Eshisango, Kisangu, Rori, Sangu, Sango).
nyaNgu Vungu
Vungu, or Vumbu, is a Bantu language of Gabon.
5alokha; nyalaka Longuda-Meek
5alokha Longuda
nyalaka; yalaka Hill Dialect
Dialect of Longuda language (Nigeria)
ny~em Mundani
Mundani is a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon.
ny3 Kucu Wela Ankutcu
Democratic Republic of the Congo
eyia Abron
Eastern Cote d’Ivoire
yenu Bimoba
Gur; Niger-Congo; Africa
yeretE Mwa
Mwa (Mwan, Mouan, Muan, Muana, Mona) is a Mande language of Cote d’Ivoire.
yeso Kako Batouri
yeso Kako
yi Lyele
The Lyele language (Lele) is spoken in the Sanguie Province of Burkina Faso
yi Nkami
Nkami is a Guang language of Ghana.
yidE Yaure
Yaure is a Mande language of Cote d’Ivoire. Dialects are Klan, Yaan, Taan, Yoo, Bhoo.
yigidi Nupe
Nupe is a Volta-Niger language of the Nupoid branch primarily spoken by the Nupe people of the Middle Belt region of Nigeria.
yigw~ye Beng
Cote d’Ivoire (Africa)
yila Nafaara
Nafaanra (sometimes written Nafaara) is a Senufo language spoken in Northwest Ghana, along the border with Cote d’Ivoire, east of Bondoukou.
yili Guro
Cote d’Ivoire
yili Kweni
Cote d’Ivoire (Cote d’Ivoire, Africa)
yinu Wapha
Wapha, or Wase after the district in which it is spoken, is a Jukunoid language of Nigeria.
yiri Ko Winye
Burkina Faso
yiro We Southern
(or — Zagna) Cote d’Ivoire (Africa)
yitu Ojila
(Abukeia, Avukaya) A language of South Sudan
yl3 Dida Yocoboue
Cote d’Ivoire
ylo** Yocoboue
Yocoboue is also known as Guitry, Gakpa, Goudou (Gudu), and Kagwe. Cote d’Ivoire (Africa)
ylu Godie
Kru; Niger-Congo; Africa
мroy Iten
One of the Plateau language (the centre of Nigeria)
oorun; orun Yoruba
the Niger-Congo language spoken in Benin, Nigeria, Togo.
eokwan (equan) Nauruan
a Micronesian language spoken in Nauru, an island nation in the Micronesian South Pacific. It has 6,000 speakers, approximately 50% of the population.
dzang; fai Sirzakwai (or Warji)
West Chadic language. The Sirzakwai language is spoken in Bauchi State, Darazo LGA, Ganjuwa district, and Ningi LGA, Warji district and in Jigawa State, Birnin Kudu LGA.
daarang Kushi (= Goji)
one of the West Chadic languages
yegi; yedjii Menda
North West Province, Cameroon
gedzii Awi
North West Province, Cameroon
geji Egbeachuk
North West Province, Cameroon
tintsi Emuah
North West Province, Cameroon
it7iZ Greater Kabylia at Mangellat
Berber language in Northern Africa
tsi Isu
tsisi Bantakpa
tsisi Bantu
tsisi Kunku
Nothern Gambia (Africa)
si Makary Kotoko
Camerunian branch
so Baatonum
the language of the Bariba people of Benin and Nigeria
soaea Mbodomo
Camerunian branch (Gbaya-Manza-Ngbaka; Niger-Congo; Africa)
shi.kun’umu — sunset Yeyi
Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa
ese; kanga Koyo (Ekoyo, Kouyou)
ese; isi Ghadames
one of the berber languages at the junction of the Lybia, Tunis and Algeria borders.
ese Likoka
Democratic Republic of the Congo (on the border with Congo)
ese Mboshi Ngolo
ese Mboshi Olee
eso Gyele
eSu Boki
at the border of Nigeria and Cameroon (Africa)
eSaragab Mboandem
Nigeria (on the border with Cameroon)
osoro Akum
a Nigerian language. At least six languages are either linguistically or geographically close to Akum. These languages are: Beezen, spoken in the Cameroonian village of Kpek; Isu, a dialect of Aghem spoken in the village of Isu; Jukun (listed in ALCAM as Njikum 701), a Nigerian language spoken in Fru Bana; and the three Nigerian languages of Nsн, Lidzi, and Lisa, spoken in villages of the same names.
saNg~e Njwande
Southern Taraba State, Nigeria
gwewulen Kamino
Southern Taraba State, Nigeria
ekwen/ekwe Buru
Southern Taraba State, Nigeria
ezai Bilma Kanuri
Niger (Africa)
eyi Esimbi
Niger, Congo
eyi Kupa
eyi Oko Osanye Eni
eyefi Ega
Cote d’Ivoire (Kwa; Niger-Congo; Africa)
mmok Kenyang
Cameroon (Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa)
mok Central Kenyang
Cameroon (Africa)
mok Haut Kenyang
Cameroon (Africa)
mog Bas Kenyang
Cameroon (Africa)
mo Rogo
Rogo (also Urogo, Burogo, Ucanja Kamuku) is a Kainji language of Nigeria.
Moi (Mui; mEi) Gando
Central African Republic, on the border with Congo
moese; moi; mwese Lingala
The language is used in Zaire on North and south banks of Congo river. The central group of Congo zone of Bantu language family. Trere are about one million of speakers. As they say, ‘Lingala language is a mediator, formed by Bobanga and Ngala languages mixing’.
mae Tur (Hdi)
Cameroon, Nigeria
mamai Gamo Ningi
moi Bene Bomitaba
Northern area of the Congo
moi Boleke Bomitaba
moi Bondeko Bomitaba
moi Botala Bomitaba
the Epena district of Northern Congo
moi Liouesso Bomitaba
in the Northern area of Congo
moi Matoko Bomitaba
moi Impfondo
mone Boa Abamake
on the North of the Democratic Republic of Congo
mone Boa Babanda
on the North of the Democratic Republic of Congo
mone Boa Buta
on the North of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Mone Lebeo
the Democratic Republic of Congo, in the Northern part of the Tshopo privince
mone Pagibete
Pagibete is a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
mlo Tikar Akuen
mwot A51 Bafia Tumi Tingon
The Bafia language is a Bantu language spoken by 60,000 people in Cameroon
m3now Bambalang
manda Himba
in Southern Angola
omanda Tsogo
Tsogo (Getsogo) is a Bantu language of Gabon. It is one of the principal languages of the Babongo Pygmies.
minyeri Barein
Chad (Africa)
minzeri Komiya (dialect of the Barein language)
the language in south central Chad (Africa)
molEngi (lENg~i) Kundu
Cameroon (Africa)
monto*n Southern Birifor
Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire
mpumtentshwi** Akanunku
Cameroon, Central Africa, Africa
empum Baraka
North West Province, Cameroon
ompum Achama
North West Province, Cameroon
empumetche Tanka
North West Province, Cameroon
chue; iichfi-iyvi Kom
eoooe Mpyemo
Camerunian branch
ooacoa Nomaande
Camerunian branch
ongona Tuki
Camerunian branch (Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa)
pac Mbuko
Camerunian branch
pat Dangla
Dangaleat (also known as Dangla, Danal, Dangal) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in central Chad.
pat Mabire
Central African Republic
pat Merey
Camerunian branch
pat Zulgo
Northern Cameroon
pat Nge
(!) Southern Laos
pac (pats) Mafa-Magumaz
Northern Cameroon
pato Bidiyo
Bidiyo (also known as Bidyo, Bidio, Bidiyo, Bidiyo-Waana, Bidiya) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in south central Chad.
pato Migama
Migaama (also known as Migama, Jongor, Djonkor, Dionkor, Dyongor, Djonkor About Telfane) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in central Chad.
pats Mafa-Matakam-Mofa
pats Mafa-Sulede
pats Mefele
Mefele is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Northern Cameroon.
pats Northern Mafa
paya Gidar
the language of the tribe at the Northern Cameroon
pedi Dass Dwat
pedo Mokulu
Mokilko, or Mukulu (also known as Gergiko, Guerguiko, Mokoulou, Djonkor Guera, Dyongor Guera, Diongor Guera, Jonkor-Gera), is a Chadic language spoken in central Chad.
piCi Wamdiu
puCi Hildi
Northern Nigeria
puCi Kwaami
The Kwaami language (also known as Komawa, Kwam, Kwamanchi, Kwami, or Kwom) is a West Chadic language spoken in Bauchi State, Nigeria, near the city of Gombe.
p3Ci Kilba (Huba)
pisi Gera
Gera (also known as Gerawa) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Nigeria.
pizi Galambu
Galambu (also known as Galambi, Galambe, Galembi) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Nigeria.
pido Saba
Saba is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in south central Chad.
piji Kubi
pila Proto-Togo
pio Sokoro
Sokoro is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in central Chad.
pis (bis) Sakun (Sukur)
Spoken in Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria.
pis Goemai
West Chadic; Afro-Asiatic; Africa
pas Cuvok
Cuvok is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Northern Cameroon.
pas Mofu
an Chadic language spoken in Northern Cameroon.
pas Mofu-Gudur
Mofu-Gudur, or South Mofu, is an Chadic language spoken in Northern Cameroon.
pit Polci Buli
piTada Pajade
Pajade (Badyara) is a Senegambian language of Guinea and Guinea-Bissau.
pite Dyarim
Central Nigeria
pite Zul
One of the West Chadic languages mainly spoken in Zul village near Zaranda Mountain in Nigeria.
putE Polci Zul
pute Aka Kol
The Kol were one of the indigenous peoples of the Andaman Islands (India).
pute Oko Juwoi
The Juwoi language, Oko-Juwoi (also Junoi), is an extinct Great Andamanese language, of the Central group. It was spoken in the west central and southwest interior of Middle Andaman.
pute** Dira
Burkina Faso? Africa.
pus Shall
spoken in Shall village in Bauchi State, Central Nigeria.
pus Zwall
spoken in Lere district, Central Nigeria.
pus Miship
pus Mupun
pus Chip
eastern regions of Nigeria
pus Ngas
Ngas, or Angas, is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Plateau State, Nigeria.
pori Kanakuru
(or Dera), is a West Chadic language of Nigeria.
poti Maaka (Maha)
A language of north-easter Nigeria
poti Bole
one of the Yobe languages, Nigeria
p-u:wi Tegem
Tegem, also Jebel Tekeim, is a Niger-Congo language spoken in Kordofan, Sudan.
puwu El Amira
Amira, also Jebel el Amira, is a Niger-Congo language spoken in Kordofan, Sudan.
pu Adangme
Adangme (also called Dangme), is a Kwa language spoken in south-eastern Ghana by 800,000 people.
pud’iyo Ubi
Ubi (also known as Oubi) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in central Chad.
pandE Bom Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone (Africa)
pa Dompo
Ghana, Africa
pa Bodo
East of Central African Republic
paleN Kissi (Kisi)
Northern Kissi spoken in Guinea and Sierra Leone. Southern Kissi spoken in Liberia and Sierra Leone.
passar Meidob Nubian
passar Meidob
Meidob (also spelt Midob) is the language of the Midob people of North Darfur, Sudan.
epeni Gonja
Ghana, Africa
epepe Ibani
pidii Polci
pw~os Bonek
pyon Kwa Nigeria
pri Bura
in the north-eastern part of Nigeria
t-εŋən Ko (Winye)
Gur; Niger-Congo; Africa
tεle Numu
The Jogo or Numu languages are at least a pair of closely related Mande languages, Ligbi of Ghana and the extinct Tonjon of Cote d’Ivoire.
th~aNg~u Beembe
th~e Central Koma
South Sudan (Upper Nile province)
TiNg~i Jomang
Northern Sudan
TiNg~i Nding
Nding is an extinct Niger-Congo language in the Talodi family of Kordofan, Sudan.
TiNg~i Tocho
Tocho (Tacho) is a Niger-Congo language in the Talodi family spoken in Kordofan, Sudan.
tjini (Cini) Lumun
Northern Sudan
tiri Ruumbu Kimwaansa
Congo (Africa)
Tiro Glio Oubi
Cote d’Ivoire (on the border with Liberia)
tre Kanikakan
Cote d’Ivoire, Africa
Tru Wobe
Wobe (Ouobe) is a Kru language spoken in Cote d’Ivoire.
tyeli; muji Fumu
Ti; T3 Nyangi
Once spoken in Uganda.
ti Lendu
The Lendu, or Balendru, are an ethno-linguistic agriculturalist group residing in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo in the area west and Northwest of Lake Albert, specifically the Ituri Region of Orientale Province.
tiloo (tili) Mandinka
The Mandinka language (Mandingo) is one of the Mande languages spoken by millions of Mandinka people in Mali, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea and Cote d’Ivoire.
tle Jula Vehiculaire
Cote d’Ivoire
tili Xasonke
a language spoken by the Khassonke of western Mali and by the Malinke of eastern Senegal. Kassonke is a national language in Mali.
tili Xaasongaxango
Xaasongaxango is a Manding-West language spoken on the border of Mali and Senegal.
tili Maninkakan Kita
in the Southwestern Mali (Africa)
tile Bambara [bam]
Major language of Mali, West Africa.
tilo; ley Balanta Ganja
Guinea Bassau (Western Africa)
ley; tilo Ganja
Fganja (Ganja). A separate language from Balanta-Kentohe in Guinea-Bissau.
lella Bua
The Bua language is spoken North of the Chari River around Korbol and Gabil in Chad (Africa).
lem Tapshin
the Sur language, spoken in Tapshin village in Bauchi State, Nigeria.
lemi Kesukuma
lere Yamdena
Yamdena is an Austronesian language of the Maluku Islands in Indonesia.
letu Burunge
Southern Cushitic; Afro-Asiatic; Africa
wil (?) Amanda
Southern Taraba State, Nigeria
wintoxo; windiga; wEnde; sore Mooré (Moore)
Burkina Faso
noyn; woyn Songhay of Hombori
(Humburi Senni) Burkina Faso, West Africa
wuntana Dagbani
(wuntoju — archaic form of wuntaia); a Gur language spoken in Ghana
wunto Kamara
Ghana (Africa)
wuntENE Mampruli
Mamprusi is a Gur language spoken in Northern Ghana by the Mamprusi people.
wont~aNa; wunte:ŋa Frafra
Frafra or Farefare, also known as Gurene, is the language of the Frafra people of Northern Ghana, particularly the Upper East Region, and Southern Burkina Faso. (Other names and dialects are Booni, Gudeni, Gudenne, Gurne, Gurune, Naani, Nankana, Nankani, Nankanse, Talene, Talensi, Talni, Zuadeni).
wayno, wayna Zarma
Language specific to Niger (Songhay; Nilo-Saharan; Africa)
wayna Tasawaq
Tasawaq (Tuareg name: Tesawaq), sometimes also called Ingelshi, is a Northern Songhay language spoken by the Issawaghan (or Ingalkoyyu), a community surrounding the town of Ingal in Niger.
woyna; woynow Koroboro Senni
Mali (Africa)
w*oynE Tondi Songway Kiini
Tondi Songway Kiini is a variety of Southern Songhai spoken in several villages in the area of Kikara, Mali, about 120 km west of Hombori.
woyne Koyra Chiini
Spoken in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. (Songhay; Nilo-Saharan; Africa)
woynE Djenne Chiini
Mali (Africa)
wayni Tadaksahak
The Dawsahak language, Tadaksahak (also Daoussahak, Dausahaq) is a Songhay language spoken by the pastoralist Idaksahak of the Menaka area of Mali.
weyno Dendi
Dendi is a Songhay language used as a trade language across Northern Benin
we*nE Ninkare
Burkina Faso
wende Notre
Ghana ot Benin (?)
we, webu, wia Kassem
Burkina Faso
wia Sissala
Burkina Faso
wu Dwang
Ghana (Africa)
wu Gupa Abawa
wuln-; wuntan-a Dagbani
Dagbani (Dagbane), also known as Dagbanli and Dagbanle, is a Gur language spoken in Ghana.
wuluŋu Hanga
Ghana (Africa)
wulu Geme
Geme is a Zande language spoken in two small villages of the Central African Republic.
welgwan Afi/Amanda
Southern Taraba State, Nigeria
ewu Akpes
Akpes is a dialect cluster spoken in Nigeria that forms a branch of the Volta–Niger languages; Benue-Congo family
ewu Akunnu
Nigeria, Africa
anw~u Igbo Onitsha
a5anw~u Echie
the Echie language, spoken in Southern Nigeria.
ewu Akunuu Akpes
Benue-Congo family: Akpes group
ewu Ekiromi Akpes
Benue-Congo family: Akpes group
ewu Kakanda
evi Ikpana
Logba is a Kwa language spoken in the south-eastern Ghana by approximately 7,500 people.
evonlen Esan
ewe Ajagbe
(Aja) Benin (in South-western area), Togo (in South-eastern area).
ewe Mina
This language is spoken in the South of Benin, Ghana and Togo.
ewe; 3wo; x3 Kotafon Gbe
Benin (Africa)
ewi Gua-1
Ghana ?
Ewir Ikaan
EwiS Isheu
EwiS Iyinno
ewui; εwi Gua
Gua (Gwa) is a Guang language spoken by 180,000 in coastal Ghana.
Ewui Hill Guang
Ghana (Africa)
ewuTen Mbembe
Mbembe is a Cross River language of Nigeria.
ojw~i; ewi Awutu
Awutu is a Guang language spoken by 180,000 in coastal Ghana.
ojw~i Efutu
Ghana, at the Atlantic seashore
oji Kota Mandungwe
Gabon (Africa)
uva Isukha
the Democratic Republic of the Congo
uva Tikuu
Tanzania (at the Indian ocean seashore in front of Zanzibar island)
uvo; oren Urhobo
Urhobo is one of the Edoid languages and is spoken by the Urhobo people of Southern Nigeria.
uvon Epie
uw; u’w-a Kunama-Ilit
a divergent variety of Kunama (western Eritrea)
uw Ilit
Eritrea (Africa)
uwa; b’a Lengola
Democratic Republic of the Congo
uwa; katE Kiluba
Democratic Republic of the Congo
uwa Kimatengo
uwa Machame
uwa Mbukushu
in the Eastern area of Namibia
uwa Mwani
uwa Mwera
uwey Rukul
Barkul village in Plateau State, Nigeria
uwi Horom
a Plateau language of Nigeria.
uwienu Mbelime
Mbelime, or Niende, is a Gur language of Benin.
weNu (wenji) Nateni
Nateni (Natemba) is a language of the Gurma people spoken in Benin.
uwoi Janji
u-ye Gangam
Ngangam (Gangam) is a language of the Gurma people spoken in Togo and Benin.
uye Shau
Shau (Sho), or Lishau, is a nearly extinct Kainji language of Nigeria.
uyuen Iguta
vəcəya Wandala
Wandala, also Mandara or Mura’, is an Afro-Asiatic language of Cameroon and Nigeria.
v3Ci (vewci) Psikye-Higi Kamale
Nigeria and North Western Cameroon
v3Ci Fali Gili
Northeast of Nigeria (the border with Cameroon)
v3Ci Fali Kiriya
Northeast of Nigeria (the border with Cameroon)
v3Ci Futu
the language at the Eastern Nigeria
v3Ci Kamale
at the border between Nigeria and Cameroon
v3Ci Kamwe-Fali Gili
v3Ci Kamwe-Higi Futu
v3Ci Kamwe-Higi-Nkafa
v3Ci Nkafa
wese; wese soe Ngbaka
wese Bokoto
Central African republic
wese Gbaya Bozoum
Central African republic
wese Gbeya Bossangoa
Gbaya-Manza-Ngbaka; Niger-Congo; Africa
wese Gbeya
Gbaya-Manza-Ngbaka; Niger-Congo; Africa
wese Kara Bodoe
the language of the tribe in the West of Central African Republic
wese Manza
Central African Republic
wese Mboshi Bunji
wese Ngbaka Manza
Central African Republic
wese Yaayuwee
(Northwest Gbaya) Cameroon (Africa)
wasa Mbesa
Democratic Republic of the Congo
viCi Bazza
viCi Kamwe-Fali Kiria
viCi Kamwe-Higi-Baza
v3n (n3; bv3n); tyal Lwel Kilori
Democratic Republic of the Congo
bv3n Dzing Bisey
Democratic Republic of the Congo
bv3n Dzing Sedzo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
bvan (bvEn) Dzing
Democratic Republic of the Congo
??? Bina
Cameroon (at the Atlantic coast)
vE Ikposo
Togo (Africa)
vena Ngz (?)
Congo ??? Africa
vi-an Eton
Eton, or Iton, is a Bantu language spoken by the Eton people of Cameroon
vian Ewondo
Ewondo or Kolo is the language of the Ewondo people (more precisely Beti be Kolo or simply Kolo-Beti) of Cameroon.
vian Mengisa
Cameroon (Africa)
viE Fang Meke
Central region of Gabon (Africa)
Vina Mbingi
the Democratic Republic of Congo, province Kasai
vivat Fyer
Fyer (also known as Fier) is a West Chadic language spoken in Plateau State, Nigeria.
vuŋwasə Mbu’
Mbu’, or Ajumbu, is a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon.
vun Ding
Democratic Republic of the Congo
vuna (dwa) Tiene
Tiene (Tiini), or Tende, is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
vya; wya Baoule
the Niger-Congo family of languages
wya (vya) Baule
Cote d’Ivoire (Africa)
vyE Fang Souanke
Central region of Gabon (Africa)
vyEn Fang Ntumu
Central region of Gabon (Africa)
vyn Dzing Kaantsa
Democratic Republic of the Congo
vyosa Sekiyani
Equatorial Guinea, Gabon
w? Koshin
Koshin is a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon
w3 Kasem
Burkina Faso
wa; mezi ba iba Mwini
wa Lokele Yepoloma
Democratic Republic of the Congo
wa Lolo
wane; bo5ElE Bolia
Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa
wane Bira
on the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo (on the border with Uganda)
wani Bira Miala Bunia
on the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo (on the border with Uganda)
wani Bira Sedzabo
on the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo (on the border with Uganda)
war Tewa Deing
The Tewa language is spoken in seven Pueblos in the Southwest United States. There are six Tewa speaking Pueblos in the Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico consisting of Nambe, Ohkay Owingeh, Pojoaque, Santa Clara, San Ildefonso and Tesuque.
wElgw~an Afi Amanda
wE*i* Pana
Pana is an Mbum language of the Central African Republic.
wey Mansoanka
Guinea Bissau
wei Bakole
Cameroon (at the Atlantic seashore)
wei Duala
Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa
wei Epena Bomitaba
Nothern Congo
wei Ibolo Bambomba Bomitaba
wei Itanga Bomitaba
wei Koundoumou Bambomba Bomitaba
wi; windi Gula Iro (self-name Kulaal)
in southern Chad
wi Natioro
Natioro (Natyoro), or Koo’ra, is a Niger-Congo language of Burkina Faso spoken by a caste of blacksmiths.
wi Tutrugbu
spoken in the Volta Region of Ghana
wia Sisaala Tumulung
Sisaala (Sissala) is a Gur language cluster spoken in Ghana near the town of Tumu and in the neighbouring republic of Burkina Faso.
wini Zoombo 2
Northern Angola
winiN Kusaal
Kusaal, or Kusasi (Qusasi), is a Gur language spoken primarily in Northern Ghana.
dy~ugan; too-kun; wingin Gadang
Gadang is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in southwestern Chad.
wira (?) Kikuyu
(Gikuyu) is a language of the Bantu family in central region of Kenya.
wi-ri Lobi
Lobi (also Miwa and Lobiri) is a Gur language of Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana.
wis3 Bu
wisE7 Paasaal
Paasaal, or Pasaale Sisaala (Southern Sisaala) is a Gur language of Ghana, with a thousand speakers in Cote d’Ivoire.
wisi Kabiye
Togo (Africa)
wise; wo Bu
Bu-Ninkada (Ibut, Abu, Jida) is a Plateau language of Nigeria.
wiye Wara
Wara is an alternative name for either of these two Niger-Congo languages of Burkina Faso: Samwe language. Paleni language.
wo Mundabli
Mundabli is a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon.
wos Nyokon
The Nyokon language, also known as Nyo’o, is a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon.
wos Yambeta
Yambeta is a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon.
wo li Bomu
This language is spoken in Mali (near the border with Burkina Faso)
wuo Cung
Cung (Chung) is a dialect of an Eastern Beboid language of Cameroon.
d’hwcn C’Lela
taba Gabri
the Tandjile Region of Chad.
taNli Ipulo
Ipulo, or Assumbo, is a Tivoid language of Cameroon. The rather divergent dialects are Olulu and Tinta/Etongo.
tabəra Mser
Mser, or Kousseri (Kuseri), is a moribund Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Northern Cameroon and southwestern Chad.
tari Mbede
(also Ambede, Limbede, Mbere and Mbete) Bantu language in Congo, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon
tari Mbede—Gabon
Bantu language (Gabon, Africa)
tari Nduumo Kuya
Gabon (Africa)
tari Ndumu
Nduumo (Mindumbu) is a Bantu language spoken in Gabon.
tal Boghom
Boghom (also known as Bogghom, Bohom, Burom, Burum, Burrum, Burma, Borrom, Boghorom, Bokiyim) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Plateau State, Nigeria.
tele Gbelebankakan
North-western region of Ivory Coast (Africa)
tele Bodugukakan
North-western region of Ivory Coast (Africa)
tele Folokakan
North-western region of Ivory Coast (Africa)
tali Mbamba Liweme (Lembaamba, Mbaama, Mbama, Mbamba, Obamba)
Congo (Africa)
tali; muyi Mbamba
Gabon (Africa)
tali Mbamba Sibiti
Congo (Africa)
tali Ndouba
Congo ?
tali Nkomo Kelle
Congo ?
tali Nkomo Ololi
Congo ?
tali Ntsiami
Congo ?
tali Obaa
Congo ?
tali Obeli
Congo ?
tali Oyabi
Congo ?
tali Oyuomi Mbama
Mbaama (Lembaamba) is a Bantu language spoken in the Bambama District (Lekoumou Region) of the Republic of Congo and in Haut-Ogooue Province, south of Okondja, in Gabon by the Obamba people. (?)
tali Oyuomi Tcherre
Congo ?
tali Yaba Mbeti
Cuvette-Ouest Department, Republic of the Congo
tali Sakata Kibai
DR Congo
tali Teke Omvula
in the South of the Congo
mhi; tali Kukuya
tale Ligbi
Ligbi (or Ligby) is a Mande language spoken in Ghana in the North-west corner of the Brong-Ahafo Region. Ligbi is spoken by approximately 10,000 speakers (1988). It is fairly closely related to Jula, Vai and Kono.
tala Ngungwel
Ngungwel (also known as Engungwel, Ngangoulou, Ngangulu, Ngungulu, Northeastern Teke) is a language of Congo.
tal Boghom
tal Kir Balar
tal Mangas
ital Nzadi
Nzadi is a Bantu language spoken in Congo.
itaN Bushong
Bushong (Bushoong) is a Bantu language of the Kasai region of Democratic Republic of the Congo.
taj Kete Ipila
Democratic Republic of the Congo
taj Salampasu
Democratic Republic of the Congo
tam Mono
Mono language (Congo), a Ubangian language spoken by 65,000 people in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Mono language (Cameroon)
tam3z3 Manta
Manta (Anta, Banta) is a Grassfields language of Cameroon.
taN Ngongo
Southern Democratic Republic of Congo.
tang Yanz Kibongo
a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo
tang Tsambaan Yanz
Democratic Republic Congo
taNg~o (taNo) Ndonga
Ndonga, also called Oshindonga, is a Bantu language spoken in Namibia and parts of Angola.
taNg~o Yaka Sud
The South-western area of Democratic Republic of the Congo
taNk~u; taNw~a Yaka
Yaka, also spelled Iaca and Iyaka, is a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola.
taNu Yaka Pelende
the Democratic Republic of Congo
tangu Sonde Feshi
the Democratic Republic of the Congo
tangu Tsaangi
Tsaangi (Tsangui) is a Bantu language spoken in Gabon and the Republic of Congo.
tangu Zoombo
tangu Ibongo
tangu Kongo Manyanga
tangu Mbagani
Democratic Republic of the Congo
tangu Kunyi
tangu Lumbu
tangu; taNwa Lwalwa
Democratic Republic of the Congo
tangu; muimi, imi (ini) Laadi
Tango (taNgu) Lele Luhileel
the Democratic Republic of Congo
tangu; gwisi; gwisi diumbi Punu
Punu is a Bantu language spoken in Gabon
tenya Sonde Gisoondi
The South-West of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
tangwa Sonde Kiluwa
The South-West of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
tangwa Kongo San Salvador
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kongo Central district)
tangwa Suku
Suku is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
tangwa Mbunda Gangela
West of Zambia
taNgw$a; Ng~amb~a Yaka Yaf
the Democratic Republic of Congo
tankwa (taNgwa) Wongo
Wongo is a Bantu language in Kasai-Occidental Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
dangwa Kwezo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
tangwa Ciokwe
Democratic Republic of the Congo
taNw~a Ngangela
taNwa Ilebo
the Democratic Republic of Congo
toNga (tonka); wE*sE Sake
Shake (Sake) is an undocumented and threatened Bantu language spoken in Gabon.
tond~E Bakossi
taga Kari
at the border of Central African Republic and Democratic Republic of the Congo
litadi; tadi; yi Duma
Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Gabon, Africa
tadi Ndasa
Ndasa is a Bantu language spoken in Gabon and the Congo.
cuba; danga; jani; tadi; tango; tanya Proto-Bantu
tanya; tangwa Mbunda
West of Zambia
tanga (tang) Mput
Democratic Republic of the Congo
taNga Kwambi
North of Namibia
ntangu Kikongo
Kongo or Kikongo is one of the Bantu languages and is spoken by the Kongo and Ndundu people living in the tropical forests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
ntangu Kituba
Creoles and Pidgins; other; Africa
ta ngu Hangala
taN; taNa Hungana
Democratic Republic of the Congo
taN Mbuun Labaempi
Democratic Republic of the Congo
taN Mbuun Mwilanbong
Democratic Republic of the Congo
taN Mpiin 2
Democratic Republic of the Congo
TanNa Senoufo Supyire
Supyire, or Suppire, is a Senufo language spoken in the Sikasso Region of southeastern Mali and in adjoining regions of Cote d’Ivoire, where it is known as Shempire (Syenpire).
tAnnga Bangi
The Bangi language, or Bobangi, is a relative and main lexical source of the Lingala language spoken in central Africa. Dialects of the language are spoken on both sides of the Ubangi and Congo Rivers.
taNu Bembe 2
taci; suyi; usa Wumbvu
Wumbvu (Wumvu) is a Bantu language spoken in Gabon and the Congo.
suy Lamnso’
Nso (Lamnso) is the language of the Nso people of western Cameroon.
Suy Lamnsoq
ta Sakata Kutu
DR Congo
ta; muani Yanz
Yans (Yanzi) is a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo
taZ Kete
Kete is a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
ta Yanz Kiyey
a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo
ta Yanz Kumakuma
a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo
ta Gule (a.k.a. Anej)
(Nilo-Saharan language) Sudan
ta Bayot
Guinea Bissau (Western Africa)
ta Langa
To; jo Mashi
Mashi (Kamaxi), or Kwandu, is a Bantu language of Zambia and Angola.
To Mashi Nigeria
Tob Basaa
Tol Nkim
Southeastern Nigeria
Tolo Bassa
Liberia (Africa)
otot Tunen
The Nen language, Tunen (Banen), is a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon.
otyo Sewe
Cameroon, Africa.
oTowi; ɔcwe Krachi
Krachi (Krache, Krakye) is a Guang language spoken by 58,000 in Ghana.
towi (towe) Nchumuru
Ghana (Africa)
ouwe Foodo
a Guang language spoken in and around the town of Semere in the North of Benin (Africa).
Cyowi Tchumbuli
Benin (Africa)
avaCa Jina
Jina (Zina) is a minor Afro-Asiatic language of Cameroon.
axaCo Birale (Birayle)
Birale (a.k.a. Ongota), a moribund language of Southwest Ethiopia
ayi Buduma
Biu-Mandara; Afro-Asiatic; Africa
ayro Afar
Afar is a Cushitic language spoken in Ethiopia, Djibouti and Eritrea
nag3; wuna:yi Biafada
Northern Atlantic; Niger-Congo; Africa
okobu (?) Fanya
Fania, Fagnan; also called Kulaale) is the Adamawa language in Chad (Africa).
kàdi Gulay
Gulay (Gulai, Gulei) is a Bongo-Bagirmi language of Chad.
k3Nal Kanuri
in the North-Eastern area of Nigeria
ka Lala-Roba
Lala-Roba (a.k.a. Gworam) is an Adamawa language of Nigeria. Its name is a compound of two of its dialects, Lala (Lalla), Roba (Robba), and Ebode.
kad Dagba
Central African Republic
kad3 (kadi) Mbai
Mbai, or Mbay, is a Bongo-Bagirmi language of Chad and the Central African Republic.
kad3; kadi Bediondo
Chad (Africa)
kadi Mango (??)
Chad, Africa
kad3 Bejond
Central African Republic
kada Bongo
South Sudan
kada Horo
Chad (Africa)
kada Modo (Jur Modo)
South Sudan
kada; sbabo Bongo (Bungu; Dor)
Bongo-Bagirmi; Nilo-Saharan; Southern Sudan, Africa
kaddy$a Formona
at the border of Chad and Sudan
kadeo siNoi Gulay
Southern Chad
kadja Kara
a language in Northern part of CAR (Africa)
kadra Baka Sudan
The South Sudan
kadra Gula Sara
Northern part of the Central African Republic
kadra Gula Zura
Central African Republic
kadra Sara
Southern Chad
kodru Fongoro
Fongoro is a minor Central Sudanic language at the junction of the borders of the Central African republic, Chad and Sudan
kw~adru (kw~odru) Gula Mere
The Northern province of the Central African Republic
kw~Era (kw~ara) Xamtanga
Xamtanga (also Agawinya, Khamtanga, Simt’anga, Xamir, Xamta) is a Central Cushitic language spoken in Ethiopia by the Xamir people.
kw~ara Proto-Northern-Agaw
kwara Kemant
Central Cushitic; Afro-Asiatic; Africa
kw~ara Bilen
The Bilen language is spoken by the Bilen people in and around the city of Keren in Eritrea and Kassala in eastern Sudan
kw~ara Bilin
Eritrea (Eastern Africa)
kw~o Bozo Hainyaho
Mali (Africa)
kaja Gula
There are several African languages called Gula: Three closely related Bua languages in Southern Chad. Two less closely related Bongo-Baguirmi languages: Gula language (Chad).
kaja Kaba Deme Sara
in southern Chad
kaja Kabadem
the Central African Republic
kadi (kad3) Gor
kaja Na Chad
The Southern Chad (Africa)
kaja Sara Kaba Naa
Southern Chad
kaja Yulu
a Central Sudanic language spoken by the Yulu people of South Sudan and the Central African Republic (CAR).
kala; kaya Kwama
Kwama (also Afan Mao, Amam, Gogwama, Goma, Gwama, Koma of Asosa, Nokanoka, North Koma, T’wa Kwama, Takwama) is a Koman language, spoken in the South Benishangul-Gumuz region of Ethiopia
kaya Northern Koma
kayaNa Bago Kusuntu
Togo (Western Africa)
kala Kuwaa
The Kuwaa language, also known as Belle, Belleh, Kowaao, and Kwaa, is a Kru language of the Niger-Congo language family.
kala7 Southern Koma
The Koma language is a member of the Duru branch of Savanna languages of Cameroon.
kaliku (kaliko) Tsamai
Tsamai (also known as Ts’amay, S’amai, Tamaha, Tsamako, Tsamakko, Bago S’amakk-Ulo) is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Ethiopia.
keteN (keteŋ) Landuma
Sierra Leone (Africa)
keteN Landoma
Guinea (Africa)
kh~itaN Bebe
Bebe, or Naami, is an Eastern Beboid language of Cameroon.
kia (kya) Dogoso
at the Southern area of Burkina Faso
kine Tima
Tima, also known as Domorik or Lomorik, is a Katla language spoken by the Tima people of Sudan.
kitu Agi
South Sudan.
kitu Kediru
South Sudan
kitu Lakamadi
South Sudan (Africa)
kitu Miza
South Sudan
kitu Logo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
kitu Wadi
South Sudan
kiye Soninke [snk]
language of Mali, West Africa.
ko- pl.; ya:nu**; n-o:ko** Bidyogo-Wilson
Guinea and Guinea-Bissau
kp~iro Viemo
Vyemo (Viemo), a.k.a. Vige, Vigue, Vigye, is a language of Burkina Faso
εhwεbε Ikwere
Ikwere (Ikwerre) is a language spoken primarily by the Ikwerre people who inhabit Rivers State, Nigeria.
kuari N Tairora
Australia and Oceania
kura; ui’ya Kunama
Kunama is spoken by the Kunama people of western Eritrea and just across the Ethiopian border.
kurah3 Zoe
kuwa Siwu
Siwu is spoken in the mountainous central part of the Volta Region of Ghana.
kara Bile
Bile is one of the Southern Bantoid Jarawan languages of Nigeria.
kara Beele
kar Ngambay
Ngambay is one of the major languages spoken by Sara people in southwestern Chad, Northeastern Cameroon and eastern Nigeria
kamkara Naba Kuka
Naba is a Nilo-Saharan language spoken by 300,000 people in Chad. Those who speak this language are called Lisi, a collective name for three closely associated ethnic groups, the Bilala, the Kuka and the Medogo.
kare Kaba
Chad and the Central African Republic.
kare Kabba
in the Northwestern Central African Republic
ukare ana Kudu Camo
kasa Mser
Northern Cameroon
kaSo To
To is an unclassified Mbum language of Northern Cameroon and the Central African Republic.
kaT; kaTa Bagirmi
(also Baguirmi) is the language of the Baguirmi people in the Southwestern Chad, belonging to the Nilo-Saharan family.
kaTan Sinyar
Shemya is the language of the Sinyar people. It is a Central Sudanic language spoken in Chad and formerly in Darfur, Sudan.
kaza Ndoka
CAR (Africa)
kaza Furu
Furu is a Central Sudanic language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
kaza Gula Car
the Northern area of the CAR (Africa)
kEm Kamba
Bantoid; Niger-Congo; Africa
ken Eregba
ken Kpan
kera Zaambo
kanga Koyo Ehambe Makua
Kanga Koyo Zwe
kangal Kanembu
Kanembu is a Nilo-Saharan language spoken in Chad by the Kanembu people.
kongal Manga
a Kanuri language of Eastern Niger
kantuen; we*n; we*nbiri Buli
A Gur language spoken in Ghana
kaNw East Limba
The Limba language, Hulimba, is an erstwhile Atlantic language of Sierra Leone. It is not closely related to other languages and appears to form its own branch of the Niger-Congo family.
ula Momi
la * Tenyer
Syer-Tenyer, or Western Karaboro, is a pair of Senufo dialects of Burkina Faso.
la Ngbandi
Ngbandi are the languages of Ngbandi people, widespread in the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
la* Yakouba
Ivory Coast (Africa)
la Ngbaka Kpala
the Central African Republic
la Ngbaka Pendi
Niger-Congo; Africa
la Sango
Sango (also spelled Sangho) is a creole language in the Central African Republic and the primary language spoken in the country.
la Yakoma
Yakoma people, an ethnic group mainly living in the Central African Republic. Yakoma language, spoken by the Yakoma people and others.
l3 Nizaa
Suga, also known as Galim, Nyemnyem, and Nizaa, is a Mambiloid language of Cameroon.
l3mu Bwe
The Sino-Tibetan family
l3juwai Bengru Hruso
North-West part of India
lay Diola Fogny
Language spoken in Senegal (Northern Atlantic; Niger-Congo; Africa)
lεta Komso
Komso (Konso, Khonso, also Af Kareti, Afa Karatti, Conso, Gato, Karate, Kareti) is a Lowland East Cushitic language spoken in southwest Ethiopia.
lab Wamey
Wamey (Meyny), or Konyagi (Conhague, Coniagui, Koniagui), is a Senegambian language of Senegal and Guinea.
ldama Sampur
le:hn Balanta
Balanta is a Bak language of west Africa spoken by the Balanta people.(?)
leku; nego; neiko Mangbetu
Mangbetu, or Nemangbetu, is one of the most populous of the Central Sudanic languages. It is spoken by the Mangbetu people of Northeastern Congo.
neiko Asoa
Asoa (also known as Asua, Asuae, Asuati, Aka), is a Central Sudanic language spoken by the Mbuti Pygmies known as the Asua.
l-iŋεn (liNEn); gy~E Laru
Laru (Laro, also Shen) is a minor Kainji language of Nigeria.
liNEn Laru Sudan
Nothern Sudan
liwule Avatime
Kwa; Niger-Congo; Africa (West Central Ghana)
liyuva; juva Gciriku
Gciriku or Dciriku (Diriku) or Dirico (in Angola), also known as Manyo or Rumanyo, is a Bantu language spoken by 305,000 people along the Okavango River in Namibia, where it is a national language, in Botswana, and in Angola.
lula Lua Niellim
lw~i Kpasham
lyowa Isanzu
echekira Mbembe
erein Mein
the language of the Niger Delta, Nigeria
tsa:ka, addo Dahalo
Kenya (Southern Cushitic; Afro-Asiatic; Africa)
atshiwi**; hyaNg~a Bum
Bantu language of Cameroon
atyi Qhalaxarzi (Kgalagadi)
Kgalagadi is one of the Bantu languages spoken in Botswana, along the South African border and in Namibia.
te; ti Korokakan
the language of the tribe in the North-Western Cote d’Ivoire (Africa)
te Bolon
Bolon is a Manding language of Burkina Faso.
te Finangakan
the language of the tribe in the North-Western Cote d’Ivoire (Africa)
te Kono
The Kono language is a language spoken in Sierra Leone by the Kono people.
te Marka
Burkina Faso (on the border with Mali
te Mauka
West of Cote d’Ivoire (Africa)
te Maukakan
West of Cote d’Ivoire
te Sanga
Democratic Republic of the Congo
te Tenengakan
the language in the Northwestern part of the Cote d’Ivoire (Africa)
te Vai
The Vai language, also called Vy or Gallinas, is a Mande language spoken by the Vai people in Liberia and in Sierra Leone.
tedi Ndjabi
Gabon (Africa)
tedi Iwum Wuumbu Sud Teke
in the South of the Congo
T’EhEd Argobba
Argobba is spoken by about 40,000 people in an area North-east of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. It is a member of the Southern branch of Semitic languages and has four main dialects: Harar (extinct), Aliyu Amba, Shewa Robit and Shonke.
tekeli Luluba
Alternate names: Lolubo, Luluba, Lulubo, Olu’bo, Olubogo, Oluboti, Ondoe. Where spoken: South Sudan.
tEl Ingassana
tElE Jeri Kuo
Cote d’Ivoire (Africa)
tele Kuranko
Sierra-Leone (Africa)
tele Lele
Democratic Republic of the Congo, a Bantu language.
tele Malinke
Southwestern Mali (Africa)
tElE Mfinu Kifulunga
at the western part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
tele Mixifore
Guinea (Africa)
tele Nowolokakan
Cote d’Ivoire (Africa)
tele Tudugukakan
Northern-Western Cote d’Ivoire (Africa)
tele Vandugukakan
Northern-Western Cote d’Ivoire (Africa)
tele Western Maninkakan
Western Maninkakan is a Manding language spoken in Senegal, Gambia and Mali.
telee Vai
Niger-Congo language family
teli Jeri
Jeri is a Mande language of Cote d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso.
tEN3n Ko1
Sudan (near the South Sudan border)
tent~e7 Uduk
Uduk, also known as Tw’ampa, is a Koman language spoken in Sudan near the border with Ethiopia.
tEr Iwum Wuumbu
tere Baralakakan
the language of the tribe in the North-Western Ivory Coast (Africa)
tere Jula de Kong
Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire
tere Karanjankan
North-western Cote d’Ivoire (Africa)
tEre Konyanka Maninka
Guinea (Africa)
tere Korokan
Cote d’Ivoire, Africa
tere Koyagakan
Alternate names: Koya, Koyaa, Koyaga, Koyaga Jula, Koyaka, Koyara. Cote d’Ivoire, Africa
tere Nigbikan
Cote d’Ivoire, Africa
tere Sagakakan
Cote d’Ivoire, Africa
tere Siakakan
Cote d’Ivoire, Africa
tere Sienkokakan
North-western Cote d’Ivoire (Africa)
tere Wojenekakan
North-western Cote d’Ivoire (Africa)
tezo Yaaku
Yaaku (also known as Mukogodo, Mogogodo, Mukoquodo, Siegu, Yaakua, Ndorobo) is an endangered Afroasiatic language spoken in Kenya.
3kojo Ogbronuagum
Ogbronuagum, also called Bukuma after a village in which it is spoken, is a Central Delta language of Nigeria.
3N Jumjum
Jumjum, a Nilotic language. The people live in the Upper Nile Province (Africa)
3rho Duka
North-western Nigeria
3rh~o Ror
North-western Nigeria
3T3Z3; zy** Babanki
Babanki, or Kejom (Kidzem), is a Grassfields Bantu language of Cameroon.
3yat (T’et) Chaha
T’et Masqan
The Ethiopian Semitic language (Ethiopia)
teTwi Balo
5v~u Limbum
Limbum is a Grassfields language of Cameroon, with a small number of speakers in Nigeria.
5inu Hone
5ogo Peere
Peere language a.k.a. Kutin language: Kutin is a member of the Duru branch of Savanna languages. (Nigeria, Cameroon)
5op Nubaca
a Southern Bantoid language of Cameroon.
5oyo Longto
5w~o7 Twumwu
e-lova-lo-va Bakweri
one of the Bantu languages in Southern part of Africa
ghe Awe
Niger-Congo (or Brizilia?)
giru Gbe
Niger-Congo (*) The Gbe languages form a cluster of about twenty related languages stretching across the area between eastern Ghana and western Nigeria
hue Fon
Niger-Congo (*).
gur; gwer; gwur Berik
Tor; Tor-Orya; Asia
bven Lori
