Word that have the prefix anti

  • Words beginning with certain letters
  • Words with the prefix «anti-«

This morpheme tends to mean «against, opposite«. Some of the most representative words that include it are: antiseptic, anticrime, antitrust, antisocial

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  • antique

  • anticipation

  • antibody

  • anticipate

  • antigen

  • antiquity

  • antislavery

  • antibiotic

  • anti

  • anti-social

  • antithesis

  • antidote

  • antipathy

  • anti-aircraft

  • antiseptic

  • antiquarian

  • antiquated

  • anti-racist

  • anti-fascist

  • anti-war

  • antiracist

  • antiracism

  • antitrust

  • anticipatory

  • anti-inflammatory

  • anti-tank

  • anti-abortion

  • anti-climax

  • anti-virus

  • antiserum

  • antithetical

  • anti-clockwise

  • antineutrophil

  • anti-

  • antibacterial

  • antisocial

  • anticlockwise

  • anti-lock

  • antichrist

  • anti-democratic

  • anticlimax

  • antisemitism

  • anti-smoking

  • anti-socialist

  • anti-establishment

  • antipodean

  • antihypertensive

  • anti-communism

  • antigenic

  • antimony

  • antisemitic

  • anti-union

  • anti-corruption

  • anti-imperialist

  • anti-racism

  • anticompetitive

  • anti-inflationary

  • anti-labour

  • antiquary

  • antiarrhythmic

  • antimicrobial

  • antiparallel

  • anticlericalism

  • anti-hero

  • anticodon

  • anti-avoidance

  • antisense

  • anticlerical

  • anti-immigrant

  • antiulcer

  • anti-human

  • antimatter

  • antiviral

  • antidepressant

  • anti-depressant

  • antimalarial

  • antisymmetric

  • anti-intellectual

  • antioxidant

  • antipathetic

  • antifeminist

  • anti-submarine

  • antigliadin

  • antinuclear

  • anti-matter

  • anti-perspirant

  • anti-religious

  • antiparticle

  • anti-realism

  • antigravity

  • antiphonal

  • antisecretory

  • antient

  • antipasto

  • antinomian

  • antinomianism

  • antiplatelet

  • antireflux

  • anticline

  • anticoagulant

  • anti-abortionist

  • anti-freeze

  • antifreeze

  • antiphon

  • antiquark

  • antiquarianism

  • antifouling

  • anti-gay

  • anti-glare

  • antihuman

  • anti-intellectualism

  • anti-revolutionary

  • antithrombotic

  • antifungal

  • antihistamine

  • antituberculous

  • anti-federalist

  • anti-imperialism

  • anti-personnel

  • antismoking

  • anti-doping

  • anti-national

  • anti-reform

  • antibiosis

  • antihero

  • antic

  • anticancer

  • antisocialist

  • anti-fascism

  • antineutrino

  • antiretroviral

  • antitoxin

  • antiendotoxin

  • antifeminism

  • antimouse

  • antiphonally

  • antiproton

  • antisepsis

  • antitank

  • anticholinergic

  • anticoagulation

  • antivivisection

  • antitype

  • anti-microbial

  • anti-satellite

  • antiaggregatory

  • antivirus

  • antibonding

  • antidrama

  • antiparasite

  • antidisestablishmentarianism

  • antiwar

  • anticlimactic

  • antidiarrhoeal

  • anti-female

  • anti-gravity

  • anti-knock

  • anti-stress

  • antielectron

  • antiinflammatory

  • antiphony

  • antitrypsin

  • antigenically

  • antireligious

  • antistatic

  • antitumour

  • anticlinal

  • anticyclone

  • anticyclonic

  • anti-art

  • anti-authoritarianism

  • anti-conspiratorial

  • antirabbit

  • antifascist

  • anti-life

  • anti-marketeer

  • antirat

  • anti-predator

  • antitumor

  • antiemetic

  • antipapal

  • antipollution

  • antiparachute

  • anticommunist

  • anticonvulsant

  • anti-bribery

  • anti-caking

  • anti-devolutionist

  • anti-federalism

  • anti-heterosexist

  • antimitochondrial

  • antired

  • anti-migraine

  • anti-militarism

  • anti-monarchist

  • antigenicity

  • anti-rust

  • anti-socialism

  • antifibrin

  • antigreen

  • antiabortion

  • antiheroic

  • antimissile

  • antipain

  • antiactin

  • antiparasitic

  • antiterrorist

  • antiaircraft

  • antialbuminuric

  • antiasthma

  • antiblue

  • antigravitational

  • antilock

  • antimycobacterial

  • antinomy

  • antineoplastic

  • antioestrogen

  • antipodal

  • antiscience

  • antiscorbutic

  • antiwhaling

  • antithetic

  • anticoagulated

  • anti-abortionism

  • antimyeloperoxidase

  • antithymocyte

  • antiradar

  • antiphoner

  • antidust

  • antisheep

  • antimonide

  • antipeople

  • anti-choice

  • anti-commie

  • anti-copyright

  • antiorganic

  • anti-dazzle

  • antigenaemia

  • antiscientific

  • anti-federal

  • anti-flash

  • anti-graft

  • anti-heroine

  • antierosion

  • antipope

  • antimuscarinic

  • antidrugs

  • antistreptococcal

  • antitotalitarian

  • antiflood

  • anti-monarchism

  • anti-sectarian

  • anti-utopia

  • anti-vaccination

  • antihistaminic

  • antiimperialist

  • antidynastic

  • antimonous

  • antiphlogistine

  • antiacne

  • antiperspirant

  • antipsychiatry

  • antiport

  • antiphonary

  • antimonarchical

  • antidrug

  • antirrhinum

  • antisegregation

  • antiseptically

  • antistate

  • antitheft

  • antispasmodic

  • antisiphon

  • antianginal

  • antiapartheid

  • antifashion

  • antiaristocratic

  • antiarthritic

  • antievolution

  • antifoaming

  • antiglare

  • antihumanist

  • antihomosexual

  • antiherpes

  • antilooting

  • antimalaria

  • antimeridian

  • antimarket

  • antimacassar

  • antihumanitarian

  • antidiuretic

  • antinational

  • antimetastasis

  • antioxidative

  • antinausea

  • antimetabole

  • antiphlogistic

  • antipathic

  • antiplasmin

  • antipsychotic

  • antimesenteric

  • antirational

  • antiresonant

  • antiself

  • antisexual

  • anticapitalist

  • antisocialism

  • antislave

  • antistrophe

  • antisocially

  • antitesting

  • antithrombin

  • antituberculosis

  • antithetically

  • antiwork

  • antiulcerogenic

  • anticentromere

  • antiputrescent

  • antidiscriminatory

  • antichristian

  • anticipatingly

  • anticipative

  • anticipator

  • antick

  • antidiscipline

  • anticoincidence

  • anticolonial

  • anticompetitively

  • anticonvulsive

  • anticooperative

  • anticorrelation

  • antidemocratic

  • anti-abolitionism

  • anti-access area denial

  • anti-agnostic

