Word that means escape

Synonyms & Antonyms of escape

  • abscond,
  • break out (of),
  • clear out,
  • flee,
  • fly,
  • get out,
  • lam,
  • run away,

What is the meaning of my escape? 1 to get away or break free from (confinements, captors, etc.)

Similarly, What is the synonym and antonym of escape? escape. Synonyms: elude, decamp, abscond, fly, flee, evade, avoid. Antonyms: incur, confront, encounter, meet, suffer.

What word means to leave or break away from something?

abscond, absquatulate, bolt, decamp, go off, make off, run off. run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along. elope, run off.

What is the sentence of escaped?

Escaped sentence example. She’d escaped them at last! He wiped the first tear that escaped away. Tears escaped one eye and trailed down his face.

What means broken away?

1 : to get away from (someone or something) especially by using force or effort He broke away from his captors and escaped. — often used figuratively young people breaking away from traditional values. 2 : to separate from (a larger group, country, etc.)

What is the meaning of broken out? intransitive verb. 1 : to develop or emerge with suddenness or force fire broke out a riot broke out. 2a : to become covered break out in a sweat. b : to become affected with an eruption or inflammation of the skin break out in hives his face broke out with acne.

Which vocabulary word means to withdraw or break away from a nation or organization? secede Add to list Share. To secede is to go your own way, breaking off ties. Usually, this refers to one part of a country that wants to become independent, like the South during the U.S. Civil War. The Latin word secedere means “go apart” and that’s where secede comes from.

Is it escape or escape from?

There is a principal difference between the two. We only use ‘escape from’ when ‘escape’ is an intransitive verb, e.g it has no direct object . We use escape as transitive verb + noun where noun is a direct object otherwise.

Is it escaped or escaped? Both are correct. “Has escaped” is a present perfect tense and “Had escaped” is a past perfect tense.

How do you use escape as a noun?

I had a narrow escape (= I was lucky to have escaped). He had a lucky escape when his car skidded out of control. As soon as he turned his back, she would make her escape.

What is the meaning of takes off? intransitive verb. 1a : to start off or away often suddenly : set out, depart took off for her trip. b : to leave the surface : begin flight. c : to spring into wide use or popularity.

Has been called off meaning?

to cancel or abandonthe game was called off because of rain. to order (an animal or person) to desist or summon awaythe man called off his dog. to stop (something) or give the order to stop.

What does mean away?

1 : to get rid of by or as if by explanation. 2 : to minimize the significance of by or as if by explanation explains his faults, but does not try to explain them away— M. K. Spears. Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About explain away.

When the news broke out meaning? : to tell (someone) bad news We tried to break the news to her gently.

Is the action of formally withdrawing from membership of a federation or political state?

verb (used without object), se·ced·ed, se·ced·ing. to withdraw formally from an alliance, federation, or association, as from a political union, a religious organization, etc.

What is the term for leaving the union?

Secession is the term used for the action which consists in withdrawing from the Union.

Which preposition is used with escape? In 51% of cases escape from is used

The ability to escape from enemies. Escape From Camp 14 changed my life. Escape from the semi-death of road travel. He could not believe that a blind man could escape from under such tight monitoring.

What type of verb is escape?

2[intransitive, transitive] to get away from an unpleasant or dangerous situation escape (from something) She managed to escape from the burning car.

What is an escape room? What is an escape room? An escape room is an exciting and adventurous game in which participants are “locked” into a themed room with their team (usually 8-10 people), and they must solve riddles, puzzles, and clues in order to find their way out of the room before the time runs out.

What kind of verb is escaped?

[transitive, intransitive] escape (something) (of a sound) to come out from your mouth without you intending it to A groan escaped her lips.

What is it called when you escape from a country? The verb emigrate comes from the Latin word emigrare, which means “move away,” or “depart from a place.” The words emigrate and immigrate both mean that a person has decided to permanently live in a foreign country, but to emigrate is to leave your country, and to immigrate is to come into a new country.

What is the past perfect tense of escape?

Perfect tenses

past perfectⓘ pluperfect
you had escaped
he, she, it had escaped
we had escaped
you had escaped

What type of noun is escape? 2[singular, uncountable] a way of forgetting something unpleasant or difficult for a short time For her, travel was an escape from the boredom of her everyday life.

Is escape a verb or a noun?

escape (verb) escape (noun) escape artist (noun) escape clause (noun) escape hatch (noun)


побег, выход, бегство, утечка, бежать, вырваться, спасательный


- бегство, побег

to make good one’s escape — совершить удачный побег
to make one’s escape by a back door — сбежать через чёрный ход
an escape from captivity [from prison] — побег из плена [из тюрьмы]
to seek escape from the heat — пытаться спастись от жары

- уход от жизни, замыкание в (самом) себе

escape literature, literature of escape — эскапистская литература, литература, уводящая от основных проблем жизни (детективная, развлекательная и т. п.)

