Word that means not polite

Asked by: Mr. Jermain Lemke Jr.

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What Do These Words Mean? “Impolite” is an adjective that means “lacking good manners” or “rude”: It is impolite to interrupt when someone is talking. … The word “unpolite” has exactly the same meaning.

What does Unpolite mean?

(ˌɪmpəˈlaɪt ) adjective. discourteous; rude; uncivil.

When a person is impolite?

If you say that someone is impolite, you mean that they are rather rude and do not have good manners. It is impolite to ask too many questions. It would be most ungracious and impolite to refuse a simple invitation to supper with him. Synonyms: bad-mannered, rude, disrespectful, rough More Synonyms of impolite.

What do you call a person who has no manners?

impolite. The definition of impolite is a rude person, or someone without manners.

What do you call someone who is always rude?

obnoxious. adjective. very rude, offensive, or unpleasant.

39 related questions found

Is Unpolite a real word?

adjective. Lacking in politeness or good manners; discourteous; rude.

What is a pretest?

: a preliminary test: such as. a : a test of the effectiveness or safety of a product prior to its sale. b : a test to evaluate the preparedness of students for further studies.

What does misread mean in English?

transitive verb. 1 : to read incorrectly. 2 : to misinterpret in or as if in reading totally misread the lesson of history— Christopher Hollis.

How do you use misread in a sentence?

Misread sentence example

  1. This appears gravely to misread history. …
  2. Claudia put on a pout, thinking she had misread Jackson’s intentions for her. …
  3. What bothered Dean most was his misread of Edith Shipton. …
  4. They proved that he misread events and misunderstood his own position.

What word means not polite?

not polite or courteous; discourteous; rude: an impolite reply.

What is an example of a pretest?

Example: All students in a certain class take a pre-test. The teacher then uses a certain teaching technique for one week and administers a post-test of similar difficulty. She then analyzes the differences between the pre-test and post-test scores to see if the teaching technique had a significant effect on scores.

What is a pretest in education?

Pre-assessment is a test taken by students before a new unit to find out what the students need more instruction on and what they may already know. A pre-assessment, is a way to save teachers time within the classroom when teaching new material. … The same test may also be used for the post-assessment.

What is a pretest in an experiment?

A pretest-posttest design is usually a quasi-experiment where participants are studied before and after the experimental manipulation. … This means you test them before doing the experiment, then you run your experimental manipulation, and then you test them again to see if there are any changes.

Is it impolite or Inpolite?

As adjectives the difference between impolite and inpolite

is that impolite is not polite; not of polished manners; wanting in good manners while inpolite is .

What is correct unpractical or impractical?

Unpractical is good for: people without practical skill. Ex: it would be unpractical for me to fix my own car. Impractical — not realistic. Ex: Picking up my entire house and moving it is impractical.

What is the purpose of a pretest?

Pretests allow teachers to see levels of proficiency for each student. They should assess the degree to which students meet expectations using just prior knowledge. For example, a geography pretest can assess students’ understanding of the concepts of latitude and longitude.

What are the purpose of pre-testing?

The purpose of pre-testing is to identify problems with the data collection instrument and find possible solutions. It is not possible to anticipate all of the problems that will be encountered during data collection.

What type of assessment is a pretest?

Pre-assessment is a type of formative assessment that occurs before a unit of study begins. Whether formal or informal, pre- assessments are never graded. They are purely diagnostic in nature.

How do you write a pretest?


  1. Step 1: Outline Pretest Objectives. …
  2. Step 2: Choose the Pretest Method. …
  3. Step 3: Plan the Pretest. …
  4. Step 4: Develop Pretesting Guide. …
  5. Step 5: Develop Questions. …
  6. Step 6: Conduct Pretest. …
  7. Step 7: Analyze Data and Interpret Results. …
  8. Step 8: Summarize the Results.

What is pre-test and post test example?

One common example for university settings is a pretest at the beginning of a degree program and a posttest sometime toward the end of the program. For businesses, the pretest might be done before an employee training program is begun and a posttest could be set for weeks or months after the program has been completed.

