Word that means left handed

  • 1


    1. делающий все левой рукой

    2. 1) (приспособленный) для левой руки ()

    2) сделанный левой рукой

    3) неуклюжий, неумелый

    3. 1) неискренний, лицемерный

    left-handed oath — ложная присяга; клятвопреступление

    2) сомнительный

    left-handed compliment — сомнительный комплимент; похвала, на которую можно и обидеться

    4. 1) морганатический

    left-handed marriage — морганатический брак [ тж. 2)]

    left-handed marriage — а) незаконное сожительство; б) фиктивный брак [ тж. 1)]

    left-handed wife — а) сожительница; б) фиктивная жена


    сл. извращённый,



    предвещающий дурное, зловещий

    1) витой против часовой стрелки ()

    2) с левым ходом; вращающийся влево

    3) с левой резьбой; левовинтовой

    left-handed to no profession — ≅ мастер на все руки

    НБАРС > left-handed

  • 2

    left-handed [ˏleftˊhændɪd]


    1) де́лающий всё ле́вой руко́й;

    2) сде́ланный ле́вой руко́й

    3) неуклю́жий

    4) лицеме́рный; неи́скренний; сомни́тельный;

    5) дви́жущийся про́тив часово́й стре́лки

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > left-handed

  • 3







    а) лицемерный, неискренний


    б) двусмысленный, сомнительный

    «I’m not trying to date you.» «Well, that’s a left-handed compliment,» — she complained. (A. Douglas) — «Я не пытаюсь назначить вам свидание». «Какой-то это сомнительный комплимент», — недовольно сказала она.






    Англо-русский современный словарь > left-handed

  • 4

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > left-handed

  • 5

    left-handed propeller

    воздушный винт левого вращения

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > left-handed

  • 6

    1. a делающий все левой рукой

    2. a для левой руки

    3. a сделанный левой рукой

    4. a неуклюжий, неумелый

    5. a неискренний, лицемерный

    6. a сомнительный

    7. a морганатический

    8. a редк. незаконный; фиктивный

    9. a амер. сл. извращённый,

    10. a уст. предвещающий дурное, зловещий

    11. a тех. витой против часовой стрелки

    12. a тех. с левым ходом; вращающийся влево

    13. a тех. с левой резьбой; левовинтовой

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. clumsy (adj.) awkward; bumbling; clumsy; gauche; gawky; inept; maladroit

    2. insincere (adj.) ambidextrous; double; double-dealing; double-faced; doublehearted; double-minded; double-tongued; hypocritical; insincere; mala fide

    English-Russian base dictionary > left-handed

  • 7

    имя существительное:

    левша (left-hander, left-handed)

    имя прилагательное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > left-handed

  • 8

    Англо-русский технический словарь > left-handed

  • 9

    1. с левым ходом

    2. принадлежащий левой системе координат

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > left-handed

  • 10

    1. левозакрученный

    2. принадлежащий левой системе координат

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > left-handed

  • 11

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > left-handed

  • 12

    1) делающий все левой рукой
    2) а) предназначенный для левой руки б) сделанный левой рукой
    3) морганатический( букв. брак, когда жених подает невесте левую руку, а не правую, как было принято при морганатических браках в Германии) left-handed marriage ≈ морганатический брак Syn: morganatic
    4) неуклюжий Syn: clumsy, awkward
    5) а) лицемерный, неискренний Syn: hypocritical, insincere б) двусмысленный, сомнительный ‘I’m not trying to date you.’ ‘Well, that’s a left-handed compliment, ‘ she complained. (A. Douglas) ≈ ‘Я не пытаюсь назначить Вам свидание. ‘ ‘Какой-то это сомнительный комплимент, ‘ — недовольно сказала она. Syn: backhanded, dubious, ambiguous
    6) а) движущийся против часовой стрелки Syn: counterclockwise б) имеющий спиралевидную форму, закрученную влево
    делающий все левой рукой — * person левша (приспособленный) для левой руки (об инструменте и т. п.) сделанный левой рукой — * blow удар левой рукой неуклюжий, неумелый неискренний, лицемерный — * flattery грубая лесть — * oath ложная присяга;
    клятвопреступление сомнительный — * compliment сомнительный комплимент;
    похвала, на которую можно и обидеться морганатический — * marriage морганатический брак (редкое) незаконный;
    фиктивный — * marriage незаконное сожительство;
    фиктивный брак — * wife сожительница;
    фиктивная жена (американизм) (сленг) извращенный, особ. гомосексуальный( устаревшее) предвещающий дурное, зловещий — * strokes of fortune жестокие удары судьбы (техническое) витой против часовой стрелки (о веревке, канате) (техническое) с левым ходом;
    вращающийся влево (техническое) с левой резьбой;
    левовинтовой > * to no profession мастер на все руки

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > left-handed

  • 13

    1) леворукий; левша

    3) левозакрученный, левый



    левовинтовой; левого кручения



    принадлежащий левой системе координат; левосторонний

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > left-handed

  • 14


    1) Общая лексика: двусмысленный, делающий все левой рукой, зловещий, лицемерный, морганатический, неискренний, нескладный, неуклюжий, неумелый, предвещающий дурное, сделанный левой рукой, сомнительный, фиктивный, витой против часовой стрелки , левой рукой

