Word that means definite

Definite is an adjective describing something that is known for certain. For example, there is no more definite way to get into trouble with a police officer than speeding in front of the police station with a broken taillight.

This word is from the Latin definitus meaning «defined» or «limited.» Definite can also be used to mean something is very clearly planned or certainly defined. If you have definite plans for the evening to go to the theater and out for a nice dinner at a steak house, you’re probably not going to end up playing miniature golf and eating fast food instead.

Definitions of definite

  1. adjective

    precise; explicit and clearly defined

    “I want a
    definite answer”

    definite statement of the terms of the will”

    definite amount”

    “the wedding date is now

    definite drop in attendance”



    readily apparent to the mind


    clearly characterized or delimited


    definite but not specified or identified



    decided, distinct

    recognizable; marked


    easy to perceive; especially clearly outlined

    explicit, expressed

    precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable; leaving nothing to implication

  2. adjective

    known for certain

    “it is
    definite that they have won”



    established beyond doubt or question; definitely known

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘definite’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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Commonly confused words

definitely / definitively

Use definitely and definitively when there’s no doubt, but save definitely for emphasis and definitively for the final say. If you definitely want to go to a party, but your mom definitively says no, then you aren’t going. Quit asking.

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: free of all ambiguity, uncertainty, or obscurity

demanded a definite answer

Her position on the issue was definite.


: unquestionable, decided

the quarterback was a definite hero today

saw a definite improvement in her grades



: typically designating an identified or immediately identifiable person or thing


: having distinct or certain limits

set definite standards for pupils to meet

… the side striking the new coin is flattened and less definite.Jed Stevenson



of floral organs

: being constant in number, usually less than 20, and occurring in multiples of the petal number

Did you know?

This word can be tricky to spell because its last syllable has that amorphous schwa sound as its vowel.

To remember that the word ends in ite and not ate you can think of a few things:

The word definite doesn’t go on forever; it’s finite. (Get it? deFINITE.)

The etymology of definite can also be useful in remembering the word’s spelling. Definite traces back to the Latin word finire meaning «to limit, end, FINISH.» Connect finish to definite and voilà: you can definitely spell definite correctly.


Choose the Right Synonym for definite

explicit, definite, express, specific mean perfectly clear in meaning.

explicit implies such verbal plainness and distinctness that there is no need for inference and no room for difficulty in understanding.

definite stresses precise, clear statement or arrangement that leaves no doubt or indecision.

the law is definite in such cases

express implies both explicitness and direct and positive utterance.

specific applies to what is precisely and fully treated in detail or particular.

Example Sentences

We’ll need a definite answer by Tuesday.

The answer is a definite no.

I don’t know anything definite yet.

The teacher sets definite standards for her students.

She seems to be pretty definite about leaving.

I am definite that we will win.

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Recent Examples on the Web

The diagnosis was definite, but the progress was indefinite and uncertain.

Kristen O’brien, Peoplemag, 15 Mar. 2023

Are there some definite no-nos that should guide the next steps toward intelligent machines? Acemoglu: Yes.

IEEE Spectrum, 14 Mar. 2023

For the moment, the link between skin reactions and Covid isn’t definite.

ELLE, 23 Feb. 2023

But nothing is definite.

oregonlive, 6 Feb. 2023

Kobalt’s 1-year warranty against manufacturing defects is a definite plus.

Alex Rennie, Popular Mechanics, 26 Jan. 2023

The citrus mint aroma is definite plus.

Cristina Montemayor, Men’s Health, 16 Dec. 2022

The diagnosis was definite.

Li Cohen, CBS News, 21 Nov. 2022

With its top-notch performances and cinematic visuals, the movie is a definite treat for superhero fanatics across all fandoms.

Sweta Kaushal, Forbes, 22 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘definite.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


borrowed from Latin dēfīnītus, from past participle of dēfīnīre «to mark the limits of, determine, define»

First Known Use

1553, in the meaning defined at sense 3

Time Traveler

The first known use of definite was
in 1553

Dictionary Entries Near definite

Cite this Entry

“Definite.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/definite. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
12 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ defuh-nit ]

/ ˈdɛf ə nɪt /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


clearly defined or determined; not vague or general; fixed; precise; exact: a definite quantity; definite directions.

having fixed limits; bounded with precision: a definite area.

positive; certain; sure: It is definite that he will take the job.

Botany. (of an inflorescence) determinate.



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Origin of definite

1520–30; <Latin dēfīnītus limited, precise, past participle of dēfīnīre;see define, -ite2


def·i·nite·ness, nounnon·def·i·nite, adjectivenon·def·i·nite·ly, adverbnon·def·i·nite·ness, noun

qua·si-def·i·nite, adjectivequa·si-def·i·nite·ly, adverbsem·i·def·i·nite, adjectivesem·i·def·i·nite·ly, adverbsem·i·def·i·nite·ness, nounun·def·i·nite, adjectiveun·def·i·nite·ly, adverbun·def·i·nite·ness, noun


definite , definitive

Words nearby definite

defined-benefit, definiendum, definiens, defining, defining moment, definite, definite article, definite description, definite integral, definitely, definite relative clause

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to definite

bold, categorical, clear-cut, definitive, distinct, explicit, obvious, palpable, positive, precise, pronounced, specific, straightforward, unambiguous, unequivocal, unmistakable, well-defined, defined, audible, clean-cut

How to use definite in a sentence

  • His touch is firm and percussive, his ear tuned toward a definite, stirring pulse.

