Word that describe a personality

What are personality adjectives? Here you will find a comprehensive list of adjective words to describe personality in English with examples and pictures. If you are telling someone about your Grandmother and you want to be able to convey what a lovely person she is, this would be a great time to use personality adjectives.

In English, when you are talking about someone’s personality, there are some great adjectives that you can use to do this. Not only will it add words to your vocabulary but it will also make it much easier for you to talk about this kind of thing.

What Are Personality Adjectives?

A specific set of adjectives is used to describe personality. Personality is a description of how someone acts, behaves, or reacts. Adjectives that describe personality are often called personality adjectives. Personality adjectives can be one of the most important types of adjectives to understand. They can help you know whether someone is happy or sad, tough or easy, fast or slow. They help us know what to expect from the people around us, and that can be a really great thing to know.

Positive Adjectives Describing Personality

Many adjectives to describe personality are positive ones. Below is a list of some positive personality adjectives. These are good to use for people you like, for people you admire, for people you want to impress, and for yourself.

  • Active
  • Adaptable
  • Adventurous
  • Affable
  • Amiable
  • Amicable
  • Amusing
  • Brave
  • Bright
  • Calm
  • Careful
  • Charming
  • Circumspect
  • Communicative
  • Compassionate
  • Conscientious
  • Considerate
  • Courageous
  • Courteous
  • Creative
  • Determined
  • Diligent
  • Diplomatic
  • Discreet
  • Dynamic
  • Empathetic
  • Energetic
  • Faithful
  • Fearless
  • Friendly
  • Funny
  • Generous
  • Gentle
  • Good
  • Gregarious
  • Helpful
  • Honest
  • Hopeful
  • Humorous
  • Imaginative
  • Intelligent
  • Intuitive
  • Inventive
  • Joyful
  • Kind
  • Loving
  • Loyal
  • Lucky
  • Mature
  • Motivated
  • Neat
  • Nice
  • Optimistic
  • Passionate
  • Patient
  • Plucky
  • Polite
  • Popular
  • Powerful
  • Practical
  • Rational
  • Realistic
  • Reliable
  • Resourceful
  • Romantic
  • Sensible
  • Sincere
  • Smart
  • Sociable
  • Sympathetic
  • Tidy
  • Understanding
  • Willing
  • Wise
  • Witty

Learn more with a list of positive adjectives in English. 

Negative Adjectives Describing Personality

Other adjectives to describe personality are negative ones. Below is a list of some negative personality adjectives. These should be used with caution since negative words to describe someone’s personality are usually taken pretty poorly.

  • Abrasive
  • Aggressive
  • Apathetic
  • Argumentative
  • Boring
  • Bossy
  • Callous
  • Catty
  • Childish
  • Cocky
  • Confrontational
  • Controlling
  • Cowardly
  • Cruel
  • Cynical
  • Defensive
  • Deceitful
  • Dense
  • Devious
  • Dim
  • Dishonest
  • Disloyal
  • Disorganized
  • Disrespectful
  • Disruptive
  • Egotistical
  • Evasive
  • Evil
  • Fanatical
  • Flaky
  • Foolish
  • Forgetful
  • Frivolous
  • Gossipy
  • Greedy
  • Grumpy
  • Gullible
  • Hostile
  • Humorless
  • Hypocritical
  • Ignorant
  • Impatient
  • Impractical
  • Inconsiderate
  • Irrational
  • Jealous
  • Judgemental
  • Lazy
  • Manipulative
  • Mean
  • Moody
  • Morbid
  • Nasty
  • Nosy
  • Obsessive
  • Paranoid
  • Pessimistic
  • Petty
  • Posessive
  • Prejudiced
  • Pretentious
  • Reckless
  • Resentful
  • Rotten
  • Rude
  • Selfish
  • Sleazy
  • Spoiled
  • Stingy
  • Stupid
  • Unlucky
  • Unmotivated
  • Unreliable
  • Untidy
  • Vain

Neutral or Contextual Personality Adjectives

Some adjectives aren’t really negative or positive on their own, but they can still be used to describe personality. Some of the following adjectives are generally neutral. Others can be either positive or negative, depending how they’re used. These are often good to use in place of negative words, because they’re a way to say something that isn’t overtly positive but that isn’t always negative, either. They’re also good for people you don’t know well enough to know whether to use negative or positive words.

  • Ambitious
  • Anxious
  • Breezy
  • Businesslike
  • busy
  • Casual
  • Cerebral
  • Cautious
  • Chatty
  • Childlike
  • Competitive
  • Complex
  • Conservative
  • Decisive
  • Emotional
  • Enigmatic
  • Extravagant
  • Extroverted
  • Exuberant
  • Folksy
  • Forceful
  • Frank
  • Frugal
  • Idiosyncratic
  • Impartial
  • Impressionable
  • Independent
  • Inhibited
  • Intellectual
  • Intense
  • Introverted
  • Irreverent
  • Loud
  • Martyr
  • Mercurial
  • Mischievous
  • Modern
  • Modest
  • Moralistic
  • Neutral
  • Noncommittal
  • Noncompetitive
  • Opportunistic
  • Ordinary
  • Outspoken
  • Perfectionist
  • Persistant
  • Philosophical
  • Political
  • Predictable
  • Private
  • Questioning
  • Rebellious
  • Relaxed
  • Reserved
  • Sarcastic
  • Sensitive
  • Serious
  • Shy
  • Silly
  • Smooth
  • Soft
  • Solemn
  • Straightforward
  • Strict
  • Subservient
  • Surprising
  • Timid
  • Tough
  • Unassuming
  • Unchanging
  • Uncompromising
  • Undemanding
  • Unyielding
  • Quiet

When to Use Personality Adjectives

You can use personality adjectives when you’re explaining what somebody is like. You can use them when telling someone why you love (or hate) a particular teacher. You can also use personality adjectives to describe animals or sometimes even plants.

You can also use personality adjectives to make yourself look good on things like resumes and applications for jobs or for school. It’s important to have a list of adjectives ready to describe yourself. Make sure you include plenty of positive ones! Positive personal adjectives can make you seem better to others and can help increase your own self-esteem. It’s amazing what vocabulary can do for you!

Adjectives Describing Personality

English is full of different kinds of words. It’s great to know as many as possible, but it’s even more important to make sure you know specific words well. Knowing how to use them really helps proper communication! It can help you get across the exact meaning you’re trying for, and it can help you understand exactly what other people are trying to tell you.

Adjectives are words that describe people, places, and things. There are many, many different adjectives., and they can be used to describe virtually any noun This lesson focuses specifically on adjectives that are used to describe personality.

