Word that means never change

It may be true that the only constant is change, but English nevertheless has no shortage of words to describe things that never change: everlasting, eternal, and permanent, for example — and this word, perpetual, from the Latin perpetuus, “continuous.” In casual usage, though, you might hear someone say “This


  • 1 What are some things that never change?
  • 2 What’s another way to say some things never change?
  • 3 Will never change meaning?
  • 4 What is something that constantly changes?
  • 5 What can we change?
  • 6 What should you never try in life?
  • 7 How do you describe something that never ends?
  • 8 What do you call something that never ends?
  • 9 What is something that never ends?
  • 10 What is the difference between something and some thing?
  • 11 What is the opposite of change?
  • 12 What is a fancy word for change?
  • 13 What’s a word that means ever changing?
  • 14 What are three things you Cannot change?
  • 15 How can I get a life?
  • 16 How can a teenager change the world?
  • 17 Which 10 things we should never do?
  • 18 What is something new try?
  • 19 What I should not do?
  • 20 What is the word for endless loop?

What are some things that never change?

11 Things That Will Never Change in Life (No Matter How Hard You…

  • You’re accountable to someone.
  • You’re not going to live forever.
  • You can’t please everyone.
  • You’ll never catch up to the Joneses.
  • Holding that grudge is never going to have the effect you’re hoping for.

What’s another way to say some things never change?

What is another word for never-changing?

perpetual eternal
unending ageless
timeless constant
imperishable long-lasting
unchanging deathless

Will never change meaning?

adjective. That never changes; remaining the same.

Changing or varying at regular intervals. erratic. dynamic. unstable. inconsistent.

What can we change?

10 Things You Can Do Now to Change Your Life Forever

  • Find Meaning. Spend some time trying to sort out what is important in your life and why it is important.
  • Create a Dream Board.
  • Set Goals.
  • Let Go of Regrets.
  • Do Something That Scares You.
  • Start Living a Well-Balanced Life.
  • Face Your Fears.
  • Accept Yourself.

What should you never try in life?

9 things you should never do in life

  • Lie to yourself.
  • Say “I can’t” to everything that looks difficult.
  • Have zero goals to aspire to.
  • Depend on other people for constant love, attention, or entertainment.
  • Obsess about other people’s things or words.
  • Dwell on your mistakes.
  • Spend what you don’t have.

How do you describe something that never ends?

eternal, unrelenting, incessant, ceaseless, unceasing, protracted, enduring, ongoing, constant, bottomless, long-winded, long-drawn-out, inexhaustible, lifelong, lengthy, prolonged, continual, unremitting, continuous, persistent, ever-present, continuing, boundless, indefinite, long-lasting.

What do you call something that never ends?

In this page you can discover 27 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for never-ending, like: eternal, everlasting, endless, timeless, immortal, persistent, amaranthine, perpetual, infinite, continual and incessant.

What is something that never ends?

incessant, continuous, unceasing, ceaseless, constant, continual, perpetual, unfaltering, permanent, uninterrupted, without interruption, unbroken, steady, unremitting, relentless, persistent, interminable, non-stop, without ceasing, endless, unending, without end, everlasting, eternal.

What is the difference between something and some thing?

Something is a compound, and should always be spelled as a single word. As you can see, the two-word some thing is so infrequently used that it approached zero. Something is the correct spelling of this pronoun.Most people would also simply use the pronoun something.

What is the opposite of change?

Antonyms: rest, remain, stay. Synonyms: switch, alter, shift, modify, exchange, vary, commute, transfer, convert, interchange, deepen.

What is a fancy word for change?

adjustment, advance, development, difference, diversity, innovation, modification, reversal, revision, revolution, shift, switch, transformation, transition, variation, turnaround, adjust, alter, diminish, evolve.

What’s a word that means ever changing?

fast-changing, Evolving, changeable, evolutionary, dynamic.

What are three things you Cannot change?

“…the three things I cannot change are the past, the truth, and you.”

How can I get a life?

