Word that means better than others

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Some people understand the non-verbal language better than others.

В то же самое время одни люди понимают невербальный язык лучше других.

People hear some frequencies better than others.

Часто это мешает человеку слышать одни частоты лучше других.

And they do it better than others.

Of those who do, some will succeed better than others.

И правильно, что будут отмечаться те, кому это удается лучше остальных.

Maybe she feels better than others.

Nonetheless, certain calcium-rich foods are better than others for individuals with diabetes.

Тем не менее, некоторые продукты, богатые кальцием, лучше других для людей с диабетом.

The goal is to be better than others.

Цель, таким образом, заключается в том, чтобы быть лучше других.

Stop thinking you’re better than others.

Being better than others at something.

Some product categories fit better than others for this purpose.

Certain yoga poses are better than others for your bone health.

Some solar cycles are better than others.

Some were better than others, and he just started experimenting.

Some work better than others, your mileage may vary.

Есть некоторые, которые платят больше, чем другие, и их вознаграждение варьируется.

Some managed that better than others.

Money evolves to reduce barter costs, with some things working better than others.

Деньги появляются, чтобы уменьшить издержки бартера, так как некоторые вещи работают лучше, чем другие.

Some foods are better than others for satisfying your hunger.

Некоторые пищевые продукты намного лучше, чем другие подходят для утоления голода.

They consider themselves very good and better than others.

Health research and experience confirm that some measures work better than others.

Исследования и накопленный опыт в области здравоохранения подтверждают, что некоторые меры являются более эффективными, чем другие.

At least, better than others.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат better than others

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What is a word for comparing two things but suggesting one is better than the other?

For example: John verbally compares a and b but hints that a is superior.

With what word would I replace compares so I can get rid of the second clause?

asked Sep 15, 2014 at 1:50

Vedaad Shakib's user avatar


Consider extol (or extoll)

to praise highly; laud

While extol does not require a comparison, it suggests an extensive praising that usually includes a detailed exposition of the value of the praised object.

He extolled a over b.

The suggestion is that he waxed eloquent as to why a is better than b. A comparison may be implied.

answered Sep 15, 2014 at 14:01

bib's user avatar


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I’m not aware of a word that means exactly what you’re looking for. Contrasting focuses on the differences between options A and B, and is often used when one is preferable to the other and you’re trying to highlight why. But it’s not always so — you can contrast ‘night’ and ‘day’ without implying one is better than the other.

answered Sep 15, 2014 at 2:09

Lynn's user avatar


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«John favo(u)rably compares A {with / to} B».

answered Sep 15, 2014 at 2:22

Erik Kowal's user avatar

Erik KowalErik Kowal

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∙ 13y ago

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Generally, you would be thinking of the word «superior». But in
what way? Depending on the issue, you could mean smarter, prettier,
faster, stronger, wealthier…

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People also asked

What is another word for “better”? Following is a list of synonyms for “better” in English with helpful example sentences and ESL pictures. Learn other words to use instead of “better” to enhance your English vocabulary.

Better Synonym

Better Definition and Examples

Meaning of “Better”:

The word “better” can be used as a verb, noun, adverb or adjective. When used as a verb, the word better means to improve something. When used as a noun, the word better means that one object is of higher quality than another or that one’s social status is of higher quality. When used as an adverb, the word better means something or someone is more effective. When used as an adjective, the word better means that something is made from a material of a higher quality or means that someone is feeling less ill.


  • When I was having a rough day, my mother would always tell me that tomorrow would be better than today.
  • A week ago I was sick as a dog, but today I feel so much better.
  • They say it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.

Other Words for “Better”

Often-used synonyms for “Better”. 

Learn 14 common synonyms for better in English.

  • Improved
  • More attractively
  • Healthier
  • Extraordinary
  • Surpassing
  • An improvement on something
  • So much the better
  • Preferable
  • Inferior
  • To a greater degree
  • More completely
  • In a superior way
  • Improving
  • Stronger

Big list of 110+ different words to use instead of “Better”.

