Word that have the prefix inter

Prefixes are an important part of the English language. They are added to the beginning of words to change their meaning, create new words, and expand our vocabulary. The prefix inter- can be used to create a wide range of words in different fields, from science and technology to business and politics.

The prefix inter- has Latin origins and is used to show a relationship “between” or “among” things or people.



This blog post will explore many uses of the prefix inter- and give you some examples of how it can be used in everyday language. Plus download your FREE Word list PDF at the bottom of this page. Keep reading.

The Prefix Inter- (Meaning)

The prefix inter- is used in verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs to mean:

between; from one to another

  • interface
  • interaction
  • International

Word Origin

from Old French entre- or Latin inter ‘between, among’.

inter_prefix – OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com

The Prefix Inter- (Examples)

Interact verb to communicate with somebody, especially while you work, play, or spend time with them

  • She loves to interact with her fans on social media, and it makes her feel more connected to them.
  • The new software allowed users to interact with each other in real time, making communication faster and more efficient.

The prefix inter- She loves to interact with her fans on social media

Intercept verb to stop somebody/something that is going from one place to another from arriving

  • Customs agents intercepted the stolen artwork before it left the country.

Interception noun the act of stopping somebody/something that is going from one place to another from arriving

  • The defensive lineman made an incredible interception and ran the ball down the field for a touchdown.

Interchange noun the act of sharing or exchanging something, especially ideas or information

  • My boss encourages open dialogue so there is always a continuous interchange of ideas at company meetings.

Interchange verb to share or exchange ideas, information, etc.

  • The data is interchanged between the browser and server, with no alterations to the display.

The prefix inter- The data is interchanged between the browser and server.

Intercom noun ​a system of communication by phone or radio inside an office, plane, etc.; the device you press or switch on to start using this system

  • The pilot came on the intercom and told us the current weather at our destination.

Interconnect verb to connect similar things; to be connected to or with similar things

  • The company’s various departments need to interconnect their project management systems to improve efficiency and productivity.

Interest noun the feeling that you have when you want to know or learn more about somebody/something

  • His interest in photography led him to pursue a career in photojournalism.
  • I did archery when I was younger but I lost interest when I started Jr. high school.

Interest verb to attract your attention and make you feel interested; to make yourself give your attention to something

  • Local politics don’t interest me. 

Interested The past participle form of a verb is often used as an adjective. It’s common to hear interested used as an adjective in English conversation.

  • I’m not interested in local politics.

Interface noun (computing) the way a computer program presents information to a user or receives information from a user, in particular, the layout of the screen and the menus

  • The interface of the new app was easy to use and navigate.
  • The two computers needed an interface to communicate with each other.

The prefix inter- The interface of the new app was easy to use and navigate.

Interface verb interface A and B to be connected with something using an interface; to connect something in this way

  • The software is designed to interface seamlessly with other applications.

Interject verb to interrupt what somebody is saying with your opinion or a remark

  • Tammy couldn’t help but interject when she overheard someone talking about the latest fashion trends. Fashion is her passion.
  • The speaker asked the audience not to interject until the end of the presentation.

Interjection noun a short sound, word or phrase spoken suddenly to express an emotion. 

  • Words like “Oh!” and “Wow!” are interjections that are commonly used to express surprise or admiration.

Interlace verb to twist things together over and under each other; to be twisted together in this way

  • Her hair was interlaced with ribbons and flowers.

Interlock verb to fit or be fastened together securely

  • After the walls of the prefab house are interlocked, the building becomes very stable. 
  • The police ordered the suspect to get on his knees and interlock his fingers behind his head. 

The prefix inter- After the walls of the prefab house are interlocked, the building becomes very stable. 

Interlude noun a period of time between two events during which something different happens

  • The orchestra took an interlude between songs, allowing the audience to stretch their legs, get a drink and use the restroom.
  • The couple enjoyed an interlude in their busy schedule by taking a weekend trip to the mountains.

Intermingle verb to mix people, ideas, colors, etc. together; to be mixed in this way

  • The different cultures in the city intermingled, creating a unique and diverse community.
  • The paint colors began to intermingle, creating a beautiful and unexpected effect.

Intermission noun (especially North American English) a short period of time between the parts of a play, film, etc.

  • Coffee was served during the intermission.

International adjective connected with or involving two or more countries

  • The United Nations is an international organization that promotes peace and cooperation among nations.

Internet noun an international computer network connecting other networks and computers that allows people to share information around the world

  • The Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and access information.

The “NET” in Internet is short for network.

Interoffice adjective connected with or between two offices or departments in the same company

  • The interoffice memo contained important updates about the company’s new policies.

Interpersonal adjective connected with relationships between people

  • Alice struggled with interpersonal communication, often feeling awkward and uncomfortable when her coworkers engaged her in small talk.
  • The therapist suggested that Harold works on his interpersonal skills to improve his work and private relationships.

Interpretation noun the particular way in which something is understood or explained

  • The interpretation of this ancient text is still a subject of debate among scholars.
  • His words are open to interpretation

interpret verb to translate one language into another as it is spoken

  • He took me with him to interpret in case no one spoke English.

The prefix inter- He took me with him to interpret in case no one spoke English.

Interpreter noun a person whose job is to translate what somebody is saying into another language

  • The interpreter helped the tour group navigate Tokyo.
  • through an interpreter – Speaking through an interpreter, the President told the members of the United Nations that the peace talks were moving forward.

Interrelated adjective closely connected and affecting each other

  • The different parts of the ecosystem are interrelated, each playing a vital role in maintaining balance.
  • The historian explained how the various events of history were interrelated, leading up to the present-day conflict.

Interrogate verb to ask somebody a lot of questions over a long period of time, especially in an aggressive way

  • The detective had to interrogate the suspect to get to the bottom of the crime.
  • The customs officer began to interrogate the traveler to make sure he wasn’t carrying any illegal goods.

The prefix inter- A customs officer interrogated the suspicious  traveler.

Interrogation noun the act of asking somebody a lot of questions over a long period of time, especially in an aggressive way

  • The interrogation was intense and lasted for over 7 hours. 

