Word that have the prefix dis

  • Words beginning with certain letters
  • Words with the prefix «dis-«

This morpheme tends to mean «from, reduce, or opposite«. Some of the most representative words that include it are: disagree, disadvantage, dishonest

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  • disease

  • discussion

  • district

  • distance

  • distribution

  • display

  • discipline

  • discuss

  • distinction

  • dispute

  • distinct

  • discover

  • discovery

  • distant

  • disaster

  • disk

  • discourse

  • distinctive

  • disposal

  • discount

  • discrimination

  • distinguish

  • discretion

  • disorder

  • disc

  • dish

  • discharge

  • dismissal

  • disability

  • disappointment

  • distress

  • disappear

  • disadvantage

  • disastrous

  • disciplinary

  • disclosure

  • dislike

  • disruption

  • disturbance

  • dismiss

  • distinctly

  • disagreement

  • dissolution

  • disco

  • disagree

  • disguise

  • disclose

  • discomfort

  • distortion

  • disposition

  • disgust

  • disappearance

  • discontent

  • distribute

  • discretionary

  • disbelief

  • disturb

  • dispose

  • distal

  • dissatisfaction

  • dissent

  • distributor

  • dismay

  • discreet

  • disgrace

  • disapproval

  • discrete

  • discourage

  • disregard

  • discriminate

  • disarmament

  • dissolve

  • disposable

  • dismal

  • displacement

  • disruptive

  • discrepancy

  • dissident

  • distaste

  • distraction

  • disrupt

  • dishonest

  • disused

  • dissemination

  • distrust

  • dispersal

  • disintegration

  • discreetly

  • dismissive

  • dispatch

  • disgraceful

  • disparate

  • dispense

  • discernible

  • distract

  • distort

  • dissimilar

  • dissertation

  • discursive

  • disproportionate

  • discriminatory

  • discern

  • distraught

  • discard

  • dishonesty

  • disperse

  • disdain

  • disproportionately

  • disarray

  • distinguishable

  • disobedience

  • disparity

  • dispel

  • distasteful

  • disgruntled

  • disillusionment

  • discredit

  • dissociation

  • disorderly

  • distinctiveness

  • dishwasher

  • disqualification

  • dismantle

  • displeasure

  • disagreeable

  • disappoint

  • diseased

  • dislocation

  • disquiet

  • displace

  • disinterested

  • dispersion

  • disablement

  • discontinuity

  • disrepute

  • disclaimer

  • dismissively

  • distantly

  • distillation

  • disaffected

  • disenchantment

  • dissuade

  • disapprove

  • disciple

  • discord

  • disinfectant

  • dispensation

  • disaffection

  • distinctively

  • disincentive

  • distillery

  • discordant

  • dislodge

  • disseminate

  • distension

  • disarm

  • disrespect

  • dis

  • disuse

  • disillusion

  • dishonestly

  • dispenser

  • disastrously

  • disembodied

  • disturbingly

  • disinfection

  • disentangle

  • distributive

  • disappointingly

  • disprove

  • discontinue

  • disintegrate

  • discontinuous

  • disorientation

  • distally

  • disband

  • discus

  • dispassionate

  • dissipate

  • dissonance

  • dissection

  • disreputable

  • disloyal

  • dissipation

  • dissociate

  • disequilibrium

  • dissension

  • disunity

  • disrepair

  • dismally

  • disdainful

  • disingenuous

  • disobedient

  • disloyalty

  • discipleship

  • discouragement

  • dismount

  • disservice

  • distributional

  • disconnect

  • dishonour

  • dispassionately

  • disconcertingly

  • disobey

  • disqualify

  • discoverer

  • diss

  • disengagement

  • disbelieve

  • dispensary

  • discernment

  • discomfiture

  • disparagingly

  • disadvantageous

  • disulphate

  • disinterest

  • disapprovingly

  • disarmingly

  • dissonant

  • disharmony

  • disable

  • disrespectful

  • discharger

  • distributable

  • distemper

  • dissect

  • disengage

  • disbelievingly

  • disown

  • disinclination

  • distractedly

  • disciplinarian

  • disconsolate

  • discotheque

  • disinformation

  • disconnection

  • disjunction

  • disafforestment

  • distrustful

  • disbursement

  • disembark

  • disfavour

  • discman

  • dishonourable

  • disclaim

  • distil

  • discontinuance

  • dismemberment

  • discography

  • discriminant

  • disaggregation

  • diskless

  • disallow

  • dispensable

  • distalmost

  • discoloration

  • discreditable

  • discrepant

  • disgustingly

  • disconsolately

  • disestablishment

  • distention

  • disfigurement

  • dishy

  • discourteous

  • disaffiliation

  • disassociate

  • disavowal

  • dissenter

  • distaff

  • discolouration

  • dispositive

  • distinctness

  • diskette

  • displease

  • discourtesy

  • dismember

  • disparage

  • disavow

  • discernable

  • dissolute

  • dissimulation

  • disgracefully

  • disbandment

  • dispossession

  • disjunctive

  • disproportion

  • disambiguation

  • dishcloth

  • discoverable

  • dissidence

  • disinfect

  • distressingly

  • disulphide

  • disgorge

  • disaggregate

  • disorganisation

  • disproportionality

  • dishwashing

  • disembarkation

  • disfigure

  • disapprobation

  • disburse

  • disparagement

  • discolour

  • disputation

  • dissemble

  • disyllabic

  • dissipative

  • disorganization

  • discontinuation

  • dismutase

  • discretely

  • discriminative

  • distastefully

  • dissimilarity

  • disutility

  • disinherit

  • dispositional

  • distamycin

  • disconcert

  • distiller

  • disambiguate

  • disjuncture

  • distrain

  • disgruntlement

  • distributorship

  • disjoint

  • distractor

  • dispatcher

  • dispersive

  • disallowance

  • disjunct

  • disinvestment

  • disquisition

  • distempered

  • disenfranchisement

  • dis-ease

  • disabuse

  • disposer

  • disapply

  • disassociation

  • disputable

  • distraint

  • discomposed

  • dislocate

  • discriminability

  • dissentient

  • disgorgement

  • disbarment

  • disinheritance

  • discreteness

  • dispossess

  • discriminator

  • disenfranchise

  • dispiritedly

  • disagreeably

  • disputatious

  • dishwater

  • discursively

  • distillate

  • distractingly

  • dishabituation

  • dispassion

  • disassembly

  • distortionary

  • discordance

  • disingenuously

  • discriminable

