вопреки, против, вразрез, противоположность, противоположный
существительное ↓
прилагательное ↓
- противоположный; обратный
contrary news [directions, orders, measures] — противоположные сообщения [указания, приказания, мероприятия]
they hold contrary opinions — их мнения прямо противоположны
contrary motion — муз. противоположное голосоведение
- противоположного направления
contrary wind — противный ветер
- неблагоприятный (о погоде)
- разг. упрямый, капризный, своевольный, своенравный
contrary child — своевольный /капризный/ ребёнок
contrary disposition — упрямый /сварливый/ нрав
Мои примеры
Accept your wakefulness and sleep in its own contrary way is more likely to come. — Примите факт бессонницы, и наступление сна, вопреки этому, станет более вероятным.
contrary to the contract, in violation of the contract — в нарушение данного контракта
contrary viewpoints — противоположные, несовместимые точки зрения
to come to the contrary conclusion — прийти к противоположному выводу
to go off in contrary directions — разойтись в разные стороны
contrary weather — неблагоприятная погода
unless the contrary is proved — если не доказано обратное
point of contrary flexure — точка перегиба
contrary to popular opinion / view / belief — вопреки расхожему мнению
contrary to contract — в нарушение контракта
contrary news — противоположные сообщения
Примеры с переводом
Assume the contrary.
Допустим обратное.
‘Hot’ and ‘cold’ are contrary terms.
Значения слов «горячо» и «холодно» — противоположны.
They say he is guilty, but I believe the contrary.
Говорят, что он виновен, но я считаю, что это не так.
The wind is directly contrary.
Ветер — встречный.
We had contrary opinions on the issue.
У нас были противоположные мнения по этому вопросу.
Is it contrary to the rules of vegetarianism to eat eggs?
Противоречит ли нормам вегетарианства есть яйца?
She, on the contrary, was never able to gauge him.
Она, напротив, никогда не могла понять, что он за человек.
ещё 20 примеров свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
Two contrary views emerged.
Evans was his usual contrary self.
The boat sailed against a contrary wind.
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Возможные однокоренные слова
contrariness — своеволие, упрямство, своенравие
contrarily — наоборот, в противоположном направлении, вопреки, против
contrarious — упрямый, несговорчивый, вредный, пагубный
As kiss-and-tell books go, «Opening Arguments» by Jeffrey Toobin has few, if any, deep and sensuous secrets to reveal—this despite many news stories to the contrary.
—Nina Totenberg, New York Times Book Review, March 31, 1991
He was not, despite the mythology he and his press agents so assiduously manufactured, a risk taker. On the contrary, he was more often timid to the point of fecklessness.
—Christopher Buckley, New York Times Book Review, 4 Nov. 1990
Other men—a surprising number of them—do not feel anger or blame. On the contrary, they feel a strong blood tie to their fathers, and to them the discipline was a minor thing.
—Robert Bly, Iron John, 1990
«Is this the girl who has moved into Villa Villekulla?» asked one of the policemen. «Quite the contrary,» said Pippi. «This is a tiny little auntie who lives on the third floor at the other end of the town.»
—Astrid Lindgren, Pippi Longstocking, (1950) 1978
the admonition that we should not return hate with hate, but rather with its contrary—love
Kicking Wolf was a very contrary man—he did as he pleased.
—Larry McMurtry, Dead Man’s Walk, 1995
At sunrise 4 January she set sail, and the homeward passage began. Two days later, Columbus sighted Pinta sailing in a contrary direction …
—Samuel Eliot Morison, The European Discovery of America, 1974
Mistress Mary got up from the log at once. She knew she felt contrary again, and obstinate, and she did not care at all.
—Frances Hodgson, The Secret Garden, 1911
The sisters gave contrary answers: one said “yes” and one said “no.”
We had contrary opinions on the issue.
Without contrary evidence, the jury will find her guilty.
The boat sailed against a contrary wind.
Contrary weather impeded the rescue efforts.
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Recent Examples on the Web
The pandemic is not over, despite some proclamations to the contrary.
—Simon Makin, Scientific American, 8 Feb. 2023
Through it all, Mitchell has insisted that every one of his records was set on unmodified Donkey Kong arcade hardware, despite some convincing technical evidence to the contrary.
—Kyle Orland, Ars Technica, 3 Feb. 2023
Soldiers, to the contrary, have regularly stood by as settlers engage in wanton violence against Palestinians.
—Raja Shehadeh, The New Yorker, 28 Jan. 2023
And, it hadn’t been endorsed by big companies such as Pfizer, despite the company’s claims to the contrary.
—Sabrina Talbert, Women’s Health, 23 Jan. 2023
Despite rumors to the contrary, a source told People in November that the relationship between Valente and Bündchen is strictly platonic and professional.
—Carrie Wittmer, Glamour, 18 Jan. 2023
Despite the pharmaceutical industry’s loud complaints to the contrary, the new law directing Medicare to negotiate drug prices may increase prices for some new drugs, congressional Medicare advisers said Friday.
—John Wilkerson, STAT, 13 Jan. 2023
On the contrary, the latest executions have reignited protests at universities.
—Frida Ghitis, CNN, 10 Jan. 2023
On the contrary, the word ‘gas’ did not appear until page seven, and its core revelation—that all but a small number of Jewish deportees to Auschwitz were murdered on arrival—did not come till the following page.
—Jonathan Freedland, Time, 29 Dec. 2022
The government had a high-profile witness on its side with author Stephen King, who testified that the merger would be especially harmful to writers who are just starting out, and took a contrary position to his own publisher, Scribner, which is part of Simon & Schuster.
—Alexandra Alter And Elizabeth A. Harris, BostonGlobe.com, 1 Nov. 2022
But Mullally, who etched herself into the popular imagination as the boozy, wisecracking harpy Karen Walker on Will & Grace, and Offerman, who plays the dyspeptic libertarian Ron Swanson on NBC’s Parks and Recreation, aren’t being deliberately contrary or twee.
—ELLE Decor, 21 Oct. 2022
God, it’s just been so contrary.
—Staff Reports, cleveland, 9 Aug. 2022
Glenn was brusque, argumentative and contrary.
—Paul Daugherty, The Enquirer, 11 May 2022
But Leach encouraged all of his assistants to challenge ideas or offer contrary opinions.
—Ryan Kartje, Los Angeles Times, 28 Aug. 2022
What does my interpretation of contrary views tell me about what matters in our current setting?
—Eric Pliner, Fortune, 8 Apr. 2022
Edelstein’s contrary nature, his resistance to political interference in pastoral life, his abhorrence of silence, continues to this day.
