Word that means sister

Need another word that means the same as “sister”? Find 13 synonyms and 30 related words for “sister” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:

  • Sister as a Noun
  • Definitions of «Sister» as a noun
  • Synonyms of «Sister» as a noun (13 Words)
  • Usage Examples of «Sister» as a noun
  • Associations of «Sister» (30 Words)

The synonyms of “Sister” are: sis, female sibling, comrade, friend, partner, associate, colleague, nun, novice, abbess, prioress, mother superior, reverend mother

Sister as a Noun

Definitions of «Sister» as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sister” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A female person who has the same parents as another person.
  • Denoting an organization or place that bears a relationship to another of common origin or allegiance or mutual association.
  • A woman or girl in relation to other daughters and sons of her parents.
  • Sometimes used as a term of address for attractive young women.
  • A black woman (chiefly used as a term of address by other black people.
  • A member of a religious order of women.
  • A female person who is a fellow member of a sorority or labor union or other group.
  • A title given to a nun (and used as a form of address.
  • A female friend or associate, especially a female fellow member of a trade union or other organization.
  • A senior female nurse, typically in charge of a ward.
  • (Roman Catholic Church) a title given to a nun (and used as a form of address.
  • A fellow woman seen in relation to feminist issues.

Synonyms of «Sister» as a noun (13 Words)

abbess The superior of a group of nuns.
associate Any event that usually accompanies or is closely connected with another.
The patient was asked to commit to memory a list of five paired associates.
colleague An associate that one works with.
The surgeon consulted his colleagues.
comrade (among men) a colleague or a fellow member of an organization.
An old college comrade.
female sibling An animal that produces gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes (spermatozoa.
friend (used as a polite form of address or in ironic reference) an acquaintance or a stranger one comes across.
All of a sudden you ve got 50 friends online who need to stay connected.
mother superior A term of address for a mother superior.
novice A person new to and inexperienced in a job or situation.
The novice hurdles.
nun Any of a number of birds whose plumage resembles a nun s habit especially an Asian mannikin.
partner A person who is a member of a partnership.
Sexual partners.
prioress A woman who is head of a house of certain orders of nuns.
reverend mother A member of the clergy and a spiritual leader of the Christian Church.
sis A person s sister often used as a form of address.
My sister married a musician.

Usage Examples of «Sister» as a noun

  • Sister nodded, glancing at the reports.
  • ‘Come on, sister, why not come clean and tell us.
  • The sisters announced that there would be a special rosary every morning.
  • Securicor and its sister company Securicor Services.
  • None of her sisters would betray her.
  • A sister ship.
  • Textile unions are showing solidarity with their brothers and sisters in the developing world.
  • Uncloseted lesbian sisters.
  • My sister married a musician.
  • The ward sister needs to be consulted.
  • I had nine brothers and sisters.
  • Sister Elizabeth, the headmistress of the Convent High School.

Associations of «Sister» (30 Words)

aunt The sister of your father or mother; the wife of your uncle.
She was brought up by her aunt and uncle.
brother Used as a term of address for those male persons engaged in the same movement.
My brother still lives with our parents.
buddy A close friend who accompanies his buddies in their activities.
I m working on it buddy.
caregiver A person who is responsible for attending to the needs of a child or dependent adult.
comrade A fellow member of the Communist Party.
You re right comrade.
cousin A person in one’s wider extended family, to whom one is not closely related.
She s a distant cousin.
crony A close friend who accompanies his buddies in their activities.
He went gambling with his cronies.
daddy The oldest, best, or biggest example of something.
It s you who s calling the shots now you re the daddy.
daughter A thing personified as a daughter in relation to its origin or source.
Her daughter cared for her in her old age.
elder A person who is older than you are.
Schoolchildren were no less fascinated than their elders.
family A local organizational unit of the Mafia or other large criminal group.
The family refused to accept his will.
father Treat with the protective care associated with a father.
A singular letter from a lady requesting I would father a novel of hers.
folks Your parents.
He wrote to his folks every day.
gramps The father of your father or mother.
grandchild A child of one’s son or daughter.
grandfather The father of one’s father or mother.
Freud is often called the grandfather of psychoanalysis.
grandma One’s grandmother.
Grandma didn’t stop talking.
grandmother The mother of your father or mother.
My grandmother is ill.
grandpa One’s grandfather.
grandparent A parent of one’s father or mother; a grandmother or grandfather.
It must be a great blessing to have Chloe s grandparents living nearby.
kinsfolk People descended from a common ancestor.
mommy One’s mother (chiefly as a child’s term).
mother A woman who has given birth to a child also used as a term of address to your mother.
The initiatives were based on the experience of the mother company.
nunnery A building or group of buildings in which nuns live as a religious community; a convent.
parent Be or act as a parent to a child.
His adoptive parents.
parental Relating to or characteristic of or befitting a parent.
Parental responsibility.
paternal Belonging to or inherited from one’s father.
My elders in the newsroom kept a paternal eye on me.
sibling A person’s brother or sister.
sisterhood A religious society of women who live together as sisters (especially an order of nuns.
Much of sisterhood is about sharing lipsticks.
uncle The brother of your father or mother; the husband of your aunt.
He visited his uncle.

Other forms: sisters

Your sister is your female sibling. If your parents have six children, and all of them are girls, that means you have five sisters.

