Word that end in able in suffixes

Learning suffixes is one of my favorite ways to help my ESL students increase their English vocabulary. By adding the suffix –ABLE to words you already know you can quickly and easily learn new English words.

5 common examples of words that use the suffix –able

  • available – that you can get or have access to
  • comfortable – feeling relaxed with no stress or worry
  • drinkable –  that you can drink
  • enjoyable –  that you can enjoy
  • unbelievable –  (informal) used to emphasize how good, bad or extreme something is

I spent some time researching and collecting examples of words that use the suffix –able. Keep reading for definitions and real, natural examples that you can use right away in your own English conversations.

Table of Contents

  • Able Suffix Meaning
  • Words With The Suffix Able
  • 22 Suffix Able Examples that show Possibility
  • 10 Suffix Able Examples that show Condition
  • Able Vs -able – Correct Pronunciation
  • Suffix -able Vs. -ible What’s the Difference
  • Printable Able Suffix Word List

Able Suffix Meaning

We’ll use the suffix ~able with verbs to make adjectives that show that the verb is possible.
drinkable = safe to drink (you can drink it, it’s not dangerous) 

It is also used with nouns to make adjectives that mean having the quality of that noun.
comfortable = having the quality of comfort (it feels relaxing)

Word Origin – from French -able or Latin -abilis; originally found in words only from these forms but later used to form adjectives directly from English verbs ending in -ate
Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries suffix ~able

Words With The Suffix Able

The suffix able is used with verbs and nouns to make new adjectives.
You will find that most verbs with the suffix able will show possibility and may have CAN in the definition.
Nouns with the suffix able show a condition or quality.

Possibility adjectives with the suffix -able

22 Suffix Able Examples that show Possibility

adjustable – that can be moved to different positions or changed in shape or size

  • My bicycle seat is adjustable so you can change the height. 

the Suffix -ABLE adjustable
My bicycle seat is adjustable so you can change the height.

agreeable – pleasant and easy to like

  • We just met Kayla’s boyfriend today for the first time. I like him, he’s very agreeable

available – that you can get or have access to

From the verb avail – to make use of something, especially an opportunity or offer

  • When I got to the store they only had extra large shirts available. I need a medium. 

avoidable – that can be prevented

  • We should have prepared more, all this trouble was completely avoidable

believable – that can be believed

  • If you get to work late you need an excuse that is believable, nothing too crazy. 
  • *Another very commonly used adjective is unbelievable. [Prefix UN-] That story is unbelievable

breakable – ​likely to break; easily broken

  • Make sure you wrap all the breakable items in thick towels before you pack them in the box. 

chewable – capable of being chewed

  • Regular vitamins are okay but I prefer chewable ones. 

dependable – that can be relied on to do what you want or need

  • Before I start my new job I need a dependable car to get me to and from work. 

doable – able to be done

  • It was a large task but it was doable. I was confident I could complete it. 

drinkable – clean and safe to drink

  • Many countries don’t have drinkable water even in their bigger cities. 

the Suffix -ABLE drinkable
Many countries don’t have drinkable water even in their bigger cities.

excusable – ​that can be excused

  • If it was an honest mistake then it’s excusable. If it was done on purpose it is not. 

*Very common inexcusable. [Prefix -IN] Your actions are inexcusable

foreseeable – ​that you can predict will happen; that can be foreseen

  • Dwayne and Cassandra are very happy together. I can see them getting married in the foreseeable future. 

irritable – ​getting annoyed easily; showing your anger

  • Gus is a nice guy but he’s a little bit irritable in the mornings. 

justifiable – ​existing or done for a good reason, and therefore acceptable

  • It’s really cool but there’s no way I can spend that much money on a new car. It’s not justifiable right now. 

passable – fairly good but not excellent

  • My French is not perfect but it’s passable. I can navigate Montreal without any problems. 

the Suffix -ABLE passable
My French is not perfect but it's passable.

perishable – (especially of food) likely to decay or go bad quickly

  • I keep dried and canned food in the pantry and anything perishable goes in the refrigerator. 

predictable – if something is predictable, you know in advance that it will happen or what it will be like

  • The movie wasn’t bad, it was just a bit predictable. I felt like I always knew what was going to happen. 

preventable – that can be stopped from happening

  • The accident was preventable in my opinion. 

sustainable – ① involving the use of natural products and energy in a way that does not harm the environment

  • The world needs to move towards sustainable energy sources for the future. 

② that can continue or be continued for a long time

  • We are working at a fast pace but I don’t think it’s sustainable. The team will burn out quickly if we don’t slow down.

the Suffix -ABLE sustainable 
The world needs to move towards sustainable energy sources for the future.

unbelievable – (informal) used to emphasize how good, bad or extreme something is

  • That movie was unbelievable! Let’s watch it again this weekend. 

unknowable – that cannot be known

  • Understanding the early formation of our universe is difficult and may even be unknowable

the Suffix -ABLE unknowable
Understanding the early formation of our universe is difficult and may even be unknowable.

wearable – (of clothes, etc.) pleasant and comfortable to wear; suitable to be worn

  • The spring fashion show had some very wearable clothes this season. Usually, the fashion shows that I watch have models wearing crazy outfits that are not practical.

Condition adjectives with the suffix -able

10 Suffix Able Examples that show Condition

adorable – very attractive and easy to feel love for

  • Have you seen Brenda’s new puppy? It’s so adorable

comfortable – making you feel physically relaxed; pleasant to wear, sit on, etc.

  • We stayed at my favorite Hotel. The food is awesome and the beds are so comfortable.

considerable – ​great in amount, size, importance, etc.

  • The company lost a considerable amount of money last year. 

desirable – that you would like to have or do; worth having or doing

  • The most desirable outcome is the one where everybody wins. 

enjoyable – giving pleasure

  • I found the movie very enjoyable

the Suffix -ABLE enjoyable
I found the movie very enjoyable.

fashionable – ① following a style that is popular at a particular time

  • Jennifer was wearing some fashionable jeans today, she has a nice Style. 

② used or visited by people following a current fashion, especially by rich people

  • They just opened a very fashionable restaurant on Main Street. I heard the food is great but it’s too expensive for me. 

favorable – making or showing a good opinion of somebody/something

  • When I met my wife’s family for the first time I wanted to make a favorable impression. 

honorable – ​deserving great respect

  • Ken is a decent and honorable man. I like him a lot. 

questionable – ① that you have doubts about because you think it is not accurate or correct

  • I reviewed the report and some of these numbers are questionable

the Suffix -ABLE questionable
I reviewed the report and some of these numbers are questionable.

② likely to be dishonest or morally wrong

  • I’m not sure why Tom did that. His motives are questionable to me. 

reasonable –  fair, practical, acceptable

  • That sounds like a reasonable solution to me. 

regrettable – that you are sorry about and wish had not happened

  • What happened at the party was regrettable. I’m sorry to anyone who was affected by it. 

the Suffix -ABLE regrettable
What happened at the party was regrettable.

remarkable – unusual or surprising in a way that causes people to take notice

  • The goalie made a remarkable save in the last minute of the game to secure the win for his team.

Able Vs -able – Correct Pronunciation

The verb able and the suffix ~able are spelled exactly the same but not pronounced the same. Here’s the difference.

The verb able makes an AY sound. (Like DAY)

  • Superman is able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. (bound = a high or long jump)

The suffix able makes an AH sound. (Like SPA)

  • Regular vitamins are okay but I prefer chewable ones.

Able Suffix – FAQs

Suffix -able Vs –ible What’s the Difference

Suffix ~able vs ~ible What’s the Difference

Both suffixes –able and –ible are added to words to make adjectives that show something can be done.

-ible suffix 1. that can or must be
Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries suffix ~ible

Here are two common adjectives using the suffix –ible

audible – that can be heard clearly

  • Dogs can hear sounds that are not audible to human ears.

reversible – (of clothes, materials, etc.) that can be turned inside out and worn or used with either side showing

  • I just bought a reversible jacket. The outside is dark blue and the inside is light grey. I can wear it either way.

    Learn How to use Either and Neither (video and QUIZ)

The difference

From my research, the suffix –able is still being used to make new adjectives but the suffix –ible is not.

This means adjectives ending with the suffix -ible are older words that were made in the past.

This is also why we hear words ending with ABLE more often than words ending with IBLE. New words with the suffix -able are still being made!

The suffixes “-able” and “-ible” are both used to form adjectives meaning “possible, capable of, suitable for, or causing.” Of the two, “-able” is much more common: it is what’s known as a “living” or “productive” suffix, meaning that it is still being used to create new words. The variant “-ible,” on the other hand, is only used in older words that have survived into modern English.

Can the suffix -able be used with any word?

No, the suffix -able cannot be used with any word in English. The suffix -able is used with verbs and nouns to make new adjectives. Native speakers add -able to the end of verbs quite often in informal situations to show that something is possible, but not every verb will accept this suffix.

Some more common verbs that don’t have an adjective made with the suffix -able are: 

  • act
  • come
  • go
  • meet
  • say

Eat is another exception. The spelling changes to become the adjective edible.

Are there any rules for using the suffix -able in English?

The final “e” in the base verb is usually dropped before adding -able. for example BELIEVABLE. 

This doesn’t happen in cases where the “e” is part of a vowel-consonant-e (VCE) pattern, such as “loveable” (from “love”). O is a Vowel – V is a Consonant – followed by the letter E.

If the base verb ends in “y,” the “y” is usually changed to “i” before adding -able. For example, “reliable” (from “rely”). *An exception is enjoyable.

One of the video clips that I used in this post is from a fun video that I found on YouTube. You can watch the whole video here 🙂

Printable Able Suffix Word List

Download your printable PDF Word List below. (It’s FREE!)↓

Learn more ways to increase your vocabulary with prefixes and suffixes by clicking here >>> WorldEnglishBlog.com/prefixes-suffixes

Check out these other Prefix and Suffix blog posts.

