Word that means exaggerated

преувеличенный, дутый, расширенный, ненормально расширенный


- преувеличенный

to have an exaggerated opinion of oneself — быть слишком высокого мнения о себе
with exaggerated coldness [courtesy, bonhomie] — с подчёркнутой холодностью [учтивостью, приветливостью]

- мед. ненормально расширенный, увеличенный (о сердце и т. п.)

Мои примеры


greatly / grossly exaggerated — сильно преувеличенный  
exaggerated praise — непомерное восхваление  
exaggerated estimate — завышенная оценка  
be grossly exaggerated — быть чрезвычайно преувеличенным  
exaggerated claim — завышенное страховое требование  
exaggerated grain growth — анормальный рост зерна; чрезмерный рост зёрен  
exaggerated relief — преувеличенный стереоэффект; утрированный стереоэффект; искажённый рельеф  
exaggerated scale — преувеличенный масштаб; увеличенный масштаб  
exaggerated test — испытание при искусственно созданных особо неблагоприятных условиях  
greatly exaggerated — значительно преувеличенный  

Примеры с переводом

I know this much, that this story is exaggerated.

Я знаю по крайней мере то, что эта история преувеличена.

The news of my death was greatly exaggerated.

Известия о моей смерти сильно преувеличены.

Thick lenses exaggerated the size of her eyes.

Из-за толстых линз её глаза казались больше, чем на самом деле.

He exaggerated the importance of his role in the rescue mission.

Он преувеличил важность своей роли в данной спасательной операции.

The revenue figures may be slightly exaggerated.

Показатели выручки могут быть слегка преувеличены.

She made the astute observation that the whole matter had been exaggerated.

Она сделала тонкое замечание о том, что всё было преувеличено.

At the crack of dawn the snowmobiles would be at work, compacting new snow and planing off exaggerated moguls (bumps).

На рассвете аэросани отправятся утрамбовывать выпавший снег и выравнивать лыжню.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The danger had been greatly exaggerated.

He spoke with an exaggerated New York accent.

He made an exaggerated bow.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Francesco Hauck

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  • color,
  • elaborate (on),
  • embellish,
  • embroider,
  • hyperbolize,
  • magnify,
  • pad,
  • stretch.

What is a similar word to exaggerate?

In this page you can discover 106 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for exaggerate, like: hyperbolize, embellish, embroider, overstate, blow up, misrepresent, heighten, lay it on with a trowel, brag, intensify and misreport.

What is a word for under exaggerating?

To state something with less completeness than needed. Under-publicize. Verb.

Is exaggerator a word?

ex·ag′ger·a′tive, ex·ag′ger·a·to′ry (-ə-tôr′ē) adj. ex·ag′ger·a′tor n. These verbs mean to represent something as being larger or greater than it actually is: exaggerated the size of the fish I caught; inflated his own importance; magnifying her part in their success; overstated his income on the loan application.

How do you describe someone who exaggerates?

Exaggerator and overstater are both English words that fit your meaning.

16 related questions found

What word means extreme exaggeration?

Hyperbole is a super-exaggerated way of describing something for the sake of emphasis that often borders on the fantastical or ridiculous.

Is more commonly known as extreme exaggeration?

Hyperbole Definition

That extreme kind of exaggeration in speech is the literary device known as hyperbole. … Hyperbole is used in literature, rhetoric and everyday speech.

Is extreme exaggeration a metaphor?

In practice, hyperbole might resemble a metaphor, which is a comparison between two things. … Hyperbole always uses exaggeration, while metaphors sometimes do. This is a metaphor: “His words were music to my ears.” The speaker compares words to music.

What is an exaggerated person?

After all, when you exaggerate, you’re not really lying — you’re just overstating things. The word exaggerate can also suggest that a particular characteristic is overdone or almost larger than life. If you describe someone as having an exaggerated limp, he or she might be walking like a gorilla.

What does it mean when someone over exaggerates?

transitive + intransitive. : to exaggerate (something) to an excessive degree overexaggerating the threat/danger/risk Its effect/impact/importance was greatly overexaggerated.

How do you deal with an exaggerator?

Challenge them during the conversation.

While they are talking with you, when you suspect that they are telling you something too unbelievable to be true, try politely bringing it to their attention. Ask them for more details, or ask them if what they are saying really happened.

How do you use the word exaggerated?

