Word that have the prefix semi

Words with the prefix semi-

The prefixsemi-, of Latin origin, it is used to indicate «intermediate situation», «almost» or «half of something». For example: semicircle (half a circle), semiquaver (half an eighth note).

It is related to the prefix hemi- which also means «half» or «half of», but of Greek origin.

How do you spell the prefix semi-?

Like all prefixes, semi- is written together with the accompanying word and the separation by space or script.

Joined to words that begin with a vowel I

As with the prefix anti-, the prefix semi- ends in a weak vowel: the letter I.

If the word that accompanies the semi- prefix begins with a vowel I, it is correct to duplicate this vowel I, forming a double I (II). For example: semiiInflatable. It is also correct to suppress an I: semiInflatable.

However, the spelling may allow the simplification of one of the vowels I as long as its meaning is not altered. For example: the word semiilegal You could not delete a vowel I since, in this example, it would completely change its meaning:

semiilegal(something that is almost illegal), semilegal (something that is almost legal).

Attached to a word that begins with R

In the event that the semi- prefix accompanies a word that begins with the letter R, it is necessary to duplicate this letter and form a double R (RR). For example: semirrfiery

Examples of words with the prefix semi-

  1. Semi open: Something that is half open. That is, half open and half closed.
  2. Semiautomatic: That it is not completely automatic but has certain automatic functions but not all.
  3. Semi-demeanor: Smooth rise in intonation of a phrase at the end of the phrase.
  4. Semi-hot: Something that is warm, that is, neither too hot nor cold.
  5. Semi-tired: That you are partially tired or fatigued.
  6. Semi-closed: That it is half closed but not completely.
  7. Half cylinder: Body that is made up of half a circle.
  8. Semicircle: Half a circle.
  9. Semicircumference: Half of a circumference.
  10. Semi-cooked: Something that is not fully cooked.
  11. Semiconductor: Which conducts partially, less than certain conductors and more than insulators.
  12. Semiconsonant: Vowel that is located at the beginning of a diphthong.
  13. Semiquaver: Rhythmic figure that is equal to half an eighth note.
  14. Semi-covered: Which is partially covered.
  15. Half naked: Which is partially or moderately naked.
  16. Half destroyed: Which was partially destroyed.
  17. Semidiameter: Each of the two parts of a diameter that are separated by the center.
  18. Semi-deceased: Almost deceased.
  19. Semi diffuse: Something almost fuzzy.
  20. Demigod: That he does not become a god.
  21. Half asleep: That he is partially asleep.
  22. Semisweet: Which is mildly sweet.
  23. Hemisphere: Half sphere.
  24. Semifinal: Instance before a final.
  25. Semi-fuzzy: It is a rhythmic musical figure that is equal in time to half a fusa.
  26. Demihuman: That it has human features but that it does not get to be.
  27. Semi-conscious: That he is almost unconscious.
  28. Semi-independent: Which is partially independent.
  29. Semi-inflatable: Object that can be partially inflated.
  30. Semilunio: Half the time it takes the moon to pass from one conjunction to the other.
  31. Pre-owned: That it is not completely new, that is to say that it has very little use.
  32. Medium heavy: Which is moderately heavy.
  33. Semiplane: Which results from the division by a line that crosses the middle of said plane.
  34. Semi-professional: That it does not become professional.
  35. Ray: Which is a partial line.
  36. Semirigid: That it does not have absolute rigidity.
  37. Semi dry: That it is moderately dry.
  38. Semitone: Term used in music that indicates an interval that corresponds to half a tone.
  39. Semitransparent: Which is partially transparent.
  40. Semi-alive: Half alive.

(!) Exceptions

Not all words that begin with semi-syllables correspond to this prefix. There are some exceptions:

  • Seminar: Group of activities carried out by teachers and students and that revolve around an activity with the aim of instructing them in a specific subject.
  • Semiotics: Science that studies the signs.

The prefix semi is commonly used in the English language to indicate partiality or incompleteness. It is derived from the Latin word “semi,” which means half. The addition of semi to a word can change its meaning, creating new words that are frequently used in everyday language.

The prefix semi- is used to mean “partial” or “somewhat” in words like “semicircle” or “semi-conscious.” Example: “The patient was semi-conscious after the surgery, but still unable to speak.”

In this blog post, we will explore the various meanings and uses of the prefix semi and provide examples of how it can alter the meaning of a word.

You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the prefix semi- and maybe find new ways to use it in your own English conversations. Plus, you can find a free Prefix Semi- Word List PDF download at the end of this post.

Table of Contents

  • The Prefix Semi- Meaning 
    • Prefixes and Hyphens (-)
  • The Prefix Semi- Real Examples 
  • The Prefix Semi- Frequently Asked Questions 
    • What is the origin of the prefix semi?
    • How does the prefix Semi- vary across different languages?
  • Prefix Semi- 10-page PDF Word List

The Prefix Semi- Meaning 

The prefix semi- is used in adjectives and nouns to mean partly or half.  Semi-conscious means partly conscious. A semicircle is half a circle. 

semi_2 prefix OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com 

Prefixes and Hyphens (-)

How can I tell if my prefix word needs a hyphen or not? That’s a great question, even for native English speakers. Hyphens are things we only need to worry about in written English, in English conversation we can’t see hyphens.

Sometimes we need to send an email so we want to use the correct spelling in our message. Here is a basic guide to using hyphens (-).

According to Grammar Monster: 

Most prefixed words can be written with or without a hyphen after the prefix.


So there is some freedom in our choice to use a hyphen or not. Our goal is to communicate our ideas clearly to our conversation partners, here are a few guidelines to help you achieve that goal in your English writing. 