  • distantiation

  • disproof

  • dispersant

  • disassemble

  • discernibly

  • dissociative

  • disinterestedly

  • disinterestedness

  • discounter

  • dislikeable

  • dissimilatory

  • disease-ridden

  • disaccharide

  • disafforestation

  • disappointedly

  • distend

  • disintermediation

  • dislodgement

  • distastefulness

  • discouragingly

  • disodium

  • displayable

  • dishearten

  • disadvantageously

  • disaffiliate

  • distributary

  • disproportionally

  • disbenefit

  • disinter

  • disorientate

  • disruptiveness

  • disrespectfully

  • discontentment

  • disintegrative

  • discoursal

  • disrupter

  • distensibility

  • disembowel

  • disempowerment

  • disendowment

  • disfiguration

  • dishonourably

  • dis-

  • distortive

  • disincorporation

  • disintegrator

  • dissensus

  • dist

  • discomposure

  • discordantly

  • dispirit

  • discursiveness

  • dissuasion

  • distressful

  • distorter

  • disentanglement

  • disentitlement

  • disablism

  • dissociable

  • disanalogy

  • disarticulate

  • distinguishability

  • distrustfully

  • disbeliever

  • discerningly

  • discomfit

  • disingenuousness

  • dismayingly

  • dismissible

  • disorganize

  • dismissable

  • disquietude

  • disproportional

  • disruptively

  • dissuasive

  • distributer

  • disfluency

  • disfranchisement

  • disgustin’

  • dishevelment

  • disorderliness

  • disafforest

  • disponer

  • disaturated

  • disbound

  • discarnate

  • disinhibiting

  • disimpaction

  • disport

  • disputative

  • discobolus

  • disturber

  • discographical

  • discoid

  • discoidal

  • disconfirming

  • disconformable

  • disloyally

  • disinvest

  • disorient

  • displayer

  • dispositio

  • disquietingly

  • discriminately

  • discriminatingly

  • discussable

  • discussant

  • dissymmetry

  • distill

  • distich

  • distensible

  • distractability

  • distrait

  • disempower

  • disgustingness

  • disoblige

  • disimpact

  • dispensible

  • disjunctively

  • disarrangement

  • dissatisfy

  • disputant

  • dissention

  • disbar

  • disbudding

  • disburden

  • discernably

  • disopyramide

  • dismissiveness

  • dispend

  • disclosable

  • dissipatively

  • disseminator

  • distinguisher

  • distortionless

  • discographer

  • discombobulated

  • disconnectedness

  • discontentedly

  • disunion

  • disinflationary

  • disinhibition

  • dishwasher-safe

  • disjointedness

  • discoursive

  • discourteously

  • dismantlement

  • disorganise

  • disperser

  • discretional

  • disponee

  • dispossessor

  • discriminably

  • dishtowel

  • discriminated-against

  • dissimulate

  • dissoluble

  • dissolvent

  • distinguishably

  • disembarrass

  • distractible

  • disembowelment

  • distributism

  • dissuader

  • disyllable

  • disentitle

  • disfunction

  • disulfiram

  • disgruntledly

  • disharmonious

  • dishclout

  • disinhibit

  • disaccharidase

  • disidentification

  • disjointedly

  • dissert

  • disad

  • disincarnate

  • disownment

  • disagreeableness

  • disquietly

  • distractedness

  • disallowable

  • disinsection

  • disvalue

  • disilicate

  • disapprover

  • disarmer

  • disarrange

  • dispersity

  • disarticulation

  • dissolver

  • distonic

  • disbud

  • disburser

  • discal

  • discalced

  • disklike

  • dismemberer

  • dischargeable

  • disparition

  • dismission

  • disciform

  • dispiritingly

  • dispersionless

  • dispositionally

  • dissatisfier

  • disseisin

  • dissever

  • dissolvable

  • discloser

  • disqualifier

  • disclude

  • distemperature

  • distortedly

  • distributist

  • distracter

  • discolor

  • discombobulate

  • disunite

  • discomfortingly

  • discommode

  • discompose

  • disvaluation

  • disconcertion

  • disconcertment

  • disconfirmation

  • disconnectedly

  • disconnexion

  • discontiguous

  • discontinuously

  • discophile

  • disincorporate

  • disingenuity

  • disinhibitory

  • discorporate

  • disinterment

  • disjoin

  • discountable

  • diskspace

  • dismantler

  • dismantleable

  • disobligingly

  • disomy

  • discreditability

  • discreditably

  • dispase

  • dispensability

  • dispence

  • displacive

  • dispersedly

  • discretionally

  • disposability

  • dispraise

  • disremember

  • disruptor

  • dissector

  • disrupture

  • disproportionably

  • discusser

  • dissonantly

  • dissolutely

  • dissembler

  • diseconomy

  • distillment

  • distillated

  • diselenide

  • distortional

  • distractive

  • disembodiedness

  • disembodiment

  • disembody

  • distrainer

  • disemboweller

  • disenchant

  • distributionally

  • dishrack

  • disulphur

  • disequalizing

  • disert

  • disestablish

  • disesteem

  • disfavor

  • disforest

  • disfranchise

  • disgorger

  • disgracefull

  • dishabille

  • dishearteningly

  • disherison

  • dishful

  • dishmop

  • dishonorable

  • distylous

  • dishpan

  • DIS

  • disableable

  • disabled sport

  • disabled sports

  • disabledness

  • disabuser

  • disaccommodate

  • disaccommodation

  • disaccord

  • disaccordant

  • disadvantagedness

  • disadvantageousness

  • disadvauntage

  • disadventure

  • disadventurous

  • disadvise

  • disaffect

  • disaffectation

  • disaffectedly

  • disaffectedness

  • disaffectionate

  • disanalogously

  • disanchor

  • disangelical

  • disanimate

  • disanimation

  • disannex

  • disannul

  • disannuller

  • disannulment

  • disanoint

  • disapparate

  • disappearable

  • disappearer

  • disappearing act

  • disappearing carriage

  • disappearing disease

  • disappearingly

  • disappointer

  • disappointingness

  • disappoynt

  • disappreciate

  • disapprobative

  • disavowment

  • disbalance

  • disbalanced

  • disbark

  • disbarrable

  • disbase

  • disbecome

  • disbelievable

  • disbelievably

  • Disbelievers

  • disbench

  • disbend

  • disbind

  • disbloomed

  • disbodied

  • disboscation

  • disbosom

  • disbowel

  • disbranch

  • disburdenment

  • disbursal

  • disburthen

  • DISC assessment

  • disc brake

  • disc drive

  • disc golf

  • disc harrow

  • disc jockey

  • disc rot

  • disc-tongued frog

  • Disc.