Top 100 Words to Describe Personality

  • Anxious
  • Naughty
  • Stubborn
  • Sensitive
  • Intelligent
  • Nice
  • Emotional
  • Bad-tempered
  • Nervous
  • Mean
  • Distracted
  • Dishonest
  • Rude
  • Discreet
  • Crazy
  • Cheeky
  • Cheerful
  • Energetic
  • Untidy
  • Pessimistic
  • Optimistic
  • Unpleasant
  • Talkative
  • Calm
  • Passionate
  • Proud
  • Sincere
  • Lazy
  • Lively
  • Funny
  • Silly
  • Shy
  • Determined
  • Versatile
  • Sociable
  • Worried
  • Thoughtful
  • Humble
  • Friendly
  • Frank
  • Obedient
  • Honest
  • Fearless
  • Unfriendly
  • Generous
  • Compassionate
  • Warm-hearted
  • Disobedient
  • Straightforward
  • Selfish
  • Imaginative
  • Placid
  • Jealous
  • Helpful
  • Enthusiastic
  • Persistent
  • Sensible
  • Rational
  • Reserved
  • Self-confident
  • Bossy
  • Plucky
  • Patient
  • Impatient
  • Easygoing
  • Careless
  • Messy
  • Hard-working
  • Creative
  • Broad-minded
  • Faithful
  • Kind
  • Courageous
  • Loyal
  • Modest
  • Tidy
  • Confident
  • Attentive
  • Loving
  • Reliable
  • Scared
  • Conscientious
  • Good-tempered
  • Careful
  • Gentle
  • Neat
  • Dynamic
  • Fair-minded
  • Impartial
  • Supportive
  • Timid
  • Intellectual
  • Brave
  • Ambitious
  • Polite
  • Happy
  • Romantic
  • Diplomatic
  • Courteous
  • Humorous
  • Self-disciplined
  • Popular
  • Smart
  • Serious
  • Hypocritical
  • Adventurous

Personality adjectives | words to describe someone’s personality and character

Personality adjectives | words to describe someone's personality and characterPin

Words to Describe Someone’s Personality (with Examples and Pictures)


– He was anxious to preserve his reputation.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 2Pin


– You’re a very naughty boy! Look what you’ve done!

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 3Pin


– He was too stubborn to admit that he was wrong.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 4Pin


– She is very sensitive to other people’s feelings.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 5Pin


– She seemed intelligent and well educated.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 6Pin


– He’s a nice guy when he’s sober.

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– He got quite emotional during the speech.

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– He was bad-tempered and graceless in defeat.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 9Pin


– I get very nervous before a big race.

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– He was hyper-critical and mean.

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– The chairman was distracted between different opinions.

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– The dishonest manager defrauded the company of millions of pounds.

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– He is so rude that nobody can bear him.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 14Pin


– He is very discreet in giving his opinions.

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– He’s crazy to drive his car so fast.

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– He is cheeky to his teacher.

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– Josephine was bright, lively and cheerful.

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– He seemed a dynamic and energetic leader.

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– I’ve got more untidy since I stopped going out to work.

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– Don’t be so pessimistic.

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– I’m very optimistic about our chances of success.

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– She thought him an unpleasant man.

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– She’s either really talkative and you can’t shut her up or else she’s silent.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 24Pin


– She’s so calm, nothing seems to faze her.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 25Pin


– I’m a passionate believer in public art.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 26Pin


– He is too proud to see his own mistake.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 27Pin


– He was sincere in his wish to help us.

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– He felt too lazy to get out of bed.

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– He is an outgoing and lively person.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 30Pin


– She was always so funny and entertaining.

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– Stop being so silly and immature, Ben!

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– He was too shy to ask her to dance with him.

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– He was determined to retrieve his honor.

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– He’s a versatile actor who has played a wide variety of parts.

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– I’m not in a sociable mood.

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– You look worried. What’s the matter?

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– She’s a very kind and thoughtful person.

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– He’s very humble about his success.

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– He is friendly to us all.

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– He was very frank about his relationship with the actress.

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– We’re absolutely obedient to the superior.

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– I believe my sister to be honest.

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– The boy seems completely fearless.

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– She was really unfriendly to me.

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– They are generous although they are poor.

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– My father was a deeply compassionate man.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 47Pin


– She’s a good warm-hearted woman.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 48Pin


– I was very disobedient towards my father.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 49Pin


– He was quite straightforward with us about the difficulties involved.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 50Pin


– He is not only arrogant but also selfish.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 51Pin


– She’s very hard-working but not very imaginative.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 52Pin


– There was a worried look on her normally placid face.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 53Pin


– Why are you so jealous of his success?

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– She was unfailingly courteous and helpful.

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– He is enthusiastic about pop music.

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– She can be very persistent when she wants something.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 57Pin


– If you are sensible you will study for another year.

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– He was too upset to be rational.

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– Helen was diffident and reserved.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 60Pin


– She has now changed into a happy, self-confident woman.

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– She’s terribly bossy and nobody likes her much.

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– She’s a plucky lady.

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– The doctor is very patient with his patients.

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– He is impatient with those who decry the scheme.

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– He was an easygoing man of very moderate views.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 66Pin


– He was very careless in his work, so he really deserved to get the gate.

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– Vicky cooks really well but she’s rather messy.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 68Pin


– He was too honest and hard-working.

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– He is a very creative musician.

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– I like to think I’m broad-minded.

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– He was faithful to his promise wife.

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– She has such a kind, friendly personality.

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– We all honour courageous people.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 74Pin


– He’d always been such a loyal friend to us all.

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– He is a very modest person.

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– I’m a tidy person.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 77Pin


– She sounded more confident than she felt.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 78Pin


– She was very attentive to her guests.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 79Pin


– A friend is a loving companion at all times.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 80Pin


– I will warrant him an honest and reliable fellow.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 81Pin


– I wonder who is scared to lose me.

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– We are generally very conscientious about our work.

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– He is good-tempered, he gets along with everyone.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 84Pin


– He was careful to keep out of sight.

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– He’s very gentle with his kids.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 86Pin


– She was small and neat of person.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 87Pin


– He was a dynamic personality in the business world.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 88Pin


– She is one of the most fair-minded people I know.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 89Pin


– He was not an impartial witness because of his affinity with the accused.

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– He was strongly supportive of my career.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 91Pin


– Lucy is a rather timid child.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 92Pin


– He was an intellectual, scholarly man.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 93Pin


– She was very brave to learn to ski at fifty.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 94Pin


– She is an ambitious career woman.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 95Pin


– I’m afraid I wasn’t very polite to her.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 96Pin


– You don’t look very happy today.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 97Pin


– She has a romantic nature.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 98Pin


– You must be more diplomatic in handling the situation.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 99Pin


– The hotel staff are friendly and courteous.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 100Pin


– She had not intended to be humorous.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 101Pin


– Are you a self-disciplined person?

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 102Pin


– Mary is popular among the students.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 103Pin


– Mark is a smart and sophisticated young man.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 104Pin


– I don’t want to get serious yet.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 105Pin


– I don’t like her because she is a hypocritical person.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 106Pin


– Andy isn’t a very adventurous cook.

Personality Adjectives: 300+ Great Adjectives Describing Personality in English 107Pin

Adjectives Describing Personality | Pictures

Words to Describe Personality in English | Personality Adjectives Image 1

Words to Describe Someone in English | Personality Adjectives Image 1Pin

Words to Describe Personality in English | Personality Adjectives Image 2

Words to Describe Someone in English | Personality Adjectives Image 2Pin

Adjectives Describing Personality | Personality Adjectives Image 3

Adjectives that Describe Personality and Character in EnglishPin

Adjectives Describing Personality in English | Personality Adjectives Image 4

Words to Describe Someone in English | Personality Adjectives Image 4Pin

Adjectives Describing Personality | Video

Learn useful adjective words to describe personality with American English pronunciation.

