Word that means customs or beliefs

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Intangible culture includes words, ideas, habits, customs, or beliefs that are created and then maintained.

Нематериальная культура включает в себя слова, используемые людьми, идеи, привычки, обычаи и верования, которые люди создают, а затем поддерживают.

These rights are proposed as inalienable, self-evident and universal and are not contingent upon the laws, customs, or beliefs or any particular culture or government.

Также их называют неотчуждаемыми правами, и они рассматриваются как самоочевидные и всеобщие и не зависят от законов, обычаев или верований, любой отдельной культуры или формы правления.

Natural rights are those that are not dependent on the laws, customs, or beliefs of any particular culture or government, and therefore universal and inalienable (i.e., rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws).

Природные права — это те, которые не зависят от законов, обычаев или убеждений какой-либо конкретной культуры или правительства и, следовательно, универсальны и неотъемлемы (то есть права, которые не могут быть отменены или ограничены законами о человеке).

Другие результаты

Existence of practices imposed by religion, custom or beliefs that impede the improvement of the status of women

Практика, связанная с религией, обычаями и верованиями, которая препятствует улучшению положения женщин

In the course of centuries the custom, belief, or necessity disappears, but the rule remains.

В течение столетий обычаи, убеждения и потребности исчезали, но правило оставалось»<1>.

In 2012, Icelandic laws were enacted protecting all places reputed for magic or connected to folktales, customs or national beliefs, and these are now recognized as their cultural heritage.

Исландские законы были написаны в 2012 году, в которых говорится, что все места, которые считаются магией или связаны с народными сказками, обычаями или национальными убеждениями, должны быть защищены для их культурного наследия, согласно Исландскому монитору.

Oliver Wendell Holmes once wrote, The customs, beliefs, or needs of a primitive time establish a rule or formula.

Природу этого явления О.В. Холмс объяснял так: «Обычаи, убеждения либо потребности древних времен устанавливали правило либо правовую формулу.

An examination of States parties’ reports discloses that there are countries which, on the basis of custom, religious beliefs or the ethnic origins of particular groups of people, permit forced marriages or remarriages.

Анализ докладов государств-участников свидетельствует о том, что имеются страны, которые, основываясь на обычае, религиозных побуждениях или этнической принадлежности к конкретным группам населения, допускают принудительное вступление в брак или повторный брак.

Icelandic laws were written in 2012 stating that all places reputed for magic or are connected to folktales, customs or national beliefs should be protected for their cultural heritage, according to the Iceland Monitor.

Исландские законы были написаны в 2012 году, в которых говорится, что все места, которые считаются магией или связаны с народными сказками, обычаями или национальными убеждениями, должны быть защищены для их культурного наследия, согласно Исландскому монитору.

An examination of States parties’ reports discloses that there are countries which, on the basis of custom, religious beliefs or the ethnic origins of particular groups of people, permit forced marriages or remarriages.

Изучение отчетов государств-участников показало, что существуют страны, в которых на основании обычаев, религиозных убеждений или этнических традиций отдельных групп людей, разрешается принудительный повторный брак.

An examination of States parties’ reports discloses that there are countries which, on the basis of custom, religious beliefs or the ethnic origins of particular groups of people, permit forced marriages or remarriages.

Анализ докладов государств-участников свидетельствует о том, что имеются страны, которые, основываясь на обычае, религиозных побуждениях или этнической принадлежности к конкретным группам населения, допускают принудительное HRI/GEN/1/Rev. page вступление в брак или повторный брак.

There are still countries that, on the basis of custom, religious beliefs or the ethnic origins of particular groups of people, permit forced marriages or remarriages.

Все еще существуют страны, в которых на основе существующих традиций, религиозных верований или этнического происхождения отдельных групп населения, разрешены принудительные браки или повторное заключение браков.

This suggests that persistent discrimination can be removed without undermining religious customs or beliefs.

Это свидетельствует о том, что с дискриминацией можно бороться, не подрывая религиозных устоев или верований.

Their excellent recall of the country and the customs or beliefs can later be checked out through research.

Их превосходные воспоминания о стране и ее обычаях или верованиях позже можно проверить научно.

The method which is at present most frequently applied in investigations of this character compares the variations under which the customs or beliefs occur and endeavors to find the common psychological cause that underlies them.