the language of one of Iran’s major ethnic groups, spoken by five million people over the length of the Zagros range, forming a linguistic continuum between Kurdish and Persian.
ormozd Zebaki
Spoken in Afghanistan, Pakistan
mwuu Taungthu
Myanmar (Burma)
wan.2 Aiton
The Tai Aiton language is spoken in Assam, India (in the Dhonsiri Valley and the south bank of the Brahmaputra).
wan Khamti
wan Songkhla Thai
Songkhla is one of the Southern provinces of Thailand.
wan Tai
Thai, Central Thai, or Siamese, is the national and official language of Thailand and the first language of the Thai people and the vast majority of Thai Chinese.
wan Shan
Spoken in the Union of Myanmar (Burma) and Thailand.
ha*y Nyakur
The Nyah Kur language is an Austroasiatic language spoken by a remnant of the Mon people of Dvaravati, the Nyah Kur people, who live in present-day Thailand.
ave Maga
ave Maga Rukai
van Dehong Tai Nuea
the south-east China
van Laha
Laha is a Kra language spoken by approximately 1,400 people out of a total population of 5,686 Laha. It is spoken in Lao Cai and Son La provinces, Vietnam.
van Maguan Tai
The Southern China (on the border with Vietnam)
van Mangshi Tai
the South of China
van Wuding Tai
the South of China
vh~an Paha
Paha (or Baha) is a Kra language spoken in Northern Guangnan County, Wenshan Prefecture, Yunnan (Eeoae), Southern China.
an ph~a van Nung
Nung language may refer to: Nung language (Sino-Tibetan), a Nungish language. Nung language (Tai), a Tai language.
vaN hi Naga Phom
Northeastern India.
waNhi Konyak
India, the Assam state
waN hi Naga Konyak
Konyak is a Sino-Tibetan language spoken by the Konyak people of Nagaland, Northeastern India.
mv3 Kayan
Myanmar (Burma)
vE Lvchun Tai
in the South of China (at the border with Vietnam)
vei3 Baonuo
Southern China
veino Baonao
vh~o* Lachi
Northern Vietnam (near the China border).
th~ini Chantyal
Bodic; Sino-Tibetan; Asia
khue; metshax Weicheng
mecaq xkhua**; mone**; pha** Luhua
Dialect of the Northern Qiang language, China, Tibet
mujuq; mesaq; mesi; pha Yadu
dialect of the Northern Qiang language, China, Tibet
mujaq; fa Weigu
Dialect of the Northern Qiang language, China, Tibet
mesi (mEsi, men3) Qiang Mianchi
Sichuan Province, China
meqi Huilong
mes3 Qiang Puxi
Sichuan Province, China
mes3 Stodsde
the language of the people in central part of China
misa Hrangkhol
Northern-eastern India
muci Qiang Longxi
Sichuan Province, China
memi (m3mi) Lisu
Lisu is a tonal Tibeto-Burman language spoken in Yunnan (southwestern China), Northern Burma (Myanmar), and Thailand and a small part of India.
mene Koro India
Northern-eastern India
lunu Diandongbei
lo-yi-du Tanxi Tujia
Tanxi Tujia is a Tibeto-Burman language, spoken in China.
taunkau Numao
alaqanei Northern Pa-Hug
ne-pi Dali
(the (Southern) dialect of Bai language) Dali Prefecture within Yunnan province of China
yi-pi Jianchuan
(the (Central) dialect of Bai language) Jianchuan County, Yunnan province of China
h3Si Talysh
The Talysh language is a Northwestern Iranian language spoken in the Northern regions of the Iranian provinces of Gilan and Ardabil
do5i Bengni
North-West part of India
doni Mising
North-easter India
doni Na India
North-easter India
doni (?) Miri
Miri language can refer to: 1) Mishing language (Plains Miri); 2) a variety of Waitaka language
duN5i Boga’er Luoba
(a.k.a. Abhor, Abor, Lhoba, Luoba). Arunachal Pradesh state: East, West, and Upper Siang districts, Upper Subansiri and Dibang Valley districts; Assam state: Assam valley North hills, between Bhutan and Buruli rivers.
duN5i Bokar
Eastern India
duo5i Douyu Bangni
Himalayas (at the border of China with India)
danyi Apatani
Arunachal Pradesh, North-east India. Tani; Sino-Tibetan; Asia
da5i tanii
Apatani (Apa Tani, Tanii) is a Tani language of India.
dan; huray Dungra Bhil
India, Gujarat state
dε:t Dong
The Kam language, also known as Gam, or in Chinese, Dong or Tung-Chia, is the language of the Dong people.
dewta; diya dewta Nihali
The isolated language in western-central part of India (Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra).
dh~e*o* Jammun
Gurdaspur district, Punjab, India
dilaCa Oroqen
Oroqen is a Northern Tungusic language spoken in China.
donbabo Malvi
enda Chenchu
India, the Andhra Pradesh state
id3m Tani
Sino-Tibetan language spoken mostly in Arunachal Pradesh, India
eNi Naga Lotha
Northeastern India.
e:ga Kott
spoken in the Yenisei River region of central Siberia
eya Arin
spoken in the Yenisei River region of central Siberia
hix-em Pumpokol
spoken in the Yenisei River region of central Siberia
xig-a YEN (proto language ?)
spoken in the Yenisei River region of central Siberia
ziat-hau Wenchang Hainase
The Sino-Tibetan family: China
mi-t’e Jian’ou Chinese
The Sino-Tibetan family: China
t’ai Standard Chinese
The Sino-Tibetan family: China
minh~on Bunu
the language of the people at the island of Vietnam
muNhn3N Bisu
Burmese-Lolo; Sino-Tibetan; Asia
mun; mun dze**; pha** Luoxiang
mun Mawo Qiang
min Kaman
Arunachal Pradesh state (in the North-Eastern India)
min Miju Mishmi
Miju (Miju Mishmi, Midzu) or Kaman (Geman, Geman Deng, Kuman), is a small language of India and slightly into China.
mi Karen Pwo Eastern
at the border of Myanmar and Tailand
mi7 Karen Pwo Western
at the border of Myanmar and Tailand
mini; muni Lahu
yi-pi Jianchuan
The Sino-Tibetan family: Baic group
ne-pi Dali
The Sino-Tibetan family: Baic group
naw Duogu Tujia
The Sino-Tibetan family: Tujia group
naw (naw-ci) Dianfang Tujia
The Sino-Tibetan family: Tujia group
no-dou Boluo Tujia
The Sino-Tibetan family: Tujia group
lo-yi-du Tanxi Tujia
The Sino-Tibetan family: Tujia group
temo Eastern Kayah Li
The Sino-Tibetan family: Karenic group
te-mo Kayah Li (Eastern)
Karen; Sino-Tibetan; Asia
le-mu Karen (Bwe)
Karen languages are spoken in lower Myanmar (Burma) and on the borders of Thailand
le-mu Karen (Geba)
Karen; Sino-Tibetan; Asia
lemu Bwe Karen
The Sino-Tibetan family: Karenic group
lemu Geba Karen
The Sino-Tibetan family: Karenic group
lu mo Karen Manumanaw
Sino-Tibetan language family: Karenic group
lu mu Karenbyu
Sino-Tibetan language family: Karenic group
lv mu Yinbaw
law Tasha (Qixin) Tujia
The Tujia language is a language spoken natively by the Tujia people in south-central China.
la3; pei Bugan
Bugan, Bogan, Pakan, or Bugeng is an Austroasiatic language. in some villages in Southern Guangnan and Northern Xichou, Yunnan Province, Southern China.
lai qa Paliu
Southern China
qa ??? Paliu Lai
The Bolyu language also known as Paliu, Palyu, or Lai is an Austroasiatic language of the Pakanic branch, China.
lao Tujia
Tujia is a Tibeto-Burman language spoken in China (North-western Hunan Province and south Hubei Province) by about 70,000 people. Nearly all Tujia speakers are bilingual in some dialect of Chinese and many young Tujia prefer to use Chinese when communicating among themselves.
laoch~i; lao Northern Tujia
a language spoken natively by the Tujia people in south-central China.
la.2 lu.1 Moji-Gelao
lu; vu A’ou
Red Gelao (self-designation: A-ou), together with White Gelao (giw), Green Gelao (giq), and Gao Gelao (gqu), forms the Gelao subgroup of Tai-Kadai (China). Endangered language.
luvu Niupo Gelao
lavuaN Jinchang White Lachi
China and in Northern Vietnam.
la7lu Judu Gelao
lai mik Naga Maram
Northeastern India
lakvan Maonan
The Maonan language is spoken mainly in Huanjiang Maonan Autonomous County, Hechi, Northern Guangxi by the Maonan people. (China)
lakvan Maonan-Xianan
likth~au Fuzhou Chinese
China, at the seashore of Taiwan Channel
locz~mo Sani Yi
Sani is one of the Loloish languages spoken by the Yi people of China.
logaN Hayu
loNaiNi Bumang
Southern China (at the Vietnam border)
lonpa Sampang
saso ‘Are’are (Ma’asupa)
Solomon Islands
sato Lau
Solomon Islands
sato Sa’a
Solomon Islands
saso ‘Are’are (Ma’asupa)
Solomon Islands
rato ‘Are’are (Waiahaa)
Austronesian language family, Solomon Islands
aso Northeast Ambae
Indonesia (Papua)
aso Rotuma
Rotuma is a Fijian dependency, consisting of Rotuma Island and nearby islands. The island group is home to a small but unique indigenous ethnic group which constitutes a recognizable minority within the population of Fiji, known as ‘Rotumans’.
eo Bare’e
Indonesia (Sulawesi)
eo Sedoa
Sedoa is a language of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.
eo Moma
Sulawesi island (Indonesia)
eo Sindue Tawaili
Central Sulawesi
agew Kankanaey
kolo Watubela
Indonesia (Maluku)
leo Erai
Indonesia (Papua)
lera Leti
Indonesia (Maluku)
lere Yamdena
Indonesia (Maluku)
lera Fordata
Central Malayo-Polynesian; Austronesian; Asia
lara Aru
Indonesia (*)
lara Alor
The Alor–Pantar languages are a family of clearly related Papuan languages spoken on islands of the Alor archipelago near Timor in Southern Indonesia.
lara Alor—Barahusa—Kabir
Southern Indonesia
lara Alor—Kalabahi
Southern Indonesia
laru Dobel
Indonesia (Maluku)
liro Bimanese
Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara)
endo Tontemboan
Indonesia (Sulawesi)
lom Gidra
a Papuan language of New Guinea.
lom Abam
a Papuan language of New Guinea.
lom Dorogori
Dorogori is in Papua New Guinea and is nearby to Dorogor, Peawa and Kauruti.
lom Kuru
a Papuan language of New Guinea.
lom Peawa
a Papuan language of New Guinea.
lomkoNga Podari
a Papuan language of New Guinea.
lom koNga Ume
a Papuan language of New Guinea.
lom konga Zim
a Papuan language of New Guinea.
lom koNga Iamega
a Papuan language of New Guinea.
lom koNga Kapal
a Papuan language of New Guinea.
lom koNga Wipi Wipim
a Papuan language of New Guinea
gʌŋgal; lom konga Wipi
Wipi, also known as Gidra, Jibu or Oriomo, is a Papuan language of New Guinea.
kom koNga Wonie
a Papuan language of New Guinea.
kom kh~oNka Gamaewe
a Papuan language of New Guinea.
goNgal Guiam
a Papuan language of New Guinea.
lam kogal Yuta
a Papuan language of New Guinea.
kw~o Kelinga
Kalinga is a dialect continuum of Kalinga Province in the Philippines
kedaw Tboli
asa Rotuman
Austronesian language family. Rotuman
healo; olo Mono-Alu
Mono, or Alu, is an Oceanic language of Solomon Islands reported in 1999 to be spoken by 660 people on Treasury Island (Mono proper), 2,270 on Shortland Island (Alu dialect)
5awi Wembawemba (Wemba Wemba)
Pama-Nyungan; Australian; Australia & Oceania
5aui Djadjala
an indigenous Australian language
ne; ni Huli
Huli is a Trans–New Guinea language spoken by the Huli people of the Southern Highlands province of Papua New Guinea.
5a; ɲə Iatmul-Brugnowi-Korogo
East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea
5a Nyaura
Papua New Guinea
ɲə Iatmul-Nyaura
Nyaura (Western) Papua New Guinea
ɲa Iatmul
Middle Sepik; Sepik; Papua New Guinea
ʌrʌ (3r3) Faita
or Kulsab (Papua New Guinea).
5a Wosera
Papua New Guinea
5a Yengoru
The Ndu language family (Sepik District, New Guinea).
5a Boikin
Papua New Guinea
5a Kwusaun
Papua New Guinea
5amp Mandi Papuang
Papua New Guinea
5a Maprik
Papua New Guinea
5a Ngala
Papua New Guinea
5a; na Boiken
Middle Sepik; Sepik; Australia & Oceania
5ant~aN Kenaboi
ketinge Eipomek
Mek; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
tekenentai Abaga
Abaga is a nearly extinct Kalam language of Papua New Guinea. It appears to be related to Kamono and Yagaria.
ngusit Awara
Awara is one of the Finisterre languages of Papua New Guinea (Morobe Province). It is part of a dialect chain with Wantoat, but in only 60–70% lexically similar.
ngusit Awara-Wantoat
one of the Finisterre languages of Papua New Guinea
ngusit Awara-Wapu-Leron
one of the Finisterre languages of Papua New Guinea
wizi Vagala
West African Language
usi Saruga
Saruga is a Madang language of Papua New Guinea.
izi, idi Binandere
Binanderean; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
izi Aeka
A language of Papua New Guinea
izi Kumfutu
izi Birked
West of Sudan (Africa)
izi Hunjara-Kaina Ke
Trans-New Guinea
iri; izi; kako; rako Baruga
Baruga, also known ambiguously as Bareji, is a Papuan language spoken in Oro Province (Papua New Guinea). There are four dialects: Bareji, Mado, Nuclear Baruga, Tafota Baruga
kako Na
paparo Tafota Baruga
Tafota Baruga, (one of four dialects of Bagura) is a Papuan language spoken in Oro Province (Papua New Guinea). The four rather divergent dialects are Tafota, Daghoro, Bareji, Mado.
‘iji Korafe
Binanderean; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
iji Gaina (Bareji Dialect)
Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
iji Gaina (Karoto Dialect)
Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
iki Momuna
Momuna; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
iji Orokaiva
Binanderean; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
iji; tani Mambare River
Papua New Guinea
iji Korafe Yegha
Papua New Guinea
neta; niki; nita Kyaka Enga
Papua New Guinea
nika; yw~a Kwanga
Papua New Guinea
caut ika; tsaut; tsaut ika Monumbo
Monumbo is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
niki Kapauri
Papua (Indonesia)
niki Kapore
Indonesia ?
iki (?) Momina
i; pi Iwam
a language of Papua New Guinea.
i;nʌp Moresada
Moresada is a Papuan language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
i Asaro’o-Morafo
Asaro’o, or Morafa, is one of the Finisterre languages of Papua New Guinea.
i Molet Kasu
Papua New Guinea.
i Molet Mur
Papua New Guinea.
sowo Aghu
Awju-Dumut Trans-New Guinea, Asia
owo Gelao Laozhai
Nothern Vietnam
wota Agi
Agi is a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea.
wo Ansus
Indonesia. The east side of Geelvink Bay, in a single village which has a majority of Ansus speakers.
wo Serui-laut
Serui-Laut, or Arui, is an Austronesian language spoken on Serui Island of the Ambai Islands, in Western New Guinea, Indonesia.
wo Wadapi Laut
West New Guinea
wo Woi
Woi is a Malayo-Polynesian language of Papua, Indonesia.
wo Yeri
Yeri is an endangered Torricelli language spoken in Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea, about 40 km south-southeast of Aitape.
wo Ambai
South Halmahera — West New Guinea; Austronesian; Asia
wo Papuma
Papuma is an Eastern Malayo-Polynesian language spoken in Papua Province of Western New Guinea, Northeastern Indonesia.
wo Pom
Pom is an Eastern Malayo-Polynesian language spoken on Miosnum Island in Cenderawasih Bay west of Serui Island, in Papua Province of Western New Guinea, Northeastern Indonesia.
wonak Dedua
Dedua is a Papuan language spoken in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
wopli Elkei
Elkei (Olkoi) Papua New Guinea.
wabilu Laeko-Libuat
Laeko, or Laeko-Libuat (pronounced Limbuat), is a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea.
wabli (wopli) Dia
Dia (Alu, Galu, Metru) is a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea.
wadiya; wadi Sawila
Sawila, or Tanglapui, is a Papuan language of the Alor Archipelago.
wadiya Kula
wor Munggui
Munggui is an Austronesian language spoken in Papua Province of Western New Guinea, Northeastern Indonesia.
worom Wanuma
Wanuma (or Usan). Papua New Guinea. Region. Madang Province.
wosi Baibai
Baibai is one of two Fas languages of Papua New Guinea.
was Sar Indonesia
was Western Pantar
a Papuan language spoken in the western part of Pantar island in the Alor archipelago of Indonesia.
was Lamma Mauta Tubal
wasbi7aN Kawa
wota Agi Agei
Papua New Guinea (?)
woy Gresi
Papua (Indonesia)
woy Kemtuik
Kemtuik (Kamtuk) is a Papuan language of Indonesia. It is very close to Gresi.
woy Mlap
Papua New Guinea
woi Mekwei-Kendate
Mekwei (Menggwei) is a Papuan language of Indonesia.
woi Mekwei-Wabron
a Papuan language of Indonesia.
ofo Aimele
Aimele, or Kware, is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
of; opo Kaluli
Bosavi; Bosavi; Australia & Oceania
obo; opo Kasua
Kasua is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
of Sunia
Papua New Guinea
avgwo Akoye
Akoye, also known as Lohiki or Maihiri (Mai-Hea-Ri), is an Angan language of Papua New Guinea.
wayaN Musak
Papua New Guinea
wayan Apali
Apali (Apal), or Emerum, is a Papuan language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea. Aki (Aci) is a dialect.
wayamu Yaben
Papua New Guinea
kw~ai (kuai) Fayu-Sehudate
a Lakes Plain language of Papua Province, Indonesia
ve Barai
Koiarian; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
hewa Duna
Duna; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
hawe Saketa
hawe Wosi
the New Guinea (Indonesia)
mwak Amal
A language of Papua New Guinea
phie Arawum
Arawum is a nearly extinct Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
inapa Anamgura
Anamgura (Anamuxra), or Ikundun, is a Papuan language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
inala Iamalele
Papua New Guinea
an Likum
Papua New Guinea
an Lindrou
Papua New Guinea
an Drehet
Papua New Guinea
na Ambulas
Middle Sepik; Sepik; Australia & Oceania
na Linngithigh
Linngithigh (Liningitij) is an extinct Paman language formerly spoken on the Cape York Peninsula of Queensland, Australia
na Wutung
Wutung (Udung) is a Skou language of Papua New Guinea which is spoken in the villages of Wutung and Sangke.
na:ði Kenati
Papua New Guinea.
nai7 Iniai
Papua New Guinea
nana Gwahatike
Gwahatike (also called Dahating or Gwatike) is a language generally classified in the Warup branch of the Finisterre family of Finisterre–Huon languages (Papua New Guinea).
saldang Bicol (Bicolano)
a language spoken in the Bicol region of Southern Luzon, Philippines.
so’ga; ‘simyad Agusan Manobo
Spoken on the Island of Mindanao, Philippines.
suga Mansaka
Spoken on the Island of Mindanao, Philippines.
senang; snang; senanganan Maguindanao
Spoken in Maguindanao Province, Mindanao, North Cotabato Province, etc., Philippines.
chirinanna; tiringana Mingin
The Mingin, also known as the Mingginda, were an indigenous Australian people of the state of Queensland, who lived in the Gulf Country east of Moonlight Creek and the Ganggalida people in the southern Gulf of Carpentaria.
aun; uwah** Bumbita Arapesh
A language of Papua New Guinea
aun; wah Bukiyip
Bukiyip (Bukiyup), or Mountain Arapesh, is an Arapesh language of Papua New Guinea.
uwah Abu Arapesh
Abu’, also known as Ua, is an Arapesh language (Torricelli) of Papua New Guinea.
nua Amaimon
Papua New Guinea (Trans-New Guinea, Madang, Croisilles, Pihom, Amaimon)
nua Otomaco
Otomaco is an extinct language of the Amazon.
wan Amol
Amol, also Alatil or Aru, is a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea.
wan Bragat
Bragat is a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea.
ane; ani Buna—Gavien-Ariapan-Kakara
Papua New Guinea
ane; ani Buna—Waskurin
Papua New Guinea
ami Muratayak
Muratayak, also Asat or Yagomi, is one of the Finisterre languages of Papua New Guinea.
emim Ambakich (Arango Dialect)
Ambakich is a Ramu language of Papua New Guinea
em Ambakich (Yaut Dialect)
Ambakich is a Ramu language of Papua New Guinea
em Ambakich (Ombos Dialect)
Ambakich is a Ramu language of Papua New Guinea
єm Ambakich—Porapora
Ambakich is a Ramu language of Papua New Guinea (East Sepik Province).
am3; ama Bepour
Bepour is a nearly extinct Papuan language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
am; 3m Kein
Kein, also known as Bemal, is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
am Baimak
Baimak is a Madang language of Papua New Guinea.
am Isebe
a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea
am Nobonob
Papua New Guinea
am Amele
Madang; Trans-New Guinea
am Forak
one of the Finisterre languages of Papua New Guinea.
am Gal
Gal is a Madang language of Papua New Guinea.
am Bau
Madang; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania;
aa language of the Cocos Islands
Cocos (Keeling) Islands — the group of 27 small coral islands in Indian ocean.
aabauma Awiyaana
Awiyaana (Auyana) is a Kainantu language of Papua New Guinea. (Eastern Highlands; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania).
anaut Ginuman
Ginuman is a Papuan language of New Guinea.
nataiale Aore
Aore is a recently extinct Oceanic language spoken on Aore Island, just off Espiritu Santo Island in Vanuatu.
mbwino; numbio; buio Angoram
Angoram, also known as Pondo, is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
mar Alamblak
The Alamblak language is spoken in the Angoram District of East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea.
may Awtuw
(Autu), also known as Kamnum, is spoken in Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea. It is a polysynthetic language closely related to Karawa and Pouye. It is an endangered language, being widely replaced by Tok Pisin.
may Karawa
Papua New Guinea
sawe Awyu, Asue
Trans-New Guinea
sa’wa? Awyu, Central (Nohon Dialect)
Trans-New Guinea
sa’wa? Awyu, Central (Taim Dialect)
Trans-New Guinea
‘sawe Awyu, Central (Busiri Dialect)
Trans-New Guinea
‘sowa Awyu, Central (Ketah Dialect)
Trans-New Guinea
sera Awyu, South (Yenimu Dialect)
Trans-New Guinea
sera Awyu, South (Syiagha Dialect)
Trans-New Guinea
sera Sjiagha (Siagha)
Shiaxa (Sjiagha), also known as Jenimu (Yenimu, possibly a dialect) and Awyu, is a Papuan language of Papua, Indonesia.
sing; sing niri Bongu
Madang; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
meuka; tani Ekari
Wissel Lakes-Kemandoga; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
meuka; tani Kapauku
Papua (Indonesia)
tani Tuwari
Tuwari is a Sepik language spoken in Sandaun Province, Papua-New Guinea.
tam Kajgir
Papua Indonesia
tam Kayagar
Kayagar (Kajagar, Kaygi, Kaygir, Wiyagar) is a Papuan language of West Papua.
tam Tamagario
Tamagario is a Papuan language of West Papua.
tan Aiku
Papua New Guinea
mo Dani, Lower Grand Valley (Hitigima Dialect)
Dani; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
mo Dani, Lower Grand Valley (Tangma Dialect)
Dani; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
mo Dani, Upper Grand Valley
Dani; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
mo Pyramid Wodo
Papua New Guinea
mo Lani (Laani)
Western Dani, or Laani, is the most populous Papuan language in Indonesian New Guinea.
mo Tangma Dani
Papua New Guinea
mo Dao
New Guinea (Indonesia)
mo Kiniageima
Papua (Indonesia)
mo Nggem
A language of Indonesia.
mo3 Moere
Papua New Guinea
mom Lepki
Lepki is a Papuan language spoken in Western New Guinea
mo Yali
Dani; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
fo; ho Siane
Eastern Highlands; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
fu Hua (Huva)
dialect of Yagaria language in Papua New Guinea,
oneqen Lani
(a.k.a. Western Dani) Papua Indonesia
nita (nate; niki) Enga
Engan; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
naijo Haruai
Papua New Guinea
nambul Mehek
Papua New Guinea
NNan Mailoa
NNan Ngofagita
NNan Ngofakiaha
NNan Peleri Samsuma
NNan Soma
NNan Tahane
Nan East Makian
Taba (also known as East Makian or Makian Dalam) is a Malayo-Polynesian language of the South Halmahera — West New Guinea group. It is spoken mostly on the islands of Makian, Kayoa and Southern Halmahera in North Maluku province of Indonesia
NanNan Sawai
The Sawai language (also Weda) is spoken in Weda and Gane Timor districts of Southern Halmahera, Northern Maluku Province, Indonesia.
NaNg~ Nyoongar
Nyungar (Nyunga), or Noongar, is an Australian Aboriginal language, or language complex, still spoken by members of the Noongar community, who live in the southwest corner of Western Australia.
naNk Keramin
the Southeastern Australia
NaNk Nyunga Eastern
Nyungar (Nyunga), or Noongar, is an Australian Aboriginal language, or language complex, still spoken by members of the Noongar community, who live in the southwest corner of Western Australia.
NaNka Nyunga Northern
Western Australia
NaNkan Nyunga South Western
Western Australia
nare Kewa East
Papua New Guinea
paku; nare Kewa
Papua New Guinea
nata masoa Tambotalo
Tambotalo, or Biliru, is a nearly extinct Oceanic language spoken in a single village in the southeast of Espiritu Santo Island in Vanuatu.
nata na maso Tolomako
Tolomako is a language of the Oceanic subgroup of Austronesian languages. It is spoken on Santo island in Vanuatu.
natamas Roria
Roria is an Oceanic language spoken in central Espiritu Santo Island in Vanuatu.
natanmi (mi) Shark Bay 1
The Shark Bay language is one of the East Santo languages group of languages. It is spoken on Espiritu Santo in Vanuatu.
nate Kewa S Pole
Papua New Guinea
nate Bonkiman
Papua New Guinea
nate Erave
(Alternate names: Erave, Kewa South, Pole, South Kewa) Papua New Guinea
nate Sau
Samberigi language, spoken in Papua New Guinea.(?)
nau Biem
Papua New Guinea
nau; ra Watam
Marangis (a.k.a. Watam) is a Ramu language of Papua New Guinea
Nau Urat
Urat (Wasep, Wusyep) is a Torricelli language spoken by a decreasing number of people in Papua New Guinea.
niau Bieria
Bieria, or Vovo (Wowo), is an Oceanic language spoken on Epi Island, in Vanuatu.
nd~ae Lewo Filakara
Lewo is an Oceanic language spoken on Epi Island, in Vanuatu.
ne8enmi Lorediakarkar
negat Nemi
The Nemi language is a Kanak language spoken by 320 people in the North of New Caledonia
neipi Banua
Temotu province (the island toward North from Vanuatu, Pacific ocean)
nei Molof
Molof (Ampas, Poule) is a Papuan language spoken by about 200 people.
nei Usku
Usku is a nearly extinct and poorly documented Papuan language spoken by about 20 people in Usku village, Papua, Indonesia.
neni Paruwa
Papua New Guinea
Neni; Ni5; ŋeni Kamasau-Kenyari-Paruwa
Papua New Guinea
nerah Uruangnirin
Uruangnirin is a minor Austronesian language of the west coast of the Bomberai Peninsula.
newaro Maleu
Oceanic; Austronesian; Australia & Oceania
Ngar Kanggape
Papua New Guinea
ni Huli Hole
Papua New Guinea
ni?** Busa ?
Northwestern Papua New Guinea
Ni5; bogi Kamasau
Papua New Guinea
Ni5 Kenyari
Papua New Guinea
Ni5; ŋiŋ Kamasau-Yibab-Wandomi
Papua New Guinea
Ni5; ŋiŋ Kamasau-Tring-Wau
Papua New Guinea
Ni5; bogi; nginy Kamasau-Wand Tuan
Kamasau is a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea.
Ni5 Tring Png
Papua New Guinea
Ni5 Wau
Papua New Guinea
Ni5 Yibab
Papua New Guinea
ewaxa Moikodi
>Moikodi, or Doriri — a Papuan language in Oro province (Papua New Guinea), at the eastern part of island.
astro Eskayan
put Amberbaken
Amberbaken, or Mpur (also known as Kebar, Ekware, and Dekwambre), is a divergent language of New Guinea.
um Sumararu
a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
uma Konti Unai
Papua, Indonesia
uma Mariadei
Papua, Indonesia
uma Sarawandori
New Guinea (Indonesia)
uma Tindaret
Papua New Guinea
umu Womo
Womo and Sumararu are a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
umo Poo
Papua New Guinea
umo Barupu
Papua New Guinea
umo Barupu
Papua New Guinea, Sandaun province
?nda Atemble
Atemble, or Mand, is a Papuan language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
3m; ʌ:m Mawan
Mawan is a Madang language of Papua New Guinea
3nd~o Tombulu
Tombulu, also known as Minahasan language is an Austronesian language of Northern Sulawesi in Indonesia.
3nd~o Tonsawang
Tonsawang, also known as Tombatu, is an Austronesian language of the Northern tip of Sulawesi, Indonesia.
3nd~o Tonsea
Tonsea is an Austronesian language of the Northern tip of Sulawesi, Indonesia.
53; ɲə Manambu
Manambu is one of the Ndu languages of Sepik River region of Northern Papua New Guinea.
53la; ny3la; nyela Yipma
Papua New Guinea
53n, 5iN Urimo
Urimo is a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea.
5iNar Osum
Papua New Guinea.
niyala Gumawana
Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea
n3s Sursurunga
Sursurunga is an Oceanic language of New Ireland (Northeast of Papua New Guinea).
7ajit Aasax
The Asa (Aasa) language, commonly rendered Aasax, was spoken by the Asa people of Tanzania.
8asne Labo Windua
8urdi; dudi Guwamu
an extinct Australian Aboriginal language
8urdu Gunya Guwamu
an extinct Australian Aboriginal language
aŋgi Isabi
Isabi (Maruhia) is a minor Papuan language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
a7 Bugawac
Papua New Guinea (the west side of the island)
a8o Lengo
Solomon Islands
abei; bimu Bine-Sogal-Boze-Gingarede-Kunini
Papua New Guinea
bimu Bine Kunini
Papua New Guinea
abezi; abuchi; abechi Bine-Sebe-Irupi-Drageli
Papua New Guinea
abezi; abwechi Bine-Masingle-Tati
Papua New Guinea
abiard Nambo
Papua New Guinea
abic Kwerba Kauwerawet
Papua, Indonesia
abic Kwerba Mamberamo
Papua, Indonesia
abija Bagusa
Indonesia (at the western part of Papua island)
abis Gizrra Togo
Papua New Guinea
abis Gizrra Waidoro
Papua New Guinea
3b3s Gizrra Kupere
at the southern Papua New Guinea
abiy Kwerba Naidjbedj
Papua, Indonesia
abiy Kwerba
Kwerba is a Papuan language of Indonesia. It goes by various names: Airmati (Armati), Koassa, Mataweja, Naibedj, Segar Tor, Tekutameso.
abwi Bayono
the North of Papua province, Indonesia.
abwinu Awbono
aeve Teanu
This language is spoken in Vanikoro (Solomon Islands).
afok Mianmin
Mian is an Ok language spoken in the Telefomin district of the Sandaun province in Papua New Guinea by the Mian people.
aicap; xoidop Nengaya
(Alternate names: Mato, Nenaya, Nineia). Papua New Guinea.
xoidop Mato
Papua New Guinea
aim Ap Ma
Kambot ??? Ap Ma (Ap Ma Botin, Botin, also Karaube), is a Ramu-Lower Sepik language of Papua New Guinea of unclear affiliation
aim Kambot-Kambaramba
East Sepik (Papua New Guinea)
ak3n Kopar
Papua New Guinea
ak3n Murik
Papua New Guinea
akh~un Murik
Papua New Guinea, East Sepik Province Murik aka Nor is a Lower Sepik language spoken in Papua New Guinea.
akin Murik-Kupar
Papua New Guinea, East Sepik Province
akomba Daonda
Daonda is a Papuan language of Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea.
akun Murik-Karau
Papua New Guinea, East Sepik Province, Karau village
al; m3j3m Uri
Uri (Urii), or Erap, is one of the Finisterre languages of Papua New Guinea.
amʌknas; muabari Kuot
The Kuot language, or Panaras, is a language isolate, the only non-Austronesian language spoken on the island of New Ireland, Papua New Guinea.
am Garuh
Papua New Guinea
am Panim
Panim is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
ama Mauwake opora
Mauwake (Mawake) is a Papuan language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
amana Ormu
Ormu is an Austronesian language spoken in Jayapura Bay in Papua province, Indonesia.
it; pi Sepik Iwam
a language of Papua New Guinea.
itane Kemberano
Papua Indonesia
ayo; isie Brat
The Ayamaru language, or Mai Brat, is spoken by the Ayamaru people in the many villages around the Ayamaru Lakes on the Bird’s Head Peninsula of West Papua.
ayo Karon Dori
Papua (Indonesia)
ayre One Inebu
Papua New Guinea
aton Digoel-Bari-Kati-Yongkom
(South Muyu) Papua province: south coast, North of Fly river border with Papua New Guinea.
aton Digoeleesch
Papua New Guinea (at the boarder with the New Guinea)
aton Digul Muyu
Papua New Guinea (at the boarder with the New Guinea)
aton Metomka Muyu
Papua New Guinea
aton Ninatie Muyu
West Papua.
aton Kataut
(alternative names: North Muyu, Kati-Ninanti, Moejoe, Niinati, Ninatie, North, North Kati, Yonggom, Yongkom, Yongom) Indonesia (Papua)
aton Nakai
Nakai is an Ok language of West Papua.
au Tunggare
Tunggare (also called Tarunggare, Tarunggareh, Turunggare) is a language spoken in Papua, Indonesia.
aw3n Torricelli
The Torricelli language is spoken by about 500 people at the Northern Papua New Guinea coast.
awin Mufian
Papua New Guinea
win Bobawa
win Malapa
Southern Sulawesi (Indonesia)
win Ngofabobawa
win Sabale
win Tafasoho
Tafasoho is within Indonesia and is nearby to Talapao and Babawa.
win Tagono
win Talapao
Talapao is within Indonesia and is nearby to Tafasoho and Babawa.
win West Makian
West Makian (also known as Moi) is the most divergent of the Papuan languages of Halmahera. It is spoken on the coast near Makian Island, and on the western half of that island.
awo Ganglau
Ganglau is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
awo Saep
Saep is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
awun Kombio
Papua New Guinea
awun Yambes
Papua New Guinea
az Biliau
(Awad Gey, Bing, Samang, Semang, Sengam) Papua New Guinea
az Tuam
Mutu, or Tuam (Mutu-Tuam), is an Austronesian languages of Morobe Province.
bai Iau 2
Papua (Indonesia)
baidawan; bairawau Mapena
Mapena is a language of Papua New Guinea.
baiyei; yai Hewa
Hewa, also known as Sisimin and Lagaip, is spoken by the Hewa people. Northern Papua New Guinea.
bala7a Heyo
Papua New Guinea
banma Kyaimbarang
Papua New Guinea
banma Kyaimbarang-Miyak
Papua New Guinea
banma Miyak
Papua New Guinea
batuhanu Biatah Bidayuh
at the western part of Borneo Island (Indonesia)
bauwa Mulaha
Mulaha is an extinct language of the Bird’s Tail of Papua New Guinea
bauwa Mulaha-Iaibu
Dialect of Mulaha language. Papua New Guinea.
babau Minaveha
Minaveha (a.k.a. Kukuya) is an Oceanic language of Fergusson Island in Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea.
bEsak Piu
Piu is an Oceanic language in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
bigalo Duvle 2
New Guinea (Indonesia)
bilak Ibanag
Northern Luzon; Austronesian; Fillippines.
bihi Wamas
Wamas is a Madang language of Papua New Guinea.
biyé; kitiN Goliath
Una, better known as Goliath, is a Papuan language of West Papua.
budiva Ouma
Ouma is an extinct Austronesian language of Papua New Guinea.
yahan Butleh
Indonesia, Sorong island, West Papua province
buSan Itik
Papua Indonesia
busyan Mander
Papua, Indonesia
lina; buwa Binahari
Binahari is a Papuan language of New Guinea
lina Binahari-Mada’a
a Papuan language of New Guinea
lina Domu
Domu (Dom) is a Papuan language of New Guinea.
bwog Elepi
(also Elapi, Samap, Blabla) It is spoken in Samap village of Turubu Rural LLG, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea.
bwog Samap
Samap is one of three Kairiru languages spoken in East Sepik Province of Papua New Guinea.
coaN Kate
Papua New Guinea
col; zoN Mangap
The Northern Papua New Guinea
durdu Bidyara
(Bidjara, Pitjara) an extinct Australian Aboriginal language
dy3mar Jafi
Papua (Indonesia)
imar (y3mar) Yuri
Papua New Guinea region, Sandaun Province, Amanab District, along the Papua, Indonesia border.
dyan; tenkan Ambrak
Ambrak is a Torricelli language spoken in the Nuku District of the Sandaun Province in Papua New Guinea.
yam Wogamusin
Wogamusin is a Papuan language found in four villages in the Ambunti District of East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea.
yan Kawe
dyau Hermit
at Manus island (Papua New Guinea)
e5e Middle Wahgi
Papua New Guinea
ebaka ukaha7o Enggano (Engganese)
, is the poorly known language of Enggano Island off the southwestern coast of Sumatra.
eboda Wara (Png)
Upper Morehead language, a Trans-Fly language of Papua New-Guinea.
ebsin Lewo Visina
edo Tondano
Tondano (also known as Tolou, Tolour, Tondanou, and Toulour) is an Austronesian language spoken in the Tondano area of Northeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
egedi; itaine Kokoda Kasuweri
Papua Indonesia
egedi Inanwatan
Papua Indonesia
egedi Puragi
Puragi is a Papuan language of the Bird’s Head Peninsula of West Papua.
elet; alo; suli Carolinian
Oceanic; Austronesian; Australia & Oceania
ema ndami: Moni-Voorhoeve
a Papuan language
emondane; tay Kemandoga
Trans-New Guinea
repadai Wabo
Wabo is a Malayo-Polynesian language of Papua, Indonesia.
epdai; repdai Kurudu
Kurudu is an Eastern Yapen languages dialect of the Malayo-Polynesian languages, in Papua Province of Western New Guinea, Northeastern Indonesia.
erputhur Peremka
Kunja (Kancha), also known as Lower Morehead or Peremka, is a Papuan language of New Guinea.
erueng Kampong (Kapong) Baru
esakha** Bariji
Bariji, or Bareji, is the name of several languages and dialects spoken near the Bariji River in Papua New Guinea
esar Mawes
Papua, Indonesia
esar Mawes-Dai
a Papuan language of Indonesia.
esar Mawes-Wares
a Papuan language of Indonesia (the village Wares).
etin Axamb-Maxbaxo
an Oceanic language
eve Fuyuge
Fuyug (Fuyuge, Fuyughe, Mafulu) is a language of Papua New Guinea spoken in the Central Province of the country.
ewaga; imi; veaga; wadiba; weaka Bauwaki
Bauwaki (Bawaki) is a Papuan language of New Guinea
ewaxa Moikodi
>Moikodi, a.k.a. Doriri — Papua New Guinea, Oro province.
imi Neme
Neme, a variety of the Nambu language of Papua New Guinea
ewulima Fuyug Gagagra
Papua New Guinea (south-eastern)
fala; vala Heyo
a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea
vala Yahang
Yahang (Ya’unk) a.k.a. Ruruhip (Ruruhi’ip) is a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea.
fani; vani Mountain Koiari
Mountain Koiari (Koiali) is a language of Papua New Guinea.
vani Grass Koiari
Grass Koiari (Koiali) is a language of Papua New Guinea.
vani Koiari
Papua New Guinea
vani Koita
Koita (or Koitabu) is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea in the Port Moresby area.
fad Adang Pitung
Another name is Alor. A Papuan language spoken on the Island of Alor East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.
wErE Sausi
Sausi is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
fe:d; wer Kabola
spoken on the island of Alor in Indonesia
fEd Adang
The Adang language is spoken on the island of Alor in Indonesia.
fed Hamap
the island of Alor in Indonesia
fEd Kabola-Hamap
dialect of Kabola (Indonesia)
fed Kabola-Pitumbang
dialect of Kabola (Indonesia)
fo7i Gahuku Asaro
Papua New Guinea
fo’i Dano
Papua New Guinea
fo’i Gahuku
Eastern Highlands; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
g3fu Mongowar
Papua New Guinea.
g3gie; 3si (?) Sinsauru
Sinsauru, or Kow, is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
g3ldat Yopno
Yopno (Yupna, after the Yupna Valley) is one of the Finisterre languages of Papua New Guinea.
ga Dami (Ham)
Papua New Guinea
ga7a Rennellese
Rennell-Bellona, or Rennellese, is a Polynesian language spoken in the Rennell and Bellona Province of the Solomon Islands.
gage Asas
Asas, or Kow, is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
gaNgai Urigina
Urigina is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
gavoso Simbo
Spoken on the Island of Simbo, Solomon Islands.
gebem; qowa Kuni-Boazi-Biak
a Papuan language spoken in Papua New Guinea.
qawa Boazi
Boazi (Bwadji), also known as Kuni after one of its dialects, is a Papuan language spoken in Papua New Guinea.
qowa South Boazi
a Papuan language spoken in Papua New Guinea.
getane Ketengban Bime
Eastern Papua Indonesia
gi5 Wandomi
Papua New Guinea
giliga Dadibi
Dadibi (also Daribi or Karimui) is a language of Papua New Guinea.
gitapu Kunimaipa
Papua New Guinea
go Ma Manda
Papua New Guinea
gon3k Nuk
Nuk is one of the Finisterre languages of Papua New Guinea.
gyom, kyom Alfendio
Papua New Guinea
h3mu; hʌmu Musar
Papua New Guinea.
h3p3ham3nd Angor
Angor (Anggor) AKA Senagi is a Senagi language of Papua New Guinea.
hahi Domori
Domori is in Papua New Guinea and is nearby to Dede, Wasua and Reginimi Island
harisia Samarokena Tomayo
Papua New Guinea (on the east part of island)
hEmari Kowaki
Papua New Guinea
hEmei Pulabu
Pulabu is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
hewio Kerewo
Kerewo is a Papuan language of Southern Papua New Guinea.
heyop Patep
Papua New Guinea
heyop Patep
Papua New Guinea
heyub Zenag
Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
hon Usu
Usu, also known as Uya, is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
hoNa Erima
Papua New Guinea
ona Rocky Peak
Papua New Guinea?
hora Agi-Yolpa
New Guinea
hot Bunak
The Bunak language (also known as Bunaq, Buna, Bunake) is the language of the Bunak people of the mountainous region of central Timor (Indonesia)
hovare Keuru
Papua New Guinea
humia Wasembo
Wasembo, also known as Biapim, Gusap, Yankowan, is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
iabada Agob Dabu
Agob, or Dabu, is a Papuan language spoken in Western Province, Papua New Guinea.
iabota Kawam-Kibuli
a Papuan language spoken in Western Province, Papua New Guinea.
iebodo Dibolug
Papua New Guinea (Southern part of island)
iebodo Idi-Dibolug
a Papuan language spoken in Western Province, Papua New Guinea
iel Letemboi
igda lona Mantion
Mantion (Manikion), also known as Sougb or Sogh, is a Papuan language of the East Bird’s Head language family spoken in East Bird’s Head, east of Meyah, south of Manokwari.
iN3r Paynamar
Paynamar, or Manat, is a divergent Madang language spoken in the Adelbert Range of Papua New Guinea.
iriyabo Foe
Kutubuan; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
is3 Sumau
Sumau, a.k.a. Garia (Kari), is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