    13) Табуированная лексика: внебрачный , гомосексуальный

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > left-handed

  • 15


    делающий все левой рукой

    предназначенный для левой руки

    сделанный левой рукой


    лицемерный, неискренний

    двусмысленный, сомнительный

    движущийся против часовой стрелки

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > left-handed

  • 16

    English-russian automobile dictionary > left-handed

  • 17

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > left-handed

  • 18

    с левым ходом, с левой нарезкой

    Англо-русский строительный словарь > left-handed

  • 19

    2. с левым ходом; с левой резьбой

    * * *

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > left-handed

  • 20
    left handed

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > left handed


  • Следующая →
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  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
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  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • left-handed — left handedly, adv. left handedness, n. /left han did/, adj. 1. having the left hand more dominant or effective than the right; preferably using the left hand: a left handed pitcher. 2. adapted to or performed by the left hand: a left handed… …   Universalium

  • left-handed — left hand|ed [ left hændəd ] adjective 1. ) someone who is left handed is born with a natural tendency to use their left hand to do things, especially things such as writing: My mom s left handed. a left handed pitcher a ) only before noun used… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Left-handed — Left hand ed, a. 1. Having the left hand or arm stronger and more dexterous than the right; using the left hand and arm with more dexterity than the right. [1913 Webster] 2. Clumsy; awkward; unlucky; insincere; sinister; malicious; as, a left… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • left-handed — adj 1.) a left handed person uses their left hand for writing, throwing etc ≠ ↑right handed 2.) [only before noun] left handed tools have been made for left handed people to use ▪ left handed scissors 3.) left handed compliment AmE a statement… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • left-handed — left′ hand′ed adj. 1) having the left hand more dominant or effective than the right; preferably using the left hand: a left handed pitcher[/ex] 2) adapted to or performed by the left hand: a left handed tool; a left handed tennis serve[/ex] 3)… …   From formal English to slang

  • left-handed — [left′han′did] adj. 1. using the left hand more skillfully than, and in preference to, the right 2. done with the left hand 3. clumsy; awkward 4. designating an insincere or ambiguous compliment; BACKHANDED (sense 2) 5. MORGANATIC: from the… …   English World dictionary

  • left-handed — late 14c., of persons; 1650s of tools, etc., from LEFT (Cf. left) (adj.). In 15c. it also could mean maimed. Sense of underhanded is from early 17c., as in left handed compliment (1787, also attested 1855 in pugilism slang for a punch with the… …   Etymology dictionary

  • left-handed — ► ADJECTIVE 1) using or done with the left hand. 2) turning to the left; towards the left. 3) (of a screw) advanced by turning anticlockwise. 4) ambiguous …   English terms dictionary

  • left-handed — UK [ˌleft ˈhændɪd] / US [left ˈhændəd] adjective 1) a) someone who is left handed is born with a natural tendency to use their left hand to do things, especially things such as writing My mum s left handed. a left handed batsman b) [only before… …   English dictionary

  • left-handed — adjective 1 someone who is left handed uses their left hand for most things, especially writing 2 done with the left hand: a left handed shot 3 made to be used by left handed people: left handed scissors 4 left handed compliment AmE a statement… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • left-handed — ADJ Someone who is left handed uses their left hand rather than their right hand for activities such as writing and sports and for picking things up. I noticed she was left handed… There is a place in London that supplies practically everything …   English dictionary

левша, делающий все левой рукой


- делающий все левой рукой

left-handed person — левша

- (приспособленный) для левой руки (об инструменте и т. п.)
- сделанный левой рукой

left-handed blow — удар левой рукой

- неуклюжий, неумелый
- неискренний, лицемерный

left-handed flattery — грубая лесть
left-handed oath — клятва, которую собираются нарушить; ненадёжная клятва

- сомнительный

left-handed compliment — сомнительный комплимент; похвала, на которую можно и обидеться

- морганатический

left-handed marriage — а) незаконное сожительство; б) фиктивный брак

- редк. незаконный; фиктивный

left-handed marriage — а) незаконное сожительство; б) фиктивный брак
left-handed wife — а) сожительница; б) фиктивная жена

- амер. сл. извращённый, особ. гомосексуальный
- уст. предвещающий дурное, зловещий

left-handed strokes of fortune — жестокие удары судьбы

- витой против часовой стрелки (о верёвке, канате)
- с левым ходом; вращающийся влево
- с левой резьбой; левовинтовой

left-handed to no profession — ≅ мастер на все руки

Мои примеры


Возможные однокоренные слова

This goes back to the art of divination the early Romans named avspecium (coined after aves «birds» and specio «I watch» => specious). Bird-watching the Roman way so to speak.

One way auspices would use to guess good and bad omens was to watch which direction some auspicious types of birds like ravens, crows or eagles were flying by. These birds were supposed to play the role of messengers of the gods. Here is a nice study of this type of divination.

This was also practised in Ancient Greece and named οἰωνίζομαι (ornithomancy).

