жестокий, безжалостный, бессердечный, ужасный, мучительный
прилагательное ↓
- жестокий, безжалостный, бессердечный
cruel / merciless / ruthless tyrant — жестокий, безжалостный деспот
cruel dictator — жестокосердный диктатор
cruel remark — жестокое замечание
- мучительный, ужасный, жестокий
cruel / harsh / severe punishment — строгое, суровое наказание
cruel disease — мучительная /ужасная/ болезнь
cruel suffering — жестокие /ужасные/ страдания
cruel and unusual punishment — амер. пытка или наказание, несоразмерные преступлению
- в грам. знач. нареч. эмоц.-усил. очень, чрезвычайно, чертовски
cruel cold — очень холодный
- австрал. разг. портить, грубить, лишать шансов на успех
Мои примеры
be of a cruel disposition — быть жестокого нрава; быть крутого нрава
under the heel of a cruel tyrant — под игом жестокого тирана
cruel joke — издевка
Примеры с переводом
She was often cruel to her sister.
Она часто бывала жестока к своей сестре.
It was a cruel act of him to do it.
С его стороны было жестоко так поступать.
His cruel remarks cut her deeply.
Его жестокие замечания глубоко задели её.
How could anyone be so cruel?
Как вообще можно быть таким жестоким?
His mother’s death was a cruel blow.
Смерть матери стала для него тяжёлым ударом.
His death was a cruel blow.
Его смерть была жестоким ударом.
The citizens at last rebelled against their cruel rulers.
Наконец, жители подняли восстание против жестоких правителей.
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
…spread cruel lies out of pure spite…
…a fiendish delight in playing cruel tricks…
He was a cruel king who was feared and hated by his subjects.
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Возможные однокоренные слова
cruelly — жестоко, безжалостно, мучительно
cruelty — жестокость, безжалостность, бессердечие, жестокосердие
Формы слова
срав. степ. (comparative): crueller
прев. степ. (superlative): cruellest
: disposed to inflict pain or suffering : devoid of humane feelings
: causing or conducive to injury, grief, or pain
Choose the Right Synonym for cruel
fierce, ferocious, barbarous, savage, cruel mean showing fury or malignity in looks or actions.
fierce applies to humans and animals that inspire terror because of their wild and menacing aspect or fury in attack.
ferocious implies extreme fierceness and unrestrained violence and brutality.
barbarous implies a ferocity or mercilessness regarded as unworthy of civilized people.
barbarous treatment of prisoners
savage implies the absence of inhibitions restraining civilized people filled with rage, lust, or other violent passion.
cruel implies indifference to suffering and even positive pleasure in inflicting it.
the cruel jokes of schoolboys
Example Sentences
a cruel twist of fate
Hunger is a cruel fact of nature.
Recent Examples on the Web
Many were poor and indigent and subjected to treatments that were misguided, unscientific and cruel.
—Thomas Curwen, Los Angeles Times, 9 Apr. 2023
Brain Freeze Challenge One of the best challenges for summertime, or the cruelest for winter.
—Leah Campano, Seventeen, 8 Apr. 2023
The former is humble and kind, the latter is rich and cruel.
—Jessica Roiz, Billboard, 6 Apr. 2023
However, their happy existence is threatened by the cruel and intimidating headmistress, Miss Trunchbull, played brilliantly by Pam Ferris.
—Travis Bean, Forbes, 1 Apr. 2023
In 2009, the U.S. Dept. of Justice sued the sheriff’s office for a host of constitutional violations related to cruel and degrading treatment of inmates, including failure to mitigate the risk of suicide.
—Raina Lipsitz, The New Republic, 31 Mar. 2023
That is shameful and cruel.
—Matt Lavietes, NBC News, 23 Mar. 2023
His passing in February, just weeks before De La’s entire music catalogue would finally be made available on streaming for the first time, feels particularly cruel.
—Hazlitt, 22 Mar. 2023
For now, the ICC is focusing narrowly on just one, but a particularly horrifying and cruel, aspect of Russia’s Ukraine campaign.
—Frida Ghitis, CNN, 18 Mar. 2023
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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘cruel.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
Word History
Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin crudelis, from crudus — see crude entry 1
First Known Use
14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1
Time Traveler
The first known use of cruel was
in the 14th century
Dictionary Entries Near cruel
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“Cruel.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cruel. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.
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Last Updated:
13 Apr 2023
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Merriam-Webster unabridged
cruel — перевод на русский
«O Carlos, how cruelly you play with me»
«О Карлос, как жестоко вы играете со мной»
Wouldn’t you call that cruel and unusual?
Разве это не жестоко и необычно?
It’s too cruel.
Это слишком жестоко.
Maybe— Maybe someone was cruel to him… or maybe he’s just lonely.
Может быть кто-то поступил с ним жестоко… или он просто одинок.
I spoke to you cruelly, didn’t I?
Я говорила с вами жестоко, не правда ли?
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To prove how cruel it was.
Это доказывает его жестокость.
Why are you so cruel?
К чему такая жестокость?
I wanted to know how it was possible. What happens when a person humiliates himself or suddenly turns cruel?
Я хотел понять, что творится с человеком, что он испытывает, когда подвергается унижению или вдруг сам проявляет жестокость?
But there are only cruel and clumsy meetings between you.
Но между вами только жестокость и неловкость.
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Both good and cruel.
— Одновременно и добрый, и злой.
You know very well. You’re bitter, cruel, unbearable.
Вы желчный, злой, невыносимый.
It is cold and cruel and it keeps silent forever.
Вид у него злой и холодный, оно хранит молчание, всегда.