Многие слова оканчиваются на – able и – ible, и иногда трудно запомнить, какое именно написание является правильным. Эти суффиксы имеют латинское происхождение. Выбор «a» или «i» в суффиксе изначально зависел от латинских глаголов. В процессе словообразования нужно ориентироваться на другие однокоренные слова. Существуют правила, но при этом довольно много исключений.

Помните, если вы не уверены, как именно пишется то или иное слово, лучше заглянуть в словарь. Итак, правила:

• Если прилагательное образовано от существительного с суффиксомation после корня, то в нём будет стоять суффикс -able:

admiration (восхищение) — admirable (восхитительный)

duration (продолжительность) — durable (продолжительный)

• Если есть родственное слово, которое оканчивается на – ate, то в прилагательном будет стоять суффикс -able:

irritate (раздражать) — irritable (раздражительный)

operate (управлять) — operatable (управляемый)

• Если убрать суффикс -able из слова, то останется полноценное слово: acceptable (приемлемый), eatable (съедобный), remarkable (примечательный), comfortable (удобный), bearable (терпимый). При этом, если слово оканчивается на согласный, то он удваивается перед —able: forget – forgettable (незапоминающийся).

Когда слово заканчивается на “ce” (s) и “ge” (j), не отбрасывайте немую “e” перед прибавлением суффикса -able: notice – noticeable (заметный). Слова, оканчивающиеся на “dge” (j), в основном следуют этому же правилу, например: knowledge — knowledgeable, abridge — abridgable / abridgeable, lodge — lodgeable. НО: некоторые полные слова или корни, оканчивающиеся на “ce” (s) и “g/ge” (j) прибавляют “ible” (сначала отбросьте “e”).

• Если убрать суффикс -ible из слова, то останется неполное слово: terrible (ужасный), edible (съедобный), visible (видимый), horrible (ужасный), incredible (невероятный).НО существуют исключения: accessible (доступный), convertible (конвертируемый), deductible (вычитаемый), contemptible (ничтожный), digestible (удобоваримый), flexible (гибкий) и suggestible (поддающийся внушению).

• Если предшествует согласная «s» или есть родственное слово, оканчивающееся на – ion, то в прилагательном будет стоять суффикс ible:

division (отдел, деление) divisible (делимый, кратный)
fusion (слияние, синтез, сплав) fusible (плавкий)
audition (прослушивание) audible (слышный)

Полное слово, оканчивающееся на «e», может терять её перед суффиксами – able и – ible: advise – advisable (целесообразный), sense – sensible (чувствительный).

Существует всего около 180 слов, образованных при помощи суффикса -ible. Вот некоторые из них:

  • accessible – доступный
  • admissible – допустимый
  • audible – слышный
  • collapsible – разборный
  • combustible – воспламеняющийся
  • compatible – совместимый
  • comprehensible – понятный
  • contemptible – ничтожный
  • credible – заслуживающий доверия, надёжный
  • defensible – пригодный для обороны
  • destructible – непрочный, поддающийся разрушению
  • digestible – удобоваримый
  • divisible – делимый, делящийся
  • edible – съедобный, пищевой
  • fallible – сомнительный, не исключающий ошибки
  • flexible – гибкий
  • gullible – легковерный, доверчивый
  • horrible – ужасный
  • illegible – неразборчивый, нечитаемый, трудный для чтения
  • implausible – невероятный, невообразимый
  • inaccessible – недоступный
  • incontrovertible – неоспоримый, неопровержимый
  • incredible – невероятный
  • indefensible – незащищённый, недоказуемый
  • indelible – нестираемый, неизгладимый, непреходящий
  • inedible — несъедобный
  • insensible – нечувствительный, бесчувственный
  • intelligible – понятный, вразумительный, доступный для восприятия
  • invincible – непобедимый, непреодолимый
  • invisible – невидимый
  • irresistible – непреодолимый, неотразимый
  • irreversible – необратимый, неотменяемый
  • ostensible – показной, очевидный, явный, мнимый
  • permissible – позволительный, допустимый, безопасный, разрешённый
  • plausible – правдоподобный, вероятный, оправданный
  • possible – возможный, вероятный, допустимый
  • responsible – ответственный
  • reversible – обратимый
  • sensible – чувствительный
  • susceptible – впечатлительный
  • suggestible – внушаемый
  • tangible – осязаемый, ощутимый
  • terrible – ужасный
  • visible – видимый

В современном английском часто используется — able. Его можно добавлять к английским и французским корням вне зависимости от существования таких слов в латинском языке для образования прилагательных от глаголов и существительных.

Некоторые прилагательные отличаются по смыслу в зависимости от суффикса – able и – ible:

contractable (обусловленный договором) contractible (сократимый, сокращаемый)
passable (посредственный, удовлетворительный, сносный, приемлемый) passible (способный чувствовать, способный страдать, впечатлительный)
impassable (непроходимый) impassible (нечувствительный, равнодушный)

Вот ещё несколько примеров такого словообразования:

duration (продолжительность) — durable (продолжительный, долговременный)

expression (выражение) — expressible (выразимый, поддающийся выражению)

credit (кредит, вера, доверие) — credible (заслуживающий доверия, надёжный)

dugestive (пищеварительный, кишечный) — digestible (удобоваримый, легко усваиваемый)

supression (подавление) — suppressible (тот, которого можно подавить; подавляемый)

perception (восприятие, ощущение) — perceptible (ощутимый, воспринимаемый)

adaptation (адаптация, приспособление) — adaptable (способный к адаптации, гибкий)

adoration (обожание, поклонение) — adorable (обожаемый)

admission (доступ, вход) — admissible (допустимый, приемлемый)

destruction (разрушение) — destructible (разрушимый, непрочный)

extension (расширение) — extendible (растяжимый, раздвижной) (also extendable, extensible)

probate (заверенная копия завещания, утверждение) — probable (вероятный, возможный)

consideration (рассмотрение, уважение) — considerable (немалый, ощутимый, уважаемый)

tenacity (упорство, сила воли, вязкость, липкость, выдержка) — tensible (растяжимый, вязкий)

capacity (способность) – capable (способный)

persuasion (убеждение, убедительность) — persuasible (поддающийся убеждению)

comprehension (понимание) – comprehensible (понятный)

permission (разрешение) – permissible (позволительный, допустимый)

imagination (воображение) – imaginable (воображаемый, постижимый, представимый)

toleration (терпение, толерантность) – tolerable (терпимый, приемлемый)

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  • Words with a certain ending
  • Adjectives with the suffix «-able»

This morpheme tends to mean «capable of, or worthy of«. Some of the most representative words that include it are: honorable, predictable. It’s typically applied to adjectives.

See the full list below:

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  • able

  • available

  • considerable

  • unable

  • reasonable

  • suitable

  • capable

  • comfortable

  • valuable

  • acceptable

  • remarkable

  • stable

  • inevitable

  • vulnerable

  • liable

  • reliable

  • desirable

  • comparable

  • payable

  • notable

  • favourable

  • applicable

  • profitable

  • uncomfortable

  • variable

  • unacceptable

  • probable

  • respectable

  • miserable

  • fashionable

  • formidable

  • unreasonable

  • viable

  • predictable

  • enjoyable

  • portable

  • memorable

  • understandable

  • noticeable

  • incapable

  • invaluable

  • preferable

  • unstable

  • unsuitable

  • charitable

  • sustainable

  • unpredictable

  • accountable

  • undesirable

  • equitable

  • attributable

  • practicable

  • identifiable

  • unbelievable

  • advisable

  • intolerable

  • unreliable

  • admirable

  • questionable

  • sizeable

  • indispensable

  • arable

  • foreseeable

  • disposable

  • unmistakable

  • unavoidable

  • agreeable

  • affordable

  • manageable

  • unavailable

  • improbable

  • conceivable

  • adjustable

  • taxable

  • recognisable

  • durable

  • unthinkable

  • unbearable

  • renewable

  • knowledgeable

  • unfavourable

  • irritable

  • amenable

  • observable

  • innumerable

  • justifiable

  • usable

  • indistinguishable

  • amiable

  • inseparable

  • detectable

  • measurable

  • enforceable

  • reputable

  • recognizable

  • pleasurable

  • inconceivable

  • obtainable

  • recoverable

  • impeccable

  • readable

  • inexplicable

  • adaptable

  • workable

  • appreciable

  • regrettable

  • inescapable

  • chargeable

  • distinguishable

  • intractable

  • arguable

  • uncontrollable

  • achievable

  • debatable

  • undeniable

  • tolerable

  • answerable

  • allowable

  • impenetrable

  • veritable

  • disagreeable

  • interchangeable

  • marketable

  • venerable

  • unforgettable

  • transferable

  • objectionable

  • amicable

  • interminable

  • sociable

  • impracticable

  • inexorable

  • negotiable

  • unprofitable

  • imaginable

  • insatiable

  • commendable

  • enviable

  • machine-readable

  • unworkable

  • implacable

  • lovable

  • deplorable

  • likeable

  • untenable

  • pensionable

  • attainable

  • removable

  • irrevocable

  • unremarkable

  • palatable

  • excitable

  • palpable

  • explicable

  • unimaginable

  • unenforceable

  • avoidable

  • dependable

  • unstoppable

  • punishable

  • unpalatable

  • incurable

  • scalable

  • despicable

  • unfashionable

  • rateable

  • unassailable

  • unreadable

  • movable

  • hospitable

  • laughable

  • serviceable

  • creditable

  • bearable

  • inscrutable

  • merchantable

  • controllable

  • affable

  • unbeatable

  • unspeakable

  • inhospitable

  • insurmountable

  • inflatable

  • tenable

  • irreconcilable

  • unattainable

  • exercisable

  • malleable

  • incomparable

  • washable

  • presentable

  • indisputable

  • delectable

  • detachable

  • impassable

  • quantifiable

  • impregnable

  • laudable

  • passable

  • perishable

  • approachable

  • believable

  • redeemable

  • unjustifiable

  • unmanageable

  • indefinable

  • disreputable

  • definable

  • separable

  • unusable

  • unforgivable

  • invariable

  • demonstrable

  • voidable

  • immutable

  • immovable

  • actionable

  • impressionable

  • abominable

  • preventable

  • unenviable

  • programmable

  • habitable

  • testable

  • saleable

  • recyclable

  • incalculable

  • indescribable

  • verifiable

  • redoubtable

  • inimitable

  • irreparable

  • sizable

  • indefatigable

  • insuperable

  • unanswerable

  • arrestable

  • unsustainable

  • realisable

  • flammable

  • unaccountable

  • traceable

  • irreplaceable

  • inconsiderable

  • inequitable

  • repayable

  • expendable

  • culpable

  • navigable

  • lamentable

  • changeable

  • permeable

  • bistable

  • untouchable

  • inapplicable

  • unobtainable

  • biodegradable

  • playable

  • unshakeable

  • expandable

  • pliable

  • ineffable

  • receivable

  • inalienable

  • datable

  • indomitable

  • unbreakable

  • contestable

  • moveable

  • unrecognisable

  • collectable

  • adorable

  • irrecoverable

  • printable

  • indictable

  • breathable

  • unfathomable

  • companionable

  • unquestionable

  • inflammable

  • personable

  • falsifiable

  • unrecognizable

  • unknowable

  • distributable

  • assessable

  • irrefutable

  • peaceable

  • impermeable

  • rechargeable

  • invulnerable

  • immeasurable

  • insufferable

  • tractable

  • reusable

  • inadvisable

  • inviolable

  • unmentionable

  • inoperable

  • undetectable

  • unimpeachable

  • bookable

  • non-renewable

  • unidentifiable

  • dishonourable

  • repeatable

  • unalterable

  • treatable

  • realizable

  • inestimable

  • non-transferable

  • lockable

  • retractable

  • inexcusable

  • heritable

  • communicable

  • unbridgeable

  • insupportable

  • equable

  • refundable

  • indecipherable

  • replaceable

  • unapproachable

  • registrable

  • uninhabitable

  • unemployable

  • unquantifiable

  • loadable

  • uncharitable

  • drinkable

  • irretrievable

  • curable

  • returnable

  • unconscionable

  • unchallengeable

  • unforeseeable

  • executable

  • irredeemable

  • unplayable

  • unendurable

  • dispensable

  • exchangeable

  • selectable

  • detestable

  • unmistakeable

  • interpretable

  • ungovernable

  • determinable

  • inconsolable

  • unsaleable

  • ascertainable

  • discreditable

  • maintainable

  • unsociable

  • treasonable

  • forgettable

  • wearable

  • potable

  • knowable

  • extendable

  • triable

  • unchangeable

  • interoperable

  • unrepeatable

  • severable

  • unexceptionable

  • excusable

  • friable

  • remediable

  • transportable

  • unobservable

  • justiciable

  • damnable

  • monostable

  • patentable

  • unflappable

  • unpronounceable

  • forgivable

  • discernable

  • imperishable

  • upgradable

  • loveable

  • switchable

  • untraceable

  • estimable

  • unmemorable

  • retrievable

  • untreatable

  • exploitable

  • marriageable

  • deliverable

  • incommensurable

  • steerable

  • manoeuvrable

  • unquenchable

  • pitiable

  • injectable

  • calculable

  • incontestable

  • describable

  • consumable

  • generalisable

  • ineluctable

  • discoverable

  • configurable

  • unreachable

  • notifiable

  • unachievable

  • sable

  • tradeable

  • ineradicable

  • biddable

  • unobjectionable

  • non-negotiable

  • irremediable

  • upgradeable

  • indubitable

  • resolvable

  • mutable

  • unarguable

  • recordable

  • imponderable

  • reconcilable

  • imperturbable

  • watchable

  • employable

  • unlovable

  • provable

  • perceivable

  • useable

  • unviable

  • breakable

  • unprintable

  • inextricable

  • unsinkable

  • assignable

  • tunable

  • unpardonable

  • winnable

  • unutterable

  • specifiable

  • publishable

  • unmissable

  • reachable

  • bankable

  • reviewable

  • unelectable

  • differentiable

  • revocable

  • impalpable

  • exportable

  • tradable

  • quotable

  • callable

  • non-taxable

  • conformable

  • referable

  • unserviceable

  • unsupportable

  • unnoticeable

  • unshakable

  • countable

  • endurable

  • protectable

  • replicable

  • non-communicable

  • untestable

  • pardonable

  • erasable

  • operable

  • certifiable

  • fanciable

  • supportable

  • modifiable

  • metastable

  • clubbable

  • unaffordable

  • claimable

  • viewable

  • unseasonable

  • unprovable

  • unmerchantable

  • undefinable

  • recoupable

  • customisable

  • refillable

  • repairable

  • irreproachable

  • unresolvable

  • execrable

  • unwarrantable

  • examinable

  • depreciable

  • translatable

  • addressable

  • disputable

  • containable

  • survivable

  • eatable

  • explainable

  • unrespectable

  • substitutable

  • rebuttable

  • analysable

  • cancellable

  • electable

  • recommendable

  • excludable

  • learnable

  • demountable

  • issuable

  • unclassifiable

  • cultivable

  • reportable

  • pronounceable

  • liveable

  • refutable

  • teachable

  • uncountable

  • reclaimable

  • seasonable

  • unconquerable

  • assimilable

  • manipulable

  • unwinnable

  • implantable

  • irresolvable

  • unexplainable

  • uneatable

  • uninterpretable

  • discriminable

  • unshockable

  • insurable

  • climbable

  • inheritable

  • contactable

  • non-perishable

  • educable

  • uninsurable

  • unmeasurable

  • sellable

  • danceable

  • uncontainable

  • alienable

  • opposable

  • favorable

  • implementable

  • untranslatable

  • imprisonable

  • unrealizable

  • unfalsifiable

  • editable

  • searchable

  • thinkable

  • decipherable

  • unlikeable

  • undiscussable

  • confusable

  • generalizable

  • penetrable

  • dislikeable

  • irremovable

  • relatable

  • unsurpassable

  • lettable

  • derivable

  • loanable

  • excisable

  • unforgiveable

  • rewritable

  • enumerable

  • displayable

  • reimbursable

  • fermentable

  • irrebuttable

  • unrealisable

  • resealable

  • unverifiable

  • thermostable

  • listenable

  • unassimilable

  • astable

  • unanalysable

  • unmatchable

  • unteachable

  • dateable

  • classifiable

  • kickable

  • unresectable

  • unattributable

  • downloadable

  • appealable

  • flyable

  • ratable

  • unshiftable

  • interruptable

  • imageable

  • unseeable

  • noncallable

  • copyable

  • doable

  • prescribable

  • vegetable

  • resectable

  • unnavigable

  • unpleasurable

  • terminable

  • challengeable

  • ineducable

  • commonable

  • unputdownable

  • undrinkable

  • dutiable

  • unmarriageable

  • bendable

  • vunerable

  • solvable

  • writeable

  • evaluable

  • skiable

  • renormalizable

  • bypassable

  • crushable

  • unclimbable

  • vatable

  • confirmable

  • illimitable

  • interconnectable

  • mailable

  • photocopiable

  • unpublishable

  • sniffable

  • non-flammable

  • unreviewable

  • compellable

  • deniable

  • eliminable

  • uncollectable