YouTube video

Related Resources

Descriptive Words

  • Words to Describe Someone
  • Descriptive Adjectives
  • Negative Adjectives
  • Adjectives To Describe A Person
  • Adjectives to Describe Yourself
  • Describing Physical Appearance
  • Personality Traits
  • Character Traits
  • Mood Words
  • Feeling Words & Emotion Words
  • Opposite Adjectives
  • Strong Adjectives

Positives Adjectives

  • Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person
  • Positive Adjectives that Start with A
  • Positive Adjectives that Start with B
  • Positive Adjectives That Start with C
  • Positive Adjectives that Start with D
  • Positive Adjectives that Start with E
  • Positive Adjectives that Start with O
  • Positive Adjectives that Start with H
  • Positive Adjectives that Start with I
  • Positive Adjectives that Start with L
  • Positive Adjectives that Start with J
  • Positive Adjectives that Start with M
  • Positive Adjectives that Start with N
  • Positive Adjectives that Start with P
  • Positive Adjectives that Start with R
  • Positive Adjectives that Start with S
  • Positive Adjectives That Start with T
  • Positive Adjectives that Start with Y
  • Positive Adjectives that Start with W

Last Updated on February 27, 2023

Все люди разные. Кто-то — общительный экстраверт, который является душой в любой компании, а кто-то, в свою очередь, тихоня-интроверт со своим богатым внутренним миром. Характер человека может быть таким многогранным, что простых слов для его описания может быть недостаточно. Хорошо, что существует много прилагательных, которые помогут нам описать характер человека на английском как можно точнее.

Из этой статьи вы узнаете какие бывают черты характера, как описать характер человека на английском и дать ему краткую или развернутую характеристику.  А также, выучите несколько полезных идиом и устойчивых выражений о характере человека.

Слово «характер» переводится как character, а вот черты характера по-английски — это traits или character traits. Как мы знаем, характер человека формируется со временем, начиная с рождения и может меняться в течение всей жизни. У каждого individual (человека, индивидуума) — своя personality (личность) с ярко выраженными теми или иными чертами характера.

Свойства характера или качества человека еще описываются таким словом, как quality, а inner qualities — это как раз-таки наши внутренние свойства.

Описывая как человека, так и его характер, мы должны ответить на вопрос: «Какой он?». Так, человек может быть friendly (дружелюбный), optimistic (оптимистичный), reliable (надежный) или unreliable (ненадежный), self-confident (уверенный в себе) и т.д.

Стоит отметить, что разные прилагательные употребляются в зависимости от того, насколько ярко выражена та или иная черта характера. Например, calm — это просто спокойный человек, а вот прилагательным composed мы обозначим уравновешенного человека.

Аналогично, человека сообразительного мы назовем quick-minded, толкового парня — intelligent, а вот личность с блестящим и острым умом — не иначе как sharp.

Многие прилагательные парные и построены на противопоставлении. Их довольно легко запомнить. Так, например, fearless переводится как «бесстрашный», а fearful — боязливый. Оба они образованы от слова fear (страх), и отличаются по смыслу окончанием.

Вы уже наверняка знаете много прилагательных на русском, которыми можно описать человека, поэтому давайте рассмотрим основные черты характера человека на английском языке с переводом.

Человек в целом может быть:

  • active — активный
  • adaptable — легко адаптирующийся
  • ambitious — амбициозный
  • attention-seeking — жаждущий внимания
  • cheerful — жизнерадостный
  • competitive — склонный к соперничеству
  • creative — творческий
  • curious — любопытный
  • cynical — циничный
  • determined — решительный
  • eager — устремленный
  • easy-going — коммуникабельный
  • energetic — энергичный
  • enthusiastic — полный энтузиазма
  • entrepreneurial — предприимчивый
  • flexible — психологически гибкий
  • friendly — дружелюбный
  • generous — щедрый
  • good natured — приятный (общее впечатление)
  • hard-working — трудолюбивый
  • helpful — полезный
  • honest — честный
  • independent — независимый
  • industrious — трудолюбивый, усердный
  • intellectual — интеллектуальный
  • mature — психологически зрелый
  • modest — скромный
  • motivated — мотивированный
  • observant — наблюдательный, внимательный
  • optimistic — оптимистичный
  • organized — организованный
  • original — оригинальный
  • outgoing — легкий на подъем
  • patient — терпеливый
  • progressive — прогрессивный
  • reliable — надежный
  • resourceful — изобретательный, находчивый
  • romantic — романтичный
  • shy — застенчивый
  • self-confident — уверенный в себе
  • self-sufficient — самодостаточный
  • serious — серьезный
  • sociable — общительный
  • successful — успешный
  • tactful — тактичный
  • talkative — разговорчивый
  • thorough — добросовестный
  • uninhibited — раскованный
  • unpredictable — непредсказуемый

Что касается внутренних свойств личности, тех самых inner qualities, то человека можно описать следующими словами:

  • ambitious — честолюбивый
  • amiable — приветливый
  • arrogant — надменный, заносчивый
  • boastful — хвастливый
  • boring — скучный
  • callous — нечуткий, черствый
  • calm — спокойный
  • capricious — капризный, своенравный
  • cheerful (merry) — веселый, жизнерадостный
  • complacent — самодовольный
  • composed — уравновешенный
  • conceited — высокомерный
  • cool — невозмутимый
  • defiant — непокорный
  • easy-going — беззаботный, легкомысленный
  • emotional — эмоциональный
  • envious — завистливый
  • irritable — раздражительный
  • neat — аккуратный
  • obedient — послушный
  • rational — разумный, рациональный
  • self-assured — самоуверенный
  • self-critical — самокритичный
  • self-denying — бескорыстный
  • selfless — самоотверженный
  • sensitive — чувствительный
  • serious — серьезный
  • sloppy — неряха
  • sober-minded — здравомыслящий
  • sullen — угрюмый, мрачный
  • superficial — поверхностный
  • touchy — обидчивый
  • trustworthy — надежный

Другие прилагательные, характеризующие внутренние качества человека и его отношение к окружающим:

  • affectionate — любящий
  • altruistic — альтруистичный
  • amiable — любезный
  • bold — смелый
  • brave — храбрый
  • cautious — осторожный
  • contemptuous — презрительный
  • considerate — внимательный
  • courageous — отважный
  • courteous — учтивый
  • cowardly — трусливый
  • cruel — жестокий
  • daring — смелый, отчаянный
  • detached — беспристрастный
  • disloyal — нелояльный, неверный
  • disrespectful — неуважительный
  • doubtful — сомневающийся
  • egotistic — эгоистичный  
  • fair — справедливый
  • faithful — верный
  • firm — твердый, настойчивый
  • flexible — гибкий
  • frank — искренний
  • gentle — мягкий
  • harsh — грубый
  • haughty — надменный
  • hesitant — колеблющийся
  • honest — честный  
  • hostile — враждебный
  • hypocritical — лицемерный
  • humane — гуманный
  • impertinent — наглый
  • impolite — невежливый
  • indecisive — нерешительный
  • independent — независимый
  • indifferent — безразличный
  • ingenuous — бесхитростный
  • jealous — ревнивый
  • kind — добрый
  • lying — лживый
  • mean — подлый
  • meek — кроткий
  • merciful — милосердный  
  • merciless — безжалостный
  • moral — высокоморальный
  • naive — наивный
  • noble — благородный
  • obstinate — упрямый
  • open — открытый
  • outspoken — прямой
  • picky — придирчивый
  • proud — гордый
  • polite — вежливый
  • pushy — давящий
  • quarrelsome — вздорный
  • reckless — безрассудный
  • reliable — надежный
  • resolute — решительный
  • responsive — отзывчивый
  • reputable — достойный уважения
  • rude — грубый
  • selfish — эгоистичный
  • sincere — искренний
  • sinful — порочный
  • sly — хитрый, коварный
  • snobbish — сноб
  • strict — строгий
  • stubborn — упрямый
  • submissive — податливый
  • suspicious — подозрительный
  • sympathetic — сочувствующий
  • tactless — бестактный
  • tactful — тактичный
  • tender — чуткий
  • tough — упрямый
  • treacherous — коварный
  • trusting — доверчивый
  • undemanding — нетребовательный
  • uncivil — невежливый
  • unfair — несправедливый
  • warm-hearted — сердечный
  • well-behaved — благонравный
  • wicked — злой
  • withdrawn — замкнутый