- избавление, спасение

doom from which there is no escape — судьба, от которой не убежишь /не уйдёшь/
to find no escape from the dilemma — не найти выхода из трудного положения
to have a narrow /hairbreadth/ escape — едва избежать опасности, быть на волосок (от смерти и т. п.)

- утечка (газа, пара и т. п.)
- мед. выделение, истечение

escape of blood — кровотечение

ещё 10 вариантов


- бежать (из заключения); совершать побег, убегать (из тюрьмы и т. п.)

to escape (from) pursuit — ускользнуть от преследования
he escaped to the mountains — он скрылся в горах

- уходить, отключаться

to escape from everyday life — уйти от повседневной жизни

- избежать (опасности и т. п.); спастись, отделаться

- ускользать (о смысле и т. п.)

your point escapes me — я не понимаю (к чему вы клоните)
the details escaped my mind — подробности выпали у меня из памяти
his name escapes me — никак не могу вспомнить его имени

- вырваться (о словах, стоне)

a cry escaped him — он испустил крик /вскрикнул/
not a word escaped his lips — он не проронил ни слова

- спец. улетучиваться; просачиваться

gas is escaping — есть утечка газа

- физ. высвобождаться, вылетать (о частице)

Мои примеры


trying to help people to escape poverty — пытаясь помочь людям вырваться из нищеты  
an accidental escape of poisonous gases — случайная утечка ядовитых газов  
an escape route in case of fire — путь эвакуации в случае пожара  
inflatable escape chute — надувной трап  
to make / organize an escape — организовать побег  
to foil / thwart an escape — срывать побег  
escape from prison — побег из тюрьмы  
escape ladder — спасательная лестница  
escape route — дорога к отступлению  
to escape unpunished — остаться безнаказанным  
escape hatch — запасной, аварийный, спасательный люк  
to aid and escape — (насильственно) освобождать из-под стражи  

Примеры с переводом

The girl had no chance of escape.

У девушки не было никаких шансов сбежать.

She escaped to Britain in 1938.

Она сбежала в Великобританию в 1938 году.

A small laugh escaped her.

Она нечаянно хихикнула.

They abandoned the escape.

Они отказались от побега.

Man, that was a lucky escape!

Блин, вот это тебе повезло, выбраться невредимым! (например при аварии)

They must not be allowed to escape justice.

Им нельзя позволить ускользнуть от правосудия.

It seemed impossible he would escape detection.

Казалось невозможным, что его не обнаружат.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They managed to escape their pursuers.

The gunmen will not escape punishment.

Several passengers escaped without injury.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

escapement  — спуск, регулятор хода, выход, бегство, выпуск
escapism  — эскапизм, бегство от жизни
escapist  — эскапистский, писатель-эскапист
escaped  — беглый
escaping  — бежать, вырваться, избавиться, избегать, убегать, спасаться, отделаться, миновать
escapable  — необязательный, отвратимый, не неизбежный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: escape
he/she/it: escapes
ing ф. (present participle): escaping
2-я ф. (past tense): escaped
3-я ф. (past participle): escaped

ед. ч.(singular): escape
мн. ч.(plural): escapes

Other forms: escaped; escaping; escapes

To escape is to break free, to get out of a situation you don’t want to be in. It’s also a noun, as in an escape from a dull party that might involve a ladder and an upstairs window.

It’s hard to pin down the word escape. An escape can be the act of escaping, like an escape from prison, but an escape can also be a calming retreat, like a vacation that gets you away from the stress of everyday life. As a verb, escape also means, «to fail to experience or know.” If the humor escapes you, you don’t find the joke funny.

Definitions of escape

  1. verb

    run away from confinement

    “The convicted murderer
    escaped from a high security prison”


    break loose, get away

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    break, break away, break out

    move away or escape suddenly

    escape from, shake, shake off, throw off

    get rid of

    bilk, elude, evade

    escape, either physically or mentally


    move smoothly and easily

    run away

    escape from the control of

    get away

    remove oneself from a familiar environment, usually for pleasure or diversion

    type of:

    flee, fly, take flight

    run away quickly

  2. verb

    flee; take to one’s heels; cut and run

    “The burglars
    escaped before the police showed up”


    break away, bunk, fly the coop, head for the hills, hightail it, lam, run, run away, scarper, scat, take to the woods, turn tail

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    flee, fly, take flight

    run away quickly


    run away, as if in a panic


    make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or one’s own by quitting or fleeing


    run away in a stampede

    abscond, absquatulate, bolt, decamp, go off, make off, run off

    run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along

    elope, run off

    run away secretly with one’s beloved

    break loose, get away

    run away from confinement


    retreat at full speed

    defect, desert

    desert (a cause, a country or an army), often in order to join the opposing cause, country, or army

    type of:

    go away, go forth, leave

    go away from a place

  3. verb

    remove oneself from a familiar environment, usually for pleasure or diversion

    escaped to our summer house for a few days”


    get away

  4. noun

    the act of escaping physically

    “he made his
    escape from the mental hospital”