  • incommunicable

  • knowledgable

  • decomposable

  • unignorable

  • kissable

  • nameable

  • undependable

  • defendable

  • fishable

  • resizable

  • ploughable

  • relievable

  • beatable

  • unrecoverable

  • unfudgeable

  • covetable

  • mappable

  • ungraspable

  • shareable

  • graspable

  • assailable

  • unsurmountable

  • promotable

  • unenjoyable

  • walkable

  • ascribable

  • untrainable

  • chewable

  • governable

  • unexportable

  • likable

  • decidable

  • transmittable

  • inferable

  • rentable

  • honorable

  • salvageable

  • spendable

  • smokable

  • paraphrasable

  • unbreachable

  • recuperable

  • purchasable

  • machine-washable

  • unnameable

  • indeterminable

  • restorable

  • spongeable

  • superimposable

  • sackable

  • unascertainable

  • unsellable

  • rack-mountable

  • immoveable

  • updatable

  • pierceable

  • treasurable

  • characterisable

  • degradable

  • scannable

  • listable

  • developable

  • uncatchable

  • inextinguishable

  • uncategorisable

  • debateable

  • rideable

  • worshipable

  • unlistenable

  • cherishable

  • cashable

  • deformable

  • orderable

  • auditable

  • exceptionable

  • dissociable

  • shrinkable

  • indissociable

  • transplantable

  • diagnosable

  • bootable

  • impeachable

  • singable

  • undecidable

  • irresectable

  • uncrossable

  • uncontestable

  • dismissable

  • transposable

  • unmoveable

  • freezable

  • livable

  • stretchable

  • unwatchable

  • undefeatable

  • revisable

  • commensurable

  • catchable

  • influenceable

  • irrigable

  • checkable

  • unwearable

  • installable

  • unfishable

  • stainable

  • analyzable

  • appointable

  • stackable

  • unopenable

  • disconformable

  • discussable

  • ignorable

  • drivable

  • citable

  • crystallizable

  • inferrable

  • criticizable

  • wettable

  • inhabitable

  • transferrable

  • unsolvable

  • maximisable

  • imitable

  • unkillable

  • paintable

  • unsatisfiable

  • plannable

  • huggable

  • unrideable

  • undatable

  • licensable

  • earnable

  • extractable

  • computable

  • unsayable

  • correctable

  • predicable

  • impugnable

  • customizable

  • unrecordable

  • sharable

  • plantable

  • reconfigurable

  • unspecifiable

  • permutable

  • universalisable

  • integrable

  • amendable

  • droppable

  • compostable

  • trainable

  • settlable

  • unspinnable

  • reparable

  • tuneable

  • manufacturable

  • undistinguishable

  • combinable

  • unforecastable

  • undecipherable

  • mentionable

  • blendable

  • attenuable

  • waivable

  • inclinable

  • gradable

  • foldable

  • unmovable

  • non-comparable

  • wipeable

  • uncrushable

  • surmountable

  • under-the-table

  • runnable

  • shootable

  • unparodiable

  • unprotectable

  • abstractable

  • findable

  • unrunnable

  • fulfillable

  • broadcastable

  • unchartable

  • browsable

  • fundable

  • unfillable

  • cognizable

  • noteable

  • eradicable

  • unfilmable

  • titratable

  • unimprovable

  • decodable

  • cacheable

  • unfindable

  • unimpugnable

  • unclubbable

  • unfinishable

  • canoeable

  • condemnable

  • inarguable

  • saturable

  • poolable

  • occupiable

  • unplaceable

  • helpable

  • unbreathable

  • faxable

  • unnamable

  • bitable

  • fudgeable

  • handlable

  • uncopyrightable

  • billable

  • floodable

  • human-readable

  • procurable

  • nonperishable

  • photocurable

  • unrevisable

  • smokeable

  • unpayable

  • remittable

  • respirable

  • isolatable

  • undrainable

  • unremovable

  • bridgeable

  • fordable

  • midtable

  • compensable

  • admissable

  • irrefragable

  • oxidizable

  • storable

  • desireable

  • fixable

  • unmanoeuvrable

  • squashable

  • ratifiable

  • unamendable

  • fuckable

  • semipermeable

  • embraceable

  • unsaveable

  • imposable

  • unmarketable

  • censorable

  • undrivable

  • undriveable

  • unbudgeable

  • alterable

  • picturable

  • representable

  • scaleable

  • unreconcilable

  • unlinkable

  • performable

  • unmixable

  • overlookable

  • untarnishable

  • unfavorable

  • companiable

  • inhibitable

  • unknowledgeable

  • cyclable

  • grabbable

  • microwavable

  • referrable

  • withdrawable

  • superannuable

  • disclosable

  • untaxable

  • equatable

  • unredeemable

  • colourable

  • inviable

  • dubitable

  • skateable

  • non-adjustable

  • puttable

  • encashable

  • uncompanionable

  • hydrolysable

  • financeable

  • universalizable

  • uncleanable

  • prosecutable

  • mountable

  • sealable

  • diversifiable

  • replayable

  • allocable

  • motorable

  • chuckable

  • unadvisable

  • removeable

  • uncontactable

  • openable

  • pinchable

  • unappealable

  • proportionable

  • tillable

  • forecastable

  • formulable

  • resalable

  • unappeasable

  • re-electable

  • rememberable

  • rewirable

  • undecodable

  • locatable

  • completable

  • multivariable

  • associable

  • cultivatable

  • filmable

  • tearable

  • copiable

  • unchargeable

  • unpicturable

  • possessable

  • untranscribable

  • accruable

  • parodiable

  • extricable

  • unwordable

  • untransferable

  • unjammable

  • transmissable

  • deployable

  • brandable

  • uncharmable

  • unpigeonholeable

  • nonflammable

  • hypercoagulable

  • shockable

  • culturable

  • uncloggable

  • affirmable

  • unimpregnable

  • bombardable

  • pleadable

  • blackmailable

  • redistributable

  • drainable

  • unswimmable

  • unguessable

  • unimpressionable

  • unsackable

  • surpassable

  • inappreciable

  • unmendable

  • buildable

  • actable

  • untransmittable

  • mateable

  • titrable

  • undoable

  • cleanable

  • uncheatable

  • undefendable

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


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    Total Number of words Ending with Able found =1477

    Able comprises of 4 letters. Below are Total 1477 words Ending with Able (Suffix). ABLE is itself is a word in english. able is made up of letters A, B, L and E. Where A is 1st , B is 2nd , L is 12th and E is 5th Letter of Alphabet series.

    Also see Words starting with Able | Words containing Able | Words made out of letters of Able

    16 letter Words Ending with able

    1). Inextinguishable 2). Nonbiodegradable 3). Supercomfortable 4). Superserviceable 5). Ultrarespectable 6). Ununderstandable

    15 letter Words Ending with able

    1). Antifashionable 2). Distinguishable 3). Hendecasyllable 4). Hypercoagulable 5). Immunoassayable 6). Incommensurable 7). Indisciplinable 8). Interchangeable 9). Noncontrollable 10). Nonquantifiable 11). Nonsaponifiable 12). Nonsedimentable 13). Nontransferable 14). Photodegradable 15). Uncategorizable 16). Unchallengeable 17). Uncompromisable 18). Uncopyrightable 19). Unexceptionable 20). Unknowledgeable 21). Unobjectionable 22). Unpronounceable

    14 letter Words Ending with able

    1). Accomplishable 2). Camouflageable 3). Computerizable 4). Contradictable 5). Crystallizable 6). Diagonalizable 7). Differentiable 8). Discomfortable 9). Discourageable 10). Disrespectable 11). Disserviceable 12). Extinguishable 13). Hyperexcitable 14). Hyperirritable 15). Impressionable 16). Inapproachable 17). Incommunicable 18). Inconsiderable 19). Incontrollable 20). Indecipherable 21). Indecomposable 22). Indemonstrable 23). Indeterminable 24). Indiscoverable 25). Insurmountable 26). Irreconcilable 27). Irreproachable 28). Nonaccountable 29). Noncondensable 30). Nonfissionable 31). Nonforfeitable 32). Noninflammable 33). Nonjusticiable 34). Nonpolarizable 35). Proportionable 36). Rationalizable 37). Reconfigurable 38). Rediscountable 39). Reprogrammable 40). Superimposable 41). Thermoformable 42). Transplantable 43). Unapproachable 44). Unattributable 45). Unclassifiable 46). Uncommunicable 47). Unconscionable 48). Uncontrollable 49). Undecipherable 50). Understandable 51). Undeterminable 52). Undiscoverable 53). Unidentifiable 54). Unprogrammable 55). Unquantifiable 56). Unquestionable 57). Unrecognizable 58). Unreconcilable 59). Untranslatable

    13 letter Words Ending with able

    1). Administrable 2). Anticipatable 3). Apportionable 4). Ascertainable 5). Biodegradable 6). Commensurable 7). Companionable 8). Conditionable 9). Confiscatable 10). Copyrightable 11). Dischargeable 12). Disciplinable 13). Discreditable 14). Discriminable 15). Embarrassable 16). Establishable 17). Exceptionable 18). Generalizable 19). Graphitizable 20). Imperceivable 21). Imperturbable 22). Impracticable 23). Inappreciable 24). Inconceivable 25). Incontestable 26). Indefatigable 27). Indescribable 28). Indispensable 29). Indissociable 30). Inexplainable 31). Influenceable 32). Insupportable 33). Interoperable 34). Interpretable 35). Irreclaimable 36). Irrecoverable 37). Irreplaceable 38). Irretrievable 39). Knowledgeable 40). Manipulatable 41). Metabolizable 42). Microfilmable 43). Microwaveable 44). Mineralizable 45). Multivariable 46). Nonabsorbable 47). Noncancelable 48). Noncomparable 49). Nondeferrable 50). Nondegradable 51). Nondepletable 52). Nondetachable 53). Nondialyzable 54). Nonexpendable 55). Nonfilterable 56). Nonmeasurable 57). Nonnegotiable 58). Nonperishable 59). Nonrecyclable 60). Nonrefillable 61). Nonrefundable 62). Nonreturnable 63). Nonshrinkable 64). Objectionable 65). Paraphrasable 66). Pronounceable 67). Recommendable 68). Reinforceable 69). Replenishable 70). Representable 71). Semipermeable 72). Substitutable 73). Transferrable 74). Transformable 75). Transmittable 76). Transportable 77). Ultrareliable 78). Unaccountable 79). Unassimilable 80). Unassuageable 81). Uncomfortable 82). Unconceivable 83). Unconformable 84). Unconquerable 85). Uncontainable 86). Uncorrectable 87). Undeliverable 88). Undescribable 89). Undiagnosable 90). Unenforceable 91). Unexplainable 92). Unfalsifiable 93). Unfashionable 94). Unforeseeable 95). Unforgettable 96). Unfulfillable 97). Unimpeachable 98). Uninhabitable 99). Unjustifiable 100). Unmentionable 101). Unperformable 102). Unpredictable 103). Unpublishable 104). Unreclaimable 105). Unrecoverable 106). Unrespectable 107). Unsalvageable 108). Unserviceable 109). Unspecifiable 110). Unsupportable 111). Unsurpassable 112). Unsustainable 113). Unwarrantable 114). Volatilizable