  1. The prefixes- ex- and self- will always use a hyphen.
    1. Ex-wifeSelf-evaluation
  1. Break up matching vowels. This makes your message clear. This applies to prefixes that end in a vowel like CO- and DE-
    1. De-escalateCo-opt
  1. If the vowels don’t match we can usually leave out the hyphen
    1. Deactivate (No hyphen is ok.)
  2. Be careful if your prefix word looks the exactly the same or similar to another word. Adding a hyphen makes your meaning clear.
    1. For example re-cover means to cover again – The verb recover means to get well again after being ill, hurt, etc. (Using a hyphen is necessary to make the meaning of your word clear.) 
  3. Still not sure? Trust your spell checker! I use Grammarly. You can download the FREE version here: Grammarly

My choice to write the word with or without a hyphen (-) is random. Both spellings are usually fine.

Semi-annual: occurring twice a year, every six months. (I found examples of semiannual written with and without a hyphen)
The company’s board meetings are held on a semi-annual basis.
The company’s budget is reviewed on a semiannual basis.

Semi-arid: a climate or region that receives very little rainfall, but not as little as a desert.
The semi-arid region is prone to droughts and water scarcity.

The Prefix semi - semi-arrid

Most semi-arid areas usually have very little rainfall throughout the year.

Semi-automatic: a firearm that requires a trigger pull for each round fired, but uses some of the energy from firing to automate reloading.
The soldier keeps his semi-automatic rifle clean and ready for action.

Semi-detached: a type of housing where two separate dwellings share a common wall.
The new family moved into the semi-detached house next door.

Semi-final: a competition in which the winners will advance to the final round.
The team won their semi-final match and advanced to the championship game.

Semi-precious: referring to gems or stones that are not as rare or valuable as precious stones like diamonds.
She loves to wear jewelry made of semi-precious stones like amethyst and turquoise.

Semi-skilled: having some training or ability in a particular job or trade, but not fully qualified or experienced. (I found examples of semiskilled written with and without a hyphen)
The company hired semi-skilled workers to perform basic assembly line tasks.
The construction worker was semiskilled, able to perform basic tasks like framing and roofing but not qualified to do electrical or plumbing work.

Semi-sweet: referring to a taste that is only slightly sweet.
The dessert had a perfect balance of semi-sweet chocolate and tart cherries.

The Prefix semi - semi-sweet

I like semi-sweet chocolate. Dark chocolate is bitter and milk chocolate is too sweet for me.

Semi-trailer: a type of trailer that is attached to a truck tractor and is designed to carry freight without a front axle.
The truck driver hitched the semi-trailer to the tractor and set off on the highway.

Semi-tropical: referring to a climate or region that is moderately warm and humid, but not as hot as a tropical climate. (I found examples of semitropical written with and without a hyphen)
The resort is located in a semi-tropical climate that offers warm weather and cool breezes.
The region had a semitropical climate, with warm temperatures and occasional tropical storms.

Semi-weekly: occurring twice a week, every other day or twice in a week.
The newspaper publishes semi-weekly editions on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Semiautonomous: partially self-governing, having some degree of autonomy but still under the control of a larger entity.
The city has semiautonomous districts that have some control over their own local affairs.

Semi-basement: a partially below-ground level of a building, with windows above the ground level.
The storage area in the semi-basement kept the tools and equipment cool and dry.

Semibluff: a poker play in which a player with a weak hand bets as if they have a strong hand, in order to bluff their opponents.
He made a semibluff with his low pair, hoping to scare his opponent into folding.

The Prefix semi - semibluff

If I make a big bet and turn this into a semibluff I might take the pot down now.

Semicircle: a thing, or a group of people or things, like a semicircle in shape
The teacher had everyone sit in a semicircle while we listened to the story. 

Semiconscious: a state of being partially awake or aware.
The patient was semiconscious after the surgery, but still unable to speak.

Semidependent: partially dependent on someone or something else for support or care.
The elderly woman was semidependent on her caregiver for help with daily tasks.

Semidesert: a region that is partially desert, with less extreme conditions than a full desert.
The semidesert landscape was dotted with cacti and scrub vegetation.

Cacti is an irregular plural form of the noun cactus. Learn more about singular and plural nouns at my blog post: Singular and Plural nouns – 50 examples (worksheet PDF)

Semidiameter: half the diameter of a circle or sphere.
The semidiameter of the Earth is approximately 3,959 miles. (6,378.1370 km) SOURCE

The Prefix semi - semidiameter

Semidomesticated: partially tamed or domesticated, but not fully adapted to living with humans.
The stray cat was semidomesticated, showing signs of having once lived with humans but still wary of being approached.

Semifictional: partially based on real events or people, but with fictional elements added.
The movie was semifictional, telling the story of a real-life celebrity but embellishing some of the details for dramatic effect.

Semiflexible: partially flexible, able to bend or adapt to some degree but not completely pliable.
The semiflexible plastic tubing was perfect for use in plumbing, as it could bend around obstacles but still maintain its strength.

Semifluid: partially fluid, having some fluidity but not completely liquid.
Some of the lower levels of the Earth are made of semifluid liquid rock. 

Semiformal: partially formal, having some elements of formality but not completely formal.
The dress code for the event was semiformal, allowing for some flexibility in attire but still requiring a certain level of dressiness.

The Prefix semi - semi-formal

We dress semi-formal at the office. A collared shirt without a tie is fine.

Semigloss: partially glossy, having some shine but not completely glossy.
The walls were painted with a semigloss finish, giving them a slight shine without being too reflective.

Semiofficial: partially official, having some level of authority or recognition but not completely recognized or sanctioned.
The group had a semiofficial status, with some recognition from the government but was not considered an official organization.

Semipermanent: partially permanent, lasting for an extended period but not intended to be permanent.
I work at the school on a semipermanent basis.

Semiprivate: partially private, offering some degree of privacy but not completely private.
The hospital room was semiprivate, shared with one other patient but offering a degree of privacy with a dividing curtain.

The Prefix semi - semiprivate

I had good travel insurance so I could upgrade from a semiprivate room to a private room.