Также, возьмите на заметку следующие выражения:

  • keep aloof — отстраненный
  • lack self-reliance — отсутствие уверенности в себе
  • scoundrel — подлец
  • stand one’s ground — держаться принципов
  • strong-willed — волевой
  • weak-willed — слабовольный  
  • unable to control one’s emotions — неспособный управлять своими эмоциями

Что касается умственных способностей, описать кругозор помогут следующие прилагательные:

  • bright — способный
  • broad-minded — с широким кругозором
  • clever / smart (амер.) — умный
  • educated — образованный
  • enlightened — просвещенный
  • feeble-minded — слабоумный
  • genius — гениальный
  • gifted — одаренный
  • ignorant — невежественный
  • intelligent — умный
  • knowledgeable — знающий
  • narrow-minded — с узким кругозором
  • quick-minded — сообразительный
  • quick-witted — смышленый
  • mediocre — посредственный
  • ordinary — заурядный
  • scholarly — ученый
  • silly — глупый
  • simple-minded — простодушный
  • shallow — поверхностный
  • sharp — проницательный
  • slow-minded — несообразительный
  • sophisticated — утонченный
  • stupid — невежественный, глупый
  • talented — талантливый
  • uneducated — необразованный
  • unlettered — неграмотный
  • well-read — начитанный
  • wise — мудрый
  • witty — остроумный

Что касается отношения ко всему «с трудом нажитому» и деньгам в целом, то человек может быть: generous (щедрый) или greedy (жадный), economical (экономным) или wasteful (расточительным), может быть stingy (скупым) или же просто thrifty (бережливым).

Говорят, что друг познается в беде, но вот человека в целом можно оценить по тому, как он работает: насколько у него «горят глаза» и насколько он честолюбив или ленив. Прилагательные, описывающие характер человека в работе:

  • accomplished — квалифицированный
  • attentive — внимательный
  • awkward — неуклюжий
  • careless — небрежный
  • committed — обязательный
  • concentrated — сосредоточенный
  • conscientious — сознательный
  • dedicated — преданный
  • diligent — упорный
  • disciplined — дисциплинированный
  • distracted — отвлекающийся
  • incompetent — некомпетентный
  • indifferent — безразличный
  • industrious — трудолюбивый
  • irresponsible — безответственный
  • hard-working — трудолюбивый
  • lazy — ленивый
  • neglectful — небрежный
  • punctual — пунктуальный
  • responsible — ответственный
  • unconcerned — равнодушный
  • unskilled — неквалифицированный

Если кто-то отлынивает от работы, то его назовут idle (ленивым), shirker (прогульщиком) или slacker (лодырем).

Немаловажно следить и за своим внутренним эмоциональным состоянием и быть в гармонии с собой. Keep calm (сохраняйте спокойствие), как говорится. Следующие прилагательные помогут описать emotional state (эмоциональное состояние) правильно:

  • agitated — возбужденный
  • anxious — нервный, обеспокоенный
  • apathetic — равнодушный, апатичный
  • blue — грустный
  • calm — спокойный
  • cheerful — бодрый
  • cool — невозмутимый
  • delighted — радостный
  • disappointed — разочарованный
  • displeased — недовольный
  • distressed — подавленный
  • enthusiastic — полный энтузиазма, воодушевленный
  • excited — взволнованный, возбужденный
  • frustrated — разочарованный
  • glad — довольный
  • gloomy — мрачный
  • grim — мрачный
  • happy — счастливый
  • hopeful — полный надежды
  • hopeless — лишенный надежды
  • inspired — вдохновленный
  • joyful — радостный
  • miserable — несчастный
  • moody — угрюмый
  • nervous — нервный
  • passionate — страстный
  • placid — безмятежный
  • pleased — довольный
  • quiet — спокойный
  • sad — грустный
  • sorrowful — печальный
  • unhappy — несчастный
  • upset — встревоженный

Если человек в хорошем настроении, то про него можно сказать что он in a good mood или in high spirits, а вот если в плохом — то это будет in a bad mood или in low spirits.

Напоследок, дадим несколько популярных идиом о характере человека.

A know-it-all — всезнайка

Человек, который знает все-все ответы на свете и готов влезать со своим мнением даже там, где его не просят.

A worrywart — мнительный человек

Так называют того, кто боится пробовать что-то новое и сходить с «проторенной дорожки».

A go-getter — предприимчивый человек

Так говорят о людях, которые видят во всем возможности и стараются их не упускать.

A social butterfly — очень общительный человек

Скорее всего, этим человеком будет экстраверт по натуре. Тот, кто много общается и легко находит контакт с незнакомыми людьми.

A cheapskate — скряга

Он не потратит и лишнего пенни без необходимости.

A fuddy-duddy — консерватор

Эдакий ворчун, которому не по нраву перемены, даже если они объективно к лучшему. Причем, это не зависит от возраста.

A wet blanket — зануда

Человек, портящий всем настроение своими нравоучениями. Иногда таких еще называют killjoy или «убийца веселья».

Neither fish nor flesh — ни рыба ни мясо

Ничем не примечательный и не выдающийся человек.

We cordially invite you to one of the most lovely and artistically pleasant collections of words to describe personality. People have diverse personalities that outline who they are. There are many distinct sorts of personality qualities, some of which are beneficial and some of which are undesirable. ‎

You’ll find what you’re searching for here, whether you’re seeking for personality adjectives for characters in novels you’re creating or simply looking for the perfect words to describe characteristics of your or someone else’s personality.

A personality attribute is anything about a person that impacts how they contemplate, feel, and act on a regular basis. Personality characteristics are the result of long-term emotional and behavioral patterns, rather than discrete incidents.

For a better understanding, let us walk you through some words to describe personality. ‎

Words to Describe Personality That Start with A

Anyone may have a bad day, feel agitated, and occasionally make a snarky remark. When something happens in solitude, it does not point to a personality trait.

However, if a person’s typical tendency is to snap at others rather than speak softly, “snappiness” is unquestionably a personality trait. Here are some words that start with the letter A and describe personality. ‎

  • Amiable
  • Attentive
  • Adorable
  • Astonishing
  • Authentic
  • Ambitious
  • Angelic
  • Adventurous
  • Achiever
  • Adaptable
  • Appreciative
  • Amazing
  • Affable
  • Astounding
  • Admirable
  • Agreeable
  • Amusing
  • Agile
  • Altruistic
  • Affectionate
  • Articulate
  • Able

Words to Describe Personality That Start with B

These personality adjectives will perform the heavy work for you in your composition with the right word choice, which is why it is crucial to understand what these words are and how to apply them. ‎

  • Balanced
  • Beautiful
  • Brave
  • Bright
  • Brilliant
  • Bonafide
  • Brainy
  • Benevolent
  • Beauty
  • Bubbly
  • Believe
  • Bashful
  • Big-hearted
  • Bold
  • Beloved

Words to Describe Personality That Start with C

When describing a person’s personality with adjectives, you can choose one of two sorts of words: favorable or unfavorable. Here are some words that begin with the letter C that define personality. ‎

  • Carefree
  • Caring
  • Charitable
  • Capable
  • Charming
  • Careful
  • Cheerful
  • Centered
  • Classy
  • Clever
  • Calm

Words to Describe Personality That Start with D

Even if we don’t know a guy directly, we can still characterize his characteristics. A person, for example, appears clever, motivated, and enthusiastic. He is a strong advocate who is unafraid to speak up about what he believes in. Take a look at the adjectives that describe his personality. ‎