Метод, к которому чаще всего прибегают в таких исследованиях сейчас, основан на сопоставлении вариантов сходных обычаев или верований и выяснении их общей психологической причины.

We respect our spiritual values, customs and beliefs.

И мы с почтением относимся к нашим духовным ценностям, обычаям и верованиям.

To discover the light and power latent in man, the secret of all religion, the power of mysticism, and the essence of philosophy, without interfering with customs or belief.

Открывать свет и силу, сокрытую в человеке, секрет всех религий, власть мистицизма и сущность философии, не вмешиваясь в обычаи или верования.

Some practices and customs based on beliefs and traditions still survive.

Практика и обычаи отражают верования и традиции, от которых зависит выживание людей.

They brought with them their customs and religious beliefs.

Единственное, что они могли привезти с собой — только свои верования и религию.

The future diplomat got acquainted with the customs, beliefs and life of the Slavic community.

Будущий дипломат познакомился с обычаями, верованиями и жизнью славянской общины.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 4477. Точных совпадений: 3. Затраченное время: 331 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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Extensive material gathered on social customs and beliefs of the local indigenous Tibeto-Burman tribes.

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El Salvador recognized the need to combat discrimination against its indigenous peoples


was striving to conserve their cultures,

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Сальвадор признает необходимость борьбы с дискриминацией в отношении своих коренных народов


предпринимает усилия к сохранению их культур,

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Criticisms have also been levelled against religious schools established in more isolated indigenous communities whose

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Критика также была высказана


в адрес религиозных школ, существовавших в более изолированных коренных общинах,

цель которых заключалась в подрыве культурных основ, обычаев и верований коренных народов.

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The tribe of Australian Aborigines- a team, numbering of the 100 to 1500 man, living in a certain area,

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Племя австралийских аборигенов- это коллектив, насчитывающий от 100 до 1500 человек, проживающих на определенной территории,

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Protests of the peoples of the province professing Islam caused economic plunder, humiliating attitude of the authorities to their culture,

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Протест народов провинции, исповедовавших ислам, вызывали экономический грабеж, оскорбительное отношение властей к их культуре,

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We make jokes about some because they belong to other cultures


have different customs and beliefs.

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We have also allowed foreign minorities in our country to exercise their religious,

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Мы также разрешили иностранным меньшинствам в нашей стране следовать своим религиозным,

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El Salvador accordingly recognizes that combating discrimination against the indigenous peoples demands the adoption of positive measures


actions to meet the specific needs of the communities concerned, including the preservation of their culture,

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В этом контексте правительство Сальвадора признает, что борьба с дискриминацией коренных народов требует принятия позитивных мер


действий, учитывающих конкретные потребности соответствующих общин, а также мер по таким вопросам, как сохранение их культуры,

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As information gathering processes, environmental impact assessments can contribute to the protection of the rights of indigenous


local communities by recognizing the distinct activities, customs and beliefs of the affected indigenous


local communities.

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В качестве процесса сбора информации оценки экологических последствий могут оказывать содействие охране прав коренных


местных общин путем признания отдельных мероприятий, обычаев и верований затронутых коренных


местных общин.

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For its part, the Government of the United Arab Emirates respected human rights


the rules of international law, as well as

the language, culture, customs and beliefs of foreigners resident in its national territory,

as required by the laws of Islam.

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Со своей стороны, Объединенные Арабские Эмираты уважают права человека, нормы международного права, а также язык,

культуру, обычаи и верования иностранных граждан, проживающих на их территории, как того требует ислам.

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Since 1931, a team of French anthropologists led by Marcel Griaule


Germaine Dieterlen were studying customs and beliefs of the African people called Dogon,

living in the territory of Western Sudan the present-day Republic of Mali.

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Начиная с 1931 года, группа французских ученых- этнографов во главе

с Марселем Гриолем


Жерменой Дитерлен вела исследования обычаев и верований африканского народа догонов,

живущего на территории Западного Судана современная Республика Мали.