  • anti-algebra

  • anti-aliasing

  • anti-American

  • anti-antifa

  • anti-antifeminism

  • anti-antifeminist

  • anti-apartheidism

  • anti-Arabism

  • anti-Assyrianism

  • anti-balaka

  • Anti-Balaka

  • anti-beauty quark

  • anti-bottom quark

  • anti-brown

  • anti-caking agent

  • anti-Canadianism

  • anti-cap

  • anti-Catalanism

  • anti-catarrhal

  • anti-Catholicism

  • anti-centrist

  • anti-chip

  • anti-choicer

  • anti-Christian

  • anti-circ

  • anti-circer

  • anti-circumcisionist

  • anti-civil

  • anti-climb

  • anti-crystal

  • anti-discriminative

  • anti-discriminator

  • anti-fan

  • anti-fandom

  • anti-feature

  • anti-foaming agent

  • anti-folk

  • anti-g

  • anti-G straining maneuver

  • anti-Gentileism

  • anti-gentileism

  • anti-Gentilism

  • anti-gentilism

  • anti-GG

  • anti-globalisation

  • anti-globalism

  • anti-globalization

  • anti-good

  • anti-goy

  • anti-goyish

  • anti-goyism

  • anti-Goyism

  • anti-gravitic

  • anti-gravitically

  • anti-griddle

  • anti-hæmorrhagic

  • anti-Hegelian

  • anti-heterosexual

  • anti-homophobe

  • anti-homosexualism

  • anti-hunger

  • anti-labor

  • anti-lapse

  • anti-LGBT

  • anti-metaphysicalism

  • anti-metaphysics

  • anti-Microsofter

  • anti-misogynist

  • anti-misogyny

  • anti-Müllerian

  • anti-Müllerian hormone

  • anti-Muslim

  • anti-Muslimism

  • anti-Muslimist

  • anti-Muslimness

  • anti-Nazi

  • anti-novel

  • anti-Palestinian

  • anti-Palestinianism

  • anti-particle

  • anti-passback

  • anti-patriarch

  • anti-pattern

  • anti-racial

  • anti-racialization

  • anti-rad

  • anti-Rafidite

  • anti-rocker

  • anti-roll bar

  • anti-Samaritanism

  • anti-sectarianism

  • anti-Semite

  • anti-Semitic

  • anti-Semitically

  • anti-Semiticism

  • anti-Semitism

  • anti-Shi’a

  • anti-Shia

  • anti-Shi’ah

  • anti-Shiah

  • anti-Shi’ism

  • anti-Shiism

  • anti-Shi’ite

  • anti-Shiite

  • anti-Shiitic

  • anti-Shintoism

  • Anti-Sicilian

  • anti-space

  • anti-spyware

  • anti-Stokes

  • anti-story

  • anti-strange quark

  • Anti-Stratfordian

  • anti-suffragism

  • anti-Sunni

  • anti-Sunnism

  • anti-Sunnite

  • anti-sway bar

  • Anti-Taurus

  • anti-thyroid

  • anti-top quark

  • anti-trans

  • anti-transgender

  • anti-transsexual

  • anti-tyrannist

  • anti-up quark

  • anti-vaccinationist

  • anti-vax

  • anti-vaxxer

  • anti-venene

  • anti-Viagra

  • antiagnostic

  • antiagrarian

  • antiagriculture

  • antiair

  • antiairport

  • antialarmist

  • antialbumid

  • antialcohol

  • antialcoholism

  • antialias

  • antialiasing

  • antialien

  • antialigned

  • antialigning

  • antialignment

  • antiallergen

  • antiallergenic

  • antiallergic

  • antiallergy

  • antialliance

  • antiallodynic

  • antialloside

  • antialtruism

  • antialtruistic

  • antiamarillic

  • antiamboceptor

  • antiambush

  • antiamebic

  • antiamendment

  • antiamnesty

  • antiamoebic

  • antiamyloid

  • antiamyloidogenic

  • Antian

  • antianabolic

  • antianaemia

  • antianaemic

  • antianalgesia

  • antianaphylaxis

  • antianaplastic

  • antiandrogen

  • antiandrogenic

  • antianemia

  • antianemic

  • antiangina

  • antiangiogenesis

  • antiangiogenetic

  • antiangiogenic

  • antianhedonic

  • antianimal

  • antiannexationist

  • antianopheline

  • antianorexia

  • antianorexic

  • antiantibody

  • antianxiety

  • Antiapennine

  • antiaphrodisiac

  • antiapoplectic

  • antiapoptosis

  • antiapoptotic

  • antiapoptotically

  • antiappeasement

  • antiar

  • antiarabism

  • antiarabist

  • antiarbitration

  • antiarch

  • antiarchitectural

  • antiarin

  • antiaristocrat

  • antiarmor

  • antiarmour

  • antiarms

  • antiarmy

  • antiarojavoside

  • antiaromatic

  • antiaromaticity

  • antiarrestin

  • antiarson

  • antiart

  • antiarthritis

  • antiartillery

  • antiartistic

  • antiassignment

  • antiassimilation

  • antiassimilationist

  • antiassociation

  • antiasthenic

  • antiasthmatic

  • antiastrology

  • antiasymmetric

  • antiatheist

  • antiatheistic

  • antiatherogenic

  • antiatherogenicity

  • antiatherosclerosis

  • antiatherosclerotic

  • antiathletic

  • antiatom

  • antiatomic

  • antiatrophic

  • antiattrition

  • antiausterity

  • antiauteurist

  • antiauthoritarian

  • antiauthoritarianism

  • antiauthority

  • antiautistic

  • antiautomobile

  • antiautomorphism

  • antiauxin

  • antiavian

  • antiavoidance

  • antiazotemic

  • antibabesial

  • antibaboon

  • antibacchic

  • antibacchius

  • antibacklash

  • antibacterially

  • antibailout

  • Antibalaka

  • antibaldness

  • antiballing

  • antiballistic

  • antiban

  • antibank

  • antibanking

  • antibarbarus

  • antibaryon

  • antibaryonic

  • antibaseball

  • antibattery

  • antibear

  • antibeauty

  • antibelligerent

  • antiberiberi

  • Antibes

  • antibi

  • antibias

  • antibiblical

  • antibicycle

  • antibigotry

  • antibike

  • antibilious

  • antibillboard

  • antibiofilm

  • antibiofouling

  • antibiogram

  • antibiological

  • antibioresistance

  • antibiotherapy

  • antibiotical

  • antibiotically

  • antibioticked

  • antibiotin

  • antibiotype

  • antibipolar

  • antibird

  • antibirth

  • antibisexual

  • antibishop

  • antiblack

  • antiblackism

  • antiblackness

  • antiblasphemy

  • antiblast

  • antibleeding

  • antiblennorrhagic

  • antiblister

  • antiblockade

  • antiblockage

  • antiblocker

  • antiblooming

  • antiblush

  • antiblushing

  • antibolshevism

  • antibolshevist

  • antibomb

  • antibonding orbital

  • antibonus

  • antibook

  • antiboom

  • antibootlegging

  • antiboson

  • antiboss

  • antibot

  • antibothropic

  • antizymotic

  • anticathectic

  • anticathexis

  • anticausative

  • anticausativity

  • anticavity

  • anticelebrity

  • anticelibacy

  • anticellulite

  • anticensor

  • anticensorship

  • anticensus

  • anticenter

  • anticentre

  • anticerebral

  • anticeremonial

  • anticestodal

  • antichagasic

  • antichaos

  • antichaotic

  • anticharity

  • anticharm

  • antichatter

  • antichav