  • Delightful
  • Dashing
  • Disciplined
  • Devoted
  • Diligent
  • Dependable
  • Daring
  • Dreamy
  • Down-to-earth
  • Determined
  • Debonair
  • Dedicated
  • Decisive

Words to Describe Personality That Start with E

Think about how your choice of positive and negative words produces a picture of someone’s personality the next time you’re attempting to characterize them. Here are some words that begin with the letter E that define personality. ‎

  • Energetic
  • Enthralling
  • Endearing
  • Exuberant
  • Earnest
  • Exceptional
  • Efficient
  • Extraordinary
  • Empathetic
  • Engaging
  • Exemplary
  • Eager

Words to Describe Personality That Start with F

Positive personality traits can manifest themselves in a number of ways. The connected actions become reflective of a man’s personality when their regular behavior exhibits the same positive attributes over and over. Here are some personality-defining words that start with the letter F. ‎ ‎

  • Flexible
  • Flawless
  • Friendly
  • Frank
  • Fun
  • Fierce
  • Fearless
  • Faultless
  • Faithful
  • Forgiving

Words to Describe Personality That Start with G

Here are some words that begin with the letter G that define personality. These words have the potential to shape reader opinions, so use them deliberately if you want to express effectively.

  • Godlike
  • Gentleman
  • Grounded
  • Gracious
  • Generous
  • Gutsy
  • Gleeful
  • Graceful
  • Gregarious
  • Genial
  • Grateful
  • Good-hearted
  • Giving
  • Genuine
  • Gifted
  • Gentle

Words to Describe Personality That Start with H

What else would life be like if there was no balance? People, for the most part, are not all great or all terrible. You and everyone you encounter are likely to have both positive and bad personality qualities. Here are some words that begin with the letter H that define personality. ‎

  • Honorable
  • Hilarious
  • Humorous
  • Helpful
  • Hard Working
  • Happy
  • Humble
  • Honest

Words to Describe Personality That Start with I

The mix of an individual’s good and unfavorable personality qualities determines the face they exhibit to the world. Here are some words that begin with the letter I that define personality. ‎

  • Inspirational
  • Innocent
  • Inspiring
  • Intuitive
  • Irresistible
  • Imaginative
  • Innovative
  • Influential
  • Inventive
  • Intelligent
  • Industrious

Words to Describe Personality That Start with J

Identifying a person’s personality style is a difficult undertaking. Personality is a complex construct that is impacted by a variety of circumstances. Here are some words that begin with the letter J that define personality. ‎

  • Jubilant
  • Joker
  • Joyful
  • Jocund
  • Jolly
  • Jocose
  • Jovial

Words to Describe Personality That Start with K

Understanding personality qualities is an excellent place to start on your path to self-discovery. It is up to you to shift away from bad inclinations and instead display good features if you truly want to understand how to avoid being characterized by negative traits. Here are some terms that begin with the letter K that characterize a person’s characteristics. ‎

  • Keen
  • Kind-hearted
  • Kickass
  • Knowledgeable
  • Kind

Words to Describe Personality That Start with L

Your personality is reflected in the activities you perform and decisions you make. It’s most likely a result of both nature and upbringing. Either you are tolerant or you are not, and you are either accountable or you are not. Here are some words that begin with the letter L that define personality. ‎

  • Laid-back
  • Lovely
  • Loving
  • Loyal
  • Likable
  • Lovable

Words to Describe Personality That Start with M

Your interest in personality characteristics may be primarily centered on character development for your fiction writing. If you want to be an award-winning fiction writer or screenwriter, your characters will be even more complex as a result of your in-depth awareness of yourself and others.

Here are some words that begin with M that will help you characterize your personality. ‎

  • Meticulous
  • Mindful
  • Merry
  • Modest
  • Motivated
  • Mench
  • Munificence

Words to Describe Personality That Start with N

After you’ve decided on your character’s personality attributes, work on fully fleshing out their portrayal. Add fascinating words to their profiles to enhance their personality. Here are some terms that begin with N that you may use to define your personality. ‎

  • Nimble
  • Neat
  • Nice
  • Neighborly
  • Nifty

Words to Describe Personality That Start with O

The more you shift your focus away from the bad and toward the good, the simpler it will be to portray yourself in a favorable light. Consider using these words that begin with the letter O to define your personality. ‎

  • Obedient
  • Optimistic
  • Obliging
  • Outspoken
  • Outstanding
  • Overachiever

Words to Describe Personality That Start with P

There are thousands of words in the world, but have you really attempted to explain someone’s personality in a single word? Believe me, it’s a difficult yet highly frequent question. Here are some words that begin with the letter P that define personality. ‎

  • Polished
  • Punctual
  • Passionate
  • Posh
  • Precious
  • Pious
  • Personable
  • Playful
  • Persistent
  • Prudent
  • Pleasant
  • Peaceful
  • Powerful
  • Polite
  • Practical
  • Praiseworthy
  • Positive
  • Preeminent
  • Patient

Words to Describe Personality That Start with R

We are all unique individuals with distinct tendencies, interests, and aversions.

These elements are what constitute you, you, and while there are no rights or wrongs in terms of any combination of these characteristics, there are some healthy personality qualities that have been scientifically linked to being mentally well-adjusted.

Here are some terms that begin with the letter R that characterize someone’s characteristics.

  • Relaxed
  • Right-minded
  • Respectable
  • Resplendent
  • Resourceful
  • Resilient
  • Responsible
  • Reliable
  • Romantic
  • Reputable
  • Rad
  • Reverent
  • Real
  • Reassuring
  • Rambunctious
  • Respected
  • Righteous

Words to Describe Personality That Start with S

People may modify and engage in behaviors that are more centered on what is appropriate in a given situation rather than what their hedonistic inclinations would drive them to do. Some people, on the other hand, have fixed identities. Here are some personality-defining words that start with the letter S. ‎ ‎

  • Supportive
  • Sexy
  • Sweetheart
  • Sophisticated
  • Serene
  • Striking
  • Sincere
  • Self-assured
  • Straightforward
  • Sensible
  • Spontaneous
  • Stable
  • Standout
  • Sweet
  • Sharp
  • Selfless
  • Skilled
  • Sagely
  • Sensitive
  • Sagacious
  • Sassy
  • Savvy
  • Sensual
  • Stupendous
  • Spirited
  • Sensational
  • Studious
  • Sedulous
  • Smart
  • Sympathetic
  • Saintly
  • Strong

Words to Describe Personality That Start with T

There is no single correct approach to assess personality. If you want to discover more about your personality traits, go over the following terms that begin with the letter T. ‎

  • Tolerant
  • Trusting
  • Thorough
  • Trailblazing
  • Trustworthy
  • Tender
  • Truthful
  • Tidy
  • Tremendous
  • Tactful
  • Talented
  • Tenacious
  • Thoughtful

Words to Describe Personality That Start with U

Discover the key of describing someone in a single word. Here are some words that define personality that begin with U that may assist you in doing so. ‎

  • Tolerant
  • Trusting
  • Thorough
  • Trailblazing
  • Trustworthy
  • Tender
  • Truthful
  • Tidy
  • Tremendous
  • Tactful
  • Talented
  • Tenacious
  • Thoughtful

Words to Describe Personality That Start with V

Being happy and upbeat may have an impact on others around you, as can negativity. Here are some words that begin with the letter V that define personality. ‎

  • Virtuous
  • Valorous
  • Vibrant
  • Valuable
  • Valued
  • Vehement
  • Visionary
  • V.I.P

Words to Describe Personality That Start with W

This part will go through how to answer questions about your attitude in an interview, as well as what words to use. Here are some terms to define personality that begin with the letter W. ‎

