Word that end in suffix less

Vocabulary Builder Course

In English, the suffix -less means “without.” For example, something that is “colorless” is white or transparent; it has no color. Here are 10 English words that end in -less, with example sentences so you can see how they’re used:

1. careless = without care

My sister is very careless with her possessions. For example, she left her laptop on the sofa and later someone sat on it.

Opposite: careful

2. doubtless = without a doubt

The prices will doubtless go down around Christmastime – there are always holiday discounts.

Opposite: doubtful

3. endless = without end (or very long)

I hate going to my aunt’s house, because then I have to listen to her endless stories about her dogs.

Note: We often use “endless” to exaggerate how long something is, as in the example above. It doesn’t necessarily mean there is NO end.

4. fearless = brave, without fear

John loves radical sports like rock climbing and skydiving. He’s absolutely fearless.

Opposite: fearful

5. helpless = unable to help oneself

Little babies are so helpless. Their mothers needs to do everything for them.

Note: The opposite is NOT helpful – “helpful” means you can help others. The opposite of “helpless” is something like “self-sufficient” – someone who can take care of themselves.

6. homeless = someone who has no place to live

In the city center, there are a lot of homeless people who sleep on the streets.

7. hopeless = without hope, without possibility of success

The doctors say it’s hopeless – his cancer can’t be cured.

Note: We usually describe a SITUATION as “hopeless.” For your own feelings, you should say “I have no hope,” not “I’m hopeless.” For the opposite, however, you can say “I’m hopeful” if you DO have hope!

8. restless = agitated, not relaxed

I’ve been sitting at a computer for the past 6 hours and I’m feeling restless – let’s go for a walk!

Note: Restless is NOT the same as tired. Instead, it describes a situation where you don’t want to stay still – you want to move, or change something. You can be restless due to emotions, worries, or simply after a long period of inactivity, as in the example.

 9. tasteless = without taste or flavor

The food at that restaurant is cheap, but it’s pretty tasteless.

Opposite = flavorful, tasty

Note: The opposite is NOT “tasteful.” This word instead refers to decorations or words that are good and appropriate for the situation. But the opposite of “tasteful” is also…

9. tasteless = not appropriate

It would have been a good movie for kids, except it had a completely tasteless sex scene in the middle.

Things that are “tasteless” may be vulgar, or visually ugly, or simply not appropriate for the situation.

10. useless = describes something that cannot be used

This brochure is useless – all the information is out-of-date. We’ll have to call to get the current information.

Opposite = useful

My girlfriend always shouts things like this at me:

  • How can you be so heartless?
  • If you don’t tidy up today, you’ll be homeless tomorrow!
  • Why are you always so thoughtless?

But I didn’t understand what those words meant until 5 minutes ago. That’s when I finally decided to learn all about the -less suffix, and now I’m going to teach it to you.

What does the suffix less mean?

The suffix less means without.

Heartless means ‘without a heart’. Homeless means ‘without a home’. Thoughtless means ‘without thinking’.

Why don’t you take this little test and see how good you are at using the suffix -less? Below the test I’ll explain all the words you need to learn at B2, C1, and C2 level.

Words Ending in LESS Practice

This is a pillow. It is also a remote control for your TV or BluRay player. How would you describe it?

My first instinct was ‘useless!’ But actually it’s not the WORST idea. Unlike a normal remote control, you can’t lose this one down the side of a cushion. So in some circumstances, it could be useful.

And if you think ‘it’s pointless!’ I understand. But there IS a point — it’s to make your friends laugh when they come to visit you. And to entertain children.

So even though this pillow is a bit stupid, it isn’t totally useless and isn’t totally pointless. It’s silly, harmless fun.

This photo is called ‘Fred Astaire in a Suit with __________’

1. an Expressionless Face.

The construction of the sentence implies that THE SUIT has an expressionless face.

How about: Fred Astaire with an Expressionless Face, in a Suit

or: An Expressionless Fred Astaire in a Suit

How would you describe this Aston Martin DB5?

It isn’t really priceless — you can buy one for half a million dollars or so.

It certainly is timeless. It looks as good today as it ever did.

How many white-throated swifts are there in this photo?

There are no swifts in this photo. They are all swallows.

All 4 questions completed!

Words Ending in LESS Practice

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Words to Learn At B2 Level (e.g. Cambridge B2 First; IELTS grade 6)

  1. useless
  2. homeless
  3. thoughtless
  4. harmless
  5. painless
  6. endless
  7. powerless
  8. careless
  9. priceless
  10. tasteless
  11. pointless
  12. hopeless

Useless – something that doesn’t help you. It doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do. This chocolate teapot is useless! The hot water leaks everywhere!