Semipro / Semiprofessional: a person who is not a full-time professional, but earns money in a particular field on a part-time or occasional basis.
The soccer team had several semipro players who worked day jobs but played on the weekends.

Semiretired: partially retired, working part-time or on a reduced schedule but not fully retired.
The consultant was semiretired, working only a few days a week but still advising clients on projects.

Semisolid: partially solid, having some solidity but not completely solid.
Mayonnaise is a good example of a semisolid. It’s not completely solid but it also doesn’t flow like a liquid.

The Prefix semi - semisolid

Semitransparent: partially transparent, allowing some light to pass through but not completely transparent.
The window film was semitransparent, offering some privacy.

Semivowel: a speech sound that sounds like a vowel but functions as a consonant, for example, /w/ and /j/ in the English words wet and yet

“The words “yes” and “well” start with semivowels.”


Some of the words on this list can be referred to simply as “semi” in conversation. The full word is understood by the context of the story. 

  • “I used to live in a semi in a suburb of Toronto.”
    This means a semi-detached house. 
  • “There was a big accident on the highway, a semi rolled over and caused a huge traffic jam.”
    This means a semi-trailer rolled over. 

The plural form semis is often used to refer to the semi-final games of a sports tournament. 

  • If we win tonight we make it to the semis.

The Prefix Semi- Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the origin of the prefix semi?

The Prefix Semi- comes from Latin. It’s related to the Greek hemi-.
You may have heard the word hemisphere before, hemisphere is half of the Earth divided at the equator. We have the North and the South hemispheres

How does the use of the Prefix SEMI vary across different languages?

In English, semi- is a common prefix that is used to indicate partiality or incompleteness.

French often uses the prefix demi- to indicate partiality or incompleteness. For example, “demi-cercle” means half-circle in French, while “demi-finale” means semifinal.

In Spanish, the prefix semi- is often replaced with “medio-” or “mitad de-” to indicate partiality or incompleteness. For example, “medio círculo” means half-circle in Spanish.

In some other languages, such as German, the prefix halb- is used to indicate partiality or incompleteness. For example, “Halbkreis” means half-circle in German.

How about in your language? Share any prefixes that have the same meaning in your language in the comments

Prefix Semi- 10-page Word List PDF

Download the Word List as a printable PDF. Great for teachers to use with private or group classes. PDF contains the live links from the post.

Check out these other helpful PREFIX and SUFFIX blog posts. 

What words have the prefix semi?

10-letter words that start with semisemiannual.seminarian.semicircle.semipublic.semiformal.semiweekly.semidesert.semiliquid.

What words start with semi and mean half?

Terms in this set (9)Prefix SEMI. Partial, half.Semicircle. Half of a cirle; half rounded.Semifinal. A game or competition that comes before the final one.Semiconscious. A feeling in which you are not completely aware of your sensations.Semisweet. Semiautomatic. Semidetached. Semitropical.

What is the root word of semi?

semi- a combining form borrowed from Latin, meaning half, freely prefixed to English words of any origin, now sometimes with the senses partially, incompletely, somewhat: semiautomatic; semidetached; semimonthly; semisophisticated.

What are words that have the prefix in?

ExamplesWord= Prefix+ Steminclude= in+ cludeindependent= in+ dependentinvisible= in+ visible

What are the 10 examples of prefix?

10 Examples of PrefixesSub- Definition: under. Example Sentence: He has never seen a blue submarine in the my life.Post- Definition: postgraduate. Auto- Definition: self. Un- Definition: not. Semi- Definition: half. Mis- Definition: Wrong, wrongly. Dis- Definition: Not, opposite of. Re- Definition: Again.

What are the 20 prefixes?

Table of number prefixes in EnglishNumberLatin prefixesGreek prefixesCardinalCardinal18octodec-octo(kai)deca-, decaocto-19novemdec-, novendec-ennea(kai)deca-, decaennea-20viginti-(e)icosi-42

What is the prefix for 10 2?

PrefixesPurposePrefix NameValuesmaller quantities or sub unitsdeci10-1centi10-2milli10-3micro10-618

What are common prefixes?

The most common prefixes used to form new verbs in academic English are: re-, dis-, over-, un-, mis-, out-….Verbs.PrefixMeaningExamplesinter-betweeninteract, intermix, interfacepre-beforepre-expose, prejudge, pretestsub-under/belowsubcontract, subdividetrans-across, overtransform, transcribe, transplant11

How many types of prefixes are there?

(There are almost 50 prefix examples on the Common Prefixes page alone.) The practice exercises show ways to use them in sentences. The Negative Prefix List explains the differences between common negative prefixes.

What are the three types of prefixes?

There are three main types of affixes: prefixes, infixes, and suffixes. A prefix occurs at the beginning of a word or stem (sub-mit, pre-determine, un-willing); a suffix at the end (wonder-ful, depend-ent, act-ion); and an infix occurs in the middle.

What are the examples of prefixes?

The prefixes are: de-, dis-, ex-, im-, in-, mis-, non-, pre-, pro-, re-, un-, and uni-….Prefixes and Suffixes.PrefixMeaningExamplesde-from, down, away, reverse, oppositedecode, decreasedis-not, opposite, reverse, awaydisagree, disappearex-out of, away from, lacking, formerexhale, explosionil-notillegal, illogical8

How many prefixes are there in English?

35 Common Prefixes in English.

What are some good prefixes?

The most common prefixesprefixmeaningexamplesanti-against/opposed toanti-government, anti-racist, anti-warauto-selfautobiography, automobilede-reverse or changede-classify, decontaminate, demotivatedis-reverse or removedisagree, displeasure, disqualify24 •4 days ago

Are all prefixes Derivational?

In English, all prefixes are derivational. This contrasts with English suffixes, which may be either derivational or inflectional.

Is overdo a prefix?

