- more than happy
•• happy, more than happy
•• Happy 1. fortunate; lucky; feeling or expressing pleasure, contentment, satisfaction, etc. 2. (in polite formulas) pleased (A.S. Hornby).
•• Английское слово happy – не совсем то же самое, что русское счастливый. Скорее оно означает довольный. Are you happy here? – Тебе здесь нравится? Отсюда и чрезмерное, на первый взгляд, more than happy: I’ll be more than happy to help you означает просто-напросто я буду рад (я всегда готов) помочь вам.
•• * В интересном интервью Ады Баскиной в «Новой газете» (http://2004.novayagazeta.ru/nomer/2004/41n/n41n-s23.shtml) много верного, но есть, на мой взгляд, и неточности. Вот, например, такой пассаж:
•• Американцы в лучшую сторону отличаются от русских своим позитивным отношением к жизни. Оптимизмом. Известно, что на вопрос, как дела, американец автоматически отвечает: отлично! замечательно! великолепно!.. А когда я говорю своей соседке: «Леночка, вы прекрасно выглядите…» – она начинает: «Ой, да что вы! Я всю ночь стирала. У меня мешки под глазами, голова раскалывается, растрепанная вся…». Все у Леночки в жизни более-менее нормально, но она, как всякий русский, акцентируется исключительно на плохом. А американец…
•• Помню, поинтересовалась однажды у своей коллеги-социолога Шэрон, как живут американцы. Она отвечает: «Большинство американцев очень счастливы». Я на нее вылупилась: какой же надо быть идиоткой, чтобы такую фразу произнести! Тем более социологу! Да в какой такой общности людей большинство счастливо?! А где же смерть близких, супружеская неверность, бомжи и безработные, болезни?.. Тысячи людей в Америке не имеют медицинской помощи, потому что у них нет денег на оплату страховки… Что за бред она несет?
•• А у самой этой женщины вид довольно счастливый, и я подумала: вот что личное удовлетворение делает с человеком – превращает его в идиота! Попросила Шэрон рассказать о себе. И Шэрон рассказала… У нее был муж, с которым она прожила несколько лет в постоянных скандалах, – он ее бил, затерроризировал детей до нервных припадков… После развода отобрал у Шэрон с детьми дом. «Но теперь мы развелись, и я совершенно счастлива! – говорит она. – А детей психолог вылечил, и они теперь тоже совершенно счастливы. Правда, сына моего недавно ограбили и избили, он лежит в больнице вторую неделю. Но ему уже лучше, ему сильно повезло – все срослось нормально, и он счастлив».
•• «А дочь?» – спрашиваю я, уже боясь продолжения. «А у дочери был жених Пол. Они два года встречались и были совершенно счастливы. Но мы католики, а родители Пола протестанты, и они были против их брака. Поэтому молодые расстались. Пол вскоре женился. Дочь долго переживала…». Я сижу молчу – ни жива ни мертва. Боюсь уже задавать вопросы: налицо семейная драма – два года встречались, расстались, слезы, девушка переживает… А Шэрон продолжает: «Но это было давно, полгода назад. С тех пор она познакомилась с другим парнем и очень счастлива».
•• И тут я поняла: это не диагноз, это установка. Установка на то, что все вокруг хорошо, за исключением того, что скоро будет еще лучше. Некоторая доля неадекватности в таком восприятии жизни есть, конечно. Но по большому счету подобное отношение к жизни мне нравится больше, чем наше постоянное нытье и жалобы на жизнь.
•• Все это рассуждение построено на неправильном понимании слова happy. В «Моем несистематическом словаре» о различии английского (американского прежде всего) happy и русского представления о счастье сказано очень кратко: «Скорее оно [happy] означает довольный». Хотел бы добавить, что русское представление о счастье интуитивно формулируется с большим завышением, ну просто поэма экстаза какая-то. Из-за таких завышенных требований – сдержанная, мягко говоря, оценка жизни (см. статью нормально «Моего несистематического словаря»).
•• Конечно, у разных американцев разное представление о happiness, но в целом оно, пожалуй, «на полтона ниже», чем у нас. И самое главное – «градус счастья», по-видимому, разный у существительного (все-таки ближе к нашему) и прилагательного, которое употребляется рутинно.
