Word that means not only

Shakespeare was not only a writer but also an actor.

Шекспир был не только писателем, но и актёром.

The system was not only complicated but also ineffective.

Этот метод был не только сложным, но и неэффективным.

The building’s design is not only functional but also beautiful.

Конструкция данного здания не только функциональна, но и красива.

It now becomes not only just a memory, but a treasure to my soul.

Теперь это уже не просто воспоминание, а сокровище для души.

This isn’t not only a sight cheaper but a damn sight eco-friendlier.

Это не только намного дешевле, но и куда как экологичнее.

Not only an ambassador, but an ambassadress had been asked to meet them.

Встретить их попросили не только посла, но и его жену.

I don’t think we should go out. Not only is it late, but it’s also snowing.

Не думаю, что нам следует выходить на улицу. Не только потому что уже поздно, но и из-за того что идёт снег.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

«You know that there’s not only contempt.»  

He came to the US and not only made it but made it big (=was extremely successful).  

…the museum’s annual gala for charity attracts not only a very wealthy, but also a very cultivated crowd…  

…a defense lawyer uses not only legal arguments but also moral suasion to appeal to a jury’s sense of right and wrong…  

Byron lives on not only in his poetry, but also in his creation of the ‘Byronic hero’ — the persona of a brooding melancholy young man  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

but also the exercise of the right at the time when the contested violation occurred.

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жалобы, но и осуществление права в период совершения оспариваемого нарушения.

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but also




and possible consequences of such information should be explained to them in detail.

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но и то, что содержание и возможные последствия такой информации им необходимо подробно разъяснять.

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she should also have yours.

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но она еще у тебя должен быть и свой.

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In our view, that means not only recognizing the different conditions we face,

but also making every possible effort to sustain and develop a process


is vital for our people and holds out hope to our region and to all those who have been supporting us in our time of trouble.

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которыми мы сталкиваемся, но и требует всевозможных усилий для поддержания и развития процесса, который очень важен для нашего народа и несет надежду нашему региону и всем тем, кто поддерживал нас в минуту испытаний.

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but also strengthening existing international monitoring, verification and accountability mechanisms in order to ensure


the perpetrators of such crimes did


go unpunished.

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и усиление существующих международных механизмов мониторинга, проверки и подотчетности, с тем чтобы обеспечить, что виновные в совершении этих преступлениях


останутся безнаказанными.

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Therefore, in order to ensure the involvement and active participation of the people in decisions and development projects, it was necessary to recognize and foster their cultural identity in the

context of a global strategy of harmonious development; that meant not only taking into account points of convergence

and contact between cultures but also encouraging harmonious coexistence, which was a requirement for mutual respect, understanding and international cooperation.

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А следовательно, для обеспечения приверженности и активного участия населения в принятии решений и осуществлении проектов в области развития необходимо обеспечить признание и поощрение культурной самобытности народов в рамках

глобальной стратегии гармоничного развития, что предполагает не только принятие во внимание элементов, сближающих разные культуры и общих

для них, но и поощрение мирного сосуществования, которое является одним из непременных условий взаимного уважения, взаимопонимания и международного сотрудничества.

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but also, and more important, taking concrete actions to heed Africa’s voice, respect its views and accommodate its concerns.

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но также,


более важно, принимать конкретные решения, с тем чтобы голос Африки был услышан, чтобы учитывались ее мнения и решались вопросы, вызывающие у нее обеспокоенность.

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That means not only doing what the Alliance or member states say it needs to do, but to

anticipate and address the issues


they do


say, but may have concern.

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но и то,




говорят, но


может быть предметом озабоченности.

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the whole of Indonesia belongs to East Timor.

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но и


вся Индонезия принадлежит Восточному Тимору.

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That means not


am I washing away the filth and the fluids that people get on your hotel sheets.

Let me draw your attention to the fact


the element lil means not only‘wind’, but‘a breath of air.

