Word that means pleasing to look at


It is pleasant to look at.

So pleasant that you do not want to let it wander out of your sight.

What would be a word for pleasant to look at?

Something that’s pleasant to my eyes… as said by @Mysti Sinha — eyesome.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

asked Mar 5, 2015 at 17:11

twothousandfifteen's user avatar


You could call it captivating. Merriam-Webster defines captivate as «to attract and hold the attention of (someone) by being interesting, pretty, etc.»

answered Mar 5, 2015 at 17:44

Nicole's user avatar


If you need a word, this adjective is archaic and it is:

eyesome — (archaic, often poetic) visually attractive. (MW)

There are also less-archaic terms:

sightly — Pleasing to see; visually appealing. (TFD)

eye candy — A person who is or people considered highly attractive to look at. (TFD)


It is pleasant to look at. (sightly)

He is pleasant to look at. (eye candy)

Cat's user avatar


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answered Mar 5, 2015 at 17:52

Misti's user avatar


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comely — pleasing in appearance; attractive; fair

answered Mar 5, 2015 at 21:37

Bill Boquist's user avatar


«Appealing» is «pleasant to look at» summarized in one word.

answered Mar 5, 2015 at 23:37

Michelle McCoy's user avatar

Why not simply beautiful? (pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically)

answered Mar 6, 2015 at 7:27

Denis de Bernardy's user avatar


«Handsome» has exactly the meaning you require:


  1. having an attractive, well-proportioned, and imposing appearance suggestive of health and strength; good-looking:
    «a handsome man; a handsome woman.»

  2. having pleasing proportions, relationships, or arrangements, as of shapes, forms, or colors; attractive:

… but seems to be quite an old-fashioned word these days. It might be useful to you depending on the context.

answered Mar 5, 2015 at 19:20

Marv Mills's user avatar

Marv MillsMarv Mills

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Anything wrong with plain old ‘pretty’?

answered Mar 6, 2015 at 1:42

see sharper's user avatar


While not strictly limited to physical appearance, consider winsome

Attractive or appealing in appearance or character:
a winsome smile

Oxford Dictionaries Online

answered Mar 5, 2015 at 18:03

bib's user avatar


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One of these might do:

fetching — pleasant or attractive.

attractive — pleasing or appealing.

… but neither quite carries the strong connotation of irresistibility (not wanting it out of sight) that was requested.

Community's user avatar

answered Mar 5, 2015 at 23:01

Anguish Languish's user avatar

: to hold the attention of (someone) entirely : to interest or amaze
(someone) so much that nothing else is seen or noticed

transitive verb
1 : to subject to mesmerism; also :
2 : spellbind

[ Merriam-Webster online ]

Therefore, mesmerizing, spellbinding, and maybe, at the risk of falling asleep, hypnotic; more so about the impact of what is «delightful for beauty, harmony, or grace» upon the eye of the beholder so to speak.

answered Mar 6, 2015 at 12:20


The phrase «aesthetically pleasing», though not a single word, denotes an object that is pleasant to look at in a generic visual sense without all the connotations of physical attractiveness, comeliness, etc. that some of the other suggestions carry.

That said, I do think there is a slight connotation of «artistic beauty» in the phrase.

answered Mar 6, 2015 at 0:58

jsdalton's user avatar


Wholesome, Lush, perhaps salubrious?
Though the last is used mainly for a product, it could be said being with someone is healthful or health-giving whether it is for companionship or just eye-candy on the arm, thus the connection would be salubrious.
And modern lingo may lead to such quaint items as bitchin’ or (as a feminine descriptor) leslie.

answered Mar 5, 2015 at 23:05

twicebitten thasme's user avatar


can be applied to attractive partner, glassware, textiles, precious metals, paintings, sculptures, architecture, etc

answered Mar 6, 2015 at 22:55

MetaGuru's user avatar

Another one is «Eyeful,» which means someone/something that is visually stunning. However, it is a noun and is considered informal (according to the New Oxford American Dictionary).

Usage: The vase was quite an eyeful.

answered Mar 5, 2015 at 19:28

ColonelHedgehog's user avatar


На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

приятно смотреть на

приятным для просмотра

приятнее смотреть

It is always pleasant to look at pretty things.

It was pleasant to look at (beautiful).

For this reason, your site needs to be quick, easy to navigate, and generally pleasant to look at.

По этой причине ваш сайт должен быть быстрым, легким для навигации и в целом приятным для просмотра.

That means your website needs to be simple, easy to navigate, and overall pleasant to look at.

По этой причине ваш сайт должен быть быстрым, легким для навигации и в целом приятным для просмотра.

It is pleasant to look at a beautiful car, but not all the factory cars look interesting enough, it can always be corrected.

Приятно смотреть на красивый автомобиль, но не все заводские авто смотрятся достаточно интересно, это всегда можно исправить.

It has good contrast levels and viewing angles and was pleasant to look at in the brief time we spent with the device.

Он имеет хорошие уровни контраста и углы обзора и было приятно смотреть на него, в то короткое время, проведенное с устройством.