  • The simulation results give a definite answer to this habitability problem, at least in terms of the importance of feedbacks and luck.

  • The idea that there is a definite clear-cut answer is not true, because respected scientists differ in their views.

  • The exemplar of this group of ideas is the Copenhagen interpretation, the textbook version of quantum theory, which is most popularly understood to suggest that particles don’t have definite properties until those properties are measured.

  • The Hawks’ turnaround starts with outside shooting, a definite concern heading into the year.

  • Do you think that as we get older our thoughts shift to the more abstract, the music, than the definite, the lyrics?

  • Griswold was undeniably an incursion on democratic powers with a definite whiff of activism.

  • The report had one definite effect: rumblings about the antitrust exemption ceased.

  • The mother has a definite opinion of what form justice should take for General Motors.

  • In fact, the Midwest is the only region where Clinton lacks a definite lead.

  • Aguinaldo withheld his decision until Paterno could report to him the definite opinions of his generals.

  • Quantitative estimation does not furnish much of definite clinical value.

  • That she had her definite reason he knew, as a woman knows when another woman is wearing a last year’s gown.

  • He even fancied that something of challenge flashed from her, though without definite words or gesture.

  • Much later, in the case of all but gifted children, do the mysteries of harmony begin to take on definite form and meaning.

British Dictionary definitions for definite


clearly defined; exact; explicit

having precise limits or boundaries

known for certain; sureit is definite that they have won


  1. denoting a type of growth in which the main stem ends in a flower, as in a cymose inflorescence; determinate
  2. (esp of flower parts) limited or fixed in number in a given species

Derived forms of definite

definiteness, noundefinitude (dɪˈfɪnɪˌtjuːd), noun

Word Origin for definite

C15: from Latin dēfīnītus limited, distinct; see define

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

определенный, точный, ясный


- определённый, ясный, точный

definite opinion [time, place, answer] — определённое мнение [время, место, -ый ответ]
definite period — определённый /ограниченный во времени/ период
definite dimensions — точные размеры
definite statement — определённое /недвусмысленное/ заявление
you are not definite enough — ≅ вы не могли бы выражаться точнее?

- определённый, конкретный; некоторый

to answer definite needs — отвечать некоторым потребностям
to come to a definite understanding — добиться определённой степени понимания

- грам. определённый

the definite article — определённый артикль

- константный
- цимозный (о соцветии)

Мои примеры


a cagey avoidance of a definite answer — хитрый уход от однозначного ответа  
definite problem — ясная задача  
definite answer — ясный и точный ответ  
definite rights — чётко установленные права  
definite event — установленное событие  
great / definite advantage over smb. — большое, явное преимущество над кем-л.  
definite article — определённый артикль  
definite opinion — определенное мнение  
definite minimum time-limit relay — ограниченно-зависимое реле с постоянной минимальной выдержкой времени  
definite-minimum time-limit relay — ограниченно-зависимое реле с постоянной минимальной выдержкой времени  
definite offer — определенное предложение  

Примеры с переводом

She was definite about it.

У неё было чёткое мнение на этот счёт.

The answer is a definite no.

Ответ на этот вопрос — точно нет.

I am definite that we will win.

Я твёрдо уверен в том, что мы победим.

It’s impossible for me to give you a definite answer.

Для меня невозможно дать вам однозначный ответ.

Is it definite that they will sign the contract?

Они точно подпишут этот контракт?

It is impossible to give a definite answer at this point in time.

На данный момент времени дать однозначный ответ невозможно.

The ability to adapt is a definite asset in this job.

Способность к адаптации определённо является ценным качеством для этой работы.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She seems to be pretty definite about leaving.

The teacher sets definite standards for her students.

Moving to Cottage Grove represented a definite step up (=something that is better than you had before) for my parents.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

definition  — определение, четкость, описание, резкость, точность, ясность
definitive  — окончательный, точный, дефинитивный, решительный, безусловный, наиболее полный
indefinite  — неопределенный, неограниченный, неясный
definitely  — определенно, точно, несомненно, ясно
definiteness  — определенность, ясность, точность, несомненность

definite — перевод на русский


Allison’s mom definitely intimidates Scott.

Мама Элисон определенно пугает Скотта.

you will definitely go to Hell.

После смерти ты определённо попадёшь в ад.

I definitely won’t press ignore… on this case.

Я определённо не хочу игнорировать… это дело.

Oh, you know, I have a few apps that I, that I really love, but, um… probably… definitely… nothing.

Ну знаешь, там парочка приложений, которые мне очень нравятся, но.. возможно.. определенно ничего.

Yeah, but the very fact that the verdict was in my favor definitely makes it… Six cents.

Да, но сам факт тот, что вердикт был в мою пользу определенно делает это…

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Must definitely choose Korea!