Father was cruel and vile.
Папа был злой,.. …отвратительный.
Cruel fate. to shroud my wife’s dying words in mystery.
— Никакого секса. — О, злой рок, последние слова моей… -..умирающей жены останутся под завесой мрака.
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But she was so young and she died so cruelly.
Но она была такой молодой, и умерла так безжалостно.
Well, I was appalled at how cruelly deceived Father Ailnoth was, he being the King’s man.
Ну, я ужаснулся насколько безжалостно был обманут отец Эйлнот, он — человек короля
Amongst the participants in the second round, there was a player who had cruelly stolen 100 million from another.
Среди участников второго тура, есть игрок, который безжалостно украл у другого 100 миллионов.
Kiss me, rough, cruel, until nervous breakdown.
Поцелуй меня безжалостно, страстно, заставь потерять рассудок!
She was cruelly jilted by a fiend in human form.
Она была безжалостно брошена дьяволом в человеческом образе.
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Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
Как это ужасно быть запущенным в качестве бомбы, особенно если ты не бомба!
That’s cruel!
Это ужасно.
I clearly know that how cruel those feelings of regrets are.
Уж я-то знаю, как ужасно постоянно сожалеть о несбывшемся.
That was cruel.
Это было ужасно.
That would be so cruel.
Это было бы ужасно.
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I might be furious with you, but never let it be said that I’m cruel.
Может, я поступаю жёстко, но уж никак не жестоко.
In a hostage situation, you have to be cruel to be kind.
И я об этом позабочусь. В ситуации с заложниками нужно вести себя жестко.
It’s just cruel to lumber a kid with that!
Им можно жестко завалить ребенка!
Because it’s dangerous and cruel and insane.
Потому что это опасно и жестко и безумно.
You sound just as cruel As the children who tease him on the playground.
Ты говоришь так же жестко, как дети, дразнившие его на площадке.
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How can you speak so cruelly?
Как ты можешь говорить так грубо?
That sounds so cruel.
Как грубо ты говоришь.
Well, it is cruel.
Ну, это грубо.
It’s a little cruel.
Это немного грубо.
You’ve never spoken to me as cruelly as you did now.
Ты никогда раньше не разговаривал со мной так грубо
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Papa, how can you be so cruel?
Папа, почему ты такой бессердечный?
-You’re cruel, Eivind.
— Ты бессердечный, Эйвинд.
Cruel bastard.
Бессердечный придурок.
Aah! What cruel God would give a train a face?
Какой бессердечный Бог дал поездам лица?
You’re just cruel.
Ты просто бессердечный!
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Oh, why is she so cruel and hateful?
Ну почему она такая суровая и ворчливая?
Yes, I heard you had a cruel winter
Да, я слышал, что у вас была суровая зима.
It takes that cruel science of man…
Есть суровая наука жизни: понимать людей — такими, как есть.
You know, work… work is a cruel mistress.
Знаешь, работа… Работа — суровая Госпожа.
Don’t be cruel.
Не будь таким суровым.
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I sure hate to tell you. It seems downright cruel.
мне жаль говорить тебе это слишком жестоко
Isn’t that kind of cruel?
А это не слишком жестоко…
Alright this is cruel, we better let him finish before his head explodes.
Ладно, это слишком жестоко, пусть уж выскажется, а не то ему голову разорвёт.
You’re right, so it would be cruel to mention that after he finished signing autographs,
Ты прав, будет слишком жестоко упомянуть, что после раздачи автографов
It seems cruel and unusual punishment to deny them.
Было бы слишком жестоко лишать их меня.
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1) жесто́кий; безжа́лостный, бессерде́чный
2) мучи́тельный; ужа́сный;
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > cruel
Персональный Сократ > cruel
cruel жестокий; безжалостный, бессердечный cruel жестокий cruel мучительный; ужасный; cruel suffering ужасные страдания; cruel war суровая, жестокая война; cruel fate горькая судьбина; cruel disease тяжелая, мучительная болезнь cruel мучительный; ужасный; cruel suffering ужасные страдания; cruel war суровая, жестокая война; cruel fate горькая судьбина; cruel disease тяжелая, мучительная болезнь cruel мучительный; ужасный; cruel suffering ужасные страдания; cruel war суровая, жестокая война; cruel fate горькая судьбина; cruel disease тяжелая, мучительная болезнь cruel мучительный; ужасный; cruel suffering ужасные страдания; cruel war суровая, жестокая война; cruel fate горькая судьбина; cruel disease тяжелая, мучительная болезнь cruel мучительный; ужасный; cruel suffering ужасные страдания; cruel war суровая, жестокая война; cruel fate горькая судьбина; cruel disease тяжелая, мучительная болезнь
English-Russian short dictionary > cruel
kruəl прил.
