Word that means comfortable

удобный, комфортабельный, комфортный, стеганое ватное одеяло


- удобный; комфортабельный; уютный

comfortable chair [bed] — удобное кресло [-ая кровать]
comfortable room — комфортабельная /уютная/ комната

- predic. разг. довольный, спокойный, чувствующий себя удобно

do you feel comfortable? — вам удобно?
to make oneself comfortable — удобно устроиться, чувствовать себя уютно
the nurse made the patient comfortable — сиделка устроила больного поудобнее

- утешительный, успокоительный

comfortable words — слова утешения

- достаточный, приличный, хороший (о заработке и т. п.)

comfortable income — приличный /хороший/ доход

- обеспеченный, имеющий средний достаток
- спокойный; не испытывающий особой боли, тревоги и т. п.

the doctor said that she was comfortable after her operation — врач сказал, что после операции она чувствует себя хорошо
shy people are seldom comfortable speaking to large groups — выступая перед большой аудиторией, робкие люди обычно волнуются

- простой и безмятежный

his life has settled into a comfortable pattern — его жизнь вошла в спокойную колею

- амер. разг. пьяный, навеселе


- шерстяной шейный шарф или платок
- шерстяной напульсник

Мои примеры


a comfortable chair with a padded back — удобное кресло с мягкой спинкой  
a comfortable cabin with a deep berth — комфортабельная каюта с широким спальным местом  
a comfortable sofa — удобный диван  
comfortable / handsome / large / wide margin — большие, широкие поля  
relaxed / comfortable posture — расслабленная, удобная поза  
comfortable sofa — удобный диван  
comfortable circumstances — зажиточность  
comfortable chair — удобное кресло  
to enjoy a comfortable competence — жить в достатке  
comfortable position — удобное место  
comfortable architectural style — удобная архитектура  
comfortable bed — удобная постель; удобная кровать  

Примеры с переводом

They enjoy a comfortable lifestyle.

Им нравится комфортный образ жизни.

We hope that you are comfortable.

Надеемся, тебе удобно.

These shoes are much more comfortable.

Эти ботинки гораздо комфортнее /намного удобнее/.

Sit down and make yourself comfortable.

Садитесь и располагайтесь поудобнее.

It was so comfortable resting in his arms.

Было так хорошо лежать в его объятиях.

She’s never felt very comfortable with men.

С мужчинами ей всегда было как-то неуютно.

Lie back, dear, you’ll be more comfortable.

Откинься назад, дорогая, тебе будет удобнее.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Joyce has a comfortable apartment in Portland.

She makes a comfortable living as a journalist.

You can crash here, though it’s not very comfortable

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Возможные однокоренные слова

comfort  — комфорт, удобства, уют, утешение, утешить, утешать, успокаивать
comforter  — утешитель, пустышка, стеганое ватное одеяло, соска, шерстяной шарф, теплое кашне
comforting  — утешительный
comfortless  — неуютный, безутешный, печальный
uncomfortable  — неудобный, неблагоустроенный, испытывающий неудобство, стесненный
comfortably  — удобно, обеспеченно
comforts  — комфорт, удобства, уют, утешение, утешить, утешать, успокаивать
discomfortable  — неудобный, некомфортный, чувствующий себя неловко, стесненный


 (kŭm′fər-tə-bəl, kŭmf′tə-bəl, kŭmf′tər-)


1. Providing physical comfort: a comfortable chair.

2. Free from stress or anxiety; at ease: not comfortable about the interview.

3. Producing feelings of ease or security: a comfortable person; a comfortable evening at home.

4. Sufficient to provide financial security: comfortable earnings.

com′fort·a·ble·ness n.

com′fort·a·bly adv.

Synonyms: comfortable, easy, cozy, snug1
These adjectives mean affording ease of mind or body. Comfortable implies the absence of sources of pain or distress: wears comfortable clothes.
The word may also suggest peace of mind: felt comfortable with the decision.
Easy denotes freedom from worry or stress: an easy life with plenty of time for leisure activities.
Cozy suggests homey and reassuring comforts: sat in a cozy nook near the fire.
Snug brings to mind the image of a warm, secure, compact shelter: children snug in their beds.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈkʌmftəbəl; ˈkʌmfətəbəl)


1. giving comfort or physical relief

2. at ease

3. free from affliction or pain

4. (of a person or situation) relaxing

5. informal having adequate income

6. informal (of income) adequate to provide comfort

ˈcomfortableness n

ˈcomfortably adv

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈkʌmf tə bəl, ˈkʌm fər tə bəl)


1. (of clothing, furniture, etc.) producing or affording physical comfort, support, or ease.

2. being in a state of physical or mental comfort; contented and undisturbed; at ease.

3. (of a person, situation, etc.) easy to associate or deal with.

4. sufficient: a comfortable salary.

