Word that means on top of

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


We’re on top of the league.

«В данный момент мы находимся на вершине лиги.

So stay on top of candidates.

Кроме того, вы должны быть на вершине своих кандидатов.

Somebody fell on top of me.

На меня сверху еще кто-то упал.

Someone fell on top of me.

На меня сверху еще кто-то упал.

The chemical alterations are named epigenetic changes and mean on top of genetics.

Химические модификации известны как «эпигенетические» изменения, что означает «на вершине» генетики.

We always felt confident that you were on top of things.

С того времени я всегда был уверен, что ты находишься на вершине страданий.

Anyone can find tranquility on top of a mountain.

Любой может успокоиться, находясь в живописном месте на вершине горы.

As I suspected Google is on top of the situation.

И вы можете быть уверены, что Google находится на вершине этой ситуации.

The building rises on top of a stone embankment designed to protect from attacks.

Здание возвышается на вершине каменной насыпи, которая предназначена для защиты от нападений вражеских набегов.

It is situated on top of a rocky hill in a quiet and tranquil place.

Он стоит на вершине скалистого холма, в тихом и спокойном месте.

Breathtaking views ensure guests feel on top of the world.

Это приключение заставит гостей почувствовать себя на вершине мира.

You should always take into account that the monument is located on top of a hill.

Вы всегда должны учитывать, что он находится на вершине холма.

I feel I am on top of my game.

The new Green Loop facilities would be built on top of artificial islands connected to the boroughs via jetties.

Новые мощности Green Loop будут построены на вершине искусственных островов, связанных с районами через пристани.

In Georgia on top of one of the highest hills there is a huge granite monument.

В штате Джорджия на вершине одного из самых высоких холмов стоит огромный гранитный монумент.

And on top of all might be pregnant.

Run boosting means on top of your teammate and jumping.

Запустите повышение средства на верхней части вашего товарища по команде и прыжков.

They’re always on top of whatever…

Они всегда готовы встать во главе чего бы то ни…

That means you stay on top of mind.

Quality is at all times on top of our priorities.

В любом случае качество всегда стоит на первом месте в наших приоритетах.

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on top of — перевод на русский

Well, Myra, we’re a couple of howling successes. — Sitting on top of the world, aren’t we?

Майра, мы две неудачницы, сидящие на вершине мира, да?

Her house, on top of the hill.

Ее дом на вершине холма.

We wanted to talk to the commander about a house he owns On top of the cliff.

Мы хотели поговорить с капитаном о его доме… на вершине утеса.

‘Tis on top of the world.

Это на вершине мира.

Just a few hours ago, I thought I was on top of the world.

Всего несколько часов назад, я думал, что я на вершине мира.

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And it just so happens to be on top of the rift.

— И так получилось, что станция оказалась прямо на рифте.

And rolls right over on top of her.

И переворачивается, — прямо на нее.

It’s right on top of me!

Он прямо на мне!


А что, как ей кажется, мы бы могли сделать – заняться куннилингусом прямо на свадебном торте?

Bad luck. The car got stuck, and I forgot the parking brake. Then someone shouted, «Dorothy, wait!» and then I heard, «Whoops!» and the damn car rolled on top of me.

а я забыл поставить ее на ручник. и эта чертова машина покатилась прямо на меня.

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Illegal private soldiers and illegal weapons on top of that?

Личная армия и незаконное оружие вдобавок ко всему?

And on top of that, I was with Marta all day.

И вдобавок ко всему, я была с Мартой весь день.

On top of that, I don’t know anything about any planes attacking Russia.

Вдобавок ко всему, я не знаю ничего о самолетах, нападающих на Россию.

On top of that, she’s wearing glasses. Kids are giving her the treatment calling her the «monster from outer space.»

Вдобавок ко всему она носит очки, и одноклассники относятся к ней как к монстру из космоса.


Вдобавок ко всему я ещё и опаздываю.

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So he could be on top of the Empire State Building now?

Так он сейчас может быть на крыше Эмпайр Стэйт Билдинг?

Yo, you remember when we used to sit on the top of 734 building’, man ?

Ты помнишь, как мы, бывало, сидели на крыше… дома 734?