isiro Rapoisi
Konua a.k.a. Rapoisi is a language of Bougainville, an island to the east of New Guinea.
jaN Kaiep
Kaiep is one of three Kairiru languages spoken in East Sepik Province of Papua New Guinea.
jaban (yavan) Chenapian
Chenapian (Chenap) is a Papuan language of East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea.
jinmurga Guragone
Gurr-goni, also spelled Guragone, Gorogone, Gun-Guragone, Gunagoragone, Gungorogone, Gurrogone, Gutjertabia, is an Australian Aboriginal language spoken in Arnhem Land.
löanga; pitala Halia
Oceanic; Austronesian; Australia & Oceania
laharo Nakanai 2
Papua New Guinea
l’aran Nauete
Naueti (also written as Nauoti, Nauete) is an Austronesian language spoken by 15,045 (census 2010) in the subdistricts of Uato-Lari, Uatucarbau and Baguia in southeastern East Timor.
lasan Salawati Maaya
Papua New Guinea (the western part of island)
lyasan Misool Maya
lyahan Langanyan (Laganyan)
Papua Indonesia
lavaNa Gitua
Gitua is an Austronesian language of Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
li3; liyəʔ Kwomtari
Kwomtari is the eponymous language of the Kwomtari family of Papua New Guinea. It is spoken in six villages in Amanab District, Sandaun Province.
lukw~ahea Southwest Tanna Ikiyau
the language on the south part of Vanuatu island
mɔʌ Moere
Moere is a nearly extinct Papuan language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
mεrεʔ Mamaa
Mamaa is one of the Finisterre languages of Papua New Guinea, spoken in a single village in Morobe Province.
mεre Finungwa
Papua New Guinea
m3di; m?diʔ Kelon
Kelon (or Kalong, Kelong, Klon, Klon Bring, Klon Paneia, Kolon), is a Papuan language of the western tip of Alor Island in the Alor archipelago of East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.
m3di (medi) Kelon Probur
m3l Southwest Tanna Imreang
the language on the south part of Vanuatu island
m3l Southwest Tanna Lapwangtoai
the language on the south part of Vanuatu island
m3li; mʌ:li Pamosu
Pamosu is a Papuan language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
m3li Hinihon
Papua New Guinea
m3r3 xain Bierebo Tavio
m3r3kial Maii
m3rayina Lewo Mapremo
m3rie Axamb-Avok
an Oceanic language
m3ri Kwamera Yatukwey
in the Southern part of Vanuatu
3m3ri; ʌmʌri Mawak
Mawak is a nearly extinct Papuan language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
ma7a Dubu
Dubu, also known as Tebi, is a Pauwasi language of West New Guinea.
gabudara; maigara Jimajima (Dima)
a Papuan language of New Guinea.
mai; taliye Pouye
Papua New Guinea
mai Butmas
Butmas, also Butmas-Tur or Farafi, is a language of the interior of Santo Island in Vanuatu.
maigara Umanakaina Gwoiden
the South-East of Papua New Guinea
maihala Bohutu
Buhutu (Bohutu) is an Oceanic language spoken in Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea.
maim; malε Munkip
Munkip (Mungkip) is a nearly extinct Finisterre languages of Papua New Guinea.
maim Nek
Nek is one of the Finisterre languages of Papua New Guinea.
maja’e Aomie
A language of Papua New Guinea.
male Dibiyaso
Papua New Guinea, Western Papua
malelel** Bisis
Bisis is a Sepik language spoken in East Sepik Province, Papua-New Guinea.
maliti Biga
Biga is a heavily Papuan-influenced Austronesian language spoken in West Papua in the south of the island of Misool
mape Ampeeli
Angan; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
mape Kamasa
Kamasa is a nearly extinct Angan language of Papua New Guinea.
mapiya Kawatsa (Kawacha)
Kawatsa is a nearly extinct Angan language of Papua New Guinea
mapya Yagwoia
Yagwoia (Yeghuye), or Kokwaiyakwa, is an Angan language of Papua New Guinea.
mara binia Bierebo
Bierebo (or Bonkovia-Yevali) is an Oceanic language spoken on Epi Island, in Vanuatu.
mara wi5a Bierebo Burupika
mara Abasakur
Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
marak Sirasira
Austronesian languages of the Morobe district, Papua.
mari Laua
Laua, also known as Labu, is a language of Papua New Guinea.
masa Maria-Orai iu
Papua New Guinea
mau Meninggo
Meninggo, or Moskona or Sabena, is a Papuan language of the North coast of Papua, Indonesia.
mauwuru; yagi Bikaru
(Bugalu, Pikaru) Papua New Guinea
maya Namumi
Trans-New Guinea, West Kutubu. (Dialect of Fasu language).
meda Doromu Aramaika
Papua New Guinea
meda Doromu Bareika
Papua New Guinea
meda Maria-Gebi
Papua New Guinea
mei Polonombauk
Polonombauk is a language of the interior of the southeast of Santo Island in Vanuatu.
meida7a Doromu Lofaika
Papua New Guinea
meida7a Maria-Maranomu
Papua New Guinea
mEk3li Wanambre
Wanambre is a Papuan language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
mele Numanggang
Numanggang (Manggang) is a language of Papua New Guinea.
mENkaxEN Wagau
Papua New Guinea
menoNwa Riantana
Riantana, or Kimaam, is a language spoken on Yos Sudarso Island in Papua province, Indonesia.
metakal Ap Ma (Apma)
Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu
misiama; misiavo Taurap
The Burmeso language, also known as Taurap, is spoken by some 300 people along the mid Mamberamo River in Papua province, Indonesia.
mp~iab; prow Hattam
Hattam (also spelled Hatam, Atam) is a divergent language of New Guinea.
n?negar Kaningra
Kaningra (Kaningara) language is a Sepik language of Papua New Guinea.
naβinioka Ramopa
Keriaka AKA Ramopa is an East Papuan of Bougainville, an island to the east of New Guinea.
Na5 Walman
Walman (or Valman) is a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea.
Namali Sepa
Papua New Guinea
namban Bungain
Papua New Guinea.
naniu Bilua
Bilua; Solomons East Papuan; Australia & Oceania
nanu Bilua-Ndovele
Bilua is the most populous Papuan language spoken in the Solomon Islands
Nanu Walman Chinapeli
Papua New Guinea (At the North)
nasirewe Yeretuar
Yeretuar, or Goni, is an Austronesian language in its putative Cenderawasih branch from Cenderawasih Bay (Geelvink Bay) in Indonesian Papua.
neiya; nilia Amto
Amto (also known as Ki) is an Amto-Musan language spoken in Sandaun Province of Papua New Guinea in the Amanab and Rocky Peak Districts, south of the Upper Sepik River, toward the headwaters of the Left May River on the Samaia River.
ngas Kara
Kara language, an Austronesian language spoken by people in the Kavieng District, Papua New Guinea.
niba Ipiko
Ipiko (Epai, Higa, Ipikoi) is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea
nimbe Juwal
Juwal a.k.a. Muniwara is a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea. Other names are Mambe and Tumara ~ Tumaru.
nirala** Qaqet
Papua New Guinea
nyet thew; 5etth~eu Thong Boi
o waNe Modole (Madole)
Modole is a Papuan Halmahera language of Indonesia. The language is spoken in several villages in the Kao region on the Northern peninsula of the island of Halmahera.
waNe malako Galela
North Halmaheran; West Papuan; Asia
waNe; waNe ma lako lau Tidore
Tidore is a West Papuan language of Indonesia.
waNe Pagu
Pagu, named after one of its dialects, is a Papuan Halmahera language of Indonesia.
waNe Tobelo
Tobelo is a West Papuan language spoken on the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera and on parts of several neighboring islands
odEmo Ukuriguma
Ukuriguma is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
oi Mekwei-Maribu
a Papuan language of Indonesia.
ond~om Pila
Pila may refer to: Yom language or Pilapila, is a Gur language of Benin. Maia language, a Papuan language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
ora Iresim
Yeresiam or Iresim is an Austronesian language in the putative Cenderawasih (Geelvink Bay) of Indonesian Papua. It is not closely related to other languages.
orobia Tandia
Tandia is a nearly extinct Austronesian language in the putative Cenderawasih (Geelvink Bay) family of Indonesian Papua.
otEm Pay
Pay, or Mala, is a Papuan language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
owa Bogaya (Pogaya)
Papua New Guinea
p3kas Nakame
Nakama is one of the Finisterre languages of Papua New Guinea.
paŋgat Kinalakna
Kinalakna is a Papuan language of Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
paŋgat Kumokio
Kumokio is a Papuan language of Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
pa’ Fore
Eastern Highlands; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
pim3tiE Irarutu
Irarutu, Irahutu, or Kasira, is an Austronesian language of most of the interior of the Bomberai Peninsula of New Guinea.
pirarau Girawa
Girawa, also known as Bagasin (Begasin, Begesin), is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
po Gende
Gende (Gendeka, Gene; also Bundi) is a Papuan language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
poari Pila
Pila may refer to: Yom language or Pilapila, is a Gur language of Benin. Maia language, a Papuan language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
poiap Timbe
Timbe is a Papuan language spoken in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
poiya Wano
Wano is a Papuan language of the Indonesian New Guinea Highlands.
pooybE Sanio
Sanio, or more precisely Saniyo-Hiyewe, is a Sepik language of Northern Papua New Guinea.
r3ma Pinai Hagahai Aramo
Hagahai, also known as Pinai, is one of two languages of the Piawi family of New Guinea.
r3ma Pinai Hagahai Pinai
New Guinea
rannje Fatakai Nuaulu Seram
rapr Angaua
Nend (Nent), or Angaua, is a Papuan language spoken by the Angaua people of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
repadai Wabo
Wabo is a Malayo-Polynesian language of Papua, Indonesia.
rera Onin
Onin is a minor Austronesian language of the Onin Peninsula of Bomberai, Indonesian Papua.
rera Sekar
Sekar (Seka) is a minor Austronesian language of the North coast of the Bomberai Peninsula.
s3mari Tabriak
Tabriak, also known as Karawari or Yokoim, is one of the Lower Sepik languages of Papua New Guinea.
s3nmali Chambri-Kilimbit
Australia & Oceania
sabala Sota Kanum
New Guinea ?
sa7i Kiwai Southern
Papua New Guinea
sai Kiwai
Kiwaian; Kiwaian; Australia & Oceania
saiki; soiki Bamu Kiwai
Kiwaian; Kiwaian; Australia & Oceania
soiki (saikio) Bamu
Papua New Guinea
saiki Sisiame
Southern Papua New Guinea
saiki-opu Pirupiru
Southern Papua New Guinea
sano Wagarabai
West Mian (Wagarabai or Skonga). Papua New Guinea
sariki; seki Wabuda
Papua New Guinea
sayeb Sambio
Papua New Guinea
sbabo Bonggo
Bonggo, also known as Armopa, is an Austronesian language spoken on the North coast of Papua province, Indonesia.
sebiE Lemio
Lemio is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
sedap Gusan (???)
Gusan (a.k.a. Nema) is one of the Finisterre languages of Papua New Guinea.
seii Tao Suamato
Papua New Guinea.
osui Amanab
a Papuan language spoken by 4,400 people in Amanab District, Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea.
sia Pawaia
Pawaia, also known as Sira, Tudahwe, Yasa, is a Papuan language
sial Seke
The Seke language of Pentecost Island, Vanuatu.
sImalə Mari
Mari, or Hop, is a minor Austronesian language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
siar Dusner
Papua New Guinea (western part of island)
siar Meoswar
Meoswar is an Austronesian language of Cenderawasih Bay in the province of Papua, Indonesia.
sida; mokoi (?) Usino
Usino (also Sop) is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea by approximately 2,500 people.
sivio Minanibai
Minanibai, or Foia Foia (Foyafoya) is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea, spoken in an area near Omati River mouth in Ikobi Kairi and Goaribari Census districts (Gulf Province).
siwuk Sirak
Sirak, also known as Nafi, is an Austronesian language of Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
siu; siwuk Musom
Musom is an Austronesian language of Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
so7ore Karaeta Uaripi
Papua New Guinea
so7ore Luluitera Uaripi
Papua New Guinea
so7ore Murua Stmt Uaripi
Papua New Guinea
so7ore Petoe Uaripi
Papua New Guinea
so7ore Siviri Uaripi
sore Meii2 Uaripi
Papua New Guinea
sore Uaripi Uaripi
a Trans-New Guinea language of Papua New Guinea.
soa Omati
Omati, or Mini, is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea. The two varieties, Barikewa and Mouwase, are quite divergent.
sobe Saberi
Isirawa (Saberi) is a Papuan language spoken by about two thousand people on the North coast of Papua province, Indonesia.
sona Duduela
Duduela, also known as Uyajitaya, is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
soning Tabla
Tabla (one of two Papuan languages also known as Tanah Merah) is spoken on the coast of Tanahmerah Bay, close to Jayapura, in Northern Papua (Indonesia).
sool Lukep
Arop-Lokep (also spelled Arop-Lukep) is an Oceanic language spoken by 3,015 people (as of 2000) on four islands in the Siassi chain in the Vitiaz Strait in Papua New Guinea.
so Biritai
Biritai (Biri) is a Lakes Plain language of Irian Jaya, Indonesia.
so Eritai
New Guinea (Indonesia)
so Kwerisa
Papua, Indonesia
so Obokuitai
Obokuitai (Obogwitai) is a Lakes Plain language of Irian Jaya, Indonesia. It is named after Obogwi village. Sikaritai, Obokuitai, and Eritai constitute a dialect cluster.
suŋol Gants
a Madang language of Papua New Guinea.
su7 Ttsakwambo
Papua New Guinea
suak Maralango
Northern Papua New Guinea
suak Dangal
Papua New Guinea
suok Bubwaf
Austronesian language of the Morobe district, Papua.
sual Kovai
Kovai (Kobai, Kowai) is a Papuan language spoken on Umboi Island, halfway between mainland Papua New Guinea and the island of New Britain, and mostly within the caldera of that volcanic island.
soLi Kamula
Papua New Guinea
suana; suani Binumarien
Eastern Highlands; Papua New Guinea
suana Tairora-Binumarien
Eastern Highlands; Papua New Guinea
Sum (Sam) Sauri
Sauri is a Papuan language of the Indonesian province of Papua, on the eastern shore of Cenderawasih Bay.
S3u Dagin
Papua New Guinea
os Gobasi
Gobasi, better known as Nomad, is a Trans-New Guinea language of New Guinea, spoken in the plains east of the Strickland River.
o*s Gebusi
Papua New Guinea
o*s Honibo
Papua New Guinea
o*s Oibae
A language of Papua New Guinea
o*so* Kubo
Kubo is a Trans-New Guinea language of New Guinea, spoken in the plains of the Strickland River.
osigo (osogo) Odoodee
Odoodee (Ododei) is a Trans-New Guinea language of New Guinea
oso Agala
Agala (or Fembe) is a Trans-New Guinea language of New Guinea, spoken in the plains east of the Strickland River.
ʌsɔ (3so) Konai
Konai is a Trans-New Guinea language of New Guinea, spoken on the west bank of the Strickland River.
sun god Dup?de Ayiwo (Aiwoo)
Solomon Islands. Oceanic; Austronesian; Australia & Oceania
suwi Silisili
Northern Papua New Guinea
suwo7 Onank
Papua New Guinea
taidEn Kehu
Kehu (Keu) is an unclassified and nearly extinct language of New Guinea.
takaya Kwato
Papua New Guinea, Kwato Island
tale Seget
Seget is a Papuan language of the Bird’s Head Peninsula of New Guinea.
tali Tehit
Tehit is a Papuan language of the Bird’s Head Peninsula of New Guinea.
tawu3i Car
Indonesia, Sulawesi island
tawuti Lilau
Lilau is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea, closely related to Monumbo.
tegi Suabo
Suabo (Suabau), also known as Inanwatan, is a Papuan language of West Papua.
telu Moraid
Moraid is a Papuan language of the Bird’s Head Peninsula of New Guinea.
teme Kaugat
Kaugat (or Atohwaim) is a Papuan language of West Papua.
tet Mandobo Bawah
A language of Indonesia (Papua).
ti Dubea
Ndrumbea, variously spelled Ndumbea, Drubea, Dumbea and Paita, is a New Caledonian language (the Grande Terre island, near Vanuatu).
ti Yahadian
Yahadian is a Papuan language of the Bird’s Head Peninsula of West Papua.
tigi Duriankere
Duriankere is an endangered Papuan language of West Papua.
to Faia (Kirikiri-Faia)
(Faia dialect of Kirikiri). Southern Papua New Guinea
to Kirikiri
Southern Papua New Guinea
uas (os) Tumleo
Tumleo is an Austronesian language of coastal Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea, on Tumleo Island and the Aitape coast.
ud Korak
a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
uh Matepi
Matepi is a Madang language of Papua New Guinea.
unaʔ; wegi West Mape
Mape is a Papuan language spoken in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
umo Ramo
Papua New Guinea, Sandaun province
u:s; us Bagupi
Bagupi is a nearly extinct Madang language of Papua New Guinea.
us Nake
Nake is a Madang language of Papua New Guinea.
us Nake
Nake is a Madang language of Papua New Guinea.
us Utu
Utu is a Madang language of Papua New Guinea.
usam Manem
Manem, or Jeti (Yeti), is a Papuan language of Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesian Papua.
uwe meZa (uwem3ja) Dem
Dem (Lem, Ndem) is a possible Trans-New Guinea language
vanua Taulil
Taulil is a Papuan language spoken in East New Britain Province on the island of New Britain, Papua New Guinea.
vatave Tauade
Tauade is a Papuan language of New Guinea.
vEd Kabola-Aimoli
dialect of Kabola (Indonesia)
wEd Kelon Halerman
wEd3 Blagar Tereweng
Indonesia, at western part of the Vetar island
wed; vid; vit Blagar
a Papuan language of Pantar island in the Alor archipelago of Indonesia..
vesi Samosa
Samosa is a Madang language of Papua New Guinea
vihi Mosimo
Mosimo is a nearly extinct Madang language of Papua New Guinea.
vir Rapting
Rapting is a Madang language of Papua New Guinea.
vish~i Murupi
Murupi is a Madang language of Papua New Guinea.
wʌniŋ Kobol
Kobol, or Koguman, is a Papuan language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
w3lwa Namia
Namia (Namie, Nemia) is a Sepik language spoken in Sandaun Province, Papua-New Guinea.
wagoʔ Momare
Momare is a moribund Papuan language of Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
wegoʔ; wena7 Migabac
Migabac is a Papuan language spoken in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
wegiʔ East Mape
Mape is a Papuan language spoken in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
wangere ma la7o Sahu
Sahu (Sa’u, Sahu’u, Sau) is a Papuan Halmahera language.
warE3ma Parawen
Parawen is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
watli Beli
Papua New Guinea
wazam** Bilakura
Bilakura is a nearly extinct Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
wehon; welgon Burum-Mindik
a Papuan language spoken in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
wehon Mindik
Papua New Guinea
wehon Somba Siawari
a Papuan language spoken in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
welgan Yaknge
a Papuan language spoken in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
wEdEm Saki
northeastern Papua New Guinea
welgon Burum
Papua New Guinea
wen Ndom 2
Ndom is a language spoken on Yos Sudarso Island in Papua province, Indonesia.
weN (we:ŋ) Borong (Boroŋ)
Papua New Guinea, Morobe province.
weN Kosorong
Kosorong is a Papuan language spoken in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea. Dialects are Borong and Yangeborong.
wepni; wupli; yam Au
Wapei-Palei; Torricelli; Australia & Oceania
wupli Yil
Yil is a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea.
wupli Yir
Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, Australia
wEs Lamma-Biangwala
Dialect of Western Pantar language (western part of Pantar island in the Alor archipelago of Indonesia.)
wim; zE; zeq Bargam
Bargam, or Mugil, is a Papuan language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea
wufliy3x Ningil
Ningil is a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea.
xahi Sinagen
Sinagen, or Galu, is a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea.
xaro Bola
Bola, or Bakovi, is an Oceanic language of West New Britain in Papua New Guinea.
yəbod Ende-Agob-Dabu
Papua New Guinea
yʌbəd Tame-Idi
a Papuan language spoken in Western Province, Papua New Guinea.
yabel Yessan Mayo
Yessan-Mayo, also known as Yessan or Mayo, is a Papuan language spoken by 2000 people in Papua-New Guinea.
yabEra Sipoma
Sipoma (also known as Siboma or Numbami) is an Austronesian language spoken by about 200 people with ties to a single village in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
yage Bisorio
Nete, also known as Bisorio, Malamauda, or Iniai, is an Engan language spoken in Papua New Guinea.
yakra Orya
Oriya may refer to: Oriya language (India); nei?aa — Orya language (New Guinea).
yaku Tofamna
Tofanma or Tofamna is a poorly documented Papuan language of Indonesia.
yanep Nukna
Nukna, or Komutu, is one of the Finisterre languages of Papua New Guinea.
yemar Emem
Emumu, or Emem, is an Eastern Pauwasi language in Papua Indonesia (at the border with Papua New Guinea).
yEneza Kapriman
Kapriman is a Sepik language spoken in East Sepik Province, Papua-New Guinea. Alternative names are Mugumute, Wasare.
yge Kamano Kafe
Papua New Guinea
yge Kamano
Papua New Guinea
yege Yagaria
Eastern Highlands; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
yege Inoke-Yate
Inoke, or Yate (Jate), is a Papuan language spoken in Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea.
yaul (yaun) Wam
Papua New Guinea (at the border between East Sepik and Sandaun provinces)
youn Karas
Karas is a divergent Trans-New Guinea language spoken on the biggest of the Karas Islands off the Bomberai Peninsula, that appears to be most closely related to the West Bomberai languages.
yoni Fas
Papua New Guinea (in the Northern part, near the Papua Indonesia border)
yohl Patani
Patani is an Austronesian language of Southern Halmahera, Indonesia.
yos3 (yosu) Mena
Papua New Guinea
iyo; padah; popo’nah Awa
Eastern Highlands; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
iv?o Anigibi
Southern Papua New Guinea
iyen; owun Eitiep
Papua New Guinea
iyep Nungon
a Papuan language of Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea
iyo; poponah Ilakia
Papua New Guinea
iyos Ikobi Kairi
Papua New Guinea
iyub Latep
Papua New Guinea
yub Towangara
Austronesian languages of the Morobe district, Papua.
yob Dambi
Language of Papua New Guinea,
yob Kumaru
Papua New Guinea
ya Maisin
Papua New Guinea (Oceanic; Austronesian; Australia and Oceania)
ya Dakaka
Daakaka (also known as Dakaka, South Ambrym and Baiap) is a native language of Ambrym, Vanuatu (the south-western corner of the island).
ya* Toura
Toura may be: Toura language (Cote d’Ivoire). Toura language (Papua New Guinea).
ya Banaro
Banaro is a Ramu language of Papua New Guinea.
ya Kwoma
Kwoma is a Sepik language of Papua New Guinea.
yal North Ambrym Ranon
a language of Ambrym Island, Vanuatu.
yal Nguluwan
Nguluwan is a ‘mixed’ language spoken on an atoll of that name between Yap and Palau. The grammar and lexicon are Yapese, but the phonology has been affected by Ulithian, and speakers are shifting to that language. It belongs to the Austronesian languages, more specifically to the Oceanic branch of that family.
yal Wom
Papua New Guinea.
yaal (yal’) Yapese
One of five National/Official Languages of the Federated States of Micronesia. Spoken in the State of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia. (Yapese; Austronesian; Australia and Oceania)
yal Big Nambas Leviamp
Vanuatu island
yal Sa
North-Central Vanuatu (an Oceanic language spoken on Small Malaita and Ulawa Island in the Solomon Islands)
ial North Ambrym Fonah
a language of Ambrym Island, Vanuatu.
burgu; yalgan Yugambeh-Minyangbal-Ngarahkwai
Pama-Nyungan; Australian; Australia & Oceania
burgu Geynyan
Pama-Nyungan; Australian; Australia & Oceania
yalgan; jalNa5; jiru; burgu Yugambal
Yugambal (Yugumbal, Jukambal), or Yugumbil (Jukambil), is an Australian Aboriginal language of Northern New South Wales.
yalgan Waalubal
(Waalubal-Kambuwal) Pama-Nyungan; Australian; Australia & Oceania
yalgan Gidabal
in the West of Australia
yalgan Gidabal-Winjabal
Pama-Nyungan; Australian; Australia & Oceania
*elaw Proto-Sangiric
Austronesian language family
yel Repanbitip
Repanbitip is one of the Malakula Interior languages of Vanuatu.
yei Gabiano
Papua New Guinea
yei Niksek-Gabiano
Niksek is a Sepik language of Northern Papua New Guinea. The two dialects, Paka and Gabiano, are rather divergent.
yei Piame
Piame is a Sepik language of Northern Papua New Guinea.
yel Big Nambas Unmet
Vanuatu island
ye Asmat, Central (Keenok, Yipaer Dialect)
Asmat-Kamoro; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
yo Asmat, Central (Mecamup, Amanamkai Dialect)
Asmat-Kamoro; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
yo Asmat, Central (Mecamup, Omanesep Dialect)
Asmat-Kamoro; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
yo Asmat, Central (Misman, Meriten Dialect)
Asmat-Kamoro; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
zoe Asmat, Yaosakor
Trans-New Guinea
yo Asmat Central (Kainak, Atat Dialect)
Asmat-Kamoro; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
yoe Asmat, Central (Keenakap, Miwar Dialect)
Asmat-Kamoro; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
yow Asmat, Central (Mismam, Suru Dialect)
Asmat-Kamoro; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
yow Asmat, Central (Mismam, Yepem Dialect)
Asmat-Kamoro; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
yoe Asmat, Central (Keenakap, Namen Dialect)
Asmat-Kamoro; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
yow; jawui Asmat, Casuarina Coast
Asmat-Kamoro; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
yow Asmat, Central (Simai, Ayam Dialect)
Asmat-Kamoro; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
yow; yawi; jou; zoe Asmat, Central
Trans-New Guinea, Asmat-Kamoro, Asmat
yawi Warkaj
Papua New-Guinea
yawi Warkay-Bipim
Bipim, or Warkay-Bipim, is a Papuan language spoken in Papua New Guinea.
yoo Asmat, Central (Keenok, Komar Dialect)
Trans-New Guinea, Asmat-Kamoro, Asmat
yow; jawui Asmat, Casuarina Coast
Trans-New Guinea, Asmat-Kamoro, Asmat
yaw Kamoro
Trans-New Guinea, Asmat-Kamoro, Kamoro
yowi Sempan
Trans-New Guinea, Asmat-Kamoro, Sempan
mamin; lup Korowai
Papua Indonesia
manas Baikenu
(Ambeno, Ambenu, Baikeno, Biqueno). East Timor, Indonesia.
manas Uab Meto
Uab Meto is an Austronesian language spoken by Atoni people (also known as the Atoin Meto or Dawan) of West Timor. They number around 844,030
maNg~am Ura
Ura is a moribund language of the island Erromango in Vanuatu.
marari; was Lamma
Western Pantar, also known by the name of one of its dialects, Lamma, is a Papuan language spoken in the western part of Pantar island in the Alor archipelago of Indonesia.
mariE Port Sandwich
Port Sandwich, or Lamap, is an Oceanic language spoken in southeast Malakula, Vanuatu, on the eastern tip of the island.
maxa Ajie
Aji? (also known as Bakla (beki), Wai, and A’jie) is an Oceanic language spoken in New Caledonia.
mazakal Sowa
Sowa was the original language of south-central Pentecost island in Vanuatu
mbil Buma
Oceanic; Austronesian; Australia & Oceania
mentao Awji
Papua New Guinea (Northern area)
mErai Lamenu
Lamenu is an Oceanic language spoken on Epi Island, in Vanuatu.
meri Kwamera Isiai
in the Southern part of Vanuatu
meri Kwamera Port Resolution
in the Southern part of Vanuatu
meriar Axamb
Axamb (or Ahamb) is an Oceanic language spoken in South Malakula, Vanuatu.
metial Maskelynes
Maskelynes, or Kuliviu, is an Oceanic language spoken on the Maskelyne Islets off south Malakula, Vanuatu.
mir3 Jeisch
Papua New Guinea (at the south part of the island)
motih ond~u Kualan
the Borneo island (Indonesia)
motobi Lubu
Sumatra (Indonesia)
mrai Lewo Nikaura
mupui; h3p3ham3nd~3 Angor (Anggor)
Papua New Guinea
mut3Nar Whitesands Iarkei
Southern part of Vanuatu
mut3Nar Whitesands Loniel
Southern part of Vanuatu
mw~ere5o Baki
Baki is an Oceanic language spoken on Epi Island, in Vanuatu.
n3kw~o Yelogu
Yelogu, also known as Kaunga, is one of the Ndu languages of Sepik River region of Northern Papua New Guinea.
nisik Sause
New Guinea (Indonesia)
Nxw$ariau Foau
The Foau language, Abawiri, also known as Doa, is a Lakes Plain language of Irian Jaya, Indonesia
okoba Imonda
Border; Border; Australia & Oceania
oNe ma loko Loda
ouoie Vano
Solomon Islands (Temotu Province, Vanikolo Island, Lale and Lavaka villages)
perepa; perepana; rua Buin
East Bougainville;East Bougainville; Australia & Oceania
pola Sengi
Papua New Guinea
rukw~ea Southwest Tanna Ikiti
the language on the south part of Vanuatu island
rukw~ehia Southwest Tanna Enfitana
the southwestern coast of Tanna Island in Vanuatu (to the East from Australia)
sipo Nafri
Nafri is a Papuan language of Papua, Indonesia.
siyEb Buasi
Papua New Guinea (the east side of the island)
suka Folopa
Papua New Guinea
Sulu; raka Mentawai
Indonesia,the Mentawai island
swabo Kaptiau
Kaptiau (Kapitiauw) is an Austronesian language spoken on the eastern North coast of Papua province, Indonesia.
takN~ni Kukwo
Papua New Guinea. 3,740 speakers
takume Manga
Papua New Guinea
tapak Jakaj
Papua (Indonesia)
teat Cemuhi
Oceanic; Austronesian; Australia & Oceania
teet Kaeti Dumut
Papua Indonesia
tefe Kapong Baru
Papua (Indonesia)
tigyabo; tigyavo Awera
Awera is a Lakes Plain language of Irian Jaya, Indonesia.
timeli (timali) Yimas
The Yimas language is spoken by the Yimas people of Papua New Guinea.
toparu Lewo Nuvi
tote Kuri
Papua, Indonesia
todow Dusun Tempasuk
at nothern area of the Borneo island (Malaysia)
toau Mokilese
Mokilese also known as Mwoakilloan, Mwokilese, or Mwoakilese is a Micronesian language originally spoken on Mwoakilloa, Federated States of Micronesia
tʃisi Menda (?)
India, Orissa state. The native language of Menda (the name of the village) is Oriya and most of the village people speak Oriya. Menda people use Oriya language for communication.
tsital Amis (Kiwit)
cidal Amis (Ami)
Amis is the Formosan language of the Amis (or Ami), an indigenous tribal people living along the east coast of Taiwan (see Taiwanese aborigines).
ci8al; rumiXa8 Fataan Amis
Taiwan island (Southeastern Asia)
TiLal (ta7NaL) Farang Amis
Taiwan island (Southeastern Asia)
udEama Yarawata
Yarawata is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
uEnau Tunjung
Tunjung, or Tunjung Dayak, is an Austronesian language of Borneo.
ul Damal
Indonesia, Papua
ulo Ama
North-West Papua New Guinea
ulEN Yangulam
Yangulam is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
uNguru Mer
Papua, Indonesia
uru Kafoa
Kafoa, or Jafoo, is a Papuan language of Alor Island in the Alor archipelago of Indonesia.
uruas Kambram
Papua Indonesia
uwas Lamma-Kalondama
A language of Indonesia
uyem Medebur
Papua New Guinea
olimu Maklew
Bulaka River; Bulaka River; Papua Indonesia
v3ir; w3y Duvle
Duvle (Sikwari) is a Lakes Plain language of Irian Jaya, Indonesia.
vavana Yoba
Yoba is an extinct Austronesian language of Papua New Guinea.
v3vana Bina
a Papuan language of the Bird’s Head Peninsula of New Guinea.
vea Managalasi
Ese Managalasi is a language of Oro Province, Papua New Guinea.
wagi Atayal
Taiwan island
wakh~ Yamap
Yamap is an Oceanic language in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
wapao Barapasi
Papua New Guinea
warah3 Urubu Kaapor
a Tupi-Guarani language spoken by the Ka’apor people of French Guiana and Brazil.
warget Tewa Lebang
(Teiwa) Eastern Indonesia. Pantar island.
uwargEt Tewa Madar
Eastern Indonesia. Pantar island.
wat Kamang Pido Ii
wat Kamang Pido
wat; wati Kamang
wati; vatave Afoa
Papua New Guinea
wati Kamang Letley
wazo Malalamai
Malalamai, or Bonga (after the two villages in which it is spoken), is an Austronesian languages of Madang Province.
wElE Kesawai
Papua New Guinea
weri Nedebang
Nedebang is a Papuan language spoken in the villages of Balungada and Baulang in the eastern district of Pantar island in the Alor archipelago of Indonesia.
weti Tanahmerah
widi Kolana
The Wersing language, also known as Kolana after its primary dialect, is spoken in scattered settlements around the coast of Alor in Indonesia.
widi Wersing
The Wersing language, also known as Kolana after its primary dialect, is spoken in scattered settlements around the coast of Alor in Indonesia.
Xaia Lote
Papua New Guinea, the New Britain island
xat Fa Tieta
Grande Terre (the island between Vanuatu and Australia)
xi3 Hiw
Hiw (sometimes spelled Hiu) is an Oceanic language spoken on the island of Hiw, in the Torres Islands of Vanuatu.
yimap Towei
Towei is a Pauwasi language of West New Guinea.
zoN Mbula Papua New Guinea
Mbula (also known as Mangap-Mbula, Mangaaba, Mangaawa, Mangaava, Kaimanga) is an Austronesian language spoken by around 2,500 people on Umboi Island and Sakar Island in the Morobe Province of Papua New Guinea.
maiya Fasu
Fasu; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
ikona Gadsup
Eastern Highlands; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
kalam Garus
Madang; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
mapa Hamtai
Angan; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
mapa Kapau
Papua New Guinea
m3ptq3; mapa; mapatəqa Menye (Menya)
Menya (Menyama, Menye) is an Angan language of Papua New Guinea.
pub Kalam
Madang; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
dzoan Kate
Finisterre-Huon; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
dzian Kate (Wamora Dialect)
Finisterre-Huon; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
dziaŋ Magobineng
Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
‘sinda; pub Kobon
Madang; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
sinda Biyom
Biyom is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
to:s Korowai
Awju-Dumut; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
neta Kyaka
Engan; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
tende Mairasi
Mairasi-Tanahmerah; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
tende Semimi
Semimi, or Etna Bay, is a Papuan language spoken in Papua province of Indonesia.
ataan Telefol
Ok; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
atan Tifal
Ok; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
tan Mian
Ok; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
emondani Moni
Wissel Lakes-Kemandoga; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
kasuk; kasup Nabak
Finisterre-Huon; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
gaat Nankina
Finisterre-Huon; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
madza|’-e Omie
Koiarian; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
kae; kai Komutu
Nukna, or Komutu, is one of the Finisterre languages of Papua New Guinea.
kai Nukna
Nukna, or Komutu, is one of the Finisterre languages of Papua New Guinea.
kaiwe Ono
Finisterre-Huon; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
kaiwe Kube
Kube, also Mongi, is a Papuan language spoken in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
kaiwe Tobo
Kube (Hube) and Tobo, also Mongi, are a Papuan language spoken in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
kh~ikh~a Doso
Doso is a language of New Guinea
ki Suroi
Siroi (Suroi) is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea
okisa Rawa
Finisterre-Huon; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
kauri Tairora
Eastern Highlands; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
dewuta Selepet
Finisterre-Huon; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
waiko Suena
Binanderean; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
sat Wambon
Awju-Dumut; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
hein, heng Yale (Kosarek)
Mek; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
nyila Baruya
Papua New Guinea
maiya; sere maiya Fasu Namo Me
Papua New Guinea
EsE Poko Rawo
a language of Papua New Guinea
Esi Dumpu
Papua New Guinea
eso Biami
(Piame; Beami; Bedamini) Papua New Guinea.
ete Guhu Samane (Guhu-Samane)
Papua New Guinea
eho Kibiri
Kibiri (Rumuhei, Rumu, Dumu, Kairi, Tumu, Rumuwa) a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
ta Mende
Papua New Guinea
ta* Dumo
Papua New Guinea (Northern part of the island)
ta* Dusur
Papua New Guinea (Northern part of the island)
ta* Leitre
Papua New Guinea
ta; tai Opo
? Opao (?) is a Trans-New Guinea language of Papua New Guinea.
ta Kwanga
Kwanga (Gawanga) is a Sepik language spoken in Papua New Guinea.
atan_a Oksapmin
Papua New Guinea
katane Marind
Marind is a Papuan language spoken in Malind District, Merauke Regency, Indonesia by over ten thousand people
katane Gawir
dialect of Marind (South New Guinea)
keta:ne Bian Marind
Marind Proper; Marind; Asia
kalas Muyuw
Papua New Guinea (Oceanic; Austronesian; Australia and Oceania)
kaakanooka (sunrise) Waffa
Papua New Guinea
zge Kamano-Kafe
Papua New Guinea (Eastern Highlands; Trans-New Guinea; Australia and Oceania)
kae Mengen
Papua New Guinea
pisar Nehan
Papua New Guinea (Oceanic; Austronesian; Australia and Oceania)
okomba (sun or sunlight) Walsa (Waris)
Papua New Guinea (Border; Border; Australia and Oceania, Asia)
okomba Waina
a Papuan language of Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea. There are three divergent varieties of Sowanda language: Waina, Punda and Umeda, which may be distinct languages.
ok; u Nakwi
Spoken in Papua New Guinea Region East Sepik Province
ok; u Nimo Nakwi
Nimo (Nimo-Wasawai) is a Left May language of New Guinea, in Sandaun Province. Nimo and Wasawai are two of the villages inhabited by speakers of this language. It is close to Nakwi.
gunzit Wantoat
Papua New Guinea (Finisterre-Huon; Trans-New Guinea; Australia and Oceania)
dori Kaiy
Papua Indonesia
dera Keo
dare Maipua
Papua N. Guinee (*)
dari Tagota
A dialect of the Meriam language, the language of the people of the small islands of Mer (Murray Island), Waier and Dauar, Erub (Darnley Island), and Ugar (Stephens Island) in the eastern Torres Strait, Queensland, Australia; the only Papuan language on Australian territory
dare; lare Purari
Purari is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea. It is also known as Koriki, Evorra, I’ai, Maipua and Namau.
dari:k Makayam-Giribam
a language of Papua New Guinea
dari Makayam-Pisirami-Tagota
a language of Papua New Guinea
darik; kareme Makayam
a language of Papua New Guinea
kareme Gogodala Gogodara
Papua New Guinea
alumta; aru:nta; kareme Tirio
Papua New Guinea
alemu; alim Yelmek
Yelmek, also known as Jelmek, Jelmik or Jab, is a language of the proposed Trans-Fly — Bulaka River family in West Papua.
allunga; arlunya Arrernte
one of the languages of Australian aborigines
alinga ???
one of the languages of Australian aborigines (*)
alenNe; xirka Arrernte, Eastern
(Mparntwe) Pama-Nyungan; Australian; Australia & Oceania
alim Jabsch
Papua (Indonesia)
alim Yelmek Jab
Yelmek, also known as Jelmek, Jelmik or Jab, is a language of the proposed Trans-Fly — Bulaka River family in West Papua.
daβinio Askopan
Askopan (or Eivo) is an East Papuan language of Bougainville, an island to the east of New Guinea.
da Motuna
Solomon Islands (Pasific ocean)
dabwela Bwanabwana
Papua New Guinea, island in Luisiada arhipelag
dag Mutu
Papua New Guinea
dame Wolani
Wolani (Wodani) is a Papuan language spoken by about 5,000 people in the Paniai lakes region of the Indonesian province of Papua.
dEN Songum
Sam, or Songum, is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
dEvidEo Rotokas
Rotokas is a North Bougainville language spoken by about 4,320 people on the island of Bougainville, an island located to the east of New Guinea which is part of Papua New Guinea.
dewe; dewi wesiwo Moi
Moi (Mekwei) is a Papuan language of the Bird’s Head Peninsula of New Guinea.
diamata Larike Wakasihu
dian Yangum Dey
Papua New Guinea
dina Motu
Motu (sometimes called Pure Motu or True Motu to distinguish it from Hiri Motu) is one of many Central Papuan Tip languages and is spoken by the Motuans, native inhabitants of Papua New Guinea.
dinya Berinomo (Bitara) Bayamo
Bitara, or Berinomo, is a Sepik language spoken in East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea.
faniya; tiniya Berinomo (Bitara) Kakiru
East Sepik province, Papua-New Guinea
tiniya Bahinemo
Sepik Hill; Sepik; Australia & Oceania
diyo Nai
Kwomtari; Kwomtari-Baibai; Australia & Oceania
doŋke Koromira
Koromira is an East Papuan language spoken in the mountains of Southern Bougainville Province, Papua New Guinea.
kəsu (k3su) Mesem
Mesem is a Papuan language spoken in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
hal Galu
Papua New Guinea
halat Lisela
Indonesia, Buru island
khado Bitur
Bitur is Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
k3lo (g3lo) Rao
Rao is a Ramu language of Papua New Guinea. In older literature it was called Annaberg.
3lo Sangir 2
k3towEq Ofaye
(Ofaie-Xavante, Ofaye, Ofaye-Xavante, Opaie-Shavante, Opaye) — Extinct language of south americans in Central Brezil