1) жестокий;
жестокосердный, безжалостный, суровый, беспощадный cruel punishment ≈ суровое наказание Syn: sadistic Ant: gentle, humane, kind, merciful
2) лютый, свирепый, дикий( о человеке, диком звере) Syn: fierce, savage
3) мучительный, болезненный;
тяжелый, тяжкий( об условиях, положении) But what is crueller upon me than all, is that you are ill. ≈ Тяжелее всего для меня то, что ты болен. Syn: painful
4) как нареч. очень, чрезвычайно Syn: exceedingly, very
жестокий, безжалостный, бессердечный — * dictator жестокосердный диктатор — * remark жесткое замечание мучительный, ужасный, жестокий — * disease мучительная болезнь — * suffering жестокие страдания — * and unusual punishment (американизм) пытка или наказание, несоразмерные преступлению (эмоционально-усилительно) очень, чрезвычайно, чертовски — * cold очень холодный( австралийское) (разговорное) портить, губить, лишать шансов на успех
cruel жестокий;
безжалостный, бессердечный ~ жестокий ~ мучительный;
cruel suffering ужасные страдания;
cruel war суровая, жестокая война;
cruel fate горькая судьбина;
cruel disease тяжелая, мучительная болезнь
~ мучительный;
cruel suffering ужасные страдания;
cruel war суровая, жестокая война;
cruel fate горькая судьбина;
cruel disease тяжелая, мучительная болезнь
~ мучительный;
cruel suffering ужасные страдания;
cruel war суровая, жестокая война;
cruel fate горькая судьбина;
cruel disease тяжелая, мучительная болезнь
~ мучительный;
cruel suffering ужасные страдания;
cruel war суровая, жестокая война;
cruel fate горькая судьбина;
cruel disease тяжелая, мучительная болезнь
~ мучительный;
cruel suffering ужасные страдания;
cruel war суровая, жестокая война;
cruel fate горькая судьбина;
cruel disease тяжелая, мучительная болезньБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > cruel
жестокий, жестокосердный, безжалостный, суровый, беспощадный
He was cruel in his punishments. — Он жесток в наказаниях.
It is cruel to tease a little child. — Дразнить маленького ребенка — жестоко
— cruel man
— cruel heart
— cruel punishment
— be cruel
— be cruel to smb
— be cruel in one’s anger
— it is cruel of smbEnglish-Russian combinatory dictionary > cruel
1. [ʹkru:əl]
1. жестокий, безжалостный, бессердечный
2. мучительный, ужасный, жестокий
cruel disease — мучительная /ужасная/ болезнь
cruel suffering — жестокие /ужасные/ страдания
эмоц.-усил. очень, чрезвычайно, чертовски
2. [ʹkru:əl]
австрал. разг.
портить, грубить, лишать шансов на успех
НБАРС > cruel
1. a жестокий, безжалостный, бессердечный
2. a мучительный, ужасный, жестокий
3. a эмоц. -усил. очень, чрезвычайно, чертовски
4. v австрал. разг. портить, грубить, лишать шансов на успех
Синонимический ряд:
1. devilish (adj.) demoniacal; devilish; diabolical; fiendish; satanic
2. fell (adj.) bestial; brutal; cannibalic; fell; feral; ferocious; fierce; inhuman; inhumane; mean; sadistic; savage; truculent; vicious; wolfish
3. heartless (adj.) callous; cold-blooded; hardhearted; heartless; stony hearted; uncharitable; unfeeling; unmerciful; unnatural; unyielding
4. severe (adj.) bitter; hard; harsh; inclement; relentless; severe; unrelenting
5. unkind (adj.) barbarian; barbarous; bloodthirsty; grim; incisive; inexorable; unkind
Антонимический ряд:
beneficial; benevolent; charitable; compassionate; considerate; feeling; forgiving; generous; gentle; humane; kind; merciful
English-Russian base dictionary > cruel
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > cruel
1) жестокий; безжалостный, бессердечный
2) мучительный; ужасный; cruel suffering ужасные страдания; cruel war суровая, жестокая война; cruel fate горькая судьбина; cruel disease тяжелая, мучительная болезнь
bestial, brutal, nasty, sadistic
gentle, humane, kind, merciful
* * *
1 (a) безжалостный; бессердечный; жестокий; мучительный; ужасный
2 (v) грубить; лишать шансов на успех; портить
* * *
* * *
[cru·el || ‘krʊəl]
жестокий, безжалостный, бессердечный, мучительный, ужасный* * *
* * *
1) жестокий; жестокосердный
2) лютый, свирепый, дикий (о человеке, диком звере)Новый англо-русский словарь > cruel
[‘kruːəl], [kruəl]
а) жестокий; жестокосердный, безжалостный, суровый, беспощадный
б) лютый, свирепый, дикий
2) мучительный, болезненный; тяжёлый, тяжкий
His mother’s death was a cruel blow. — Смерть матери стала для него тяжёлым ударом.