[1350–1400; Middle English < Anglo-French]

com′fort•a•ble•ness, n.

com′fort•a•bly, adv.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Adj. 1. comfortable — providing or experiencing physical well-being or relief (`comfy’ is informal); «comfortable clothes»; «comfortable suburban houses»; «made himself comfortable in an armchair»; «the antihistamine made her feel more comfortable»; «are you comfortable?»; «feeling comfy now?»


colloquialism — a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech

uncomfortable — providing or experiencing physical discomfort; «an uncomfortable chair»; «an uncomfortable day in the hot sun»

2. comfortable — free from stress or conducive to mental ease; having or affording peace of mind; «was settled in a comfortable job, one for which he was well prepared»; «the comfortable thought that nothing could go wrong»; «was comfortable in his religious beliefs»; «she’s a comfortable person to be with»; «she felt comfortable with her fiance’s parents»

easy — free from worry or anxiety; «knowing that I had done my best, my mind was easy»; «an easy good-natured manner»; «by the time the chsild faced the actual problem of reading she was familiar and at ease with all the elements words»

uncomfortable — conducive to or feeling mental discomfort; «this kind of life can prove disruptive and uncomfortable»; «the uncomfortable truth»; «grew uncomfortable beneath his appraising eye»; «an uncomfortable way of surprising me just when I felt surest»; «the teacher’s presence at the conference made the child very uncomfortable»

3. comfortable — more than adequate; «the home team had a comfortable lead»

wide — great in degree; «won by a wide margin»

4. comfortable — sufficient to provide comfort; «a comfortable salary»

sufficient — of a quantity that can fulfill a need or requirement but without being abundant; «sufficient food»

5. comfortable - in fortunate circumstances financiallycomfortable — in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich; «they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards»; «easy living»; «a prosperous family»; «his family is well-situated financially»; «well-to-do members of the community»

prosperous, well-fixed, well-heeled, well-off, well-situated, well-to-do, easy

rich — possessing material wealth; «her father is extremely rich»; «many fond hopes are pinned on rich uncles»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



2. pleasant, homely, easy, relaxing, delightful, enjoyable, cosy, agreeable, restful A home should be comfortable and friendly.
pleasant uncomfortable, inadequate, unpleasant, disagreeable

3. at ease, happy, at home, contented, relaxed, serene Lie down on your bed and make yourself comfortable.
at ease troubled, nervous, disturbed, distressed, uncomfortable, tense, miserable, uneasy, ill at ease, on tenterhooks, like a fish out of water

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. Affording pleasurable ease:

2. Being what is needed without being in excess:

3. Enjoying steady good fortune or financial security:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


مُريحمُرِيحمُسْتَريحمَيْسور الحال






hæginda-, òægilegurnægilegur, mátuleguròægilegur; rólegur






thoải mái


[ˈkʌmfətəbl] ADJ

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈkʌmfərtəbəl] adj

(= without financial problems) → aisé(e)

(= happy) to be comfortable about sth, to be comfortable with sth [+ idea, situation] → ne pas s’inquiéter de qch
I don’t feel very comfortable about it → Cela m’inquiète un peu.

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



armchair, bed, shoes, life, positionbequem; room, hotel etckomfortabel; temperatureangenehm; to make somebody/oneself comfortablees jdm/sich bequem machen; (= make at home)es jdm/sich gemütlich machen; the sick man had a comfortable nightder Kranke hatte or verbrachte eine ruhige Nacht; the patient/his condition is comfortableder Patient/er ist wohlauf; are you comfortable?, asked the nurseliegen/sitzen etc Sie bequem?, fragte die Schwester; are you too hot? — no, I’m just comfortableist es Ihnen zu heiß? — nein, es ist angenehm so

(fig) income, pensionausreichend; lifegeruhsam, angenehm; majority, leadsicher; winnerüberlegen; figuremollig; he’s very comfortable to be withbei ihm fühlt man sich sehr wohl; she had quite a comfortable feeling about itsie hatte ein gutes Gefühl dabei; to feel comfortable with somebody/somethingsich bei jdm/etw wohlfühlen; I’m not very comfortable about itmir ist nicht ganz wohl bei der Sache; I’m not too comfortable about giving her the jobmir ist nicht ganz wohl bei dem Gedanken, ihr die Stelle zu geben; in comfortable circumstances (= well-off)gut situiert

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈkamfət) noun

1. a pleasant condition of being physically or mentally relaxed, happy, warm etc. They now live in comfort.

2. anything that provides a little luxury, or makes one feel happier, or better able to bear misfortune. He enjoyed the comforts of the hotel; Her presence was a comfort to him in his grief; words of comfort.

ˈcomfortable adjective

1. in comfort; pleasantly relaxed. He looked very comfortable in his chair.

2. producing a good physical feeling. a comfortable chair.

3. financially secure without being rich. a comfortable standard of living.

ˈcomfortably adverbˈcomforting adjective

producing a pleasant or relaxed feeling. a comforting thought.

be comfortably off

to have enough money to live in comfort.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


مُرِيح pohodlný komfortabel bequem άνετος cómodo mukava confortable udoban comodo 快適な 쾌적한 comfortabel behagelig wygodny confortável удобный bekväm สะดวกสบาย rahat thoải mái 舒适的

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. cómodo-a; a gusto.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

The adjective comfortable describes something that makes you feel relaxed, like a comfortable couch that makes you want to curl up on it and take a nap.

In addition to describing things that feel good, like shoes that don’t hurt your feet, comfortable can mean «feeling free from stress or worry.» If you are comfortable around people, you can be yourself. It can also mean «secure» — a family that, though not rich, lives a comfortable lifestyle, meaning they have considerable savings, or you feeling comfortable speaking Spanish in Chile, meaning you trust your ability to communicate.