  • antichemical

  • antichild

  • antichildren

  • antichimpanzee

  • antichip

  • antichlamydial

  • antichlor

  • antichlorotic

  • antichoice

  • antichoicer

  • antichoir

  • anticholera

  • anticholeretic

  • anticholestatic

  • anticholesterol

  • anticholesterolemic

  • anticholinesterase

  • antichoreography

  • antichresis

  • antichretic

  • Antichrist

  • Antichristianism

  • antichristianly

  • Antichristic

  • antichromatin

  • antichronical

  • antichronism

  • antichronological

  • antichthon

  • Antichthones

  • antichthonic

  • Antichthonic

  • antichurch

  • antichurning

  • antichymotrypsin

  • anticigarette

  • anticinema

  • anticinematic

  • anticipable

  • anticipant

  • anticipatable

  • anticipatedly

  • anticipately

  • anticipatively

  • anticipatorily

  • anticipatory breach

  • anticipointment

  • anticippointment

  • anticircular

  • anticircumcision

  • anticircumvention

  • anticircus

  • anticitizenship

  • anticitrullinated

  • anticity

  • anticivic

  • anticivil

  • anticivilization

  • anticivism

  • anticize

  • anticke

  • anticker

  • antickly

  • anticky

  • anticlass

  • anticlassical

  • anticlassism

  • anticlastic

  • anticlastogenic

  • anticleric

  • anticlericalist

  • anticlimactical

  • anticlimactically

  • anticlimb

  • anticlimbing

  • anticlinal vertebra

  • anticlinally

  • anticlined

  • anticling

  • anticlinorium

  • anticlockwisely

  • anticlog

  • anticlogging

  • anticloning

  • anticlot

  • anticlotting

  • anticlumping

  • anticlutter

  • anticly

  • anticness

  • anticoagulantly

  • anticoagulating

  • anticoagulative

  • anticoagulatory

  • anticoal

  • anticoalition

  • anticoca

  • anticocaine

  • anticoccidial

  • anticoding

  • anticoercive

  • anticognitive

  • anticoherence

  • anticoherent

  • anticoherer

  • anticold

  • anticollaboration

  • anticollaborationist

  • anticollective

  • anticollectivism

  • anticollectivist

  • anticollege

  • anticollision

  • anticollusion

  • anticolonialism

  • anticolonialist

  • anticolonization

  • anticolor

  • anticolored

  • anticolour

  • anticombat

  • anticomedy

  • anticommandeering

  • anticommerce

  • anticommercial

  • anticommercialism

  • anticommercialization

  • anticommie

  • anticommission

  • anticommons

  • anticommunism

  • anticommunistic

  • anticommunity

  • anticommutating

  • anticommutation

  • anticommutative

  • anticommutativity

  • anticommutator

  • anticommute

  • anticommuting

  • anticompensation

  • anticompetition

  • anticompetitiveness

  • anticomplementary

  • anticompromise

  • anticomputer

  • anticonception

  • anticonceptual

  • anticonceptualism

  • anticonceptualist

  • anticoncession

  • anticoncessionary

  • anticondensate

  • anticondensation

  • anticonduit

  • anticonfession

  • anticonfessional

  • anticonfined

  • anticonfinement

  • anticonflict

  • anticonformist

  • anticonformity

  • anticonglomerate

  • anticonquest

  • anticonscription

  • anticonsensus

  • anticonservation

  • anticonservative

  • anticonservativeness

  • anticonsolidation

  • anticonstitutional

  • anticonstitutionalist

  • anticonstitutionally

  • anticonstructivism

  • anticonsumer

  • anticonsumerism

  • anticonsumerist

  • anticonsumption

  • anticontact

  • anticontagion

  • anticontagionist

  • anticontagious

  • anticontamination

  • anticontinuum

  • anticontra

  • anticontraception

  • anticontraceptive

  • anticontractile

  • anticontraction

  • anticontracture

  • anticontrol

  • anticonvective

  • anticonventional

  • anticonversion

  • anticop

  • anticopulatory

  • anticopying

  • anticopyright

  • anticor

  • anticore

  • anticorporate

  • anticorporation

  • anticorporatism

  • anticorporatist

  • anticorrelate

  • anticorrelated

  • anticorrosion

  • anticorrosive

  • anticorruption

  • anticorset

  • anticosmetic

  • anticotunnite

  • anticough

  • anticounseling

  • anticounter

  • anticounterfeit

  • anticounterfeiting

  • anticountermeasure

  • anticoup

  • anticourt

  • anticous

  • anticow

  • anticoyote

  • anticrab

  • anticrack

  • anticracking

  • anticrash

  • anticrease

  • anticreasing

  • anticreative

  • anticreativity

  • anticreole

  • anticrime

  • anticriminal

  • anticrisis

  • anticritical

  • anticriticism

  • anticrop

  • anticross

  • anticrossing

  • anticrowd

  • anticrowding

  • anticruelty

  • anticryptic

  • anticryptococcal

  • anticryptography

  • anticrystal

  • anticrystallization

  • anticult

  • anticultism

  • anticultist

  • anticultural

  • anticulture

  • anticurare

  • anticure

  • anticurvature

  • anticyclic

  • anticyclical

  • anticycling

  • anticyclogenesis

  • anticyclolysis

  • anticyclonically

  • anticyclotomic

  • anticysticercal

  • anticytokine

  • anticytotoxic

  • anticytotoxicity

  • antidactylus

  • antidairy

  • antidam

  • antidamping

  • antidandruff

  • antidark

  • antidarkening

  • antidating

  • antidazzle

  • antideadlock

  • antideath

  • antidebate

  • antidebt

  • antideconstructionist

  • antidecuplet

  • antideer

  • antidefamation

  • antidefendant

  • antidefense

  • antideferral

  • antideficit

  • antideforestation

  • antideformity

  • antidegenerative

  • antidegradability

  • antidegradable

  • antidegradation

  • antidelusional

  • antidementia

  • antidemocracy

  • antidemocratically

  • antidemonic

  • antidentite

  • antidep

  • antideportation

  • antidepression

  • antidepressive

  • antiderivative

  • antidermatitic

  • antidermatitis

  • antidermatotic

  • antidescriptivism

  • antidesegregation

  • antideserter

  • antidesertification

  • antidesertion

  • antidesiccant

  • antidesign

  • antidesmin

  • antidesmoglein

  • antidestructive

  • antidetection

  • antidetective

  • antideterminism

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.

Comments (9)

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Anti- prefix

The prefixanti-, of Greek origin, means «opposite», «that presents resistance», or «against». For example: antiacid, antiBody.