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Хочу обратить ваше внимание, что элемент« лиль» означает не просто« ветер», а« дуновение воздуха».

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All this means not only


educators in the natural sciences should be involved,

but also those in the social sciences, humanities and other subjects.

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Все это означает не только непременное вовлечение преподавателей естественных наук,

но и преподавателей общественных, гуманитарных и других наук.

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This means that not only ordinary citizens, but above all, leaders of non-systemic opposition will become suspects.

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А это означает, что под подозрением будут не только простые граждане, но и, прежде всего, лидеры внесистемной оппозиции.

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This basically means that not only the application but also the source code is available to the public.

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Если Пандора к этому причастна, то это значит, что она не только знает, кто ты такой, но еще и имеет доступ к твоим юношеским воспоминаниям.

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but also low-income households were made even more vulnerable to economic and financial changes.

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но и повышение уязвимости домохозяйств с низкими доходами перед изменением экономического и финансового положения.

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That’s two minutes after the shooting started, which means that not only did Cutler


die instantly.

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This means that not only the border between Syria and Lebanon is being questioned, but also the Turkish border as well.

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This means that not only military but very soon the economic interests of the US and Russia in Central Asia may clash.

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Это значит, что может быть совсем скоро в Центральной Азии столкнутся не только военные, но экономические интересы США и России.

Responsive web design means that not only can our layouts change based on device characteristics, but content can change as well.

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Отзывчивый веб- дизайн предполагает, что в зависимости от параметров устройства могут меняться не только шаблоны страниц, но и контент.

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but also there is no constant power-draw.

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но и

то, что

при отсутствии операций чтения или записи энергия вообще



but the maximum amount of health benefits have been left as well.

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но также остались максимальное количество медицинских пособий.

not only do i but

Сегодня я расскажу о полезном обороте, который сам часто употребляю в речи — устной и письменной. Его логическая схема такая: «Я не только действие А, но и действие Б«. Например: «Я не только знаю этого человека, мы вместе учились в школе». Этот оборот имеет смысл изучать и брать на вооружение, если вы уже знакомы с основами грамматики.

В обороте постоянен только элемент «Not only», все остальное — это переменные. Схема оборота следующая:

Not only + вспомогательный/модальный глагол + подлежащее 1 + действие 1 + but (можно опустить) + подлежащее 2 и действие 2.

Выглядит сложно, но давайте рассмотрим схему в виде таблицы с примерами, все станет понятнее:

Not only Вспом./мод. глагол Подлежащее Действие 1 (but) + Подлежащее 2 и Действие 2
Not only do I know that person, we went to school together
No only can he sing, he also dances really well!
Not only was I paid, but I was given a bonus
Not only don’t they fight, they don’t even raise loud voices at one another.

Перевод предложений:

Not only do I know that person, we went to school together. — Я не только знаю этого человека, мы вместе учились в школе.

Not only can he sing, he also dances really well! — Он не просто умеет петь, он к тому же действительно хорошо танцует!

Not only was I paid, but I was given a bonus. — Мне не только заплатили, но еще и дали премию.

Not only don’t they fight, they don’t even raise loud voices at one another. — Они не только не ссорятся, они даже голос друг на друга не повышают.


Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Сергей Ним, я автор этого сайта, а также книг, курсов, видеоуроков по английскому языку.

Подпишитесь на мой Телеграм-канал, чтобы узнавать о новых видео, материалах по английскому языку.

У меня также есть канал на YouTube, где я регулярно публикую свои видео.

  • #1

Hi, There,
Fact: Mr.xxx is a real philanthropist, he helps a lot people in need all over the world, for example, he has financially supported over 300 poor in Africa.
Then, I want to construct one sentence to express the same meaning of above,can I do like below:

Mr.xxx has helped more than 300 poor people only in Africa.
My sentence seems likely that Mr.xxx only do his philanthropic business in Africa, but actually, he does it all over the world.
How to make a good one that can reflect the original meaning?
thank you.