Interrogative adjective (grammar) used in questions

  • The word “Who” is an interrogative pronoun.

Interrupt verb to say or do something that makes somebody stop what they are saying or doing

  • Please do not interrupt me while I’m speaking.
  • My mother always told me that it’s rude to interrupt

Interruption noun something that temporarily stops an activity or a situation; a time when an activity is stopped

  • The sudden interruption caused the speaker to lose his train of thought.
  • A strong electrical storm caused an interruption of power throughout the city.

Intersect verb (of lines, roads, etc.) to meet or cross each other

  • The interests of the two groups intersected when they discovered a shared passion for the environment.
  • The two lines intersect at a single point on the graph.

Intersection noun a place where two or more roads, lines, etc. meet or cross each other

  • The intersection of Main Street and First Avenue is a busy spot in the city.

Intersex adjective describing or relating to a person or animal that has both male and female sex organs or other sexual characteristics; born with sexual characteristics that do not fit the categories of either ‘male’ or ‘female’

  • Intersex individuals face unique challenges related to their gender identity.

Interstate noun (in the US) a wide road, with at least two lanes in each direction, where traffic can travel fast for long distances across many states.

  • The interstate highway system makes it easy for people and goods to travel across the country.

The prefix inter- The interstate highway system makes it easy to travel across the country.

Interstellar adjective between the stars in the sky

  • The science fiction movie took place in an interstellar world, full of aliens and space battles.
  • The astronomer discovered an interstellar object passing through the solar system.

Intertwine verb if two or more things intertwine or are intertwined, they are twisted together so that they are very difficult to separate

  • The two stories are intertwined, creating a complex and intriguing plot.
  • The vines in the garden were intertwined to create a beautiful and natural archway.

Interview noun a formal meeting at which somebody is asked questions to see if they are suitable for a particular job, or for a course of study at a college, university, etc.

  • She prepared thoroughly for her job interview and felt confident going into it.

The prefix inter- She prepared thoroughly for her job interview and felt confident going into it.

Interview verb to talk to somebody and ask them questions at a formal meeting to find out if they are suitable for a job, course of study, etc.

  • After the accident police interviewed several witnesses to get an idea of what happened.

Printable Prefix Inter- PDF Word List

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The Prefix Inter- Infographic

Check out these other great Prefix and Suffix Blog posts

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Words with the prefix inter-

The prefixinter-, of Latin origin, is a comparison prefix that means within,Come in or in the middle of something else. For example: interstellar, interludio, interaction.

As a variant you can use the prefix intra-, what does it mean be within. For example: intramobile.

Examples of words with the prefix inter-

  1. Interaction. Relationship or influence that occurs between two people or two things.
  2. Interactivity. Activity that occurs between two things or people.
  3. Interactive. That which is produced by the interaction of two things or two people.
  4. Inter-american. That it has a relationship between two nations of America.
  5. Interandina. That people, localities or countries that are on one or the other side of the Andes mountain range are related.
  6. Interannual. That is related in magnitude or dimensionally for a period of twelve months.
  7. Interarticular. Which is located between the joints.
  8. Intercadence. That happens irregularly for a certain period of time.
  9. Intercalling. Which is carried out with a discontinuous or irregular rhythm.
  10. Insert. Put something new or different between two elements.
  11. To exchange. Change one thing for another.
  12. Intercede. Do something for another person so that he or she benefits.
  13. Intercellular. Which is located between the cells.
  14. Intercept. Prevent something from reaching its destination.
  15. Intercolumnium. Space between two columns.
  16. Intercontinental. That which is or occurs between two continents.
  17. Intercostal. Which is located between the ribs.
  18. Intercurrent. Illness that arises during another illness and that positively or negatively affects the previous illness.
  19. Intercutaneous. Found in the thickness of the skin.
  20. Interdental. In linguistics it is said of certain words that require the articulation of the tip of the tongue between the incisor teeth.
  21. Interdependence. It is a dependency relationship between two or more things or people.
  22. Interdigital. Which is located between two fingers.
  23. Interdisciplinary. That is related to more than one cultural discipline.
  24. Interstate. Relationship that occurs between two or more states.
  25. Interstellar. That it is between two or more stars or that it is related to each other.
  26. Interference. That interrupts and alters something that had a certain continuity or stability.
  27. Interfere. That is interrupted between one thing and another or between one person and another.
  28. Interfix. It is an affix that is placed inside a derived word and its root.
  29. Interfoliate / Interpaginate. Place or interleave white sheets between printed sheets of a book or magazine.
  30. Intercom. A telephone network that is used in a certain place, for example a factory, company or group of houses.
  31. Interim. A space of time that happens between two things or stages.
  32. Interim. That they temporarily occupy a position that does not correspond to them for a certain specific time.
  33. inside. That is inside something else.
  34. Interjection. Word or sentence that is expressed between exclamation marks and expresses the mood of the writer. For example; Live! O Excellent!
  35. Interlining. Type of writing that is located between two lines.
  36. Interlocutor. Who talks or maintains a dialogue with another.
  37. Interloper. Fraud or fraudulent commerce that a nation exercises over the towns or colonies of another nation.
  38. Interlude. Very short piece of music that is played before a song or before the beginning of something.
  39. interlunion. Space of the conjunction of the moon where it is not visible.
  40. Intermaxillary. Which is located or is between the jawbones.
  41. Interministerial. That it has a relationship between two or more ministries.
  42. Intermit. Suspend something for a certain time.
  43. Intermittent. Which is interrupted and then continues repeating this sequence several times.
  44. Intermuscular. Which is located or situated between two or more muscles.
  45. Internal. What is or remains inside something else.
  46. International. That it has or relates to two or more nations.
  47. Interoceanic. That is or is related to two oceans. It is generally said of interoceanic currents.
  48. Interparliamentary. That puts in relation to the parliaments of different countries or states.
  49. Interplanetary. What happens or exists between two or more planets.
  50. Interpolate. Place one thing among others that already followed an order previously.
  51. Interpose. Placing something between two other things or people.
  52. Interpreter. Person who translates from one language to another what a person expresses verbally.
  53. Interracial. Which corresponds to the relationship between two or more different races.
  54. Interred. It is an interconnection of networks.
  55. Interregnum. Time that passes in a country or state without it appointing a sovereign or maximum authority.
  56. Interrelation. Relationship that is established between two things or two people.
  57. Interrupt. Break into a dialogue or conversation between two people.
  58. switch. Device whose function is to activate or deactivate the passage of electrical energy current from a certain region, place or circuit.
  59. Intersection. Term used in geometry. An intersection is the cut that occurs between two lines, surfaces, or elements.
  60. Intersex. That it has masculine and feminine characters jointly or simultaneously.
  61. IntersticeSmall space between two parts of the same body.
  62. Intertrigo. Skin disease caused by friction of the skin with another wet element repeatedly, causing bacteria, fungi or infections.
  63. Intertropical. Which is between the two topics.
  64. Interval. Portion of time that is established between two events or things.
  65. To intervene. Participate or act in a certain activity.
  66. Intervocalic. Which is found between vowels.
  67. Interconstitutional. That is related to two or more constitutions.
  68. Intergovernmental. Which puts two governments in relation.
  69. Interbank. That it is related to or is between two or more banking entities.
  70. Intertextuality. It is a relationship that exists between texts from a single culture.