Definitions of comfortable

  1. adjective

    providing or experiencing physical well-being or relief (`comfy’ is informal)

    comfortable clothes”

    comfortable suburban houses”

    “made himself
    comfortable in an armchair”

    “the antihistamine made her feel more

    “are you



    cosy, cozy, snug

    enjoying or affording comforting warmth and shelter especially in a small space


    affording comfort

    homelike, homely, homey, homy

    having a feeling of home; cozy and comfortable


    affording physical relief

  2. adjective

    free from stress or conducive to mental ease; having or affording peace of mind

    “was settled in a
    comfortable job, one for which he was well prepared”

    comfortable thought that nothing could go wrong”

    comfortable in his religious beliefs”

    “she’s a
    comfortable person to be with”

    “she felt
    comfortable with her fiance’s parents”



    made comfortable or more comfortable in a time of distress


    free from worry or anxiety

  3. adjective

    sufficient to provide comfort

    comfortable salary”



    of a quantity that can fulfill a need or requirement but without being abundant

  4. adjective

    more than adequate

    “the home team had a
    comfortable lead”



    great in degree

  5. adjective

    in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich

    “they were
    comfortable or even wealthy by some standards”


    easy, prosperous, well-fixed, well-heeled, well-off, well-situated, well-to-do


    possessing material wealth

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘comfortable’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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(for the general had chosen them) that they were each and all of them in their way comfortable, in the full English spirit of the word, and according to the French explanation of _comfortable_, given to us by the Duchess d’Abrantes, _convenablement bon_; but in compassion to Mr. Churchill’s fastidious restlessness, she would now show him a perfection of ❋ Maria Edgeworth (1808)

But that said, yes, for some people consuming porn can be totally unproductive, and the only way to remain comfortable is to forego it. ❋ Unknown (2008)

I take my stand, therefore, upon this incontestable fact, that the man of leisure becomes daily more reluctant to undergo fatigue, that he eagerly seeks for what he calls the comfortable, that is to say for every means of sparing himself the play and the waste of the organs. ❋ Jlundberg (2006)

Due to the many hassles of modern air travel, my wife and I fly as absolutely little as we can but when we do fly we use Southwest Airlines whose coach seats are a bit more comfortable than other airlines we’ve flown using the word comfortable loosely. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Crocker earns what he describes as a «comfortable» living from his cut of YouTube profits through their Partnership Programme. ❋ Unknown (2011)

As the philosopher was well aware, there also existed what he referred to as the comfortable habits of mind by which women were regarded as second-class citizens. ❋ Unknown (2009)

McAndrew: I had what you call a comfortable fastball that was live when I kept it down. ❋ Bill James Rob Neyer (2004)

The South African Government said yesterday that when Mr. Mandela is fully recovered from TB he would be moved to what it called comfortable, secure accommodation where he would be able to see his family more freely. ❋ Unknown (1988)

It is evident that, as society is constituted, man is the working and woman, generally, the ornamental portion, of it, at least in those classes to which Providence or society has given what we call comfortable circumstances. ❋ Fuller, O E (1884)

«Ah, that ‘s what I call comfortable!» said he, lying back in his chair. ❋ Unknown (1856)

«I hate using the word comfortable, because you don’t ever want to feel that way,» Happ said. ❋ Unknown (2011)

“I take my stand, therefore, upon this incontestable fact, that the man of leisure becomes daily more reluctant to undergo fatigue, that he eagerly seeks for what he calls the comfortable, that is to say for every means of sparing himself the play and the waste of the organs. ❋ Unknown (2006)

As matter of fact, most «revolutionary» leaders were raised in comfortable circumstances. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Others mocked him, but with this firm knowledge of righteousness, Radh slept soundly in comfortable warmth … wrapped in a luxurious blanket of his own ear hair. ❋ Tyler (2009)

I didn’t and my Annie was never again comfortable making new acquaintances. ❋ Unknown (2009)

One thing that makes this place so comfortable is the awesome patio cushions they have on the chairs and just around on wooden benches. ❋ Forest Parks (2010)

The Kids Are All Right is set in comfortable Los Angeles suburbia, where Nic (Annette Bening) and Jules (Julianne Moore) have been living for 20 years since falling in love at college. ❋ Philip French (2010)

(in [british accent]) we’re not [rich], we’re [just] comfortable. ❋ Double Dickfart (2019)

[Nico]: Hey did you hear that Alicia got a boyfriend?
[Mariann]: Yeah, I can tell; she’s [getting comfortable]. ❋ Mariann (2008)

I’ll be more comfortable in a private setting
And [id] [love it] to [be regular] ❋ Dia Spora (2021)

“Man, I’m so comfortable [right now] I can [just fall] [asleep] ❋ Heywhatshanging (2018)

Mike-«[Nick] you always get the best [sleeping] [spot]»
Nick-«I know, I have comfortitis right now» ❋ Kro43434343 (2009)

[We should] [kik] comfort she is [so nice].. I don’t know why she thinks nobody likes her. ❋ Usbskj (2014)

She [broke down] in tears and her [guy-friend] tried to comfort her by giving her a [back rub] ❋ IiCandy_Pop (2016)

That [lady] is uniquely different from all [the others]…
She’s a [comfort] ❋ Prime 20 (2019)

«Comfortism, played to a [packed], [receptive] and very [appreciative] audience.» ❋ Comfortism (2010)

«Comfortism played to a [packed], [receptive] and very [appreciative] audience.» ❋ Comfortism (2010)

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ kuhm-fer-tuh-buhl, kuhmf-ter-buhl ]

/ ˈkʌm fər tə bəl, ˈkʌmf tər bəl /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


(of clothing, furniture, etc.) producing or affording physical comfort, support, or ease: a comfortable chair;comfortable shoes.

being in a state of physical or mental comfort; contented and undisturbed; at ease: to be comfortable in new shoes;I don’t feel comfortable in the same room with her.