What is another word for pretest?

pretest: examine; test; pretest; try out; check; recount; try; count again; request; require; ask; apply to; appeal; query; petition; beg; endeavour; attempt; strive; endeavor.

What is the opposite polite?

Polite means showing regards for others in manners, speech, and behavior. … The opposite of polite is rude.

What is another word for rude and disrespectful?

impolite, rude, impertinent, irreverent.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


не вежливо

не очень вежливый


не вежливые




не очень вежливо

It’s not polite to point at others.

Это невежливо — тыкать пальцем в других.

My mother taught me that it’s not polite to point.

Моя мама учила меня, что показывать пальцем — это невежливо.

Its generally not polite to switch between shouts during an evening.

Обычно не вежливо переключаться между криками в течение вечера.

It’s not polite to lie to the dying girl, you know.

Это не вежливо, лгать умирающей девочке, ты знаешь.

And people say you’re not polite.

And then… not polite at that.

It is not polite to interrupt someone while he is talking.

Невежливо перебивать, когда кто-нибудь говорит.

You know, it’s not polite to talk to people without looking at them.

Вы знаете, это невежливо разговаривать с людьми, не глядя на них.

Because it’s not polite to start until everyone’s at the table.

Потому что невежливо начинать, пока все не собрались за столом.

Jaeyong, it’s not polite to bother people.

Джийонг, это не вежливо беспокоить людей.

It’s not polite for the host to leave the guests.

Это не вежливо, когда хозяин оставляет гостей.

It’s not polite to read people without their permission.

Невежливо читать мысли людей без их разрешения на это.

No, it’s not polite to discuss a lady’s age.

Нет, невежливо обсуждать возраст дамы.

Sweetheart, it’s not polite to discuss how much money you have.

Милый, невежливо обсуждать, сколько у тебя денег.

It’s not polite to intervene between a husband and wife.

Невежливо вмешиваться в отношения мужа и жены.

I am vomiting and all the things which are not polite to speak of.

Меня рвет и все то, о чем не вежливо говорить.

Now go, it’s not polite to keep the client waiting.

Главное не медлить, так как невежливо заставлять клиента ждать.

That’s disrespectful and definitely not polite.

Это неуважительно и, безусловно, не вежливо.

Everyone knows that it’s not polite to comment on a woman’s weight.

Каждый знает, что невежливо делать замечания по поводу веса женщины.

Do you even understand what that means? It’s not polite to refuse what is offered by your host.

Ты понимаешь что это значит? не вежливо отказываться от того, что предлагает хозяин.

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A word that means «not legal».

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A word that means » take again».

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A prefix meaning «wrong».

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The prefix in the word «microscope».

What is «micro».


A word that means «not polite»?

What is «impolite»?


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These words refer to people, behaviours, comments, etc. that are not polite and are often offensive or embarrassing.

The most common word for this is rude. When rude is used of people, it means that person is not polite. When rude is used of behaviours or comments, it can mean that the behaviour, comment, etc. is not polite or that it is offensive and embarrassing.

He made a rude remark about the staff.

She’s one of the rudest people I’ve never met.

A more formal alternative to rude is the word impolite.

She asks direct questions without being in any way impolite.

If someone is slightly rude or behaves without respect in a way that is funny, you might describe them in UK English as cheeky.

UK You asked your teacher how old she was? That was a bit cheeky!

If someone is rude or does not show respect to a person who is older or has more authority than they do, that person might be described as disrespectful, impertinent, or insolent. In slightly more formal contexts, you can also use impudent.

The class was very disrespectful towards the new teacher.

It was clear that they found his questions impertinent.

What an ungrateful, insolent child!

She made an impudent remark to her manager.

The adjective abrasive describes someone’s manner when they are rude and unfriendly.

I found him rather abrasive.

A person who is rude and unpleasant is sometimes described as uncouth. Uncouth implies that the person does not have good manners. It is a disapproving word.

She considers him loud-mouthed and uncouth.

Language which is rude, often because of referring to the body in an unpleasant way, can be described as vulgar or crude.

He told a rather vulgar joke over dinner.

Don’t be so crude in front of the children.

The words “polite” and “courteous” are often used interchangeably and share without doubt a considerable overlap, but they are not synonyms.