Обязательно выбери Корею!

I’ll definitely win. Not only for my own sake but for your sake as well.

Я обязательно выиграю. но и ради тебя.

I will definitely come back a success from Sekigahara.

После Сэкигахары меня ждёт слава! Я обязательно вернусь.

— You should definitely see a doctor.

— Сходи к врачу обязательно.

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No, it’s definitely 151 . -198.

Конечно я уверена, что это 151-й.

Definitely, miss.

Конечно, мисс.

This world of ours is definitely no fair place but people go on living just the same.

Этот мир, конечно же, не рай, но люди все равно продолжают жить в нем.

Definitely, no

Нет Конечно нет!

Definitely, or probably?

Конечно? Уверен?

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Lady, one or more persons, identity unknown, definitely do not want you in that castle.

Одна или несколько неустановленных личностей явно не желают вашего присутствия в замке.

I don’t know your plan, but I’m definitely facing the till.

Мне неизвестен твой план, но я явно стою перед кассой.

Definitely people who are afraid are not very beautiful to see, look at this.

Трусливые люди явно плохо смотрятся, посмотрите на меня!

Sorry, I’m definitely top line.

Мне жаль, но я явно выше.

Definitely Tianjin girls, all right.

Явно из Тяньцзиня, отлично.

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Rely on my intelligence, it definitely exists.

Положитесь на мой интеллект,.. он, безусловно, присутствует.

That you, Dr. Humbert, should definitely un-veto that girl’s nonparticipation in the school play.

Вы, доктор Гумберт, безусловно должны снять запрет на участие девушки в школьном спектакле.

— Oh, definitely.

— Да, безусловно.

Oh, no. No, definitely a hidden treasure.

Безусловно скрытые сокровища.

There’s not the slightest doubt in my mind. It’s definitely not him.

У меня нет сомнения, это безусловно не он.

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I’m definitely not Mary Stuart but then you don’t have Lord Leicester’s face.

Я совершенно точно не Мария Стюарт, но и ты не выглядишь как Лорд Лечестер.

Definitely not.

Совершенно точно – нет.

And when I leave here, I definitely will not boogie.

И когда я отсюда уйду, я совершенно точно не собираюсь «чудить!»

Definitely a no.

Совершенно точно — нет.

Definitely not.

Совершенно точно нет.

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She definitely fell.

Она действительно вернулась.

— It’s definitely them, no mistake?

— Они действительно здесь, вы не ошиблись?

Lord Ohdate, my father’s death was definitely caused by an apparition.

Господин Одате, моего отца действительно убил призрак.

But it was definitely the same high school.

Что мне действительно нравится, так это долгие дебаты о том, кому куда ложиться, пока я стою здесь на костылях.

No, the letter was definitely from Mr. Marlo.

Да, письмо, действительно, было от Марля.

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It is an area that you will definitely cross.

Вам несомненно придется пересечь этот регион.

Definitely. But I’ll be visiting family for New Year’s.

Да, несомненно, я поеду к семье, но на следующий день после Нового года.

This is definitely a woman’s brain!

Этот мозг, несомненно, женский.

And god will definitely forgive you.

И Господь, несомненно, простит тебя.

Definitely a brother


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It didn’t mean anything, and honestly, I-I wouldn’t go there and he definitely wouldn’t.

Я не имела ввиду ничего такого, и честно говоря, я не забуду, а он уж точно не забудет.

And definitely not for me.

И уж точно не мне.

In any case, definitely not in my yard.

Что уж точно, не в моем дворике.

You’ll definitely get him back.

Вот тогда ты уж точно ему отомстишь!

No, it’s none of our business. We do not tell Niles and we definitely do not tell Daphne.

Так что ни слова Найлсу и уж точно ни слова Дафни.

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Odd. Definitely odd.

Очень странно.

Definitely tall.

Очень высокий.

You’re gonna have to make your own lane, ’cause you definitely got oncoming traffic.

Давай, но только на свой страх и риск, потому что очень сильное встречное движение.


Очень сложные и запутанные.

Definitely hot.

Очень хорошенькая!

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  • 1


    Definite означает ‘ясный, определенный, точный’: definite answer, definite period of time. Definitive имеет значение ‘окончательный’: definitive decision, definitive verdict. Ср. definite opinion ‘ясное, высказанное до конца мнение’ и definitive opinion ‘окончательно сложившееся мнение’.

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > definite

  • 2

    1) определённый (

    тж. грам.