Your biological sister has the same mother and father that you have, but some sisters are adopted, or even have a different mom or dad (some people call this a stepsister or a half-sister). If you join a college sorority or a trade union, you’ll refer to the other members as your sisters. Catholic nuns and other religious women are also called sisters. The roots of sister go back to words meaning «one’s own» and «woman.»

Definitions of sister

  1. noun

    a female person who has the same parents as another person

    sister married a musician”



  2. noun

    a female person who is a fellow member of a sorority or labor union or other group

    “none of her
    sisters would betray her”

    see moresee less



    (Roman Catholic Church) a member of a lay sisterhood (one of several founded in the Netherlands in the 12th and 13th centuries); though not taking religious vows the sisters followed an austere life

    type of:

    fellow member, member

    one of the persons who compose a social group (especially individuals who have joined and participate in a group organization)

  3. noun

    (slang) sometimes used as a term of address for attractive young women

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sister — перевод на русский


Larry doesn’t have time for a lot of people, but his big sister’s one of them.

У Ларри нет времени для многих людей, но его старшая сестра одна из них.

Sister Winifred has baked some gingerbread!

Сестра Уинифред испекла имбирные пряники!

Theory’s all very well and good, Sister, but lately, every time

Теория — это, конечно, прекрасно, сестра.

Oh, sorry, Sister. Routine maintenance.

Простите, сестра, профилактика.

For pity’s sake, Sister!

Бога ради, сестра!

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I never go back on my word, sister.

Я всегда держу своё слово, сестрёнка.

Come on, tell me, sister.

Ну же, скажи мне, сестрёнка.

Now, listen, sister, I’m a gambler.

Послушай, сестрёнка, я азартный игрок.

I’m serious, sister.

Я говорю серьёзно, сестрёнка.

Well, that’s all right, sister.

Это ничего, сестрёнка.

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«Watch out, little sister, watch out.

«Сестрица, выглянь!

Like your sister, you’ll tell your mother that I was jumping again.

И, как сестрица, будете жаловаться маменьке, что я опять прыгал.

You almost had me, sister, because you almost told me the truth.

Ты почти заполучила меня, сестрица, потому что рассказала почти правду.

I sewed them down a while ago, sister Anna.

— Я их давно пришила, сестрица Анна.

Big sister. So it’s you

Здравствуйте, сестрица.

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Put it over there, sister.

Оставь это, сестричка.

— That’s it, sister.

— Именно, сестричка.

Listen, sister, all I’m looking for is a room.

Сестричка,.. …мне просто нужна комната.

— You got a pretty little neck, sister… but if you don’t keep it out of card games, somebody’s gonna twist it right off.

— У вас чудная шейка, сестричка. Но будете крутиться возле карт — и вам её свернут.

You’re a good man, sister!

Ты настоящий друг, сестричка!

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Sister boy can put twist on that ball.

Милашка может закрутить мяч!

Just because you’re not interested, sister boy, don’t spoil it for the rest of us.

Только потому, что ты, милашка, этим не интересуешься, не порти удовольствие остальным!

I thought you were coming to the varsity outing, sister boy.

Я думал, ты собралась в нём на пикник, милашка.

Hey, sister boy, is this your old man?

Эй, милашка, это твой старик?

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Sister, will you put that in writing?

—естра, не могли бы вы записать эти слова?

Sister gets them all hot and bothered, reaching for the clouds.

—естра их так разогревает, что они т€нутс€ к небесам.

Sister, I was hoping he was lit up too.

—естра, € наде€лс€, что он пь€н.

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— Lao Huang, where’s Big sister?

— Где Ювень?

All four of us can go together! Go change your clothes, Big Sister

Ювень, собирайся!

Take Big Sister: everyday when she’s done with the grocery shopping she walks on the city wall.

Ювень тоже ходит сюда, это ее утешает.

Big Sister made so many nice dishes for me today.

Ювень, все так вкусно!

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What Sister means?

1 : a female who has one or both parents in common with another. 2 often capitalized. a : a member of a women’s religious order (as of nuns or deaconesses) especially : one of a Roman Catholic congregation under simple vows. b : a girl or woman who is a member of a Christian church.

Which is correct sisters or sister’s?

If you have more than one brother and more than one sister, you would use “brothers’ and sisters’ voices.” If you have one brother and one sister, you’d write “brother’s and sister’s voices.” The possessive apostrophe is used as normal, before the “s” for a singular case and after it for a plural, and there will be at …

What does Sister mean in the Bible?

A sister or brother in Christ is who we are as God’s offspring. To be “in Christ” describes the joy of sonship with God that Christ Jesus possessed and expressed every day in his contact with people.

What Bible says about siblings?

Matthew 5:23-24 “Therefore if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and reconcile to them; then come and offer your gift.”

Are all humans brothers and sisters?

“Human beings are created from one father and mother, Adam and Eve, as affirmed by the prophet who said: ‘I bear witness that all humans are brothers and sisters irrespective of their differences’.” “To believe in one God makes people closer and more attached than just being equal as humans.

Who are our ancestors?

Modern humans originated in Africa within the past 200,000 years and evolved from their most likely recent common ancestor, Homo erectus, which means ‘upright man’ in Latin. Homo erectus is an extinct species of human that lived between 1.9 million and 135,000 years ago.