Last edited: Nov 27, 2008

  • ewie

    • #2

    Hi FB. You could say:
    Mr.XXX has helped more than 300 poor people in Africa alone.


    that he has helped people in other places too.

    • #3

    Hi Fatbaby,

    What Ewie has kindly not said explicitly is that your formula (Mr.xxx has helped more than 300 poor people only in Africa) suggests that his bounty hasn’t extended outside Africa at all.

    Whereas his formula, as he points out, suggests he has been very generous elsewhere too.

    Last edited: Nov 27, 2008

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


    However, not only that, but the support itself must be really useful.

    Однако не только это, но и сама поддержка должна быть действительно полезной.

    And not only that, in spirituality you are very dynamic.

    And not only that, I was able to lead others to survive as well.

    Более того, я смогла помочь выжить и остальным.

    And not only that: Our test vehicles meet 2020 limits even today.

    Более того, «наши тестируемые автомобили соответствуют требованиям 2020 года уже сегодня.

    And not only that, you will also find sensational wines from very varying French wine-growing regions.

    Кроме того, здесь Вы обнаружите маленькие винные сенсации из самых разнообразных областей Франции.

    But not only that, places with different cuisines, curious customs and unique crafts.

    Но не только это, места с различными кухнями, любопытными обычаями и уникальными ремеслами.

    I was just a child; not only that, wild too.

    Я был всего лишь ребенком: и не только это, я был диким.

    And not only that, but it can handle the test of enthusiasts and sceptics pretty well.

    И не только это, он вполне может справиться с испытанием энтузиастов и скептиков.

    As far as I know, and you told about it, the reasons of your dismissal were not only that

    Насколько я знаю, и ты об этом рассказывал, причинами твоего увольнения явилось не только это

    And not only that, they’re poisoning their food.

    Developing infrastructure, construction of roads, but not only that.

    Развивается инфраструктура, строятся дороги, но не только это.

    And not only that, but they looked embarrassed.

    And not only that, but you owe the players over there an apology.

    И не только это, ты должен извиниться перед игроками.

    And not only that, they started using this AI’s probable future technologies to help them stay one step ahead.

    И не только это, они начали использовать всевозможные технологии будущего ИИ, чтобы помочь им оставаться на шаг впереди.

    And not only that, but for fourteen years he had strengthened and nurtured me in Dhamma.

    И не только это — в течение четырнадцати лет он укреплял меня в дхамме и питал ею.

    Many people associate off-page SEO with link building but it is not only that.

    Офф-страница SEO часто ассоциируется со строительством ссылок, но это не только это.

    Fortunately, Reykjavik offers not only that but so many other family friendly activities.

    К счастью, Рейкьявик предлагает не только это, но и многие другие семейные мероприятия.

    But not only that, you must integrate in the knowledge of Dzogchen.

    Но не только это, вы должны интегрироваться в знании Дзогчен.

    And not only that; they murder union organizers in Colombia.

    И не только это: они убивают профсоюзных лидеров в Колумбии.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Предложения, которые содержат not only that

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    Main Not Only But Also Takeaways:

    • Not only…but also is a correlative conjunction. This means that this construction helps convey two related facts, thoughts, or pieces of information.
    • It expresses unexpected or surprising information, with the second item being more surprising than the first.
    • Use this construction to create parallelism by following each part of the expression with the same part of speech. This helps add balance and flow to your writing.
    • In informal writing, you can omit the word also from the expression without changing the meaning of the sentence.
    • Correlative conjunctions like not only…but also don’t require commas to separate the pairs.
    • Replace not only…but also with synonyms like: moreover, besides, as well as, similarly, and equally important.

    Not only but also is a two-part expression that’s used to create emphasis, convey unexpected information, or add balance to a sentence. See exactly how to use this phrase effectively with tips for parallelism and plenty of examples.