    2) то́чный, я́сный

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > definite

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > definite

  • 4

    definite ladndmark

    четкий наземный ориентир

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > definite

  • 5

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > definite

  • 6

    ˈdefɪnɪt прил.
    1) ясный, точный, определенный;
    назначенный, установленный;
    четко выраженный adefinite problem ≈ определенная задача a definite answer ≈ ясный и точный ответ definite rights ≈ четко установленные права definite event ≈ определенное событие She was definite about it. ≈ У нее было четкое мнение на этот счет. Is it definite that they will sign the contract? ≈ Точно ли они подпишут этот контракт? definite integral ≈ определенный интеграл Syn: determinate, fixed, certain, exact, precise, clearly defined Ant: ambiguous, implicit, obscure, tentative, vague
    2) грам. определенный definite article ≈ определенный артикль
    определенный, ясный, точный — * opinion определенное мнение — * period определенный /ограниченный во времени/ период — * dimensions точные размеры — * statement определенное /недвусмысленное/ заявление — you are not * enough вы не могли бы выражаться точнее? определенный, конкретный;
    некоторый — to answer * needs отвечать некоторым потребностям — to come to a * understanding добиться определенной степени понимания (грамматика) определенный — the * article определенный артикль (ботаника) константный;
    цимозный (о соцветии)
    definite определенный ~ определенный (тж. грам.) ;
    for a definite period на определенный срок;
    definite article грам. определенный артикль (в англ. языке the) ~ точный, ясный
    ~ определенный (тж. грам.) ;
    for a definite period на определенный срок;
    definite article грам. определенный артикль (в англ. языке the)
    ~ определенный (тж. грам.) ;
    for a definite period на определенный срок;
    definite article грам. определенный артикль (в англ. языке the)

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > definite

  • 7


    definite определенный definite определенный (тж. грам.); for a definite period на определенный срок; definite article грам. определенный артикль (в англ. языке the) definite точный, ясный definite определенный (тж. грам.); for a definite period на определенный срок; definite article грам. определенный артикль (в англ. языке the) definite определенный (тж. грам.); for a definite period на определенный срок; definite article грам. определенный артикль (в англ. языке the)

    English-Russian short dictionary > definite

  • 8


    1. 1) определённый, ясный, точный

    definite opinion [time, place, answer] — определённое мнение [время, место, -ый ответ]

    definite period — определённый /ограниченный во времени/ период

    definite statement — определённое /недвусмысленное/ заявление

    you are not definite enough — ≅ вы не могли бы выражаться точнее?

    2) определённый, конкретный; некоторый

    to come to a definite understanding — добиться определённой степени понимания

    1) константный

    НБАРС > definite

  • 9



    1) ясный, точный; назначенный, установленный; чётко выраженный

    She was definite about it. — У неё было чёткое мнение на этот счёт.



    — definite integral

    Англо-русский современный словарь > definite

  • 10

    Англо-русский технический словарь > definite

  • 11

    1. a определённый, ясный, точный

    2. a определённый, конкретный; некоторый

    3. a бот. константный

    4. a бот. цимозный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. certain (adj.) categorical; certain; clean-cut; definitive; emphatic; explicit; express; guaranteed; positive; specific; sure; unambiguous; unequivocal

    2. clear (adj.) assured; clear; clear-cut; decided; pronounced; unquestionable

    3. defined (adj.) accurate; bounded; circumscribed; correct; defined; determinate; determined; fixed; limited; narrow; precise; restricted; unerring

    4. distinct (adj.) audible; distinct; plain; sharp; tangible; unmistakable; visible; vivid

    Антонимический ряд:

    ambiguous; confused; doubtful; indefinite; indeterminate; indistinct; inexact; obscure; unbounded; uncertain; unlimited; unspecified; vague

    English-Russian base dictionary > definite

  • 12



    определённый, ясный, точный

    There is nothing definite yet. — Пока еще нет ничего определенного

    definite article

    — definite answer
    — definite opinion
    — definite time
    — for a definite period

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > definite

  • 13

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > definite

  • 14


    определённый, ясный, точный

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > definite

  • 15

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > definite

  • 16


    1) определенный (


    грам.); for a definite period на определенный срок; definite article


    определенный артикль (в англ. языке the)

    2) точный, ясный


    categorical, explicit, express, specific, unconditional, unequivocal, unqualified

    see clear


    ambiguous, implicit, obscure, tentative, vague

    * * *

    (a) определенный

    * * *

    определенный, точный, ясный

    * * *

    [def·i·nite || ‘defɪnɪt]
    ясный, точный, определенный

    * * *












    * * *

    1) ясный, точный, определенный; назначенный, установленный; четко выраженный
    2) грам. определенный

    Новый англо-русский словарь > definite

  • 17

    1) однозначный (


    , ответ)

    2) определенный; фиксированный

    definite sulfur composition фиксированное содержание серы

    3) явный

    English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > definite

  • 18

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > definite

  • 19

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > definite

  • 20

    ˈdefɪnɪtопределенный, ясный, точный

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > definite


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Definite — Def i*nite, a. [L. definitis, p. p. of definire: cf. F. d[ e]fini. See {Define}.] 1. Having certain or distinct; determinate in extent or greatness; limited; fixed; as, definite dimensions; a definite measure; a definite period or interval. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • definite — I adjective absolute, accurate, actual, allowed, ascertained, assured, attested, authoritative, axiomatic, beyond all dispute, beyond all question, bound, bounded with precision, categorical, certain, certified, certus, clear, clear cut,… …   Law dictionary