If birds were flying by on your right this was good omen. On the left (sinistra) that was bad omen.

The word sinistre was already a synonym of bad omen in Old French but had lost the meaning of «left» when it was introduced into Middle English.

In Italian though it still has both meanings.

As FumbleFinger rightly observes, right handed people have a natural tendency to associate negative sensations to their left-hand side. Yet the question was about the word sinister which can be traced back to Latin.

The etymological path, as far as I understand it, is as follows:

  1a.  Early Ancient Greek σκαιὀς, «left, awkward, ill-omen»,
  1b.  Latin scaevus, «left, ill-omen»,
  2.    Latin sinister, «on the left hand side, ill-omen»,
  3.    Old French senestre/*sinistre*, «sinister» occasionally «awkward».
          Left is already gauche in the 13th century — origin obscure,
  4.    Middle English ca 1400: sinister «unfavourable», «deceitful, prejudicial, dishonest».

Also consider the following points:

  • A considerable number of languages have the «awkward» sense associated with the word for «left» but very few of them also have the sense of «ill omen».
  • The Latin public and private life was heavily influenced by superstitions. For instance the reason why the Roman calendar evolved from lunar to solar is because of the drift accumulated by having only 29 and 31 days months. An even number of days per month was ill-omen, so that there were no 30 days months before the Julian calendar.
  • Now that divination is much less prevalent, most Romance languages (Spanish, Portuguese, French and Romanian for instance) have lost the coupling between left and ill-omen (but still retain the awkward sense).

Another curiosity I’d like to mention is that the aforementioned Early Ancient Greek word for left (σκαιὀς, «skaios») and its Latin cognate (scaevus) seem to come from a Proto Indo European root for shadow (same etymology actually as «shadow» itself): (PIE *skeh2-i-uo-, via Pt Italic *skaiwo) which is to compare to several other Indo European languages (various Celtic languages, Greek, Lithuanian, Sanskrit, Avestan) in which right-hand side also means southwards.

There is a lot of evidence suggesting that ancient Indo Europeans and Semites orientated themselves facing eastwards (like old maps do) because this is where the sun rises in the morning.

In the northern hemisphere, when one faces eastwards the sun is always on the right-hand side and one’s shadow is thus always on the left-hand side, which explains the relation in some antique words for left with similar words for shadow.


: using the left hand habitually or more easily than the right


: swinging from left to right


: relating to, designed for, or done with the left hand



: having a direction contrary to that of the hands of a watch viewed from in front : counterclockwise


: having a spiral structure or form that ascends or advances to the left


: having or being the L-form molecular structure


Example Sentences

Recent Examples on the Web

That just shows you how much power that guy has to be able to hit the ball out of that part of the ballpark left-handed.

Jacob Calvin Meyer, Baltimore Sun, 4 Apr. 2023

Smith, a left-handed hitter, was struck on the right side of his face in the third inning by a 1-0 slider from reliever Danny Coulombe.

Jim Reineking, USA TODAY, 4 Apr. 2023

Noda made his first MLB start as one of five left-handed hitters in the Oakland lineup against right-hander Zach Plesac.

Matt Kawahara, San Francisco Chronicle, 3 Apr. 2023

The Diamondbacks broke a 1-1 tie in the top of the ninth off reliever Brusdar Graterol, whose inability to neutralize left-handed hitters and generate enough swing-and-miss — the two biggest reasons the hard-throwing right-hander hasn’t seized a closing role — cost the Dodgers.

Mike Digiovanna, Los Angeles Times, 2 Apr. 2023

The change in playing time opens the door for Zach McKinstry, a left-handed hitting infielder, to play against righties.

Evan Petzold, Detroit Free Press, 1 Apr. 2023

The Braves offense is young, powerful, fast, and balanced with right-and left-handed hitters mixed strategically.

Bernie Pleskoff, Forbes, 1 Apr. 2023

Diamondbacks acquire lefty Anthony Misiewicz The Diamondbacks made a small trade on Friday morning, picking up left-handed reliever Anthony Misiewicz from the St. Louis Cardinals in exchange for cash considerations.

Nick Piecoro, The Arizona Republic, 31 Mar. 2023

José Quintana, the veteran left-handed starter who joined the Mets on a two-year, $26 million deal in December, may be out until the summer because of a stress fracture in a rib and a lesion on his side that required surgery.

James Wagner, New York Times, 30 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘left-handed.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of left-handed was
in the 15th century

Dictionary Entries Near left-handed

Cite this Entry

“Left-handed.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/left-handed. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on left-handed

Last Updated:
6 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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левша m

левый m


левой рукой



левой руки








Stab wounds suggest that he’s left-handed.

Колотые раны указывают на то, что он левша.

This rule stands even if you are left-handed.

Это индийское правило остается в силе, даже если вы левша.

Almost all of them are left-handed.

Причем, почти все из них — левые.

I think that forcing left-handed children to write with their right hand is cruel, and outdated.

Я надеюсь, что времена принуждения левых детей писать правой рукой прошли навсегда.

The probability that two right-handed people would have a left-handed child is only about 9.5%.