Five Ways To Get A Life

  1. Shorten your workday by 30 minutes. I promise you’ll get more done than if you put in your usual nine to ten hours.
  2. Avoid multitasking.
  3. Break the habit of total self-reliance.
  4. Capture all your to-dos in one place.
  5. Schedule one purely joyful activity each week.

How can a teenager change the world?

In big ways or small, here are ten ways teenagers like you and me can make a difference!

  1. Volunteer.
  2. Tutor Younger Children.
  3. Donate.
  4. Collect Soda Tabs/Cans.
  5. Pay it Forward.
  6. Attend a Mission.
  7. Make Up Care Packages for Military.
  8. Get First Aid Certification.

Which 10 things we should never do?

10 Things You Should Never Do In Life

  • Never try smoking.
  • Never ignore your parents.
  • Never let anyone control your life.
  • Never avoid your health.
  • Never put work over family or friends.
  • Never spend more than you earn.
  • Never be judgmental.
  • Never forget who helped you in tough times.

What is something new try?

20 Ways to Try Something New

  • Plant flowers.
  • Build a Lego house.
  • Doodle or try an adult coloring book.
  • Play a game of chess or checkers.
  • Listen to a podcast.
  • Visit an art gallery.
  • Take a series of photos.
  • Watch a film short on ShortOfTheWeek.com.

What I should not do?

8 Things You Should <em>Not</em> Do Every Day

  • Check my phone while I’m talking to someone.
  • Multitask during a meeting.
  • Think about people who don’t make any difference in my life.
  • Use multiple notifications.
  • Let the past dictate the future.
  • Wait until I’m sure I will succeed.
  • Talk behind someone’s back.

What is the word for endless loop?

1 boundless, ceaseless, constant, continual, eternal, everlasting, immortal, incessant, infinite, interminable, limitless, measureless, perpetual, unbounded, unbroken, undying, unending, uninterrupted, unlimited. 2 interminable, monotonous, overlong. 3 continuous, unbroken, undivided, whole.

never change — перевод на русский

Steve will never change.

Стив никогда не изменится.

~ You never change.

— Он никогда не изменится.

— No, he’s just Jack. He’ll never change.

Он никогда не изменится.

That’s what he was like when we were there… and that’s how he is now. It’ll never change.

Он должен знать свое место и теперь, когда… у него немного власти, он никогда не изменится.

Never changes.

Никогда не изменится.

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Some people never change.

Некоторые люди никогда не меняются.

I love how certain things about New York never change.

Мне нравится видеть, что определённые вещи в Нью-Йорке никогда не меняются.

Things never change.

Вещи никогда не меняются.

Look, this neighborhood never changes.

Смотрите, его соседи никогда не меняются.

They’re, like recycled through different bodies, but they never change.

Они, как будто обработаны через разные тела, но они никогда не меняются.

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The stars never die and never change.

Звезды не умирают и не меняются.

Boys never change.

Мальчишки не меняются.

Some things never change.

Приятно знать, что некоторые вещи не меняются.

Who says people never change?

Кто сказал, что люди не меняются?

Some things never change.

— Некоторые вещи не меняются.

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He never changes the baby.

Никогда не меняет ребенку подгузники.

There’s an old saying: the leopard never changes its spots.

Есть старая пословица: леопард никогда не меняет свои пятна.

She never changes her schedule.

Она никогда не меняет своё расписание.

Saxon moves from city to city, but his job never changes.

Саксон переезжает из города в город, но работу никогда не меняет.

A leopard never changes his spots.

Леопард никогда не меняет свои пятна.

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The sense will never change

Смысл не изменится

The sense will never change I»ve concentrated on this strength to perceive

Смысл не изменится Я медитировала на эту силу, чтобы постичь

The sense will never change I have concentrated On this strength to perceive

Смысл не изменится Мы медитировали на эту силу, чтобы постичь

I know my father’s will off by heart, sir, and I know it will never change.

Я знаю завещание моего отца наизусть, сэр, и знаю, что оно не изменится.

What if that never changes?

А что, если он не изменится?

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It never changed.

Оно неизменно

Because some things never change, Jason and some things do.

Что-то в мире неизменно, Джейсон. Но не всё.

That’s never changed.

Это неизменно.