(!) Exceptions

Not all words that start with syllables inter- correspond to this prefix. There are some exceptions:

  • Intercisa. Holiday in the morning.
  • Interdict. Imposition so that a certain thing is not carried out.
  • Interdiction. Pivation of a right imposed by the authority of a judge.
  • Interest. Value that a thing has in itself.
  • Interfect. A person who has died in a violent manner. It also refers to a person who is being talked about in a conversation.
  • Endless. That has no end in time or space.
  • Internuncio. Priest diplomatic representative of the Pope.
  • Interpellate. Demand something from another person (generally with authority and legal characteristics) in order for a certain right to be exercised.
  • Interlearn. Occupy something determined by surprise.
  • Interpret. Give a different meaning to a thing.
  • Question. Ask someone questions to clarify a fact or situation.

  • Words beginning with certain letters
  • Words with the prefix «inter-«

This morpheme tends to mean «among, between«. Some of the most representative words that include it are: interstate, internet, interpersonal

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  • interest

  • international

  • internal

  • interview

  • interpretation

  • intervention

  • interior

  • interaction

  • interface

  • interim

  • interference

  • interval

  • intermediate

  • interpret

  • interfere

  • intervene

  • intercourse

  • interactive

  • internationally

  • interestingly

  • interruption

  • internally

  • interact

  • interviewer

  • interrupt

  • interpreter

  • inter-war

  • interchange

  • interrogation

  • intermittent

  • intermediary

  • interpersonal

  • interdisciplinary

  • intercity

  • inter

  • interplay

  • intersection

  • intergovernmental

  • intercept

  • interdependence

  • intermittently

  • interchangeable

  • interpretative

  • interdependent

  • interminable

  • interlude

  • internment

  • interventionist

  • interoperability

  • interwar

  • interlocutory

  • interferon

  • interviewee

  • interception

  • internationalism

  • internationalist

  • interest-free

  • intercom

  • internet

  • interpretive

  • interradial

  • intercontinental

  • interconnection

  • interrelationship

  • interrogate

  • interstellar

  • inter-agency

  • intersect

  • interbank

  • interconnect

  • interstate

  • internationalization

  • interpolation

  • interdict

  • interlocutor

  • interstitial

  • intercession

  • interactional

  • intercellular

  • internationalisation

  • interchangeably

  • internecine

  • interactively

  • interdepartmental

  • interleukin

  • interregnum

  • internalization

  • interglacial

  • interrogative

  • interactionist

  • intergenerational

  • intermarriage

  • interrelation

  • interleaf

  • interplanetary

  • interactivity

  • interrogator

  • intertidal

  • interactionism

  • interpretable

  • intercede

  • intermission

  • interoperate

  • interagency

  • interlock

  • interloper

  • intermolecular

  • interoperable

  • interventionism

  • intergroup

  • intermediation

  • interment

  • interfacial

  • intern

  • interbreed

  • interjection

  • interlink

  • interquartile

  • interceptor

  • interbedded

  • internalize

  • interminably

  • inter-

  • intercommunal

  • intergranular

  • interrelate

  • interspecific

  • intertwine

  • interop

  • intersegmental

  • interpose

  • intermittency

  • interferometer

  • interpenetration

  • intertemporal

  • interchangeability

  • interestedly

  • interject

  • interatomic

  • intergalactic

  • interlanguage

  • internalisation

  • inter-racial

  • intercalation

  • intercrystalline

  • intercut

  • intertextual

  • internalise

  • internationality

  • interconnectedness

  • interdependency

  • interposition

  • intermingle

  • interministerial

  • intercalary

  • interpolate

  • internalist

  • interweave

  • interrelatedness

  • intercooler

  • interdisciplinarity

  • interiority

  • inter-dependent

  • intercommunication

  • interdenominational

  • interdiction

  • interstrand

  • intersubjective

  • interlace

  • interspecies

  • intercultural

  • interracial

  • interrogatory

  • intervallic

  • interpretational

  • intercalator

  • interparliamentary

  • interregional

  • intercompany

  • intersperse

  • interconnector

  • intercrater

  • interdigital

  • interfaith

  • interprofessional

  • interventional

  • internetwork

  • interannual

  • intercessor

  • internationalise

  • interethnic

  • interobserver

  • interpenetrate

  • interrogatively

  • intermarry

  • intermodal

  • internuclear

  • interassay

  • interchurch

  • interpellation

  • interferometry

  • internality

  • interreligious

  • intertextuality

  • interindividual

  • interlayer

  • intermontane

  • interventive

  • interruptable

  • interpretability

  • intercurrent

  • interiorization

  • interline

  • intermix

  • intermodulation

  • interworking

  • interrupter

  • intertestamental

  • intersectoral

  • intercessory

  • interchain

  • internship

  • intercommunion

  • interconnectable

  • intercostal

  • interferogram

  • interfirm

  • interprovincial

  • interruptible

  • intermezzo

  • internee

  • interplant

  • intervallum

  • interwork

  • intercensal

  • intercolumniation

  • intersex

  • interconnectivity

  • interfaculty

  • internist

  • interneuron

  • interpleader

  • interpretatively

  • intersentential

  • interspace

  • intervalence

  • internalism

  • interlibrary

  • interparty

  • interplane

  • interproton

  • intervocalic

  • intercar

  • interclass

  • interpositive

  • interphase

  • interstream

  • interunion

  • interzone

  • interconversion

  • interconvertible

  • interdiffusion

  • interdistrict

  • interelectrode

  • internode

  • interferometric

  • interparticle

  • interfertile

  • internodal

  • intersubjectivity

  • intergenic

  • interictal

  • interlaboratory

  • interleave

  • interlinear

  • interloping

  • intermesh

  • intermeshing

  • intermixture

  • interruptor

  • intersexual

  • interactionally

  • interocular

  • internuncio

  • interocean

  • interprocedural

  • intervent

  • internegative

  • interneuronal

  • intercolonial

  • intersocietal

  • interruptedly

  • intercorrelation

  • intercrop

  • intercrural

  • intercurricular

  • interdictor

  • interdigitate

  • interdigitation

  • interdivisional

  • interdomain

  • internationalize

  • interoceanic

  • interopercular

  • interpolator

  • interpersonally

  • interpretively

  • interfollicular

  • intersheet

  • intersphincteric

  • intersource

  • interstitially

  • intersubjectively

  • intergenerationally

  • interstack

  • intervener

  • intertropical

  • intervertebral

  • intertribal

  • interinstitutional

  • interlobular

  • intermediatory

  • intermedium

  • intermenstrual

  • intermit

  • intermitotic

  • intermittence

  • interstitium

  • intersocial

  • interuterine

  • interband

  • interbedding

  • interorbital

  • interbranch

  • interrepublican

  • interburst

  • intertext

  • intersterile

  • interzonal

  • intercapillary

  • interchangable

  • interchangeableness

  • interclonal

  • interclub

  • intercollege

  • intercollegiate

  • internucleosomal

  • interpatient

  • intercommissural

  • interpretivism

  • interrogational

  • interprocess

  • intercommunity

  • interruptability

  • interruptibility

  • intersubject

  • intersystem

  • interstimulus

  • interconnexion

  • interworld

  • interconvertibility

  • interconverting

  • intercountry

  • intercounty

  • intercranial

  • intercycle

  • interdeal

  • interdecadal

  • interdefinable

  • interdepartmentally

  • interdependently

  • interfemale

  • interferent

  • interferer

  • interparticulate

  • interpolatory

  • interpretant

  • interflow

  • interfluve

  • interprocessor

  • interrater

  • interpretership

  • interfusion

  • interrogatorily

  • interstage

  • intertest

  • intergeneration

  • interversion

  • intergovernmentalism

  • intergradation

  • intervocalically

  • intergrown

  • interhelical

  • interhemispheric

  • interhuman

  • interictally

  • interiorise

  • interjurisdictional

  • interlamellar

  • interlarding

  • interliner

  • interlingual

  • interlinguistic

  • interlinkage

  • interlocution

  • intermale

  • intermandibular

  • intermating

  • intermeddle

  • intermeddling

  • intermediacy

  • intermediately

  • interminability

  • intermodular

  • intermonth

  • intermuscular

  • inter alia

  • inter alios

  • Inter-Am.