Вероятность того, что у праворуких родителей будет леворукий ребенок, составляет примерно два процента.

I suspect it is because I am left-handed.

Мне кажется, это просто потому, что я левша.

He’s also left-handed which is slightly annoying.

Кроме того, он левша, и это ему немного мешает.

Question: My daughter is left-handed.

Дело в том, что мой ребенок — левша.

Female cats are usually right-handed and male cats are left-handed.

Кошки чаще используют правую лапу, а коты левую.

You won’t believe it but becoming left-handed for my everyday life is the only solution I’ve found.

Вы не поверите, но стать левшей для моей повседневной жизни — единственное решение, которое я нашел.

And about ten percent of people across all cultures (that have been studied) are left-handed.

И около десяти процентов людей во всех культурах (которые были изучены) левша.

Polar bears, of which we have already written above, are almost all left-handed.

Белые медведи, о которых мы уже писали выше, практически все левши.

Still reasonably lightweight at only 3.25 ounces, it’s definitely a good option for anyone, especially those who are left-handed.

Даже достаточно легкий с весом всего 3,25 унции, это определенно хороший вариант для всех, особенно для тех, кто левша.

Otherwise, for example, you forget that you are left-handed, and the doors open in an uncomfortable way.

Иначе, например, забываешь, что ты левша и двери открываются в неудобную сторону.

Whoever killed Agent Roberts is left-handed and has military training.

Тот, кто убил агента Робертса — левша, и имеет военную подготовку.

Also, Nicole had to learn to write with her right hand because she is left-handed.

Также Николь пришлось учиться писать правой рукой, ведь сама она левша.

Only the left-handed fermions have weak charges, with the left-handed up quark and neutrino having weak charge +1/2 and the left-handed down quark and electron having weak charge -1/2.

Только левые фермионы участвуют в реакциях слабого взаимодействия и обладают зарядами: с левым верхним кварком и нейтрино они обладают зарядом +1/2, а с левым нижним кварком и электроном они обладают зарядом -1/2.

However, I was left-handed, and at the time, no one was able to show me how to crochet left-handed.

Но я левша, а в то время никто не мог сделать мне кастомную гитару для левши.

This model is very ingenious for a left-handed person, because it is incredibly easy to change it from a right-handed cat to a left-handed man.

Эта модель очень изобретательна для левшей, потому что невероятно легко изменить ее с правшей на левшу.

Neutrinos are left-handed and antineutrinos are right-handed.

Суть в том, что нейтрино — это левый винт, а антинейтрино — правый.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат left-handed

Результатов: 1615. Точных совпадений: 1615. Затраченное время: 78 мс


Корпоративные решения




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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Asked by: Jolie Altenwerth DVM

Score: 4.3/5
(30 votes)

Why are left-handers called “southpaws”? — HISTORY.

What do you call a left handed person?

Left-handedness — sometimes called «sinistrality» — means you prefer to use your left hand rather than your right hand for routine activities, such as writing. … One popular slang term for left-handers is “southpaw.» This term originated in the sport of baseball.

What is the slang word for left handed?

A mollydooker is a slang term for a left-handed person.

What is a left handed and right handed person called?

1a : using both hands with equal ease or dexterity an ambidextrous pitcher Guatelli says the master was ambidextrous, that he sketched with his right hand while he wrote with his left—simultaneously. — John P. Wiley Jr.

Do left-handers have higher IQ?

Although data suggested that right-handed people had slightly higher IQ scores compared to left-handers, the scientists noted that intelligence differences between right and left-handed people were negligible overall.

40 related questions found

Why is it rare to be left-handed?

So why are lefties so rare? Scientists have long tried to answer this. In 2012, researchers at Northwestern University developed a mathematical model to show that the percentage of left-handed people was a result of human evolution — specifically, a balance of cooperation and competition.

What are the characteristics of a left-handed person?

Five personality traits of left-handed people

  • Lefties are more creative.
  • Left-handed people have a big advantage at competitive sports.
  • Lefties are more likely to suffer from mental illness.
  • Lefties hear speech differently.
  • Left-handed people tend to be more fearful.

What is a left-handed compliment?

A compliment with two meanings, one of which is unflattering to the receiver: “The senator said that her opponent was quite competent for someone so inexperienced; you hear nothing but left-handed compliments in these debates.”

What are the advantages of being left-handed?

Lefties make up only about 10 percent of the population, but studies find that individuals who are left-handed score higher when it comes to creativity, imagination, daydreaming and intuition. They’re also better at rhythm and visualization.

Do left handers have shorter life span?

Left-handed people tend to live significantly shorter lives than right-handers, perhaps because they face more perils in a world dominated by the right-handed, according to new research. Earlier studies also suggested that left-handed people do not seem to live as long as those right-handed.

Are lefties better in bed?

Apparently, though, left-handed people ultimately prevail over their right-handed counterparts because they have better sex. … According to a recent survey, lefties are 71% more satisfied in the sack than righties.

Do lefties think differently?

Do left-handed people think differently? The brains of left-handers are different from those of right-handers, in that their brain lateralization – what people use the left and right sides of the brain for – is different.