  • Warm-hearted
  • Warm
  • Well-behaved
  • Wonderful
  • Wise
  • Willed
  • Whimsical
  • Witty
  • Willing

Words to Describe Personality That Start with Z

When describing yourself in one word, focus on the one attribute that is most relevant to you practically, allowing the employer to get a good sense of who you are. Here are some words that begin with Z that define personality. ‎

  • Zestful
  • Zinger
  • Zealous
  • Zappy
  • Zest

Let us now go through a long list of personality adjectives. This list includes all of the adjectives we’ve examined thus far. ‎

  • Attentive
  • V.I.P
  • Careful
  • Engaging
  • Sympathetic
  • Generous
  • Youthful
  • Sophisticated
  • Forgiving
  • Inspiring
  • Reliable
  • Well-behaved
  • Sedulous
  • Bold
  • Angelic
  • Exuberant
  • Astounding
  • Beautiful
  • Amazing
  • Quick-witted
  • Practical
  • Rad
  • Mench
  • Adaptable
  • Posh
  • Intuitive
  • United
  • Wise
  • Joyful
  • Big-hearted
  • Kind
  • Fearless
  • Polished
  • Confident
  • Altruistic
  • Tactful
  • Laid-back
  • Adorable
  • Respected
  • Brave
  • Dreamy
  • Obliging
  • Agile
  • Motivated
  • Virtuous
  • Disciplined
  • Spirited
  • Efficient
  • Sensational
  • Outstanding
  • Right-minded
  • Willed
  • Honorable
  • Down-to-earth
  • Lovely
  • Resourceful
  • Sensible
  • Happy
  • Pious
  • Brainy
  • Hard Working
  • Dependable
  • Warm-hearted
  • Genial
  • Nice
  • Queenly
  • Likable
  • Tolerant
  • Compassionate
  • Earnest
  • Faithful
  • Zealous
  • Achiever
  • Wonderful
  • Amusing
  • Gutsy
  • Preeminent
  • Tender
  • Rambunctious
  • Gifted
  • Exemplary
  • X-factor
  • Gleeful
  • Reassuring
  • Enthralling
  • Kind-hearted
  • Vibrant
  • Appreciative
  • Influential
  • Fun
  • Caring
  • Peaceful
  • Neat
  • Stupendous
  • Kickass
  • Straightforward
  • Eager
  • Humorous
  • Gentle
  • Beloved
  • Stable
  • Flexible
  • Personable
  • Graceful
  • Trustworthy
  • Gracious
  • Bubbly
  • Young-at -heart
  • Bonafide
  • Fierce
  • Tremendous
  • Powerful
  • Inspirational
  • Jocund
  • Friendly
  • Humble
  • Courageous
  • Precious
  • Valorous
  • Credible
  • Understanding
  • Daring
  • Neighborly
  • Flawless
  • Adventurous
  • Grounded
  • Keen
  • Charitable
  • Innocent
  • Visionary
  • Valuable
  • Zappy
  • Gentleman
  • Praiseworthy
  • Honest
  • Obedient
  • Conscientious
  • Innovative
  • Resplendent
  • Striking
  • Willing
  • Romantic
  • Relaxed
  • Whimsical
  • Extraordinary
  • Calm
  • Truthful
  • Grateful
  • Frank
  • Authentic
  • Real
  • Godlike
  • Munificence
  • Optimistic
  • Unbeatable
  • Reverent
  • Talented
  • Modest
  • Beauty
  • Ultimate
  • Ambitious
  • Sweetheart
  • Jovial
  • Exceptional
  • Sagacious
  • Joker
  • Trusting
  • Helpful
  • Unconditional
  • Creative
  • Spontaneous
  • Passionate
  • Sweet
  • Polite
  • Genuine
  • Positive
  • Affable
  • Saintly
  • Righteous
  • Charming
  • Articulate
  • Standout
  • Bashful
  • Quiet
  • Sharp
  • Decisive
  • Considerate
  • Giving
  • Energetic
  • Sagely
  • Diligent
  • Meticulous
  • Loving
  • Patient
  • Witty
  • Determined
  • Benevolent
  • Vehement
  • Lovable
  • Persistent
  • Brilliant
  • Skilled
  • Strong
  • Faultless
  • Zestful
  • Respectable
  • Content
  • Responsible
  • Studious
  • Empathetic
  • Selfless
  • Reputable
  • Cunning
  • Cheerful
  • Sensual
  • Jubilant
  • Admirable
  • Endearing
  • Amiable
  • Uplifting
  • Bright
  • Agreeable
  • Unbelievable
  • Carefree
  • Tenacious
  • Zinger
  • Irresistible
  • Serene
  • Thoughtful
  • Clever
  • Warm
  • Playful
  • Sexy
  • Dedicated
  • Unstoppable
  • Thorough
  • Good-hearted
  • Classy
  • Loyal
  • Affectionate
  • Courteous
  • Trailblazing
  • Overachiever
  • Mindful
  • Nimble
  • Prudent
  • Outspoken
  • Balanced
  • Punctual
  • Tidy
  • Unique
  • Inventive
  • Zest
  • Imaginative
  • Self-assured
  • Valued
  • Centered
  • Intelligent
  • Savvy
  • Sincere
  • Industrious
  • Delightful
  • Supportive
  • Hilarious
  • Debonair
  • Jolly
  • Devoted
  • Merry
  • Astonishing
  • Jocose
  • Smart
  • Believe
  • Gregarious
  • Able
  • Ultra
  • Capable
  • Knowledgeable
  • Resilient
  • Sensitive
  • Dashing
  • Nifty
  • Pleasant
  • Sassy

Final Thoughts on Words to Describe Personality

Consider the aspects of yourself that you admire. Are you a conscientious employee? Loyal? Funny? These are all personality adjectives that you may use to describe yourself.

These descriptors allow you to transmit information about yourself to others who don’t know you. When you use personality adjectives in your writing, you need fewer words to describe personality and construct an image for your reader.

Even if you’re using fewer words, they’re being used more efficiently. This knowledge is useful for creating characters, describing historical personalities, and writing to make an impression. ‎

When you employ a positive adjective, you help to create a favorable impression of the character. Bad adjectives, on the other hand, highlight a person’s negative traits.

Both sorts of words are included in the list of words to describe personality that we have shared with you. So please feel free to make use of them. ‎

Think about the things about yourself that you really like. Are you a hard worker? Loyal? Funny? All of these words are adjectives that you can use to describe your personality. These adjectives are a way for you to communicate things about yourself to somebody who doesn’t know you. 

When you include adjectives about personality in your writing, you are using fewer words to paint a picture for your reader. Even though you are using fewer words, you are using the words more effectively. This information is valuable when building characters, describing historical figures, and writing to make an impact. 

With the correct word choice, these personality adjectives will do the heavy lifting for you when it comes to your writing, that is why it is important to know what these words are and how to use them.


Adjective Overview

Before we dig into our list of personality adjectives, we need to first understand what an adjective actually is!

An adjective is a part of speech, plain and simple! More importantly, the purpose of adjective words is that they modify nouns or pronouns in a sentence. When writing, you should be using adjective words to make your writing more interesting. Here are a few examples of adjective words: beautiful, crazy, fluffy.

Let’s take a look at an example of how using adjectives help us create awesome sentences!

  • This is my cat.
  • This is my fluffy, gentle, most caring, and loving cat!

As you can see the second sentence is much more appealing for the reader, compared to the first sentence. 


Words to Describe Personality

There are many different kinds of adjectives, but the one that we are going to focus on are called attributive adjectives. Attributive adjectives are words that will expand on specific traits, qualities, and features.