Homeless – someone who doesn’t have a place to live. I was homeless for 2 years, but then my sister found me and helped me get back on track.

Thoughtless – not thinking about what other people need. That Andrew is so thoughtless – he never remembers my birthday.

Harmless – something that doesn’t hurt you. Old people don’t like violent video games, but I think they are harmless. They don’t make young people more violent.

Painless – without pain. The dentist said the procedure would be painless. Guess what? He was lying.

Endless – without end. God this movie is so boring! How long is left? Another hour! Argh! It’s endless!

Powerless – not able to control something. I could see the cars were going to crash, but I was powerless to stop them. It was horrible.

Careless – a careless person doesn’t take care, and thus damages things or hurts people. It was very careless of you to leave the scissors here! I nearly cut my hand open!

Priceless – something that is very valuable. It’s hard to put a price on it. – This fake da Vinci painting sold for over 400 million dollars! I wonder what the Mona Lisa would sell for? – Well, the Mona Lisa is priceless.

Tasteless – food with no taste. I don’t like to complain about my wife’s cooking but this chicken is really… tasteless.

Pointless – something with no purpose. There’s no reason to do this thing. Why does the bus stop here? No-one lives here. No-one ever gets on or off here. It’s totally pointless!

Hopeless – two meanings. 1) without hope. I don’t think we can beat global warming. We’ve left it too late! The situation is hopeless! 2) being bad at something. I’m hopeless at writing! It really takes me a long time just to write a simple email.

Words to Learn At C1 Level (e.g. Cambridge C1 Advanced; IELTS grade 7-8)

  1. classless
  2. expressionless
  3. jobless
  4. matchless
  5. meaningless
  6. motionless
  7. restless
  8. selfless
  9. senseless
  10. timeless
  11. weightless
  12. wordless
  13. worthless
  14. helpless
  15. countless
  16. speechless

Classless – without social classes. The Prime Minister claimed that Britain was now a classless society, and everyone laughed at him.

Expressionless – showing no emotion on your face. Jack stood expressionless as the doctor told him the bad news.

Jobless – unemployed. I was jobless for a while after university and I didn’t like it. That’s my biggest fear about quitting my job. What if I don’t find a new one?

Matchless – better than others. Our library is matchless, but the computer room is starting to show its age.

Meaningless – without meaning. When politicians say that day is night and up is down, our language becomes meaningless.

Motionless – something that isn’t moving. He sat motionless as Beckham prepared to take the penalty.

Restless – unable to keep still. – I have restless leg syndrome. – What’s that? – I can’t sleep because my legs twitch around.

Selfless – someone who cares more about others than themselves. It was very selfless of the coal miners to dig a tunnel under the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. They knew they would die but they did it to save millions of people.

Senseless – without purpose. Boris Johnson spent 161 THOUSAND pounds building a simple website. It was a senseless waste of our taxes.

Timeless – not affected by time. Most of James Bond’s suits are timeless – you could still wear them all today and be fashionable.

Weightless – having no weight. You can jump a long way on the moon because you’re basically weightless.

Wordless – without speaking. Most of our communication today is wordless – it’s done via phone, and even then it’s mostly emojis.

Worthless – without value. I found some old money in grandad’s attic. It was about 3,000 pounds! I took it to the bank but they said it was worthless! It’s so unfair.

Helpless – basically the same as powerless. See above.

Countless – a large number of something. I’ve eaten countless pizzas and consider myself an expert on the subject. The best pizza in the world is in Pizza Hut in Bangkok. It is simply matchless.

Speechless – unable to speak. He’s a strange-looking man, almost ugly, but when he started singing he had the voice of an angel. I was completely speechless.

Words to Learn At C2 Level (e.g. Cambridge C2 Proficiency; IELTS grade 9)

I don’t have the energy to write example sentences for all these. If you’re studying at C2 level you’re smart enough to know how to learn these. I believe in you!

  1. faultless
  2. fearless
  3. flawless
  4. harmless (meaning ‘not upsetting’)
  5. merciless
  6. needless
  7. reckless
  8. regardless
  9. relentless
  10. restless (meaning ‘not satisfied with your life and thinking about making big changes’)
  11. ruthless
  12. spotless
  13. tactless
  14. tasteless (meaning ‘ugly’, like my neighbours’s garden)
  15. tasteless (meaning ‘offensive’, like a joke about someone dying)
  16. useless (for a person. Don’t vote for Boris, he’s useless!)