Are left-handers bad at math?

Left-handers are more likely to have speech problems and learning disabilities, and they tend to fall in the lowest percentage of scores on math and reading test more often than righties.

How do you respond to a left-handed compliment?

  1. 5 Effective Ways to Respond to Backhanded Compliments. This is how to reply when someone offers an insult disguised as a compliment. …
  2. Ignore it. Staying silent doesn’t mean you’re letting yourself get pushed around. …
  3. Say, «Thank you.» …
  4. Acknowledge the positive portion. …
  5. Address the insult head-on. …
  6. Keep your sense of humor.

Is it left-handed or backhanded compliment?

The terms backhanded compliment and left-handed compliment are both used to describe an insult disguised as a compliment. These «compliments» are usually intended to belittle or condescend. So while the term may not be offensive to left-handed people, the insult can be offensive to the recipient.

Where did left-handed compliment come from?

The variant left-handed compliment comes from the use, dating from around 1600 of the word left-handed to mean “questionable” or “doubtful.” (American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms). This use, in turn, derived from the left long being associated with wrongness or evil.

Was Albert Einstein left-handed?

The problem is, Einstein’s left-handedness is a myth. … While he was certainly right-handed, autopsies suggest his brain didn’t reflect the typical left-side dominance in language and speech areas. His brain’s hemispheres were more symmetrical—a trait typical of left-handers and the ambidextrous.

Are lefties more attractive?

They were/are left-handed. Lefties love to brag. In fact, according to a recent survey, southpaws are generally more attractive, more intelligent, and more talented than right handers.

Are lefties lucky?

Left-handers or lefties are often considered unlucky in many cultures, including the Indian culture. We are told to accept prasad with our right hands only, and this hand is preferred for all our rituals, tilak, yagna, etc.

Is being left-handed a disability?

However, left-handedness does not rise to the level of being a disability. The Social Security Administration has a list of all conditions which qualify as disabilities. … Left-handed people may have to adapt a little bit, but they are certainly not prevented from working because of their condition.

Which race has the most left handers?

Ethnic differences in handedness are related to geographi- cal differences, with left-handedness generally being more common in White, Asian and Hispanic populations – a differ- ence seen both in the UK, and historically in the United States, where the difference between ethnic groups has grown smaller during the …

What are the disadvantages of being left-handed?

On the flip side, lefties have some disadvantages too.

  • Lefties are more worried about making mistakes, more sensitive to criticism and are easily embarrassed. …
  • Lefties are quick to anger. …
  • Left-handed people have a higher risk of brain disorders like schizophrenia, dyslexia or hyperactivity disorders.

Are left-handed better at math?

Some studies found the two groups’ handedness preferences were similar, other studies, on the contrary, say left-handers are strongest at math and right-handers are the weakest. … The participants had to perform various math tasks like simple arithmetic or problem-solving.

Are left-handers better at math?

In a study carried out by the University of Liverpool, results reveal that left-handers are typically gifted in math whereas the right-handed perform terribly in mathematics.

Who are the most famous left-handers?

On International left-handers day, let us know about the notable left-handed people that are shaping the world.

  • Sachin Tendulkar. …
  • Amitabh Bachchan. …
  • Bill Gates. …
  • Mark Zuckerberg. …
  • Justin Bieber. …
  • Steve Jobs. …
  • Oprah Winfrey. …
  • Lady Gaga.

«They are similar to prepare for except for the fact of right and left,» said Coughlin, referring to left-handed Vick and right-handed Young. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Mickelson, whose nickname «Lefty» refers to his left-handed golf swing, was voted into the World Golf Hall of Fame last fall. ❋ KIM MACKRAEL (2012)

The name-tag rosette was worn on either side of the costume, depending on whether the owner was right- or left-handed. ❋ Thomas Vinciguerra (2011)

Interestingly, he swings right-handed, but putts left-handed. ❋ Joe Peyronnin (2011)

Hitting Morgan leadoff is not tenable if he logs another .319 on-base percentage — including .280 against left-handed pitchers — with a 73 OPS+ while leading the league in getting caught stealing to boot. ❋ Adam Kilgore (2011)

If most people were left-handed, then keyboards would have the opposite orientation they do. sherifffruitfly says: ❋ Unknown (2010)

While they believe he is and will be fine, the Nationals are keeping an eye on the spring training progression of newly acquired left-handed starter Tom Gorzelanny, who suffered from a sinus infection and walking pneumonia for the two weeks immediately preceding spring training — «seriously bad timing,» Gorzelanny said. ❋ Unknown (2011)

But he was here Wednesday, when the past met the present, and a crowd-muting message was sent by a left-handed pitcher who started the season for the Cleveland Indians. ❋ Unknown (2009)

His teammates won’t let him forget about missing a breakaway, left-handed dunk in the second quarter, even though he came back and made his next attempt with two hands. ❋ Michael Lee (2011)