—Matthew Continetti, National Review, 4 Feb. 2023
On the contrary, extreme weather events — which are exacerbated by climate change — have led to more power outages in the US.
—Justine Calma, The Verge, 19 Jan. 2023
The suspect was not wearing an explosives-laden belt, Van der Sypt said, contrary to an initial eyewitness account from a railway official.
—Michael Birnbaum, Washington Post, 21 June 2017
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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘contrary.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
What does the word contrary mean?
According to the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language as well as other dictionaries like American heritage and Collins English Dictionary, the word contrary can be used as a noun. Here, it means some fact or condition that is incompatible or opposite with one another, or some proposition that is so related to another that hough both may be false they cannot both be true. As an adjective, the word contrary means to be at an opposite extreme or in conflict with another thing. The pronunciation of contrary is kənˈtrɛər i. Many things can be described by the adjective contrary, including contrary propositions, a contrary child, contrary direction, contrary logical relation, contrary opinions, contrary propositions, contrary answers, contrary evidence, a contrary conclusion, contrary ideas, a contrary choice, the contrary of a statement, contrary terms, or other contrary things. You may have heard this word in the children’s nursery rhyme “Mary Mary Quite Contrary.”
The word contrary also exists in many other languages. You may notice that many of these words sound and look similar to the word contrary. Cognates like this happen when words are of the same origin. Since the word contrary comes from Latin, it makes sense that it will look similar to its equivalent words in the romance languages, which are also languages of Latin origin. This list of translations for the word contrary is provided by Word Sense.
- Bulgarian: обратен, противоположен
- Irish: contrártha
- Finnish: vastakkainen, päinvastainen
- Japanese: 逆, 反する (han suru)
- Maori: tukipoho, tūmū (of wind)
- Italian: contrario, opposto
- Romanian: contrar (masc.) (n), opus (masc.) (n)
- Kannada: ಮಾರು
- Spanish: contrario
How can the word contrary be used in a sentence?
The word contrary can be used in many different sentences in the English language. Using words in a sentence is a great way to learn their definition. Try using this word of the day in a sentence today, or making flashcards or quizzes to help you memorize the definition of the word contrary. Below are many examples of contrary.
His logic was the exact opposite of mine. On the contrary, we severely disagreed on the pair of propositions presented to us.
The old psychologist believed that the male gender had a contrary usual belief to the female on everything. The modern female psychologist felt his point of view was contrary to modern psychology and logic.
The defendant of the senseless policy had a contrary opinion to the American people, who would be affected as they were in former times if it were to go into effect.
Megan thought she was reading the schedule for the departures of the carriages; on the contrary, she was actually on the correct page for arrivals. Megan missed her carriage.
Contrary to popular belief, the high school jock was very smart. She was accepted to every Ivy League university.
What are synonyms and antonyms of contrary?
There are many different words that have the same meaning as the word contrary. These are known as synonyms, which are words and phrases that have the same meaning as another word or phrase. Synonyms are useful to know if you want to avoid repeating yourself or if you are looking to expand your vocabulary. This list of synonyms for the word contrary is provided by Thesaurus.
- froward
- wayward
- refractory
- diametric
- paradoxical
- recalcitrant
- dissentient
- insubordinate
- clashing
- inimical
- contrariant
- antipodal
- intractable
- contumacious
- nonconformist
- antipathetic
- stubborn
- reverse
- ornery
- recusant
- unruly
- opposite
- nonconforming
- antagonistic
- perverse
- discordant
- antipodean
- restive
- balky
- antithetical
- anti
- counter
- rebellious
- opposed
- conflicting
- negative
- converse
- headstrong
- wrongheaded
- dissident
- contradictory
- adverse
- inconsistent
- hostile
- obstinate
There are also many different words that have the opposite meaning as the word contrary. These opposite words are known as antonyms. Antonyms are also very useful to know if you are looking to expand your vocabulary or knowledge of the English language. This list of antonyms for the word contrary is also provided by Thesaurus.
- harmonizing
- similar
- melodious
- like
- tuneful
- friendly
- of one mind
- symphonic
- corresponding
- coordinated
- sympathetic
- on same wavelength
- symmetrical
- agreeable
- euphonious
- in chorus
- in harmony
- congenial
- accordant
- in step
- symphonious
- rhythmical
- adapted
- in unison
- in tune
- mellifluous
- compatible
- dulcet
- mix
- suitable
- cordial
- harmonious
- in accord
- simpatico
- matching
- sonorous
- harmonic
- sweet-sounding
- consonant
- peaceful
- amicable
- balanced
- in concert
- musical
- concordant
- melodic
- congruous
- silvery
What is the origin of the word contrary?
According to Etymonline, the word contrary has been used since the mid-14th century as the Middle English contrarie. This comes from the Anglo-French contrarie, a successor of the Old French contraire, which comes directly from the Latin contrarius or Latin contrārius, meaning opposite or opposed. This comes from the Latin contra meaning against. This word has been used as a noun since 13c. One can add the suffixes ly, ness, ies and ian to the end of the word contrary to make the related words contrarily (adv.), contraries, contrariness (n.) and contrarian (n.), as well as contravention. This word has Indo-European roots.
Overall, the word contrary (ˈkɒntrərɪ) means to be in a relation of direct opposition to someone or something. This could refer to opposite objects, an opposite direction, an opposite effect, or an opposite opinion, amongst others.This word can be used as an adjective or noun. If someone is contrary to someone else, they might have an opposite point or opposite opinion. They might even be self-contradictory in an unexpected way. Try using the word contrary in a sentence today to incorporate it into your vocabulary!
- Contrary | Meaning, Origin, Translation | Word Sense
- CONTRARY Synonyms: 60 Synonyms & Antonyms for CONTRARY | Thesaurus
- contrary | Origin and meaning of contrary | Online Etymology Dictionary
- HARMONIOUS Synonyms: 54 Synonyms & Antonyms for HARMONIOUS | Thesaurus
- Contrary | Definition of Contrary | Merriam-Webster
Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.