  • Above
  • Advance
  • All right
  • Alright
  • Ameliorate
  • Amend
  • An improvement on something
  • Best
  • Better off
  • Bigger
  • Biggest
  • Boost
  • Choice
  • Cool
  • Correct
  • Cure
  • Dominant
  • Easier
  • Eminent
  • Enhance
  • Enhance the effectiveness
  • Enhance the efficiency
  • Enhanced
  • Exceed
  • Excel
  • Extraordinary
  • Fine
  • Finer
  • Finest
  • Further
  • Get better
  • Good
  • Great
  • Greater
  • Greater extent
  • Greatest
  • Happen
  • Heal
  • Healthier
  • Hear
  • Help
  • Higher
  • Highest
  • Improve
  • Improve efficiency
  • Improve the effectiveness
  • Improve the efficiency
  • Improved
  • Improvement
  • Improving
  • In a superior way
  • Increase
  • Increase efficiency
  • Increase the effectiveness
  • Increase the efficiency
  • Increased
  • Increasing
  • Inferior
  • Larger
  • Largest
  • Leading
  • Major
  • Make
  • Master
  • Maximum
  • Maybe
  • Meliorate
  • More
  • More appropriate
  • More attractively
  • More comfortable
  • More completely
  • More effective
  • More effectively
  • More efficient
  • More so
  • Most
  • Much better
  • Nice
  • Nicer
  • Nicest
  • Often
  • Okay
  • Outdo
  • Outstrip
  • Over
  • Predominant
  • Preferable
  • Preferably
  • Preferred
  • Raise
  • Rather
  • Recover
  • Refine
  • Right
  • Senior
  • So much the better
  • Strengthen
  • Stronger
  • Superior
  • Supreme
  • Surpass
  • Surpassing
  • To a greater degree
  • Top
  • Transcend
  • Understanding
  • Upgrade
  • Uppermost
  • Very best
  • Well

Better Synonyms Infographic

Another Word for Better | List of 110+ Synonyms for "Better" in EnglishPin

Better Synonyms with Examples

Learn another word for “better” with example sentences.

  • Improved

The building needs improved security and lighting.

  • More attractively

Their products are presented more attractively.

  • Healthier

Vegetable fats are healthier than animal fats.

  • Extraordinary

It’s extraordinary that he managed to sleep through the party.

  • Surpassing

The actress possessed surpassing beauty.

  • An improvement on something

Today’s weather is an improvement on yesterday’s.

  • So much the better

If they lose their way, so much the better for us.

  • Preferable

For this dish, fresh herbs and garlic are preferable.

  • Inferior

The cassettes were of inferior quality.

  • To a greater degree

Tanks, to a greater degree than APCs, embodied the strengths and weaknesses of armored vehicles.

  • More completely

Second, descriptions help your readers take in your message more completely.

  • In a superior way

You have little chance of consistently interpreting information in a superior way.

  • Improving

The doctors say she is improving.

  • Stronger

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

Synonyms for “Better” with Examples | Infographic

Another Word for Better | List of 110+ Synonyms for "Better" in EnglishPin

Last Updated on December 21, 2020

better than — перевод на русский

No, better than that.

Нет, лучше по-другому.

-Father knows it better than I do.

— Папа знает ее лучше.

I know your routine better than you do yourself.

Я знаю твои мысли лучше тебя самого.

— But they couldn’t be better than us.

— Но мы лучше.

Maybe this wood is better than this wood!

Но может быть, это лучше этого!

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Something you love better than me… though you may not know it.

То, что ты любишь больше меня хотя и не осознаёшь этого.

I know better than you.

— Я знаю больше тебя.

He’s batting. 342, can’t do any better than that.

Он в ударе. 342, больше никто не выбьет.

well I, I reckon this here suits me better than anything fancy.

Я думаю, что это мне подходит больше.

I understand these people better than you.

Я понимаю этих людей больше тебя.

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Kiss me better than that.

Целуй получше.

— I can tell a better one than that. — You couldn’t.