  • discage

  • discalceate

  • discalceated

  • discalceation

  • discamp

  • discandium

  • discandy

  • discant

  • discapacitate

  • discardable

  • discarder

  • discardment

  • discolith

  • discolor’d

  • discolorer

  • discolorisation

  • discolorization

  • discolorment

  • discolorous

  • discolourer

  • discolourisation

  • discolourization

  • discolourment

  • discolourous


  • discom

  • discomania

  • discomboberate

  • discombobulatedly

  • discombobulatingly

  • discombobulator

  • discombooberate

  • discomfitingly

  • discomfortable

  • discomforter

  • discommend

  • discommendable

  • discommendably

  • discommendation

  • discommender

  • discommensurate

  • discommission

  • discommodate

  • discommodious

  • discommodiously

  • discommodiousness

  • discommodity

  • discommon

  • discommunity

  • discompany

  • discompassionate

  • discomplexion

  • discompliance

  • discomposing

  • discomposingly

  • discomposition

  • disconcerning

  • disconcertedly

  • disconcertedness

  • disconcur

  • disconfirm

  • disconfirmatory

  • disconfirmed expectancy

  • disconformably

  • disconformity

  • discongruity

  • disconjugate

  • disconnectable

  • disconnective

  • disconnectively

  • disconnectivity

  • disconnector

  • disconsecrate

  • disconsider

  • disconsolacy

  • disconsolance

  • disconsolated

  • disconsolateness

  • disconsolation

  • disconsonant

  • discontentation

  • discontentedness

  • discontentful

  • discontention

  • discontentive

  • discontinuable

  • discontinually

  • discontinuative

  • discontinuee

  • discontinuer

  • discontinuity in the flow

  • discontinuousness

  • disconvenience

  • disconvenient

  • discoordination

  • disyoke

  • disencumbrance

  • disendorse

  • disendorsement

  • disendow

  • disengagedness

  • disengager

  • disengagingly

  • disenjoy

  • disenjoyment

  • disennoble

  • disenrol

  • disenroll

  • disenrollment

  • disensanity

  • disenshroud

  • disenshrouded

  • disenslave

  • disentail

  • disenter

  • disenthral

  • disenthrall

  • disenthrallment

  • disenthralment

  • disenthrone

  • disentomb

  • disentrail

  • disentrailed

  • disentrance

  • disentrancement

  • disentwine

  • disenvowel

  • disepalous

  • disequalising

  • disequality

  • disequalize

  • disequilibration

  • disertly

  • disespouse

  • disestablisher

  • disestablishmentarian

  • disestablishmentarianism

  • disesteemer

  • disexcitation

  • disfame

  • disfancy

  • disfashion

  • disfavorable

  • disfavorably

  • disfavored

  • disfavorer

  • disfavourable

  • disfavourably

  • disfavourer

  • disfeature

  • disfellowship

  • disfellowshipment

  • disfigurative

  • disfigurer

  • disfiguringly

  • disfix

  • disflesh

  • disfluent

  • disfluently

  • disforestation

  • disform

  • disformal

  • disformally

  • disformity

  • disfrock

  • disfurnish

  • disfurnished

  • disfurnishment

  • disfurniture

  • disgage

  • disgarland

  • disgarnish

  • disgarrison

  • disgavel

  • disgenic

  • disgest

  • disgestion

  • disglorify

  • disglory

  • disgodded

  • disgospelling

  • disgown

  • disgracedness

  • disgracefulness

  • disgraceless

  • disgracious

  • disgracive

  • disgradation

  • disgrade

  • disgraduate

  • disgregate

  • disgregation

  • disgrossting

  • disgruntle

  • disguisable

  • disguisedly

  • disguisedness

  • disguiseless

  • disguisement

  • disguiser

  • disguize

  • Disgusta

  • disgustable

  • Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells

  • disgustedness

  • disgustful

  • disgustfully

  • disgustfulness

  • disgustology

  • DISH

  • dish antenna

  • dish bitch

  • dish out

  • dish pig

  • dish rack

  • dish stand

  • dish the dirt

  • dish towel

  • dish up

  • dish washer

  • dish-faced

  • dishabilitate

  • dishabilitation

  • dishabited

  • dishabituate

  • dishable

  • dishallow

  • disharmonic

  • disharmoniously

  • disharmonize

  • dishaunt

  • dishcloth gourd

  • dishdasha

  • dishdashi

  • disheart

  • disheartenedly

  • disheartenment

  • disheir

  • dishelm

  • disher

  • disherit

  • disheritance

  • disheritor

  • dishevel

  • dishevele

  • disheveledly

  • dishevelledly

  • dishily

  • dishiness

  • dishless

  • dishlicker

  • dishlike

  • Dishman

  • dishonestness

  • dishonnour

  • dishonor

  • dishonorableness

  • dishonorably

  • dishonorary

  • dishonorer

  • dishonourableness

  • dishonoured bill

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


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    A Comprehensive List Of All The Words Starting With Dis To Boost Your Child’s Word Skills

    Words are the most basic units of language. Learning words and building a strong vocabulary is a very important part of a child’s early education. Learning words for kids is necessary for children to learn how to read, write and communicate. When your child starts learning D words for kids, introduce them to this list of words that start with Dis to boost your child’s word skills. When you start vocabulary lessons for your child, introduce them to words one letter at a time. This helps them learn words easily without any confusion.