Суффикс -LESS в английском языке

Не всегда имеется возможность воспользоваться словарём или просто быстро вспомнить подходящее слово. В таких ситуациях (и не только в них) выручит знание суффиксов и префиксов. Так, например, суффикс less в английском языке соответствует русским приставкам без-, бес-, не-. Это то, что нужно, когда требуется образовать отрицательное слово из того, которое вы уже хорошо знаете.

Суффикс less в английском языке и его значение

Считается, что суффикс less в английском языке является частью прилагательных. Если заглянуть в словарь, то less – это «что-то ничтожное или незначительное», «меньшее количество». Как правило, less добавляют к существительному (или к глаголу) и благодаря этой метаморфозе, образуется прилагательное с отрицательным значением. То есть схема такая:

суффикс less в английском языке

Например, вам необходимо применить в речи слово «беззаботный». Вы не знаете английский эквивалент, но помните слово «забота» — «care». Оно является существительным, то есть можно смело добавлять к care суффикс с отрицательным значением и получится то, что нужно – «careless»  (в переводе «беззаботный»). Научитесь применять суффикс less в английском языке, и вам не придётся лишний раз заглядывать в словарь.Wink

Английские слова с суффиксом less. Примеры

Обратите внимание на следующие английские слова с суффиксом less. Многие из них довольно часто используются в речи. Для удобства в первой колонке приведены существительные, от которых образовано новое слово с помощью less.

существительное прилагательное переводы
hope hopeless надежда — безнадёжный
use useless польза — бесполезный
help helpless помощь — беспомощный
heart heartless сердце — бессердечный
fear fearless страх — бесстрашный
home homeless дом — бездомный
brain brainless мозг — безмозглый
harm harmless вред — безвредный
job jobless работа — безработный
blame blameless вина — невиновный
shame shameless стыд — бесстыдный
doubt doubtless сомнение — бесспорный
love loveless любовь — нелюбимый
aim aimless цель — бесцельный
sound soundless звук — беззвучный
taste tasteless вкус — безвкусный
friend friendless друг – не имеющий друзей, одинокий
joy joyless радость — безрадостный

Теперь, благодаря суффиксу less и его роли в английском языке, ваш словарный запас существенно пополнился.

I was teaching a lesson to a private student last month and we talked about e-cigarettes. Some people prefer these electronic cigarettes because they are smokeless. Smoke LESS means they don’t make smoke. This caused us to look at the suffix -less in more detail. 

There are MANY common English words that use this suffix, so I made this post for other English students who want to quickly increase their English vocabulary. This post will teach you how.

Table of Contents

  • The Suffix -less Meaning
  • A List of Common English Words with the Suffix -less
  • The suffix -less PLUS the suffix -ness
  • Sugarless VS Sugar-free
  • Printable Suffix -LESS Wordlist PDF

The Suffix -less Meaning

The suffix -less means without

  • “I bought a pack of sugarless gum.” – Gum without sugar

It can also mean not doing; not affected by

  • “Tina is a very selfless person.” – She thinks more about the needs of others than her own

less suffix -OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com 

The origin of this suffix is
Old English -lēas, from lēas ‘devoid of’.


A List of Common English Words with the Suffix -less

  1. ageless – ​existing forever; impossible to give an age to

“The beginning of the universe is an ageless mystery.” 

  1. aimless – ​having no direction or plan

“To be honest, after graduating from University I felt quite aimless. I didn’t feel I had a real purpose to my life yet. I had to keep searching.” 

  1. boundless – without limits; seeming to have no end

“I stood on the top deck of the cruise ship and looked at the boundless ocean. It was beautiful.” 

  1. breathless – experiencing, or making somebody experience, a strong emotional reaction

“The concert was one of the greatest experiences of my life and the performance left me breathless.” 

  1. bottomless – very deep; seeming to have no bottom or limit (This is often used with drink orders at restaurants to mean all you can drink. Your glass has no bottom, you can get as many refills as you want.)

“I would like a double cheeseburger combo with a bottomless Pepsi please.” 


  1. brainless – stupid; not able to think or talk in an intelligent way

“I like Michael but I can’t stand some of his brainless friends.” 

  1. careless – not giving enough attention and thought to what you are doing, so that you make mistakes

“Andrew left some important information out of his report. That was careless.”