    12 letter Words Ending with able

    1). Abstractable 2). Accreditable 3). Agglutinable 4). Approachable 5). Appropriable 6). Attributable 7). Bioavailable 8). Circulatable 9). Classifiable 10). Communicable 11). Compoundable 12). Conscionable 13). Considerable 14). Contrastable 15). Controllable 16). Correlatable 17). Criticizable 18). Cultivatable 19). Decasyllable 20). Decipherable 21). Decomposable 22). Demonstrable 23). Determinable 24). Diagnoseable 25). Diagrammable 26). Diminishable 27). Disagreeable 28). Discountable 29). Discoverable 30). Dishonorable 31). Displaceable 32). Disreputable 33). Distractable 34). Distrainable 35). Documentable 36). Downloadable 37). Dramatizable 38). Emulsifiable 39). Equiprobable 40). Exchangeable 41). Extraditable 42). Fertilizable 43). Forecastable 44). Formalizable 45). Hydrolyzable 46). Hypermutable 47). Hypnotizable 48). Identifiable 49). Immeasurable 50). Immensurable 51). Impenetrable 52). Imperishable 53). Imponderable 54). Inappeasable 55). Inapplicable 56). Incalculable 57). Incommutable 58). Incomparable 59). Incomputable 60). Inconsolable 61). Inconsumable 62). Incorporable 63). Indeclinable 64). Indisputable 65). Ineffaceable 66). Ineradicable 67). Inexplicable 68). Inexpugnable 69). Inextricable 70). Inhospitable 71). Insufferable 72). Interminable 73). Invulnerable 74). Irredeemable 75). Irreformable 76). Irrefragable 77). Irremediable 78). Irrepealable 79). Irresolvable 80). Jettisonable 81). Magnetizable 82). Maintainable 83). Maneuverable 84). Marriageable 85). Mechanizable 86). Merchantable 87). Microwavable 88). Monosyllable 89). Nonbreakable 90). Noncrushable 91). Nonflammable 92). Nonmalleable 93). Nonrenewable 94). Nonrepayable 95). Normalizable 96). Octosyllable 97). Photolyzable 98). Polysyllable 99). Precipitable 100). Programmable 101). Prosecutable 102). Pulverizable 103). Quantifiable 104). Questionable 105). Readjustable 106). Rechargeable 107). Recognizable 108). Reconcilable 109). Registerable 110). Rehydratable 111). Reimbursable 112). Rememberable 113). Renegotiable 114). Reproachable 115). Researchable 116). Restrainable 117). Sanctionable 118). Saponifiable 119). Sedimentable 120). Subdividable 121). Summarizable 122). Superposable 123). Surmountable 124). Thermostable 125). Throttleable 126). Transferable 127). Transfusable 128). Translatable 129). Transmutable 130). Transposable 131). Unacceptable 132). Unaffordable 133). Unanalyzable 134). Unanswerable 135). Unappealable 136). Unappeasable 137). Unassailable 138). Unattainable 139). Unbelievable 140). Unbreachable 141). Unbreathable 142). Unbridgeable 143). Uncapturable 144). Unchangeable 145). Uncharitable 146). Uncultivable 147). Undependable 148). Undetectable 149). Undisputable 150). Unemployable 151). Unfathomable 152). Unforgivable 153). Ungovernable 154). Unimaginable 155). Unlistenable 156). Unmanageable 157). Unmarketable 158). Unmeasurable 159). Unmistakable 160). Unnegotiable 161). Unnoticeable 162). Unobservable 163). Unobtainable 164). Unpardonable 165). Unpatentable 166). Unprofitable 167). Unquenchable 168). Unrealizable 169). Unreasonable 170). Unrecyclable 171). Unredeemable 172). Unremarkable 173). Unrepeatable 174). Unresolvable 175). Unreturnable 176). Unreviewable 177). Unsearchable 178). Unseasonable 179). Unverifiable 180). Vanquishable 181). Withdrawable

    11 letter Words Ending with able

    1). Abolishable 2). Accountable 3). Addressable 4). Allocatable 5). Amortizable 6). Applaudable 7). Appreciable 8). Articulable 9). Assimilable 10). Attemptable 11). Automatable 12). Cancellable 13). Certifiable 14). Cherishable 15). Collectable 16). Comfortable 17). Commandable 18). Commendable 19). Committable 20). Compassable 21). Compellable 22). Compensable 23). Concealable 24). Conceivable 25). Condemnable 26). Condensable 27). Conferrable 28). Confessable 29). Confirmable 30). Confiscable 31). Conformable 32). Connectable 33). Consignable 34). Construable 35). Containable 36). Contestable 37). Conversable 38). Correctable 39). Deflectable 40). Deliverable 41). Demountable 42). Denumerable 43). Depreciable 44). Describable 45). Detonatable 46). Developable 47). Diagnosable 48). Disavowable 49). Discardable 50). Discernable 51). Discussable 52). Dislikeable 53). Dispensable 54). Displayable 55). Disprovable 56). Dissociable 57). Dissolvable 58). Dissyllable 59). Embraceable 60). Enforceable 61). Enlargeable 62). Escheatable 63). Exercisable 64). Explainable 65). Exploitable 66). Extractable 67). Falsifiable 68). Fashionable 69). Fermentable 70). Fissionable 71). Foreseeable 72). Forfeitable 73). Forgettable 74). Harvestable 75). Illimitable 76). Illuminable 77). Immedicable 78). Immitigable 79). Impeachable 80). Impermeable 81). Implantable 82). Impregnable 83). Inadvisable 84). Inalienable 85). Inalterable 86). Increasable 87). Indefinable 88). Indomitable 89). Indubitable 90). Ineluctable 91). Inenarrable 92). Inequitable 93). Inescapable 94). Inestimable 95). Inexcusable 96). Inflammable 97). Inflectable 98). Inhabitable 99). Inheritable 100). Innumerable 101). Inscrutable 102). Inseparable 103). Insuperable 104). Intolerable 105). Intractable 106). Irradicable 107). Irrecusable 108). Irrefutable 109). Irremovable 110). Irreparable 111). Irrevocable 112). Justiciable 113). Justifiable 114). Localizable 115). Machineable 116). Manipulable 117). Medicinable 118). Memorizable 119). Mentionable 120). Nonburnable 121). Noncallable 122). Nonreusable 123). Nonsinkable 124). Organizable 125). Pensionable 126). Perceivable 127). Performable 128). Persuadable 129). Perturbable 130). Pleasurable 131). Polarizable 132). Postponable 133). Practicable 134). Predictable 135). Presentable 136). Preservable 137). Preventable 138). Processable 139). Projectable 140). Publishable 141). Purchasable 142). Pyrolyzable 143). Qualifiable 144). Reclaimable 145). Recoverable 146). Rectifiable 147). Redoubtable 148). Regenerable 149). Registrable 150). Regrettable 151). Relocatable 152). Replaceable 153). Repleviable 154). Respectable 155). Restartable 156). Retractable 157). Retrainable 158). Retrievable 159). Salvageable 160). Satirizable 161). Satisfiable 162). Serviceable 163). Specifiable 164). Stretchable 165). Supportable 166). Surpassable 167). Sustainable 168). Swallowable 169). Tarnishable 170). Trafficable 171). Trailerable 172). Traversable 173). Treasonable 174). Treasurable 175). Trisyllable 176). Unadaptable 177). Unadoptable 178). Unalienable 179). Unalterable 180). Unavailable 181). Unavoidable 182). Unbreakable 183). Unbudgeable 184). Unbuildable 185). Uncatchable 186). Uncheckable 187). Unclimbable 188). Unclubbable 189). Uncountable 190). Uncrossable 191). Uncrushable 192). Undanceable 193). Undauntable 194). Undebatable 195). Undecidable 196). Undefinable 197). Undesirable 198). Undoubtable 199). Undrinkable 200). Unelectable 201). Unendurable 202). Unescapable 203). Unexcitable 204). Unfavorable 205). Unflappable 206). Ungraspable 207). Unguessable 208). Unignorable 209). Uninsurable 210). Unlearnable 211). Unmatchable 212). Unmemorable 213). Unpalatable 214). Unprintable 215). Unreachable 216). Unremovable 217). Unshockable 218). Unspeakable 219). Unstoppable 220). Unteachable 221). Unthinkable 222). Untouchable 223). Untraceable 224). Unutterable 225). Unwatchable 226). Upgradeable 227). Vaporizable 228). Vitrifiable 229). Warrantable 230). Whistleable