It’s a opposition prefix (same as him prefix contra-) and one of the most used in the Spanish language. He joins both nouns like adjectives, to form new compound words.

The prefix anti- allows the variants anta- and ant-, which have the same meaning. For example: antagonist (acting in opposition to the protagonist).

In some cases, it is used with the same meaning as in view of- or inter-, indicating what is before or what is ahead. For example: antiface (in front of the face).

The opposite prefix is pro-, of origin in Latin, which means «in favor of».

How do you spell the prefix anti-?

Like all prefixes, it is attached to the word (without a hyphen or space in between). Due to its particular characteristics, two particular cases must be taken into account:

  • Prefix anti- + word starting with R. Because it is a prefix that ends in a vowel, if the accompanying word begins with the letter R, it is necessary to duplicate that letter so as not to lose the strength of the RR. For example:
    antirrobo, antirrpneumatic, antirrecession.
  • Anti- prefix + word beginning with vowel I. Since the prefix ends in a weak vowel (I), when the accompanying word begins with I, two forms are valid: the doubled I, or the simplified I. For example: antiiimperialism / antiimperialism, antiinflammatory / antininflammatory. Both forms of writing are accepted by the RAE (Royal Spanish Academy).

Examples of words with the prefix anti-

  1. Anti-academic: That is opposed to academics.
  2. Antacid: That cuts the acid action of certain foods or substances.
  3. Non-stick: That does not allow something to adhere.
  4. Antiaircraft: Its mission is to neutralize the action of air attacks.
  5. Antiallergic: That prevents or counteracts the action of the allergy.
  6. Un-american: That is opposed to the economic, political or social thought of the United States of America.
  7. Anti-wrinkle: That prevents the appearance of wrinkles or hides them.
  8. Antiasthmatic: That reduces or fights asthma symptoms.
  9. Antiatomic: Which protects from the consequences of atomic radiation.
  10. Antibacterial: That fights infections caused by bacteria that cause diseases.
  11. Bulletproof: Material capable of resisting the impact of firearms projectiles.
  12. Antibiotic: That destroys the organisms that produce diseases in living beings.
  13. Anti-pump: Which serves to protect from the action of the bombs.
  14. Antibritish: That is opposed to the economic, political or social thought of Great Britain.
  15. Anticancer: That it has agents that fight cancer.
  16. Anticarro: Which aims to destroy war tanks and other war transports.
  17. Anti-catholic: That is opposed to the doctrine of Catholicism.
  18. Anticyclone: A climatic phenomenon that produces good weather, a clear sky and some fog.
  19. Unscientific: That is opposed to scientific principles.
  20. Anticipate: Before holding (“anti” is used in the sense of previous, “cipar” is a lexeme that comes from “capere” which means to take, hold).
  21. Anticlerical: That is contrary to the church or something that is related to the ecclesiastical.
  22. Anticlimax: a climax is the moment of greatest tension after a progressive build-up. The anticlimax is the opposite process, in which the tension gradation progressively decreases, or the expectations created by the accumulation of tension are frustrated by a change.
  23. Anticline: Geological cavity where very old materials can be found.
  24. Anticoagulant: That does not allow the coagulation of certain liquids.
  25. Contraceptive: That does not allow pregnancy or conception.
  26. Unconstitutional: That is opposed to the constitution.
  27. Anticorrosive: That covers and protects surfaces to avoid corrosion.
  28. Anti-corruption: That fights or avoids corruption.
  29. Antichrist: That he opposes Christ (in certain ecclesiastical circles it is argued that, before the second advent of Jesus, the antichrist, the personification of evil, will be born).
  30. Antibody: A substance in the body that fights infections from bacteria and viruses to prevent diseases of the body.
  31. Unsportsmanlike: That does not respect the norms or rules of a certain sport.
  32. Antiknock: That prevents something (usually explosive) from detonating or exploding.
  33. Slip resistant: Tapes, fabrics or paints that are applied to floors to make them rougher and thus avoid accidents due to involuntary landslides.
  34. Antidiuretic: That decreases or stops the diuretic action, that is, it prevents the secretion of body fluids such as urine.
  35. Anti-drug: That opposes and fights against drug trafficking, distribution and consumption.
  36. Antispasmodic: That relieves spasmodic pains.
  37. Mask: Which is in front of the face.
  38. Fever: That stops or reduces the action of fever.
  39. Antigen: «Geno» comes from the Greek meaning to generate or produce. An antigen is a substance that elicits (geno) a defense (anti) response upon entering the body.
  40. Antigramatical: Contrary to the laws of grammar.
  41. Antihero: Who opposes heroes.
  42. Unsanitary: That it does not respect health standards and that, therefore, it is not hygienic.
  43. Antihistamine: Which blocks the effects of histamine (a hormone that acts as a powerful dilator).
  44. Anti-imperialism: Thought or attitude that opposes the political or economic thought or doctrine of a certain hegemonic country over another.
  45. Fire fighting: That prevents or extinguishes fires.
  46. Anti-inflammatory: That does not allow inflammatory action.
  47. Antilogarithm: That does not respond to a certain logarithm.
  48. Antilogy: Contradiction that occurs between two expressions or redactions.
  49. Anti-magnetic: That it is not affected by the magnetism of a thing or that it counteracts the magnetic action.
  50. Anti-missile: Which has the objective of destroying missiles.
  51. Antimonarchical: That is opposed to the monarchy.
  52. Antimoral: That does not fit within what is morally accepted.
  53. Anti-natalism: Philosophical, demographic and political stance that opposes the birth of new human beings as birth control.
  54. Unnatural: That goes against the natural.
  55. Antinazi: Who are opposed to the political, economic or social doctrine of Nazi thought.
  56. Fog: Special headlights used by vehicles that prevent light from reflecting off water particles in the fog (they don’t prevent fog, but they do avoid one of its drawbacks).
  57. Antinomy: Contradiction between two laws or norms (nomos is a lexeme that means «law» or «rule»).
  58. Antinuclear: Who opposes or is against the use of nuclear energy.
  59. Antioxidant: Does not allow oxidation.
  60. Antiparasitic: That prevents or kills the appearance of parasites in a living organism.
  61. Unparliamentary: That is opposed to the uses of parliament.
  62. Antipathy: That is opposed to sympathy.
  63. Unpatriotic: Who does not love his homeland or country of origin.
  64. Antipedagogical: That it does not have pedagogical tools.
  65. Antipodal: That is diametrically opposed to another.
  66. Antirabic: That prevents rabies.
  67. Anti-recession: That is carried out to prevent an economic recession or of some kind.
  68. Anti-regulation: That goes against the regulation.
  69. Antiretroviral: Antiviral drug.
  70. Antirheumatic: Which is used to combat rheumatism.
  71. Anti-theft device: That it is proposed to prevent theft.
  72. Antisemitic: Discriminatory stance towards Jewish people. «Semite» designates Jews as descendants of Shem, that is, both Arabs and Jews (currently used only to describe discrimination against Jews).
  73. Antiseptic: «Sepsis» is a lexeme that means «putrefactive», that is, something that rots. An antiseptic is something that prevents putrefaction.
  74. Antisepsis: Which is used to prevent infectious diseases.
  75. Antiseptic: That destroys or fights germs.
  76. Anti-earthquake: Structure that can protect buildings in the event of an earthquake.
  77. Antisocial: That is opposed to the social.
  78. Antitank: Which aims to destroy war tanks.
  79. Antiterrorist: That avoids or prevents terrorism.
  80. Antithesis: Opposition to a thesis.
  81. Anti-tetanus: That fights tetanus (infectious disease).
  82. Antitoxin: Antibody that neutralizes certain toxins.
  83. Antituberculous: That fights against tuberculosis.
  84. Antitussive: medicine or treatment used to prevent or eliminate coughing.
  85. Antivirus: That fights or prevents the action produced by viruses (used to designate applications that protect operating systems from computer viruses).