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contrary [ˊkɒntrǝrɪ]
не́что обра́тное, противополо́жное; противополо́жность;
1) противополо́жный
[kənˊtreərɪ] упря́мый; своево́льный; капри́зный;
3) проти́вный ( о ветре); неблагоприя́тный;
вопреки́, про́тив (to);
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > contrary
On the contrary соответствует русскому вводному ‘наоборот, напротив’: Don’t you think your watch is slow? On the contrary, it is fast. To the contrary означает ‘иначе’, ‘против’: I shall go there, if he doesn’t tell me to the contrary. ‘…если он не велит мне поступить иначе’; to vote to the contrary ‘голосовать против’.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > contrary
Персональный Сократ > contrary
contrary to
Персональный Сократ > contrary to
contrary вопреки, против (to); to act contrary to common sense поступать вопреки здравому смыслу contrary вопреки, против (to); to act contrary to common sense поступать вопреки здравому смыслу contrary неблагоприятный contrary нечто обратное, противоположное; противоположность; on the contrary наоборот; to the contrary в обратном смысле, иначе contrary обратный contrary противный (о ветре); неблагоприятный; contrary weather неблагоприятная погода contrary противоположного направления contrary противоположность contrary противоположный, обратный contrary противоположный contrary упрямый; своевольный; капризный; contrary disposition сварливый нрав contrary упрямый; своевольный; капризный; contrary disposition сварливый нрав contrary to вопреки contrary to против contrary to agreement в нарушение соглашения contrary to articles of association в нарушение устава ассоциации contrary to contract в нарушение контракта contrary to law в нарушение закона law: contrary to contrary незаконный contrary противный (о ветре); неблагоприятный; contrary weather неблагоприятная погода there is no evidence to the contrary нет доказательств противного, обратного; to interpret by contraries толковать, понимать в обратном смысле contrary нечто обратное, противоположное; противоположность; on the contrary наоборот; to the contrary в обратном смысле, иначе there is no evidence to the contrary нет доказательств противного, обратного; to interpret by contraries толковать, понимать в обратном смысле contrary нечто обратное, противоположное; противоположность; on the contrary наоборот; to the contrary в обратном смысле, иначе unless hear to the contrary если я не услышу чего-нибудь иного, противоположного
English-Russian short dictionary > contrary
1. сущ.
1) нечто обратное, противоположное;
противоположность (тж. the contrary) His actions are contrary to the rules ≈ Он действует не по правилам Syn: opposite
2) несовестимое;
один из членов оппозиции ∙ on the contrary to the contrary
2. прил.
1) обратный, противоположный;
инверсный come to the contrary conclusion ≈ приходить к противоположным выводам to go off in contrary directions ≈ разойтись в разные стороны contrary viewpoints ≈ противоположные точки зрения, несовместимые точки зрения Syn: contradictory, opposite
2) несоответствующий( чему-л. общепринятому или ожидаемому) actions contrary to company policy ≈ действия, несоответствующие политике компании contrary evidence ≈ противопоказания
3) упрямый;
не поддающийся убеждению. несговорчивый;
своевольный contrary disposition ≈ упрямый характер Syn: perverse, restive, balky, wayward ∙ contrary weather ≈ неблагоприятная погода
3. нареч. вопреки, против (to) ;
наоборот — contrary to Syn: contrariwise, contrarily
нечто противоположное, обратное — on the * наоборот — to the * в обратном смысле, иначе — instructions to the * противоположные инструкции — I will come tomorrow unless you write me to the * я приеду завтра, если только вы не напишете, чтобы я не приезжал — just /quite/ the * как раз наоборот — it is just the * of what you told me это (как раз) полная противоположность тому, что вы мене сказали — I have nothing to say to the * мне нечего возразить часто pl противоположность — to interpret by contraries толковать от противного — many things in our lives go by contraries многое в нашей жизни получается не так, как мы хотели бы — greams go by contraries дурной сон может предвещать хорошее и наоборот противоположный;
обратный — * news противоположные сообщения — they hold * opinions их мнения прямо противоположны — * motion( музыкальное) противоположное голосоведение противоположного направления — * wind противный ветер неблагоприятный( о погоде) (разговорное) упрямый, капризный, своевольный, своенравный — * child своевольный ребенок — * disposition упрямый нрав
contrary вопреки, против (to) ;
to act contrary to common sense поступать вопреки здравому смыслу
contrary вопреки, против (to) ;
to act contrary to common sense поступать вопреки здравому смыслу ~ неблагоприятный ~ нечто обратное, противоположное;
on the contrary наоборот;
to the contrary в обратном смысле, иначе ~ обратный ~ противный (о ветре) ;
contrary weather неблагоприятная погода ~ противоположного направления ~ противоположность ~ противоположный, обратный ~ противоположный ~ упрямый;
contrary disposition сварливый нрав
~ упрямый;
contrary disposition сварливый нрав
~ to вопреки ~ to против
~ to agreement в нарушение соглашения
~ to articles of association в нарушение устава ассоциации
~ to contract в нарушение контракта
~ to law в нарушение закона law: contrary to ~ незаконный
~ противный (о ветре) ;
contrary weather неблагоприятная погода
there is no evidence to the ~ нет доказательств противного, обратного;
to interpret by contraries толковать, понимать в обратном смысле
~ нечто обратное, противоположное;
on the contrary наоборот;
to the contrary в обратном смысле, иначе
there is no evidence to the ~ нет доказательств противного, обратного;
to interpret by contraries толковать, понимать в обратном смысле
~ нечто обратное, противоположное;
on the contrary наоборот;
to the contrary в обратном смысле, иначе
unless hear to the ~ если я не услышу чего-нибудь иного, противоположногоБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > contrary
1. [ʹkɒntrərı]
1. (the contrary) нечто противоположное, обратное
to the contrary — в обратном смысле, иначе
I will come tomorrow unless you write me to the contrary — я приеду завтра, если только вы не напишете, чтобы я не приезжал
just /quite/ the contrary — как раз наоборот
it is just the contrary of what you told me — это (как раз) полная противоположность тому, что вы мне сказали
2. противоположность
many things in our lives go by contraries — многое в нашей жизни получается не так, как мы хотели бы
2. [ʹkɒntrərı]
1. 1) противоположный; обратный
contrary news [directions, orders, measures] — противоположные сообщения [указания, приказания, мероприятия]
2) противоположного направления
3. [kənʹtre(ə)rı]
упрямый, капризный, своевольный, своенравный
contrary child — своевольный /капризный/ ребёнок
contrary disposition — упрямый /сварливый/ нрав
НБАРС > contrary
наречие:против (against, contrary, in opposition, con, contra, over against)
имя существительное:
имя прилагательное:
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > contrary
1. n нечто противоположное, обратное
2. n часто противоположность
3. a противоположный; обратный
4. a противоположного направления
5. a неблагоприятный
6. a разг. упрямый, капризный, своевольный, своенравный
Синонимический ряд:
1. adverse (adj.) adverse; unfavorable
2. antipathetic (adj.) antagonistic; antipathetic; clashing; conflicting; contrariant; discordant
3. balky (adj.) balky; cross-grained; difficult; froward; impossible; ornery; perverse; restive; wayward; wrongheaded
4. counter (adj.) antipodal; antipodean; antithetical; antonymous; contradictory; converse; counter; diametric; opposite; polar
5. different (adj.) antithetic; different; incompatible; inimical; opposed; opposing; reverse
6. hostile (adj.) averse; disagreeable; hostile; stubborn; unfriendly; willful
7. obstinate (adj.) contumacious; headstrong; intractable; obstinate; pig-headed; refractory; self-willed
8. opposite (noun) antagonism; antipode; antipole; antithesis; contra; contradictory; contrariety; converse; counter; counterpole; opposite; opposition; polarity; reverse
9. again (other) again; contra; contrariwise; contrawise; conversely; oppositely; vice versa
Антонимический ряд:
accommodating; alike; coincident; compatible; compliant; consistent; correspondent; harmonious; homogeneous; kindred; like; obliging; pleasant
English-Russian base dictionary > contrary
нечто обратное, противоположное; противоположность
They say he is guilty, but I believe the contrary. — Говорят, что он виновен, но я считаю, что это не так.