kaŋe; koŋko Kanum
New Guinea
kaə Pano-Mur
Mur Pano, or simply Pano, is an Austronesian language spoken by about three quarters of the thousand inhabitants of Mur village on the North coast of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
kadi Kuruaya
Kuruaya is a nearly extinct Tupian language in the Amazon region of Brazil.
kaiya Kimki
Papua (Indonesia)
kaizap Roinji
Roinji is a minor Austronesian languages of Northern Papua New Guinea.
kamgu; ki sari Suki
Suki is a language spoken by about 3500 people several miles inland along the Fly River in southwestern Papua New Guinea.
karahi Arawete
Arawete is a Tupi-Guaran? language of the state of Amazonas, in the Amazon region of Brazil.
karahi Paranawat
Brazil (near Bolivian border)
kari Sio
Sio is an Austronesian language spoken by about 3,500 people on the North coast of the Huon Peninsula in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
kauwana Bwaidoka
Bwaidoka is an Austronesian language spoken in Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea.
kauwana Iduna
Iduna is an Austronesian language spoken on Goodenough Island of Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea.
kamu Malas
Malas is a Papuan language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
kam Abun
Abun, also known as Yimbun, A Nden, Manif, or Karon, is a West Papuan language of New Guinea.
kam Bunabun
Brem (Barem), also known as Bunabun, is a Papuan language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
kam Karon Pantai
Papua New Guinea (Northern-western part of the island)
kɔmi Irumu
Tuma, or (Upper) Irumu, is of one of the Finisterre languages of Papua New Guinea.
kɔmi Tuma-Irumu
Papua New Guinea.
kʌme Guriaso
a language of Papua New Guinea.
kawa Kuni-Boazi-3
a Papuan language spoken in Papua New Guinea.
kawe Kuni-Boazi-Konmak
a Papuan language spoken in Papua New Guinea.
kaya7kalo Milki Murkim
Papua, Indonesia
kayakalo Mot Murkim
Papua, Indonesia
kebu Amgotro
Papua New Guinea.
kEgin Dimir
Dimir, also known as Bosiken (Boskien) and Gavak, is a Papuan language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
keigji Papasena
Papasena is a Lakes Plain language of Irian Jaya, Indonesia.
kamimi; tamini Mbaham (Baham)
West Bomberai; Papua, Indonesia
kimina; nama Iha
Iha (Kapaur) is a Papuan language spoken on the tip of the Bomberai Peninsula.
kEndiy3v Wanap
Wanap or Kayik is a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea.
kepli Seta
Seta is a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea.
Epli Olo Eretei
Papua New Guinea
Epli Olo Lumi
Papua New Guinea
Epli Olo Yebil
Papua New Guinea
kesare-kop Dorro
Dorro (also known as Namo or Mari). Papua New Guinea
keu Barim
Papua New Guinea
keu Pano-Singorokai
dialect of Pano (an Austronesian language)
kEwom Taikat
Taikat (Tajkat) or Arso is a Papuan language of Indonesian Papua.
kh~e Yabong
Yabong is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
kh~el Kolom
Papua New Guinea
kita; stamari Kunimaipa
Kunimaipa is a Papuan language of New Guinea.
kiy Waritai
Waritai is a Lakes Plain language of Irian Jaya, Indonesia.
kiyik Maranunggu
the language of the tribe in the North of Australia
kof3ni Seti
Seti is a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea.
kolkh~a Sulka
Sulka is a possible language isolate scattered across the eastern end of New Britain island, Papua New Guinea.
koNko Kanum Ngkalmpw
Papua (Indonesia)
kori Doutai
New Guinea (Indonesia)
kosa Iyo
Papua New Guinea
kowa; ewaka Yareba
Yareba, or Middle Musa, is a language of Papua New Guinea.
koya Begua
Papua New Guinea
koye Zimakani
Zimakani is a Papuan language spoken in Papua New Guinea by approximately 1500 people.
kui Lavukaleve
Solomon Islands
kulaq Panasuan
Panasuan is a small Austronesian language of Sulawesi, Indonesia.
kuli Savosavo
The Savosavo language is an endangered language spoken on Savo, a small volcanic island North of Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands.
kum; tari Maiwa-Galeva-Kwateva-Pue
a Papuan language of New Guinea (the United Provinces of Galeva)
tari Maiwa
Papua New Guinea
kum Maiwa-Manaeo
Maiwa is a Papuan language of New Guinea.
kum Moraori
Moraori (Marori, Moaraeri, Morori, Morari) is a Trans-New Guinea language
kumoN (kumoŋ) Jilim
Jilim is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
kumoN Rerau
Rerau is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
kuri Rasawa
Rasawa is a Papuan language of Indonesia.
kwi; te; tei Aekyom
Awin-Pare; Australia & Oceania
kwipli Yau
Yau, also called Uruwa, is one of the Finisterre languages of Papua New Guinea.
kwer Kwesten
Papua, Indonesia
kw3nja; nilya Simbari
Simbari or Chimbari, is an Angan language of Papua New Guinea.
kwapli Yis
Yis is a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea.
tum Andai
Spoken in Papua New Guinea Region East Sepik Province. 400 Native speakers (2005)
tum Nanubae Imameri
Nanubae (Kapagmai, Aunda) is a Ramu language of Papua New Guinea.
tum Tapei Angarat
Papua New Guinea
thєm Tapei-Arafundi
The Arafundi languages are a small family of clearly related languages, namely: Andai (Meakambut), Nanubae, and Tapei. Alfendio is an old synonym for Arafundi, from when it was still considered a single language. (Papua New Guinea)
kyum, tum Tapei-Auvim
Tapei is a Ramu language of Papua New Guinea. It is close to Nanubae; the name Alfendio was once used for both.
dum, tum Nanubae
Papua New Guinea
du Krisa
(alt. name — Isaka) is the language spoken by the people of the villages of Krisa and Pasi in Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea
dua7 Nasioi
Naasioi (also Nasioi, Kieta, Kieta Talk, Aunge) is an East Papuan language spoken in the central mountains and southeast coast of Kieta District, Bougainville Province, Papua New Guinea.
ba; va; vaeh Biwat
Papua New Guinea, East Sepik.
ci (ch~i) Danau
Danau (Danaw) is a Mon–Khmer language of Myanmar (Burma).
ci Konda
Papua, Indonesia
bugua’ Yaros
Madang Province, Papua New Guinea, 2200 speakers.
gubu7 Adzera
Adzera (also spelled Atzera, Azera, Atsera, Acira) is an Austronesian language spoken by about 30,000 people in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
gubua7 Wampur
Wampur is a minor Austronesian language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
gubuak Sukurum
Austronesian languages of the Morobe district, Papua.
koli7i Tona
koli7i Tona Rukai
Rukai is a Formosan language spoken by the Rukai people in Taiwan. The Rukai language comprises six dialects, which are Budai, Labuan, Maga, Mantauran, Tanan and Tona.
koli7i Mantauran
koli7i Mantauran Rukai
lizax Pazeh
Pazeh (Pazih) is the language of the Pazeh, a tribe of indigenous people on Taiwan (see Taiwanese … It is a Formosan language of the Austronesian languages language family.
hiuk Teressa
Teressa, or Taih-Long, is one of the Nicobarese languages spoken on the Nicobar Islands in India.
sils Palauan
Palauan language — major language of Palau, in the western Pacific Ocean.
ial Mortlockese
Micronesia (Pasific ocean)
waxi7 Skikun Atayal
central and Northern Taiwan
hEhilaL Taai Saisiyat
Saisiyat is the language of the Saisiyat, a Taiwanese indigenous people.
vali Takbanuaz Bunun
spoken by the Bunun people of Taiwan.
vali Bunun
is spoken by the Bunun people of Taiwan. It is one of the Formosan languages, a geographic group of Austronesian languages
vali Bunun
Taiwan, Indonesia
vali Isbukun
Southern Taiwan
vali Takebakha
a language of Taiwan
vali Takbanuad
a language of Taiwan
vai Budai Rukai
the South of the island of Taiwan
vaLi7 (vali) Iskubun
a language of Taiwan
kE8Ew Lower Pinlang Puyuma
the Taiwan island
txi ya* Gurung
Bodic; Sino-Tibetan; Asia
oute Aka-Bo (Bo)
Bo (Aka-Bo) language at the island in the Bay of Bengal (India)
bodo; diu Great Andamanese
Andaman island (India), Bengal Bay
bodo South Andaman
Indian Ocean
bodo A-Pucikwar or Pucikwar
Central Great Andamanese extinct language (Indo-Pasific language group); Asia
bodo Aka-Jeru or Jeru
Northern Great Andamanese extinct language (Indo-Pasific language group). 36 speakers in 1997, bilingual in Hindi
bodo Akar-Bale or Bale
Southern Great Andamanese extinct language (Indo-Pasific language group)
bodo Aka-Bea
(Aka-Bea, Bea, Beada, Biada, Aka-Beada, Bojigniji, Bogijiab, Bojigyab). The Bea language, Aka-Bea, is an extinct Great Andamanese language of the Southern group. It was spoken around the western Andaman Strait and around the Northern and western coast of South Andaman.
podd Abujhmaria
dialect name of Maria language (India)
podd Koya
Koya language is a dialect of Gondi language which is spoken in Adilabad district in Andhra Pradesh and in Gondwana region of Central India.
pord Hill Maria Gondi
the Abujhmar mountains in India
pord North Bastar Gondi
pord Adilabad Gondi
pord; podd Southern Gondi
Gondi is a South-Central Dravidian language, spoken by about two million Gond people, chiefly in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Telangana, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh (India)
pord South Bastar Gondi
South-Central Dravidian; Dravidian; Asia
podd Dorli Gondi
pod Kolami
Kolami (Northwestern Kolami) is a tribal Central Dravidian language used in Telangana State previously part of Andhra Pradesh state and Maharashtra state of India.
po83 Betta Kurumba
the language of Southern India
podudu Southeastern Gondi
Dravidian; Asia
portu (potu, poltu) Tulu
Tulu is a Dravidian language spoken by around 2 million native speakers mainly in the south west part of the Indian state of Karnataka
kor; koro Bale
Akar-Bale or Bale is an extinct Central Great Andamanese language once spoken in the Andaman Islands.
bero Kharia
The Kharia language is an Austro-Asiatic language that is primarily spoken by indigenous Kharia people of eastern India.
beriya Chitwan
beru Sauria Paharia
The Sauria Paharia people are a tribal people of West Bengal, Bihar and Jharkhand in India.
bera Kharia Thar
ber Korwa
India, the Chhattisgarh state
bar; ber Kui Indonesia
bi:ri:** Kurukh
Kurukh Language is an Indian tribal language that is spoken in several states of India.
bidi Kurux Nepali (Kurukh)
bi Jiulong Pumi
gama Kuvi
Kuvi language (the other names for Kuvi are Kuwi, Kuvinga, Kuvi Kond, Kond, Khondi, Khondh, and Jatapu) is native to India and is a Dravidian language spoken by the Khonds.
gama Danuwar
gama Darai
gam Nepali
Nepal, India.
gam Nawar Zutt
Palestina (Middle East)
yiwowa Libo
Libo or Palibo language, a Tibetan–Burman language of India.
maarta.nDa; suurya MaraaThii
Marathi is the language spoken in Maharashtra, India.
gunaru Mara
Mara is a language spoken by Mara people living in 60 villages of Chhimtuipui district, Southern Mizoram, India and the adjacent people living in Burma.
wɔhɔʔ Naga
the Naga people are an ethnic group conglomerating of several tribes native to the North Eastern part of India and North-western Myanmar (Burma).
nu mit Meitei-lon
Indian states of Assam and Tripura, and in Bangladesh and Burma (now Myanmar).
nu mit Meitei
India, the Sagaing state (Nothern-eastern India)
nu Phetchabun Hmong
nu Tak Hmong
Laos, Thailand
imiri Limilngan
Limilngan (Limil) is an extinct indigenous language in the North of Australia.
miri Nangikurrunggurr
Official Language of the Ngan’gikurunggurr People (Tribe), Communities and/or outstations of Nauiyu, Peppimenarti, Wudigapildhiyerr, Nganambala, Merrepen, etc., Northern Territory, Australia.
miri Mullukmulluk
The Northern Australia
miri Gooniyandi
Bunuban; Australian; Australia & Oceania
miri Wathawurung
An Australian Aboriginal language of the Pama-Nyungan family.
miri Ngangikurrunggurr
Ngan’gikurunggurr is spoken by about 150 people in the region around the Daly River (Australia))
miri Wathawurrung
Wathawurrung (Wathaurong, Wada wurrung) is the extinct Indigenous Australian language spoken by the Wathaurong people of the Kulin Nation of Central Victoria.
miri Ngengomeri
miru Tyaraity
The Northern Australia
muruN; maraNi; miri Wunambal
Wunambal, or Northern Worrorran, is a moribund Australian Aboriginal language of Western Australia.
meraNi (maraNi) Ngarinyin
The Ngarinyin language (Ungarinjin), or Eastern Worrorran, is a moribund Australian Aboriginal language of Western Australia.
muri Margu
Marrgu (Marrku) is a recently extinct aboriginal language of Northern Australia.
muri (mura); duru Gunggari (Kunggari)
(a.k.a.: Birria, Bidia, Kulumali, and Kungadutji) southern Queensland, Australia
duru Margany
the language of the tribe in central region of Australia
puril Mayaguduna
in the North of Australia
turi Muruwari
in the East of Australia
dhuni; yaay Yuwaaliyaay
Australian Aboriginal people of New South Wales.
duni; yay Yuwalraay
yay Niksek-Paka-Setiali
Papua New Guinea
yay Paka
Papua New Guinea
mirosiN Komba
a Papuan language spoken in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
mir; mire Yey
Yey (Yei, Jei, Je, Yei-Nan) is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
arni Karbi
The Karbi language, also known as Mikir or Arleng, is spoken by the Karbi people of the Assam state (East of India).
arni; arni atur; samphri; samphri atur Amri Karbi
Amri, or Amri Karbi, is spoken by the Karbi people of Assam and Meghalaya (India).
ar3 ni Naga Pochuri
Northeastern India.
yang hroi Jarai
The Jarai language is a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken by the Jarai ethnic group of Vietnam and Cambodia.
yaN hrue Rade
Rade is a Malayo-Polynesian language of Southern Vietnam.
t3Ne7; t3Ni; th~3Ni; hni Pear
Pear is a moribund Mon-Khmer language of Cambodia.
tNi Xo3h Saoch
Sa’och is an endangered, nearly extinct Pearic language of Cambodia and Thailand.
hNu3; tney Old Mon
Myanmar and Thailand (in medieval Myanmar society.)
ta53n; rit Saek
Saek is a Tai language spoken in at least ten villages in Khammouane Province, Laos, and at least four villages in Nakhon Phanom Province in Northeastern Thailand.
th~Nay Surin
A dialect of the Northern Khmer language spoken in the Surin Province of Thailand
tNay Mon
southeastern Burma and western Thailand
preahatit; tnay Khmer
Official language of Cambodia. Also spoken in Vietnam.
eza (*); thngai (tnay) Khmer
Khmer, or Cambodian, is the official language of Cambodia, where it is spoken by about 12 million people. There are also 2.5 million speakers abroad, mainly in Vietnam and Thailand. Khmer belongs to the Mon-Khmer group of the Austro-Asiatic family.
san Bislama
sani Samre
Samre is a nearly extinct Pearic language of Thailand and, formerly, Cambodia.
sani Yarik
New Guinea, Indonesia
ani Kakara Buna
Papua New Guinea
anal Katbol Timbembe
Vanuatu island
anʌ:za Kare
Papua New Guinea
anʌlε (an3lE) Munit
Munit is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
an Nyindrou
The Nyindrou language is a West Manus language spoken by approximately 4200 people in the westernmost part of Manus Island, Manus Province of Papua New Guinea.
ant; ena Medlpa
Melpa (also written Medlpa) is a Papuan language spoken by about 130,000 people predominantly in Mount Hagen and the surrounding district of Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea.
enal Katbol
Vanuatu island
EnE7; eneʔ Kosadle
Kosadle (Kosare) is an unclassified Papuan language of West Papua.
d’al Tampuan
Tampuan is the language of Tampuan people indigenous to the mountainous regions of Ratanakiri Province in Cambodia.
hiN Todrah
Todrah is an Austroasiatic language of Vietnam.
hiŋ; isiŋ Korupun-Sela-IPA
the dialect of the Korupun (Korapun) language. The Papuan language of West Papua.
hiN Nalca
Nalca (Naltya, Naltje) is a Papuan language of Papua (province) Indonesia. Alternative names are Hmanggona, Hmonono, Kimjal (Kimyal).
hin Yali Pass Valley
Yali (Yaly, Jale, Jaly) is a Papuan language of Indonesian New Guinea. The Yali people live east of the Baliem Valley, in the Western Highlands. Dialectical differentiation is great enough that Ethnologue assigns separate codes to three varieties: Pass Valley, also known as Abendago, North Ngalik, and Western Yali; subdialects are Pass Valley, Landikma, Apahapsili.
hing West Sela
THe dialect of Korupun (a Papuan language of West Papua).
hivio Morigi
Morigi is a Papuan language of Southern Papua New Guinea.
hivio Urama
Dialect of Kiwai language. Southern Papua New Guinea
himio; ivio Arigibi
Arigibi (Kiwai) is a Papuan language, or languages, of Southern Papua New Guinea.
hibio Gibaio
Alternate name: Kiwai. Papua New Guinea.
agew, banua Pangasinan language
Pangasinan, one of the Philippines languages of Austronesian language group, spoken in Pangasinan province.
leso Manggarai
Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara)
leza Ngadha
Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara)
lero Sika
Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara)
loyo Kedang
Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara)
lodo Hawu
Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara)
lodo Dhao
Timor islands (Indonesia)
ledo Rotinese
Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara)
ledo Bilba
Bilba (Belubaa) is a Central Malayo-Polynesian language of Roti Island, off Timor, Indonesia.
liro Bimanese
Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara)
ellew Yakan
Philippines.(Sama-Bajaw; Austronesian; Asia)
alongan Maranao
Spoken in the Provinces of Lanao del Norte and Lanao del Sur, Philippines.
saldan Bicol (Bikol)
Philippine language spoken mostly in the Bicol Peninsula in the island of Luzon
qadaw Paiwan
Austronesian language family, Taiwan
qardaw Pandan
qanriw Oas
qaldiw Iriga (Agta)
Southern Philippines (Luzon, Bicol region, Camarines Sur Province, east of Iriga city, west of Lake Buhi).
adlaw Kagayanen
The Kagayanen language is spoken in the province of Palawan in the Philippines.
adlaw Kinaray-A
Kinaray-a is an Austronesian language spoken mainly in Antique Province in the Philippines.
adlaw Waray
Regional language in the Philippines. 2.6 million speakers. Self-name: Winaray.
adlaw Cebuano
Spoken on the Islands Cebu, Bohol, Negros Oriental, western parts of Leyte, some parts of Samar, Negros Occidental, Palawan, Biliran, Masbate, Mindanao, etc., Philippines. Over 16 million speakers.
adlaw Hiligaynon
Spoken on the Islands of Iloilo Provinces, Negros Occidental Province; Panay Island Group, Mindanao, etc., Philippines.
adlaw Aklanon
adlaw Waray Waray
Philippines, Eastern Visayas
ado; odo Bariai
the Northwestern coast of the Island of New Britain in the West New Britain Province of Papua New Guinea.
ado; ando Anem
The Anem language is a language isolate spoken in five main villages along the Northwestern coast of New Britain island, Papua New Guinea.
adaN Ulau
Ulau-Suain is an Austronesian language of coastal Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea.
ane Buna
Papua New Guinea
ande Chimbu
Kuman (also Chimbu or Simbu) is a language of Chimbu Province, Papua New Guinea
and~3ra Wadaginam
Wadaginam is a divergent Madang language of the Adelbert Range of Papua New Guinea.
andew Western Bukidnon Manobo
Southern Bukidnon Province, the Philippines.
ad Gedaged
Gedaged is an Austronesian language spoken by about 7000 people in coastal villages and on islands in Astrolabe Bay, Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
ad Takia
Takia is an Austronesian language spoken on Karkar Island, Bagabag Island, and coastal villages Megiar and Serang, Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
amwo Wiaki
Wiaki, a.k.a. Minidien, is a nearly extinct Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea.
qaldaw Libon
qadlaw Masbatenyo
Masbateno or Minasbate is a Bicol-Visayan language spoken by more than 600,000 people, primarily in the province of Masbate in the Philippines.
qadlaw Northern Sorsogon
the Philippines
qadlaw Southern Sorsogon
the Bicol Peninsula of Luzon Island in the Philippines.
qaldaw Legazpi
qaldaw Naga
Kuki-Chin; Sino-Tibetan; Asia. There are three dialects — Mao, Tangkhul, Zeme.
qaldaw Southern Catanduanes
Southern Catanduanes Bikol, or Virac, is one of the Bikol languages of Catanduanes in the Philippines.
qaldaw Buhi
the Philippines
qaldaw Daraga
qardaw Northern Catanduanes
allaw Pangutaran Sama
Spoken on the Island of Pangutaran and the Islands of Palawan Province. Philippines.
aldaw Central Tagbanwa
Philippines, the Puerto Princesa island
7adlaw Romblomanon
Romblomanon is an Austronesian regional language spoken, along with Asi and Onhan, in the province of Romblon in the Philippines.
7aldaw Tagbanua Aborlan
Aborlan Tagbanwa is spoken on Palawan Island in the Philippines.
tadau Kadazan
Malaysia (Sabah)
aldo Kapampangan
law Sangil
Sangil is a language of Philippines. It is spoken in Mindanao, Balut and Sarangani islands.
ald3w Canipaan Palawan
Palawan Province. Philippines
3ld3w Quezon Palawan
the language in the province of Palawan, Philippines.
3ld3w Brookes Point Palawan
Fillippines, the Palawan island
atdao; atdaw Chamoru
Chamorro (or Chamoru) is an Austronesian language spoken by about 47,000 people (about 35,000 people on Guam and about 12,000 in the Northern Mariana Islands in the Pacific Ocean)
aldaw Binukid
Spoken on the Island of Mindanao, Philippines.
aldaw Palawan Batak
Austronesian language family, Taiwan
aldew Agta, Casiguran Dumagat
one of the languages of the Northeastern part of the
large Northern Philippine island of Luzon
aldew Agta, Dupaninan
one of the languages of the Northeastern part of the
large Northern Philippine island of Luzon
aldew Agta, Pahanan
one of the languages of the Northeastern part of the
large Northern Philippine island of Luzon
algew; init Bontok
Philippines (Northern Luzon; Austronesian; Asia).
algew; init Central Bontok
apseng; init Bontoc—Guinaang
init Iloko
Iloko (Ilocano; Ilokano) is the third most-spoken native language of the Philippines. An Austronesian language.
init Hanunoo
init Sauthern Kalinga
init Limos Kalinga
Kalinga Province in the Philippines
init Minangali
an Austronesian language spoken in the Philippines.
apseng Bontok Ili Bontoc (?)
argew Ma-init Bontoc
garo Sinaugoro
Papua New Guinea
vara; varang Molima
Papua New Guinea
ururo Warembori
South Halmahera — West New Guinea; Austronesian; Asia
re; rere Irarutu
South Halmahera — West New Guinea; Austronesian; Asia
er Burmbar
or Biak
South Halmahera — West New Guinea; Austronesian; Asia
hurra; wirendomu Kaladdarsch
Other names for the Kaladdarsch language: (Kimaama, Kimaghama, Kimaghima, Teri-Kalwasch). Indonesia, Eastern Papua
era; hurra Kimaghama
Kimaama, or Kimaghama, is a language spoken on Yos Sudarso Island in Papua province, Indonesia.
era Gawil
Papua New Guinea
era Umbu Ungu
(alt name for Umbu-Ungu: Andelale) Papua New Guinea
rei Kombai
Awju-Dumut; Trans-New Guinea; Asia
rEi Wanggom
a Papuan language of Indonesian New Guinea
rea Fila
Fila is a Polynesian language spoken in Mele Ifira on the island of Efate in Vanuatu
rea Mele
Mele is a Polynesian language spoken in Mele on the island of Efate in Vanuatu
orawai Waropen
South Halmahera — West New Guinea; Austronesian; Asia
ora; seba Mor
South Halmahera — West New Guinea; Austronesian; Asia
worem Waskia
Madang; Trans-New Guinea.
worom Usan
Madang; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
sanggwa Angave
1600 people in Kereme District, Gulf Province, Papua New Guinea.
war Abui
it is spoken in the central part of Alor island in Eastern Indonesia
w’ar Takalelang Abui
the central part of Alor island in Eastern Indonesia
w’ar-i Atimelang Abui
the central part of Alor island in Eastern Indonesia
wa Aruop
Aruop is a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea. Speakers of the language call the language Srenge or Lawu Srenge, where lawu is the Srenge word for ‘language’.
waf Nabi
Nabi (Nambi), a.k.a. Metan, is a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea.
warang Kairiru
the language spoken mainly on Kairiru and Mushu islands and in several coastal villages on the mainland between Cape Karawop and Cape Samein near Wewak in East Sepik Province of Papua New Guinea.
varae Sudest
Papua New Guinea (Oceanic; Austronesian; Australia and Oceania)
naare Kewa
Papua New Guinea (Engan; Trans-New Guinea; Australia and Oceania)
aro Chuave-Capell
Papua New Guinea.
aro Demisa
New Guinea (Indonesia)
aro Lusi
Papua New Guinea
auro Boliano
aurorEi Saponi
Saponi is an extinct Papuan language of Indonesia.
aulo Sambal
ao Gadsup Agarabi
Papua New Guinea
ar; are Dom
Dom is a Trans-New Guinea language of Chimbu Province, Papua New Guinea.
ar Rerep
The Rerep language is one of the great many languages of the Malakula Coast group spoken in Vanuatu.
ar Unua
Unua, or Onua, is an Oceanic language spoken in east Malakula, Vanuatu.
ara Tauya
Madang; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
ara Apiaca
Apiaca is a Tupi language of the Apiaca people of the upper Rio Tapajos area of Mato Grosso, Brazil.
aran Tangko
Tangko is a somewhat divergent Ok language of West Papua.
arao; ra Giri
Kire (Giri) is a Ramu language of Papua New Guinea.
araw Ibatan
The Ibatan (Ivatan) is an Austronesian language spoken in the Batanes Islands.
araw Itbayaten
araw Philippine language
araw Tagalog
(or Filipino, its standardized version) — one of the main languages of the Philippines. Belongs to the western branch of Philippine zone of Austronesian family of languages.
araw Yami (Tao)
the austronesian language of the Yami people of Orchid Island, 46 kilometers southeast of Taiwan.
arawer Taiap (Tayap)
Taiap (also called Gapun, after the name of the village in which it is spoken) is an endangered language isolate spoken by around a hundred people in the East Sepik Province of Papua New Guinea.
are; aro Chuave-Swick
Chuave is a Trans-New Guinea language of Chimbu Province, Papua New Guinea.
haro Kerepunu
N. Guinee (*).
haro Keapara
Papua New Guinea
hare Opao
Opao is a Trans-New Guinea language of Papua New Guinea.
hare (*) Orokolo
Eleman Proper; Eleman; Australia and Oceania. Papua N. Guinee
haro Nakanai
Papua New Guinea
are; ori Golin
Chimbu; Trans-New Guinea; Australia & Oceania
are Boumai
Papua New Guinea
are Dom-Boumai
Papua New Guinea.
are Madurese
Indonesia, the Yawa Timur island
are Sinasina
Sinasina is a language of Simbu Province, Papua New Guinea.
arem; armu Mikarew
Aruamu a.k.a. Mikarew (Mikarup, Makarup, Makarub), also Ariawiai (Mikarew-Ariaw), is a Ramu language of Papua New Guinea.
armu Mikarew Makarub
Papua New Guinea
yalo Baetora Nasawa
elo New Hebrides (?)
New Hebrides was the colonial name for an island group in the South Pacific that now forms the nation of Vanuatu, named after the Scottish archipelago. Native people had inhabited the islands for thousands of years before the first Europeans arrived (*).
ealo Baetora Navenevene
ealo Baetora Tam
ealo Baetora Narovorovo
Baetora, or South Maewo, is an Oceanic language spoken on Maewo, Vanuatu. There is a large degree of dialectal diversity.
alo (aro) Hula
(N. Guinee) New Celebes (*)
alo Araki
An endangered language of Vanuatu in the South Pacific, spoken by only 8 speakers today; an Oceanic language spoken in the small island of the same name, close to Espiritu Santo island, in Northern Vanuatu.
alo Raga
alo Tangoa
alo Baetora
Baetora, or South Maewo, is an Oceanic language spoken on Maewo, Vanuatu.
alo Tagabawa
Tagabawa is a Manobo language of Davao City and Mount Apo in Mindanao, the Philippines.
alo Amblong
an Oceanic language spoken in the south of Espiritu Santo Island in Vanuatu.
alo Fortsenal
(alt. name is Kiai) a vernacular of a native people in the highlands of the central Espiritu Santo Island, Sanma Province, Republic of Vanuatu.
alo South Malo
Tamambo, or Malo, is an Oceanic language spoken by 4,000 people on Malo and nearby islands in Vanuatu.
alo Morouas Batunlamak
North-West part of Vanuatu
alo Merlav
Mwerlap is an Oceanic language spoken in the south of the Banks Islands in Vanuatu.
alo Merlav Merig
an Oceanic language spoken at the Gaya, Mere-Lava, Merig islands in Vanuatu
alo Morouas
Morouas (Moruas) is an Oceanic language spoken in central Espiritu Santo Island in Vanuatu.
alo Lakona
Lakona (Lakon) is an Oceanic language, spoken on the west coast of Gaua island in Vanuatu.
alo Hano
Hano (alt. name is Raga) is the language of Northern Pentecost island in Vanuatu.
alo Peterara
Central Maewo, also known as Peterara after one of its dialects, is an Oceanic language spoken on Maewo, Vanuatu.
alo Nokuku
Nokuku (Nogugu) is an Oceanic language spoken in the North of Espiritu Santo Island in Vanuatu.
alo North Malo
alo Wuvulu-Aua
The language is one of three Western Admiralty Islands languages, the other two being Seimat and the extinct Kaniet. The language is spoken on Wuvulu and Aua Islands by 1500 people in the Manus Province of Papua New Guinea. Austronesian language family.
*alo Proto-Micronesian
Austronesian language family.
alo Tutuba
Tutuba is an Oceanic language spoken in Vanuatu on the southeast tip of Espiritu Santo Island and on Tutuba Island offshore.
alon Ninggirum Kawoma
The central region of Papua New Guinea.
alo Wailapa
Wailapa, or Ale, is an Oceanic language spoken on Espiritu Santo Island in Vanuatu.
alo Bada Indonesia
ino?ia Noeaaane (Indonesia)
awlo Tina Sambal (Sambali; Tina)
Spoken in Luzon, Philippines.
walo Nume
Nume (also called Gog and Tarasag) is an Oceanic language spoken on Gaua island in Vanuatu.
aloa Marino
oalo Lemolang
Indonesia, Sulawesi island
la Tuvaluan
Tuvaluan, often called Tuvalu, is a Polynesian language of or closely related to the Ellicean group spoken in Tuvalu.
la Onjob
Onjob is a Papuan language of New Guinea.
la Takuu Mortlock
Takuu (also Mortlock, Taku, Tau, or Tauu) is a Polynesian language spoken on the atoll of Takuu, near Bougainville Island. It is very closely related to Nukumanu and Nukuria from Papua New Guinea
la Samoan
Samoan is the language of the Samoan Islands, comprising the Independent State of Samoa and the United States territory of American Samoa.
la Nanumea
Nanumea is the Northwesternmost atoll in the Polynesian nation of Tuvalu, a group of nine coral atolls and islands spread over about 400 miles (640 km) of Pacific Ocean just south of the equator and west of the International Date Line.
la Nukuoro
la Tokelau (Oieaeao)
Tokelauan is a Polynesian language spoken in Tokelau and on Swains Island (or Olohega) in American Samoa.
la Matbat
Indonesia, the Misool island
la Xokleng
Xokleng is a Ge language spoken by the Xokleng people of Brazil.
la’a Faka Futuna
Oceanic; Austronesian; Australia & Oceania
la7a Futuna East
the Futuna island (Pasific ocean)
la7a Wallisian East Uvean
Polynesian language spoken on Wallis.
algo Ifugaw
lare Kaki Ae
Papua New Guinea
lara Manombai
Papua Indonesia
lara Waimaa
lau Bosman
Bosman (Bosmun, Bosngun) is a Ramu language of Papua New Guinea.
lea Buru Masarete
Indonesia, the Buru Island
lea Buru
Buru or Buruese (Indonesian: Bahasa Buru) is a Malayo-Polynesian languages of the Central Maluku branch. Indonesian island of Buru.
lea Kayeli
Kayeli is an extinct Austronesian language once used by the Kayeli people of the Indonesian island Buru. Two dialects were recognized, namely Leliali (Liliali) and Lumaete (Lumaiti, Mumaite, Lumara).
vela Pileni
The Pileni language is a Polynesian language spoken in some of the Reef Islands as well as in the Taumako Islands (also known as the Duff Islands).
oleo Tolaki Wiwirano
olo Northern Tukang Besi
Tukang Besi is an Austronesian language spoken in the Tukangbesi Islands in southeast Sulawesi in Indonesia by a quarter million speakers.
olo Tukang Besi
Tukang Besi is an Austronesian language spoken in the Tukangbesi Islands in southeast Sulawesi in Indonesia by a quarter million speakers.
olo (lo) Wetamut Dorig
Dorig (sometimes called Wetamut) is an Oceanic language spoken on Gaua island in Vanuatu.
oloyo mata-no Banggai
olopa Kandawo
Kandawo, also known as Narake (but see related Narak) is a Trans-New Guinea language of Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea.
lopa Narak
Papua New Guinea
al Eton Vanuatu
Eton is a small Oceanic language of Vanuatu, in the southeast of Efate Island.
al Pelipowai
Papua New Guinea
al Seimat
Papua New Guinea
al South Efate
Language spoken on the island of Efate in Central Vanuatu, Melanesia, in the South Pacific.
al Namakura
The Makura language, Namakura or Namakir, is an Oceanic language of Vanuatu.
al South Efate Pango
Central Vanuatu, Melanesia
al Malua Bay Petarmur
an Oceanic language spoken in Northwest Malakula, Vanuatu.
al Larevat
Larevat is an Oceanic language of central Malakula, Vanuatu.
al Lingarak
Lingarak, also known as Neverver, is an Oceanic language. Neverver is spoken in Malampa Province, in central Malakula, Vanuatu.
al Naman
Litzlitz, also known as Naman, is an endangered Oceanic language of central Malakula, Vanuatu.
al Malfaxal
Alternate names: Malvaxal-Toman Island, Naha’ai, Taman, Tomman. Where spoken: Vanuatu.
al Mae
Alt. name is North Small Nambas. Spoken at Vanuatu.
al Orap
Vanuatu ?
al Uripiv
Uripiv is a dialect of the language spoken on the North-east coast of Malakula (Vanuatu).
al Vao
Vao is an Austronesian language of the Oceanic branch spoken by about 1,900 people on Vao Island and on the nearby shores of Malakula Island, Vanuatu.
al Rano
Uripiv, or more precisely Uripiv-Wala-Rano-Atchin, is a language spoken on Vanuatu. (?)
al Vinmavis
Vinmavis, also known as Neve’ei, is an Oceanic language of central Malakula, Vanuatu.
al South Efate Erakor
Central Vanuatu, Melanesia
al South Efate Eratap
Central Vanuatu, Melanesia
al Mpotovoro
Mpotovoro is an Oceanic language spoken at the North tip of Malakula, Vanuatu.
al Pinalum
al Comecrudo
the estern Mexico
el Malua Bay
Malua Bay is an Oceanic language spoken in Northwest Malakula, Vanuatu.
el Maragus
Maragus is a nearly extinct Oceanic language of central Malakula, Vanuatu.
ale; metenial Dixon Reef
Dixon Reef is one of the Malakula Interior languages of Vanuatu.
tenia Biami
Papua New Guinea
nal South West Bay Benour
Malayo Polynesian (to the East from Australia)
nal South West Bay Lembinwen
Malayo Polynesian (to the East from Australia)
lo; na-lo Mwotlap
Mwotlap (formerly known as Motlav) is an Oceanic language spoken by about 2,100 people in Vanuatu.
lo Benabena
Benabena (Bena) is a Papuan language spoken in the Goroka District of Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea.
lo Lemerig
Lemerig (sometimes also called Pak, Pak, or Sasar) is an Oceanic language spoken on Vanua Lava, in Vanuatu. Lemerig is no longer actively spoken. The 2 remaining speakers live on the Northern coast of the island.
lo Vures (Vureas)
Vanuatu (Banks Islands, island of Vanua Lava)
lo Mosina Vetumboso
Vanuatu (Banks Islands, island of Vanua Lava)
lo Vatrata Sasar
lo Lehali
luo Vatrata
Vera’a (or Vatrata) is a language of Vanua Lava Island in Vanuatu.
luo Veraa
Vera’a (or Vatrata) is a language of Vanua Lava Island in Vanuatu.
loa Mota
Mota is an Oceanic language spoken by about 750 people on Mota island, in the Banks Islands of Vanuatu.
loro Tetum
It’s one of the native language of East Timor {Indonesia).
loro Habu
Papua (Indonesia)
lE Lehalurup
Northern part of Vanuatu
na-lo Motlav
t’aai; aai; t’aaik; taai; taaik; tahahi Kiribati
Kiribati is a Micronesian language spoken mainly in the island of Kiribati, an island nation of 32 atolls in the central tropical Pacific Ocean. It has about 60,000 speakers.
l’ara Waimaha
Waimaha is an endangered language from the world’s newest independent nation, Timor Lorosa’e, or East Timor. The Tucanoan language family.
aenet Satawalese
Satawalese is a language spoken on the island of Satawal, located in the Federated States of Micronesia.
s3u (seu) Pingelapese
The Pingelapese language is a Micronesian language native to Pingelap, an atoll belonging to the state of Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia.
fEt Kosraean
Kosraean, sometimes rendered Kusaiean, is the language spoken on the islands of Kosrae (Kusaie), Caroline Islands, and Nauru (Micronesia).
mattongai Koho
Sre or Koho is a Bahnaric language spoken in the region around the city of Di Linh in Vietnam, by the Degar (or Montagnard) people.
mat tonge Koho Lach
mat pleN Katu Eastern
mat pleN Katu
Katu, or Low Katu, is a Katuic language of eastern Laos and central Vietnam.
mat nar Chrau
a Bahnaric language spoken by some of the 22,000 ethnic Cho Ro people in southern Vietnam.
matNay Jeh
Jeh (also spelled Die, Gie, Yaeh) is a language spoken by more than fifteen thousand people in Vietnam.
mat ngay Halang
Bahnaric; Austro-Asiatic; Asia
mat hnguy Cua
Bahnaric; Austro-Asiatic; Asia
matpri Khmu’
Khmu is the language of the Khmu people of the Northern Laos region.
met kto Chewong
(Cheq Wong, Ceq Wong) is an aboriginal Mon-Khmer language spoken in Malaya.
kit kto7 Jahai
mat k3to7 Jah Hut
mat kh~alaN Thavung So
Thavung or Aheu is a language spoken by the Phon Sung people in Laos and Thailand.
mat yis Semelai
an Austroasiatic language spoken in the Malay Peninsula.
mat tl3y Mung Koi
Northern Vietnam
mat ni Mang
Northern Vietnam
mat hi Rengao
It is spoken in parts of south and central Vietnam.
mat troi [matchoy] Vietnamese
belongs to the Austronesian language family (Viet-Muong group).
mat mahi Hre
Hre is a North Bahnaric language of central Vietnam.
manaN; mat mnaN Bru
m3tpl3y (m3ot pl3i) Ruc
the minor Vietic language called Ruc, spoken by about 190 people 2 in the rather isolated highlands of North-Central Vietnam.
m3niaN Kui Thailand
madua; malua Na Khe Gelao
Southern China and Northern Vietnam
mataimasa Merei
Merey is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Northern Cameroon (!).
mat3oharae Kerinci
Kerinci (Karinchi or Kincai) is a Malayan language spoken in Jambi province, Sumatra especially in Kerinci Regency and Sungai Penuh city.
matari Mualang
Mualang is a Ibanic Dayak language of Borneo.
matari Ai Banda
South Maluku (Moluccas), Indonesia.
matara Emae
Emae is a Polynesian outlier language of Vanuatu.
matahari Malay
It is the national language of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei, and it is one of four official languages of Singapore. Spoken at Sumatra island, at the Malay Peninsula and in coastal regions of Borneo island.
marahari; surya; mentari Indonesian
The state language of Republic of Indonesia. This is an Austronesian language, and is part of Malay language branch of this language family.
matahari Banjar
the language of Banjars. This is one of Malay-polinesian languages of Austronesian language family. Matahari means ‘Eye of Day’
mata hari Iban
(jaku Iban) is spoken by the Iban, a branch of the Dayak ethnic group formerly known as ‘Sea Dayak’ who live in Sarawak, the Indonesian province of Kalimantan Barat and in Brunei. (Malayo-Sumbawan; Austronesian; Asia)
matahari Sekola Lonthoir Banda
matahari Sekola Neira Banda
matahari Alor Malay
matahari Betawi
Creoles and Pidgins; other; Asia
matahari Kupang Malay
West Timor, Indonesia.
matahari Manadonese
Papua Indonesia
matohari Delang
Borneo (Indonesia)
matohari Jambi Malay
matamalai Lele
The Manus island (Papua New Guinea)
mataari Remun
Remun, or Milikin, is a Ibanic Dayak language of Borneo.
mataari Sebuyau
Sebuyau is a Malayic Dayak language of Borneo
mata7ari Selako
Kendayan, or Salako (Selako), is a Malayic Dayak language of Borneo.
mate ari7t Lom
the dialect of Bangka Malay (Indonesia)
mata n-ahi (matanai) Balinese
Indonesia (Java and Bali islands). (There are several Balinese languages indeed, not less than four)
mata n-ahi Balinese
mataniari Angkola
Austronesian language of Sumatra.
mata ni ari; mata wari Hata Batak
Dairi Batak (Batak Toba, Batta or Hata Batak Toba) is a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken in the Northern part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra.
war Tifol Afeng Abui
Alor Archipelago, Indonesia
wari Zia
Zia is a Papuan language spoken in the Lower Waria Valley in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
matEanrau Ma’anyan
Ma’anyan or Ma’anjan or Maanyak Dayak is an Austronesian language belonging to the East Barito languages. It is spoken by about 150,000 Ma’anyan people living in the central Kalimantan, Indonesia.
mataesso Bugis
one of the Indonesian languages. Spoken at Southwestern part of Sulawesi island and in other regions of Indonesia. There are about 4 mil. of speakers.
mata essoh Buginese
(Basa Ugi, Bahasa Bugis, Bugis, Bugi, De) is a language spoken by about five million people mainly in the Southern part of Sulawesi, Indonesia.
matase7at Dampelasa