    “the canary
    escaped from its cage”



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    the flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 which marked the beginning of the Muslim era; the Muslim calendar begins in that year

    Underground Railroad

    secret aid to escaping slaves that was provided by abolitionists in the years before the American Civil War


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    the act of physically escaping from something (an opponent or a pursuer or an unpleasant situation) by some adroit maneuver

    break, breakout, gaolbreak, jailbreak, prison-breaking, prisonbreak

    an escape from jail

    getaway, lam

    a rapid escape (as by criminals)

    exodus, hegira, hejira

    a journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment


    a hasty flight

    eluding, elusion, slip

    the act of avoiding capture (especially by cunning)

    evasive action, maneuver, manoeuvre

    an action aimed at evading an opponent


    a quick evasive movement

    type of:

    running away

    the act of leaving (without permission) the place you are expected to be

  5. noun

    a means or way of escaping

    “hard work was his
    escape from worry”

    “they installed a second hatch as an

    escape route”

  6. noun

    an inclination to retreat from unpleasant realities through diversion or fantasy

    “romantic novels were her
    escape from the stress of daily life”



  7. synonyms:


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    type of:


    stay clear from; keep away from; keep out of the way of someone or something

  8. verb

    escape potentially unpleasant consequences; get away with a forbidden action


    get away, get by, get off, get out

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    use cunning or deceit to escape or avoid

    type of:


    stay clear from; keep away from; keep out of the way of someone or something

  9. noun

    an avoidance of danger or difficulty

    “that was a narrow

  10. noun

    nonperformance of something distasteful (as by deceit or trickery) that you are supposed to do

    escape from the consequences is possible but unattractive”


    dodging, evasion

  11. verb

    issue or leak, as from a small opening

    escaped into the bedroom”

  12. noun

    the discharge of a fluid from some container

    “they tried to stop the
    escape of gas from the damaged pipe”


    leak, leakage, outflow

  13. noun

    a valve in a container in which pressure can build up (as a steam boiler); it opens automatically when the pressure reaches a dangerous level


    escape cock, escape valve, relief valve, safety valve

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    type of:


    any of various controls or devices for regulating or controlling fluid flow, pressure, temperature, etc.


    control consisting of a mechanical device for controlling the flow of a fluid

  14. noun

    a plant originally cultivated but now growing wild

  15. verb

    be incomprehensible to; escape understanding by



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    defy, refuse, resist

    elude, especially in a baffling way


    be beyond the resources of

    type of:

    amaze, baffle, beat, bewilder, dumbfound, flummox, get, gravel, mystify, nonplus, perplex, pose, puzzle, stick, stupefy, vex

    be a mystery or bewildering to

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escape — перевод на русский


There’s one thing nobody can escape from, it don’t matter how big a master criminal you are.

Есть в мире одна вещь, от которой никому не сбежать. И неважно, насколько ты великий криминальный гений.

A bail on John Mayer will have a big influence on the trial. He’ll definitely escape to the third country during his bail.

Освобождение Джона Майера… но и позволит ему сбежать и скрыться в какой-нибудь стране третьего мира… зная всю его подноготную.

Then, my hoped-for chance to escape came along.

Возможность сбежать представилась случайно.

There’s a traitor inside trying to escape!

Там предатель, он хочет сбежать!

Mr. Donahue tried to escape, but we kept him.

Мистер Донахью пытался сбежать, но мы задержали его.

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«Jeanne, it is you who must escape.

Жанна, это ты должна бежать.


Кстати, если он попытается бежать, вам, возможно, придётся стрелять.

The stupid fellow tried to escape through the swamps of Fog Hollow.

Глупец пытался бежать в болота Туманной лощины.

The police arrested him and confiscated all the stolen goods, but he managed to escape in an inexplainable manner.

Полиция арестовала его и изъяла все украденные предметы, но ему удалось бежать необъяснимым образом.

You never want to escape from them as I do.

Вы не станете бежать от неё, как я.

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Look, Kid, why don’t you try to escape? Why don’t you get away?

Слушай, Кид, почему ты не пытаешься убежать?

He cannot escape.

Ему не убежать.

Is he really trying to escape?

— Он хочет так убежать?

Escape is impossible, but if I can get to the other side of the island, perhaps…

Убежать невозможно. Но если я сумею перебраться на ту сторону острова… тогда…

She overpowered us and let them escape!

— О чем вы говорите? — Она дала им убежать!

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«who had made a daring escape from Dartmoor.

«совершившего смелый побег из Дартмура.»

A prisoner has the right to escape.

Любой узник имеет право на побег, не так ли?

I’d say that the odds against a successful escape are 100 to one.

Я бы сказал, что шансы на успешный побег — один против ста.

Of course, it’s the duty of a captured soldier to attempt escape.