— to the contrarySyn:
1) обратный, противоположный
3) [kən’trɛərɪ]
упрямый; не поддающийся убеждению, несговорчивый; своевольный
Англо-русский современный словарь > contrary
нечто обратное, противоположное; противоположность; on the contrary наоборот; to the contrary в обратном смысле, иначе; unless I hear to the contrary если я не услышу чего-нибудь иного, противоположного; there is no evidence to the contrary нет доказательств противного, обратного; to interpret by contraries толковать, понимать в обратном смысле
1) противоположный
2) противный (о ветре); неблагоприятный; contrary weather неблагоприятная погода
3) упрямый; своевольный; капризный; contrary disposition сварливый нрав
вопреки, против (to); to act contrary to common sense поступать вопреки здравому смыслу
* * *
(a) противоположный
* * *
* * *
[con·tra·ry || ‘kɒntrərɪ]
напротив, наоборот
противоположный, инверсный; своевольный, упрямый, капризный
против, вопреки, вразрез* * *
* * *
1) нечто обратное, противоположное; противоположность (тж. the contrary)
2) несовестимое; один из членов оппозиции
1) обратный
2) несоответствующий
3) упрямый; не поддающийся убеждению. несговорчивый
вопреки, против (to)Новый англо-русский словарь > contrary
противоположный; обратный
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > contrary
contrary to
против, вопреки
he acted contrary to my wishes [orders] — он поступил вопреки моим желаниям [приказаниям]
contrary to my expectations all went well — вопреки моим ожиданиям всё прошло хорошо
НБАРС > contrary to
Англо-русский технический словарь > contrary
contrary to
English-Russian base dictionary > contrary to
English-Russian big medical dictionary > contrary
противоположный, обратный; противный; противоречащий
contrary to law — незаконный, противозаконный, противоправный;
Англо-русский юридический словарь > contrary
contrary to
против; вопреки; несмотря на
Contrary to orders, he set out alone. — Несмотря на приказ, он отправился один.
His actions are contrary to the rules. — Он действует не по правилам.
Англо-русский современный словарь > contrary to
contrary to
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > contrary to
нечто противоположное, нечто обратное
His actions are contrary to the rules. — Он действует не по правилам.
We thought the weather would be bad, but on the contrary, the day was warm and sunny. — Мы думали, что будет плохая погода, но как раз наоборот, день был теплым и солнечным.
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > contrary
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
Contrary — Con tra*ry (? or ?; 48), a. [OE. contrarie, contraire, F. contraire, fr. L. contrarius, fr. contra. See {Contra }.] 1. Opposite; in an opposite direction; in opposition; adverse; as, contrary winds. [1913 Webster] And if ye walk contrary unto me … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
contrary — I adjective abnegative, adversative, adverse, adversus, answering, antagonistic to, antipathetic, antithetic, antithetical, at cross purposes, at issue, at variance, averse, captious, conflicting, confutative, confuting, contradicting,… … Law dictionary
contrary — n antithesis, opposite, contradictory, antonym, antipode (see under OPPOSITE adj) Analogous words: *converse, reverse contrary adj 1 antithetical, *opposite, contradictory, antonymous, antipodal, antipodean Analogous words: divergent, disparate,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
contrary — [kän′trer΄ē; ] for adj.4, often [ kən trer′ē] adj. [ME contrarie < OFr contraire < L contrarius, opposite, opposed < contra, against] 1. opposed; in opposition [contrary to the rules] 2. opposite in nature, order, direction, etc.;… … English World dictionary
Contrary — may refer to: Contrary motion, in music theory Contrary Magazine, a literary journal founded at the University of Chicago Contrary (social role), in certain Amerindian cultures Contrary (comics), a character from Malibu Comics Ultraverse Little… … Wikipedia
contrary — 1. The position of the main stress has fluctuated over the centuries, and the OED notes that poets from Chaucer to Spenser and Shakespeare placed it on both the first and the second syllable according to need. In current English, the stress is… … Modern English usage
Contrary — Con tra*ry, n.; pl. {Contraries}. 1. A thing that is of contrary or opposite qualities. [1913 Webster] No contraries hold more antipathy Than I and such a knave. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. An opponent; an enemy. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 3. the … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
contrary — mid 14c., from Anglo Fr. contrarie, from L. contrarius opposite, opposed, from contra against (see CONTRA (Cf. contra)). If we take the statement All men are mortal, its contrary is Not all men are mortal, its converse is All mortal beings are… … Etymology dictionary
contrary — ► ADJECTIVE 1) opposite in nature, direction, or meaning. 2) (of two or more statements, beliefs, etc.) opposed to one another. 3) perversely inclined to do the opposite of what is expected or desired. ► NOUN (the contrary) ▪ the opposite. ● … English terms dictionary
Contrary — Con tra*ry, v. t. [F. contrarier. See {Contrary}, a.] To contradict or oppose; to thwart. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] I was advised not to contrary the king. Bp. Latimer. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
contrary to — what we had predicted, the lemon potatoes were very popular Syn: in conflict with, against, at variance with, at odds with, in opposition to, counter to, incompatible with … Thesaurus of popular words
contrary — перевод на русский
On the contrary it was I who was expelled.
— Наоборот, уволили меня.
On the contrary, a relation.
Наоборот — родственник.
Quite the contrary, we contradicted it, right Macky?
Наоборот, мы этого не признавали.
-On the contrary.
— Наоборот!
— On the contrary.
— Наоборот.
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No matter what you’d say to the contrary there’d always be something inside of me that would say you were lying.
Не важно, что ты говорил обратное, что-то мне всегда подсказывало, что ты лжешь.
I’m assuming that everyone is suspect until he can prove the contrary.
Я подозреваю всех, пока они не докажут обратное.
No, it’s up to you to prove the contrary.
Нет, я думаю, что вам надо будет доказывать обратное.