    Affixes are a string of letters that are added to the beginning or end of a word to alter its meaning, tense or form a new word. A prefix is an affix that is attached at the beginning of a word. Dis is one of the most used prefixes in the English language. The prefix Dis means none or not. When the prefix Dis is added to the beginning of a word, it changes the meaning of the word to the opposite. For example, adding the prefix dis to the beginning of the word appear changes it to disappear. 

    However, not all words starting with Dis have an opposite meaning. For instance, Dis in words like Distant and Distribute is not a prefix. Before introducing your children to words that start with Dis, introduce them to Opposite Words for Kids. This will help them understand the concept easily. 

    Here is a complete list of all the words that start with Dis to expand your child’s vocabulary.

    Commonly Used Words that Begin with Dis:

    Dislike Disown Disprove
    Disobey Distrust Disrobe
    Dishonest Dissent Disable
    Disconnect Disarm Disgrace
    Disembark Disjoin Displease
    Disappoint Disavow Disclaim
    Disagree Dislike Distaste
    Disinfect Dissent Disloyal

    4 Letter Words That Start With Dis

    Disc Dish
    Disk Diss

    5 Letter Words that Start with Dis

    Dishy Disco
    Disks Discs

    6 Letter Words that Start with Dis

    Dismal Dished Dishes
    Dismay Disuse Discus
    Disarm Disown Discos
    Dispel Disbar Distil

    7 Letter Words that Start with Dis

    Discuss Distort Dishrag
    Disease Disdain Disjoin
    Display Discord Discern
    Dispute Disable Dishpan
    Distant Disused Discard
    Dismiss Dissect Disowns
    Dispose Disband Dishing
    Dislike Distill Dispels
    Disrupt Disobey Disbars
    Dissent Distend Disarms
    Disturb Disavow Disuses
    Disgust Disrobe Dissert

    Activities To Help Children Learn Words That Start With Dis

    Once your child has mastered the list of words starting with Dis, you need to ensure that they remember it. Hands-on activities and games make learning vocabulary for kids an enjoyable and exciting experience. Additionally, these activities help children remember these words easily too. Here are some fun activities to help your child learn words that start with dis.

    • Pictionary: Pictionary is a wonderful game to help children learn new words and understand the meaning of the words. Help your child learn words that start with dis with a fun game of Pictionary. Check Pictionary words for kids for more words to play the game.
    • Spelling bee: Spelling bee contests are great tools to help children learn new words. Kids love participating in games and activities, so turn their vocabulary lesson on words starting with dis into a spelling bee contest. Little ones find it easy to learn the Hard Spelling Bee Words when they have a strong foundation and knowledge about alphabets and word formation. The children need to learn to read, write and spell a word in the right way. Learning the spelling of a word is an essential skill that a child must master. This game helps your child remember the words that start with dis and learn how to spell them too. Here are some words to help you get started.
      1. Distract
      2. Disco
      3. Dish
      4. Distance
      5. Disguise
      6. Discover
      7. Disparity
      8. Discredit
    • Quiz: Once the kids have mastered Easy Spelling Words and the words that start with Dis given above, you can challenge them with a quiz. Ask your child to fill in the blanks to complete the words that start with Dis.
      1. D __ s l i k e
      2. __ i s o b e y
      3. D i __ h o n __ s t
      4. D __ s c __ v e r
      5. __ i s c o __ n t

    Frequently Asked Questions on Words that Start with Dis

    What are the 6 letter words that start with Dis?

    The 6 letter words that start with Dis are, dismay, dismal, dispel, disown, distil, disced, discos, disuse, disarm, dishes, etc. These are a few words that start with Dis for kids.

    What are the 7 letter words that start with Dis?

    The 7 letter words that start with Dis are discuss, disturb, disgust, disrupt, distill, dismiss, dislike, dispute, discern, disable, distort, disregard, etc You can introduce these words to kids along with their meanings.

    What are the 8 letter words that start with Dis?

    The 8 letter words that start with Dis are dispatch, district, distinct, diaster, discover, distance, disgrace, dissolve, discreet, distract, disarray, disclaim, dispense, disorder, disgrace, disperse, diseased, disciple, disloyal, dishonor, displace, etc

    • List Of Words Prefixed With ‘Dis’ For Kids

    • ‘Dis’ Words For Lower Elementary Kids

    • Positive Words That Start With ‘Dis’ For Children

    • More Words That Start With ‘Dis’

    • Activities That Will Help Your Child To Learn ‘Dis’ Words

    Words are the building block of learning a language. Learning new words will broaden your child’s vocabulary, ensuring a strong base at a very early age. Kids with higher word skills will quickly learn how to read and express themselves through written or spoken communication. Affixes represent a string of letters that can be added to a word’s beginning or end to form a new word with a different meaning and tense. A prefix comes at the beginning of a word. Words prefixed with ‘dis’ will introduce your child to a whole new vocabulary of negating or opposite words. One can add ‘dis’ before a word to convey its opposite meaning. Eg when dis is added to respect, it becomes disrespect. However, there are some exceptions. Some words like distant, and discipline are complete words in themselves. In such cases, dis is not a prefix. If you remove ‘dis’ from such words, the remaining letters may not make complete sense. Before introducing the prefixes, it will be helpful for your kids to learn the opposite words to grasp the concept instantly.

    List Of Words Prefixed With ‘Dis’ For Kids

    Here is a detailed list of words to expand your kid’s vocabulary. This list contains easy words prefixed with Dis that generally have the opposite meaning of the word after ‘dis’. These are commonly used words that can be used in regular conversations.

    Disobey Disprove Dislike
    Dishonest Disagree Discomfort
    Disown Disability Displease
    Disconnect Disable Disbelief
    Disinfect Disgrace Disclaim
    Disjoint Disadvantage Dishonour
    Distaste Disarm Disrobe
    Disloyal Dismantle Distrust

    ‘Dis’ Words For Lower Elementary Kids

    Various words start with the prefix ‘dis’. However, it will be easy for your child to remember most of them if they are differentiated based on the number of letters in the word. Start memorising the short words and gradually move to the more significant ones.