Разумеется, каждый пленный солдат должен попытаться совершить побег.

Therefore, in our case, escape might well be an infraction of military law.

Следовательно, в нашей ситуации побег — нарушение военного закона.

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She was helping me to escape from the police. — The police?

Она помогла мне уйти от полиции.

— You let him get away. He escaped.

— Вы позволили ему уйти.

You can’t escape that way, Ben.

Тебе не удастся уйти Бэн.

Don’t let him escape!

Не позволяй ему уйти!

If we permit them to escape now… this condition will spread throughout the entire empire.

Если мы дадим им уйти, то бунт охватит всю империю.

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A lot of game try to escape over the road.

Множество дичи пытается спастись через дорогу.

— How did you escape?

Как же вам удалось спастись?

People who run away from home make me laugh, the ones who want to escape.

Люди, которые убегают из дома, меня смешат, люди, которые хотят спастись.

To aid my king’s escape, I shouted out his name and took his identity.

Помог спастись моему королю, я выкрикнул его имя и взял его личность.

Given his stated intention to escape at the first opportunity, it was thought necessary to keep the prisoner bound hand and foot at all times.

Согласно озвученному им намерению спастись при первой возможности, необходимо держать заключенного связанным по руками и ногам все время.

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Otherwise, nothing you do can help you escape from these circumstances. Until the day you die, you’ll have to carry the memories of those murders, and live as a murderer.

ничто не поможет тебе избежать последствий. и жить как убийца.

Then she decided Paul killed her brother, was going to escape punishment but even then she played along.

Затем она решила, что Пол убил ее брата и собирается избежать наказания, но даже тогда, она играла с ним.

No one can escape his just punishment.

Грешникам не избежать справедливой кары.

And how did this charming vampire manage to escape the massacre?

И как этот прелестный вампир сумел избежать бойни?

And when he recognized the man who had trailed him since the underground camp, he understood there was no way to escape Time,

И когда он узнал человека, который следовал за ним от самого подземного лагеря, он понял — нет способа избежать Времени,

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Shot trying to escape.

Был застрелен при попытке к бегству.

That’s as bad as trying to escape!

Это всё равно что попытка к бегству!

We believe he killed himself attempting to escape justice.

Это было самоубийство при попытке к бегству.

You must think the boat is your only way of escaping.

Думаете, катер — ваш единственный путь к бегству?

By trying to escape — we saved his life.

В попытке к бегству мы спасли его жизнь.

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Now, then… you admit you helped Ferdinando Puglisi to escape when you were told that the police —

Вы помогли скрыться Фердинандо Пуглиси в тот момент… когда уже была вызвана полиция…

And Michelle knew that he could not escape from it.

И Мишель знал, что не сможет скрыться от него.

But you can still escape.

Но вы еще можете скрыться.

Ah, if I could escape from death I Would be a great writer!

Эх, если бы я мог скрыться от смерти, то я стал бы великим писателем.

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He escaped!

Вон он убегает!

When I approach him, he escapes.

Когда я подхожу к нему, он убегает.

No-one escapes from here.

Никто не убегает отсюда.

No one ever escapes.

Никто никогда не убегает.

Daimon’s escaping!

— Даймон убегает!

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Cox Bay beach, located just a few steps from the resort, is a haven for surfers, beachcombers, and those looking for a peaceful escape.

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Ronnie Lee Gardner was executed at Utah State Prison on June 18, 2010, for killing an attorney during a courthouse escape attempt.

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Ronnie Lee Gardner was executed at Utah State Prison on June 18, 2010, for killing an attorney during a courthouse escape attempt.

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One more benefit of recounting and recording your dreams is simply escape.

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Karen Mizoguchi, PEOPLE.com, 20 Oct. 2021

Authorities searched around Stevenson Park but could not locate Tidwell, who will face additional escape charges, the sheriff’s office said.

Howard Koplowitz | Hkoplowitz@al.com, al, 4 Dec. 2019

Another epic escape act seems improbable, but can’t be ruled out if Di Francesco gets his tactics right in Rome.

Stevens Griffiths, chicagotribune.com, 24 Apr. 2018

During his final three matches at the sectional, Skokna consistently employed a strategy of letting his opponent get escape points without trying to keep him down.

Patrick Kelly, chicagotribune.com, 16 Feb. 2018

The Saturn 5, which flew 13 times, had an Earth-escape payload capacity of more than 100,000 pounds, about three times the capability of the Falcon Heavy.

William Harwood, CBS News, 4 Feb. 2018

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘escape.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

verb (used without object), es·caped, es·cap·ing.

to slip or get away, as from confinement or restraint; gain or regain liberty: to escape from jail.

to slip away from pursuit or peril; avoid capture, punishment, or any threatened evil.

to issue from a confining enclosure, as a fluid.

to slip away; fade: The words escaped from memory.