Англо-русский современный словарь > cruel
English-Russian big medical dictionary > cruel
жестокий, безжалостный, суровый; лютый, свирепый; тяжёлый
2000 самых употребительных английских слов > cruel
жестокий, безжалостный; ужасный
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > cruel
1) Общая лексика: безжалостный, бессердечный, бесчеловечный, грозный, жестокий, лютый, мучительный, тяжёлый, тяжкий, ужасный, нечеловечный, беспощадный, жестокосердный, свирепый
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > cruel
cruel as it is
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > cruel as it is
жестокий; жестокосердный, безжалостный, суровый, беспощадный
лютый, свирепый, дикий
мучительный, болезненный; тяжелый, тяжкий
очень, чрезвычайно
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > cruel
жестокий, бессердечный, безжалостный
Англо-русский словарь по психоаналитике > cruel
Англо-русский юридический словарь > cruel
MT 1. портить;
2. грубить;
3. лишать шансов на успехAustralian slang > cruel
жестокий; безжалостный; беспощадный; лютый; бессердечный; жестокосердный
English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > cruel
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- 1
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- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
cruel — cruel … Dictionnaire des rimes
cruel — cruel, cruelle [ kryɛl ] adj. • crudel Xe; lat. crudelis, de crudus (→ 2. cru), au fig. « qui aime le sang » 1 ♦ Qui prend plaisir à faire, à voir souffrir. ⇒ barbare, dur, féroce, impitoyable, inhumain, méchant , sadique, 1. sanguinaire, sauvage … Encyclopédie Universelle
cruel — cruel, elle (kru èl, è l ) adj. 1° Qui aime à infliger des souffrances, la mort. Un tyran cruel. Le cruel Henri VIII fit périr plusieurs de ses femmes. • Valérien ne fut cruel qu aux chrétiens, BOSSUET Hist. I, 10. • J ai mendié la mort… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d’Émile Littré
Cruel — Cruel, Cruel Love Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Cruel, Cruel Love Título Un amor cruel Poster de la película Ficha técnica Dirección George Nichols … Wikipedia Español
cruel — CRUEL, ELLE. adject. Inhumain, impitoyable, qui aime le sang, qui prend plaisir à faire souffrir, ou à voir souffrir. Homme cruel. Cruel tyran. Ces peuples là sont sauvages et cruels. Avoir l âme cruelle, l humeur cruelle. [b]f♛/b] Il se dit… … Dictionnaire de l’Académie Française 1798
cruel — CRUEL, [cru]elle. adj. Inhumain, impitoyable, qui aime le sang, qui prend plaisir à faire du mal aux autres. Homme cruel. cruel tyran. ces peuples là sont sauvages & cruels. avoir l ame cruelle, l humeur cruelle. Il se dit aussi de quelques… … Dictionnaire de l’Académie française
cruel — I adjective acrimonious, agonizing, atrocious, barbarous, blood thirsty, brutal, cold, cold blooded, cold hearted, crudelis, demoniacal, devilish, diabolical, distressing, evil minded, ferocious, fiendish, fierce, hard, hardhearted, harsh,… … Law dictionary
cruel — adjetivo 1. (ser / estar; antepuesto / pospuesto) [Persona, animal] que produce sufrimientos a otros seres o contempla los sufrimientos ajenos sin conmoverse: El hombre es muy cruel con los animales. El tigre fue muy cruel con su presa. Estuviste … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
Cruel — Cru el (kr[udd] [e^]l), a. [F. cruel, fr. L. crudelis, fr. crudus. See {Crude}.] 1. Disposed to give pain to others; willing or pleased to hurt, torment, or afflict; destitute of sympathetic kindness and pity; savage; inhuman; hard hearted;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cruel — Cruel, Crudelis, Immanis, Ferus, Importunus, Improbus, Atrox, Saeuus, Turpis, Trux, Austerus homo, Teter in aliquem, Praeditus crudelitate, Inhumanus, Immitis, Truculentus. Mort d une cruelle mort, Indigna morte peremptus. Chose cruelle, et comme … Thresor de la langue françoyse
cruel — [kro͞o′əl] adj. [OFr < L crudelis < crudus: see CRUDE] 1. deliberately seeking to inflict pain and suffering; enjoying others suffering; without mercy or pity 2. causing, or of a kind to cause, pain, distress, etc. cruelly adv. cruelness n … English World dictionary
Other forms: cruelest; crueler
Someone or something that inflicts pain or causes suffering can be described as cruel. It would be cruel of you to offer chocolate to someone on a diet.
High school can be cruel sometimes: cruel teachers, who seem to organize to all pile on the papers and tests for the same day; cruel students, who are mean to each other; and even cruel cafeteria workers, who create disgusting concoctions out of mystery meat. Through its Latin ancestors — crudelis «rude and unfeeling» and crudus «raw or rude» — cruel is related to the English word crude, meaning rude or not fully formed.
Definitions of cruel
(of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering
“cruel tortures”
barbarous, brutal, fell, roughshod, savage, vicious
reflecting lack of pity or compassion
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«Mamma! what a cruel, _cruel_ wretch!» cried Walter. ❋ Martha Finley (1868)
«Godo —» she began; and she cast herself on the lounge that Maxwell had vacated, and plunged her face in the pillow and sobbed, «Oh, cruel, cruel, _cruel_! ❋ William Dean Howells (1878)
Whoever assigned eight A.M. for Molecular Biology 201 gave new meaning to the term cruel and unusual punishment. ❋ Bill Myers (2010)
Obama employs the word cruel and its derivatives no fewer than fourteen times in Dreams. ❋ Jack Cashill (2011)
The term cruel includes the concept of intent — an intention to inflict pain and/or suffering. ❋ Unknown (2010)
He said: The word cruel has been used and I think it’s fair. ❋ Unknown (2011)
The video was recorded in an undercover investigation at Conklin Dairy Farms Inc., said Mercy For Animals, a not-for-profit group that publicizes what it calls cruel practices in the dairy, meat and egg industries and promotes a vegan diet. ❋ Unknown (2010)
Mr. Worthington has written a book, The Guantánamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America’s Illegal Prison, in which he takes the position that Guantánamo is part of what he describes as a cruel and misguided response by the Bush administration to the September 11 attacks. ❋ Unknown (2008)
They ran it nearly naked, in the undies, to protest what they call the cruel treatment of animals. ❋ Unknown (2006)
Animal rights activists have been boycotting P&G for several years because of what it calls cruel practices in laboratory experiments involving animals. ❋ Nathaniel Livingston (2004)
They say civilians are also targets in what they call cruel attacks. ❋ Unknown (2001)
KABUL — Afghanistan appealed for emergency aid for the victims of what it called cruel artillery attacks by Russian forces from across the border in the former Soviet Central Asian republic of ❋ Unknown (1993)
Stanach would go where Stormblade went, and, though she had castigated him for what she called a cruel remark, Kelida had to agree that Tyorl™s idea was a good one. ❋ Berberick, Nancy Varian (1988)
You must not stop loving them at all because they do what you call cruel things. ❋ Ruth Ogden (1890)
‘Now that’s what I call a cruel question!’ cried Mike humorously. ❋ George Gissing (1880)
During the continuance of this paroxysm Agrippina bitterly reproached her son for what she termed his cruel ingratitude. ❋ Jacob Abbott (1841)
«[fuck] i [still] see that cruel niehbor is [at it] again» ❋ The Dude (2004)
[im] too cruel [for you] ❋ Cami404 (2005)
1. A society that allows Cops to physically Hurt someone otherwise could be a innocent [civilian] to the point of oh most killing the person is just cruel to me, 2 .they say that she in jail for [kidnapping] a Dog and than [killing it] with out any pity its sad since the dog was owned by a lovely couple people are calling her a cruel person right now, ❋ Johnsteve5000 (2017)
[Singin] to a [blind man], «[I can see clearly now] the rain has gone.» ❋ Tom (2003)
[‘;..;’] [this is a] [devil] >_< ❋ SpAnKy ThE CLoWn (2003)
Person A: «[Coming down] the [pub]?»