Despite this you are able to convince people the contrary.
— Хотя утверждаете обратное. — Но…
You’ve always said the contrary.
Но ты всегда говорил обратное.
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But that’s contrary to the sport.
Но это противоречит спорту.
It’s contrary to orders you know but I think we’ll find a seat for you.
Ты же знаешь, что это противоречит приказу Но я думаю, что мы найдем, куда тебя посадить
It is contrary to all that you have taught me.
Это противоречит всему, чему вы меня учили.
Nothing stops for it, this is the state most natural to it… and yet the most contrary to its inclination.
Спектакль — крайне подвижная и динамичная структура, движение является для него естественным состоянием, хотя оно и противоречит его собственным устремлениям.
Something is going on contrary to the laws of the universe.
Что-то здесь противоречит законам Вселенной.
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Contrary to popular mythology, it did not begin as a paradise.
Вопреки распространенному мифу, он не был создан как рай.
— Contrary to popular human belief the Earth is not the centre of the galaxy.
Вопреки распространённому человеческому убеждению, Земля отнюдь не центр галактики.
Yes, contrary to popular belief.
Неужели? Вопреки распространенному мнению.
This will surprise you, contrary to popular opinion I don’t believe the defendant is guilty.
Я, вопреки распространённому мнению, не считаю обвиняемого виновным.
Contrary to popular belief, the words «Arise, sir …» are not used.
Вопреки распространенному мнению, слова «Встаньте, сэр …» не используются.
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Contrary to the cortex which manages more complex reactions.
Противоположное кортексу, который управляет эмоциями высшего порядка
«l was Colonel Schultz ‘s Private Bitch» depicted the contrary:
«Я была личной сучкой полковника Шульца» изображал противоположное:
If you hear anything to the contrary…
Говорю на случаи, если услышите обо мне нечто противоположное.
Is all you’ll let yourself say out loud, because if you said anything to the contrary, well, that would make you the most awful person on this rooftop.
Это все что можешь позволить себе сказать вслух, поскольку если ты скажешь нечто противоположное, это сделает тебя самым ужасным человеком на этой крыше.
Professor Einstein to the contrary… there is just so much time.
Противоположно профессору Эйнштейну, есть очень много времени.
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On the contrary. I’m bringing back a lost soul to God.
Хотя, нет, раз мне удалось вернуть Господу заблудшую овечку.
Dare say the contrary.
Осмелься опровергнуть меня. Нет.
To the contrary, she knew the sound of your step.
Нет, она узнала вас по звуку шагов.
— On the contrary, already I did everything.
— Нет, месье, я всё сделал.
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Quit the contrary.
Совсем наоборот.
— On the contrary.
Да нет, совсем наоборот!
~ Oh, on the contrary… (Behind you.)
— Она что, не может говорить? — Совсем наоборот… Обернись.
On the contrary, Nancy I love you.
Совсем наоборот, Ненси… я люблю тебя.
On the contrary, your Royal Highness.
Совсем наоборот, ваше Королевское Высочество.
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Contrary to you.
В отличие от вас.
Contrary to other countries, you have your own government.
В отличие от других стран, у вас есть собственное правительство.
Well, contrary to my brother, I thought it was dark, dusky and supple… but I also said Australian Shiraz.
— В отличие от моего брата я считаю, что вино мрачное, меланхоличное и податливое но тоже говорю — Австралийский Шираз.
Contrary to the other deliveries, your gas always poses problem.
В отличие от прочих поставок, у нас всегда проблемы с вашими поставками газа.
Contrary to German men, Russian men appreciated educated women.
В отличие от немцев, русские ценят образованных женщин.
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Except for battle, a contrary does everything backwards.
Кроме битвы, «противоположность» делает все наоборот.
Robert McCulloch his name was, he took New London Bridge to Arizona to promote his new settlement at Lake Havasu, which has been a huge success, contrary to the myth, he never thought he was buying Tower Bridge.
В противоположность мифу, он никогда не покупал Тауэрский мост.
«It is evident that pride and humility, though directly contrary, «have yet the same object.
Очевидно, что гордость и смирение, несмотря на их прямую противоположность, тем не менее, имеют один и тот же объект.
Okay, contrary to popular rumor, it is not my alien organism.
Ну в противоположность популярным слухам это НЕ МОЙ чужеродный организм.
That seems sort of contrary.
Это похоже на противоположность
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Quite the contrary.
— Скорее наоборот.
All of the monasteries have young novices, but the shadow of femininity they carry is not a reduction, on the contrary…
Во всех монастырях есть очень юные послушники, но тень женственности, которую они привносят, не есть послабление, скорее наоборот…»
— Nothing’s to be born, on the contrary, if you ask me!
Никто не родится, скорее наоборот.
Quite to the contrary.
Скорее наоборот.
On the contrary, it seems Jin has actually disowned Kazuya as his father.
Скорее наоборот — похоже, Джин отрекся от Казуи как от отца.
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Other forms: contraries
Use contrary when two things are exactly opposite or entirely different. If something is contrary to something else, it is opposed to or against it.
A contrary child is one who opposes people in authority. As a noun, the contrary means the opposite, as in «We will not give up; on the contrary, we will fight with all our power.» The adjective contrary derives from Latin contrarius («opposite, opposed») from contra («against»).
Definitions of contrary
“public opinion to the
contrary he is not guilty” -
a relation of direct opposition
a logical relation such that two propositions are contraries if both cannot be true but both can be false
in an opposing direction
contrary wind”-
unfavorable, unfavourable
(of winds or weather) tending to hinder or oppose
unfavorable, unfavourable
very opposed in nature or character or purpose
contrary to our code of ethics”“the facts point to a
contrary conclusion”-
unlike in nature, quality, form, or degree
of words or propositions so related that both cannot be true but both may be false
“`hot’ and `cold’ are
contrary terms”-
of words: having opposite meanings
Definitions of contrary
resistant to guidance or discipline
“Mary Mary quite
obstinate, perverse, wayward
not obeying or complying with commands of those in authority
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1. Opposed, as in character or purpose: contrary opinions; acts that are contrary to our code of ethics.
2. Opposite in direction or position: Our boat took a course contrary to theirs. See Synonyms at opposite.
3. Music Moving in the opposite direction at a fixed interval: playing scales in contrary motion.
4. Adverse; unfavorable: a contrary wind.
5. (also kən-trâr′ē) Given to recalcitrant behavior; willful or perverse.
n. pl. con·trar·ies
1. Something that is opposite or contrary.
2. Either of two opposing or contrary things: «Truth is perhaps … a dynamic compound of opposites, savage contraries for a moment conjoined» (A. Bartlett Giamatti).