•• Вот пример из только что полученного официального письма:
•• I would, of course, be happy to meet with <…> when an agreement is finalized.
•• В переводе единственно правильный вариант – рутинное Я буду рад встретиться (интересно, что по-русски сослагательное наклонение, вроде бы соответствующее английскому would, не требуется, более того – нарушало бы узус и даже, по-моему, грамматическую норму).
•• Похожие различия рассматриваются в работах выдающейся польской лингвистки Анны Вежбицкой (Anna Wierzbicka). Например, в книге Semantics, Culture, and Cognition: Universal Human Concepts in Culture-Specific Configurations разбираются такие «непереводимые» русские слова, как душа, судьба, жалость, тоска, пошлость и т.д. Интересен диахронический разбор cлова friend – эволюция значения данного слова в английском языке от «вертикального» (глубокая, эмоциональная дружба) к нынешнему «горизонтальному» (поверхностная дружба, знакомство, просто нахождение рядом – Your friend here). Со словом friendship этого не произошло, как не произошло в русском языке и со словом друг (или если и произошло, то в гораздо меньшей степени). Насколько я знаю, слово happy (с его «эквивалентами» в других языках) в ее работах не рассматривается.
English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary .
Смотреть что такое «more than happy» в других словарях:
more than happy — more than likely/happy/ready/etc phrase very likely, happy etc It’s more than likely that they will change the rules again next year. I’d be more than happy to show you round our factory. Thesaurus … Useful english dictionary
more than likely — more than likely/happy/ready/etc phrase very likely, happy etc It’s more than likely that they will change the rules again next year. I’d be more than happy to show you round our factory. Thesaurus … Useful english dictionary
more than ready — more than likely/happy/ready/etc phrase very likely, happy etc It’s more than likely that they will change the rules again next year. I’d be more than happy to show you round our factory. Thesaurus … Useful english dictionary
more than — adjective (comparative of much used with mass nouns) a quantifier meaning greater in size or amount or extent or degree more land more support more rain fell more than a gallon • Syn: ↑more • Ant: ↑less … Useful english dictionary
More than Love — Single by Wet Wet Wet from the album High on the Happy Side Released March 9, 1992 (UK) … Wikipedia
More Than Us — Single by Travis featuring Anne Dudley from the album Good Feeling Rel … Wikipedia
More Than This (song) — More Than This Single by Roxy Music from the album Avalon B side India Released April 1982 (1982 04) … Wikipedia
More Than You Know (1929 song) — More Than You Know is a popular song, with music written by Vincent Youmans and lyrics by Billy Rose and Edward Eliscu. The song was published in 1929. The song was introduced in the Broadway musical Great Day where it was sung by Mayo Methot. It … Wikipedia
more — [ mɔr ] function word, quantifier *** More is the comparative form of much and many and can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by a noun): He wants to spend more time with his family. as a pronoun: I wish I could do more to… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
more — more1 W1S1 [mo: US mo:r] adv 1.) [used before an adjective or adverb to form the comparative] having a particular quality to a greater degree ≠ ↑less ▪ You ll have to be more careful next time. ▪ Can t it be done more quickly? much/a lot/far more … Dictionary of contemporary English
more */*/*/ — UK [mɔː(r)] / US [mɔr] adverb, determiner, pronoun Summary: More is the comparative form of much and many and can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by a noun): He wants to spend more time with his family. as a pronoun: I… … English dictionary
be more than happy — перевод на русский
I’m more than happy to pay my share, but you’re gonna have to pay your share, too.
Я всегда буду с радостью оплачивать свою часть расходов на школу но тебе тоже придется вкладывать свою долю.
Of your species and you two would like some privacy, I’d be more than happy to get out of your way.
И если наука когда нибудь найдет существо твоего вида, и вы захотите остаться наедине, я с радостью предоставлю вам эту возможность.
Because there are 11 of your friends right here Who are going to be more than happy to help clean you off.
Потому что 11 твоих друзей здесь, и с радостью почистят тебя.
When the missionaries went overseas, the Catholic Church was more than happy to mingle two cultures.