Dampelas (Dampal) is a Celebic language of Sulawesi in Indonesia.
matanuoloyo Dondo
Dondo is a Celebic language of Sulawesi in Indonesia.
moto7ando Rampi
Rampi is a language of Central and South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
mato adow Tidong
Tidong is a Sabahan language of Borneo.
mot kon Malieng
mas; masu Narango
Narango is an Oceanic language spoken on the south coast of Espiritu Santo Island in Vanuatu.
maten aho East Ambae Lolomatui
at the Northern part of the Vanuatu island
mato haxi Malay Pattani
mata alo Bantaeng
South Sulawesi, Indonesia (?)
mata-i-alo Central Santo
The family of Santo languages is a subgroup of the Vanuatu languages.
mata allo Aralle-Tabulahan
South Sulawesi (Indonesia); Austronesian; Asia
mata allo Aralle
mata allo Mambi
(Aralle-Tabulahan: Mambi) Indonesia
mata allo Campbell Tabulahan
mata allo Mckenzie Tabulahan
mata allo Dama Dama
Dama may refer to Indonesian language
mata allo Pallu
(?) Palu’e (also spelled Palue and Paluqe; native name Lu’a) is a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken on Palu’e Island, Indonesia.
mata allo Taupe
Indonesia (?)
mata allo Rantepalado
matolodulahu Gorontalo
Greater Central Philippine; Northern Sulavesi, Indinesia (Gorontalo province)
mata allo Saludengan
Sulawesi (Indonesia)
mata allo Salu Huhu
Sulawesi (Indonesia)
mata allo Salu Maka
Sulawesi (Indonesia)
mata allo Tanete
Indonesia (?)
mata allo Sepang
in the Southern part of the state of Selangor in Malaysia.
mata allo Sodangan
mata allo Taora
mata allo Botteng
Sulawesi (Indonesia)
mata allo Kiha
Indonesia, the western part of the Sulawesi island
mata allo Kondo
the Sulawesi island, the Barat province, Indonesia
mata allo Konjo
the Sulawesi island, the Selatan province, Indonesia
mata allo Matanangnga
Indonesia, Misool island
mata allo Mehalaan
Sulawesi island (Indonesia)
mata allo Minangnga
Sulawesi island, Indonesia
matalau Tanjong
Tanjong (Tanjung) language, which is spoken near the town of Kapit (Malaysia).
mata7ari Salako Badamea
Western Indonesia
mata7ari Tamuan
m3t North Tanna
North Tanna is a language spoken on the Northern coast of Tanna Island in Vanuatu.
m3t th~3Ni7 Chong H
m3t Lenakel Lenaukas
in the Southern part of Vanuatu
m3t Lenakel Lonasilian
in the Southern part of Vanuatu
m3 Karen Pao
language of the people at the Southwestern China
m3 Sgaw
S’gaw, also known as Karen and S’gaw Kayin, is a Karen language spoken by S’gaw Karen people in Burma and in Thailand.
m3si Qiang Yadu
Sichuan Province, China
m3si Taoping (Southern Qiang)
a Sino-Tibetan language of the Qiangic branch spoken by approximately 81,300 people along the Minjiang river in Sichuan Province, China.
maxua Hongfeng Gelao
Southern China
mch~a Katso
language of the people in southern China
mataondo Boano
North Sulavesi, Indonesia
mataondo Totoli
Totoli also known as Tolitoli is a Sulawesi language of the Austronesian language family spoken by 25,000 people of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.
mataondo Boano
Malaysia, at Northern part of Sulawesi island
matanano Bidayuh Bau
at the western part of Borneo Island (Malaysia)
mataNadau Bisaya Sabah
matadau Tutong
The Tutong language is a language spoken by approximately 17,000 people in Brunei (Southeast Asia).
mEtE eo Daa (Da’a ? Kaili)
matanand~au Ngaju Baamang
Ngaju is an Austronesian language spoken along the Kapuas, Kahayan, Katingan, and Mentaya Rivers in Central Borneo, Indonesia. It is closely related to Bakumpai language. There are three dialects — Pulopetak, Ba’amang, and Mantangai.
matEanrau Dusun Witu
Dusun Witu, or Witu, is a language spoken by the Dusun people of Borneo that is closely related to Malagasy on Madagascar.
matEanrau Malang
Dusun Malang, or Malang, is a language spoken by the Dusun people of Borneo that is closely related to Malagasy on Madagascar.
matEanrau Paku
Paku (Bakau) is an endangered language of Borneo.
matEanrau Samihim
mata uroe (‘eye of the day’) Acehnese
mitna8e Labo
Labo (also Ninde, Nide, Meaun, Mewun) is an Oceanic language spoken by about 1,100 people in the Southwest Bay area of Malakula island, in Vanuatu.
matan mas Narango Nambel
Pasific ocean
matemaso Mafea
(also known as Mavea or Mavia) is an Oceanic language spoken on the island of Mavea in Vanuatu, off the eastern coast of Espiritu Santo.
matanamaso Piamatsina
Piamatsina is an Oceanic language spoken in the North of Espiritu Santo Island in Vanuatu.
matamaso Tasmate
Tasmate is an Oceanic language spoken in the North of Espiritu Santo Island in Vanuatu.
mata ari7 Indonesian Jakarta
mata 7are7 Semelai
Semelai is an Austroasiatic language spoken in the Malay Peninsula.
mataari Urak Lawoi
Urak Lawoi is an Aboriginal Malay language of Southern Thailand.
matanamasa Malmariv
Malmariv/Merei is an Oceanic language spoken in North central Espiritu Santo Island in Vanuatu.
matanamasa Navut
Navut is an Oceanic language spoken in central Espiritu Santo Island in Vanuatu.
matanamaso Piamatsina
Piamatsina is an Oceanic language spoken in the North of Espiritu Santo Island in Vanuatu.
matanamaso Vunapu
Vunapu is an Oceanic language spoken in Northern Espiritu Santo Island in Vanuatu.
matanmaso Wusi Nonona
an Oceanic language spoken on Vanuatu
mw~aso (maso) Valpei
Valpei (Valpei-Hukua) is an Oceanic language spoken on the Northern tip of Espiritu Santo Island in Vanuatu.
matadiu Narom
Narom language (sometimes spelled Narum) is a Malayo-Polynesian language of the Lower Baram branch. It is spoken by some 2,420 Narom people in Sarawak, Malaysia, and particularly in the Miri Division and the area south of Baram River mouth.
mat r3baN Pacoh
central Laos and central Vietnam.
matakula Budong Budong
Budong-Budong is an Austronesian language of Sulawesi, Indonesia
mata kulla7 Tarinding
Sulawesi, Indonesia
matasekat; sekat Balaesan
a language of Indonesia
mata daw (eye of the day) Bintulu
mata adaw (eye of the day) Bisaya
mata in singai (eye of the day) Bolaang
mata ni siNa (matanisiga) Fijian
the Western Viti island (in Pacific Ocean)
matam balal Simalur
Northwest Sumatra Barrier Islands
mata7oleo Tolaki Laiwui
mata7oleo Tomadino
Tomadino is an Austronesian language of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.
mata7oleo Tolaki Mekongga
mata7oleo Kapontori
mataoleo Waru
Waru is an Austronesian language of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia.
mataoleo Waru Lalomerui
Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
mataoleo Wawonii Menui
Wawonii is an Austronesian language of Menui (in Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi) island of Indonesia.
mataoleo Moronene
mataoleo Koroni
mata7eo Uma
Uma (known natively as Pipikoro) is a language spoken in Central and South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
matanuoloyo Tomini
Tomini, or Tialo, is a Celebic language of Sulawesi in Indonesia.
mataCo Tring
Tring is one of the languages of Borneo, in Sarawak.
mete ai Paama Laul
mete iai Paama Lironesa
meten eai Southeast Ambrym Maat
meten iai Southeast Ambrym Toak
mataiyo Wotu
Wotu is an endangered Austronesian language of South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
matan aho West Ambae
West Ambae (also known as Duidui and Opa) is an Oceanic language spoken on Ambae, Vanuatu.
mataimw~aho Wusi Valui
an Oceanic language spoken on Vanuatu
mataemw~aho Wusi Mana
an Oceanic language spoken on Vanuatu
matalaNit Western Penan
matZis(mat Tis) Semai
Semai is a Mon–Khmer language of western Malaysia spoken by about 44,000 Semai people.
mataCiu Central Berawan
the Borneo island (Malaysia)
tamaCiu; matatiu East Berawan
Malaysia, the Borneo island
matalau Kanowit
Malaysia, nothern area of the Borneo island
matarau Kiput
matarau Lelak
matuano Lara
matahlau Daro Matu
the Borneo island (Malaysia)
bilag; mata Dibagat-Kabugao-Isneg
Northern Philippines
bilag Casiguran Negrito
mata Isnag
Philippines, the Cagayan island
matanueleo Pendau
Pendau (Ndau), or Umalasa, is a Celebic language of Sulawesi in Indonesia.
matanueleo Taje Tanampedagi
The North of Indonesia
mata7eo Sarudu
Sarudu is an Austronesian language of West Sulawesi, Indonesia.
mata7ajo Laiyolo
mata alo Selayar
Selayar or Selayarese is a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken by about 100,000 people on the island of Selayar in South Sulawesi province, Indonesia.
mata alo Coastal Konjo
Sulawesi (Indonesia)
mata-i-alo Central Santo
matai alo Navut Matae
Matae/Navut, spoken on the island of Espiritu Santo
mata7olo Padoe
Padoe is an Austronesian language of the Celebic branch. It was traditionally spoken in the rolling plains south of Lake Matano in South Sulawesi province.
matanueleo Pendau
Pendau (Ndau), or Umalasa, is a Celebic language of Sulawesi in Indonesia.
mete alo Paama Faulili
the Faulili dialect of Paama (Vanuatu)
met kato7 Kensiw
matE7olo Lawangan
Lawangan is an Austronesian language of the East Barito group. It is spoken by about 100,000 Lawangan people (one of the Dayak peoples) living in the central Kalimantan, Indonesia.
matalo Bukitan
Indonesia, Borneo island
matanand~au Kapuas Kahayan
matow odow Burusu
Indonesia, Borneo island
matasdat Bolongan
Borneo island (Indonesia)
mataso Campalagian
The Sulawesi island (Indonesia)
as Gumalu
Gumalu is a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
as3 Grand Couli
The Grande Terre island (near Vanuatu)
as3 Tiri
Tiri (Ciri), or Mea (Ha Mea), is an Oceanic language of New Caledonia.
se Dehu
an Austronesian language. New Caledonia
aso East Ambae Lolsiwoi
Northern part of the Vanuatu island
aso Pele-Ata
The Ata language, also known as Pele-Ata after its two dialects, or Wasi, is a language isolate spoken on New Britain island, Papua New Guinea.
aso Tolo
Solomon islands
7a7; a7 Bukawac
(Bukawa, Bukaua, Bukawac]. Austronesian language.
7a Labu
an Austronesian language spoken among 1,600 people (1989) in three older villages and one new one across the Markham River from Lae in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
aho Bugotu (Bughotu)
Solomon islands
aho East Ambae Wailengi
in Northern part of the Vanuatu island
aho Nggela
Austronesian language family.
aho Niue (Niuean ?)
Austronesian language family. Australia ond Oceania.
ah Rempi
Rempi is a Madang language of Papua New Guinea.
maho Wusi Kerepua
Wusi (Wusi-Kerepua) is an Oceanic language spoken on the west coast of Espiritu Santo Island in Vanuatu.
matai alo Akei Penantsiro
mataimasa Lametin
matahina Kodeoha
matahina Rahambuu
Rahambuu is an Austronesian language of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia.
matanond~ou Murung Siang
Indonesia, the Borneo island
riamatanjo Nusa Laut
Nusa Laut is an Austronesian language spoken on the island of the same name in the Moluccas in eastern Indonesia.
ria matanjo Saparua Haria
Haria is one of the 17 villages on the island of Saparua, Maluku, Indonesia.
ri7amata7i Elpaputih Samasuru Paulohij
at the island in Banda sea (Indonesia)
ri7amata7i (riamatai) Elpaputih Seram
Seram island, Indonesia
rijamatan Sepa Indonesia
Sepa is a language spoken in Maluku, Indonesia
rijamatan Taluti
lijamatan Taluti Laimu
lijamatan Taluti Tamilouw
liamatanno Saparua Ihamahu
liamatan Saparua Ouw
7as matanu Kaiwa
Papua New Guinea
ata:n Kauwol
Papua New Guinea
ata; atah Madi
Madang Province, Papua New Guinea. (Ma’di — Uganda and South Sudan)
atafu Samoan
The language of Samoans, spoken in Samoa and American Samoa. Also spoken in New Zealand and Australia. Austronesian language family.
atan Bimin
Papua New Guinea
atan Faiwol
Papua New Guinea
atap Sawuj
Sawi language may refer to: Sawi language (Papuan), a language of West Papua, Indonesia.
tap Tobati
Tobati, or Yotafa, is an Austronesian language spoken in Jayapura Bay in Papua province, Indonesia.
ateh siew Saaban
Sa’ban is one of the remoter languages of Borneo, on the Sarawak-Kalimantan border.
atelaNit Sebop Kenyah
ati; ayre; kaiti** Molmo One
Molmo One is a language spoken in Papua New Guinea.
sENg~it Dupaningan Agta
5im; nem Baba Malay
Malaysia, Asia (almost extinct).
batuhandu Bukar Sadong Bidayuh
Malaysia, the Borneo island
aluNan; mata hari; sinaN Moro Magindanau
Maguindanaon is an Austronesian language spoken by majority of the population of Maguindanao province in the Philippines.
sinaN Aiklep
Papua New Guinea
sinaka Mussau-Emira
The Mussau-Emira language is spoken on the islands of Mussau and Emirau in the St. Matthias Islands in the Bismarck Archipelago (western Pacific Ocean).
sinala; sinenuga Bunama
Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands
sinaNa Malasanga
Malasanga or Pano is an Austronesian language spoken by about 900 individuals in two villages on the North coast of Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
sinara Dobu
Dobu or Dobuan is an Austronesian language spoken in Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea.
sinmali Chambri
Lower Sepik; Lower Sepik-Ramu;
sina Arosi
sina Kwaio
The Kwaio language, or Koio, is spoken in the centre of Malaita Island in the Solomon Islands.
sekat; matasekat Balaesang
Sulawesi (Indonesia)
kat Tami
Tami is an Austronesian language on the Tami Islands and in a few villages at the tip of the Huon Peninsula in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea.
e7eo Tara
leo; oleo Lasalimu
Lasalimu is an Austronesian language spoken on Buton Island off the southeast coast of Sulawesi in Indonesia.
oleo Moronene Tokotua
oleo Kadatua
Sulawesi Tenggara province: Kadatuang island; Indonesia
oleo Tolaki Asera
Tolaki is a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken in south east Sulawesi in Indonesia
oleo Tolaki Konawe
oleo Tolaki Wiwirano
oleo Liabuka
Liabuka (Liabuku) is an Austronesian language of Buton Island, off the southeast coast of Sulawesi in Indonesia.
oleo Wasuamba
Southeastern Sulawesi
oleo Wawonii
Wawonii is an Austronesian language of the Wawonii (Konawe Kepulauan Regency, Southeast Sulawesi) and Menui (in Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi) islands of Indonesia.
oleo Todanga
Sulawesi (Indonesia)
oleo Kamboa
oleo Kulisusu
oleo Desa Wali
Indonesia, Sulawesi
eleo Lauje
Lauje is a Celebic language of Sulawesi in Indonesia.
eleo Tajio
Tajio (Ajio), or Kasimbar, is a Celebic language of Sulawesi in Indonesia.
eleo Lauje Ampibabo
eleo Taje Petapa
the North of Indonesia
xoleo Muna
Muna is an Austronesian language spoken principally on the island of Muna and the adjacent (nowthwestern) part of Buton Island, off the southeast coast of Sulawesi in Indonesia.
holeo Mato No Uwe
holeo Busoa
an Austronesian language of Buton Island, off the southeast coast of Sulawesi in Indonesia.
holeo Pasarwajo
South East Sulawesi, Indonesia
holeo Wabhula
holeo Batu Atas
Indonesia, Sulawesi
holeo Masiri (Cia-Cia)
holeo Kumbewaha
holeo Kaimbulawa
holeo Lawele
holo Onabasulu
(Onobasulu) a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea.
holok; olok Siliput
Siliput, a.k.a. Maimai, is a Torricelli language of Papua New Guinea, Sandaun province, Seleput village.
lElo Galoli
Indonesia, the Timor Lorosa’e island
lElo Helong
lElo Tukudede
The Tukudede language (also known as Tukude, Tokodede, Tokode, and Tocod) belongs to the Austronesian family, and more specifically to the Malayo-Polynesian group. It is spoken in East timor
lelo Kemak
Kemak is a language spoken in East Timor and in the border region of Indonesian West Timor. An alternate name is Ema.
olar Waru Seram
A language of Indonesia
allo Mandar
Mandar (also Andian, Manjar, Mandharsche) is an Austronesian language spoken by the Mandar ethnic group living in West Sulawesi province of Indonesia
allo Tae’
Indonesia (Sulawesi)
allo Makassarese
Indonesia (Sulawesi)
allo Mamuju
Mamuju is an Austronesian language spoken on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia.
allo Massenrempulu
an Austronesian language of Sulawesi, Indonesia
allo Talaud
Talaud is an Austronesian language spoken on the Talaud Islands North of Sulawesi, Indonesia.
allo Sadan
Sulawesi (Indonesia)
ala Bauzi
East Geelvink Bay; East Geelvink Bay; Asia
sнnag (?) Isinai
Isinai (Isinay) is a Northern Luzon language primarily spoken in Nueva Vizcaya province in the Northern Philippines.
teresaN Tiruray
Tiruray is an Austronesian language of the Southern Philippines. Tiruray is spoken in: Datu Blah T. Sinsuat, Upi, and South Upi municipalities, in southwestern Maguindanao Province.
miral Waray
Waray is the fifth-most-spoken native regional language of the Philippines, native to Eastern Visayas. It is the native language of the Waray people and second language of the Abaknon people of Capul, Northern Samar and some Cebuano-speaking peoples of eastern and Southern parts of Leyte island.
ro Komodo
Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara)
hu (*) Sentani
Noua Guinee de Vest. Sentani; Sentani; Asia
lan Wauyai
archew Khinina-ang Bontok
The language spoken in Guina-ang, Bontoc, Mountain Province, the Philippines
na-?al Namakir (Makura)
Oceanic language of Vanuatu. It is spoken in North Efate, Tongoa, and Tongariki.
cu Komyandaret
Papua, Indonesia
CuneNka Mali
New Guinea, the East New Britain island
cuwwo; dzuwo Koneraw
Koneraw is a Trans-New Guinea language spoken in West New Guinea (the Yos Sudarso island).
budna-ndi; kawai; tane-ndi Kaurna
South Australia.
tuni Guyambal
Australian aboriginal language
kili; tuni Bigambal
Australian aboriginal language
ganirin; kunirin Malngin
Australian aboriginal language
rearra Wychinga
South Australia
alenNE; mamaT; nawiyu; utene Central Arrernte
Northern Australia
nawi5 Birrdhawal (Bidhawal)
Australian aboriginal language
branu** Ngardi
Aboriginal language at North-western Australia
waŋgu Mudburra
Mudburra, also known as Pinkangama, is an aboriginal language of Australia.
waLir Ritharngu
(Ritharngu, Ritarungo) is an Australian Aboriginal Yol?u language, spoken in Australia’s Northern Territory.
waLka Pitta Pitta
Pitta Pitta is an extinct Australian Aboriginal language. It was spoken around Boulia, Queensland.
want~a; Nililpa Warlpiri
The Warlpiri language is spoken by about 3,000 of the Warlpiri people in Australia’s Northern Territory.
bard~a Garadjari
Garadjari (Garadjari. Garadjiri. Garadyari. Garadyaria) is an Australian Aboriginal language spoken by the Karajarri people.
bard~a Karadjeri
Australia. North-western seashore.
wa:nda Wanayaga
An aboriginal language at Westnorthern Australia.
warga Lardil
Lardil, also spelled Leerdil or Leertil, is a moribund language spoken by the Lardil people on Mornington Island (Kunhanha), in the Wellesley Islands of Queensland in Northern Australia
warNiwarNi Wandarang
Warndarang (also spelled Wandarang, Wandaran) is an extinct Aboriginal Australian language in the Arnhem family, formerly spoken by the Warndarang people in Southern Arnhem Land, along the Gulf of Carpentaria.
wuliZini Djingili
Jingulu (Djingili) is an Australian language spoken by the Jingili people in the Northern Territory of Australia
wurlngarn Ngarinman Bilinara
Northern Australia
y3w3ju Wagaya
Wagaya (Wakaya) is an extinct Australian Aboriginal language of Queensland.
yagurd~u Ngadjunmaya
Ngadjunmaya (Ngajumaya) is a recently extinct Pama-Nyungan language of Western Australia that was located in the Goldfields-Esperance region.
warguwa Yugulda
Alternate names: Ganggalida (Gangulida), Ganggalita, Jakula, Jugula, Kangkalita, Yokula, Yukala, Yukulta. Australia.
wargu (warku) Gayardilt
Gayardilt is a language spoken in Australia.
warku Kayardild
the language of the tribe in the North of Australia
wat:i (waTi) Ngalakan
Nothern Australia
marnnga (mannga) Burarra
The language of the aborigines of the Northern Australia. Official Language of the Burarra People (Tribe) and Gun-nartpa People (Tribe)
jarribir; marnngi; warlirr Djinang
The language of the aborigines of the Northern Australia. Official Language of the Djinang People (Tribe)
walu; 1arrngay; wa1irr Gupapuyngu
The language of the aborigines of Australia. Official Language of the Gupapuyngu People (Tribe), Northern Territories, Australia.
walu Yolnu-matha
Australian Aboriginal language
walu Manggalili
Northern Australia
walu Mararba
Northern Australia
walu Yolngumatha
Northeast Arnhem Land in Northern Australia.
walu Gobabingo
Northern Australia
walu Gomaidj
Northern Australia
yaraay Kamilaroi
(also spelled Gamilaraay) The language of the aborigines of Australia which was spoken over a vast area of North-central New South Wales when Europeans began colonising Australia.
kun-dung Gunwinggu (Kunwinjku)
The language of the aborigines of Australia. Official Language of the Kunwinjku People, Gunbalanya Township, Kakadu National Park, Western Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Australia.
pun-nul; punnal Awabakal
The language of the aborigines of Australia. Awabakal continued to be spoken in the late nineteenth century by some older aboriginal people in the Swansea, Martinsville and Cooranbong areas.
pun; til Kalabra
Kalabra is a Papuan language of the Bird’s Head Peninsula of New Guinea. It is closest to Tehit.
puN Thayore
Kuuk Thaayorre (Thayore) is a Paman language spoken in the settlement Pormpuraaw on the western part of the Cape York Peninsula, Queensland in Australia by the Thaayorre people.
puN Yir Yoront
Yir-Yoront was a Paman language spoken in two settlements, Kowanyama and Pormpuraaw on the southwestern part of the Cape York Peninsula, Queensland in Australia
napui; napuy Pahi
Pahi, or Lugitama, is a Sepik language of Sandaun Province, Papua-New Guinea.
punga Ayabadhu
Ayabadhu (Ayapathu), or Badhu, is an extinct Australian aboriginal language of the Paman family spoken on the Cape York Peninsula of Queensland, Australia. (*)
punga Pakanha
Pama-Nyungan; Australian; Australia and Oceania (*)
barara5; wuru (wuri) Thurawal
The Thurawal language (Tharawal, Dharawal, Wodiwodi) is an extinct Australian Aboriginal language of New South Wales.
ngulungulu; purangu pirangu) Juwaliny
The North-West Australian aboriginal language
ngulungulu; parra Mangala
The North-West Australian aboriginal language
ghool-lee mul-lu Wong-gie
Western Desert language in Australia
bara; ngulungulu; parra Mangarla
Mangarla (Mangala) is a Pama-Nyungan language of Western Australia.
gimbara Umbugarla
The Umbugarla language is an Australian language isolate once spoken by three people in Arnhem Land, Northern Australia, in 1981, and is now extinct.
gambada Wambaya
Wambaya is a Non-Pama-Nyungan West Barkly Australian language of the Mirndi language group that is spoken in the Barkly Tableland of the Northern Territory, Australia
gamb~al Kanju
in the North of Australia
gamb~al Kaantyu
The Kaantyu were an Indigenous Australian people of the Cape York Peninsula.
gangirriny; wulngarn Bilinarra
The language of the aborigines of Australia. Official language of the Bilinarra People (Tribe), Pigeon Hole (Pigeon Hole Station) or Bunbidee, Victoria Daly Shire, Walangeri Ward.
kangirriny; wulngarn Gurindji
The language of the aborigines of Australia. Official Language of the Gurindji People (Tribe), Daguragu and Kalkarindji (Wave Hill), Victoria Daly Shire, Victoria River Region of the Northern Territory.
kaNg Danaru
Danaru is a Rai Coast language spoken in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
ngalan Guguyimidjir
The language of the aborigines of Australia. Official Language of the Guugu Yimithirr People (Tribe), Hopevale, Queensland, Australia.
nga Leningitij
in the North of Australia
manyij; muwarn Iwaidja
Official Language of the Iwaidja People (Tribe), Croker Island and the Cobourg Peninsula, Western Amhemland, Northern Territory, Australia.
aijuma; aiyuma; alamuda; mama:wura; mamura Anindilyakwa
Enindhilyagwa (also Anindilyakwa) is an Australian aboriginal language spoken by the Warnindhilyagwa people on Groote Eylandt in the Gulf of Carpentaria in Northern Australia.
aiyuma; mamura Ingura
in the North of Australia
goeyga Kala Lagaw Ya
Official language of the Kalaw Lagaw Ya People (Tribe), Torres Strait Islands (Saibai Island, Badu Island, Mabuaiq Island, etc.), Queensland, Australia.
juru Thalanyji
Thalanyji country is traditionally located around the Ashburton River and Onslow areas (Australia)
juru Jiwarli
The language of the aborigines of the North-Western Australia
yagarangu; juru; juri Burduna
The language of the aborigines of the North-Western Australia
yiminga; pukw~i Tiwi
Tiwi [ti:wi] is an Australian aboriginal language spoken on the Tiwi Islands, within sight of the coast of Northern Australia. It is one of about 10% of Australian languages still being learned by children.
yarnta; yarnda Ngarluma
The North-West Australian aboriginal language (Ngarluma tribe, about 30 speakers of the language)(West Pilbara Region)
yaraai Gamilaraay (Kamilaroi)
Australian aboriginal language which was spoken over a vast area of North-central New South Wales when Europeans began colonising.
yarnta Nyamal
The North-West Australian aboriginal language
yaal(*) Ulithian
(Oceanic; Austronesian; Australia and Oceania) Ulithian is the name of the language spoken on Ulithi atoll and neighboring islands. Micronezia .
gundung Gunwinggu
Kunwinjku (or Gunwinjgu), also known as Bininj Gunwok or Mayali, is an Australian aboriginal language in Northern Australia. Speakers live primarily in western Arnhem Land.
gunduN Gunwinggu Gun Djeihmi
The language of the Australian aboriginal tribe
kunduN Gunwinggu Kunwinjku
The language of the Australian aboriginal tribe
kundy~arala Gunwinggu Kuninjku
The language of the Australian aboriginal tribe
mughaling Mangerr
The language of Australian aborigines of the Giimbiyu tribe (Northern Australia)
yhi (*) Eulayhi
The Australian aboriginal language.
yuundu Adnyamathanha
The language of the tribe of Australian aborigines (*). (Pama-Nyungan; Australian)
gira Kabi
Kabi Kabi (Gubbi Gubbi) are an Aboriginal language group of South East Queensland, Australia.
gari Bayali
Bayali (Biyali, Baiali) is an extinct language of Queensland in Australia, spoken in the Rockhampton area
gari Warungu
Warrongo (or War(r)ungu) is an Australian Aboriginal language. It was formerly spoken by the Warrongo people in the area around Townsville, Queensland, Australia.
gari Wirri
(or Biri) an extinct Australian Aboriginal language of Queensland.
garri Ngadjon
Official Language of the Ngadjonji People (Tribe), Atherton Tablelands, Eastern Highlands, Far North Queensland, Australia.
gari Gangulu
East Australia
gar Anor
Papua New Guinea
gar Tanggu
Tanggu (Tangu, Tanggum) is a Ramu language of Papua New Guinea.
gara (kara) Yeletnye
the language at Rossel Island (South-East from Papua New Guinea)
ganir; gari; ga5mira (gaynmira) Biri (Birri)
the North-Eastern seashore of Australia (Queensland)
gawara Bunaba
Bunuba (Bunaba, Punuba, Punapa) is an Australian aboriginal language spoken by some 160 older adults, most of whom live in or near Fitzroy Crossing in Western Australia.
garaN; karong Badimaya
an Australian Aboriginal language
alg; alga; algerar; alka; rarb Baadi (Baardi, Badi, Bard, Bardi, Jawi)
a moribund Australian Aboriginal language.
algar Djawi
the North-Western seashore of Australia
rarb Inland Karajarri
Australia (Pilbara)
mayu; muyu Arabana
Pama-Nyungan; Australia
muyu Wangganguru
an extinct Australian Aboriginal language of the Pama-Nyungan family.
miya Yalarnnga
Yalarnnga (also Jalarnnga, Yalarrnnga, or Yalanga) is an extinct Australian Aboriginal language of the Pama-Nyungan family, that may be related to the Kalkatungu language. It was formerly spoken in areas near the town of Dajarra, in far Northwestern Queensland.
muda Gunwinggu Kune
The language of the Australian aboriginal tribe
muda Rainbarngo
The Rembarrnga, otherwise known as the Rembarunga, are an indigenous Australian people of the Northern Territory.
muda; ŋal-benbe Bininj Gun-Wok-Kune
Gunwinygic; Australian; Australia & Oceania
muwarn, mowan (muwan) Maung
Official Language of the Maung People (Tribe), Warruwi (Goulburn island) and on the North-west coast of Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Australia.
mowa Meax
Meax (Meyah) is a Papuan language on the North coast of Papua, Indonesia.
libir Garawa
The Northern Australia aboriginal language.
linNa Aranda (Arunta), Lower Southern
linNa Southern Aranda
alinNa Lower Aranda
linna**; nkina** Aranda
lun; lu5 Inland Lamalama
lun Coastal Lamalama
Lamu-Lamu (Lama-Lama), also known by the clan name Mba Rumbathama, is a Paman language of Queensland, Australia. Lamalama is one of four languages once spoken by the Lamalama people, the others being Morrobalama, Rimanggudinhma, and Umpithamu.
ath~i3 Kuku-Mini
an Australian Aboriginal language.
ath~i3 Aghu Tharrnggala
Aghu Tharrnggala is an extinct Paman language of the Cape York Peninsula in Queensland, Australia.
larNai Dhay’yi
Northern Australia
larNai (larNgai) Dalwongo
the language of the tribe in the northern seashore of Australia
nai; nate Ipili
Ipili is a language of the East New Guinea Highlands in Enga Province, Papua New Guinea.
nai; yapena Lembena
Lembena, also known as Lembena Pii, Nanimba Pii, Uyalipa Pii, or Wapi Pii, is an Engan language spoken in Papua New Guinea.
nai Maibi
Papua New Guinea
ina Mum
Mum, or Katiati, is a Papuan language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
ina Pondoma
(or — Anam) Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
ninaf Elseng
Elseng (Morwap) is a poorly documented Papuan language spoken by about 300 people (in 1991) in the Indonesian province of Papua.
ninaf Sawa
Papua New Guinea
wanga; wulnan Djamindjung
Jaminjung is Australian language spoken around the Victoria River in the Northern Territory of Australia.
walg Dyaberdyaber
Western Australia.
ulnan gigan**; wangu Ngaliwuru
an Australian language
warawaru; wawara Djeebbana
Ndjebbana, also known as Djeebbana, Kunibidji, Gunavidji, Gunivugi, or Gombudj, is a Burarran language spoken by the Kunibidji people of North-central Arnhem Land, Australia.
mowe Jawony
Jawoyn (Jawonj, Jawany, Djauan, Jawan; Adowen, Gun-djawan), or Kumertuo, is an endangered Gunwinyguan language spoken by elders in Arnhem Land, Australia.
4awiNi Madhi Madhi
Madhi-Madhi (Muthimuthi; Madimadi) is an indigenous Australian language spoken by the Muthi Muthi Aboriginal people of New South Wales.
yuku Kurnu
the language of the tribe in Australia (New South Wales).
yuku Darling
Australian Aboriginal language
yuku Badjirri
yuku; nanta Malyangapa (Maljangapa)
yookoo; yugu Bandjigali
The Darling language, or Paakantyi (Baagandji), is a nearly extinct Australian Aboriginal language spoken along the Darling River in New South Wales
dh~unuwi Dyangadi
Dyangadi is a possible small family of extinct or nearly extinct Australian Aboriginal languages of New South Wales
dh~udu Gunya
Pama-Nyungan; Australian; Australia & Oceania
buNan Dyaabugay
buNan Yidiny
Yidiny is a nearly extinct Australian Aboriginal language, spoken by the Yidinji people of North-east Queensland.
bin Yanango
Northern Australia
taribir Djinba
Djinba is an Australian Aboriginal Yolŋu language, spoken in Australia’s Northern Territory.
gabolbir Gaagudju
Gaagudju; Australian; Australia & Oceania
darigi; gadepa Gogodala
Gogodala; Gogodala-Suki; Australia & Oceania
gadepa Gogodala Ari
Papua New Guinea
kadepa Gogodala-Adiba
Australia & Oceania
kadepa Gogodala—Gaima
Australia & Oceania
kadepa Gogodala—Girara
Australia & Oceania
kadepa Waruna
The Waruna language is a Papuan language of the New Guinea, spoken in a bend of the Fly River.
hegera (kadepa); daigi Tabo
Tabo (or Waia) is a language of the proposed Trans-Fly – Bulaka River family in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea, just North of the Fly River delta.
karege Kol
The Kol language is a language spoken in eastern New Britain island, Papua New Guinea.
ginmaŋ Gureng Gureng
Pama-Nyungan; Australian; Australia & Oceania
marawaibai**; wunaru Alawa
Maran; Australian
wuNar Koko Yalandji
in the North of Australia
wuNar Kuku-Yalanji
Pama-Nyungan; Australian; Australia & Oceania
wuNa Uradhi
Urradhi is a Paman language of the Cape York Peninsula of Queensland, Australia, there are three dialects: Atampaya, Angkamuthi, Yadhaykenu.
axirka; inkina** Alyawarr (Alyawarra)
Pama-Nyungan; Australian; Australia & Oceania
manid’** Amurdak
Amurdag (also Amurag, Amarag, Wureidbug) is an Indigenous Australian language historically spoken in the Northern Territory of Australia.
Nawa5 Woiwurrung
Pama-Nyungan; Australian; Australia & Oceania
banal Darrkinyung
an Australian Aboriginal language
th~irN Warrnambool
Pama-Nyungan; Australian; Australia & Oceania
biggee Turrubal
Turrubal (Turubul), also known as Yagara (Jagara), is an extinct language of Australia.
bigi Gowar
Gowar is an extinct language of Australia. Other spellings are Goowar, Gooar, Guar, Gowr-burra; other names Ngugi (Mugee, Wogee, Gnoogee)
nawayu Dhudhuroa
Dhudhuroa is an extinct Australian Aboriginal language of North-eastern Victoria.
nunk Yitha
Yitha-Yitha is a moribund language of Southern South Australia.
lechie Ngayawung
Ngayawung (Ngaiawong) in an extinct language of Southern South Australia.
ba:ndil Kuluwarrang
an Australian Aboriginal language
ba:ndil; malalal Kitja
Djeragan; Australian; Australia & Oceania
pan; anc~ Melpa
Papua New Guinea
pane Fore
a Kainantu-Goroka language spoken in the Goroka District of Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea
pani Imbongu
New Guinea. Oceania
panonpoe Sundanese
Sundanese is a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken by the Sundanese. It has approximately 39 million native speakers in the western third of Java (Indonesia)
panti Marithiyel
Marrithiyel (Marithiel, Maridhiel, Maridhiyel), also known as Berringen (Bringen, Brinken) is an Australian Aboriginal language spoken by the Marrithiyal people.
panti Marengar
an aboriginal language in the North of Australia
panti Marityaben
an aboriginal language in the North of Australia
panti Maridan
an aboriginal language in the North of Australia
panti Marriammu
in the North of Australia
panti Maramanadji
an aboriginal language in the North of Australia
banda; bandul Walgi
an Australian Aboriginal language
guwin; kun** Dharruk
The Sydney language, also referred to as Darug or Iyora (Eora), is an Australian Aboriginal language of the Yuin–Kuric group that is spoken in the region of Sydney, New South Wales.
guwiN Sydney
The Sydney Language, also referred to as Dharug or Iyora, is an extinct Australian Aboriginal language that was spoken in the region of Sydney, New South Wales.
bakara5; nawa Dyirringany
Dyirringany (Djiringanj) is an extinct Australian Aboriginal language of New South Wales.
bakara5; mamaT Camberra Language
mamaT; jaua** Ngarigu
Ngarigo (Ngarigu) is a nearly extinct Australian Aboriginal language, the traditional language of the Ngarigo people.
mamaT; nawiyu Omeo
South-eastern Australia (Melbourne)
wi5ubakara5; winya Ngunawal
Ngunnawal or Gundungurra is an extinct Australian Aboriginal language, the traditional language of the Ngunnawal and Gandangara peoples.
bakara55; nawa Jiringayn
Southeastern seacoast of Australia
komaru; ra Maori
the language of New Zealand aborigines.
homare Aheave
Papua New Guinea
omar Demta
Demta, also known as Sowari and Muris, is a Papuan language on the North coast of Papua, Indonesia.
omar Demta-Ambora
a Papuan language on the North coast of Papua, Indonesia.
omar Demta-Muris
a Papuan language on the North coast of Papua, Indonesia.
wi5u Gundungurra
Ngunnawal or Gundungurra is an extinct Australian Aboriginal language, the traditional language of the Ngunnawal and Gandangara peoples.
wi5u Gandangara
at the eastern seashore of Australia
wi (wui) Wargamay
Warrgamay is an extinct Australian Aboriginal language of Northeast Queensland.
nawi Thawa
Thawa (Thaua, Dhawa, Thauaira) is a nearly extinct Australian Aboriginal language of New South Wales
turu** Guwa
Guwa (Goa) is an extinct and nearly unattested Australian Aboriginal language of Queensland.
rumaɹa Dyugun
Djugun (or Jukun) is an Australian Aboriginal language of Western Australia.
cuɹu Djiwarli
Djiwarli (also spelt Jiwarli, Tjiwarli) is an Australian Aboriginal language formerly spoken in Western Australia.
cuɹu Kanyara
The Kanyara languages are a pair of closely related languages in the Southern Pilbara region of Western Australia. The languages classified as members of the Kanyara languages group are: Burduna (Bayungu). Dhalanyji (Binigura).
cuɹu SW_Kanyara
The Kanyara languages are a pair of closely related languages in the Southern Pilbara region of Western Australia. The languages classified as members of the Kanyara languages group are: Burduna (Bayungu). Dhalanyji (Binigura).
cuɹu Mantharta
Mantharta is a possibly extinct dialect cluster spoken in the Southern Pilbara region of Western Australia.
kalka Ngamini
Ngamini is an extinct Australian Aboriginal language
karaNu Wajarri
Wajarri is a moribund Australian Aboriginal language.
kayik Pungupungu
Kandjerramalh, also known as Pungupungu and Kuwema, is an Australian Aboriginal language.
kayik Wadjiginy
Wadjiginy, also known as Wagaydy and Batjamalh, is an Australian Aboriginal language.
kilyir Warumungu
The Warumungu (or Warramunga) language is spoken by the Warumungu people in Australia’s Northern Territory.
cintu; ŋe:lir Kukatja
cintu Wangkajunga
Wangkatjunga (or Wangkajunga) is a dialect of the Western Desert dialect group in Western Australia.
cindu Tjalkadjara
Australian aboriginal language
cindu Waljen
Australian aboriginal language
cundu Karlamayi
a language of Australia
dintu (tindo) Narungga
Narangga (also Narungga) is an extinct Australian Aboriginal language formerly spoken by the Narungga people in Yorke Peninsula, South Australia.
tindo Kaurna
an aboriginal language in the Southern Australia
dindo Nugunu Australia
an aboriginal language in South Australia
kun-duŋ Kuninjku
Kunwinjku (Gunwinggu or Gunwinjgu), also known by the cover term Bininj Gunwok or Mayali, is an Australian Aboriginal language in Northern Australia.
gun-duŋ Gun-Djeihmi
Northern Australia
gun-duŋ Manyallaluk Mayali
an Australian Aboriginal language in Northern Australia.
kunda; winbinbi Pallanganmiddang
Pallanganmiddang (Balangamida) is an extinct aboriginal language of the Upper Murray region of the North east of Victoria (Australia).
jintu; jirirpi Wangka Wiru
jirntu; nyilpa Putijarra
an Australian aboriginal language
jirntu; tint~u Mantjiltjara
An Australian Aboriginal language of the Western Desert
jirntu Yulparija
West-North Australia
jirntu Manyjilyjarra
The North-West Australian aboriginal language
jirntu Martu Wangka
The North-West Australian aboriginal language
jirntu; juwanpa; karrpu; yanta; yarnta Nyiyaparli
Nyiyaparli country is traditionally located to the south of the town of Marble Bar, and includes the area around the town of Newman and the pastoral stations of Roy Hill, Balfour Downs, Ethel Creek and others (Australia).
yuntu Adynyamathanha
Adnyamathanha (or Yura Ngarwala) is an Australian Aboriginal language
karpu; yanta Panytyima
Panyjima is an Australian Aboriginal language spoken in the Hamersley Range, in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.
tjirntu Ngaanyatjarra
Pama-Nyungan; Australian; Australia & Oceania
ji:la Bunara
a language of North-Western Australia
karrpu; jirntu Yulparija
Yulparija is of the ‘Wati’ language family and therefore is related to the languages of the desert areas such as Warnman, Kartujarra, Manyjilyjarra, Kukatja, Nyiyaparli, Wangkajunga, Pitjantjatjara etc. Australia.
karrpu; jirrururnpa Warnman
Warnman is a Pama-Nyungan language belonging to the Nyungic South-West Group. It is one of the Wati subgroup related to the Western Desert aboriginal languages (Australia).
karrpu; janyja Nyangumarta
The Nyangumarta people originally came from the western side of the Great Sandy Desert. Australia. Nowadays they are living at the Northwestern seashore of Australia
cintu**; karpu**; yura Ngayarta
The Ngayarda (Ngayarta) languages are a group of closely related languages in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.
jirndal Bayungu
The North-West Australian Aboriginal language
yarnd~a (yura) Ngalooma
yura Yindjibarndi
Yinjibarndi is a Pama–Nyungan language spoken by the Yindjibarndi people of the Pilbara region in North-western Australia.
yiri; yira Wiradhuri
Wiradjuri (Wiradjuri). It is the traditional language of the Wiradjuri people of Australia.
yurno Banggarla
Pama-Nyungan; Australian; Australia & Oceania