    4 Letter Words That Start With Dis

    5 Letter Words That Start With Dis

    Disco Disks
    Discs Dishy
    Disme Disci
    Disir Disna
    Disas Disad

    6 Letter Words That Start With Dis

    Disarm Dispel
    Divert Disown
    Disbud Dismay
    Disman Dismal
    Discus Discal
    Distil Disuse

    7 Letter Words That Start With Dis

    Disable Display
    Disband Disease
    Discard Discant
    Discord Discern
    Discuss Disbark
    Disgust Disleaf

    8 Letter Words That Start With Dis

    Disabuse Disapply
    Disaster Disadorn
    Disavail Discreet
    Disagree Disburse
    Disarray Disclaim

    Apart from the general nature of words starting with ‘dis’ defining the opposite meaning of the attached word, there are words that start with ‘dis’ yet has a positive meaning. Learning these words will give your child an advantage in expressing their feelings and constructing sentences more craftily. Here is a list of positive words that start with ‘Dis’.

    Discover Distinct
    Distinguished Disco
    Discourse Discussion
    Discipline Disguise
    Disciple Distil
    Distributor Distract
    Dispense Dismiss
    Dissolve Distribute
    Dispatch Disembark
    Discreet Discerning

    More Words That Start With ‘Dis’

    Once your child learns most of the common words starting with ‘dis’, they can start learning and differentiating ‘dis’ words according to their parts of speech. Here are detailed lists of verbs, adjectives and nouns which they can use in constructing sentences. This will help them know the correct form of each word with the ‘dis’ prefix and help construct meaningful sentences.

    Verbs That Start With Dis

    Disable Disagree
    Disappear Disarm

    Adjectives That Start With Dis

    Disgusting Disappointing
    Disproportionate Disadvantageous

    Noun That Start With Dis

    Dish Disorder
    Disc Dishpan
    Diskette Discotheque

    Activities That Will Help Your Child To Learn ‘Dis’ Words

    Once your kids learn the list of words starting with the word ‘dis’, they must remember it and be able to use it in different sentences. Some games and hands-on activities can ensure that your child can enjoy learning vocabulary and remember them forever. Fun activities will keep them interested and help them learn the words easily. Start with enjoyable activities and games to learn new words prefixed with dis.

    1. Pictionary

    Pictionary is a game that helps children learn new words while understanding the meaning of the words. This game helps develop imagination, teamwork skills and communication through fun activities. In this game, you have two teams. The teammate from the first team has to draw the phrase or word the competing team gave. The picture must be drawn to help other team players understand the word and guess the correct answer within a minute. The team with the correct answers wins the game. You can choose from a stack of pre-written dis words cards to draw a picture and ask your kid to recognise it. Words assembled with pictures require more brain work and boost creativity.

    2. Spelling Bee

    This contest is another great tool to increase your child’s vocabulary in a fun way. Since children love participating in healthy activities and competitive games, turning their vocabulary lesson about different words starting with ‘dis’ into an enjoyable spelling bee contest will be a great idea. To learn hard words, it is necessary to build a firm foundation, acquire basic knowledge about the alphabet, and form new words. To prepare for spelling bee games, children need to know the formation of syllables to remember the correct spelling. It is also required to notice the meaning of each syllable, which helps to remember the particular word forever but also helps in understanding unknown words formed with those syllables. Start with any dis word, explain the meaning of each syllable and then ask them to spell it. Here are some words to start with.

    1. Disco
    2. Distance
    3. Distract
    4. Discover
    5. Disguise
    6. Dish
    7. Discredit
    8. Disparity
    9. Dislodge
    10. Disable

    3. Quiz

    Once your kids have learned and memorised many words starting with dis, you can ask them to participate in a quiz where they will have to fill in the blanks to construct a meaningful word starting with ‘dis’. This will allow them to revise all the words and work on finding a particular word ensuring memorisation for a longer period. The questions can be as follows.

    1. Di_h_ne_t, Answers: Dishonest
    2. Dis_b_l_, Answer: Disable
    3. D_sm_ _ tle: Answer: Dismantle
    4. D_sco_e_: Answer: Discover
    5. Dis_p_ear: Answer: Disappear

    Words are the primary blocks to forming a proper sentence; thus, your child must undergo these challenges to build a strong vocabulary to ensure a firm grasp of the language.

    Also Read:

    Words that Start with Ch for Kids to Learn
    Compound Words for Kids with Types and Examples
    Words that Begin with D for Kids to Improve Vocabulary

    В английском языке существует много отрицательных приставок, а именно: —dis, —mis, —un, —in, —im, —il, —ir,- non.

    Префиксы (приставки) добавляют к различным частям речи: к существительным, прилагательным, глаголам и так далее.

    Давайте рассмотрим каждую приставку подробнее: 

    Отрицательные префиксы —in, —im, —ir, —il

    В основном добавляются к прилагательным

    1)   Im добавляем к прилагательным, которые начинаются на буквы M, P


    Moral (Моральный) – Immoral (Аморальный, безнравственный)

    Possible (Возможный) – Impossible (Невозможный)

    Personal (Личный) – Impersonal (Неличный)

    Polite (Вежливый) – Impolite (Невежливый)

    It is impossible to move to another country now – Сейчас невозможно переехать в другую страну.

    Why are you so impolite? – Почему ты такой невежливый?

    2)   Ir добавляем к прилагательным, которые начинаются на букву R

    Regular (Регулярный) – Irregular (Нерегулярный)

    Relevant (Релевантный) – Irrelevant (Нерелевантный)

    Исключение: Reliable – Unreliable

    It doesnt work because you do irregular exercises – Это не работает, потому что ты делаешь нерегулярные упражнения.

    He is very unreliable person – Он очень ненадежный человек.

    3) – il добавляем к прилагательным, которые начинаются на букву L

    Legal (Легальный) – illegal (Нелегальный)

    Logical (Логический) – illogical (Нелогический)

    Исключение: limited (Ограниченный) – unlimited (Неограниченный)

    This company does illegal trades – Эта компания занимается нелегальной торговлей.