In this article, we will clarify their definitions and how they differ from each other along with some interesting facts and related topics.

Here’s what you need to know:

What does polite mean?

The word “polite” is defined as showing consideration for others, especially in social situations. It’s easy to be polite when you are given the chance to be; all it takes is a smile and a friendly “Hello”.

In contrast, rude (or impolite) means lacking in manners or good behavior.

In this day and age, people have specific definitions for what polite is. It’s not just about being nice to others; it’s about knowing how to act in social situations. In a world where we’re constantly communicating with one another on social media platforms, there are many more chances for us all to inadvertently offend each other. Some of the most common ways that people could be impolite when talking to others on these platforms are by posting inappropriate content or making hurtful comments.

What does courteous mean?

The word “courteous” is defined as having good manners and not offending other people. Courteous behavior is often overlooked but when it’s done well, it makes life easier for everyone around us.

In some cases that may mean thanking someone for holding the door open for you and being kind when they are not expecting it. Being courteous also includes offering your seat on public transportation to another person who needs it more than you do.

When you’re courteous to others, it’s a sign of respect and good manners. It is also more enjoyable to be around people who are kind and polite.

What is the difference between polite and courteous?

We often use the words “polite” and “courteous” interchangeably, but they are not synonyms. The difference in these words is this:

A courteous person has good manners and follows the hidden social rules of each society. So, a courteous person does not offend anyone and is rather defensive.

A polite person has the same character traits as a courteous person AND is in addition also solicitous about the well-being of the people around them.

Examples of polite expressions. Also suitable for E-Mails

Being polite is reflected in the language someone uses to express themselves. Here are some of the most common phrases you can use to talk politely:

“I’m sorry”

“Excuse me”

“Thank you”


“You’re welcome”

“I’m good, thanks for asking!”

“Excuse me/pardon me”

“I’m sorry to bother you, but…”

“Could you please?”

“Thank you for your time!”

How to greet someone politely

A polite greeting is one of the most important parts of a conversation. It sets the tone for your whole interaction and can make or break how well you get along with someone.

Make sure to smile and keep eye contact while you greet.

Here are some example phrases you can use to politely greet somebody:

Good Morning

I’m pleased to meet you.

“It’s wonderful to actually meet you.”

Good evening

“It’s great to finally meet you.”


How are things going for you?

Good afternoon, how did your journey go?

It’s nice to see you!”

Why be polite?

Being polite is a very simple way to make someone’s day. When you do something kind for someone, it can brighten their whole attitude and show them that not everyone in the world is nasty or mean.

Politeness can also help you feel more relaxed and respected at the moment.

Being nice to others will help you be seen in the best light possible, and this is something that we all want to happen!

Top reasons to be polite:

  • It’s the right thing to do
  • You’ll be more popular
  • People will like you better
  • You get what you want more easily

The most polite language in the world

One of the most polite countries is Japan and that’s why Japanese is considered the most polite language in the world. Even if you are a foreigner, Japanese people will be very welcoming and treat you with respect.

In Japan, people are so polite to each other that they have a word for it: “Giri”. Giri is the obligation to do something for someone else. It’s not just limited to social obligations either; Giri could mean doing work at home or in your company.

The Japanese culture is, in many ways, very different from that of the United States. For example, while Americans are generally fairly informal with one another (i.e., calling each other by their first names) and use casual language when conversing (i.e., “My bad!”), the Japanese people tend to be more formal in their behavior and speech patterns, as well as using a level of formality that would make it difficult for us to understand what they’re saying if we didn’t already know something about them or the context in which they were speaking.

What does courteous detachment mean?

Courteous detachment is the ability to be polite and detached when speaking with others. It’s a way of showing respect, but not getting too involved or interested in what they have to say.

It means dealing with people politely without being too close to them. This is a wonderful tool for those who are introverted, shy, or simply don’t want to get involved in other people’s lives.

Some examples of courteous detachment include:

  • Not giving advice when asked
  • Only engaging in small talk
  • Not taking responsibility for problems that are out of your control

What does courteous mean in business?

We now know what courteous means in general, but how does it apply to business?