огда миссионеры прибыли на эту землю, католическа€ церковь с радостью согласилась на смешение двух культур.
We’ll all move a lot faster once we’re fortified, and I’m certain the good tavern keeper will be more than happy to pack up our victuals for the road.
Мы все будем двигаться гораздо быстрее, Как только мы подкрепимся. и я уверен, хороший трактирщик с радостью соберет нам еды в дорогу.
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Ilive,it ‘senough, I am more than happy.
Я живу, и этого достаточно. Я более чем счастлив.
I’m more than happy to invest my money and my time if I believe some good will come of it.
Я более чем счастлив вложить деньги и время, если я верю, что от этого будет толк.
I’m more than happy to help pick up the pieces.
Я более чем счастлив помочь собрать кусочки.
If you need assistance applying it to your affected areas, then I’m more than happy…
Если вам нужна помощь для его применения на ваших пострадавших районах, тогда я более чем счастлив…
I’m more than happy to put my life on hold for two years while you enter into a fake marriage with a celebrity.
Я более чем счастлив перевести мою жизнь на два года в режим ожидания пока ты вступаешь в фиктивный брак со знаменитостью
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I was more than happy to.
Я был более, чем счастлив.
But until then i’m more than happy to further her agenda.
Но до этого я более, чем счастлив ее решением.
I am more than happy to respect your wishes.
Я более, чем счастлив, чтобы учитывать твои пожелания.
And I’ll be more than happy to fill your shoes.
И я буду более, чем счастлив занять твое место.
And I would be more than happy and agree if you were to sign over 65% of your business to me.
И я буду более, чем счастлив и согласен, если ты перепишешь на меня 65% своего бизнеса, спасибо.
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So, if you felt like calling me back, I’d be more than happy to do the traditional Christmas grovelling.
Если захочешь мне перезвонить, буду счастлив попросить традиционного рождественского прощения.
I will be more than happy to try and find someone for you to continue this, but I cannot…
Я буду счастлив, найти кого-нибудь, кто бы продолжил это дело, но я не смогу…
I’d be more than happy to show you around.
Буду счастлив тебе все показать.
This is textbook racial profiling… and I’d be more than happy to call the ACLU or the government…
Типичное расовое преследование я буду счастлив позвонить в правоохранительную—
I’d be more than happy to help.
Буду счастлив помочь.
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I’d be more than happy to give you a hand.
Я с удовольствием вам помогу.
As soon as I contact my lawyer… we’ll be more than happy to oblige.
Как только я свяжусь с адвокатом, мы, с удовольствием, это сделаем.
I’d be more than happy to write your ending, Mr. Shooter.
Я с удовольствием перепишу свой финал на твой, мистер Кокни.
You want to hear about against the law, i’d be more than happy to oblige!
Ты хочешь услышать, что противозаконно, я с удовольствием тебе объясню.
I’d be more than happy to…
Я с удовольствием это сделаю.
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Welcome to Happy where we are more than happy to be hosting… the 18th Annual Little Miss Fresh Squeezed…
Добро пожаловать! Мы рады, что в нашем городе проходит 18-й ежегодный конкурс Мисс Сочный Апельсинчик!
To prevent the spread of this contagion, they are more than happy to let every Human in this town die, myself included.
Чтобы остановить болезнь, они будут жутко рады, если все жители этого города умрут, считая и меня.
— Charles or myself will be more than happy to answer that.
— Мы с Чарльзом рады ответить на любой вопрос.
He’s more than happy for you to take me.
Он будет рад, что я иду с тобой.
He’s more than happy for you to go and speak with him.
Он будет рад, если вы придете и поговорите с ним.
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I’d be more than happy to bring some by the Infirmary later this afternoon.
Но так как я лишил вас десерта, я буду рад принести вам немного шоколада в лазарет позже днем.
It needs to be communicated to lemon that if she wants to play business, i’m more than happy to play with her.
Надо донести до Лемон мысль, что если она хочет поиграть в бизнес, то я буду рад поиграть с ней в эту игру.
Although, if you’re interested in some revenge sex I’d be more than happy to oblige.