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To deal with these problems is a political, social


ethical imperative for us all that requires a collective approach, both national


international, on the basis of a new understanding of cooperation, equality,

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Решение этих проблем является для всех нас политическим, социальным


этническим императивом, который требует от нас коллективного подхода, как на национальном, так


международном уровне, на основе нового понимания сотрудничества, равенства,

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In addition to improvements in incomes


output, it typically involves radical changes in institutional, social


administrative structures as well as in popular attitudes


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В дополнение к повышению доходов


объемов производства оно типично включает радикальные изменения в институциональных, социальных


административных структурах, а также в общественных позициях


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The Government had introduced a number of strategies to remedy that problem, including awareness raising


education about discrimination



awareness-raising among political opinion-makers


the promotion of positive change in traditional customs and beliefs.

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Для решения этой проблемы правительством был принят ряд стратегических мер, включая меры по повышению осведомленности


просвещению по проблемам дискриминации


насилия, повышению

осведомленности среди политических деятелей, формирующих общественное мнение,


содействию позитивным сдвигам в традиционных обычаях и убеждениях.

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For Maximov, a recognised master of the

village subject, everything in the lives of the peasants, to whom he was intimately close, was important: their customs and beliefs, their spiritual world,

their difficulties




their everyday life, including the environment that surrounded them.

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Максимову- признанному мастеру деревенской темы-

все было важно в жизни кровно ему близких крестьян: их обычаи и поверья, их духовный мир,

их трудности


горести, их повседневный быт, включая обстановку, которая их окружала.

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Multiracialism recognizes the uniqueness


diversity of the society, wherein all ethnic communities enjoy equal status


each community is free to preserve


promote its cultural heritage


to practise its customs and beliefs, as long as this does not compromise national interests

or infringe on the rights


sensitivities of other groups.

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Многорасовость признает уникальность


многообразие общества, в котором все этнические общины имеют равный статус


каждая община может свободно сохранять


развивать свое культурное наследие


соблюдать свои обычаи и верования, если это не ущемляет национальные интересы, не посягает

на права других групп


не оскорбляет их чувств.

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The word“multicultural” is including people who have different customs and beliefs


multicultural consumer is any consumer who has two

or more cultural or ethnic background or affiliation; in fact, they exhibit a contextual cultural identity that allows them to show different features of lifestyle, culture, etc. Wharton University of Pennsylvania, n.d.

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Термин« мультикультурный» подразумевает включение людей, которые имеют различные обычаи и убеждения, а многокультурный потребитель- это любой потребитель, который

имеет два или более культурных, или этнических происхождения или принадлежности; на самом деле, они демонстрируют контекстуальную культурную идентичность, которая позволяет им проявлять различные особенности образа жизни, культуры


т. д.

Matters involving traditional


religious customs and beliefs that hinder equal rights between the sexes are

dealt with primarily by the State Commission under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic for Religious Affairs, which, in 2002- 2003, along with UNFPA, conducted a number of family planning seminars in which the Islamic clergy of the southern


northern regions took part, including a seminar on gender problems for Islamic educational institutions institutes



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Вопросами традиционных


религиозных обычаев и убеждений, препятствующих равноправию полов, занималась, главным

образом, Государственная комиссия при Правительстве Кыргызской Республики по делам религий, которая в 2002- 2003 годах совместно с ЮНФПА провела ряд семинаров по планированию семьи с участием исламского духовенства южного


северного регионов, включая семинар по гендерной проблематике для исламских учебных заведений институтов



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In that connection, a National Plan for searching for missing persons has been drawn up in consultation with all bodies participating in the National Commission for emergency searches for missing persons referred to in Colombia’s third report to the Committee, with a view to, primarily, locating those persons alive or, alternatively,

restoring their bodies to their relatives so that the family may mourn according to their customs and beliefs.

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В этой связи следует отметить развертывание национального плана розыска исчезнувших лиц, разработанного совместно с организациями, представленными в Национальной комиссии по срочному розыску исчезнувших лиц, о котором говорилось в третьем докладе Комитету, главная цель которого- найти живыми исчезнувших лиц или вернуть их тела родственникам,

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Jews from diaspora communities around the world brought their cultural


religious traditions back with them,

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Израильское культурное разнообразие базируется на многообразии израильского общества: евреи со всего мира привезли с собой культурные





Intensify effort to raise the level of

attendance of girls in school through the modification of traditional customs and beliefs that hinder girls from attending school(Indonesia);

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Активизировать усилия по повышению уровня

посещения школ девочками путем изменения традиционных обычаев и убеждений, которые препятствуют получению образования девочками( Индонезия);

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Freedom of expression was a universal right which must be protected




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Свобода выражения мнений является универсальным правом, которое нужно защищать


поощрять, но которое не

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Except in the case of the south of Azerbaijan


the villages of Apsheron, where the population is extremely devout,

religious customs and beliefs do not directly prevent improvements in the status of women.