Who are my brothers and sisters?

Jesus replies, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” He points to the disciples and says, “Here are my mother and my brothers. “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple.”

Are all humans related?

According to calculations by geneticist Graham Coop of the University of California, Davis, you carry genes from fewer than half of your forebears from 11 generations back. Still, all the genes present in today’s human population can be traced to the people alive at the genetic isopoint.

Who has eve gene?

L0 is especially important in that regard, as all living people are believed to descend on their maternal line from the woman who first carried the sequence, a hypothetical woman called “mitochondrial Eve.” Today, the L0 lineage is found most commonly in the Khoisan people, two indigenous groups living in southern …

Who was the first human on earth?

Homo habilis

Are we all inbred?

Since we are all humans and all share a common ancestor somewhere down the line, we all have some degree of inbreeding. Some research shows that the whole human race was down to a few thousand people around 70,000 years ago. In the past, inbreeding also happened when a small group split off from everyone else.

What is the most inbred race?

Historically, the most interesting inbreeding probably occurred in Goa, India. As a result of the inbreeding, upwards of 90% of babies were male. Consequently, the people of Goa practiced polyandry, in which a woman had more than one husband.

Can you tell if someone is inbred?

There are no disorders specific to inbreeding so there is no way to tell if one person may be inbred. Inbreeding simply raises the chance that genetic based recessive disorders will be passed on to the child. One person derived from first order relatives will likely have no genetic defects but they may.

How long can humans survive on earth?

250,000 years

What will happen in 100 trillion years?

The galaxy will erode, with all the stars escaping into intergalactic space. We can look out into the Milky Way and see stars forming all around us. And so, in about 100 trillion years from now, every star in the Universe, large and small, will be a black dwarf.

Can humans survive ice age?

Early humans pulled off something the dinosaurs couldn’t and survived an extinction-level asteroid strike, new research suggests. Around 12,800 years ago the Earth rapidly cooled into a brief Ice Age-like period known as the Younger Dryas.

What year will the Sun die?

Our sun’s death is a long way off — about 4.5 billion years, give or take — but someday it’s going to happen, and what then for our solar system?

What is the oldest planet?

At 12.7 billion years old, planet Psr B1620-26 B is almost three times the age of Earth, which formed some 4.5 billion years ago. This exoplanet, the oldest ever detected in our Milky Way galaxy, has been nicknamed “Methuselah” or the “Genesis planet” on account of its extreme old age.

Is the sun dying 2020?

But in about 5 billion years, the sun will run out of hydrogen. Our star is currently in the most stable phase of its life cycle and has been since the birth of our solar system, about 4.5 billion years ago.

Is our sun dying?

In about 5.5 billion years the Sun will run out of hydrogen and begin expanding as it burns helium. It will swap from being a yellow giant to a red giant, expanding beyond the orbit of Mars and vaporizing Earth—including the atoms that make-up you.

Will the Earth die?

However, the long-term trend is for plant life to die off altogether. By that point, all life on the Earth will be extinct. The most probable fate of the planet is absorption by the Sun in about 7.5 billion years, after the star has entered the red giant phase and expanded beyond the planet’s current orbit.

Can we survive without sun?

Without the Sun’s rays, all photosynthesis on Earth would stop. While some inventive humans might be able to survive on a Sun-less Earth for several days, months, or even years, life without the Sun would eventually prove to be impossible to maintain on Earth.

Can Earth survive without the moon?

The moon influences life as we know it on Earth. It influences our oceans, weather, and the hours in our days. Without the moon, tides would fall, nights would be darker, seasons would change, and the length of our days would alter.

What would happen if there was no hydrosphere on earth?

We know weather happens in the atmosphere, but without the hydrosphere, there would be no water to evaporate and so no cloud or rain could form. Without oceans and land (hydrosphere and geosphere), there would be no wind (as winds are produced by differences of air temperature between the land and oceans).

What would happen if the moon hit Earth?

Once the Moon began it’s trajectory towards the planet, it would increase the tidal impact it has on us. By the time it hit the Roche limit, it would be causing tides as high as 7,600 meters (30,000 feet). Our world would be devastated by an army of tsunamis – ten times a day.

What would happen if the Earth stopped spinning for 42 seconds?

Assuming that the earth stops suddenly for 42 seconds and then starts spinning again at its normal speed, here’s what would happen: 1. If the earth stops spinning suddenly, the atmosphere will continue to spin. The winds will also cause erosion to the earth’s crust.

Would we die if the earth stopped spinning?

If the Earth stopped spinning suddenly, most people on Earth would die. If the Earth slowed down gradually, it would be absolutely devastating, but there is a chance some people could survive.

What if Earth stopped spinning?

If the Earth were to stop spinning on its axis, gradually the oceans would migrate towards the poles from the equator. You could travel around the Earth on the equator and stay entirely on dry land—ignoring the freezing cold on the night side, and the searing heat on the day side.

Why dont we feel the earth spinning?

We can’t feel Earth rotating because we’re all moving with it, at the same constant speed. Image via NASA.gov. Earth spins on its axis once in every 24-hour day. It’s because you and everything else – including Earth’s oceans and atmosphere – are spinning along with the Earth at the same constant speed.

Why don’t we fall of the earth?