  • inter-American

  • inter-being

  • inter-diocesan

  • inter-mosque

  • inter-Palestine

  • inter-process communication

  • inter-Shi’a

  • inter-Shia

  • inter-Sunni

  • interabang

  • interacetabular

  • interacial

  • interacromial

  • interactability

  • interactionalism

  • interactionalist

  • interactionless

  • interactive whiteboard

  • interactiveness

  • interactome

  • interactomics

  • interactor

  • interadditive

  • interagent

  • interaggregate

  • Interahamwe

  • interallelic

  • interallied

  • interalloglot

  • interalls

  • interalveolar

  • interappointment

  • interarboration

  • interarrival

  • interarticular

  • interarytenoid

  • interassemblage

  • interassessor

  • interastrocytic

  • interatheriid

  • interatom

  • interatomically

  • interatrial

  • interaulic

  • interaural

  • interauricular

  • interaxal

  • interaxillary

  • interaxis

  • interaxle

  • interbacterial

  • interbarb

  • interbasin

  • interbeat

  • interbed

  • interbehavioral

  • interbehaviorism

  • interbehaviour

  • interbehavioural

  • interbeing

  • interbelline

  • interbellum

  • interbinary

  • interbirth

  • interbit

  • interblend

  • interblink

  • interblock

  • interblot

  • interbody

  • interbond

  • interborder

  • interborough

  • interbout

  • interbrachial

  • intercalibration

  • intercanine

  • intercanthal

  • intercapped

  • intercapsomere

  • intercapsomeric

  • intercardinal

  • intercardinal direction

  • intercarotid

  • intercarpal

  • intercarpellary

  • intercarrier

  • intercartel

  • intercartilaginous

  • intercase

  • intercaste

  • intercausal

  • intercave

  • intercavernous

  • intercavitary

  • intercedence

  • intercedent

  • interceder

  • interceed

  • intercell

  • intercellularly

  • intercentennial

  • intercentral

  • interceptable

  • intercepter

  • interception try

  • interceptional

  • interceptive

  • intercerebral

  • intercessional

  • intercessionate

  • intercessorial

  • intercessour

  • interchangement

  • interchanger

  • interchannel

  • interchapter

  • intercharacter

  • interchondral

  • interchromatin

  • interchromomere

  • interchromophore

  • interchromophoric

  • interchromosomal

  • interchromosome

  • intercidence

  • intercident

  • intercipient

  • intercistronic

  • intercitizenship

  • interclade

  • interclan

  • interclavicle

  • interclavicular

  • interclose

  • intercloud

  • interclude

  • interclump

  • interclusion

  • intercluster

  • interclutch

  • intercoalition

  • intercoastal

  • intercoccygeal

  • intercoder

  • intercodon

  • intercohort

  • intercoil

  • interconnectedly

  • interconnectional

  • interconnective

  • interconsonantal

  • interconversive

  • interconvert

  • interconvertability

  • intercore

  • intercorneocyte

  • intercorporate

  • intercorporation

  • intercorrelate

  • intercortical

  • intercostalis

  • intercostally

  • intercostobrachial

  • intercotylar

  • intercouple

  • Intercourse

  • intercourser

  • intercricothyrotomy

  • intercristal

  • intercriteria

  • intercritical

  • intercross

  • intercrural sex

  • intercrystallite

  • interculturalism

  • interculturalist

  • interculturality

  • interculturalize

  • interculturally

  • intercuneiform

  • intercur

  • intercurrence

  • intercurrently

  • intercuspal

  • intercuspation

  • intercuspidal

  • intercutaneous

  • interdaily

  • interdash

  • interdate

  • interdating

  • interday

  • interdealer

  • interdendrimer

  • interdendritic

  • interdenominationally

  • interdental

  • interdentally

  • interdenticle

  • interdentil

  • interdepend

  • interdependentness

  • interdepositional

  • interdevour

  • interdialectal

  • interdialectally

  • interdialytic

  • interdictive

  • interdictively

  • interdictory

  • interdiffuse

  • interdiffused

  • interdigit

  • interdigitally

  • interdimensional

  • interdimer

  • interdimeric

  • interdine

  • interdipole

  • interdiscal

  • interdisciplinarily

  • interdiscursive

  • interdiscursively

  • interdiscursivity

  • interdissepimental

  • interdistance

  • interdistributary

  • interdistributional

  • interdiverticular

  • interdome

  • interdominion

  • interdorm

  • interdormitory

  • interdot

  • interdream

  • interdrink

  • interduce

  • interdunal

  • interdune

  • interduplex

  • intered

  • interedge

  • interedition

  • interelectrolyte

  • interelectron

  • interelectronic

  • interelement

  • interembryo

  • interepidemic

  • interepimeral

  • interepithelial

  • interepizootic

  • interequinoctial

  • intereruptive

  • interess

  • interest group

  • interest rate

  • interest rate swap

  • interestable

  • interestedness

  • interester

  • interesterification

  • interesterify

  • interesting condition

  • interestingness

  • interestless

  • Intereuropean

  • interevent

  • interexaminer

  • interexchange

  • interexciton

  • interexcitonic

  • interexperience

  • interexperiment

  • interexperimental

  • interexperimenter

  • interface definition language

  • interface description language

  • interface hypothesis

  • interface segregation principle