A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a word. Overwork, overslept, and overdo are all words that have the prefix over- in them.

What is the prefix over?

When you add OVER- at the beginning of a word, it means too much or more than enough. In this lesson, we will look at words beginning with the prefix OVER- , such as overestimate , overhaul , override , overachieve , overkill , overrule , and more.

What overdo means?

1 : to do too much of Don’t overdo it exercising. 2 : to use too much of They overdid the decorations. 3 : to cook too long I overdid the steak.

Is over an affix?

Excessively; extra; outer; above. English over. The form has several of the senses of the preposition over and appears in a very large number of compounds that can be nouns, adjectives, verbs, or adverbs.

What does overburdened mean?

When you give someone too much to carry, you overburden them. I don’t want you to overburden yourself” There’s also a figurative way to overburden another person, by pressuring them or making them work too hard: “If the budget cuts go through and school aides are laid off, it will overburden teachers.” …

Do all words have affixes?

Many new words are formed by adding an affix to the beginning or end of a Latin or Greek root or root word. When affixes are added to the beginning of roots or root words, they are called prefixes For example, the most common prefix is un-, which meant not oropposite of.

What words have the prefix semi?

10-letter words that start with semi

  • semiannual.
  • seminarian.
  • semicircle.
  • semipublic.
  • semiformal.
  • semiweekly.
  • semidesert.
  • semiliquid.

What is a prefix for semi?

Semi- is a prefix that means half, partially or almost. Semi- may also mean something that occurs twice within a specific amount of time. The prefix semi- is derived from the Latin semi- which means half. Most often, English words are constructed from words and word roots within the same foundation language.

What is another word for semi?

Semi Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for semi?

semi-trailer 18-wheeler
artic articulated lorry
big rig juggernaut
semi-trailer truck tractor-trailer
truck and trailer eighteen-wheeler

How do you use the word semi?

Semi sentence example

  1. The winners of the semi finals will move to the final where the losers will play in the third place play off.
  2. This is a semi evergreen – will come through a mild winter without too much trouble.
  3. Local Members were on hand with their cars arranged in a semi circle for the photo call on the lawn.

What is a semi sexually?

Simply put, demisexuals are people who identify as needing to feel a strong emotional connection with someone in order to feel any sexual attraction to them. While demisexuality technically falls under the asexuality umbrella, it’s the middle ground between having no interest in sex and being able to have it casually.

What does semi mean in Japanese?

volume_up. 半ば {noun} semi (also: half, middle)

What does the name Semi mean?

God do u favour

What does semi Good mean?

semi-finished goods are goods, such as partly finished goods, used as inputs in the production of other goods including final goods. A firm may make and then use intermediate goods, or make and then sell, or buy then use them. A firm may make and then use intermediate goods, or make and then sell, or buy then use them.

Is Semi a name?

se-mi, sem-i ] The baby boy name Semi is pronounced as SEHMiy †. Semi’s language of origin is Turkish and it is predominantly used in the Arabic language. Semi is a variation of Semih (Arabic and Turkish). Semi is an infrequently used baby name for boys.

What does semi annual mean?

Semiannual is an adjective that describes something that is paid, reported, published, or otherwise takes place twice each year, typically once every six months.

What does a semi mean in slang?

(informal) A semifinal. (slang) A partial erection.

What does it mean if a boy has a semi?

Definition of semi a partially erect penis.

What does a semi hard on mean?

: moderately hard specifically : that can be cut with little difficulty.

What is a semi in the UK?

A semi-detached house (often abbreviated to semi) is a single family duplex dwelling house that shares one common wall with the next house. The name distinguishes this style of house from detached houses, with no shared walls, and terraced houses, with a shared wall on both sides.

What is semi detached house in UK?

What is a semi-detached house? A semi-detached house, like an end-of-terrace property, shares a single side wall with another home. Unlike the end-of-terrace house, though, a semi is connected to another single dwelling, built as a pair, as opposed to a large row of houses.

What are 3 houses joined together called?

Most people when they think of semi detached think of just two houses joined together, but I suppose if there were three houses joined together you could call the end two semi detached. Mostly people think of end terrace as quite afew houses joined together and the ones on the end are end terraces.

Why is it called a semi truck?

Semi-trucks get their name from the giant trailers they tow behind them. As the trailers have no front wheels and can only be moved when attached to the truck, they’re called “semi-trailers.” The name semi-truck was adapted over time and is now what most Americans refer to them as.

What is the difference between a truck and a semi truck?

What’s The Difference Between a Semi Truck and 18 Wheeler? Semi-truck refers to the actual truck or tractor, which contains the engine. Semi-trucks can run on its own without a hauling a semi-trailer. 18-wheeler refers to the combination of a semi-truck and semi-trailer.

Why do they call it an 18 wheeler?

Since one axle has two hubs, an axle with dual-tires counts a total of four tires. So in the colloquial term “18-wheeler”, the word “wheel” here means “wheel rim”. An 18-wheeler has a total of (2+4+4)+(4+4)=18 wheel rims, and hence 18 tires.

What is the oldest semi truck?

The motor truck concept languished until the invention of the internal combustion engine in the middle of the nineteenth century boosted its potential. Cleveland horseless carriage maker Alexander Winton is widely credited with inventing the semi-truck in 1898, and sold his first manufactured semi-truck in 1899.

What is the best engine for a semi truck?

Here are our top 10 choices of semi truck engines in no particular order:

  • C15 Cat – the C15 and C16 Caterpillar diesel engines were workhorses.
  • C16 Cat.
  • 60 Series Detroit – These Detroit engines are the only ‘newer’ diesel engine in the best semi truck engines.
  • DD 15.

What is the best brand of semi truck?

Top 7 Best Semi-Truck Brands

  • VOLVO.
  • Mack.

Which is better Peterbilt or Kenworth?