Gravity always pulls you towards the middle of the object. So for the Earth, which is shaped like a ball, the force of gravity pulls you to the centre from every point on the ground. That’s why, no matter where you stand on the Earth, you always feel like the ground is at the bottom and the sky is up.

Your sister is your female sibling. If your parents have six children, and all of them are girls, that means you have five sisters. Catholic nuns and other religious women are also called sisters. The roots of sister go back to words meaning “one’s own” and “woman.”

How do you use sister in a sentence?

Sisters sentence example

  1. My sisters and I are to show you your new home.
  2. If his sisters could not handle nishani, he must.
  3. “Beloved.
  4. She was distraught about something, though he couldn’t fathom what might distress her if the news of his sisters ‘ impending babes and complete loss of honor did not.

Is a sister a sibling?

A sibling is a gender neutral word for a relative that shares at least one parent with the subject. A male sibling is a brother and a female sibling is a sister. In most societies throughout the world, siblings often grow up together, thereby facilitating the development of strong emotional bonds.

Is a half sister a real sister?

Half siblings are considered “real siblings” by most because the siblings share some biological relationship through their shared parent. Half siblings can have the same mother and different fathers or the same father and different mothers.

What is the child of a brother and sister called?


What will happen if a brother and sister have a baby together?

To be more specific, two siblings who have kids together have a higher chance of passing on a recessive disease to their kids. Copies of genes that do not work well (or at all) can cause recessive diseases. But usually they only cause the disease if both copies of a gene don’t work.

Can a brother and sister produce a child?

Siblings CAN have children together (meaning siblings having sex ARE capable of creating a pregnancy), but there are potentially serious consequences because each person carries a genetic code that is carried on to their children.

What is sister daughter called?

A sororal niece or sororal nephew is the child of one’s sister.

What is called Husband sister?

sister-in-law the sister of your husband or wife. The brother of your husband or wife is your brother-in-law.

Can I marry my sister in law’s sister?

Assuming your sister in law isn’t blood related somehow it is legal for an adult to marry his adult sister in law in the US (whether you are male or female). Whether it causes familial problems I can’t say but legally the answer to your question is yes. Like your sister is married to different family.

What do I call my cousins husband?

You would say “cousin-in-law.”

What do you call your sister’s husband in Korean?

Older sister’s husband: maehyeong (매형) Younger brother: namdongsaeng (남동생) Younger brother’s wife: jesu (제수) Younger sister: yeodongsaeng (여동생) Younger sister’s husband: maeje (매제)

What is Tito Korean?

Word. Tito. Korean Meaning. 티토 (유고슬라비아의 정치가)

What do you call younger brother in Korean?

Recap: When talking directly to younger brothers and sisters, Koreans call them by their names. In the example above, Claire has only one “oppa”, but Mary has two. Mary would call both Michael and Bill “oppa”.

How do you say brother in Korean?

Brother is the same. Here is how to say brother in Korean: 형 [hyung] if you are a boy, calling an older brother and 오빠, [oppa] if you are a younger female calling an older brother. 남동생 [nam-dong-seng] can be used to call younger brother regardless of sex.

How do you say aunt in Korean?

There are couple of ways to say aunt in Korean, depending on which aunt you are calling for. If you are calling for maternal aunt, or your mother’s sister, you would say 이모, [yee-moh]. However, if you are to call your father’s sister, you would say, 고모 [goh-moh].

What is Ajumma Korean?

Ajumma (Korean: 아줌마), sometimes spelled ajoomma, is a Korean word for a married, or middle-aged woman. It comes from the Korean word Ajumeoni (Korean: 아주머니). Although it is sometimes translated “aunt”, it does not actually refer to a close family relationship.

How do I write my name in Korean?

Learn to write your name in Korean : 한글 The Korean Alphabet

  1. According to Wikipedia: Hangul or Hangeul (한글 ) is the Korean alphabet, which has been used to write Korean language since it creation in the 15th century by Sejong the Great.
  2. • The 10 Basic Vowels ( 모음 – mo-eum )
  3. • The 11 Double vowels ( 쌍모음 – ssang mo-um)
  4. • The 14 Consonants ( 자음 – ja-eum)

What does Unnie mean in Korean?

The Korean words oppa (오빠) and hyung (형) mean “older brother”. Meanwhile, the Korean words noona (누나) and unnie (언니) mean “older sister.” However, the meaning of these terms expands much further than just your blood-related siblings..

Does oppa mean Daddy?

Oppa (오빠) means older brother. The word for ‘Dad’ is 아빠 (ap-pa). As you can see, the word for dad looks and sounds similar to the word for ‘older brother’, and this is perhaps why some people wonder whether ”Oppa’ means ‘daddy’, but it does not.

What does a girl call a younger guy in Korean?

동생 (dongsaeng) Literal meaning: “younger sibling” Is used to call: A younger male or female sibling or any friend who’s younger than you (as a female/male) Used by: An older male/female or an older sibling to one who’s younger than them. Side note: You don’t use this word when you call them.

What do you call a Korean boyfriend?

10 Sweet Korean Terms of Endearment That K-Dramas Taught Us

  • Aein – “Sweetheart” / “Lover” Image credit: Guardian: The Lonely and Great God on IMDb.
  • Jagi – “Honey” / “Darling”
  • Oppa – An older brother to a younger woman.
  • Nae sarang – “My love”
  • Yeobo – “Darling” / “Honey” (for married couples)
  • Naekkeo – “Mine”
  • Yeojachingu – “Girlfriend”
  • Namjachingu – “Boyfriend”

Can I call my younger boyfriend oppa?