Botany. (of an originally cultivated plant) to grow wild.

verb (used with object), es·caped, es·cap·ing.

to slip away from or elude (pursuers, captors, etc.): He escaped the police.

to succeed in avoiding (any threatened or possible danger or evil): She escaped capture.

to elude (one’s memory, notice, search, etc.).

to fail to be noticed or recollected by (a person): Her reply escapes me.

(of a sound or utterance) to slip from or be expressed by (a person, one’s lips, etc.) inadvertently.


an act or instance of escaping.

the fact of having escaped.

a means of escaping: We used the tunnel as an escape.

avoidance of reality: She reads mystery stories as an escape.

leakage, as of water or gas, from a pipe or storage container.

Botany. a plant that originated in cultivated stock and is now growing wild.

(usually initial capital letter)Computers. Escape key.


for or providing an escape: an escape route.



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Origin of escape

First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English escapen, ascapen, from Old North French escaper, from French échapper or directly from unattested Vulgar Latin excappāre, verbal derivative (with ex- “out of, from”) of Late Latin cappa “hooded cloak”; see ex-1, cap1

synonym study for escape

7. Escape, elude, evade mean to keep free of something. To escape is to succeed in keeping away from danger, pursuit, observation, etc.: to escape punishment. To elude implies baffling pursuers or slipping through an apparently tight net: The fox eluded the hounds. To evade is to turn aside from or go out of reach of a person or thing: to evade the police. See also avoid.


es·cap·a·ble, adjectivees·cape·less, adjectivees·cap·er, nounes·cap·ing·ly, adverb

pre·es·cape, noun, verb (used without object), pre·es·caped, pre·es·cap·ing.self-es·cape, nounun·es·cap·a·ble, adjectiveun·es·cap·a·bly, adverbun·es·caped, adjective

Words nearby escape

escallop, escalope, Escambia, Escanaba, escapade, escape, escape artist, escape clause, escapee, escape hatch, Escape key

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to escape

breakout, departure, desertion, disappearance, flight, freedom, liberation, outbreak, rescue, withdrawal, avoid, depart, disappear, dodge, elude, emerge, evade, flee, fly, leave

How to use escape in a sentence

  • On that planet, there are orbiters imaging the landscape, measuring atmospheric escape and chemistry, and surveying the weather.

  • This is the core of Recon Campers—a camper that can be as versatile as your daily driver and off-grid weekend escape pod.

  • To make your escape, remove your 550 laces and tie them together to make a single, long cord.

  • They have escape routes from their main tunnels and escape routes from their escape routes.

  • As she struggles to hold her marriage together or spend enough time with her kids, the show is keenly aware of how this is a double standard, one that she can’t escape no matter how hard she tries.

  • After the captain made the call to abandon ship, 150 people were able to escape on lifeboats lowered by electronic arms.

  • The irony did not escape one local, Laith Hathim, as he stood and watched the newly minted refugees make their way into Mosul.

  • His harrowing escape from Vienna when Hitler took Austria in March 1938 is dramatically chronicled in his memoirs.

  • This final episode of Extras is the perfect Christmastime escape for those who prefer the bittersweet to the saccharine.

  • Cubans are cursed whether they find a means of escape or remain.

  • «Capital, capital,» his lordship would remark with great alacrity, when there was no other way of escape.

  • Thinking to escape and summon assistance from the cantonment, Douglas mounted the wall and leaped into the moat.

  • After the wretch had stabbed her in three places, he went to make his escape out at a window; but she cried out, My dear!

  • Ripperda’s attention was next directed to put his plan of escape, in train for execution.

  • But one battalion was isolated on a spur, from which there seemed no way of escape save under a scorching flank fire.

British Dictionary definitions for escape


to get away or break free from (confinements, captors, etc)the lion escaped from the zoo

to manage to avoid (imminent danger, punishment, evil, etc)to escape death

(intr usually foll by from) (of gases, liquids, etc) to issue gradually, as from a crack or fissure; seep; leakwater was escaping from the dam

(tr) to elude; be forgotten bythe actual figure escapes me

(tr) to be articulated inadvertently or involuntarilya roar escaped his lips

(intr) (of cultivated plants) to grow wild


the act of escaping or state of having escaped

avoidance of injury, harm, etca narrow escape

  1. a means or way of escape
  2. (as modifier)an escape route

a means of distraction or relief, esp from reality or boredomangling provides an escape for many city dwellers

a gradual outflow; leakage; seepage

Also called: escape valve, escape cock a valve that releases air, steam, etc, above a certain pressure; relief valve or safety valve

a plant that was originally cultivated but is now growing wild

Derived forms of escape

escapable, adjectiveescaper, noun

Word Origin for escape

C14: from Old Northern French escaper, from Vulgar Latin excappāre (unattested) to escape (literally: to remove one’s cloak, hence free oneself), from ex- 1 + Late Latin cappa cloak

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with escape

In addition to the idiom beginning with escape

  • escape notice

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • escape [ɪsˈkeɪp] гл

    1. бежать, ускользать, убежать, сбежать, спастись, вырваться, скрыться, убегать, ускользнуть