  • interfaceable

  • interfaceless

  • interfacer

  • interfacial energy

  • interfacially

  • interfacility

  • interfaction

  • interfactional

  • interfactorial

  • interfaithless

  • interfamilial

  • interfamily

  • intergluteal

  • intergluteal cleft

  • interzygomatic

  • intergovernmentally

  • intergradational

  • intergrade

  • intergrader

  • intergraft

  • intergrain

  • intergyral

  • interhabitat

  • interhaemal

  • interhall

  • interhalogen

  • interhalogen compound

  • interhaplogroup

  • interhelix

  • interhemicerebral

  • interhemispherical

  • interhemispherically

  • interhomolog

  • interhospital

  • interhost

  • interhousehold

  • interhyal

  • interhyoideus

  • Interiano

  • interideological

  • interiliac

  • interilluminate

  • interim order

  • interincisal

  • interindustry

  • interinfluence

  • interinsurance

  • interinsurer

  • interintelligible

  • interintromission

  • interinvolve

  • interion

  • interionic

  • Interior

  • interior angle

  • interior crest

  • interior decoration

  • interior design

  • interior designer

  • Interior Plains

  • interior point

  • interiorize

  • interiorized stutter

  • interiorized stuttering

  • interiorly

  • interiorness

  • interiorscape

  • interiorscaper

  • interiorscaping

  • interiour

  • interiourly

  • interischiadic

  • interisland

  • interitem

  • Interix

  • interj

  • interjacence

  • interjacency

  • interjacent

  • interjaculate

  • interjectional

  • interjectionally

  • interjectionary

  • interjective

  • interjectively

  • interjector

  • interjectory

  • interjectural

  • interjoin

  • interjoist

  • interjudge

  • interjugary

  • interjunction

  • interjurisdiction

  • interjurisdictionally

  • interkagome

  • interkeypress

  • interkinesis

  • interkinetic

  • interkinetochore

  • interkingdom

  • interknit

  • interknot

  • interknow

  • interknowledge

  • interlabel

  • interlabial

  • interlacement

  • interlacustrine

  • interladder

  • interlake

  • interlaminar

  • interlaminate

  • interlaminated

  • interlamination

  • interlap

  • interlapse

  • interlard

  • interlatitudinal

  • interlattice

  • interlay

  • interlayered

  • interlayment

  • interleading

  • interleaflet

  • interleague

  • interlegible

  • interlegislative

  • interlend

  • interlesion

  • interlesional

  • interleukine

  • interlevel

  • interlexeme

  • interlexemic

  • interlexical

  • interlick

  • interlimb

  • interlineal

  • interlinearity

  • interlinearization

  • interlinearize

  • interlinearly

  • interlineary

  • interlineation

  • Interlingua

  • interlingua

  • interlingually

  • Interlingue

  • interlinguistics

  • interlinkability

  • interlinkable

  • interlinkingly

  • interlist

  • interloan

  • interlobar

  • interlobate

  • interlocal

  • interlocally

  • interlocation

  • interlockable

  • interlocking tower

  • interlocular

  • interlocus

  • interlocuter

  • interlocutional

  • interlocutorship

  • interlocutour

  • interlocutress

  • interlocutrice

  • interlocutrix

  • interloop

  • interlope

  • interlucation

  • interlucent

  • interluded

  • interluder

  • interluency

  • interlunar

  • interlunary

  • interlunation

  • intermachine

  • intermalleolar

  • intermammary

  • intermammillary

  • intermargin

  • intermarginal

  • intermarital

  • intermarker

  • intermarriageable

  • intermarrier

  • intermate

  • intermaxilla

  • intermaxillary

  • intermeal

  • intermean

  • intermeddlement

  • intermeddler

  • intermeddlesome

  • intermede

  • intermedeol

  • intermedial

  • intermedian

  • intermediate cuneiform bone

  • intermediate filament

  • intermediate frequency

  • intermediate language

  • intermediate phalange

  • intermediate school

  • intermediate value theorem

  • intermediate vector boson

  • intermediateness

  • intermediator

  • intermediatrix

  • intermedin

  • intermediolateral nucleus

  • intermedioside

  • intermedious

  • intermedullary

  • intermell

  • intermembral

  • intermembrane

  • intermembranous

  • intermention

  • intermesenteric

  • intermestic

  • intermetacarpal

  • intermetal

  • intermetallic

  • intermetallic compound

  • intermetallic phase

  • intermetamorphosis

  • intermetatarsal

  • intermewed

  • intermicrovillar

  • intermigration

  • interminableness

  • interminate

  • interminated

  • intermination

  • intermine

  • intermingledness

  • interminiband

  • intermise

  • intermissionless

  • intermissive

  • intermittent explosive disorder

  • intermittent lake

  • intermittentness

  • intermitter

  • intermittingly

  • intermixable

  • intermixedly

  • intermixer

  • intermixingly

  • intermobility

  • intermodalism

  • intermodality

  • intermodally

  • intermode

  • intermodel

  • intermodillion

  • intermodule

  • intermolar

  • intermolecular force

  • intermolecularity

  • intermolecularly

  • intermolt

  • intermonolayer

  • intermonomer

  • intermonsoon

  • intermonsoonal

  • intermont

  • intermorainal

  • intermorainic

  • intermorbid

  • intermorph

  • intermosque

  • intermoult

  • intermound

  • intermountain

  • intermundane

  • intermundian