Among other trucks, both Peterbilt, Ken worth is considered as the most desirable rigs. As Peterbilt is popular among the trucks and the Kenworth is more affordable for the truckers….Peterbilt or Kenworth: Which Truck Manufacturer is Better?

Features Kenworth Peterbilt
Brand Premium brand of the trucking world One of the superior brands of big rigs.

Which is the most reliable semi-truck?

5 Best Semi Trucks for Truck Drivers

  • Freightliner. Every list of the best semi-trucks that’s worth its salt has to include Freightliners.
  • Peterbilt. Open roads stretching ahead of you, a powerful rig beneath you, and a classic look that you just can’t beat: that is the legacy of a Peterbilt.
  • Kenworth.
  • Volvo.
  • International.

What is the most comfortable semi-truck?

The Freightliner Cascadia. Take a tour of the most comfortable heavy duty truck on the road today, the Cascadia. This has countless comforts for drivers, from easy-to-turn handles and knobs to wider doors that allow drivers to easily enter and exit the truck.


Peter Berry

Date Of Creation:

16 February 2021

Update Date:

13 April 2023

Vocabulary Lesson: The Prefix SEMI-

Video: Vocabulary Lesson: The Prefix SEMI-


  • How do you spell the prefix semi-?
  • Examples of words prefixed semi-

The prefixsemi-, of origin from Latin, it is used to indicate “intermediate situation”, “almost” or “half of something”. For example: semicircle (half a circle), semiquaver (half an eighth note).

It is related to the prefix hemi- which also means «half» or «half of», but of Greek origin.

  • See also: Prefixes

How do you spell the prefix semi-?

Like any prefix, semi- is written together with the accompanying word and the separation by space or hyphen is not correct.

Linked to words that begin with a vowel I

As with the prefix anti-, the prefix semi- ends in a weak vowel: the letter I.

If the word that accompanies the prefix semi- begins with a vowel I, it is correct to duplicate this vowel I, forming a double I (II). For example: semiiInflatable. It is also correct to suppress an I: semiInflatable.

However, the spelling may allow the simplification of one of the vowels I as long as its meaning is not altered. For example: the word semiilegal you couldn’t delete a vowel I since, in this example, it would completely change its meaning: semiilegal (something that is almost illegal), semilegal (something that is almost legal).

Attached to a word that begins with R

In the case that the semi- prefix accompanies a word that begins with the letter R, it is necessary to duplicate this letter and form a double R (RR). For example: semirrcold

Examples of words prefixed semi-

  1. Semi open: Something that is half open. That is, half open and half closed.
  2. Semiautomatic: Which is not completely automatic but has certain automatic functions but not all.
  3. Semi-demeanor: Smooth rise in intonation of a phrase at the end of the phrase.
  4. Semi-hot: Something that is warm, that is, neither very hot nor cold.
  5. Semi-tired: That you are partially tired or fatigued.
  6. Semi-closed: That it is half closed but not completely.
  7. Half cylinder: Body that is made up of half a circle.
  8. Semicircle: Half a circle.
  9. Semicircumference: Half of a circumference.
  10. Semi-cooked: Something that is not fully cooked.
  11. Semiconductor: Which conducts partially, less than certain conductors and more than insulators.
  12. Semiconsonant: Vowel that is located at the beginning of a diphthong.
  13. Semiquaver: Rhythmic figure that is equivalent to half an eighth note.
  14. Semi-covered: Which is partially covered.
  15. Half naked: That is partially or moderately naked.
  16. Half destroyed: Which was partially destroyed.
  17. Semidiameter: Each of the two parts of a diameter that are separated by the center.
  18. Semi-deceased: Almost deceased.
  19. Semi diffuse: Something almost diffuse.
  20. Demigod: That he does not become a god.
  21. Half asleep: That he is partially asleep.
  22. Semisweet: Which is mildly sweet.
  23. Hemisphere: Half sphere.
  24. Semifinal: Instance before a final.
  25. Semi-fuzzy: It is a musical rhythmic figure that is equal in time to half a fusa.
  26. Demihuman: That it has human features but that it is not.
  27. Semi-conscious: That he is almost unconscious.
  28. Semi-independent: Which is partially independent.
  29. Semi-inflatable: Object that can be partially inflated.
  30. Semilunio: Half the time it takes for the moon to pass from one conjunction to the other.
  31. Pre-owned: That it is not completely new, that is to say that it has very little use.
  32. Medium heavy: Which is moderately heavy.
  33. Semiplane: Which results from the division by a line that crosses the middle of said plane.
  34. Semi-professional: That it does not become professional.
  35. Ray: Which is a partial line.
  36. Semirigid: That does not have absolute rigidity.
  37. Semi dry: That it is moderately dry.
  38. Semitone: Term used in music that indicates an interval that corresponds to half a tone.
  39. Semitransparent: Which is partially transparent.
  40. Semi-alive: Half alive.

(!) Exceptions

Not all words that begin with semi-syllables correspond to this prefix. There are some exceptions:

  • Seminar: Group of activities carried out by teachers and students and which revolve around an activity with the aim of instructing them in a specific subject.
  • Semiotics: Science that studies the signs.
  • See also: Prefixes and suffixes


Words Starting With Semi Prefix

This is a comprehensive words list for words that start with Semi. The prefix Semi is one of the most common prefixes in English. We found 230 words starting with Semi. We searched a database of 182 000 words for results. All answers are official Scrabble words that can be used in the game.