(of a person, situation, etc.) producing mental comfort or ease; easy to accommodate oneself to or associate with: She’s a comfortable person to be with.

more than adequate or sufficient: a comfortable salary.

Obsolete. cheerful.


Chiefly Northern U.S. a quilted bedcover; comforter.



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Origin of comfortable

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English word from Anglo-French word confortable. See comfort, -able

OTHER WORDS FROM comfortable

com·fort·a·ble·ness, com·fort·a·bil·i·ty [kuhm-fer-tuhbil-i-tee, kuhmf-ter-bil-i-tee], /ˌkʌm fər təˈbɪl ɪ ti, ˌkʌmf tərˈbɪl ɪ ti/, nouncom·fort·a·bly, adverbqua·si-com·fort·a·ble, adjectivequa·si-com·fort·a·bly, adverb

su·per·com·fort·a·ble, adjective

Words nearby comfortable

come what may, come with the territory, COMEX, comfit, comfort, comfortable, comfortableness, comfort animal, comfort eating, comforter, comfort food

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to comfortable

appropriate, complacent, convenient, cozy, easy, enjoyable, happy, healthy, loose, pleasant, pleased, relaxed, satisfying, serene, snug, soft, useful, warm, prosperous, cushy

How to use comfortable in a sentence

  • We got more comfortable with Microsoft Teams and things like that.

  • They are used to creating a musical work without revision, and so they are comfortable with the notion that an answer can precede a question.

  • It isn’t always pain free, but it is easier and more comfortable and more spiritual.

  • One is very comfortable watching sex with me, while the other will immediately walk out of the room.

  • The plush fabric is comfortable, available in various colors, and can be machine washed.

  • I need to resist my urge to talk them into my truth, just so I can feel more comfortable and secure.

  • His goal: to make the perfect (and absolutely comfortable) high-heel, with the help from Nike CEO Mark Parker.

  • But she was less comfortable with it before she was an established name in fashion.

  • The resulting Wool Runners were comfortable, eco-friendly, machine-washable, and super cute—and sold out almost immediately.

  • I do not recall what sort of aeroplane Mr. Hughes had at the time; however, it was quite comfortable, as I recall.

  • Behold a dumpy, comfortable British paterfamilias in a light flannel suit and a faded sun hat.

  • «She used to be so well—so bright,» said Angela, who also appeared to have the desire to say something kind and comfortable.

  • Not but that a cabriolet is a good vehicle of its sort: I know of few more comfortable.

  • The lazy giant was sprawling on the most comfortable of the sofas; the pair were alone in the dainty little drawing-room.

  • However, the fires were stirred up, and things made as comfortable as circumstances would admit of.

British Dictionary definitions for comfortable


/ (ˈkʌmftəbəl, ˈkʌmfətəbəl) /


giving comfort or physical relief

at ease

free from affliction or pain

(of a person or situation) relaxing

informal having adequate income

informal (of income) adequate to provide comfort

Derived forms of comfortable

comfortableness, nouncomfortably, adverb

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012



: affording or enjoying contentment and security


: affording or enjoying physical comfort

was too comfortable to move



: free from vexation or doubt

Lamb was comfortable in his ignorance of what he did not choose to know.James Mason Brown


: free from stress or tension

stayed at a comfortable distance from the crowd


ˈkəm(p)(f)-tər-blē How to pronounce comfortable (audio)








Choose the Right Synonym for comfortable

comfortable, cozy, snug, easy, restful mean enjoying or providing a position of contentment and security.

comfortable applies to anything that encourages serenity, well-being, or complacency as well as physical ease.

started feeling comfortable in our new surroundings

cozy suggests warmth, shelter, assured ease, and friendliness.

a cozy neighborhood coffee shop

snug suggests having just enough space for comfort and safety but no more.

easy implies relief from or absence of anything likely to cause discomfort or constraint.

living in easy circumstances

restful applies to whatever induces or contributes to rest or relaxation.

Example Sentences

These shoes aren’t very comfortable for walking.

I can’t seem to find a comfortable position in this chair.

Are you comfortable enough in that chair?

The nurse turned the patient on his side and asked him if he was comfortable.

I was just getting comfortable when the phone rang.

They stayed at a comfortable distance from the crowd.

He has a comfortable job.

She makes a comfortable living as a journalist.

They enjoy a comfortable lifestyle.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

Conversely, while cotton may be very comfortable, Dr. Cunha recommends avoiding it when shopping for running socks.

Jack Byram, Health, 22 Mar. 2023

Schools only have to report violence that is reported to them, James said, and if students aren’t comfortable coming forward about their assault, it won’t be included in those datasets.

oregonlive, 22 Mar. 2023

Squat proof with the waist band being very comfortable and hugs just right.