Хотя, если ты заинтересована в сексе в качестве мести… Буду рад помочь.
If you decide to finish your dissertation, I’d be more than happy to help.
Если решишь дописать диссертацию, я буду рад помочь.
I… I’m more than happy to come back later, sir.
Я буду рад зайти позже, сэр.
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I’m not with anyone right now, and I would be more than happy to help you in any way.
У меня сейчас нет клиентов, и я буду более чем счастлив помочь вам.
If he ever wants to talk, I’d be more than happy…
Если он когда-нибудь захочет поговорить, я буду более чем счастлив…
I’ll be more than happy to cut in.
Я буду более чем счастлив заменить его.
Why? If Dr Karamides is going to be ummoned before a tribunal, I want you to know I will be more than happy to speak on her behalf.
Если доктор Карамайдс собирается предстать философом перед трибуналом, знай, что я буду более чем счастлив представлять ее интересы.
I’ll be more than happy to tell everybody what a hospitable mayor we got.
Я буду более чем счастлив рассказать всем, какого гостеприимного мэра мы выбрали.
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I’m more than happy to step in.
Я очень рада, что принимаю участие…
I’m more than happy to get a reliever.
Я очень рада, что у тебя всё наладилось.
Not that U.S. currency has any value up here, but if you’d be inclined to take it, I’d be more than happy to provide it …
Не то чтобы денежные знаки США имели здесь какую-то ценность, но если бы вы были склонны их взять, я был бы очень рад их вам предоставить…
So, moving forward, sir, I would be more than happy to help you with any of your other cases.
На будущее, сэр, я был бы очень рад помогать вам и в других делах.
Okay, well, maybe you didn’t see it, but he was more than happy to put all that neurotic crap on you, going on and on about Godard and Scorsese while you did all the heavy lifting.
Ладно, может ты не видишь этого, но он был очень рад вываливать всё это невротическое дерьмо на тебя, снова и снова говоря про Годара и Скорсезе, пока ты тянула на себе весь груз.
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Because unlike you, he was more than happy to sign the request in exchange for immunity.
Ведь в отличии от вас, он был более чем рад подписать заявление в обмен на иммунитет.
Now, I was more than happy to take up your case with the doubters on the faculty.
Я был более чем рад отстоять вас перед теми, кто в вас сомневается.
Would have been more than happy to share his knowledge.
Он был бы более чем рад поделиться своими знаниями.
Now, if you would like, I’d be more than happy to walk around here with you, show you where I would hide mine in case there might be a place that you might miss.
И, если ты не возражаешь, я был бы более чем рад пройтись тут вокруг с тобой и показать где бы я сам мог спрятать мину на случай, если ты вдруг пропустишь такое место.
I am more than happy to pay for a fire department.
Я более чем рад платит пожарному депо.
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- буду рад
- буду более чем счастлив
- очень рада
- был более чем рад
The phrase “more than happy to help” is common to see in the workplace (and outside of it). You might include it in emails, and it’s important to know what it means and how it works. This article will explore that and show you how to use it yourself.
What Does “More Than Happy To Help” Mean?
“More than happy to help” means that somebody is happier than most other people to give us assistance on something. “More than” is a comparative phrase, and the context implies they’re happier than the other available options to us (i.e., “I’m more than happy to help you here!”).
The definition of “help,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to make it possible or easier for someone to do something, by doing part of the work yourself or by providing advice, money, support, etc.”
It’s most common to hear “more than happy to help” in the customer service field. Typically, staff working closely with customers will aid them and be “more than happy” to do so, implying they’re happier than most of the other people on their staff to help us out.
You may see “more than happy to help” in business emails. It’s good to know when it’s likely to come up, and we’ll explore some examples of when it might occur for you.
- Dear Mr. Jacobs,
- I read about the upcoming event for the elderly over the weekend.
- I’m writing to you to let you know that I’m more than happy to help with whatever you need.
- Yours,
- Tom Baker
- Dear Mrs. Swan,
- I’m more than happy to help you set up our business’s website.
- Just give me the required details, and I’ll get working on it straight away.
- Kind regards,
- Craig Tomkins
- Dear sir,
- I’d like to offer my services as I’m more than happy to help with a new startup.