Being courteous in business is more than just being polite to customers. It also means treating co-workers and the company they represent with respect. It also includes providing extended customer service and to be attentive as soon as they get in contact with the business owner.

In the world of business, it’s easy to forget that we’re all human. We have individual thoughts and feelings, but sometimes in today’s fast-paced society, we forget what it means to be courteous. These two qualities are necessary for people who work with one another daily.

Courteous words in customer service

A customer’s experience can be greatly impacted by how they are treated at a business. Employees need to always remember that the people they are speaking with are not just another person on the other end of a phone line or computer, but rather an individual who is likely feeling vulnerable and seeking reassurance.

The words you use when speaking to your customer can have a big impact. If you can be courteous, it will make the experience more pleasant for both parties involved.

Some proven courteous phrases in customer service are:

“Good morning, how can I help you?”

“I’m not sure, but I’ll find out.”

“That is something I can assist you with.”

“I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.”

“I’ll ensure that this is resolved as soon as possible for you.”

“What can I do to help you?”

“You’re welcome”

“Thank you for drawing our attention to this.”

“As much as I’d like to assist…”

“I’ll keep you updated by…”

“Thank you for taking the time to call; your input is extremely important to us. If you have any more concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.”

What does a courteous demeanor mean?

Courteous demeanor is a word that has been used for centuries to describe someone who handles themselves with respect and politeness. A person with a courteous demeanor is always mindful of others and their actions, making sure they are not interrupting anyone else or taking up too much space.

In the world of business, a courteous demeanor is just as important as having a stellar resume or being able to handle stressful situations. This means that in addition to dressing for success and keeping your cool when things go wrong, you need to have a certain type of personality.

What are other words for courteous? Some synonyms

In all honesty, the word “courteous” is not the easiest one to pronounce and often sounds a bit too formal. In case you are looking for a different word to use instead, here are some great synonyms:

  • Civil
  • Respectful
  • Considerate
  • Kind
  • Thoughtful
  • Generous
  • Well-mannered
  • Attentive
  • Gracious

What does the word discourteous mean?

The word “discourteous” typically refers to a lack of courtesy or rudeness. It is often used to describe actions or behavior which are rude and inappropriate in social settings.

It’s not uncommon to see the definition broken down into two parts: Without courtesy or respect, and disrespectful. The word “discourteous” can be seen in many different contexts such as when someone doesn’t hold a door for you, cuts in front of you on line, or just say something rude to you outright.

Author Sophie

Sophie Hammond is a journalist, psychologist, and freelance speechwriter for people in politics and business. She lives on the edge of the Rocky Mountains with her dog and a lifetime supply of books. When she’s not writing, she can be found wandering through nature or journaling at a coffee shop.

There’s a curious thing about the phrase of course. Use it correctly and it’s polite. But use it wrongly and it causes problems. Learn how to use it correctly in this video.

Click here to learn how to use can, could and may to ask for permission
Click here to learn how to use the verb mind in polite requests
Click here to learn more polite phrases for everyday English conversation

Of Course Video Script

‘Of course.’ This is such a useful English phrase, but be careful. If you use it wrongly people might think you’re angry or when you’re not, or they might think that you think they’re stupid. That’s no good! You don’t want to get it wrong, but don’t worry. In this video you’ll learn how to use it correctly.
‘Of course’ is a dangerous phrase because it can be polite or it can be rude. Let’s start by looking at some polite ways to use it.

Are you coming to my party on Saturday?
Yes, of course! I’m looking forward to it. Erm… I was wondering. Can I bring a friend?
Yes, of course. Please do.
Thank you.

‘Of course’ is polite and friendly here. It’s like definitely, certainly. It emphasizes that what we’re saying is true or correct. Of course I’m going to Geri’s party because I REALLY want to go. And Geri will be VERY happy if I bring a friend. When we’re saying yes, ‘of course’ can add emphasis.
The most common way we use ‘of course’ is to reply to requests.

I’m going to lunch.
Oh, can I come too?
Yes, of course.

‘Of course’ means ‘please do – you’re very welcome. OK, here’s another way to use ‘of course’ politely.