Time passes, but some things never change.

Приятно видеть, что хоть чтото в мире неизменно.

That never changes.

Это неизменно.

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I’m sick of mulling over things I can never change. They ruin the little time you have left.

Если пережёвывать в уме вещи, которые всё равно уже не изменить, так можно испортить всю оставшуюся жизнь.

And so PBJs will always be a part of our society, and you can never change that.

Сладкие бутеры всегда будут частью нашей жизни. Этого не изменить.

But she told me something -— that she knew we were different, and that’d probably never change, but, you know, we had to put that behind us.

Но сказала мне кое-что… она сказала, что мы с ним разные, и этого не изменить, но мы должны перешагнуть через это.

That will never change.

Этого не изменить.

You can never change their mind.

Их не изменить, что тут ни делай.

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It’ll never change the truth.

Это никогда не изменит правду.

Uther will never change his attitude towards magic, I know that, but if Arthur allows it to be used to heal his father, his attitude will be changed forever.

Утер никогда не изменит своё отношение к магии, я знаю это, но если Артур использует её для излечения своего отца, его отношение изменится навсегда

That you love her and you understand that it’s her life, and geography will never change your feelings.

Что ты любишь её и понимаешь, что это её жизнь, и география никогда не изменит ваших чувств.

Barry, whatever happens, it will never change the way that I feel about you.

Барри, что бы ни случилось, это никогда не изменит моего отношения к тебе.

That will never change.

И этого уже никогда не изменить.

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Pay attention, you are going too far! You never change!

Стой, ты мимо прошел Всегда здесь путаю

That guy will never change.

Он всегда такой.

That’ll never change.

И так будет всегда.

That never changed.

И так будет всегда.

And that, Mr.de Witt, will never change.

И так будет всегда, господин де Витт.

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Daleks never change their minds.

Такого они никогда не делают.

You’ll never change, and you’ll never leave.

Ты никогда не исправишься и проведешь здесь всю свою жизнь.

But my love for Miss Tie will never change.

Моя любовь к госпоже Тай никогда не пройдёт.

But a mother and child and dinner-— That’ll never change.

Но мать и дитя и семейная трапеза-— Никогда не уйдут из нашей жизни.

Something happened yesterday, did it not… that made Dominique realise that you would never change your lecherous ways.

Вчера кое-что произошло, не так ли… что позволило Доминике понять, что вы никогда не свернёте с развратного пути. — Неужели?

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  • никогда не изменится
  • никогда не меняются
  • не меняются
  • никогда не меняет
  • не изменится
  • неизменно
  • не изменить
  • никогда не изменит
  • всегда
  • никогда не

1. A phrase spoken to someone when you’re impressed by their lack of inhibition, cynicism, or adherence to social norms.

2. Can also be used sarcastically and/or passive-agressively when shocked by someone’s lack of self-awareness or tact.

1. «You threw the drink in HER face? Nice. Never change bro.»

2. «Did you just take your tip back out of the jar? Wow. Never change man»

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War. War never changes.

In the year 1945, my great-great grandfather, serving in the army, wondered when he’d get to go home to his wife and the son he’d never seen. He got his wish when the US ended World War II by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The World awaited Armageddon; instead, something miraculous happened. We began to use atomic energy not as a weapon, but as a nearly limitless source of power.

People enjoyed luxuries once thought the realm of science fiction. Domestic robots, fusion-powered cars, portable computers. But then, in the 21st century, people awoke from the American dream.

Years of consumption lead to shortages of every major resource. The entire world unraveled. Peace became a distant memory. It is now the year 2077. We stand on the brink of total war, and I am afraid. For myself, for my wife, for my infant son — because if my time in the army taught me one thing: it’s that war, war never changes.

Get the War. War never changes. mug.

War. War never changes.

In the year 1945, my great-great grandfather, serving in the army, wondered when he’d get to go home to his wife and the son he’d never seen. He got his wish when the US ended World War II by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The World awaited Armageddon; instead, something miraculous happened. We began to use atomic energy not as a weapon, but as a nearly limitless source of power.