(!) Exceptions. Not every word that begins with anti- is using the prefix that means contradiction or opposition. Below we exemplify only three exceptions that have been found with words that begin with the syllables «anti”But they are not related to the prefix.

  • Old. Of yore.
  • Antelope. Animal of the Antilopinos family.
  • Antimony. Chemical element.

Sentences with words prefixed with anti-

  1. I didn’t recognize anyone at the party because everyone used masks.
  2. You still don’t know what is going to happen, anticipate to the facts.
  3. The detective in this story is a antihero, since he acts outside the law and makes mistakes.
  4. Those kids are very rude and I find them unfriendly.
  5. The base located on the island has missiles anti-aircraft.
  6. Do not connect your computer to the Internet before installing a antivirus.
  7. Local laws and national laws created a antinomy.
  8. The president travels in a car with glasses bulletproof.
  9. He uses so much fat in his meals that I always have to have a drink after visiting him. antacid.
  10. The doctor prescribed a antitussive so that he could sleep better.
  11. I always invite him but he never comes to parties, he is a antisocial.
  12. Today you won’t be able to go on the highway if you don’t have headlights fog.
  13. After you told me your whole love story, to find out that he is going to live in another country is a horrible anticlimax.
  14. You must apply a antiseptic about that wound.
  15. They expelled my partner for commenting anti-semitic.
  16. If he has a fever, it is because his body is reacting to a antigen.
  17. We must determine which microorganism is causing the disease to indicate the antibiotic.
  18. All stairs must have non-slip at the edge of each step.
  19. The town is close to an active volcano. There are no eruptions but all buildings have structures anti-seismic.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Cathryn Senger

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anti- prefix. English Language Learners Definition of anti- (Entry 4 of 2) : opposite to something. : against someone or something.

What does the prefix anti mean examples?

Quick Summary. The origin of the prefix anti- and its variant ant- is an ancient Greek word which meant “against” or “opposite.” These prefixes appear in numerous English vocabulary words, such as antifreeze, antidote, antonym, and antacid.

What is a example of anti?

The definition of an anti is a person who has beliefs contrary to another cause or concept. An example of an anti is someone who does not believe that people should have the right to have guns.

What words has the prefix anti?

Explore the Words

  • antithesis. exact opposite. …
  • antipathy. a feeling of intense dislike. …
  • antibiotic. a substance used to kill microorganisms and cure infections. …
  • anticlimax. a disappointing decline after a previous rise. …
  • antidote. a remedy that stops or controls the effects of a poison. …
  • antiseptic. …
  • antisocial. …
  • antihero.

What words start with bio?

10-letter words that start with bio

  • biological.
  • bioscience.
  • biometrics.
  • biographer.
  • bioreactor.
  • biophysics.
  • biopolymer.
  • biocontrol.

20 related questions found

What does anti mean in Latin?

word-forming element of Greek origin meaning «against, opposed to, opposite of, instead,» shortened to ant- before vowels and -h-, from Old French anti- and directly from Latin anti-, from Greek anti (prep.)

How do you use anti in a sentence?

English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word «Anti» in Example Sentences Page 1

  1. [S] [T] I need anti-itch ointment. ( …
  2. [S] [T] He took part in the anti-war demonstration. ( …
  3. [S] [T] The anti-smoking law is just, in my opinion. ( …
  4. [S] [T] There is a strong anti-nuclear movement in Germany. (

Is De a negative prefix?

Note that the prefix de- in Latin (and in words that originate in Latin) has other, contrary meanings as well as sometimes making words negative. … When used with an English verb to make a new word, it works as a negative. (Debug, defrost, devalue.)

What is the root word of anti?

The root word-anti has its Greek origin and it means ‘opposite to something or resisting or opposing something’. So, if you’re anti something, you are ‘against’ it. A person who is antisocial doesn’t believe in socializing and is therefore ‘against’ it.

What are the 10 examples of antonyms?

Types of Antonyms

Examples include: boy — girl, off — on, night — day, entrance — exit, exterior — interior, true — false, dead — alive, push — pull, pass — fail.

What are the 50 examples of synonyms?

50 Examples of Synonyms With Sentences;

  • Magnify – expand: He magnified their happiness like their pain.
  • Baffle – confuse, deceive: The bad news he received consecutively confused him.
  • Beautiful – attractive, pretty, lovely, stunning: You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life.

What does anti mean before a word?

The prefix anti- means against, opposed to, opposite of, counteracting. The prefix anti- is derived from the Greek word anti which means against, instead of, opposite of.

Does anti mean before or after?

anti- a prefix meaning “against,” “opposite of,” “antiparticle of,” used in the formation of compound words (anticline); used freely in combination with elements of any origin (antibody; antifreeze; antiknock; antilepton). Also before a vowel, ant-.

What is the word anti short for?

Acronym. Definition. ANTI Against (Prefix) Copyright 1988-2018 AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved.

What are common prefixes?

The four most common prefixes are dis-, in-, re-, and un-. (These account for over 95% of prefixed words.)

Is Anti Latin or Greek?

anti (Greek «against») and ante (Latin «before»)

IS ANTI a root or prefix?

a prefix meaning “against,” “opposite of,” “antiparticle of,” used in the formation of compound words (anticline); used freely in combination with elements of any origin (antibody; antifreeze; antiknock; antilepton). Also before a vowel, ant-.

What does Ante mean in Greek?

Prefix. Middle English, from Latin, from ante before, in front of; akin to Old English and- against, Greek anti before, against — more at end.

What words are antonyms?

An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. For example, the word small means of limited size, while big means of large size. Happy, a feeling of gladness, is an antonym of sad, a feeling of sorrow. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs can all have antonyms, though not all do.

Quick Summary. The origin of the prefix anti- and its variant ant- is an ancient Greek word which meant “against” or “opposite.” These prefixes appear in numerous English vocabulary words, such as antifreeze, antidote, antonym, and antacid.

What are 4 words that start with anti?

  • antiallergenic.
  • antiarrhythmic.
  • antibiotically.
  • anticarcinogen.
  • anticoagulants.
  • anticommercial.
  • anticonvulsant.
  • anticonvulsive.