    10 letter Words Ending with able

    1). Abominable 2). Absorbable 3). Acceptable 4). Achievable 5). Acquirable 6). Actionable 7). Adjustable 8). Adsorbable 9). Affectable 10). Affirmable 11). Affordable 12). Amerciable 13). Analyzable 14). Answerable 15). Appealable 16). Appeasable 17). Applicable 18). Approvable 19). Arbitrable 20). Ascendable 21). Ascribable 22). Assailable 23). Assessable 24). Assignable 25). Attachable 26). Attainable 27). Believable 28). Bleachable 29). Breathable 30). Bridgeable 31). Calculable 32). Cancelable 33). Censurable 34). Changeable 35). Chargeable 36). Charitable 37). Chelatable 38). Coagulable 39). Cognizable 40). Combinable 41). Commutable 42). Comparable 43). Computable 44). Condonable 45). Consumable 46). Creditable 47). Crunchable 48). Cultivable 49). Deceivable 50). Declarable 51). Declinable 52). Defendable 53). Deferrable 54). Deformable 55). Defrayable 56). Degradable 57). Delectable 58). Demandable 59). Dependable 60). Depletable 61). Deplorable 62). Deployable 63). Deportable 64). Despicable 65). Detachable 66). Detectable 67). Deterrable 68). Detestable 69). Dialyzable 70). Dislikable 71). Disposable 72). Disputable 73). Disyllable 74). Effaceable 75). Embossable 76). Employable 77). Encashable 78). Endorsable 79). Enumerable 80). Enunciable 81). Eradicable 82). Examinable 83). Excludable 84). Executable 85). Expandable 86). Expectable 87). Expellable 88). Expendable 89). Explicable 90). Exportable 91). Extendable 92). Extricable 93). Extrudable 94). Factorable 95). Fathomable 96). Filterable 97). Forgivable 98). Formidable 99). Governable 100). Handleable 101). Honourable 102). Hospitable 103). Illaudable 104). Imaginable 105). Impalpable 106). Impassable 107). Impeccable 108). Implacable 109). Importable 110). Improbable 111). Improvable 112). Impugnable 113). Inarguable 114). Inclinable 115). Includable 116). Inculpable 117). Indictable 118). Ineducable 119). Inevitable 120). Inexorable 121). Inexpiable 122). Inflatable 123). Inimitable 124). Injectable 125). Inoperable 126). Insatiable 127). Insociable 128). Insolvable 129). Integrable 130). Intuitable 131). Invaluable 132). Invariable 133). Investable 134). Inviolable 135). Irremeable 136). Isolatable 137). Lamentable 138). Licensable 139). Listenable 140). Machinable 141). Manageable 142). Marketable 143). Measurable 144). Mensurable 145). Metastable 146). Mistakable 147). Modifiable 148). Negotiable 149). Nondurable 150). Nonsalable 151). Nontaxable 152). Noticeable 153). Notifiable 154). Numberable 155). Observable 156). Obtainable 157). Oxidizable 158). Pacifiable 159). Pardonable 160). Patentable 161). Penetrable 162). Perdurable 163). Perishable 164). Permutable 165). Personable 166). Pilferable 167). Pocketable 168). Ponderable 169). Predicable 170). Preferable 171). Presumable 172). Procurable 173). Profitable 174). Promotable 175). Propagable 176). Pulverable 177). Punishable 178). Quenchable 179). Realizable 180). Reasonable 181). Rebuttable 182). Recallable 183). Recappable 184). Receivable 185). Reclosable 186). Recordable 187). Recoupable 188). Recyclable 189). Redeemable 190). Refillable 191). Reformable 192). Refundable 193). Releasable 194). Relievable 195). Relishable 196). Remarkable 197). Remediable 198). Remittable 199). Removeable 200). Renderable 201). Repairable 202). Repealable 203). Repeatable 204). Replicable 205). Reportable 206). Resealable 207). Resectable 208). Reservable 209). Resettable 210). Resolvable 211). Respirable 212). Restorable 213). Returnable 214). Revealable 215). Reviewable 216). Revolvable 217). Rewardable 218). Roundtable 219). Screenable 220). Scrubbable 221). Searchable 222). Seasonable 223). Selectable 224). Settleable 225). Shrinkable 226). Spreadable 227). Squeezable 228). Statutable 229). Strippable 230). Sublimable 231). Subsumable 232). Sufferable 233). Summonable 234). Supposable 235). Survivable 236). Switchable 237). Targetable 238). Temperable 239). Tenantable 240). Terminable 241). Titratable 242). Triturable 243). Unamenable 244). Unarguable 245). Unbearable 246). Unbeatable 247). Unbendable 248). Unburnable 249). Unchewable 250). Undeniable 251). Uneducable 252). Unenviable 253). Unfindable 254). Unknowable 255). Unnameable 256). Unopenable 257). Unpassable 258). Unplayable 259). Unprovable 260). Unreadable 261). Unreliable 262). Unscalable 263). Unsellable 264). Unshakable 265). Unsinkable 266). Unslakable 267). Unsociable 268). Unsolvable 269). Unsuitable 270). Untestable 271). Untillable 272). Unwearable 273). Unwinnable 274). Unworkable 275). Upgradable 276). Utilizable 277). Verifiable 278). Vindicable 279). Vulnerable

    9 letter Words Ending with able

    1). Abdicable 2). Abradable 3). Accruable 4). Adaptable 5). Admirable 6). Adoptable 7). Advisable 8). Affixable 9). Agreeable 10). Alienable 11). Allocable 12). Allowable 13). Alterable 14). Amendable 15). Assumable 16). Auditable 17). Available 18). Avoidable 19). Awardable 20). Breakable 21). Buildable 22). Canoeable 23). Catchable 24). Checkable 25). Claimable 26). Cleanable 27). Clearable 28). Cleavable 29). Climbable 30). Closeable 31). Clubbable 32). Coachable 33). Cogitable 34). Colorable 35). Constable 36). Countable 37). Coverable 38). Covetable 39). Crossable 40). Crushable 41). Danceable 42). Debatable 43). Decidable 44). Definable 45). Delegable 46). Derivable 47). Desirable 48). Detonable 49). Devisable 50). Dilatable 51). Dividable 52). Doubtable 53). Draftable 54). Drapeable 55). Drillable 56). Drinkable 57). Driveable 58). Droppable 59). Dubitable 60). Ejectable 61). Electable 62). Emendable 63). Endurable 64). Enjoyable 65). Enterable 66). Equitable 67). Erectable 68). Estimable 69). Evolvable 70). Exactable 71). Excisable 72). Excitable 73). Excusable 74). Execrable 75). Fatigable 76). Favorable 77). Filtrable 78). Flammable 79). Flappable 80). Flushable 81). Focusable 82). Forgeable 83). Frameable 84). Frankable 85). Generable 86). Getatable 87). Gleanable 88). Grantable 89). Graspable 90). Grazeable 91). Groupable 92). Guessable 93). Habitable 94). Hatchable 95). Heritable 96). Honorable 97). Ignitable 98). Ignorable 99). Immovable 100). Immutable 101). Imputable 102). Incapable 103). Incunable 104). Incurable 105). Ineffable 106). Inferable 107). Insurable 108). Ionizable 109). Irritable 110). Kneadable 111). Labelable 112). Laughable 113). Leachable 114). Learnable 115). Limitable 116). Litigable 117). Locatable 118). Malleable 119). Matchable 120). Medicable 121). Memorable 122). Miserable 123). Mountable 124). Navigable 125). Nonarable 126). Nonviable 127). Numerable 128). Opposable 129). Orderable 130). Palatable 131). Peaceable 132). Permeable 133). Pivotable 134). Placeable 135). Plantable 136). Pleadable 137). Pregnable 138). Previable 139). Printable 140). Reachable 141). Referable 142). Refutable 143). Relatable 144). Removable 145). Renewable 146). Reparable 147). Repayable 148). Reputable 149). Resalable 150). Rescuable 151). Revisable 152). Revivable 153). Revocable 154). Revokable 155). Rotatable 156). Saturable 157). Scannable 158). Scrutable 159). Semblable 160). Separable 161). Severable 162). Shakeable 163). Shapeable 164). Shareable 165). Shiftable 166). Shippable 167). Shockable 168). Skippable 169). Sliceable 170). Smokeable 171). Soundable 172). Spallable 173). Spareable 174). Speakable 175). Spendable 176). Spillable 177). Spoilable 178). Spottable 179). Stackable 180). Stageable 181). Stainable 182). Stateable 183). Stealable 184). Steerable 185). Stoppable 186). Superable 187). Swimmable 188). Teachable 189). Temptable 190). Tenurable 191). Thinkable 192). Timetable 193). Tolerable 194). Touchable 195). Traceable 196). Tractable 197). Tradeable 198). Trainable 199). Treatable 200). Trustable 201). Turntable 202). Unactable 203). Unamiable 204). Uneatable 205). Unflyable 206). Unifiable 207). Unlikable 208). Unlivable 209). Unlovable 210). Unmixable 211). Unmovable 212). Unridable 213). Unsalable 214). Unsayable 215). Untamable 216). Untenable 217). Utterable 218). Vegetable 219). Venerable 220). Veritable 221). Visitable 222). Watchable 223). Weighable 224). Worktable

    8 letter Words Ending with able

    1). Abatable 2). Abusable 3). Adorable 4). Agitable 5). Alliable 6). Amenable 7). Amicable 8). Amusable 9). Arguable 10). Atonable 11). Avowable 12). Bailable 13). Bankable 14). Barrable 15). Bearable 16). Beatable 17). Beddable 18). Bendable 19). Biddable 20). Billable 21). Bindable 22). Biteable 23). Blamable 24). Boatable 25). Boilable 26). Bondable 27). Bookable 28). Bootable 29). Bribable 30). Buffable 31). Burnable 32). Callable 33). Cartable 34). Cascable 35). Cashable 36). Castable 37). Causable 38). Chewable 39). Citeable 40). Closable 41). Clubable 42). Coinable 43). Cookable 44). Culpable 45). Curbable 46). Cuttable 47). Damnable 48). Dateable 49). Deniable 50). Dimmable 51). Dippable 52). Drapable 53). Drawable 54). Drivable 55). Dutiable 56). Editable 57). Educable 58). Enviable 59). Erasable 60). Evadable 61). Evitable 62). Evocable 63). Exorable 64). Expiable 65). Faceable 66). Farmable 67). Feedable 68). Fellable 69). Fileable 70). Filmable 71). Findable 72). Fineable 73). Fireable 74). Fishable 75). Fittable 76). Foamable 77). Foilable 78). Foldable 79). Fordable 80). Formable 81). Framable 82). Furlable 83). Gainable 84). Gettable 85). Giveable 86). Gnawable 87). Gradable 88). Grazable 89). Growable 90). Guidable 91). Gullable 92). Gustable 93). Hangable 94). Hateable 95). Healable 96). Hearable 97). Heatable 98). Helpable 99). Hireable 100). Holdable 101). Huggable 102). Hummable 103). Huntable 104). Imitable 105). Inarable 106). Instable 107). Inviable 108). Isolable 109). Issuable 110). Joinable 111). Keepable 112). Kickable 113). Kissable 114). Knowable 115). Lapsable 116). Laudable 117). Leasable 118). Lendable 119). Leviable 120). Lienable 121). Liftable 122). Likeable 123). Lineable 124). Linkable 125). Listable 126). Liveable 127). Loanable 128). Lockable 129). Loveable 130). Mailable 131). Makeable 132). Mappable 133). Maskable 134). Meltable 135). Mendable 136). Millable 137). Mineable 138). Missable 139). Mockable 140). Moldable 141). Moveable 142). Nameable 143). Nestable 144). Nettable 145). Obeyable 146). Obviable 147). Openable 148). Operable 149). Outfable 150). Overable 151). Oxidable 152). Packable 153). Palpable 154). Parsable 155). Passable 156). Pawnable 157). Peccable 158). Peelable 159). Pitiable 160). Placable 161). Playable 162). Plowable 163). Portable 164). Pourable 165). Probable 166). Provable 167). Prunable 168). Quotable 169). Radiable 170). Raisable 171). Rateable 172). Readable 173). Reapable 174). Reefable 175). Reelable 176). Reliable 177). Rentable 178). Reusable 179). Rideable 180). Rinsable 181). Rippable 182). Ruinable 183). Rustable 184). Sailable 185). Saleable 186). Salvable 187). Satiable 188). Saveable 189). Scalable 190). Sealable 191). Seisable 192). Seizable 193). Sellable 194). Sendable 195). Servable 196). Shakable 197). Shamable 198). Shapable 199). Sharable 200). Shavable 201). Shedable 202). Showable 203). Singable 204). Sinkable 205). Sizeable 206). Slakable 207). Slidable 208). Smokable 209). Sociable 210). Solvable 211). Sorbable 212). Sortable 213). Sparable 214). Statable 215). Stonable 216). Storable 217). Stowable 218). Suitable 219). Summable 220). Surfable 221). Swayable 222). Syllable 223). Takeable 224). Talkable 225). Tameable 226). Tannable 227). Tastable 228). Tearable 229). Tellable 230). Testable 231). Tillable 232). Tiltable 233). Tippable 234). Tithable 235). Titrable 236). Tradable 237). Tubbable 238). Tuneable 239). Turnable 240). Typeable 241). Undoable 242). Unstable 243). Unusable 244). Unviable 245). Valuable 246). Variable 247). Vendable 248). Viewable 249). Violable 250). Vitiable 251). Voidable 252). Voteable 253). Wadeable 254). Walkable 255). Washable 256). Wastable 257). Wearable 258). Weldable 259). Wettable 260). Willable 261). Windable 262). Winnable 263). Workable 264). Writable