yurNa Yorta Yorta
spoken by the Yorta Yorta people, Indigenous Australians from the junction of the Goulburn and Murray Rivers in present-day Northeast Victoria.
jie Asmat, North
(a.k.a. Keenok). Trans-New Guinea; Asia
je7 Xiyun Wa
the south of China
ji.4 Zhenfeng-Gelao
Southern China and Northern Vietnam.
jo; zu7 Dhammai
Northeastern India (Himalayas)
tanam (zaw tanam) Citak
Trans-New Guinea, Asmat-Kamoro, Asmat
asire Kamberau
Trans-New Guinea, Asmat-Kamoro, Sabakor
asira Buruwai
Trans-New Guinea, Asmat-Kamoro, Sabakor
ey Abau
Sepik-Ramu family: Upper Sepik group. Northern Papua New Guinea
ipi-‘o Angaataha
(Angaatiya, Angaataha; Angaatiha) A language of Papua New Guinea.
egnimilo; hebut Taensa
The Taensa language was the Natchez language-variant spoken by the Taensa people originally of Northeastern Louisiana
loina N Tasman
The Tasmanian or Palawa languages were the languages indigenous to the island of Tasmania
low Bantik
Sangiric; Austronesian; Asia
low Ratahan
Ratahan is an Austronesian language of Northern Sulawesi, Indonesia.
lou Wiru
Wiru or Witu is the language spoken by the Wiru people of Ialibu-Pangia District of the Southern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea.
bin Yan-nhanu (Yan-nhaŋu), (Yanango)
The Northern Australia
daykun Djambarpuyngu
Northern Australia
alir Nunggubuyu
Nunggubuyu, Wubuy or Yingkwira is an Australian Aboriginal language, the traditional language of the Nunggubuyu people.
arta Parimankutinma
an extinct dialect of Queensland, Australia.
bandeN (bandiŋ) Miriwung
Miriwoong (Miriwung) is an Australian Indigenous language which today has fewer than 20 fluent speakers, most of whom live in or near Kununurra in Western Australia.
dalira; lallirra Laragiya
The Laragiya language (Larrakia), also known as Gulumirrgin, is an Australian language isolate spoken by just six people near the city of Darwin in Northern Australia as of 1983.
driTi Yandruwandha
Yandruwandha is an extinct Australian Aboriginal language of the Pama-Nyungan family.
dula; budira Nyawaygi
Nyawaygi (Nawagi) is an extinct Australian Aboriginal language that was spoken Northeast Queensland, on the east coast of Australia.
dy~anan; dy~uru Wuliwuli
Wuliwuli is an extinct language of Queensland in Australia.
dy~irndu Wirangu
The Wirangu language is a moribund Australian Aboriginal language traditionally spoken by the Wirangu people, living on the west coast of South Australia across a region encompassing modern Ceduna and Streaky Bay, stretching west approximately to the head of the Great Australian Bight and east to Lake Gairdner.
dy~ugan; wingin Worimi
Worimi, or Gadjang (also spelt Kattang, Kutthung, Gadhang, Gadang, Gathang) is an Australian Aboriginal language.
8awan Wik Mungkan
Wik-Mungkan, or Wik-Mungknh, is a Paman language spoken on the Northern part of Cape York Peninsula of Queensland, Australia, by the Wik-Mungkan people.
e8a Umbuykamu
Northern Australia
gaɲwar (ganwar) Mangarayi
Mangarayi (Manggarrai, Mungerry, Ngarrabadji) is an Australian language spoken in the Northern Territory.
itwerne; lernnge Western Arrernte
the Alice Springs region in Central Australia.
mapal Ngarla
Western Australia
maraNi5a; windi5e; maraNgi5e Unggumi
The Unggumi, also written Ongkomi, are an indigenous Australian people of the Kimberley region of Western Australian.
mawa5ir Ngandi
Ngandi is a moribund Australian Aboriginal language of the Wilton River, Northern Territory.
mila Punthamara
The Punthamara were an indigenous Australian people of the state of Queensland.
nabena Nakara
Nakkara (Nakara) is an Australian Aboriginal language spoken by the Nagara people of Arnhemland. It is also spelled Nakara or Nagara and also called Kokori.
Noyon; ŋayan Gumbaynggir
Gumbaynggir language (also spelled Gumbaingari, Kumbainggar, Kumbaingeri, Gambalamam, and also called Baanbay) is an Australian Aboriginal language.
Nk~i5a Akara
Central Australia
NuNa; tina Murrinh Patha
an Australian Aboriginal language in the North of Australia
maniNgani; Nurun Wardaman
Wardaman is an Australian Aboriginal language. It is one of the Northern non-Pama-Nyungan languages.
nura Nganyaywana
Nganyaywana is an extinct Australian Aboriginal language of New South Wales.
Nurun Yangman
an Australian Aboriginal language
Nurun Wagiman
Wagiman (also spelled Wageman, Wakiman, Wogeman, Wakaman) is a near-extinct indigenous Australian language spoken by fewer than 10 people in and around Pine Creek, in the Katherine Region of the Northern Territory.
Nwa Mpakwithi Anguthimri
Anguthimri is an extinct Paman language formerly spoken on the Cape York Peninsula of Queensland, Australia, by the Anguthimri people.
ma4d~ara Ngawun
Ngawun is an extinct Mayi language once spoken on the Cape York Peninsula of Queensland, Australia, by the Ngawun people.
piɲcamu; wunnaga Kalkatungu
Kalkatungu (also written Kalkutungu, Galgadungu, Kalkutung, Kalkadoon, Galgaduun) is an xtinct Australian Aboriginal language
pi5dy$amu; ma4d~ara Maykulan
(a.k.a. Mayi Yapi)in the North of Australia
pumata Warluwara
Warluwara is a moribund Australian Aboriginal language of Queensland
puraNu Walmajarri
Walmajarri (many other names) is a Pama-Nyungan language spoken in Western Australia.
rumara Yawuru
Yawuru is a Western Nyulnyulan language spoken on the coast south of Broome in Western Australia.
th~uni; dh~uni Wangaaybuwan Ngiyambaa
(or — Wayilwan) Australia
th~uri; warXu Nhanda
Nhanda, also known as Nhanta and Nhandi is an Australian Aboriginal language from the Midwest region of Western Australia, between Geraldton and the Murchison River, from the coast to about 20 kilometres (12 mi) inland.
ty~intu Kokata
Alternate names: Gugada, Kokata, Kokatha, Kokitta, Koocatho, Koogurda, Kugurda, Kukata, Madutara, Maduwonga, Wanggamadu, Wongamardu. South Australia. 19 speakers only.
ty~intu Yankunytjatjara
Yankunytjatjara (also Yankuntatjara, Jangkundjara, Kulpantja) is an Australian Aboriginal language.
ty~irirpi; ty~intu Pitjantjatjara Yankuntjatjara
uba (ubwa; waba); inki Wulguru
Wulguru, or Manbara, is an extinct Australian Aboriginal language that was spoken around the area around present day Townsville, Queensland, on the east coast of Australia.
ugNa Kunjen
Kunjen, or Uw, is a Paman language spoken on the Cape York Peninsula of Queensland, Australia
daykun Djambarpuyngu
Northern Australia
deli Larrakia
in the North of Australia
ganag Gunbalang Warlang
Northern Australia
gayaraNa Gudanji
Northern Australia
indy~eheywey Erre
in the North of Australia
indy~eheywey Urningangg
(Urningangga) an extinct Aboriginal Australian language (Northern Australia)
ka5mer Manda
in the North of Australia
kamb~a Mayi Thakurti
in the North of Australia
kampal Kuuku Yau
in the North of Australia
karuwu Kurrama
in the West of Australia
lim Meriam
the island in the North of Australia (in Torres Strait)
aNor Mbabaram
Northern-Eastern Australia
maroN (maruNu) Gunin Kwini
Northern Australia
mErEr Matngala
in the North of Australia
modE; wElir Buan
Northern Australia
Nalan Gugu Bujun
Northern Australia
Nuwim Duungidjawu
the language of the tribe of a island near east shore of Australia
pen Kamor
in the North of Australia
puNa Kuku Uwanh
in the North of Australia
th~iraN; karu Bunganditj
the language of the tribe in the South-eastern Australia
y3r3r Yunggor
an indigenous Australian people of the Northern Territory
yakaraNu Martuthunira
Northern-western seashore of Australia
el Aulua
Oceanic; Austronesian; Australia & Oceania
lea Hukumina
Hukumina is an extinct and unclassified Austronesian language recently spoken in the Northwest of Buru Island in the Moluccas of eastern Indonesia.
le7amata7i Haruku
Haruku is an Austronesian spoken on Haruku Island, just east of Ambon Island in eastern Indonesia
leamatai Pelauw Haruku
Haruku is an Austronesian spoken on Haruku Island just east of Ambon Island in eastern Indonesia part of a dialect chain around Seram Island. Each of the villages Hulaliu Pelauw Kailolo and Rohomoni is said to have its own dialect.
liamatai Asilulu Lima Rumahsosal Nuwetetu
Asilulu is an Austronesian of Ambon Island in the Mulukus, with some speakers on west Seram. It’s a local trade language.
liamatai Asilulu Lima Waraka
an Austronesian language
leamatai Sapolewa-Soow-Kwele-Ului-Seram
diamata Wakasihu
an Austronesian language of Ambon Island in the Maluku Islands
(???) Buli (in Indonesia)
Buli is an Austronesian language of southern Halmahera (North Maluku), Indonesia.
pit Kungarakany
Kungarakany (Gunerakan, Gungaragan, Gungarakanj, Kangarraga, Kungarakan) is an extinct Australian language spoken in the Northern Territory.
piterina**; tegura NE Tasman
the island of Tasmania (Australia)
palla-nubrana: SE Tasman
the island of Tasmania
nabagi:na W Tasman
Extinct language at the island of Tasmania
aherke Kaytetye
Kaytetye (Kaititj) is an Australian Aboriginal language of central Northern Territory.
airka Anmatyerre
(a.k.a. Anmatjirra, Anmatjera) the language of the tribe in the Central Australia
ka*mi*a* Xaracuu
Oceanic; Austronesian; New Caledonia.
ke Arop-Lokep
Papua New Guinea, the Bismarck arhipelago.
habgo7 Ivori
Papua New Guinea, Gulf province.
habgw~o Tainae
Tainae is an Angan language of Papua New Guinea, Gulf province.
thabra** Blafe-Tonda-Mani-Waratha
(a.k.a. Indorodoro, Yendorador) southern Papua New Guinea, Indorodoro village, Western Province.
thakbarra** Blafe-Tonda-Marer
southern Papua New Guinea
fh~ulan bara Masiwang
Masiwang (a.k.a. Bonfia) is a language at Seram island, Indonesia.
ba:ndin Gadjerawang
Gadjerawang (also spelt Gajirrabeng, Gajirrawoong, Gadjerong, Gadyerong and Kajirrawung) is an Australian Aboriginal language of the Kimberley region, today known by only three or four fluent speakers.
4a** Colac
a.k.a. Gulidjan (Coligan, Kolijon, Kolitjon, Kolakngat, Kolacgnat, Colac) South-Eastern Australia (Southern Victoria state)
wonewsleg Yurok
The language of native americans in California (USA), Ritwan Language (Yurok; Algic; North America)
aquechque Nanticoke
The language of native americans in the USA, East Coast (Algonquian; Algic; North America).
nippawus Narragansett
The dead language of native americans in Rhode Island (USA)
nepauz Wampanoag Natick
Wampanoag (a.k.a. Massachusett, Pokanoket or Natick) is an Algonquian language of New England (USA)
naguset Mi’gmawi’simg
The language of the Mi’gmaq people is spoken throughout eastern Canada in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and Quebec.
agathag; shinor-huk (?) Aleut
(a.k.a. Unangan) is a language of the Eskimo-Aleut language family. It is the heritage language of the Aleut people living in the Aleut Islands, Pribilof Islands, and Commander Islands (USA).
macaq; puqlaner Naucan Yupik language
(Naucan Yupik) Eskimo branch of Eskimo-Aleut family. There are only about 100 speakers.
macaq; akerta; puqlaner Yupik
The language of native americans of Alaska (Central Alaskan Yupik (or Yugtun) — the largest dialect is spoken by 10,000 people in Yukon River, Nelson Island, Kuskokwim River, and Bristol Bay areas.
ak3Xta; akerta Central Yupik
Eskimo; Eskimo-Aleut; (Central Alaskan Yupik) Alaska
uqirn3X Yupik Sirenik
Sirenik Yupik, Sireniki Yupik (also Old Sirenik or Vuteen), Sirenik, or Sirenikskiy is an extinct Eskimo–Aleut language. It was spoken in and around the village of Sireniki in Chukotka Peninsula, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Russia.
macaq [machak] Kodiak-Alutiiq
The language of native americans. The Northwestern shore of America (Alaska)
nachak Chugach-Alutiiq
The language of native americans in Alaska.
siqiniq Inupiat
(Inupiatun) is a group of dialects of the Inuit language, spoken by the Inupiat people in Northern and Northwestern Alaska
siqiniq Inuit
The language of the Northern Canada Eskimo
siqiniq Inupiak (Inupiaq)
Eskimo; Eskimo-Aleut; Western Alaska
siqiniq Inuktitut (Quebec-Labrador)
The language of native americans. Eastern Canadian Inuit language is the name of some of the Inuit languages spoken in North-Eastern Canada.
siqin3q Yupik (St. Lawrence Island)
Eskimo; Eskimo-Aleut; North America
siriniq En kalaallisut
(kilaamiusut (West Greenland)
hiqiniq Montagnais
Algonquian; Algic; North America. The language of the Northern Canada Eskimo (Est Kitikmeot)
hiqiniq Kangiryuarmiutun
the transpolar Canada, East of Alyaska
seqineq Greenlandic
Greenlandic is an Eskimo-Aleut language spoken by 57,000 Greenlandic Inuit people in Greenland.
siqin3q Chaplino
the language of Chaplino Eskimos (russian Far East and St. Lawrence island, USA)
siriiq En kalaallisut
tunumiusut/tunumiisut (East Greenland)
geLgiL; qetekel Eyak
The language of native americans of Alaska, west coast (Eyak; Na-Dene; North America)
ghagan (gugan) Tlingit
Tlingit is spoken in Southeast Alaska and Western Canada by less than 140 speakers. The language of native americans is highly endangered. Tlingit belongs to the Na-Dene language family.
qa-ka:n Tlingit (Northern)
The language of native americans in Alaska, the West seashore (Tlingit; Na-Dene; Canada)
caiwia (kaiwia) Achagua
Achagua (Achawa, Ajagua, Achugua, Xagua) is an Arawakan language of South America, spoken by about 300 people in eastern Colombia. It is closely related to the better-known Piapoco language.
yaderine’i Aikana
The language of the South America aborigines (Western Brazil, near the Bolivian border), Arawakan language family
keybin Amarizana
The extinct language of the South America aborigines in Amazon basin, Arawakan language family
acne’ (atsne’); acneT Amuesha
Amuesha is an Arawakan language of South America, spoken by 5000 people in Peru
ahiri Anauya
The language of the South America aborigines (Southern Venezuela), Arawakan language family
ghamui Kariai
(Cariay) The language of native americans (in Northern Brazil, near the Venezuela border), Arawakan language family
ghamui Wainuma
The language of the South America aborigines (in Brazil), Arawakan language family
gamui Mariate
The language of the South America aborigines (in Brazil), Arawakan language family
gamuy Manao
The language of the South America aborigines in Brazil (Amazonas state), Arawakan language family
ghuma Waraiku
The language of the South America aborigines (in Brazil), Arawakan language family
aguma Passe
Passe is an extinct Arawakan language of South America. It was once spoken in Brazil.
gamuhu Guinao (Guinau)
The language of the South America aborigines, Arawakan language family (Venezuela)
kamuhu Bare
The language of the South America aborigines (in Northern Brazil, near the Venezuela border), Arawakan language family
amoshi Baniva
The language of the South America aborigines (southwestern Venezuela), Arawakan language family
kamoi; amuSi Warekena
Warekena (a.k.a. Guarequena) is an Arawakan language of Brazil and Venezuela.
kamoi Mandawaka
The language of the South America aborigines in Venezuela and (earlier) in Brazil, Arawakan language family
kamoe Wirina
The moribund language of the aborigines in Brazil, Arawakan language family
kamu Mawayana
Mawayana (Mahuayana), also known as Mapidian, is a moribund Arawakan language of Guyana.
kamu Mawakwa
The language of the aborigines in Brazil and Guyana, Arawakan language family
kamu, caamu Yucuna (Yukuna)
The language of the South America aborigines (southern Colombia), Arawakan language family
kamu (kamo) Wapixana
Wapishana (Wapixana) is an Arawakan language of Guyana and Brazil.
kami Yawalapiti
Yawalapiti (Jaulapiti) is an Arawakan language of Brazil.
fakami7 Oro Win
Oro Win is a moribund Chapacuran language spoken along the upper stretches of the Pacaas Novos River in Brazil.
echarkun (ehcerekun) Enepa (Panare)
The language of native americans, spoken in the central region of Venezuela (Bolivar state). Caribbean language family
katun Mapoyo
The language of native americans in Venezuela, Caribbean language family
kami Waura
The language of native americans in Central region of Brazil, Arawakan language family
kami Waiwai
The language of native americans in Brazil, at the border with Gayana Cariban language family, Northern Cariban
hamu*i* Rikbaktsa
The Rikbaktsa language, also spelled Aripaktsa, Erikbatsa, Erikpatsa and known ambiguously as Canoeiro, is a language spoken by the Rikbaktsa people of the Mato Grosso, Brazil
kamui (kamoi) Palikur
The language of the South America aborigines in Northern Brazil, Arawakan language family
kamui Carutana
The language of aborigines in Brazil, Arawakan language family
kamui Uruak
The language of aborigines in Brazil and Venezuela.
kumetu Marawa
The Marawa is an extinct language of Brazil, Arawakan language family
kamui Marawan
The Marawan is an extinct language of Brazil, Arawakan language family
kamui Baniwa
Northern Arawakan; Arawakan; Northern Brazilia
ghamuy Cariay
Northern Brazilia
kamai Paresi
The language of the South America aborigines in Brazil (at western region of Mato Grosso state), Arawakan language family
kam3m3 (kama:na) Parukoto
Other names for the Parukoto-Charuma language: Chawiyana, Faruaru, Hichkaryana, Hishkaryana, Hixkariana, Hixkaryana, Kumiyana, Parucutu, Sherewyana, Sokaka, Wabui, Xereu, Xerewyana. The language of Hishkaryana people in the Amazonas State, Brazil.
kame Yawalpiti
The language of the South America aborigines in central region of Brazil (Mato Grosso state), Arawakan language family
kame (kam3) Mehinaku
Mehinaku (Meinaku) is an Arawakan language spoken by the Mehinaku people of Brazil.
kame Saraveka
Saraveca is an extinct Arawakan language once spoken in Bolivia by the Sarave.
kame Enawene Nawe
Brazil, the Moto Grosso state
hadali Arawak
The language of the South America aborigines, Arawakan language family (Haiti, Rep. Dominicana).
hadali Lokono
Suriname (South America)
hamo Aruan
The language of the South America aborigines (North-Eastern Brazil, Marajo island), Arawakan language family
poreatsiri/oorya Ashaninka/Asheninka Pajonal
The language of the South America (Peru) aborigines, Arawakan language family
oreaciri Campa De Perene
kacirink~aiteri; poreatsiri Ashaninca
Also — Asheninca, (a.k.a. Campa) a language from the Arawakan family. Peru, South America.
kaciri Caquinte
The language of native americans in Peru (South America), Arawakan language family
paba; poreatsiri Nomatsiguenga
Nomatsiguenga (Matsigenka) is an Arawakan language of Peru.
eri Cabiyari
The language of the South America aborigines in Columbia, Arawakan language family
eri’ Piapoco
The language of the Colombia aborigines, Arawakan language family
ire’ Irantxe
The language of the South America aborigines western Brazil near the Bolivian border, Arawakan language family
heri Curripaco
The language of the South America aborigines in Columbia, near the border with Brazil, Arawakan language family (Northern Arawakan)
ayer Xiriana
The language of the South America aborigines (Brazil), Arawakan language family
keri Tariano
The language of the aborigenes of Equatorial America, Arawakan language family
ekw~Epite keri Tariana
Tariana (also Tariano) is an endangered Maipurean (also known as Arawak) language spoken along the Vaupes River in Amazonas, Brazil by approximately 100 people.
apito Tora
Tora (Toraz) is an extinct Chapacuran language once spoken along the lower stretches of the Marmelos River in Brazil.
hena Omurano
Omurano is an unclassified language from Peru. It is also known as Humurana, Roamaina, Numurana, Umurano, and Mayna.
hena Leco
Leco, also written as Leko, is a language isolate that, though long reported to be extinct, is spoken by 20–40 individuals in areas east of Lake Titicaca, Bolivia.
caapin (hapin) Kunza
Kunza a.k.a. Cunza, also known as Likanantai, Lipe, Ulipe, or Atacameno, is an extinct language isolate once spoken in the Atacama Desert of Northern Chile.
him (ikhim) Lengua
Lengua is spoken by around 15,000 people in Paraguay.
aknim Sanapana Angaite
Sanapana is a language of the Paraguayan Chaco. (Paraguay, South America)
aknem7~ Sanapana Enlhet
tahenari Guarijio
Mexico, the Chihuahua state
rayenari Tarahumara
Mexico, the Chihuahua state
kaki Andaqui
Andaqui (Andaki) is an extinct language from the Southern highlands of Colombia (South America).
tak Huachipaeri
(Huachipaire, Wacipaire) The language of native americans in Peru
koki, kiki Jebero
(a.k.a. Shiwilu) The language of native americans (Northern Peru) (Cahuapanan family)
a7ku7 Taushiro
Taushiro, a.k.a. Pinche (Pinchi) — endangered language in Peruvian Amazonia, near the Equador border.
aiyaga; ihia Yahuna
Yahuna (Yauna) is an extinct Tucanoan language of Colombia
aiyaka Tanimuca
Tanimuca, or Tanimuca-Retuara (Letuama), is a Tucanoan language of Colombia.
tka-ci Mashco Piro
Mashco Puro is a Maipurean language spoken in Peru at the border with Brazil.
tkaCi Maxineri (Machinere)
The Machinere are an indigenous people of Brazil, Bolivia, and Peru (border area)
kaxi; ka-si Munduruku
Munduruki is a Tupi language spoken by 10,000 people in the Tapajуs River basin in North central Brazil
iahi Resigaro
The language of the South America aborigines at the border of Peru and Colombia, Arawakan language family
ka’i Wayuu
The Wayuu language (Wayuu: Wayuunaiki), or Goajiro (Guajiro), is spoken by 305,000 indigenous Wayuu people in Northwestern Venezuela and Northeastern Colombia on the Guajira Peninsula. Wayuu is one of the major Arawakan languages.
kilye7 Chorote Iyowujwa
Iyo’wujwa Chorote language. Iyo’wujwa (Chorote) is a Matacoan language spoken by about 2,000 people, mostly in Argentina
koti yonohe Jitnu
ka’ane Saraveca
The indigenous language of aborigines in Bolivia, Arawakan language family
ka’muli Yavitero
Extinct language in Northwestern Brazil. Arawakan language family.
kolo Kakwa
The Kakwa or Cacua language is an indigenous language spoken by a few hundred people in Colombia and Brazil.
koxli; kol Canichana
kosa Kwaza
Brazil, at the border with Bolivia
kashi Kalhipona
The language of native americans at Caribian islands.
aci Esselen
The language of native americans in California (USA), Hokan language family
saa Ahtena (Ahtna)
The language of native americans, Athabaskan language family (the language of the Athapaskan people of the Copper river valley in southeastern Alaska)
saa (sa:) Mendaesde
Alaska native language
saa (sah) Beaver
Native American Language of western Canada, Athabaskan language family
saa Tanacross
(Athapaskan; Na-Dene; North America) an Athabaskan language spoken by fewer than 60 persons in eastern Interior Alaska. It is extremely endangered.
se Tutchone
Tutchone is an Athabaskan language spoken in the Yukon Territory in Canada by less than 200 speakers. It has two varieties: Southern Tutchone and Northern Tutchone (Selkirk).
sa Denesuline
Chipewyan, ethnonym Denesuline, is the language spoken by the Chipewyan people of Northwestern Canada
sa Babine
The language of native americans in British Columbia (Canada), Athabaskan language family
sa Chipewyan/Dene
The language of native americans, Northwestern Canada between Hudson Bay and the Rocky Mountains. Athabaskan language family
sa Sekani
The language of native americans in north-central British Columbia (Canada), Athabaskan language family
sa Duit
Duit is an extinct Chibcha language, spoken by the Muisca people of present-day Boyaca, Colombia (South America)
sa Kaska
Kaska is an Athabaskan language spoken by a few hundreds people in the southeastern Yukon Territory and Northern British Columbia in Canada.
sa; wha Hupa
(Northwestern California, USA) — Pacific Athabaskan language
Sa (shaa) Kato (Cahto)
California, USA. (Na-Dene family: Athabaskan language family)
xa:; CiNxa7 Mattole
Na-Dene family: Athabaskan group, Northern California, USA.
Sa Galice
(Taldash Galice) is an extinct language in southestern area of Origon state (USA). Na-Dene family: Athabaskan group
sa: Tanacross
Na-Dene family: Athabaskan group. Alaska.
sa: Upper Tanana (Tetlin)
Na-Dene family: Athabaskan group. (Alaska, at the border with Canada).
sa Nadleh Whut’en
The Nadleh Whut’en speak a dialect of the Dakelh (Carrier) Language which is part of the Athapaskan language family. British Columbia, Canada.
sa Central Carrier
(a.k.a. Dakelh) Na-Dene family: Athabaskan group. British Columbia, Canada.
sa Carrier
The language of native americans, Northern Athabaskan Languages. Western Canada.
sa Chilcotin
Atabaskan language in Western Canada
sa Hare
Northern Canada
sa Mantasta Ahtena
Alaska, USA
sa Slavey
Slavey (also Slave) is an Athabaskan language spoken among the Slavey and Sahtu people of Canada in the Northwest Territories
sa; ce*gosa Tlicho
The Dogrib language, or Tlinchon, is a Northern Athabaskan language spoken by the Tlicho (Digrib people) of the Canadian Northwest Territories (to the north of Greate Stave Lake).
sa; ghasiru Canamari
Kanamarн, or Katukina-Kanamari, is a Katukinian language spoken by about 650 individuals in Amazonas, Brazil.
Ca; βari Catuquina
an extinct language of Brazil
Ca Katukina
in the western part of Brazil, the Amazonas state
sa Kanamari
Brazil (upper Amazon area)
sa: (zaan) Seri
Northern Mexico. Hokan language family: Seri group
s’aba (s7ab) Klamath
The language of native americans in the vicinity of the Klamath Lake (The Pasific coast), southern Oregon ond Nortthern Carolina states (USA).
shapash ???
the language of native americans in South Oregon and Northern California
‘as:a Chimariko
The Chimariko language is of the Chimariko tribe from Trinity County of Northern California
so: Koyukon
Na-Dene family: Athabaskan group. Alaska: Koyukuk and middle Yukon rivers.
so Kwinti
Suriname (South America)
so: Koyukon
The language of native americans, Na-Dene family: Athabaskan group. Alaska: Koyukuk and middle Yukon rivers.
so Lower Tanana (Minto)
Lower Tanana is an endangered language spoken in Interior Alaska in the lower Tanana River villages of Minto and Nenana.
so Upper Tanana (Nabesna)
Upper Tanana is the Athapaskan language spoken in the Yukon by people in the Beaver Creek area
sra Han
(Han-Kutchin or Dawson), is a nearly extinct Northern Athabaskan language which was spoken by the Han people around the Yukon River, in the area of the border between Alaska and Canada.
Sra Kiowa Apache
USA, the Oklahoma state
sro Dinak’i
The Upper Kuskokwim language (also called Kolchan or Goltsan or Dinak’i) is an Athabaskan language of the Na-Dene language family. It is spoken by the Upper Kuskokwim people in the Upper Kuskokwim River villages of Nikolai, Telida, and McGrath, Alaska.
sree; srii’ Gwich’in (or Kutchin)
An Athapaskan language spoken by the Gwich’in, who live in the Northwestern part of North America, mostly above the Arctic Circle. There are only a few hundred speakers of this language.
shaa Mescalero Apache
The language of native americans in Northern California
shaa Mattole
The language of native Northern americans, Athabaskan language family
shaa Arikara
The language of native americans in Northern Dakota, Athabaskan language family
shaa Wailaki
The language of native americans in northern California (USA), Athabaskan language family
sua Chibcha
The language of native americans, Chibchan language family. (Colombia).
sua Muisca
Chibchan Proper; Chibchan; South America (Colombia).
sua Popoloca Metzontla
san Chinook Wawa
USA, California
Sex Dothraki
Los Angeles, USA
son; sun Gullah
Gullah (also called Geechee) is a creole language spoken by the Gullah people, an African-American population living in coastal regions of South Carolina and Georgia as well as extreme northeastern Florida and the extreme southeast of North Carolina
col Achumawi
The language of native americans, Hokan language family (Northern Carolina, USA)
cono; co Yuchi
Yuchi (Euchee) is the language of the Cohaya people living in Oklahoma.
cun Karaja
Karaja, also known as Yna, is spoken by the Karaja people in some thirty villages in central Brazil.
CiNxa7 Mattole
USA, California state, the seacoast of Pacific ocean
zaari Candoshi
The language of native americans in northern Peru near the Equador border.
eSeti Ese Ejja
Tacanan; Tacanan; Northern Bolivia.
Seti Huarayo Ese Ejja
Si Ye’kuana
Ye’kuana, also known as Maquiritari or Dekwana, is the language of the Ye’kuana people of Venezuela and Brazil.
Sand~i Arara Pano
language spoken in Peru, western Brazil, and Bolivia.
shidi Yaminawa
The language of native americans in western Brazil, near Peru border. Pano-Tacanan language family
isese Paicone
The language of the South America aborigines (in Bolivia), Arawakan language family
ese’he Cheyenne
(a.k.a. Tsetsehestaestse) This is a Plains Algonquian language spoken in USA (Montana, Oklahoma) by about 1,700 speakers only.
sha; johonaa’ei; jehonaai; chehonnaai Navajo (Dine bizaad)
The language of native americans of the USA, Athabaskan language family, the most numerous among the Athabaskan peoples. (Athapaskan; Na-Dene; North America)
Ci*gona7ai Chiricahua
the state of New Mexico, USA
sha Tagish
A nearly extinct Northern Athabaskan language which was spoken by the Tagish people in the Yukon Territory in Canada.
sakuunu Arikara
The language of native americans in Dacota state (USA), the Caddoan language family
sakunu Kitsai
The Kitsai (also Kichai) language is an extinct member of the Caddoan language family. It was spoken in Oklahoma by the Kichai tribe and became extinct in the 1930s.
saku Caddo
The language of native americans, the Caddoan language family. USA, Oklahoma
sakuru’ Pawnee (Skiri)
The Pawnee language is a Caddonian language spoken by some Pawnee Native Americans now located in North central Oklahoma. Their traditional historic lands were along the Platte River in what is now Nebraska.
saakhir’a Wichita
The language of native americans in the USA (Texas state), the Caddoan language family
safini Paumari
Paumari (also Purupuru, Kurukuru, Pamari, Purupuru, Pammari, Curucuru, Palmari) is an Arauan language spoken in Brazil
zaah (Sa7) Seri
The language of native americans in southern Mexico, Sonora state, Hokan language family
sak; kokoy; loc’akh~ Jicaque
(Toi, Tolupan, Torupan) is a language spoken by some 300 Tolupan people in La Montana del Flor, Honduras.
tcaa Chitimacha †
The language of native americans, Gulf language family. Louisiana, USA.
sas Wintu
The language of native americans, Penutian language family
aan Yakama
The language of native americans, Penutian language family
aan Yakama Sahaptin
The language of native americans, Penutian language family
iCu; an Umatilla Sahaptin
Umatilla is a variety of Southern Sahaptin, part of the Sahaptian subfamily of the Plateau Penutian group. It was spoken during late aboriginal times along the Columbia River.
saCe Ignaciano
a Southern Maipuran language, belonging to the Arawakan language family (Bolivia)
saCe Trinitario
One of two major Mojo dialects in South America, spoken in Bolivia. The two major Mojo dialects, Ignaciano and Trinitario
sache Paunaca
The language of the South America aborigines, Arawakan language family
sache Mojo
The language of the South America aborigines, Arawakan language family
uce Dzubucua
(Dzubukua), or Kiriri, is an extinct Karirian language of Brazil.
uce Kariri
the eastern part of Brazil, the Alogoas state
saq’e Kekchi
The language of native americans, Mayan language family (the biggest language femily of the south of Mexico and Guatemala).
saq’en Cahabon Eastern Kekchi
The language of native americans, Mayan language family — (Mexico and Guatemala).
saq’e San Juan Chamelco Western Kekchi
The language of native americans, Mayan language family (Mexico and Guatemala).
sak (*) Hokan
Hypothetical superfamily on North American Indian languages uniting a number of languages and language families of the western U.S. and Mexico.
c’ayik Jacalteco Eastern
Jacalteco (Jacaltec) is a Mayan language spoken by about 70,000 people in Guatemala and Mexico. There are two main varieties of Jacalteco: Western Jacalteco and Eastern Jacalteco.
c’ayik Jacaltec
c’ayik Jacalteco (Jakalteko) Western
Guatemala (at the border with Mexico)
c’e7ek; c’ek Motozintlec (Mocho)
a Mayan language of the Motozintlec people (southeastern Mexico at the border with Guatemala)
su*ni Mamainde
xunu7 (xunuʔ) Maca
Maca is a Matacoan language of South America. It is spoken by around 1500 people in Paraguay.
su7urS Chiquitano
Chiquito; Chiquito; Bolivia, South America
Th~u5i Chipaya
Uru-Chipaya; Uru-Chipaya; Bolivia.
thu5i Uchumataqu
Uchumataqu language (a.k.a. Iru-Itu, Uru) is an extinct language, that was spoken by the Uru people (Bolivia, near the Peru border).
kusra (ku:srah) Karuk
Karuk or Karok is an endangered language of Northwestern California
chatagha (cat’axa) Sarcee
The language of native americans in southwestern Canada, Athabaskan language family
ya’dok’ya (yatakya) Zuni
The language of native americans (language isolate) in eastern Arizona (USA).
ny-i Dena’ina
The language of native americans of Alaska, west coast
nu-yi Upper Inlet Tanaina
Na-Dene family: Athabaskan group (Alaska)
ni7-i Outer Inlet Tanaina
Na-Dene family: Athabaskan group (Alaska)
n7u-yi Inland Tanaina
Na-Dene family: Athabaskan group (Alaska)
n7u-yi Illiamna Tanaina
Na-Dene family: Athabaskan group (Alaska)
juuyaay Haida
The language is spoken by the Haida, an indigenous nation of the west coast of North America (Haida Gwaii, an archipelago off the coast of British Columbia, and southeast of Alaska). The Haida language is sometimes linked to the Na-Dene family, but usually considered to be a language isolate. It is extremely endangered, with only about 150-200 living speakers.
ciquya:y; ciqaway Haida Southern (Skidegate)
Southwestern Canada.
cu:ye: Haida Northern (Masset)
British Columbia province. Canada (nearly extinct language).
naaichete Cooper River Kolchan
The language of native americans of Alaska, west coast
na’a:-y Central Ahtena (Ahtna)
Na-Dene family: Athabaskan group (The North America, Alaska)
na-ai Cooper River Ahtna
The language of native americans of Alaska, west coast
na’aay Central Ahtna
Alaska native language
no’oy Deg Xinag
Spoken in United States Region Alaska (lower Yukon River, Anvik River, Innoko River)
no’oy Yukon Deg Xinag
no’oy Kuskokwim Deg Xinag
ghali Clatskanie (Klatskanie)
The language of native americans in Washington state (USA), Athabaskan language family. Northern Athabasca.
tqal3s Coos (Hanis)
Coosan; Oregon Coast; Oregon, USA
xwet’e Tolowa
The language of native americans at Pacific ocean seashore in the USA, Athabaskan language family
xashi Tututni
The language of native americans in western pert of Oregon state (USA), Athabaskan language family
Lukw~3L (Lukw~aL) Puget Salish
Native North American language (Washington state, USA)
Lukw~aL; skalus Chehalis
The language of native americans, the Salishan language family, (South-West Canada and the North-West USA). This family consists of 23 languages. There is no proven external links with other language families yet.
Lukw~aL Chehalis Upper
the language of indigenous people, USA, Washington state
lukwal Lushootseed
The language of native americans, the Salishan language family
hluqahl (luqal) Cowlitz
The Cowlitz is a member of the Tsamosan branch of the Coast Salish family of Salishan languages. Maybe only 2 speakers currently lives in Puyallup, Washington (USA)
luqal Cowlitz
The language of native americans, the Salishan language family. USA, Washington state.
sluqatl Twana
The language of native americans, the Salishan language family. USA, Washington state.
aldarench Coeur d’Alene
The language was spoken by only two of the 80 individuals in the Coeur d’Alene Tribe on the Coeur d’Alene Reservation in northern Idaho, United States in 1999
kosum Columbian
The language of native americans in northern Idaho state and in eastern Washington state (USA), the Salishan language family
kosum Sinkiuse
The Sinkiuse Indians are a small Salishan tribe of Washington state, relatives of the Columbia Indians. They are also known as the Moses-Columbia
kosum (k’w~us3m) Columbia-Wenatchi
Interior Salish; Salishan; the Washington state (USA). Columbia and Wenatchi are two dialects of a Salishan language, related to other languages like Flathead and Shuswap.
nkuset, nakuset Micmac (Mi’kmaq)
The language of native americans in Eastern Canada and USA, Eastern Algonquian Language.
sumshasat Halkomelem
The language of native americans, the Salishan language family. Vancouver, Canada.
sem’sathet Island Halkomelem
Salish family: Central Salish group (USA, Canada)
s3m’Sa83t Cowichan
Vancouver, Canada
s3m’Sa83t Hul’q’umi’num’
(Halkomelem) Indians of North America (in the south of the Vancouver island)
a7Lax (o’olax) Lower Chinook
USA, the Washington state
tsoxatsat (coxacot) Nooksack
The language of native americans in Washington state (USA), the Salishan language family
snx Nuxalk/Bella Coola
The language of native americans, the Salishan language family, British Columbia (Canada)
xai’alax, xai’anax Okanagan
The language of native americans at the south part of central British Columbia state in Canada, the Salishan language family; there are two dialects
n’aqwela Haisla
The language of native americans, the Wakashan language family. The language is spoken at the seashore of British Columbia and at Vancouver Island (North America). It consist of two branches — Northern (Kwakiutl) and Southern (Nootka). Each branch has three languages.
t’lisala Kwakiutl
The language of native americans on the northeastern Vancouver island, the Wakashan language family
dak Ditidaht
The language of native americans on the Vancouver island (USA)
daka Makah
The language of native americans in Washington state (USA), opposite the Vancouver island, the Wakashan language family
daka Nootka
The language of native americans in Vancouver island (Canada), the Wakashan language family
anpetu wi; wi Lakota Sioux
The language of native americans of Central regions of the USA (the steppe zone), the Siouan language family. There are some enclaves at Atlantic seashore and at the South-West of the USA.
wittipare Woccon
(a.k.a. Eastern Siouan) The language of native americans in the eastern USA, the Siouan language family
wi Dakota Sioux
The language of native americans in the USA and Canada, the Siouan language family
aNpetuwi Dakota
Dakota is a Siouan language spoken by about 100 people in the USA, and 190 people in Canada.
wi Lakota (Lakhota, Lakotah)
Lacota is a Siouan language spoken by the Lacota people of the Sioux tribes (North America)
bidi; mapemidi Hidatsa
The language of native americans, Siuan language family; USA, North Dakota.
ha*vi; wi Assiniboine
The language of native americans in Canada (near the USA border), the Siouan language family
wi; ha*vi Nakoda
Nakoda (also known as Stoney or Iyarhe Nakoda) are an indigenous people in Western Canada and, originally, the United States.
wira Winnebago
(a.k.a. Ho-Chunk) The language of native americans in Nebraska state (USA). Siouan; Siouan; North America
wirak (wiraki) Mandan
an extinct Siouan language of native americans of North Dakota in the United States.
nunti Catawba
The language of native americans in Southern Caroline (USA), the Siouan language family
axxaashe Crow
The language of native americans in the Montana state (USA), the Siouan language family
ina’ Biloxi
The language of native americans in Mississippi state (USA), the Siouan language family
inya Cocopa
The language of native americans in California (Mexico), Hokan language family
inya’a Havasupai
The language of native americans in Arizona (USA), Hokan language family
inyaa Kiliwa
The language of native americans in California (Mexico), Hokan language family
inya Maricopa
Maricopa or Piipaash is spoken by the Native American Maricopa people on two reservations in Arizona: the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community and the Gila River Indian Community.
inti, intiq Inca (in Peru), Quechua
А Native American language spoken in various regional forms in parts of Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina and Chile.
inti, willka Aymara
The language of native americans, Peru and Bolivia in the Titicaca region
inti; wiLka Sullkatiti Titiri
Bolivia (South America)
wilka Quechua Pacaraos
Peru (South America)
wiLCan Tepehua Pisa Flores
The language of native americans in Mexico.
wilhchan Tepehua
The language of native americans in Mexico.
awiLCan Tepehua Huehuetla
Huehuetla Tepehua — endangered language, used in Huehuetla, northeastern Hidalgo, Mexico.
huLCan Tepehua Tlachichilco
The language of native americans in Mexico.
inti Huacana