Exaggerated sentence example

  1. A student in a gray wig and exaggerated backside was at the sink, pretending to wash dishes. …
  2. Joan produced an exaggerated sigh. …
  3. «Middle ground, sweetie,» she repeated with exaggerated innocence. …
  4. She gave an exaggerated sigh.

What exaggerated claims?

From Longman Business Dictionary exˈaggerated ˌclaim an exaggerated claim is one in which the insured person dishonestly says that the value of goods stolen or damaged is greater than their true value → claim.

Is Exaggerative a real word?

tending to exaggerate; involving or characterized by exaggeration. Also ex·ag·ger·a·to·ry [ig-zaj-er-uh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee].

What is exaggeration of the truth?

If you’re prone to exaggeration, it means you habitually overstate the truth. … When you make something showier, or more noticeable than normal, that’s also called exaggeration. The exaggeration of your hand movements might be necessary on stage so the audience can see them, but in real life it just looks silly.

What is an example of exaggeration?

It means the describing of something and making it more than it really is. The verb is to exaggerate. An example of exaggeration would be: “I was walking along when suddenly this enormous dog walked along. … Another example of exaggeration would be: “I caught a fish as big as my house.”

What are 5 examples of exaggeration?

Everyday Examples of Exaggeration

  • This bicycle is a thousand years old.
  • He snores louder than a cargo train.
  • My dog only has cat friends.
  • He is drowning in his tears.
  • His brain is the size of a pea.

What do you call a person who exaggerates a lot?

Someone who blows things way out of proportion when ever the chance is given. Embroiderer, exaggerator, dramatist, fabricator, embellisher, and hyperbolist. Some dictionaries might not list the last two, but some do, such as Collins.

Is an exaggeration a lie?

Most people consider exaggerations to be lies because they intentionally mislead others to believe events occurred in a way they did not. Of course, lying is usually associated with a wide range of negative outcomes.

Are dramatic and exaggerated the same?

As adjectives the difference between dramatic and exaggerated. is that dramatic is of or relating to the drama while exaggerated is that has been described as greater than it actually is; abnormally increased or enlarged.

Why do people exaggerate?

The Cambridge Dictionary defines exaggeration as “the fact of making something seem larger, more important, better, or worse than it really is.” … But if we use our common sense, I think we can agree that we typically exaggerate stories/facts to make our conversations more entertaining and to draw people’s attention.

What is this word exaggerate?

1 : to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth : overstate a friend exaggerates a man’s virtues— Joseph Addison. 2 : to enlarge or increase especially beyond the normal : overemphasize. intransitive verb. : to make an overstatement. Other Words from exaggerate Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About exaggerate.

What is an exaggeration in figurative language?

Hyperbole is an exaggeration for the sake of emphasis, humor, or effect. This type of figurative speech is common in everyday conversations, often when people want to state their position without seeming too direct.

  • 1

    exaggerated [ɪgˊzædʒəreɪtɪd]

    1) преувели́ченный



    ненорма́льно расши́ренный, увели́ченный ( о сердце

    и т.п.


    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > exaggerated

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > exaggerated

  • 3

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > exaggerated

  • 4


    exaggerated p. p. от exaggerate exaggerated мед. ненормально расширенный, увеличенный (о сердце и т. п.) exaggerated преувеличенный greatly exaggerated значительно преувеличенный

    English-Russian short dictionary > exaggerated

  • 5

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > exaggerated

  • 6


    1. преувеличенный

    to have an exaggerated opinion of oneself — быть слишком высокого мнения о себе

    with exaggerated coldness [courtesy, bonhomie] — с подчёркнутой холодностью [учтивостью, приветливостью]


    ненормально расширенный, увеличенный ()

    НБАРС > exaggerated

  • 7

    [ɪg’zæʤəreɪtɪd], [eg-]


    1) непомерный, чрезвычайный, чрезмерный; преувеличенный, гиперболизированный

    greatly / grossly exaggerated — сильно преувеличенный



    а) ненормально большой; гигантский, исполинский; чрезмерно выросший, переросший




    ненормально расширенный, увеличенный

    Англо-русский современный словарь > exaggerated

  • 8

    1. чрезмерно тяжёлый
    2. находящийся в особо неблагоприятных условиях (эксплуатации)

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > exaggerated

  • 9

    1. a преувеличенный

    2. a мед. ненормально расширенный, увеличенный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. farfetched (adj.) distorted; extravagant; farfetched; out of proportion; overstated; overwrought; preposterous; sensational; spectacular

    2. embroidered (verb) colored; embellished; embroidered; fudged; inflated; magnified; overcharged; overdrew/overdrawn; overstated; padded; stretched

    English-Russian base dictionary > exaggerated

  • 10

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > exaggerated

  • 11

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > exaggerated

  • 12


    непомерный, чрезвычайный, чрезмерный; преувеличенный, гиперболизированный

    ненормально большой; гигантский, исполинский; чрезмерно выросший, переросший

    ненормально расширенный, увеличенный

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > exaggerated

  • 13


    past participle

    of exaggerate

    1) преувеличенный



    ненормально расширенный, увеличенный (о сердце и т. п.)