    I don’t understand his way of working. His behavior is illogical. – Я не понимаю его способ работы. Он поступает нелогично.

    4) In добавляется к прилагательным. Их желательно запоминать, так как нет правила, на какие буквы они должны начинаться.

    Active (Активный) – Inactive (Неактивный)

    Dependent (Зависимый) – Independent (Независимый)

    Different (Разный) – Indifferent (Одинаковый)

    Correct (Правильный) – Incorrect (Неправильный)

    We are speaking about absolutely indifferent issues – Мы говорим об абсолютно разных проблемах.

    All your homework is incorrect. Try to find your mistakes – Вся твоя домашняя работа неправильная. Попробуй найти свои ошибки.

    Отрицательный префикс —Un

    1). Добавляется к прилагательным с суффиксами able, но и с другими прилагательными тоже часто употребляется

    Reliable (Надежный) – Unreliable (Ненадежный)

    Believable (Вероятный, правдоподобный) – Unbelievable (Невероятный)

    Suitable (Подходящий) – Unsuitable (Неподходящий)

    2). Прилагательные без суффикса able

    Attractive (Привлекательный) – Unattractive (Непривлекательный)

    Real (Настоящий, реальный) – Unreal (Ненастоящий, нереальный)

    Pleasant (Приятный) – Unpleasant (Неприятный)

    His friendship is so unreliable. Try to be careful – Его дружба очень ненадежная. Постарайся быть осторожным.

    I saw his unpleasant man yesterday – Я видел этого неприятного человека вчера.

    3). Добавляется к глаголам. Значение меняется на противоположное

    Button (застёгивать на пуговицы) – Unbutton (расстёгивать пуговицы)

    Dress (одеваться) Undress (раздеваться)

    Отрицательный префикс —dis

    При добавлении к глаголам, меняется их значение на противоположное

    Appear (Появиться)  – Disappear (Исчезать))

    Connect (Подключиться)  – Disconnect (Отключиться)

    Тоже самое происходит, когда мы добавляем к другим частям речи

    Pleasure (Удовольствие) – Displeasure (Недовольство)

    Honest (Честный) – Dishonest (Нечестный)

    I absolutely disagree with you – Я с тобой абсолютно не согласен.

    My keys have disappeared today. I cannot find them anywhere – Мои ключи сегодня пропали. Я не могу их нигде найти.

    Отрицательный префикс —mis

    Добавляется к различным частям речи. Значение будет неправильного сделанного действия.

    Understand (Понимать) – Misunderstand (Не понимать)

    Spell (писать или произносить по буквам) – Misspell (Делать орфографические ошибки при написании)

    Use (Использовать) – Misuse (Использовать неправильно, злоупотреблять)

    There is total misunderstanding between us – Между нами абсолютное недопонимание.

    I always misspell this word – Я всегда неправильно произношу это слово.

    Отрицательный префикс —non

    Добавляется к различным частям речи. Многие слова пишутся либо слитно, либо через дефис. Однако бывают примеры, когда два варианта написания возможны. В основном слова с данной приставкой надо запоминать.

    Stop (Останавливаться) – Non-stop (Без остановки)

    Profit (Прибыль) – Nonprofit (Без прибыли)

    Verbal (Вербальный, словесный) – Nonverbal (Невербальный)

    Fiction (Фантастика, вымышленный) – Nonfiction (Документальный, созданный на основании фактов, доказательств)

    Sense (Смысл) – Nonsense (Чепуха, бессмыслица)

    Ability (Способность) – Nonability (Неспособность)

    Prefixes are handy tools that create an impact on the Root Words that it attaches to. Among prefixes, negative prefixes are those which turn the root word into the negative. One of the most common negative prefixes used in English is “dis,”. The addition of the “dis” prefix adds ‘not’ or ‘incorrectly’ to the root word.

    • Example of Words with Prefix dis
    • Prefixes similar to dis
    • What does the prefix “dis” mean?
    • Is “dis” a suffix?
    • Give an example of the usage of the “dis” prefix to suggest the meaning “apart”?

    So, where does the “dis” prefix come from? The prefix ‘dis-‘ has its origin in Latin, where it has the literal meaning ‘apart’. Today the prefix is commonly used to mean ‘opposite of’, ‘not’, ‘remove’ and ‘reverse’. It also has other meanings besides attributing a negative connotation. The common meanings include:

    • Apart
    • Lack of, or not
    • Away
    • Utterly

    As mentioned, when you add “dis” to a word you often get a contrary meaning. Some examples include:

    • Honest – dishonest
    • Respect – disrespect
    • Please – displease
    • Allow – disallow
    • Trust – distrust
    • Similar – dissimilar

    Example of Words with Prefix dis

    Now that you know what a “de” prefix is, have a look at a few words that contain the prefix:

    • Disappointed
    • Disapproval
    • Disgust
    • Disbelief
    • Disrespect
    • Disgrace
    • Dismay
    • Disinterest
    • Distaste
    • Disregard
    • Discourage
    • Disdain
    • Discomfort
    • Displeasure
    • Dislike
    • Distrust

    Prefixes similar to dis

    Two prefixes “mis” and “un” are similar to “dis” and are used interchangeably in some cases.

    1) “dis” and “mis”

    The prefixes “dis” and “mis” are similar. The prefix “mis” can mean badly, unfavorably, or wrongly. Examples include:
    misbehave, mismatch, mistake, etc. In some instances, “dis” and “mis” are interchangeable. For example trust – distrust – mistrust.

    However, it is not possible to substitute “dis” for “mis” in all cases. For example, you cannot use words like “mishonest,” “misallow,” or “missimilar” for words like dishonest, disallow or dissimilar, etc.

    2) “dis” and “un”

    The prefix “dis” is also similar to “un,” but as with the previous example, it is not possible to substitute one prefix for another at all times. The prefix “un” signifies negation or reversal. Examples:

    • Available – unavailable.
    • Happy – unhappy
    • Wind – unwind

    Words such as “organized” can take either of the prefixes dis or un. The words “disorganized” and “unorganized” are words that have very similar meanings. However, there exists a difference because “disorganized,” is usually used to refer to people, while “unorganized” is commonly used to describe a thing or place. For example:
    Jake is disorganized and can never set things to order by himself. The event is unorganized.