[Person B]: «Cruel!» ❋ RexBoner (2011)
So i sent Urban Dictionary a [request] for epic but they [denied] it cause there [cruel] ❋ PeterNinComPoop (2010)
[Omggg] [crueling] is cheating [omggg] he doesnt know how to pvp
Fuck crueling man he is so annoying ❋ Faggots Of Jartex Network Ww (2020)
«Hey [cutes], wanna come over to my place and watch Cruel Intentions?»
«Of course I do! you know I LOVE that movie. [Ryan Phillippe] [is mad] hot in it.» ❋ Kendradmr. (2006)
Kuzko: «Okay, I admit it. Maybe I wasn’t as nice as I should have been. But, [Yzma], do you really want to kill me?»
Yzma: «Just think of it as you’re being let go…that your life’s going in a different direction…that [your body’s] part of
a permanent outplacement.»
[Kronk]: «Hey, that’s kind of like what he said to you when you got fired.»
Yzma: «I know. It’s called a cruel irony…like my dependence on you.» ❋ NakedInTheRain (2010)
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It’s very strange that the people you love are often the people you’re most cruel to.
Kenneth Branagh
From Old French, from Latin crūdēlis, from crūdus raw, bloody.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.
Cruel is an adjective.
The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.
Cruelty is indifference to suffering, and even pleasure in inflicting it. Sadism can also be related to this form of action or concept. Cruel ways of inflicting suffering may involve violence, but affirmative violence is not necessary for an act to be cruel. For example, if a person is drowning and begging for help, and another person is able to help, but merely watches with disinterest or perhaps mischievous amusement, that person is being cruel — rather than violent. George Eliot stated that «cruelty, like every other vice, requires no motive outside of itself; it only requires opportunity.» Bertrand Russell stated that «the infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists. That is why they invented Hell.» Gilbert K. Chesterton stated that «cruelty is, perhaps, the worst kind of sin. Intellectual cruelty is certainly the worst kind of cruelty.»…
Definition of cruel in the English dictionary
The definition of cruel in the dictionary is causing or inflicting pain without pity. Other definition of cruel is causing pain or suffering.
Synonyms and antonyms of cruel in the English dictionary of synonyms
The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «cruel» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Translation of «cruel» into 25 languages
Find out the translation of cruel to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.
The translations of cruel from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «cruel» in English.
Translator English — Chinese
1,325 millions of speakers
Translator English — Spanish
570 millions of speakers
510 millions of speakers
Translator English — Hindi
380 millions of speakers
Translator English — Arabic
280 millions of speakers
Translator English — Russian
278 millions of speakers
Translator English — Portuguese
270 millions of speakers
Translator English — Bengali
260 millions of speakers
Translator English — French
220 millions of speakers
Translator English — Malay
190 millions of speakers
Translator English — German
180 millions of speakers
Translator English — Japanese
130 millions of speakers
Translator English — Korean
85 millions of speakers
Translator English — Javanese
85 millions of speakers
Translator English — Vietnamese
tàn nhẫn
80 millions of speakers
Translator English — Tamil
75 millions of speakers
Translator English — Marathi
75 millions of speakers
Translator English — Turkish
70 millions of speakers
Translator English — Italian
65 millions of speakers
Translator English — Polish
50 millions of speakers
Translator English — Ukrainian
40 millions of speakers
Translator English — Romanian
30 millions of speakers
Translator English — Greek
15 millions of speakers
Translator English — Afrikaans
14 millions of speakers
Translator English — Swedish
10 millions of speakers
Translator English — Norwegian
5 millions of speakers
Trends of use of cruel
The term «cruel» is very widely used and occupies the 12.325 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «cruel» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of cruel
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «cruel».
The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «cruel» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «cruel» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.
Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about cruel
Famous quotes and sentences with the word cruel.
If our countries had war the one with the other, that was no cause that he should put us to death; with which they were out of heart that their cruel pretense failed them. For which God be forever-more praised.
Man is subject to innumerable pains and sorrows by the very condition of humanity, and yet, as if nature had not sown evils enough in life, we are continually adding grief to grief and aggravating the common calamity by our cruel treatment of one another.
Bored people, unless they sleep a lot, are cruel.
To think, I have had more than 60 years of hard struggle for a little liberty, and then to die without it seems so cruel.
I was very interested in the relationship between the man who speaks and the woman who listens. I was drawn to the idea that the relationship between a man and a woman can be something like a war itself, very cruel and violent.
I did a lot of research on real serial killers, and they’re not Hannibal Lecters. They’re cruel men who are given the opportunity to do something terrible, and a lot of the time it’s about impotence. They feel powerless in the real world.