  1. ceaseless – not stopping; seeming to have no end

“She grew tired of his ceaseless questions.”

  1. clueless – very stupid; not able to understand or to do something (without a clue)

“Sam knew a lot about cars but he was clueless when it came to boats.”

  1. countless – very many; too many to be counted or mentioned

“Tina’s selfless efforts have had an impact on countless lives in her community.”

  1. childless – having no children

“The number of childless couples is rising in Japan.”

  1. cloudless – clear; with no clouds

“I stared up into the cloudless sky and wondered what the future may hold for me.” 

  1. cordless – (of a phone or an electrical tool) not connected to its power supply by wires

“I bought my dad a cordless drill for Father’s Day last year. He really likes it.” 

I bought a new cordless drill. It was on sale.

  1. colorless – without color or very pale

“I noticed a colorless liquid leaking from the side of my air conditioner. I wondered what it was.” 

  1. defenseless – weak; not able to protect yourself; having no protection

“The punch left the fighter confused and defenseless so the referee stopped the fight.” 

  1. doubtless – almost certainly (without doubt) *This is the one word on our list that is an ADVERB, not an ADJECTIVE.

“Richie just spent a lot of money on a motorcycle. Doubtless, his wife will not be happy.”

  1. effortless – needing little or no effort, so that it seems easy

“Reggie has been playing the piano since he was 4 years old. He makes it look effortless.” 

  1. endless – very large in size or amount and seeming to have no end

“It always seems like I have an endless list of things to do.” 

  1. expressionless – not showing feelings, thoughts, etc.

“Her face was expressionless and that told me everything I needed to know.” 

  1. faceless – having no characteristics or identity that are easy to notice

“With no artistic freedom, your culture becomes faceless. This is a sad situation for people living in areas controlled by the Taliban.” 

  1. faultless – having no mistakes (without fault)

“Many mistakes were made and we need to get to work correcting them. I know I’m not faultless in all this so we will be working together.” 

  1. fearless – ​not afraid, in a way that people admire

“Luis will start conversations with anyone. He’s absolutely fearless, I wish I was so brave.” 

  1. featureless – without any qualities or characteristics that are easy to notice

“This part of the country is nothing but fields. It’s flat and featureless for many kilometers.”

  1. flawless – ​without flaws and therefore perfect

“The diamond was flawless and worth a lot of money.” 

Suffix -less Flawless

The largest flawless diamond in the world is known as The Paragon. It was mined in Brazil and is worth 72 million dollars! LINK

  1. flightless – (of birds or insects) unable to fly

“Ostriches and penguins are two flightless birds.” 

  1. gutless – not brave or determined enough to do something

“He was gutless and not cut out for the military.” 

  1. hairless – without hair 

“My grandmother had a hairless Chihuahua. It’s cute but a little too noisy for me. My grandma loves it though.” 

  1. harmless – unable or unlikely to cause damage or harm

“The bacteria that they found in the water is harmless to humans so it’s okay to drink.”

  1. heartless – ​feeling no sympathy for other people

“The villain of the movie was very clever but also heartless. This is a dangerous combination.”

  1. headless – without a head

“The Legend of Sleepy Hallow tells the story of a ghost called the headless horseman. He was a soldier who lost his head in battle.”

  1. helpless – unable to take care of yourself or do things without the help of other people

“Even after the war is over and the fighting has stopped helpless children are still at risk.”

  1. homeless – having no home, and therefore typically living on the streets

“The mayor is trying hard to reduce the number of homeless in the city.” 

We need help the homeless in our city by giving them safe places to eat, get clean, and help them get back on their feet.

  1. hopeless – if something is hopeless, there is no hope that it will get better or succeed

“The situation looked hopeless so the team had to regroup and decide if it was worth it to continue.” 

  1. jobless – without a job

“The shoe factory closed due to the bad economy. The closure left 350 people jobless.” 

  1. joyless – bringing no happiness; without joy

“She didn’t have any close friends and not much of a social life. Her time at college was joyless. Only studying, eating, and sleeping.”

  1. lawless – (of a country or an area) where laws do not exist or are not obeyed

“It was a lawless time in the country, whatever one you met could be dangerous.” 

  1. lifeless – dead or appearing to be dead

“His lifeless body was discovered by the hotel made the next morning.” 

  1. limitless – ​without a limit; very great

“When we got to the new condo I was very excited. It was completely empty but the possibilities were limitless.”