    7 letter Words Ending with able

    1). Actable 2). Addable 3). Affable 4). Amiable 5). Bitable 6). Buyable 7). Capable 8). Citable 9). Codable 10). Curable 11). Datable 12). Disable 13). Dowable 14). Dryable 15). Dupable 16). Durable 17). Dyeable 18). Eatable 19). Effable 20). Equable 21). Eyeable 22). Fadable 23). Finable 24). Fixable 25). Flyable 26). Friable 27). Gelable 28). Getable 29). Hatable 30). Hewable 31). Hidable 32). Hirable 33). Likable 34). Linable 35). Livable 36). Losable 37). Lovable 38). Makable 39). Minable 40). Mixable 41). Movable 42). Mutable 43). Namable 44). Notable 45). Ownable 46). Parable 47). Payable 48). Pliable 49). Potable 50). Ratable 51). Retable 52). Ridable 53). Ropable 54). Rowable 55). Rulable 56). Salable 57). Savable 58). Sayable 59). Seeable 60). Sewable 61). Sizable 62). Skiable 63). Sowable 64). Takable 65). Tamable 66). Taxable 67). Tenable 68). Totable 69). Triable 70). Tunable 71). Typable 72). Useable 73). Vocable 74). Votable 75). Wadable 76). Wirable

    6 letter Words Ending with able

    1). Arable 2). Doable 3). Dyable 4). Enable 5). Liable 6). Stable 7). Suable 8). Unable 9). Usable 10). Viable

    5 letter Words Ending with able

    1). Cable 2). Fable 3). Gable 4). Sable 5). Table

    4 letter Words Ending with able

    1). Able

    Frequently asked questions:

    • Which words ends with able?
    • What are the words having suffix able?
    • List of all words ending with able.

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    ble, able,

    Some common words with the suffix -able:

    (a comprehensive list is farther down)

    • affordable
    • accountable
    • allowable
    • attachable
    • approachable
    • attainable
    • admirable
    • available
    • amiable
    • adorable
    • breakable
    • bankable
    • believable
    • beatable
    • burnable
    • billable
    • bearable
    • capable
    • conceivable
    • concealable
    • chargeable
    • charitable
    • contestable
    • chewable
    • controllable
    • countable
    • culpable
    • deniable
    • drinkable
    • disputable
    • detachable
    • delectable
    • definable
    • drawable
    • detectable
    • degradable
    • electable
    • endurable
    • excusable
    • erasable
    • enforceable
    • flammable
    • foreseeable
    • forcible
    • forgivable
    • freezable
    • fashionable
    • guessable
    • hummable
    • hittable
    • invokable
    • inflatable
    • inescapable
    • inevitable
    • inhabitable
    • irrevocable
    • incurable
    • incapable
    • invaluable
    • justifiable
    • lovable
    • laughable
    • likable
    • mailable
    • matchable
    • malleable
    • measurable
    • marketable
    • mountable
    • noticeable
    • negotiable
    • operable
    • parable
    • predictable
    • pleasurable
    • payable
    • probable
    • passable
    • playable
    • packable
    • patchable
    • packable
    • pourable
    • portable
    • reliable
    • remarkable
    • receivable
    • refutable
    • recordable
    • recyclable
    • rechargeable
    • respectable
    • readable
    • spendable
    • savable
    • salvageable
    • stoppable
    • solvable
    • soluble
    • suitable
    • sustainable
    • sinkable
    • singable
    • traceable
    • touchable
    • tolerable
    • teachable
    • unspeakable
    • undeniable
    • unfathomable
    • unsuitable
    • vulnerable
    • valuable
    • wearable
    • watchable
    • walkable
    • winnable

    Comprehensive alphabetical list of words that end in -able

    (NOT ALL have the suffix -able):