    Two boys labeled as "not only" and "but also" doing a high five.

    Not only but also is a correlative conjunction. It conveys related pieces of information.

    What Does not Only but Also Mean?

    Not only…but also is a way to create parallelism in a sentence. This expression is a correlative conjunction, and is useful for linking two closely connected clauses. Basically, it sets up two related elements of a sentence. You know you’re using this pairing to correctly create parallelism when the same part of speech follows each part of the phrase. For example, if a verb comes after not only, then a verb should come after but also (He not only swims, but also rows). Similarly, if a noun follows not only, then a noun should follow but also (She is not only a doctor but also a lawyer). Use this construction to convey unexpected but related information. Or, to emphasize a surprising fact.

    In a sentence, the actual construct of the expression looks like this: not onlythisbut alsothat.

    Not only…but also is a correlative conjunction, or words or phrases that work together to link words, clauses, or phrases. They are similar to coordinating conjunctions but show a stronger connection between the linked ideas.

    In this example, each part of the not only…but also expression precedes a verb phrase for parallelism.

    In this example, a noun phrase follows both not only and but also to maintain parallelism.

    Two boys doing a high five. Boy on the left is labeled not only and the boy on the right is labeled but also. Additional text reads: Not only... but also is a correlative conjunction. This structure helps improve flow.

    Not only…but also is a correlative conjunction. This means that this construction helps convey two related facts, thoughts, or pieces of information.

    How do you use Not Only in a Sentence?

    You can use not only at the beginning of a clause. In this case, you should use not only followed by the verb (Not only is she sing a captivating dancer, but also a fantastic singer). You can also use not only in the middle of a sentence. In this case, there are two constructions you can can use. The first construction is: Subject + Verb + not only + but also (He made not only the decorations but also the costumes for the party). Alternatively, the second construction is: Subject + not only + Verb + but also (The investigation is not only on-going but also highly-classified).

    Here are examples of how to use not only in a sentence:

    5 Ways to Use Not Only…But Also:

    1. Not only + verb + subject…but also
    2. Not only + verb + subject…but + subject + also + verb…
    3. Subject + verb + not onlybut also + verb…
    4. Subject + not only + verb…but also
    5. Not only + verb + subject…but +subject + also

    A boy labeled as not only... but also is holding a placard that shows a comma mark crossed out. Additional text reads: Correlative conjunctions don't need commas.

    Correlative conjunctions like not only…but also don’t require commas to separate the pairs.

    Where do you put Not Only in a Sentence?

    You can put not only at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence. When you start a sentence with not only, the phrase is the beginning of an introductory clause and is acting as the first part of a correlative conjunction. As a result, not only must be followed by but also (Not only is the shuttle fast but also economical). When it appears in the middle of a sentence, not only usually comes after the subject and the verb (Their cat eats not only strawberries but also bananas). However, it can also come between the subject and the verb (Their daughter not onlyplaysthe piano but also runs track).

    Pro Tip: Although but also can be split, the same doesn’t hold true for not only. The first word pair in this two-part expression should never be split.

    Can you start a Sentence with Not Only?

    You can start a sentence with not only, but it must be followed by not also. This is because the expression not only..but also is a correlative conjunction that helps create parallelism, or balance, in a sentence. What’s more, when you start a sentence with not only, follow the not only with a verb (Not only were they polite but also kind). Therefore, the formula for using not only at the beginning of a sentence is: Not only + verb + subject…but also + subject + verb.

    A boy named Jake shown in two scenarios. First scene shows Jake selling fruits. The second scene shows him selling vegetables. Additional text reads: Jake not only sells fruits but also vegetables.

    Not only…but also is a way to create parallelism in a sentence. You know you’re using this pairing to correctly create parallelism when the same part of speech follows each part of the phrase.

    Is There a Comma in Not Only But Also?