      (flee, elude, rescue, break, disappear, run away)

      • escape from captivity – сбежать из плена
      • escape outside – вырваться наружу
      • escape abroad – скрыться за границей
    2. избежать, избегать, избавиться, избегнуть


      • escape justice – избежать правосудия
      • escape death – избегнуть смерти
    3. уйти


      • escape on foot – уйти пешком
    4. уцелеть


    5. спасать


    6. экранировать


    7. вырваться наружу

      (break out)

  • escape [ɪsˈkeɪp] сущ

    1. побегм, бегствоср

      (runaway, flee)

      • daring escape – дерзкий побег
      • attempt to escape – попытка к бегству
    2. спасениеср


      • only escape – единственное спасение
    3. эвакуацияж


    4. избежаниеср


    5. убеганиеср


  • escape [ɪsˈkeɪp] прил

    1. эвакуационный


побег escape, shoot, runaway, flight, sprout, getaway
выход output, exit, out, outlet, escape, entrance
бегство escape, flight, getaway, stampede, evasion, bolt
спасение salvation, rescue, saving, escape, salvage, redemption
утечка leakage, leak, escape, outflow, seepage, wastage
истечение expiration, expiry, outflow, issue, efflux, escape
избавление deliverance, disposal, release, escape, riddance, rescue
выделение discharge, excretion, liberation, secretion, allotment, escape
переход transition, conversion, jump, passage, crossing, escape
выпуск issue, edition, output, issuance, outlet, escape
уход от действительности escape
выпускное отверстие outlet, nozzle, discharge, spout, tap, escape
одичавшее культурное растение escape
бежать run, escape, flee, race, scoot, course
вырваться break, escape, break away, break forth, shoot up, fetch away
избавиться escape, dispose of, kick, offload, liquidate, kill off
отделаться get off, escape, dispose of, freeze out, can
убегать run away, escape, run, run off, skidoo, outrun
ускользать escape, elude, slip, evade
спасаться escape, save oneself, get off
избегать avoid, shun, escape, evade, steer clear of, eschew
миновать pass, escape, clear, be over, overblow, fleet
вырываться escape
избежать опасности escape, shun danger
совершать побег escape
смываться wash off, disappear, run off, slip away, come off, escape
улетучиваться volatilize, escape, evaporate, melt away
давать утечку escape
утечь leak, escape
спасательный lifesaving, rescuing, escape, wrecking, salvaging

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • escape гл

    • flee · run away · get away · run · run off · outrun · abscond · make off
    • avoid · evade · elude · dodge · shun · shirk · eschew
    • break · break away · break out · break forth
    • get out · go out · come out · go off · get off
    • slip · slip away · slip out
    • flight · lam
    • getaway · breakout · escapism
    • fly


  • getaway, breakout, jailbreak, bolt, flight, disappearance, vanishing act
  • avoidance of, evasion of, circumvention of
  • leak, leakage, spill, seepage, discharge, effusion, emanation, outflow, outpouring, gush, stream, spurt
  • distraction, diversion
  • flight
  • escape valve, relief valve, safety valve
  • escapism
  • leak, outflow, leakage
  • dodging, evasion


  • run away/off, get out, break out, break free, make a break for it, bolt, flee, take flight, make off, take off, abscond, take to one’s heels, make one’s getaway, make a run for it, disappear, vanish, slip away, sneak away, cut and run, skedaddle, vamoose, fly the coop, take French leave, go on the lam
  • get away from, escape from, elude, avoid, dodge, shake off, give someone the slip
  • avoid, evade, dodge, elude, miss, cheat, sidestep, circumvent, steer clear of, duck
  • leak (out), seep (out), discharge, emanate, issue, flow (out), pour (out), gush (out), spurt (out), spew (out)
  • get away
  • get off, get out, get by, get away
  • break loose, get away
  • elude
  • lam, bunk, run away, hightail it, scarper, break away, turn tail, scat, fly the coop, run
  • miss

Предложения со словом «escape»

My theory is that all of us struggle sometimes to escape in order to analyze our reality, appreciate it or change.

Моя теория — в том, что все мы иногда пытаемся уйти от реальности, чтобы её проанализировать, принять её или изменить.

I am a daydreamer, but at the same time I love things that are authentic and deal with our innermost nature, which I would never want to escape from.

Я мечтатель, но в тоже время мне нравятся аутентичные вещи и нравится иметь дело с нашей самой потаённой природой, от которой я бы никогда не захотела уйти.

Real life inspires our escape, and sometimes that escape is very needed.

Реальность вдохновляет наш уход от неё, и иногда он очень нужен.

In this study, children who had engaged, interested parents, ones who had ambition for their future, were more likely to escape from a difficult start.

В исследовании дети вовлечённых, сопричастных родителей, заинтересованных в их будущих достижениях, с большей вероятностью избежали трудного начала.