    Read More:

    • Affixes
    • De Prefix

    FAQs on “dis” Prefix

    1. What does the prefix “dis” mean?

    The prefix “dis” is a negative prefix that has its origin in Latin. A negative prefix turns the root word into its negative meaning. The literal meaning of “dis” is ‘apart’ and is now commonly used to mean ‘remove”, ‘not’, opposite of’, ‘reverse’ etc.

    2. Is “dis” a suffix?

    No, “dis” is a negative prefix. The literal meaning of “dis” is ‘apart’ and is now commonly used to mean ‘remove”, ‘not’, opposite of’, ‘reverse’ etc. Examples of words include disrespect, disapproval, disguise, etc.

    3. Give an example of the usage of the “dis” prefix to suggest the meaning “apart”?

    The literal meaning of “dis” is ‘apart’ and is now commonly used to mean ‘remove”, ‘not’, opposite of’, ‘reverse’ etc. An example of a word that implies the meaning apart is disorder. The word refers to those who are “apart” from the remaining “ordered,” that is, those who are not ordered exist in quite a mess.


    “Dis” is a commonly used negative prefix that reverses the meaning of the root word. The literal meaning of the prefix is “apart”, but it also signifies: ‘opposite of’, ‘not’, ‘remove’ and ‘reverse’. An understanding of such negative prefixes will help you easily change a word’s meaning to its opposite. Hence make sure you enrich your vocabulary by learning what the “dis” prefix is!

    background image 360

    Words with the antonymic prefix dis- are easily confused with similar-looking terms starting with mis- or un- that usually have differing connotations or entirely distinct senses. Here are comparative definitions of some of these terms, along with etymological identification:

    1-2. Disassemble/Dissemble/Misassemble
    The first two words have a shared etymology but distinct meanings. To disassemble originally meant “to disperse” and now means “to take apart,” but to dissemble is to conceal or simulate. The Latin root they share is simulare, which means “to make like or to compare.” (Resemble, semblance, and the like also stem from this word, and similar is closely related.) Dissimulation is dissemble’s more directly descended synonym. To misassemble, meanwhile, is to assemble incorrectly.

    3-4. Disassociate/Dissociate
    These interchangeable words mean “to separate,” either literally, as in withdrawing from a social group, or figuratively, as in diverging from past behavior. (The common root stems from the Latin term sociare, which means “to join,” from which English derives social, society, and similar words.)

    5. Discharge/Mischarge
    Discharge means “to release,” “to unload,” or “to perform one’s duties.” Mischarge is a rare word meaning “to make a mistake in charging,” as in loading a weapon. (The root word, charge, is from the Latin term carricare, meaning “to load.”)

    6. Disconnect/Misconnect
    To disconnect is to uncouple or unhook. To misconnect is to put together erroneously. (The shared root, connect, is from the Latin word connectere, “to join together.” That word’s root, in turn, is related to nexus, meaning “a link or bond.”)

    7. Discount/Miscount
    A discount is a markdown on a price. A miscount is a tabulation made in error. (The source of the root count is the Latin word computare, from which, of course, compute and computer are derived.)

    8. Disinformation/Misinformation
    Disinformation is a form or propaganda intended to cover up inconvenient facts and/or sway public opinion. Misinformation is a more neutral term referring merely to incorrect data. (The Latin root they share is formare, which means “to form or shape.”)

    9. Disinterest/Uninterest
    These seemingly indistinguishable words sharing the root word interest (from the Latin term interesse, meaning “to be between” or “to make a difference”) have a key difference of connotation: To be disinterested is to have no stake in something, to be impartial, and uninterested denotes the more basis sense of a lack of concern or investment in something.

    10. Dislocate/Mislocate
    To dislocate is to put out of place; to mislocate is to misplace, or lose. (Locate is from the Latin word locare, “to place,” and is related to locus, which refers to a site or center.)

    11. Disorder/Misorder
    Disorder is a lack of organization or an instance of random placement, or a state of social upheaval; it is rarely used as a verb, perhaps because disorder is generally not a consciously achieved state. Misorder is an uncommon verb meaning “to erroneously order,” as in preparing an order, or a list of items such as tasks to accomplish or products to purchase. Disorder also applies to a mental or physical condition that is not normal. (The root word order is descended from the Latin term ordinem, meaning “arrangement.”)

    12. Disorganized/Unorganized
    These antonyms of organized (from the Latin word organum, meaning “instrument” or “organ”) are nearly synonymous, but a distinction is sometimes made between the former referring impersonally to places and things and the latter being a personal characteristic.

    13. Disqualified/Unqualified
    To become disqualified is to be deprived or made ineligible; to be unqualified is to already lack the required prerequisites for qualification. (The common root is from the Latin term qualis, meaning “of what kind,” which is also the source of quality.)

    14. Dissatisfied/Unsatisfied
    These terms have different shades of meaning: To be dissatisfied is to be disappointed in the quality of something, such as a product, or work done; unsatisfied refers to a quantitative displeasure, such as when an appetite or demand is not fulfilled. (Satisfy, the root of both words, comes from the Latin term satisfacere, a compound of satis, meaning “enough” — also the source of sate, meaning “to appease an indulgence” — and facere, meaning “to do or make,” whence fact.)

    15. Distrust/Mistrust
    Both words mean “the absence or lack of trust,” with no real distinction between them. The root, of course, is trust, borrowed from Scandinavian and related through the Germanic-language family tree to true and truth.

    В английском языке существует несколько способов словообразования и один из них — добавление приставок к той или иной части речи. Если в русском языке мы легко можем образовать отрицание всего лишь одной приставкой -не, то в английском языке дела обстоят немного сложнее. Сегодня мы разберемся в отрицательных приставках, а также правилах их употребления.

    English language is a language of variety, and it works like a machine where you can put parts together to build a specific shape or structure. In English language, we can find a variety of rooted words that can have different synonyms or antonyms, and to vary the way we write or speak, we can also use some techniques such as affixation.

