Word that means more important

I tried to find a single word that means «most important», but I couldn’t. I want it to be able to express what’s missing below:

If you get hurt, the _ thing to do is to stay calm.

It would need to describe something as being the absolute, single most important thing as opposed to just very important.

I did find the word «quintessential», but I think that word also has another meaning which is used more frequently.

I thought about making up my own, but I couldn’t find a prefix that means «most».

I feel kind of silly, but I think I have been looking for a word based on a concept that doesn’t exist in English. I was looking for a word that could never be used to describe two things as both being the most important. I think some of these words, like ‘imperative,’ express necessity as opposed to importance, but I may be wrong. The word ‘key’ expresses importance, but it, like ‘important,’ could be used to refer to multiple things. The two most important players are Sam and Ashley. The two key players are Sam and Ashley. I was thinking of a word that would describe importance as ‘best’ describes ‘goodness,’ but I’m realizing that that doesn’t really make sense because even the word ‘best,’ though I think it tends to often describe only one thing, is often used to describe two things. The two best players are Sam and Ashley.

I guess, with the superlative, if you take any adjective and put the noun it’s modifying in a singular form, it implies that that noun is the single strongest possessor of that adjective. I could just say «The important thing to do is to stay calm,» and I think that would imply that that is the single most important thing to do because the word ‘thing’ is singular.

I think the fact that the same word can be used to describe the single strongest possessor of a trait (the tallest person) and multiple strongest possessors of a trait (one of the tallest people) kind of rubs me wrong. If anyone’s curious, I was thinking of inventing the word ‘monobest’ or ‘unibest’ to mean single best. This way, you couldn’t say «one of the monobest» because ‘mono’ means one, and something can’t be both both multiple and one. Similarly, ‘monotant’ or ‘unitant’ could mean single most important (I’ve shortened the word ‘important’).

Thank you all, and sorry if this question was misleading.

English Language & Usage Asked by Temme on October 25, 2020

I tried to find a single word that means “most important”, but I couldn’t. I want it to be able to express what’s missing below:

If you get hurt, the _ thing to do is to stay calm.

It would need to describe something as being the absolute, single most important thing as opposed to just very important.

I did find the word “quintessential”, but I think that word also has another meaning which is used more frequently.

I thought about making up my own, but I couldn’t find a prefix that means “most”.

I feel kind of silly, but I think I have been looking for a word based on a concept that doesn’t exist in English. I was looking for a word that could never be used to describe two things as both being the most important. I think some of these words, like ‘imperative,’ express necessity as opposed to importance, but I may be wrong. The word ‘key’ expresses importance, but it, like ‘important,’ could be used to refer to multiple things. The two most important players are Sam and Ashley. The two key players are Sam and Ashley. I was thinking of a word that would describe importance as ‘best’ describes ‘goodness,’ but I’m realizing that that doesn’t really make sense because even the word ‘best,’ though I think it tends to often describe only one thing, is often used to describe two things. The two best players are Sam and Ashley.

I guess, with the superlative, if you take any adjective and put the noun it’s modifying in a singular form, it implies that that noun is the single strongest possessor of that adjective. I could just say “The important thing to do is to stay calm,” and I think that would imply that that is the single most important thing to do because the word ‘thing’ is singular.

I think the fact that the same word can be used to describe the single strongest possessor of a trait (the tallest person) and multiple strongest possessors of a trait (one of the tallest people) kind of rubs me wrong. If anyone’s curious, I was thinking of inventing the word ‘monobest’ or ‘unibest’ to mean single best. This way, you couldn’t say “one of the monobest” because ‘mono’ means one, and something can’t be both both multiple and one. Similarly, ‘monotant’ or ‘unitant’ could mean single most important (I’ve shortened the word ‘important’).

Thank you all, and sorry if this question was misleading.

16 Answers

In the context If you get hurt, the — thing to do is to stay calm, you can use key.

In other contexts, prime, preeminent, or vital can be used.