    * * *

    1 (0) ненормально расширенный

    2 (a) преувеличенный; увеличенный

    * * *

    непомерный, чрезвычайный, чрезмерный

    * * *

    [ex’ag·ger·at·ed || -tɪd]
    преувеличенный, расширенный, дутый, ненормально расширенный, ненормально увеличенный

    * * *





    * * *

    1) непомерный, чрезвычайный
    2) а) ненормально большой; гигантский, исполинский; чрезмерно выросший
    б) мед. ненормально расширенный, увеличенный (о сердце и т. п.)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > exaggerated

  • 14

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > exaggerated

  • 15





    English-Russian smart dictionary > exaggerated

  • 16

    преувеличил; преувеличенный

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > exaggerated

  • 17

    The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > exaggerated

  • 18
    exaggerated grain growth

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > exaggerated grain growth

  • 19
    exaggerated test

    спец. испытание при особо неблагоприятных условиях
    (специальное) испытание при особо неблагоприятных условиях

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > exaggerated test

  • 20
    exaggerated test

    НБАРС > exaggerated test


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Exaggerated — Ex*ag ger*a ted, a. Enlarged beyond bounds or the truth. {Ex*ag ger*a ted*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • exaggerated — index excessive, histrionic, inflated (overestimated), inordinate, lurid, outrageous, unreasonable Burton s Legal Thesaurus …   Law dictionary

  • exaggerated — [adj] overstated, embellished a bit thick*, abstract, amplified, artificial, bouncing, caricatural, distorted, embroidered, exalted, excessive, extravagant, fabricated, fabulous, false, fantastic, farfetched, hammy, highly colored, histrionic,… …   New thesaurus

  • exaggerated — ex|ag|ge|rat|ed [ıgˈzædʒəreıtıd] adj 1.) if something is exaggerated, it is described as better, larger etc than it really is ▪ The revenue figures may be slightly exaggerated . grossly/greatly/wildly exaggerated ▪ The danger had been greatly… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • exaggerated — [[t]ɪgzæ̱ʤəreɪtɪd[/t]] ADJ GRADED Something that is exaggerated is or seems larger, better, worse, or more important than it actually needs to be. They should be sceptical of exaggerated claims for what such courses can achieve… Western fears,… …   English dictionary

  • exaggerated — adjective 1 described as better, more important etc than is really true: exaggerated reports of the army s gains 2 an exaggerated sound or movement is emphasized to make people notice: exaggerated movements of his arms …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Exaggerated — Exaggerate Ex*ag ger*ate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Exaggerated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Exaggerating} . ] [L. exaggeratus, p. p. of exaggerare to heap up; ex out + aggerare to heap up, fr. agger heap, aggerere to bring to; ad to + gerere to bear. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • exaggerated — adj. greatly, grossly exaggerated * * * [ɪg zædʒəreɪtɪd] grossly exaggerated greatly …   Combinatory dictionary

  • exaggerated — ex|ag|ger|at|ed [ ıg zædʒə,reıtəd ] adjective 1. ) describing something in a way that makes it seem better, worse, larger, more important, etc. than it really is: exaggerated claims about the drug s benefits 2. ) done in an extreme way that does… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • exaggerated — UK [ɪɡˈzædʒəˌreɪtɪd] / US [ɪɡˈzædʒəˌreɪtəd] adjective 1) describing something in a way that makes it seem better, worse, larger, more important etc than it really is exaggerated claims about the drug s benefits 2) done in an extreme way that does …   English dictionary

  • exaggerated — [ɪgˈzædʒəˌreɪtɪd] adj 1) describing something in a way that makes it seem better, worse, larger, more important etc than it really is exaggerated claims[/ex] 2) done in a way that does not seem sincere or natural a tone of exaggerated… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

exaggerated — перевод на русский


— Yes. — Now, Ninotchka, you are exaggerating.

— Ниночка, ты преувеличиваешь!