There was no wire fence or bars or sign to show that it is the border, but this is a place that a lot of North Korean defectors use as an escape route.

Там не было ни проволочного ограждения, ни забора, ни знака о пересечении границы, но перебежчики из Северной Кореи использовали это место для побега из страны.

It can bind us to reality at the same time it allows us to escape it.

Музыка возвращает нас в мир и в то же время помогает отвлечься от всего.

This is not my mother, but during the Korean War, my mother literally took her own sister, her younger sister, on her back, and walked at least part of the way to escape Seoul during the Korean War.

Это не моя мама, но во время Корейской войны моя мама буквально взяла свою младшую сестру себе на спину и прошагала по меньшей мере часть пути, чтобы сбежать из Сеула.

And when I stepped on the dirt that Harriet Tubman made her first escape, I knew she was a woman just like we are and that we could do what she had done.

И когда я ступила на землю, где Гарриет Табмен совершила свой первый побег , я осознала, что мы обе — обычные женщины, и мы можем то же, что смогла она.

And they can’t escape it.

И они не могут оттуда выбраться.

She managed to escape, though, by jumping off the truck that was carrying the girls.

Однако ей удалось сбежать, спрыгнув с грузовика, на котором увозили девочек.

She was one of 57 girls who would escape by jumping off trucks that day.

Она из тех 57 девушек, которые сбежали, спрыгнув с грузовиков в тот день.

This bright ring reveals the black hole’s event horizon, where the gravitational pull becomes so great that not even light can escape.

Это яркое кольцо очерчивает горизонт событий чёрной дыры, где притяжение становится настолько сильным, что даже свет не может вырваться.

You cannot escape that.

Этого нельзя отрицать.

When he was young he survived a house fire, only because he jumped out of the third-story window to escape.

Когда он был молод, он выжил после пожара своего дома только потому, что, спасаясь, прыгнул из окна третьего этажа.

The silver bullet in this case are tiny vesicles, little escape pods regularly shed by cells called exosomes.

Наши серебряные пули — это крошечные частицы, маленькие спасательные капсулы, постоянно выделяемые клеткой, — экзосомы.

And that is that every minute, 400 pounds of hydrogen and almost seven pounds of helium escape from Earth into space.

Каждую минуту более 180 килограммов водорода и 3 килограмма гелия улетают с Земли в космос.

So this process is something that I study and it’s called atmospheric escape.

Итак, я изучаю данный процесс, который называется планетарный ветер.

So atmospheric escape is not specific to planet Earth.

Он свойственен не только Земле.

It’s part of what it means to be a planet, if you ask me, because planets, not just here on Earth but throughout the universe, can undergo atmospheric escape and the way it happens actually tells us about planets themselves.

Я бы сказала, это неотъемлемая особенность планет, потому что все планеты во Вселенной, включая Землю, подвержены планетарному ветру, характер которого рассказывает о самой планете.

And the thing here is, for the purposes of this talk and atmospheric escape, Pluto is a planet in my mind, in the same way that planets around other stars that we can’t see are also planets.

Учитывая цель этого выступления и особенности планетарного ветра, я считаю Плутон планетой, так же, как и невидимые нам планеты, вращающиеся вокруг других звёзд.

And that’s fundamentally driving atmospheric escape.

Именно она является движущей силой планетарного ветра.

The reason that fundamentally stars drive atmospheric escape from planets is because stars offer planets particles and light and heat that can cause the atmospheres to go away.

Причина существенного влияния звёзд на планетарный ветер состоит в том, что они дают планетам частицы, свет и тепло, которые могут вызвать утечку атмосферы.

And if you have enough energy and heating, which our Sun does, that gas, which is so light and only bound by gravity, it can escape into space.

Если у вас достаточно энергии и тепла, как у Солнца, этот лёгкий газ, удерживаемый лишь гравитацией, может улететь в космос.

And so this is what’s actually causing atmospheric escape here on Earth and also on other planets — that interplay between heating from the star and overcoming the force of gravity on the planet.

Именно это вызывает планетарный ветер на Земле и других планетах — взаимодействие между теплом от звезды и преодолением силы гравитации на планете.

But the Earth is not alone in undergoing atmospheric escape.

Но Земля не единственная претерпевает планетарный ветер.

Also, we see that it’s the red planet, and atmospheric escape plays a role in Mars being red.

Также мы видим, что это красная планета, а планетарный ветер влияет на цвет Марса.

So it’s fine to look at pictures of Mars and say that atmospheric escape probably happened.

Взглянув на изображения Марса, можно подумать, что раньше там был планетарный ветер.

And its actual job is to study atmospheric escape.

Он занимается изучением планетарного ветра.

So the fact that we not only see atmospheric escape on our own planet but we can study it elsewhere and send spacecraft allows us to learn about the past of planets but also about planets in general and Earth’s future.