  • definite — 1 Definite, definitive are sometimes confused. What is definite (see also EXPLICIT) has limits so clearly fixed or defined or so unambiguously stated that there can be no doubt concerning the scope or the meaning of something so qualified {he has …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • definite — definite, definitely have useful roles as emphasizing words, and should not be dismissed too readily as superfluous: • His expression was bland, unreadable, but there was a definite glint in his eye that made her pulse begin to race E. Richmond,… …   Modern English usage

  • definite — [def′ə nit] adj. [L definitus, pp. of definire: see DEFINE] 1. having exact limits 2. precise and clear in meaning; explicit 3. certain; positive [it s definite that he ll go] 4. Bot. having a constant number of stamens, etc., less than 20 but… …   English World dictionary

  • definite — 1550s, from L. definitus defined, bounded, limited, pp. of definire (see DEFINE (Cf. define)). Definite means defined, clear, precise, unmistakable; definitive means having the character of finality …   Etymology dictionary

  • definite — [adj1] exact, clear audible, bold, categorical, clean cut, clear cut, clearly defined, complete, crisp, definitive, determined, distinct, distinguishable, downright, explicit, express, fixed, forthright, full, graphic, incisive, marked, minute,… …   New thesaurus

  • Definite — Def i*nite, n. A thing defined or determined. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • definite — description …   Philosophy dictionary

  • definite — ► ADJECTIVE 1) clearly stated or decided; not vague or doubtful. 2) (of a person) certain about something. 3) known to be true or real. 4) having exact and discernible physical limits. DERIVATIVES definiteness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • definite — [[t]de̱fɪnɪt[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED If something such as a decision or an arrangement is definite, it is firm and clear, and unlikely to be changed. It s too soon to give a definite answer… Her Royal Highness has definite views about most things …   English dictionary

Definite means unambiguous, certain, precisely defined, clear, undeniable, known for certain. Definite also means having exact boundaries or limits. Definite comes from the Latin word definitus, which means limited, defined, with boundaries. Definite is an adjective, related words are definitely and definiteness.

Definitive means a final or ultimate conclusion, a final or ultimate agreement, the most authoritative, something that is conclusive. The word definitive differs from the word definite in that definitive means the most complete or authoritative, if something is definitive then nothing is capable of surpassing it. Definitive is derived from the Latin word definitivus which means explanatory, set within limits. Definitive is also an adjective, related words are definitively and definitiveness.


“The downside is definite and the upside is speculative,” Noonan told parliament as the United Kingdom voted on Thursday, referring to the potential upside that some companies keen to stay in the EU might move from Britain to Ireland. (The Daily Mail)

Virat Kohli-Anushka Sharma: Definite proof they’re a couple again (The Hindustan Times)

His star item this year is “the Hinton House Elephant Table” (note his dignifying use of the definite article), a George II parcel gilt side table with Egyptian porphyry top from about 1735. (Newsweek Magazine)

“This is a procedural setback, but this is not definitive,” Castro said Thursday night in response to a court ruling that failed to revive Obama’s stalled plan to shield millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation and give them the right to work legally in the United States. (The Washington Post)

There’s a depressing reason why there is so little definitive scientific research on guns (The Business Insider)

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation is working quickly to figure out who perpetrated the cyber heist of $81 million from Bangladesh Bank’s account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in February, but there are no definitive answers yet, an FBI official said on Thursday. (The Times of India)

Need another word that means the same as “definite”? Find 40 synonyms and 30 related words for “definite” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:

  • Definite as an Adjective
  • Definitions of «Definite» as an adjective
  • Synonyms of «Definite» as an adjective (40 Words)
  • Usage Examples of «Definite» as an adjective
  • Associations of «Definite» (30 Words)

The synonyms of “Definite” are: explicit, specific, express, precise, exact, defined, well defined, clear-cut, unmistakable, irrefutable, unequivocal, unambiguous, certain, undisputed, decided, marked, distinct, unquestioned, not in question, not in doubt, sure, positive, absolute, conclusive, decisive, firm, concrete, final, unquestionable, unarguable, clear, manifest, obvious, patent, proven, fixed, delimited, stipulated, particular, circumscribed

Definite as an Adjective

Definitions of «Definite» as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “definite” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Clear or undeniable (used for emphasis.
  • Having exact and discernible physical limits or form.
  • Known for certain.
  • Clearly true or real; unambiguous.
  • Precise; explicit and clearly defined.
  • Clearly stated or decided; not vague or doubtful.
  • (of a person) certain or sure about something.