Words That Start With Semi By Letter Count

  • 4 Letter Words That Start With Semi
  • 5 Letter Words That Start With Semi
  • 6 Letter Words That Start With Semi
  • 7 Letter Words That Start With Semi
  • 8 Letter Words That Start With Semi
  • 9 Letter Words That Start With Semi
  • 10 Letter Words That Start With Semi
  • 11 Letter Words That Start With Semi
  • 12 Letter Words That Start With Semi
  • 13 Letter Words That Start With Semi
  • 14 Letter Words That Start With Semi
  • 15 Letter Words That Start With Semi

4 Letter Words Starting With Semi

  • Semi

5 Letter Words Starting With Semi

  • Semis

6 Letter Words Starting With Semi

  • Semina

7 Letter Words Starting With Semi

  • Semidry
  • Semifit
  • Semilog
  • Semimat
  • Seminal
  • Seminar
  • Semipro
  • Semiraw
  • Semises

8 Letter Words Starting With Semi

  • Semiarid
  • Semibald
  • Semicoma
  • Semideaf
  • Semidome
  • Semigala
  • Semihard
  • Semihigh
  • Semihobo
  • Semillon
  • Semimatt
  • Semimild
  • Semimute
  • Seminars
  • Seminary
  • Seminoma
  • Seminude
  • Semiopen
  • Semioses
  • Semiosis
  • Semiotic
  • Semioval
  • Semipros
  • Semisoft
  • Semitist
  • Semitone
  • Semiwild

9 Letter Words Starting With Semi

  • Semiangle
  • Semibreve
  • Semicolon
  • Semicomas
  • Semicured
  • Semideify
  • Semidomed
  • Semidomes
  • Semidwarf
  • Semierect
  • Semifinal
  • Semifluid
  • Semigloss
  • Semigroup
  • Semihobos
  • Semillons
  • Semilunar
  • Semimatte
  • Semimetal
  • Semimicro
  • Semimoist
  • Seminally
  • Seminomad
  • Seminomas
  • Semiology
  • Semiotics
  • Semipious
  • Semirigid
  • Semiround
  • Semirural
  • Semisolid
  • Semistiff
  • Semisweet
  • Semitists
  • Semitonal
  • Semitones
  • Semitonic
  • Semitruck
  • Semiurban
  • Semivowel
  • Semiworks

10 Letter Words Starting With Semi

  • Semiangles
  • Semiannual
  • Semibreves
  • Semicircle
  • Semicolons
  • Semicolony
  • Semidesert
  • Semidivine
  • Semidrying
  • Semidwarfs
  • Semifeudal
  • Semifinals
  • Semifitted
  • Semifluids
  • Semiformal
  • Semigroups
  • Semihoboes
  • Semilethal
  • Semiliquid
  • Semimetals
  • Seminarian
  • Seminaries
  • Seminarist
  • Seminomads
  • Seminomata
  • Seminudity
  • Semiopaque
  • Semipostal
  • Semipublic
  • Semiquaver
  • Semirounds
  • Semisacred
  • Semisecret
  • Semisolids
  • Semitropic
  • Semitrucks
  • Semivowels
  • Semiweekly
  • Semiyearly

11 Letter Words Starting With Semi

  • Semiaquatic
  • Semiaridity
  • Semicircles
  • Semiclassic
  • Semideified
  • Semideifies
  • Semideserts
  • Semidiurnal
  • Semidwarves
  • Semiglosses
  • Semilethals
  • Semiliquids
  • Semimonthly
  • Seminarians
  • Seminarists
  • Seminatural
  • Seminomadic
  • Semiologies
  • Semiologist
  • Semiotician
  • Semioticist
  • Semipopular
  • Semipostals
  • Semiprivate
  • Semiquavers
  • Semiretired
  • Semishrubby
  • Semiskilled
  • Semitonally
  • Semitrailer
  • Semitropics

12 Letter Words Starting With Semi

  • Semiabstract
  • Semiannually
  • Semiarboreal
  • Semicircular
  • Semiclassics
  • Semicolonial
  • Semicolonies
  • Semidarkness
  • Semideifying
  • Semidetached
  • Semidiameter
  • Semidominant
  • Semifinalist
  • Semifinished
  • Semiflexible
  • Semiliterate
  • Semilustrous
  • Semimetallic
  • Semimonastic
  • Semimystical
  • Seminiferous
  • Seminudities
  • Semiofficial
  • Semiological
  • Semiologists
  • Semioticians
  • Semioticists
  • Semipalmated
  • Semiparasite
  • Semiprecious
  • Semitrailers
  • Semitropical
  • Semiweeklies

13 Letter Words Starting With Semi

  • Semiaridities
  • Semiautomatic
  • Semicivilized
  • Semiclassical
  • Semiconductor
  • Semiconscious
  • Semidiameters
  • Semiempirical
  • Semievergreen
  • Semifinalists
  • Semilegendary
  • Semiliterates
  • Semimonthlies
  • Semiparasites
  • Semiparasitic
  • Semipermanent
  • Semipermeable
  • Semipolitical
  • Semiporcelain
  • Semireligious
  • Semisedentary
  • Semisynthetic
  • Semitonically

14 Letter Words Starting With Semi

  • Semiautomatics
  • Semiautonomous
  • Semicentennial
  • Semicommercial
  • Semiconducting
  • Semiconductors
  • Semidarknesses
  • Semiofficially
  • Semiologically
  • Semiporcelains
  • Semiretirement

15 Letter Words Starting With Semi

  • Semiabstraction
  • Semicentennials
  • Semicolonialism
  • Semicrystalline
  • Semicylindrical
  • Semidocumentary
  • Semilogarithmic
  • Semipornography
  • Semiretirements
  • Semisubmersible
  • Semiterrestrial
  • Semitranslucent
  • Semitransparent

Table of Contents

  1. Which root means one half?
  2. What does semicircle mean?
  3. What is semi short for?
  4. Is Semi a prefix or suffix?
  5. Is Semi a suffix?
  6. Why is Hemi not semi?
  7. How do you use the word semi?
  8. What does semi mean in Japanese?
  9. Why is it called a semi truck?
  10. What is a semi truck called in England?
  11. What is the difference between a truck and a semi truck?
  12. Why do they call it an 18 wheeler?
  13. What is the official name for a semi truck?
  14. Can you call a truck a rig?
  15. Is 18 wheeler a Southern term?
  16. Why are semi trailers 53 feet long?
  17. Is buying a semi truck worth it?
  18. What is the best semi truck to buy?
  19. What’s better Kenworth or Peterbilt?
  20. What should I know before buying a semi truck?
  21. Which is the most reliable semi truck?
  22. What are the worst diesel engines?
  23. What brand of truck breaks down the most?
  24. Is a Paccar engine a Cummins?
  25. Whats a better engine Paccar or Cummins?
  26. What is the best Cummins Engine?
  27. What does ISX stand for?