По сути, мы не только видим планетарный ветер на нашей планете, но и можем изучать его в других местах, а запуск космических аппаратов позволит изучить прошлое планет, а также их будущее и будущее Земли.

But the New Horizons mission is currently studying atmospheric escape being lost from the planet.

Однако миссия New Horizons как раз изучает планетарный ветер.

So using this technique, we’ve actually been able to discover a few transiting exoplanets that are undergoing atmospheric escape.

С помощью этой техники мы обнаружили несколько транзитных экзопланет с планетарным ветром.

And because there’s all this lightweight gas that’s ready to escape, and all this heating from the star, you have completely catastrophic rates of atmospheric escape.

Из — за лёгкого газа, готового к утечке, и тепла звезды, показатели планетарного ветра катастрофические.

Our hydrogen, from water that is broken down, is going to escape into space more rapidly, and we’re going to be left with this dry, reddish planet.

Водород из воды, вследствие её распада, будет утекать в открытый космос быстрее, а нам останется эта сухая красноватая планета.

But I wanted you to be aware of what’s going on, not just in the future, but atmospheric escape is happening as we speak.

Однако я хочу, чтобы вы знали, что это начнёт происходить не в будущем, планетарный ветер происходит на протяжении нашего разговора.

But as we learn about Mars or exoplanets like hot Jupiters, we find things like atmospheric escape that tell us a lot more about our planet here on Earth.

Однако при изучении Марса или экзопланет, подобных раскалённому Юпитеру, мы обнаруживаем явления, такие как планетарный ветер, которые больше рассказывают о нашей планете Земле.

He wanted to sit where he could scan the room, where he could plan escape routes, where he could get his hands on a makeshift weapon.

Он хотел сидеть так, чтобы видеть помещение, чтобы он мог составить план отступления, чтобы он успел схватить импровизированное оружие.

So if you want to escape from this, read Buddha, read Jesus, read Marcus Aurelius.

Если вы хотите этого избежать, почитайте Будду, Иисуса, Марка Аврелия.

We cannot escape these difficult questions.

Мы не можем избежать сложных вопросов.

I was thinking more about our imminent and daring escape.

Я больше размышлял о нашем неизбежном и дерзком побеге .

Why would you want to shame me with her escape?

Почему ты хотела навлечь на меня позор её побегом ?

A captured spy in enemy territory plotting her spectacular escape.

Разведчица, плененная на вражеской территории, замышляющая эффектный побег .

She and Ernestine went over the escape possibilities again.

Она с Эрнестиной еще раз обсудила все возможности побега .

It was embedded in a software worm to escape detection.

Она была встроена в программного червя, во избежание обнаружения.

I can’t escape from the common rule

Я не могу избежать общих правил

And you can’t escape the word of Jesus Christ.

И ты не сможешь избежать слова Господа Иисуса Христа.

I heard General Kuribayashi order Colonel Adachi to escape.

Я слышал, как генерал Курибаяси приказал полковнику Адати отступать.

Sometimes people decide to travel not to enjoy, but to escape from their problems.

Иногда люди решают путешествовать не ради удовольствия, а для того, чтобы убежать от своих проблем.

May be, they are in a way trying to escape from some problems, or maybe running away from themselves.

Может быть, в каком — то смысле, они пытаются убежать от проблем, или, может быть, убегают от самих себя.

On one occasion it did escape briefly, but was rapidly recaptured I hasten to add.

Однажды она действительно сбежала ненадолго, но была быстро поймана, спешу добавить.

The living room escape route doesn’t pass through here.

Маршрут спасения из гостиной не проходит через эту комнату.

The false escape had thrown the building into chaos.

Моя иллюзия с побегом привела обстановку внутри в полнейший хаос.

A mysterious woman helps robber escape


You helped a prisoner escape from a federal penitentiary.

Вы помогли заключённому сбежать из федеральной тюрьмы

I owed it to her courage to try to escape.

Во имя ее смелости я должен был попытаться сбежать.

These people were taking no chances that she might escape.

Эти люди не давали ей ни малейшего шанса улизнуть.

Our only chance of escape just got the shaft!

Наш единственный шанс на побег только что канул в шахту!

Some people break the so-called health every day and escape punishment and some look after their health and don’t live any longer in the end.

Некоторые люди нарушают так называемые принципы здоровья каждый день, и уходят от наказания, а некоторые следят за своим здоровьем и не живут больше в конце концов.

Impoverished western Europeans came to America to escape a poor quality of life at home.

Бедные западных европейцев приезжали в Америку, чтобы избежать низкого качества жизни у себя дома.

People like to visit other places to escape from daily routing.

Люди любят посещать другие места, чтобы сбежать из ежедневного направления.

Cassie wanted to run from that awful condemnation, to escape the dreadful knowledge in Ivy’s gaze.

Кэсси хотелось бежать без оглядки от этого страшного осуждения, от жуткого понимания в глазах Айви.

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