  • intermunicipal

  • intermunicipality

  • intermural

  • intermured

  • intermutation

  • intermutual

  • intermutually

  • intermyofibrillar

  • internal affairs

  • internal combustion

  • internal combustion engine

  • internal conflict

  • internal diameter

  • internal energy

  • internal exile

  • internal fertilization

  • internal link

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


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What words have the prefix Inter?

Inter- Arresting

  • Internet: networks that exist ‘between’ each other.
  • interconnected: linked ‘between’
  • international: ‘between’ nations.
  • interoffice: ‘between’ offices.
  • interstate: ‘between’ states.
  • intersection: a cutting ‘between’
  • interscholastic: ‘between’ schools.
  • intercept: seize ‘between’

What does Inter Inter mean?

Inter is defined as between, among or within. An example of the usage of inter is in the word “interstate,” which means a road that connects multiple states to each other. prefix. 1.

What is the different between inter and intra?

Inter means existing between, while intra means within or on the inside. Inter and intra are both prefixes, or words that are placed before a stem word to change the definition.

What word has Inter?

a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin, where it meant “between,” “among,” “in the midst of,” “mutually,” “reciprocally,” “together,” “during” (intercept; interest); on this model, used in the formation of compound words (intercom; interdepartmental).

Is Inter a root-word?

The ROOT-WORD is the Prefix INTER which means BETWEEN & AMONG.

What is the root word of dis?

This ROOT-WORD is the Prefix DIS which means TAKS AWAY, NOT (Negative) & DEPRIVE OF. It is different from other ROOT-WORDS which have similar meanings. DIS carries with it a sense of failure; you had something and lost it.

Is hetero Greek or Latin?

-hetero- comes from Greek, where it has the meaning “the other of two; different. ” This meaning is found in such words as: heterogeneous, heterosexual.

What does hetero mean in Greek?

hetero-‐ From Greek, meaning “another” heterosexual, heterogeneous.

What does hetero stand for?

hetero- a combining form meaning “different,” “other,” used in the formation of compound words: heterocyclic.

What is the Latin root word for hetero?

Hetero-: Prefix meaning different, as in heteromorphism (something that is different in form) and heterozygous (possessing two different forms of a particular gene). The opposite of hetero- is homo-.

Is hetero a prefix or suffix?

The prefix (heter- or hetero-) means other, different, or dissimilar. It is derived from the Greek héteros meaning other.

What words have the root hetero?

10 letter words containing hetero

  • heterodoxy.
  • heterodyne.
  • heteroatom.
  • heterogamy.
  • heterocyst.
  • heterogeny.
  • heterogony.
  • heteronyms.

What is the root of path?

Quick Summary. The Greek root word path can mean either “feeling” or “disease.” This word root is the word origin of a number of English vocabulary words, including sympathy, apathy, pathological, and sociopath.

What does the root word Gest mean?

-gest-, root. -gest- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “carry; ” This meaning is found in such words as: congestion, digest, gestation, gesticulate, gesture, ingest, suggest.

What is the path of a file?

A path is either relative or absolute. An absolute path always contains the root element and the complete directory list required to locate the file. For example, /home/sally/statusReport is an absolute path. All of the information needed to locate the file is contained in the path string.

How do I change the file path?

You can change the paths of multiple source files and target files with one command.

  1. Right-click the folder and select Change folder.
  2. Enter the new folder into the New Path field. This will modify all paths in the selected folder and its subfolders so that they are under the new path.

How do you create a file path?

Hold down Shift on your keyboard and right-click on the file, folder, or library for which you want a link. Then, select “Copy as path” in the contextual menu. If you’re using Windows 10, you can also select the item (file, folder, library) and click or tap on the “Copy as path” button from File Explorer’s Home tab.

What is Path example?

The definition of a path is a trail, route, course or a line of movement. An example of a path is what deer follow through the forest. An example of a path is what hikers follow up a mountain. An example of a path is the direction taken by a tornado.

Does path include filename?

Paths include the root, the filename, or both. That is, paths can be formed by adding either the root, filename, or both, to a directory.

What does PATH mean in Windows?

PATH is an environment variable on Unix-like operating systems, DOS, OS/2, and Microsoft Windows, specifying a set of directories where executable programs are located. In general, each executing process or user session has its own PATH setting.

What is path of a graph?

In graph theory, a path in a graph is a finite or infinite sequence of edges which joins a sequence of vertices which, by most definitions, are all distinct (and since the vertices are distinct, so are the edges).