10-letter words that start with semi

Which root means one half?

These ROOT-WORDS are Prefixes HEMI, DEMI & SEMI meaning HALF.

What does semicircle mean?

1 : a half of a circle. 2 : an object or arrangement of objects in the form of a half circle.

  • semiannual.
  • seminarian.
  • semicircle.
  • semipublic.
  • semiformal.
  • semiweekly.
  • semidesert.
  • semiliquid.

What is semi short for?

Loading when this answer was accepted… Semi truck or semi is short for semi-trailer truck.¹ The prefix semi- literally means half.² The term describes a truck consisting of a tractor and a semi-trailer.

Is Semi a prefix or suffix?

Semi- is a prefix that means half, partially or almost. Semi- may also mean something that occurs twice within a specific amount of time. The prefix semi- is derived from the Latin semi- which means half.

Is Semi a suffix?

Definition for semi (2 of 2) a combining form borrowed from Latin, meaning “half,” freely prefixed to English words of any origin, now sometimes with the senses “partially,” “incompletely,” “somewhat”: semiautomatic; semidetached; semimonthly; semisophisticated.

Why is Hemi not semi?

Hemi- is from the Greek for “half.” It is less common than semi-, and it is associated more strongly with technical language in fields like chemistry, biology, and anatomy. Its sense of “half,” more than semi-, implies a lengthwise axis of symmetry.

How do you use the word semi?

Semi sentence example

  1. The winners of the semi finals will move to the final where the losers will play in the third place play off.
  2. This is a semi evergreen – will come through a mild winter without too much trouble.
  3. Local Members were on hand with their cars arranged in a semi circle for the photo call on the lawn.

What does semi mean in Japanese?

volume_up. 半ば {noun} semi (also: half, middle)

Why is it called a semi truck?

Semi is actually short for “semi-trailer” truck. A semi is a trailer box with a rear axle but without a front axle. The truck pulling it is called the tractor. The reason for this configuration is that a large portion of the load is carried by the tractor and not on the hitch of the trailer attachment.

What is a semi truck called in England?

articulated lorry

What is the difference between a truck and a semi truck?

A “semi truck” refers to the actual truck, which contains the engine. “Tractor trailer” and “18 wheeler” both refer to the combination of a semi truck and its trailer. Together they form the tractor trailer unit, also called an 18 wheeler, referring to the number of wheels on the unit as a whole.

Why do they call it an 18 wheeler?

Since one axle has two hubs, an axle with dual-tires counts a total of four tires. So in the colloquial term “18-wheeler”, the word “wheel” here means “wheel rim”. An 18-wheeler has a total of (2+4+4)+(4+4)=18 wheel rims, and hence 18 tires.

What is the official name for a semi truck?

In North America, the combination vehicles made up of a powered semi-tractor and one or more semitrailers are known as “semis”, “semitrailers”, “tractor-trailers”, “big rigs”, “semi-trucks”, “eighteen-wheelers” or “semi-tractor-trailers”.

Can you call a truck a rig?

Senior Member. When it’s empty, it’s a truck. When it’s full of gear, it’s a rig.

Is 18 wheeler a Southern term?

Some regions say 18 wheelers, some say tractor-trailer, and others say semi trucks. Generally, the Northeast tends to use “Tractor trailer,” the South says “eighteen-wheeler,” and everywhere else says semi.

Why are semi trailers 53 feet long?

For a long time, the 48-foot dry van was the de facto standard in shipping due to regulation which limited overall vehicle length to 75 feet. Once those regulations were changed, the industry adopted the 53-foot trailer. These have room for 13 rows of pallets, plus and extra foot so that the door will close.

Is buying a semi truck worth it?

Advantages of a New Semi Truck: The biggest advantage to purchasing a new truck is the increased reliability that you will receive. While no vehicle is immune from engine problems and other issues, a new truck is less likely to breakdown or fail to start when you need it most.

What is the best semi truck to buy?

5 Best Semi Trucks for Truck Drivers

  • Freightliner. Every list of the best semi-trucks that’s worth its salt has to include Freightliners.
  • Peterbilt. Open roads stretching ahead of you, a powerful rig beneath you, and a classic look that you just can’t beat: that is the legacy of a Peterbilt.
  • Kenworth.
  • Volvo.
  • International.

What’s better Kenworth or Peterbilt?

Among other trucks, both Peterbilt, Ken worth is considered as the most desirable rigs. As Peterbilt is popular among the trucks and the Kenworth is more affordable for the truckers….Peterbilt or Kenworth: Which Truck Manufacturer is Better?

Features Kenworth Peterbilt
Brand Premium brand of the trucking world One of the superior brands of big rigs.

What should I know before buying a semi truck?

Here are some of the finer points to inspect when it comes to buying a quality used truck.

  • Check the Oil. As part of your quality inspection, check the existing oil situation.
  • Look for Body Rust.
  • Look for Body Damage.
  • Consider the Truck’s Mileage.
  • Inspect the Tire Tread.

Which is the most reliable semi truck?


What are the worst diesel engines?

Ford Super Duty 6.0L (2003-2007) Introduced mid-2003, the Ford 6.0L turbo is by far the worst modern diesel engine. It’s so bad, in fact, that Navistar (Powerstroke’s parent company) and Ford had a legal battle over it. The list of issues ranges from head gasket problems to catastrophic fuel system failures.