Why… are you on top of the…

Почему вы… Стоите на крыше?

I guess setting up this maternity factory… on top of a heavy metal club wasn’t particularly secret.

Думаю, создавать эту фабрику материнства… на крыше хэви-метал клуба было не особенно тайно.

All the terrorist activity on top of the Buy More?

Потому что все террористы на крыше «Бай Мор?»

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You don’t want to believe that the lamp fell on top of her.

Ты не хочешь, не хочешь поверить, что ей на голову упала лампа.

You all put your hands on top of your heads.

Всем положить руки на голову.

Drop your weapon and place your hands on top of your head!

Бросьте оружие и положите руки на голову!

If one Arrowtooth Halibut sinks on top of the head of another, the bottom one doesn’t make a fuss, but waits until the other one moves.

Если стрелозубьiй палтус свалится на голову другому, нижнему, им нельзя мешать, нужно ждать, пока припльiвет еще одна рьiба.

They don’t see the trouble until it’s on top of them.

Никто не видит в этом неприятностей, пока они не свалятся им на голову.

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Like an old bird, I roost on top of a tree. But I’m glad that there are still some who believe in life in love.

Я, как старая птица, сидящая на верхушке дерева, радуюсь, когда вижу людей, которые ещё способны верить в жизнь, в любовь.

On top of the pyramid for five goddamn years.

На верхушке пирамиды в течение пяти лет.

This will be perfect on the top of her tree.

На верхушке ее елки оно будет смотреться просто бесподобно.

Ever see that little bald spot on top of your head?

Вы когда-либо видели залысину на верхушке своей головы?

Well, it is when the bacon is going on top of the apple crisp.

Не тогда, когда бекон оказывается на верхушке яблочных чипсов.

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Now, Margherita you are on top of the tower with your Mr X

Сейчас, Маргарита ты на верху башни со своим синьором Х

Take that neo-mag intercog, and you’ll find the transducer switch on top of the ship.

Возьми неомагнитный механизм и ты найдешь датчик запуска на верху корабля.

On top of that house, it seems like it’s flying for real!

На верху того дома, она действительно как будто летит!

I’m on top of it.

Я на верху.

There is just so many different things on top of each other, ilooks absolutely insane.

Там было так много разных вещей на верху они смотрелись абсолютно безумно.

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I therefore recommend we make a quick but cordial follow up phone call to Iceland, a little gentle handling, let Einer know that we’re right on top of this thing.

Я, таким образом, рекомендовал бы сделать короткий, но душевный звонок по горячим следам в Исландию, маленькое мягкое напоминание Эйнеру, что у нас всё под контролем.

Your old man’s on top of this.

У твоего старика все под контролем.

And they organized a big White House conference to say, «Oh, we’re on top of this.»

И они организовали большую конференцию Белого Дома, только, чтобы сказать: «О, ситуация под контролем.»

You gotta listen,stay on top of the situation.

Выслушать, держать ситуацию под контролем.

It’s Peter. I’m sure you’re aware and completely on top of it but just wanted to make sure Lucy’s shower is still on for tomorrow night.

Это Питер, Я знаю, ты в курсе, и у тебя все под контролем, но просто хотел убедиться, что девичник Люси состоится сегодня вечером.

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He always gets here late and wants to chat on top of it.

Мало того, что он всегда опаздывает, так ему еще и надо поболтать.

And on top of all that, the telephone seems to be very dead.

И будто этого мало, так еще и телефон, кажется, не работает.

And what if the dishes on top of 21 aren’t hot yet the place isn’t even finished.

А что если тарелки ещё не готовы строительство ещё ведь не закончено.

On top of that, the rudder’s jammed.

Но ведь еще и руль поврежден.

On top of that, all the case records have been burned up.

А теперь ещё все материалы дела уничтожены.

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And on top of that, I had been abandoned by my future wife.

И в довершение всего, меня бросила будущая жена.

On top of that, both my fridge and my bank account are empty.