3. Logic A proposition related to another in such a way that if the latter is true, the former must be false, but if the latter is false, the former is not necessarily true.
In an opposite direction or manner; counter: The judge ruled contrary to all precedent in the case.
by contraries Obsolete
In opposition to what is expected.
on the contrary
In opposition to what has been stated or what is expected: I’m not sick; on the contrary, I’m in the peak of health.
to the contrary
To the opposite effect from what has been stated or what is expected: Despite what you say to the contrary, this contract is fair.
[Middle English contrarie, from Anglo-Norman, from Latin contrārius : contrā, against; see kom in Indo-European roots + -ārius, -ary.]
con′trar′i·ly (kŏn′trĕr′ə-lē, kən-trâr′-) adv.
con′trar′i·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. opposed in nature, position, etc: contrary ideas.
2. perverse; obstinate
3. (Nautical Terms) (esp of wind) adverse; unfavourable
4. (Botany) (of plant parts) situated at right angles to each other
5. (Logic) logic (of a pair of propositions) related so that they cannot both be true at once, although they may both be false together. Compare subcontrary2, contradictory3
n, pl -ries
6. the exact opposite (esp in the phrase to the contrary)
7. on the contrary quite the reverse; not at all
8. either of two exactly opposite objects, facts, or qualities
9. (Logic) logic a statement that cannot be true when a given statement is true
adv (usually foll by to)
10. in an opposite or unexpected way: contrary to usual belief.
11. in conflict (with) or contravention (of): contrary to nature.
[C14: from Latin contrārius opposite, from contrā against]
conˈtrariness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˈkɒn trɛr i; for 5 also kənˈtrɛər i)
adj., n., pl. -trar•ies,
adv. adj.
1. opposite in nature or character; diametrically or mutually opposed: contrary to fact; contrary beliefs.
2. opposite in direction or position: contrary motion.
3. being the opposite one of two.
4. unfavorable or adverse: contrary winds.
5. perverse; obstinate; stubbornly opposed or willful.
6. something that is contrary or opposite.
7. either of two contrary things.
8. Logic. a proposition so related to another proposition that both may not be true though both may be false, as with the propositions “All judges are male” and “No judges are male.”
9. in opposition; oppositely; counter: to act contrary to one’s principles.
1. by contraries, Archaic. contrary to expectation.
2. on the contrary, in opposition to what has been stated.
3. to the contrary, to the opposite effect: whatever you may say to the contrary.
[1200–50; Middle English contrarie < Anglo-French < Latin contrārius. See contra-1, -ary]
con′trar•i•ly (ˈkɒn trɛr ə li, kənˈtrɛər-) adv.
con′trar•i•ness, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
, converse, opposite, reverse — Contrary describes something that contradicts a proposition, converse is used when the elements of a proposition are reversed, opposite pertains to that which is diametrically opposed to a proposition, and reverse can mean each of those.
See also related terms for reverse.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
1. ‘on the contrary’
You say on the contrary when you are contradicting a statement that has just been made.
‘You’ll get tired of it.’ – ‘On the contrary. I’ll enjoy it.’
You also use on the contrary when you have said that something is not the case, and you are going to say that the opposite is true.
There was nothing ugly about her dress: on the contrary, it was rather elegant.
2. ‘on the other hand’
Don’t say ‘on the contrary’ when you are going to mention a situation that contrasts with one you have just described. Don’t say, for example, ‘I don’t like living in the centre of the town. On the contrary, it’s useful when you want to buy something‘. You say ‘I don’t like living in the centre of the town. On the other hand, it’s useful when you want to buy something’.
It’s certainly hard work. But, on the other hand, the salary is good.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun | 1. | reverse, opposite oppositeness, opposition — the relation between opposed entities |
2. | contrary — exact opposition; «public opinion to the contrary he is not guilty»
oppositeness, opposition — the relation between opposed entities |
3. | contrary — a logical relation such that two propositions are contraries if both cannot be true but both can be false
logical relation — a relation between propositions |
Adj. | 1. | contrary — very opposed in nature or character or purpose; «acts contrary to our code of ethics»; «the facts point to a contrary conclusion»
different — unlike in nature or quality or form or degree; «took different approaches to the problem»; «came to a different conclusion»; «different parts of the country»; «on different sides of the issue»; «this meeting was different from the earlier one» |
2. | contrary — of words or propositions so related that both cannot be true but both may be false; «`hot’ and `cold’ are contrary terms»
antonymous — of words: having opposite meanings |
3. | contrary — resistant to guidance or discipline; «Mary Mary quite contrary»; «an obstinate child with a violent temper»; «a perverse mood»; «wayward behavior»
wayward, perverse, obstinate disobedient — not obeying or complying with commands of those in authority; «disobedient children» |
4. | adverse unfavorable, unfavourable — (of winds or weather) tending to hinder or oppose; «unfavorable winds» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. opposite, different, opposed, clashing, counter, reverse, differing, adverse, contradictory, inconsistent, diametrically opposed, antithetical His sister was of the contrary opinion to his.
opposite consistent, parallel, harmonious, in agreement, unopposed, congruous, accordant
2. perverse, difficult, awkward, wayward, intractable, wilful, obstinate, cussed (informal), stroppy (Brit. slang), cantankerous, disobliging, unaccommodating, thrawn (Scot. & Northern English dialect) Why must she always be so contrary?
perverse willing, helpful, obliging, accommodating, cooperative, agreeable, amiable, eager to please, tractable
1. opposite, reverse, converse, antithesis Let me assure you that the contrary is, in fact, the case.
contrary to at odds with, counter to, in opposition to Contrary to popular belief, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite.
on the contrary quite the opposite or reverse, on the other hand, in contrast, conversely The government must, on the contrary, re-establish its authority
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
1. Diametrically opposed:
antipodal, antipodean, antithetical, antonymic, antonymous, contradictory, converse, counter, diametric, diametrical, opposing, opposite, polar, reverse.
2. Given to acting in opposition to others:
That which is diametrically opposed to another:
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ضِد، نَقيض، عَكسمُتَناقِض، مُضاد، مُعاكِسمُعَاكِسمُعانِد، مُشاكِس
det modsattei modsætning tilmodsatmodvilligstik imod
điều trái ngược
2. [kənˈtrɛərɪ] (= perverse) → terco
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
3 [ˈkɒntrəri]
4 [kənˈtrɛəri] adj (= perverse) [person] → contrariant(e), entêté(e)
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[ˈkɒntrərɪ; adj b kənˈtrɛərɪ]
1. adj
b. (self-willed) → difficile, cocciuto/a, bisbetico/a
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(ˈkontrəri) adjective
(often with to) opposite (to) or in disagreement (with). That decision was contrary to my wishes; Contrary to popular belief he is an able politician.
