Word that means getting work done

What is another word for get the job done?

accomplish it complete it
do it finish it
finish off finish up
fulfil one’s task wind up

How do you describe someone who gets things done?

The adjective proactive can describe a person who gets things done. If you are proactive, you make things happen, instead of waiting for them to happen to you.

What does get done mean?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English be/get done British English informal to be caught by the police for doing something illegal, but usually not too seriousbe/get done for I got done for speeding last night.

What is a synonym for work?

ˈwɝːk) Be employed. Synonyms. serve grind man drive take break one’s back do work farm travail moil job slave turn a trick put to work bank blackleg scab fink knuckle down subcontract buckle down freelance drudge fag moonlight tinker fill toil labor dig occupy rat labour.

What is a synonym for a lot of work?

demanding or requiring vigorous exertion; laborious: To think deeply is a strenuous task. 3.) vigorous, energetic, or zealously active: a strenuous person; a strenuous intellect.

What is the synonym and antonym of work?

employ, use, utilisation, workplace, exercise, study, employment, usage, oeuvre, body of work, piece of work, utilization, engagement. Antonyms: stagnate, laze, slug, idle. study, work(noun)

What’s a synonym for work hard?

What is another word for work hard?

apply oneself be assiduous
laborUS labourUK
persevere strive
struggle toil
try hard be attentive

How do you describe someone?

Describing Someone’s Character and Personality polite (Please be polite to our guests.) friendly (Everyone was very friendly towards me.) honest (He was a hard-working honest man.) generous (She’s always very generous to the kids.)

What is a good synonym for generous?

Some common synonyms of generous are bountiful, liberal, and munificent. While all these words mean “giving or given freely and unstintingly,” generous stresses warmhearted readiness to give more than size or importance of the gift.

How do you describe someone who perseveres?

adjective. displaying perseverance; resolutely persistent; steadfast: a persevering student.

What is a word for overcoming obstacles?

Frequently Asked Questions About overcome Some common synonyms of overcome are conquer, defeat, overthrow, reduce, subdue, and vanquish. While all these words mean “to get the better of by force or strategy,” overcome suggests getting the better of with difficulty or after hard struggle.

How do you describe overcoming?

1 : to win a victory over : conquer Soldiers overcame the enemy. 2 : to gain control of through great effort He overcame his fear of heights. 3 : to cause to lose physical ability or emotional control Firefighters were overcome by smoke. The family was overcome by grief.

What’s a word for struggle?

SYNONYMS FOR struggle 1 oppose, contest, fight, conflict. 7 endeavor, exertion. 8 encounter, skirmish.

What is a word for struggling?

What is the adjective of struggle?

struggleful. (India) Full of struggle; difficult, hard.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

выполнить работу

выполнения работы

получить работу

выполнение работы

закончить работу

чтобы работа была сделана

выполняете работу

выполнять работу

сделать работу

выполнять свою работу

ускорить работу

делать работу

выполнить свою работу

The normal client can vary between local businesses, college students and someone looking to get work done as quickly as possible.

Обычный клиент может варьироваться между местными предприятиями, студентами и кем-то, кто хочет как можно быстрее выполнить работу.

Next time you are struggling to get work done, remember this stat.

В следующий раз, когда вы изо всех сил пытаетесь выполнить работу, помните об этом.

Start with a small team, minimal tools (i.e. post-it notes), and the minimum set of processes required to get work done.

Начните с небольшой команды, минимальных инструментов (стикеров) и минимального набора процессов, необходимых для выполнения работы.

Modern workplaces can provide a wide array of the necessary equipment to get work done.

Современные рабочие места могут предоставить широкий спектр необходимого оборудования для выполнения работы.

Nobody else seems to get work done here either

Self-employment is an unrealistic goal if you are the kind of person who can’t get work done without external pressure and direction from others.

Самозанятость — нереальная цель, если вы такой человек, который не может получить работу без внешнего давления и направления от других.

Creative teams exist to get work done.

Baroque music, for example, is a popular choice for many needing to get work done.

Музыка барокко, например, довольно распространенный выбор для многих слушающих музыку во время выполнения работы.