The Nationals this offseason signed Ankiel, a speedy, left-handed outfielder whose skill set resembles Bernadina’s. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Starting with this account of his humble origins, Manny Garcia, who describes himself as «a left-handed, rather contrary Mestizo-American,» has written a memoir that begins in late 1947 in the San Luis Valley of Southern Colorado and takes him to Utah and a stint as a Mormon and ultimately to Vietnam. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Twenty years after being saved from unemployment by his reputation as a solid left-handed pitcher, David N. Mullany was once again out of work. ❋ Joshua Robinson (2011)

OK, exactly what problems have you encountered as a result of being left-handed? ❋ Unknown (2010)

If Morgan falters, the Nationals could move to a platoon, perhaps with Werth taking center and Michael Morse taking right field against left-handed pitchers. ❋ Adam Kilgore (2011)

As its name implies and the above picture shows, B. sinistrum is a left-handed or sinistral species. ❋ AYDIN (2009)

The International Monetary Fund’s leader, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, may come out of a socialist party background, but the IMF’s underlying trend became apparent at a morning reception where right-leaning coffee cups made it near impossible for the left-handed to drink without making a mess. ❋ Howard Schneider (2011)

• The Phillies could face a left-handed starter five times if the series goes seven games, which suits Raul Ibanez. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I [payed] for this [gum], but i left-handed [the juice]. ❋ Analjam (2006)

«All the job requirements are fulfilled…yet due to the fact that you are [left-handed], we cannot hire you at our company at this time.»
«[Left-handed] is like being [ass handed].»
«We [left-handers] also have rights! We want equality!» ❋ C_sheila (2005)

Being [left handed] is [genetic], it’s not a [preference]. ❋ MaggieChow (2010)

[Many] of [my friends] are left handed. ❋ Redi (2007)

Allison is [left handed] because she writes with her [left hand] and does other things with her left hand as well.
[ambidexterity] ❋ Miss Wisdom (2011)

[smack you] up with [my LEFT hand].
Lets [shake] left hands. ❋ Phur Riil (2003)

[the left] hand allows for one [handed] [surfing] ❋ Other Hand (2012)

[I wish] I was [left-handed]! ❋ EllieCooper17 (2021)

Jakob- “[left or right]”
Debb- “Left”
[Left hand] would be hug now Jakob has to hug [Debb] ❋ Kodoa (2022)

*raises left hand and high [fives] it with [right hand]*
*cries* ❋ Justfetus (2010)

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My manager said it would more effective against left-handed hitters. It seemed to me that was impossible to do without the high leg kick, which I started that day.

Juan Marichal





Left-Handed can act as an adjective and an adverb.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.

The adverb is an invariable part of the sentence that can change, explain or simplify a verb or another adverb.



Handedness is a better performance or individual preference for use of a hand. Handedness is not a discrete variable, but a continuous one that can be expressed at levels between strong left and strong right. While in an ordinary disclosure the terms left and right are used to define handedness, there are actually four types: left-handedness, right-handedness, mixed-handedness, and ambidexterity. Left-handedness is somewhat more common among men than among women.

Definition of left-handed in the English dictionary

The first definition of left-handed in the dictionary is using the left hand with greater ease than the right. Other definition of left-handed is performed with the left hand. Left-Handed is also designed or adapted for use by the left hand.

Synonyms and antonyms of left-handed in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «left-handed» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «left-handed» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of left-handed to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of left-handed from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «left-handed» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

बाएं हाथ

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

বাঁ হাতী

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese

Tangan kiwa

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

thuận tay trái

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

இடது கை

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

links -handed

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of left-handed


The term «left-handed» is quite widely used and occupies the 30.561 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Quite widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «left-handed» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of left-handed

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «left-handed».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «left-handed» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «left-handed» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about left-handed


Famous quotes and sentences with the word left-handed.

There are so many artists that are dyslexic or learning disabled, it’s just phenomenal. There’s also an unbelievably high proportion of artists who are left-handed, and a high correlation between left-handedness and learning disabilities.

Hendrix was the bass player for Little Richard. We were both left-handed, but we would use a right-handed guitar held upside down and backwards. He developed my slides and my riffs. In fact he used to say, and this is documented, ‘I patterned my style after Dick Dale.’

The first time I picked up a bat in a professional game, I hit a ball hard left-handed, and my first home run was so effortless, it surprised me.

Dad wouldn’t let me fool with his guitar much, because I’m left-handed, and I’d pick it up upside down. But I remember learning to sing ‘Paper Doll,’ the Mills Brothers song — this was during the war — and I remember my dad taking me down to one of those little record booths where you could make spoken letters to send home.

I’m used to being in the minority. I’m a left-handed gay Jew. I’ve never felt, automatically, a member of any majority.

I love both sports, but the deciding factor was, being a left-handed pitcher, I had a huge advantage in baseball because of that, and I didn’t have that type of advantage in hockey.

Left-handed pitchers get paid a lot of money to get left-handed guys out or else they wouldn’t be in there. They feel confident going up against lefties. If you look at most lefties’ numbers, typically they happen to be better against lefties than against righties. That’s all it is.

After all, crime is only a left-handed form of human endeavor.

Nobody can make a putt that breaks to the right. It’s unnatural. Unless you’re left-handed, of course. Standing over a putt that breaks to the right can actually make you dizzy. I’ve long thought that right-breaking putts are a major contributor to mental and physical ill health.