Kelsey Stiegman, Seventeen, 21 Mar. 2023

The handle is smooth and thick with rounded edges and is comfortable in the hand.

Nicole Papantoniou And Sarah Wharton, Good Housekeeping, 21 Mar. 2023

Baggy jeans might possibly be the coolest and most comfortable denim trend this spring.

Madeline Fass, Vogue, 21 Mar. 2023

The handles are comfortable and the machine is well balanced, enabling long trimming sessions.

Roy Berendsohn, Popular Mechanics, 20 Mar. 2023

Greg Gard says Crowl is the ‘best trash-talker’ on the team Crowl has appeared to grow more comfortable absorbing contact on post-up moves as the season has progressed.

Jeff Potrykus, Journal Sentinel, 20 Mar. 2023

At the Carlsbad Premium Outlets, owners and their pets can shop while ensuring pets are comfortable, with water bowls and pet waste receptacles.

Laura Groch, San Diego Union-Tribune, 19 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘comfortable.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English comfortable, confortable «invigorating, encouraging, consoling, pleasant, agreeable,» borrowed from Anglo-French confortable «comforting, encouraging,» from conforter «to strengthen, encourage, comfort entry 1″ + -able -able

First Known Use

1769, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of comfortable was
in 1769

Dictionary Entries Near comfortable

Cite this Entry

“Comfortable.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/comfortable. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
26 Mar 2023
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Merriam-Webster unabridged

Полагаться на англо-русские словари — не всегда хорошая идея. Так, между словами  «convenient» и «comfortable» разница весьма ощутимая, хотя они оба переводятся, как «удобный».

Comfortable — это слово с широким спектром значений. Самый очевидный вариант перевода по созвучию — это «комфортный». Но оказывается, что «комфортным» в английском может быть и состояние здоровья, и победа над соперником. Ну и, конечно, мебель, одежда и интерьеры.

Предметы и понятия, с которыми часто ассоциируется прилагательное comfortable:

  • Мебель

Когда она comfortable, то ей приятно пользоваться. Например, удобно и приятно сидеть на мягком кресле.

You should choose a comfortable mattress to cure your sleep issue.

Вам нужно подобрать комфортный матрас, чтобы решить проблему со сном.

  • Жилые помещения

Комната, квартира или дом могут быть comfortable, если в них уютно, тепло зимой и прохладно летом.

It was a comfortable room, different from hotels in India.

Это была комфортная комната, в отличие от отелей в Индии.

  • Одежда

Представьте, что вы в англоговорящей стране, и хотите записаться на занятие по йоге, но не знаете, какую одежду взять с собой. Вы звоните и уточняете этот вопрос, и администратор говорит:

Bring loose, comfortable clothes.

Возьмите свободную, комфортную одежду.

То есть, такую, которая не будет нигде давить и стеснять движений.

  • Финансовое положение

Пожалуй, самое приятное из списка. Если вы comfortable, то вы достаточно богаты, чтобы купить все, что вам нужно:

We were comfortable enough to afford a nice vacation in winter.

Мы были достаточно обеспечены, чтобы позволить себе отличный отпуск зимой.

  • Победа

Сложно представить, что преимущество в соревнованиях может быть комфортным, не по-русски это звучит, правда? А вот в английском можно комфортно победить. В спорте, на выборах, скачках, гонках и тому подобном, если у вас comfortable lead (преимущество), вы легко одержите победу.  

It’s the end of the third lap, she still has a comfortable lead.

Конец третьего круга, она все еще далеко впереди.

  • Состояние здоровья

Если про человека, который попал в больницу, говорят, что он comfortable, это значит, что он находится в стабильном состоянии.

The nurse says that he is comfortable now, he can already move his feet.

Медсестра говорит, что он стабилен, он уже может шевелить ногами.

«To feel comfortable» — ощущать физический комфорт, отсутствие внешних раздражителей.

«Make yourself comfortable» — устойчивое выражение, которое значит: «располагайтесь», «чувствуйте себя как дома».

Употребление с предлогами with и about:

Если вы comfortable with или about something, то вы не против этого, вам это нравится, вас это устраивает.

Фраза «I’m not comfortable with it» звучит более интеллигентно и мягко, чем «I don’t like it», хотя и передает ту же мысль.

I’m quite comfortable with my salary.

Я вполне доволен своей зарплатой.

I’m not sure I’m comfortable with this.

Я не уверен, что мне это нравится.

Being an introvert, I’m not comfortable about socializing too much.

Будучи интровертом, я не особо люблю общаться с людьми.


Это прилагательное, которое описывает способ действия, не причиняющий никому неудобств.

Is it convenient to stay in this hotel with a dog?

Можно ли в этом отеле останавливаться с собакой?

Если какой-то предмет convenient, он удобен в использовании для определенной цели:

This chat is a convenient tool for talking online.

Этот чат удобный инструмент для того, чтобы общаться онлайн.

Часто это слово употребляется в контексте места или времени.

Скажем, вы хотите увидеться с другом, но находитесь в разных концах города. Вы можете принять решение встретиться в convenient place, то есть, в таком, куда вам обоим будет несложно добраться (например, в центр города).