(with the) the opposite.
on the contrary
the very opposite (is true). `Are you busy?’ `No, on the contrary, I’m not doing anything at the moment.’
(kənˈtreəri) adjective
obstinate; unreasonable.
conˈtrariness noun
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ مُعَاكِس opak modsat Gegenteil αντίθετο contrario vastakohta contraire naprotiv contrario 正反対 반대 tegendeel motsetning przeciwieństwo contrário противоположность motsats ในทางตรงกันข้าม karşıt điều trái ngược 反面
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
a. contrario-a, adverso-a, opuesto-a.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
[ kon-trer-ee; for 5 also kuhn-trair-ee ]
/ ˈkɒn trɛr i; for 5 also kənˈtrɛər i /
This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
opposite in nature or character; diametrically or mutually opposed: contrary to fact; contrary propositions.
opposite in direction or position: departures in contrary directions.
being the opposite one of two: I will make the contrary choice.
unfavorable or adverse.
perverse; stubbornly opposed or willful.
noun, plural con·trar·ies.
something that is contrary or opposite: to prove the contrary of a statement.
either of two contrary things.
Logic. a proposition so related to another proposition that both may not be true though both may be false, as with the propositions “All judges are male” and “No judges are male.”
in opposition; oppositely; counter: to act contrary to one’s own principles.
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Idioms about contrary
- in opposition to what has been stated.
- from another point of view: On the contrary, there may be some who would agree with you.
by contraries, contrary to expectation.
on the contrary,
- to the opposite effect: I believe he is innocent, whatever they may say to the contrary.
- to a different effect.
to the contrary,
Origin of contrary
1200–50; Middle English contrarie<Anglo-French <Latin contrārius.See contra1, -ary
synonym study for contrary
1. See opposite. 4. Contrary, adverse both describe something that opposes. Contrary conveys an idea of something impersonal and objective whose opposition happens to be unfavorable: contrary winds. Adverse suggests something more personally unfriendly or even hostile; it emphasizes the idea of the resulting misfortune to that which is opposed: The judge rendered a decision adverse to the defendant.
con·trar·i·ly [kon-trer-uh-lee, kuhn-trair-], /ˈkɒn trɛr ə li, kənˈtrɛər-/, adverbcon·trar·i·ness, nounqua·si-con·trar·i·ly, adverbqua·si-con·trar·y, adjective
Words nearby contrary
contrarian, contrariety, contrarily, contrarious, contrariwise, contrary, contrary motion, contrasexual, contrast, contrastive, contrastive stress
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Words related to contrary
adverse, antithetical, conflicting, contradictory, discordant, hostile, inconsistent, inimical, negative, opposed, paradoxical, wrongheaded, anti, antipodal, converse, counter, dissident, nonconformist, recusant, refractory
How to use contrary in a sentence
This senseless policy needlessly puts lives at risk, and it’s critical that the American people speak out about why this rule change is dangerous and contrary to our values.
Quite the contrary, the delays help ensure legitimacy of the votes.
On the contrary, you can run 404 checks to locate pages that are not working anymore to ensure that they are redirected in the correct page.
On the contrary, the whole point is that business on its own can make the world a better place.
And, contrary to popular belief, I’m also a huge proponent of public transportation.
He argues persuasively that the decision to launch the attack was completely contrary to reason and good military judgment.
Contrary to the popular narrative, TNR did not “die” last week.
Contrary to what you may assume about me, I actually enjoy the occasional trip to the mall.
No, on the contrary, only a fraction of this country, a part which I would call the best of Italy, is against the Mafia.
Contrary to the conventional wisdom, there is nothing intrinsically “progressive” about hating suburbs.
Whether they had ever, at different times, pleaded for or against the same cause, and cited precedents to prove contrary opinions?
My husband detests them; on the contrary, I like those carriages, for they tell me of happy—I mean to say, of former times.
This seems to be contrary to the spirit and intent of the act, which is primarily to centralize reserves in Federal Reserve Banks.
On the contrary, the full meaning of the act is manifestly opposed to such an idea.
Mrs. Pontellier was not a woman given to confidences, a characteristic hitherto contrary to her nature.
British Dictionary definitions for contrary
opposed in nature, position, etccontrary ideas
(kənˈtrɛərɪ) perverse; obstinate
(esp of wind) adverse; unfavourable
(of plant parts) situated at right angles to each other
logic (of a pair of propositions) related so that they cannot both be true at once, although they may both be false togetherCompare subcontrary (def. 2), contradictory (def. 3)
noun plural -ries
the exact opposite (esp in the phrase to the contrary)
on the contrary quite the reverse; not at all
either of two exactly opposite objects, facts, or qualities
logic a statement that cannot be true when a given statement is true
adverb (usually foll by to)
in an opposite or unexpected waycontrary to usual belief
in conflict (with) or contravention (of)contrary to nature
Derived forms of contrary
contrariness, noun
Word Origin for contrary
C14: from Latin contrārius opposite, from contrā against
Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Other Idioms and Phrases with contrary
see on the contrary; to the contrary.
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Need another word that means the same as “contrary”? Find 37 synonyms and 30 related words for “contrary” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
- Contrary as a Noun
- Definitions of «Contrary» as a noun
- Synonyms of «Contrary» as a noun (4 Words)
- Usage Examples of «Contrary» as a noun
- Contrary as an Adjective
- Definitions of «Contrary» as an adjective
- Synonyms of «Contrary» as an adjective (33 Words)
- Usage Examples of «Contrary» as an adjective
- Associations of «Contrary» (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Contrary” are: adverse, obstinate, perverse, wayward, opposite, opposing, opposed, contradictory, clashing, conflicting, antithetical, incompatible, irreconcilable, awkward, difficult, uncooperative, unhelpful, obstructive, disobliging, unaccommodating, unreasonable, troublesome, tiresome, annoying, vexatious, disobedient, recalcitrant, refractory, wilful, headstrong, self-willed, capricious, cross-grained, reverse, converse, antithesis
Contrary as a Noun
Definitions of «Contrary» as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “contrary” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The opposite.
- A contrary proposition.
- A relation of direct opposition.
- Exact opposition.
- A logical relation such that two propositions are contraries if both cannot be true but both can be false.
Synonyms of «Contrary» as a noun (4 Words)
antithesis | A contrast or opposition between two things. The antithesis between occult and rational mentalities. |
converse | A proposition obtained by conversion. It will be difficult in these converses not to talk of secular matter. |
opposite | A word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other. We were opposites in temperament. |
reverse | The gears by which the motion of a machine can be reversed. He didn t feel homesick quite the reverse. |
Usage Examples of «Contrary» as a noun
- Public opinion to the contrary he is not guilty.