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Throughout human history, the sun’s powerful energy has long assured its role as the undisputed “star” of our solar system.

The ancient Greeks personified the sun as a handsome god named Helios. His astronomical pedigree was impeccable: He was the son of the Titan Hyperion and the Titaness Theia. Helios was also the brother of Selene, the goddess of the Moon, and Eos, the goddess of the dawn.

Said to be crowned with a radiant burst of sunbeams, Helios daily drove his chariot of the sun, drawn by what the ancient Greek poet Pindar called “fire-breathing horses,” across the sky. Along the way, he delivered sunshine around the world. Helios repeated his appointed rounds each morning after his sister Eos announced the new dawn.

With the passage of time, Helios became associated with Apollo, the god of light, but most ancient Greeks believed them to be separate gods, mainly because Helios was a Titan and Apollo, a member of the higher order of gods known as Olympians.

During their empiric reign, the Romans continued to worship several sun gods, but they replaced the Greek word for sun, Helios, with the Latin Sol, a root word that continues to refer to the sun in the present day, such as in the term “solar system.” The most powerful sun god in ancient Rome was Sol Invictus, meaning “Unconquered Sun.”

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word sun comes from many sources, including the Latin sol. The Old English sunne likely derives from the old Germanic sunne; both attached a feminine gender to the “heavenly body.” There exist several variants of the word in other languages, such as zon or zonne (Dutch), sunna (Old High German, Gothic, and Old Norse), and sonne and son (Middle German). An Old Irish cognate is fur-sunnud, or “lighting-up.”