В довершение всего, мой холодильник так же пуст, как и счет в банке

On top of that, the Anne Arundel State’s Attorney doesn’t give a fuck I’m not supposed to give a fuck, so…

В довершение всего, прокурору округа Энн Эрандл тоже на это плевать… и мне, по идее, тоже должно быть пофигу, так что…

And on top of that the labelling of this and that, herbs, spices… if I were to pack everybody’s basket, roasts would be sweet and coffee salted.

И в довершение всего… раскладывать товары: то и это, приправы, пряности… Если бы я укладывал корзины, мясо было бы сладким, а кофе — соленым.

And on top of that, it’s an Alfa Romeo.

И в довершение всего, это Alfa Romeo.

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on top of (someone or something)

1. In complete control or with complete awareness of someone or something, often due to being diligent, fully informed, and/or up-to-date. A: «How is the new project going?» B: «Right on track! Jen was on top of it while you were on vacation.» I don’t know how you keep on top of all the different student issues that are brought to your attention. How Janet manages to stay on top of all eight of those kids is really beyond me.

2. In addition to something. On top of losing my favorite present, the pool where I was having my party had to close down for the day. Worst birthday ever!

3. In very close proximity to someone or something. I thought I had a great spot right up front for the concert, but I had so many people right on top of me that I ended up not enjoying it at all. Zoning laws usually prohibit new developments from being built right on top of existing ones.

on top of that

Additionally; furthermore. Your performance has really been slipping over the past few months, and you’re no longer meeting our expectations. On top of that, your appearance and attire in the office has been very unprofessional recently.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

on top of something


1. Fig. up-to-date on something; knowing about the current state of something. Ask Mary. She’s on top of this issue. This issue is constantly changing. She has to pay attention to it to stay on top of things.

2. Fig. in addition to something. Jane told Bill he was dull. On top of that, she said he was unfriendly. On top of being dull, he’s unfriendly.

3. Fig. victorious over something; famous or notorious for something. It was a close game, but the home team came out on top. Bill is on top in his field.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

on top of

1. In control of, fully informed about, as in The weeds were terrible, but the new gardener was soon on top of them, or Our senator always manages to be on top of the issues.

2. In addition to, following closely on, as in Several other benefits are being offered on top of a better salary, or On top of the flu Jane caught her sister’s measles. [c. 1600]

3. Also, on top of one another. Very close to, crowded, as in I didn’t see her until she was right on top of us, or In these condominiums people are living right on top of one another. [Mid-1900s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

on top of


1. In control of.

2. Fully informed about: a senator who is always on top of the issues.

3. In addition to; besides: On top of this, several other benefits are being offered.

4. Following closely on; coming immediately after: Hail came on top of a violent thunderstorm.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • on top of (someone or something)
  • on top of somebody/something
  • on top of something
  • do (something) blindfolded
  • do blindfolded
  • have jack-shit
  • be able to (do something) in (one’s) sleep
  • be able to do something in your sleep
  • swear by
  • swear by (someone or something)

Смотреть что такое ON TOP OF в других словарях:


on top of: translation{prep}. 1. On the top of; standing or lying on; on. * /When the player on the other team dropped the ball, Bill fell on top of… смотреть


on top of: translation{prep}. 1. On the top of; standing or lying on; on. * /When the player on the other team dropped the ball, Bill fell on top of… смотреть


on top of something: translation
on top of something
1. Fig. up-to-date on something; knowing about the current state of something. • Ask Mary. She’s … смотреть


I adj AmE infml
He acted like a man on top of his job — Он вел себя как человек, отлично знающий свое дело
II adv infml
It’s just one thing on top of another — Все одно к одному… смотреть


top of something, on adj AmE infml He acted like a man on top of his job Он вел себя как человек, отлично знающий свое дело top of something, on adv infml It’s just one thing on top of another Все одно к одному… смотреть


on top of sth: translationon top (of sth)
► in addition to something: »When we came to pay for the goods, there was a delivery charge on top. »We exp… смотреть


adv infml
Then, on top of that, you get four weeks’ holiday and bonuses — Кроме того, у вас четырехнедельный отпуск, плюс премии
He borrowed fifty pounds from me for the journey and then, on top of that, asked me if he could borrow my car — Он занял у меня пятьдесят фунтов на путешествие, а потом, представляете, попросил у меня машину… смотреть