What brand of truck breaks down the most?

The 5 Longest-Lasting Used Trucks

  • Honda Ridgeline. The Honda Ridgeline comes in at first place in the category of trucks most likely to last 200,000 miles.
  • Toyota Tacoma. The Toyota Tacoma is another midsize truck that can provide reliability and longevity.
  • Toyota Tundra.
  • Chevrolet Silverado 1500.
  • Ford F-150.

Is a Paccar engine a Cummins?

The Cummins 4- and 6-liter engines, badged as PACCAR, are exclusive in the DAF LF product. Loughrey noted, Cummins was the first diesel engine installed in Kenworth in 1933 and this agreement continues the legacy of innovation and market leadership between the two companies.

Whats a better engine Paccar or Cummins?

The cummins has more power and less MPG. The paccar is a little weak better MPG the only draw back is that you need paccar shop for the engine work but you have a warranty so it would be at no cost.

What is the best Cummins Engine?

Cummins 6.7L Turbo Diesel

What does ISX stand for?

interact system

Prefix SEMI is widely used to form new words which may convey totally different meanings. A Prefix is placed before a root word to make a new word. ROOT-WORDS are Prefixes HEMI, DEMI & SEMI meaning HALF.

Here is the list of words with the Prefix


  1. Semimonthly
  2. Semi diapason
  3. Semi civilized
  4. Semicircle
  5. Semiautomatic

Prefixes Index

From Prefix SEMI to HOME PAGE

Asked by: Prof. Javonte Bailey I

Score: 4.6/5
(37 votes)

semi- a combining form borrowed from Latin, meaning “half,” freely prefixed to English words of any origin, now sometimes with the senses “partially,” “incompletely,” “somewhat”: semiautomatic; semidetached; semimonthly; semisophisticated.

What is semi slang for?

(slang) A partial erection. quotations ▼

Does Semi mean 2?

Bimonthly vs. Semimonthly

Bi- is a prefix meaning two or twice; semi- is a prefix meaning half. There is debate surrounding the actual definition of bi- being both two and twice, although semi- is always half.

What is an example of semi?

Semi is a prefix,which means that it’s directly attached to a word,eg. semicircle,semifinals,semiformal. Half tends to be used as a separate word,but not always, examples where it’s connected to another word: halfway, halfhearted. … A: semi-, demi-, and hemi- all are prefixes that mean half.

Does Semi mean one?

1. A prefix that means «half,» as in semicircle, half a circle. 2.

24 related questions found

What does semi girl mean?

a semi-nice girl definition, a semi-nice girl meaning | English dictionary. flapper girl n. young woman who adopts a unconventional behavior and look. term largely used in the 20’s to describe women who acted contrary to what was commonly expected by going out, drinking, smoking, dancing, wearing make-up etc.

How do you use the word semi?

Semi sentence example

  1. The winners of the semi finals will move to the final where the losers will play in the third place play off. …
  2. A few seen in semi desert areas, on the road from Nouakchott to Chinguetti. …
  3. There are now around 47 semi conductor manufacturing plants in the UK alone.

What is sub short for?

Sub is short for submarine, subscription, substitute or a submarine sandwich.

Is semiannual a word?

Semiannual means twice a year (or, technically, once every half a year). The word semiyearly means the same thing as semiannual.

Does Semi mean half or partial?

semi- A prefix that means “half,” (as in semicircle, half a circle) or “partly, somewhat, less than fully,” (as in semiconscious, partly conscious).

How much time is a fortnight?

: a period of 14 days : two weeks They stayed with us for a fortnight.

What is the correct definition of semipermeable?

: partially but not freely or wholly permeable specifically : permeable to some usually small molecules but not to other usually larger particles a semipermeable membrane.

Is biweekly every 14 days?

Use the b in biweekly to remind you that the word means both ‘twice a week’ and ‘every two weeks’. Use the for in fortnight to remind that the word means ‘every fourteen days‘. Remember that semi means half and think of the word as meaning ‘every half a week’.

What does semi Good mean?

Semi means partially, so you’d be partially good, kind of like «so-so», but we’d never say «semi-good» as a response to «How are you?» See a translation.

What is a semi in the UK?

A semi is a semi-detached house. [British, informal] 2. countable noun [usually plural] In a sporting competition, the semis are the semi-finals.

Is it semiannual or semi annual?

Semiannual means every six months since the prefix semi means every half year. This, however, is such a small distinction that it is widely accepted to use these terms interchangeably. Also, you may see this word with a hyphen, semi-annual, or written as two words with a space between each, semi annual.

What is half annum?

Occurring twice a year; half-yearly; 3. 1. twice-a-year.

How do you use semiannual in a sentence?

Semiannual in a Sentence ?

  1. Semiannual fishing tournaments are held in both March and July.
  2. Although I attend the semiannual carnival in both the winter and summer, I enjoy the cold weather activities much better.
  3. Taking part in the semiannual sale allows me to shop for discount gifts twice a year.

What does sup mean in texting?

Sup is defined as slang for the expression, «What’s up?«

What is a sub in anime?

If you aren’t familiar with the term, subbing is derived from the word ‘subtitle. ‘ When an anime is subbed, it means the series or film has been given subtitles in a viewer’s native language.

Why does SEMI mean half?

Semi- is a prefix that means half, partially or almost. Semi- may also mean something that occurs twice within a specific amount of time. The prefix semi- is derived from the Latin semi- which means half. … The prefix demi– is derived from the Old French word demi meaning half, derived from the Latin word dimidius.

What is 2 times a week called?

Therefore, biweekly can be “twice in a week” or “every other week.” Bimonthly can also mean «every other week» if it’s twice in a month, or it can mean “every other month.” Look up the adjective biweekly in this dictionary and you will see it defined as «occurring every two weeks» AND as «occurring twice a week.»

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