We work in the area where we live it is convenient.

Мы работаем в том же районе, где живем это удобно.

Convenient time — это удобное и подходящее для людей время.

I can come at seven or later, so, when is it convenient for you?

Я могу прийти в семь или позже, так какое время для тебя удобно?

Convenient может быть что-то, что дает вам некое преимущество или возможность, даже не всегда очень честным путем:

She is not your friend. Dump her at any convenient excuse.

Она тебе не друг. Брось ее под любым удобным предлогом.

Сomfortable и convenient: разница

Итак, в чем же основное различие?

Convenient не предполагает того, что что-то вас устраивает полностью, безоговорочно и на всю жизнь. Здесь речь идет скорее об определенной ситуации и можно ли в ней обойтись без особых проблем. Смысл в удобстве и практичности в данную минуту.

Comfortable стоит на ступеньку выше в пирамиде потребностей. Вещи, которые являются comfortable мы покупаем надолго, потому что хотим ощущать их уют и высокое качество каждый день.

То есть, человек, у которого есть такая возможность, купит comfortable car (машину). При этом, он иногда будет заезжать на convenient car wash (автомойку), потому что она недалеко от дома, там моют машины быстро и достаточно качественно, и цена приемлемая.

Говорят, что иногда нужно выходить из зоны комфорта. Время от времени это полезно, например, когда вы учите иностранный язык. Но, все же, пусть в вашей жизни будет больше comfortable things!

—   Hello, our dear friends! My name is
Nathaniel. This is Martin.

—   And my name is James.

—   Welcome to our grammar lesson!

—   Last Sunday we decided to go somewhere to
have fun, because we usually work a lot.

—   We thought about different places: a
theatre, a cinema, a museum, a zoo, etc.

—   But in the end, we decided to go to the
cinema near Nathaniel’s house.

—   When we came, we saw a man and a woman.

—   They were sitting in front of us.

—   The woman’s voice was so strange as if she
came from another planet.

—   And since we are well-mannered, we could
stop ourselves from laughing.

—   Well… anyway this is not the main reason
why we are telling you about this woman.

—   We decided to tell you about her because
of what she was saying.

—   Listen to the conversation between the
woman and the man and you’ll guess the topic of our lesson.

—   Rick, why did you invite me to this awful

—   Jessica, why is it awful? I think it’s

—   Are you serious? Next time you can go to
this place alone, if you like it.

—   Oh, it’s a wonderful idea.

—   Excuse me. What did you say?

—   Never mind. I just want to know what’s
wrong with the cinema.

—   All right! I’ll tell you what’s wrong. The
seats are so inconvenient!

—   Honey, could you keep your voice down,

—   What? Do you want me to shut my mouth?

—   No, of course not, my darling! But you are
talking so loudly.

—   You know what? I’m leaving! And I won’t
attend this cinema ever again.

—   But, honey…

—   Rick, are you coming or not?

—   All right… Let’s go.

—   The situation was really terrible! Poor

—   Yeah! I agree. But we’ve told our friends
about this incident, because the woman made serious mistakes in her speech.

—   Yes, that’s right. She used the words
“inconvenient” and “attend” which are not suitable in the situation.

As you can guess,
today in the lesson we will:

talk about the
difference between the words “comfortable” and “convenient”;


discuss the
difference between the words “to visit” and “to attend”.

—   First of all, let’s talk about the words
“comfortable” and “convenient”.

—   We will discuss what they have in common.

—   And we will also tell you about the
difference between these two adjectives.

Take a vocabulary
and try to find the translation of the words “convenient” and “comfortable”.
If you do that, you will see that both these words are translated as “удобный”.
This is their main translation, but not the only one.

We can also
translate the word “convenient” as “подходящий, пригодный, находящийся
под рукой” and
the word “comfortable” as “уютный, комфортный”.

Now let’s discuss
when we can use the word “convenient”.

1. If a way of
doing something is convenient, it means that it’s easy, or very useful or
suitable for a particular purpose.

For instance:

Ella and Zoe
thought it was more convenient to have breakfast in the kitchen.

2. If you describe
a place as convenient, it means that it’s near to where you are, or you can
reach another place from there quickly and easily.

For instance:

This is a really
convenient place for my office, just next to the apartments where I live.

3. If we say that
it’s a convenient time to do something, it means that it’s a time when you are
free to do it or would like to do it.

For instance:

Would 9 o’clock be
a convenient time for our meeting?

The synonyms of
the word “convenient” are “suitable, fitting, appropriate, handy,
available, accessible, nearby”.

Let’s look at the
following two examples:

1. Mike, let’s try
to find a convenient time for our lesson!


2. Mike, let’s try
to find a suitable time for our lesson!

As you can see, we
can use both variants.

The opposite of
the word “convenient” is “inconvenient”.

For instance:

I live in the
village. I have to travel 200 kilometres to get to my favourite restaurant.
It’s very inconvenient.

—   We’ve just told you everything about the
word “convenient”.

—   Now let’s discuss when we can use the word

—   This will help you to understand the
difference between these two words.

1. The word “comfortable
is used to talk about a physical feeling.

Look at the
following examples:

This soft sofa is
really comfortable to sit in.

Eliza bought new
shoes two days ago. They are really comfortable to wear.