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где весьма высок уровень религиозности населения, прямо не мешают улучшению положения женщин.

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At its twenty-fifth session in July 2001, the Committee, in its

concluding observations on Guinea, expressed concern that customs and beliefs preventing women from inheriting or gaining ownership

of land


property were most broadly accepted in rural areas.

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На своей двадцать пятой сессии в июле 2001 года Комитет в своих заключительных

замечаниях по Гвинее выразил озабоченность в связи с тем, что обычаи и сложившиеся представления, препятствующие женщинам вступать в наследство

или становиться владельцами земельных участков


имущества, весьма широко распространены в сельских районах.

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It is easy to imagine what a detrimental effect would have to conceive of such marriages between members of a small nation, isolated from its neighbors not only by high mountains


deep gorges,

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Нетрудно представить какое пагубное действие должны были бы возыметь браки между членами такого маленького народа, изолированного от своих соседей не только высокими горами


глубокими пропастями,

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Under Section 3(1) of the Civil Law Act 1956(Act 67), it is stated that in the absence of any applicable law in Malaysia the common law


the rules of equity as administered in England

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Согласно разделу 3( 1) Закона о гражданском праве 1956 года( закон№ 67), в отсутствии каких-либо применимых законов в Малайзии применяется общее право


правила равенства, используемые в Англии,

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Allenby pledged»that every sacred building, monument, holy spot, shrine, traditional site, endowment, pious bequest, or customary place of prayer of whatsoever form of the three religions will be maintained


protected according to the existing customs and beliefs of those to whose faith they are sacred.

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Алленби дал обещание, что« каждая священная постройка, памятник, святое место, святыня, территория, связанная с


пожертвование, завещанная по благочестию собственность или традиционное место молитвы, относящиеся к какой бы то ни было форме трех религий,

It comprises language, naming, classification systems,

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context icon

Они охватывают язык, наименования, системы классификации,

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Not only were their traditions, customs and belief systems reflected in the culture


tradition of Mauritius, they were also represented in Parliament through a best-loser

system. That meant that those representatives of minorities who did not receive sufficient votes to obtain seats in Parliament through the normal elective system could be assured of at least 8 seats out of a total of 70.

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context icon

В культуре и традициях Маврикия отражены не только их традиции, обычаи


системы верований, но


они представлены в парламенте на основе системы обеспечения

представительства кандидатов с малым числом избирателей, которая дает возможность представителям меньшинств, которые не набрали бы достаточного количества голосов для получения мест в парламенте при применении обычной системы выборов, получить как минимум 8 мест из 70 имеющихся.

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Results: 268,
Time: 0.0226






Definitions of Beliefs not found.

Customs and beliefs are semantically related. In some cases you can use «Customs» instead a noun «Beliefs».


Customs noun — Money collected under a tariff.

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Synonyms for Customs

Beliefs and customs are semantically related. Sometimes you can use «Beliefs» instead a noun «Customs».

Both words in one sentence

  • These groups were very similar to each other and shared language, customs and beliefs.
  • Webcomic / Harkovast Fantasy Counterpart Culture: All of the races seen so far, though it’s subverted at times — it’s usually very easy to tell which of the real world cultures a given nation mimics visually, but their actual beliefs and customs may be warped or mixed with a different culture.
  • She discusses many bizarre beliefs and customs from her home country.
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Synonyms for beliefs

Synonyms for customs

Google Ngram Viewer shows how «beliefs» and «customs» have occurred on timeline


1. a tradition

2. all the customs and beliefs of a country or group

3. a special event that is part of a tradition

4. to not do something in the usual or traditional way


see also




1. a tradition

▷ tradition /trəˈdɪʃ ə n/ [countable noun]

a belief, custom, or way of doing something that has existed for a very long time in a particular country or among a particular group of people :

▪ A lot of the old traditions are dying out.