    Normally, there is no comma in the construction not only…but also. This is because not only…but also is usually a correlative conjunction that helps create parallelism. Since correlative conjunctions don’t require commas to separate the pairs in the phrase, there is no comma in not only…but also (Not only did they bring drinks but also desserts!). However, you can add a comma to show additional emphasis, but this isn’t required (When planning a party, she considers the not only the quality of the products served, but also the presentation). In the end, adding a comma is a stylistic choice and not grammatically required.

    Note: Although no commas are needed when punctuating this pair, commas may be added in special circumstances for extra emphasis.

    How do you Replace Not Only But Also?

    Here are 20 replacements and synonyms for the correlative conjunction not only but also:

    1. as well as
    2. likewise
    3. similarly
    4. in the same way
    5. and
    6. in addition to
    7. furthermore
    8. additionally
    9. moreover
    10. what’s more
    11. too
    12. also
    13. both…and
    14. another
    15. equally important
    16. besides
    17. further
    18. in fact
    19. as a result
    20. consequently

    Find more not only…but also synonyms in our master list of transition words.

    Examples of Sentences Using Synonyms for Not Only But Also:

    This sentence shows the correct usage of not only…but also. There are, however, other ways of expressing a similar sentiment.

    When comparing these sentences, you may notice that the emphasis changes. For example, each construction places more or less importance on one of the phrases. As a result, the meaning of the sentence may change.

    Whenever you select words, you’re choosing nuances in meaning. By opting for a different word or phrase, you may alter the meaning of your sentence ever so slightly. What’s more, you may also alter the tone of your prose, making it less formal or more conversational.

    Can you use But Also Without Not Only

    You can use but also without not only. On one hand, if you use not only, you must follow it with but also (They not only went fishing but also hiking). On the other hand, if you just use but also, you don’t need to use not only before it (He loves to go to the movies but also enjoys the gym).

    • If you start with not only: you must follow it with but also.
    • If you don’t use not only:you can use but also by itself.

    Do you Have to use but Also With not Only?

    If you use the first part of the correlative conjunction not only, then you must use the second part but also. Conversely, if you just use the second part but also, then you don’t need to include the first part not only. In formal writing, you should use the entire construction not only…but also. However, in informal contexts, you can leave off the also and shorten the phrase to not only…but. The meaning of the sentence shouldn’t change.

    • Formal Writing: use the full construction not only…but also
    • Informal Writing: you can use the shortened construction not only…but

    Some writers may consider not only…but also to be one stylistic choice among many. After all, there are multiple options for linking two related thoughts, with each creating different shades of meaning.

    Whether you opt for this phrase or another one is up to you, and it may depend on the type of writing you’re doing. Most importantly, your sentence should not only sound natural but also be clear in meaning. That, above all, is what writing should be about.

    Quick Not Only…But Also Quiz

    Not Only… But Also Question #1

    A. Correlative conjunction

    B. Coordinating conjunction

    C. Subordinating conjunction


    The answer is A. “Not only…but also” is a correlative conjunction. They’re words or phrases that work together to link words, clauses, or phrases

    Not Only… But Also Question #2

    A. Besides she

    B. But also

    C. As well as

    D. She too


    The answer is B. «Not only…but also» is used to convey two related facts, thoughts, or pieces of information.

    Not Only… But Also Question #3

    A. Before…after

    B. Neither…nor

    C. Whether…or

    D. Either…or


    The answer is A. Correlative conjunctions serve to highlight the relationship between elements in the sentence.

    Not Only… But Also Question #4

    A. And

    B. But also

    C. Nor

    D. Or


    The answer is C. “Neither…nor” are correlative conjunctions.

    Not Only… But Also Question #5


    The answer is TRUE. The phrase becomes: “not only…but.”

    Not Only… But Also Question #6


    The answer is FALSE. Since “not only…but also” is a correlative conjunction, no comma is necessary.

    Read More: What Is Parallelism in Writing?