I don’t like getting older, but there’s nothing I can do. Hitting 60 wasn’t great, but I think I was lucky in not being that beautiful; it can be really cruel on people who have been stunning.
When I was in England doing Romeo and Juliet as a child star, I was interviewed by the British press, who are even more vicious and cruel than the Americans. So I have been extremely guarded ever since.
It’s very strange that the people you love are often the people you’re most cruel to.
Not only is fur cruel, it’s also totally gross. I mean, who wants to wear the skin of an abused animal? Not me!
Discover the use of cruel in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to cruel and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
The Death Penalty as Cruel Treatment and Torture: Capital …
A study of recent landmark judicial decisions that have shifted the focus of the death penalty debate from the right-to-life issue to the human-rights issue prohibiting cruel treatment and torture.
Hello Cruel World: 101 Alternatives to Suicide for Teens, …
Designed to encourage readers to give themselves permission to unleash their hearts’ harmless desires, the book has only one directive: «Don’t be mean.
The Cruel Radiance: Photography and Political Violence
In the book’s concluding section, she examines the indispensable work of Robert Capa, James Nachtwey, and Gilles Peress and asks how photography should respond to the increasingly nihilistic trajectory of modern warfare.A bracing and …
Cruel Britannia: Reports on the Sinister and the Preposterous
A coruscating barrage of dispatches from his sniper’s post, Cruel Britannia celebrates Cohen’s lonely stand.
Analyzing the conditions under which dehumanizing cruelty came to be used by states and rogue groups in Latin America, Jean Franco argues that acts of extreme cruelty and the ways they are rationalized are defining features of modernity.
Cruel and Unusual: A Kay Scarpetta Novel
If this is some sort of game, Scarpetta seems to be the target. And if the next victim is someone she knows, the punishment will be cruel and unusual.
An innovative «country opera” with a captivating parallel to Shakespeare’s Othello. Cast of 5 women, 10 men and a band.
Ken Mitchell, Humphrey and the Dumptrucks (Musical group), 1977
Shining Eyes, Cruel Fortune: The Lives and Loves of Italian …
CD contains: Readings of selected poems from text.
Irma B. Jaffe, Gernando Colombardo, 2002
Based on the classic fairy tale Beauty and the Beast, Cruel Beauty is a dazzling love story about our deepest desires and their power to change our destiny.
Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968
But in 1952 he and 13 other government officials were tried and 11 of those hanged in one of the era’s most notorious show trials. Heda Kovály and her four year old son were hounded by the state and shunned by society.
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term cruel is used in the context of the following news items.
Police hunting man in connection with «cruel» attack on swan in …
Police are looking for a man in connection with a «cruel» attack on a swan in Mevagissey yesterday which left the bird battered and bloodied. «Cornish Guardian, Jul 15»
Cruel and Sadistic Running of the Bulls Must Stop
MERIDEN, Conn. (WTNH) — Christine Webster’s passion is creating beauty with glass. But when the artist’s sleep started to suffer, so did her… «WTNH Connecticut News, Jul 15»
Alzheimer’s can be beaten: New scan predicts cruel disease …
Alzheimer’s can be beaten: New scan predicts cruel disease BEFORE it strikes. A SIMPLE brain scan has been shown to be able to predict who … «Express.co.uk, Jul 15»
Diving into the cruel world of teenage cliques
She was just an average, inoffensive kid who happened to satisfy that cruel teenage instinct for exclusion. We needed a pariah and she was … «The Dominion Post, Jul 15»
Column: Is solitary confinement cruel and unusual?
Uninvited, Kennedy seemed to set the table for an argument that solitary confinement, so widely used in the U.S., is cruel and unusual … «Fredericksburg.com, Jul 15»
‘Just be yourself’ is a cruel piece of advice
Their entire lives, my children have been hounded by one simple yet relentless, cruel and existentially meaningless phrase. I’m pretty sure … «Daily Life, Jul 15»
Kidnapped Baby Elephants Complete Harrowing Journey To Their …
After being taken from their mothers and caged, at least 20 baby elephants were drugged and flown from Zimbabwe to China in extremely cruel … «The Dodo, Jul 15»
Editorial: Cruel irony of natural springs
“It’s the cruel irony of water,» Swistock said. “You can have water that looks and smells awful but be safe to drink and other water that appears … «Sunbury Daily Item, Jul 15»
5 Scary Television Pranks That May Have Gone Too Far
While all of them are scary, a few of these shows go to lengths that seem especially cruel, and I doubt they would be able to be produced here. «Houston Press, Jul 15»
Cruel sea claims the lives of three bathers
The Nijar deaths occurred on the same morning in heavy seas whipped up by a treacherous Levante wind. The lifeless body of a 40- year-old … «Euro Weekly News, Jul 15»
« EDUCALINGO. Cruel [online]. Available <https://educalingo.com/en/dic-en/cruel>. Apr 2023 ».
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Alternative forms[edit]
- cruell (obsolete)
- enPR: kro͞oəl, IPA(key): /kɹuː(ə)l/
- Rhymes: -ʊəl, -uːl
- Hyphenation: cru‧el
Etymology 1[edit]
From Middle English cruel, borrowed from Old French cruel, from Latin crūdēlis (“hard, severe, cruel”), akin to crūdus (“raw, crude”); see crude.
cruel (comparative crueler or crueller or more cruel, superlative cruelest or cruellest or most cruel)
- Intentionally causing or reveling in pain and suffering; merciless, heartless.
The supervisor was very cruel to Josh, as he would always give Josh the hardest, most degrading work he could find.
- Synonym: sadistic
- Antonym: merciful
- Harsh; severe.