    An affix is a morpheme that can be divided no further, it’s a small part of language that can be added to a rooted word to modify the meaning and to convey it into different parts of speech; such as adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs. For example,

    Expect (root in verb form) — Ожидать (основное слово)
    Expected (adjective) — Ожидаемый (прилагательное)
    Unexpected (antonym adjective) — Неожиданный (прилагательное-антоним)
    Unexpectedly (antonym adverb) — Неожиданно (наречие-антоним)
    Expectation (noun) — Ожидание (существительное)

    The affix that we add to the beginning of a rooted word is called prefix and the affix that we add to the end of the word is called suffix. In this article, we will be delving into how we can make negative forms and antonyms using the commonly known and most used negative prefixes.


    Non- is a prefix that shows the meaning of “absent” and it can be used with nouns or adjectives. For example:

    Smoker — non-smoker
    Sense — nonsense
    Alcoholic — non-alcoholic

      He used to be an alcoholic, but now he consumes only non-alcoholic beverages.
      Раньше он был алкоголиком, но теперь он употребляет только безалкогольные напитки.


    Dis- is a prefix that comes with the usage of making antonyms, and it is very common among native speakers and writers. For instance,

    Regard — disregard
    Charge — discharge
    Connect — disconnect
    Comfort — discomfort
    Loyal — disloyal

      We sensed that he was disloyal and would eventually turn on us.
      Мы чувствовали, что он ненадёжен, и в конечном итоге нас выдаст.


    Im- comes after rooted words that start with “m” or “p”, and it is usually used to show negation or antonyms.

    Possible — Impossible
    Mortal — immortal

      The noise made sleep impossible.
      Из-за шума было невозможно спать.


    In- so similar to im- and is used for the same purposes, an example for that:

      My friend had been active on social media for years, but now he’s inactive.
      Мой друг был активен в социальных сетях в течение многих лет, но сейчас он неактивен.

    Other examples include:

    Appropriate — inappropriate
    Secure — insecure

    These are just example to show you briefly, but be sure that you’ll find so many words that are used with the prefix in-.


    For this negative prefix, it might be the most commonly used among above examples, and it is used to demonstrate antonyms of rooted words of course. These are words like:

    Finished — unfinished
    Done — undone
    Stoppable — unstoppable

      What is done cannot be undone.
      Сделанного не воротишь.

    To summarize, the rules here very simple and they can be used very easily for those who would like to beautify their language by making it richer in vocabulary, the examples above are for demonstration; and of course, there are plenty of other negative prefixes that you might find very useful in the next steps of developing your language skills as an ESL (English as a Second Language) learner. The most important point is that English is a living language that runs dynamically and smoothly.

    Образуйте новое слово при помощи приставки

    Задание 1.

    I cannot put up with his .

    Задание 2.

    More than half of the population still stays on the continent of Africa.

    Задание 3.

    How many English verbs do you know?

    Задание 4.

    The smell of fried bacon and eggs was .

    Задание 5.

    It was for him to forgive her.

    Задание 6.

    Usually children are so .

    Задание 7.

    His style of life puts me off.

    Задание 8.

    The book was so difficult to read and full of complex ideas, that it was totally .

    Задание 9.

    I would like to take part in expeditions to areas of our planet.

    Задание 10.

    Jim would not tolerate so much .

    Задание 11.

    The concrete at a construction site was .

    Задание 12.

    Despite the fact that the film was unusual it was rather .

    Задание 13.

    Smoking is habit.

    Задание 14.

    The actions, directed at saving the company from collapse, were .

    Задание 15.

    What a pity! All his endeavors were futile and .

    Задание 16.

    His actions lead to drastic consequences.

    Задание 17.

    You should have told me the truth! I won’t tolerate .

    Задание 18.

    I believe we will find the way out! It all looks like huge .

    Задание 19.

    He stared at us in as we told him what happened.

    Задание 20.

    I think I will order drink.

    Тест недоступен для мобильных устройств.

    Prefixes are key morphemes in English vocabulary that begin words. The prefix dis- means “apart;” today we will discover many words that have the prefix dis- in them!

    The Roman god Pluto was also named Dis, and luckily this god of the underworld was distant from the land above, or stood “apart” from it. What if Dis were to travel to the upper world with his three-headed dog Cerberus? Imagine how dissimilar, or “apart” from being like others that ghastly duo would be! He and Cerberus would certainly distract people, or draw them “apart” from their usual activities as they walked about town. Speaking of Cerberus, imagine if Dis were to take him to a doggie park—talk about disrupting or breaking “apart” a normal day of playing for all of those one-headed dogs! The disorder, or a state “apart” from being orderly that would ensue would be a hoot to behold. The disquiet that would be present, or a state “apart” from being quiet, would subside once Dis left for his deep home, thus pulling a disappearing act, having gone “apart” from being there, hopefully for a very long time.

    Now let’s imagine that Dr. Frankenstein decides to create another monster, this time of himself. For the doctor has caught a fatal disease, which holds his physical comfort “apart” from being at ease. This condition is holding him at quite a disadvantage, keeping him “apart” from being his best. To add insult to injury, while disinterring dead bodies, or taking those bodies “apart” from being buried in the ground, he dislocated his shoulder, taking it “apart” from its usual location. Unfortunately, the hard-up doctor has distrust in anyone else to do the digging for him, or holds them “apart” from his trust. Hence, he may soon become disinterested, or take himself “apart” from interest in the whole concept of making another self and disband his medical team, which would then go “apart” to different areas of the country.

    Now you will no longer feel discomfort when encountering words with the prefix dis- in them!

    1. distant: stand “apart”
    2. dissimilar: “apart” from being similar
    3. distract: draw “apart”
    4. disrupt: burst “apart”
    5. disorder: “apart” from orderliness
    6. disquiet: “apart” from quiet
    7. disappear: “apart” from being present
    8. disease: “apart” from ease
    9. disadvantage: “apart” from having an advantage
    10. disinter: to take “apart” from being in the ground
    11. dislocate: to take “apart” from the usual location
    12. distrust: “apart” from being trustworthy
    13. disinterested: “apart” from being interested
    14. disband: when a band of people go “apart” from each other
    15. discomfort: being “apart” from feeling comfortable

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