It is always pleasant to look at the emotions of newlyweds, who come to the main historical place of Russia for the first time and photograph these emotions.

Всегда приятно смотреть на эмоции молодожен, которые попадают на главное историческое место России в первый раз, и фотографировать эти эмоции.

The webcam works around the clock, but the best time to view — light day in Thailand as pleasant to look at the bright tropical greenery and the sea, whose color (especially in sunny weather on Phuket) are incredibly azure.

Веб-камера работает в круглосуточном режиме, но лучшее время для просмотра — световой день в Таиланде, когда приятно смотреть на яркую тропическую растительность и море, цвет которого (особенно в солнечную погоду на Пхукете) невероятно лазурный.

As far as it was possible, history has already shown, but is it not pleasant to look at the attempts of people who sincerely believe in their work to make their country better?

Насколько это удалось — история уже показала, но разве не приятно смотреть на попытки людей, искренне верящих в своё дело, сделать свою страну лучше?

Finely developed bodies are pleasant to look at.

He also put designs on it to be pleasant to look at.

Мы также разработали его для того, чтобы на него было приятно смотреть.

All should pay tribute to the quality of notes: they are quite comfortable and pleasant to look at.

Вообще стоит отдать должное качеству купюр: они довольно удобные и приятные на вид.

And, I’m told she’s very pleasant to look at.

It is pleasant to look at these masters, their playing always causes pleasant emotions.

На этих мастеров приятно смотреть, их игра всегда вызывает приятные эмоции.

Smiles are very pleasant to look at.

Numerous roads are deserted and well maintained, trees and flowers are pleasant to look at.

Многочисленные тропинки пустынны и ухожены, деревья и цветы радуют глаз.

He is pleasant to look at, at least.

It is not pleasant to look at a bright screen in the dark.

It is always pleasant to look at a master’s work.

Colors are pleasant to look at.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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they often become heroes of different fighting games, which proposed


save the world from the invasion of evil reptiles.

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они часто становятся героями различных файтингов, в которых предлагается избавить мир от нашествия злобных гадов.

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Complement the picture of people and cars, which occasionally pass,

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Дополняют картину люди и машины, которые изредка проезжают,

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Immediately I want


update my home,

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Сразу же хочется обновить свое жилище,

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Even if the final version of the user interface design for Windows 7 does not undergo any changes, enough was already done that it can be pronounced that:

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Даже если в финальной версии Windows 7 визуальный дизайн интерфейса не претерпит никаких изменений, уже сделанного достаточно, чтобы признать:

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Выбирайте одежду благородных цветов- мягких, приятных глазу, не раздражающих.

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Там есть такие, которые не очень красивы или на которые не очень приятно смотреть;

Extant photo-albums of those expositions are not just pleasant to look at, they make you start wondering.

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Сохранившиеся достаточно качественные фотокаталоги выставок не просто приятно смотреть, они заставляют задуматься о многом.

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After all, when it comes


the institution of this type is pleasant to look at the handsome waiter, who neatly ironed shape, clean.

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Ведь когда приходя в заведение такого типа приятней смотреть на красивого официанта, у которого аккуратно выглажена форма, чистая.

The visual examination involves three aspects: making sure that the fruiting body is intact; the degree of cleanliness, as any residues of earth may conceal defects or imperfections,

as well as making it less pleasant to look at; a purely subjective assessment of the specimen’s beauty

and aesthetic appeal.

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Визуальное наблюдение включает три аспекта: проверка плодового тела на повреждения; уровень чистоты, так как любые остатки земли могут скрывать дефекты или несовершенства,

одновременно с этим на него будет не так приятно смотреть; абсолютно субъективная оценка красоты образца

и эстетической привлекательности.

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I want


have not just code,

but a masterpiece that is


to look at, that is pleasant


work with


any stage of the project.

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Мне хочется, чтобы на любой стадии

разработки код был не просто кодом, а произведением искусства, на которое приятно смотреть, с которым



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be enjoyed with all your senses.

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которые нужно оценивать всеми органами восприятия.

It’s nothing like several hundreds of digital images on a hard disk,

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Это не несколько сотен цифровых картинок на жестком диске,

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I hope that with leaving


Bath we will have


least one kickboxer in a holder at which performances it is pleasant to look.

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Я надеюсь,

что с уходом Бату у нас останется как минимум один кикбоксер в обойме, на выступления которого приятно посмотреть.

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Natural felt is non-flammable, does not rot,

it is pleasant


touch and nice to look at, it is classics but it is more expensive than the artificial one,

especially the white felt.

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Войлок натуральный не горюч, не гниет, приятен на ощупь и визуально, является классикой, но стоимость его высока, особенно белого войлока.

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A webcam with a view of the island of Korcula in Orebic

will provide you with an extra opportunity


have a pleasant time and just enjoy the opportunity to look at a completely new piece of Croatia.

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Веб- камера с видом


острове Корчула в

городе Оребич обеспечит вас дополнительной возможностью приятно проводить время и просто наслаждаться возможностью посмотреть на совершенно новую частичку Хорватии.