    Advanced English Grammar Course


    Hello students! It’s Shayna, your teacher from EspressoEnglish.net. Today, I’m going to teach you how to form sentences with the construction not only, but also.

    First of all, when do we use not only, but also? Well, we use it when we have two things and we want to give a little extra emphasis to the second thing because it’s even better, or even worse, or more surprising, or more impressive, or more shocking than the first thing. I think you’ll see as I give examples throughout this lesson.

    There are two ways to use not only, but also. You can use it in the middle and end of the sentence, or you can actually use it to start a sentence with not only. There are some grammatical considerations we have to keep in mind.

    Okay, so using not only, but also in the middle and end of a sentence I can say, “I’ve taught English not only in the U.S., but also in other countries.” Or you could say, let’s say you’re talking about someone who is a model. You could say, “She’s not only beautiful, but also very smart.”

    As you can see in both of these examples, the second part, the part that comes after “but also” is just a little more interesting or better than the first part, so we just want to give a little extra emphasis. Because, of course, you could simply say, “She’s beautiful and smart.” That’s just neutral. But if you say, “She’s not only beautiful, but also smart,” it kind of gives a little bit of extra emphasis to that second part; being smart.

    Now, the key if you use not only, but also like this, is that the two parts of the sentence have to be parallel. If you use an adjective after not only, you need to use an adjective after but also. So, beautiful and smart, those are both adjectives. “She’s not only beautiful, but also very smart.”

    It would sound strange if you said, “She’s not only beautiful, but also a singer,” because beautiful is an adjective, and a singer is a noun, and it’s not parallel. You could have two nouns. You could say, “She’s not only a model, but also a singer.” That would be all right. That sounds natural, because we have a noun and a noun.

    Another example of a sentence that sounds strange is, don’t say this: “He ate not only the pizza, but also the soda.” That doesn’t make sense because you eat pizza, but you don’t eat soda. You drink soda. So we can fix this sentence by using two different verbs after not only and but also. So you can say, “He not only ate the pizza, but also drank the soda.” I hope you can see that when you use not only and but also like this the two parts of the sentence need to be parallel so that it makes sense and it sounds natural.

    How about using not only to start a sentence? An example of this would be, “Not only does he play guitar, but he also writes his own songs.” Now, notice in the first part of the sentence we don’t say, “Not only he plays.” We actually have an auxiliary verb: does. We say, “Not only does he play guitar.” This is just a special thing that we do with not only, but also sentences. Normally, we would say, “He plays guitar.” But when you start it with not only, you say, “Not only does he play guitar, he also writes his own songs.” In sentences like this that start with not only, the but is optional. Some people eliminate it and just say, “He also writes his own songs.”

    That’s an example in the present tense. If we’re talking about the past, we can also use this construction, but now we need to use the auxiliary verb, did in the past. So, “Not only did she fail the course, but she also dropped out of college.” That means she completely left the program of studies. “Not only did she fail.” Don’t say, “Not only she failed.” “Not only did she fail the course, but she also dropped out of college.” Okay? The second part of the sentence is normal. After but also, just use the simple past. You don’t need to use an auxiliary verb there.

    You can also use this construction in the future. “Not only will you learn grammar in my advanced English grammar course, you’ll also put it into practice.” In this case, the auxiliary verb is “will”. “Not only will you learn grammar, but you’ll also,” or, “you’ll also put it into practice.” And this is true, by the way! So why don’t you try writing a couple of not only, but also sentences in the comments based on what you learned in today’s lesson?

    As I mentioned, if you’d like to get more practice with grammar, check out my Advanced English Grammar Course, because it’s designed, as I said, not only for you to learn about grammar, because you don’t just want to learn about English. You don’t just want to have an intellectual knowledge. You want to use it. Right? You want to speak it, and write it, and use it yourself. The grammar course helps you do that through quizzes, short answer exercises, and writing tasks so you can put that grammar into practice. Click on the link in the video for more information, and I hope to see you inside the course.