What is a K4 graph?

K4 is a maximal planar graph which can be seen easily. In fact, a planar graph G is a maximal planar graph if and only if each face is of length three in any planar embedding of G. Corollary 1.8. 2: The number of edges in a maximal planar graph is 3n-6.

Is Path a type of graph?

Paths are often important in their role as subgraphs of other graphs, in which case they are called paths in that graph. A path is a particularly simple example of a tree, and in fact the paths are exactly the trees in which no vertex has degree 3 or more. A disjoint union of paths is called a linear forest.

What is Dijkstra shortest path algorithm?

Dijkstra’s algorithm. Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the shortest path between a and b. It picks the unvisited vertex with the lowest distance, calculates the distance through it to each unvisited neighbor, and updates the neighbor’s distance if smaller. Mark visited (set to red) when done with neighbors.

Is every path a trail?

If the vertices in a walk are distinct, then the walk is called a path. If the edges in a walk are distinct, then the walk is called a trail. In this way, every path is a trail, but not every trail is a path.

Does Leetcode have a path graph?

Given a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of n nodes labeled from 0 to n – 1, find all possible paths from node 0 to node n – 1 , and return them in any order. The graph is given as follows: graph[i] is a list of all nodes you can visit from node i (i.e., there is a directed edge from node i to node graph[i][j] ).

Quick Summary

Prefixes are key morphemes in English vocabulary that begin words. The prefix inter- means “between.” This prefix appears in numerous English vocabulary words, such as Internet, interesting, and interview. An easy way to remember that the prefix inter- means “between” is through the word international, for international competitions occur “between” nations.

Inter- Arresting

Today we will focus on the prefix inter- which means “between.” Prefixes are morphemes which begin words, attaching to a word’s main part, or root, adding to the meaning of the word in some way.

The Internet is a linked system of networks that communicate “between” each other, connecting computers on a global scale. The computers and networks are interconnected, or linked “between” themselves. All this occurs on an international scale, or “between” nations—it is possible for anyone anywhere to access the World Wide Web.

People who work in large office buildings often have to send interoffice mail, or that correspondence that goes “between” different offices. Mail also travels in mail trucks along the interstates, or those highways that run “between” states. One finds many intersections along these highways, or those roads that cut “between” the interstates and head off in other directions.

College football offers interscholastic competition, or those contests “between” different schools. Speaking of football, when a cornerback intercepts a pass, he seizes the ball “between” the quarterback and his intended receiver, getting the ball back for his team. Halftime at a football game is simply an intermission, or that time of rest which is sent “between” the end of one half and the start of another. The halftime interrupts the flow of the game, or bursts “between” it.

Now that you have become interested in the prefix inter-, “between,” you can confidently interact with any word that comes your way with inter- in it!

  1. Internet: networks that exist ‘between’ each other
  2. interconnected: linked ‘between’
  3. international: ‘between’ nations
  4. interoffice: ‘between’ offices
  5. interstate: ‘between’ states
  6. intersection: a cutting ‘between’
  7. interscholastic: ‘between’ schools
  8. intercept: seize ‘between’
  9. intermission: time sent ‘between’
  10. interrupt: burst ‘between’
  11. interested: be ‘between’
  12. interact: act ‘between’

Related Rootcasts

  • The Fascinating Parts of Words

    Morphology is the study of how words are put together by using morphemes, which include prefixes, roots, and suffixes. Parsing the different morphemes in a word reveals meaning and part of speech. For instance, the word “invention” includes the prefix in- + the root vent + the suffix -ion, from which is formed the noun “invention.”

  • Etymology: Word Origins

    Etymology is that part of linguistics that studies word origins. English vocabulary words are formed from many different sources, especially Latin and Greek. By determining the origins of the morphemes in English words, one is better able to remember and determine the dictionary definitions of words.


  • interpolate

    If you interpolate words into a piece of writing, you insert those words into it; such altering of the text could falsify it.

  • interdict

    An interdict is an official order that prevents someone from doing something.

  • interlocutor

    An interlocutor is the person with whom you are having a (usually formal) conversation or discussion.

  • internecine

    An internecine conflict or quarrel takes place between people who belong to the same group, organization, country, etc.

  • interregnum

    An interregnum is a period of time when there is temporarily no one in charge of a country or large organization.

  • disinterested

    Someone does something in a disinterested way when they have no personal involvement or attachment to the action.

  • interim

    An interim position at a school or business is only temporary; it lasts until the position can be filled permanently.

  • interloper

    An interloper is someone who barges into a place where they are not welcome and interferes with what is going on, often for personal gain.

  • intermittent

    Something that happens on an intermittent basis happens in irregular intervals, stopping and starting at unpredictable times.

  • interpose

    When you interpose, you interrupt or interfere in some fashion.

  • intersperse

    When you intersperse things, you distribute or scatter them among other things, sometimes at different intervals.

  • interstitial

    The adjective interstitial pertains to a narrow opening or a crack between two things.

  • intertwine

    When you intertwine two things, you twist them together and thereby interconnect them.

  • interject

    To interject is to insert a comment during a conversation that interrupts its flow.

  • intervene

    When you intervene in a difficult situation, you get involved in it to help solve the problem.

  • entertain

    When you entertain someone, you please or delight them by doing something that interests them, such as singing or acting.

  • interrupt

    When you interrupt someone, you cause that person to stop by breaking into what they are doing.

  • internal

    Something internal is inside of something else.

  • intercept

    When you intercept something, you stop or prevent it from getting to where it was going.

  • interact

    act together or towards others or with others

  • intercession

    a prayer to God on behalf of another person

  • interchangeable

    (mathematics, logic) such that the arguments or roles can be interchanged

  • interdependent

    mutually dependent

  • interesting

    arousing or holding the attention

  • interior

    situated within or suitable for inside a building

  • interlude

    perform an interlude

  • intern

    deprive of freedom

  • internalize

    incorporate within oneself

  • international

    concerning or belonging to all or at least two or more nations

  • interpret

    make sense of

  • interpretive

    that provides interpretation

  • interrogatory

    relating to the use of or having the nature of an interrogation

  • intersect

    meet at a point

  • interurban

    Going between, or connecting, cities or towns; as, interurban electric railways.