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Road as one of the main arteries of the city are often idle in traffic,

but this does not mean that there is not much to look at, on the contrary, the campaign in times Square anyone not living here will cause a lot of pleasant experiences.

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Дорога как одна из главных артерий города зачастую простаивает в пробках, но это не означает,

что здесь не


что посмотреть, напротив, поход на Таймс Сквер у любого человека, не живущего здесь, вызовет массу приятных впечатлений.

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ONHP engineers say it is pleasant to look


these results from the sidelines, but seeing joyful children is even more


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Как говорят специалисты ПАО« ОМСКНЕФТЕХИМПРОЕКТ», приятно со стороны наблюдать за результатами своего труда, а главное, видеть, как потом радуются дети.

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For the Irish writer, Wilde, Art charms by itself,

is pleasant to look


and it also allows us




contemplate the Beauty of Nature.

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Ирландский писатель, Дикарь, Амулеты Искусство само по себе, Это приятно смотреть, и она также научился восхищаться красотой природы.



enough to look at, but I think Lola prefers a man who doesn’t

measure love by the hour.

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Он достаточно приятен внешне, но, я думаю, Лола предпочтет мужчину, который не измеряет любовь часами.

The camera lens will not allow you to look closely at the details, but provides a pleasant observation of all available spaces.

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Объектив камеры не позволит пристально вглядываться в детали, но обеспечивает приятное наблюдение за всеми доступными просторами.

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Even in this part of the city there

is a camera that will allow you


enjoy a pleasant environment and just give an opportunity to look carefully at the most diverse and interesting elements.

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Даже в этой черте города имеется камера,

которая позволит насладиться приятным окружением и просто даст возможность внимательно посмотреть на самые разные и интересные элементы.

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The best element of this camera is a distant look at the horizon, which allows you


contemplate the roofs of houses and is especially beautiful in this case looks like the sunset or dawn, so you can carefully calculate the time and try


come exactly by the time that is planned for these pleasant events.

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Самым лучшим элементом у данной камеры является дальний взор на горизонт, который позволяет лицезреть крыши домов и особенно красиво в данном случае выглядит закат или рассвет, поэтому можете внимательно рассчитывать время и стараться приходить именно к тому времени, которое запланировано


эти приятные события.

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It’s an unexpectedly




observe the most diverse people looking at your works.

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Неожиданно приятное чувство наблюдать за тем, как самые разные случайные люди смотрят на твои работы.

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When you stand on the vast sea, or the


mountains, looking at the beauty of the front, want


take pictures for all these wonderful scenes,

and share with your friends, this is a very cool thing.

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Когда вы стоите


огромном море или в приятных горах, глядя на красоту фронта, хотите сфотографироваться


все эти прекрасные

сцены и поделиться своими друзьями, это очень здорово.

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4 a Find words in the text that mean:

1 (for hair) light-coloured or yellow.

2 pleasant to look at.

3 having skin made darker by the sun.

4 of more than average height.

5 (for skin) light-coloured.

6 looking physically strong and good at sport.

7 having the good qualities of a man.

8 thin in an attractive way.

9 having a lot of courage.

10 with blue eyes.
1 For many people, German-born supermodel Claudia Schiffer is the perfect beauty: tall and slim, blue-eyed, tanned and athletic looking with long, blond hair. No wonder people have described her as ‘The most beautiful woman in the world’.

2 But people have not always had the same ideas about beauty. Until the 1920s, suntans were for poor people, ‘ladies’ stayed out of the sun to keep their faces as pale as possible. Five hundred

years ago, in the times of Queen Elizabeth I of England, fashionable ladies even painted their faces with lead to make them whiter — a very dangerous habit as lead is poisonous!

3 And people in the eighteenth century would certainly not have thought much of Claudia Schiffer’s hair! Ladies in those days never went out without their wigs, which were so enormous — and so dirty — that it was quite common to find mice living in them!As for the ‘perfect beauties’ painted by Rubens in the seventeenth century, if they wanted to be supermodels today they would have to spend months on a diet!

4Ideas of beauty can be very different according to where you live, too. For the Paduang tribe in South-East Asia, traditionally the most important sign of beauty was a long neck. So at the

age of five or six, girls received their first neck ring, and each year they added new rings. By the time they were old enough to marry, their necks were about twenty-five centimeters long!
5 And what about the ideal man? If you ask women today to name an attractive man, most mention someone like Russell Crowe, Mel Gibson or Denzel Washington: someone tall and strong, brave and ‘manly’.
6 In the eighteenth century, however, ‘manliness’ was very different from what it is today. As well as wearing wigs, perfume and lots of make-up, a true gentleman showed his feelings by

crying frequently in public. According to one story, when the British Prime Minister, Lord Spencer Percival, came to give King George IV some bad news, both men sat down and cried!

7And even now, Russell Crowe might not find it so easy to attract women if he visited the Dinka tribe of Sudan. They have always believed in the saying that ‘big is beautiful’.

Traditionally, each year, men compete to win the title of ‘the fattest man’. The winner is sure to find a wife quickly: for a Dinka woman, if a man is fat, it is also a sign that he is rich and powerful!

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pretty, beautiful, or aesthetic


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