No. Someone already suggested chagi, I think that’s fine. Oppa comes fraught with enough meaning as it is, no need to use it where it doesn’t even apply. I dated a younger guy who told me to call him oppa because of a weird hangup he had….

What does Jagiya mean?

Jagiya (자기야) is an affectionate way to call your boyfriend or girlfriend. Jagiya is similar to ‘honey’, ‘darling’, baby’ in English. Both married and unmarried couples can call each other Jagiya. Below you can find some example sentence with Jagiya and some other ways to call your significant other in Korean.

What Sister means?

Alex Heath


What Sister means?

1 : a female who has one or both parents in common with another. 2 often capitalized. a : a member of a women’s religious order (as of nuns or deaconesses) especially : one of a Roman Catholic congregation under simple vows. b : a girl or woman who is a member of a Christian church.

What Sister City means?

A sister city, county, or state relationship is a broad-based, long-term partnership between two communities in two countries. A relationship is officially recognized after the highest elected or appointed official from both communities sign off on an agreement to become sister cities.

What is the meaning of Sister Girl?

Noun. sistergirl (plural sistergirls) (African-American Vernacular) Sister, girlfriend (as a familiar term of address between women). (Australian Aboriginal) A member of a traditional gender role in Australian Aboriginal cultures, resembling trans women.

What is another word for sister?

Sister synonyms

  • sis. (Informal) Shortened form of sister.
  • sisterly. Having traits considered typical of sisters; friendly, kind, helpful, etc.
  • female sibling. A female relative having the same parents.
  • friend. A person whom one knows well and is fond of; intimate associate; close acquaintance.
  • babe.
  • stepsister.
  • sibling.
  • baby.

What is a antonym for sister?

sisternoun. Antonyms: brother. Synonyms: Sis., Ss.

How many ways can you say sister?

Sister in Different Languages: A sister is a woman or child with one or more kin….How to Say Sister in 88 Different Languages.

Different Languages Word Sister
Bulgarian моята сестра
Catalan la meva germana
Croatian moja sestra
Czech má sestra

Can I call my sister Boo?

Bitsy – A lovely name for a short and petite-sized sister. Boo Boo – A common pet name that can also be used for an adorable sister. Button – A good name for a cute and tiny sister. Cakes – For a sister with a lovely personality.

What is the daughter of my sister called?

A sororal niece or sororal nephew is the child of one’s sister. A fraternal niece or fraternal nephew is the child of one’s brother.

What are sisters good for?

  • Sisters improve your psychological well-being.
  • Sisters help reduce negative emotions.
  • Sisters make you nicer.
  • Having a sister means you’re less likely to divorce.
  • Sisters promote family bonding.
  • Sisters make you more independent and achievement-oriented.
  • Having a sister helps guys relate better to women.

What does Sissy mean?

informal + disparaging. : an effeminate man or boy also : a timid, weak, or cowardly person I would have to go at Walter with the violence necessary to make it a good fight or be thought a sissy by my friends. —

Does Sisi mean sister?

Sisi means sister in English and is such a useful word. In slang, it is Sis’teri.

What is another word for sissy?

Sissy Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for sissy?

effeminate effete
namby-pamby unmanly
unmasculine epicene
camp feminine
womanish girlish

What does spineless mean?

1 : free from spines, thorns, or prickles. 2a : having no spinal column : invertebrate.

What’s a pantywaist?

1 : a child’s garment consisting of short pants buttoned to a waist. 2 : sissy. Other Words from pantywaist Example Sentences Learn More About pantywaist.

What does WIMP mean?

: a weak, cowardly, or ineffectual person.

Is Simp a bad word?

Simp is a slang insult for men who are seen as too attentive and submissive to women, especially out of a failed hope of winning some entitled sexual attention or activity from them.

Is Wimp a derogatory term?

Forget “dork,” “nerd” and “bozo.” The word “wimp,” elevated from the ranks of insult nouns to serious slang, is a four-letter word so mighty that it can undermine political campaigns, cause heated debates between men and women and run in inch-high headline type from coast to coast.

What is British slang for wimp?

sissy, namby-pamby, wuss (slang), chinless wonder (British, informal), dastard (archaic)

What is ot UK slang?

OT – ‘out trapping’, ‘out there’ or ‘out of town’, away on business, dealing in urban or country locations.

What is toilet paper called in England?

loo roll

What’s a nice way to say shut up?

In this page you can discover 31 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for shut up, like: be-quiet, quit chattering, hush up, stop talking, hush, shut, silence, dummy-up, close-up, close and keep-mum.

What is slang for shut up?

belt up (slang), shut your mouth, hold your tongue, put a sock in it (British, slang), button your lip (slang)

How do you say be quiet nicely?

Ways of telling someone to stop talking or to be quiet – thesaurus

  1. be quiet. phrase. used for telling someone to stop talking or to stop making a noise.
  2. keep your voice down. phrase. used for telling someone to be quiet.
  3. shh. interjection.
  4. sh. interjection.
  5. shush. interjection.
  6. zip it. phrase.
  7. keep down. phrasal verb.
  8. ssh. interjection.