Answered by andy256 on October 25, 2020

Answered by Elian on October 25, 2020

How about crucial: «Extremely significant or important: a crucial problem; vital to the resolution of a crisis; decisive.»

critical: Indispensable; essential.

essential: Basic or indispensable; necessary

vital: necessary to the continuation of life; life-sustaining:

It was critical that he stop them for if he did not the battle was sure to be lost.

Answered by anongoodnurse on October 25, 2020

foremost would fit.

adv. So as to be most important.

adj., adv. first in place, rank, importance, etc

There is the phrase «first and foremost» also, that emphasizes this:

first to be dealt with and most important.

First and foremost, I think you should work harder on your biology. Have this in mind first and foremost: Keep smiling!

Note: You can check example usages in Google Books as well.

Answered by ermanen on October 25, 2020

If you get hurt, the primary thing to do is to stay calm. Also foremost or paramount.

Answered by Spehro Pefhany on October 25, 2020

The area to explore here begins at the word superlative..

..a word which is often used as the title of awards given to groups of people at era ends, such as at the end of high school for yearbook purposes; in that context, «superlative» awards may contain categories such as «most likely to succeed» or «best hair» or «least likely to harm a fly» etcetera.

Basically, the ideation implied by superlative involves seeking out, for purposes of identification, the most extreme end of a spectrum involving two trivial opposites such as tall and short or desirable and undesirable.

All other answers supplied began at this concept and ended with a trivial selection by the author of the response.

Answered by miercoledi on October 25, 2020

I would go with BEST.

If you get hurt, the best thing to do is to stay calm.

But also, PRINCIPAL, MAIN, or INDISPENSABLE could work.

If you get hurt, the principal thing to do is to stay calm.

If you get hurt, the main thing to do is to stay calm.

If you get hurt, the indispensable thing to do is to stay calm.

Answered by GMB on October 25, 2020

You could use crux of the matter to be a little fancy.

But I would just go with number one.

Answered by RyeɃreḁd on October 25, 2020


It is imperative that you stay calm.

Answered by drunkenwagoner on October 25, 2020

Thought someone would have put this, but the first word that came into my head was «priority».


highest or higher in importance, rank, privilege, etc.: a priority task.

Answered by Adsy on October 25, 2020

I can’t yet comment, or upvote, but the single best answer is imperative.


It is imperative that you stay calm.

as suggested by drukenwagoner.

Quintessential is normally used to define something as representing the ‘purest’ form, e.g. «quintessentially evil»

Critical (medica) is a strong contender, as a thing that is critical must be done before anything else, otherwise the following actions will fail, though usually associated with an action, not a state of mind.

First (Nourished Gourmet) and foremost (Spehro Pefhany) are both ordinal statements, indicating that a transient step should be taken, where as the state of mind referenced by the OP is a persistent theme.

Crux of the matter doesn’t fit as the OP is not trying to produce a clarifying statement of a convoluted argument or conversation, there is no «point» to be restated for clarity.

Indispensable is a statement of necessity not importance. Things can be indispensable yet trivial, due to their availability.

My own suggestion would be vital, as in «it is vital your organs remain connected and inside your body».

Answered by Sensillium on October 25, 2020

Imperative — of vital importance, crucial

Answered by Merin Nakarmi on October 25, 2020

If you get hurt, the _ thing to do is to stay calm.

Most important and best are both superlatives, the fact that the former consists of two words does not lessen its greatest in quality. Nothing else which may be suggested is more important than staying calm. On the other hand, «monobest» as you described it

I was thinking of inventing the word ‘monobest’ or ‘unibest’ to mean
single best. This way, you couldn’t say «one of the monobest» because
‘mono’ means one, and something can’t be both both multiple and one.

might be potentially harmful.
Imagine being seriously injured, «the «monobest» thing is to keep calm«, mono- implies that nothing else is necessary, the act of staying calm is the one thing to do. Why do anything else afterwards? Instead, there might be several things one could do in a similar situation; call an ambulance, bandage the wound, place an ice pack on the injury and so on.

You do not want to exclude other courses of actions, there has to be a list of some sorts. In other words, because the superlative form, most important, is used for comparing one thing with every other thing in that group, it fits perfectly well in your sentence.