  1. meaningless – ​without any purpose or reason and therefore not worth doing or having

“I remember High School being filled with classes where the teacher just gave the students meaningless tasks to keep them busy.”

  1. merciless – showing no sympathy or kind treatment

“A merciless storm suddenly came out of the clouds so we quickly ran for cover to try and keep dry.” 

  1. mindless – done or acting without thought and for no particular reason or purpose

“Zombies are mindless creatures who only exist for one reason, to eat human brains!”

*Check my list of Zombie and Dead Idioms at the link below:

  1. moneyless – having no money

“The stock market crash left him moneyless. He needed to start his life over.” 

  1. motionless – ​not moving; still

“After the earthquake, I waited motionless under the table worried about the aftershocks that might come soon.” 

  1. nameless – having no name; whose name you do not know

“It’s a huge company full of nameless and faceless employees to come in, do their job, and go home every day.” 

  1. odorless – without a smell

“Natural gas is naturally odorless, a smell is added to it so that people can detect leaks in their home. I also recommend buying a gas leak monitor to be safe.”

  1. painless – causing you no pain

“I was only in the hospital for 2 hours. The whole procedure was painless.” 

  1. paperless – using computers, phones, etc. rather than paper to exchange information

“The office will go paperless in October. All communication will be digital after that.” 

Every year, $25-35 billion is spent in the U.S. on filing, storing, and retrieving paper.

  1. penniless – ​having no money; very poor

“After some bad decisions, Chris ended up penniless. He wasn’t sure what to do next with his life.” 

  1. pointless – ​having no purpose; not worth doing

“I grew tired of the meaningless training and the pointless exercises. In the end, I just walked away from the course. It was the best decision I ever made.” 

  1. priceless – extremely valuable or important

“Joe has been collecting art for over twenty years. He has many priceless pieces in his collection.” 

  1. powerless – completely unable to do something

“I saw what was happening to my community but I felt powerless to do anything about it. That’s when I started getting involved and giving back to the community.” 

  1. reckless – showing a lack of care about danger and the possible results of your actions

“The police charged him with reckless driving after the accident.” 

An estimated 25% of all road deaths are caused by distracted driving. (Texting, making a call, eating, drinking etc.) LINK

  1. relentless – not stopping

“The attack was relentless, there seems to be an endless supply of enemy troops coming to battle.” 

  1. restless – unable to stay still or be happy where you are because you are bored or need a change

“I love my hometown but I was feeling a bit restless in my mid-twenties. It was time for a change, time for me to move away and make a fresh start somewhere new.” 

  1. ruthless – (of people or their behavior) hard and cruel; determined to get what you want and not caring if you hurt other people

“Some people feel you have to be ruthless in business, but I don’t think that’s true. It’s possible to be in a situation where everyone benefits.” 

  1. seamless – with no spaces or breaks between one part and the next

“I was lucky during the pandemic. The transition from teaching in-person to teaching online lessons was seamless.” 

  1. selfless – thinking more about the needs, happiness, etc. of other people than about your own

“Tina is very selfless.”

  1. senseless – having no meaning or purpose

“The reporter saw what can only be described as senseless violence.” 

  1. shameless – not feeling ashamed of something you have done, although other people think you should

“Ryan is a shameless promoter of his new car cleaning business. He will talk about it with anyone every chance he gets.” 

  1. shapeless – not having any definite shape

“I had 4 nice sweaters that were stored incorrectly. Now they are shapeless lumps of cloth that need to be dry cleaned.” 

  1. shirtless – lacking or not wearing a shirt; bare-chested

“The calendar had pictures of shirtless fireman posing at the fire station.” 

  1. shoeless – lacking shoes; barefoot

“The restaurant has a simple dress code. People who are shoeless or shirtless may not enter.” 

  1. skinless – skinless meat has had its skin removed

“I stopped at the store on the way home to pick up some skinless chicken breasts. I’m going to make chicken fried rice for dinner.” 

  1. sleepless – without sleep

“Miranda spent many sleepless nights worrying about her husband I was away at war.”

Randy Gardner set the record for the longest amount of time a human has gone without sleep. He stayed awake for 11 days and 25 minutes! LINK

  1. sleeveless – (of clothes) without any part covering your arms

“Lucy wore a beautiful blue and green sleeveless dress to the party. No one could take their eyes off her.”

  1. smokeless – able to burn without producing smoke

“Some people prefer these electronic cigarettes because they are smokeless.”