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a female offspring having both parents in common with another offspring; female sibling.

Also called half sister. a female offspring having only one parent in common with another offspring.

a female friend or protector regarded as a sister.

a thing regarded as feminine and associated as if by kinship with something else: The ships are sisters.

a female fellow member, as of a church.

a female member of a religious community that observes the simple vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

British. a nurse in charge of a hospital ward; head nurse.

Informal. a term used to refer to or address a fellow Black woman; soul sister.

a woman who supports, promotes, or participates in feminism.

Informal. a form of address used to a woman or girl, especially jocularly or contemptuously: Listen, sister, you’ve had enough.


being or considered a sister; related by or as if by sisterhood: sister ships.

having a close relationship with another because of shared interests, problems, or the like: We correspond with school children in our sister city.

Biochemistry. being one of an identical pair.



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Origin of sister

First recorded before 900; Middle English (noun) from Old Norse systir; cognate with Old English sweoster, Dutch zuster, German Schwester, Gothic swistar; akin to Serbo-Croatian sèstra, Lithuanian sesuõ, Latin soror (from unattested swesor ), Old Irish siur, Welsh chwaer, Sanskrit svasar “sister,” Greek éor “daughter, niece”


sis·ter·less, adjectivesis·ter·like, adjectivenon·sis·ter, noun, adjective

Words nearby sister

sissified, Sissinghurst Castle, sissonne, sissy, sissy bar, sister, Sister Carrie, sisterhood, sister-in-law, sisterly, Sister of Charity

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to sister

How to use sister in a sentence

  • Osaka’s win also served as yet another reminder of the Williams’ sisters legacy, even as Serena Williams was knocked out in the tournament’s semifinal on Thursday.

  • My mom gave me a key to the house, showed me how to take three trains and a bus to the city and back, and then showed me how to do it with my sister, because I had to take my sister with me as well, but that’s when I knew she knew I really wanted it.

  • You think it happens a certain way, and then you look at a sister group and it doesn’t work that way at all.

  • ByteDance already has its eyes on that business and is pushing TikTok and Douyin, its sister site in China, to add more e-commerce.

  • Because of the sister story being the focus, Elsa doesn’t have a handsome doofus to follow her around and try to win her love, unlike her sister Anna, who finds herself at the center of a genuine love triangle.

  • Just a week after her divorce, she was invited to a wedding by her sister-in-law.

  • Kirke, the 23-year-old younger sister of Girls star Jemima Kirke, is a good example of that herself.

  • In the post-Kefauver era of the early 1950s, it had many advantages over its distant desert sister.

  • The unit is used to attack foreign networks, and either it or a sister organization was involved in the Sony hack.

  • She and her sister went into business together in 1997, opening Curve Salon after a career in media.

  • To think,” said the younger Englishwoman to her sister, “of this wee mite travelling about in an open motor!

  • She and her younger sister, Janet, had quarreled a good deal through force of unfortunate habit.

  • “My sister is passionately fond of children,” said the elder lady, in smiling apology.

  • In the spring of 1868 he was taken by his mother for a visit to England, and there, in the same year, his sister was born.

  • A little boy had been quarrelling with his sister named Muriel just before going to bed.

British Dictionary definitions for sister


a female person having the same parents as another person

a female person who belongs to the same group, trade union, etc, as another or others

informal a form of address to a woman or girl, used esp by Black people in the US

a senior nurse

mainly RC Church a nun or a title given to a nun

a woman fellow member of a Church or religious body

(modifier) belonging to the same class, fleet, etc, as another or othersa sister ship

(modifier) biology denoting any of the cells or cell components formed by division of a parent cell or cell componentsister nuclei

Word Origin for sister

Old English sweostor; related to Old Norse systir, Old High German swester, Gothic swistar

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


: a female who has one or both parents in common with another


often capitalized


: a member of a women’s religious order (as of nuns or deaconesses)


: one of a Roman Catholic congregation under simple vows


: a girl or woman who is a member of a Christian church



: a girl or woman regarded as a comrade


: a girl or woman who shares with another a common national or racial origin


: a Black girl or woman


: one that is closely similar to or associated with another



: person

usually used in the phrase weak sister

Example Sentences

The sisters live in the convent.

Recent Examples on the Web

Selena Gomez and her sister Gracie were among the thousands of Swifties in attendance at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas, on Saturday night (April 1).

Ashley Iasimone, Billboard, 2 Apr. 2023

On Saturday, April 1, Selena Gomez attended her bestie Taylor Swift’s concert in Arlington, Texas, at the AT&T Stadium with her sister Gracie, and the pair were dressed on theme.

Aimée Lutkin, ELLE, 2 Apr. 2023

Her sister Marita came over to look through her closet.

Robert Barnes, Washington Post, 1 Apr. 2023

Her older sister took to running, leading to a college athletic career, so Allie literally followed in her footsteps.

Don Norcross, San Diego Union-Tribune, 31 Mar. 2023

Demi-Leigh also posted a tribute to her sister.

Jolene Latimer, Peoplemag, 31 Mar. 2023

This one revolves around a woman named Beth (Lily Sullivan), who goes to visit her sister Ellie (Alyssa Sutherland) at her apartment in Los Angeles.

Brendan Morrow, The Week, 31 Mar. 2023

Her sister has been kidnapped and is being held in Cartagena; the ransom is the treasure map which Turner must bring at once to Colombia — or else.