And the good news is that using basic computer applications to get work done is not difficult at all.

И хорошая новость заключается в том, что использовать базовые компьютерные приложения для выполнения работы совсем не сложно.

City employees still can’t use their government-issued computers or email accounts to get work done.

Городские служащие по-прежнему не могут использовать свои правительственные компьютеры или учетные записи электронной почты для выполнения работы.

This is the only way to help them develop the internal motivation necessary to get work done.

Это единственный способ развить у него внутреннюю мотивацию, необходимую для выполнения работы.

ONA can reveal which positions and units are interacting to get work done.

ONA может выявить, какие позиции и подразделения и как взаимодействуют для выполнения работы.

The reason skills have been so valuable and necessary is because, through much of the 20th century, businesses depended almost wholly on skills to get work done.

Причина, по которой навыки были настолько ценными и необходимыми, заключается в том, что на протяжении большей части 20-го века предприятия почти полностью зависели от навыков, необходимых для выполнения работы.

Not some abstract thing — just people trying to get work done in a dangerous world, and having a few burned spies around could make that possible.

Не что-то абстрактное, а всего лишь люди, которые пытались выполнить работу в этом опасном мире, и спалить нескольких шпионов помогало это сделать.

Quite frankly, the entire landscape has changed over the last couple of years, and it’s now very easy to get work done using Android devices.

Откровенно говоря, весь ландшафт изменился за последние пару лет, и теперь очень легко выполнить работу с помощью устройств Android.

Our lawyers love to get work done, and act quickly and pragmatically.

Наши специалисты любят свою работу, поэтому делают ее хорошо и оперативно.

Make more phone calls to get work done.

I love coming here to get work done.

That has given business leaders an edge, as users — especially knowledge workers — now get work done from anywhere.

Это дало деловым лидерам преимущество, так как пользователи, особенно работники знаний, теперь получают работу из любого места.

They say «sometime» when their boss asks them to get work done.

Они говорят «когда-нибудь», если босс просит их начать работу.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Getting The Job Done synonyms — 30 Words and …

Posted: (7 days ago)
WebSynonyms for Getting The Job Done (other words and phrases for Getting The Job Done). … 30 other terms for getting the job done- words and phrases with similar meaning. …

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Synonyms of get something done | Thesaurus.com

Posted: (3 days ago)
WebOn this page you’ll find 56 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to get something done, such as: accomplish, achieve, arrange, come out, complete, and develop. antonyms for …

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GET THE JOB DONE in Thesaurus: 100 Synonyms

Posted: (6 days ago)
Webfinish the job. do your job. complete the job. achieve a result. fulfil one’s task. get results. get things done. stay the course. achieve an outcome.

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»get the job done» — English Grammar — English — The …

Posted: (3 days ago)
WebJan 12, 2019 · «to get something done» is a common structure. A got something done (by B). Now it is to A and B whether they want to include money in this or not. Do not get …

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single word request for a person who gets the job done

Posted: (5 days ago)
WebAug 21, 2016 · diligent (adj) — «careful and persevering in carrying out tasks or duties» (dilligent connotes steady, meticulous attention to an ongoing job or task. — a diligent …

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Gets the job done — Idioms by The Free Dictionary

Posted: (4 days ago)
Web(someone/something) gets the job done Someone or something is able to accomplish something adequately, if not in the most ideal or pleasant manner possible. This old truck …

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43 Synonyms & Antonyms of ACCOMPLISH — Merriam …

Posted: (1 days ago)
WebSome common synonyms of accomplish are achieve, discharge, effect, execute, fulfill, and perform. While all these words mean «to carry out or into effect,» accomplish stresses …

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706 Synonyms & Antonyms of DONE — Merriam Webster

Posted: (7 days ago)
WebSynonyms for DONE: completed, finished, up, ended, accomplished, complete, concluded, over; Antonyms of DONE: unfinished, ongoing, incomplete, continuing, undone, …

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306 Words and Phrases for Get The Job Done — Power …

Posted: (4 days ago)
Web306 other terms for get the job done — words and phrases with similar meaning. Lists. synonyms. antonyms. definitions. sentences. thesaurus.