— Могу рассказать и получше.

Can’t you do any better than that? That’s all you think about, Lazy Legs, hmm?

А можно получше?

Oh, you can do better than that.

Сделай что-нибудь получше.

You’d think she’d do better than this for her own niece.

Для племянницы она могла бы выбрать что-нибудь получше.

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Sleep will do you more good than anything else.

— Сон — лучшее лекарство. Да, да, любимый.

Semi-final time was. 3 better than yours, Gary.

В полуфинале он показал лучшее время, чем ты, Гэри.


Это лучшее, что вы можете сделать!

Come on, you could do better than that.

Ну же, вы способны на лучшее…

Better than anything we’ve got so far.

Это лучший из ныне найденных! Почти невредимый!

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It’s better than that.

Это гораздо лучше!

You knew him better than I did.

Ты знал его гораздо лучше.

No, better than that: ’21 ‘.

Гораздо лучше, с доставкой на дом.

If I could make my people realize that things like this are better than all the guns in the world…

Если бы я могла заставить свой народ понять, что это гораздо лучше, чем всё оружие в мире…

— Oh, you can do better than that.

— Что ты, гораздо лучше.

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A Yankee farmer’s as good and maybe better than any Dutchman on the Hudson River.

Фермер янки ничуть не хуже какого-то голландца с Гудзона.

Let’s just be happy that they’re better than most.

Будем счастливы уже оттого, что они не хуже других.

But you have no guarantee that I won’t blackmail you… or, better than that, go to the police.

Но вы не можете гарантировать, что и я не буду вас шантажировать или, хуже того, не пойду в полицию.

I’m sure you already know even better than I do myself.

Вы, должно быть, знаете об этом не хуже меня.

They fight no better than your men did, Merikus.

Они дерутся не хуже твоих людей, Мерикус. Может, даже хуже.

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True, I’m a merchant, and you’re better than me.

Я торговец, хорошо, и ты намного лучше меня.

Better than fucking cakes any day, hmm?

Намного лучше, чем пиздить кексы, да?

And I’m a lot better than I was.

И мне уже намного лучше.

Oh, better than that!

Намного лучше!

— Because I know him too and probably a lot better than you.

— Потому что я тоже его знаю… -…и, возможно, намного лучше тебя.

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It seems to me you can do a little better than that. Maybe.

Мне кажется, вы могли бы ответить более развернуто.

Shortly before dawn… the Tiger Shark, running submerged at better than 30 knots… had left the sound behind… and was headed for open sea.

Перед самым рассветом атомная подлодка «Тигровая акула» погрузилась под воду, и со скоростью более 30 узлов, абсолютно бесшумно направилась в открытое море.

As you see, we’re coping. My three young engineers are better than the French.

Два-три молодых инженера, более способных, чем французы…

You’ll have to do better than that, Doctor.

Тебе придется быть более убедительным, чем он, Доктор.

All told, he blew town with better than $370,000 of Warden Norton’s money.

В общем, он покинул город… с более $370,000 долларов, ринадлежащих начальнику Нортону.

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I’ll do better than give you instructions.

Я дам тебе больше, чем просто инструкции.

That’d be much better than being blanked out forever.

Это ведь намного лучше, чем просто выключиться навсегда.

War doesn’t mean shooting better than the others.

Война — ето ведь не просто, кто кого перестреляет.

And now look at me, just a little better than wicked.

А теперь посмотри на меня. Я просто воплощение порока.

R2-D2, you know better than to trust a strange computer.

R2-D2, ты же не так прост, чтобы доверять незнакомому компьютеру.

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You got to do better than that!

Тебе придется придумать что-нибудь получше этого!

If you can’t do any better than that, kid, you’re going to lose.

Если ты не можешь придумать что-нибудь получше… ты проиграешь!

I know better than that.

Придумай что-нибудь получше.

Oh, you can do better than that, Jenny.

Ох, могла бы и получше придумать, Дженни.

You can do better than that, Doctor.

Мог бы придумать что-нибудь получше, Доктор.

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