Conforming to usage of the Old English sunne, the feminine pronoun continued to be applied to the sun until around the 16th century. At this point, the masculine pronoun was more commonly used but “without necessarily implying personification,” and without any hard or fast rules. (The moon, on the other hand, was typically referred to with the feminine pronoun during this period.)

Shakespeare notes in his play The Comedy of Errors (written between 1589 and 1594, but first published in 1623): “When the sunne shines, let foolish gnats make sport, but crepe in crannies when he hides his beames.” (II, ii, 30). Moreover, several English Christian devotional poets, such as George Herbert, enjoyed making puns with the word sun and the “son of God,” thus further emphasizing a masculine beam to solar literary references. During the mid- to late-1600s, the now more familiar spelling of the word, sun, came into popular use.

[How can we better engineer coastlines to protect communities from future flooding?]

Words aside, scientists long debated the astronomical relationship between the sun and the Earth. During the 4th century, B.C., Plato and Aristotle espoused a theory called geocentrism, which proposed that the sun revolved around the Earth. The Aristotelian or geocentric model was further elaborated by Claudius Ptolemy in the 2nd century, A.D. These “proto-scientists” were so revered that their ideas drowned out the far less influential Aristarchus of Samos, of the 3rd century B.C., who was probably the first to propose a heliocentric theory, wherein the Earth revolves around the sun. Plato, Aristotle, and Ptolemy’s geocentric theory prevailed for more than a millennium.

For our modern understanding of how the planets in our solar system revolve around the sun, we must thank the Renaissance astronomer and Catholic cleric Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543), who first proposed a predictive mathematical model now known as heliocentrism, Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), who furthered the theory by predicting elliptical orbits of the planets, and, of course, the essential telescopic observations of Galileo Galilei (1564 -1642). Solar studies have been rising, no pun intended, by leaps and bounds ever since.

Regardless of how we understand it or even what we call our star, every morning (at least for the foreseeable future), we can rejoice in saying, as the late and multi-talented musician George Harrison eloquently wrote, “here comes the sun”!

Meet the Writer

About Howard Markel

Howard Markel, M.D., Ph.D. is a professor of the History of Medicine at the University of Michigan. An elected member of the National Academy of Medicine, he is editor-in-chief of the Milbank Quarterly and a Guggenheim fellow.

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Other forms: suns; sunning; sunned

The sun is the star that our planet revolves around. You might enjoy sitting under the sun on a tropical beach — but be sure to put on plenty of sunscreen.

Our sun is more than 100 times larger than the Earth. If it weren’t for the sun, the brightest object in our solar system, there would be no life on Earth: the light that the sun provides grows the food we eat and the heat of the sun keeps our environment warm enough to live. The sun is also responsible for the Earth’s liquid water, which would be ice without it. As a verb, to sun means «to sit in the sun.» The word comes from the Old English sunne.

Definitions of sun

  1. noun

    the star that is the source of light and heat for the planets in the solar system

    sun contains 99.85% of the mass in the solar system”



    see moresee less

    example of:


    (astronomy) a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior

  2. noun

    any star around which a planetary system revolves

    see moresee less

    type of:


    (astronomy) a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior

  3. “the shingles were weathered by the
    sun and wind”


    sunlight, sunshine

  4. noun

    a person considered as a source of warmth or energy or glory etc

  5. verb

    expose to the rays of the sun or affect by exposure to the sun

    “These herbs suffer when


    insolate, solarise, solarize

  6. verb

    expose one’s body to the sun

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘sun’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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The rain has stopped and the sun is shining.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

the warmth of the sun’s rays

They dream of traveling to distant suns.

Try to keep out of the sun.

The cat lay basking in the sun.


People sunned themselves on the hillside.

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Recent Examples on the Web

The July sun was blazing down and the surrounding copper rocks were bathed in a warm light.

Francesca Street, CNN, 8 Apr. 2023

The heat should come with clear skies and sun, too.

Jake Sheridan, Chicago Tribune, 8 Apr. 2023

Similar to yesterday’s weather, a mix of sun and clouds are forecast for Central Florida on Saturday, Spectrum News 13 meteorologist Zach Covey said.

Elainie Barraza, Orlando Sentinel, 8 Apr. 2023

The family-friendly eatery offers cozy indoor seating or a patio to soak up some sun.

Gabi De La Rosa, Chron, 8 Apr. 2023

In the Sunset and Richmond districts, clouds rolling in off the Pacific Ocean will prevent the sun from peeking out until late morning or early afternoon.

Anthony Edwards, San Francisco Chronicle, 8 Apr. 2023

For spring-summer 2023, the label offers easy upgrades such as breathable basketweave cotton trousers and linen shirts in sun-evading hues, including wheat, taupe, and seafoam.

Jake Woolf, Robb Report, 8 Apr. 2023

In general, full sun is considered six to eight hours per day.

Arricca Elin Sansone, Country Living, 7 Apr. 2023

If events unfold accordingly, Jones could be back in the House before the sun sets on Monday.

Prem Thakker, The New Republic, 7 Apr. 2023

Here are 11 of the best beaches in Portugal for surfing, sunning, and more.

Stacey Leasca, Travel + Leisure, 18 Mar. 2023

But when things get hot — specifically, from about early April to November, according to Greg Pandelis — snakes sun themselves and get moving to their hearts’ content.

Dallas News, 3 Aug. 2022

For example, the area was once a lake, so prints of ancient crocodiles sliding onto the shore to sun themselves have been found, as well as footprints of a swimming dinosaur that may have pressed its feet into the lake’s bottom, reports Tess Joosse for Science.

Elizabeth Gamillo, Smithsonian Magazine, 3 Feb. 2022

At the first waterfall, also called Fonias, people sun themselves as children paddle in the shallow outer ponds, and swimmers attempt to stay put under the bracingly strong falls of the first vathra.

Lisa Morrow, CNN, 31 Jan. 2023

Wednesday will be chilly with a mix of clouds and sun with highs in the lower 50s.

Dallas News, 15 Nov. 2022

From the physical stress of passengers sliding in and out, to sun damage, to the magnetic pull those tiny crevices have on granola and other snack crumbs, a disheveled interior can feel almost inevitable.

Nikolas Greenwald, Good Housekeeping, 2 Dec. 2022

Its new line of outdoor rugs look great on any patio and will hardly sun.

Christian Gollayan, Men’s Health, 12 Sep. 2022

While the accommodations are significantly more comfy these days, guests can still sun themselves on the former parade grounds.

Lilit Marcus, CNN, 16 Sep. 2022

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘sun.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


(often initial capital letter) the star that is the central body of the earth’s solar system, around which the planets revolve and from which they receive light and heat: its mean distance from the earth is about 93 million miles (150 million km), its diameter about 864,000 miles (1.4 million km), and its mass about 330,000 times that of the earth; its period of surface rotation is about 25 days at its equator but longer at higher latitudes.

the sun considered with reference to its position in the sky, its visibility, the season of the year, the time at which or the place where it is seen, etc.

a star, especially one that has planets and other celestial bodies revolving around it: Many other solar systems have multiple suns, while ours has just one.

sunshine; the heat and light from the sun: to be exposed to the sun.

a figure or representation of the sun, as a heraldic bearing usually surrounded with rays and marked with the features of a human face.

something likened to the sun in brightness, splendor, etc.

Chiefly Literary.

  1. clime; climate.
  2. glory; splendor.

sunrise or sunset: They traveled hard from sun to sun.

verb (used with object), sunned, sun·ning.

to expose to the sun’s rays.

to warm, dry, etc., in the sunshine.

to put, bring, make, etc., by exposure to the sun.

verb (used without object), sunned, sun·ning.

to be exposed to the rays of the sun: to sun in the yard.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Idioms about sun

    against the sun, Nautical. counterclockwise.

    place in the sun, a favorable or advantageous position; prominence; recognition: The new generation of writers has achieved a place in the sun.

    under the sun, on earth; anywhere: the most beautiful city under the sun.

    with the sun, Nautical. clockwise.

Origin of sun

First recorded before 900; Middle English sonne, sun(e), son(e), Old English sunne; cognate with German Sonne, Old Norse sunna, Gothic sunno; akin to Old Norse sōl, Gothic sauil, Latin sōl, Greek hḗlios, Welsh haul, Lithuanian saũlė, Polish słońce


sun·like, adjective

Words nearby sun

Sumter, Sumter, Fort, sum total, sum-up, Sumy, sun, sun-and-planet gear, sun animalcule, sunback, sunbake, sunbaked

Other definitions for sun (2 of 2)

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to sun

How to use sun in a sentence

  • Vast power of the sun is tapped by battery using sand ingredient.

  • Any sun shirt is better than no sun shirt, but I like the Crossover because it’s so damn comfortable.

  • “Maybe when Venus comes around on the other side of the sun again,” Greaves says, “things will be better for us here on Earth.”

  • As the sun rose, a new series of medical experts began to evaluate her.

  • At the moment, it’s about the equivalent of standing outside at noon in the sun, about 1 kW per square meter.

  • There was deep brown flesh, and bronze flesh, and pallid white flesh, and flesh turned red from the hot sun.

  • They will do it,” Revels declared, “as certainly as the sun shines in the heavens.

  • The nanas and poppies and grannies and grampses who flocked there to roast in the sun.

  • He likes when the sun glances off it from the top, because it looks like the black marlin.

  • She had to break the news to William that The Sun had the story.

  • Behold a dumpy, comfortable British paterfamilias in a light flannel suit and a faded sun hat.

  • It was very warm, and for a while they did nothing but exchange remarks about the heat, the sun, the glare.

  • The sun was shining when they arrived at Salon, the gayest, the most coquettish, the most laughing little town in Provence.

  • Only the petrol tins they took for water right and left of their pathway up the cliff; huge diamonds in the evening sun.

  • I am pleading for a clear white light of education that shall go like the sun round the whole world.

British Dictionary definitions for sun (1 of 2)


the star at the centre of our solar system. It is a gaseous body having a highly compressed core, in which energy is generated by thermonuclear reactions (at about 15 million kelvins), surrounded by less dense radiative and convective zones serving to transport the energy to the surface (the photosphere). The atmospheric layers (the chromosphere and corona) are normally invisible except during a total eclipse. Mass and diameter: 333 000 and 109 times that of earth respectively; mean distance from earth: 149.6 million km (1 astronomical unit)Related adjective: solar

any star around which a planetary system revolves

the sun as it appears at a particular time or placethe winter sun

the radiant energy, esp heat and light, received from the sun; sunshine

a person or thing considered as a source of radiant warmth, glory, etc

a pictorial representation of the sun, often depicted with a human face

poetic a year or a day

poetic a climate

archaic sunrise or sunset (esp in the phrase from sun to sun)

catch the sun to become slightly sunburnt

place in the sun a prominent or favourable position

shoot the sun or take the sun nautical to measure the altitude of the sun in order to determine latitude

touch of the sun slight sunstroke

under the sun or beneath the sun on earth; at allnobody under the sun eats more than you do

verb suns, sunning or sunned

to expose (oneself) to the sunshine

(tr) to expose to the sunshine in order to warm, tan, etc

Derived forms of sun

sunlike, adjective

Word Origin for sun

Old English sunne; related to Old High German sunna, Old Frisian senne, Gothic sunno

British Dictionary definitions for sun (2 of 2)

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Scientific definitions for sun

Often Sun. A medium-sized, main-sequence star located in a spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy, orbited by all of the planets and other bodies in our solar system and supplying the heat and light that sustain life on Earth. Its diameter is approximately 1,392,000 million km (865,000 mi), and its mass, about 330,000 times that of Earth, comprises more than 99 percent of the matter in the solar system. It has a temperature of some 5.7 million degrees C (28.3 million degrees F) at its core, where nuclear fusion produces tremendous amounts of energy, mainly through the series of reactions known as the proton-proton chain. The energy generated in the core radiates through a radiation zone to an opaque convection zone, where it rises to the surface through convection currents of the Sun’s plasma. The Sun’s surface temperature (at its photosphere) is approximately 6,200 degrees C (11,200 degrees F). Turbulent surface phenomena analogous to the Earth’s weather are prevalent, including magnetic storms, sunspots, and solar flares. The Sun was formed along with the rest of the solar system about 4.5 billion years ago and is expected to run out of its current hydrogen fuel in another 5 billion years, at which point it will develop into a red giant and ultimately into a white dwarf. See Table at solar system. See Note at dwarf star.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary
Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Cultural definitions for sun

notes for sun

The sun is about 4.5 billion years old and is expected to remain in its present state for approximately another six billion years; it will eventually evolve into a white dwarf.

The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition
Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Other Idioms and Phrases with sun

In addition to the idiom beginning with sun

  • sun belt
  • sunny side

also see:

  • everything but the kitchen sink (under the sun)
  • make hay while the sun shines
  • nothing new under the sun
  • place in the sun

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Below is a massive list of sun words — that is, words related to sun. The top 4 are: sunshine, sunlight, moon and star. You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with sun, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. By default, the words are sorted by relevance/relatedness, but you can also get the most common sun terms by using the menu below, and there’s also the option to sort the words alphabetically so you can get sun words starting with a particular letter. You can also filter the word list so it only shows words that are also related to another word of your choosing. So for example, you could enter «sunshine» and click «filter», and it’d give you words that are related to sun and sunshine.

You can highlight the terms by the frequency with which they occur in the written English language using the menu below. The frequency data is extracted from the English Wikipedia corpus, and updated regularly. If you just care about the words’ direct semantic similarity to sun, then there’s probably no need for this.

There are already a bunch of websites on the net that help you find synonyms for various words, but only a handful that help you find related, or even loosely associated words. So although you might see some synonyms of sun in the list below, many of the words below will have other relationships with sun — you could see a word with the exact opposite meaning in the word list, for example. So it’s the sort of list that would be useful for helping you build a sun vocabulary list, or just a general sun word list for whatever purpose, but it’s not necessarily going to be useful if you’re looking for words that mean the same thing as sun (though it still might be handy for that).

If you’re looking for names related to sun (e.g. business names, or pet names), this page might help you come up with ideas. The results below obviously aren’t all going to be applicable for the actual name of your pet/blog/startup/etc., but hopefully they get your mind working and help you see the links between various concepts. If your pet/blog/etc. has something to do with sun, then it’s obviously a good idea to use concepts or words to do with sun.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for in the list below, or if there’s some sort of bug and it’s not displaying sun related words, please send me feedback using this page. Thanks for using the site — I hope it is useful to you! 🐭

That’s about all the sun related words we’ve got! I hope this list of sun terms was useful to you in some way or another. The words down here at the bottom of the list will be in some way associated with sun, but perhaps tenuously (if you’ve currenly got it sorted by relevance, that is). If you have any feedback for the site, please share it here, but please note this is only a hobby project, so I may not be able to make regular updates to the site. Have a nice day! 🐍

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