Synonyms of «Definite» as an adjective (40 Words)

absolute Perfect or complete or pure.
The decree of nullity was made absolute.
certain Certain to occur destined or inevitable Benjamin Franklin.
It is certain that they were on the bus.
circumscribed Subject to limits or subjected to limits.
clear Clear and distinct to the senses easily perceptible.
A bright clear flame.
clear-cut Clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible.
conclusive (of a victory) achieved easily or by a large margin.
A conclusive 5 O win.
concrete Capable of being perceived by the senses; not abstract or imaginary.
I haven t got any concrete proof.
decided (of a person) having clear opinions; resolute.
At a distinct or decided disadvantage.
decisive Determining or having the power to determine an outcome.
She gave him a decisive answer.
defined Showing clearly the outline or profile or boundary.
Lost in a maze of words both defined and undefined.
delimited Having the limits or boundaries established.
Cava is made in a number of delimited regions in Spain.
distinct Physically separate.
Management had interests quite distinct from those of their employees.
exact (of a subject of study) permitting precise measurements as a basis for rigorously testable theories.
An exact replica two feet tall was constructed.
explicit Of a person stating something in an explicit manner.
Explicit sexual scenes.
express Without unnecessary stops.
An express train.
final Allowing no further doubt or dispute.
The final cost will easily run into six figures.
firm Marked by firm determination or resolution not shakable.
She had no firm plans for the next day.
fixed Of a number having a fixed and unchanging value.
How s the club fixed for money now.
irrefutable Impossible to deny or disprove.
An irrefutable argument.
manifest Clear or obvious to the eye or mind.
Her manifest charm and proven ability.
marked Strongly marked easily noticeable.
Walked with a marked limp.
not in doubt Directed or bound inward.
not in question Currently fashionable.
obvious Easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind.
Obvious errors.
particular Especially great or intense.
A particular description of the room.
patent Made and marketed under a patent proprietary.
The patient is usually left with a patent vessel.
positive Having a positive charge.
A player had tested positive for cocaine use.
precise Marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail.
Specified a precise amount.
proven Established beyond doubt.
A system based on proven technologies.
specific Clearly defined or identified.
Savings were made by increasing the electricity supply only until it met specific development needs.
stipulated Demanded or specified, typically as part of an agreement.
The stipulated time has elapsed.
sure Having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty confident and assured.
The drawings impress by their sure sense of rhythm.
unambiguous Having or exhibiting a single clearly defined meaning.
As a horror apartheid is absolutely unambiguous.
unarguable Not open to disagreement; indisputable.
Unarguable proof of conspiracy.
undisputed Not disputed or called in question; accepted.
The undisputed fact.
unequivocal Clearly defined or formulated- R.B.Taney.
An unequivocal or univocal statement.
unmistakable Not able to be mistaken for anything else; very distinctive.
The unmistakable sound of his laughter.
unquestionable Not able to be disputed or doubted.
Unquestionable authority.
unquestioned Not examined or inquired into.
His loyalty to John is unquestioned.
well defined Wise or advantageous and hence advisable.

Usage Examples of «Definite» as an adjective

  • A definite statement of the terms of the will.
  • A definite amount.
  • It is definite that they have won.
  • No definite proof has emerged.
  • Under the circumstances, air conditioning is a definite asset.
  • I want a definite answer.
  • Organizations have boundaries in the sense that they may occupy a definite geographical area.
  • A definite drop in attendance.
  • You’re very definite about that!
  • We had no definite plans.
  • Definite restrictions on the sale of alcohol.
  • The wedding date is now definite.

Associations of «Definite» (30 Words)

absolute (of powers or rights) not subject to any limitation; unconditional.
Absolute secrecy.
apparent Appearing as such but not necessarily so.
It became apparent that he was talented.
avowal A statement asserting the existence or the truth of something.
certain Having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty confident and assured.
Be certain to disconnect the iron when you are through.
certainly Used to emphasize the speaker’s belief that what is said is true.
The prestigious address certainly adds to the firm s appeal.
certainty A general air of confidence.
There is a bewildering lack of certainty and clarity in the law.
certitude Total certainty or greater certainty than circumstances warrant.
The question may never be answered with certitude.
conclusive (of a victory) achieved easily or by a large margin.
Conclusive evidence.
confirming Serving to support or corroborate.
convinced Completely certain about something.
A convinced pacifist.
corroborative Serving to support or corroborate.
decided (of a legal case) having been resolved.
The sunshine is a decided improvement.
declared Declared as fact explicitly stated.
He has no declared conflict of interest.
definitive A definitive postage stamp.
A definitive verdict.
determinate Precisely determined or limited or defined; especially fixed by rule or by a specific and constant cause.
A determinate answer to the problem.
explicit Of a person stating something in an explicit manner.
She made her wishes explicit.
incontestable Incapable of being contested or disputed.
indisputable Impossible to doubt or dispute.
A far from indisputable fact.
irreversible Incapable of being reversed.
She suffered irreversible damage to her health.
noticed Being perceived or observed.
An easily noticed effect on the rate of growth.
overt Open and observable; not secret or hidden.
In untreated cases overt psychosis may occur.
perspicuous Transparently clear; easily understandable- Robert Burton.
It provides simpler and more perspicuous explanations than its rivals.
plain Unmistakably plain is often used informally for plainly.
An insurance policy written in plain English.
positivistic Of or relating to positivism.
pronounced Very noticeable or marked; conspicuous.
He had a pronounced squint.
straightforward Free from ambiguity.
In a straightforward case no fees will be charged.
sure Having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty confident and assured.
A sure hand on the throttle.
trenchant Clearly or sharply defined to the mind.
A trenchant argument.
unambiguous Admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; having only one meaning or interpretation and leading to only one conclusion.
Instructions should be unambiguous.
unequivocal Leaving no doubt; unambiguous.
An unequivocal answer.