▪ Every village has its own traditions.

tradition of

▪ The region has a tradition of winemaking which goes back to Roman times.

tradition that

▪ It’s still the tradition here that the eldest son inherits all the family’s money and land.

family tradition

▪ We always go for a long walk on Christmas morning — it’s a family tradition.

▷ traditional /trəˈdɪʃ ə nəl/ [adjective]

belonging to the traditions of a country or group of people — use this about music, food, clothes, customs etc :

▪ A group of children will perform traditional dances.

traditional African/French/English etc

▪ The dancers were wearing traditional African costume.

▪ The restaurant offers a wide range of traditional French food.

it is traditional to do something

▪ In the US it is traditional to dress up in costumes on Halloween.

traditionally [adverb]

▪ a special dish that is traditionally eaten at New Year

▷ custom /ˈkʌstəm/ [countable noun]

a way of behaving that has existed for a long time among a group of people, and is considered normal or polite — use this especially to talk about other countries or other times :

▪ Sadly, a lot of the old customs are now dying out.

custom of

▪ The custom of sending birthday cards began in the 19th century.

it is the custom (for somebody) to do something

▪ It is the custom in Japan to take your shoes off when you go into someone’s house.

▪ In those days it was the custom for farmers to give part of their crop to the lord of the manor.

▷ customary /ˈkʌstəm ə riǁ-meri/ [adjective]

something that is customary is considered normal or polite because it is the way it is usually done by a group of people :

▪ The man at the hotel welcomed us with the customary greeting.

it is customary (for somebody) to do something

▪ It is customary for the man to propose to the woman.

▷ institution /ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃ ə n, ˌɪnstəˈtjuːʃ ə nǁ-ˈtuː-/ [countable noun usually singular]

a custom, belief or way of doing something that has become established and accepted as part of normal life among a particular group of people :

▪ Trading in ivory had become an institution in this part of Africa.

institution of

▪ Church leaders are meeting this week to discuss ways of preserving the institution of marriage.

2. all the customs and beliefs of a country or group

▷ tradition /trəˈdɪʃ ə n/ [uncountable noun]

all the beliefs and ways of behaving that have existed for a very long time in a particular country or among a particular group of people :

▪ There is great respect for tradition among the older members of the community.

by tradition

according to a tradition

▪ By tradition, it is the bride’s parents who pay for the wedding.

▷ folklore /ˈfəʊklɔːʳ/ [uncountable noun]

old stories which the people in a country or area have told each other for a very long time, and which often contain historical or religious ideas :

according to folklore

▪ According to folklore, King Arthur will one day return to become King of Britain.

in folklore

▪ In folklore the snake is often a symbol of evil.

▷ heritage /ˈherɪtɪdʒ, ˈherətɪdʒ/ [uncountable noun]

art, literature, and traditions that are considered to belong as a right to all the people in a society, especially because they form an important part of a country’s history :

▪ The town takes great pride in its architectural heritage.

national heritage

▪ These works of art are considered of great importance to Russia’s national heritage.

heritage of

▪ The castle is part of the heritage of Wales and should be preserved for the people of Wales.

▷ culture /ˈkʌltʃəːʳ/ [countable/uncountable noun]

all the customs, beliefs, and practices of a particular society or among a particular group of people :

▪ The trip offers you a unique opportunity to experience the culture of the remote hill tribes of the north.

▪ In what ways do British and Australian culture differ?

3. a special event that is part of a tradition

▷ ceremony /ˈserɪməni, ˈserəməniǁ-məʊni/ [countable noun]

a special formal event which is part of the religious or social tradition of a place, and in which there is a fixed set of words and actions :

wedding/funeral etc ceremony

▪ After the wedding ceremony we went to a reception at the bride’s parents’ house.

hold a ceremony

have a ceremony

▪ A ceremony is held every year to remember those who died in the war.

attend a ceremony

▪ Over 2,000 people attended the official opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

▷ ceremonial /ˌserɪˈməʊniəl◂, ˌserəˈməʊniəl◂/ [adjective only before noun]

ceremonial clothes, objects, and activities are used in important religious or social ceremonies :

▪ The Queen was in full ceremonial dress for the state opening of Parliament.

▪ His right hand rested on his ceremonial sword.

▪ The full costume is only worn on important ceremonial occasions.

▷ ritual /ˈrɪtʃuəl/ [countable/uncountable noun]

a set of words and actions that are always done in the same way, for example as part of a religious ceremony :

▪ The book examines rituals for childbirth from different parts of the world.