Attributive adjectives modify more than just people, including observations, size/shape, age, color, origin, material, and qualifier adjectives.

This means that they are not limited to describing just personality, but also things like fabric, vehicles, towns, and more (basically any noun).

When using adjectives to describe a person’s personality, you can use one of two types of words: positive or negative. 

When you use a positive adjective, you are creating a positive image of the character. Negative adjectives, on the other hand, spotlight the negative characteristics of a person (or character). These words are powerful in creating reader opinions, so choose the words wisely to communicate clearly. 


Positive Adjectives

Adaptable Courageous Giving Neat Self-confident
Adventurous Creative Good Nice Self-disciplined
Affable Decisive Gregarious Non-judgemental Sensible
Affectionate Dependable Hardworking Observant Sensitive
Agreeable Determined Helpful Optimistic Shy
Ambitious Diligent Hilarious Organized Silly
Amiable Diplomatic Honest Passionate Sincere
Amicable Discreet Humorous Patient Smart
Amusing Dynamic Imaginative Persistent Socialable
Artistic Easy-going Impartial Pioneering Straight-Forward
Brave Emotional Independent Philosophical Sympathetic
Bright Efficient Industrious Placid Talkative
Broad-minded Energetic Intelligent Plucky Thoughtful
Calm Enthusiastic Intellectual Polite Tidy
Careful Extroverted Intuitive Popular Tough
Charismatic Exuberant Inventive Powerful Trustworthy
Charming Fair-minded Joyful Practical Unassuming
Chatty Faithful Kind Pro-active Understanding
Cheerful Fearless Kooky Quick-witted Upbeat
Clever Forceful Laid-back Quiet Versatile
Communicative Frank Likable Rational Warmhearted
Compassionate Friendly Loving Reliable Wild
Conscientious Funny Loyal Reserved Wise
Considerate Generous Lucky Resourceful Witty
Convivial Gentle Modest Romantic  


Negative Adjectives

Aggressive Cynical Impolite Nervous Sneaky
Aloof Deceitful Impulsive Obstinate Stubborn
Anxious Defensive Inconsiderate Overcritical Stupid
Arrogant Devious Indecisive Overemotional Sullen
Bad-Tempered Dim Indiscreet Patronizing Tactless
Belligerent Dishonest Inflexible Pig-headed Thoughtless
Big-Headed Domineering Intolerant Pessimistic Touchy
Boastful Egotistical Introverted Pompous Unlucky
Boring Finicky Irresponsible Possessive Unpredictable
Bossy Foolish Jealous Quick-tempered Unreliable
Callous Gussy Lazy Resentful Untidy
Careless Gullible Loud Rude Untrustworthy
Clingy Grumpy Mean Secretive Vague
Confrontational Hostile Moody Self-centered Vain
Cowardly Idle Narrowminded Selfish Vulgar
Cruel Impatient Nasty Silly Weak-willed

Note: Some of the adjectives on this list can be used interchangeably as a positive and a negative. For example, the word silly is usually considered a positive word. But, in specific contexts, being silly could be a negative thing (like in an operating room!). 


How to Use Personality Adjectives

If you want to add adjectives to your writing to describe somebody’s personality, there are a few things to consider:

  • Are you trying to create a positive or negative image of the person you are writing about? 
  • What are some of the things that stand out about this person? 
  • What pronouns are you trying to modify? 
  • Do we know this person, or are we speculating?

Let’s Practice

For example, pretend you are being asked to write a biography on the supreme court justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Since you have never met her, you can’t speak directly to her personality. But you can research her and learn about her. A quick Google search tells us that she went to Ivy League colleges, has been an advocate for women’s rights since 1971, and has recently been diagnosed with cancer (and is still very active).

Even though we most likely don’t personally know her, we can still describe her. For example, she seems intelligent, driven, and passionate. She is an advocate and unapologetic about the things she is passionate about.

See how picking out specific words creates an image of who this woman is, without ever meeting her? 

The next time you are trying to define somebody’s personality, think about how your use of positive and negative adjectives paints a picture of somebody’s personality. 



Adding adjectives to describe personality is a guaranteed way to increase the quality of your writing. Here are a few things to remember as you dig into writing with adjectives describing personality:

  • Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns, and while there are many different kinds of adjectives, personality falls into the attributive category.
  • Positive adjectives are words that paint the person/character in a positive light. These words commonly convey the best qualities that a person has and make them more likable.
  • Negative adjectives, on the other hand, are words that create a negative image of a person/character. These words generally focus on the parts of a personality that people are not proud of.
  • Sometimes an adjective can be negative in some situations and positive in others. When writing, it’s important to consider the situation when adding adjectives.
  • When you add adjectives into your writing, consider if you are trying to create a positive or negative opinion of somebody’s personality. Then, research to learn about what stands out about them. Finally, you will use what you have learned to create an accurate profile of a person’s personality.

Are you stumped and looking for more help with your writing? ArgoPrep has an entire library filled with topics just like this one!

What are adjectives? Are you searching for English Adjectives that Describe Personality, for your kids? Are you searching for printable worksheets about adjectives? You are in the right place!

What are Adjectives?

What exactly are adjectives? In the simplest terms, an adjective is a word used to define a noun. The adjectives can give a piece of additional descriptive information to the sentence.

  1. We live in a old village.
  2. Mia was wearing a sleeveless shirt.
  3. He wore a awesome shirt.
  4. Smith writes meaningless words.
  5. This shop is much cheaper.

Personality traits

Personality traits!! Personality traits are permanent features or aspects. They can change slowly in time, but they’re generally permanent. We ask, “What are you like?” to inquire about our personality. This lesson will teach the basics of adjectives to describe people’s personalities in English with valueable examples.

Personality is the tendency of an individual to act, think and behave in a particular manner. Many sociologists agree that personalities originate from the cultures and families where people are educated.

What Are Personality Adjectives?

A particular set of adjectives are used to describe the personality. Personality refers to how someone acts, behaves, or behaves. Personality adjectives are commonly referred to as personality adjectives. Personality adjectives could be among the top kinds of adjectives you can comprehend. They will help you determine what makes someone happy or sad, difficult or easy, speedy or slow. They can help us understand what we can expect from people around us. This can be a valuable thing to know.

Adjective Words list, Adjectives, Adjectives that Describe Personality, Adjectives to describe a person, Adjectives to describe people, Personality traits, Types of Adjectives, What are AdjectivesPin

List of 500 Personality Traits

Here is the the list of 500 English Adjectives that Describe Personality!

Academic Dynamic Patriotic
Accurate Eager Polite
Adaptable Efficient Positive
Adorable Elated Powerful
Adventurous Emotional Practical
Affectionate Endurable Precise
Aggressive Ethical Prudent
Agreeable Exclusive Quick
Alert Faithful Quiet
Alluring Fanatic Rational
Ambitious Feminine Realistic
Amused Firm Reasonable
Appreciative Flexible Relaxed
Artistic Fool Religious
Assertive Forceful Reserved
Athletic Formal Resilient
Attractive Frank Respectable
Beautiful Friendly Responsive
Boastful Fun Robust
Bold Funny Romantic
Brave Generous Sane
Bright Gentle Sensible
Bungling Great Serious
Calm Happy Sincere
Capable Helpful Sociable
Carefree Hermetic Spiritual
Careful Idiot Sporty
Caring Immaculate Stable
Casual Immature Steady
Cautious Independent Strong
Charming Influential Tactful
Cheerful Informal Thoughtful
Clean Insipid Tolerable
Clever Intellectual Trusting
Comfortable Intense Trustworthy
Competent Inventive Unassuming
Confident Jaded Understanding
Contrary Keen Unique
Cool Kind Unreliable
Creative Learned Untrustworthy
Dazzling Likable Venerable
Decent Lively Verbal
Decisive Logical Versatile
Decorous Loving Violent
Dedicated Loyal Wholesome
Deliberate Maniac Wild
Delightful Mature Willing
Detailed Mean Wise
Determined Methodical Witty
Devoted Neat Youthful
Dignified Noble Zany
Diligent Optimistic Obliging
Disagreeable Discreet Original

Positive Personality Adjectives

A variety of adjectives used to define personality include positive. Below is a list of some positive adjectives for personality. They are great to impress people or admire, for those you’d like to impress and even yourself.