Answered by Mari-Lou A on October 25, 2020

Good suggestions here already, especially «critical», «paramount», «foremost», and «primary» IMHO.
I’d just like to add «pivotal» to the growing list.


  1. of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something else.
    «the alliance that played a pivotal role in the revolution»
    synonyms: central, crucial, vital, critical, focal, essential, key, decisive
    «Japan’s pivotal role in the world economy»

«Pivotal» appeals to the mechanical, physical sense of a rotational axis, which occupies a single point. Around this point, parts may connect that are otherwise independently mobile, or a rotating body’s center of mass may exist. Thus the word implies a sort of unique, decisive importance that isn’t value-laden or hyperbolic, but rather neutral and pragmatic.

As such, it might even sound a little unnatural in your intended context:

If you get hurt, the pivotal thing to do is to stay calm.

Yet this matter-of-fact sensibility might be useful, especially if you wish to make a clear and practical point without appealing to emotion, as with more positive or alarming alternatives.
It seems that emotional arousal is the problem at hand, after all.

Answered by Nick Stauner on October 25, 2020

In the context, and digging deeper into what makes one thing more important than the other, consider ‘vital’.

Answered by Leon Conrad on October 25, 2020

Colloquial and short, but I think «top» would do very nicely

Answered by LinkDinkin on October 25, 2020

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Synonyms for Important

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Sometimes the word “important” isn’t sufficient. Here are a few other words you could use instead.

Important synonyms might fit your text better.

Here are other words you can use instead of “important.”

Synonyms: essential, significant, crucial, substantial

What Does “Important” Mean?

Important means “of great significance or value,” and when referring to a person, “having high rank or status.”

It was important for my daughter that the whole family attend her ballet recital.

A few other words you can use instead of important are:

  • essential
  • critical
  • consequential
  • meaningful
  • momentous
  • significant
  • influential
  • crucial
  • substantial
  • major
  • monumental
  • pivotal

What Are Antonyms for “Important”?

Words with opposite meanings from that of important include:

  • unimportant
  • insignificant
  • meaningless
  • unsubstantial
  • nonessential
  • useless
  • unnecessary
  • minor

What Are Other Word Forms of “Important?”

The word important has a few other word forms. Here’s how to use them in a sentence:

1) Importantly: adverb used to state/emphasize a significant matter

Most importantly, though, the young siblings were reunited.

Importantly can also be used to refer to a self-important or pompous manner.

The man talked importantly, as if he were the President of the United States instead of just the president of the apartment complex.

2) Importance: noun used to refer to the quality of being important

It was of upmost importance for the package to be delivered on time.

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more important — перевод на русский

And that’s more important than this?

И она разве важнее, чем это?

The present is more important, forget the past.

Настоящее важнее — забудь о прошлом.

Is it more important than your wedding?

— Это для тебя важнее, чем женитьба?

I am positive my survey is more important… than finding out whether three of our comrades have been… drinking some extra glasses of champagne.

Закончить обзор — важнее, чем выяснять… сколько лишних бокалов шампанского… выпили трое наших товарищей.

— It is not more important than good manners.

Это не важнее хороших манер.

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It is more important.

Это более важно.

This is enormously more important.

Это более важно.

Oh, that’s a thousand times more important. But that’s something you have, Tammy.

Но, тысячу раз более важно, что в тебе есть что-то, Тэмми.

It’s more important to buy milk than a toy.

Более важно купить молоко, чем игрушку.

Peace within the family is more important than money.

Спокойствие семьи более важно, чем деньги.

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We were brought up in the belief that there were things more important.

Мы были уверены что есть кое-что поважнее.

I have more important work to do than prevent you arguing, but you know who’s behind him.

У меня есть занятия поважнее, чем следить за твоими разборками с Бруером. Но ты знаешь, кто стоит за ним.

— Why? ‘Cause there are more important things.

— Есть дела поважнее.

We have more important things to talk about than Mme. Walter.