top of that, on adv infml Then, on top of that, you get four weeks’ holiday and bonuses Кроме того, у вас четырехнедельный отпуск, плюс премии He borrowed fifty pounds from me for the journey and then, on top of that, asked me if he could borrow my car Он занял у меня пятьдесят фунтов на путешествие, а потом, представляете, попросил у меня машину… смотреть


on top of the world: translationon top of the world
Fig. feeling wonderful; glorious; ecstatic. • Wow, I feel on top of the world. • Since he got a new… смотреть


on top of the world: translationon top of the world
Fig. feeling wonderful; glorious; ecstatic. • Wow, I feel on top of the world. • Since he got a new… смотреть


I adj infml
She was on top of the world about the forthcoming event — Она ликовала по поводу предстоящего события
Sometimes I’m on top of the world and can cope with anything — Иногда я такой окрыленный, что мне все по плечу
II adv infml
He was feeling on top of the world — Он чувствовал себя на седьмом небе
He’s got every reason to feel on top of the world — У него есть все основания радоваться жизни… смотреть


top of the world, on adj infml She was on top of the world about the forthcoming event Она ликовала по поводу предстоящего события Sometimes I’m on top of the world and can cope with anything Иногда я такой окрыленный, что мне все по плечу top of the world, on adv infml He was feeling on top of the world Он чувствовал себя на седьмом небе He’s got every reason to feel on top of the world У него есть все основания радоваться жизни… смотреть

Table of Contents

  1. Which root means to stand?
  2. What does Super prefix mean?
  3. How does the prefix super change a word?
  4. Is Super an informal word?
  5. What does super mean in British?
  6. What’s a synonym for good?
  7. Is ultra or mega better?
  8. Is Mega more than super?
  9. What is bigger than a Giga?
  10. What is superior than super?
  11. What is a superior person called?
  12. What makes something superior?

Definition for sur (3 of 4) a prefix meaning “over, above,” “in addition,” occurring mainly in loanwords from French and partial calques of French words: surcharge; surname; surrender; survive. Compare super-.

Which root means to stand?

The Latin root stat and its variant stit mean “stand.” This Latin root is the word origin of a large number of English vocabulary words, including state, statue, constitution and superstition.

What does Super prefix mean?

super- Prefix. Latin, over, above, in addition, from super over, above, on top of — more at over.

How does the prefix super change a word?

Prefix SUPER is widely used to form new words which may convey totally different meanings. A Prefix is placed before a root word to make a new word. This ROOT-WORD is the Prefix SUPER meaning OVER, ABOVE, BEYOND & GREATER IN QUALITY.

Is Super an informal word?

Informally, super is used to mean something is excellent. Used in a sentence: Janet’s work on the project was super and earned her a promotion.

What does super mean in British?

1. adjective. Some people use super to mean very nice or very good. [mainly British, informal, old-fashioned]

What’s a synonym for good?

SYNONYMS FOR good 1 pure, moral, conscientious; meritorious, worthy, exemplary, upright. 2 adequate. 3 outstanding, admirable.

Is ultra or mega better?

When it comes to being greater Ultra will always be greater than Mega. Mega is simply known as 1 million of a different measure such as megabyte or megahertz and will always be confined to that amount. Ultra is more of an excessive exorbitant amount that isn’t or can’t be measured.

Is Mega more than super?

In context|informal|lang=en terms the difference between super and mega. is that super is (informal) very; extremely (used like the prefix super- ) while mega is (informal) very large.

What is bigger than a Giga?

Giga- means 1,000,000,000; a Gigabyte is a billion bytes. Tera- means 1,000,000,000,000; a Terabyte is a trillion bytes. Peta- means 1,000,000,000,000,000; a Petabyte is 1,000 Terabytes. Exa- means 1,000,000,000,000,000,000; an Exabyte is 1,000 Petabytes.

What is superior than super?

As adjectives the difference between super and superior is that super is of excellent quality, superfine while superior is higher in quality.

What is a superior person called?

conceited, egocentric, egoistic. (also egoistical), egotistic.

What makes something superior?

If you describe something as superior, you mean that it is good, and better than other things of the same kind. A superior person or thing is more important than another person or thing in the same organization or system.

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