▪ After an elaborate ritual, the boys are formally accepted into the tribe.

perform a ritual

▪ The ritual is performed in order to thank the Sun Goddess for the rice harvest.

▷ rite /raɪt/ [countable noun]

a special action that is done as part of an important religious or social ceremony, especially one that only particular people, for example priests, are allowed to perform :

▪ Buddhist rites

perform a rite

▪ The Batak chieftains perform the traditional initiation rite.

last rites

final prayers and ceremonies for someone who is dying

▪ A priest was called to perform last rites for the dying woman.

funeral rites

▪ The body cannot be buried until the funeral rites have been performed.

4. to not do something in the usual or traditional way

▷ break with tradition/break with the past /ˌbreɪk wɪð trəˈdɪʃ ə n, ˌbreɪk wɪð ðə ˈpɑːstǁ-ˈpæst/ [verb phrase]

to stop doing things the way they have always been done in the past :

▪ The Church has finally broken with tradition and allowed women into the ministry.

▪ I think it’s time to break with the past and rewrite the constitution.

▷ a break with tradition/a break with the past /ə ˌbreɪk wɪð trəˈdɪʃ ə n, ə ˌbreɪk wɪð ðə ˈpɑːstǁ -ˈpæst/ [noun phrase]

when you stop doing things the way they have always been done in the past :

▪ In a significant break with tradition, the Queen will not attend this year’s ceremony.

▪ Political leaders are calling for a break with the past and a new spirit of cooperation.

Longman Activator English vocab.

     Английский словарь Longman активатор .


См. в других словарях


  (traditions) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A tradition is a custom or belief that has existed for a long time. …the rich traditions of Afro-Cuban music, and dance… Mary has carried on the family tradition of giving away plants… N-VAR 2. If you say that something or someone is in the tradition of a person or thing from the past, you mean that they have many features that remind you of that person or thing. They’re marvellous pictures in the tradition of Gainsborough. PREP-PHRASE …

Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary


   noun  Etymology: Middle English tradicioun, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French tradicion, from Latin ~-, traditio action of handing over, ~ — more at treason  Date: 14th century  1.  a. an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior (as a religious practice or a social custom)  b. a belief or story or a body of beliefs or stories relating to the past that are commonly accepted as historical though not verifiable the bulk of ~s attributed to the Prophet — J. L. Esposito  2. the handing down of information, beliefs, and customs by word of mouth or by example from one generation to another without written instruction  3. cultural continuity in social attitudes, customs, and institutions  4. characteristic manner, method, or style in the best liberal ~  • ~al adjective  • ~ally adverb  • ~less adjective …

Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary


  n. 1 a a custom, opinion, or belief handed down to posterity esp. orally or by practice. b this process of handing down. 2 esp. joc. an established practice or custom (it’s a tradition to complain about the weather). 3 artistic, literary, etc. principles based on experience and practice; any one of these (stage tradition; traditions of the Dutch School). 4 Theol. doctrine or a particular doctrine etc. claimed to have divine authority without documentary evidence, esp.: a the oral teaching of Christ and the Apostles. b the laws held by the Pharisees to have been delivered by God to Moses. c the words and deeds of Muhammad not in the Koran. 5 Law the formal delivery of property etc. Derivatives traditionary adj. traditionist n. traditionless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF tradicion or L traditio f. tradere hand on, betray (as TRANS-, dare give) …

Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference


  традиция — tradition approach …

Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь


  сущ. 1) традиция 2) юр. передача (собственности) Syn: practice …

Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь


  1. традиция; старый обычай by tradition —- по традиции the great traditions of the nation —- великие традиции народа the tradition of living on the land —- традиция сельской жизни a break with the traditions —- разрыв с традициями to hold to the traditions of smth. —- придерживаться каких-л. традиций to keep up the family traditions —- сохранять семейные традиции to hold up (the) tradition —- поддерживать традицию to break away from (the) tradition —- порвать с традицией to bring smb. up in the traditions of atheism —- воспитать кого-л. в традициях атеизма 2. предание the traditions associated with the mountain —- предания, связанные с этой горой tradition has it that (according to the old tradition) the first American flag was made by Ross —- по преданию первый американский флаг был сделан Россом 3. неписаный закон 4. редк. устная передача сведений или инструкций 5. уст. предательство; отказ (от чего-л.) 6. капитуляция 7. юр. передача (имущества) …