Arthur Knight, The Hollywood Reporter, 30 Mar. 2023

That means Drew must put her own life in jeopardy to save her sister before time runs out.

Brent Lang, Variety, 30 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘sister.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English suster, sister, partly from Old English sweostor and partly from Old Norse systir sister; akin to Latin soror sister, Sanskrit svasṛ

First Known Use

before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of sister was
before the 12th century

Dictionary Entries Near sister

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“Sister.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sister. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
4 Apr 2023
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Merriam-Webster unabridged

Princeton’s WordNetRate this definition:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. sister, sisnoun

    a female person who has the same parents as another person

    «my sister married a musician»

  2. Sisternoun

    (Roman Catholic Church) a title given to a nun (and used as a form of address)

    «the Sisters taught her to love God»

  3. sisternoun

    a female person who is a fellow member of a sorority or labor union or other group

    «none of her sisters would betray her»

  4. baby, babe, sisternoun

    (slang) sometimes used as a term of address for attractive young women

WiktionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. sisternoun

    a daughter of the same parents as another person; a female sibling.

    My sister is always driving me crazy.

  2. sisternoun

    a female member of a religious community; a nun.

    Please welcome Sister Smith as she moves from her former congregation to her new congregation.

  3. sisternoun

    a senior or supervisory nurse, often in a hospital.

    Native American leader Chief Seattle urged ecological responsibility, referring to Brother Eagle and Sister Sky in his purported 1854 speech.

  4. sisternoun

    any woman or girl with whom a bond is felt through common membership of a race, profession, religion or organization, such as feminism.

    Connie was very close to her friend Judy and considered her to be her sister.

  5. sisternoun

    a black woman

  6. sisternoun

    a form of address to a woman

  7. sisternoun

    a woman, in certain labour or socialist circles; also as a form of address.

  8. sisternoun

    Of or relating to an entity that has a special or affectionate, non-hierachical relationship with another.

    sister publication, sister city, sister projects

  9. sisternoun

    In the same class.

    sister ships, sister facility

  10. sisterverb

    To strengthen (a supporting beam) by fastening a second beam alongside it.

    I’m trying to correct my sagging floor by sistering the joists.

  11. Sisternoun

    Title of respect for an adult female member of a religious or fraternal order.

    My sister is always driving me crazy.

  12. Sisternoun

    Formal title for any female member of a religious or fraternal organization. (Compare Miss.)

    Please welcome Sister Smith as she moves from her former congregation to her new congregation.

  13. Sisternoun

    An informal title used as part of another moniker:

    Native American leader Chief Seattle urged ecological responsibility, referring to Brother Eagle and Sister Sky in his purported 1854 speech.

  14. Etymology: From sister, suster, partly from systir and partly from swustor, sweostor; both from swestēr, from swésōr. Cognate with sister, syster, suster, zuster, Schwester, syster, systir,, soror, сестра, sesuo, Albanian vajzë,.

Samuel Johnson’s DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Sisternoun

    Etymology: sweoster , Saxon; zuster, Dutch.

    1. A woman born of the same parents; correlative to brother.

    Her sister began to scold.
    William Shakespeare, Taming of the Shrew.

    I have said to corruption, thou art my father: to the worm, thou art my mother and my sister.
    Job. xvii. 14.

    2. One of the same faith; a christian. One of the same nature, human being.

    If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of food, and you say unto them, depart in peace, be you warmed and filled: notwithstanding you give them not those things which are needful to the body, what doth it profit?
    James ii. 15.

    3. A woman of the same kind.

    He chid the sisters,
    And bade them speak to him.
    William Shakespeare, Macbeth.

    4. One of the same kind; one of the same office.

    The women, who would rather wrest the laws,
    Than let a sister-plaintiff lose the cause,
    As judges on the bench more gracious are,
    And more attent to brothers of the bar,
    Cry’d one and all, the suppliant should have right:
    And to the grandame hag adjudg’d the knight.

    There grew two olives, closest of the grove,
    With roots entwin’d, and branches interwove:
    Alike their leaves, but not alike they smil’d
    With sister-fruits: one fertile, one was wild.
    Alexander Pope.

Webster DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Sisternoun

    a female who has the same parents with another person, or who has one of them only. In the latter case, she is more definitely called a half sister. The correlative of brother

  2. Sisternoun

    a woman who is closely allied to, or assocciated with, another person, as in the sdame faith, society, order, or community

  3. Sisternoun

    one of the same kind, or of the same condition; — generally used adjectively; as, sister fruits

  4. Sisterverb

    to be sister to; to resemble closely

  5. Etymology: [OE. sister, fr. Icel. systir; also suster, from AS. sweostor, sweoster, swuster, akin to OFries. sweester, suster, LG. sster, suster, D. zuster, OS. & OHG. swestar, G. schwester, Icel. systir, Sw. syster, Dan. sster, Goth. swistar, Lith. ses, Russ. sestra, Pol. siostra, L. soror, Skr. svasr. 298. Cf. Cousin.]

FreebaseRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Sister

    Sister is the fourth studio album by American alternative rock band Sonic Youth. It was released in June 1987, through record label SST. The album furthers the band’s move away from no wave towards more traditional song structures, while maintaining an aggressively experimental approach. The album was re-issued in 2011 on 180gram purple-marble vinyl.
    Like their previous records, Sister wasn’t very successful at the time but later on in their career it has been heavily praised by critics, Slant Magazine called it «the last great punk album of the Reagan era, and the first great pop album to emerge from the American underground» listing the album at number seventy-two in its list of the best albums of the 1980s. and Pitchfork Media listed Sister as the fourteenth best album of the 1980s.

Rap DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. sister

    (noun) Woman of the same group; friend; female sibling.

Matched Categories

    • Roman Catholic
    • Member
    • Nun

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘SISTER’ in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #1442

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘SISTER’ in Written Corpus Frequency: #1197

  3. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘SISTER’ in Nouns Frequency: #476

How to pronounce SISTER?

How to say SISTER in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of SISTER in Chaldean Numerology is: 9

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of SISTER in Pythagorean Numerology is: 9

Examples of SISTER in a Sentence

  1. Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna of Russia:

    This is to state that I am convinced that Mrs Anderson or Tchiakovsky is an imposter. I believe in the statement my sister the Grand Duchess Olga, made in 1925 that this woman was not Anastasia.

  2. Eugene Taylor Sutton:

    We cry for the Palermo family, our sister Heather and all in the community who are hurting.

  3. Bridget Wiedenmeyer:

    She’s terrified of contracting Covid and accidentally killing her sister, i understand that it’s so important to go( to school) in person. But this banning of( mask) mandates — why ? It is just to win political points. It makes no sense.

  4. Rebecca Clampett:

    We can teach our children to own it and stand up for it and to educate people on it, we are very unapologetic about his diagnosis. I want to raise awareness for every child who goes through this, Rebecca Clampett said. In the video, which Rebecca Clampett also shared on YouTube, Gavin’s sister explains Tourette’s is a neurological disorder which means it affects the brain in which a person makes unwanted sounds or movements.

  5. Tracey Lomax:

    After it was over, I made a statement to the press that from now on, I would celebrate how my sister lived and not how she died. That’s a chapter closed, but no one else in my family has received closure. They still get angry … my brothers didn’t attend the trial.

Popularity rank by frequency of use


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Are we missing a good definition for SISTER? Don’t keep it to yourself…

If you grew up with a sister, chances are, she was one of the main characters in the cast of your life. Our siblings are our first friends…and sometimes even our first enemies. More often than not, they’re both your friend and your enemy.

Because we feel that sisters are important people, we’ve gathered a list of slang words for sister. The next time you see yours, maybe you can call your sister by one of these terms.

Slang Words for Sister (in Alphabetical Order)




  • (Noun): Your original, full-blood, biological sister from the same parents. You might use this when you’re speaking to a stepsister or sister-in-law to clarify which sister you’re talking about.
  • Example: “I’m talking about my genesister – not my stepsister.”

Read Also: Slang Words for Mom




  • (Noun): A woman who is related to you by blood. It doesn’t have to mean sister, but can be used to refer to your sibling, anyway.
  • Example: “Marianne is my kinswoman. We grew up in the same house together.”


Mother from Another Brother


  • (Noun): This isn’t exactly a term to describe your sister as a sister – this is a term you apply to a sister that acts like another parent to her siblings.
  • Example: “Elyssa is a mother from another brother. She’s always making lunches for and taking her siblings to school.”




  • (Noun): An accented way of saying “sister.” You can use this word exactly like how you’d just use the word “sister” in a sentence.



  • (Noun): A shortened version of “sibling.” It can be applied to brothers or sisters.
  • Example: “Here’s my sib, Ana.”

Side Stepsister


  • (Noun): This one can be kind of confusing. You can use it to refer to your stepsister’s stepsister if her parents have been remarried multiple times.
  • Example: “My stepsister has stepsisters from her dad’s previous marriage. Those are my side stepsisters.”



  • (Noun): Acronym that stands for “sister-in-law.” Used in text form rather than saying out loud.
  • Example: “I’ve never liked my SIL. She treats my brother like crap.”



  • (Noun): Abbreviated way of saying “sister.” Can be used to refer to a close friend or a sister.
  • Example: “Hey, sis, how are you doing?”

More Like This: Slang Words for Friends



  • (Noun): The female equivalent of “broski.” It can be used to refer to sisters or close female friends.
  • Example: “Want to go partying with me, siski?”



  • (Noun): Another accented way of saying “sister.” You may also use this similarly to how you’d use the word sister.

Sisters before Misters


  • (Phrase): The female equivalent of, “bros before hos.” It means that a close-knit group of female friends or sisters puts each other before their romantic prospects.
  • Example: “She takes sisters before misters seriously and gets her friends’ approval before dating any man.”

Skin and Blister


  • (Noun): Cockney rhyming slang that just means sister. Can be used pretty much whenever you’d say sister.

Soul Sister


  • (Noun): A woman, not necessarily your sister, who has a deep, platonic relationship with you. She understands you on every level and always has your back.
  • Example: “Emily is my soul sister. It’s like we were sisters in another life or something.”

Wrap Up

Those are the most common slang terms for sister that we could find. Do you know any other ones? If so, feel free to leave us any additional words in the comments below.

There are many more people in your life you could easily describe with slang. If you want to learn more, check out our list of slang words for girlfriend and slang words for boyfriend.

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