Have you ever encountered a word that is so close to your vocabulary that you are certain that it is in the dictionary? Well, this is one of those rare cases. «Definate» is not a word, and you cannot find it in a dictionary. In contrast, «definite» is an accepted term in the English language.

The word «definite» is defined as something that is unquestionably true and cannot be misconstrued in any way. In short, it is something that has a straightforward explanation, with no room for consideration or ambiguity. In contrast, «definate» does not exist. It is a misspelling of «definite.»

In the following article, we will go over all you need to know about the word «definite.» This will include origins, synonyms, antonyms, and example sentences. By reviewing this, we can ensure that you have no doubt as to what the correct word is.

woman copies from tablet

Is «Definate» A Word?

In the age of texting, posting, and DMs, we find ourselves wanting to have words accurately spelled. As a result, when we come across words like «definite,» we struggle. Why is that? The reason behind it is that this word, as is the case for many others in the English language, has a vowel sound (schwa). What this means is that these words have an non-accentuated vowel in their pronunciation (uh) that forces us to remember which vowels are actually being used in the word.

This is exactly what makes words like «banana» (buh·naa·nuh), «balloon» (buh·loon), and «definite» (deh·fuh·nuht) difficult to spell. Something that can help us remember how to spell the word would be to remember that the word relates to «finish.» Additionally, there is a trick that the Merriam-Webster dictionary gives us. They say if we recognize that the word has «finite» in it, we will never have trouble misspelling the word. Nonetheless, we can say for sure that «definate» is not the correct spelling for this word.

As previously mentioned, this word relates to the meaning «without question and beyond doubt.» or «In a definite manner.» Simply put, when we are absolutely sure of something, we use this word to describe it, making it an adjective. The word dates back to 1574, and it is comprised of the adjective «definite» and the suffix -ly.

However, there is more that we can refer to when using this word. When used in an informal setting, it serves as a substitute for sentences. Doubt, approval, and even happiness can be expressed through it. For example:

  • Yeah, she definitely wants to come. (doubt)
  • Of course! She most definitely will come. (approval)
  • Definitely! I would love to come! (happiness)

Furthermore, it can be used to give information about another word in the same sentence. This means that they can change the meaning of a word depending on the intention of the speaker (sentence modifier). For example:

  • She will come, definitely.
  • The police came when called, definitely.

Synonyms And Antonyms

There is no doubt that synonyms and antonyms are incredibly helpful to us. They help us diversify our vocabulary, drastically improve the quality of our writing, and enhance our communication skills. But most importantly, they help us understand the meaning of words. The following bullets will list synonyms and antonyms of the word «definite.»

You should bear in mind that when we use any of the synonyms listed below, the terms will be understood as «definite.» Thus they can be used interchangeably. Alternatively, since the words listed as antonyms have an opposite or different meaning to the word in question, they cannot be substituted for one another.

certain synonym of definite


  • Explicit
  • Specific
  • Express
  • Precise
  • Exact
  • Certain
  • Defined
  • Well Defined
  • Clear-cut
  • Determined
  • Fixed


  • Ambiguous
  • Doubtful
  • Equivocal
  • Vague
  • Indefinite
  • Indistinct
  • Inexact
  • Obscure
  • Questionable
  • Uncertain

Examples In Sentences

It’s no coincidence that we humans are considered visual creatures. Our learning depends so much on visuals that The Social Science Research Network estimates that about 65% of the world population are visual learners. As such, since we are no strangers to this in our articles, we will show you examples of how to use the word «definite» in sentences, as well as some of the previously listed synonyms and antonyms.

  1. She definitely has to get liposuction. Those rolls are going away by themselves.
  2. Her answer was «definitely,» but I’m pretty sure she was being sarcastic.
  3. I’m his biggest fan, which means that I definitely won’t stop until he gives me his autograph.
  4. You can definitely not read my poker face. So let it go.
  5. She said that when it comes to love, it definitely isn’t fun unless it is challenging.
  6. I promise that getting a new boyfriend will definitely be the cure.
  7. The way she sang that song in the last work karaoke, along with how she was looking at Mark, definitely describes how she feels about him.
  8. Putting your hands up in the sky, swinging them from side to side, and jumping, will definitely ensure you have a fantastic time at the concert.
  9. Jonathan was explicit. Don’t touch his things!
  10. Stephany said she would marry the night. She was very specific.
  11. He got expressed consent from the principal. If she says otherwise, we will object.
  12. My UberEats driver asked for my precise location. I’m tired of having to explain it to them.
  13. Even if I tried, I could not repeat the exact word that Draco uses to refer to Hermione.
  14. Please get the client-defined wording right this time. I am tired of having to correct that.
  15. You know what, I am tired of being ambiguous with you. I love you, do something about it!
  16. Listen, I am doubtful of his experience. However, I am not his boss.
  17. Do you really think that his choice of words would be intended to be equivocal? Please! He is not that smart.
  18. Liz was intentionally vague with her answers. She was trying to sound mysterious.
  19. The indefinite time frame of this schedule has got me tired. I quit!
  20. I’m sorry, but your calculations are inexact. Clearly, it doesn’t matter that your degree comes from Standford University.

definite word in dictionary


Even though since we were young, we have been taught not to judge a book by its cover, we as humans have an innate passion for looking good under any circumstance. Whether it’s our physical appearance, intelligence, work, or writing, we simply cannot escape this reality. Unfortunately for us, there are words that are simply confusing for us to write. Such is the case with «definite,» and to be honest, how could we not be confused? This word, like many others, has that tricky schwa sound in it. Thus, endlessly making us doubt our very own existence when we are required to write them. Nonetheless, after reading this article, this will not be our case.