What is a word that has anti IN IT?

Study the word list: prefix anti

antiseptic Mum put some antiseptic on his cut knee.
anticlimax I thought the end of the film was an anticlimax.
antisocial Behaving rudely in public is antisocial.
antifreeze Use antifreeze to protect the car’s engine.
antibiotic The doctor gave me an antibiotic to fight my cold. *

What are some words for the root word anti?

Following is a list of words based on the Anti Root Word:

  • Antidote: medicine against poison.
  • Antibiotic: medicine against bacteria.
  • Antifreeze: a liquid used in machines to avoid freezing.
  • Antiperspirant: a product which is against perspiration.
  • Antisocial: opposing being social.
  • Antacid: medicine against acidity in stomach.

What is the root word for Bene?

-bene-, root. -bene- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “well. ” This meaning is found in such words as: benediction, benefactor, beneficent, beneficial, benefit, benevolent.

What does the root word counter mean?

The prefix contra- and its variant counter- mean “opposite” or “against.” For instance, the prefix contra- gave rise to the words contradict and contrast, whereas the variant spelling counter- gave rise to counteract and counterfeit.

What is the root word for photo?

word-forming element meaning “light” or “photographic” or “photoelectric,” from Greek photo-, combining form of phōs (genitive phōtos) “light” (from PIE root *bha- (1) “to shine”).

Is De a root word?

The English prefix de-, which means “off” or “from,” appears in hundreds of English vocabulary words, such as dejected, deduce, and deficient. You can remember that the prefix de- means “from” or “off” via the word descend, or to climb down “from” or “off” a height, such as a mountain.

What does the root word positive mean?

positive (adj.) and directly from Latin positivus “settled by agreement, positive” (opposed to naturalis “natural”), from positus, past participle of ponere “put, place” (see position (n.)).

What is the Latin word for positive?

English Latin (translated indirectly) Esperanto
positive adjective (genuine; legitimate; real; true) verus adjective vera adjective

What’s another word for being positive?

What is another word for positive?

constructive encouraging
beneficial effective
enthusiastic good
helpful reassuring
valuable affirmative

What’s another word for positive and negative?

What is another word for positive-negative?

yin yang yin and yang
negative and positive negative-positive
positive and negative balance of contrary forces
balance of opposite forces complementary contrary forces
complementary opposite forces

What is meant by being positive?

If you are positive about things, you are hopeful and confident, and think of the good aspects of a situation rather than the bad ones. Be positive about your future and get on with living a normal life. [ + about]

How would you describe a positive person?

Affable — He’s easy to talk to. Agreeable — He’s enjoyable to talk to. Amiable — He’s friendly and nice. Charming — He has a “magic” effect that makes people like him.

What are 5 words to describe yourself?

Good Words to Describe Yourself (+ Example Answers)

  • Diligent / Loyal / Reliable. I am always the first person my friends call because they know I am always there for them.
  • Creative / Innovative / Visionary.
  • Motivated / Ambitious / Leader.
  • Honest / Ethical / Conscientious.
  • Friendly / Personable / Extrovert.

What are the 7 personality types?

The seven archetypes of King, Priest, Sage, Scholar, Warrior, Artisan, and Server have always existed in every society, and everyone belongs to one of these groups. Thousands of people around the world have used this system to discover their true nature and to find fulfillment.


Laura McKinney

Date Of Creation:

4 August 2021

Update Date:

7 April 2023

The Prefix ANTI- | Prefixes and Suffixes Lesson

Video: The Prefix ANTI- | Prefixes and Suffixes Lesson


  • How do you spell the prefix anti-?
  • Examples of words with the prefix anti-
  • Sentences with words with the prefix anti-

The prefixanti-, of Greek origin, means «opposite», «that presents resistance», or «against.» For example: antiacid, antiBody.

It is an opposition prefix (like the contra- prefix) and one of the most used in the Spanish language. It joins both nouns and adjectives, to form new compound words.

The prefix anti- allows the variants anta- and ant-, which have the same meaning. For example: antagonist (acting in opposition to the protagonist).

In some cases, it is used with the same meaning as ante- or inter-, indicating what is before or what is before. For example: antiface (in front of the face).

The opposite prefix is ​​pro-, of origin in Latin, which means “in favor of”.

  • See also: Prefixes (with their meaning)

How do you spell the prefix anti-?

Like all prefixes, it is attached to the word (without a hyphen or space in between). Due to its particular characteristics, two particular cases must be taken into account:

  • Prefix anti- + word starting with R. Because it is a prefix that ends in a vowel, if the accompanying word begins with the letter R it is necessary to duplicate that letter so as not to lose the strength of the RR. For example: antirrobo, antirrpneumatic, antirrecession.
  • Anti- prefix + word beginning with vowel I. Since the prefix ends in a weak vowel (I), when the accompanying word begins with I, two forms are valid: the doubled I, or the simplified I. For example: antiiimperialism / antiimperialism, antiinflammatory / antininflammatory. Both forms of writing are accepted by the RAE (Royal Spanish Academy).
  1. Anti-academic: That is opposed to academics.
  2. Antacid: That cuts the acid action of certain foods or substances.
  3. Non-stick: That does not allow something to adhere.
  4. Antiaircraft: Its mission is to neutralize the action of air strikes.
  5. Antiallergic: That prevents or counteracts the action of the allergy.
  6. Anti-american: That is opposed to the economic, political or social thought of the United States of America.
  7. Anti-wrinkle: That prevents the appearance of wrinkles or hides them.
  8. Antiasthmatic: That reduces or fights asthma symptoms.
  9. Antiatomic: Which protects from the consequences of atomic radiation.
  10. Antibacterial: That fights infections produced by bacteria that cause diseases.
  11. Bulletproof: Material capable of resisting the impact of firearms projectiles.
  12. Antibiotic: That destroys the organisms that produce diseases in living beings.
  13. Anti-pump: Which serves to protect from the action of the bombs.
  14. Antibritic: That is opposed to the economic, political or social thought of Great Britain.
  15. Anticancer: That it has agents that fight cancer.
  16. Anticarro: Which aims to destroy war tanks and other war transports.
  17. Anti-catholic: That is opposed to the doctrine of Catholicism.
  18. Anticyclone: A climatic phenomenon that produces good weather, a clear sky and some fog.
  19. Unscientific: That is opposed to scientific principles.
  20. Anticipate: Before holding («anti» is used in the sense of previous, «cipar» is a lexeme that comes from «capere» which means to take, hold).
  21. Anticlerical: Which is contrary to the church or something that is related to the ecclesiastical.
  22. Anticlimax: a climax is the time of greatest tension after a build-up. The anticlimax is the opposite process, in which the tension gradation progressively decreases, or the expectations created by the accumulation of tension are frustrated by a change.
  23. Anticline: Geological cavity where very old materials can be found.
  24. Anticoagulant: That it does not allow the coagulation of certain liquids.
  25. Contraceptive: That does not allow pregnancy or conception.
  26. Unconstitutional: That is opposed to the constitution.
  27. Anticorrosive: That covers and protects surfaces to avoid corrosion.
  28. Anti-corruption: That fights or prevents corruption.
  29. Antichrist: That he is opposed to Christ (in certain ecclesiastical settings it is held that, before the second advent of Jesus, the antichrist, the personification of evil, will be born).
  30. Antibody: A substance in the body that fights bacterial and viral infections to prevent diseases of the body.
  31. Unsportsmanlike: That does not respect the norms or rules of a certain sport.
  32. Antiknock: That prevents something (usually explosive) from detonating or exploding.
  33. Non-slip: Tapes, fabrics or paints that are applied to floors to make them rougher and thus avoid accidents due to involuntary landslides.
  34. Antidiuretic: That reduces or stops the diuretic action, that is, it prevents the secretion of body fluids such as urine.
  35. Anti-drug: That opposes and fights against drug trafficking, distribution and consumption.
  36. Antispasmodic: That relieves spasmodic pains.
  37. Mask: Which is in front of the face.
  38. Fever-reducing: That stops or reduces the action of fever.
  39. Antigen: «Geno» comes from the Greek meaning to generate or produce. An antigen is a substance that elicits (geno) a defense (anti) response upon entering the body.
  40. Antigramatical: Contrary to the laws of grammar.
  41. Antihero: Who opposes heroes.
  42. Unsanitary: That it does not respect health standards and that, therefore, it is not hygienic.
  43. Antihistamine: That blocks the effects of histamine (a hormone that acts as a powerful dilator).
  44. Anti-imperialism: Thought or attitude that opposes the political or economic thought or doctrine of a certain hegemonic country over another.
  45. Fire fighting: That prevents or extinguishes fires.
  46. Anti-inflammatory: That does not allow inflammatory action.
  47. Antilogarithm: That does not respond to a certain logarithm.
  48. Antilogy: Contradiction that occurs between two expressions or redactions.
  49. Anti-magnetic: That it is not affected by the magnetism of a thing or that it counteracts the magnetic action.
  50. Antimissile: Which has the objective of destroying missiles.
  51. Antimonarchical: That is opposed to the monarchy.
  52. Antimoral: That it does not fit within what is morally accepted.
  53. Anti-natalism: Philosophical, demographic, and political stance that opposes the birth of new human beings as birth control.
  54. Unnatural: That goes against the natural.
  55. Antinazi: Who are opposed to the political, economic or social doctrine of Nazi thought.
  56. Anti-fog: Special headlights used by vehicles that prevent light from reflecting off the water particles in the fog (they do not prevent fog, but they do avoid one of its drawbacks).
  57. Antinomy: Contradiction between two laws or norms (nomos is a lexeme that means «law» or «rule»).
  58. Antinuclear: Who opposes or is against the use of nuclear energy.
  59. Antioxidant: That does not allow oxidation.
  60. Antiparasitic: That prevents or kills the appearance of parasites in a living organism.
  61. Unparliamentary: That is opposed to the uses of parliament.
  62. Antipathy: That is opposed to sympathy.
  63. Unpatriotic: Who does not love his homeland or country of origin.
  64. Antipedagogical: That it does not have pedagogical tools.
  65. Antipodal: That is diametrically opposed to another.
  66. Antirabic: That prevents anger.
  67. Anti-recession: That is carried out to prevent an economic recession or of some kind.
  68. Anti-regulatory: That goes against the regulation.
  69. Antiretroviral: Antiviral drug.
  70. Antirheumatic: Which is used to combat rheumatism.
  71. Anti-theft device: That it aims to prevent theft.
  72. Antisemitic: Discriminatory stance towards Jewish people. «Semite» designates Jews as descendants of Shem, that is, both Arabs and Jews (currently used only to describe discrimination against Jews).
  73. Antiseptic: «Sepsis» is a lexeme that means «putrefactive», that is, something that rots. An antiseptic is something that prevents putrefaction.
  74. Antisepsis: Which is used to prevent infectious diseases.
  75. Antiseptic: That destroys or fights germs.
  76. Anti-earthquake: Structure that can protect buildings in the event of an earthquake.
  77. Antisocial: That is opposed to the social.
  78. Antitank: Which aims to destroy war tanks.
  79. Anti-terrorist: That avoids or prevents terrorism.
  80. Antithesis: Opposition to a thesis.
  81. Anti-tetanus: That fights tetanus (infectious disease).
  82. Antitoxin: Antibody that neutralizes certain toxins.
  83. Antituberculous: That fights against tuberculosis.
  84. Antitussive: medicine or treatment used to prevent or eliminate coughing.
  85. Antivirus: That fights or prevents the action produced by viruses (used to designate applications that protect operating systems from computer viruses).

(!) Exceptions. Not every word that begins with anti- is using the prefix that means contradiction or opposition. Below we exemplify only three exceptions that have been found with words that begin with the syllables «anti”But they are not related to the prefix.

  • Old. Of yore.
  • Antelope. Animal of the Antilopino family.
  • Antimony. Chemical element.

Sentences with words with the prefix anti-

  1. I didn’t recognize anyone at the party because they all used masks.
  2. You still don’t know what’s going to happen, you don’t anticipate to the facts.
  3. The detective in this story is a antiheroas he acts outside the law and makes mistakes.
  4. Those kids are very rude and I find them unfriendly.
  5. The base located on the island has missiles anti-aircraft.
  6. Do not connect your computer to the Internet before installing a antivirus.
  7. Local laws and national laws created a antinomy.
  8. The president travels in a car with glasses bulletproof.
  9. He uses so much fat in his meals that after visiting him I always have to take a antacid.
  10. The doctor prescribed a antitussive so I could sleep better.
  11. I always invite him but he never comes to parties, he’s a antisocial.
  12. Today you won’t be able to go on the highway if you don’t have headlights fog.
  13. After you told me your whole love story, finding out that he is going to live in another country is a horrible anticlimax.
  14. You must apply a antiseptic about that wound.
  15. They expelled my partner for commenting antisemitic.
  16. If you have a fever, it is because your body is reacting to a antigen.
  17. We must determine which microorganism is causing the disease to indicate the antibiotic.
  18. All stairs must have slip resistant at the edge of each step.
  19. The town is close to an active volcano. There are no eruptions but all buildings have structures anti-seismic.
  • Follows with: Opposition and negation prefixes

What is an example of anti?

The definition of an anti is a person who has beliefs contrary to another cause or concept. An example of an anti is someone who does not believe that people should have the right to have guns.

IS ANTI a word or a prefix?

The word anti comes from the prefix anti-, which means “against” or “opposite,” and is still used in English words, such as antibodies and anti-hero. As a word on its own anti is an adjective or preposition describing a person or thing that is against someone or something else.

What does the prefix mean anti?

Definition of anti- (Entry 4 of 4) 1a : of the same kind but situated opposite, exerting energy in the opposite direction, or pursuing an opposite policy anticlinal. b : one that is opposite in kind to anticlimax. 2a : opposing or hostile to in opinion, sympathy, or practice anti-Semite.