- I’ll give you a discounted rate for reaching out to me as well.
- I look forward to hearing from you soon,
- Charlie Charleston
In an email, we might offer our services or time by using “more than happy to help.” If a situation clearly needs someone to lend a hand, we might use the phrase to indicate that we’re available for somebody to make the most of that help.
In an email format, the phase works well to show that we’re ready to help out. It also shows that we’re proactive, which is a key quality that most employers look for.
“More Than Happy” Example sentences
Now that we’ve seen the phrase with “to help” in an email format, we thought we’d strip it back and show you some examples using the first portion of the phrase “more than happy.”
We can be “more than happy” to do many things. In any case, whatever verb we use, we’re indicating that we’re happier than the rest of the available people to do it.
- I am more than happy to attend your wedding this weekend, John!
- I will be more than happy to join you later today!
- I’m more than happy to oversee the work project if you let me.
- I am more than happy to stop by, and I’d love to see what you’ve done with the place.
- I will be more than happy to give you all the help you need with this project!
- You were more than happy to guide me on this journey.
- I am more than happy to make sure you get home safe; it’s the least I could do.
- They were more than happy to watch me leave the building.
- He was more than happy to offer you a revised contract, per your request.
“More than happy” applies to many areas. We always want to include a verb in the infinitive form (i.e., “to help” or “to do”) when we use it. This shows that we’re happier than most to complete whatever the verb asks of us.
Is it More than happy too or to?
“More than happy” should always be followed by “to.” That’s because we must include the infinitive form of a verb (“to do” or “to be”). “Too” indicates a comparison between two things, which is incorrect in this case, as the immediate word that follows is always a verb.
- Correct:I’m more than happy to help.
- Incorrect:I’m more than happy too help.
“To help” is the infinitive form of “help” as a verb. That’s why “to” is the only option that’s correct of these two.
Is it “More than happy” or “More then happy”?
“More than happy” is grammatically correct. “Than” shows there’s a comparison between “more” and “happy.” “Then” is a word we use to indicate a time difference, meaning that “more” happens before “happy” (which makes no sense in any context).
- Correct: I will be more than happy to be there for you.
- Incorrect: I will be more then happy to be there for you.
As you can see, “than” is the only acceptable case to use here. We must make sure we’re comparing our “happiness” over the other people that might be available as options to the person asking us to do something for them.
Synonyms for “More than happy to help” and “More than happy” in general
If you’re not entirely comfortable using “more than happy to help,” you might find one of the following synonyms more suitable. We’ll split the phrase into two sections and give you synonyms for each one.
We’ll include some more formal synonyms for the phrase as well. That way, you have more freedom to use them in the workplace, as well as outside of it if you need to.
“More Than Happy”
The formal synonyms are:
- More than ready
- More than able
- Perfectly capable
- Obliged
The informal synonyms are:
- Overjoyed
- Joyous
- Contented
To Help
The formal synonyms are:
- More than happy to assist
- More than happy to oblige
- More than happy to aid you
- More than happy to help
The informal synonyms are:
- More than happy to help out
- More than happy to lend a hand
- More than happy to join you
You may also like: 10 Formal Ways To Say “I Would Be Happy To”
Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

When conversing or helping someone, people tend to use different phrases to try and put their point across. One of them is “more than happy to help.” You may have heard this phrase a lot, maybe said by your teacher or someone you are asking for help for. The meaning of the phrase is very simple and can often be replaced with similar phrases if needed. Today’s topic- Meaning of More Than Happy To Help.
The phrase “more than happy to help” means that the person is saying it would love to help you out with whatever you are doing. It can be said by someone you are conversing with or even by someone you need help with. It can also be rephrased as “I’d be delighted to assist!” As if helping others would not only make you happy but would make you even happier. As a result, a stronger emotion than happiness, but not necessarily happier than the average person.
Different Ways To Use The Phrases
Below are some sentences incorporating the phrase to help you better understand how “more than happy to help” can be used in day-to-day conversations.
- “I am more than happy to help,” said the proprietor of Dream Pharma, a distributor based in the back room of a driving academy in London.