People enjoyed luxuries once thought the realm of science fiction. Domestic robots, fusion-powered cars, portable computers. But then, in the 21st century, people awoke from the American dream.

Years of consumption lead to shortages of every major resource. The entire world unraveled. Peace became a distant memory. It is now the year 2077. We stand on the brink of total war, and I am afraid. For myself, for my wife, for my infant son — because if my time in the army taught me one thing: it’s that war, war never changes.

Get the War. War never changes. mug.

War. War never changes.

In the year 1945, my great-great grandfather, serving in the army, wondered when he’d get to go home to his wife and the son he’d never seen. He got his wish when the US ended World War II by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The World awaited Armageddon; instead, something miraculous happened. We began to use atomic energy not as a weapon, but as a nearly limitless source of power.

People enjoyed luxuries once thought the realm of science fiction. Domestic robots, fusion-powered cars, portable computers. But then, in the 21st century, people awoke from the American dream.

Years of consumption lead to shortages of every major resource. The entire world unraveled. Peace became a distant memory. It is now the year 2077. We stand on the brink of total war, and I am afraid. For myself, for my wife, for my infant son — because if my time in the army taught me one thing: it’s that war, war never changes.

nate:War. War never changes.

In the year 1945, my great-great grandfather, serving in the army, wondered when he’d get to go home to his wife and the son he’d never seen. He got his wish when the US ended World War II by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The World awaited Armageddon; instead, something miraculous happened. We began to use atomic energy not as a weapon, but as a nearly limitless source of power.

People enjoyed luxuries once thought the realm of science fiction. Domestic robots, fusion-powered cars, portable computers. But then, in the 21st century, people awoke from the American dream.

Years of consumption lead to shortages of every major resource. The entire world unraveled. Peace became a distant memory. It is now the year 2077. We stand on the brink of total war, and I am afraid. For myself, for my wife, for my infant son — because if my time in the army taught me one thing: it’s that war, war never changes.

Get the War. War Never changes mug.

Continue Learning about English Language Arts

What does the prefix word aero mean?

The Prefix Aero means, alike . :)

What other word means style the way things are changing?


What is a verbatim quotes?

it means to quote someone exactly word by word without changing

What part of speech is the word never?

The word never is an adverb (of frequency). It means under no

What is another word for never satisfied?

The word insatiable means never satisfied or impossible to

Early instances of the exact sentence

Two sources in the Google Books database contain the phrase «War never changes» as a standalone sentence. The earlier of those two matches is from «The Day’s Work of a Soldier,» in The World’s Work: Second War Manual: The Conduct of the War (1914):

«The great Napoleon won his victories because the Grand Army could outmarch the enemy. It is the same to-day. War never changes. Only weapons are new. Yet it is not the weapons, but the men who handle them, who win victories.»

This quotation is attributed the head waiter in an unnamed restaurant in an unspecified locale in France, speaking during the first few months of what proved to be a long and monstrous First World War. It is evidently the same quotation that site participant P. O. cites in a comment beneath Jack Graveney’s answer as appearing in a book published a year later, Practical Warfare: Chapters on Armies and Navies in Action (1915).

And from U.S. Congress, House Foreign Affairs Committee, American Neutrality Policy: Hearings … on Present Neutrality Law (1939):

As often as not, our effort to promote peace by maintaining neutrality aided the aggressor and contributed to the calamity of the victim. In the topsy-turvy situation surrounding neutrality, however, war remained the same grim reality. War never changes. It only becomes more bloody and brutal.

Early instances of similar but slightly longer expressions

From «Story of War Told in Field Marshal Haig’s Reports,» in the New York Tribune (March 14, 1920):

In these interviews [with André de Maricourt], Foch [France’s Field Marshal] discusses the immutability of strategic principles. But he says guardedly: «War never changes in its essence; it only changes in its means.» Again: «No. War hasn’t changed since men have existed. But don’t you realize that it really demands a great deal of art?»