You’re exaggerating.


You’re exaggerating, Andrzej.

Преувеличиваешь, Анджей.

Dave, you know you’re exaggerating, old buddy-buddy.

Дэйв, старина, Ты сам знаешь, что преувеличиваешь.

You’re exaggerating.

-Ты преувеличиваешь.

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— Rumours are always exaggerated.

Слухи всегда преувеличены.

Those reports are exaggerated.

Эти сведения преувеличены.

Well… they seem to have a somewhat exaggerated impression of me.

Ну… Кажется, их представления обо мне несколько преувеличены.

Reports of my assimilation are greatly exaggerated.

Сообщение о моей ассимиляции сильно преувеличены

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I’m afraid I exaggerated that part of it a little bit.

Боюсь, я немного преувеличил эту часть рассказа.

Do I paint a correct picture, or do I exaggerate?

Я нарисовал достаточно правдивую картину, или несколько преувеличил?

— Well, I exaggerated a bit, but I had to push the reactor past the critical stage… or they’d never have believed me.

— Ну, в общем, я преувеличил немного, но я должен был разагнать реактор сверх критической стадии или они никогда бы не поверили мне.

I did exaggerate about one thing.

Я преувеличил лишь одно.

Well, so he exaggerates.

Ну, преувеличил.

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At first, it helps to exaggerate a bit.

Преувеличение может помочь.

That’s it, I even heard that I poisoned her but that’s exaggerating, I didn’t go that far.

Вот-вот, я даже слышал что я отравил ее но это преувеличение, я не пошел бы так далеко.

This is not exaggerated.

И это не преувеличение.

That’s exaggerating. It’s fake.

Это преувеличение Это фальшивка

They lied or exaggerated.

Это все ложь или преувеличение.

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Well, you’re exaggerating now. What are we going to do?

Это уже слишком.

He may be a great man, but I think he’s exaggerating.

Может, конечно, он и выдающийся человек, но это уже слишком.

No, you’re exaggerating.

Это вы слишком.

— I think you’re exaggerating.

Ведь верно? Ну это вы слишком.

With all the respect, Poirot, I think that it is exaggerating.

Несмотря на уважение к Вам, Пуаро, я думаю, Вы придаете этому слишком большое значение.

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Aren’t you exaggerating a bit?

Тебе не кажется, что ты немного сгущаешь краски?

You’re exaggerating.

Ты сгущаешь краски.

Easy, easy, don’t you think you’re exaggerating just a little?

Успокойся. Тебе не кажется, что ты слегка сгущаешь краски?

You exaggerate.

Ты сгущаешь краски.

Next it would not be necessary to exaggerate it in this manner the things.

И потом, не надо знаете, так сгущать краски.

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Of course, this is exaggerating, but it’ll give you the idea.

Конечно, это чересчур, но я демонстрирую вам принцип.

Yes, he exaggerates!

Да, это чересчур!

They are too cruel, the gall bladder’s use… is exaggerated, they shouldn’t have

Они так жестоки, использовать желчный пузырь… Это чересчур, так нельзя.

We’re exaggerating

— Нет. Простите, но это чересчур.

You do everything so exaggerated.

Тьi чересчур порьiвист, что бьi тьi ни делал. Тебе 21 год!

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CIGARETTE — MEAN OF INTOXICATION You know, I think that harmfulness of smoking is wildly exaggerated.

ѕјѕ»–ќ—ј — —–≈ƒ—»¬ќ «Ќ»ќ —» ј÷»» ¬ы знаете, € думаю, что вред курени€ слишком преувеличен.

CIGARETTE — MEAN OF INTOXICATION /OF HERBAL ORIGIN/. You know, I think that harmfulness of smoking is wildly exaggerated.

ѕјѕ»–ќ—ј — —–≈ƒ—»¬ќ «Ќ»ќ —» ј÷»» (–ј—»»»≈Ћ№Ќќ√ќ ѕ–ќ»—’ќ∆ƒ≈Ќ»я) ¬ы знаете, € думаю, что вред курени€ слишком преувеличен.

CIGARETTE — MEAN OF INTOXICATION /OF HERBAL ORIGIN/. BROUGHT You know, I think that harmfulness of smoking is wildly exaggerated.

ѕјѕ»–ќ—ј — —–≈ƒ—»¬ќ «Ќ»ќ —» ј÷»» (–ј—»»»≈Ћ№Ќќ√ќ ѕ–ќ»—’ќ∆ƒ≈Ќ»я) «ј¬≈»≈Ќџ ¬ы знаете, € думаю, что вред курени€ слишком преувеличен.