- The demand from London had nothing to do with public safety; we are more than happy to help law enforcement agencies in criminal investigations.
- Always seek guidance from your local florist; they will be more than happy to help.
Alternative To “More Than Happy To Help”
“I’d be more than happy to help” is perfectly acceptable. In reality, when working with the customer service staff, this statement was frequently used as a respectful manner of letting consumers know that they were eager and willing to help them. “I’d be more than happy to help” is perfectly acceptable. In reality, when working with the customer service staff, this statement was frequently used as a respectful manner of letting consumers know that they were eager and willing to help them.
If the conversation was short and the consumer had a simple inquiry, this wasn’t an issue. However, when they had to work with people who required help with various issues, this statement became less honest the more they said it. As a result, customers would assume that the support personnel was merely attempting to move the discussion along after the second or third time stating it over the phone and didn’t truly care about their problem.
They eventually discovered that not only did adopting a different term make them feel like they weren’t repeating themselves, but it also improved the consistency of their service for their clients. In addition, it kept discussions new by utilizing various terminology and phrasing, which showed consumers that the team was still involved in their concerns – even if the call was long.
So, given below are some similar phrases to replace “more than happy to.”
I’d love to help
It’s a little adjustment, but replacing “happy” with “love” significantly impacts this situation. You’re not simply looking forward to interacting with the consumer; you’re also eager to assist and inspired by their success.
When a consumer asks for your assistance, you might use this statement if you want to be brief. It’s a rapid answer that demonstrates to the consumer that you’ve listened to their problem and are ready to help. On the other hand, if the customer is in a rush and needs a solution as soon as possible, this is a wonderful statement to employ.
It would be my pleasure.
When a consumer appears irritated or concerned about a situation, this is an excellent statement to use. It demonstrates that you’re confident in your ability to troubleshoot, alleviating any anxiety the customer may be experiencing.
You got it
This phrase is ideal if you’re searching for a more informal approach because it enables the client to ask for assistance. In addition, it shows them that you can supply anything they require and that they can count on you for ongoing assistance.
This statement should be used if you’ve already established a relationship with your consumer, and they don’t expect you to be as formal as you were when you initially called.
Not a problem
When using this one, be cautious. While it’s a wonderful alternative to “happy to help,” some individuals may believe you’re not serious about their problem. They may believe they have a legitimate problem, and informing them otherwise may add to the service experience’s friction.
This statement is best used when a customer requests you to do anything little, such as checkup a knowledge base article or refer them to their customer success manager. Most consumers won’t think twice about using this term because they are very simple chores.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out.
When signing off an email or finishing off a phone call, people prefer to utilize this sentence. It informs the consumer that they are always ready to assist them and should not hesitate to call them outside of business hours. It also demonstrates to the customer that the team is focused on their requirements and that their solutions will not be at the price of the team’s comfort.
At your service
While this term isn’t appropriate for every support staff, it may make sense if your clients anticipate a formal service encounter, such as at a high-end hotel or a fine restaurant. As a service representative, this maintains your communication on brand, giving the impression that you’re dealing with a high-end firm.
I’d be more than willing to assist.
This phrase can be used interchangeably with “happy to help” in most situations because it effectively sends the same message but uses different language such as “assist” instead of “help.” It’s a good phrase to have in your back pocket if you find yourself frozen with a customer and don’t know what to say.
Jobs That Use The Phrase “More Than Happy To Help”
Customer service is a big and rapidly expanding industry. A position in customer service allows you to develop skills that you can transfer to nearly any sector, with roles available at all levels of expertise and lots of opportunities for growth and, it is an industry that utilizes phrases like “more than happy to help” rather large in comparison to other industries.
So, given below are the top-most customer service jobs that use phrases like that.
Receptionists work for a range of businesses, generally at the front desk. Consumers are greeted, inquiries are answered, complaints are documented, and customers are sent to the proper person or department for their requirements. They’re also in charge of answering the phone and performing light administrative tasks like printing, copying, and filing.