Новый большой англо-русский словарь


  noun  1) традиция; старый обычай; by tradition — по традиции  2) предание Syn: convention, custom, ethos, manner, manners, mores, practice …

Англо-русский словарь


  — c.1382, from O.Fr. tradicion, from L. traditionem (nom. traditio) «delivery, surrender, a handing down,» from stem of tradere «deliver, hand over,» from trans- «over» + dare «give.» The notion in the modern sense of the word is of things «handed down» from generation to generation. …

Английский Этимологический словарь


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/ ˈkʌl tʃər /

See synonyms for: culture / cultured / cultures on Thesaurus.com

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the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc.

that which is excellent in the arts, manners, etc.

a particular form or stage of civilization, as that of a certain nation or period: Greek culture.

development or improvement of the mind by education or training.

the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular group of people, as a social, ethnic, professional, or age group (usually used in combination): the youth culture; the drug culture.

the shared beliefs, behaviors, or social environment connected with a particular aspect of society: the rape culture on campus; the culture of poverty; a culture of celebrity worship.

the values, typical practices, and goals of a business or other organization, especially a large corporation: Their corporate culture frowns on avoiding risk.

Anthropology. the sum total of ways of living built up by a group of human beings and transmitted from one generation to another.


  1. the cultivation of microorganisms, as bacteria, or of tissues, for scientific study, medicinal use, etc.
  2. the product or growth resulting from such cultivation.

the act or practice of cultivating the soil; tillage.

the raising of plants or animals, especially with a view to their improvement.

the product or growth resulting from such cultivation.

verb (used with object), cul·tured, cul·tur·ing.

to subject to culture; cultivate.


  1. to grow (microorganisms, tissues, etc.) in or on a controlled or defined medium.
  2. to introduce (living material) into a culture medium.


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First recorded in 1400–50; late Middle English: “tilling, place tilled,” from Anglo-French, Middle French, from Latin cultūra “cultivation, agriculture, tillage, care.” See cult, -ure

an·ti·cul·ture, nounin·ter·cul·ture, adjectivein·ter·cul·ture, nounmul·ti·cul·ture, noun

non·cul·ture, nounpre·cul·ture, nounsu·per·cul·ture, noun

Cultural Revolution, Cultural Revolution, Great Proletarian, cultural sociology, cultural universal, culturati, culture, culture area, culture center, culture clash, culture complex, cultured

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022

Culture is a collection of behaviors and beliefs associated with a particular group, as in Ming adores Mexican culture, especially Día de Muertos, or Day of the Dead.

Culture is also the quality of a person or group of people that comes from appreciating excellence in the arts, fashion, manners, and other characteristics of a society, as in A person of culture, Damon frequently attends the symphony and theater.

To culture someone is to expose them to culture, particularly to one that is not their own.

In biology and agriculture, a culture is a specific, enclosed group of organisms, such as a cell culture or a group of plants or animals that are separated from the rest.

Related to this sense, to culture means to grow such a group of organisms.

Example: The culture at my office is one of respect and interest in each others’ projects.

The first records of the term culture come from the early 1400s. It ultimately comes from the Latin cultūra, meaning “cultivation, agriculture, tillage, care.”

Because culture often directly connects to a certain type of art or experience, it will often be paired with a word that describes it, such as Greek culture or punk culture. Culture is often a way that ethnicities, religions, races, and a variety of social and personal factors are lumped together to describe someone’s background.

Culture is a common word that most often refers to behaviors and beliefs associated with a particular group.

Oh it’s good to be back in Tokyo . I love this place so much . The people, the food , the culture !!!!! 🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵

— Niall Horan (@NiallOfficial) June 14, 2018

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop! They BIG MAD 😡 and Scared 😱. Nothing will stop this movement and culture over here. Sorry! Not sorry. 😁✌🏾

— LeBron James (@KingJames) August 6, 2019

Chelsea. NYC. The birthplace of The Velvet Underground. The birthplace of anti-hippie punk culture.

— Mainland (@mainland) May 3, 2016

Is culture used correctly in the following sentence?