In this article, we have already gone over what the word means, the correct spelling, synonyms, antonyms, and examples of the word in sentences. This most definitely, ensures that we spell the word as «definite» and not «definate.» Whenever in doubt, remember the word is directly related to «finish.» Another trick that comes from our friends over at Merriam Webster’s dictionary is to remember that «definite» has «finite» in it. Therefore, the correct spelling is de-fi-nite. However, if you are still unsure, you can always come back to this article to clear your confusion.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

  • bold
  • categorical
  • clear-cut
  • definitive
  • distinct
  • explicit
  • obvious
  • palpable
  • positive
  • precise
  • pronounced
  • specific
  • straightforward
  • unambiguous
  • unequivocal
  • unmistakable
  • well-defined
  • audible
  • clean-cut
  • clearly defined
  • complete
  • crisp
  • determined
  • distinguishable
  • downright
  • express
  • fixed
  • forthright
  • full
  • graphic
  • incisive
  • marked
  • minute
  • not vague
  • particular
  • plain
  • ringing
  • severe
  • sharp
  • silhouetted
  • tangible
  • visible
  • vivid
  • well-grounded
  • well-marked
  • defined
  • precise
  • assigned
  • assured
  • beyond doubt
  • circumscribed
  • convinced
  • decided
  • determinate
  • determined
  • established
  • guaranteed
  • limited
  • narrow
  • prescribed
  • restricted
  • set
  • settled
  • sure

On this page you’ll find 192 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to definite, such as: bold, categorical, clear-cut, definitive, distinct, and explicit.

  • imprecise
  • indefinite
  • indeterminate
  • indistinct
  • inexact
  • not clear
  • obscure
  • uncertain
  • unclear
  • undefined
  • unfixed
  • unlimited
  • vague

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING definite

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use definite in a sentence

The exemplar of this group of ideas is the Copenhagen interpretation, the textbook version of quantum theory, which is most popularly understood to suggest that particles don’t have definite properties until those properties are measured.


Aguinaldo withheld his decision until Paterno could report to him the definite opinions of his generals.


That she had her definite reason he knew, as a woman knows when another woman is wearing a last year’s gown.


He even fancied that something of challenge flashed from her, though without definite words or gesture.


Much later, in the case of all but gifted children, do the mysteries of harmony begin to take on definite form and meaning.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • actual
  • categorical
  • conclusive
  • consummate
  • decided
  • decisive
  • definite
  • exact
  • factual
  • fixed
  • genuine
  • infallible
  • positive
  • precise
  • sure
  • unambiguous
  • undeniable
  • unequivocal
  • unmitigated
  • unquestionable
  • absolute
  • actual
  • authentic
  • authoritative
  • certain
  • conclusive
  • correct
  • definite
  • definitive
  • errorless
  • exact
  • factual
  • faultless
  • final
  • flawless
  • genuine
  • infallible
  • irrefutable
  • official
  • on-target
  • perfect
  • right
  • straight
  • strict
  • true
  • truthful
  • undeniable
  • undisputed
  • unimpeachable
  • unquestionable
  • unrefuted
  • valid
  • veracious
  • apparent
  • ascertainable
  • clear-cut
  • definite
  • detectable
  • discernible
  • distinguishable
  • estimable
  • evident
  • good-sized
  • goodly
  • healthy
  • large
  • manifest
  • marked
  • material
  • measurable
  • noticeable
  • observable
  • obvious
  • perceivable
  • perceptible
  • plain
  • pronounced
  • recognizable
  • sensible
  • significant
  • sizable
  • substantial
  • tangible
  • visible
  • clear
  • coherent
  • comprehensible
  • definite
  • distinct
  • eloquent
  • expressive
  • fluent
  • intelligible
  • lucid
  • meaningful
  • understandable
  • well-spoken
  • beyond doubt
  • cinched
  • clear-cut
  • clinched
  • confirmed
  • decided
  • definite
  • guaranteed
  • in the bag
  • indubitable
  • irrefutable
  • made certain
  • nailed down
  • on ice
  • positive
  • pronounced
  • racked
  • sealed
  • secure
  • set
  • settled
  • sewed-up
  • sure
  • surefire
  • undoubted
  • unquestionable
  • clear
  • colorful
  • conspicuous
  • definite
  • evident
  • eye-catching
  • flashy
  • forceful
  • lively
  • loud
  • manifest
  • plain
  • prominent
  • pronounced
  • showy
  • spirited
  • strong
  • vivid

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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