Front desk manager
A hotel or resort’s front desk personnel, comprising the concierge, receptionists, and night auditors, is trained and led by a front desk manager. They maintain a clean and attractive lobby and respond to escalating client queries and complaints. They may also cover receptionist or concierge responsibilities, including welcoming customers, answering phones, and booking and retrieving bookings.
A concierge is a person who works at the front desk of a hotel or resort. They greet visitors, confirm reservations, tour them around the property, and ensure they have all they need for a pleasant stay. A concierge also assists guests with queries, eating and entertainment recommendations, activity, transportation, and restaurant bookings.
Flight attendant
Private and commercial airlines both hire flight attendants. They are in charge of greeting passengers, assisting in the seating of passengers, assisting in the stowing of carry-on luggage, ensuring safety compliance through safety equipment demonstrations, serving food and refreshments throughout the flight, and offering emergency instruction.
Patient coordinator
Hospitals and long-term care institutions are the most common employers of patient coordinators. They visit patients and their families to discuss treatment plans and give educational information about medicines, surgeries, and therapies. In addition, patient care coordinators communicate with patients and their families throughout their treatment and assess and report on results.
Bottom Line
Although there are many types of phrases similar to “more than happy to help,” it’s amongst one of the best ways to interact with someone you are trying to help. Sometimes it may seem repetitive, so using phrases with the same meaning may help if you work or have a job requiring you to assist people.
Would be happy or will be happy, which one is grammatically correct?
I will be happy to. If the scenario is ‘unreal,’ you can use ‘would,’ but only with additional information: “I would be glad to if you were prepared to pay me!” “I’m sure I will be happy to help you.”
What is the meaning of “my pleasure”?
It is used as a reaction to someone thanking you for something, to respond that you were delighted to do it. “Thank you for your assistance.” “It was my pleasure.”
“Is there anything else you would like help with” meaning?
When you’re through with your chat, bank tellers, customer service reps, and other professionals that deal with clients say this. It’s a technique of ensuring that the consumer has no further queries.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Beijing is more than happy to free ride off Russian security.
Пекин более чем счастлив, что он может свободно уйти от российской безопасности».
I love my country so I’m more than happy to see it shine.
Usually the latter will result in both sides being more than happy.
In fact, they are more than happy to display these tattoos of them.
As a customer-oriented company, we are more than happy to provide detailed information for you.
Как компания, ориентированная на клиента, мы более чем рады предоставить вам подробную информацию.
And more often than not, the phone provider is more than happy to share that information with third parties.
И чаще всего, провайдер телефон более чем рады поделиться этой информацией с третьими сторонами.
Most everyone should be more than happy to provide you with excellent tips and advice.
Большинство людей должны быть более чем счастливы предоставить вам отличные советы и рекомендации.
I also found models and friends who were more than happy to be in a cool sci-fi photo.
Я также нашел моделей и друзей, которые были более чем счастливы оказаться на клёвых научно-фантастических фотографиях.
Having persuaded myself of its merits, I was more than happy to try to persuade others as well.
Убедив себя в его достоинствах, я был более чем счастлив попытаться убедить и других.
We are more than happy to count on him.
He was more than happy to sow seeds of discontent.
I was more than happy to provide permission and blessing for this good work.
Я был более чем счастлив предоставить разрешение и благословение на этой благой труд.
Brad said he would be more than happy to do so.
Restaurant staff members are usually more than happy to help when they clearly understand your request.
Сотрудники ресторана, как правило, более чем рады помочь, когда они четко понимают вашу просьбу.
People are more than happy to pay for exclusive access, especially if you can provide value in return.
Люди более чем счастливы платить за эксклюзивный доступ, особенно если вы можете предоставить стоимость в обмен.
Most customers that are even remotely interested in something are more than happy to read into it if there is a sale going on.
Большинство клиентов, которые даже отдаленно заинтересованы в чем-то, более чем рады читать в нем, если происходит продажа.
Until then, they’re more than happy to focus on their life goals.
Usually, people are more than happy to offer up their source.
Как правило, люди более чем рады предложить свой источник.
My husband is more than happy to forget our date.
There are numerous tour operators who will be more than happy to help you plan your wedding.
Есть множество туроператоров, которые будут более чем счастливы, помочь вам спланировать вашу свадьбу.
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