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What is another word for get the job done — WordHippo

Posted: (2 days ago)
WebWhat is another word for get the job done? that you can use instead. Verb To fulfill or accomplish one’s task accomplish fulfil UK fulfill US realise UK realize US complete …

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What does get the job done mean? — Definitions.net

Posted: (5 days ago)
WebMeaning of get the job done. What does get the job done mean? … This dictionary definitions page includes all the possible meanings, example usage and translations of …

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get the job done: meaning — WordSense Dictionary

Posted: (7 days ago)
WebFeb 1, 2011 · get the job done (English) Verb get the job done. to fulfil one’s task, to do what is required to do; February 1, 2011, Phil McNulty, Arsenal 2 — 1 Everton, BBC: …

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GET DONE Synonyms: 162 Synonyms & Antonyms for GET …

Posted: (2 days ago)
Webcarry through. earn wings. follow through. rack up. see through. wind up. On this page you’ll find 165 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to get done, such as: accomplish, …

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What does get the job done mean? — Definitions.net

Posted: (1 days ago)
WebDefinition of get the job done in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of get the job done. What does get the job done mean? Information and translations of get the job …

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33 Ways To Tell Your Employees «Job Well Done» — Indeed

Posted: (3 days ago)
WebFeb 27, 2023 · Learning different ways to tell your employees they’re doing well at work is useful if you’re a manager trying to improve your workplace culture. In this article, we list …

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Get-the-job-done Definition & Meaning | YourDictionary

Posted: (7 days ago)
WebGet-the-job-done definition: To fulfil one’s task, to do what is required to do.

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WHAT IS A word use for getting the job done in a timely manner …

Posted: (1 days ago)
WebMar 6, 2011 · See answer (1) Copy Getting the job done: promptly, efficiently, punctually, swiftly, expeditiously, contiguously. You can check out the thesaurus at dictionary.com …

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Welcome to Memorial Lutheran! Join us LIVE for Easter Worship …

Posted: (6 days ago)
Webpastor, tomb, garden | ९९ views, ३ likes, २ loves, ३ comments, ० shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Memorial Lutheran Church Sioux Falls: Happy Easter!…

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  • #2

What does ‘get the work done’ really mean?

Who is saying it? To whom, and under what circumstances?

  • #4

I’m not sure what you are confused about. The sentence is an instruction to you to complete the work (whatever it is).

  • #6

Someone says if I say ‘get the work done’, then I mean the work needs to be done by someone, not by the person I am talking to.

It could possibly have that meaning, but that would be very unlikely in the case of your parents or your boss (you’re not going to hire someone to do your chores at home, for instance). That’s why I asked you for a a particular context.



Автоматический перевод

проделанная работа

Перевод по словам

work  — работа, труд, произведение, дело, дела, работать, трудиться, действовать
do  — делать, выполнять, до, развлечение, то же самое, таким же образом


It caps me how this drunkard gets his work done.

Я совершенно не понимаю, как этому пьянице удаётся делать своё дело.

I slaved all morning to get the work done on time.

Я всё утро вкалывал, словно раб, чтобы успеть сделать работу в срок.

Getting the work done on time is a priority for me.

Выполнение работы в срок для меня важнее всего.

The idea evolved out of work done by British scientists.

Идея родилась из работы британских ученых.

The work wasted is negligibly small compared with the work done.

Потерянной работы ничтожно мало по сравнению с тем, что сделано.

Because of her efficiency, we got all the work done in a few hours.

Благодаря её работоспособности, мы выполнили всю работу за несколько часов.

I like to get up early and get a bit of work done before breakfast.

Я люблю встать пораньше и сделать часть работы до завтрака.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I’m getting the work done, but it’s slow going.  

Most of the relief work was done by volunteers.  

I can get some work done while the kids are at school.  

He is asking for a just recompense for the work he’s done.  

I don’t think the scene with the horses really works, do you?  

…let’s can the funnies—we’ve got serious work to do here…  

…cowboys drinking in the saloon after their work was done for the day…  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

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