My manager said it would more effective against left-handed hitters. It seemed to me that was impossible to do without the high leg kick, which I started that day.


Discover the use of left-handed in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to left-handed and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.

They reach back to the sonnets of Shakespeare but find inspiration, too, in contemporary life. Naked and raw, lyrical yet formally inventive, rich with the melancholy wisdom of age, this is a work of resonant and shimmering beauty.

Practical tips on how to adapt easily to right-handed diagrams; tools and instructional materials; and how to hand sew, hand stitch, and deal with hooks and eyes, snaps, and hand-rolled hems; darn; and sew on feathers, sequins, and beads.


The LeftHanded History of the World

Through fascinating case studies of notables from ancient to modern times, Ed Wright explains the secret of lefty success. Psychology meets history in this fascinating and popular look at being left-handed and its effects on our world.


Lefthanded Calligraphy

Award-winning calligrapher’s generously illustrated text offers full coverage of calligraphy for left-handed writers. Tools and materials, correct positioning, page layout, much more. 4 model alphabets.


The Case of the LeftHanded Lady: An Enola Holmes Mystery

Sherlock Holmes?s sister, Enola, is back on another case!


Was Sherlock Holmes LeftHanded? Or Spatial Intelligence and …

The book is an enjoyable read, in particular on account of its fascinating insights.

Dalma Kalogjera-Sackellares, 2011


Fast Light, Slow Light and LeftHanded Light

The book pays considerable attention to the fact that superluminal group velocities are not in conflict with special relativity and to the role of quantum effects in preventing superluminal communication and violations of Einstein causality …


Confessions of a LeftHanded Man: An Artist’s Memoir

It’s no surprise, then, that Selgin went on from these peculiar beginnings to do . . . well, nearly everything. Confessions of a Left-Handed Man is a bold, unblushing journey down roads less traveled.


The Left Stuff: How the LeftHanded Have Survived and …

This book demystifies the place left-handness has held in society, shedding new light on this controversial discussion.


Loving Lefties: How to Raise Your LeftHanded Child in a …

Loving Lefties is the first ever guide to address all the issues pertinent to left-handedness: the biology, the physiology, and the psychological and practical effects of being a left-handed child.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term left-handed is used in the context of the following news items.

Five Questions with Matt Taylor, Frederick Keys left-handed pitcher …

Five Questions with Matt Taylor, Frederick Keys left-handed pitcher. Story · Comments. Print: Create a hardcopy of this page; Font Size: Default … «Frederick News Post, Jul 15»

The Royals won Saturday, but made some serious mistakes along …

When a lefty faces right-handed hitters he can use his slider to throw a backdoor slider—start it in the left-handed hitter’s batter’s box and have it … «Kansas City Star, Jul 15»

Maybe the Steelers next great quarterback will be left-handed

In the long history of the NFL, only a few dozen quarterbacks have been left-handed. Therefore, the league is a mirror of life: It’s a right-handed … «Behind the Steel Curtain, Jul 15»

I’m Left-Handed, What’s Your Superpower? Left-Handers Day 2015

Being left-handed has a major influence on your mental and physical development – the hand you write with is only a clue to the different … «SourceWire, Jul 15»

Cole Irvin makes it official: left-handed pitcher will return to Oregon …

The Oregon left-handed pitcher announced on Twitter his intentions to return to the Ducks for a fourth season, spurning the Pittsburgh Pirates in … «OregonLive.com, Jul 15»

Dodgers acquire left-handed pitcher Grant Dayton from Miami

LOS ANGELES — The Dodgers have acquired left-hander Grant Dayton from the Miami Marlins in exchange for left-hander Chris Reed. «LA Daily News, Jul 15»

Orioles designate left-handed reliever Wesley Wright for assignment

Pitcher Wesley Wright of the Orioles throws to a Toronto Blue Jays batter in the eighth inning at Camden Yards on April 10, 2015 in Baltimore. «Baltimore Sun, Jul 15»

‘My identical twin sister is now a man’: Brenda Bowers’ shock as …

Their embryos split later than normal, meaning Louise ended up left-handed and Christie right-handed. It means when they play the guitar … «Irish Mirror, Jul 15»

Carolina Hurricanes Face Shortage of Right-Handed Forwards …

Unlike the general world population—10 percent of which is left-handed—the majority of NHL players shoot left-handed, although many write … «Bleacher Report, Jul 15»

The Tribe does not need a right-handed power bat: Cleveland …

in the majors in OPS against left-handed pitching (.728). The Indians rank tied for third in on-base percentage against southpaws (.338) and … «cleveland.com, Jul 15»


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From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A person writing the Dutch word «Linkshandig» (Left Handed) with the left hand.

Left-handedness is a preference to use the left hand more than the right hand for daily activities such as writing or using tools. Most people can use either hand for many things. However, people very often have a definite preference for using the left or right hand for things such as: using a pen, using a knife, using scissors, brushing teeth, blowing their nose, and so on.[1] People who do not have a preference are called ambidextrous.