What is a sentence using the prefix anti?

How to use Anti in a sentence. Tomatoes naturally contain the anti oxidant but at lower levels. She slept badly and constantly felt tense, developing post traumatic stress disorder for which she took anti depressants. The mode of the migration anti the rotites to be followed are prescribed by law.

What is another word for anti?

antithetical, conflicting, contrary, incompatible, inconsistent, paradoxical, adverse, contradictory, discordant, hostile, inimical, negative, opposed, wrongheaded, belligerent, bitter, contentious, hateful, inhospitable, nasty.

What is opposite of anti?

▲ (set against) Opposite of firmly opposed to. pro. for.

Does anti mean before?

From Latin ante (“before”).

What is full form of anti?

The Full form of ANTI is Against, or ANTI stands for Against, or the full name of given abbreviation is Against.

What is a anti human?

Definition of antihuman

1 : acting or being against humanity. 2 : reacting strongly with human antigens antihuman antibodies.

Is there another word for against?

In this page you can discover 41 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for against, like: upon, in opposition to, in support of, on, adverse to, in contact with, versus, against-x94, opposite, counter to and next.

Is Pro for or against?

Pro is a Latin root word meaning for. If you make a list of pros and cons, you are listing the reasons for doing something and the reasons not to, respectively. Pro is also the shortened form of the word “professional,” often referring to professional sports.

What is IG Anti?

Anti-immunoglobulin antibodies are proteins that are used in the detection of antibodies. Anti-antibodies can be used to treat certain diseases or as screening agents in some laboratory tests, such as immunohistochemistry, Western blot, flow cytometry, and immunofluorescence staining for microscopy.

Is anti-human a word?

against or opposed to human beings or human values.

What does it mean to be anti world?

Definition of antiworld

: the hypothetical antimatter counterpart of a world.

What is anti A antibody?

Antibodies. Anti-A and anti-B are found in the sera of individuals who lack the corresponding antigens. They are produced in response to environmental stimulants, such as bacteria. These antibodies are produced after birth, reaching a peak at 5–10 years of age, and declining with increasing age.

What is goat anti human IgG?

Anti-Human secondary antibodies are affinity-purified antibodies with well-characterized specificity for human immunoglobulins and are useful in the detection, sorting or purification of its specified target.

What does anti IgG mean?

Anti-Human Globulin Anti-IgG is used for the direct antiglobulin test to demonstrate the in-vivo coating of red blood cells with antibody molecules (such as autoantibodies, maternal antibodies in hemolytic disease of the newborn, alloantibodies against red cells in transfusion reactions).

How rare is my blood type?

Your blood type is based on genetics and whether it contains certain antigens. While AB/Rh-negative may be the rarest blood type in the United States, this is not the case worldwide.

What’s the rarest blood type?

Blood type Average percent of U.S. population
O-negative 6.6%
B-positive 8.5%
A-positive 35.7%
O-positive 37.4%

What are the 5 different types of antibodies?

5 types of antibodies, each with a different function

There are 5 types of heavy chain constant regions in antibodies (immunoglobulin) and according to these types, they are classified into IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD, and IgE.

Why Anti-A is blue in Colour?

The government regulations specify that anti-A be coloured blue as a quality control (QC) measure. The government regulations specify that anti-B be coloured yellow as a QC measure. Anti-A,B is colourless (no dye is added).

Anti prefix meaning

The prefix “Anti” means ‘opposed to’ or against.

Words with prefix anti

Here are a few commonly used words which have prefix anti. The meanings of the words are also given for the convenience of students.

  1. Anti + thesis = Antithesis. Something that is an exact opposite.
  2. Anti + biotic = Antibiotic. A substance that cures infections.
  3. Anti + climax = Anticlimax. A disappointing decline after a previous rise.
  4. Anti + social = Antisocial. A person who shuns contact with others.
  5. Anti + freeze = Antifreeze. Something that stops the action of freezing.
  6. Anti + depressant = Antidepressant. Something that cures depression.
  7. Anti + clockwise = Anticlockwise. Something that moves in a direction opposite to the hands of a clock.
  8. Anti + bacterial = Antibacterial. Something that is active against bacteria.
  9. Anti + septic = Antiseptic.Something which prevents the formation of a septic.
  10. Anti + skid = Antiskid. Something designed to prevent skidding.
  11. Anti + gravity = Antigravity. Something that opposes gravity.
  12. Anti + aging = Antiaging. Something that works against the effects of aging.
  13. Anti + dandruff = Antidandruff. Something that works to prevent dandruff.

See Video :

Also See :

Fy Suffix in English – Meaning, words with Suffix ‘Fy’

Able Suffix in English – Meaning, words with Suffix ‘Able’

Hood Suffix in English – Meaning, words with Suffix ‘Hood’

Ful Suffix in English – Meaning, words with Suffix ‘Ful’

Ess Suffix in English – Meaning, words with Suffix ‘Ess’

Ism Suffix in English – Meaning, words with Suffix ‘Ism’

Non Prefix in English – Meaning, words with Prefix ‘Non’

Ly Suffix in English – Meaning, words with Suffix ‘Ly’

Ise Suffix in English – Meaning, words with Suffix ‘ise’

Prefix and Suffix – Definition, Examples

Un Prefix in English – Meaning, words with Suffix ‘Un’

Full list of words from this list:

  1. antithesis

    exact opposite

  2. antipathy

    a feeling of intense dislike

    With eyes lowered in
    antipathy, he seemed to avoid her gaze with loathing.Wingfield, Lewis

  3. antibiotic

    a substance used to kill microorganisms and cure infections

    Now, there is evidence of an effective new
    antibiotic that might help save lives among those with the most highly drug-resistant strains.Washington Post (Aug 17, 2019)

  4. anticlimax

    a disappointing decline after a previous rise

    Looking just at the numbers, there was no question that Durant’s return to Chesapeake Energy Arena, one of the most anticipated games of the year, ended up being a terrible
    anticlimax.The Guardian (Feb 16, 2017)

  5. antidote

    a remedy that stops or controls the effects of a poison

    Fennel sharpens the sight and is an
    antidote to some poisons.Ophelia

  6. antiseptic

    thoroughly clean and free of disease-causing organisms

  7. antisocial

    shunning contact with others

    He is extremely social and loves being with other kids and people, while his father is
    antisocial and I am very shy.Slate (Jun 3, 2019)

  8. antihero

    a protagonist who does not act brave or morally good

    It also reinforces the notion that Yossarian is a classic
    antihero, rather than a sane innocent trapped in a world of madness.The Guardian (Jun 20, 2019)

  9. anti-inflammatory

    a medicine intended to reduce swelling

    Zimmermann had been having trouble loosening up before starts, and team doctors prescribed physical treatment and
    anti-inflammatory pills.Washington Post (Aug 5, 2012)

  10. antimatter

    mass consisting of antiparticles of normal substances

    But then, imagine someone finds a simple way to make black holes or
    antimatter using common materials and wall current?Salon (Jun 17, 2012)

Created on September 9, 2012
(updated August 24, 2020)

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