- 2013, Ranulph Fiennes, Cold: Extreme Adventures at the Lowest Temperatures on Earth
- He was physically the toughest of us and wore five layers of polar clothing, but the cold was cruel and wore us down hour after hour.
- 1951 C. S. Lewis, Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia
- You may be sure they watched the cliffs on their left eagerly for any sign of a break or any place where they could climb them; but those cliffs remained cruel.
- Synonym: brutal
- 2013, Ranulph Fiennes, Cold: Extreme Adventures at the Lowest Temperatures on Earth
- (slang) Cool; awesome; neat.
Derived terms[edit]
- be cruel to be kind
- cruel-hearted
- cruel mistress
- cruelly
- cruelness
- cruelsome
- goodbye, cruel world
- overcruel
- crude
- cruelty
that intentionally causes pain and suffering
- Afrikaans: wreedaardig
- Albanian: mizor (sq)
- Arabic: (indefinite) قَاسٍ (qāsin), (definite) الْقَاسِي (al-qāsī)
- Armenian: դաժան (hy) (dažan), անգութ (hy) (angutʿ)
- Asturian: cruel
- Belarusian: жо́рсткі (žórstki)
- Bulgarian: жесто́к (bg) (žestók)
- Catalan: cruel (ca)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 殘忍/残忍 (zh) (cánrěn), 殘酷/残酷 (zh) (cánkù)
- Czech: krutý (cs) m
- Danish: grusom
- Dutch: wreed (nl), wrede (nl), gemeen (nl), gemene (nl)
- Esperanto: kruela
- Estonian: julm
- Faroese: grimmur
- Finnish: julma (fi)
- French: cruel (fr)
- Friulian: crudêl
- Galician: cruel (gl)
- Georgian: სასტიკი (ka) (sasṭiḳi), ულმობელი (ulmobeli)
- German: grausam (de)
- Greek: σκληρός (el) (sklirós)
- Hebrew: אַכְזָרִי (he) m (akhzary), אכזרית f (akhzaryt)
- Hindi: निर्दयी (nirdayī), ज़ालिम (zālim)
- Hungarian: kegyetlen (hu)
- Icelandic: grimmur (is) m, vondur (is) m
- Indonesian: kejam (id), tega (id)
- Interlingua: cruel
- Irish: ainiochtach, cruálach, danartha, daordhálach, neamhdhuineata, turcánta
- Italian: crudele (it)
- Japanese: 残酷 (ja) (ざんこく, zankoku), 酷い (ja) (ひどい, hidoi), 惨い (ja) (むごい, mugoi)
- Korean: 잔인한 (janinhan)
- Kurdish:
- Northern Kurdish: zalim (ku), bêrehm (ku)
- Ladino: kruel, imansiz, ahzar
- Latin: crūdēlis, saevus
- Latvian: nežēlīgs
- Lithuanian: žiaurus, negailestingas
- Malay: kejam, zalim (ms)
- Malayalam: ക്രൂരം (ml) (krūraṃ)
- Maori: whakawiriwiri
- Middle English: cruel
- Mongolian: хэрцгий (mn) (xercgii)
- Neapolitan: malo
- Ngazidja Comorian: -i
- Norwegian: grusom
- Occitan: crudèl (oc), cruèl, crusèl
- Old English: wælhrēow
- Papiamentu: kruel
- Persian: ظالم (fa) (zâlem)
- Plautdietsch: grausom
- Polish: okrutny (pl)
- Portuguese: cruel (pt)
- Romanian: crud (ro), crunt (ro), cumplit (ro)
- Russian: жесто́кий (ru) (žestókij)
- Sanskrit: क्रूर (sa) (krūra)
- Scottish Gaelic: borb, garg, cruadalach, neo-iochdmhor, neo-thruacanta, mì-chneasta, brùideil
- Serbo-Croatian:
- Cyrillic: не̏човјечан (Ijekavian), не̏човечан (Ekavian); о̏крӯтан m
- Roman: nȅčovječan (sh) (Ijekavian), nȅčovečan (sh) (Ekavian); ȍkrūtan (sh) m
- Sicilian: crudili (scn)
- Slovak: krutý
- Slovene: krut (sl)
- Spanish: cruel (es)
- Swahili: dhalimu
- Swedish: grym (sv)
- Tagalog: malupit
- Telugu: క్రూరమైన (te) (krūramaina)
- Thai: โหด (th) (hòht), ทารุณ (th) (taarun), โหดร้าย (th) (hòht-ráai)
- Turkish: zalim (tr)
- Ukrainian: жорсто́кий (žorstókyj)
- Urdu: نردیی (nirdayī), ظالم (ur) (zālim)
- Uyghur: achchiq
- Vietnamese: độc ác (vi)
- Welsh: creulon (cy)
- West Frisian: wreed
- Yiddish: גרויזאַם (groyzam), אכזריותדיק (akhzóryesdik)
cruel (not comparable)
- (nonstandard) To a great degree; terribly.
1913, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Poison Belt[1]:
«But I’ve served ‘im ten years, and I’m fond of ‘im, and, mind you, ‘e’s a great man, when all’s said an’ done, and it’s an honor to serve ‘im. But ‘e does try one cruel at times.»
2016, Kerry Greenwood, Murder and Mendelssohn, Sydney: Allen and Unwin, page 219:
‘I’ve never got arthritis, though my old dad had it something cruel.’
cruel (third-person singular simple present cruels, present participle cruelling, simple past and past participle cruelled)
- (chiefly Australia, New Zealand) To spoil or ruin (one’s chance of success)
- 1937, Vance Palmer, Legend for Sanderson, Sydney: Angus & Robertson, p. 226, [2]
- What cruelled him was that Imperial Hotel contract.