  • intervention

    the act of intervening (as to mediate a dispute, etc.)

  • interview

    conduct an interview in television, newspaper, and radio reporting

  • misinterpretation

    putting the wrong interpretation on

Differentiated vocabulary for your students is just a click away.

Оглавление —> Словообразование —> Структура производных слов —> Структура составных слов —> Префиксы

В английском языке есть односложные, двухсложные и многосложные слова. Почти все односложные слова, которые не являются международными, приходится заучивать разными способами. Но если слово многосложное, то можно определить значение слова по префиксу, особенно, если префикс является международным.

Возьмем , к примеру, префиксы, которые обозначают числа. Ведь со словами: квартет, квадроцикл, квадрат, квадрокоптер всегда ассоциируется цифра четыре, и встретив соответствующие слова в английском языке, можно понять их значение и без словаря.

Давайте рассмотрим префикс INTER, который обозначает МЕСТО и ПОЗИЦИЮ и имеет значение  — МЕЖДУ, СРЕДИ. Речь идет о положении или позиции МЕЖДУ двумя или более объектами в ПРОСТРАНСТВЕ или во ВРЕМЕНИ. Если речь идет о месте, то напрашивается вопрос ГДЕ?.

В русском языке тоже есть слова с приставкой ИНТЕР, которые являются международными.

Например: интерлюдия, интермедия, интервал, интерком, интернет, интервью, интервенция, интернациональный, интерфейс, интервокальный;

Однако большое количество английских слов с префиксом INTER переводятся на русский язык с приставками  — МЕЖ, ПРОМЕЖ или МЕЖДУ.

Например: международный, межгалактический, межконтинентальный, промежуток, междурядье, междоусобный, межсоюзнический, межклеточный, междуведомственный, межвидовой;

Стоит обратить внимание, что почти все слова в префиксом INTER, который имеет значение МЕЖДУ или СРЕДИ являются прилагательными или существительными. Глаголов среди них очень мало. Это вполне объяснимо, ведь речь идет о месте и позиции.

Напишу несколько английских слов с префиксом INTER в значении МЕЖДУ или СРЕДИ.

INTERACT(n) = антракт (то есть перерыв между двумя актами); интерлюдия, интермедия;

INTERALLIED (adj) = межсоюзнический или союзнический; есть слово” альянс”, которое понятно всем, это “союз”

INTERATOMIC (adj) = межатомный, внутриатомный;

INTERCELLULAR (adj) = межклеточный ( биология);

INTERCONTINENTAL (adj) = межконтинентальный;

INTERCOSTAL (adj) = межреберный (анатомия);

to INTERCROP = сажать или сеять между рядками;

INTERDEPARTMENTAL (adj) = междуведомственный;

INTERIM (n) = промежуток времени;

INTERIM (adj) = промежуточный, временный;

INTERJACENT (adj) = лежащий между, промежуточный;

INTER-LIBRARY (adj) = межбиблиотечный;

to INTERLINE = вписывать между строк;

INTERLINEAR (adj) = междустрочный, подстрочный;

INTERLUDE (n) = антракт, промежуток; промежуточный эпизод;

INTERMARRIAGE (n) = брак между людьми разных национальностей или рас; брак между родственниками;

INTERMXILLARY (adj) = межчелюстной (анатомия);

INTERMISSION (n) = антракт, перерыв, пауза;

INTERNATIONAL (adj) = международный, интернациональный;

INTERNATIONAL (n) = участник международных спортивных состязаний;

INTERNATIONALISM (n) = интернационализм;

INTERNATIONALIST (n) = интернационалист;

to INTERNATIONALIZE = делать интернациональным, ставить под контроль различных государств;

INTERNECINE (adj) = междоусобный;

INTERPLANETARY (adj) = межпланетный;

INTERSIDERIAL (adj) = межзвездный;

INTERSPACE (n) = промежуток пространства или времени, интервал;

to INTERSPACE = делать промежутки, отделять промежутками, заполнять промежутки;

INTERSPECIFIC (adj) = межвидовой (биология);

INTERSTATE (adj) = находящийся между штатами; включающий разные штаты; относящийся к разным штатам, связывающий отдельные штаты;

INTERSTELLAR (adj) = межзвездный;

INTERSTICE (n) = промежуток, щель, расщелина;

INTERSTITIAL (adj) = промежуточный, образующий щели, расщелины;

to INTERTILL = обрабатывать междурядья; пахать между рядами;

INTERTRIBAL (adj) = межплеменной;

INTERURBAN (adj) = междугородный;

INTERVAL (n) = промежуток, расстояние, интервал; пауза, перерыв, антракт;

to INTERVAL = делать перерыв;

INTERVOCALIC (adj) = интервокальный;

INTERZONAL (adj) = межзональный;

Words with the Prefix Inter-

Word Definition
interaction the act of doing things with people
interactive designed to be used in a way that involves the participation of a user
intercede to help settle differences between individuals or groups
intercept to seize, take, or stop before reaching an intended destination

Similarly, what are words with the prefix non?

Words with the Prefix Non-

Word Definition
nonessential not necessary; something that is not essential
nonexistent not real; a thing that has no existence
nonfat without fat or fat solids; having the fat solids removed, e.g., skim or nonfat milk
nonfiction writing that is not made up; a true story about facts or real events

Furthermore, what does the prefix intra mean?

Intra— is a prefix used to form words that mean on the inside, within. Contrast this with inter- and you immediately see the difference. While inter- deals with open systems among groups, intra— deals with closed systems between a single group.

What does non mean as a prefix?

non— a prefix meaning “not,” freely used as an English formative, usually with a simple negative force as implying mere negation or absence of something (rather than the opposite or reverse of it, as often expressed by un-1): nonadherence; noninterference; nonpayment; nonprofessional.

Does inside have a prefix?

But if you are asking whether there is a prefix or suffix that means inside, there are a choice of prefixes that depend on the word you are attaching it to. For most uses, though, “intra” is a good option. “Intracellular” means inside the cell or cells.

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