CIGARETTE — MEAN OF INTOXICATION /OF HERBAL ORIGIN/. BROUGHT TO EUROPE You know, I think that harmfulness of smoking is wildly exaggerated.

ѕјѕ»–ќ—ј — —–≈ƒ—»¬ќ «Ќ»ќ —» ј÷»» (–ј—»»»≈Ћ№Ќќ√ќ ѕ–ќ»—’ќ∆ƒ≈Ќ»я) «ј¬≈»≈Ќџ ¬ ≈¬–ќѕ» ¬ы знаете, € думаю, что вред курени€ слишком преувеличен.

German sources there are saying that our claims are wildly exaggerated.

Немцы говорят, что наши цифры слишком преувеличены.

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Exaggerate those little things that give her that look.

Утрируй мелкие детали, которые придают ей этот вид.

There weren’t thousands, don’t exaggerate.

Тысяч не было, не утрируй.

I’m exaggerating but, reading it, you start wishing for something more normal.

Я утрирую, но читая тебя, начинаешь хотеть чего-то более привычного.

Okay, I’m exaggerating.

Ладно, я утрирую.

Robert doesn’t exaggerate anything in his comics.

Роберт ничего не утрирует в своих комиксах.

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It’s not exactly Bicky’s fault, sir, although he did exaggerate.

Бики не виноват, сэр. Хотя он немного преувеличил.

And I, uh, I exaggerated about my relationship with Carina to the guys.

И я, эм, немного преувеличил о моих отношениях с Кариной, когда говорил о них друзьям.

Wow. I may have exaggerated…

Ну, я возможно тоже немного преувеличил…

I may have exaggerated just how closely I work with major crimes.

И я, кажется, немного преувеличил, насколько сильно я связан в работе с отделом Особо тяжких преступлений

Okay, I may have exaggerated that last one, but the point is, he was mean.

Ладно, возможно, я немного преувеличила в последнем случае, но смысл в том, что он нехороший.

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: excessively or inappropriately heightened, inflated, or overstated

a wildly exaggerated story

As students go from one disconnected course to the next, they tend to form a highly exaggerated idea of the differences between teachers and subjects.Gerald Graff


: enlarged or increased beyond the normal : greater than normal

… many people have an unusual or exaggerated response to a drug, but they are not necessarily allergic to the drug.Paul D. Buisseret


… my own view of the art of architecture—a view that many people (including many architects) would perhaps consider an exaggeratedly lofty one.

Brendan Gill

Koenig’s movements were brisk, exaggeratedly optimistic.

Nick Paumgarten


… we often do not respond to exaggeration by simply pointing out its exaggeratedness

Julie Kuhlken


Example Sentences

Recent Examples on the Web

Though tales of the explorer’s search have been greatly exaggerated, hordes of modern water worshippers have followed in his wake.

Sean Kingsley, Smithsonian Magazine, 29 Mar. 2023

The most recent and exaggerated example occurred in fall 2020, during the first season of play during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tracie Canada, Scientific American, 6 Jan. 2023

The songs were so metaphorical and exaggerated, painting pictures in my mind.

Lily Moayeri, Variety, 16 Dec. 2022

Claims that global warming is a hoax or exaggerated have surged on Twitter, alarming climate scientists, since Musk bought it in October and gutted its content moderation policies.

Evan Halper, BostonGlobe.com, 12 Dec. 2022

Claims that global warming is a hoax or exaggerated have surged on Twitter, alarming climate scientists, since Musk bought it in October and gutted its content moderation policies.

Evan Halper, Anchorage Daily News, 12 Dec. 2022

Styles in the ’80s were so exaggerated and colorful and extreme and there was for sure, like, a general boom feeling.

Laird Borrelli-persson, Vogue, 30 Mar. 2023

The comedy, which sees David playing a fictionalized and exaggerated version of himself, has spanned 20 years.

Jackie Strause, The Hollywood Reporter, 28 Mar. 2023

Despite being the epicenter of haute couture, nothing is too colorful or exaggerated.

Amy Louise Bailey, Travel + Leisure, 27 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘exaggerated.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


from past participle of exaggerate

First Known Use

circa 1632, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of exaggerated was
circa 1632

Dictionary Entries Near exaggerated

Cite this Entry

“Exaggerated.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/exaggerated. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on exaggerated

Last Updated:
6 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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