Active Empathetic Neat
Adaptable Energetic Nice
Adventurous Faithful Optimistic
Affable Fearless Passionate
Amiable Friendly Patient
Amicable Funny Plucky
Amusing Generous Polite
Brave Gentle Popular
Bright Good Powerful
Calm Gregarious Practical
Careful Helpful Rational
Charming Honest Realistic
Circumspect Hopeful Reliable
Communicative Humorous Resourceful
Compassionate Imaginative Romantic
Conscientious Intelligent Sensible
Considerate Intuitive Sincere
Courageous Inventive Smart
Courteous Joyful Sociable
Creative Kind Sympathetic
Determined Loving Tidy
Diligent Loyal Understanding
Diplomatic Lucky Willing
Discreet Mature Wise
Dynamic Motivated Witty

Negative Personality Adjectives

Other adjectives that describe personality are negative ones. Below are a few negative adjectives for personality. They should be used cautiously as negative words to describe someone’s character are generally interpreted poorly.

Abrasive Egotistical Moody
Aggressive Evasive Morbid
Apathetic Evil Nasty
Argumentative Fanatical Nosy
Boring Flaky Obsessive
Bossy Foolish Paranoid
Callous Forgetful Pessimistic
Catty Frivolous Petty
Childish Gossipy Posessive
Cocky Greedy Prejudiced
Confrontational Grumpy Pretentious
Controlling Gullible Reckless
Cowardly Hostile Resentful
Cruel Humorless Rotten
Cynical Hypocritical Rude
Defensive Ignorant Selfish
Deceitful Impatient Sleazy
Dense Impractical Spoiled
Devious Inconsiderate Stingy
Dim Irrational Stupid
Dishonest Jealous Unlucky
Disloyal Judgemental Unmotivated
Disorganized Lazy Unreliable
Disrespectful Manipulative Untidy
Disruptive Mean Vain

Some adjectives aren’t negative or positive in their own right; however, they can define personality. Certain of the adjectives listed below are usually neutral. Some are positive or negative, based on the context in which they’re utilized. They’re often an excellent thing to substitute for negative words because they’re a way of saying something that’s not overly positive but isn’t necessarily negative, too. They’re also helpful for those who cannot determine whether you should use negative words or positive words.

Ambitious Impressionable Private
Anxious Independent Questioning
Breezy Inhibited Rebellious
Businesslike Intellectual Relaxed
busy Intense Reserved
Casual Introverted Sarcastic
Cerebral Irreverent Sensitive
Cautious Loud Serious
Chatty Martyr Shy
Childlike Mercurial Silly
Competitive Mischievous Smooth
Complex Modern Soft
Conservative Modest Solemn
Decisive Moralistic Straightforward
Emotional Neutral Strict
Enigmatic Noncommittal Subservient
Extravagant Noncompetitive Surprising
Extroverted Opportunistic Timid
Exuberant Ordinary Tough
Folksy Outspoken Unassuming
Forceful Perfectionist Unchanging
Frank Persistant Uncompromising
Frugal Philosophical Undemanding
Idiosyncratic Political Unyielding
Impartial Predictable Quiet

Example Sentences of Personality Traits

Academic: Smith wasn’t very academic and hated study.

Anxious: Charlotte was anxious to preserve her reputation

Beautiful: William was even more beautiful than I had remembered.

Calm: Mia’s so calm, nothing seems to faze her.

Naughty: They’re a very naughty boys! Look what they’ve done!

Dazzling: Olivia gave me a dazzling smile.

Eager: Liam was eager to talk about life in the Army.

Fanatic: She is a fanatic jogger.

Sensitive: He is very sensitive to other people’s feelings.

Generous: Benjamin is very generous.

Lazy: Ava felt too lazy to get out of bed.

Happy: We are happy to announce the engagement of our sun.

Idiot: You blundering idiot!

Intelligent: Benjamin seemed intelligent and well educated.

Jaded: They look very jaded; they need a holiday.

Keen: Emma’s very keen to learn about Japanese culture.

Learned: James is a serious scholar, a genuinely learned man.

Maniac: She drives like a maniac; I’m sure he’ll cause an accident.

Neat: Isabella keeps his room clean and neat.

Obliging: You were very obliging and offered to wait for us.

Patient: I know your leg hurts, just be patient until the doctor arrives.

Quick: He is normally quick to complain about the shoddy service.

Rational: She was too upset to be rational.

Sane: In the doctor’s opinion, he was sane at the time of the murder.

Sincere: Elijah was sincere in his wish to help us.

Trusting: If you’re too trusting, other people will take advantage of you.

Unique: His designs have a unique brand of stylishness.

Emotional: She got quite emotional during the speech.

Verbal: We have a verbal agreement with her.

Willing: Jane was willing to accompany you to the park to go out for a walk.

Youthful: She has managed to maintain her youthful appearance.

Zany: She’s special because her coat looks zany. It is sharply divided between horse and zebra.

Energetic: Oliver seemed a dynamic and energetic leader.

Understanding: He pleaded with his parents for a more understanding attitude.

Attractive: Sophia was not exactly good-looking, but definitely attractive.

Crazy: She’s crazy to drive her bike so fast.

Unreliable: Noah’s totally unreliable as a source of information.

Romantic: They’re getting quite romantic in their old age!

Tactful: I tried to be tactful, but she seemed to be mortally offended.

Nervous: They get very nervous before a big race.

Rude: Mia is so rude that nobody can bear her.

My Considerations

Since the Adjective is the main part of reading, the importance of developing vocabulary cannot be undervalued.

You can read above simple English Adjectives that Describe Personality to improve your vocabulary.

Encourage your children to master these basic but often encountered adjective words by following the simple example given above. Then, save this list about English Adjectives that Describe Personality, handy for future use.

If you enjoyed a printable infographic about English Adjectives that Describe Personality, I’d be very thankful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to your friends or sharing it on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. Thank you!

Recap of we just learned

  • What are Adjectives?
  • Personality traits
  • What Are Personality Adjectives?
  • List of 500 Personality Traits
  • Positive Personality Adjectives
  • Negative Personality Adjectives
  • Neutral Personality Adjectives
  • Example Sentences of Personality Traits

Explore the full list of words that start with A to Z!

  • Words That Start with A
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  • Words That Start with C
  • Words That Start with D
  • Words That Start with E
  • Words That Start with F
  • Words That Start with G
  • Words That Start with H
  • Words That Start with I
  • Words That Start with J
  • Words That Start with K
  • Words That Start with L
  • Words That Start with M
  • Words That Start with N
  • Words That Start with O
  • Words That Start with P
  • Words That Start with Q
  • Words That Start with R
  • Words That Start with S
  • Words That Start with T
  • Words That Start with U
  • Words That Start with V
  • Words That Start with W
  • Words That Start with X
  • Words That Start with Y
  • Words That Start with Z

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