Robin really likes
his new trousers. They are the most comfortable he’s got.

From these
examples you can see that we can use the word “comfortable” to describe
furniture, shoes and clothes.

2. “Comfortable
is also used to talk about salary when we want to emphasize that we have enough
money for a good standard of living.

For example:

It’s easy to feel
secure when you have a comfortable salary.


Erin’s parents are
not very rich, but I think they are quite comfortable.

3. If we describe
a person as comfortable, it means that we feel confident and relaxed with him
or her.

For example:

Mollie is a very
comfortable person. She is my best friend.


Jacob loved me and
I felt comfortable with him.

4. In a race,
competition, or election, if you have a comfortable lead, you are likely to win
it easily.

For example:

By half distance
David and Hugo held a comfortable three-lap lead.


Cody appeared to
be heading for a comfortable victory.

5. When we say
that a sick or injured person is comfortable, we mean that this person is in a
stable physical condition.

For example:

Jonathan was
described as comfortable in hospital last night.


Mr. Mills is a
wonderful doctor. His aim is to make his patients comfortable.

6. If we say that
we have a comfortable life, job or situation, we mean that it doesn’t cause us
any problems or worries.

For example:

My dad’s
retirement looks far from comfortable.


Marry isn’t
comfortable with the idea of leaving her old mother on her own.

The synonyms of
the word “comfortable” are “pleasant, homely, easy, relaxing, well-off,

Look at the
following two examples:

1. Amanda came
from a comfortable, middle-class family.


2. Amanda came
from a well-off, middle-class family.

As you can see, we
can use both variants.

The opposite of
the word “comfortable” is “uncomfortable”.

For instance:

These trainers are
so uncomfortable to wear.

Paul, I think
you’re making everybody uncomfortable!

—   We’ve discussed the words “convenient” and

—   Now you know what they have in common.

—   You also understand the difference between
“convenient” and “comfortable”.

—   Now let’s talk about the words “to visit”
and “to attend”.

—   Pupils often confuse them.

—   That’s why we will tell you about these
two words in more detail.

—   First of all, let’s discuss what the words
“to visit” and “to attend” have in common.

The words “to
visit” and “to attend” are both translated as “посещать”, but this is not the only meaning they have.

The word “to
visit” can also be translated as “навещать, проведывать, ходить в
гости” and
the word “to attend” can be translated as “присутствовать, участвовать, обучаться”.

Now let’s discuss
when we can use the word “to visit”.

1. If you visit
someone, you go to see them and spend time with them.

For instance:

Darcy wanted to
visit his sister in Canada.

2. If you visit a
place, it means that you go there for a short period of time.

For instance:

Toby and Luke
visited a museum and a cinema while they were in Spain.

3. If you visit a
website, it means that you look at it.

For instance:

Visit our website
and you won’t regret!

—   We’ve discussed when we can use the word
“to visit”.

—   Now let’s talk about the word “to attend”.

1. If you attend a
meeting or other event, it means that you are present at it.

For instance:

Over seventy
people attended the wedding.

2. You can say
that you attend an institution such as a school, college, university, or church
if you go there regularly.

For instance:

Julia and Mia
attended the Oxford university together.

3. The word “to
attend” can be used to show that you pay attention to what someone is saying.

For instance:

I’m afraid Adam
and Aiden weren’t attending to what was being said.

—   Guys, now you know everything about the
words “convenient” and “comfortable”, “to visit” and “to attend”.

—   We hope our lesson will help you not to
confuse these words in the future.

—   That’s all for today.

—   See you soon, boys and girls.

Princeton’s WordNetRate this definition:2.7 / 3 votes

  1. comfortable, comfyadjective

    providing or experiencing physical well-being or relief (`comfy’ is informal)

    «comfortable clothes»; «comfortable suburban houses»; «made himself comfortable in an armchair»; «the antihistamine made her feel more comfortable»; «are you comfortable?»; «feeling comfy now?»

  2. comfortableadjective

    free from stress or conducive to mental ease; having or affording peace of mind

    «was settled in a comfortable job, one for which he was well prepared»; «the comfortable thought that nothing could go wrong»; «was comfortable in his religious beliefs»; «she’s a comfortable person to be with»; «she felt comfortable with her fiance’s parents»

  3. comfortableadjective

    more than adequate

    «the home team had a comfortable lead»

  4. comfortableadjective

    sufficient to provide comfort

    «a comfortable salary»

  5. comfortable, easy, prosperous, well-fixed, well-heeled, well-off, well-situated, well-to-doadjective

    in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich

    «they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards»; «easy living»; «a prosperous family»; «his family is well-situated financially»; «well-to-do members of the community»

WiktionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. comfortableadjective

    Comforting, providing comfort; consolatory.

  2. comfortableadjective

    Amply sufficient, satisfactory.

  3. comfortableadjective

    Providing comfort and ease; agreeable.

    This is the most comfortable bed I’ve ever slept in.

  4. comfortableadjective

    In a state of comfort and content.

    I’ll be quite comfortable here, what a great guestroom!

Samuel Johnson’s DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Comfortableadjective

    Etymology: from comfort.

    1. Receiving comfort; susceptible of comfort.

    For my sake be comfortable; hold death
    A while at the arm’s end.
    William Shakespeare, As you like it.