- An Act applies only to the United Kingdom unless the contrary is expressed.
Contrary as an Adjective
Definitions of «Contrary» as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “contrary” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Perversely inclined to disagree or to do the opposite of what is expected or desired.
- In an opposing direction.
- Resistant to guidance or discipline.
- (of two or more statements, beliefs, etc.) opposed to one another.
- (of a wind) blowing in the opposite direction to one’s course; unfavourable.
- (of two propositions) so related that one or neither but not both must be true.
- Very opposed in nature or character or purpose.
- Opposite in nature, direction, or meaning.
- Of words or propositions so related that both cannot be true but both may be false.
Synonyms of «Contrary» as an adjective (33 Words)
adverse | Contrary to your interests or welfare. Adverse weather conditions. |
annoying | Causing irritation or annoyance. Tapping an annoying rhythm on his glass with his fork. |
antithetical | Sharply contrasted in character or purpose. People whose religious beliefs are antithetical to mine. |
awkward | Not smooth or graceful; ungainly. An awkward gesture. |
capricious | Determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason. A capricious climate. |
clashing | Sharply and harshly discordant. Suits in clashing colours. |
conflicting | In disagreement. Conflicting opinions. |
contradictory | Unable to be both true at the same time. Politically he exhibited contradictory behaviour. |
cross-grained | Difficult to deal with. |
difficult | (of a person) not easy to please or satisfy; awkward. Nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access. |
disobedient | Unwilling to submit to authority. Disobedient children. |
disobliging | Unkind. Disobliging remarks about colleagues. |
headstrong | Energetically wilful and determined. The headstrong impulsiveness of youth. |
incompatible | (of one thing or person) not consistent or able to coexist with (another. Incompatible personalities. |
irreconcilable | Incapable of being resolved. These two views of the economy are irreconcilable. |
obstinate | Stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so. An obstinate child with a violent temper. |
obstructive | Preventing movement. All tubing should be cleared of obstructive algae and detritus. |
opposed | (of two or more things) contrasting or conflicting with each other. The agency is being asked to do two diametrically opposed things. |
opposing | (of two or more subjects) differing from or in conflict with each other. The opposing team. |
opposite | Characterized by opposite extremes completely opposed. They went in opposite directions. |
perverse | Marked by a disposition to oppose and contradict. A perverse mood. |
recalcitrant | Marked by stubborn resistance to authority. A class of recalcitrant fifteen year olds. |
refractory | Resistant to a process or stimulus. Turkeys can be infected when young but are refractory as adults. |
self-willed | Habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition. |
tiresome | Causing one to feel bored or annoyed. The tiresome chirping of a cricket. |
troublesome | Causing difficulty or annoyance. Schools are removing troublesome pupils. |
unaccommodating | Not accommodating. The unaccommodating bus driver pulled out while she was banging on the door. |
uncooperative | Intentionally unaccommodating. An uncooperative witness. |
unhelpful | Not helpful. Several complained that the staff were unhelpful. |
unreasonable | Beyond the limits of acceptability or fairness. She knew she was being unreasonable but she resented his domesticity. |
vexatious | Causing irritation or annoyance. A frivolous or vexatious litigant. |
wayward | Resistant to guidance or discipline. Wayward behavior. |
wilful | Having or showing a stubborn and determined intention to do as one wants, regardless of the consequences. Wilful acts of damage. |
Usage Examples of «Contrary» as an adjective
- His mother had given him contrary messages.
- Acts contrary to our code of ethics.
- The facts point to a contrary conclusion.
- A contrary wind.
- He ignored contrary advice and agreed on the deal.
- Mary Mary quite contrary.
- She is sulky and contrary where her work is concerned.
- `hot’ and `cold’ are contrary terms.
Associations of «Contrary» (30 Words)
ambivalence | Mixed feelings or emotions. Government ambivalence towards the arts. |
anachronism | A thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned. The town is a throwback to medieval times an anachronism that has survived the passing years. |
antithesis | (in Hegelian philosophy) the negation of the thesis as the second stage in the process of dialectical reasoning. Love is the antithesis of selfishness. |
conflicting | Incompatible or at variance; contradictory. There are conflicting accounts of what occurred. |
contradiction | A statement that is necessarily false. The statement he is brave and he is not brave is a contradiction. |
contradictory | A contradictory proposition. Politically he exhibited contradictory behaviour. |
converse | A proposition obtained by conversion. It will be difficult in these converses not to talk of secular matter. |
discrepant | Not in agreement. Widely discrepant statements. |
disobedient | Unwilling to submit to authority. Disobedient children. |
dissentient | Refusing to attend services of the Church of England. Dissentient voices were castigated as hopeless bureaucrats. |
dissonant | Lacking in harmony. Jackson employs both harmonious and dissonant colour choices. |
enemy | A personal enemy. This man was her sworn enemy. |
incompatible | (of equipment, computer programs, etc.) not capable of being used in combination. All four prototype camcorders used special tapes and were incompatible with each other. |
inconsistency | The relation between propositions that cannot both be true at the same time. The inconsistency between his expressed attitudes and his actual behaviour. |
inexplicable | Incapable of being explained or accounted for. Left the house at three in the morning for inexplicable reasons. |
inharmonious | Lacking in harmony of parts. An inharmonious negative state of mind. |
ironic | Humorously sarcastic or mocking. An ironical smile. |
irony | Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs. The irony is that I thought he could help me. |
oppose | Fight against or resist strongly. A majority of the electorate opposed EC membership. |
opposing | Facing; opposite. The brothers fought on opposing sides in the war. |
opposite | Of leaves or shoots arising in pairs at the same level on opposite sides of the stem. Opposite meanings. |
outmaneuver | Defeat by more skillful maneuvering. My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations. |
oxymoron | Conjoining contradictory terms (as in `deafening silence. |
paradox | A seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which when investigated may prove to be well founded or true. Cathedrals face the paradox of having enormous wealth in treasures but huge annual expenses. |
paradoxical | Seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true. It is paradoxical that standing is more tiring than walking. |
perverse | (of a verdict) against the weight of evidence or the direction of the judge on a point of law. Took perverse satisfaction in foiling her plans. |
refractive | Capable of changing the direction (of a light or sound wave. The refractive characteristics of the eye. |
refractory | Temporarily unresponsive or not fully responsive to nervous or sexual stimuli. Healing of previously refractory ulcers. |
sarcasm | The use of irony to mock or convey contempt. She didn t like the note of sarcasm in his voice. |
wayward | Resistant to guidance or discipline. A wayward adolescent. |