Oh. I’m sorry to hear that. OK. Good-bye. We’ve lost a customer.
I tried my best.
Of course you did.
I did everything I could.
Of course, I know you did. Don’t worry about it.

I’m agreeing with Jay here. I’m sympathetic and ‘of course’ is a polite way to agree with what he said.
Now is ‘of course’ always polite? No. So what’s an impolite way to use ‘of course’? Let’s look at one.

Do you need some help?
Of course I do!

Jay is criticizing me here. He’s complaining that I wasn’t helping. If he had asked for help though, it could be different.

Vicki, can you help?
Yes, of course.
Thank you.

Of course is polite here and we’re both happy. So what’s going on? Sometimes ‘of course’ is polite and sometimes it’s not. Well, to understand this, you need to know what ‘of course’ really means.

Double word score. Ha ha. We’re playing scrabble today. I love scrabble.
Vicki’s winning, of course.
By fifty points.
She always wins.

So what does ‘of course’ mean? It means obviously.

I’m really good at scrabble so of course I’m going to win. It’s obvious

If something is obvious – easy to see or understand – we can say ‘of course’. And that’s why we often use ‘of course’ when we say ‘yes’ to requests.

My battery’s flat. Can I use your phone?
Yes, of course.

Of course means the answer is obvious. You know I want to help. Please go ahead. So when people ask us for something, we often say ‘of course’.

Can I borrow these?
Of course!

‘Of course’ means ‘yes’ here and it implies you should already know the answer. Obviously I’m happy for you borrow them.
Now that was a request, but what about offers? When someone offers us something, can we say ‘of course’? Let’s see.

Do you want some more water?
Of course.

Of course isn’t polite here. If an answer is obvious you should know it already.

Of course I want some more water. Why are you asking? Are you an idiot?

‘Of course’ means he thinks I’m stupid. That’s not nice. So what’s the polite way to respond to an offer?

Do you want some more water?
Yes, please.

A simple yes. That’s what you need. Just say ‘yes’ without ‘of course’. Let’s look at another example. Suppose I ask about you about the weather.

What’s the forecast? Is it going to rain?
Yes, of course.

Of course is strange here. It could be a rude because it implies ‘Why are you asking me this? You should already know the answer.’ But I didn’t know the answer. Here’s a better response.

What’s the forecast? Is it going to rain?
Yes, it is.
Oh. I’ve got my car so I can give you a lift if you like.
Thank you very much.

Now that conversation is polite. If someone asks a question and they don’t know the answer, say a simple yes.
Now one more thing. The opposite of course is ‘Of course not’. Again, we say it to add emphasis.

Are you wearing my perfume?
Of course not!

‘Of course not’ means definitely not. Absolutely not.
So can we use ‘of course not’ reply to requests in a polite way? Well possibly. It can happen when we use the verb ‘mind’.

Do you mind if I borrow these?
Of course not.
Thank you.

‘Of course not’ is polite here because of the word ‘mind’. ‘Do you mind?’ means ‘do you object?’ So ‘of course not’ means, ‘No, I don’t object – Obviously I’m happy for you to borrow them’. ‘Mind’ is an unusual verb and we’ve made another video about it. I’ll put a link here.
OK. Let’s check you’ve understood. You’re going to see Geri asking me two questions. Are my answers appropriate or not? And if not, what should I say?

Are you ready?
I love your necklace. Is it new?
Yes, of course.

Did you hear the storm last night?
Yes, of course

Were my answers appropriate? No! Geri’s questions were normal questions, not requests, and she didn’t know what my answer would be. Let’s look at what I should have said.

I love your necklace. Is it new?
Yes. I bought it last week.
It’s very nice.

Did you hear the storm last night?
Yes, I certainly did! Wasn’t it loud?
Lots of thunder.
Yes and lightning too.

Did you get them right? Well done.
OK. I have one more question for you. Do you want to see some more of our videos? I hope you said ‘Yes, of course’. You can subscribe to our channel and if you click the little bell icon too, you’ll get notified when we make a new video. Thanks so much for watching and see you next week! Bye!

Click here to learn how to use can, could and may to ask for permission
Click here to learn how to use the verb mind in polite requests
Click here to learn more polite phrases for everyday English conversation

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