У нас есть дела и поважнее, чем мадам Вальтер.

Now we have more important things to do.

У нас есть дела и поважнее.

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Yes, I got the interview, all right, but I’ve got some more important news.

Да, интервью я взяла, но это не самое главное.

More importantly, how should we deal with your mother’s preaching? — Should I ask her?

Самое главное, как нам договориться с твоей матерью?

And more importantly, they don’t know you.

И, самое главное, они не знают тебя.

More important, why?

И, самое главное, зачем?

Ethical conduct is more important.

В успехе или в неудаче, этичное поведение — самое главное.

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There’s just a couple of cherry-on-the-sundae, nutmeg-on-the-latte things to get done, but finals are way more important.

Надо только с парой вишенок на торте решить, детали типа посыпки-на-латте доделать, но экзамены гораздо важнее.

Because I thought it was more important to have a roof over our heads.

Потому что думал, что гораздо важнее обеспечить нас крышей над головой

More important is the policing aspect.

Гораздо важнее полицейская сторона.

It’s more important to link conclusions to experience… than to other conclusions… than to other conclusions… when these conclusions are aimed at mastering real things.

Гораздо важнее объединить представления с опытом, чем с другими представлениями… чем с другими представлениями… предназначенными для управления реальными вещами.

But it’s more important to feel the need.

Но гораздо важнее чувствовать внутреннюю необходимость.

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But in real life, it’s even more important that you choose the right side.

А в жизни ещё важнее не ошибиться и сделать верную ставку.

But what’s more important… I’m a lucky gambler.

Но что ещё важнее — Я удачливый игрок.

What’s more important, the world has a use for him.

Но еще важнее то, что он может пригодиться этому миру.

What’s more important, if I’m right, I’ll be sacrificed.

И ещё важнее то, что если я прав, то мной пожертвуют тоже.

Even more important today

Сегодня это ещё важнее.

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Kiev’s more important because of the oil.

Киев из-за нефти намного важнее.

Well, we have Marcus Brody, but more important, we have the map.

Маркус Броуди схвачен. Но намного важнее то, что карта у нас.

No money involved. More important than any bet.

Не на деньги Намного важнее любого пари

in the business, favors are more important than threats.

В бизнесе благосклонность намного важнее опасности.

You’re more important than the restaurant.

Ты намного важнее чем ресторан.

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More importantly, Mr. Ogre, what will become of Mrs. Panfleta’s millions?

Что еще более важно, господин Людоед, что станет с деньгами и акциями миссис Панфлеты.


И что еще более важно, она убеждает меня,

More importantly, I have the kick dress. — The pink one?

Что еще более важно, у меня шикарное платье.

But more importantly, from a Cuban and a Russian point of view they knew what, in a sense, I really didn’t know.

Но что еще более важно, с кубинской и российской точек зрения… But more importantly, from a Cuban and a Russian point of view они знали то, что, в некотором смысле, я действительно не знал. …they knew what, in a sense, I really didn’t know.

But perhaps more importantly, those who can’t afford to be here.

Но, что ещё более важно, те, кто не могут позволить себе прийти сюда.

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What is more important, doctor,

Что может быть важнее, доктор.

If there’s anything more important than my ego around, I want it shot!

ј что может быть важнее моего эго? я хочу его сфотографировать!

What’s more important than popularity?

Что может быть важнее популярности?

Is anything more important than their safety?

Что может быть важнее их безопастности?

What’s more important than catching up with an old college buddy?

Что может быть важнее, чем поболтать со старым университетским приятелем?

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I won’t teach history or geography when it’s more important to learn to eat, to listen, to know who they are, to see what’s best in them, to figure out what they want to do or don’t want to do,

— Детей можно пичкать историей и географией… — Но… Но куда важнее — научить их слушать себя, понимать, кто они, верить, что истина в них самих, что для них важно, а что нет.

But that schooling was even more important.

Но школа была куда важнее.

And more important:

И что куда важнее:

This is much more important.

Это дело куда важнее.

Unlocking the universe is more important.

Разгадка Вселенной куда важнее.

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