  1. speechless – not able to speak, especially because you are extremely angry or surprised

“After hearing the news everyone was left speechless. We couldn’t believe we just heard.”

  1. spineless – (of people) weak and easily frightened

“I doubt the prime minister will stand up to the big businesses that are ruining the environment. He is spineless.”

  1. spotless – perfectly clean

“My drill sergeant at basic training expected our living area to always be spotless.” 

  1. stainless – resistant to discoloration, esp discoloration resulting from corrosion; rust-resistant

“Gardening equipment is often made of stainless steel because it gets wet and dirty when used in the garden.” 

  1. sugarless – having no sugar

“Chewing sugarless gum is better for your teeth and regular come. Sugar causes cavities.” 

374 billion pieces of chewing gum are sold worldwide every year, that’s 187 billion hours of gum-chewing if each piece of gum is chewed for 30 minutes. LINK

  1. tasteless – having little or no taste 

“I always add maple syrup to my porridge in the morning to get some flavor. Porridge by itself is quite tasteless.” 

  1. timeless – not appearing to be affected by the process of time passing or by changes in fashion

“The song was written 45 years ago but it is still enjoyed by many even today. It’s timeless. It’s a classic.”

  1. thoughtless – not caring about the possible effects of your words or actions on other people

“Ian is not invited to the party. He is a thoughtless jerk.” 

  1. toothless – ​having no teeth

“The old man flashed a big toothless grin that made everyone smile.” 

  1. topless – not wearing any clothes on the upper part of the body, especially so that the breasts are not covered

“She worked as a topless model to pay for her school tuition.” 

  1. useless – not useful; not doing or achieving what is needed or wanted

“I spent $380 on a new drone with a front and rear camera. Unfortunately, the motor just burned out so now it’s useless. What a waste.” 

  1. victimless – a victimless crime is one in which nobody seems to suffer or be harmed

“If adults choose to smoke marijuana and no one is harmed it is a victimless crime. The government was correct to change the law.”
*It is now legal to buy and sell marijuana in Canada. 

  1. worthless – having no practical or financial value

“I found some old comic books in my parent’s basement that I had when I was a kid. I checked online and sadly most of them are worthless.”


Have you heard the adjective cashless before?
cashless – ​done or working without using cash

  • Japan is moving towards a cashless society.
  • Some stores will only accept credit cards, cash cards, or mobile payment apps. They are completely cashless.

Suffix -less Cashless

The suffix -less PLUS the suffix -ness

Some adjectives made with the suffix -less can become nouns by adding the suffix -ness to the end of the adjective.

Original word Adjective  Noun
care careless carelessness
help helpless helplessness
home homeless homelessness
thought thoughtless thoughtlessness
shape shapeless shapelessness
  • I apologize for my carelessness.
  • Many big cities have a problem with homelessness.

Learn more at: Use the suffix ~NESS to increase your English vocabulary (Fast)

Sugarless VS Sugar-free

Here are the dictionary definitions for the adjectives sugarless and sugar-free.
*Sugar-free is usually written with a hyphen (-). By their dictionary definitions, these two words mean the same thing.

  • sugarless – having no sugar
  • sugar-free – not containing any sugar

However, some countries have rules for the labels that you can put on food packages. 

In America, there is an organization called the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to make sure food and drugs are safe for people to eat and use.

Various terms are used by FDA such as sugar-free, zero sugar, no sugar, and sugarless. Some products such as canned fruits are also labelled as ‘no sugar added.’ However, these products contain their natural sugars, but no artificial sugar is added during processing.

Sugar-Free For Diabetes: What Does It Mean? – PharmEasy Blog 

I don’t often see the Suffix -LESS written on other food labels. It is more common to use the suffix -FREE to show that something is missing.

  • “I buy fat-free Greek yogurt to eat with my breakfast.” 
  • “It’s after 7:00 PM so I’ll take a caffeine-free soda, please. Caffeine keeps me awake.” 
  • “This tastes just like wine but it’s alcohol-free.” 
  • “My niece can only eat bread that is gluten-free.”

Sugarless and sugar-free mean the same thing BUT careless and carefree DO NOT mean the same thing! 

Remember careless means not giving enough attention and thought to what you are doing so that you make mistakes

On the other hand…
A person that is carefree is very relaxed, and never worried or stressed. They don’t have a care in the world!

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worthless. wrinkleless. Answerless

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breathless, footless, helpless, childless, etc.

hopeless, helpless, clueless, jobless, homeless

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