From Walter Karig, Battle Report: The War in Korea, volume 6 (1960) [combined snippets], we have this longer-winded version of the expression:

But the means of warfare change from conflict to conflict while the meaning of war never changes: at least, not for Americans. The men who fought from Seoul to the Naktong, who held at Masan, drove through Inchon, blasted a path from Chosin to Hungnam, fought for the same national principles that guided us at Saratoga, at Algiers, at Manila Bay and San Juan Hill, Château-Thierry, Normandy, Leyte. It isn’t all idealism.

From American Legion magazine, volumes 138–139 (1995) [combined snippets], we have this variant:

One thing about war never changes. Those who fight them always pray it will end. In Korea, the hope for peace often took a cruel turn, as Robert McGinn of Huntington, W.Va., recalls.

And from Journal of International Affairs, volume 51 (1997) [combined snippets]:

The nature of war never changes; «war,» after all, «is an act of force to compel our enemy to do our will,» as Karl von Clausewitz stated over a century and a half ago in his book On War.

Early instances in which ‘war never changes’ something else

There are also a number of matches in Google Books, Elephind, and Hathi Trust search results in which «war never changes» appears as part of a longer thought about things that war cannot change. Two of these may be of particular interest. From the «Confederate Veterans’ Excursion,» in the Alexandria [Virginia] Gazette (July 23, 1895):

The address of the evening was delivered by Major Conrad. During his speech Major Conrad said: «War decides nothing. War never changes a conviction. War never changes any man’s honest sentiment. We accept the result of the civil war.» The principal topic of conversation during the evening was the proposed erection of a monument to Gen. Winfield S. Hancock, in New Orleans, by the Confederate Veterans of the United States.

In a letter dated August 6, 1898, from Theodore Roosevelt to his sister Corrine, reprinted in Corinne Roosevelt Robinson, My Brother Theodore Roosevelt (1921):

War never changes its hideous phantasms. The heroism of even modern men (and none the less of the women who let them go) is the one thing to glory and hope in. We pack up tonight. My love to all.

From Funk Blentano and Sorell, quoted in The Thalia (May 5, 1905) a judicial decision issued by the Yokosuka Prize Court, reprinted in Sakuye Takahashi, International Law Applied to the Russo-Japanese War with the Decisions of the Japanese Prize Courts (1908):

The people of the hostile state have their property in a belligerent state, because they rely on the law of the latter in the protection of property right in ordinary times. And as war never changes such national law, such state must respect and protect the enemy’s private property also, as long as it continues to give protection to property rights. Otherwise the result will be that the state violates its own law.

And from «What the War Has Not Changed,» in the [Sydney, Australia] Direct Action (April 22, 1916):

The press and the rest of our mentors are very careful not to state that there is one thing which war never changes, which peace never prevents, namely, exploitation. This is a word entirely foreign to their vocabulary. Webster, indeed, tells us it is no longer «in use.»


Through the years, a number of people have voiced the view the that war in its essence is always the same. The earliest match in the searches I ran for the exact sentence «War never changes» is attributed to a French waiter in 1914, near the beginning of the First World War. Six years later, however, while thinking back on the recently concluded First World War, France’s world-famous Field Marshal Foch says something very similar: «War never changes in its essence

I suppose that Foch’s comments may have had a bit more impact than the waiter’s. But I like to imagine that he got the idea one day at a café while eating breakfast and listening to the grumblings of a particularly exasperated server.

On the other hand, Foch’s connection to the saying «War never changes» doesn’t seem especially well established in the public mind. Wikiquote, for example, lists four quotations from Foch on the subject of war, but Wikiquote attributes the quotation «War never changes» to Scott Campbell, Brian Freyermuth, and Mark O’Green, Fallout, interpreted by Ron Perlman as the narrator (1997).

Similar statements about the immutability of war appear in a Congressional discussion during the uneasy days just prior to the Second World War, shortly after the Korean War, long after the Korean War, and in what appears to be a general retrospective on war written in 1997—the same year that the quotation appeared in Fallout.

Ultimately the most accurate conclusion may be that a lot of people over the years have said «War never changes,» and that none of them had to rely on any authority beyond their own experience in reaching that formulation. With the mass-market reach of Fallout, of course, the calculus has changed—because Fallout, unlike Field Marshal Foch, seems to have cultural staying power in today’s English-speaking world (and beyond).

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