    abatable abdicable able abolishable abominable abradable absorbable abstractable abusable acceptable accomplishable accountable accreditable accruable achievable acquirable actable actionable adaptable addable addressable adjustable administrable admirable adoptable adorable adsorbable advisable affable affectable affirmable affixable affordable agglutinable agitable agreeable alienable alliable allocable allocatable allowable alterable amenable amendable amerciable amiable amicable amortizable amusable analyzable answerable anticipatable antifashionable appealable appeasable applaudable applicable apportionable appreciable approachable appropriable approvable arable arbitrable arguable articulable ascendable ascertainable ascribable assailable assessable assignable assimilable assumable atonable attachable attainable attemptable attributable auditable automatable available avoidable avowable awardable bailable bankable barrable bearable beatable beddable believable bendable biddable billable bindable bioavailable biodegradable bitable biteable blamable bleachable boatable boilable bondable bookable bootable breakable breathable bribable bridgeable buffable buildable burnable buyable cable calculable callable camouflageable cancelable cancellable canoeable capable cartable cascable cashable castable catchable causable censurable certifiable changeable chargeable charitable checkable chelatable cherishable chewable circulatable citable citeable claimable classifiable cleanable clearable cleavable climbable closable closeable clubable clubbable coachable coagulable codable cogitable cognizable coinable collectable colorable combinable comfortable commandable commendable commensurable committable communicable commutable companionable comparable compassable compellable compensable compoundable computable computerizable concealable conceivable condemnable condensable conditionable condonable conferrable confessable confirmable confiscable confiscatable conformable connectable conscionable considerable consignable constable construable consumable containable contestable contradictable contrastable controllable conversable cookable copyrightable correctable correlatable countable coverable covetable creditable criticizable crossable crunchable crushable crystallizable culpable cultivable cultivatable curable curbable cuttable damnable danceable datable dateable debatable decasyllable deceivable decidable decipherable declarable declinable decomposable defendable deferrable definable deflectable deformable defrayable degradable delectable delegable deliverable demandable demonstrable demountable deniable denumerable dependable depletable deplorable deployable deportable depreciable derivable describable desirable despicable detachable detectable determinable deterrable detestable detonable detonatable developable devisable diagnosable diagnoseable diagonalizable diagrammable dialyzable differentiable dilatable diminishable dimmable dippable disable disagreeable disavowable discardable discernable dischargeable disciplinable discomfortable discountable discourageable discoverable discreditable discriminable discussable dishonorable dislikable dislikeable dispensable displaceable displayable disposable disprovable disputable disreputable disrespectable disserviceable dissociable dissolvable dissyllable distinguishable distractable distrainable disyllable dividable doable documentable doubtable dowable downloadable draftable dramatizable drapable drapeable drawable drillable drinkable drivable driveable droppable dryable dubitable dupable durable dutiable dyable dyeable eatable editable educable effable effaceable ejectable electable embarrassable embossable embraceable emendable employable emulsifiable enable encashable endorsable endurable enforceable enjoyable enlargeable enterable enumerable enunciable enviable equable equiprobable equitable eradicable erasable erectable escheatable establishable estimable evadable evitable evocable evolvable exactable examinable exceptionable exchangeable excisable excitable excludable excusable execrable executable exercisable exorable expandable expectable expellable expendable expiable explainable explicable exploitable exportable extendable extinguishable extractable extraditable extricable extrudable eyeable fable faceable factorable fadable falsifiable farmable fashionable fathomable fatigable favorable feedable fellable fermentable fertilizable fileable filmable filterable filtrable finable findable fineable fireable fishable fissionable fittable fixable flammable flappable flushable flyable foamable focusable foilable foldable fordable forecastable foreseeable forfeitable forgeable forgettable forgivable formable formalizable formidable framable frameable frankable friable furlable gable gainable gelable generable generalizable getable getatable gettable giveable gleanable gnawable governable gradable grantable graphitizable graspable grazable grazeable groupable growable guessable guidable gullable gustable habitable handleable hangable harvestable, hateable hatchable hateable healable hearable heatable helpable hendecasyllable heritable hewable hidable hirable hireable holdable honorable honourable hospitable huggable hummable huntable hydrolyzable hypercoagulable hyperexcitable hyperirritable hypermutable hypnotizable identifiable ignitable ignorable illaudable illimitable illuminable imaginable imitable immeasurable immedicable immensurable immitigable immovable immunoassayable immutable impalpable impassable impeachable impeccable impenetrable imperceivable imperishable impermeable imperturbable implacable implantable imponderable importable impracticable impregnable impressionable improbable improvable impugnable imputable inadvisable inalienable inalterable inappeasable inapplicable inappreciable inapproachable inarable inarguable incalculable incapable inclinable includable incommensurable incommunicable incommutable incomparable incomputable inconceivable inconsiderable inconsolable inconsumable incontestable incontrollable incorporable increasable inculpable incunable incurable indecipherable indeclinable indecomposable indefatigable indefinable indemonstrable indescribable indeterminable indictable indisciplinable indiscoverable indispensable indisputable indissociable indistinguishable indomitable indubitable ineducable ineffable ineffaceable ineluctable inenarrable inequitable ineradicable inescapable inestimable inevitable inexcusable inexorable inexpiable inexplainable inexplicable inexpugnable inextinguishable inextricable inferable inflammable inflatable inflectable influenceable inhabitable inheritable inhospitable inimitable injectable innumerable inoperable insatiable inscrutable inseparable insociable insolvable instable insufferable insuperable insupportable insurable insurmountable integrable interchangeable interminable interoperable interpretable intersubstitutable intertranslatable intolerable intractable intuitable invaluable invariable investable inviable inviolable invulnerable ionizable irradicable irreclaimable irreconcilable irrecoverable irrecusable irredeemable irreformable irrefragable irrefutable irremeable irremediable irremovable irreparable irrepealable irreplaceable irreproachable irresolvable irretrievable irrevocable irritable isolable isolatable issuable jettisonable joinable justiciable justifiable keepable kickable kissable kneadable knowable knowledgeable labelable lamentable lapsable laudable laughable leachable learnable leasable lendable leviable liable licensable lienable liftable likable likeable limitable linable lineable linkable listable listenable litigable livable liveable loanable localizable locatable lockable losable lovable loveable machinable machineable magnetizable mailable maintainable makable makeable malleable manageable maneuverable manipulable manipulatable mappable marketable marriageable maskable matchable measurable mechanizable medicable medicinable meltable memorable memorizable mendable mensurable mentionable merchantable metabolizable metastable microfilmable microwavable microwaveable millable minable mineable mineralizable miserable missable mistakable mixable mockable modifiable moldable monosyllable mountable movable moveable multivariable mutable namable nameable navigable negotiable nestable nettable nonabsorbable nonaccountable nonarable nonbiodegradable nonbreakable nonburnable noncallable noncancelable noncomparable noncondensable noncontrollable noncrushable nondeferrable nondegradable nondepletable nondetachable nondialyzable nondurable nonexpendable nonfilterable nonfissionable nonflammable nonforfeitable noninflammable noninterchangeable nonjusticiable nonmalleable nonmeasurable nonnegotiable nonperishable nonpolarizable nonquantifiable nonrecyclable nonrefillable nonrefundable nonrenewable nonrepayable nonreturnable nonreusable nonsalable nonsaponifiable nonsedimentable nonshrinkable nonsinkable nonsuperimposable nontaxable nontransferable nonviable normalizable notable noticeable notifiable numberable numerable obeyable objectionable observable obtainable obviable octosyllable openable operable opposable orderable organizable outfable overable ownable oxidable oxidizable pacifiable packable palatable palpable parable paraphrasable pardonable parsable passable patentable pawnable payable peaceable peccable peelable penetrable pensionable perceivable perdurable performable perishable permeable permutable personable persuadable perturbable photodegradable photolyzable pilferable pitiable pivotable placable placeable plantable playable pleadable pleasurable pliable plowable pocketable polarizable polysyllable ponderable portable postponable potable pourable practicable precipitable predicable predictable preferable pregnable presentable preservable presumable preventable previable printable probable processable procurable profitable programmable projectable promotable pronounceable propagable proportionable prosecutable provable prunable publishable pulverable pulverizable punishable purchasable pyrolyzable qualifiable quantifiable quenchable questionable quotable radiable radioimmunoassayable raisable ratable rateable rationalizable reachable readable readjustable realizable reapable reasonable rebuttable recallable recappable receivable rechargeable reclaimable reclosable recognizable recommendable reconcilable reconfigurable recordable recoupable recoverable rectifiable recyclable redeemable rediscountable redoubtable reefable reelable referable refillable reformable refundable refutable regenerable registerable registrable regrettable rehydratable reimbursable reinforceable relatable releasable reliable relievable relishable relocatable remarkable remediable rememberable remittable removable removeable renderable renegotiable renewable rentable repairable reparable repayable repealable repeatable replaceable replenishable repleviable replicable reportable representable reproachable reprogrammable reputable resalable rescuable resealable researchable resectable reservable resettable resolvable respectable respirable restartable restorable restrainable retable retractable retrainable retrievable returnable reusable revealable reviewable revisable revivable revocable revokable revolvable rewardable ridable rideable rinsable rippable ropable rotatable roundtable rowable ruinable rulable rustable sable sailable salable saleable salvable salvageable sanctionable saponifiable satiable satirizable satisfiable saturable savable saveable sayable scalable scannable screenable scrubbable scrutable sealable searchable seasonable sedimentable seeable seisable seizable selectable sellable semblable semipermeable sendable separable servable serviceable settleable severable sewable shakable shakeable shamable shapable shapeable sharable shareable shavable shedable shiftable shippable shockable showable shrinkable singable sinkable sizable sizeable skiable skippable slakable sliceable slidable smokable smokeable sociable solvable sorbable sortable soundable sowable spallable sparable spareable speakable specifiable spendable spillable spoilable spottable spreadable squeezable stable stackable stageable stainable statable stateable statutable stealable steerable stonable stoppable storable stowable stretchable strippable suable subdividable sublimable substitutable subsumable sufferable suitable summable summarizable summonable superable supercomfortable superimposable superposable superserviceable supportable supposable surfable surmountable surpassable survivable sustainable swallowable swayable swimmable switchable syllable takable takeable talkable tamable tameable tannable targetable tarnishable tastable taxable teachable tearable tellable temperable temptable tenable tenantable tenurable terminable testable thermoformable thermostable thinkable throttleable tillable tiltable timetable tippable tithable titrable titratable tolerable totable touchable traceable tractable tradable tradeable trafficable trailerable trainable transferable transferrable transformable transfusable translatable transmittable transmutable transplantable transportable transposable traversable treasonable treasurable treatable triable trisyllable triturable trustable tubbable tunable tuneable turnable turntable typable typeable ultrareliable ultrarespectable unable unacceptable unaccountable unactable unadaptable unadoptable unaffordable unalienable unalterable unamenable unamiable unanalyzable unanswerable unappealable unappeasable unapproachable unarguable unassailable unassimilable unassuageable unattainable unattributable unavailable unavoidable unbearable unbeatable unbelievable unbendable unbreachable unbreakable unbreathable unbridgeable unbudgeable unbuildable unburnable uncapturable uncatchable uncategorizable unchallengeable unchangeable uncharitable uncheckable unchewable unclassifiable unclimbable unclubbable uncomfortable uncommunicable uncompromisable unconceivable unconformable unconquerable unconscionable uncontainable uncontrollable uncopyrightable uncorrectable uncountable uncrossable uncrushable uncultivable undanceable undauntable undebatable undecidable undecipherable undefinable undeliverable undeniable undependable understandable undescribable undesirable undetectable undeterminable undiagnosable undiscoverable undisputable undoable undoubtable undrinkable uneatable uneducable unelectable unemployable unendurable unenforceable unenviable unescapable unexceptionable unexcitable unexplainable unfalsifiable unfashionable unfathomable unfavorable unfindable unflappable unflyable unforeseeable unforgettable unforgivable unfulfillable ungovernable ungraspable unguessable unidentifiable unifiable unignorable unimaginable unimpeachable uninhabitable uninsurable unjustifiable unknowable unknowledgeable unlearnable unlikable unlistenable unlivable unlovable unmanageable unmarketable unmatchable unmeasurable unmemorable unmentionable unmistakable unmixable unmodifiable unmovable unnameable unnegotiable unnoticeable unobjectionable unobservable unobtainable unopenable unpalatable unpardonable unpassable unpatentable unperformable unplayable unpredictable unprintable unprofitable unprogrammable unpronounceable unprovable unpublishable unquantifiable unquenchable unquestionable unreachable unreadable unrealizable unreasonable unreclaimable unrecognizable unreconcilable unrecoverable unrecyclable unredeemable unreliable unremarkable unremovable unrepeatable unresolvable unrespectable unreturnable unreviewable unridable unsalable unsalvageable unsayable unscalable unsearchable unseasonable unsellable unserviceable unshakable unshockable unsinkable unslakable unsociable unsolvable unspeakable unspecifiable unstable unstoppable unsuitable unsupportable unsurpassable unsustainable untamable unteachable untenable untestable unthinkable untillable untouchable untraceable untranslatable ununderstandable unusable unutterable unverifiable unviable unwarrantable unwatchable unwearable unwinnable unworkable upgradable upgradeable usable useable utilizable utterable valuable vanquishable vaporizable variable vegetable vendable venerable verifiable veritable viable viewable vindicable violable visitable vitiable vitrifiable vocable voidable volatilizable votable voteable vulnerable wadable wadeable walkable warrantable washable wastable watchable wearable weighable weldable wettable whistleable willable windable winnable wirable withdrawable workable worktable writable

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