Scientists who study cell cultures spend a lot of time using powerful microscopes.

ability, art, civilization, experience, fashion, perception, practice, science, skill, development, folklore, habit, knowledge, lifestyle, society, agriculture, accomplishment, address, capacity, class

  • Plenty of cultures have their own version of rice cakes, but we can partially thank a botanist named Alexander Pierce Anderson for laying the groundwork for the American rice cake as we know it.

  • We have a problem with poverty and resources in communities that happen to include a culture of gangs.

  • While many brands understandably use a variety of global and local ambassadors, dismissively trading out one’s culture this way is not something I can condone.

  • They are distanced from the food and water sources they depend on, and they are part of a culture that sees every problem as capable of being solved by money.

  • Fitzgibbons said that drop culture works because people like to buy into the perceived exclusivity and being able to boast that they were one of the few people able to purchase that item.

  • Charlie ridiculed my faith and culture and I died defending his right to do so.

  • I don’t know why or who’s doing it, but it’s the legacy…and it’s a legacy that is so important to the culture.

  • A lot of the culture around movies in the sci-fi/fantasy genre is about deconstructing them ad nauseam.

  • Whether he gets his full due in popular culture remains to be seen.

  • If the oft-talked-about college “hook-up culture” could be embodied by a place, it would be Shooters.

  • In Cuba its culture commenced in 1580, and from this and the other islands large quantities were shipped to Europe.

  • The culture of expression is a very different thing from the artful imitation of the signs of feeling and purpose.

    Expressive Voice Culture|Jessie Eldridge Southwick

  • Yet a child coming under the humanising influences of culture soon gets far away from the level of the savage.

    Children’s Ways|James Sully

  • Its culture however was looked upon with the same disapproval by Charles II.

  • It would be a modest guess that Accadian culture implied a growth of at least ten thousand years.

    God and my Neighbour|Robert Blatchford

the total of the inherited ideas, beliefs, values, and knowledge, which constitute the shared bases of social action

the total range of activities and ideas of a group of people with shared traditions, which are transmitted and reinforced by members of the groupthe Mayan culture

a particular civilization at a particular period

the artistic and social pursuits, expression, and tastes valued by a society or class, as in the arts, manners, dress, etc

the enlightenment or refinement resulting from these pursuits

the attitudes, feelings, values, and behaviour that characterize and inform society as a whole or any social group within ityob culture

the cultivation of plants, esp by scientific methods designed to improve stock or to produce new ones

stockbreeding the rearing and breeding of animals, esp with a view to improving the strain

the act or practice of tilling or cultivating the soil


  1. the experimental growth of microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, in a nutrient substance (culture medium), usually under controlled conditionsSee also culture medium
  2. a group of microorganisms grown in this way

to cultivate (plants or animals)

to grow (microorganisms) in a culture medium

culturist, nouncultureless, adjective

C15: from Old French, from Latin cultūra a cultivating, from colere to till; see cult

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

A growth of microorganisms, viruses, or tissue cells in a specially prepared nutrient medium under supervised conditions.

The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. Culture is learned and shared within social groups and is transmitted by nongenetic means.

To grow microorganisms, viruses, or tissue cells in a nutrient medium.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

The sum of attitudes, customs, and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another. Culture is transmitted, through language, material objects, ritual, institutions, and art, from one generation to the next.

Anthropologists consider that the requirements for culture (language use, tool making, and conscious regulation of sex) are essential features that distinguish humans from other animals.

Culture also refers to refined music, art, and literature; one who is well versed in these subjects is considered “cultured.”

The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


democracynoun | [dih-mok-ruh-see ]SEE DEFINITION


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«But well-established tradition, and difference of physiognomy, prove conclusively that not all the present inhabitants of the mountains are the original inhabitants of that region»

Does tradition mean beliefs or customs? The Oxford Learners’ Dictionary website defines tradition as a belief, custom or way of doing something that has existed for a long time among a particular group of people; [or] a set of these beliefs or customs

asked Sep 13, 2018 at 18:26

M Dean's user avatar


In your sentence it would be in the sense of the knowledge handed down from previous times.


1.the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends, customs, information, etc., from generation to generation, especially by word
of mouth or by practice: a story that has come down to us by popular
2. something that is handed down: the traditions of the Eskimos.

answered Sep 13, 2018 at 18:56

S Conroy's user avatar

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