    My lord leans wond’rously to discontent;
    His comfortable temper has forsook him:
    He is much out of health.
    William Shakespeare, Timon.

    What can promise him a comfortable appearance before his dreadful judge?

    2. Dispensing comfort; having the power of giving comfort.

    He had no brother, which though it be comfortable for kings to have, yet draweth the subjects eyes aside.
    Francis Bacon, Hen. VII.

    The lives of many miserable men were saved, and a comfortable provision made for their subsistence.
    John Dryden, Fab. Dedic.

WikipediaRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. comfortable

    Comfort (or being comfortable) is a sense of physical or psychological ease, often characterized as a lack of hardship. Persons who are lacking in comfort are uncomfortable, or experiencing discomfort. A degree of psychological comfort can be achieved by recreating experiences that are associated with pleasant memories, such as engaging in familiar activities, maintaining the presence of familiar objects, and consumption of comfort foods. Comfort is a particular concern in health care, as providing comfort to the sick and injured is one goal of healthcare, and can facilitate recovery. Persons who are surrounded with things that provide psychological comfort may be described as being «in their comfort zone». Because of the personal nature of positive associations, psychological comfort is highly subjective.The use of «comfort» as a verb generally implies that the subject is in a state of pain, suffering or affliction, and requires alleviation from that state. Where the term is used to describe the support given to someone who has experienced a tragedy, the word is synonymous with consolation or solace. However, comfort is used much more broadly, as one can provide physical comfort to someone who is not in a position to be uncomfortable. For example, a person might sit in a chair without discomfort, but still find the addition of a pillow to the chair to increase their feeling of comfort. Something that provides this type of comfort, which does not seek to relieve hardship, can also be referred to as being «comfy».

Webster DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Comfortableadjective

    strong; vigorous; valiant

  2. Comfortableadjective

    serviceable; helpful

  3. Comfortableadjective

    affording or imparting comfort or consolation; able to comfort; cheering; as, a comfortable hope

  4. Comfortableadjective

    in a condition of comfort; having comforts; not suffering or anxious; hence, contented; cheerful; as, to lead a comfortable life

  5. Comfortableadjective

    free, or comparatively free, from pain or distress; — used of a sick person

  6. Comfortablenoun

    a stuffed or quilted coverlet for a bed; a comforter; a comfort

  7. Etymology: [OF. confortable.]

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘comfortable’ in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #2637

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘comfortable’ in Written Corpus Frequency: #2404

  3. Adjectives Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘comfortable’ in Adjectives Frequency: #340

How to pronounce comfortable?

How to say comfortable in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of comfortable in Chaldean Numerology is: 1

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of comfortable in Pythagorean Numerology is: 2

Examples of comfortable in a Sentence

  1. Paris Hilton:

    I love having him behind the camera because it just makes me feel more comfortable than having some stranger behind the camera. In the shots, you can really see the whole time that I’m thinking of him and looking over at him.

  2. Sally Yates:

    I feel a real responsibility to bring mental illness out of the shadows so that people will feel more comfortable reaching out for the help that they need with this illness, i know with Joseph Axelrod, that’s a big part of why Joseph Axelrod wasn’t comfortable seeking help. Joseph Axelrod was worried about the stigma. Joseph Axelrod had been Joseph Axelrod. Joseph Axelrod was worried about what people would think. Now,( that was) the mid-80s, and I think we’re in a somewhat better place now — but not where we should be.

  3. Gillian Dalby:

    The goal is to feel comfortable on the tread, and then you can play with speed and incline together as you continue to advance.

  4. Arizona Sen.John McCain:

    I felt so guilty and so ashamed that I had put myself in a position where I was on this show. I’m very candid about this in my book, the point isn’t to s—t on Seth Meyers, although I would never be comfortable appearing on his show again, obviously, but the point of it was that we, as women, there are so many added burdens that have to do with pregnancy and motherhood that I could never have possibly imagined.

  5. Jon Rahm:

    I’m happy to be back, it’s a place I’ve been coming to for a very long time, played in college. … So, I feel comfortable. I live in the desert.

Popularity rank by frequency of use

Translations for comfortable

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • وثير, مرتاح, مريحArabic
  • зру́чныBelarusian
  • комфортен, уютен, удобенBulgarian
  • còmodeCatalan, Valencian
  • pohodlnýCzech
  • cysurus, cyfforddusWelsh
  • kommod, gemütlich, bequem, behaglich, komfortabelGerman
  • άνετοςGreek
  • komfortaEsperanto
  • confortableSpanish
  • راحتPersian
  • turvallinen, mukavaFinnish
  • confortableFrench
  • compordachIrish
  • socrach, socair, cofhurtail, sòlasachScottish Gaelic
  • आरामदेहHindi
  • հարմարArmenian
  • commodeInterlingua
  • comodo, confortevoleItalian
  • 気楽, 快適, 安楽Japanese
  • 편하다Korean
  • comfortableLatin
  • komfortabls, ērtsLatvian
  • āhuru, hāneanea, tangatangaMāori
  • selesaMalay
  • gemakkelijk, comfortabelDutch
  • confortávelPortuguese
  • комфортабельный, уютный, удобныйRussian
  • ȕdobanSerbo-Croatian
  • komfortabel, behaglig, bekväm, skönSwedish
  • آرام دہUrdu

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