- 2014, The Sydney Morning Herald, 1 April, 2014, [3]
- He was on the fringes of Test selection last year before a shoulder injury cruelled his chances.
- 2015, The Age, 8 September, 2015, [4]
- A shortage of berth space for mega container ships will restrict capacity at Melbourne’s port, cruelling Labor’s attempts to get maximum value from its privatisation, a leading shipping expert has warned.
- 1937, Vance Palmer, Legend for Sanderson, Sydney: Angus & Robertson, p. 226, [2]
- (Australia, transitive, intransitive) To violently provoke (a child) in the belief that this will make them more assertive.
- 2007, Stewart Motha, «Reconciliation as Domination» in Scott Veitch (ed.), Law and the Politics of Reconciliation, Routledge, 2016, p. 83, [5]
- Violence is apparently introduced early by the practice of «cruelling«: children even in their first months are physically punished and then encouraged to seek retribution by punishing the punisher.
- 2009, Mark Colvin, ABC, «Peter Sutton discusses the politics of suffering in Aboriginal communities,» 2 July, 2009, [6]
- […] I was referring to the area where you were talking about this practice of cruelling; the pinching of babies, sometimes so hard that their skin breaks and may go septic.
- 2007, Stewart Motha, «Reconciliation as Domination» in Scott Veitch (ed.), Law and the Politics of Reconciliation, Routledge, 2016, p. 83, [5]
Etymology 2[edit]
cruel (countable and uncountable, plural cruels)
- Alternative form of crewel
Further reading[edit]
- cruel in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913
- “cruel”, in The Century Dictionary […], New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911, →OCLC.
- lucre, ulcer
From Latin crūdēlis.
cruel (epicene, plural crueles)
- cruel
- crueldá
- crudu
From Latin crūdēlis.
cruel (masculine and feminine plural cruels)
- cruel
Derived terms[edit]
- cruelment
- crueltat
- cru
Further reading[edit]
- “cruel” in Diccionari de la llengua catalana, segona edició, Institut d’Estudis Catalans.
- “cruel” in Diccionari català-valencià-balear, Antoni Maria Alcover and Francesc de Borja Moll, 1962.
From Old French cruel, from Latin crūdēlis; either remade based on the Latin or evolved from the Old French form crual, possibly from a Vulgar Latin form *crūdālis.
- IPA(key): /kʁy.ɛl/
- Homophones: cruels, cruelle, cruelles
cruel (feminine cruelle, masculine plural cruels, feminine plural cruelles)
- cruel
- hard, painful
- féroce
- pénible
Derived terms[edit]
- cruellement
- cruauté
- cru
Further reading[edit]
- “cruel”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.
- culer
- recul
From Old Galician-Portuguese [Term?], from Latin crūdēlis.
cruel m or f (plural crueis)
- cruel
Derived terms[edit]
- cruelment
- crueldade
- cru
Middle English[edit]
Alternative forms[edit]
- kruell, cruele, cruwel, crewel, cruell, cruwelle, crewelle, cruelle, crowell
From Old French crual, from Latin crūdēlis.
- IPA(key): /kriu̯ˈɛːl/, /ˈkriu̯ɛl/, /ˈkriu̯əl/, /ˈkruəl/
- Merciless, cruel; revelling in another’s pain.
- Deleterious, injurious; conducive to suffering.
- Unbearable, saddening, terrifying.
- Strict, unforgiving, mean; not nice.
- Savage, vicious, dangerous; displaying ferocity.
- Bold, valiant, heroic (in war)
- (rare) Sharp, acrid, bitter-tasting.
Derived terms[edit]
- cruelheed
- cruelly
- cruelnesse
- cruelte
- English: cruel
- Scots: cruel
- “crūē̆l, adj.”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007, retrieved 2018-09-12.
From Old Galician-Portuguese cruel, from Latin crūdēlis.
- (Brazil) IPA(key): /kɾuˈɛw/ [kɾʊˈɛʊ̯], (faster pronunciation) /ˈkɾwɛw/ [ˈkɾwɛʊ̯]
- (Portugal) IPA(key): /kɾuˈɛl/ [kɾuˈɛɫ], (faster pronunciation) /ˈkɾwɛl/ [ˈkɾwɛɫ]
- Rhymes: (Portugal) -ɛl, (Brazil) -ɛw
- Hyphenation: cru‧el
cruel m or f (plural cruéis)
- (of a person or creature) cruel (that intentionally causes or revels in pain and suffering)
O algoz era conhecido por ser extremamente cruel.
- The executioner was known for being extremely cruel.
- Synonym: bárbaro
- (of a situation or occurrence) cruel; harsh; severe
Ele recebeu uma cruel mas merecida sentença.
- He received a harsh but deserved sentenced.
- Synonyms: severo, terrível, pesado
- (of a doubt or question) distressful
Que dúvida cruel!
- What a horrible doubt!
- Synonym: terrível
- (of an occurrence) bloody; violent
Foi uma batalha cruel.
- It was a bloody battle.
- Synonyms: sangrento, cruento, sanguinolento
Derived terms[edit]
- cruelmente
- crueldade
- cru
From Old Spanish, from Latin crūdēlis.
- IPA(key): /ˈkɾwel/ [ˈkɾwel]
- Rhymes: -el
- Syllabification: cruel
cruel (plural crueles)
- cruel, mean
Derived terms[edit]
- cruelmente
- crudo
- crueldad
Further reading[edit]
- “cruel”, in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014