People do not just have preferences with things they do with their hands: they may, for example, be left-footed if they prefer to kick a ball with the left foot, or push harder with the left foot on a bicycle pedal.

Far more people are right handed than left handed. It is difficult to measure exactly how many, because each person has a different mixture of preferences, but about 5–10% are left-handed.

Bad things about left-handedness[change | change source]

The way people see left-handedness[change | change source]

Because left-handed people are different from most others, being left-handed has often been thought of as bad. For many years, right-handedness was seen as «normal» and left-handedness as «not normal».[2] In Hebrew, as well as in other ancient Semitic and Mesopotamian languages, the word «left» was a symbol of power.[3] In many European languages, «right» means “correct” (the opposite of “wrong”). In law the word “right” means authority and justice: in a democracy, everyone has certain “rights». In Russian and other Slavic languages prav is used in words meaning “correct” or “truth”. Someone who is skilled with their hands is called “dexterous”. But «left» often means “awkward” in many languages. In French “gauche” also means “clumsy”. In English, the word “sinister” (which comes from the Latin word for “left”, sinistra) means “evil”. We also say that someone has “two left feet” meaning that they are clumsy with their feet (for example they may step on their partner’s toes when dancing).

Sometimes people who are left-handed are called “Southpaws”.

Things designed for right-handed people[change | change source]

Things that are designed by right-handed people can cause problems for left-handed ones. These include guns, cameras, screws and in recent years the computer mouse and the iPhone.[4] Many objects are sold in left-handed versions, which are often more expensive than the right-handed versions. Some items such as a computer mouse can be designed for right handed people but still be used by left handed people and in some cases may even be an improvement for right handed users. [5]

Scissors, especially, cause left-handed people some trouble. Most scissors are made for right-handed people. Because they are designed this way, if a person tries to cut something while holding the scissors in their left hand, they cannot see the edge they are cutting. The way the cutting action works is also designed for right-handers, and left-handed people tend to force the blades open instead of cutting cleanly.[6] Even though some scissors say that they can be used by both left and right-handed people, these scissors only have their handles changed. They are still right-handed scissors and still cause the same issues.

Handwriting[change | change source]

It can be difficult for left-handed children to learn to write if the teacher does not give them special help. The reason for this is that most writing moves from left to right across the page. This means that left-handed writers may hold their hand over what has just been written.

In many countries, children are allowed to write with whichever hand is easier, although there are some countries where children may be made to write with the right hand. Many things can be difficult for left-handed writers. Chairs with writing boards may all be made for right-handed people. This makes left-handed people sit uncomfortably and hold their pens in an different way.

Tablet with proto-cuneiform pictographic characters (end of 4th millennium BC), Uruk III. This may be a list of slaves’ names, the hand in the upper left corner representing the owner.[7]

It may be curious that Arabic is written from right to left, but we have to remember that ancient writing was not done on paper. Paleo-Hebrew was right to left as a written language. Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Pashto, Urdu and Sindhi are the most widespread RTL writing systems today. Perhaps the writing tool originally used made this easier than modern pens. Some scripts (Chinese, Japanese) can be written vertically, although usually they are written horizontally.

Good things about left-handedness[change | change source]

Recent research has shown that it can be an advantage for animals and for humans to be left-handed. Being able to do things differently from most people can be a great help in many sports, such as tennis or fighting with swords.[8] Left-handed people from Norse settlements in Ireland in the 10th Century were more favoured than right-handed people as they had the advantage of swinging with their left hand as they were on a horse or running down the stairs of a castle in attack or defence.
In tennis, left-handed players hold the racket in their left hand. Because of this, their grip of the handle is supposedly adjusted in a slightly different style from right-handed players. Some world champion tennis players that have played with their left hand include Rod Laver, Jimmy Connors, Guillermo Vilas, John McEnroe, Martina Navratilova, and Rafael Nadal.

[change | change source]

  • Right-handedness
  • Handedness
  • International Lefthanders Day

References[change | change source]

  1. Lefties in a Right Hand World Archived 2008-05-29 at the Wayback Machine Accessed March 2008.
  2. «Types and Effects of Motor Adaptation». thesportjournal.org. Archived from the original on 1 December 2010. Retrieved 10 July 2010.
  3. Jeffries Hamilton. Social Justice and Deuteronomy: the Case of Deuteronomy 15. (Atlanta: Scholar’s Press, 1992) p. 145.
  4. «Left Handed Users Have Problems with Apple iPhone». topnews.net.nz. Archived from the original on 28 November 2011. Retrieved 10 July 2010 – via TopNews New Zealand.
  5. «Ergonomically Speaking — Should You Use Your Mouse Left Handed?». Archived from the original on 2016-08-18.
  6. Lefthanded scissors explained (dailymotion.com video)
  7. Cunningham, Lawrence S.; Reich, John J.; Fichner-Rathus, Lois (2014). Culture and Values: A Survey of the Western Humanities, Volume 1. Cengage Learning. p. 13. ISBN 978-1-285-45818-2.
  8. Article “Southpaws” by Nora Schultz: New Scientist 1 May 2010 pages 36-39

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