    “Not only…but also…” is a very powerful and useful structure that you can use to add emphasis to your arguments.

    However, the grammar related to this structure can be a little tricky.

    In this lesson you’ll learn about the principle of “inversion” (when the normal sentence structure changes into a question structure) and how to use it in IELTS Writing Task 2.

    The meaning of ‘Not only but also’

    Look at the 4 sentences below. They are all grammatically correct, and they all mean the same thing.

    So what is the difference between them?

    1. I can speak English and French.

    2. I can speak both English and French.

    3. I can speak not only English, but (also) French.

    4. Not only can I speak English, but I can also speak French.

    They are different only in terms of how much emphasis the speaker puts on the fact that they can speak 2 languages.

    #1 – simply states the facts 

    #2 ‘both’ adds emphasis to the fact that they speak more than one language 

    #3 ‘not only’ adds more emphasis, especially to the new information (I speak French too!) 

    #4 – The heavy emphasis of ‘Not only’ at the start of the sentence suggests that speaking these two languages is something amazing! 

    In Spoken English, you can use your voice (intonation) to add emphasis, but in Formal Written English (example 4), ‘Not only’ + inversion helps you add emphasis.

    You can use ‘Not only…but also’ to add emphasis to what you’re saying, so it’s really useful for example in Writing Task 2 when you want to write about advantages/disadvantages:

    1. Cycling is good for our health and the environment. (Band 5)
    2. Cycling is good for both our health and also for the environment. (Band 6)
    3. Not only is cycling good for our health, but it is also good for the environment. (Band 7)

    ‘Not only but also’ GRAMMAR (inversion)

    Look at the sentences below.

    What happens when you use ‘Not only’ at the START of the sentence?

    1a I can speak English and French.

    1b Not only can I speak English, but I can also speak French.

    You will notice that after ‘Not only‘, the normal word order changes to a QUESTION word order (Can I speak English?)

    The normal word order is inverted (changed).

    This is quite simple with modal verbs (e.g. can, will/would and should) because you don’t need to worry about auxiliary verbs (is/are/was/were, do/did and have).

    2a It will affect both animals and people.

    2b Not only will it affect animals, but it will also harm people.

    3a We should ban the use of both plastic and fossil fuels.

    3b Not only should we ban the use of plastic, but we should also ban fossil fuels.

    'Not only, but also' and other forms of inversion

    Inversion with auxiliary or ‘helping’ verbs

    We saw above that you need to turn the statements into a ‘QUESTION’ word order when you put ‘Not only’ at the START of the sentence.

    4. Cycling is good for our health and the environment.

    • Question Form: Is cycling good…?
    • Not only is cycling good for our health, but it is also good for the environment.

    5. It wasted time and money.

    • Question Form: Did it waste…?
    • Not only did it waste time, but it also wasted money.

    6. I’ve been to London and Tokyo.

    • Question Form: Have I been…?
    • Not only have I been to London, but I’ve also been to Tokyo.

    7. My phone has both a camera and a stylus.

    • Question Form: Does my phone have...
    • Not only does my phone have a camera but it also has a stylus.

    8. The food tasted awful and it was cold.

    • Question Form: Did the food taste awful..?
    • Not only did the food taste awful, but it was also cold.

    Other times you can use inversion

    The ‘Not only’ structure is mostly used in formal writing (but you can use it in Speaking for emphasis, especially when telling a story in Speaking Part 2 e.g ‘Not only did I lose my phone, but I also lost my wallet!’).

    Other structures that take inversion include:

    9a. We should not leave the EU.

    9b. Under no circumstances should we leave the EU.

    10a. Life has never been this comfortable.

    10b. Never before has life been this comfortable.

    11a. I did not think I would pass.

    11b Not for a moment did I think I would pass.

    12a. I realised my mistake when I got home.

    12b. Not until I got home did I realise my mistake.

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